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If you like Paw Patrol, stick around! Just a young genderfluid lesbian posting my Paw Patrol fanfics, edits, and one day some related artwork. Btw, I post my fanfics as one long post to make them more accessible to screen readers.
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pawpatroliscool · 2 years ago
Skye's Confession (Rewrite)
Paw Patrol Skye Fanfic
This is a rewrite. I have now watched Jet To The Rescue so I have changed some details from the original to reflect the fact that Skye had previously managed to overcome her fear of eagles. I also fixed the spellings of Marshall and Zuma's names. The original can be found on my Wattpad.
When Skye falls from the sky after being asked to deal with a particular eagle, it becomes apparent that there is more to her previously thought overcome fear than the Paw Patrol had ever imagined. In this non-canonical story Skye is forced to give up her secrets, but how will the Paw Patrol react to this revelation?
Chapter 1: What Happened Skye?
"Skye, I need you to lore the eagle away." Ryder says.
"Eagle?" Skye asks, "Okay!" she says in a confident voice.
She barks out her wings and flies up to face the eagle. The eagle turns around to see her. Once she has the chance to really look at it, she freezes. She begins to hyperventilate.
Chase is closer to her. He becomes panicked, "Ryder, I think there's a problem."
"What's wrong?" he asks, not being able to see what's happening as well.
"It's Skye, she doesn't so good!" Chase is now becoming increasingly concerned.
"Skye, everything alright up there?" Ryder tries to contact her on her Pup Tag.
Chase tries too, "Skye? Skye please say something!"
Skye blacks out and begins to fall. She lands wings first on her back, a few meters away from where she had been in the sky. Chase runs over to her still-laying body.
"Rocky, see if you have something in your truck that could distract the eagle." Ryder calls out, "Marshall, take Skye back to The Lookout and do what you can. Chase, you can go with them."
"On it!" Reply Rocky, Marshall and Chase.
Skye wakes up back in The Lookout, not sure what happened after she blacked out. She sits up, staring at the ground.
"Skye, you okay?" Marshall asks.
Skye is too overwhelmed to answer, she won't even look at Marshall.
"Skye?" he asks again.
Chase tries, "Skye? Please say something."
She stays silent.
Marshall sighs, "Guess we'll just get on with the check-up, give me some space would you?"
Chase nods and steps back before turning away. He sits and whines quietly.
Marshall notices, "She means alot to you, doesn't she?" he asks while continuing with the x-ray machine.
Chase looks back at him, "Skye? Yeah, she does mean alot to me. I don't know what I'd do if she isn't okay. I just don't understand what happened, I thought she got over her fear in Barkingburg?"
"Yeah, we all thought that. So why is she so important to you?" Marshal becomes curious.
"Well," Chase begins, "She's always been there for me," he says thinking back to when she comforted him on the rooftop in Adventure City, "I mean, it's not like you guys haven't, but, well, I don't know..." his voice trails off.
"Sorry," Marshall apologises, "I didn't mean to dig so deep."
"No, it's fine," Chase reassures him, "I guess I just never really thought about it, there's always just kinda been something, you know?"
"Yeah, I like to think that all three of us are like that, to some extent at least," Marshall admits, "With so many pups in the Paw Patrol, it's important we all have a smaller group that will be there for us when we need it most, and that we can admit things to that we wouldn't tell the rest of the group, things not the whole group would do for one of us pups. For me, I like to think that would be you and Skye."
"Makes sense, so how is she?" Chase asks, noticing Marshall has stopped taking x-rays.
"Well," he doesn't want to hurt him, "It's hard to tell yet..."
His Pup Tag beeps, "Marshall?" Ryder asks, "Do you copy?"
"Yeah, I copy." Marshall replies.
"Great," says Ryder, "How's Skye doing?"
"Well," he begins, "We don't know. She's awake, but won't speak. No reason she shouldn't be able to that I can find, but we have no way of knowing whether it's because she's choosing not to or what's going on. Other than that, no broken bones or anything. Just some serious bruising where she landed on her back."
"Don't worry, I think I might know why she isn't speaking. Just trust me on this, okay? We're headed back now so I'll come and try talking to her." Ryder says, knowing Chase can hear and so trying to keep him calm.
"Okay, see you all soon." Marshall ends communication.
Chapter 2: Chase Is Here For You
Ryder and the other pups arrive back at The Lookout. The pups head to the elevator, but it doesn't go up. They all wait in suspense.
"We'll leave you to it." Marshall says. Him and Chase join the other pups in the elevator before it then ascends to the top.
Chase goes off to one side of the room, distancing himself from the other pups so none of them see something's wrong. Marshal soon follows.
"Hey, why are you over here alone?" He asks Chase.
Chase replies with "I don't want the others to see how scared and upset I am."
Marshall giggles, "Well, if you ask me, standing alone away from everybody only makes it more obvious. If you really wanna hide it, we should distract ourselves by going and playing with the others. If nothing else, they'll be too busy to notice. Either way, if your standing alone it's basically guaranteed that somebody will question you."
Chase admits defeat, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
They both then join the others in a game of Tug of War.
Meanwhile, Ryder was pretty sure he knew what was up with Skye not speaking.
"Skye, it's Ryder, he sighed, "You don't need to say anything, just nod your head if you can hear me."
Skye nods her head.
"Okay, is it alright if I ask you a few questions?" He asked as he sat on the floor next to her.
She nods her head again.
"Okay, are you choosing not to speak?"
She nods her head yet again.
"Okay, is that because you felt overwhelmed?"
She nods.
"I see, is there anything else going on?"
She nods again, but this time more subtlety.
"Okay, is there any pup you'd be able to talk to?"
Skye thinks for a minute, before nodding her head again.
"Marshall?" Ryder asks.
She considers answering yes to Marshall, but decides against it and so shakes her head.
She nods.
"Okay, I'll go get him."
Ryder goes to get Chase.
"Chase!" he calls.
Chase runs over to him.
"Is Skye okay?" Chase asks.
"Yeah, she said she'd talk to you." Ryder replies.
"Really? That's not funny."
"I'm not laughing."
"Oh. OH!" Chase exclaims before running to the elevator and descending to the bottom floor where Skye is.
"Skye?" he asks while cautiously advancing towards her, "Ryder said you'd talk to me, is that true?"
"Yeah." she says very quietly.
Chase runs up to her and tries to nuzzle her, but she is quick to carefully scoot away, mindful of her back as it was still in pain from the fall. She still doesn't make eye contact.
Chase apologises, "Oh, sorry. I'm just so glad you're okay."
"No, I'm sorry," She protests, while still speaking quietly, "I'm sorry I let you down, and that I scared you."
"No, it's not your fault. But if you're still scared of eagles you should've said something. We all thought you had gotten past that." Chase says with a guilty look on his face.
"I'm not scared, of most eagles. But that eagle today, well, there's something about it that none of us could've known, not even me, until it was too late."
"What's that?"
"Well..." Skye says, her voice shaking before trailing off.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"No, I do want to." she makes eye contact for the first time since the incident, "It's just, it's like there's some kind of force stopping me. But, I know I'll have to say it eventually, you all deserve an explanation. I just need a few days, Ryder will know what I mean."
"Okay, but I'm always here for you if you need, no matter what." Chase offers, before walking away to the elevator with a disappointed look on his face.
"Thanks." Skye whispered, but loud enough that Chase heard.
Chase turned back one last time, "Before I go, there is one more thing. You don't have to tell me, but, I would like to know. What happened up there today?"
"Oh, that. Well, because of the 'something' about that particular eagle, well, as soon as I realised, I panicked. I couldn't breath, then I blacked out..."
"Okay, thanks for telling me. I guess I'll see you around?" Chase asked.
Skye looked away, Chase waited a second before heading to the elevator and ascending back to the top floor.
Ryder met him at the elevator door, "What did she say?" he asked.
Chase paused for a second, not sure whether answering would be a betrayal to Skye. He then remembered something Skye said, 'Ryder will know what I mean', and decided he should answer Ryder's question. "She said she needs a few days, and that you'd know what she means by that. She also said that she needs to explain something to all of us, when she's ready."
"Okay, thanks..." Ryder's voice trailed of before he walked away, head facing the ground.
Chase was concerned for him, "Ryder? What's wrong?"
"I just don't understand what happened. I mean, we all thought she wasn't scared anymore. And even so, it's never been such a large problem before, I don't understand why she didn't say something. I feel that it was wrong of me to ask her, even though she said it was okay and always agreed to it even before what happened in Barkingburg. I can't help but wonder if maybe she did have a problem all this time, but was too afraid to say anything for fear of letting down the team, and I let that happen." Ryder explained.
"Look, I don't really know what happened either, but Skye told me that she isn't scared of most eagles anymore, but there was something different about that eagle today that you couldn't have possibly known, and she didn't realise herself until it was too late. I may not know what that difference was, but I know it means you have no reason to feel guilty. I'm sure she'll tell us all when she's ready."
"Thanks Chase." Ryder said, they both then joined the other pups in Tug of War again.
Chapter 3: The Confession
A few days later, Skye decides she's as ready as she'll ever be to explain to the other's what happened during the eagle encounter. She ascends in the elevator to find everyone. They all notice when she gets to the top and steps out, everything goes silent. Skye still can't bear to look at any of the pups, besides Chase. She shoots him a sort of, 'I'm ready', or 'this is it' type look, and he nods in return, as if to say 'if you're sure' and 'I'm here for you'.
"Guys," she begins, as loud as her shaky voice will let her, "I need to talk to you all."
Everybody took the signal to gather around her, while being wary of giving her space after what had happened.
"I think you all deserve an explanation as to what happened to me with the eagle a few days ago."
"Skye, you don't need to do this," Marshall cuts in, "you don't owe us anything, we're all just glad you're okay."
"Except I do owe this to you, you all deserve to know that I've been lying about something ever since I first joined the Paw Patrol." her voice was now more shaky than it'd ever been.
Everybody gasped in shock, not understanding what Skye could possibly be talking about.
She spoke slowly, "You see, I was more afraid of eagles than any of you have ever known. And it wasn't just some irrational fear like I tried to make it out to be. And, I hope you all know I've moved past that now. You know we all have tough pasts that for most of us, only Ryder knows about, the stories of how he found each of us, and why we are all here. But there's a part to mine, Ryder, that not even you know about. Let me start from the beginning. When I was very young, I was so small an eagle was able to pick me up and carry me for a very long time. I never saw my owners again. That's where my fear originally came from, but it gets worse. You see Ryder, that's the part you already know, but here's the part you didn't. When you found me, I was hiding many cuts, scrapes and bruises from what that eagle did to me. Just before you found me, it had been throwing me off the nest, how I got the bruises, just to carry me back up and drop me in the thorn bush next to it, where I got all those cuts, some of which I still have today in the form of scars. Not just emotional, but physical scars on my body from all those years of being grabbed with sharp talons and dropped in a thorn bush."
Ryder jumped in, "But Skye, you always told me you were willing to face your fear and take care of eagles whenever we needed and now it's okay, what happened this time?"
"Well, you see, that eagle from a couple days ago wasn't just any eagle. First going into it, I thought it would be okay. But this time there was one small problem, as soon as I was level with it and could really see it, I noticed something none of us could've expected. That eagle from a couple days ago, was the same eagle that tortured me for all that time when I was younger. As soon as I realised, I couldn't get the flashbacks out of my head, so I panicked. In my head I was reliving that awful time, I couldn't stop it. Now there's one more thing you all need to know. Sometimes I get so over stimulated with a strong emotion that I hyperventilate and shut down, it's like some sort of force stopping me from doing anything until I get chance to be alone for a long time so my mind can slowly process it all after having everything dumped on it. It hasn't really been an issue since I joined the Paw Patrol so I never felt the need to mention it. I thought I had left that part of me behind, but now I guess not. With that said, that's basically what happened. I couldn't breath, which caused me to blackout and fall. When I woke up, I couldn't speak. Not that I physically couldn't, of sorts, but it was that force I said about, it wouldn't let me. And even now, speaking to you all right now is incredibly difficult although partially for another reason."
"But Skye, why didn't you tell us any of that before?" Marshall asked.
"Well, you all obviously don't want me around now you know I'm so scared of a bird, and that I lied to you all. I know it's pretty stupid, but I can't help it. I tried to forget about it all, I really tried, but that stuff literally left scars that I have to feel everyday of my life, and that pain is a constant reminder I just can't get rid of. Hey, I guess that's something I've been hiding from you all. Point is, I lied to you all, and kept secrets from you all for years, and I know you guys deserve better than that on the Paw Patrol. I know I will never be able to even come close to making it up to you," she looked at Marshall for the first time in a while, as if to say this next part was directed to him more than the others, "but I still want to say, I am so sorry for everything." She then ran to the balcony in tears.
"Skye!" call Marshall and Chase, before looking at each other, nodding, and running after her.
"Skye, of course we still want you around." Marshall tries to comfort her.
"Yeah," Chase agrees, "nobody's upset or mad at you."
"Why though?" Skye says in disbelief, "I lied to you all, I kept secrets for years and hid things. You all should be mad."
The three of them hadn't noticed the other pups standing in the doorway with Ryder.
Rocky steps towards them, "We understand why you did it."
Zuma joined him, "You were trying to protect yourself from rejection, any of us would've done the same if it was us."
Rubble steps forward too, he says "Yeah" in agreement.
"Really?" Skye tried to dry her face, "You're really not mad at me?"
"Of course not." the other pups say in unison.
Everest suddenly appears, "And neither am I." she says.
"Everest?" Ryder asks, "How long have you been here?"
"A while," she answers, "I saw Skye fall a few days ago from the mountain, and I wanted to see if she was okay. I would've come sooner, but I had to wait for Jake in case he got back from his trip and got scared when I wasn't there. Skye, I'm gonna be honest, I've been standing here long enough to have heard everything you said."
"Oh..." Skye hadn't anticipated Everest being there.
"Sorry, I probably should've said something sooner." Everest apologises.
"No, it's fine," Skye reassures her, "you deserve to know too, I just didn't think that you'd find out today. I'm sorry."
Marshall and Chase notice Skye's voice has become very shaky and tears are forming in her eyes again, they scoot closer to try and comfort her. The other pups, now including Everest, decide to walk away but Ryder stays stood by the door.
"Skye," he starts, his voice shaking, "I'm sorry. If I had known what that eagle did to you, I would've never asked you to face any eagle even now, and I shouldn't have either way. I'm so sorry I put you through that, and I promise to never ask you to do it again."
"No, " she protests, "I always told you it was fine. It always was fine. I didn't mind doing what needs to be done, no matter how hard it was. Plus now it's fine, I promise. I just never imagined I'd have to see that eagle again. I didn't want to let the team down, but, I couldn't control it. I'm so sorry, I should've told you about everything sooner. I just never thought it would be such a big problem."
"Skye, you didn't let anybody down. You tried your best, things just went a little wrong, but now you're okay. That's all that matters to us. And you didn't have to tell us anything if you didn't want to, but we're glad you did. If it's okay with you, I'm gonna redesign your mission suit to be... more lightweight." Ryder offers.
Skye giggled, "That would be amazing, thank you."
The end... or is it?
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pawpatroliscool · 2 years ago
My Other Platforms
Hey there! This acc is for re-uploading my Paw Patrol fanfics that I write on Wattpad (among bother things). It would mean so much to me if you could follow me there, plus you get to see each chapter the moment it goes live rather than waiting for me to finish a whole story and remember to post it here. Here is a link to it, , or you can look me up ( PawPatrolIsCool2023 ). I'll also post links to individual stories as I repost them here as well. I also have AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) if you prefer that, but same rules as here apply. Here's the link, , my username is ( PawPatrolIsCool ). Btw, AO3 gets my full fanfics sooner than here.
Note: to look me up on Wattpad or AO3, copy what's in the brackets without the spaces or brackets themselves, and paste it into the relative website.
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pawpatroliscool · 2 years ago
First Paw Patrol edit from over a month ago, Skye coming soon!
Chase was put through so much in the movie, Ryder shouldn't have made him go to Adventure City.
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