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duratrans · 6 years ago
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A Bride’s Story 83 - Flavor Flower Town: Read Online / DDL
We’re back to the Persian palace, with the husband who still doesn’t have a name. He’s ready to party, though, and he’s not taking no for an answer. He’s very polite with everyone, but compared to Ali and Niklovski’s reception he actually seems pretty jazzed to see Henry, guess they hit it off last time. It’s good he has a friend :)
Speaking of new friends, it’s fun to see the women learn about each other’s lifestyles. For all that they seem to live worlds apart, they find quite a bit of common ground. It’s not explicitly flagged that Talas dips into another language for some of her lines, but based on the context and how she suddenly starts speaking very haltingly, I made an inference. There is some level of mutual intelligibility regardless, so their language or dialects seem to be similar enough to talk together.
Probably too much to ask they come unveiled, but I wonder if Henry can convince them to take a group picture?
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tempo-takoyaki · 3 years ago
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The inherent homoerotism in showing off your hair to your partner. (Vaguely inspired by chapter 81 of Otoyome Gatari)
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cafeleningrad · 4 years ago
The anon is frustrated because shoujo manga, a genre more or less equivalent to YA, tends to feature much more complex and nuanced storytelling. For every middle school romantic comedy there's something sparkling with imagination, and the very best series have outstanding artistic and intellectual value not only among manga but literature as a whole. In general, Japanese works seem much more cerebral, while American works seem to celebrate antiintellectualism.
Good morning, Anon :) Are you summarizing the reason I got into anime/manga as teen? Because during my teen times the staff at the local bookshop or librar recommeded me stale love story after stale lovestory. After reading halfway through I had to give the books back out of frustration but when reading Kodomo no Omocha, Inuyasha, or Otoyome Gatari, I noticed how good romances can actually be if the characters matter.
More or less, yes. Following the frame I set up in a previous ask of YA as marketing label directed at teen readers, Shoujo and Shounen would fit into the category right away (although it’s a more a marketing label and has no age limit for readers ;).) As I specifically talked about the romantasy formula targeting girls, Shoujo approximates it even more.
Yes, I agree on the target audience equivalency, mangas/animes having a much better track record of writing engaging stories. There may be many issues with the manga/anime community however it’s noticable how many guys in there are not ashamed even outright positive to talk about their interests in shoujo story. I mean, where else can you say “I haven’t watched [famous romcom] yet” and the next ten replies by guys are “OMG, YOU have to watch [famous romcom], it’s perfect and so cute, the main character is so adorable! You’re missing out on something great!” (yeah, it’s about Toradora ;) Or cheer on a female lead without any fanservice in the story like Yona of the Dawn? How so? Not because the stories are tailored to main audiences as well, shoujo is in it’s commonly saccharine style, heavily romantic and heavily emotion driven tone falling into a category often associated with highly feminine style. No, the stories are perhaps very feminine yet appealing in writing. The reason I personally can stand 98% of romance stories  because I think romance is the hardest genre to nail down well. In theory the concept in simple: The writer creates two characters then entering a (romantic) dynamic getting the reader intrigued to read about. But that requires at least appealing characters who work in interesting ways together. And following that thought, yes, Shoujo is genre in a medium much more capable in writing characters who’re appealing to audiences. I don’t think shoujo stories are necessarily more clever in plot (Ouran High School Host Club reaches for it’s plot, Yona of the Dawn’s only creativity in fantasy-romance story lies in having it set in medieval Korean setting which is rare in Japanese manga - don’t get me wrong, I love YoD, Ijsut want to make a point) however I don’t believe plots need to be outlandishly clever in concept BUT the writing needs to be genuine and good in craft. A competent story telling leads the reader logically through a story, stories invested to be earnest are so much more memorable than one serving as reader insert fantasy. Let me put it like this: In theory Nana could be any slice-of-life, coming-of-age-story, Violet’s motivation in Violet Evergarden seems rather simplistic yet the strenghts of these stories are a sincere approach to investigate emotions behind decisions, the characters being significant as people with wishes, insecurities, thoughts and growth rather than replacing an entire personality by a cool gimmick and a quippy oneliner every other character around them could’ve said. To branch out: Shounen could fall easily into the trap of “person with cool power who says entertaining oneliners”, however many titles care to give their characters downfalls and hurdles caused by themselves as people.
This is where the hook of shoujo writing comes in. When it comes to entertainement categories terms like “cerebral” seem a bit out of place for the specific teenage-audience entertainment niche (not that stories for a tee audience can’t be intelligent but m understanding of the word made me immediately think of Death Note xD) although I believe to understand your choice of word
Note: About the general mention about Japanese media vs. Western media in matters of anti-intellectualism, I half agree but I get the sentiment. There’re enough anime I wish I haven’t watched their first three episodes, too many releases of the 349th idol show, enough US shows, movies and books I genuinely like, the recent trend of smaller and Indie-movie US-productions are downright capable to good, and the Isekai genre in it’s current state can please fade out as soon as possible as it’s not even repetitive but as lazy as the MCU formula as well as sexist. As mentioned in another message, Anime/mange are just another form of media like books, shows, podcasts etc. although heavily marked by elements from the country in which they’re produced. STILL I still agree with you on broad terms because the current state and yet too many of big productions are... bad. Well, I was the person writing a three page essay why I passionately hated Disney’s latest animated feature... Okay, to be more clear at the current state US movie landscape (except for only very few productions) is in tired shambles. Loaded and ever only investing in well known franchise titles is as secure as it’s self cannibalistic. No innovation in the stories since none needs to invent anything as brands are enough to ensure at least lukewarm criticism and at least enough income to cover production cost. Currently the landscape is over-saturated with big brand franchise titles or linked to big movie titles from good days past, all working with the same success formula. Maybe more people begin to nag on the MCU however there’re enough fan discussions as well as revenue for every new MCU related show and movie even if they’re quality in writing and editing decreases. Help, any movie made by big corporations wouldn’t have earned half as much money or critiques if the movies were made by other studios, because the brands on the movies alone work a massive amount of good will without effort. Every show or movie not linked to franchises is something, something super hero but any kind of concept twist imaginable (In that regard Isekai is the equivalent to the superhero genre :P). The only contemporary good take I saw was the Boys because it goes into the criticism of superheroes as “Übermesch-fantasy, mass production of the US-exceptionalism-narrative, celebrity culture - all other variations of superhero story can be mildly entertaining yet fall flat as they’ve nothing to talk about but their genre and desperately trying hard to be “not like other superhero stories”. Not only superhero stories, also all those following a style of better sucessful titles on masse.These stories are like chewing gum. They may sell with new, even outlandish flavours, in the end the the taste vaporizes rapidly and you chew on something leaving a stale taste in your mouth. But now, a safe formula still sells safely and with success because it ultimately doesn’t challenge anything. Anything disrupting the peace of security is a threat - such interruptions can be named as anything controversial. It doesn’t even have to be deep. No matter if you liked the last Jedi, none can deny Rian Johnson wanted to try something new. The dsruption form Star Wars fan viewing habits was massive. Even more controversial would be choice or conflicts which are ambiguous in result or fronts - just see how GoT cannbalized itself by thinking Martin wrote a story about good vs. evil, in the end dumbing down a story about opportunism, hunger for power into “dragon lady evil because ... Leni Rifenstahl shots I guess??” (and let’s not talk about the stupid takes within the fandom about perceived villainy...). Within an industry milking the same old cashcow, none currently none would dare disrupt the landscape with bold takes or thoughts - ambiguity, challenging questions are the most risky thing to do, possibly.
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maayalohawaii · 5 years ago
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I wanted to see these beautiful wooden crafts pillars since I read the comic of ''Otoyome Gatari'' by Kaoru Mori. . #乙嫁語り の聖地巡礼かのごとくひとり興奮していた #ブハラ の街。 主人公の二人の住む村はこの辺りがモデルだそうです。 . 1巻のなかでこの柱や木の彫刻の話が出てくるんだけど、こちらの建築は石の上に柱を建て、その上にまた彫刻された肘木を重ね、屋根を作る。 バランス命だよなぁ… ちなみに石と木の間の接着にはらくだの毛が使われてたりします🐫 . #travelingram #travelphotography #viaje #maayalohawaii #centralasia #igtravel #goprohero5black #goproのある生活 #ひとり旅 #uzbekistan #visituzbekistan #ウズベキスタン (Bolo Haus) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2x8g03A5HF/?igshid=u9wuuneggxfk
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mooncalfandpeony · 7 years ago
I personally love manga because of that aforementioned variety. What if I don't want to read about superheroes and complicated back stories involving other superheroes?
With manga, I can find characters from all different sorts of backgrounds, with different styles and pacing to match.
I can read about fantasy worlds, sci-fi worlds, company offices, schools, farms, ice skating rinks, battle fields etc. I'm not say a lot of manga don't have issues with overused tropes, but if you dig deeper you can pretty much find something small and obscure that doesn't.
Growing up, I felt a connection to Nodame and Chiaki from Nodame Cantabile, and was obsessed with Kamisama Hajimemashite. Manga like Mushishi and Otoyome Gatari have such beautiful and timeless stories and I constantly rewatched Princess Jellyfish. There's a lot of manga I read that were 3 or 4 volumes at the most-but they didn't feel like they needed more than that-The gods tell lies by Kaori Ozaki is only one volume but the story is no less complex for it.
I suppose it all depends on preference. I think some people probably love American comics because you are invested and attached to these characters-there's almost a comfort there, as if you are continuing to run into old friends. I, too, love having fanfiction and fan art available to continue to rekindle my love for certain characters, but I absolutely prefer having more new stories, worlds, art styles and characters to meet and fall in love with😊
not to start anything but i take issue with that post that’s like “manga is easier to get into than American comics because there’s less backstory baggage” and like i can understand that to a degree but in my experience it’s been more like:
comic character reappears after 400 issues: editor’s note explaining who they are and an explanation in-story as to who they are and what their deal is
manga character reappears after 400 issues: lmao hope you were writing all this shit down dumbass
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comicadventurescast · 6 years ago
34. Minicomics with Kat Tuesday
Happy New Year! We invited artist Kat Tuesday to help us ring in 2019 with style, and by style we mean minicomics. Kat's audio is pretty rough, but the minicomic knowledge she drops is smooooth.
  Other things we talk about:
Oyasumi Punpun by Asano Inio
Otoyome Gatari (Bride's Story) by Mori Kaoru
What Doesn’t Work by M Stenbæk
Never Satisfied by Taylor Robin
Saint for Rent by Ru Zu
Ran and the Gray World v1 by Aki Irie
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
Sharkman by Leo Mancini
CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo)
Chicago Zine Fest
Paper Mills Have The Power….To Finally Increase Prices
Paper Chase: Unexpected Price Increases Hit Pulp Market
Kitty's Guide to Chicago Coffee by Patrick Cheng
Low Light: Late Night Special by Tristan Wright
Can You Make the Dog Sexier? by Kelly Leigh Miller and Alex Sloves
Look at my Cute Cub by Lucy Kinsley
Viewotron issue 2 (Mom) by Sam Sharpe
Rachel Bard’s mini-minis
Pancakes by Kat Leyh
Radishes by Carolyn Nowak
One Drink by Bruce Worden
An Army of Lovers Will Be Beaten by Bernie McGovern
Baby Fat and K.M. & R.P. & MCMLXXI (1971) by M. Dean
Making Minicomics by Jessica Abel
  Find us online at:
twitter.com/widewildblue (Melissa)
twitter.com/AndrewDLarkin (Andrew)
And check out our Ko-fi!
  Questions or comments? Email us at [email protected].
  Comic Adventures is a project of Let’s Make Comics, a Chicago-based comics collective, and produced by Andrew Larkin and Melissa Sayen. Our theme song is Adventure Music! by Munchybobo.
Click here to download
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whatbest · 11 years ago
WhatBest Recommends – Manga Taishoo Winners 2014
WhatBest Recommends – Manga Taishoo Winners 2014
Manga Taishoo is an annual Japanese manga award, started in 2008, limited to series with eight or less released volumes. The main goal of Manga Taishoo is to promote and award newer and relative unknown titles. The committee is composed of staff members from bookstores and each individually votes for their top 5 favorites for the year.
Past winners of the award were:
-        Gaku: Minna no Yama,…
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duratrans · 6 years ago
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A Bride’s Story 82: Read Online / DDL
Another story from the road. Here we get to see yet again another look at a facet of Talas I really like; She’s intelligent, and curious, even though she knows so little of the wider world, and even (mostly) follows along with Smith’s technobabble. It’s nice to see how often he’s impressed with her, and is happy to indulge her curiosity as well. I think they’ve also grown a little warmer, and a little less guarded with each other.
If the preview’s to be believed, we’ll be arriving back at Shirin and Anis’s home next month!
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duratrans · 6 years ago
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Get that money: Otoyomegatari 81 - Read Online / DDL
Some more fun with all our friends back home. We may be back to some new story developments next chapter.
I originally went with Kamola’s name as Camora, but I’ve discovered it probably comes from Kamol, a word meaning perfect or flawless. Going through three languages can be tricky when you don’t know one of them!
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duratrans · 6 years ago
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A Bride’s Story 79 - Shining, gleaming, steaming, flaxen, waxen: Read Online / DDL
We’re back! Took a while as the series had a few months off, then I had to wait to get the files. Short one with Karluk’s sister and brother-in-law.
It’s nice to see a little more of their relationship, since they’re usually in the background. We’ve seen them snapping at eachother before, so it’s interesting to watch that play out and how they deal with their tempers. Looks like they still love eachother at the end of the day, though.
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duratrans · 6 years ago
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A Bride’s Story 80: Sure is Boring Around Here - Read Online / DDL
Yeah, not a whole lot to say on this one. We learn Amir and Azel have a favorite pastime in common. Next time maybe we’ll see how our other precious children spend their down time, hopefully several pages of Ali napping and some Pariya goodness.
This chapter is technically titled “former part” which implies there will probably only be a latter part, but I’ve been burned on this by an unexpected “middle part” before.
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duratrans · 6 years ago
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OwO what’s this? It’s A Bride’s Story, chapter 78: Read Online / DDL
It’s a short one from December. Mori is taking January off, and Otoyomegatari will return in the Feburary issue of Harta.
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duratrans · 7 years ago
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Otoyomegatari 63: Home Chemistry - Read Online / DDL
There have been a couple scenes where Smith can be seen translating for Ali in previous chapters, I thought that was a cool background detail that finally gets pointed out. It also reminded me that I fudged the wording a few chapters back when Ali appears to respond directly to Mr Hawkins (when he yells at him about the fragile plates), but they of course do not speak each other’s language. Oops!
By the way, Niklovski also seems to speak English, at least to Smith and Hawkins.
I absolutely cannot get enough of Hawkins putting Smith on blast, this guy is fun to write for. Also enjoyed the hint of annoyance we see from Talas. Looking forward to when they hit the road as a chance to see more facets of her character.
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duratrans · 7 years ago
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Otoyomegatari 71: The End - Read Online / DDL
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duratrans · 7 years ago
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David Attenborough returns in Otoyome 70: Read Online / DDL
This is a short one, and it’s unfortunately going to leave us on a cliffhanger for a few months. Mori strikes again!
However, it is a very special day for a very special girl!! I’m so happy for her!!
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The Eihons are setting out the seasonal sandali, a low table with a blanket sandwiched between the tabletop and the frame. Traditionally, a recessed grate in the floor held a brazier of coals, but modern models may have electric heaters attached to the underside of the table. In the cold season, families gathered around for meals or social time to enjoy the heat trapped by the tablespread.
What is called sandali in Afghanistan is also known as kursi near Iran and Persia, and a very nearly identical tradition exists in the Japanese kotatsu. Traditional robes and kimonos would efficiently channel the heat from the legs to the head, and the construction of the homes in these regions often made them vulnerable to drafts and difficult to heat efficiently, giving rise to this cozy device.
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duratrans · 7 years ago
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Reunited with an old friendly face in Otoyomegatari 69: Read Online / DDL
It’s fantastic and perfect and everything, but I’m a little disappointed with the abrupt solution to the old subplot. Hopefully there will be more time devoted to them working out how this is going to go, since the reunion happened so quickly.
The February chapter is a short one, so as soon as I get my hands on the raws I’ll whip it up right quick.
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