#otp: feral tall bois
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no-shxme · 7 months ago
Can you explain why you think Sett and talon are good together? I'm trying to explain it to my friend
OH BOY OH BOY yeah oh man this might be long and super scattered sorry
so first off like, i think talon is a passive relationship-haver. like he doesn't necessarily go out looking for relationships (mostly cause i hc him as aro, but also he's got other shit he needs to do) and therefore talon needs someone to be assertive, to really push the first move and set things up.
enter sett, who is very capable of being that person, willing to get things started. another important bonus to sett is that he's not a quitter, and i think (in canon) talon puts people who want to get close to him through SUCH a ringer. you basically have to fight him to be with him, (and talon also has to fight himself). and guess what, sett's a professional fighter.
more reasons, ill go bullet:
them being ionian vs noxian. (red vs blue too) while also having an extra layer of complexity. sett is half noxian and hates his noxian dad for leaving him. and talon canonically goes all over for jobs, and therefore injects the same tension, being a noxian who leaves.
the interesting parallels of them both going from dirt poor to rich but in weird different ways.
short guy. tall guy. talon likes climbing things. :)
sett gets compared to animals (beast boy bastard) but talon grew up actually feral, and is now marcus du couteau's dog. so there's an interesting parallel of both of them escaping animal motifs.
uniquely shitty fathers. :')
i think sett in his current canon is in a very stable place, and i think talon is someone who NEEDS stability. his life is in turmoil and i think they match super well as opposites. brittle vs strong.
i think talon likes his muscles a lot :]
im pretty sure i can go on and on but those are some of the big things. idk where ur friend is at but-- actually well i hope this helps or whatever. i think maybe i need to write like, a talsett primer as like 'my introductory fic' though i think grit / teeth also fills that role they're just super heavy.. hmmm
good luck anon thanks for the ask and for enabling my otp rambling.
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hoffmans-hoffman · 3 years ago
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Headcanon for Feral tall bois
The reason why Jarod didn't go after the Teen/Player is because Jason stopped him. Jason was able to calm Jarod down, it's rare that anyone can calm Jarod down but Jason has perfected a skill to it and in the other level Jarod is veryyyyyy good at calming down Jason when he starts his Wild Fire business.... they've got each other's backs....Lord knows someone has to
+ gifs
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 2 years ago
Alistair for the character ask!!
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: tbh?? everything?? (not to toot my own horn, but asdfgh I did such a good job with him, from his design to his personality and background I am very proud of my man >w<)
least favorite thing about them: his self esteem/self worth issues! it just hurts that he fails to see the many good parts of himself ;_; (like?? Alistair, you are an incredibly handsome and sweethearted gentleman and your rats as well as your husbands love you so so much!! sdfgh ;;w;; <3)
favorite line: hmmm, there isn´t a specific one coming to mind right now, but I quite like when Alistair gets poetic >w> (like those few moments when he writes poetry for his loved one, or that one scene in the western!AU where he was talking about the stars trying to outshine the moon >w<) honestly, Alistair is a well of good lines! asdf
brOTP: Alistair/Pep! they´ve come a long way and went through a lot together in most AUs (case in point: that moment in the siren au where they teamed up to murder Ceb´s abusive older brothers UwU)
OTP: asdfghjk Alistair/Ceb, Alistair/Felonious, Alistair/Mattie ITS TOO HARD TO CHOOSE ASDFGHJK >w< (but I guess Alistair/Ceb is the otp, because that´s how it all began <3)
nOTP: Alistair/Feral (look- Feral is literally incapable of giving a sh*t about anyone´s wants and needs but his own, meaning every ship involving him would be entirely noncon(/r*pe)!)
random headcanon: (I guess it would be a random fact, actually, since he´s my own character? asdfgh) Alistair loves the opera! and he can even sing opera style! (he sometimes sings while he´s cleaning)
unpopular opinion: I wouldn´t know what that would be in this case, sry ^^;
song i associate with them: the german song "rattenfanger" (its about the pied piper, so ye asdfgh)
favorite picture of them: asdfghjk hard to say really, but this one is a personal fav right now:
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the outfit, the expression, the way he´s holding the knife?? it´s all very very neat UwU (also, huge bonus: HIS TALL, HANDSOME, DOTING HUSBAND BEING RIGHT THERE, LOVING AND SUPPORTING HIM SDFGHGFDS >////w////<) (also felonious´ hand grabbing Alistair´s chin!! AH MY HEART x//u//x <3 <3)
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nodesiretogrowup · 5 years ago
I LOVED THIS EPISODE! It was nice to have a kid-focused episode. The past few have focused a lot on the adults, so it was nice to see the kids in the spotlight again. It was SO COOL to see the kids playing off each other. We NEED more of it next season. Lena is my daughter, so I was happy to see her back, though I’d rather she not have to suffer.
Spoilers and more detailed thoughts below:
YAY NERF GUNS! Also, it was super sweet of the boys to reassure Lena that they know she’s a good guy now. 
LOVED all the different jammies on display. I usually rock something similar to Lena and Violet. Dewey in the footie pajamas gives me LIFE. And Huey with his hat. I’m surprised he didn’t say something along the lines of “Warm head, warm dreams.”
Super cute that Lena set this all up. My baby wants friends.
“Self defense weapons, all manner of booby trap.” I feel like Violet would have suggested having those no matter what. I love my slightly feral nerd daughter.
Beakley for BEST bodyguard.
“Nothing weird is gonna happen at this slumber party.” Webby, babe, you’re just ASKING for trouble.
Lena’s little song and cake! MY HEART! I think Huey may have drawn some inspiration from that cake, lol
“Time loses all meaning in the infinite night of the shadow realm.” HELP THIS CHILD! And again, I think Donald would be the perfect parent for her.
“You are a wordsmith!” Webby LOVES her shadow gf.
Of course Louie is suspicious. He was wary of his mom AND just spent the last episode getting betrayed by Goldie.
“You literally sound like that now.” Huey, you need to learn how to read a room.
“That’s just my voice, I can’t help it!” I feel ya there. And a nice bit of foreshadowing
“I’ve found it’s clearer to convey no emotion whatsoever.” Also not a good way to talk to people.
Aw, Lena. Like Webby said, you don’t have to prove yourself. That seems to be a running theme this season. Dewey wants to prove himself to his mom, Louie wants to prove himself to anyone, and Della wants to prove that she is a good mom and fits into this family.
“That makes you super-extra-good, right?” “Math checks out.” You two share one (1) brain cell and that’s adorable.
Webby has no table manners and that is valid.
“LET’S EAT PURE SUGAR!” That is just a bad idea in general, much less for Huey.
What happened to Huey? Why was his mouth all grey?
“You know who my best friend is?” “Me.” “Sleep.” A.) Mood, B.) Dewey’s face is PRICELESS! You can’t win them all.
Sleeping Beakley is TERRIFYING.
“It might be sleepy-time.” Webby, you are TOO PRECIOUS!
Anyone getting some Nightmare on Elm Street vibes? Specifically the third one? I guess that was what they were going for, what with the title and all.
Concerned girlfriend is concerned.
“Do you need, *whispers* you-know-what paper?” Not sure if Beakley told her toilet isn’t something you should go around saying or if Webby doesn’t want to embarrass anyone. Either way, cute!
Lena pulls of Dewey’s do well.
One of the most precious moments ever! And a reminded that they are still pretty young.
LOVED the shot of Lena with the stars reflected in her eyes.
Heck, the animation for all the dreams is AMAZING! I love how you can INSTANTLY TELL whose dream we’re in.
I’m glad they figured out that they were in a shared dream early. Gives us more time for wacky dream shenanigans!
Webby/hamburgers is otp
I like that they used the “you can’t read in dreams” thing. Nice touch. It looks like at least Launchpad, Scrooge, and Donald had a corresponding emoji.
“Why are you dialing a banana?” DREAM LOGIC!
Webby CANONLY kins Scrooge!
Louie putting a stop to unicorn shenanigans before they begin.
Those directions. Better than Penny’s at least.
Violet is blunt and to the point. She’s probably a Virgo.
LIVING for all the cartoony sound effects!
POOR LENA! AND YAY SUPPORTIVE WEBBY! Also, love Louie in the background being confused as fuck.
That cute little smile! I WOULD DIE FOR LENA!
I don’t think the whole “don’t wake a sleepwalker” thing is actually valid in real life, but here it’s probably a goodish idea. Magic is weird and unpredictable.
“LET’S FLY, BECAUSE WE CAAAAAAN!” I like the way you think. I love that Louie’s wings have dollar signs. And Lena’s bat wings are DOPE.
Huey and Dewey crashing, lol
That unicorn got DEEP. And I now crackship him and Manny.
Lena walked into Snow White.
“I probably grew horrible bat wings for non-evil reasons.” It’s because you are a baby goth.
“I ATE A BUG!” Dewey, you are a special boy and that’s valid.
“Ew, Webby, why is there a school in your dream?” Again, Louie is MOOD.
Ugh, I wish I could make out what the sign in front of the school says. I see EXCELLENCE though.
Dewey CONFIRMED HSM fan. And I’m getting some Saved By The Bell vibes. He’s binged ALL the high school classics. This is probably how Mabel dreamed high school would look like before the crushing slap of reality hit her.
His hair and jacket. Too cute, expect for his hair being alive. That was freaky. I fear for him when he learns what high school is actually like.
I know most people are going with Dewey is bi after the whole romantic interest thing, but I feel like he might be aro/ace. Dewey is threatened by choosing a romantic partner. I’ve kind of always seen him as ace though, so it might just be me. Or it could be him trying to figure out his sexuality, which is cool. I love that the crew threw that in. The boy is not straight in any way though.
I love that Dewey’s singing rivals are Beagle Boys.
“Who knows what that’s about?” “I have some theories.” SYMBOLISM!
Dewey Dude is upsetting even BEFORE it turned into Magica.
The balance between comedy and STRAIGHT UP HORROR was handled well.
Lena has watched Wizard of Oz.
“You ruined my big dance!” Priorities, Dewey. Louie looks relieved though.
Dewey’s hair looked super cute when it was wet.
Why did he and Lena taste the water? Is there some sort of significance there?
“I just failed a class called Dew-ology.” “Well I’m the class Dew-torian.” That’s stretching it, Dewey.
“I gotta get outta here.” Haha, Dewey’s dream is Huey’s nightmare.
Louie-field. I WANT PLUSHIES. Also, Louie confirmed furry?
“This is your dream? To be even lazier?” Don’t be a hater, Huey! Louie’s got the right idea.
Wonder if Beakley taking care of Louie-field means anything.
Seriously, Huey is SUCH a hater! He wants out of Dewey’s dream and he mocks Louie’s.
“HOW ARE YOU SLEEP-SLEEPING?” Don’t hate cause you ain’t. Also, I have napped in a dream once so....
Louie’s sleep face is MAJESTIC. HE’S BEAUTY, HE’S GRACE.
“I just am.” Louie is so wise.
Wolf Lena is BEST
Violet, there is a better way to talk about people’s psychological issues.
Why would you choose the litter box?
“WHY, HUEY, WHY?!” No arguments here.
I’m the eldest sibling like Huey and I’m the shortest of the three of us, so I get you, Huey. But there are better, cooler, less upsetting ways to manifest that dream. Like switching bodies with a tall person.
His legs make rubber band noises when he moves.
“Don’t listen to him! Follow your lame dreams.” What a supportive brother.
Huey’s dream is Dewey’s nightmare. Nice.
I too use my feet to do things, like opening doors or getting stuff off the floor. But opening jars of FOOD?! UNSANITARY AND YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER.
Someone is a Spinel fanboy.
Or is he Slender-Huey?
“And it’s my dream to be in a montage.” While it is pretty dope, why does Dewey get two dreams?! Greedy little bastard. Are we sure he’s not the evil triplet, lol.
HERE’S HOW PHOOEY CAN WIN! Liked that they implied he’s the evil one. He’s a yellow, less 90s Dippy Fresh.
JUST SAY NO TO PHOOEY! His name means the f-word.
Huey has found a kindred soul.
I like that Violet even has Quackfaster as a librarian.
“It’s almost 6am!” Your old man is showing. Sidenote-I tend to wake up around 6. I’m old.
“Go get some jobs!” Scrooge, do you know about child labor laws?
This is the second episode of this set that Scrooge comes off as a bit of a prick.
POOR LENA! At least all the kids care about her. The poor girl needs some friends.
“She’s gonna be cold without her sweater!” His heart’s in the right place.
I love that all the kids jump in after Webby immediately. NEVER LEAVE A MAN BEHIND.
Louie just spinning in the background.
“I think this is more nightmare.” Thank you, Captain Obvious.
I want that castle as a playset.
Good lord this scene was hard to watch. It reminded me a lot of Raven in Ever After High (and Teen Titans Raven too). She’s so afraid of being predestined to become evil that it’s consuming her to the point that she can’t see anything else and feels stuck. Some of this really hit close to home for me because I deal with depression and anxiety and when a big episode hits it’s hard to find my way out. Luckily, just like Lena, I have a good support system.
 Magica gaslighting Lena was really upsetting to see.
Lena becoming Magica then a literal monster? LET MY DAUGHTER HAVE PEACE!
“Ugh, why does everything I say sound sarcastic?” Callback
Was that a hint at a Gargoyles reboot? I JOKE TO EASE THE PAIN!
Dewey’s spinny eyes, lol
Webby is most competent fighter
Poor Louie. The past two episode have not been kind to him physically.
Lena will ALWAYS be there for Webby.
“It’s fine, FINE!” Just wait for puberty, Huey. It will be slightly less disturbing.
Magica is meth aunt.
“I don’t need you. You need me!” THAT’S MY GIRL!
I bet Magica is gonna lie about still having powers so she can get close enough to Lena to regain her powers and stab everyone in the back. Whether or not she succeeds... 
Boyd and Lena should start a club. The “I thought/felt like I was a real, flesh and blood being, had an existential crises over it, and am trying to deal with my evil relative” club. Huey’s the moderator, he’s working on his consoling badge.
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meowhawkk · 5 years ago
galeem for the hc meme
character headcanons / accepting
sexuality: she’s probably pan??? I haven’t considered it much
otp: ohhhh it’s gotta be bayo/gleam and palu/gleam.......... hot god lady with her hot gfs..... Bro.... yeh
brotp: if this blog recently wasn’t a dead giveaway, she stans one feral boxer boy
notp: gleam/dharkon bcuz I personally headcanon them as siblings :(
first h/c that comes to mind: hooman gleam is very tall.... she’s ~7ft !!! her true form’s size changes at will though (anything from like, navi size, to like... lorge)
one way i relate to them: again, the emotion thing lol but at least I ain’t gonna go and kill everyone. gleam you should probably go to therapy
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: imagine tryna kill the whole universe and think its gonna work when kirby’s right there... cringe
cinnamon roll/problematic fave: PROBLEMATIC FAVE SHE’S AWFUL SHE’S BAAAAD she is a Meaner lol
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the-letter-horror-lover · 2 years ago
Meeting the Seductive Butler
A Journalist goes to the Phantomhive manor after the Circus incident. While at the Manor things gets heated between Ciels head butler Sebastian and the journalist Kristina.
(Spelling errors/ etc...)
Work Text:
It was late December and I had to meet a young noble boy, named Ciel Phantomhive. He is the Queens “guard dog.” I was a journalist for the daily paper in a old paper mill that' wasn’t really well known. I was told to meet Ciel Phantomhive over an incident that happened at Noah's Ark Circus six months ago. All of the workers at Noah's Circus are missing except one, ever since Ciel visited the circus. When I showed up I was greeted by a tall, skinny, handsome man with medium length black hair and mysterious dark brown eyes. I admit I wanted to test him to see how far my flirting would go. I have never met anyone this handsome and I never wanted to pull such a bold move before I met him. When I walked closer to him, he went on one knee and said, “Hello my lady, my name is Sebastian, sorry but I am afraid the young master isn’t going to be here until tomorrow because he had to speak to the Queen about the recent incidents. I said “its fine, its the Queen after all. When I walked with him into the manor, he said I was to be greeted by five other people, one woman and four men. When we walked up to them in the kitchen, they greeted me and told me their names, but then they had to get back to work. Sebastian showed me around the manner and I was even able to see his room. When he was showing me his room I thought I heard a cat or two, maybe I am just going crazy. I looked all around his cozy room then stopped once I looked at his bed, I thought how nice it would be for me to sleep in it with him. After I was done looking at his room I started to walk out when I heard him whisper in my ear, “you can come back over here later when everyone is asleep.” That sent a shiver down my neck and goosebumps arose from my skin. Sebastian walked past me but stopped and winked. My heart was racing thinking of all of the things we could do. Thinking of his hands touching all over me and his breath on my neck. I kept walking with him until we stopped at another room. He said “this is where you will be sleeping, if you need anything ring that bell or come to my room and I will help you out.” I said okay thank you, Sebastian. I started to avert my eyes away from his in embarrassment over what he said earlier. Just thinking of him pinning me down on his bed made me blush intensely.
Crimson Bloodline
Othello is a half-vampire just trying to live life as a normal human when a rise in attacks by feral vampires puts his safe lifestyle at stake (quite literally). When fate leads him to meet a strange man (who just so happens to be a legendary vampire hunter), an odd friendship and help from both sides may be just what they need. But things are never that simple, are they? Something strange is going on...
After years of plot ideas for stories and AUs, this is the first time I’ve actually come up a proper plot for one. Since I’ve finally got a great story idea, I bring you a vampire AU! I’m super nervous about posting this aaa
- I have absolutely zero knowledge on how actual forensics works, so if anything is not accurate, I apologize ;v;
- Since the ship isn’t the main focus of the fic, I wrote it very subtly so anyone can enjoy the story without me forcing my OTP into your faces. You could basically just see it as a really close friendship if you wanted too. That being said, I miiiiight add the occasional shippy side-chapter ;)
- While Othello and Undertaker’s story is the main focus, there’s still plenty of other stuff happening too.
- I refuse to give away too much information on how vampires work in this specific world, that’ll be found out later~
- Undertaker will be “Adrian” in this story
That’s all. Enjoy~
Chapter 1: Midnight Delivery
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
The clock read 1:00 in the morning as Othello finally replaced the vial back into its holder and sighed in relief. The smell of the blood was growing extremely tempting and he would be happy to leave before his hunger drove him to do something crazy. Working overtime was one thing, but being a half-vampire was another.
As a half-vampire it made it easier for him to blend in with society and live life as a normal human. He could be out during daylight and he could eat normal food as well, but blood would still tempt him and he hated it. He knew he still needed blood to survive, but he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. It reminded him too much of what he truly was. He’d rather starve to death when the time came.
“You’re still here?” A voice spoke.
Othello realized he’d been staring at the vials. His incisors felt sharper and he urged it away, feeling them return back to normal as he spun to smile awkwardly at the man who leaned against the open doorway to his lab.
“Oh! Uh- ‘Course I am! Just doing a little extra work.” He adjusted his glasses awkwardly, realizing a little too late that his gloves weren’t the cleanest.
The man moved so that he was leaning propped up against his broom instead and Othello realized it was the new janitor, who had likely just begun his shift.
“Well, I’m glad there’s still someone here.” The janitor grumbled. “Because they need one of the ol’ bodies moved to the funeral home and I sure as hell ain’t doin it.”
“Eh?” That was not at all was Othello expected. The janitor surely didn’t mean-
“Great, its that one they brought in a week ago. The one mauled by some dog or whatever.”
“Wait! You’re not-”
The door was closed and the man’s footsteps could be heard retreating quickly down the hallway. Othello felt his eye twitch. That guy was a new janitor, so not much was known about him. Clearly, he was not a very friendly fellow and he was certainly trying to find ways out of work.
Nearly an hour or two later, he had finally tidied up and made his way to the storage where they kept the bodies. Ah that’s right, the storage was full and they did in fact need to make more room as soon as possible. Fine, he would do it. A little part of him told him to leave it as it was and let the janitor get in trouble in the morning, yet he couldn’t. Othello just couldn’t be mean no matter how hard he tried, and it would likely be the death of him one day.
He pulled back the cover slightly to peer at the disfigured face of a young woman. It had been one if many cases confirmed to be animal attacks of some sort, however he knew those bite marks to be vampire. There were vampires out there roaming the city and mauling innocent people to pieces just for sport and it was utterly horrible. Luckily none of the humans had been properly “bitten”. He feared the day one of the investigations “turned” from a bite and attacked them. Then the world would know what creatures lived among them and it would quickly dissolve to chaos among humanity. The vampire attacks seemed to have grown more frequent in the recent months and Othello feared that there was more to it than a little hunting sport.
Othello replaced the cover in anger. There was a reason why he didn’t directly handle the bodies brought for autopsy. Luckily, the body was a few days old and whatever little blood remained that hadn’t been extracted smelled stale to him and in no way was it appetizing to even the most desperate vampire.
That asshole janitor had left the keys to the van in a perfectly convenient spot. After making sure everything was secured properly, also work for the janitor, Othello set off quickly while trying his best to follow the route that his phone gave him. He’d scrolled through all the places in the city and the only one open at this hour was… Down an old side street through crop fields and across from a church? It couldn’t possibly get any more horror-movie esque. But he himself was a creature fitting of the antagonist role in such a movie. It was a funny thought to know that any axe murderer would likely be more afraid of him, no matter how much of a cowardly excuse for a vampire Othello was.
The headlights of the car were the only light for miles when he pulled up in front of the old and run-down building. He considered for a moment that his GPS had directed him to a place that had been closed for years due to the state that the building was in. Still, he’d driven all this way. It was better to try at least.
He knocked on the door, only for it to swing inward automatically due to the force of his knock. So much for safety precautions and security. He glanced around quickly. Empty coffins lay across every inch of the shop. Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust and there were cobwebs everywhere. Yet, the scent of embalming fluids and candles hung thickly in the air. The place was certainly active and open, yet whoever had purchased ownership clearly hadn’t decided to fix it up.
“Erm, excuse me? Sorry to bother you so late at night, but I have a.. delivery.” Only silence greeted him. “Um, is anyone here?”
“Hehe, a delivery? What a surprise~ I don’t get too many of those.” A face peered at him from within one of the coffins. Othello stood unshaken, despite the fact that every part of his body was screaming at him to get the hell out of there and never come back.
“Y-Yes, sir. My name is O-Othello of London’s main forensics branch.” Okay, that’s creepy.
“Othello, hm? You may call me the Undertaker~” The man finally moved the coffin lid aside and stepped out to greet Othello. He was dressed in all black, with a gray sash tied across one shoulder and a chain of golden lockets around his waist. His hair was long and silver and the bangs hung over his eyes, obscuring most of his scarred face. When the man held his hand out in greeting, the long sleeve fell back Othello noticed his nails were long and painted black. Othello concluded on first impression that he was certainly a man worthy of the title of “Undertaker”.
Hesitantly, Othello stepped forward. The Undertaker shook his hand firmly with a wide grin before letting go and stepping aside. With no further words exchanged, he nodded towards the doorway, his expression one which almost resembled a kid watching their parent buy them candy.
Othello went outside to the back of the van and retrieved the body. As soon as he had wheeled it through the door, the Undertaker tore off the cover. Othello expected to see the same childlike expression, however, the man’s entire attitude suddenly changed upon seeing the actual body. He became serious and focused as he peered closer. The energy in the air seemed to have grown suddenly tense and Othello fidgeted uncomfortably. The Undertaker ran a long nail across the multiple puncture wounds on the neck and shoulders, and down across the scratches on the victim’s face. He removed the cover further, revealing the mutilated chest of the victim which had since been sewn up to prevent anything from falling apart due to the extent of the damage. The fact that most of the Undertaker’s face was obscured by the long grey hair left his expressions unreadable, but his focus was clear.
“It was.. concluded as a wild animal attack.” Othello stated in hopes to break the tension. The Undertaker’s head snapped up and Othello jumped backwards slightly. Even though the Undertaker’s eyes were covered, he could feel the intensity of the man’s gaze on him.
“Is that so?” His tone was deeper and unwavering. It was not so much an actual question as it was an accusation. “Did anyone see this ‘wild animal’?” It was as if he were implying he knew more. Othello’s hand moved to begin clicking at the pen hanging from his pocket out of nerves and he hoped it wasn’t obvious to the man how uncomfortable he had become.
“N-no. The body was discovered much later.” Othello went along with the details he’d been told. That part was not a lie, the murderous vampire had likely fled long before the gruesome scene was discovered.
The Undertaker clicked his tongue as if in thought and replaced the cover back over the body. His entire body language seemed to change in that moment and the tension in the air was seemingly released.
“Well, I will be sure to pretty her up~” The Undertaker had taken on the same friendly tone from earlier. “You know, I’m not quite a fan of formalities. You don’t have to be all business.” He added with a slight smile.
Othello stared for a moment, surprised at the sudden change in mood, before he jumped to attention. “Oh! I’m sorry, I just thought—”
“Hehe, you intrigue me~ You seem as if you always have more behind your words than what you imply.”
“I could say the same for you.”
The Undertaker clicked his tongue again, yet a genuine-looking smile followed and Othello was able to relax a bit, though not entirely yet.
The man’s strange reaction to the condition of the body still seemed suspicious. He could be aware of vampires’ existence, so there was still reason to be weary. Or perhaps the Undertaker was a vampire himself. Though that seemed unlikely, what vampire lives near a church? It was common knowledge that vampires burn up after contact with anything of holy form. They were classified as demons, after all. Othello wouldn't dare go near such things either for fear that being half-vampire may still allow holy items to have an effect on him, thought it would likely not kill him like it would a normal vampire.
Othello realized he’d become lost in silent thought again and snapped himself out of it. The Undertaker had moved to lean casually against a coffin and was smiling at him with an amused expression.
Dammit, what a smug asshole. Why didn’t he say anything? Othello’s mind grumbled. Does he find me amusing and intriguing?
“Indeed I do now.” The Undertaker chuckled and Othello felt his ears burn in embarrassment when he realized he’d been mumbling those last thoughts out loud.
The soft and barley noticeable dawn light beginning to filter through the holes in the curtained windows of the room halted Othello’s reply.
“Early morning hours now, hm?”
The yawn from Othello that followed that statement seemed to convey a point to the Undertaker, who crossed to the other side of the room quickly and began rummaging among the shelves. He pulled out a jar that looked quite like an urn and retrieved a large bone-shaped cookie from it.
“I must say, I do enjoy your presence very much. Visit again sometime, won’t you? I want to see if you are as good with words as you are with your thoughts. Here’s a parting gift, if you may.”
He waved the cookie in Othello’s face and the latter gladly took it. Under normal circumstances, Othello would’ve been weary accepting food from random people, especially an old dog biscuit-looking cookie from out of an urn. However, he could use the sugar to keep him awake for long enough to drop off the van and get home.
He took a bite. Gingerbread? It was actually very delicious. He smiled fully for the first time since arriving there.
“Did you make these?” His eyes took on their usual bright and mischievous glint. “I guess I will have to come back.”
The Undertaker laughed again, popping one of the cookies into his own mouth as he gave a little wave of dismissal.
Othello crossed to the door before pausing in the doorway to turn and give the other man a light smile. “Until next time, my mysterious friend.”
The door then shut with a click, forcing a cold morning draft into the air of the shop.
Adrian watched as the young man’s van sped away down the dirt road and back towards the city. He replaced the cookie jar back on its shelf as he finally let go of his masked emotions and let his face take on an expression of surprise and interest. Brushing his hair out of his eyes, he smirked.
So Othello isn’t a vampire.
No vampire can eat normal human food without becoming terribly sick and weakened. Adrian’s rings were also made from silver, and a handshake with a vampire would have burned them to ashes. Of course, Othello’s features were not vampire-like at all, yet one could never be so sure with the methods those creatures used these days.
Oh he would most certainly love to have such an amusing fellow back in his shop, especially after his little test results.
“I’ll be expecting to see you again, Othello~”
Undertaker is no idiot, he just hasn’t seen a half-vampire before~
And again, I have no clue how forensics works. Please feel free to correct me. Also feel free to correct me on any typos or mistakes too.
I don’t want to promise an update schedule because I suck at deadlines, so I will update whenever ready (usually at least once a month). I can guarantee that I will be finishing this, though!
And please let me know what you think of the story! ^ ^
See you next chapter~
Chapter 2: A Strange Little Group
As promised, another chapter!
This is mostly an introduction to the vampire hunters. I hope I did a good enough job explaining their “situation”.
Also! Quickie thing I forgot to mention last chapter: Undertaker is in no way related to the Phantomhives in this verse. Everyone who isn’t a vampire is perfectly human and this is set in modern times, so stuff like that wouldn’t work ;v;
Anyways, enjoy~!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
When Adrian left for work that following morning, that curious little forensic scientist was still on his mind. Such an odd fellow was certainly a source of entertainment he would want to always have near him. Especially since the majority of his co-workers were boring and negative. Always too focused on their job, the lot of them.
Now, when Adrian would say “left for work”, he truly meant just walking across the road from his convenient little funeral shop to the tiny church that rested on the low-laying hill just in front of it.
Indeed, that tiny church was the Vampire Hunters of London’s headquarters.
Of course, it wasn’t a permanent location. The Vampire Hunters of London had resided in a huge old church just outside the city for decades, however, they had been discovered and invaded merley months ago and were forced to move. The church was Adrian’s idea, as it had been sitting there abandoned when he’d first occupied the also abandoned funeral home and begun work.
He knocked eight times and the large wooden door creaked open slightly. The face of Ran-Mao greeted him, her sharp eyes looking him over. She nodded, opening the door wider to let him in.
The stale musty air smelt slightly of some form of drug. A scent which always seemed to be signature to a specific person.
“Always the first one in here, aren’t you?” Lau sat at a pew in the far right corner near the front, legs propped up in front of him as a thin trail of smoke swirled up from whatever horrid cigar he was holding. The smoke wafted upward, disappearing into the beams of morning light that streamed through the windows and creating a haze near the roof.
“I live across the street, of course I am.” Adrian answered him. He wouldn't dare ask how the drug-smoking man and his accomplice always seem to find their way there ahead of him without any evidence of travel. The pair were odd and mysterious and Adrian knew well when when such things were not the type to be questioned.
“The windows don’t open, you know.” He grumbled. That damn smell will soak into the walls.
His only response was a shrug from Lau as the man blew another puff of smoke.
At least he doesn’t have the hookah with him. Adrian sighed as he made his way over to the front of the church. Where a podium would have been lay a tattered rug with all sorts of weapons and ammo which Ran-Mao had apparently recently set out in the few moments it took him to talk with Lau. How curious, he hadn’t even felt her presence pass him on her way from one end of the church to the other.
He knelt down beside her as she picked up a double-edged dagger and a piece of sandpaper and began to sharpen and clean it. His eyes traveled over the pile. Hm? Where was it?
“Your scythe is over there.” Ran-Mao commented, nodding towards the wall to the right of them.
Indeed, there it was in all its glory. His huge, scythe-like weapon, sharpened edges gleaming brightly in the morning light. It was decorated with the upper half of a skeleton wearing a crown of thorns that clung to a long and slightly curved handle. It was customized to his idea of absolute perfection. With a wild grin, he crossed over to it and began to run the tips of his nails across the blade.
“Ugh. Would you stop caressing that thing?” An irritated voice echoed through the church.
Adrian paused, turning slowly to see Ciel Phantomhive as the boy scowled at him from the partially open doorway. His grin dropped to a frown.
“You didn’t knock.” He blinked.
“Do I really need to?” The boy stared blankly.
“It’s for security, yes it is!” Came the awkward voice of Mey-Rin as she appeared behind him in the doorway, followed by Finnian and then Bardroy. The latter was holding a large rucksack over his shoulder and Adrian sincerely hoped the bag wasn’t full of the man’s favorite ammo, explosives.
The group entered, finding seats in random places throughout the pews.
“This is a church. Do you think those demons can enter of their own free will?” Ciel was still loudly grumbling across the room at Adrian.
“Yours can.” The man commented back as the door finally closed and a final person set foot inside. The man in question was dressed in all black, equally dark locks of hair falling into his face. His eyes were a bright reddish-pink hue with cat-like pupils that narrowed to adjust to the lighting. He smiled, revealing sharp fangs, and bowed in greeting. A necklace of rosary complete with a cross charm swung from around his neck.
“Sebastian has special permission and you know that.” Ciel said. “He was hired by my father to protect me, remember?”
“Indeed.” Sebastian nodded. He held eye contact with Adrian, those vibrant eyes shimmered dangerously. “And all of you here know that if I were to harm the young master in any way, you have full permission to kill me as I stand.”
“And I should just kill you as you stand right now!” A loud feminine voice screeched. The door swung open, nearly smacking Sebastian across the back where he stood. Francis Midford stood in the wide-open doorway, the blade of a long sword held steady against the vampire’s shoulder blades. Sebastian blinked in surprise, clearly not daring to turn around. The formality and mysterious air he had kept was quickly lost.
“You bloody bastard.” The woman hissed. “I arrived here close behind you and Ciel. How dare you call yourself a proper man when you don’t even hold the door open for a lady!”
The look of genuine terror on the vampire’s face was enough to send Adrian rolling on the floor laughing. This wondrously serious bunch of ragtag hunters never failed to make him laugh.
“Oh, stop laughing you old creep.” Ciel rolled his eyes.
“And you, Ciel. Watch how you address your superiors!” Francis had quickly switched from ‘pissed off lady’ to ‘annoyed aunt’ in seconds.
Oh, indeed, Adrian recalled as he attempted to calm his fit of giggles. Francis Midford was Ciel Phantomhive’s aunt.
The boy’s father, Vincent Phantomhive had been one of the more brighter and joking personalities in the workplace, much like Adrian. Vincent had likely even been the only person Adrian could consider a true friend. However, the Phantomhives were well known vampire hunters and their legacy was not well hidden. Approximately 4 years ago, someone, likely vampire, tracked down the Phantomhives and killed the entire family. Apparently all but the older son, Ciel, who made it out alive with the help of a vampire betraying its own kind. The boy claimed his father had told the vampire to do so, but Adrian knew that was a lie. Vincent had hated vampires with a passion, he would never do such a thing. In fact, Ciel Phantomhive was surrounded by many obvious lies. Adrian had spoken briefly with Francis about this matter before and she had confirmed to have suspicions as well. Though her dislike of Sebastian likely just came from her overall dislike of vampires… and Sebastian’s hairstyle apparently.
The hunters had been a much bigger group too, a whole society. But after the attack on their main base months ago, many had been killed or fled out of fear. The only ones who remained were those whose entire life revolved around the job of a vampire hunter, the few who found it impossible to abandon such a lifestyle.
Or, of course, those who have a purpose to seek. He thought, with a glance at the Phantomhive boy.
The boy claimed to be taking on the job to seek revenge for his family, and most of all, his little brother. Adrian scoffed. As Adrian’s thoughts returned to the present, he became aware of a distinct chatter among the others that echoed throughout the room. Ran-Mao and Mey-Rin sorted the weapons Bardroy had just added to the pile from his bag. Sebastian looked to be caught in awkward conversation with Lau, who seemed to be paying more attention to Ciel and Francis - who were bickering loudly, - than the vampire in front of him.
Adrian smiled softly. They may not be very normal people, but they certainly all knew how to do their job properly. He almost let his mind drift again before there was a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Ran-Mao who nodded in the direction of Lau. The man had finally put down his cigar and was standing upright on the pew.
“... and as I discovered recently,” He was saying, “There has been a shocking increase in murders committed by vampires!”
“We’ve known that for months.” Francis grumbled into a facepalm.
“..But! There’s a catch~” Lau continued. “All of these murders have been committed by the same two vampires.” His eyes flashed menacingly for a second and he gave a sly smirk.
“And what proof do you have of that?” Ciel raised an eyebrow. “We don’t know anyone who could help verify such a thing.”
“I trust my instincts, of course.” Lau said blankly.
The occupants of the room collectively groaned.
“..Er… Who’s ready to do some hunting!” Bardroy yelled, successfully lightening the mood as everyone would always leap at such an opportunity. Weapons were gathered as the group began to set up. Adrian remained against the wall, leaning next to his scythe.
“If only there was someone who could prove such a thing… hehehe.” Adrian muttered lowly to himself, his grin growing wider by the second. “Someone in forensics, perhaps~?” He whispered as his eyes glimmered from beneath long grey bangs of hair.
Someone who seems like the type to take the news of vampires’ existence with excitement and curiosity more than fear.
Oh how perfect. How perfect indeed.
He had someone he needed to find.
The groups parted ways in their usual pairings. Ciel and Sebastian were dropped off in front of the London Eye, just across the river from the palace. Sebastian stood in a casual button-down jacket that covered his formal outfit, his vampire eyes covered by the colored eye contacts he wore.
Ciel stared up at the Ferris wheel-like structure with a confused expression.
“This is such a touristy spot, are we sure this is the right place, or do they just want to get rid of us faster? ... Sebastian..? Are you listening?”
The vampire was staring in a certain direction, eyes narrowed.
Just then, a horrible scream echoed through the area.
..I love torturing Sebastian.
And in case anyone is wondering (probably not, I just feel like overclarifying everything haha) whenever I write a scene that’s in a specific place in the city, I always choose the area near London Eye or by the palace since that’s the only place in London I remember clearly enough to envision while I write.
Again, feel free to point out any typos or mistakes!
Oop. If anything looks wierd, idk how Ao3 works yet. I’m still getting used to it. Sorrry sorry.
See you next chapter~!
Chapter 3: A Curious Case
Was having a ton of complications with inaccurate info and storytelling order when writing this chapter, so I apologize if it sounds a little weird and rushed.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
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tangodancer91 · 7 years ago
Beholder (Klance Outsider POV Fanfic Snippet)
A lot of you have asked if I plan to continue my Outsider POV series A Flower in Adversity. The short answer is yes, I do, absolutely. The long answer is that I’ve been struggling like you wouldn’t believe with my next concept, which is that Earth slowly becomes aware of what’s going on out there, and accidentally manages to hack into Rover 2.0 and therefore get snippets of the Paladins’ life out in space. 
Since you’ve all been waiting so patiently, I thought I’d share a snippet of my latest attempt. Please keep in mind that it will most likely undergo heavy editing, but the basic concept is that the POV is Iverson’s again, that Lance’s family definitely will have a part in this, and that Klance are my main OTP (although Keitor comes a close second, but I digress). 
Whatever had changed and made the broadcasts public —there had been no leak on their side, surprisingly enough, made them no less erratic than before. They would happen in the middle of the day, early in the morning, in the deadest of night… There was no way to predict them. But it so happened that Iverson was visiting the McClain family for their monthly information dump, as they’d taken to calling it, when the TV turned on all on its own, drawing everybody’s attention to the screen.
It didn’t take long for Iverson’s stomach to plummet, even as the family around him gasped in abject horror. It was McClain again, but this time and unlike most of the others, he was actually in action. His surroundings were bathed in flashing purple light, and he held a bulky rifle as he ran, blood running down his temple. He kept calling out on his coms, but no answer came, and there was nothing but a grim sort of understanding on his face when he reached a room filled with elaborate consoles with no exit in sight but the stars beyond transparent walls.
On screen, McClain exhaled.  “Mierda.”
The flashing lights enhanced the sharp planes of his face, the harsh pinch of his mouth as he visibly hardened himself and turned around, gun at the ready. One of the pursuing aliens barked something in that grating language of theirs, only for McClain to raise his rifle and fire in response. More gasps echoed around Iverson as the Galra went down with a thud, a smoking burn right smack between the eyes, but McClain didn’t stop, didn’t even glance at the body.
Iverson was glad he didn’t. This was war, and they had no time to dwell on the lives lost, especially not when those killed would have shot them without a second thought. McClain knew it, too. He was already firing, his features the picture of concentration as he shot while occasionally ducking.
But it couldn’t last, Iverson knew. It couldn’t, because there was nowhere to go. And the chances that McClain would manage to shoot down the entire group without getting hit himself and before backup arrived were painfully slim. Not to say inexistant. No doubt they had already called for reinforcements.
A loud curse tore him from his thoughts. McClain crashed backwards into a console, blood already running through the fingers he’d pressed against his bleeding abdomen. Edelira keened even as his head smacked into the hard edge of a panel, a harsh grunt escaping his lips. His rifle clattered to the floor. On Earth, McClain’s family drew closer together. Most of them were sobbing openly, begging whoever deigned to listen to save their child, their brother, their cousin, their nephew.
Already, the Galra were standing on top of him, rifles pointed at his fallen form and a smug grin on the leader’s purple lips. He kicked at McClain, relishing in the choked scream he let out as his wound was jostled. His eyes were going hazy, Iverson didn’t want to point out aloud. Concussion. With that and his wound, the chances he’d get out of this alive had dropped from slim to zero, but he resisted the urge to turn around and close his eyes.
For all the dressing-downs he’d given the boy, McClain had been one of his and would always be so. He’d been fighting an interplanetary war for years, had bled and suffered for them, and was about to give his life for a cause that mattered to the entire universe. He deserved respect, and Iverson wouldn’t insult his sacrifice by looking away.
And that’s when he saw it. A dark shape, crawling its way into the room on the ceiling. And he couldn’t be sure because the patterns had been dimmed for more stealth, but Iverson could have sworn that this was the uniform of the Blade of Marmora, and something unfurled in his chest.  
“Mom, mom, look!” One of the McClain brood shouted, her voice shrill with impossible hope.
The atmosphere filled with broken anticipation, the frailty of a hope that could be severed at any moment. What if this was unrelated? What if it was merely a strange Galra creature? What if it was a scavenger drawn by upcoming death? What if, what if?
But McClain had seen it, too. His eyes flickered ever so slightly to the shape on the ceiling, and then back to the gloating Galra. And then, without a word, his lips stretched into a red grin, feral and wild, and the form dropped. McClain launched himself across the room and towards his rifle, firing even as something flashed and the Galra leader’s head rolled onto the floor with a thud that went almost unheard in the sudden cacophony of screams and laserfire.
As suddenly as it had started, it was over, and there was only McClain, panting on the floor in a pool of his own blood, and the Marmorite standing tall in a sea of maimed bodies.
“Took you long enough,” McClain groaned.
I have this headcanon that Keith crawls along the ceiling in his BoM suit and loves to drop down onto his prey like some sort of very sexy spider. Sue me.
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anactualhyena · 8 years ago
Answer literally all the OC questions pls
1. Your first OC ever?
That would be Seren! She started out as my Warriors OC in sixth grade - Dragonclaw, a neon green, red, and orange cat with spike collars and bat wings. I called her the leader of Blood Clan and made her Scourge’s mate and oh lord it was a nightmare. She’s gone through a lot of redesigning through the years and now she has a feral cat form and a human form? As a cat she’s like a partially albino Norwegian forest cat with moss growing on her back and bits of fur matted with blood and an old torn dog collar she probably found on the streets and thought looked cool. As a human, she’s a muscular tribal woman bearing a large spear of sorts and clothing made from torn fabric and a tiger pelt. I like her human rendition a lot better tbh.

2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?

3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
I have! One of my old cat characters, Mandy, was a black cat with rainbow accents that I adopted years ago on DeviantART for like 5 points. Then my friend gave me her old Hetalia OC…I believe it was D.C.? As in Washington D.C.? But I don’t use my Hetalia characters anymore now that I left the fandom.

4. A character you rarely talk about?
That would definitely be Flint. Flint is a steampunk pirate character made for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign I had with a couple buddies last year. I’ve hardly talked about him at all but I love him too.

5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Iagan!!! Iagan is my little ball of fluff and happiness that would love to brighten anyone’s day. Plus I’m pretty sure he’s the most likely of all my OCs to become popular if any of them did.

6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
YES. Flint and Feuhorbe (as a human) look a lot alike because Flint’s design was based off of Feuhorbe’s. The difference between them is that Flint is thicker than Feuhorbe and their hair, eye, and skin colors are different. That and Flint has scars and is more Spanish-based whereas Feuhorbe has vitiligo and is Brazilian.

7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Well…Iagan is (and I cringe when I say this) an Undertale OC, and Rev is a part of a story/universe that Griffin created. Carlisle and Vincent used to follow this sort of post-apocalyptic storyline I had going for an RPG my buddy Roman was making, but the idea got scrapped and I kept the characters, so now they aren’t exactly a part of anything. And then…there’s my old Hetalia OCs…Riccione (originally Sparta), Toronto, and D.C.

8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I don’t actually RP as my characters anymore, but I used to RP with Riccione all the time in middle school. She’s a chubby professional dancer who runs a night club in Italy and maybe plays the violin? I can hardly remember.

9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I mean, their old designs? Absolutely. I’m slowly selling those on my DeviantART - mostly ones I don’t use anymore, like Warriors cats and my old fursona and a few others.

10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
FEUHORBE MY LORD. He’s actually not that complicated, but his vitiligo can be difficult to draw and as a furry, he’s a horse piñata whose colors follow a specific pattern based on an actual piñata I stole from one of my friends in the dorm room across from mine after their birthday. But there’s also Zane, a genderless dog dragon demon thing that someone gifted me as an avatar on the website Whirled, who I turned into my own character. I’m not sure if they were originally someone else’s OC that was given away or what, but I can’t find any other pictures of them or their species anywhere, so I’m keeping them as my own until further notice. Their design features horns and blue to black gradients and wings with holes in them and various scars.

11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
IAGAN!!! I can’t explain it enough, he’s literally a ray of sunshine.

12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot.
Oh man…there are these animators on youtube who I watch all the time and I’m in love with their characters/fursonas. There’s Mystery, who belongs to Sleepykinq, Puppers(?), who belongs to kittydog, and Yagi, who belongs to Scotch.

13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Sonni is my little troublemaker. He’s a jokester and also a Dungeons and Dragons character, and his only purpose is to mess with my buddy’s characters and mess up their quests.

14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Carlisle had his arm blown off in an explosion, which also claimed his vision, but Vincent was able to build him a robotic prosthetic arm and these special goggles with LEDs that allow him to see again. That’s as tragic as it gets, really.

15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
I do! But I rather people ask me about my characters because if people don’t show initial interest, I just think I’m annoying them. A lot of times, that’s how I further develop or redesign my characters.

16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
That would have to be…Seren and Roc, honestly. Because they are “”“warriors,”“” they know things like how the body reacts to certain toxins and which vital organ, if impaled, causes the most suffering before death. But that’s more like anatomy.

17. Any OC OTPs?

18. Any OC crackships?
I high key ship Iagan with Scotch’s character Yagi? I have no real reasoning behind it. But that’s about it.

19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Geez…that’s kinda hard to pick. I’d probably have to say Donovan, because I’ve projected a lot of my own traits and issues onto him (being a trans guy, having depression, letting him to do all kinds of things I wanted to do but couldn’t, etc.) and he helped me cope with a lot of shit until I just relied on my persona and let Donny have his own life.

20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Axwell actually was a choir kid growing up and can sing pretty dang well. My headcanon for his voice would be some sort of mix between Brendon Urie and David Bowie’s voices? His taste in music actually heavily varies and he doesn’t have a set favorite genre or anything - just anything with vocals. Feuhorbe love to hear him sing.
Iagan can kinda sing as well? He’s partially based off of a Samoyed, which are known as singing dogs, but it’s not one of his prominent talents. Although he can freely manipulate the sound of his voice as he pleases, his standard voice is that of JonTron’s. He’ll sing and listen to everything upbeat and cheerful.

21. Your most artistic OC
That would be Piper. Piper is a male Lolita, a ferret, sounds like cr1tikal, and is about four feet and ten inches tall. He does a lot of art, mostly of Lolita fashion and mainly uses watercolor paint.

22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
No one mischaracterizes my OCs because they aren’t popular enough for other people to even notice.

23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Since I already talked about Seren, I’ll talk about Carlisle. He started out as my original fursona, which was a generic twinky fox with long ears and black circles around his eyes and a MLP jacket. Then he was a feral fox that became my mascot? Now he’s my bara babe (other than Vincent) and had his metal arm and LED goggles And a way better color scheme.

24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
I would absolutely love to meet either Iagan or Feuhorbe because I know I would have a really great time with either of them???? Hanging out with either of them would literally make me 10 times happier.

25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
That would have to be Donovan. He’s only two inches shorter than me (not counting his ears), about 10 pounds heavier than me, huge into music, and a trans guy.

26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Nope. I made all changes to my characters freely.

27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
No, but I do like to think of what my characters’ theme songs would be. I’m still making that list.

28. Your most dangerous OC?

29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
That would probably be Feuhorbe and Sonni. In it for the adventure but will not tell anyone specifically to potentially cause trouble.

30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
I would say Iagan, but it wouldn’t be a secret. So I’d have to say either Skyler (a dragon character of mine) or Carlisle.

31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Piper would try to run a pastel aesthetic blog but it’d be riddled with too many memes and shitposts and videos of him just saying and doing stupid shit.

32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Alcatraz. He’s a lawyer but has a huge secret passion for ghosts and ghost hunting and all things paranormal, so he’d fit right into a game revolving around those things.

33. Your shyest OC?
Lukas! Lukas is a small quetzal that’s big into Harajuku fashion and he is the shyest little guy alive. But he’d probably get along well with Piper.

34. Do you have any twin characters?

35. Any sibling characters?
Yes!!! Donovan, Carlisle, and Alcatraz are my three fox brothers. Donny is the youngest and Alcatraz is the oldest.

36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
Yes! But they’re only with my boyfriend because I haven’t found anyone else who wants to ship their characters with mine.

37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
I mean,,,the only set human characters I have are Flint and Axwell and my Hetalia characters, unless you count the human designs for my furry and feral characters. None of them are really a mix and could be considered not quite human except for Sonni, who is the most humanlike out of my non human OCs. He’s very lanky and appears malnourished and has three eyes and is covered in short, dark hair/fur. He has a short stubby tail and tall “ears” and has six arachnid-like appendages protruding from his back that he can crawl on.

38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
That would be Riccione and Donovan, who are actually dancers! Riccione is a professional dancer, whereas Donovan shuffles and such as a hobby.

39. Introduce any character you want
Bow Echo is a griffin that’s a mix between a bobcat and a peregrine falcon. She can fly super fast and I need to develop her more.

40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
A few people have! They’re on my ArtFight profile under Defenses!

42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
That would be Rev. The universe he’s from revolves around many entities similar to those found in Greek and Roman mythology, with him being basically the embodiment of the Ragnarök.

43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Ok…I love making them around six feet tall or taller and giving them facial hair and choppy short hair that can be pulled back in low ponytails. But I’m trying to stop that and make them more diverse.

44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They all represent different aspects of my personality and I make really deep connections with them because of that.

45. A character you no longer use?
Jacobi. He’s just some Scottish guy that wears flannels. I’m selling him on DeviantART eventually.

46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Nah. It’s mostly anons that tell me things about my OCs, like how they look like internet cancer. Not that I mind, I mean, come on. They all look like hell lmao

47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
I think? When I first joined the Osomatsu-San Network, one of the first things I did was talk about my OCs with some other the other members. One might’ve claimed Iagan or someone else, I can’t really remember.

48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
IAGAN!!!! And also Lukas!!

49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
That would be Piper, Sonni, Donovan, Feuhorbe, and Iagan.

50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Uh…I think I’ve talked about literally everything I can think of off the top of my head. Feel free to message me though if you want to talk about OCs!
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hoffmans-hoffman · 3 years ago
Jason: Jar...
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hoffmans-hoffman · 3 years ago
Pov: Your taking a Taxi ride with Jarod and Jason, your stuck have to to listen to Jason's headphone music
Jason is a asleep you kinda think he's dead because he's stopped snoring and Jarod is just vibing as the drive
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hoffmans-hoffman · 3 years ago
Jason everytime he pisses Jarod off by calling him Jar:
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hoffmans-hoffman · 3 years ago
Jason, showering:
Jarod, throwing the curtain open: Stop screaming
Jarod: You going t- stop yelling at me
Jason, throws a bottle of shampoo at Jarod:
Jarod: You are impossible
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hoffmans-hoffman · 3 years ago
Dear Old Friend,
Your waking up and I'm gone, I'm sorry but I have business to take care of. Father Tommy Green has my daughter! He knows where she is, if she is one of those no good...I don't even want to think about it..but if I can get her out...this doesn't have to end like...her
I don't know if you will ever want to see me again but...I love you and please for God sake stay safe
- J.K
P.s don't come looking for me
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hoffmans-hoffman · 3 years ago
His head rested on the other's chest as he had his eyes closed listening to the other breathing calmly...the other had his arms wrapped around him “I wish..." He started but stopped quickly "...What do you wish Jason?" "I don't know..." Jason mumbles looking up at Jarod and then laid his head back down "Well...I won't get angry...." "You said that to the kid in the car...and then they said they didn't like dinosaurs" "I'm going...to stop you there...If you don't like dinosaurs...there is something suspicious about you" Jarod mumbles lighting a cigarette "Okay...I just wish...we..." He exhales "Here let me say it like this, our anger is bad" "That's why we warn people" Jarod reminds Jason "I wish our anger wasn't so bad..." "Agreed, now go back to bed..."
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hoffmans-hoffman · 3 years ago
Me: Kiss or stab each other damn
Also me writes a story where Jarod shoots Jason and Jason stabs Jarod...and they literally continue on their marry little murdering way like nothing happened
Me: that fucking escalated
@distractedflying ...please send help...
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hoffmans-hoffman · 3 years ago
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Murder is the question, and the answer is yes!: A feral tall boys playlist pt 1
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