ocherednoe-dno · 2 minutes
To those with compassionate hearts only,
I reach out to you with my broken heart, asking for help from God and from you. We are on the brink of a harsh winter, and I live in a tent that offers no protection from the burning heat of summer nor the biting cold of winter. Imagine, the rain falling, the wind howling, and here we are in Gaza, without shelter, without a roof to protect us, shivering from the cold, fighting every night just to survive.
My life has become an unending nightmare, and my children sleep trembling from the freezing cold, with fear gripping our hearts every time the clouds gather in the sky.
I beg you to share my account and contribute anything that could save us from this winter, which we dread more than ever before.
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Look at how my child was in the past, and how he is now. His face once radiated innocence and angelic beauty, but now it has changed completely. This little face, once full of life, is now suffering, fading before my eyes. Where are the compassionate hearts? Who will help me protect my child, to provide the treatment he desperately needs before it’s too late? The pain I see in his eyes tears me apart, and all I can do is hope in God and the kindness of your hearts.
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My children are waiting for your donations, even if it's just $5. Please, I beg you for your help.
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@nabulsi @sar-soor
@gotchibam s @ragnarozzys
@dimonforever @i-am-aprl
@faggotfungus @ghost-anatomy @three-croissants
@fairuzfakhira @ibtisams @ @vakarian-shepard @palipunk @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @vakarian-shepard @northgazaupdates2
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ocherednoe-dno · 4 minutes
How medical procedures were introduced to me in most of my life: We're going to do [X], okay? (Already doing X without waiting for me to answer)
How I would want a doctor to introduce a medical procedure: I'm going to explain the most common way we do [X], and all the tools and steps that are usually involved. Then we can talk about whether this sounds okay to you and how we can change and adjust things that sound uncomfortable, or if we would need to try an alternative.
I desperately wish all medical professionals would refrain from using the phrase "We're going to do [thing]," because this obviously implies I have no choice and feels to me like "This is happening immediately."
A lot of otherwise nice nurses and doctors will say they're "going to" do something when they're asking for consent, but it triggers my panic and doesn't feel like i'm really being asked
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ocherednoe-dno · 6 minutes
I saw someone else doing this, so I am also going to be compiling the info for the asks I've gotten recently (Post date: 9/25/2024)
@maherdahalan | GFM | Vetted | €1,061 raised of €30,000 goal
@fidaa-family2 | GFM | Vetted | $36,880 raised of $75,000 goal
@mahmoidsy | GFM | Vetted | $4,655 raised of $25,000 goal
@samagaza | GFM | Unvetted | $4,803AUD raised of $40,000 goal
@nabila6a | GFM | Vetted | $4,055 raised of $10,000 goal
@hanaa98yousef | GFM | Vetted | £21,447 raised of £50,000 goal
@shaimaasblog | GFM | Vetted | €2,916 raised of €50,000 goal
@noorabd-1992 | GFM | Vetted | $18,560 raised of $45,000 goal
@hebamat | GFM | Vetted | $1,260CAD raised of $30,000 goal
@eman-zaqout | GFM | Vetted | $27,484CAD raised of $80,000 goal
@savemohammedsa | GFM | Vetted | €5,679 raised of €10,000 goal
@abdquffa | GFM | Vetted | €839 raised of €84,000 goal
@hashemsamar | GFM | Vetted | €10,531 raised of €45,000 goal
@ayman-meq18 | GFM | Vetted | €494 raised of €90,000 target
@faroham | GFM | Vetted | $3,121 raised of $35,000 target
Thank you all so much for reaching out
(I will be reblogging/updating this post as time goes on)
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ocherednoe-dno · 10 minutes
$5000 until short term goal!!
verified by el-shab-hussein.
Abed El-Shaer is asking for $5000 to reach his short term goal of $15,000, which will help him evacuate him and his family when the Rafah Crossing next opens.
PROGRESS: $9,880 / 50,000 USD
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ocherednoe-dno · 10 minutes
Hello my supporting friends
I would extend my deepest gratitude and thanks for being supporters of people who are in dire and bad need due to the shortage of all living necessities. 😥😥😥
My family has been undergoing all forms of humiliation and oppression for almost ten months . Being jobless, my father is suffering much because lots of our basic living necessities can't be attained. 😢😢😢
Living circumstances are getting harder and harder, and this makes our daily life tragic and disastrous. Getting the basic needs has become our biggest challenges, leaving behind our dreams and aspiration. Our daily sufferings have become too great for us to bear. ,😥😥😥
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A photo taken for the same girl before the war and nowadays.🤯🤯🤯
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A photo of our beautiful house taken after the invasion of our neighborhood. Much destruction and rubbel have taken place. Nothing has been left for us to live in. Our belongings and possessions were completely destroyed😥😥😥
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The life inside the tents under the hot weather is another tragedy. Such a life of sufferings and hardships is adding to our pain and sorrow. But with your support and standing by us, you have been lessening our loads lifted on our shoulders. So please keep helping us by donating whatever you can, sharing as much as you can and reposting messages to help get the campaign promoted.
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ocherednoe-dno · 10 minutes
I am weak because I do not have famous friends to fund my campaign...😓
Please help me as much as you can..🙏
I need you all.💔
Let us live the rest in safety..
I am Hamada and my wife Muntaha is from Gaza🇵🇸. Help me, my wife, and our families by donating and sharing.😔 I would be very grateful if you would donate to us.Thank you in advance🌹. 🙏Please don't ignore my message ❤️ https://gofund.me/45f50996 👈
We don't want to lose any more. Everything has been destroyed, even our dreams.
Donate.. Share.. Contribute anything.....
My wife's account.. (@montahahamada99)
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ocherednoe-dno · 11 minutes
Hey everyone!
I wanted to talk about a serious topic for a sec.
Something that I haven’t shared with you guys is that I’m Lebanese.
And as many of you know, the situation is not great, matter of fact it’s horrible.
I actually didn’t want to bring this up, because this blog is basically my safe space and a place where I get to distract myself from everything going on around me. Writing has been a great distraction, getting sucked into my own bubble like I always have.
But recently it’s been getting much much harder to distract myself as the situation escalates.
Currently it’s 5am and as I’m writing this, bombs have been getting dropped for the past 5 hours, over 50+ bombs and I had the pleasure of listening to each and every single one of them.
I know it’s tiring to hear about these kinds of situations, and trust me I’m tired of living it. May you never have to text your friends to make sure they’re still alive, may you never have to see your loved ones getting displaced as their homes get demolished , may you never have to close your ears from the loud impacts.
I’m writing this to more so spread awareness, because me staying silent about it feels extremely wrong, and it feels like I’m brushing off a situation which truthfully feels like is already getting brushed off by everyone.
Here are some useful links, and if you’re incapable of donating, spreading awareness is more than enough.
-ways to help
-gofundme link
-red cross donation
-give me a paw donation
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ocherednoe-dno · 11 minutes
Help Ashraf's Family Escape Gaza Genocide🌿❤️
Vetted by @gazavetters , my number verified on their list( #74 )
Vetted on X platform on this spreadsheet (#391)
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I'm Ashraf from the war-torn Gaza. I've lived an entire life under siege in Gaza, facing relentless military actions and life-threatening conditions daily. In October 2023, the conflict escalated drastically, devastating my newly built house, my neighborhood,my workplace, and jeopardizing the lives of my family.
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I mourn the loss of our safe haven, but more urgently, I need to secure a future for my family away from the constant threat of bombings that have become our grim reality.
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Meet Yamane, our precious seven-month-old. Who was born during this war, We aspire to provide him with opportunities that surpass our own experiences, fostering a future filled with joy and prosperity.
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This campaign is a call to arms for all who believe in the transformative power of community support. By contributing, you're not just donating; you're actively shaping Yamane's world, ensuring his journey is filled with the promise and potential every child deserves. Join us in making a profound impact on his life
Yamen... he's only a baby. He doesn't understand the fear that grips us, the darkness that engulfs our lives. He just smiles, his eyes bright with innocent wonder, oblivious to the terror that surrounds him. He reaches for me with tiny hands, his laughter a fragile melody in this symphony of destruction. 💔
But how long can this innocence last? How long can we shield him from the reality of this war? How long can we keep him safe? 😥
Another side of this war
No gas. No electricity. It's just the cold, empty space where a stove should be.
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It's a cruel irony that the war, which has already taken so much from us, has also taken away the warmth of a home-cooked meal. We are forced to rely on makeshift methods, the flickering flame of a makeshift stove fueled by wood or charcoal, a testament to our resilience, and our determination to survive.
The wood crackles and pops, spitting sparks that dance like fireflies in the gloom. It's a dance of desperation, a desperate attempt to coax warmth and nourishment from the ashes of our former lives. Each meal is a battle, a struggle against the elements, the hunger, and the uncertainty of the future.
We boil water in rusty pots over open fires, the smoke stinging our eyes, the fumes filling our lungs. We bake bread in makeshift ovens built from clay and debris, the aroma of baking dough a faint reminder of better days.
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But even with these meager resources, we persevere. We cook, we eat, we share. We find solace in the act of preparing a meal, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, life continues. Yet, the weariness lingers, the weight of the war pressing down on us like a heavy cloak. We yearn for the simple normalcy of turning on a stove, of cooking a meal without the fear of smoke inhalation, of the comforting hum of a refrigerator.
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The war may have taken away our electricity and gas, but it has not taken away our spirit. We will continue to cook, to eat, to survive.
We will continue to fight for our right to a life of peace, of prosperity, of simple joys. And when the darkness finally lifts, when the smoke clears and the city breathes again, we will remember the lessons we learned in the shadows.
We will remember the strength we found in adversity, the resilience of the human spirit, and the enduring power of a simple, home-cooked meal.
Please help me secure a future for my family away from the constant threat of bombings that have become our grim reality. We are immensely grateful for any support you can provide. It’s more than a donation—it’s a lifeline.
Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on their list( #74 )
Vetted on X platform on this spreadsheet (#391)
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ocherednoe-dno · 12 minutes
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As the summer heat simmers down, many Palestinians are preparing for winter. It is coming! They have mentioned how it will rain and they are worried the heavy rainfall will overflow the streets as the sewage system has been destroyed. This mean their tents can get flooded! Their living space would be compromised and their chances to catch a virus will only increase! ! !
Mohammed Al-Habil (@alhabil) informs that he wants to purchase a new tent, winter jackets, and warm blankets for his family. His family consists of his wife, Aya, his 3 young children, Ahmed (8), Mira (4), and Osama (6), and his elderly parents who are chronically ill. So it's imperative they are ready for the cold, especially since his kids suffer from scabies, the skin rash that has spread from the polluted water, while his both of his parents are in dire need of their medication and insulin for their blood pressure and diabetes!
So let's help him, please! We can do so by achieving the goal of 32K in the next 3 days! €30,144 has been raised as of writing this (Sept 20th)! There is €1,861 left to go! If we do the math, 372 people need to contribute a minimum of €5 to succeed!
You can also match me! I've given €5, but you're more than welcome to give more!
Verification: #166 in the Spreadsheet.
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ocherednoe-dno · 12 minutes
Hello everyone, I have another campaign to share.
Amir is a three year old boy from Ghazza; he and his family are fighting to survive this genocide.
They narrowly escaped the bombing of their home with severe injuries; both of Amir's parents broke their legs and his little brother Taim was shot on his hands and face.
He and his family were displaced to a tent which was commonly infested with bugs. They have very little access to basic necessities like food and water and are all under extreme psychological stress.
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Only kindergarten age, both Amir and Taim don't even have a school to go back to. Even that was reduced to rubble.
In order for this family to evacuate, they must raise kr200,000 SEK. So far, they have raised only kr23,617 SEK, with their last donation being 6 hours ago,
Please help this family. The mental distress and conditions which they are under are nothing short of unbearable; this is a crisis for both their bodies and their minds. Donate if you're able and please share their campaign. Anything you can contribute will help them survive and rebuild their lives.
I will note; $5 USD (the typical minimum donation for GFMs) is kr50.85 SEK. Please be mindful of the conversion rate when donating; they deserve more than merely a few cents.
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ocherednoe-dno · 13 minutes
Chat Control is back on track again
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Original tweet here Originally it was assumed that Chat Control would only show up again in October, so I am unsure if this changes anything, if those meetings mean something else or not. If anyone can clear it up, please do. In the meantime, its very crucial to keep making noises about this. Even if you are not from Europe, please spread the word. Here's what you can do to get started as EU citizens : https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/take-action-to-stop-chat-control-now/
If you havent grasped the severity of this proposal yet, it would break encryption of private messages, as it would make it mandatory for EU citizens to accept to have their private messages and pictures scanned by artificial intelligence, or else they can't send any text or pictures anymore. This is unacceptable.
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ocherednoe-dno · 18 minutes
My friend Nooh who is a civil defense rescuer in north Gaza, who I have made previous posts for on here and IG, & who’s campaign I have personally vetted, was targeted yesterday, along with the whole civil defense crew and the civil defense building. The missile did not explode thank god 😭😭😭 I don’t have anything in me left to say to try to convince people to donate or to try to force people to care and help him because he is a target, it shouldn’t have come to this. Here is Nooh’s video of what happened, you can see the rest on his IG:
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@khanger @transmutationisms @heliopixels @thedailydescent @dlxxv-vetted-donations @ana-bananya @turtletoria @neptunerings @malcriada @mazzikah @decolonize-the-everything @deepspaceboytoy @postanagramgenerator @lesbiandardevil @devilofthepit @prisonhannibal @pcktknife @mothblossoms @mushroomjar @rhubarbspring @redbuddi @lesbianboyfriend @taffybuns @pollackpatrol @ankle-beez @pomodoko @zigcarnivorous @stupid-dumb-bitch @sleevesareforlosers @murderbot @fishfingersandscarves @foodforthot @ohwarnette @xinakwans @bisexuel @judelaws-hairline @planetoflovers @kit-today @emathyst9 @ccomilk @comrademango @clay-pidgeon @brokenbackmountain @deepspaceboytoy @anti-praxis-antihero @nevermore-was-here @death2germany @friendshapedplant @tiredguyswag @teabisexual
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ocherednoe-dno · 20 minutes
For me, dulce de leche is first, but vanilla is a close 2nd. But what's your favorite? Did I skip it?
And while you're here, please share and donate to be able to help a woman widowed by genocide and her 2 young children. They live in a tent exposed to the elements and bugs, and winter is fast approaching.
raffle + flyers + art raffle + vet
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ocherednoe-dno · 30 minutes
Emergency, read my story and help me ‼️
Please Share Or Replog Or Donate For My Family 💔🙏
I am reham, his condition, and all the families of Gaza are very difficult, they do not have the necessities of life, no medicine, no food, no health, no education, nothing but death and destruction I appeal to everyone who sees my campaign to stand by my family, Whether by donating or sharing the story with your friends to raise an amount that will help my family get out of Gaza safely 💔🍉
I am a nurse at Nasser and Al-Khair Hospital in Khan Yunis I also used to work for Dentist K But at the present time, I have lost my job, which was a source of income for me and my family in the past, and now all I will have left is the donation link that I made in order to help my family, about thousands.But it takes timeI hope to achieve the goal of my campaign.
I also want to do charitable work and spread the first aid course to children and women because we really need that urgently at the present time because of this war and genocide that we are exposed to.I lost my brother because of this war, and I really miss him. The loss is painful.
I have been afflicted with a great emptiness and depression because of his distance from me. I hope you pray for him too, may God have mercy on him. 💔🥺🙏
Donate 5$ enough the change my life
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instagram account @/nutella_i_i .
Verified link 👇
Verified link 👇 :
Verified by @palestinegenocide @queerstudiesnatural @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @northgazaupdates @apollos-olives @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
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ocherednoe-dno · 34 minutes
winter is returning to gaza which means white phosphorous acid rain, polio infected sewage flooding, and bitter cold with no shelter. tents are not enough.
siraj's family has 10 children in it, many under the age of 12, two newborns, and two elderly people who are susceptible to disease. his mother has diabetes, which anyone knows needs frequent monitoring and medical care. he and his family just recovered from skin infections and he doesn't want to see them suffer from all the disease the winter will bring.
siraj found a place to rent but its 1400 CAD a month. the lease lasts 6 months - he needs to raise $8400 CAD / $6253 USD as soon as possible before winter gets really ugly so he can secure his family's safety.
siraj is trying to rebuild his life. he doesn't want to let the zionist entity kick him out. he's staring this genocide in the face and telling them he doesn't care what they do, he's not leaving.
yet, he's really far from his goal. and things are moving really slowly. i don't know how many times i can repeat this same information. things change but the brutality of what they face stays the same.
please donate and share
vetted #219
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ocherednoe-dno · 36 minutes
White people are not entitled to being protected from discomfort. Being uncomfortable will not kill you.
As soon as a white person is uncomfortable in a specific situation they want to create some convoluted universal social rule that would've prevented the specific event they didn't enjoy and then accuse non-adherents of being horrible people. It's fine if someone's leg touched yours on the subway. They are not morally beneath you because they were too distracted to consider your personal bubble. Shit happens.
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ocherednoe-dno · 37 minutes
I'm to the point where if I hear you're endorsing/voting for Kamala Harris and you're publicly getting mad at people for not voting for her, I'm not even going to listen what you have to say, you've made it clear you have to strong principles to guide your decisions beyond "what's worse for me personally?" I think Harris voters have no actual ideologies to live by, despite claiming they do, and I fundamentally don't respect them for it. It's one thing to be angry at people who won't vote for Harris, but it's another thing to pretend you're doing it because you have some sort of moral authority and not basing it off pure selfishness. You think that solidarity is posting about things and that's it. You refuse to make yourself uncomfortable, even momentarily. And you get mad at people who are willing to go through discomfort for the sake of others. You call them names, ans claim that THEY are the selfish ones in this scenario. You've given up on making a change in the world for the better, or maybe you were never interested in it. All of your arguments pale in comparison to reality, because Harris is actively funding a genocide. She has even refused to acknowledge a reality in which she does not fund that genocide. Has made such a thing clearer and clearer. All my problems here in the imperial core are secondary to that. I'm about to go through multiple personal issues that are made increasingly hard by political factors and I still think that's nothing in comparison to what Palestinians and Lebanese are going through overseas. You've placed yourselves as the ultimate victims in the world and to me it's laughable and completely out of touch with just how fucked everyone else is because of the imperial beast that is Amerikkka. And speak nothing of the way the victims of Amerikkkan imperialism on Turtle Island bear the brunt of societies' woes for your personal comfort and refusal to make any meaningful change. Not ev baby steps! You think trump is an accidental anomaly and not a product of a larger issue within white amerikkkan politics. Is it not shocking to you that so many people here are voting for trump so enthusiastically?
Seeing things like the weaponization of personal identity, like "Muslims for Harris," used so plainly is an insult to the ideas of internationalism that you all claim to follow. What use is solidarity with the victims of imperialism if you refuse to acknowledge the entirety of the imperial complex? That includes the democrats you hold so dear as well as the Republicans? What use is any of this if you only think for yourself?
You claim to be thinking of others, and that's why you vote for Harris... but what is so incomprehensible to me is the comfort in which you accept the inevitability of Palestinian deaths. Why are you so willing to accept that reality? Why are you comfortable with that reality? It shocks me and disgusts me in a way that I can not really describe. You lot argue and argue and argue, but in the end, the difference between you and me is that I refuse to engage in a reality where Palestinians must die in any case. You have yet to refuse that. In actuality, you all refuse the baby steps, the bare minimum, of refusal to engage in continuation of that reality. And because of that, I do not take you seriously, nor do I view you as being moral in your decision to sacrifice Palestinians.
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