no-shxme · 1 month
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finally doodled the joke ive been sitting on: sett and talon going to an art museum. (its supposed to be blue monochrome, by yves klein)
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megacharicific · 1 month
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meme redraw while i test brushes. going kinda crazy over this ship
based on this
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tharayya · 21 days
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Wholesome TalSett art I did in a while back ♥
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no-shxme · 2 months
i think talons such a bad cook i dont talk about it enough. i can vary some details depending on the au but i think he's a terrible cook in all of them. i think in canon he just never did it and only scrounged food that was already made. (hunks of bread or cheese, etc) or whatever, and in the du couteau house he's also not cooking and basically he only ends up knowing how to burn things to a comical degree.
i think setts a good cook so maybe he'd regulate talon to chopping duty or smth just to include him. doesn't let him near the heat though. his talents lie elsewhere.
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no-shxme · 23 days
the talsett size difference means that sometimes sett can just confiscate talon like no we're gonna go lay in bed now and there's nothing you can do about it short of stabbing me. talon is not immune to being randomly picked up. sett is also not immune to having his ears pulled but sometimes that's the price we pay.
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no-shxme · 24 days
doodled my silly greek mythology au premise which consists of "aromantic cupid" vs "the one time he missed"
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extra notes i guess:
talon isnt actually cupid (or: eros) he just works for him.
sett is a mortal. talon's not. everyone talon works with is very embarrassed for him.
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no-shxme · 1 month
there's this one talsett premise i drabbled a lot in private and i still think about it bc its so fun. i'm gonna ramble about it at length under the cut bc... idk... its basically the full summary.
the basic premise was canon runeterra where sett learns about some sorta magical artifact from some dude at the pit that grants a wish. apparently its somewhere deep in the ixtali jungle. sett hates how sad his ma is about his pa leaving, so he decides to make a trip over to wish her pain away.
so he makes the trip over and gets pretty immediately captured by demacian soldiers that are camped out at the start of the jungle (south of piltover) for some reason.. sett doesn't get it, but either way he's interrogated bc demacians are going after this artifact too apparently, (it only becomes available once ever xyz years or smth, some sort of time crunch.) the demacians are led by lux's aunt, tianna crownguard, but sett doesn't know who any of these people are ofc. one of sett's arms is locked in a petricite handcuff and the other end is locked to another captive's arm. and of course it's talon.
talon has been sent to retrieve the artifact on his own, after failing another one of the general's errands. he also got captured (bc really who would expect a bunch of demacians all the way out here) and has tried and failed to escape twice now. then because sett's so big and hard to miss, they're handcuffed together to be each other's ball and chain. sett hates noxians, talon likes personal space, and they both want the same thing. this will be a problem.
they do escape with the help of sett's strength and talon's ability to lockpick doors one-handed and thus begins a mad scramble into the jungle, running from wild animals, demacian soldiers, and other hazards.
problems they encounter include:
the fact that petricite is notoriously impervious, and neither of them can get their cuff off short of cutting off somone's arm. (talon isn't opposed to this.)
the fact that talon can't MAKE sett go anywhere, even at knifepoint, because he dwarfs him in size, weight, and strength. But Sett can drag him wherever he wants, through tall grasses and uphill.
speaking of which, sett drags talon through a river at the end of day 1 of being together, in which talon nearly drowns bc he can't keep up and afterwards that's pretty much talons limit where he has a panic attack bc he just NEEDS some level of control like this is a fucking nightmare. this is also the first time sett feels pity for him.
sett and talon learning to compromise in some ways (also known as talon climbing a tree and hanging on until sett caves to his demands. (his arm is sore.) sett learns that talon has been assigned to steal the artifact on his own, which seems kinda crazy for one lil guy, and sett explains his own reason for finding it. he thinks that his reason is clearly 10x more just and noble but talon's not responsive and it pisses sett off.
they encounter random other champs. kayn (with scythe rhaast) are also looking for the wish, but they part ways more amicably. they also meet neeko just tooling around having a grand time.
sett asks neeko to transform into talon and she does, and then he asks her to smile and is immediately weirded out bc 'talon' smiling like that looks unnatural lol.
talon slowly reveals more information about his father and sett decides he sounds like a fucking asshole.
sett getting ticks on his ears that talon has to cut out bc he's freaking out.
sett carrying talon like a bag of sand over his shoulder.
eventually they reach qiyana's kingdom and i honestly can't remember why they get to live but they do, and they FINALLY get their shackles removed and also a bath. by now they've gotten pretty good at working together, though the problem of who gets the wish boils over. sett gets pissed off bc talon still wont concede the fact that he should totally get the wish for his ma. talon is still adamant that he needs it, and sett tells him he's stupid cause his dad's an asshole and talon snaps that he knows that. and sett realizes that talon actually just wants the wish for himself because he sees it as the only way to 100% escape his abusive circumstances. his dad just sent him to the jungle after his latest failure, basically dooming him to a wild goose chase with no real chance of success.
there's a little backstabbery at the end. a race between talon and sett (now uncuffed), and kayn and the demacians. (tiana crownguard wants to wish her niece's magic away, since she'd discovered lux's secret and wants to do it for her own safety). at the very end sett tries to make a deal with talon to help him get away from his father but talon doesn't trust him and instead sticks him with some natural paralytic (doesn't kill him) and goes on without him. sett recovers quickly due to size and natural resilience. by the time he gets to the spot, high up in a perilous cliff-side he's basically in the thick of it. the ending conflict forces him to make a choice between saving talon from falling to his death even though he betrayed him, or getting his wish. and ofc he ends up saving talon. he's learned to empathize with him. kayn gets the wish (and rhaast gets his own body.) and sett ends up taking talon home anyway like he'd offered to, even though he betrayed him. demacians just lose lol.
that's basically the whole thing. my god this was long sorry. i decided not to write it bc i dreaded writing the environments and i knew itd be long, though i did write some scenes from it. i just love the premise of sett and talon handcuffed together so bad. if i ever have the chance to sneak it into another fic i totally will.
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no-shxme · 5 days
unable to sleep over the fact that talon and sett are like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like OKAY LISTEN LIKE they're just SO FLIPPED. THEY'RE SO PARALLEL. THEY'RE SO PERPENDICULAR. sett was bullied into being a 'beast' and talon was bullied into being a man you dONT UNDERSTAND.
like AHHHHh like like like talon grew up like a dog on the streets doing whatever he had to and then was picked up and essentially forced to be marcus du couteau's new son. (because REALLY what would have happened if he said no? marcus would not have let him go.)
and meanwhile sett was nice and soft as a kid but literally hardened by what happened to him. go fight in the pit, yeah you're kinda an animal aren't you, yeah get called 'the beast boy bastard', that's your title now, and its all sett can do to just own it. they see him as an animal so sure he'll become one. and only on top is he able to reign in a bit and be a boss but he's still got that motif, he still owns it. sure he's a beast. it's on his brass knuckles, he doesn't care. both he and talon latch onto their respective new lives but the truth is still very real underneath.
and BECAUSE both of them went from rags to riches its such a unique pov of maybe both of them looking at each other and realizing how much more +++ they are. like sett sees a real wild animal in talon and talon sees that sett is somehow much more 'human' than he is. (omitting any talk of socialization/gender hc but that also applies)
ahhhhhhh im overcome.
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no-shxme · 1 month
i think its pretty funny to write setts pov of talsett just bc he's alloromantic and has active crushes. he holds his breath when talon sits next to him, he gets super red in the face, there's a lot of other extra feeling that he has access to, and its funny bc he wants like, the most unattainable man. i like the idea of sett getting this crush and at first he doesn't know why it even happened.
as a side note i also think sett talking to talon about their differences is so cute. like sett wanting to know how talon's feelings are different from his own, and in exchange describing what a crush feels like, and them both exploring what they don't really understand.
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no-shxme · 18 days
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my talsett fic summarized
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no-shxme · 3 months
i like the hc that sett doesn't have the greatest eyesight. not like, 'needs to wear glasses' bad but just 'would sometimes benefit from reading glasses' bad. purely cause wolverines aren't known for their eyesight. i think he's also not the greatest fan of heights for eyesight related reasons. on the other hand, talon is a fan of heights and this stresses sett out sometimes.
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no-shxme · 2 months
gRR I love thinking about cultural/language differences I love talon thinking that Sett's Noxian sounds so fucking weird, but also feeling weird about his Ionian. I love sett murmuring Ionian to talon sometimes, even though he doesn't understand, and them having different ideas of whats an ideal breakfast, or the right way to make a bed, or whether or not you should wear shoes indoors.
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no-shxme · 2 months
did a talsett req (YAYAYYAYAYY thanks for requesting talsett omg) as a warmup but it turned out pretty long afdkldsfj
prompt was talon introducing sett to katarina but i did kinda twist it into it's own thing, also set in a modern au. thank you for the insp!
In hindsight it’ll be funny, but for Talon that might take a couple years. Sett will laugh about it by next week, because he’s unbothered, but stuff that’s easy for him is hard for Talon. Like being the center of attention or reaching the top shelf where all the biggest bowls are. Talon’s sleeping when Katarina comes, or he’s trying to. He’s laying in bed when she shows up, half-awake and thinking about nothing but the sound of the frying pan from the kitchen. Talon had barely slept last night, and even now he’s close but not close enough. The room is too bright and everything is fuzzy, so he doesn’t pay much attention to anything except when Sett calls, “Hey—Tal—”
His tone is funny, Talon can’t tell exactly what it is. He sits up and scrubs the crust from his eyes.
Sett will describe, later, how he’d been cooking when she’d let herself into the apartment. She hadn’t knocked or rung the bell, since she has her own key. Sett’s ears barely had time to swivel before she was standing in the entryway, staring at him in his boxers.
“Who the fuck are you?” 
Talon’s thought about how he’d introduce Sett, but not seriously. Maybe Sett could just be his little secret that no one else has to know about. He’s not ashamed of him, Talon’s just bad at sharing. But none of his scenarios had involved Katarina suddenly finding out on her own, so when they’re all standing in the kitchen he has no idea what to say or what to do. Sett turns off the stove and waits there awkwardly with his pan.
“Talon—” Katarina says, and points at Sett. “Who’s this?”
Talon swallows thickly. His mouth is dry. “That’s Sett,” he says.
“Hey,” Sett offers carefully, waving the spatula. “Heard about you.”
“Talon—I’m—” Katarina seems genuinely flustered. She stomps over and grabs his wrist. “Let’s have a chat.”
She drags him back to the bedroom and shuts the door and Talon watches her survey the room in dismay, noticing how there’s two phones on the nightstand, and a few extra pairs of shoes scattered on the floor. Katarina’s smart, she turns around.
“Talon. What?” 
The question isn’t specific enough so Talon says nothing.
“Are you dating him?” Katarina asks.
Talon nods. Kind of.
Kat makes an unidentifiable noise. “How long have you been dating? You never told me?”
“Almost a year,” says Talon.
“I’m gonna strangle you,” Kat says. “Talon he’s—” she raises her hand far up above Talon’s head, as if measuring his height. “How?”
Talon frowns. “What.”
“Tal.” She spins in a circle. “Garen and I, we’re like, a match.”
He stares at her.
“Like visually,” she says. “It’s—I’m not calling you ugly, Tal, but—he’s—”
Talon looks down at his feet. He wishes she’d never shown up. He’s too tired for this. “But he wants me.”
“Is he rich? Are you sure he doesn’t want your money?” Kat hisses, exasperatedly.
He pushes her away. “Stop.”
“Talon, I’m worried about you.” She sighs, exasperated. 
“You don’t even know him,” Talon snaps.
“Oh I wonder why!” Kat throws her hands up. “I decide to visit my little brother and find a complete stranger in his underwear.” 
“He’s my boyfriend,” Talon snaps, out of spite. “Why are you here?”
“It’s your adoption day tomorrow, remember?” 
Talon blinks at her. He’d completely forgotten. “Oh,” he mutters.
“Everythin’ okay?” Sett asks, on the other side of the door. 
No, Talon thinks. My sister doesn’t trust my judgment. She doesn’t understand all the care Sett’s taught him, or the ringer that Talon put him through just to let Sett keep him.
“I wanna put on a shirt,” Sett adds, and Talon can picture the way his ears must be folded back.
He wrenches open the door and steps past Sett into the hall. Katarina stares at him, and Talon knows she must be comparing them, trying to fit them together like a puzzle, even though they never matched up to begin with. Sett and him are not typical. They don’t fit the same way others do.
“Listen bucko.” Katarina pokes Sett in the middle of his chest. “I don’t know what your deal is, but if you mess with him—” 
Sett is flat against the wall, looking down at her. “Uh-huh,” he says, and his gaze flickers to Talon’s and back.
“I’ll fucking gut you,” she threatens. “You’ll wish you were never born.”
“Uh—” Sett starts. “You sure you’re not related by blood?”
She pokes him one more time for emphasis and stalks past Talon down the hall. “Be ready tomorrow, Tal. You’ve got so much explaining to do.”
Sett’s ears twitch back when the front door slams.
After another minute Talon shuffles over to lean his forehead against Sett’s chest, and Sett pats his shoulder reassuringly.
“You slept yet?” he asks.
“No,” Talon mumbles. Sett cups his cheek and kind warmth bleeds from his palm. 
“Go lay down,” he reassures. “I’ll be there after I clean up.”
Talon gladly obeys. He curls back up under the blankets, letting his brain go fuzzy again. Maybe Kat’s just mad that Sett is taller than Garen. He’ll ask tomorrow. She doesn’t get it. She doesn’t have to.
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megacharicific · 28 days
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made a twitter account and immediately forgot to post things on here oops. i still like tumblr more though
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no-shxme · 4 days
I am thinking again of sett who doesn't understand how his ma can still have compassion for his pa, despite everything he put them through. he doesn't get her point of view. and then he meets talon and he sees himself slipping in real time for a Noxian who might very well abandon him just like his pa anandoned his ma.
and sett is scared but can't bring himself to stop it or stop caring about talon. and he can only try and change things before history repeats itself.
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megacharicific · 24 days
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so i was part of the lovely, lovely the blade's shadow zine, celebrating talon du couteau, which you can check out. and i've now posted the fics i wrote for it on ao3
sheath - a post-marcus death talon character study/background exploration
it hurts to belong - a setttalez fic about nightmares and fears, and a lot of cuddling
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