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koruga · 2 months ago
Number 6 for your oc questions?
6: Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
I reuse a lot of elements of my OC designs, and sometimes whole-cloth recreate them cross-fandom or in new projects. The first thing that comes to mind, though, is Xaphen (they/them) and Uriel (they/she) from my angel stories -- both of them are flame-based, and while their 'true' forms are relatively different-looking, their human guises ended up looking really similar, mainly due to my choice for their hair.
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They used to look even more similar, but I've defined their designs throughout the years -- this story is around a decade old, and my art's improved a lot since then.
For a somewhat sweeter answer, though, my OC Edith Truscott-Fanshawe (she/her) shares a lot of visual similarities with my friend @cadyllonflow's OC Solana Bradshaw (she/her), and they're both English as well, though from different parts of the country. As a result, Lana often ends up adopted (or at least accepted, if she's too old for adoption proceedings) into the Truscott-Fanshawe family, giving her the loving home she so deeply deserves!
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They're also both autistic, though they present very differently -- Edie's expression rarely changes, but she loves Lana with a ferocity unmatched.
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mongoose-bite · 2 months ago
OC game: 23, 41, 43
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Meet Dyce. Created for the skyrim kink meme, I just needed a slut to fill prompts with, whose only aim in life was to fuck and/or be fucked, but as I wrote him in more stories, as people started becoming his fans, he turned into a reluctant hero, a relationship anarchist who sincerely loved so many people even if it hurt, whose superpower was empathy rather than sex and who would move mountains to save someone.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
Yes! I'd rather not repost art, but the links should all be public.
Dyce undercover in a modern AU by Topsy.
Dyce and Topsy's own OC Ahz
And some more Dyce by Topsy.
It's not all Dyce. Sadly I can't remember what I tagged the art of Rath Topsy drew.
Urazai did an amazing job with Matthew Cromwell of Lightning Country.
Topsy drew Lalita from Seaboard beautifully too.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Uhhh...yes. >.> Morally ambiguous silver foxes (gender nonspecific.) Sometimes I wonder if it's becoming a problem.
Thank you for the questions!
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footlongdingledong · 2 years ago
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
answer already I👌feel like they would all be Very uninterested in me
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years ago
2, 24, and 27 for the OC ask! 💕
Yay finally my first one!
2. My favorite is definitely Monika! She's just so cute, and she's a lesbian, and she is shipped with Isabela! Plus her being mute makes her unique in a sense, since she can't talk I have to find other ways to make her express herself!
24. Probably Emiliana, she just seems so sweet! And reminds me of my little sister(well duh that's obvious!).
27. Don't think so?
Thanks for this sm @escapadefemme! I hope to get more from others!
Next time though I encourage everyone to send the question along with the number so that I don't have to continue going back lol.
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lyrker · 2 years ago
1 n 3 n 19 n 31 n 50 for the oc asks !!!!
1.First oc ever ?
I’m gonna have to pass this one to good ol’ Leader Decrose. I REFUSE to get into the backstory of how he came about, but in this old world I never dive in anymore, he’s like ? A refuge i suppose ? A set of four characters (including my self insert) were based on cards and his was the diamond.
3.Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else ?
Odd situation but I GUESS ?? There’s a few but one I like is named Polaris and they’re like. a dying star. And their big brother figure is Cyrus, aka cc who thought the key to transitioning was dismembering yourself and using dark magic on a lifesize frakenstein doll he made.
They work in a fucked up lab but like, fucked up as in goofy as hell. They’re so silly (:
19.Introduce a character that means a lot to you and why
*SLAMS JACE IN FRONT OF YOU* I love him an insane amount.
Jace Luong was away when the apocalypse striked, lost his daughter thag he blames himself for (but he could never save her anyway), accidentally shot a guy and had to step down from his military position, more for his mental sake than anything, ended up using his best friend, and that last one sounds so bad. and it is. But it is for this Reason that makes me shake him like GRRRR I LOVE YOU. WHY DID YOU DO THAT oh yeah i’m the author loll !!
Because the point of Jace is that. He wants to help so fucking bad but he keeps Messing It Up. He is not evil and I cannot say that enough—he is very “the means justifies the ends” but that does Not mean he doesn’t feel bad for using Noah as a lab rat. When Noah came back to KILL HIM he cried because someone Came Back For Him, even if it was to kill him.
I don’t wanna take up too much space but it’s because he’s not evil just severely fucked up from losing his daughter and the life of being in a world filled with zombies that he’s trying to rush to make some sort of cure, so he can save people, so that people can live again instead of just survive, but he goes about it in a horrible way that, honestly, was probably inevitable.
He’s special to me because he’s a fuck up, but he’s genuinely really really trying. He is not a good person, though.
(also if he was a tma avatar he would be of The Lonely or Eye and that’s so silly)
31.Pick an oc and explain what their Tumblr blog would look like.
I’m going to go with RAYNE because he probably DOES use Tumblr, knowing him. His layout is green but also he’s probably using the Goth/Rave color pallet because he thinks the colors are nice and he’s a 3 am user so that dark mode comes in handy. His pfp is like, his favorite pokĂ©mon but with a ditto face.
He reblogs pokemon stuff—screenshots, fanart, memes, etc and he’s Definitely gotten into discourse abt the best game. Also he’s totally a Nightvale listener so throw in some Nightvale posts. I think he reblogs a lot of shitpost art but also just art in general.
And of course, the occasional cat photo and tumblr trademark textposts.
50.Give me the good ol’ oc talk.
I WAS GONNA TALK ABOUT NOAH & CO. BUT I ALWAYS TALK ABOUT THEM so here’s the MoMOF crew, named after the lemon demon song “Mask of my Own Face”
It’s a classic high schoolers sci fi horror story, think stranger things except without mike bc i hate him (did not finish watching stranger things)
Basically, six kids, Rayn, Rowan, Alex, Ash, Zach and Winston are friends ! Yippee ! Average middle/high schoolers.
And one night, Rayn and Rowan (dating) are just hanging out. Rowan is conked the fuck out at Rayn is gaming on his DS, and then he gets a text from Alex saying “Dude, why tf are you outside it’s like 2 am ???” and Rayn is confused outta his mind.
“Wdym i’m literally at home rn.”
Alex attaches a photo, a shot looking thru the blinds of their window of what looks to be Rayn.
Rayn sends a selfie back of the Charmander he just leveled up and Rowan fast asleep.
And it Can’t be him if he just sent that photo, because the beanie he always wears was handmade by Asher himself—whos this guy ?!?
naturally, they text everyone, everyone’s yelling in a vc and was NOT asleep like they should be, and Rayn gets the FANTASTIC idea to go and see who the person is. Alex is yelling that they will personally stab Rayn if he does.
He does anyway.
and they’re too far away now for Alex to see, but they’re watching their phones and when Rayn finally approaches the other Rayn the camera flips and it is missing Half Of It’s Face and then Rayn hangs up.
And they Cannot Find Him.
So for weeks they are searching for Rayn and are scared out of their wits about Why there were Two and they told the police, but they don’t believe them all too much.
But Rowan finds him one night, at the edge of the forest. Half of his face looks tk have been torn away and his hat and coat is gone and he looks run ragged but oh. Oh no.
That’s the real Rayn.
And it turns out, the Rayn they’d been staying with recently was a clone.
And he’s babbling about something, saying they “Can’t trust Winston”
And at the same time, Rowan gets a call. And Zach sounds like he’s running for his life, because Winston cannot talk, let alone sing, and Zach heard them whispering the lyrics to a song he doesn’t know, and ran for it.
So, while they found Rayn, they now don’t know where the real Winston is. And it’s kinda all about not trusting each other but also wanting to stay together because What If Someone Else Gets Taken, and they can’t trust anyone at All because they won’t believe them, and they could be more clones.
Other stuff happens; Ash is going kinda insane, Alex, as the eldest, feels like they have to be the parent of the group because god they’re falling apart and they can’t stand to see it, Zach doesn’t know if the things he’s catching on camera are real or not, and there’s also an almost murder and also arson !! Both by the kids (:
It’s a fun world i like to play around with because the kids dynamics are all super fun <3
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mouchiiarts · 2 months ago
1. My first ever oc was a character named Khaos. He was originally a human who was experimented on and turned into a chimera by a facility who had been advertising themselves as a medical institution who could heal miraculously disabled children/people. Khaos ran away with another girl, who'd been turned into a half snow leopard anthro and eventually they found a portal to another dimension and escaped there. Oh btw he was basically a humanoid Discord from MLP.
2. If I had to choose, it would probably be either Gaelför or Akina. They're my favorites not because of their designs, but also because of their stories.
3. Nope. I'd love to, but the ones I come across typically are outside of my budget.
4. Probably some of my older oc's! Like Angela or my Suitor Armor oc's.
5. Gaelför and Fukukochoumi Akina! Out of all of my oc's, these two are my favorites.
6. I think for the most part my oc's are decently distinct in their appearances from one another. But I can see Nunah and Angela possibly being confused for siblings or something similar?
7. Yes! Gaelför, Kirsi, and other oc's are a part of a story I'm calling "Black Snow." I plan to turn it into a webcomic, and I'm currently working on the script and official character sheets for the most important characters. Anything about them is under the "black snow" tag on my tumblr.
8. Nope. I don't RP.
9. I don't think so. All of my oc's are very near and dear to me, I couldn't possibly part with them!
10. This is just her concept art. Her final design will definitely be more complex.
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11. Tia! She's my baby and I absolutely love her I don't draw her enough.
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12. Lukas! He's an absolute sweetheart and he's super curious about earth and everything about it!
13. Kiora! She's a chaotic neutral tiefling bard, so she's bound to be mischievous to some degree.
14. Gaelför again lol. Although I won't reveal everything bc I want to keep some things a suprise for the comic, I'll reveal a few things. His tribe were betrayed by a village of humans, which led to the death of his parents and planted the seed of his hatred for humans.
15. Yes!
16. Mm... Probably Mitsuha? She's quite shy and nervous around people, but she has an excellent memory and loves to learn new things.
17. (I'm including some oc x canon) Chisuke x Keigo Takami, Fukukochoumi Akina x Thoma, Gaelfor x Kirsi, Tia x Fenrir, Adria x Iida, and likely more.
18. Nope!
19. Gosh, all of my oc's mean something to me. But Akina probably means the most. She's one of the oldest oc's I still have (in terms of how intact she is with her original self). Her journey of self acceptance and owning her own femininity and becoming more confident in herself after she's found friends/a place to call home means a lot to me.
20. None of my oc's really sing aside from Akina? I don't have a voice actress in mind, but she'd definitely have a very beautiful singing voice that's very strong and melidoc.
21. I don't have one!
22. Not really? I know some of my oc's will eventually get mischaracterized, but none at the moment.
23. Akina! Originally, she was a calico cat girl maneki neko, although she did sell enchanted charms and trinkets like her modern counterpart!
24. Definitely Tia! She's an absolute sweetheart and I would love to have tea with her in her cottage.
25. ... Kirsi. She's about my height (a little taller) and has short hair like me. It's not as curly as mine though! And my hair isn't white lol
26. Nope. Any and all changes I've done to my oc's have been of my own choice or for the betterment of their story.
27. Nope.
28. Chisuke or Gaelför. Chisuke because of her incredibly dangerous blood quirk, quick reflexes, and ruthlessness. Gaelför because of his strength combined with his firescales.
29. None of them would lol. Either they're too scared to, or they just don't want to.
30. Igni (Gaelför and Kirsi's adopted eldest daughter). She acts all tough and abrasive, but she would 1000% have a huge hoard of plushies
31. Tia would have a very soft cottage core theme blog. Lots of recipes, plants, and lots of nature photos. She'd probably have like a Howl's Moving Castle gifset reblogged every couple days too.
32. Gaelfor! Gaelfor 100%! Especially early chapters Gaelfor! He's a 7'9" Ddraikin who can heat up his scales to incredibly hot temperatures. Once he figures out how, he can be an incredibly ruthless hunter, who's good at tracking scents, combat, and other skills.
33. Mitsuha! She's a maneki neko yokai who's super shy, but once you get to know her, she'll be one of your closest friends.
34. Yep! Sïndri and Nyx are Gaelför and Kirsi's twin boys! I haven't drawn them yet!
35. Fenrir and Callum are brothers. Gaelför also has a sister named Ylva. Akina has her younger brother, Haitao, and her younger sister, Iyla.
36. Not yet. I have an Avatar (2009) oc I'm hoping to pair with a mutual's oc! But she hasn't had the chance to design him yet.
37. Lukas. He's a tall, lanky alien boy for a sci-fi alien story I had in mind. He's a part of a species which is mostly humanoid, but they're built for their mostly aquatic nocturnal planet.
38. Akina! She's literally a performer and her dance is used as an opening show for a specific autumn festival in Inazuma!
39. I unfortunately cannot remember his name at the moment, but he's a human who's super into the supernatural and aliens. He's Lukas' best friend and is the only human who knows Lukas is a shapeshifting alien.
40. All of them have fond memories, really! Just drawing them is enough fun for me.
41. Yes! Quite a few people have! A mutual @roxxiespirt has drawn this of my MHA oc Iron Eagle in my Mama Bird au!
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42. Probably Carmen. She's a total bookworm (she's also from the unnamed alien story)
43. ... body type can kinda vary but... skinny women with a pixie cut/short hair. They are also kinda standoffish or a more tsundere archetype. I don't know why. But this has happened multiple times. Chisuke (MHA), Angela Lumonte (Spy X Family), Andromeda (BG3), Nunah (Suitor Armor), etc. I uh. Have a type I enjoy drawing apparantly.
44. I like that, to some degree, they all have one or more trait of myself. Some of them are nervous as well as confident, some show they're capable of change, and others don't. Plus their designs are all super fun to draw,
45. I have.. so many. There are so so many characters from older/abandoned stories that I no longer use. But in an older version of Black Snow (originally titled Silver Rings and Potion Bottles) Kirsi (then Kiki) had a sister,, which turned into a lot of different sisters. There was also Oliver, who was a redesigned version of Khaos to fit into the SRaPB universe. He was one of Kiki's witch friends!
46. ... yeah. I kinda enjoy traumatizing my friends with the lore I create for my oc's so I've definitely been told I'm being mean to them.
47. Sorta? They say (insert oc name) is baby but not specifically their baby if you know what I mean.
48. Fynn! He's the golden sunshine dead husband of Nunah! He was a really kind herbalist Nunah absolutely fell in love with when they first met as teens. He's... unfortunately dead. But he's a sweet lad.
49. Lukas. Or Carmen.
50. Gaelför belongs to a species/race from my original story Black Snow! They're native to the continent of Gal'ruk, and tend to stick to the northern parts of the continent, on the other side of a wall of active volcanoes called the Ignimurus! When he was about 10, he snuck away from his tribe to go and fight off the group of Seekers (Ddraikin hunters/collectors) who were camping close to them. He was quickly overpowered by the hunters, and was taken away from his tribe. He was then enslaved as an Executioner in the human city of Cal'deur for 14 years. He only managed to escape the city because of a chance escape he made one day while in the ring with a magi prisoner he was supposed to kill (Kirsi). He's not exactly what I would call a good person towards the beginning of his story. He's cruel, unkind, and only thinks for himself. It isn't until he makes a deal with Kirsi to help him get home, along with some other misadventures along the way, does he actually begin to grow and change for the better!
Some OC questions
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hools · 3 years ago
45 or 20? :3
45. A character you no longer use?
oh man this is a weird question because I don't have a lot of characters i "use" in the first place since a lot of the time I just like. make a design and call them a character without doing anything with them JKFDJSF. im just gonna take this as a character i don't draw anymore that I used to do a lot so this is Jeans!!!
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he's just like. some guy?? i drew my sona with him a lot but thats pretty much it (waves at the few people who saw me draw him a ton for a week or two on discord before stopping forever LOL). this was apparently back in january 2020 so that was a while huh đŸ€š
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
C-J likes singing [:!!! here's a bit from an animatic i was working on a while back (that i should probably continue) (she's singing bedroom community by glass beach (epic))
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i don't have  a specific voice in mind for her but i do have it written in my head that she doesn’t have the most conventionally feminine voice! & she owns it. shes not in a band or anything but she does play bass and she likes writing music
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mercy-mercie-mercymorn · 2 years ago
#7 and/or #29 from the character questionnaire ? 😳👉👈 if u want
i will gladly infodump about my creatures! 7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
i have a kind of mega oc universe that like 99% of them are part of. it's basically an urban fantasy version of earth. it started as one story about my main gals (angel and rose) and branched off from there.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going?
my immediate reaction was faraj (incubus scholar, designated adult person) but no, he's too responsible. i think the most likely candidates are gabrielle-therese (stoner werewolf) and emi (gremlin fox gal). they would go together, try (and fail) to hunt ghosts, and gabby would vandalize something because she always carries a can of spray paint in her purse.
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nokikissa · 2 years ago
6, 27, 31?
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
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Well Kelo and Dust look pretty similar and probably potential future warforged characters I make will have some similarities as well as that's just how I like designing and drawing warforged lmao
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And of more regular humanoids I suppose Kiira and Osma look bit similar purely cos of failings as an artist and how I draw half-orcs and orcs making them look bit similar.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Nah, can't say I'd ever have listened to a song and came up with a character from that. For me song associations work the other way around, make character first and then hear a song that makes me go "oh this reminds me of that character"
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Ohhh that's a fun one! I'll do multiple characters for that haha.
Alio would probably have a cat picture as their avatar, and the blogs layout would be the default one, and he'd reblog bunch of cat pics and posts.
Runo would probably have a selfie as the avatar, blog layout would be some more carefully picked aesthetic one, and he'd probably post more original posts, like vids of him playing the kantele, pics of his blinkdog, selfies etc.
Kiira would absolutely have like the default avatar, default blog, and like for posts maybe she'd occasionally reblog some scenery pics or something but otherwise pretty blank blog, probably gets blocked by people assuming it's a spam bot blog lmao
Monni would have selfie avatar, default blog layout but like took time to picke some nice blue color for the background and whatever, and reblogs probably scenery pics of sea, lakes, rivers etc. and adds like comments to the reblog in not perfect english. Also probably reblogs to reply to some textposts he comes across as well which other people would probably find annoying haha.
Kelo would have some mushroom pic as avatar, blog layout wold not be the default one but one of the free templates you can pick from, and would reblog scenery pics of forests and like closeup pics of mushrooms, moss, etc. forest stuff and there would be absolutely no tags on the post, no blog description or anything, only thing you're getting out of that blog about the person behind it is that they sure like forest and such.
Osma would have some drawing of his as his avatar, blog layout would be more carefully picked, and they would probably reblog aesthetic nightime scenery pics, posts about like books he likes, would post his drawings and like do textposts about his life... Also he would probably absolutely get into shipping about like some books he's read or something and post and reblog about that sort of stuff, Osma would fit right in in tumblr lmao.
Lilja would probably have either selfie or pic of Apila as the avatar, or maybe a pic with both of them. She would have a simple blog where she posts about like hunting and farming, maybe occasional pics of Apila and like general textpost about her life.
Ora would have like an aesthetic pic of a sword as avatar, some premade blog layout, reblogs stuff about like the giant runes and swords and such, and maybe some like fox pics as well. Maybe occasional textpost about his life here and there.
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footlongdingledong · 2 years ago
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) . bonus points if you choose an oc who's like. a god. and would never realistically have one
picking chéru bc you said god and they were the first to come to mind and honestly yeah yep its blog theme would be fucking Atrocious .their ass does Not know color theory
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necrotic-nightshade · 2 years ago
1 6 9 12 and 24 for the oc ask game :D
1- Your first OC ever?
That would be Malichai (formerly Freakshow)! I made him sometime in early 2017, and when I say "made" I mean the guy was a recurring character in my nightmares for a solid 5 months until I hit him with the OC beam lol.
6- Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
I think the best example I've got right now is Agatha and my 'sona Atroppa, since both of them stemmed from the same base 'sona design I made ages ago. I'm in the process of rebooting Atroppa's design, so hopefully they'll start looking less like estranged sisters
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9- Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
Gonna have to say no for now. The large majority of my OCs are story related in some capacity, and even designs that I just decided to make on a whim have ended up getting developed into full characters that'd be really hard for me to part with now :/
12- Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
Shouting out my pal Mags and its characters Nowhere and Citadel :>
I've also got a subfolder on my TH that's got a lot of really neat characters and designs I've found!
24- If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Idk if I've got a specific reason for any of them, but it's a three-way tie between Poppy, ScareWare, or Fiji.
(ask meme heehee)
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kool-kat1324 · 2 years ago
38, 42, and 49 OC asks?
Wow that was fast- i will sy unfortunately I can’t include little doodles of the ocs because I can’t draw atm because ipad broke but I will include refs to give an idea!
For 38, well
 technically, by programming, that would be Violet, since she’s an animatronic character

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but for non-robots, I’d say May, since she probably learned to dance in order to woo in her victims!
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42 is a toughie
 I think Akira, since she’s interested in the culture of humans in general and would probably actually enjoy learning about Greek gods (as well as other cultures)! (Ignore how old the ref art is
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49 would without a doubt be Lester, my Subcon jester! He loves laughing and making people laugh!
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ganymedesclock · 3 years ago
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters?
Odd question. I'm not sure I have a good answer. In some ways they're tied deeply to how I process things and in others, I abstract things so much that nothing really makes it into there directly.
I think I've always been making characters and that's always just made me happy, in and of itself? I filled sketchbooks and hours with people I imagined that I might be, or might know, or fantasized about being or knowing- in a sense they've been a personal constant to me for most of my life.
Maybe this is the way human beings need art; there's just too much of us to live in our skin. We have to let it out. We have to let it go.
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alligaytorswamp · 3 years ago
1. Your first OC ever?
uhhh... this god damn kimty...
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(can't credit the artist because i literally do not remember who's drawn it it's been like 8-9 years pls forgive me)
his name was... scouly? skouly???? idk lol
anyways he was a token kitty oc for someone in a warrior cats fandom (he was not used for any rps tho.. he was just a personal oc)
then he became a fucking fantroll (yes my next stage was homestuck) alskdjkalsjdlk
good for him... he had the wildest developments, had multiple versions of himself, all sorts of relationships and backgrounds... i also then made him an ace transman which was not a foreshadowing to anything :)
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
as i said before sparkles have a lot of my love
but if i had to go into more details with my favs for each oc group:
sparkles - rn sora gets more attention because i sort of developed her family which is super fun to think about
lp - kenshin is just winning in life a lot i can't stop thinking about this smug bastard
tdf - probably yejoon just bc he has more artworks than others
ul - kaede... she's my token scary girl :(
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
only one time and it was simone
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credit: leonesbones
i did change his design quite a bit akldjkasljdkl
4. A character you rarely talk about?
as i said before - solo ocs and dead ones lmao
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
sparkles :p
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
oh god
it's these two
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short gay people, main color - purple, are idols/performers in some way, can sing and dance, can rap too!!, very good at networking/making connections/etc, are popular, gender non conforming, into fashion (in differents ways tho), know a lot about their industry, into online drama, somehow relate to anime (1 - being a seiyuu, 2 - just a big fan), token animal/animal association - cat
i have no idea how i managed to fuck up this hard but besides these incredible points they're fairly different people.. just... the same "trope" i guess asdjlaksjdklsa
also its far more funny considering that katsumi who has obvious similarities to kenshin is in a group with his actual daughter who does not look anything like him (she is adopted but still) it's so fukcing funny
Some OC questions
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specterpants · 3 years ago
2, 4, 13, 20, and 49 from uhhh https://specterpants.tumblr.com/post/668049430960816128/some-oc-questions i am extorting you hi <3
2.) heheh, yeah its Ojernus probably lol. Shes def one of the coolest characters ive made right next to prime zealot, would like to make Aurence as interesting eventually! Woodlands Knight tho i def have given the most development by virute of him being part of a campaign w/ amazing party members to bounce off and a GM who fucking kills at character development and interesting character scenarios
4.) tough question, i dont talk about any of them terribly much and there are plenty concepts/ story slots that i need to think more on and fill. So i guess one that i have both a design for and general description for, is [ a tall cloaked monarch with chain hooks in their sleeves who suspiciously has close friendly ties to most of the worlds high profile warriors ], also one other but thats cuz i plan to talk more about her when i have all the stuff concrete on her which should be soon
13.) Tastra and [ A cowboy bug i havent thought out too much yet ]
20.) LOL good question almost all my OC/ story ideas come from music/ head amvs so most likely yes. - Prime Zealot: prolly has a very preachy voice (obvs. example is Frollo from hunchback of notre dame) - Ojernus: has a very robotic bellow-y voice but similar in singing to how the main singer of Fewjar sounds (specifically GAMMA) - Aurence: im nooooot sure tbh, idk if hed sing even tbh? but not definitive - Tastra: main singer of the pillows - Ashtala: very likely doesnt sing im thinking lol - Woodlands Knight: never ever ever around people, but he probably sings (somewhat well but w/ a few voicecracks) when by himself, always imagined his singing voice like Meredith Godreau (this has turned into songs and bands i associate w my characters but Wild West off in your dreams, and Grey Weather off Moeni & Kitchi are both songs i always hear him singing in my head)
49.) I know you want me to say Aurence and prolly true you are influencing how i see him a lot hfjshd. Woodlands Knight also would probably look at memes, but most likely cottage core facebook tier stuff (very 'normie' kinda shit). *looks at artfight page* shit Gamede is a character i havent done anything with, she would prolly too, a lot, i need to do more w/ her....
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hools · 3 years ago
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
i think if i had to choose only one itd probably be c-j [: she's just hanging out!!!! looking back a lot of my drawings that have been on the more ambitious side have been abt her and tbh she deserves it
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