#otp: reckless bitches
hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
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Brodie Telford headcanons pt 1
Tw: Swearing, Blood, Near dead experiences, Police, Alcohol, Drugs, Sexual mention
He is always loud 🔊
He's been stabbed, blown up, shot, almost frozen to death and still he keeps getting up
He's easily the most punchable of the twins
Fuck, shit, damn, fucking fuck, fuck in a sentence as it's self
Kleptomaniac when police cars are around
Lil shit
Has never fixed a fucking car in his life, but has pretend to
Kept his...boyish charm
Obliterates Tiny gets obliterated by Tig and has platonic love with Ratboy
He did throw Alec to his brother when Alec was a baby bc the cops were coming for him
Cocaine, that's all
On and off Cocaine, that's all
He's never gone to jail for himself, it was always for someone else
He loves his son and wants him to get out of this life
Has seen some shit
Was partially the reason why AJ and Kozik got together
He bites....but only if you ask
Fights a lot
He uses his head...
He bullies the prospects
His bike looks like it's been ran over once or twice
His nickname is from crashing into a ditch
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ex-textura · 3 months
oh boy! Thank you @miradelletarot for the tag! This is going to be fun (once i decide who to do it with sdfasklfhjs)
I'm unsure who has done this one and who hasn't soooo.... if you see this, and want to, this is me tagging you!
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Full name: Ilztaufein (formerly of house Melarn, though he dropped that when he changed his name)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bi, but he's got some...hangups about women.
Background: Noble
Class: Divination Wizard
Birthplace: Ched Nasad
Profession: Information broker for Bregan D'aerthe
Phobias: Not really a phobia, but he has a hate for spiders.
Guilty pleasures: Does it count if he's not guilty about anything ever? He loves gossip and is really bad for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He also loves really bad smutty fiction.
Hobbies: Reading, studying, gossiping.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins: ahahahahaha. All of them!? ▫ He's prideful (he knows he's gorgeous and he knows he's powerful, even if maybe he thinks he's hotter shit than he actually is) ▫ He's greedy (power, people, fame, money. Whatever it is, he wants it) ▫ He's not the most wrathful but WHEN HE GETS HIS HANDS ON MYSTRA ISTG (also he's a big bitch about it) ▫ He's envious of the gods, for hoarding all their power. He's envious of drow women and their power over the underdark. He's envious of Mystra for still having literally ANY of Gale's attention EVER. ▫ Lust. I mean. The fantasies of Gale alone would be damning but when he finally gets his hands on his powerful little human oh my god. He's not terribly gluttonous or slothful but that's mostly on account of all the vanity.
Virtues: All that said, he's not evil. He helps people who need it, he works for the greater good at the end of the day. He gives freely of his time and knowledge (even if okay sometimes he bitches a little about having to go out of his way he's working on it okay?). He works hard, he studies and practices and hones his skills daily, he's fastidiously clean, he's absolutely loyal to a fault and he loves fully.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Ilztaufein/Gale (gotta come up with ship names)
Acceptable Ships: He's desperately loyal to Gale. He worships the ground he walks on. That said, he has slept with Astarion.
OT3: n/a
Brotp: Izzy and Astarion and two peas in a pod, even if Ilztaufein gives him so much shit for his red eyes and white hair ("Little faerie thinks he's a mighty drow how quaint~!").
Notp: Absolutely not Mystra, nor any followers of lolth.
Ilztaufein was born in Ched Nasad and spent the first half century of his life there before it fell to ruin. There he studied to be a wizard and took to divination magic like a fish to water. It was during his studies that he got a vision of the destruction of Ched Nasad, and so to save his own skin he quietly ran before he could be caught in the crossfire. He spent some time travelling the underdark, changing his name and hiding from settlements for fear of being found out and killed for his cowardice, until he came upon and was recruited into Bregan D'aerthe. Shortly after joining the mercenary group he ventured to the surface for the first time and was absolutely blown away by the different peoples and cultures he found there. He tentatively began to learn about Eilistraee, and though he never became a true devout follower it helped him come to terms with his animosity toward more lolth-leaning drow. He learned more surface languages, started enjoying their food and music, and eventually got himself a more permanent position gathering and trading information to and from the surface. That's when he was captured by the illithid; on the surface, haggling with a food vendor on the side of the road just outside Waterdeep.
At first, the abduction was a horrible inconvenience. He had work to do and no interest in making friends with a bunch of (scary powerful) women, a goody-two-shoes hero and some fop of a surface elf. At least there was the wizard, a kindred spirit who understood the importance of a strong mind and lively debate. And ambition.
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miradelletarot · 3 months
Thank you @waterdeepwhiskey for the tag!!
I tag @tavyliasin @morb-untamed @ex-textura and else who wants to join the fun! (so deeply sorry if you already did this though. Hard to keep up with who does these things anymore lol).
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Full name: Sagora Crefort (well, she's Sagora Dekarios now hehe).
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight (but she's definitely explored other options a bit in her youth).
Background: Outlander
Class: Circle of the Moon Druid
Birthplace: A small, matriarchal family grove about a tenday outside of Baldur's Gate
Profession: She was *supposed* to be First Druid of her grove after her mother died, but the ilithids took her first.
Phobias: Spiders. She HATES spiders. So much so, that she refuses to use her spider form unless she TRULY needs to use it.
Guilty pleasures: She mayyy or may not enjoy that Waterdhavian Whiskey Gale mentioned once a bit too much, and when she's good and tipsy she channels her inner stripper dancer. (This totally didn't happen in camp that one time when all they had for dinner was a bunch of alcohol.)
Hobbies: meditation, yoga (or whatever the Faerun version of that would be lol)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: b/c of her past, she's got a lot of trust issues, and that tends to make her very cold towards ppl she doesn't care about. She also has a tendency to say what's on her heart a bit too bluntly if (again, someone she really cares about) is doing something stupid in her perspective (example: Gale feeling like he has to do what Mystra says about using the orb). She had some VERY BIG FEELINGS about that, and wasn't shy about it either. She also wasn't very nice. When she gets that angry she enters into the "act first, and apologize later" territory.
Virtues: Trying to live up to the standards of First Druid that her mother would have been proud of. She's also extremely thoughtful, and tries to do whatever she can to make those around her feel happy and safe as much as she possibly can. Her and Astarion didn't get along very well at first for that reason, but when she promised to help him with Cazador (and delivered on that promise,) he had a lot more respect and appreciation for her, and her desire to help those around her.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Sagora/Gale (Vineweave!) <3
Acceptable Ships: Gale has her heart. No one else compares.
OT3: None. While Sagora is a half-elf (and rather accustomed to these sorts of relationships,) she respects Gale's monogamous preferences. She loves him so deeply that she would never want to disrespect his boundaries, and thus, the only one she will ever need/want/desire is him. =>
Brotp: Sagora and Karlach. K bae is her ride or die. Hands down!
Notp: Anything Mystra. Fuck that wish.com Barbie ass bitch!
The daughter of a Baldurian Merchant, and next in line to be First Druid in her family's grove, Sagora endured the separation of her family when her father was threatened by The Guild - with her, her sister, and mother as the targets. Sagora's strong-willed personality brought her defiantly back to Baldur's Gate to be with her father when she was violently assaulted. The attack left her unconscious for over a tenday, waking up back in her grove with orders to never return to Baldur's Gate. When her mother died, she set out to return to her childhood home to send word to her father when she was captured by the ilithids. Now, her task is to survive not only for the sake of the Sword Coast, but to return to her family's grove, and take her rightful place as the new First Druid.
...Or will she? my fic series was meant as not just a Gale x Sagora romance, but as a means to share/write out her backstory! You can read it here!
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
Same for you: 12, 19, 23 owo
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Like. If we're going for the villain pick, Ripley. I don't think you should think she's a good person - she's not - or that she's nice a woobie or something. She's fucking awful! But she's also awful in a really human, engaging way and I find her so fun to poke. I think a lot of people kind of forget the pure banality of evil, the way these people can have really simple, dull motivations - Ripley wants power and knowledge and she doesn't care how she gets it. Everyone is just a tool or a stepping stone in the goal of that.
And she's canonically a foil to Percy, so that makes her REALLY USEFUL in analysing him - and him in analysing her! - so for all of those people who like a bit of dark!Percy like... Ripley! She is right there!
And she's such a bitch. She refuses to swear despite being someone who tortures people, she's clever enough to replicate guns from second and third hand reports, she's always looking to her own advantage - and she's just. Awful! She's exactly the kind of person who looked at the structural inequality of the Dwendalian Empire and decided to do the amoral shit others got away with because of wealth and when she got arrested for it assumed it was purely because of class differences and not because she's just the Worst.
And the thing is these days there's so much moralising! Oh the villain must be woobified, oh they never did anything wrong at all ever (MCU Loki, Kylo Ren, even the Betrayer Gods in CR!) and frankly fuck that.
Ripley did do shit wrong and that's why I find her engaging. She wilfully tortured people despite it being useless for information gathering! She made guns and spread them around purely to fuck with Percy! She's an awful human being and sometimes it's really fun to look at that in the distance. Over there. Way over there. Down the barrel of a sniper rifle.
If we're doing non-villain, minor-character fic... it's Desmond, it's fucking Desmond, I know he's not really "Unpopular" so much as "ignored" but I don't care! I will fight you all on this hill, that Desmond Otham is so revealing as to Percy's own perception of his own guilt and failure to his family ("I want you to spend the rest of your life making up for the things you allowed to happen" says Percy and WHAT THINGS Percival! This lad is a carriageboy! He's about the same age you were when the massacre happened! What the fuck do you expect him to blame himself for!? Now you blaming yourself on the other hand...)
Plus I just think he's neat! I think he's a great example of someone with a lasting consequence from Percy's reckless actions - one of those people Percy mentions who may not see them as heroes for reasons that are completely justified. And if he is the courier or returns to Whitestone and takes up another job - he's got that reminder the rest of his life. Even away from Vox Machina, he has his maimed hand.
I think he's really cool, fuck everyone who disagrees.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
N/A, I think? There's nothing I like that I'm mad, ashamed or horrified over that I can think of. I like the things I like and I know why I do so I've largely resolved any conflicts I'd have of that kind. I've definitely figured some things out writing fic that kinda annoy me (i.e. I can write smut pretty easily when there's trauma and mental fuckery involved but not like... on it's own) but that's fanfic more than dealing with fandom as a whole or the canon itself.
So uh. N/A!
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Again, I think N/A? I don't generally ship things, not to like... shipwar, this is my OTP or else kind of deal. I think that kind of thing is actually really unhealthy and often hoping for that ship can cause people to disconnect from the canon itself in order to back up their warped reading of the text, plus it just sets people up for disappointment! I'm a big believer in creating ships purely for the "I guess this could be neat!" kind of thing, and I don't generally get into it more than that.
Perc'ahlia is the exception, but that wasn't unwilling. They gave me too many fantastic squishy feelings and thinky thoughts, I didn't even hesitate.
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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For the character ask game: Kara
1: sexuality headcanon: i like to think of Kara as demisexual panromantic. I've seen her in a few different relationships outside of Kara/Luther while scrolling through Ao3 and i'm of the mindset that if it's written well, pretty much anything can work. Of course there are limitations to that ideology but eh, whatever. 2: otp: i like her and Luther together but i did read one fic where she's in an OT3 with Luther and North. I thought that that was a cool idea and it was a sweet relationship and i liked it. 3: brotp: Kara and Sixty. The definition of a Mom Friend and That One Reckless Bitch Who Keeps Getting Into Shit They Shouldn't. No one knows how they became friends in the first place, much less them. Sixty is Alice's unofficial uncle. The kind that says "You'll love again someday because time will heal a broken heart... but not that bitch's window!" 4: notp: Kara and Sixty. they're bros. 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: I dont have many headcanons for Kara but one i can think of is that she REALLY gets into pottery! Idk why but that just seems in character to me. 6: favorite line from this character: "She needs me, and I need her... it's as simple as that." ToT Literally any kind of admittance from a parental figure in media saying that they need their kid just as much as the kid needs the parent gets me. I cant- 7: one way in which I relate to this character: I too would give myself a pixie cut during a life crisis. What am i talking about? I already have. Gonna do another one soon too ;D 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Bestie didn't find it odd that Alice didn't eat ONCE while they were trying to get to Canada. Like girlie, come on. Even i thought it was weird when Alice didn't want to eat some cookies while at the amusement park. That was pretty sus to me. 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: CINNAMON ROLL ALWAYS
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mik-mania · 1 year
WBW.. SARLLA (I THINK.. I SPELLED THAT RIGHT.. u can throw a bomb at me if I get it worng.)
sarlla belongs to @beantrolls but i have forced him to fill out the ask meme :)
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full name: Sarlla Wygott
Gender: Trans Woman
Sexuality: Bi/Polyam
Pronouns: She/Her!
Family: Aniese Wygott (Adopted Sister!)
Birthplace: Brooding caverns of Iospos
Job: None yet, but she’d like to spruce up Iospos’ lacking fashion industry.
Phobias: Fish (get fucked lobran), heights, emotional honesty
guilty pleasures: eating gross shit. Bothering her sister
morality alignment?: Chaotic Neutral. She does what she wants
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
Ot3: Sarlla/Brusli/Conrad. Throuple goals
Brotp: Does Sarlla<>Lobran count?
Notp: Sarlla/Aissil. Strange. Unusual. What even. Anything with Growen, she hates that bitch lAwl
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beantrolls · 1 year
AND wbw for darvin :)
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full name: Darvin Renals Dosnee
gender: Guy... for now
sexuality: Bi
pronouns: He/Him ... For now! (Eventually She/He... but shhh, she doesn't know about that yet)
family: His momma was a bird lusus! She exploded. He's not all that beat up about it
birthplace: Iospos Brooding Caverns
job: Well he's pretty much destined to be a battery... but he'd love to program the worker drones and work as an architect
phobias: Highbloods, flying ships, swarms of bugs
morality alignment?: A little selfserving bitch Lawful Neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - ...
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert. leave him alone
organized/disorganized: disorganized. the only parts of his room that aren't covered in trash are the parts he hasn't gotten to yet
close minded/open-minded: close minded
calm/anxious: anxious. always sticking his foot in his mouth
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable. he's. the worst.
cautious/reckless: it depends! recklessly shoving his foot in his mouth in front of highbloods? always. even if he initially tries his best, he inevitably fails.
patient/impatient: SOO IMPATIENT
outspoken/reserved: outspoken. he has nothing good to say.
leader/follower: follower who thinks he's a leader.
empathetic/unemphatic: unempathetic. really guys, he just sucks.
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic! he shouldn't be, but he is!
traditional/modern: traditional
hard-working/lazy: lazy "genius". unfortunately for everyone else he tends to succeed without trying.
otp: ANIESE/DARVIN FOREVERRRR it's not allowed to be canon because he's bad and awful and aniese desserves better. spot goes to antemh/darvin instead.
brotp: Darvin/Growen... Darvin/Acklin. he needs some sense beat into him
notp: Darvin and Aniese.
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
Points a gun aymt you// World building for fucking Luke on my desk naow
full name: Inidan Leucas
gender: Male
sexuality: Straight
pronouns: He/him
family: The Renegade/Mezika Leucas(Ancestor), Xepher(Hubby <3), Yutaka(Brother he doesn’t know exists), Umegai Inatos(Step sister??? he doesn’t know exists), and then like... 5 other step siblings ig from all the bitches Xepher raised idk ask GG about that LOL
birthplace: Alternia but like deep in the ocean
job: Vivici’s manager, misc drug dealing/hit jobs/body guard jobs, idfk he doesnt have any other solid employment
phobias: N/A i literally cant think of anything substantial
guilty pleasures: being the little spoon aka laying face first in Pinkky’s boobies. also he considers fucking Raz a guilty pleasure LMAOOOO
morality alignment?: Neutral Evil
sins - lust/greed/pride/wrath
virtues - kindness/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extrovert
organized/disorganized: Disorganized
close minded/open-minded: Open minded
calm/anxious: Calm
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable
cautious/reckless: RECKLESS
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: Unempathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Lazy ish...
ot3: Agree w you... Luke <3 Pinkky <> Vivici...
brotp: in a weird kinda gay way Luke and Razz LOL
notp: Idfk... Luke and any man
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 3 years
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Here we go again bby's 💞 as always please make sure you check the warnings for each individual fic before reading. You are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ and the majority of these fics contain adult themes. 
Once again the talent of these people is awe inspiring and I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did! And remember to reblog and give them some love ✨
*indicates part of a series or multi part fic
Andy Barber
Losing my religion / Christ is comin' and so am I by @jamalflanagan (demon!Andy Barber x woc!reader)
Tongue in cheek by @angrythingstarlight (CEO Andy x reader)
Party pleasures by @jobean12-blog (Andy Barber x reader)
How to win at studying by @jobean12-blog (Andy Barber x reader)
Bucky Barnes
*Project V by @babyboibucky (College!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
*The match by @babyboibucky (CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Size kink by @metalbuckaroo (beefy!biker!bucky x petite!f!reader)
Bored games by @jobean12-blog (Bucky x reader)
Husband and wife by @navybrat817-shares (Mob!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader)
*The dreadful need in the devotee by @jamalflanagan (vampire!Bucky Barnes x siren!reader)
*That's what you get by @sweeterthanthis (Stepdad!Bucky x 18+F!Reader)
*Devils backbone by @trashmenofmarvel (The Winter Soldier x S.H.I.E.L.D. agent!Reader)
Butterflies by @spicynudlesoup (CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader)
Feel you all around me by @angrythingstarlight
Riding lessons by @gogolucky13
*It all belongs to you by @angrythingstarlight
With this ring by @jobean12-blog (Bucky x reader)
Steve Rogers
*His inheritance by @jtargaryen18 (Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader)
*After the rain by @sweetlyscared (King!Steve Rogers x Princess!Reader)
Bent over it by @the-iceni-bitch (innocent!Steve Rogers x fem!reader)
*A few good reasons by @angrythingstarlight (Biker!Steve Rogers x shy reader)
The one with the fluffer by @world-of-aus (Pornstar!Steve Rogers x Fluffer!Reader)
Ari Levinson
Bane of my existence by @wanderinglunarnights (Ari Levinson x female reader)
Warmth of the sun by @dreamlessinparis (Professor!Ari x F!Reader)
Skip the song by @holacia2 (Ari Levinson x reader)
Ransom Drysdale
Gluttonous by @ambrosiase (ex!ransom x fem!reader)
Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Don't worry doll, I got the solution by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork (Mob!Steve x You x Mob!Bucky)
Sam Wilson
Mile high by @tuiccim (Sam Wilson x Female Reader)
Lee Bodecker
Go ahead, baby by @sweetdreamsbuck (Lee Bodecker x f!reader)
Andy Barber & Ari Levinson
Afterthought by @stargazingfangirl18 (Ari Levinson x Female!Reader x Andy Barber)
Pretty reckless by @sweeterthanthis (Destroyer!Chris x Sex Worker!Reader)
Curtis Everett
Let me trace the lines by @the-iceni-bitch (tattoo artist!Curtis Everett x tattooed and pierced fem!reader)
Mickey Henry
Beg for me by @jobean12-blog (Mickey Henry x reader)
Andy Barber & Jake Jensen
*Bad boyfriend bingo by @river-soul (Alpha!Andy x Beta!Jake x Fem Omega!Reader with past Fem Omega!Reader x Alpha!Peter Quill)
Ari Levinson & Ransom Drysdale
Know you want it by @the-iceni-bitch (Ransom Drysdale x fem!reader (OTP) x Ari Levinson)
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hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
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Freddy Rodriguez as Tony "Tiny" Winston
Tiny tag dump ✌️
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eerna · 2 years
Hi, I was the Scarlet anon a few days ago! I just finished it, and 🥺 I know some people say Wolflet seemed way too instalovey and passionate, but I still loved them regardless 😭 I know their journey to Paris was like, 1-2 days, but it felt like a week to me. I just started Cress, and she’s such a different and much more “hopeless romantic” kind of heroine that it sorta gave me whiplash after reading about impulsive Scar, but I do love her, too! Her doing her lil country dancey dance as an attempt to exercise makes me feel seen. MM knows how to write good female characters that aren’t all the same.
I'm glad you are having fun!! Wolflet may be my least fav of the pairings, but they are still an OTP, I love them so so so much. Their instalove kinda works because it's the only instance of it in the series and it's done on purpose, Wolf has never encountered affection before and Scarlet is super impulsive and reckless.
AND YESSSS the Scarlet-Cress whiplash is real!!! Going from a boss ass bitch who takes no shit to a scared lil dancing singing genius. The main cast is all so unique, I was never confused whose POV I was reading from, they all have so much life and charm. Ughhhh I love these kids
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badassxbirdy · 2 years
Edit: Theme is being edited, so please excuse any mess. Navigation links are in the bio.
May Activity Update (Pinned)
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It’s a new month, which means it’s time once again for the monthly activity update! These posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update only includes things posted and/or drafted in April, and the first two days of May. Things prior to this month can be found over on my thread tracker (here).
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bolded text = links.
For the new folks: If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, I have opens, a wishlist tag, memes, or you can add Ty on Wire.
Discord is available on request, or you can just message me here saying “WHAT UP, NERD” if you’d like to chat.
Now onto the update! We’re starting with the OOC stuff this month, as there’s a few things folks should be aware of.
OOC housekeeping:
I’m staying with family for a bit. If all goes according to plan I’ll be home on the 18th, but until then I’ll be on mobile only access. As always, mobile posts will be tagged to enable blocking if the formatting becomes annoying on the dash.
I believe most people who were caught up in the blog deletions have had their accounts restored, but to make sure I don’t lose contact with folks, I’ve made a discord for RP related things. Right now I only use it for OOC chats, but I’m open to RPing on there if preferred for some interactions. Username: badassxbirdy#8352
There’s also Wire for IC texts. Username is the same as here, badassxbirdy.
The about page has been updated at last! A good amount of that old one was written yeaaaars ago, so some changes were very much needed. If anyone spots typos, please let me know.
A new relationships page is on the way, and I’ll of course post about it when it’s finished. The current (basic bitch) page will stay up until then.
The theme is being edited, so if you see that it looks gross right now, NO YOU DON’T.
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
How many fingers am I holdin’ up? (drafted) - @normallyxstranger (Tabitha)
😡 with Dylan (drafted) - @normallyxstranger
Jonathan meets Hyde!Ty (drafted) - @harkcr
“You aren’t supposed to be here.” (drafted) - @razorfst
Protective meme (drafted) - @lcbcshcart
Tyler is here to interfere! (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Tyler sees the drawings. 👀 (link) - @nightiingaled (Proteus)
Trying to help. (link)- @normallyxstranger (Casey)
Investigating the park. (link) - @the-immortals-assistant
A banishment gone wrong (link) - @normallyxstranger (Victor)
Car trouble (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Being a little shit at the bar (link) - @blutschatten
Acrobatic injuries (link) - @indyflanery
Witness protection (link) - @the-immortals-assistant
Vampires are the worst (link) - @ignisxcor (Ethena)
*Innocent whistling* (link) - @tobeblamed
At the hospital (link) - @omniishambles (Eddie&Venom)
Graveyard meme (link) - @bluemondys
Jail cell (link) - @nightiingaled (Killian)
Bby!Ty being extremely awkward (link) - @normallyxstranger (Jamie)
In need of caffeine (link) - @unbearablyindifferent
Very important popcorn discussions. 😂 (link) - @normallyxstranger (Mason)
The peanut gallery (link) - @diicktective
The pot and the kettle. (link) - @nightiingaled (Proteus)
Goldfish theory? Goldfish Theory. (link) - @ignisxcor (Damon)
Making their getaway (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Church/priest discussions (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Ty’s birthday shenanigans! Featuring silliness and OTP feels. (link) Thanks to @normallyxstranger, @demcnsinmymind, @derschwarzeengel, and @nightiingaled! ❤️
Does Tyler consider herself to be brave? (link)
Ty’s reckless behaviour. (link)
Dash game: Character Voice (link)
Dash game: how do you feel in love? (link)
Incorrect quotes: KilliTy edition (link)
Making fun of her emotional support darklighter: link, link, and link. Apparently she wanted to pick on Damon a lot this month. 😂
I think that’s everything! If I’ve missed an ask, reply, etc, please do let me know. Stay safe, and don’t forget to hydrate your flesh prison. ❤️
— Em
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oneirictrolls · 2 years
Theobe worldbuilding? :0
full name: theobe cresis
gender: female
sexuality: powerful bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: literally the stars
birthplace: alternia city
job: arcade employee
phobias: ???
guilty pleasures: stickers/cute charms, outings, gossip, horoscope readings
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust, pride
virtues - humility
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open minded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: lazy
otp: none
ot3: none
brotp: serena saturn, bitch !
notp: none
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garbria · 2 years
For the OTP HC ask, CorNyx (I like what I like, okay?): ☔️🌈🐇🕸? Or the ones you find most interesting out of those. (My most frequent emojis are going to look interesting for a while…)
☔️ How do they make up after a fight?
Since they’re both good cooks, they’ll cook the other’s favorite food as an apology. If Nyx is upset with Cor, Cor will sometimes take Nyx out to the training grounds for a sparring session, until Nyx has worked out some of his anger. Then they’ll cuddle until Nyx is ready to go home and clean up. If Cor is upset with Nyx, Nyx will actually get up early to go for a jog with Cor, then make him breakfast with his coffee just the way he likes it.
🌈 What were their first impressions of each other?
Cor thought Nyx was cocky and reckless, a danger to himself and others. Until he met Nyx and saw him train, then he recognized Nyx’s burning desire to save people for what it was.
Nyx ran into Cor outside the training grounds, and just thought he was another suck up Crownsguard officer. He didn’t recognize Cor as the Marshal at first. Cor was being particularly grumpy, having just come out of a meeting with Drautos bitching about his reckless new recruit.
🐇 Who wants to cuddle the other longer in the morning?
Nyx is the bigger cuddler. Cor enjoys cuddling, but he doesn’t really initiate it. Cor’s never really been comfortable with physical affection, but Nyx is a touchy feely guy. Cor’s grown to love cuddling with Nyx, but he’s still awkward about asking for it. Whenever Nyx is with Cor, and they're in private or among friends, Nyx is touching or cuddling with him in some fashion.
They’re both early risers due to the nature of their jobs, but Nyx is not a morning person. When he doesn’t have to, he will sleep in. Cor would get up early, even on his day off, but Nyx will wrap himself around Cor so he can’t when they both have time off. Cor’s learned to enjoy the virtues of staying in bed.
🕸 What does one do that scares the other?
They both have dangerous jobs, and they are both fully aware of the risks that come with that. They both worry when the other is gone without communication, something that happens more with Cor than with Nyx because the missions Cor gets sent on are extra dangerous, and often require radio silence. Cor worries about Nyx, because he knows Nyx tends to throw himself in dangerous situations to help his fellow glaives. He admires that about Nyx, but it worries him, too. Nyx also has a tendency to throw himself off tall objects for fun, which Cor is not a fan of. Nyx loves heights, but Cor doesn’t, and Cor wishes Nyx would stay closer to the ground more often.
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mik-mania · 1 year
wbw Skinnr >:]
Tumblr media
full name: Skinnr Obelin
gender: Male
sexuality: pansexual
pronouns: He/Him
family: His lusus is dead and he has no one now.
birthplace: Iospos
job: currently works as a kind of butler-maid for the Wygott-Anceaz household. In his own words,
"It isn’t something you PARTICULARLY ENJOY, but your FRIENDS who give you a PLACE TO RESIDE don’t ever clean up after themselves, and you don’t have much to do during the night. Aside from that, your FRIENDS are also SCARY HIGHBLOODS and considering their OCCUPATIONS, you want to keep them as COMPLACENT AS POSSIBLE, lest you end up next on the metaphorical and literal CHOPPING BLOCK."
phobias: um. everything? yeah. everything.
guilty pleasures: yes. all of them.
morality alignment?: Lawful Good
sins - envy/wrath
virtues - charity/humility/kindness/patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: circumstantial introvert
organized/disorganized: organized but only cus he has to be
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: ANXIOUS
disagreeable/agreeable: he kind of has to be agreeable
cautious/reckless: super cautious
patient/impatient: being impatient is a good way to get killed
outspoken/reserved: being outspoken is a good way to get killed
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: very......pessimistic
traditional/modern: whatever keeps him alive
hard-working/lazy: whatever keeps him alive
otp: fucking.... Skinnr <3 Aniese because I love them so dearly. There is none better.
ot3: Skinnr-Antemh-Aniese or Skinnr-Darvin-Aniese
brotp: i still think Pendic/Skinnr is a fun brotp. also Xemnes/Skinnr if they could get past their emotional baggage
notp: fucking Kinpaa/Skinnr. but Michael, you say, youre literally in control of this situation. you could just make them not get together. ok but no like i have no control over these bitches, skinnr just has bad taste in women!! aniese is RIGHT there but instead skinnr sees kinpaa and is like "well, this one emotionally abuses me, so the choice here is obvious" *facepalming facepalming facepalming*
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
farawyn and borodred for the ship ask game thing?
thank you so much!! :)
okay i’ll start with borodred because for some unfathomable reason i actually got there first —
1. What made you ship it?
One of my favourite Types of ships is the Elder Statesmen Of War-type set-ups, where it’s less about people brought together through theatrical romantic gestures and more about the steadiness of people who are going through similar (immensely difficult) circumstances, who know that in their hearts they’re always going to put their duty to that cause first, but still seek out human comfort in other people who will understand what their priorities are and why.
I think there’s also a lot of similarities about the kind of helplessness they both face despite having this tremendous innate strength. Both of them still have to deal with family dynamics that are complex (made more complex by the war) and that can’t be fixed just by their own sheer will power; both of them die these utterly unnecessary deaths (not that death makes a ship but I think in this instance it actually points to the constant tragedy these guys face); and both of them are meant to be the principal figures of their families and people and are ultimately sidelined by the cruel mechanisations of war and the forward march of history or whatever wanky term there is for it — my apologies to ep thompson's ghost, dont haunt me bro.
Plus there’s obviously the interesting thread raised when Faramir starts bitching about Gondor and likens Gondor (and by very explicit extension, Boromir) to Rohan. That always made me go ‘Hmmmmmm, wonder what else Boromir liked about Rohan,’ lmao.
Anyways for me the ship is the equivalent of Star Wars’ Kanan and Hera or (my OTP to end all others) Luke and Wedge, just people getting by on love and duty and without big ol fancy romance.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
The fanon, I think, really makes it, as with so many other LOTR ships. battlefield manners, by themightypen is essentially the definitive take for me on them — these two guys who are just so fucking exhausted, man, but still overcome by defensive love for their families, even if their (foster-)siblings are naïve fools. That I just love, love, love. Plus I think they’re unique for their ability to pretty comfortable explore the relationship between Gondor & Rohan in advance of the Ring War without having to stray too far into AU, which I always appreciate.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really, tbh, except in that I don’t think Boromir is necessarily as laddy as people like to portray him. I’m happy to play into it in, say, my modern AUs because I think that’s a fun and sweet niche for him, but I am a bit 🤪 about Boromir as this kind of reckless, drunken playboy (not least because I think that’s a much funnier niche for Faramir to fill, at least when he’s younger). Chapter Four of Swaddledog’s Hearts and Minds gets my preferred Boromir characterisation absolutely spot on, I think.
And now, sigh, the ultimate OTP, Farawyn —
1. What made you ship it?
For starters, I think I am obsessed with Éowyn in a way I’ve never quite been obsessed with any other fictional character. I came to reading LOTR at this moment in my life where I was intensely frustrated about everything — trapped inside permanently (helplessly!) because of the pandemic, just starting a new political organisation that I truly believed in but that was still making me feel like shit, facing down an untenable about of work, and, fundamentally, really, really hating being a woman and what that means. And along comes Éowyn, who is bitter, who is cold, who is ANGRY, and who doesn’t perform joy or softness or gentleness just because people expect her to. She’s this seminal Woman Of War in so many ways, I think the kind of person a lot of us wish we could be. She’s got her emotional taps cut off at the source, she holds her head high and faces down unimaginable personal and political terrors, and at the end of it all still has this abiding love for her family that, I would argue, is almost unparalleled by anyone else in the book.
After all that, she gets this incredible moment of emotional catharsis (or what we expect to be emotional catharsis): “no living man am I!” She undertakes THE greatest martial act of the Ring War, and in that moment there’s this unbelievably sophisticated dialogue happening about gender (“Éowyn it was, and Dernhelm also”), and leadership (Merry finding his courage not because of the immediate scenario of the Witch-king, but because he’s spurred into it by Éowyn’s presence), and love and care.
And then we learn that no, actually, this glorious act of violence wasn’t the emotional catharsis we thought it would be. She gets to ride to war, she gets to throw herself headlong at death, and in the end that hopeless act of individualism isn’t really what does it for her. She’s still left desolate and despairing, and actually all of her problems haven’t gone away.
And then we need to rewind a bit, because along comes Faramir, who is gentle, and is kind, and does seem to believe in joy, but not because people expect it — actually it's made abundantly clear nobody expects it — but because it’s something quite innate to how he figures the world. And he’s a huge fucking nerd too. I have a lot of thoughts on Faramir’s flaws and why I find them endearing, which I won’t put here, but almost immediately you get this sense of a guy who’s quite melodramatic, good humoured, and very much not made to live in a time of war.
But he’s also clear-headed about war and what it requires (tactically, if not strategically, though that’s a post for another day), but who is kind of cynical and weary of it in his own unique way. And it’s a unique cynicism given his personal circumstances because he’s the second son of The great family of Gondor, he’s apparently — though with some big ol’ question marks hanging about the extent — very able to command some of the elite units in the realm, and what’s more than that, he’s got all these fantastical powers (the light mind reading to start, to say nothing of this apparently magical ability to command animals too. bruh.). By all accounts he should be this brazen hot mess, but he’s not. He’s desperate to claw his way out of this war-torn cage of expectation his people have for how a man should comport himself in time of war. Is it a little naïve? Sure. A little fussy? Absolutely. But does it point to that same desperation that Éowyn has? Yes! But also the practicality, like, neither of them are really enjoying the circumstances they live under, but good fucking god are they both able to Make It Work.
So finally we get to the Houses of Healing and what is the finest and most aggressively romantic writing of LOTR. Seriously, it’s so fucking much. It’s breathtaking. It reminds me quite viscerally of this fabulous quote from Les Mis:
The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories, that it has come to be disbelieved in. Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only.
At some point I will devote more time to talking about the two reasons line, and the blissful Queen of Gondor speech, but I think to me that big, important line is: “And then her heart changed, or at least she understood it; and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her.”
It’s not about Éowyn changing herself entirely (though, I think, it really does bear mentioning that she does change, and that’s every bit as important to understanding that scene as it is romantic), it’s about Éowyn coming to terms with how to live with herself as herself, and how to live in communion with someone else. She can’t just cut people out anymore, and she can’t just treat them as objects of infatuation as she did with Aragorn, she has to reckon with people as they are. And that’s sort of the moment where I knew I was about to plunge fully off the deep end with these two and never know a moments’ peace again, lmao.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Someone on here once called Farawyn a love letter to women and, by god, yes, exactly that. I love the capacity for emotional intimacy, that is beautiful in ways I can’t express. To me, though, my favourite thing is the promise of life they speak of. Not as in oh they shag loads and have babies (though not opposed to that, obviously), but in the sense that unlike Aragorn and Arwen, who are always going to be buried under/burdened with the crushing weight of history and tradition, Éowyn and Faramir are going out yonder those hills and they’re going to do some real cottagecore farming shit. Obviously with all the trappings of rank and nobility and whatnot, but they, unique to anybody else in the books, get to sow this new idea of what life should be. They are, outside of Aragorn, the single most powerful people in Gondor. Éowyn’s got the ear of a king, a steward (which is essentially a prime-ministerial deal here), and functionally her own prince (if the hobbits are to be believed when they refer to it as essentially hers). I suspect that, in life, there were remarkably few arguments she wasn’t winning, and that Ithilien probably trended towards the jumped up noble hippie camp Tolkien so desperately wanted Oxford to be (or, in other words — Cambridge, lol).
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Yeah, man, everybody stop treating Faramir like he’s a big fucking crybaby and Éowyn like she’s some kind of shrieking 2010-era tumblr girl.
One of the single most important lines defining Faramir’s character is when Denethor roasts his ass for always trying to appear noble and lordly, if you ignore every other piece of textual evidence we have about him, what part of that line makes you think Faramir’s some simpering daisy? And why would you want to link tremendous emotional intelligence and care with being too limp-wristed to function, lol??? Like I struggle loads with writing Faramir, because I have never once in my life tried to be noble or self-restrained, so find it hard to get into that mindset, but better, I think, to imagine him too closed off than to do this wilting flower song and dance lmao.
And stop making Éowyn out to be this over-emotional angst machine. She’s got problems, yes, and she’s sure as shit got a lot of angst, but at almost every point in the book where we’re overtly dealing with her emotions, she’s sublimating them into something else. One of the most serious times we see her cry is when she’s fighting with Aragorn about riding out, and after that moment she literally tries to kill herself. Those tears aren’t standard, man, that’s a real watershed (lol) moment for her. You have to read around what the text is saying to get a better feel why everybody’s constantly calling her cold and distant.
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