#otp: is it that obvious
keyotosprompts · 8 months
in between ᯓ★
jealousy prompts (oooooo)
⇴ person a sees person b absolutely hit it off with person c (and is very obviously pained because of it). person b comes over to talk to person a, but is only met with awkward conversation instead of the same boisterous talks they usually have.
⇴ person b sees person a with another person, and they have to bite down on their lip so hard whenever person a talks about the other person, because deep down person b wishes that a was with them (this was more pining than jealousy but oh well).
⇴ "was that a good conversation?" "oh... yeah. it was great" "great." [and there's this thick, awkward silence afterwards].
⇴ person a wishes that they could be person b. person b has it all: charisma, hilariousness, the friends, the partner, etc. (but maybe person a isn't jealous of person b... maybe person a is desperately craving person b's attention and that's why they're jealous)
⇴ person b is watching person a from afar, chatting it up with this other person. b has a strong urge to pull a away from everyone and pull a into b's own little world, but refuses because they want to keep a happy, even if it's at a cost at b's own happiness.
⇴ person a and person b are dating, and person a just finished a conversation with someone person b was jealous of. when they get home, person b is a bit more clingier and so much more touchy. cue a's teasing and b hiding their face in the crook of a's neck.
⇴ ^ "so... are you finally gonna admit you were jealous?" "uh, no, because i wasn't" (b says as they press kisses to a's neck and hold a close to their body).
⇴ "you guys look good together." "really?" (and a/b wants to shout NO!!!!!!)
⇴ "and i love you. i love it when you do the double-tuck thing with your hair when you're nervous, does [person c] notice that? do they know that when you shove your hands in your pockets, you're really just doing it so you can fidget without anyone knowing? or, what about the way you look at people–" and person a is in total shock the whole time.
⇴ "i can't take it anymore. i want–need you. i don't care about what [person c] thinks, i only care about you. tell me you need me too, and i'll stay."
⇴ person b is sulking after seeing person a reunite with someone they've been close to since forever (think family friend...yikes). person a thinks it's adorable and goes to "comfort" b by peppering their face with kisses and giving them words of affirmation.
⇴ "hey" kiss on the jaw "you don't have anything to worry about" kiss on the corner of the lips "i chose you for a reason" kiss on the temple "you're the one i love" kiss on the lips.
⇴ ^^ cut to person b being like "really?" with a cheeky grin.
⇴ person a is about to reach out to person b, only to see person b walk past them to go see person c. person a turns around to person c and immediately feels flooded with comparisons. specifically, "why don't they like me like they like them?"
⇴ person a is constantly checking the relationship status of person b, and their heart always aches when they continue to see person c's username in person b's bio.
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Oh, what a shy little fiery kitty you've got yourself, Wade!
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lizardkingeliot · 3 months
Okay so we're all in agreement that it was Lestat who pulled Louis out of the wall in the theatre right? The episode doesn't make it explicitly clear and they only show us Lestat saving Louis during the trial. And in fact they have Louis say he knew the blood he tasted upon being freed was Armand's...
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But in the context of everything else that... doesn't actually make much sense? Because here's what actually happened...
First, Louis woke up in the sewer alone...
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Why would Armand just leave him there if he suddenly decided to choose Louis over the coven after Lestat saved him from imminent death? After listening to him screaming in agony as he starved in that coffin for... how long? The opportunity that presented itself wasn't Louis being saved from death at the trial on the stage and being locked in a vault. Armand could have taken him out at any time. He chose not to. He chose to listen to him screaming in agony for... days? Weeks????
Armand didn't care. He chose the coven. He discovered Louis was gone and only then did he reach out to him telepathically while he was in the crypt plotting his revenge. Louis asked Armand if he saved him at the trial AND if he pulled him out of the wall. Armand gave the same monotone "yes" as an answer to both. And I think we're meant to understand these are both equal lies in hindsight.
And when Armand told Louis to leave Paris it was clear his only aim was to save the coven. If Armand wanted to be with him he would have been. He only decided to choose Louis after the coven was gone and he had no other choice. Armand was at full strength the whole time. 500 years old. Powerful enough to walk in the sun. He could control the coven with a snap of his fingers.
But you know who wasn't at full strength at the time? Who couldn't have just gone to him right away even though he wanted to save Louis more than anything in the world?
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Lestat only let Louis stay in that situation for as long as he did because he was so weakened by doing the mind trick that saved him in the first place. We all saw how rough he looked after Louis had been taken away in 2x07. The way he was standing there swaying on his feet...
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He had to regain his strength to go back to the theatre, get Louis out, give him his blood at full strength so that it might heal him. And he only left him there because he believed he needed to let Louis go. Because he was not worthy of Louis' forgiveness etc...
This is probably a conclusion lots of you have already come to but I didn't pick up on it during my first watch because I was so emotionally compromised. I don't know why they had Louis say it was Armand's blood, but maybe we're meant to understand it as another misremembering. Louis trying to reason with himself that it had to have been Armand's blood. Because before Daniel gave him the final pieces of the puzzle, he very much believed Armand had been the one to save him at the trial. The one to pull him out of the wall...
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sail-not-drift · 10 months
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Or Big Ben. Nelson’s Column?
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
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Buck, Eddie and The lightning mirroring the well.
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almea · 2 years
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"So would you say he caught you unarmed?"
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kyraxyrespace · 7 months
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Day Seventeen - Link/Princess Zelda, Zelink (Legend of Zelda)
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iaskedforcosmiclove · 2 months
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He's an outlaw on the run, sought for crimes he swears he didn't commit. None of it matters to Remus, just as it hadn't in the past. His job is to track him down and bring him in, dead or alive. The bounty on his head, the next target in line, that's all that matters.
He's not supposed to look into those stormy blues, see the universe staring back at him, and drown in the depths of the cosmos.
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tragedyofromance · 9 months
Dean has been on his knees for Cas four times and NONE was for a blowie. level et tu brute tragic 😔
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annemarieyeretzian · 2 months
essek looking to dorian and telling him “be careful, you’re a heartbreaker.” 👀
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afterartist · 10 months
Can’t belive its taken over a year to draw fanart for genuinely one of my all time favourite series and when I do it’s just a badly drawn crapy meme
Be who you areeeee~~ ( sobbing)
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Random Prompts 15:
"Hypothetically, if I accidentally unleashed an ancient curse on the land, what would you have me do about it?"
"They're cute." "Okay." "Do you like them?" "Sure."
"I'm into personality, actually." "Really? I didn't think you were into anything."
"I'm going now." "Don't eat at KFC!" "Why?" "Trust me."
"Of course you have pink hair and pronouns. Typical modern human." "Uh, you're possessing me, dude. Guess what that means?"
"I will not hesitate to drop-kick you." "Do it, coward."
"In all of my days, I have never encountered a human so aggravating." "I haven't ever met someone so annoying either, so we're even."
"Are you okay?" "Oh, yeah, I'm fine." "That's good. What the fuck were you thinking?"
"Don't be so uptight, I'm not hurting anybody!"
"I don't want you to get hurt, is all. Be safe." "I will."
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dylanconrique · 4 months
i've never been pregnant before, so maybe my maternity math isn't mathing, but i feel like penelope should've been at the very tail end of her pregnancy and suddenly popped right there in the featherington drawing room cause i'd kill to get the reactions of every single person in that full house after she suddenly grabs her stomach in pain like, "i think it's time".
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galedekarios · 3 months
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fumbles-mcstupid · 6 months
the narrative significance
of two pairs of people:
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who both, having once had a close, trusting relationship:
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becoming, at some point (past or present), divided:
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with one having saved others and risked their life only to sway precariously from a height:
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while the other watches and believes them to be dead:
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only to learn they are alive:
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and warmly reconcile their differences:
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one is a clear romantic pairing and the other is...?
also a romantic pairing, that’s what
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