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koruga · 2 months ago
Number 6 for your oc questions?
6: Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
I reuse a lot of elements of my OC designs, and sometimes whole-cloth recreate them cross-fandom or in new projects. The first thing that comes to mind, though, is Xaphen (they/them) and Uriel (they/she) from my angel stories -- both of them are flame-based, and while their 'true' forms are relatively different-looking, their human guises ended up looking really similar, mainly due to my choice for their hair.
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They used to look even more similar, but I've defined their designs throughout the years -- this story is around a decade old, and my art's improved a lot since then.
For a somewhat sweeter answer, though, my OC Edith Truscott-Fanshawe (she/her) shares a lot of visual similarities with my friend @cadyllonflow's OC Solana Bradshaw (she/her), and they're both English as well, though from different parts of the country. As a result, Lana often ends up adopted (or at least accepted, if she's too old for adoption proceedings) into the Truscott-Fanshawe family, giving her the loving home she so deeply deserves!
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They're also both autistic, though they present very differently -- Edie's expression rarely changes, but she loves Lana with a ferocity unmatched.
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ixiino · 2 years ago
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fourgods-nobrakes · 10 days ago
WIP meme!
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have wips. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I was tagged by @wolffyluna! Thank you <3
My WIPs, counting only things I've touched in the last month because my google docs has a years-long shameful history and I would be here all night:
nan MTDI
therapy spar
Prelude Immateriel, bequa/serena
touch (black and poison)
I feel like I follow more artists than writers on tumblr, so I'm just tagging anyone who wants to do this meme.
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anissapierce · 2 months ago
Xaphen is such a fun character... love her boundless well of nervous and general other energy
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karagin22 · 2 years ago
Everything is darkest," Xaphen mused, "before the dawn."
"That, my brother, is an axiom that sounds immensely profound until you realize it's a lie.” Alg Tar
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Xaphen, showing the sketch of a daemon he saw: This is how it looked like, sire.
Argel Tal: Why it has so many arms?
Xaphen: Those are its horns!
Lorgar: Drawing is not your strongest suit.
Cyrene: It looks just like it to me.
Xaphen: Finally! Thanks yo-
Argel Tal:...
Xaphen: Why do you feel the need to do that?
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a-humbletoymaker · 4 years ago
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I had quite a bit of trouble doing Xaphen because I’m not super familiar with goth fashion, nor am I aware the goth fashion trends of the 90s. That being said, I just kinda did what felt right for her.
[ID start: the picture shows a crochet doll of the character Xaphen from Brimstone Valley Mall. She has 2 shades of pink and gold hair that is pulled up into uneven pigtails. Some of the hair is loose and on evenly frames her face. She has black eyes and pale skin. She’s wearing a burgundy strapless bra with a gray skirt. She is wearing a black coat that goes past her knees and matching Planck shoes. End ID]
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tagedeszorns · 4 years ago
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After more than two years I'm trying to return to tumblr because it's more intuitive for me than insta and I can add more ramblings to my pics than at twitter.
But I still want to draw dick. And I don't know how strict the famous flag-bot is nowadays. So I'm carefully testing the waters. Full on spacedick with barbs and frills (Slaanesh has standards, you know) still has to go on twitter, I guess.
But maybe Argel Tal-D is acceptable?
Argel Tal, Word Bearer, Captain of the Gal Vorbak, later Senior Partner of a Demon, then Lord of the Vakrah Jal after Isstvan 5. I enjoyed reading his story and found him refreshingly pragmatic and comprehensible. On the one hand steadfastly devoted to Lorgar, on the other a loyal friend to Xaphen, Cyrene or even Kharn. His experiences during the mission in the Eye of Terror are formative and described just vaguely enough that the horror remains on the edge of the tangible, which makes it all the more horrific. I would have wished him to survive the Heresy and terrorise the Empire from the Eye for a long time to come. But - Erebus just happens sometimes.
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coolyo294 · 7 years ago
“THE SEVENTH CAPTAIN hauled himself back to his feet, stumbling once and righting himself before his armour’s stabilisers needed to compensate. He was one of the first Word Bearers to rise. The others still struggled, shivering on hands and knees, or were locked in muscle spasms, their twitching limbs disturbing the dust.
Argel Tal helped Xaphen up, receiving a grunt of thanks.
+Word Bearers, hear me well. You, among all my Legions, are guilty of failure. You number more warriors than any other, excepting the XIII. Yet your conquests are the slowest, and your victories ring hollow+
It hurt too much to look directly at the figure of white-gold light, haloed by coruscating psychic fire, telling them with words of thunder that all their lives had been wasted.
+You linger on compliant worlds for years after final victory, driving the populace into the worship of false faith, seeding cults of the naive and the deceived, erecting monuments to lies. All you have done in the Great Crusade is for naught. While all others succeed and bring prosperity to the Imperium, you alone have failed me+”
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coolyo294 · 7 years ago
so i’m picking my way through some of the horus heresy novels and this part from first heretic 
“Sight returned, banishing the grotesque feeling of helplessness. Such emotion was anathema, prickling at Argel Tal’s skin with a thousand insect legs.
He managed to look through his dimmed visor, seeing a towering figure deep in a corona of agonising white light. Around the figure, cloaked and gold-armoured warriors hefted unique spears with practiced ease. Each one was the size of an Astartes, and no Astartes could fail to recognise them.
‘Custodes,’ he managed to speak through teeth gritted at the light’s intensity.
‘It’s…’ Xaphen stammered. ‘It’s the…’
‘I know who it is,’ Argel Tal exhaled the words through clenched teeth. And that’s when the voice hit him, hit them all, in a wave of invisible force.
+Kneel+ it whispered with the power of a hammer to the forehead. There was no resisting. Muscles acted instantly, no matter that many hearts fought not to obey. Argel Tal was one of them. This was not fealty, nor worship, nor service. This was slavery, and his instincts rebelled at the enforced devotion even as he obeyed it.
One hundred thousand Word Bearers kneeled in the dust of the perfect city, rendered prone by Imperial decree.
A Legion was on its knees.”
is fucking good
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Argel Tal: I found something that you're not gonna like.
Argel Tal: *Show her a piece of paper*
Cyrene: Well, it sounds like a sheet of paper, but I guess you're referring on what is on the sheet of paper.
Xaphen: What's this?!
Xaphen: *Show her the piece of paper*
Cyrene: I don’t know! Seriously, what's wrong with you guys, I'm blind! *angrily points to her eyes*
Xaphen, showing the sketch of a daemon he saw: This is how it looked like, sire.
Argel Tal: Why it has so many arms?
Xaphen: Those are its horns!
Lorgar: Drawing is not your strongest suit.
Cyrene: It looks just like it to me.
Xaphen: Finally! Thanks yo-
Argel Tal:...
Xaphen: Why do you feel the need to do that?
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