#other mk system's cats
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viejita-n-co · 7 days ago
Hi its me AGAIN (sorry)
Anyway in my little au thing I have going on, I put Viejita I hope thats okay. So now the boys between themselves have 8 pets.
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Close ups
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There's something special about people giving the boys their kids from the comics in their aus so I made them fish (lol) in which live with Layla at Steven's London apartment while Snkt and Luna live in NYC with Peter (its a Spideymoon+ moonscarab au in a way)
Sorry it took so long to get them to you!
Ps. In my au the body is allergic to cats so Jake's a big boy and gets shots so they can have gatos. (That fucker loves gatos man) ((mainly cause marcs still afraid of needles from the phycward stuff))
I've found some pictures of what Snkt would look growing up
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Anyway! Bye! Love you and your work so much
"Steven's expensive ass cat" 🤣 I wonder who funded that
Buying a sphynx cat must be expensive as well, but tbh I haven't decided yet wether Jake adopted or bought Viejita 🤔 lore on pause haha
Tysm for drawing Viejita! I love that you included her little sweater, even I don't do that often haha
How do the shots work? are they like a vaccine too help get rid of the allergy, or they get them to have an effect for a little period of time?
I've heard that sphynx cats help with allergies but I'm not sure how truth is in it. If that were the case, it would help your Jake to not get those shots at least when they're in London 🤔 haha ofc that depends on how the shots work anycase
Love the idea of the fish! Sooo cute
They all look adorable, a big family 😊
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fdelopera · 1 year ago
Moon Knight on Erev Rosh Hashanah
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I took part in the Moon Knight mystery swap, and I'm writing this fic for @enigmatist17 !
Since it is New Year's Eve (or New Year's Day depending on when you're reading this), I wanted to write a fic for the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah.
This fic is based on the MacKay comic book series (Moon Knight 2021), and is set several issues before Issue 30.
I wanted to show MK System as an observant Jewish System, since that isn't often explored in depth in the comics. And you just know, Jake "For the People" Lockley is usually the one who schleps their tuchus to shul!
Happy New Year!
“We’re not going,” said Marc, shaking his head, trying to push back the emotions coming from Jake and Steven. “Absolutely not. I haven’t been in years. Not since … well, not since that time with dad. And Jake, I think it was mostly you around that time anyway. You always paid more attention in shul.”
Marc felt a familiar pulling sensation from where Jake usually hung around, when he was close to front. And then Jake’s familiar Brooklyn twang said, “Marc, bubbeleh, I could just knock ya out cold and take us there myself, you know. But I want you to be there. This is for you as much as it is for us.”
Marc felt Steven chime in with his nasally Long Island cadence, “We both want this. Jake and I do. Not for dad. Not for the family. For us. For you. We’re the only mishpocheh that matters here.”
“Well, I guess I’m just the odd man out. As per usual.” Marc shook his head, and absentmindedly ran his hands through his hair. Their hair was greasy and unkept from being shoved under the mask. What else was new. They needed a shower. That was usually Steven’s job, but Marc didn’t want to give Steven any chance to front and collude with Jake to drag them to shul. Not now.
Not with tomorrow being the 1st of Tishrei. The first day of Rosh Hashanah.
“I heard that,” said Steven. “And neither Jake nor I are going to force you to go to High Holiday services. But we bought the ticket, everything’s all set up. Central Synagogue has a beautiful service. It won’t be anything like dad’s shul. The music is more contemporary. The Rabbi and the Cantor are both women. They’ve got beautiful voices. You’ll find a way to pout about it, I’m sure, but I know deep down you’ll enjoy it. Trust us.”
“What about Reese and Soldier? What about Greer? Are we really going to leave them alone for days at a time? Just tell them, ‘See you later!’ What if they need me? What if Hunter’s Moon has to track down another one of Black Spectre’s goons?”
Marc felt Jake’s chuckle erupt from deep within, and he heard Jake’s words wash over him with yellow-colored mirth. “Marc, I think a couple of vampires and a cat woman are more than capable of taking care of themselves without you fucking everything up, don’t you think?”
“Marc…” Steven’s voice echoed softly within, a wash of blue concern pushing against the back of their eyes. “Marc, what is this really about.”
“It just feels like a complete waste of time, with everything we’ve got going on.”
“Hey!” Jake’s annoyance came quickly. “You might not take shul seriously, but I do. This is important for us. We’re Jewish, Marc. Whether you like it or not. And as Jews, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are our two most important days. Our holiest days. I know that probably doesn’t mean shit to you anymore…”
“No, no, I’m not saying that…”
“Well, you kinda are. You’re saying that our two holiest days don’t matter for shit. Meanwhile, you’re out on the street, doing the bidding of an Egyptian god.”
“That’s different. I don’t worship Khonshu. I still remember the Aseret Hadibrot, and I know that Number One and Number Two are very important.
“I am the L-rd your G‑d, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
“You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor any manner of likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I the L‑rd your G‑d am a jealous G‑d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments. (x)
“See? I still remember what dad taught us.”
“Nice, so you can recite the Ten Commandments,” sighed Jake from inside. “But you still don’t seem to understand why it’s important for us to go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.”
“What I do remember is something dad talked about once… This was a while ago. Before he got sick. He was preparing a d’var Torah for Yom Kippur, and there was something he said…” Marc stopped himself before he thought about it more.
“Marc, what is it? What did he tell you?” Steven’s voice was gentle, his blue concern washed over them again.
“You already know, Steven.”
“Well, why don’t you say it, then.”
“It’s silly. Just a stupid thing. Something I heard dad say once. It just, got me thinking. About us. About me.”
“If it’s silly, then why are you trembling now?”
“I dunno. Maybe I still worry that it’s true.”
“Well, why don’t you talk to us about it? We can work through it together.”
Marc sighed and rolled his eyes. “This is fucking ridiculous. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Marc, bubbeleh…” Jake’s thoughts were soft. “C’mon. Try us.”
“Fine. I have to find it.”
Marc grabbed his phone and searched Sefaria for the specific passage. “It was just this one commentary in the Talmud. About Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Here it is. You’ll see how dumb this is. Really.” He sighed dramatically, but he couldn’t quite keep the tremble from his voice.
“The Gemara goes back to discuss the Day of Judgment. Rabbi Kruspedai said that Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Napacha said: Three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah before the Holy One, Blessed be He: One of wholly wicked people, and one of wholly righteous people, and one of middling people whose good and bad deeds are equally balanced. Wholly righteous people are immediately written and sealed for life; wholly wicked people are immediately written and sealed for death; and middling people are left with their judgment suspended from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur, their fate remaining undecided. If they merit, through the good deeds and mitzvot that they perform during this period, they are written for life; if they do not so merit, they are written for death.” (x)
Marc sighed. “That’s it. You get it? That’s why I’m worried.”
“And what about this worries you, Marc?” Steven’s thoughts were patient, even as Marc’s emotions started to rise.
“I’m scared. I’m terrified that something awful is gonna happen. I’m fucking terrified that I’ll be inscribed as one of these ‘Wholly Wicked’ people. Steven, you’ll be fine. You’re one of the ‘Middling People’ after all.”
“Ha! Very funny Marc. And I guess that makes Jake one of the Righteous few.”
“Damn straight I am!” laughed Jake.
“You are, Jake. Jake ‘For the People’ Lockley, of course you’ll be among the Righteous. But me? I dunno. Somehow I’m convinced that if I go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I’m going to die.”
“Yeah, Steven?”
“Headmates can’t die, Marc. At least, not without the body dying. And so long as you’re not planning on jumping out of a third story window…”
“No, no. It’s not that. I don’t know what it is. I just feel. Overwhelmed. By something. Something is weighing me down. I know headmates can’t die, or at least, not like that. But I just feel like something is coming for me.”
“Marc, what you’re feeling is grief. And guilt. And shame,” said Jake, his voice softer now. “We need to practice Teshuvah. Repentance. Being wrong. Telling the people we’ve hurt that we know we’re wrong. Explaining why we’re wrong. Asking for their forgiveness. Asking three separate times. Being prepared for them to say no each time. Being prepared to walk away. For that to be the closure we get. But Marc, we gotta start somewhere.” (x)
“I'd rather get punched in the face. Actually, I’d rather take a thousand hits than go through that.”
“Yeah, buddy. I know you would. But we don’t got that choice. Not when it’s the thing that is keeping us from being a Jew. Not when you believe that you are literally going to die because of your feelings of guilt and shame. We need Teshuvah.”
Jake sighed deeply from within. “Marc, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are sacred. They have always been our holiest days. Our Ten Days of Repentance. The Days of Awe. But do you know why they are so important?”
“Probably. I’m sure dad told us.”
“Because of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai.” (x) (x)
“Wait, which one was he?”
“Ribaz. He’s the rabbi who pretty much saved Judaism.”
“Oh. Right. After the Temple…”
“Yes. The Temple. This is how dad used to tell it...
"After the Romans besieged Jerusalem. After they set fire to the Beit Hamikdash, our holy Temple. When we had no place left to offer up sacrifices to G-d. What would we do? Especially on Yom Kippur. Without the sacrifices at the Temple, how would the Jewish people be able to repent? How would we be forgiven of our sins each year? How would we continue to be Jews?
“Ribaz was a wise old rabbi. He stood and wept as he watched the Temple burn. The flames went higher and higher, late into the night, casting evil shadows upon the land. And he looked to the Tanakh for guidance. He turned to the Nevi’im. To Hoshea. And there he found the wisdom he sought.”
“For I desire lovingkindness, not sacrifice; devotion to God, rather than burnt offerings.” (x)
“I remember,” muttered Marc, his thoughts blending with Jake's, remembering their father’s voice. “Hoshea 6:6. And with that, he knew how we would carry on as Jews. We would offer up lovingkindness, prayer, and Torah study. That is how we show our devotion to G-d.”
“Yes!” thought Jake, nudging Marc from the headspace. “And that’s why we gotta go to shul tomorrow. Ribaz didn’t save Judaism just for us to be a slouch about it! So we gotta go to shul tomorrow to get our name in the Book of Life. So we can be sealed on Yom Kippur. So we can start the process of doing Teshuvah. We gotta reach out to Frenchie, Marc. And I miss Gena and Crawley so damn much. It’s gonna be really hard. But we gotta start somewhere. We gotta start repenting to them. And we gotta mean it this time. Let go of some of that ego you carry around your neck. It’s weighing all of us down.”
“Jake’s right,” thought Steven. “We don’t know what the future will bring, Marc. But we gotta start.”
Steven began humming a tune that pushed out in little breaths through Marc’s voice. It was a tune that Marc knew but couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“What is that?” thought Marc, directing the question at Steven. “That sounds like…”
Steven pushed closer to front, and continued humming, a little louder this time. Some words came through Marc’s lips in Steven’s voice.
“Who by fire? And who by water? … Hmmm hmmm hmmmm… and hmmmm hmmm hmmmmm…”
Marc coughed, cutting off Steven’s song for a minute. “Oh, it’s Leonard Cohen.”
Marc could feel Steven’s smile from inside the headspace. “That’s right, Marc. And you know what it is, right?”
“I do. Yeah. Yeah. Who shall live and who shall die. His version of the Unetaneh Tokef prayer.” Marc began to sing softly. (x) (x)
And who by fire?
Who by water?
Who in the sunshine?
Who in the night time?
Who by high ordeal?
Who by common trial?
Who in your merry merry month of May?
Who by very slow decay?
And who shall I say is calling?
“But teshuvah, tefillah, and tzedakah shall avert the severe decree.” Marc took a deep breath. “I’ll go. I will. For Ribaz. And I’ll do it for you Jake… I’d do anything for you. You know that. And yeah, you too Steven. Even though you’re a pain in my ass. I’ll do it for you. We’re mishpocheh.”
“And for you, Marc?” asked Steven, whispering the words through their lips.
“Huh. Okay. Fine. For me too. I’ll go be a good Jew. Ha! Dad would be so proud.”
“We’re not doing it for him,” thought Jake.
“No. Okay, no. You’re right. We’re not. I’m not. We’re mishpocheh. We’re doing this for us.”
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ominoose · 1 year ago
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𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐓 𝟐
A list of seasonal fanfics I've read or found over the month of October that I really enjoyed for future reference and others to check out <3
Part 1
Key: 🎃 - NSFW ┆ 🤎 - X Reader ┆ 🐈‍⬛ - Dark
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Absolutely Purr-fect by @sarahghetti You and the Moon Boys adopt a cat. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley WC: 2.4k ┆ 🤎
Broken Toys by @midgardian-witch Blue gives you some comfort. Characters: Blue Jones WC: 1.7k ┆ 🤎
Farm Day by @reallyrallyauthor You and Steven go on a farm day to see the animals. Yes, it's as cute as it sounds. Characters: Steven Grant WC: 800 ┆ 🤎
Voice Kink by @winniethewife Phone sex with Williams amazing voice. Characters: William Tell WC: 843 ┆ 🎃🤎
Little Secrets by @heladodecerezq You're the MK's systems kid and keep a little secret for them, which they really don't like. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley WC: 921 ┆ 🐈‍⬛
Jake Jerkin' Off by @tiptapricock Jake jerks off, but written as more of a character introspective. Characters: Jake Lockley WC: 774 ┆ 🎃
Look At You by @notquitecanon Each of the MK boys saying "Look at you" in different contexts. Sweet and sexy. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley WC: 1.7k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Cumming In Your Mouth Platonically by @my-secret-shame & @foxilayde Fen made another banger post and Foxilayde served another five meals with it. Aka a quick post on letting Cecil cum in your mouth but its totally platonic, not weird or anything. Characters: Cecil Dennis WC: 727 ┆ 🎃 🤎
Lust is a Drug by @minispidey You're Arthur Harrows virgin, isolated cult wife and Moon Knight pays a visit. Characters: Marc Spector WC: 2.3k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Mr and Mrs Knight by @angel-of-the-moons Chubby reader goes to work a work party with Steven, some mean girls make it go south. Characters: Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Marc Spector WC: 4.3k ┆ 🎃 🤎
My Lord by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction King John is exiled to another country and fixates on one of the head servants. Only Fen could make a King John fic that's smut and kinda fluff, it's magic. Characters: King John WC: 3.1k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Patience by @moons-dunes Steven gives you an agonizing lesson in patience. Characters: Steven Grant WC: 800 ┆ 🎃 🤎
La Petite Mort by @hon3yboy You inherit a manor from your dead aunt and it's got a cute but obsessive British ghost in it. Characters: Steven Grant WC: 3k ┆ 🎃 🤎 🐈‍⬛
He Found The Box of Condoms by @hoedamn-eron You fuck your best friends dad and then date him. Told in three parts. Characters: Leto Atreides ┆ 🎃 🤎
Sleeping Dogs by @hon3yboy Werewolf!Marc. Again. All I need to say. Characters: Marc Spector WC: 2.8k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Visions & Loyalty by @reallyrallyauthor Your sisters is meant to marry Leto but then he goes "Actually, no you" and it's three parts. God bless. Leto is so well written. Characters: Leto Atreides ┆ 🎃 🤎
Finish The Job by @romana-after-dark MK system kidnaps reader and Jake goes quite Yandere on them. Characters: Jake Lockley, Marc Spector, Steven Grant WC: 1.4k ┆ 🎃 🤎 🐈‍⬛
Control by @romana-after-dark Jake is really into killing and blood. Really into it. Characters: Jake Lockley WC: 591 ┆ 🎃 🤎 🐈‍⬛
Corny Night In by @jayke0 Marc with a chubby reader, has thigh fucking and feels. You will lose it. Characters: Marc Spector WC: 1.6K ┆ 🎃 🤎
Losing Hand by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction William tries to teach you poker and his dicks also inside you at the same time. Character: William Tell WC: 1k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Cry Baby by @jayke0 Bullying Cecil while he whimpers and gets off. Character: Cecil Dennis WC: 1.3k ┆ 🎃 🤎
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
Just curious, how do the lmk crew when they are sick and when others are sick? (Not pregnancies since that whole different ball park.)
OK heres my hcs for how LMK gang deals with being sick/others being sick:
Xiaotian/MK: Ignores serious symptoms until he physically cannot walk. And although he loves the extra break time, he almost goes nuts when he's too sick and feverish to much else but rest. Draws a lot when ill, especially of his fever dreams. To Others: he goes full worried mother-hen on them. Soup, tea, soft pillows, meds, you name it - he'll zoom across town for it. Often ends up catching whatever the other person had cus of proximity.
Xiaojiao/Mei: Legit doesn't notice her symptoms until she starts flagging mid-drive, then she puts herself on strict bedrest until she's good enough to hit the road again. Prefers to treat herself, so she gets embarassed when she gets really sick and the others have to step in. To Others: Jokingly mourns them and drops off a bag filled with their fave snacks before booking it out the door. She will support them from a distance. XD
Sun Wukong: "Bah! Illness is for dorky mort- ACHOO!!" His relative isolation on FFM and hubris towards earths tiniest organisms has left SWK with almost zero immunity to common diseases. Pretty much passes out the second he gets the tiniest cold. Will try and meditate/sleep his way back to normal, but will need to be dragged kicking and screaming to a doctor. To Others: The opposite. Mortals are so fragile! Are you ok!? Why is your nose running? Are you dying?! This monkey goes into full panic mode over the smallest ailments. Buys out the pharmacy's stock in cough syrup and cold meds. Probably makes himself sick in the process.
Macaque: Accepts his fate and holes himself up in a nest for the foreseeable future. Has a slightly stronger immune system than Wukong (don't tell me that this monkey didn't live like an alley cat at some point), but in the case of really serious illness will crawl himself towards his nearest ally and/or enemy for assistance/a more honorable death. Secretly enjoys being pampered while in his more vunerable state. To Others: Full mom-mode combined with "I told you so" attitude. Strict bedrest and warm blankets. Monkey instincts take over and he'll make the sick person eat weird medicinal plants he finds/alchemises, and cuddle them in hopes of making them feel better. Often times it works.
Pigsy: Claims he's never taken a sick day in his life. Is proven wrong the first time he catches a random virus and has to shut the down kitchen for about a week. Is very frustrated, but puts the customers' safety over his pride. When he gets the slightest bit better he'll start cooking up a storm to make up for lost time. To Others: "Sick. Leave. Now." Will physically carry his sick friends/workers to the doctors to get meds before he lets them in the door. Will stuff the sick person full of healthy traditional soup recipes to encourage "natural healing" in addition to strict medical assistance. Will claim that he'd do this for anyone (he lying).
Tang: "Oh no~ I have the flu! I guess I'll have to stay home and be feed soup by my beloved Piggy~" This man will 100% take advantage of his sickness for attention. Don't lie to me. To Others: On one hand, eww. On the other, he may be able to steal a bowl of Pigsy's healing soup. Will smile fondly and let the ill person recover in their own time with meds.
Sandy: Goes belly up in the water. He's a guy with great constitution, so he doesn't get sick often. But when he does? Doctor, now. Can bounce back fairly quickly if treated, but he'll insist on the others not getting too close to him or his cats less they catch it too. Will appriciate any help (esp with his foster cats) around the boat house tho. Cat cuddle pile until he's better. To Others: Enters the room wearing a face mask and gloves, holding a tray of different teas (hot and iced), and offers to lend his aromatherapy machine. Very big on holistic methods, but won't discourage modern medicine.
Red Son: Goes into "dying victorian child"-mode. Was in the Guanyin's Southern Seas paradise for centuries (so no immunities) and likely hasn't caught most diseases simply because his body runs too hot for the micro-organisms to survive. But if he catches something supernatural, or it triggers a violent immuno-response? He's a sweaty mess unable to move from his bed, surrounded by ice packs. It's very difficult to take care of him in this state cus he's like smouldering lava. His parents get *very* worried. Gets ridiculously honest, slurring things like; "I love you so much noodle boy~" *passes tf out* to his caretakers. Doesn't remember a thing afterwards. To Others: "Bull Clones! Initiate hazmat procedures!" Gets mega worried cus he's never had to help someone in this state before, but understands how laboratory hazmat works, so will assist wearing full PPE. Will disinfect the ill person's entire living space to eliminate future threats. If the sick person is someone *really important to them, Red will panic and seek out supernatural assistance.
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Nezha: "Sick? Nah I don't get sick." *falls asleep at the breakfast table the second no one's looking*. Tries to "tough it out" like he believes he should, but is woefully unprepared for how protective the rest of the gang can be. It's been a long time since someone has actually tucked him in and nursed him back to health - he gets really emotional. Will now die for his caretakers' no matter how small his ailments were. To Others: Vows to help however he can, and then goes to stand guard at the bedroom door. Will call for advice on bedside manner stuff cus he's not used to it (youngest of three yo) beyond what his mom would do for him as a toddler.
Bai He: Little kid. Will sneeze and cough and allow herself to be corralled into bed for the week. Very sleepy. Stuffed animal fort will be built to protect her. Mo may sneak in to cuddle her better. To Others: Is told to keep away from the sick person less she catches it, but will sneak in and donate one of her fave toys to keep them company. In the case of non-communicable ailments; will sneak in and try to cuddle the sick person better since that always makes her feel better too. Brings her tablet so that they can watch something together.
+(Au character) Chenxiang: Is pretty healthy, but also has no idea how personal health works. Gets his first ever really bad illness by getting drenched in rain one night and not drying himself off properly. Hallucinates feverishly and mistakes Wukong as still being his Sifu, and that he needs to save his mother. Multiple family members are required to wrangle Chenxiang back to bed in this state. Gets really quiet/wistful once he starts getting better. To Others: Gets really worried and immediately summons the adults for help. The only other time in the past he's cared for a sick person... didn't end happily. So he gets really really insistent on the sick person going to the doctor, taking meds, drinking tea & soup, everything. Pretty much helicopters over the sick until they get better, or if the adults take over for him.
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weaverpop · 3 months ago
So because I'm sick right now.
How often does everyone get sick and who's the best caregiver (I'm disqualifing jing cause that's obvious)
It's probably hard to see the monkie trio getting sick because there literally built different. But I offer that they DO in fact get sick once in a blue moon and it's always a whammy on them.
I’m so sorry, hope you feel better! Seems like we’re all getting sick this November!
XD Yeah Jing would have to not participate in caretaker ranks bc of him bringing a nurse, so unfair advantage!
As for the others it’s more of a wider range.
Pigsy gets sick the least often. He’s a chef, and litterally raised a secret monkey child, so he’s immune to MUCH. Still gets vaccinated and stuff, but the worst he gets is sniffles. Makes an excellent caretaker, noodle soup all the way!
Tang still not as often (again Monkie baby) but he’s not as immune as Pigsy is. Maybe forgets the occasional flu shot and gets a nasty cough, but otherwise fine. Doesn’t make a good caregiver, but will happily read to them!
Sandy is hands down the BEST caretaker ever. Tea, soothing food, meds, blankets, cuddles, while nine yards. He don’t get sick very often bc of being on the ship/ocean most of the day, but when he does it hits him hard. Poor baby feels miserable for days. Thankfully self care and help from huntsman helps!
Mei was that kid who ate mud and dirt. Shes got an immune system like no other. The only time she ever truely got sick was pneumonia after taking a naked dip in a lake in winter (a dare from mk). She… can’t take care of anyone. She tries! But poor rich girl is just barely learning to be independent, so no bueno there.
Redson is in a similar boat, except of mud and bugs its soot and oil. He and Mei often have to call in outside reinforcements.
PIF and DBK: they both are mid. Not super great, but not terrible immune systems. Ok at taking care of a sick person, but would likely need outside help for anything worse than sniffles.
Azure doesn’t get sick very often. Most times it’s from stuff he ate that he probably shouldn’t have (he’s a cat 🤷‍♀️) so most of it is vomiting. Is an amazing caretaker! Was the go to for when anyone of the brotherhood got sick!
Jing: like I said disqualified for caretaker bc of being a nurse. But while he did used to have a great immune system, after having so many pregnancy’s and births his health did start to deteriorate. Now for a while after that he would get sick very easily. (It doesn’t last, he gets his immunity back a bit after the final recovery)
Lady Yin was Botha blessing and a curse. She was mama, so she was an amazing caretaker. But she was mama, so if she got something she gave it to EVERYBODY (I’m not projecting no of course not)
Nezha is an ok caregiver. A bit clueless but he’s trying. Used to have the worst immune system ever! Got sick at every opportunity! Managed to grow out of it but there are HORROR stories!
Muzha same as Nezha.
Jinzha suprisingly has never gotten anything worse than a bad cough. Is an excellent caregiver, I mean he’s the Buddha’s bodyguard he’s probably had to play nurse a few times.
Yin and Jin are absolute disasters. They don’t get sick often but when they do they are WHINEY BRATS about it! They burn soup on the stove, so they need to call someone to help when they are Jinzha are sick.
Yellow tusk is an ok caregiver. Is well versed in medicine, so is able to provide that. Aside from that he’s not very involved. Gets sick maybe once in a while, never anything too bad. Gets infections from broken bones suprisngly easy though.
Peng is a horrible patient and an even worse caregiver. Gets sick every year with the flu and basically goes into hibernation. Sucks at being a caregiver bc he’s nit very empathetic (he’s trying tho)
Spider Queen and Scorpian Queen both have the potential to get very sick very easily. Spider Queen less so (I mean, sewers?), but they still get it more often then not. They both make ok caregivers, and will do their best to make one feel safe and comfortable.
Huntsman and Goliath both never get sick and are awful caregivers. They don’t MEAN to be bad caregivers, but being spider demons makes it hard to grasp the concept.
Syntax is a shockingly good caregiver, but and absolute crybaby when it comes to getting sick. He gets sick every now and again, but when it happens it’s usually high delirious fevers.
Wukong and Macaque are both good and awful caregivers. Their old monkies, so their definition of caretaking is a little different. Still makes sure the other is safe and comfortable tho. They get sick litterally never. It’s impossible to get sick naturally, so usually they have to be positioned. That point it’s less sick and more er trip.
Erlang is a very quiet when he’s sick. Oftentimes the fevers make him spiral, making him question why they love him and that he shouldn’t be a bother. As a caregiver he’s okish. Not the best but not the worst, he has his moments where he’s able to make the sick person laugh even when they feel crumby.
Mk is a FANTASTIC caregiver! Learned from the best afterall! Will go the full nine yards as well! Soups, blankets, etc! Nezha has had many wonderful experiences with this. As for being sick, Mk got it a lot as a kid, but now that his Monkie demon stuff is coming in it went away. Again, its gotta be mostly position, and then its an er trip.
(Let me know id I missed anyone!)
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lantura · 2 months ago
Doll History: MystiKats
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Producer: PlayHut
Debuted: 2005
Rebrand: 2006
MystiKats was a doll line created to compete with MGA’s Bratz.  The MystiKats were half-cats, half-human creatures who had powers that were bestowed upon them by a mysterious “kat” on their 18th birthdays. Each doll has a tattoo for her particular symbol (that feature may have inspired MGA’s future doll line: Bratzillas.)
Only one doll line, series 1, was produced for the U.S market. Other doll lines were created, but only for Australia. The dolls came with an outfit, a plush cat, removable cat eyes, two pop-on tails (which double as bracelets to wear), a purse, a brush, and a necklace that matches each girl's symbol.
An unique feature is that their knees were articulated via wire as opposed to click knees.
Main dolls along with their birthmark, pet cat, power and their fashion style and interests.
Birthmark: Cat eye
Pet Cat: Aby, a very playful Abyssinian cat
Style: Laid back by day, but all out wild at night!
Power: See the future
Interest: Enjoys sports and the outdoors
Birthmark: Cat ears and tail
Pet Cat: Burmie, a Burmese cat with an attitude
Style: Just bling-bling!
Power: Stop time by swishing her tail
Interest: A city girl at heart with a flair for music and streetwear
Birthmark: Cat paw
Pet Cat: Sia, a Siamese cat
Style: Live by her motto: rules are made to be broken
Power: Move objects with the motion of her hand
Interest: Making cool jewelry
Birthmark: Heart with princess crown
Pet Cat: Persia, a Persian cat
Style: Hollywood Glamour
Power: Transform into any living being
Interest: Shopping trendy Hollywood shops
Doll Lines
Series 1
There are two versions: the U.S version and the Australian release. The Australian release has a slightly revised face sculpt for the nose and eyes, more details listed in the bio, and had different copyrights for the US 2005 release and the Australian 2006 release. The pet cats included were different as well: U.S had the plush version and Australian had a plastic version.
Tagline: “In the MK World, anything is possible! Join the MK Gems as they Celebrate Color, Beauty and their Never-Ending Friendship!!!”
Gems was a doll line created to complete with Bratz Genie Magic- which was released in 2006. Each character had a gem to represent themselves.
Kalani: “Kalani’s Gem, the Amethyst, represents her Faith in the good things life brings.”
Talin: “Talin’s Gem, the Ruby, represents her Nurturing Nature, this is why she always protects her friends!”
Siva: “Siva’s Gem, the Sapphire, represents her Inner Truth and knowing right from wrong.”
Azra: “Azra’s Gem, the Pink Diamond, represents Abundance, and her desire to have everything perfect.”
On The Prowl
Tagline: “The girls are ready to strut their stuff in the hottest outfits. Follow Kalani, Talin, Azra & Siva as they explore our world, keeping their Special Powers a secret! Is it possible?”
This line was an Australian Target exclusive and was sold for 23.99. The gimmick was that each girl is traveling to a different destination around the globe.
Rebrand: Mystikats GoLive
The series decided to rebrand in 2006
Series 1
In late 2006, the Mystikats brand removed the hybrid cat aspect and are now taller, with different face molds based on the features of anime. The GoLive line was released with three of the four girls, with Azra removed. However, artwork was created for her, hinting that she may have been removed late in production.  The rebrand also incorporated a handheld game system that can also be plugged into the TV.
A stand is used to place the doll on to interact with the system and minigames can be unlocked by changing the doll’s outfit to activate it.
Turbo Babez
This line includes a motorbike that the doll could ride one.  The pop-on ears and tail are included back on the doll. 
Unreleased Line
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GoLive – High School Mystikal
Tagline: “Get ready to Go Live with the MystiKats™ at Mystik High School! Place one of the MystiKats™ dolls near the Mystik Krystal™ to activate cool games, as the MystiKat™ Mystiks interact with you in this innovative combination of traditional doll play with video game technology!“
The doll line was set to be released in the fall of 2007 but was canceled due to previous lines poor sales.
Mystixx Connection
Due to Monster High’s success, in 2012, PlayHut decided to release a competing doll line: Mystixx.
Besides the similar brand name, the dolls also had the same name as their feline counterparts.
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clarissaexplainsbatchall · 7 months ago
Helios: 20km east of FOB Hawk
Through snow and ice hunted 1st Star, the pride of the Noblise. The five 'Mechs were spread in a kilometer wide search pattern with the unit leader, Star Commander Clarissa, at its head in her Mad Cat III. The star chatted throughout their long patrol to pass the time, never the most disciplined group. Clarissa allowed it because discipline or not they were good at what they did. And they were killers all.
"You are aware that we are on this duty because of your 'Mech, quiaff Clarissa?" came Roderick's deep and heavy voice over the communicator. His Gladiator was three hundred meters to Clarissa's right.
"You don't drive an omnimech either, Roderick," said Ben, the youngest of the star. "And yours is even an Inner Sphere design. I don't know why hers would be worse." His Coyotl darted across the snowy hills, weaving in and out of formation, providing a fluid kind of support to the others.
"And you pilot a museum piece, Ben." This came from either Julie or Nina, the twins at the rear of the formation in their heavy Savage Wolf and Mad Dog mk IV. It was nearly impossible to tell the pair apart in person. Over comms it was pointless to even try.
Clarissa cut in, "My 'Mech is a symbol of what many clans consider to be the traitorous nature of our clan. It was made for export to the Inner Sphere, which most clans view as rude at best, and outright heresy at worst."
"So you do know," Roderick growled.
"I know that I will not be looked upon well by many of our allies on Helios until I have proven myself. I apologize if that pall has fallen upon all of you as well," Clarissa said her voice more calm than she was. She had never worked with any other clans before, and most especially not this new SLDF that had been formed by the Wolf Empire.
"Why pilot such a stigma of a battlemech, Commander? There are many others available that you could have chosen from," Roderick continued his questions.
This, at least, Clarissa had an answer to. "I-" but she did not get to speak it. I stead the snow bank before her vanished into a wall of steam and fire and explosions ripped all around her and a screeching hiss of static tore into her ears from the speakers in her neurohelmet. Within the steam a massive shadow that dwarfed even her Battlemech rose into the air with a roar and on instinct she threw her machine forward into the steam at full throttle, even driggering the acceleration circuitry she'd had installed to give her an extra boost of speed.
She slammed her controls to the side, letting her bird legged mech skid fully around in the snow and she watched in horror as the shadow came down hard where she'd just been. Its impact shook the ground, creating a shockwave that blew the steam and smoke away and revealed the enemy. It was all sharp, aggressive angles and inhuman anatomy in white as brilliant as the snows around it, stealthy and sleek and massive. Where it seemed like its cockpit should be was only a gaping open barrel that blossomed with heat and then erupted.
Clarissa cried out in shock as blazing plasma splattered across her mech, burning through armor like kindling. The blaze made the temperature in the cockpit skyrocket and fans immediately began working overtime to try to reduce the temperature of the air, but the only thing that kept Clarissa conscious was the cooling suit insulating her body. Several warnings flashed across the HUD in her neurohelmet. Most of the armor on her left side had been melted off and the 'Mech's cooling systems were trying to bring the heat back down to manageable levels.
The other machine stood before her and she recognized it with a sickening horror. An Archangel. The Word of Blake's most dangerous weapon. nearly twice the size of her own 'Mech, and shockingly mobile for something its size thanks to the jump jets which let it soar through the sky like its namesake. But this one seemed damaged. Where its right arm should have been was only a wreckage of loose cabling and myomer muscle dangling free among torn steel, and all over its thick armor was cratered and pitted with marks of its last battle. That it still stood was a testament to the sheer toughness of the war machine and the tenacity of its pilot.
Clarissa swallowed hard, but forced herself to switch to an open channel, "Word of Blake MechWarrior. I am Star Commander Clarissa of Clan Sea Fox. You are outnumbered and outgunned. Surrender now and you will not be harmed, on my word of honor."
The only response was the same shrieking static she had heard when it first attacked, a deafening howl of defiant machine noise, then its left hand twisted and a wickedly sharp looking blade easily five meters long extended from its forearm. She was about to order her star to open fire when she finally noticed what was happening.
Ben's Coyotl was down, its leg sheared off at the knee. Roderick was engaged with another Word of Blake 'Mech while the twins traded blows with a third. This had been a well planned and perfectly executed ambush. Clarissa was alone in this fight. The Archangel took a step towards her and Clarissa unleashed hell.
The Mad Cat III that she piloted was of no stock configuration. Despite the resources and privileges that came with being both a Star Commander and a Sea Fox Merchant she had always repaired the machine with whatever parts and weaponry happened to be on hand. It was an amalgamation not built out of any plan, but rather as a living history of her time as a warrior; every scar healed over into something new. The Archangel might have been expecting long range missiles without enough punch to slow it down this close, or lasers that would drive her reactor's heat even higher risking an emergency shutdown.
What it got was a deafening roar as Clarissa squeezed the trigger and from amidst the burn scars left by the plasma a rotary autocannon came to life and pounded a dozen high explosive rounds into its chest in less than a second. It staggered, just for a moment, and Clarissa pressed the advantage. A tone in her ear indicated a lock onto her enemy from the quartet of short range missiles in her 'Mech's other shoulder which quickly streaked out and detonated across the Archangel.
It wasn't enough. It came on and the retractable blade came up fast on Clarissa's right side and she only just barely brought the Mad Cat's arm up in time to stop it from digging deep into the core of her 'mech. Instead with the sound of shearing metal the blunt weapons pod that served as the end of the Mad Cat's arm came off and flew a dozen meters off into the snow. Again she fired off the autocannon but this time the Archangel took to the air once more flying high above, its avian legs suddenly outstretched like a raptor about to swoop down on its prey, and the explosive rounds detonated across the side of some far off hill.
There was no time to dodge, and seeing her death coming from above she opened fire with everything she had in one last barrage of violence and defiance. Lasers lit the space between the two death machines in crimson and emerald, the autocannon roared a long cacophonous cry and then jammed with the wrenching of metal, missiles shot forth on plumes of smoke and exploded into balls of fire and shrapnel.
And something in the Archangel gave. One of its jump jets coughed, the exploded with a harrowing pop. This threw of the trajectory of the great beast and when it came down it did so several meters away from Clarissa, landing badly on its leg with a wrenching groan of metal bent beyond its ability to endure and finally breaking under the strain. It fell on its back and its right arm was pinned under it.
Shuddering with adrenaline and the realization that she was somehow not dead, Clarissa swung her 'Mech over and stomped its great foot down on the Archangel's chest, forcing the plasma cannon there to point away from her. She could see the barrels of her autocannon glowing orange from the nonstop firing she had done, hopelessly jammed, but she still had missiles and her undamaged left arm still had lasers in its weapon pod, lasers she pointed at the small, red canopied cockpit hidden above the gaping maw of the Archangel's plasma cannon.
Elsewhere her squad had finished off their own opponents and were coming towards her, weapons primed and ready. She breathed a heavy, ragged breath, then spoke into the open channel again. "This does not have to be this way. I have no desire to kill you." She heard the shrieking static noise again, but shouted through it in frustration. "Listen to me! You are done! This fight is done!" The static stopped, and she too was silent for a moment, hoping. Then she continued. "Power down your reactor and exit your cockpit. No one else has to die today. We can live. We can both live."
More silence. Her star circled the downed machine, Ben's Coyotl leaning heavily against Nina's Mad Dog for support. Breathless, Clarissa continued to wait, her fingers tense and beginning to shake on the triggers of her weapons. Then the Archangel's engine cut off. The nuclear heart of the Word of Blake's greatest death machine stopped beating. The canopy of the cockpit cleared as it opened and she saw a man down below her, so small from her high perch, so vulnerable, crawl out of it.
Clarissa let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, then said to her star, "Call for a recovery and salvage team. We need to get Ben's 'Mech home and also..." With relief she looked down at the tiny figure below her. "Also a prisoner."
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idiotsyncratic0 · 1 year ago
Lemme share my absolute favourite find of Dwemer lore, from a forum, that is (iirc) written by MK.
"...They were unfathomable citizens of an inexplicable culture.
Of all the races of Tamriel, the Dwemer (Deep Folk) or 'Dwarves' are the weirdest. The Khajiit might have 24 different forms dictated by a magical, biological connection with Tamriel's moons, and the Argonians no doubt enjoy, at least psychologically, the most alien sentience on the planet, but the Dwemer are still WEIRDER.
Why? It's simple, really. Elves in popular fantasy literature have always been ciphers for humans, almost always of that special breed known as Paragons on the Decline. They are not the Other (as lizard people and cat people must be) but rather the Another, that which has qualities similar enough to humans that we can relate to it but also possessed of a certain cultural outlook, religious tradition, or scientific method so skewed that the relationship is strained almost to the breaking point.
In "Lord of the Rings" the aspect of the Another was immortality. In Tamriel, and specifically the Dwarves, that aspect is what I can only call Heroic Abrogation of Everything, a complete and utter refusal to accept what everyone else experiences as the real.
That's why the Dwemer are the weirdest race in Tamriel and, frankly, also the scariest. They look(ed) like us, they sometimes act(ed) like us, but when you really put them under the magnifying glass you see nothing but vessels that house an intelligence and value system that is by all accounts Beyond Human Comprehension.
Dwarves were the ultimate Bartleby's of the universe: whenever it asked something of them they simply 'would rather not.' Let me take this a step further and say Dwarves regularly practiced the perception of acausal effects. Dwarves knew that phenomena (that which can be perceived by the senses) and noumena (that which is the thing-itself) were both illusions, with the second one just being more clever. Dwarves could divide by zero. There isn't even a word to describe the Dwarven view on divinity. They were atheists on a world where gods exist.
[They] are Tamriel's biggest mystery and there should be no end to their enigma...
Stories written by them should read as communiqués between an X and Y axis that is tired of planar love poetry. Personal accounts of their wars with the Chimer should seem like Revelations written in computer syntax. Anumidum isn't a Giant Robot to them, but God's Encyclopedia of Amnesia. Or their Automated Hypnogogic Transgression..."
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ablog · 2 years ago
This is maybe for later cus I'm really bad at writing down ideas so I'm using Tumblr as a motivator (I got the idea from a dream I don't know why a lego show works with that a bit too much for me)
Got an idea for basically lmk × arcane (it started as a different idea but the consept just grow into a similar world and i rolled with it)
Sun wukong is like Heimerdinger, basically as the top of the council and sort of the head of the up city
Tang and nezha are in the council as well but I'm not sure what's their part in the story yet
Macaque and MK are in the under city and are kinda like Powder and Vi, but not really fully siblings vibe, more like twp close abandoned cats ( Macaque is on adge whenever anything related to the up city happenes) he's still immortal like swk and the two has history, one that ended badly
Pigsy is like vander, instead of a barman he's cooking and he don't like the situation at all but to keep the people living there safe (ish), he make sure nothing too extreme happens with the top city to make them come down there
The mayer is the head of the enforcers and he's the one doing business with pigsy (who's btw bulid more like Zhu Bajie here)
Sandy is a blacksmith in the under city and although it doesn't seem like that so much, Macaque is very close to him and feel safe in the workshop, he occasionally make little bulids but mostly like to watch sandy make stuff, there are a lot of weapons stored in there from the past but these days sandy mostly make moving statues of different things (and he has a lot of mechanical cats, their mechanisms are quite simple but their builds are very impressive)
For some reason I imagen him looking pretty much the same figure but different pants and added welding goggles
Mei is a high ranked guard that works close to the palace but occasionally leave for long missions
Lady bone demon is in the council and while looking mostly neural and pro the city, actually working behind the curtains to push her agendas, to weaken the city and to hold a revolution at some point, when the opportunity shows itself.
She doesn't believe in the current system that the world runs on and think the only way to fix it is to gain power so she could change and improve how's everything works, at some point after seeing a bit too much of the politics and the way humans around her prefer to take the easy way out, or the one that's more beneficial to them regardless of how it'll effect the less fortunate, she believes that the only way to make a real difference is to take the power by force and to make the changes necessary no matter the cost.
The demon bull family are nobleman's.
iron fang in the council, and she let red son to study the under city tech and he study with the great minds of their time.
His parents doesn't know it but occasionally he sneak to the under city for supply that's too hard to get from the other researchers that bring different devices to work with.
This is what i thought of so far, I also have the bigging of a story but I'll write that later :)
If you read all of that, you're awesome <3
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viejita-n-co · 2 years ago
Please tell me you have drawings of Solovino 👁️👁️
Just 2 😭
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Here you can read more about some things I thought about him
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usaigi · 2 years ago
Headcanon list for MCU Diatrice
I think it would be cute if mk system and Layla had their own Diatrice(Diya) like in the comics
Her name is Diyaa Bellatrix Spector
Layla picked "Diyaa" since it means light, star, brilliant
UPDATE: Google lied to me, Diyaa in Arabic is usually a male's name. However, Google says Diya in Hindi and Tamil is a girls name that also means light and lamp Diya is named after Layla's best friend from college who was Indian
Layla's family initially opposed it because "it's a boys name" but Layla wanted to honor her friend and likes the idea of a girl with a traditional "masculine" name
Bonus meaning, sounds like the word "Day" (Dia) in Spanish, opposite of Layla (night)
Marc picked Bellatrix, like the star "not like the Harry Potter character."
When Steven finally met her, he proposes "Diatrice" as a nickname, a combination of her two names Marc: "Diatrice isn't a real name you can't call her that" Steven: "Diatrice sounds like Beatrice and that's a real name. She's likes it and she's my daughter too, I can call her Diatrice if I want."
Jake has a variety of Spanish nicknames for her: "mi luz, mi reina, mi amorsito, etc."
Her hair is the same as Layla so it was a learning curve for the guys.
Steven is the best at it, he's gentle and massages her head and likes to add cute little bows and accessories
Her favorite way is to wear it in two little buns because they look like bear ears
Jake just puts cat hears and little tiaras on her, depending on the vibe
Marc tries but he's so bad at doing different hairstyles. There are always flyaways
Diya really wanted pink hair. Cried to Layla about it so much
There's no way in hell Layla is bleaching her baby's hair. But she can't resist her puppy hears so she compromises and gets her some pink clip-in extensions
Trying to raise her trilingual (one parent one language). Most fluent in Arabic and English but understands a lot of Spanish
Once Jake starts to front around the house more, she gets more exposure and starts to pick up better
likes Katy Perry and Olivia Rodrigo. Sings it at the top of her lungs when they're driving
On weekend mornings, likes to sneak into her parent's bed for cuddles
Marc loves this, especially after nightmares/bad sleep
Steven always reads her a bedtime story (He does the best voices)
one time (several times) she bit a kid at the playground
Steven had to scold her for that but Jake snapped at the other parents for yelling at his daughter
Diya mirrors a lot of Layla's behaviors/habits, mainly constantly reminding her dad of different things. "Papi, did you remember to beep beep? (lock the car)" "Papi, did you remember to feed the kitty?"
Just like both of her parents, she's very stubborn and bossy. Marc, Jake and Layla have to resort to bribing her with mini marshmallows.
Steven doesn't like this, worried they're giving her too much sugar. Although he's not above bribery, he just uses berries instead
Doesn't really know/understand her dad's DID. She just knows that some bad stuff happened to dad growing up and it's still scary for him sometimes
But no matter who's fronting, it's still her dad and he'll protect her so it's ok
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starkidblogs · 2 years ago
We'll Meet Again, Some Sunny Day
A/n: Y/n doesn't remember the white void. This to me longer because i had to find a new writing system. My old one was failing me and i wasn't getting shit done like before. There will be Headcanons later this weekend. Thank you all for your patience!
You and Sandy turn your heads to the city, now looking like ruins. Bull-like figures appear from the shipping crates. They crept closer to the ship, and the sounds of metal clashing against each other grew. You can see the form of these robotics bull clear as day, with blue screens for eyes and whispers emitted from them.
They soon began to pick up speed and jumped on board, crashing into the floor and creating craters. They turned towards you two but stared only at you for a moment before attacking. You knew the pepper spray you had wasn't going to work.
Two bull bots aimed at you, making you fall backward, letting them plunge into the floorboard. "Careful (Y/n)!" You heard Sandy shout as he threw three robots overboard. But they kept crawling back on the boat.
"What are those things?!" You shouted as you tried to regain your balance before feeling your body lifted up and over Sandy's shoulder. Moe jumped into your arms as all three of you guys ran. "SANDY!" You yelled as more chased after you guys.
"Sorry (Y/n), we gotta get to safety." He shouted as he was about to go to an elevator, but the junks of metal, were blocking it. He decided to run to a nearby speedboat. Somehow this blue man got the speedboat on land and breezed past the bulls.
It happened fast before you realized you were on the speedboat, as the blue cat in your arm patted your face to get your attention. It was a while till you reached your destination.
Pigsy noodle.
As Sandy got there, he landed on more bull robots. You three got out and met with the demon pig. He was with two others trying to figure out what was happening. You stepped off and caught their attention. You saw it was the girl with the dragon jacket and a man with glasses.
" Guys, this is my friend (Y/n). She was with me when the bull clones started to attack."Sandy explained to the gang before they turned to you. "Sorry again, (Y/n), for throwing you over my shoulder." You shook your head in response to his apology. "It's fine, Sandy. I think it was the best idea. my legs felt like jelly." You stated as Sandy introduced you to the others.
"(Y/n), this is Pigsy, Mei, and Tang!" He beamed as you waved at them. Pigsy sighed, "Hey there, sorry, but this isn't the time for introductions. Now is the time to prepare and find out what is happening." He was correct.
"It seems like DBK is trying again to conquer the city again. It's actually working this time." Mei said as she looked through her social media and newsletter. "DBK?" You asked, not understanding what it meant.
Tang cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses, "the demon bull king. He was one of the most dangerous and feared demons long ago. After he fought Monkey King, he became trapped by his legendary staff. But after recent events, he is released once again." He expressed as he posed dramatically. You remember about DBK through the last time he attacked. It nearly destroyed your boutique and home.
"Since mk isn't here to fight him, the city will be under his control in only a few moments." Tang sadly said. "Not unless we do something to stop him!" Pigsy said while you were putting the piece that Mk was the hero who fought him last time.
"Wait, You mean Mk was the one who defeated DBK?" You asked Tang, who nodded in response. He was about to speak, but Mei stopped him. "Yeah, don't you remember the not mayor giving him the key for saving the city?" She said, but you rubbed your neck. "No." You gave chuckled as she explained.
'mk is the new successor to the Monkey King, defeating DBK and his family. Especially red son! Save the world and learn to be the next Monkey King!' She said and showed images from Mk's battle, but something caught your attention.
"If we need Mk, isn't that him?" You pointed at 'Mk' walking out of the store. He appeared annoyed and indifferent about what was happening. Mei sighed and shook her head, "That's not mk." She hesitantly answered, pushing you away from him.
"Is he MK's twin?" You asked, but Mei ignored the question while 'Mk' scoffs, "I don't know what to tell you, guy." He said before heading to Pigsy's food truck. "Well, we better get ready before more of those junk of metals come," Pigsy warned, but it was too late.
A wave of Bull clones came out of nowhere. They stood around you and the gang, whispers growing louder. You heard a few words through the sound of unhinged metal jaws.
'another bump in the road of my destiny,'
'Your destiny hasn't changed just because you did.'
'You never learned your lesson, did you?'
'It seems I need to take care of this distraction,'
You felt the eyes of someone you knew. The same neon blue glow in your nightmares, but more aggressive and colder. If looks could kill, you'd be dead where you stand.
You stood there dumbfounded by the number of bull clones crawling on the buildings. One rushed to you, causing you to dodge its fist, only missing you by a few inches.
"To your right! (Y/n)!" You heard Mei order, making you hustle out of the way. Mei dug her sword into the clone, slicing it in half. More came charging at you guys, Mei was ready, but Pigsy's van was ramming into the and stopping in front of you two. Swinging the door, Pigsy shouted, "Get in! There's too many of them!"
You and Mei moved into the van quickly before more could reach you. Pigsy raced out of there, while bull clones were close behind. The gang drove for a while to shake off the remaining bull clones. "Where are we now?" Tang questioned, seeing the streets now vacant of life. You looked out the window and saw it was your home street.
"Hey, this is my street. Maybe we can hide out there for a bit. At least till the streets are clear." You said, making the gang agree because it was a sanctuary for now.
You gave directions to the shop. By the time you reached it, it was intact. Strangely enough, nothing seemed out of place. The buildings around it were crumbling, but not yours. You had an idea of who was keeping an eye on it.
You and the gang walked into the shop for a moment of peace. But it wasn't long till Pigsy asked you. "Odd, how come your place is in good condition, but others seemed to be deteriorating?" He looked at you, and you felt like they were knives.
You didn't know how to explain it! You were trying to understand the truth before all this mess! Even if you did, you probably made more enemies. "Uhm, I don't know, honestly," Your body felt like it was sinking to the floor underneath you. Sandy notices your expression and chimes in, "well, let's relax for a minute. I think it's just a coincidence." Pigsy sighed before moving on from it.
"Well, the city is now infested with these things. We'll have to wait out till Mk gets back." He said as Mei continued, "Until then, we will try and take out as many junk bots!" She beamed. Everyone agreed to this plan.
It wasn't long till everyone was doing their own thing. Mei was admiring your outfits, Tang documenting the event of what's happening, pigsy cooking some food, and 'Mk' not helping. Sandy, on the other hand, was worried about you and the new danger of these bots.
Meanwhile, you were doing something to calm your nerves and newfound dread.
You sew it had help when the dreams started, and you hope it will help you now. You continue to make the suit that Chief has a commission. But you were trembling and felt the needle prick your finger every time you stitched. You cursed under your breath before deciding to stop cause it wasn't helping. You had to take this moment to process everything going on. Or at least try.
Sandy sensed the stress you were going through as he walked into the back of the store to check in on you. He found you sitting down on the floor, trying to take a breather.
"(Y/n), you alright?" He whispered as he sat next to you. You nodded at first but soon shook your head afterward because it wasn't true. You weren't doing alright because of this. "No, I don't believe so," You answered. " First, finding out about my nightmares were my past life was a lot. Second, finding out my past love was the one who ended me and is still alive. Third, now this DBK is after me for some reason!" You vented it and felt your hands shaking.
"Sorry, it's just so much more. Just a couple of hours ago, I learned about Chief and him being my past love in my other life. Now, this…" You said as Moe walked from Sandy's shoulder to your arms. The blue feline helped you settle down as you took in deep breaths.
"It's okay, (Y/n). You have a right to feel like this and not know what to do next." Sandy said as he patted your back. "You also don't need to explain it to anyone else if you don't want." He mentioned, referring to Pigsy early. You chuckled, shaking your head. " I don't blame him. I would also be curious if somebody's place wasnt a mess during all this."
You felt better as you petted Moe, and the world seemed the slow down for a moment. "(Y/n), maybe it's a good idea to stay with us for a while after DBk is defeated. Just in case more things like this happen." Sandy said, breaking the silence. You thought about it. It was a good idea, especially with DBK coming after you for some reason.
"I'll think about it. Maybe when Pigsy isn't suspicious of me." You laughed. Sandy smiled, seeing you feeling much better than earlier. "I'm going to make some tea. You want some?" He asked, making you nod before seeing him leave.
Now, you're with your thoughts and a sleepy Moe. Moe kept grabbing your hand as you tried to get up but ultimately gave up and kept sitting down petting the blue feline. You sighed as your mind tried to piece together this newfound information.
"Now what?" You said out loud, " I have this huge revaluation of remembering my past life, dating my past love. Now this DBK guy wants me dead or something." You thought before your mind wandered to Chief and his peculiar smile.
You can feel your face turning pink as you recall your date with him. The fact that you still had the same feelings for him even after reincarnation.
"Is it okay to feel this way for him?" You question yourself before remembering the last few moments of your dreams.
"And is he still possessed by the 'humble spirit'?" You said. It wasn't long before you heard someone bursting into the room.
An excited Mei barged in and grinned. "(Y/N)! YOU'RE A DESIGNER, RIGHT!? MAYBE, WE CAN MAKE SOME COOL NEW OUTFITS! LIKE APOCALYPSE STYLED!" She expressed as you laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like fun. It can help get my mind off things." You said as you got up to see her ideas.
~hours later of Creating new outfits with Mei~
It was nighttime and had outfits on models. You and Mei decide to wait till morning to show it to the gang, but it's time to rest. You offered your home for them to sleep in and did your best to make them comfortable. Everyone was sleeping or was trying to. You went to the top of your building. Walking on the roof, you saw the city looking deteriorated but with fewer bull clones.
You stayed for a while before heading back until you heard the door close. You turned to see an envelope with a small box sealed with a blue bow.
Words: 2,053
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skellebonez · 2 years ago
Cotton Tails and Borrowed Time: Aftermath and Remix... and Some Stuff Between
Chapter 1- Remix: Lazy Rainy Day
Tang couldn't have been happier with where his story ended. But what about what happened after the ending? What about what happened with other characters during his story? What if he made just a few different choices, if someone intervened early, if fate had chosen something a little to the left?
Come along and find out in this series of one shots. There's bound to be a little something for everyone's liking!
(I could not resist. I could not hold myself back. I just had to continue CTABT in a series of one shots after the ending. The love I have for this story is far too strong.
Each chapter will begin with Aftermath, Remix, or Between to indicate if the chapter is a follow up to the main story (some of which may contradict others as they are all different explorations of what could happen after, a story where something is fundamentally different in at least one scene or would change the course of the story, or if it is a scene missing from the main story that was not written as it was not in the main POVs for the story.
As for this one, well… @smallpwbbles had a pretty fun birthday gift a few months ago, and now you all get to read it!)
AO3 Link.
It was raining again.
It had been raining a lot lately, which would have been unusual in the city of Wan Qian Cheng given the weather station’s ability to keep everything on a set and routine schedule. Typically they enjoyed one or two rainy days a month, outside of the hotter seasons when they allowed a few more to offset the stress on the system. Rain was typically kept to night those times as well, allowing everyone to go out during the day as much as possible.
But this time of year was an exception. One week out of the year the station mandated a full week of rain, soft and heavy, not only to break up the perfect monotony of the usual weather but to also allow the system to experience a soft reset to ensure its continued stability.
Tang had never really liked this time of year. He felt it too dangerous to risk going outside because of the books he usually carried on him. While he was typically a homebody he still needed to go to Pigsy’s and to work at the college, and starting class almost soaking wet because it started raining sideways was never a fun ordeal. 
MK loved this week, on the other hand. He never quite understood his reasoning, though. The young main had claimed that it was because something about looking outside and seeing the city lights through the not too dark weather in the day, listening to the very far soft rumbling of the station that wasn’t like real thunder, and holding a cup of coffee or tea or hot chocolate just made him feel at home.
There was no denying that MK also seemed to like it because less people ordered food while it was raining. A lot of people simply made food at home instead during these weeks. Perhaps it was because he had less work to do, but Tang would always see him still in the main section of the restaurant even when the rest of his work was done.
He’d be sitting at the window, sometimes holding his drink or some noodles he was eating while staring outside for a minute or two at a time. But then he would always turn back to the sketchbook on the table before him and get to work on whatever it was he was drawing. 
Mei didn’t seem to like this week more than any other, or dislike it more, but she did always take it as a chance to catch up on her backlog of games on her streaming channel. He could easily hear her playing on MK’s phone while he was drawing, or on Pigsy’s which the chef always insisted he was imagining (he was not, he could see Pigsy occasionally leaving her encouraging messages in her chat like the softie he really was).
There was no way to be certain of how anyone else felt about this week. Sandy’s cats, perhaps, but they seemed to not care as long as they were inside. Sandy could not be stopped doing whatever it was he wanted to rain or shine, but he seemed to enjoy standing in the rain whenever Tang happened upon him. Sun Wukong likely was not a fan, but he tended to not visit in the rain outside of the season regardless and training seemed to be out of the question. He did not know Macaque or Scorpion Demoness well enough to guess, same with Nezha. … well, he hadn’t even seen any of them since everything with the Lady Bone Demon. He hoped they didn’t hate the weather… except Macaque. Maybe.
They were still on the fence about him.
Bai He had been absent from the restaurant the last week so he would have to ask her in person how things were going and how she felt about this time of year.
But Pigsy… he knew quite well how he felt.
Despite the lower sales during this week? The chef loved it. Pigsy used it as an excuse to experiment and perfect his dishes, to make more meals for himself and MK and Tang and everyone else who may happen to come in. On the chance someone stepped into the shop for something to eat he would offer one of his latest attempts at an improvement at a slight discount to get more people to try it out (and almost every time they left even more satisfied than they would have been with their original choice). Pigsy’s love language was food, it didn’t take an expert to figure that out. He made noodles, dumplings, sweets, even little mixed drinks to add to the menu.
And he always gave some to MK and Tang.
Now that he thought about it, that was something Tang always had liked about this week.
This year Pigsy had gone all out, more so than usual given the obvious and the fact MK was going to be gone for it this year.
Finding food that Tang was able to eat since his most recent changes wasn’t hard, but finding ways to cook and prepare it that his new rabbit-esque dietary restrictions allows him to fully enjoy? That was. It had been an exceptionally hard week of learning about his new state of being since he finally put his foot down toward himself and took the hit when it came to losing a day of teaching (as much as it hurt his pride). But Pigsy never gave up in his attempts to help the scholar while he was off work. He found ways to prepare special noodles, a broth that wouldn’t upset his stomach, new ways to grill or char or bake things that brought out flavors that Tang had never been able to taste as a human.
Tang could never be more happy and grateful that he had such a wonderful friend. Who stuck with him despite everything.
And someone who was currently sitting with him on his couch as Tang finally understood why so many others actually enjoyed this season to its fullest and why others despised it more than him.
So much had changed, both about him and about how he lived his life, that it had taken a lot of getting used to it all. Yes, naturally, it took a lot of getting used to having fur. That was a given. He still had no idea if this was going to be something he would have to get used to permanently, Sun Wukong and MK could not come back from their trip in this rain just yet, but he was slowly getting there.
But it was the other changes that really tripped them up.
He had realized he now had a natural instinct to burrow and take shelter, and that was not something he could do when it rained like this. Well… he could, actually, he just had to leave his apartment and go to the park nearby. But he would be absolutely drenched in mud and ruin whatever clothes he was wearing at the time and… no, no he would really rather not. He already spent too much time re-tailoring them to his new tail that he did not want any of that to go to waste.
Oh how that made him hate this rainy week, at first. Pigsy’s cooking offset that a bit, but for most of the day he hated how his instincts were yelling at him to DIG and he just couldn’t.
But then Pigsy had taken him home and Pigsy, being the wonderful man he was, came up with an idea.
That was how he and Tang managed to end up in his new couch, L shaped and specially made with extra soft but firm enough fabric to withstand his claws (thank goodness for Mei being able to order things like this overnight), Pigsy on the short side and Tang flopped over in contentment on the long side. Head right next to Pigsy’s lap while he laid covered in a very lightly weighted blanket. Not nearly as heavy as the normal one, but just enough for him to have “burrowed” into it and made himself comfortable (something he had learned over the last few days was something that he was just something that he did now). Warm and soft and safe and content as Pigsy watched Chang’E’s cooking show.
It was low enough that it didn’t hurt Tang’s ears but high enough for Pigsy to hear it. The living room was dimly lit, but not dark. And the sound of the rain added to the ambiance, his ears picking it up easily in a way he never thought could calm him when paired with everything else.
But it did.
It was raining again and Tang could not have been happier about that.
Maybe… maybe he could wait for Sun Wukong and MK to come home a bit longer.
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khonshuscondemned · 2 years ago
helloooooo moonlight beloved i am sorry your immune system betrayed you and i humbly ask you to throw out whatever mk hc is burning in your beautiful heart rn, ily 💋💕💖
it is okay, betrayal happens to the best of us (ahem and the worst) but since we speak of burning and hearts why dont i go off on my jake lockley headcanons. also cos @tocktorninreverse asked.
posting under a read more cos. well. i spil t , .  like. a lot.
First and foremost:  hissyfit.
Jake Lockley finds the kitten quite by accident.  almost misses her as he’s busy flinching at faint sounds off in the distance, heartbeat pounding louder in his ears than the thunder rumbling menacingly above.  it’s not quite dawn, the sun still hidden behind the horizon, and the wind is bitter cold.  he’s panting, still catching his breath, eyes darting around and over his shoulder and towards any sort of movements he might catch in his peripheral- constantly vigilant, consistently cautious. 
her eyes reflect the dim orange glow of the street lamps in two round pinpricked pools of oilslick and it’s what brings her to his attention.  she doesn’t mewl or meow like most cats he’s come across in littered back-alleys, she merely watches him (watching her) in tense silence, crouched in shadow.
he slumps against the opposite wall of the grimy alley and the movement must be too quick because she reacts then- spitting ferociously, hissing loudly enough that he freezes before he finishes settling and groans- muffles the sound behind gritted teeth as he redirects his focus.  The little kitten’s fur is mangled and ratted and filthy and somehow standing straight up despite also being sopping wet.  She’s unsettled and furious about it, tiny fangs still bared as she curls her tail around herself.. but doesn’t run away.  As jake relaxes in increments , he realises she’s panting too, her little chest heaving, so thin her ribs can easily be seen and something buried deeply in his core softens at the sight.
he knows how it feels to hunger and to be left wanting.
Thunder booms again, shaking the dirty asphalt, and drowns out any other sounds the kitten makes as nearby a lightning strike flashes simultaneously.  the bright flash blinds him for a moment too long- when his vision clears, the kitten has disappeared.
he suddenly feels the chill, and pulls his coat closer as he huddles there on the cold ground.  He still has a few hours till he has to be somewhere, til the body is to be expected anywhere... the decision is made before he really thinks about it to stay in the hidden alleyway and wait out the rain.  partly because the sky chooses that moment to crack open and let loose a torrential downpour- and partly because he’s curious to see where the kitten has gone, and maybe hopes she would come back.
TLDR - hissyfit is the name for the scraggly stray kitten that adopts jake Jake winds up adopting bc they meet on a rough night and jake deserves a cat, okay ?? jake x a cat thats a terrible rotten kreechure to everyone besides him crack au WHEN??
has worn many hats through the years, but only the flatcap feels like home. his first flatcap had been too big for his head and despite the chaos of his life he’s managed to keep the old thing , even if it’s too threadbare to wear anymore.  he tucks it in an old newspaper, folded in a corner of a small, dark black wooden trunk/box hidden in his cab.
in winter, jake has versions of his coat, gloves, and hat (& boots wink wonk) that look mostly similar, but are lined with very soft fur. keeps the same silky scarf for work all year round.
speaking of scarves.  jake lockley loves em.  if he could wear soft blankets like scarves he would (however he doesn’t like feeling overheated- some balance is required).  if someone handmade him a scarf he would probably cry for days.  he wouldn’t take it off.  if anything happened to the scarf (or whoever made/gave it) he would ruthlessly burn the entire world.  even (especially) if the scarf looks really shitty or was super ugly he would wear it with sooo much pride.
is a bit nervous around creatures/animals, but loves to watch them simply existing.  strikes as a guy who could find joy n comfort n peace at a butterfly garden. 
after four rounds of tequila he can cha cha real smooth.  he also stops speaking english halfway between round two and three.  all the drag queens know him by name and everyone openly flirts or calls him their papi and enjoys seeing him go red when they do but the love behind it is fiercely protective- jake’s the type to settle right at home with the misfits and sometimes he likes to fool himself and say its cos he rescues them, but deep down he’s all too aware it’s cos they basically adopt him.  literally who wouldn’t.  
tio jake . ‘nuff said.  (he always has weird old people candy in his pockets. he pretends to pull em magically outta kids’ ears.)
THIS IS TECHNICALLY @mrcspectr ‘s HC. BUT IT , LIKE JAKE LOCKLEY , HAS BEEN ADOPTED AND ACCEPTED AS CANON ON THIS BLOG:  jake lockley calls steven hermanito.  jake lockley calls marc el jefe.
jake lockley’s first instinct is to observe. usually, his role is fulfilled as he stands guard, ever watching.  and he can take his time as he notes their surroundings slowly and methodically, careful to catch each detail, to make sure he misses nothing. to make sure its safe.  he is aware when marc or steven pass up the reigns voluntarily, he knows when it happens when for some reason or another the two of em are down for the count. he must never step in too early. he must never step in too late.
-  HIS FIRST PAIR ONLY LAST HIM LESS THAN A WEEK.  they’re thin and scratchy, cheap quality wool and cheaper quality fake leather, a pathetic attempt at bikers gloves- with holes over his knuckles, baring the light scares littered on his skin.  they’re fingerless and he finds the texture ill-fitting.  the poor needlework leads to one too many loose threads to pull at, too unravel. -  HIS NEXT PAIR ARE HEAVY AND THICK AND COVER HIS ENTIRE HAND FROM THE TIPS OF HIS FINGERS DOWN TO HIS WRISTS.  the leather is burned and coloured like amber embers and creaks whenever his fists clench.  his hands are protected.  he leaves no prints behind.  no blood gathers and drips from his fingernails. -  THEY FIT LIKE A SECOND SKIN.
[  HE IS TERRIFIED OF IT.  ]    <    <    <
there are. so many more . seriously. this is just the tip of the iceberg.  don’t.... don’t let me get started on jake lockley cos god apparently i literally cannot stop.
((send me mk hc asks!!))
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strelles-universe · 2 years ago
Rogue Speech - the Sky/Skulk Pidgin
One of the most common trade-speaks used before the Great Connection and one of the few tongues that intriguingly remained un-touched by the Connection, Rogue-Speech is the pidgin created between the Sky Kingdoms and the Skulks near them. With the forest clans being even more isolationist in the past (often refusing business with non-cats before the connection) and the tribes living on parts of the mountains that are difficult to reach (and often had isolation tendencies themselves); the Skies were the near sole progenitors of feline-speech within the pidgin. 
Being that this variant of trade-speech originated from the Rising Moon and the Old Kingdom of the Shining Sun, much of the canine influence came of the Silverfeathers skulk. The modern version has long since created a minor dialectal difference of Eastern vs. Western where the Western version of the tongue contains more vocabulary and quirks from the Grand Packs while the Eastern holds the Skulks’ influence.
The sounds and the written expressions of them adhere closest to Sivake as it was the skies who reached out first and held onto the information though it was the Skulks who introduced the concept of formal writing to them. Here are the consonants;
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And the standard vowels;
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As is standard for any pidgin, the hardest sound clusters from both languages were dropped. Because I’m still a bit new at this, I’m choosing to make that mean that the sounds that are either forbidden or are very different from the others are barred.
Phonetic Summary
Onset: m n p t k b d g h l ch sh f v s z x y ny
L Clusters: nl pl ml tl sl hl shl
K Clusters: nk mk lk pk sk
R Clusters: dr vr gr nr kr fr shr xr pr br lr
Nucleus: a e i o u
Coda: l n k sh s v g
A Cluster: aa ao
U Cluster: ue ua uo
I Cluster: ia
Part 2: Noun Class
Being that the pidgin is built from languages that all have noun classes, some are kept in this simplified version of it; the semi-animate is dropped from the skulks’ language, migrating everything important into the main two categories of animate and inanimate.
The markers from Sivake are used to confirm or deny animacy of a noun.
Animate - (i)he(m)
Inanimate - (i)hi(m)
Part 3: Grammatical Number
The paucal wasn’t necessary for understandings to be made and it was easier to merely convey “one of a thing” vs. “many of a thing” before fluid communication was developed and so; only a singular/plural distinction exists now.
Part 4: Tense, Aspect and Mood
As talks became more fluid and grammar straightened out, tense and aspect became to be addressed within the pidgin. For once, it is the kingdoms whose system is a tad simpler; having mostly only a past/non-past distinction with one additional tense commonly called the historical added to it. One the skulks’ side of things, not only do they have a recent and distal past tense but they also have one dedicated to the future.
When the tenses were straightened out; the language adopted three tenses - past, present and future with both languages dropping their distal tenses. 
As for the aspects, the kingdoms gracefully traded their iterative aspect (which they use more or less to mean “again” or “a lot”) for the skulks’ habitual while also retaining their momentane aspect. On the skulks’ end, they dropped their resumptive aspect.
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It’s not a complex system - which is the goal - but the momentane is important to me. Anyway, let’s borrow sky-word for “to talk.”
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And for my own entertainment, here’s the skulk’s word for “to talk, speak” in the chart.
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Tacking onwards, the imperative mood is kept from Sivake -ro. 
Part 5: Pronouns
This is where the most simplification comes in. The Skies were made to relinquish their grasp on their dependent pronouns; sticking only to the independent forms to smooth out communication. In addition; the divine pronouns never made to this pidgin as there was never any reason to use it in casual conversation and would only serve to make future communication more confusion and difficult if they were forcefully inserted. On top of that; Sivake also gave up their paucal pronouns to match the fact that they dropped it as a grammatical number leaving a rather concise handful of pronouns as a base:
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The only moderately complex thing about this wonderfully concise collection of pronouns is that the skulks’ inclusion of animacy on their own pronouns invaded these. When not speaking in first person, it’s common for the animacy agreement markers to be tagged to the ends of pronouns. While not exactly expected for second person, it’s considered mandatory on third-person pronouns.
Animate Second | Yahe, Hihe
Inanimate Second | Yahi, Hihi
Animate Third | Xihe, Elihe
Inanimate Third | Xihi, Elihi
The Skies weren’t the only ones making sacrifices regarding their referrals to others - the titles of the Skulks were imported but they were drastically condensed with some of their sounds changed to better fit the current sound-bank.
Haltun - leader, king/queen, crest
Fetun - deputy, prince/princess
Kel - hunter
Vera - healer
Tora - fighter, gladiator
Keshuma - matron, patron, nurse
Kiva - kit, youngling
Iten - elder
The speakers of the Skies are known to modify these terms with gender based attachments to add specification.
Part 6: Articles and Demonstratives
The articles and demonstratives are exempt from noun class agreement. The articles follow the Sky Kingdom’s association with only having a definite articles while leaving any indefinite articles unmarked.
Singular Definite - Ta
Plural Definite - Ba
The demonstratives on the other hand come from Kujhikoslan which has only a near/far distinction.
Near Demonstrative - Yel
Far Demonstrative - Sul
Final Note
Given that a vast majority of the talking was done by the Skies, the majority of the vocabulary for this pidgin turned creole is from Sivake albeit sometimes important words were replaced by the Kujhikoslan words when the Sky translation left them as unimportant. This is mostly apparent in words for birds and things related to them given their spiritual significance in the religion of the marrowed skulks.
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winterpower98 · 3 years ago
Just wanted to try and write a time travel fic
But it's wukong and the ffm monkeys
and then i woke up.
I don't exactly remember what happened, my memories are so fuzzy-, i remember the lady bone demon- and- MK defeated her. So proud of that kid.
then- then we were in the van, finally sleeping on a bed instead of meditating or sleeping on the floor with pillows and blankets because of the lack of beds.
i was in one of the beds, i was half asleep but i remember MK and the dragon pony girl sleeping together in another bed,
Red boy was on the roof of the van along with nezha,
The pig and that one nerd i have of my story- i think their name were tang and pigsy, were at the front seats,
While the blue guy was helping anyone who needed assistance.
And i didn't care enough to know where macaque was, probably in the shadows or with the hostess of the lady bone demon.
and then i fell asleep! And the i woke up again.
It felt like minutes passed, and my body was still kinda hard to move, but that was okay, i didn't wanna move.
but i had to, since i felt- furr- different types of furr on me.
It wasn't the blue cat, and it wasn't my furr either!
So i had to sit up, with some pain, and look at the source of said furr.
It was because of four monkeys wrapped around each other sleeping, wh-
Who were they?
one was- oh! It's macaque! But- why does he has white furr again?
and- gosh. I can't remember the others.
It's- oh wait- wait- it's Ba- and Beng- and..Ma.
I..i forgot how they looked like. I- i haven't seen them in ages—
it's- it's a dream likely. Definitely.
they are too small, they look like children and they- it's impossible for Ma to even be here!
as i slowly got up, trying my best to avoid to feel any type of pain, or again that cold feeling crawling around my body.
And i looked more around, i was in a forest? Somewhere there. It's-
goddmanmit everything is fuzzy. the lady bone demon really made me weak.
Speaking of weak, i felt weird actually. My magic was still there, i could feel it, but- weird. Like if it was bouncing around with no end.
But i can figure that out later.
I started walking around slowly, holding my stomach with one hand as the effect of the samadhi dire finally started.
hopefully i don't burn alive haha! ..ha.
The state of the forest and fruits is beautiful, someone must own this for how good it's getting taken care of, there's a small lake too, not too deep, and the water seems clean.
the only strange thing is how did i ended up here, and why there's the child versions of my friends and Macaque?
i stayed by the water, it's pretty warm, so i didn't have too much problems putting my feet there and-
my reflection-
Wh- my clothes? Am i naked—?! Oh nevermind i have something on but- why am this- revealing-?!!
I suddenly look better at my reflection, noticing how my eyes aren't gold, or red. Not they are normal monkey eyes, brown eyes.
Zero MakeUp, and- and i was..shorter.
how - am i a kid too?!
what?! Oh this is horrible.
I hate this.
I'm so uncomfortable right now.
i want- ugh.
but suddenly, when i was shaking my head, trying to get any type of panic out of my system, i hear shifting around.
and i noticed how macaque was sitting and looking at me.
"Monkey? what are you doing?"
The macaque asks, confused, and- oh god he was truly a child.
I stopped moving, looking at him with wide eyes while my hair were a mess.
I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say! What was i supposed to say?!
i screamed out of fear, and desperation to get something out of my mouth to answer the white macaque.
I could feel my tail wagging, it was clear that i was scared but- what the hell is this?! Is this what people call lucid dreaming?
but that didn't matter because of my scream i woke up the others, who all sat up lazily, in confusion while macaque still looked at me confused. And maybe concerned but I'm not too sure.
"What's all the noiseee."
Beng spoke, or- cheeks? What time is it now?!
Am i sun wukong already?
"I don't knowww..monkey is acting weird again."
Again? What- i wanted to jump in the lake to hide, but i knew clearly well that i didn't know how to swim. Maybe just- run?
what do i do?
Now everyone's looking at me. And-
i could feel panic grow bigger inside of me, but i quickly understood that it was because-
...i had to talk in front of people. Many people. Like five kids but still-
i- i had the same problem with MK friends- i couldn't read or write in front of them, but i didn't panic as much.
And- i could feel myself grab whatever i was wearing and holding it tight, so tight i thought i was gonna rip it.
i could see that the others grew more concerned and confused, but i was frozen there.
My thoughts were too loud, until Ma-
..Yes. Ma. She's..alive i guess.
until Ma came up to me to grab my cheeks, Ba joined too and then Beng and Macaque did.
i couldn't hear them yet, but they were worried i could tell.
what i didn't understood is why they were worri-
Oh, oh- okay- i was crying.
I guess it's because of the sudden rush of panic with how many things had happened in the spawn of two minutes.
And you know what? I wasn't stopping, didn't even try to.
It's- it felt good. To cry.
It- it felt relieving how i could finally cry, i haven't cried in so long..
So i just let my body show my panic and cries with no shame, not like anyone was laughing at me, they were all trying to talk to me.
i started hearing them eventually, but i didn't talk, i just kept letting out thousands of years of cries i needed to get off my chest.
They were all asking me what was wrong, but i didn't know either what was wrong.
this is what I did in a two hours ride car, with a headache and zero hours to sleep,
Might do part two
Wukong finally gets to cry
but it takes time traveling for him to do that
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