#shes not really a tav in my head but thats how it works here
dragonsandsillies · 4 months
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They have taken over my mind like an infectious disease.
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quitefair · 6 months
Sprezzatura? 👀
soooooo thats the alfira/lakrissa fic that i've been hacking away at for the past week. it's post canon, post epilogue, post 'lakrissa decides to buy a house/music school for alfira' - which in my head feels like a massive gesture that they're both trying to process lmao. like yes i'm your girlfriend but does this mean... something more?
oh and also my tav and her extended dragonborn clan have somehow muscled their way into the fic. one of them features in the passage i'm going to share - and because nobody else knows who she is, i've got to put the entire introduction here. so it's gotten long lmao. my apologies.
The doorbell chimed as Alfira stepped into the shop.
Her nose immediately filled with the scent of wood and varnish as she looked around her, taking in the rows of half-carved lute and lyre and viol bodies, either lining wall racks, or covering every available horizontal surface. Several crates were stacked up at the back, forming a makeshift wall, and Alfira could hear the scraping and scratching of sandpaper from behind it.
She moved through the organized chaos until she reached the wall of crates, peering behind at the lone figure hunched over a table. One that seemed to notice her presence because they immediately shouted in annoyance.  
“I already said next week, La…”
“Evening, Inanna.”
The figure looked up, and Alfira was greeted by the sight of a dust-covered dragonborn wearing a grubby apron. She pulled off her goggles to reveal two rings of clear blue scales around fiery yellow eyes. Eyes that were more than just a little startled at the sight of her.
“Oh, Alfira! Wasn’t expecting you.” She stood up, her large frame coming between Alfira and her work-table as she folded her arms. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Come, can I get you something to drink?”
“Wine, if you have it.” Alfira was ushered back to the front of the shop, to the dusty counter. Waved towards a stool as Inanna rummaged around the insides of a crate, pulling out a bottle of wine and two glasses.
Accepting the glass with a smile, she let Inanna get comfortable, perching atop a crate as she took a long sip from her glass.
“So, what can I do you for? If it’s catgut, I’ve got some new stock that’s just come in. Six courses, right?”
“Yes… but my problem is a little more serious than a string change, I’m afraid.”
Alfira pulled out her lute, handing it to Inanna. Watched as the luthier held it up to the light, examining it with those burning yellow eyes.
After a pause, Inanna let out a low whistle.
“She’s… not in good shape, is she?”
Alfira sighed. “No, she’s not.”
“Lakrissa really wasn’t lying then. Oh, uh I mean…” she fumbled as Alfira looked back at her quizzically. “She mentioned this morning, when I was at the Elfsong for breakfast, said you’d be coming to see me about it. Didn’t think it’d be this bad.”
“Can you do anything about it?”
“This isn’t really something that can be fixed.” Inanna sighed. “Poorly made instruments just won’t last as long. The neck is already expanding from rain exposure.”
Alfira’s heart was in her throat. She wrung her wrists together.
“And how much would a new one cost?”
“Honestly? I could do you something within your budget. It’s just that I’ve been working on a big commission for a friend, who’s been… well, up my tail about having it done as soon as possible.”
“How long?”
“Next week.” Inanna’s finger tapped against the counter-top, her talons leaving ever so slight indents in the wood. “To finish the commission, I mean. Your lute… well. That depends on what you want.”
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