#otp: my constant
untapdtreasure · 8 months
The X Files for the ask game!
Send me series and I’ll tell you my:
Favorite character - Special Agent Fox Mulder.
Second favorite character - Special Agent Dana Scully.
Least favorite character - Cigarette Smoking Man.
The character I’m most like - Walter Skinner.
Favorite pairing - Mulder & Scully.
Least favorite pairing - Mulder & Diana Fowley.
Favorite moment - The kiss while Scully holds William.
Rating out of 10 - 10.
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loopnoid · 2 months
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POV you were having a conversation with your nice gay neighbor and suddenly his husband walked into the room and made a beeline for his lap and they're acting like this is a normal way to behave in front of a guest
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charlieconwayy · 9 months
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fryleela meme ♥ [2/8 episodes] → season three, episode two "parasites lost"
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fujikasa · 8 months
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No one’s around... Alright! With no one to get in my way, I can fully enjoy the new issue of TV-Kun!
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meraki-yao · 4 months
This won't fit in a sequel story in any way I can think of at the moment but I was watching duo dancing videos (that happen to be gay lol) (here are two of my favourites x , x ) and my brain went "I need to see Firstprince dance in a club or something"
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vayneoc · 3 months
hi ✨
Main reason I went missing: CAPITALISM.
aka "I work, and then I am too tired to do stuff". And sadly, vp is the stuff which takes for me quite a lot of time.
I still draw some things, and tweak photos in lightroom, because I can do all that on my phone (pretty much all the hobbies I'm left with at the moment are still here only because I can do them on my phone 😔)
Going to my laptop, making poses in blender, exporting, opening cyberpunk, putting all the shit together and taking about 30-50 shots, then picking 3-5 favs and editing all that... that's a lot(
I'm not sure when I'll get back to vp and cp2077 in general (but I'm still around every now and then if you need me... mostly for Hanako's hashtag tho)
So... be back when I'm back, I guess :(
As a little love boop, here, have some special stuff from stash I didn't post eventually for some reason:
My sleepy morning babies
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Hanako, trying to keep together her shitshow of inheritance, and Vayne, just up and ready to try and keep together her... life, ig?
cya 🖤
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dragonsandsillies · 4 months
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They have taken over my mind like an infectious disease.
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bi-shop · 1 year
ships with jane are so funny to me . what do you mean you have a bunch of options and you chose the one that has a personality equivalent of a shattered mirror ?
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bee-ships · 10 months
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Safeshiptember day 8 - Retro
A rollerskating date sounded like a good idea, except neither knows how to rollerskate
Ok to rb!
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hey, hey, quick internet fandom ettiquete lesson; X has two hands jokes only vibe if you are talking to someone who is ALSO already talking about how X has two hands. Okay? Okay. It is in fact very rude to go onto other people’s posts where only one set of hands is involved to evangalise about two hands. When seeing ship art/fic of only half your ot3, it is proper ettiquete to simply enjoy the art/fic as it is, and if so inspired create/commission/seek out the ot3 content of your choice. This has been your quick internet fandom lesson, thank you for your time.
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
Okay, so I've been feeling deranged about couches since Buck fell asleep on Eddie's couch but it got me thinking about how, speaking literally here, Buck also didn't pick Eddie's couch. Sure, Eddie's house is clearly a place where Buck is comfortable but it's not like Buck was helping Eddie pick furniture (that we know of). But that also got me thinking about the fact that the 3 girlfriends Buck had came with literal couches. Buck says 2 because Ali helped him pick the loft and Taylor got rid of the couch Ali picked BUT Buck lived in Abby's apartment, so Abby also came with a couch. So 3 relationships, 3 couches, but Buck only says 2. That got me thinking that even though Buck didn't pick Abby's couch, he doesn't feel like he was forced into Abby's couch, like he feels about Ali and Taylor. And I know it's not really about literal couches as much as I'm reading into it, I think it's more about the stability Buck feels, or doesn't feel, attached to it. I think most of all Buck felt seen by Abby in ways he didn't with Ali or Taylor. And maybe I'm thinking too hard about pieces of furniture and talks in kitchens, but the thing with 6x12 and buddie is about Eddie understanding Buck in a way other people in his life don't. And obviously Eddie is a way more steady presence in Buck's life than Abby ever was, but a key difference between Abby to Ali and Taylor is how much they talked. And maybe there isn't a reason why Buck didn't consider Abby's couch, maybe Buck just didn't think of it, but i kinda wanna stretch the couch metaphor longer than it was intended, because in the end, if I do, it shows Buck doesn't mind having couches picked out for him, as long as he feels seen enough so it won't matter whose choice it was.
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itsoneofthemuses · 2 years
I don't post much here because, well, this fandom has become a surprisingly hostile and unwelcoming place for anyone who has criticisms of the show, characters, or plots. For instance, I keep seeing a lot of posts where people not only feel free, but are applauded, for defending the show and characters from imagined attacks while chiding others on being kind.
I struggle with this a lot because people should be free to post whatever they want (as long as it doesn't cause harm, ie isn't racist, sexist, etc.). There appears to be some kind of opposition to discourse and discussion around these parts, so I do my best not to comment or reblog anything where the sentiment isn't already similar to what I want to express because people seem to perceive that as hijacking the intentions of their post. Even if I disagree, I have no interest in courting that kind of infamy.
But if my friend posts their own thoughts on their own blog or Twitter, I don't see how that is offensive or can be seen as an unfair, unkind, or otherwise antagonistic attack. The fandom, the tags, and the show don't belong to a specific kind of post or person.
If you hate the content or comments from that poster... Block or ignore. We're hopefully all mature enough for that level of courtesy. If you want people to chat with, on the other hand, hit me up.
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crushcandles · 26 days
200 Challenge:
Days: 31/31    Words: 8424/6200
Not only did I manage to do 200 words every day in May, it felt (mostly) good and (mostly) very achievable. Makes for an anti-climactic final round-up, but whenever I'm trying something new, I generally set the bar so low an ant would stub a toe on it as a confidence-building mental trick. And it worked. Writing every day doesn't have to be a long jump or a mountain climb, I don't have to fly past 1k to be writing. Every word counts, even if it's "only" 200 words.
I wrote every day, resisting the urge to "buy" free days by writing more. I wrote even when I was out of town in the middle of the month, on a tablet, which I found out I am not a fan of, but I did it anyway. I wrote on eleven discrete things. My Dune fic was the big one, but I also wrote a tiny slice of Witcher fic, and explored nine original ideas, some multiple times, a few just once.
If you pay any attention to me talking about writing, it's obvious how important routine is to me. At this point in my life, it's how I creatively thrive. I'm forever exploring how to build a sturdy, safe, inspiring home to write in, as often as possible, and this month was such a boon to me in that endeavor. By the 31st, it felt really normal to think, Time for my 200s at lunch or the end of the day with no resistance, just a sense of comfort.
May is over and I'm free to do as I please now, but I'm going to try and keep this streak up, and hopefully, once the 200s groove is deep and smooth enough, I can explore how to sharpen the challenge again.
Daily progress visual under the cut because I am not immune to a proverbial gold star sticker.
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seekerstone · 5 months
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happy suntavia sunday here's a snippet from harvest moon fic that i think about, no exaggeration, 5 times an hour.
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realneatc · 2 years
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➤➤  Stare into his eyes, taking in every detail of his face.
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buttertheflame · 1 month
They say that fanfiction is all stanning. But has anyone stanned the source material to the point of getting distracted from writing fanfiction?
You know what I mean, bookworms? Just to give you a window into my oscillating thoughts: If my guy Jon Snow has returned to the Wall post-ADWD with his betrothed Daenerys Targaryen, yeah I'm gonna stan what came before and make shit up like crazy. The struggle is real! I love the romance of these ‘soulmates’ but I also love everything that makes asoiaf what it is. (Within reason.)
If I stan too much, I write slow-going passages like this:
Jon’s heart felt full as he left her side, his mind brimming with thoughts of their eventful morning so far.  My love, where do we go from here? He knew where he was going, at the least. He would find Samwell in the Flint Barracks. In the three days they’d been at Castle Black, both men had yet to break from meetings to tend to personal interactions. With the increasing days among the Watch, it became more strange to think of himself and Sam as former members of the order. He’d expected the feeling even before they’d left Winterfell, yet as he walked across the courtyard and felt the gazes of a few dozen black brothers upon his back, it shook him all the same. 
Yet another feeling warred within Jon Snow. On the right step he’d sense the men. On the left step he’d sense Daenerys. Her attention and love thrilled him, as like it had only one other time. On Dragonstone. Their home.
But if I hold back on the stanning, I write meatier passages like this:
It was hard to say if anyone took offense enough to the executioner’s blade hanging above them, for as often as the Northern lords, free folk and warriors large and small came up to the dais to present themselves, did the displays of fealty reassure her of Jon's leadership. Strikingly, the free folk never kneeled, but they did offer gifts, the most sobering of which were a pair of bearskin boots given to Queen Daenerys by a group of spearwives.  
She took them graciously and wondered if the wise men would believe the gesture had given King Jon’s uncertain frown a rosy flush. That he was charmed enough to tell her a tale of the hunter who’d fashioned them was welcomed with her whole heart. As she listened to him describe the father of two who fell to the Others at the event many had come to call the Passing Through the Ice, she wondered if the scribes of history would tell of this pair, the last he ever made. And as Jon sort of sat and looked at her for a long time, she wondered if they would believe she was hopelessly lost for him, as well.
So it's coming! If anyone has read "A Long Way Home" and is waiting for the next fic in the series, I'd like to get Chapter 1 up before House of the Dragon comes out in June. (Because of the competition, you see, from their very same Team Black forebearers.) That's the goal, anyway!
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