#other people and their circumstances I can look at purely objectively
thosehallowedhalls · 5 months
A Midnight Chat
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Book: Blades of Light and Shadow
Pairing: Tyril Starfury x F!human!MC
Rating: Teen
Word count: 613
Summary: Raine interrupts Tyril's reflections.
A/N: For @petalouda85 who gave me the prompt "fireflies." Drabble 19 of my 30 days of drabbles.
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Tyril hones his sword, his eyes on the horizon. Fae fish continue to appear every now and then, their scales glinting, and sea fireflies dance an intricate choreography that’s breathtaking in its splendor. The moon shines bright and clear against the depth of the sky, casting a pure glow on the deck of the Sun Maiden.
Too bad he’s too caught up in thought to appreciate any of it.
His mind, as usual, is on his mission. It has been almost a year since he set out on this quest, a year since he left Undermount, disgraced and betrayed. Since he lost his best friend to the darkness of the Shadow Court. And he has almost nothing to show for it except a few killings of people who were no more than pawns.
Perhaps his luck will turn now that he’s encountered this party of adventurers.
His new companions are… interesting, he thinks diplomatically. Determined, clearly, and not without abilities. He senses a tremendous amount of raw, if dormant, power from the priestess; and he thinks the rogue’s less reputable skills might prove useful.
Then there’s Raine.
He’s still surprised by the strength of his reaction to her. It’s rare for him to crave someone at first sight. He rarely craves people: his infatuations tend to begin small, a mild interest that grows into something bigger and more intense as he gets to know its object. But as soon as he laid eyes on Raine, he wanted her.
He doesn’t like it. He can’t afford to lose control, not even of his own emotions. Perhaps especially not of his own emotions.
“Still watching the fae fish?” A voice asks, and for an absurd moment, he wonders if he summoned her.
“Not anymore.”
She walks up to him and rests her elbows on the railing. “Mind if I ask what’s on your mind?”
“You may ask. But I may choose not to answer.”
“You can say you were thinking about me, Tyril,” she teases, unaware of the fact that her words are at least partially true. “I won’t judge you.”
“If you must know, I was contemplating the requirements of my quest.”
“Considering your scowl, they might not be very nice.”
“Requirements are rarely ‘nice’.”
“You got me there. What are these requirements?”
He looks at the sea. “Control. Of myself, of my circumstances as much as possible.”
“That doesn’t seem like something that would be too hard for you.” When he turns to her, she waves a hand in his direction. “I mean, control seems to be your thing. Self-control at least. Of your circumstances…”
She breaks off, a look on her face that he’s seen in his own reflection. It’s a look of regret. Of helplessness.
“Well. Are we ever truly in control of our circumstances?”
He leans against the railing. “Perhaps not completely, but I believe we can bend them to our will on occasion.”
“An optimist. I like it. Well.” She straightens and gives him a little wave. “I better go back to bed.”
“Raine.” He might not know her, but he thinks he knows what she needs right now. When she looks at him, he gives her a solemn look. “I will assist however I can in the search of your brother. You have my word.”
She smiles, a little sadly. “Thanks, Tyril. I appreciate that.”
Once she’s gone, Tyril’s thoughts don’t immediately turn back to his quest. Instead, he thinks back to his last words. He didn’t stop to think before he said them, which would alarm him on any other day. But now, remembering the look in Raine’s eyes, he can’t bring himself to regret them.
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raineyraven · 2 years
yknow this is a thought that has been rattling around in my head for a long while, so i figured i may as well share it.
almost everyone is very well aware that the dream smp is a very morally grey narrative. we all know that, there are no perfectly righteous or purely evil characters, etc etc.
the thing that's been grating on me of late is that the fandom reactions to significant lore events don't really.. reflect this knowledge. hear me out.
ever since the red festival i've felt acutely aware of this. one of the longest-running debates in this fandom was who was in the wrong for tubbo's execution. techno for pulling the trigger, tommy and wilbur for not helping him. i saw post after post after post debating it the rest of that year. and i heavily disliked it. seeing people watch these characters have to improvise with an unpredicted circumstance and react to it imperfectly, reacting how their characters would be expected to, and then deciding to label some as right and some as wrong. to put them on those levels of morality, rather than viewing it through the morally grey lens the narrative has pushed. again, it just grated on me. treating these characters' decisions and actions as either wrong or right instead of treating them as decisions that move the narrative in fascinating ways and give us a window into their character.
i. dislike. when characters are made to embody either good or evil and have their flaws made respectable and palatable and easily overcome instead of more.. human i guess? it doesnt work for me, thats why i love the dsmp like i do. it's so human.
my brain started revisiting this train of thought after the c!wilbur and c!eret stream in may. the fandom reaction to that was.. a lot. again, post after post i saw opinions on c!eret did worse and c!wilbur's apology didnt make sense, or c!eret was right to be angry at c!wilbur for villainizing them, or any other number of thoughts that stem from the view that one of these characters are right and the other is wrong, that some actions and words were morally justified and others weren't.
very little did i see posts stepping back to look at this conflict in its purest form: a part of the narrative. talking about how fascinating it was that wilbur decided to apologize to eret now, how eret finally admitted how his words had hurt her. every discussion i saw was riddled with the question of did eret really deserve an apology from wilbur, was eret in the wrong for forcing a better apology out of him, who hurt the other more and who really deserved an apology from the other.
i could not help but think back to tubbo's execution after that stream. morally grey characters, morally grey decisions, viewed through the lens of sorting out who's right and who's wrong. who deserves what and how much do they deserve it. what moral box can we put this character into next.
and i've seen this pattern with so many other conflicts!! tubbo's decision to exile tommy, techno betraying pogtopia, doomsday. the narrative places absolutely no blame or condemnation on either side of these conflicts, it doesnt label either as wrong or right, so i guess people just. draw their own conclusions on it? it's weird to me, this need to discuss and debate the rightness and wrongness of these known morally grey characters and their morally grey actions and decisions. which one is better than the other, which one deserves to be listened to and the other condemned, which ones deserve to fight for forgiveness for the rest of their lives and which ones get to recieve it straight away. obviously, i'm not saying people shouldn't have opinions on these topics, i suppose just the constant insistence on subjectivity rather than objectivity when discussing controversial lore events like these irritate me.
i don't particularly know what i hope to achieve with this. i'm certainly not trying to attack anyone who's done this, just expressing my not understanding. it's just a weird way to discuss a morally grey story to me. i'd like to know if anyone else shares this sentiment, or if i'm just spouting nonsense. i don't think i am. this habit in the fandom has been frustrating me since i joined it in august 2020.
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simlit · 1 year
All odd numbers for Kyrie!😁
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What memory would your OC rather just forget?
I think he'd wish he could forget that he was given to the church as a baby. Not necessarily because he wants to reunite or even know his birth parents, he doesn't. But it's a constant reminder that he, quite literally, doesn't belong there. That he was given away as if he was a tool or some material good. It's just a lot to carry around with you.
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Fear of failure. Something that has only recently made itself evident to him (and me lol). In a way, he's a people pleaser. He doesn't want to disappoint those around him. He fears the ripple of consequences that might stem from his domino falling first, and doesn't want to be the person responsible for a larger collapse, so he sort of keeps to his duty as a cog, despite how he might not align with the objective.
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
I would say... not very. He's lazy, certainly, but he's also sheltered, incredibly inexperienced, and lacks the means to get what he wants through pure brute strength, power or smarts. That being said, if the obstacle is something he can overcome, I think he'd be more inclined to actually try.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
I made Kyrie almost as a blank slate so that I could easily adapt him to the circumstances of the story. Because CotS is both interactive and filled with characters I didn't create, he had to be someone who could blend well with all types of people, and not have many "hardstops" so to speak, morally or otherwise. But along the way I've tried to make someone who is an "open template" entertaining, and I think Kyrie's almost lackadaisical unbothered humor emerged from all of ~that~. I didn't go in planning him to be such a huge fucking troll, but I'm glad he has his "thing". In a story with so many strong personalities, it would have been easy to get overtaken by the other cast members.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
"That's abominable." Because it's just so damn funny.
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Yes, he has one, and no he doesn't use it. And it's been called into question multiple times in the story, and I still don't think a damn one of them knows the actual truth yet lmao. It's funnier that way. It wouldn't save him from getting murdered, obviously. It would probably just get him murdered faster.
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
Absolutely. If he wasn't so hot. Because honestly every time I look at him I just want to punch him in the face so 100% the conversation would go no where and I'd get arrested.
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
No he doesn't.
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
I kind of... took his sister. Mean Jade go grr. I have this terrible habit of killing off loving sisters. I leave the bad ones though. Elsera says hi.
How does your OC behave when enraged?
He's one of those awful people who just gets stoic and civil when angry. As Tay said while having the absolute pleasure of being on the other end of it: that's probably worse. He's not been confronted with a situation that would make him exceptionally angry though, i.e. nothing life or death, so maybe that would change.
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
He doesn't.
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
I think it would be loss. Which I guess is a generic answer, since it's pretty typical of human nature not to handle loss well. But I think when you have so very little in your life that is truly meaningful, then you're grasping at straws and have nothing to distract you from your grief. I think in the story currently, he's in a constant state of bracing. Trying to remain outwardly hopeful even though his body is already starting to reject the premise that things will turn out well, and that putting so much mental strength into denying it, degrades his focus in other facets of his life. Outside of the few moments where he's truly and genuinely amused, I do feel he's starting to lose himself under the pressure he would have, otherwise, been able to stand against without hesitation. I can't really imagine him in a place where he has to accept that loss is real, and I don't know how or if he can cope with it when it does.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
I love what a huge fuckin TROLL he is. Sorry, it's so entertaining to me. It's one of my main reasons for preferring him with ~certain~ members of the cast. Mostly the ones who are ripe for riling up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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yinyuedijun · 6 months
Help I have another idea I need to share sjdnkek
This one's a bit wild ig so bear with me ok??! It's fluffy too and non toxic I think. I hope. Pls tell me this isn't somehow creepy I'm sorry if it is skskdkkd
SO- Aventurine × Ena! Reader.
Ena being ofc, the Gaiathra Triclops. In this version, even though everyone believes Ena was assimilated into Xipe, that's not what really happened - Ena instead made a deal with Xipe, trusting the Harmony to uphold Order, and willingly gave up their path and power as an Aeon, choosing to reincarnate as a mortal. And before they gave up their power, they did two last things: first, guarantee that their reincarnation would regain at least some knowledge of their previous life, i.e knowing that they were an Aeon before. And second, give out one last blessing to one of the people they watched over - Kakavasha.
Ena goes on to reincarnate (I'm thinking something like the Dan Heng/Dan Feng situation, so reader has dreams of their previous memories and such, but is a completely different person to who Ena was), and Reader!Ena lives a pretty tranquil life as a mortal - while Kakavasha goes through hell, and loses faith in the Gaiathra Triclops. I haven't given much thought to how they meet, but maybe Ena!Reader goes to Penacony out of curiosity for what a land presided by Harmony is like (given that they know they used to be the Aeon of Order, and that they had previously chosen to entrust Harmony with their path.) and they run into Aventurine there - and they just know. They can feel Ena's blessing on him, and they're immediately drawn to him.
Getting to know each other, creating a bond, trusting each other until Aventurine can open up about his past with them, and reader reveals their identity, and suddenly everything changes for him - he wasn't abandoned by his God, but rather they'd given him their final blessing before they passed - and reader has this strong urge to cherish and protect him, not because he's the child blessed by Ena, but because they've fallen for him. The complicated relationship they'll have to sort out where Kakavasha feels like Reader is a gift sent by Gaiathra, while Reader cherishes and worships him like he's the divine one. Aventurine being loved unconditionally and cherished for the first time, being basically worshiped by the Reader.. being treated like he's the most precious thing in the world, being looked at with pure love and adoration. The hurt, the confusion, the fear of being loved.. maybe reader can have some issues too and be so wholly devoted they'd do anything for him, no matter how much it might harm them, just to add a bit more trouble to work on.
I don't think I'll ever actually write any of my ideas (even though I do have a writing blog lmao) bc I'm too insecure about my writing and my inspiration bursts are too inconsistent, but thank you for reading my silly thoughts and letting me share them lol I really appreciate it, especially bc you're one of my favorite writers here <3
- Penacony DH smut anon (lol)
I DONT THINK ITS CREEPY AT ALL!! I adore reincarnation romances and I have a particular fondness for reincarnated deity romances. It would be so interesting to see Aventurine process this news. I really like the phrase you used wrt "the fear of being loved" - I think Aventurine would suffer very, very intensely from this fear under regular circumstances with a human. I can only imagine the state of panic he'd be in if he were the object of affection of the god who supposedly forsook him. augflgsjsk it would be so juicy... reader too I'm sure they're full of many complicated feelings just like dan heng is (I bet the two of them would be besties)
I'm sad hearing that you feel you won't write your ideas, I think they are so brilliant and I love reading them 🥺 you're always welcome to share them here - but please let me know if you do ever decide to post something, I'd love to read and reblog it <333
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hyperbolicreverie · 2 years
A bit of a meta for the birthday boy, because it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while:
I think, when talking about Law’s characterization, especially in regards to arguments that he’s secretly (or not-so secretly, your mileage may vary) a big softie, one interaction that I don’t see getting talked about too often is the fact that, when the fight with Doflamingo is all said and done, he goes back and saves Bellamy.
Now, Law does seem to have a habit of just…saving people, sometimes counter to what seems like conventional logic at the time—him showing up at Marineford to yoink Luffy and Jinbei out of there is kind of a perfect example of that. And if you want to be as objective about those situations as possible, you could say that every other time he rescues someone, it’s purely a strategic choice. (Once we get to Wano and the rooftop fight the narrative seems to give him a little more explicit emotional investment in his reasoning, so you can make an argument either way, I think).
Bellamy, who Law has every reason to be pretty damn pissed at,  given his role in distracting Luffy from getting back to the rooftop fight with Doflamingo (even if it was largely his sassy, shit-talking mouth and the fraught emotions being thrown around that made that fight escalate so fast). Even if he was feeling unusually charitable, there’s no angle where saving Bellamy is beneficial to him. Heck, even Bellamy is confused as to why Law saved him. He claims it’s because Luffy called him a friend, but when pressed, he gets defensive really fast.
But here’s the thing. Luffy would never have expected Law to go out of his way to pull Bellamy out of the rubble. Luffy clearly didn’t want their fight to end the way it did, but he’s always owned his own decisions, and Bellamy had made it clear that there was only one way he was going to stop fighting. And eventually, Luffy had to respect that. Nor was he--to our knowledge, anyway—awake at any point after the fight with Doflamingo to ask anyone to make sure Bellamy was okay.
And yet, we have Law—Law, who has multiple gunshot wounds to his torso, recently had his arm reattached after experiencing traumatic dismemberment, who is so exhausted he had to cut into his lifespan just to keep going, and who is experiencing one of the most emotional periods of his already incredibly fucked up life—going out of his way to grab Bellamy. And I do mean, ‘out of his way:’ Bellamy was left underneath the palace, and by the time the fight ended, Law is who knows how far away in the middle of the city. He had to make an effort to get all the way back to the palace, grab Bellamy, and bring him to Kyros’ cabin. (And then arguably take care of everyone’s wounds on account of probably being the only person in that cabin with medical knowledge and hey, why do so many people think he has no stamina? Because he seems more like the damn Energizer Bunny to me).
You could make the argument that Bellamy needed to be left alive for something later on down the line—and it’s One Piece, so that is an entirely reasonable train of thought—but based on the cover stories we know that Bellamy has retired from piracy to become a dyer. There aren’t a lot of avenues I can see where he becomes a critical piece in the story again. Show up? Sure, we love cameos. But to be necessary? I’m not sure.
We, as the audience, get to see Bellamy go through the full process of his disillusionment with Doflamingo during the events of Dressrosa. And I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to argue that that is something Law knows very well. Once upon a time, he hung his hat on Doflamingo to try and get where he wanted, and that turned out very badly, and here is this man going through what probably looks like a very similar process. Their circumstances are very different, but there's a solid throughline there. And maybe that really had nothing to do with it at all, and Law really is just a softhearted person with a prickly outer shell, but it's an interesting parallel to think about.
So yeah. Law’s motivations, as they have been for most of his general existence outside of Dressrosa, are a mystery here. And I think this is what makes him such a fascinating character, because more than most characters in the series, you can’t really take his words for what they are. You have to watch what he actually does. And what we see him doing is griping and moaning about all sorts of things, and then doing them anyway. Every single time he’s asked to help someone, he complains—but at no point does he actually not help. We see it with Bellamy, and we see it with his intentions to get the Scabbards to safety even before Luffy asks, and even with the kids on Punk Hazard, who he did in fact help when all was said and done—and from the sound of it, made it as easy a process as possible, given some of them say the process was kind of fun. (But Law and his intimate knowledge of how terrifying doctors and medicine can be for little kids is a conversation for another time).
Is he the nicest guy? No, definitely not. He's kind of an asshole, and abrasive, ruthless and calculating, and regardless of how well-founded or not his actual reputation is, he definitely still plays it up a little bit. (But then, everyone gets to be at least a bit of an asshole in One Piece, and I love that for the characters. I don't want paragons of heroics, I want people).
But he's also the guy who goes out of his way to save people. And even if he doesn't seem to know how to admit to any sort of altruism, or view it as a particular good trait in and of itself, and even if he's garbage at accepting honest thanks for his help, it keeps happening.
Is it still impossible to predict what he's going to be doing in the future, now that he's not constantly around anymore? Yeah. But a lot of people wouldn't be around right now if it weren't for him, and I don't think they'll be forgetting that anytime soon.
(Even if Law might wish they would).
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zenmastercharles · 6 months
Conceptualizing Upgraded Powers for Every Miraculous
What’s up BITCHES🗣️‼️
…i’m sorry guys, I shouldn’t have called you bitches.
The concept of evolving powers in Miraculous Ladybug has raised some…interesting questions. When Ladybug basically said “fuck you, I do what I want” and made herself a new power, it confused a lot of us. And when Shadowmoth did the same goddamn thing, we were just kind of tired of it. The unspecific and wishy washy circumstances around upgrading a Miraculous user’s powers has inspired many people in the fanbase to make up their own headcanons for it, improving on the power that we were given and also conceptualizing upgrades for other users. 
Well, in this post, I’m gonna do the same thing….
For every goddamn Miraculous we see in this show
Am I crazy? Yes. Do I even have the time to do all of this? No.  Am I going to obsess over this for days on end instead of doing what I actually need to do? Absolutely.
To explain what exactly I’m doing here, instead of looking into the animals each Miraculous is based on, I’m purely going to draw concepts from the, well, concept the kwami embodies. That means I’m going to find a new power for Creation, Destruction, Transmission, Emotion, Illusion, Protection, Subjection (fuck Action, all my homies hate Action), Evolution, Intuition, Migration, Derision, Perfection, Jubilation, Inflatio-nah I’m just fuckin’ with you, Exaltation, Multiplication, Pretension, Passion, Determination, and Adoration.
Okay so maybe I lied about every Miraculous being in here since I’m ignoring the Eagle, but I’d rather wait until more Miraculouses from the NA Box get explored. Some of these are going to be easier than others, and some of these are going to be the bane of my existence, lookin’ at you Derision (which is oddly fitting). I’m gonna try my hardest not to make these upgrades OP. Now, without further ado, let’s do this.
“Oh, Ladybug already got an upgra-” Well that upgrade was ASS, so we’re giving her a better one. When thinking of a new power for the Ladybug Miraculous, it was pretty damn difficult. I mean, Creation is a concept that’s so broad yet so specific. You have so many options yet no options at the same time. I was caught in a bit of a strange conundrum. So, in my desperate time of need, I turned to a friend that’s been helping me with shit like this since I first started writing.  My all-knowing buddy,
🪽𝒮𝓊𝓅𝓮𝓇𝓅𝓸𝓌𝓮𝓇 𝒲𝒾𝓀𝒾🪽
When I went to this site, I did what anyone would do and simply searched up Creation to see what I found. And I found a lot, a lot that could become too busted too fast. I had a few ideas at first, my first idea after going to this page was a literal goddamn domain expansion, that being Ladybug projecting her will in the form of a pocket dimension where her imagination reigns supreme. My second idea was something I would’ve called Power Plant, basically Ladybug’s spots glow and she can generate blasts of pure Big Bang energy, which again, is busted. 
Eventually, I found something that interested me and that’s Transmutation. Y’know, Alchemy from FMA? Yeah, that. It’s basically transforming one thing into another thing of equal value. And that, my friends, falls under Creation. Because you’re basically breaking something and using the parts to create something new. So, I’m guessing you can see where I’m going with this, right?
Ladybug’s new upgraded power is Overhaul, an ability that allows her to transform an inanimate object into an object of equal weight and density. So she can take a vase and transform it into an ax, but that ax is gonna be the same weight and density of the vase…and it’s gonna be made out of glass.
…holy shit, I just realized that’s an MHA reference, I legit didn’t even mean tha-
Another upgrade that I came up with thanks to the help of with the help of my dear friend,
🪽𝒮𝓊𝓅𝓮𝓇𝓅𝓸𝓌𝓮𝓇 𝒲𝒾𝓀𝒾🪽
I am of the opinion that Chat Noir got absolutely shitted out of a new power in Season 5. You’re telling me you had Adrien go through all that bullshit that season and you couldn’t have at least given him some new razzle-dazzle to pay it off? Boosh.
Anyway, this one was actually fairly easier since Destruction isn’t really that broad a concept. I mean, you’re destroying shit, how complicated can it be? So, with Creation, I wanted to think about how Ladybug was creating something, but with Destruction, I want to focus on what Chat Noir’s destroying.
I went through some ideas before I came to a conclusion, Chat Noir being able to destroy someone’s soul to incapacitate them, him being able to destroy someone’s mental boundaries and what not. For the longest time I had the idea in my head that Chat Noir could maybe destroy an aspect of something, like maybe he could just destroy the color in an object and turn it completely gray. However, I feel that’s a bit more…situational. But, I eventually had a definitive idea. You know what falls under Destruction? Division.
“Wha-how does Division fall under Destruction?” You might ask, and that’s simple, division is destroying the bond that keeps multiple things whole, forcefully separating them. For example, if you have a lobster and you tear off it’s claw you have to destroy the shell to get to the meat inside. You’re dividing the shell from the meat by destroying the shell. (I’m fully aware that you didn’t need that explanation but I just watched the episode of Young Sheldon where George taught Missy how to crack a lobster and I’m still not over it)
So, Chat Noir’s new power is Hissection, it allows him to forcefully separate one thing from another by basically touching it and pulling that bitch out. He could use it on an akuma’s object and literally rip the akuma out of it without damaging the object. Or, if he’s getting really morbid, he could rip someone’s skeletal structure out of their body and just watch them fall down like ol jelly bones. He obviously wouldn’t do that, but still.
I have the perfect scenario for this power to develop too, Monarch finds out that Adrien is Chat Noir and tries to use the ring to get him to come to his side since Adrien’s a sentimonster, only for Chat Noir to use this power to separate himself from the Peacock Miraculous and wedding rings, granting himself his own sentience. Isn’t that just raw as hell?
I’m gonna call Gabriel Hawkmoth for this section because I refuse to keep up with his new names. Hawk Moth has already got a kind-of upgrade with “Megakumas”. However, Megakumas are just boosh. They’re basically ‘akumas but stronger’. So I’ll be coming up with a new one just how I did with Ladybug. 
Now, the butterfly is connected to the concept of Transmission which I was having a hard time with because my stupid ass brain only thought of Transmission as “broadcasting TV/telekinetic signals”. That’s the reason I changed it to “Transformation” in one of my fics. However, one quick trip to le dictionary corrected me. Now I know that Transmission is the act of transferring something from one place to another. THAT’S why he can do that fuckin’ butterfly head thing…well my version doesn’t make sense anymore.
I really only have one idea for this and I find it perfect. Y’know how akumas transmit powers to akumatized victims right? Well, what if the butterfly user could transmit themselves?
Hawkmoth’s new power is Swarm Shadow, it allows him to break his corporeal form into a swarm of butterflies, allowing him to blast across large distances in a reduced timeframe and re-materialize. It’s basically teleportation with extra steps. 
I always thought him being able to do that in Volpina was cool as hell and I wished canon came up with a way to incorporate that someday…they didn’t.
This one is gonna be a bit shorter because I pretty much got a great idea the moment I thought about it for more than three seconds. The Peacock is the Miraculous of Emotion, right? Well, what better upgrade would there be than, well, controlling emotions?
Argos’ new power is Vehementor, it allows him to subtly or blatantly influence a person’s emotions, he can push positive or negative emotions onto someone, or soften certain emotions to calm someone down. Someone with a stronger will could of course resist this. 
I used Argos instead of Mayura because we clearly aren’t seeing her again for a while. 
Now THIS one is harder. The Fox Miraculous is one of Illusion, which is a power that’s so straight-forward that it’s hard to think of anything to add to it without dipping into other domains. At one point, I thought of giving Rena a memory-based power, maybe the ability to take people’s memories and project them in the form of illusions, but that seemed like it was a bit situational in nature.
Eventually, I did come up with something. Imagine an illusion so advanced that it covered you at all times and that you could alter at will. You can make yourself invisible by forcing the illusion to mimic your surroundings, you could make it look like you’re teleporting by disappearing and reappearing behind people in puffs of orange smoke, you could make yourself look like someone else, you could make someone think you’re a shapeshifter, pretty much anything! 
So, Rena Rouge’s new power is Outfox, it allows her to manifest an illusion that’s connected to her brain and can react to her brain activity, twisting, shaping, and altering itself to whatever Rena can think of. She’ll definitely need to focus to keep pulling this off, or else the illusion would go haywire and out of her control, but it could still be pretty damn cool.
The Turtle Miraculous is one of Protection, which sounds like it would be difficult to come up for something with. I always felt that when coming up with new powers for the Turtle, other fan-creators did some that just…didn’t feel right to me. They just didn’t focus on the ‘protection’ part enough for me to feel like it made sense. My first idea for this was to give Carapace the ability to shape his shields into other stuff, and while I do think that would make for a good sub-power, it wouldn’t really fit for what I’m going for.
But then, I came up with something I like. Do you remember Metal Mario? It’s a powerup from, well, Mario, that gave him a thin coating of metal that enhanced his durability and strength. I’m going to give Nino something similar to that.
Carapace’s new power is Fortify, it allows him to create a forcefield that’s shaped around his body, allowing him to run around tanking attacks left and right. It also increases his physical strength, however, a downside is that he experiences a slight decrease in speed and agility. 
(Yes, I gave him and Rena similar powers intentionally, DJWifi is one of my favorite relationships, let me be)
“Wait, isn’t it Action no-” SUBJECTION!
Subjection is an easy one. Subjection basically means ‘bringing something under your control’. So what better power for this one than mind control?
Queen Bee’s new upgraded power is Hive Mind, it allows her to stick someone with her trompo and bring them under her control, forcing them to do whatever she wants.
Notice how I said ‘Queen Bee’? Don’t worry Vesperia fans, I’m one of you, and I’m not leaving her out. In fact, I’m giving her a completely separate power upgrade. While Chloe would have no problem mind controlling someone, Zoe would likely find the concept…icky.  So, we’ll have to find something new for her. At first I wanted to give her the ability to control plants, because one, putting plants under subjection and two, bee, but that felt unoriginal. So, what did I go with? Something also unoriginal. Because what’s better than enacting subjection? Reversing it.
Vesperia’s new upgraded power is Layoff, it allows her to reverse low-level subjection, if someone else has you mind controlled, Vesperia can reverse that shit easy. Yes, it’s basically Bee Balm from Scarlet Lady (zoe please don’t sue me).
…ugh, fine, if I did consider the concept of Action, then the power would be Comb-Up, it would allow the user to drain the momentum from an object with the tip of the trompo to such a point that the object just completely freezes mid-air.
We’ve got the main 7 out of the way, let’s get onto the time-hopping Miraculous itself, the Miraculous of Evolution. I have mixed feelings on the linking of Evolution to the Time Miraculous because, like, I get it…but like, it doesn’t match all that well. I mean, Duration was right there if you really wanted something time-related. It doesn’t make that much more sense than Evolution, but it’s closer.
Now, at first, I focused a little too much on the time aspect, I thought of stealing time from someone else to slow them down DC style, I thought of enhancing her own time to speed herself up, I even thought of a power that’s actually going to the next Miraculous on the chopping block. But, I eventually got back to Evolution, and thought about what it means to evolve. And I came up with something pretty cool. What if Bunnyx could evolve objects?
Bunnyx’s new power is Rush Job, it allows her to harness a small percentage of chronokinetic energies and apply it to an object to evolve it, bringing it to a higher level. For example, you got a car? Do you want it to fly? BOOM! Rush Job! Now your car has jets and wings….I feel like I haven’t explained it well enough.
The weakness of this one would be, I guess, when it evolves it looses one of it’s best features from when it pre-evolved. Like, going back to the car, yeah it has jets now but there’s not a steering wheel anymore, just a steering mechanism that’s hella hard to get down. Also it wears off fast.
Ah, the Miraculous of the Snake, or as I like to call it, the one that basically lets you go “nuh-uh”. Intuition is a simple concept to get down, basically you’re super aware and have good instincts. This is also another wibbly wobbly time Miraculous, it and the Rabbit take turns making each other insignificant. This one was actually pretty easy for me, as I already had this power in mind for the snake for months now. 
Viperion’s new power is Scale Factor, it allows him to peer through time to view the possible outcomes of each action they take, and adjust for certain happenings. He would have to focus hard, but I feel that shouldn’t be hard for Luka.
Bit of a detour, but the Horse Miraculous’ power doesn’t make sense to me, mostly because it’s a huge wasted opportunity. The concept is Migration, and that’s basically moving from one direction to another. And what are horses known for? Running! So the obvious conclusion for the Horse’s power is PORTALS! I’m gonna give the Horse the power I think it should’ve had in the first place.
Pegasus’ new power is Steed, it allows him to sprint at incredible speeds, becoming a light green blur (same color as the portals). 
This one…this one was the death of me. Because what the fuck is ‘Derision’? I didn’t even know that was a word before Thomas decided to pull it out of his ass and slap it onto the table. Apparently is means, “contemptuous ridicule or mockery”. So basically, magic bullying. Now, how do I find another application of this? Credit where credit’s due, Uproar is kinda perfect for the concept of Derision. Basically making your opponent the laughing stock by disrupting their power. After a few hours, I finally got it. What if your power made you the laughing stock.
What if you’re the jester, the joker, the one who made people laugh, whether they like it or not?
Roi Singe’s new power is Quip King, it allows him to tell a joke so bad, a joke so cringe, a joke so unbelievably garbage, that anyone who hears it laughs at him. Forcibly. And they can’t stop. It’s basically Joker Venom but WAY less lethal. Can’t exactly threaten the city while your ribs are quaking.
Okay, Derision was the death of me, this buried me underground. This time, I knew what Perfection was, I just don’t know how that connects to the animal or the power. I mean, Ryuko has weather powers. The fuck does that have to do with Perfection? I mean, if you wanted her to have weather powers that bad, Precipitation was right there. 
Anyways, finding something to do with Perfection that still looped in with it’s main power was very hard…so I just didn't. I straight up forgot about the ‘Storm Dragon’ powers and focused completely on Perfection. Perfection means, well, making things perfect, so I thought of something like a stat booster, making the user a living unit of strength, speed, durability, and stamina. I realized that, one, that would be way too busted, and two, it would overshadow the turtle’s new power. I eventually came up with something different though.
Ryuko’s new power is Omni-Tongue, it allows her to understand and speak all existing languages, including ancient or fictional languages. It’s kind of situational but honestly, the Dragon is already one of the most busted of the Chinese Box, it doesn’t need another super flashy power. 
Ah yes, the Miraculous quite literally designed for Rose. It’s the Miraculous of Jubilation, meaning the feeling of great happiness or triumph. I’m sure you’re thinking “Zen Master Charles, how the hell are you gonna find another application of this.” Quiet, dear reader, as I know how to do this. I didn’t really have any other ideas for this one since the answer was pretty clear cut.
Pigella’s new power is Peace Out, it overloads whoever she hits with her tambourine with so much positive emotion that they can’t do anything else but frolic around and enjoy the world’s beauty.
What the fuck is ‘exaltation’?
“Actually, the concept got changed to ‘elation’.” Ahhh…what the fuck is ‘elation’?
Okay so Elation means ‘a feeling of great joy or pride’. Now, how the hell does that factor into a super punch? I have no idea, but I do have an idea of what it’s upgraded power could be. See, when you’re super happy, you’re super energetic, like you’re bouncing around and shit. And you would need a lot of stamina for that, so…
Purple Tigress’ new power is Resolver, it allows her to grant herself nigh-infinite stamina and a slight increase in speed and agility. 
Eezy dubs.
Polymouse’s new power is Bootleg, it allows her to produce copies of physical objects, the only downside being that the copies will be of lower quality, y’know, like a bootleg version.
Ah, pretension, a claim or assertion of a claim to something. It actually makes sense paired with the power of the Miraculous itself, good job Thomas! Of course the power itself is busted beyond all accounts and makes the rest of the show seem like it could’ve been solved if at least one character had an IQ above room temperature. It’s hard to come up with something new for Pretension because it’s such a…specific term.
My first idea was a power that allowed the user to create a specific rule that had to be followed within a certain area, but that sounded busted. Too busted, even by the standards of the power it already has. However, once I wrote this off, I had an idea. How about, instead of creating rules, the Rooster hero could break them?
So, Rooster Bold’s new power is Rebel Roost, it allows him to make himself exempt from any rule or law by writing it with his feather pen dagger. Seems pretty useless at first right? WRONG! Laws of gravity? Fuck you, I can fly. Rules of Nature? Hey, mouse! You can kill that cat that’s been hunting you now! Yes, it’s broken, but so is it’s other power.
Another eezy dub, y’know how passion basically means you’re dedicated towards something and have strong emotions towards it? And when it’s at it’s peak, nothing can keep you away from it?
Caprikid’s new power is Scapegoat, it allows him to become intangible, meaning that he can walk and/or float through physical objects, but he can’t touch them until he deactivates the power.
The Ox Miraculous of Determination, in the simplest terms, is literally a big blue ‘nuh uh’ button. Surprisingly, it also makes sense paired with the power Astruc came up with! I’m tired as hell so I’m not gonna explain my thought process here.
Minataurox’s new power is Oxenfree, it allows him to supply his allies with boosts to their willpower. It’s lazy, I know, idc. (God, I’m falling off.)
The Miraculous of the Dog holds the concept of Adoration, makes sense with the animal, not so much the power. Now, how the hell am I supposed to find another application of Adoration…actually it’s quite easy. It’s the same thing as the Horse, where all I have to do is give it the power I think it should’ve had in the first place. 
Miss Hound’s new power is Track Star, it allows her to target a specific person and track them down wherever they go. 
~~hide away, hide away from me, hide away, hide away from me-~~
Guys, this took me 10 days.
Alright, if you have any alternate ideas you want to share or want to use any of these for your fics, make sure to comment below.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 9 months
hi! firstly, sorry in advance for the long ask. your blog is very thought provoking! secondly, i wanna say i really appreciate all your writing on totk - i’ve kinda deliberately avoided looking at any critiques of the game because, quite frankly, i had a fun time in the moment while playing it and i didn’t want to sully that experience, but your posts have all been quality and have given me a lot to think about with respect to the narrative, its aims, and whether or not “pure, uncomplicated, escapist fiction” is actually a good thing
i digress though - the subject i wanted to ask about, which comes up both in your general “all the consequences were undone and therefore nothing mattered” stance, and more directly in your post about dondons/humanity/morality (specifically the part about “should we trust the bargainer statues that nothing matters? or should we actually care about light vs dark?”) is kind of the age old sentiment that the journey is more important than the destination, and how you think about this in the context of zelda as a narrative, as a defining game in the adventure genre, and now as a landmark in the open world style
in the case of the bargainer statue, i was thrown by you framing “trusting the statues about morality” vs “being moved by the struggle of light against dark” as an either/or - a grimly nihilistic view. in the game (and, i think, in real life), the message is that the ultimate futility of everything does not invalidate the reality of people living their lives in the present, and a positive nihilism challenges us to try and help people and do good in spite of that meaninglessness. this is why the bargainer statues feel so bizarre and un-zelda-like (or at the very least, un-hyrulian. not a bad thing!) - the universe of zelda has always at its core been about how helping other people is a noble endeavor and is its own reward (with gratitude in skyward sword actually manifesting this physically), and the bargainers’ ambivalence flies in the face of this. it’s obvious to us as the player that towns being destroyed and lives being torn apart is objectively bad, even if everyone ends up as a poe in the depths either way, and the bargainers reading as sinister and alien actually reinforces this more than it calls it into question. the quality of the time spent in life matters, even if the ending looks the same
as a game, i think zelda has always been at least as much about the stories and connections you experience on your quest to deal with the big bad as it is about that actual climactic fight. it’s always leaned into the adventure half of “action/adventure,” and in some ways i do think this is what “gameplay before story” originally meant. as you’ve noted, some of the brightest points of totk are the sidequests and characters for whom you can make a small but noticeable difference, and through which you’re driven to interrogate the world and maybe yourself too. and it’s because of these connections that reverting things at the end doesn’t make everything futile and pointless. link is our connection to hyrule, and if the adventure impacted us positively, then we can infer that it impacted link (and to a lesser extent, zelda) positively as well, and that’s worthwhile even if the external circumstances change
a last quick point is that i think the increasingly open world nature of the series also reinforces this - sure you can run naked straight to castle and beat ganondorf without engaging with the game in any way, and you’ll save the day the same as someone who put in 300 hours on the way there, but your takeaway will be completely different, because that journey is the entire point
anyways thanks again for your thoughtful posts and for reading this far if you did!
Heyy thank you so much for perusing my blog and leaving such a thoughtful ask, it's greatly appreciated! <3
That's interesting you took the Dondon post in that way, as it wasn't what I meant at all haha. But I do recognize it was worded in kind of a cryptic way, and left it up to interpretation perhaps a tad too much (see: the limits of subtext), so I can try and make myself a little more clear (and I also think you bring up really good points that completely deserve to be mentioned and that I personally do not mention nearly enough)
What I meant by the "either/or" isn't what we, as an audience should take away as what's important or meaningful, and completely discard the other part as useless. It's not what we experience ingame, and this contradiction is inherently interesting and sparks some degree of conflict (good! storytelling need those and totk is conflict anemic honestly)
What bothered me is that we are prompted, in the game, to see things in an extremely black and white way in spite of an argumentation that maybe, we shouldn't. It's not bad in itself, I even think it's great that we get to question the moral fabric of the world! It's one of the very rare (in my opinion) compelling things about the narrative weaved out for us. But the endgoal of the game still remains the same: find Zelda, and swear yourself/all of your friends to Rauru's ancestral kingdom by using his powers and his guiding hand. Link's role in restoring Hyrule is never even hinted as being a potential question mark, or something we should ponder upon (Twilight Princess did directly question Hyrule in more ways than one, WW is also there, etc). But moreso than in other games in my opinion: we are doing the bidding of a king's territorial war that happened a very long time ago, and the current state of Hyrule doesn't seem to indicate the need for pushing a unified kingdom back onto everybody, or at least it wouldn't be a problem if not for Ganondorf's presence (which in of itself is still arguable as an argument for royal unity, since people would have been willing to band together for the sake of their own communities regardless of whether or not there was a unifying realm --remove the Sage's vow, and I don't believe Link's friends would have let him handle his fight on his own even without having to swear their alliegeance to what is basically a dead kingdom by this point).
My problem isn't the statues; it's that this Light/Darkness framing is only ever questioned when close to them/the Monster Brothers, and the rest of the world is extremely rigid in what is the correct path --but without the added tragic weight that other Zelda games generally have about this aspect (the Sages in OoT being torn from their previous aspect/your own lost childhood, Skyward Sword's Hylia and the way she enacts her plan through people who never had a choice --and that's identified as something bittersweet, not to mention the infamous curse of Demise...)
I do adore what you mention, this sort of "positive nihilism" as a staple of the series. It's never as apparent as in Majora's Mask in my opinion, where getting people comfort and rest is ultimately without consequence as you constantly reset their minds, but it still feels meaningful to have helped. I think BotW did that really well too --where you help people rebuidling life and meaning in the middle of the desolation, making the post-apocalypse hopeful, a place for potential growth and change and resilience and experimentation. In TotK, however, I don't think your efforts are as centered around making sure these people get a future as they were in BotW (except maybe, as you mentioned, in a couple of sidequests --Lurelin's village being one of them, for example). Maybe it's because Ganondorf's threat is not as clear as the Calamity's was, maybe it's because what guides your adventure is to find Zelda first and foremost rather than defeating whatever threatens the peace (treated narratively as a hindrance more than the core problem, even if it is ultimately the core problem --again, the narration/quest design is pretty messy here and it doesn't help matters), or maybe it's because the endgoal is not for people to make their own way into the world, but mostly for the wayward folk of Hyrule to be ushered back onto the glorious trail of Hylian/Zonai's legacy --but to me, the game has a weird agenda regarding Link/the player's role into this world that is generally tangential to his role as a hero and a balancing force in other legends. Here, he starts the game as a knight. His duty is to Zelda, but it ends up overlapping to what Zelda represents in a far more abstract way than usual.
What I think works in TotK in terms of "positive nihilism" is actually Ultrahand, and this gimmick of "world as playground", which I believe is a very clever and engaging way to imagine an open world. There are a ton of little gameplay moments that are yours to shape and inject meaning into; manipulation for the sake of it, the joy of play, and experimentation being rewarded and never punished. To me, this feels the most like inhabiting the world, making it your own, and doing things because they matters to you --and this being enough. But narratively speaking, this is just not really the story being told to us: we are told, us and basically every other NPC, to conform to a plan laid out for us that doesn't ever need to be investigated or questioned --even though now, at crossroad of what the future could look like, would be the perfect moment to do so.
I think what I ultimately tried to point out in that Dondon post is how jarring this hint that, perhaps nothing you do In The Name of Light actually means anything, and this having zero impact on the rigidity of the pupose you are supposed to accomplish In The Name of Light --and the game never seemingly acknowledging that paradox, which made for a (I think, unplanned) pretty oppressive playing experience on my end.
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Logos and Pathos (Book 2) Chapter Fourteen
Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Fourteen: Fog of Emotion
Summary: Murder and mayhem abound, and (Y/N) is determined to discover the truth so that Scotty isn't sent to prison.
            “Depending on your wife’s empathic abilities is all very well, Prefect, but there’s one way we can find out what it is Mr. Scott cannot remember,” said Kirk as Jaris escorted them to an elegant living room in his home. “But there’s one way we can find out what it is Mr. Scott cannot remember. Since you find it impossible to let us go back up to our ship, I can beam down a technician with a psycho-tricorder.”
            Bones nodded. “Prefect, it will give us a detailed account of everything that’s happened to Mr. Scott in the last twenty-four hours.”
            “I’d advise against it, Prefect,” said Hengist. “This is purely an Argelian matter.”
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow. They understood that diplomacy was necessary when dealing with a planet’s jurisdiction, but surely they understood that this would help everyone. (Y/N) sighed. Bureaucracy.
            “My wife must meditate for a time before she is ready,” said Jaris. “I see no reason why we should not use that time to good advantage.”
            (Y/N) smiled. At least someone here has sense.
            Kirk nodded and radioed to the Enterprise to send down a technician with a psycho-tricorder.
            “Prefect, the psycho-tricorder will require privacy in order to be effective,” said Spock.
            “There is a small chamber below this room.” Jaris motioned to a small corridor. “Perhaps that will suffice.” He glanced at Kirk. “Captain, news of this frightful murder is spreading among my people. They’re greatly disturbed. I have heard talk of closing Argelius to space vehicles.”
            “Well, that would be most unfortunate. Argelian hospitality is well-known,” said Kirk. “As well as its strategic importance as a space port.”
            “Yes, I believe it’s the only one in the quadrant,” said Jaris.
            Hengist cleared his throat. “There are other people we should question. Perhaps I should go to expedite their arrival here?”
            “Yes, please do so, Mr. Hengist,” said Jaris, nodding. “Anyone with any connection with this murder should be present at the ceremony.”
            Hengist smiled, nodded, and left to follow orders. He paused when a woman beamed into the room, the technician with the psycho-tricorder. She gave him a polite nod which he returned before continuing on.
            “Lieutenant Karen Tracy reporting as ordered, Captain,” said Tracy.
            “Lieutenant, we require a twenty-four hour regressive memory check on Mr. Scott,” said Spock.
            “Yes, sir. Where shall I set up?” asked Tracy.
            “Down this hall, Lieutenant,” said (Y/N), smiling and gesturing to the hall. Scotty swallowed hard before following Tracy down to the room where they’d get their answers.
            Bones frowned. “Under normal circumstances, Scotty could never have done such a thing.”
            Kirk nodded grimly. “But that blow to the head—it could put all his previous behavior patterns into the junk heap.”
            “Of course, there’s another possibility,” said Bones.
            “What?” asked (Y/N).
            “Hysterical amnesia,” said Bones. “When a man feels guilty about something, something too terrible to remember, he blots it out of his conscious memory.”
            “We shall find out soon,” said Spock gravely.
            “Ah, Sybo,” said Jaris happily as his wife appeared in the room’s doorway. “Are you ready?”
            “I am ready,” said Sybo, her voice smooth and clear. “May I have the knife, please?”
            “Certainly,” said Jaris. He looked to the Enterprise officers. “Among other gifts, Sybo has the ability to receive impressions from inanimate objects. With Lieutenant (L/N)’s more powerful empathic abilities, we shall discover the truths this weapon hides. Do you have it, Captain?”
            “The knife?” Kirk frowned. “No.”
            Jaris furrowed his brow as he examined the ring of sitting pillows, small table, and fire. “I put it right here when we arrived. It’s gone.”
            As if on cue, a woman’s scream pierced the silence, as blood-curdling as that of Kara’s as she was murdered. (Y/N) gasped as a flash of powerful fear hit them. The woman was close enough to feel her emotions as her terror overcame her.
            (Y/N) stumbled, and Spock was by their side in a moment to steady them while Jaris, Kirk, and Bones ran to the corridor where Scotty and Tracy had disappeared not five minutes before. (Y/N) straightened, touching Spock’s arm briefly in thanks, before running down as well.
            In the private room, Scotty was slumped over in his chair while Tracy was sprawled on the ground with stab wounds in her back.
            “She’s dead, Jim,” said Bones in a hushed voice. “Just like Kara. Stabbed over and over again.”
            And Scotty’s at the scene of the crime again, thought (Y/N).
            “We must complete the ceremony,” said Jaris gravely. “We must discover the truth before more die.”
            Kirk nodded shortly and with Bones’s help, he hauled Scotty to his feet and escorted him upstairs, still prone and nearly unconscious. Sybo prepared by the fire and circle of pillows as Jaris poured a drink to rejuvenate Scotty.
            “An Argelian stimulant, Doctor,” said Jaris. “Quite effective and quite harmless.”
            Bones nodded. “Go ahead, Scotty.” The Scotsman took the drink and downed it in a moment.
            “Lieutenant,” called Sybo, her eyes closed as she entered a calm, meditative state. “Join me. I find calming oneself is beneficial for the ceremony.”
            “Alright,” said (Y/N), taking a step towards Sybo.
            Spock caught their wrist for a moment. “If the ceremony causes any discomfort or pain, please protect your mind.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “Don’t worry, Spock. I’ll be careful.”
            Spock nodded sharply. “Good.”
            Hengist reentered the room. “Uh, Prefect, both of these men were at the café the night of the murder.”
            “Where have they been during the past few minutes?” asked Kirk sharply.
            “Captain, if you don’t mind, please—” Undoubtedly, Hengist was going to ask for protocol and Argelian traditions and all that.
            “There’s been another murder, Hengist,” interrupted Kirk. “One of my crew.”
            “The same as Kara,” said Jaris.
            “Why that…that’s terrible,” said Hengist. Once again, no real emotions followed the cold bureaucrat. He turned and pointed at one of the men. “You. My men picked you up near here. What were you doing?”
            The man scoffed. “Please, I know nothing about it. I didn’t kill anyone.”
            Hengist frowned. “Well, how was the girl killed?”
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed for a moment. Something was off about his statement, but (Y/N) couldn’t place it. Maybe the wording? Seeing him eyeing them suspiciously, (Y/N) turned away.
            “Stabbed,” responded Kirk. “And there’s no sign of the weapon.”
            Hengist sighed and shook his head sadly. “If only I had the facilities.”
            (Y/N) scowled and muttered under their breath, “If you don’t really feel sympathetic because you’ve been doing this job for so long, don’t try to act all sorry. It doesn’t come off right.” Spock raised an eyebrow as he heard them.
            Kirk approached the other man. “I know you…You were a musician at the café. You played for Kara.”
            The older man nodded. “Since she was a little girl, she danced for me.” His voice was sorrowful and soft. “She was my daughter.”
            “Now that’s true emotion,” murmured (Y/N). Sad emotions, but true.
            “Prefect, how could a thing like this have happened here?” asked Kara’s father. “The man who did it must be found. He must be punished.”
            “And you,” said Kirk, approaching the younger man. “You left the café before Scotty and Kara.”
            “Is this true?” questioned Jaris. “Who are you?”
            “Morla of Cantaba Street, Prefect,” said the man. “I was there. I have nothing to hide.”
            “Did you know Kara?” asked Spock.
            “‘Course he knew her,” said Kara’s father. “They were to be married.”
            (Y/N) blinked. Yikes, that makes Scotty and Kara flirting a little awkward.
            “But he behaved disgracefully. Unheard of. He was jealous of her,” said Kara’s father.
            Oh, good, they weren’t together anymore, then, thought (Y/N).
            “That is very disquieting,” said Jaris.
            It was strange in Argelian culture to be jealous since everyone involved themselves in various forms of pleasure. They were fairly hedonistic, after all. It might have been strange for the Starfleet crew, but their culture was not the Argelian’s.
            “I know it was wrong, Prefect,” said Morla. “But I just couldn’t help myself. I loved her. And when she danced with others and went over to the table with these officers, I could not stand to watch so I left. I went home.”
            “Jealousy has often been a motive for murder,” said Kirk.
            Jaris nodded. “Yes, I know. That is why the emotion is so strongly disapproved of here.”
            “Prefect, I didn’t kill anyone, I couldn’t,” said Morla, his voice and emotions a desperate storm.
            “We shall see, Morla,” said Jaris gravely.
            Bones reentered the room from where he’d been checking the other door of the room where Tracy had been killed. “Sorry, Jim, the lock may or may not have been picked. Be hard to tell, even with the tricorder.”
            Kirk frowned. That didn’t help Scotty’s case. Turning to Morla, he said, “Can you prove you went directly home?”
            “Captain, may I continue with the questions, please?” interrupted Hengist, full of strict protocol and presumption.
            “Well, get on with it, man!” said Kirk sharply. “Just don’t stand there.”
            “Captain, Captain, you’re behaving very much like a man who is desperately trying anything to save his friend,” said Jaris evenly. “Would you be so desperate to save Argelius as a space port for your Starfleet?”
            “Prefect, not just as officers of Starfleet but as people, we’re trying to find justice for Kara and Tracy,” said (Y/N) resolutely. “We want to help and find the truth. No matter what it is.”
            “Even if its Mr. Scott? Need I remind you that in both cases, your friend Scott was discovered over the body and later claimed to remember nothing,” pointed out Hengist, who was really starting to get on (Y/N)’s nerves.
            “I am ready, Jaris,” said Sybo’s soft voice. She took a seat by the fire.
            “Gentlemen, sit down, please,” said Jaris, gesturing to the circle of pillows.
            “On one condition, Prefect,” said Kirk. “That the room be sealed so that no one can leave or enter while the ceremony is going on.”
            Jaris nodded and pulled a switch, closing the doors. “The room is sealed.”
            “Captain, are you sure about this?” asked Scotty.
            “Scotty, this won’t seal your case,” said (Y/N). “It will just indicate bits of the truth or clues to it.” They smiled slightly. “It can’t hurt.”
            Scotty nodded. “Alright, if you insist.”
            “And afterwards, we can return to the Enterprise for a more scientifically detailed investigation,” said Spock. He knew (Y/N)’s abilities could help alleviate some suspicion from Scotty and didn’t doubt their observations since they never overreached and assumed what couldn’t be determined with mere empathy, so he would go with the ceremony because he trusted (Y/N) not to twist any facts.
            Kirk nodded. “We do this their way, and then we do it our way. Let’s take our seats.”
            (Y/N) sat beside Sybo and took her hand. Spock was on their other side, but they merely took his wrist to avoid his hands. As usual, Spock marveled and was honored by the care they took not to cross any of his boundaries. Kirk was on his other side, but Spock was the first to just move so his wrist was touched and not his hand. Yes, Kirk wasn’t going to disrespect his culture, but there was still a difference in the care (Y/N) put in. It made Spock feel special to them. And that was one emotion he didn’t mind at all.
            (Y/N) took a deep breath as they felt Sybo’s psychic energy join with their own to grow and strengthen hers. It was a pleasant feeling—(Y/N) hadn’t been connected with another psychic in a while, and as a Celian they were used to physical and psychic connections growing up—but it was still strange to engage with someone so foreign to them. Thankfully, the feeling of Spock’s firm arm beneath their hand grounded them.
            “Let us begin,” said Sybo. “Let the circle be not broken. Concentrate upon the flame which burns upon the altar of truth.” Everyone’s eyes closed.
            Spock could feel (Y/N)’s psychic aura touch his own. For a moment, he was worried they’d search his emotions and reveal how deep his own really ran, but then he remembered who it was. It was (Y/N). They merely sensed him with their psychic abilities. They were not going to breach his trust. In fact, he didn’t even mind the feeling of their mind. It was warm, like the sunshine in a meadow. Odd. It conjured such dreamy images in his head. Odd, but not unwanted.
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow as they felt a psychic presence other than their own and Sybo’s in the circle. As they were all connected and their energies amplified through Sybo, they could feel each other. First, they thought of Spock, but this energy…it was too dark to be Spock. Spock’s aura made (Y/N) feel safe, like they were at home and surrounded by comfort. This energy made (Y/N)’s skin crawl with its aggression.
            “Yes, there is something here…” murmured Sybo, sensing the same as (Y/N). “…Something terrible. I feel its presence.”
            (Y/N)’s grip on Spock’s wrist tightened. The emotions invading their senses were unbearably strong and malevolent. “There’s so much fear, so much anger, hatred. I can feel it.” Their brow furrowed uncomfortably. “Like needles digging into my skin.”
            “Anger feeds the flame,” said Sybo. “Oh…Oh, there is evil here.”
            (Y/N)’s head throbbed as the presence nearly attacked their mind. Their own fear grew as barbs of anger dug into their skin from the presence. They were not as eloquent as Sybo, but they felt it too. “It’s monstrous. There’s so much hate that it hurts.” They struggled to keep their countenance.
            “A hatred of all that lives,” said Sybo. “A hunger that never dies. It is strong, overpowering. An ancient power. It has a name—Beratis Kesla Redjac. Devouring all life, all light—” Sybo’s ancient priestess powers now flew beyond empathy as her mind gripped onto the enemy’s presence. “—a hunger that will never die! Redjac! Redjac!”
            The room went dark. (Y/N) cried out. Sybo screamed.
            (Y/N) slumped over as the shock of feeling someone’s—Sybo’s—death flash through them. The emotions of pure terror and being so entwined with her mind was nearly unbearable. Spock caught them and pulled them protectively closer for fear that Redjac would attack them as well.
            The lights switched on, and the group’s eyes widened as they saw Scotty standing right behind Sybo, who fell over, eyes blank and unseeing, with a knife in her back. Blood stained Scotty’s hands.
            “We…We need to move her body,” said Bones quietly.
            “Yes…So we may bury her soon,” murmured Jaris sadly. “My beloved Sybo…oh, my beloved.”
            Kirk and Bones exchanged looks and carefully carried Sybo to a nearby couch so she may rest in peace. Scotty sat in a chair, staring blankly, horrified with himself. Kirk glanced at Spock and saw him supporting (Y/N). He still refused to let go of them.
            “Spock, is (L/N)…?” Kirk didn’t want to say it.
            Spock shook his head. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if they were. “Their mind was still connected with Sybo’s when she was killed. (Y/N) is merely in a state of shock induced by psychic injury.”
            “And they’ll be alright?” asked Kirk worriedly.
            Bones nodded. “Yes. They’ll just be a little fragile for now.”
            “I’ll watch over them,” said Spock, not even bothering to justify his behavior with logic. When it came to (Y/N), what mattered was them, not his image.
            Kirk nodded and then addressed the main issue. “Three murders, and Scotty the only possible answer each time.”
            “I don’t care what the circumstances indicate, Jim. Scotty simply could not have done it,” said Bones forcefully.
            “Normally, no. But that blow to his head could—” said Kirk grimly.
            “No, Captain,” croaked Scotty.
            “Scotty, I’m sorry,” said Kirk. “You don’t even remember whether you did it or not.”
            “I agree with you, Captain,” said Hengist. “I am perfectly satisfied Mr. Scott is guilty.”
            “But not responsible,” said Kirk sharply.
            “That is unproven, sir,” said Hengist.
            “We can prove it, if he’s insane,” insisted Kirk.
            “Gentlemen!” said Jaris. “Please. How could any man do such monstrous things?”
            “That’s what we hope to find out, sir,” said Kirk.
            “Mr. Scott…” Jaris gazed at Scotty.
            “Sir, I swear to you I did not kill your wife or the other women,” cried Scotty.
            “By your own admission you don’t know whether you did or didn’t!” said Hengist. “Your so-called failing memory—”
            “Mr. Hengist,” said Kirk. “On the Enterprise, we can make a recording of the registrations of Mr. Scott’s conscious and subconscious mind. And they will tell us what happened to him in the recent past.”
            “There would be no room for doubt,” said Bones. “We would know. And, after all, that’s what we’re after, isn’t it, Prefect? To know?”
            “You, sir, claim to remember nothing about the murders,” said Jaris gravely.
            “Aye,” replied Scotty.
            “If this is so, you may have killed without knowing it,” said Jaris. “Will your machines tell us this?”
            “No doubt will remain,” promised Kirk.
            “Very well. We will go to your ship. And he who is guilty will face the ancient penalties, barbaric and horrible though they may be,” said Jaris. “The ancient penalty for murder was death by slow torture. That law has never been changed.” He looked at Kirk. “Make the preparations.”
            Kirk nodded and pulled out his communicator to speak with the Bridge to prepare the Transporter. In Spock’s arms, (Y/N)’s mind finally became “present” again.
            “Spock?” they asked hesitantly, trying to sit up.
            Spock guided their movements. “Your mind was shocked by Sybo’s emotions,” he said, assessing that they needed to know what had happened to ground themself. “You are alright; your mind is just strengthening its barriers once more.”
            “Yeah…I can feel it,” said (Y/N), wincing. “What’s happened while I was out?”
            “We are preparing to beam aboard the Enterprise to properly determine Mr. Scott’s guilt. The Prefect has decided it will be allowed,” explained Spock.
            (Y/N) nodded. “Good. We need the truth. I couldn’t…I don’t know who it is, but someone here is so angry. I know they’re planning to hurt more people. Their anger burned and felt like needles in my skin.” They shivered at the phantom sensation. “It hurt, Spock.”
            Spock furrowed his brow at the knowledge that they were in pain. He hated it. He wanted the one he loved to be safe. So Spock would do the only thing he could: he’d ensure that the evil affecting them was caught. He’d protect them.
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theomnicode · 2 years
Hi! Your works and meta blows me away everytime, i'll always read, you're amazing✨
And I've been wanting to ask, what are your thoughts on Saitama literally being a romantic? (I read this one on Power4Impact's blog, very awesome lol)
Also, I feel like both of them, Genos and Saitama, have the need of touch? Touch-starved would be the word. I'll be so happy the day they finally get to have so lovely contact with another person, without this being harmful, just pure love. Even better if is between them <3
Thank you for the kind words, I try my best to make my meta thoughts compelling to read. :D
About Saitama being a romantic...there's a fair bit of references to this, one of them being found in the audiobooks where he ponders about his relationships with people being broken and he seems jealous even about other people having having happy things like romances and social interactions in their daily lives and when he became a hero, something broke in him. He ponders if he should have this issue more in mind and he sounds so far away when Genos mentions fighting for things that he must protect. Like he has forgotten the very reason why he became a hero.
Such as protecting family, friends and the heroine in the movie they watched.
Saitama: Well... It's a movie. In any case, precisely because he had someone to protect the protagonist didn't give up and tried harder until the end, right? That's where the excitement is after all. Genos: I see... but, if he was in real trouble the enemy could have seen that objecti- Saitama: That's the point of the story! It happens in real life too right?
Genos: I see... I'm writing it down! This means... Sensei had this kind of incident in the past, right? Saitama: Eh? Genos: Fighting for something that you must protect. Saitama: ahhh.... um. Genos: What is the matter? Saitama: Ah? Ah, nothing. Bells ring nearby Genos: Ah! Sensei! Fukin Supermarket is having a time sale! I'm going to check if they have anything we need, I will be back shortly so please wait here! Saitama: Ah? Ok... Saitama: Now that I think about it... I have the sensation I never had that happening. Could say I never paid it any mind either. It's not like I don't especially like it, not a complex either. However, is it really ok? No... can't be ok. Can't help but think it's something I lost In the daily battles towards becoming a hero. Am I supposed to have this issue more in mind? Come to think of it, I didn't really have time to unpack it... if it was a normal guy then...
Saitama: Ummmm... What is this feeling? Am I envious of that guy for living his youth? Mn nah I don't think that's it but, I don't know. It's just that I have the feeling my relationships with people are broken...”
Saitama: That’s not the point... I have the feeling that things like a heart to heart interaction, sharing an umbrella, warmth, are all things broken away in my life. Other people can have things like big events and circumstances happening, romances and such bringing happiness in their daily lives. I have the feeling something broke and that sweet-like fluffy, nice stuff just fell right off from me. That's what I meant.
Saitama: Genos, look, have you ever seen a hero anime without a love interest in it? Genos: I don't remember watching a lot of anime in the past.. Why do you ask? Saitama: Well, we're heroes, right? We're working and living as such. And yet, why are we indifferent towards things like love interests or girlfriends? In some way it seems obvious and logical, but is it really ok? Are you ok with reality being so much harder than fiction?
Saitama is absolutely a hopeless romantic at heart, but when he trained to become a hero, he became apathetic and started to lose his humanity. It is something he still desires though.
But as Genos surmises, such actions can be used by the enemy when they see this is the objective of the protagonist.
Weakness of the heart because he craves for that social interconnectivity. Something that was already used against Garou.
And every action by Saitama on the moon when he protected Genos' core was witnessed by OPM God.
Don't be surprised if this will be used against Saitama.
Anyways, second instance of Saitama showing interest in romance is his decently sized manga collection.
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Saitama has a bunch of manga on his shelf and we cannot obviously decipher what they may contain from the covers alone. I can infer that some covers look kind of pretty though and pastel colours. Girly covers on the right side of the shelf basically, with only seemingly ladies in the spine art. But nothing conclusive really.
Except we know one manga that Genos picks up in OVA 3 season 2 when he has amnesia and then attempts to woo Fubuki.
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This is the kind of stuff Saitama reads on his free time and when he's bored lol.
Shoujo romance manga. xd
Also manga about farting too. That- that as well.
I blame King.
(And King possibly offering romantic advice because he has been playing dating sims too much if Saitama was to ever ask...yaah idk about that one)
However...we may run into an issue with Saitama and romance.
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The back cover of the manga and the underlying text.
"I forgot the ease that I tried to remember"
And the thought bubble spelling "Adjacent Fear 5".
It may be reference to Marianne Morris art Fear Adjacent.
This abstract landscape was inspired by a trek over the Coaticoke Gorge. 50m above the riverbead, the longest suspension bridge in Canada was a highlight on a trip through Quebec. It was as exhilarating as it was terrifying. 
Not unlike romance in general. It can be both exhilarating and terrifying prospect at the same time.
Another reference is in the manga page itself, Bad boys Saga, can refer to multiple things. Such as the archetype of bad boy.
The stereotypical "bad boy" was described by Kristina Grish in her book Addickted as "the irresistible rogue who has the dizzying ability to drive women wild" with a "laissez-faire attitude about life and love". An article in The Independent compared the term "bad boys" with men who had a particular combination of personality traits, sometimes referred to as a "dark triad" of Machiavellian traits, and reported that a study found that such men were likely to have a greater number of sexual affairs.
It is not the kind of interaction Saitama wants for with romance. Not like Suiryu, being playboy. But it may be a reference to underlying fear about romance in general.
It may also be a reference to Bad boys films from 1983 or the Bad boys franchise.
In an attempt to retaliate on Mick's behalf, Horowitz creates a bomb by planting fertilizer in a radio that he places in Paco and Viking's cell. When the charge explodes prematurely and only injures Viking, Horowitz is condemned to solitary confinement, a fate he fears more than any other.
Phobia from solitary confinement is another type of fear that can go hand in hand with fear of falling in love.
And one last reference, fear of romance in itself. Fear of falling in love.
Philophobia (from Greek "φιλέω-φιλώ" (love) and "φοβία" (phobia)) is the fear of falling in love. Not included in the DSM-5. The risk is usually when a person has confronted any emotional turmoil relating to love but also can be a chronic phobia.[citation needed] This affects the quality of life and pushes a person away from commitment. A negative aspect of this fear of being in love or falling in love is that it keeps a person in solitude. It can also evolve out of religious and cultural beliefs that prohibit love.[citation needed] It represents certain guilt and frustration towards the reaction coming from inside.
DSM-5 is Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Just like Fear Adjacent is 5th volume.
A phobia is an anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation.[1] Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are usually present for more than six months.
6 months? What a coincidence. I don't believe in coincidences.
The prophecy that Lady Shibabawa mentioned meant that 6 months from then on, Earth would be in danger. A subconscious fear, like the back cover of the book and something he cannot remember.
A subconscious fear that rose back to the surface when he saw Genos' mutilated form lying on the ground after the fight with Sea King. Because he had started to care about his disciple and seeing him like that had far more effect on Saitama than he even realizes.
That or an onset of said fear that can develop into a phobia. Or that it will.
Also paralleling the passionate soul that Boros seer saw 20 years ago in their crystal ball.
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So in terms of romance, Saitama may run into issues, that he fears committing to it because he's possibly had a bad experience in the past with any type of love that he has since forgotten and which may have since become a phobia. Notably about losing said love.
More than likely, he fears the solitude that falling in love may cause him if he ever lost the person he loves, like when Genos died on him. Unhealthily coping by trying to attach himself to the last vestige of Genos and his heart.
He may also fear someone pulling the Bad boy act on him and fear people with these traits. Such a person may have been the cause of this underlying fear or perhaps him acting like a bad boy may have been one of the causes of this phobia.
There may also be underlying guilt and frustration.
Often, people can trace their fear or phobia to traumatic childhood experiences. Philophobia may be a protective response. If you don’t allow yourself to develop loving feelings for someone, you lower your risk of heartache and pain.
It would definitely explain why Saitama seems to be showing no romantic inclination towards someone like Genos, who is not shy about telling Saitama that he's amazing person and holds everything about Saitama in high regard. Despite having an actual desire and want for romance, intimacy and heart to heart feelings.
And not showing any commitment, despite apparently caring for Genos to an unhealthy degree when shit hit the fan and he lost him, to the point that these emotions burst out in uncontrollable rage and bust out a hole in space. Just avoiding the issue altogether.
He has forgotten the ease of romance that he tries to remember.
It has probably only gotten worse when Genos died when Garou ripped his core out and killed him, though he does not consciously remember it. The subconscious however, does. The subconscious remembers all the phobias and fears he may have.
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All expressed here in a very neat package.
"Ge-Genos!! You scared the crap out outta me! You're actually alive!!"
(It's absolutely hilarious to me that Saitama's hero suit is conveying his feelings here by shredding his crotch zone, since his hero suit responds to his desires and feelings as Phoenixman mentioned they do for costumers and it's essentially showing his libido and going like "bro stop doing this to yourself, get some help. Allow me to assist you. Just DO IT!" Saitama's hero suit is bff.)
When you think about it, he does have a pretty excessive reaction to seeing the core on his hand, because he would not have any rational reason to think that Genos is anything but limbless torso but still alive and intact otherwise. At least as much as he consciously remembers.
He might've gotten scared a bit and sought for the cause to verify if it's true or not because having Genos core on his hand randomly is just weird, but not a reaction like this. That face reminds me of the time when Saitama got out of bed during Hammerhead saga and he looked excessively scared then too.
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Every single time Genos gets brought to the brink, the fear from phobia gets more foothold. And so do the reactions from Saitama grow worse.
ONE is very careful to not allow Saitama to see that Genos can actually take care of himself or allow Saitama to protect Genos in situations where Genos gets grievously demolished. Otherwise his fear for Genos safety would lessen considerably. Instead it is much like he's being conditioned into having significant distress whenever Genos ends up destroyed or worse and that there is no way he can actually protect Genos from harm.
Apparently utter disaster romance is also up ONE's writing alley, if the newest trailer for Mob psycho season 3 is to be believed.
Complete catastrophe is looming, it has been prophesied.
(Though prophesies are also a load of hogwash according to Saitama, so it may be Saitama saying it won't happen because there is always a choice)
Though...Genos did pick up the book, so it is very probable that Genos too, has fear of falling in love. Because he fears losing those connections, so as much as he seems to show that he cares a lot, he does not commit completely and tell anybody and keeps other people at arms lenght. At least he has not, so far.
It will be a happy day indeed when these two can actually get some well deserved hugs. Because both have already made their choices to stick by the other. Though it may be a long while yet.
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When they face their fears, that is when the rain stops.
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szarr · 1 year
Heavy spoilers for BG3 below the cut!
The Emperor is really well written. He is written in such a way where you can come to the conclusion he is a good person or at least just a victim of circumstance. When you really think about him and his actions though you really kinda lose that perception.
He talks on and on about how much he has helped you, especially if you dare to disagree with him. Don't trust him because he is mind flayer, don't want to become a mind flayer, think Orpheus and the gith might be reasonable? 'We need to trust each other! I have done so much for you!' Yes sir, you have protected me but you only did all of that because it suited you and your ambitions.
The emperor does not care about you, he never did. He cared about his own survival and that has always been what he cared about. He's killed friends, lovers, and countless innocent people just to stay alive. When he talks to you he uses rhetoric to minimize his atrocities. For instance he says when he ruled Baldur's gate he only ate the brains of prisoners and criminals, but who exactly is a criminal or someone in a jail cell? Plenty of people are thrown in prison while innocent or for petty crimes. And the emperor has countless times only spoken in half truths, making you only aware of the things that make him look okay. You can't trust him.
The emperor often speaks with a degree of objectivity but he is shown to be wrong at various instances. He does not reveal his true form to you until he has no way of deceiving you anymore. He withholds the truth from you when he can, he tries to force evolution on you, he has no qualms at all with eating innocent people's brains because he looks at regular people in the same way a human looks at cattle. And FINALLY he is power hungry, if you side with him until the end and convince him it would be best to take control of the netherbrain? He turns you and your companions into his slaves and rules the Ilithids as a god king.
Make no mistake in your playthroughs if you have the game! The Emperor is evil 100%! He is a perfect look at a purely neutral evil character! He is not flashy with his wicked nature at all, he does not draw attention to himself as someone like Kethric or Orin but everything about him is entirely self serving.
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ina-nis · 1 year
I don’t want to dig on my heels here but I feel like there are so many people who look at matters of relationship and loneliness with so much entitlement.
Great, you’re working on yourself and you can’t stand to stay on unfulfilling one-sided relationships, you’re not willing to put up with crappy connections anymore so you “opt in” to singlehood. You know, one day whenever you feel like dating again, you’ll do it.
Now, what happens next is that this configuration, this “lifestyle”, is then, pushed as the ideal and a goal people ought to meet - understandably so, it’s healthy to live your life for yourself and to work on yourself for your own sake, to dedicate time and energy on yourself.
But it becomes a huge problem when that spreads to places and people who are trying to “escape it”.
It’s likely said people never had (or feel like) any saying on this. They cannot “opt out” of their singlehood. Chances are this has been an ongoing issue and they’ve been alone for many, many years.
There’s this unsaid assumption that these people are “not working on themselves” and even if that was true (it can be or not, it doesn’t matter) it doesn’t mean they deserve to go through that. No one does.
I have seen so, so many people talking about “just go to therapy” and this is especially true for men.
Look how ironic: taking cisnormativity into account, women generally have better support and the fact that they’re generally more in tune with their own emotions, straight women might have a “lot” to choose from and yet, they need to worry about being assaulted and more. Men are supposed to be tough and bottle up their feelings, support might be harder to find/keep and this leads to straight men treating women as sexual objects or worse.
All of them get involved in crappy relationships with awful people of both genders and, supposedly, therapy can “fix it”.
And this is not even touching on queer genders and genderless people such as myself: where do I fit in all this? Can I have any voice in these discussions?
I am in tune with my emotions and go to therapy. I don’t feel like “there’s always fish in the sea”. I worry about suffering violence because of my identity. I find it difficult to build and maintain a support system.
I’m not a woman, nor I am a man.
Well... I got a little sidetracked but the matter of fact is that I don’t feel like I had any choice in my circumstances and my attempts at addressing all that have been unsuccessful so far. I suspect the lack of a support system make matters much worse.
It makes sense to me that I relate more to experiences of lonely men who lack social support, and people will see them as nothing but creeps - I get it, many are insufferable and I have my own share of dealing with them in my life even today. It’s the whole “friendless people are friendless for a reason (so you better watch out)” and “people who don’t have a social life/hermits/NEETS/hikikomori/etc are a bunch of creeps that should stay away” and “not being able to hold a job is a red flag” and so many other feelings like these. Pure and normalized ableism.
It also makes sense that the people who do manage to bounce back, and whom might rely on their own support systems, might feel like they’re more in control of those circumstances and can opt in and out of things. Women or anyone really. This is not a binary issue, unfortunately.
The thing that grinds my gears is assumption that it’s a personal failing that you just have to go to therapy for. Therapy is not a support system, it will never be. Your therapist is not your friend (and they shouldn’t be! It’s unprofessional and can really affect treatment negatively).
Or that you can “just get used to it” because “being single is not that bad, and actually it’s great” and that you can just focus on self-improvement (as if me and so many others don’t already do that...). Self-care is not a support system or make me less alone, I think being alone sucks even though I tried so hard to embrace it. I have found that none of those coping mechanisms to “combat loneliness” work for me because they don’t address it: I’m still alone. What’s the goddamn point of exercising, hobbies and touching grass as a “remedy” to isolation? You just do them on your own! It feels good, but it doesn’t address it.
It makes me want to scream when I see this kind of stuff, all of this, since I’m busting my ass here in therapy and treatment, doing all the “right” things, going outside, trying to build a life and find enjoyment regardless and I can’t complain about being chronically alone and single???
Oh yeah sure, that’s my fault! What am I supposed to do then??? I’d love to hear suggestions because I have tried pretty much all I could think of.
And the thing that really does leave a bitter aftertaste: my lack of a support system is somehow because I’m not trying hard enough, right??? I just need to chase after people harder, and I just need to be someone wonderful for them, right?
I’m aware nobody is going to save me, but I don’t want to fucking hear any of this shit is my fault or that I should accept and embrace my current circumstances as something tragic and terminal, that should be framed as “inspiring” and “empowering”. FUCK THAT NOISE. I hate it! I don’t want to see it on the bright side so I’m not going to fucking do that.
I believe in changes, and I still have hope, somehow.
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fairycosmos · 2 years
i love you chloe i do, and i think you're very aware of the privileges you have been afforded (being white, living in a relatively secure country, food and shelter) but let's be real living under capitalism in this political landscape and the nhs doing fuckall to help people with their mental health issues and in general the cost of living crisis..... it's okay to say you're not doing well even if you have some of your basic needs met idk if this sounds rude but to me it's honestly no surprise most of us are not doing well... look around us, how could we be doing well given the circumstances of modern life. and even if you were well situated and doing well, there's also the grappling with imperalism and neo-colonialism, plus the exploitation in the workforce happening in our own countries right in front of our eyes
dw it doesn't sound rude at all!! and like ur objectively right, there's no point in playing the pain olympics with my own struggles - i rarely used to do it. i used to think: well the shit im going through is still rough so i don't need to factor in that other people have it worse when considering my own trauma. but the older i get the more it sinks in that compared to most human existences the world has ever seen, mine has been a generally comfortable and uneventful one despite the grief. ive always had food and water and a home and an education and modern conveniences and (relative) freedom a day decent physical health and certain privileges, and they're such important things that have always just been right there for me to access, out of pure luck, not even bc i am more deserving of them than those who have no access to these necessities - and i still never feel good. i still lose my mind all the time and cry basically every day and can't manage to overcome my own pain and loss and mental illness and contempt for the way society is set up. sometimes i just think to myself, if spirits are somehow real, they must look at me and see the weakest most pitiful creature ever lmfao. whew anyway i do completely get and understand your point, and i agree, despite my complicated personal emotions on the topic. i know the present moment has its own legitimate and terrible challenges, and they just seem to get worse by the day, and we probably really r in a special kind of hell when it comes to the progression of late stage capitalism. and just because our urgent needs are currently being met (and who knows how long we can keep that up, like you said, cost of living crisis etc...), doesn't mean our emotional ones are, which can still be debilitating. thats what i would tell anyone else struggling with this feeling, so i get you. i don't know, it's just so hard to cope sometimes. it's so bizarre to feel utterly depressed and slightly lucky at the same time. anyway, thank you for being a friend and a validating voice that i needed to hear. i really appreciate it. love u love u love u ❤️
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creepercraftguy · 2 years
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NAEGIRI WEEK Day 3 - Past/Future
Kyoko tells Makoto an interesting story about her ancenstors from the Taisho Period.
Full Story below the cut. You can also find the story on my WattPad - https://www.wattpad.com/1288769125-naegiri-week-2022-creepercraftguy-day-3-past
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The Kirigiri family were known in the business for being a family of special detectives, with Kyoko, the youngest, having attended Hope's Peak Academy with the title of Ultimate. What many did not know however, is that the family line expanded a long way into the past; all the way back in the Taisho period in fact.
Every Kirigiri had their own methodology, their own field and their own level of skill, but the skill of Kaguya Kirigiri was her unrivaled ability to hide in plain sight.
In 1919, Kaguya was the owner of an esteemed hotel. It was very high-standard, but not too expensive, and it was placed in a very good place for business, near a mountain road. Many travelers, weary from their journey, or out seeking thrills, stopped by her hotel to put their feet up and relax, before they went on their way to continue their own expeditions.
However, the hotel itself was, in secret, a front for Kaguya's detective work. She used it as a way of gathering intelligence from potential targets and suspects, and it just so happened that tonight, a particularly shady figure was staying at her place.
The figure in question was a businessman named Fuuji Itsutsuji. A variety of people, mainly victims of his misdeeds, as well as some of his business partners, close cohorts and yes-men (who Kaguya had managed to squeeze info out of after getting them drunk enough) had given Kaguya more than enough information on this man.
He had a previous criminal record, but ever since his release, Itsutsuji has retained the image of a law-abiding citizen, and had even been able to start his own company. The twisted reality on the other hand, was that he has used the contacts he had made in prison to form his own underground crime syndicate, and began masterminding heists and criminal fronts across the whole country. These days, he travelled Japan as a billionaire art collector and critic, but his real business was the trafficking of not just priceless stolen treasures, but people too.
Be it through pure circumstance and/or sheer dumb luck, the man had taken residency at Kaguya's hotel for a week. If there was ever a time to expose his criminal nature to the world, it was here and now.
Kaguya couldn't stand criminals like Itsutsuji; likely as a result of her traumatic childhood. As a young girl, her family was taken from her, and she had lost them as a result of the worst betrayal imaginable. The criminal responsible was arrested and sentenced to death, but the emotional scars on her conscience didn't fade. This was what fueled her determination as a detective, having carried on the family business from her father before her; but it also meant she had steeled her nerves and kept her emotions in check, not allowing anyone to get past her impenetrable defense's...
Or so she thought...
Itsutsuji had been staying at her hotel for three days now, which meant she had four more days to officially bust him and turn him into the police. On this dark and stormy night, she had taken the time to put all her evidence out in front of her.
"I'm so close...I have everything I need to counter any claims he may make..." she looked over the objects she had stolen from his room, plus copies of transcripts he had sent to his allies, "all I need is a confession directly from his mouth."
The entrance door to the hotel suddenly slid open, forcing Kaguya to hide away all of her evidence as she greeted her unexpected guests. A storm was raging on that night, so she hadn't expected anyone to come knocking so late. Much less who she actually saw through the doorway.
3 men kitted in gi and with swords strapped to their belts barged in, clearly desperate to escape the storm. Kaguya very quickly noticed the weapons and started observing them keenly. One of them was taller than the other two, and had a muscular build and tanned skin. The one in the middle had done his clothes neatly, despite the dampness from the rain, and he had large red eyes, black hair, and a furious pair of eyebrows. The third one had a crew cut and a goatee beard, tied with a band.
It was obvious these three must be wandering swordsmen, but thankfully, didn't look threatening enough to warrant suspicion. Of course, that didn't mean Kaguya was going to let her guard down. She stepped out from behind the desk and approached the gentlemen.
"Welcome, gentlemen," she bowed courteously, "I assume you will be staying with us tonight?"
"Yeah, that'd be lovely, thanks..." the one with the goatee giggled, winking at her "sorry, but we'll be crashing here. Hope ya' don't mind..."
"Kazuo Matsuzaki! Show the lady some respect!" the one with the furious eyebrows snapped at him, causing him to immediately stand up straight while the large one laughed at him, "I apologize for his rudeness. He doesn't know where to show respect when it is due. However, he is right that we need aid and a place to stay. We were travelling up the mountain to visit my grandfather's estate when the storm hit suddenly."
The swordsman bowed and held his hilt.
"I am Kizoku of the Ishimaru clan, heir to my family legacy and a wandering swordsman. And these gentlemen are my cohorts, also wandering swordsmen. Kazuo Matsuzaki, Kencho Owada and...um...Huh!?"
Kizoku suddenly looked around frantically, much to Kaguya's confusion, but he suddenly started spouting panicked warblings at his fellow swordsmen.
"Where in the blazes is Kirikabu!?" he shrieked.
"Huh? Oh, he's probably lagging behind a little," Kencho scratched his head awkwardly, "remember, we made him carry all our shit."
"Kencho, do not use such profane language while in another person's estate!" Kizoku snapped, "surely you could have cut him some slack! It is the middle of a storm! Carry your own stuff!"
"You gotta relax Kizoku," Kazuo assured him, trying to calm him down, "now you're the one losing his cool in someone else's estate."
"Ah! M-My apologies Ma'am! I uh...I didn't mean it!" Kizoku quickly spun around and started to frantically bow, getting the attention of the other ladies who worked in the hotel, "um...I don't believe I heard your name."
"Kirigiri," she said "Kaguya Kirigiri, I'm the owner...and...who is-?"
Kaguya didn't need to finish her question. A moment later, another person came crashing through the doorway, carrying 4 heavy-looking bags and appearing to have a difficult time with it. The bags were so big, they almost covered his entire body, but he carefully dropped them and shook the water off his gi and his hair like a wet dog. He also had a sword holstered to his waist
Unlike the rest of the swordsmen who looked up to snuff and even somewhat intimidating, this one looked very feeble and not particularly strong. It seemed to Kaguya that he was the outlier of the group.
"Sorry guys!" he panted, clearly out of breath, "the rain came down so suddenly and I started lagging behind because I was trying to keep our stuff dry! I was able to...uuuh..."
He froze and his eyes widened as he lay them upon Kaguya. He stared at her as she brushed her hair elegantly to the side, his soaking wet face growing progressively more red and warm.
"I assume you are also a travelling swordsman in the company of Ishimaru-sama here," Kaguya bowed, "greetings. I am Kaguya Kirigiri."
"You're beautiful..." he uttered.
Kaguya immediately did a double take and coughed in surprise. "I'm sorry...!?" she exclaimed quietly.
"Oooooooh~" Kazuo and Kencho both put in mischievous grins and winked at the newcomer, who Kaguya assumed to be Kirikabu. The young man's eyes widened even more, and his face went bright red.
"Wait!? D-Did I say that out loud!?" he exclaimed, "AGH! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean it...Wait, no, I DID mean it! B-But it was still inappropriate of me to say!"
He bowed apologetically.
"I-I am o-o-f the Kirikabu c-clan! My name is Yukio!"
"Y-Yes...A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Kirikabu-sama." Kaguya bowed back, trying her hardest to return to her stoic demeanor.
"Y-Yours too, Kirigiri-sama..." he stammered.
"Please, there is no need to treat me in such a way," she tried to smile, "you are the guests after all. Speaking of which, how long will you all be staying?"
"The monks on the road predicted the storms will last for another 5 days at least, and will be on and off," Ishimaru explained, "while there is no evidence of their claims of course, I would rather not run the risk. The mountains are treacherous at this time of year."
"Of course," Kaguya nodded, "I do hope you have yen on hand, and I should let you know that you won't be allowed to bring your blades into your accomadations."
"Of course not, we would never do such a thing," Ishimaru affirmed, "but we will wish to keep our weapons, so we will leave them with you for now."
The swordsmen handed their weapons to some maids, who exchanged them for towels to help them dry. While they did so, Kaguya talked them through the terms of accommodation, including the rooms, bedding, and what they would be eating for meals. As soon as she was finished, both Matsuzaki and Owada walked past her down the hall with the key she had lent them. Ishimaru also followed.
"Rooms at the end of the hallway Kirikabu!" Matsuzaki called back, "make sure you put the luggage somewhere we can find it!"
"O-Of course!" Yukio stammered. He took a deep breath and reached down to grab the bags, but Kaguya did the same. Their hands brushed against each other, and their faces came very close to one another. Yukio immediately became flustered and retracted, and Kaguya did the same, though she was more calm on the surface.
"P-Please, don't worry about it," Yukio smiled nervously, "I can take care of it."
"You looked like you were struggling to carry all of these though," Kaguya pointed out, "let me assist you. I need to make my money's worth after all."
"Ah...in that case, I gladly accept." Yukio picked up two of the bags while Kaguya picked up the other two. As soon as she picked the luggage up, she immediately realized how heavy it was. Did Kirikabu really have to carry all four of these heavy bags up a mountain path?
She called for the ladies to prepare dinner as she heaved the luggage to the end of the hallway, accompanied by Yukio. Ishimaru, Matsuzaki and Owada had already gotten settled in their room.
"Be careful with that, dumbass!" Matsuzaki snapped, "oh uh...I'm talkin' to Kirikabu by the way."
"I noticed," Kaguya frowned, "you could stand to be a little bit nicer even so."
"Don't worry about it Kirigiri-sama," Yukio still addressed Kaguya formally, "I'm used to this. It's nothing for you to worry about."
This only concerned Kaguya even more.
"Hey! Kirikabu!" Owada growled suddenly, "I'm thirsty. Grab me a drink, will ya'?"
"If you would like a drink, you are more than free to ask the staff," Kaguya interjected, "allow Kirikabu-san to rest for a moment too. He did carry your luggage for you after all."
"Seriously Kirigiri-sama, don't worry," Yukio smiled warmly, "Kencho-kun isn't the type to drink tea or do anything deemed traditional. He has certain tastes. You wouldn't happen to have strawberry milk here, would you?"
"We do actually." Kaguya nodded.
"Oi, while you're there, grab me something too!" Matsuzaki called.
"I would like some lemon tea myself." Ishimaru added.
"Sure, I'll grab all of it," Yukio nodded, "though...would you mind helping me Kaguya-sama? I might drop it if I carry it all at once."
"Gladly," Kaguya smiled, "though, really, I should be doing this myself..."
A few days passed, and while she continued her investigation into Itsutsuji, Kaguya continued to keep a close eye on the travelling swordsmen. Despite their awkward encounter, she had began to develop a bond of sorts with Yukio Kirikabu.
However, as their connection developed, she began to grow increasingly concerned with him. To the point that it was actually beginning to slow down the progress of her investigation. But the reason why she had grown concerned is because it was painfully obvious how much the other three treated Yukio like a gofer. Even the sensible Ishimaru seemed to be singling him out and giving him a hard time, despite the arrogant attitude of the other two.
Despite having the room service, Yukio seemed to be the one doing most of the work for the group. Not only did he carry all their stuff around the commode, but he brought all the supplies back to the room and even paid all their meals.
Kaguya had asked Yukio countless times during his stay if he was ok, or if he needed help with anything, but he retained his jovial attitude and kept telling her how much fun he was having spending time with her. The more Kaguya pushed the matter, the more concerned Yukio got for HER, so she was forced to stop every time.
However, it saddened her, though she didn't show it. It would only be a matter of days before Yukio and the other swordsmen moved on.
Kaguya lamented on this during the night. but her thoughts were interrupted very suddenly and sternly.
"Good evening Kirigiri-sama."
Kaguya snapped back to reality and saw who it was that was greeting her at the desk. Her heart sank as she saw it was the man she had been investigating all this time, Fuuji Itsutsuji. He wore a black kimono and had a cigar in his mouth, as he greeted her with a shit-eating grin.
"Good evening Itsutsuji-sama," Kaguya retained her act, bowing to him, "I didn't expect you would be up this time of night. I hope you are aware we don't permit smoking on these premises?"
"Eh, c'mon sweetheart, you could at least allow me one," he said in his gruff voice, "'sides, I'll be leaving this joint as soon as I can and...you won't be around to stop me any more..."
"I beg your pardon, sir?" Kaguya began to ask, but she was caught massively off guard as Itsutsuji grabbed her and shoved her to the floor! He then waltzed around to the other side of the desk while Kaguya was grounded and started rummaging through her drawers, pulling out the evidence she had collected against him.
"Ooh, these are some interesting developments," Itsutsuji grinned maliciously, "you've been busy, Detective Kirigiri..."
Kaguya was wise enough to know playing dumb at this point would achieve nothing, so she dropped the act. "How did you know?" she grumbled. Itsutsuji cackled.
"I heard a rumor that you'd been asking about me well before I came here, so I did a little digging into your history," he explained, "and I quickly figured out you had dealings with the police and have been onto me for a while...So I got a riddle for the great Detective herself. What do you think the real reason is that I came to this hotel? There are other, richer, more luscious joints than this one that would be more befitting of my status, so why would I come here of all places?"
"I understand...as much as I loathe too..." Kaguya tried to clamber back to her feet, "you knew I would use the opportunity to investigate you and you used it to lead me into a trap...Sad as it is to say, I fell for it..."
Itsutsuji suddenly grabbed Kaguya's shoulder and pinned her to the wall, his creepy old face leaning in.
"I can't let the police know what you've found out about me, so I'm gonna have to kill you and frame your death as an accident," he giggled maniacally, "but before I do, I'm gonna have some fun with you..."
Kaguya was unable to escape from Itsutsuji's grip. He kept a tight hold of her arm and used his other hand to squeeze her breast. He then leaned in to forcibly kiss her, but before he could, someone suddenly grabbed his arm and yanked him off of the detective. Kaguya instinctively jumped away, and upon doing so, saw that the one who had saved her was none other than Yukio Kirikabu.
"Sorry sir. I was about to ask the nice lady here for some more strawberry milk for my friend...but you're in my way..." Yukio said, anger and frustration in his eyes.
"The fuck are you supposed to be? Her boyfriend? HAH! A beansprout like you hasn't got shit on me!" Itsutsuji leered, "it's gonna be hard to take this easy. Don't make a fuss if I accidently snap your body all over the place!"
"Yukio-kun! Run! Get out of here!" Kaguya cried out as Itsutsuji lunged at him. However, what came next was something nobody expected.
In one swift motion, Yukio countered a running hit from Itsutsuji, bent his arm in a position where he couldn't move, and proceeded to break it! Itsutsuji fell to the ground, screaming in pain and agony! Yukio then proceeded to jump on top of Itsutsuji and hold him still before he could do anything else!
"Kaguya-chan!" Yukio cried, "are you ok!? You're not hurt too badly, are you?"
"N-No...he only slightly felt me up..." Kaguya replied, dumbfounded at what she was seeing, "Yukio-kun, how are you-?"
"Kirikabu-kun!" a shout came from down the hallway. Yukio and Kaguya looked up to see Ishimaru, Matsuzaki and Owada run towards them, all looking shocked and apalled.
"Yukio, what'cha doing!?" Owada exclaimed.
"This man tried to have his way with the hostess, Kirigiri-sama!" Yukio exclaimed, "he even tried to kiss her forcefully, so I stopped him! I might have gone a little far though..."
"Itsutsuji-san...I heard rumors, but I didn't know if they were true or not..." Ishimaru growled, "keep holding him here Kirikabu. Kirigiri-sama, please, inform the authorities. Matsuzaki! Owada! Grab your gear and round up anyone in the hotel that may be in league with this man!"
"Got it!" Matsuzaku and Owada exclaimed. The two of them, as well as Ishimaru, went to grab their swords. By this point, Itsutsuji had fallen unconscious from the pain, so Yukio loosened his grib on him.
"Do you have anything I can tie him up with?" he asked Kaguya.
"Stay there," she said, "I'll call the police and get the maids to grab something."
It only took half-an-hour for the local police to arrive, and by the time they did, the swordsmen had already rounded up all of Itsutsuji's cronies. Thankfully, while many of them had deep cuts from the swords, none of them had been killed. The chief of the police, who knew Kaguya was a secret detective, thanked her for the assistance. She signed a document, agreeing to be a witness and presenter of evidence for Itsutsuji's trial, and they took Itsutsuji and his men away.
Kaguya breathed a huge sigh of relief and sunk into a seat. As she did however, she suddenly felt something cold on her face. She opened her eyes and looked up to see Yukio, holding towards her a glass of strawberry milk.
"Something to quench your thirst, Detective?" he asked jokingly, immediately clarifying, "sorry, I heard Itsutsuji bring it up when I came over. Rest assured, your secret is safe with me."
Kaguya nodded in thanks and took the milk, taking a sip. Yukio sat on a barrel next to her and sipped some water.
"Ah, there you both are," Ishimaru suddenly appeared, with Matsuzaki and Owada by his side, "Kirigiri-sama, I trust you're ok?"
"I'm alright," she nodded, "you might not believe it, but I've had rougher customers in the past."
"Are you sure, Kaguya-san?" Yukio asked, "he didn't really intend to hold back."
"Wait, "Kaguya-san?" You guys are on a first name basis now?" Matsuzaki winked.
"Huh!? Ah-no, it's not l-like that!" Yukio assured, blushing.
"By the way, Yukio-kun..."
This time it was Kaguya's turn to blush in the face of Matsuzaki's teasing.
"Shaddup man, let 'er speak!" Owada snapped.
"Th-Thank you Owada-san," Kaguya coughed and corrected herself again, "I've been wanting to ask...when and how did you get so strong?"
"Huh? What do you mean?" Yukio seemed confused, "I just do basic training as part of my life as a swordsman. When you wield a blade, you kind of become like a blade. If you don't tend to yourself, you grow dull."
"But it always seemed to me your companions took advantage of you a lot," Kaguya pointed out, "I thought they'd grinded you down to the point that you couldn't refuse what they demanded of you."
"See!?" Ishimaru snapped, "I TOLD you you gave people that impression!"
"Yeah, ok, our bad," Matsuzaki giggled, "but it's not like we could boss Kirikabu around even if we wanted to?"
"Yeah, I mean, he's the strongest out of all of us after all..." Owada also laughed.
"The strongest!?" Kaguya exclaimed, "but...the rest of you seem so much more experienced!"
"We might be bigger and burlier, but we're still learning," Owada explained, "Yukio might not have much in terms of muscle or stature, but he grew up in a family of swordsmiths, so he's learned from a young age. The rest of us though? We only became students a few years ago. He's kind of our senpai, even though he's younger than us."
"I know it looks like I'm always doing favors or running errands for them, but it's not because they take advantage of my kindness," Yukio added, "it's more like something I do willingly...like a...training regime or something. Carrying their bags gives me a good workout, and taking notes helps me have a good memory and makes me more observant to other people's feelings."
"That doesn't explain why you're always paying for their meals and drinks..." Kaguya said.
"Do you really think I would allow any of us to force another to pay for our goods?" Ishimaru's brow furrowed as he pulled out a notepad, "I keep books in here of all Yukio spends in here, and I endeavor to have the rest of us pitch in and pay him back as soon as we can."
"Yeah, truth is we're just bad at remembering to bring money with us wherever we go..." Owada blushed.
"And again, even if we refuse, Kirikabu knows more about swordfighting than all of us. He could kick our asses if we refuse." Matsuzaki laughed, but there was a hint of cold sweat on his face.
Frankly, Kaguya was confused, but also embarrassed that she had come to such a drastically wrong conclusion despite being a detective.
"I apologize," Kaguya bowed, "you all helped me out, even though I had such a drastically false impression of you this whole time."
"Worry not Kaguya-sama," Ishimaru saluted, "I'm just happy we could fix the misunderstanding. In any case, I believe we've spent more than enough.
The following day, the investigation finally came to a close. Itsutsuji was officially charged for his crimes and sentenced to jail. Kaguya couldn't help but think he had gotten off a little bit lightly, but right now, she had other things on her mind. After all, the four swordsmen, including Yukio, were leaving that day.
Kaguya went to the door and handed their swords and other equipment back to them, checking to see if anything had been left behind. She carried two of the heavy bags to Yukio, who currently held the other two.
"It's ok," he said, "I've got it. Don't worry."
Even knowing that he had the strength to pull it off, Kaguya still reluctantly handed Yukio the other bags. However, as soon as she did, Ishimaru, Owada and Matsuzaki came over and grabbed the bags, proceeded to lift them over their shoulders.
"We'll carry our own bags the rest of the way," Ishimaru said, "thank you for your assistance up until now, Kirikabu-kun, but we need to put in a bit of effort ourselves."
Before Yukio could say anything, Ishimaru, Owada and Matsuzaki bowed at Kaguya and the other maids and ladies, and headed out. Yukio followed suit, but before he could leave, Kaguya tugged his sleeve. She lowered her face to hide the fact that she was blushing. Uncuccessfully.
"Um...Yukio-kun..." she mumbled, "it would be a great honor if...you would come back to stay with us again..."
She looked up at him sheepishly. Yukio beamed. He took Kaguya's hand and gently kissed it."
"I'll visit any time I can, Kaguya-sama~" he winked. And for the first time in many years, as she watched him head up the mountain trail, Kaguya's face broke out into a huge, bashful smile.
"That's one hell of a story," Makoto Naegi smiled, "I didn't know your family line extended all the way back to the Taisho period. Although...she does look a lot like you."
In present day Japan, Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri stood together in a gallery, standing in front of a prestigious old painting. It depicted a woman with sleek, dark-purple hair holding a painted paper parasol.
"I've always looked up to Grandma Kaguya," Kyoko said, "when I was a little girl, she set the benchmark for the kind of investigator I wanted to be when I grew up...I guess that still holds true now."
"You know...speaking of which..." Makoto took a closer look, "don't you think this...What was his name..."Yukio Kirikabu..." kind of looks like me?"
Kaguya was not the only one depicted in the painting. At her feet, sitting down politely in front of her, sword at his side, was the young swordsmaster, Yukio Kirikabu."
"Hm...Maybe he's YOUR ancestor? Wouldn't that be something?" Kyoko smiled.
"Wouldn't that be a little awkward?" Makoto asked, "that would kind of make us cousins..."
"Everyone's related to one another in some way, but you do have a point. How about this then? You and I are Yukio and Kaguya's reincarnations?" Kyoko suggested, "though that seems unlikely...After all, Kirikabu seemed to be a lot stronger and capable than you~"
"What are you trying to say!? That I'm weak because I can't wield a sword!?" Makoto snapped, "also, I didn't think you believed in reincarnation."
"Not usually..." Kyoko held his hand as they continued walking through the gallery, "but the idea of picking up where they left off? It's...a nice thought."
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mikuni14 · 2 years
Love in the Air and the sexual purity
There is this "sexual purity culture" in BL world that treats sex as something sacred, which must be perfect, and any deviation is described with the worst, criminal words.
In the perfectly pure world of BL dramas, the couple having sex must be in love with each other, must always be sober, must have mutual consent engraved in stone. Any deviation from the strict standards immediately causes at least "discomfort in watching", because imperfect sex, sex without feelings, must certainly be "traumatic" for the characters, because IT IS OBVIOUS, THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION. 
Well, there are loads of people who have sex for the sake of sex and aren't traumatized by it. There are a lot of people who have slept with someone while under the influence of alcohol or drugs and the next day they either shrug it off or regret it, but WITHOUT TRAUMA, like seriously, sometimes you just do stupid things that you regret, but WITHOUT getting depressed over it and yes, it also applies to sex. There are people who treat sex instrumentally, who make money with it, who play with it, who have fun with it, who do it to relax, to scratch the itch, who use it for numerous, various purposes. There are also tons of reasons why people have sex that may look wrong objectively, but which are NOT TREATED AS THAT by the participants themselves. Really, sex DOES NOT have to be automatically associated with extreme feelings, be it good like falling in love or bad like trauma. Or any feelings at all.
That’s why I don’t agree with the opinions that Sky was SA. I don’t want to repeat myself from my previous post, I’m just gonna ask, how can you say that Sky was forced because some dude spoke to him stupidly? Ah yes, each of us, when someone makes idiotic allusions about the payment in sex to get us from the sticky situations, replies immediately: "well, it's over, there is no other option, it must be like this, there is no other way" and immediately enthusiastically makes this "payment" by showing an initiative that goes far beyond the norm and an initiative appropriate to this" blackmail ". Sky didn’t even ask for a different form of payment, didn’t try to find another way out of the situation, didn’t even ask if Prapai had hit his head recently to ask such questions. Sky got straight to the point because he did not take the situation emotionally, which is FINE. This scene with Prapai was just stupid. I think treating it as SA is really disrespectful to the real victims who are coerced into sex economically, by horrible circumstances or by force. 
Besides, Sky is completely ok after this incident. When we see him in PayuRain arc, nothing gives away that he could be traumatized. Could anyone suspect that something bad had happened to him? No! Actually all viewers were excited to see PrapaiSky because no one suspected anything bad based on their behaviour! Sky is exactly the same before and after that night. Saying he was SA is like saying that SA is not a big deal, because the victim is fine. Imo Sky is fine, because he is not a victim, because he did not treat sex like a holy thing reserved to the most scared part of his life, brutally taken by Prapai. He just did it and got over it.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
...Is Edelgard being written in a male gaze-y way a hot take...? Like, look at her cipher cards. She's very clearly filling a "cute girl who calls me teacher" need. Like, play CF with M!Byleth and I guarantee Edeleth starts looking grosser and worse.
They have no comment to those Cipher cards, or the boobs-and-butt pose in the Premium Arrange II artwork, or the various modifications to her designs in Heroes alts (boob armor, a more human-looking Hegemon), and whenever they talk about AG it's always how she's a poor tortured trauma victim...whereas if you stop looking at her as a real person with real trauma and start looking at her as a collection of graphical and voice assets then everything that happens to her in AG is blatant fetish fuel. She even has a brief panty/underwear shot in the final cutscene! Male FE characters are never framed that way, even when placed in similar circumstances; contrast, say, Lyon in Sacred Stones or Takumi in Conquest.
I do think there's a lot of hostility to this reading though, because it exposes the reality that Edelgard was always designed to appeal to straight men, with F/F Edeleth as an incidental byproduct of the writers not wanting to bother with writing two different scripts for certain story scenes. For straight male Edelstans it's undercutting all their Very Serious walls of text by calling them horny - and worse, just as horny as they accuse Dimitri's (female) fans of being, the horror! On the other hand, well...
I'm going to have to word this very carefully, because I can absolutely see someone screencapping this out of context to call me a transphobe, but I have noticed that a fair number of the lesbian Edelstans active on Tumblr are specifically trans lesbians. I find this noteworthy, as trans lesbians are still partially within the designated demographic for Edelgard's sexual appeal in that they are also AMAB people (whom the male gaze is designed around) who are attracted to women. As such, they're more likely to be aware of how the games write and frame Edelgard as a sexual object for the player, and thus resent when people suggest that straight men are the intended recipients of her in that way because on some level they understand that too. It's easy for someone like me to take note of this because I also have a unique relationship with the male gaze, being AMAB but not attracted to women. I'm therefore aware when a piece of media is trying to tell me that I should find a female character attractive...but I'm not feeling anything. Quite a few Edeleth scenes feel this way, and that goes for both genders of Byleth equally. Edelgard may appeal to some queer women, but she was not designed for queer women, and as a queer person I cannot call her good representation.
Note that that's not even commenting upon her politics or her morality or anything like that; it's purely an observation based on her role in Houses's Avatar dating sim - and its weird extension into Hopes, where she's still inexplicably drawn to Byleth and is only the leader whose ending changes (for the better, naturally) if you recruit Byleth.
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gear-project · 1 year
Wait so Ramlethal's katanas could theoretically be a potential threat to Happy Chaos because her Instant Kill is called Soul Extinguisher? Shouldn't Happy Chaos, after spending time in the Backyard, be resistant to spiritual or soul attacks? Unless there is something about the Rattle swords we don't know about.
From the very beginning, the RATTLE katanas were "created" along with Ramlethal herself inside the Backyard.
So from that point onward, they had spiritual features to them that a sword forged in the outside world probably would NOT have.
And while Happy Chaos himself has similar origins, there are different properties to speak of when talking about the difference between a "normal" Backyard Resident, and a being that was "corrupted" by Negative Information.
When the Valentines were created, they utilized the properties of GEAR Cells (from a VERY specific Gear, Justice), a specific kind of Human, and various other useful data that would aid a Valentine's powers in the outside world.
However, with Demihumans and Youkai, they have slightly "different" circumstances related to their birth: some are born from "strong beliefs", "rumors", "fears", "intense thoughts/feelings towards something or someone", or even simply an "intense focus" that manifests itself as a living being or monster.
With Demihumans/Youkai in particular, some are formed from Positive thoughts, while others are formed from Negative thoughts and fears, the former are often associated with Guardians, Deities, and Treasured Objects and Folklore associated with those... However the latter often bear Curses, Deadly properties, and dark Legends surrounding their existences.
You can think of it as similar to the concepts of "Yin" and "Yang" which are focused on both Positive and Negative energies.
That is not to say that all Negative Energy is "bad" or that all Positive Energy is "good" in classification, but in the natural sense of things, it is similar to the difference between Nutritional things and Poison depending on the being or person it affects.
In the case of a being like Izuna... he was born from the well-wishes of a dying woman who wished to see if her husband was safe... and thus Izuna was born as a "guardian" of sorts for human well-being born from an Kanzashi Hair Ornament.
But when you look at a being like I-No:, she was born from the fears and dreads of Humans towards GEAR-Kind: the nightmares and hatred of Gears and the desire for a world free of war and conflict with Gears.
Is I-No's existence truly a Negative existence though? Hard to tell.
With Happy Chaos though... he was exposed to "pure" (undiluted) amounts of Negative Thoughts, Negative Emotions, and dark intent that literally transformed his body and twisted its appearance...
If that sort of thing can transform a "human" in to a "monster"... imagine what it could do to an entire POPULACE of people... that's how potentially DANGEROUS Happy Chaos actually IS.
Just like it's "common knowledge" to avoid toxic chemicals or poison... this is the sort of thing you SHOULD avoid for your HEALTH!
Happy Chaos already classified himself as something akin to an "undead corpse" saying he was "already dead" when he confronted Nagoriyuki (and even Giovanna stated that something "reeks" when she got a wiff of his scent).
But well, just as humans use cleaning chemical agents to get rid of stains and corrupt and rotting elements, there are entities that are the complete OPPOSITE of what Happy Chaos is by nature... beings that COULD purify if not wipe out his very existence!
Thus far, Folklore often hints that the Japanese people are often known for using methods to kill Demons and Ghosts, so those "ancient methods" are most likely the key to defeating something of "undiluted darkness" like Happy Chaos.
Even the very bloodline of the Japanese is tied to the extermination of spiritual entities that have a negative impact on this world...
As for Ramlethal herself... while one might speculate that she has no immediate ties to Eastern culture, just the mere fact she uses Katanas and the "sacred methods used" for forging said katanas, speaks positively towards her case as a potential enemy to Dark Energies (and Chaos).
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