#moon knight mystery swap 2023
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1800-l0g4n · 1 year ago
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smooch funnnnnn :) my gift for @traveller-of-the-knight for the mk mystery swap hosted by @tiptapricot !!
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ophanimgold · 1 year ago
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“Thought cleaves the interstellar gloom
And sits in Sirius' disc all night ... "
Bond and Free by Robert Frost
and finally, my gift to @pokimoko for @tiptapricot's moon knight gift exchange!! this was super fun to do I hope you enjoy it! inspired by one of my favorite poems and some spacey vibes for our knight🌙🤍
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nikscaps · 1 year ago
piece for @/llewvin for moon knight mystery swap 2023 hosted by @tiptapricot ! i had a lot of fun making this!
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[Image Description: 3 figures are placed diagonally across the canvas, partially lit by a large yellow crescent-shaped light. The background is a mix of purples with reds towards the top. A "halo" of light is around Steven Grant's head, and a thin stream of light is coming towards his eyes from the right.
The figures, from upper left to bottom right are:
Jake Lockley, holding a pistol with a silencer, facing profile view to the viewer.
Marc Spector, looking slightly upwards, wearing a white hoodie; he is being half lit by the crescent-shaped light.
Steven Grant, dressed in a dark sweater, a white hoodie, and a brown coat, running towards the left. He is not lit by the light except for the bottom part of his chest and arm.]
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keira-draws · 1 year ago
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Here's my finished piece for @xenonarrow 's MK Myster Swap!! This was so so much fun to illustrate, I hope you like it!!! <3 :)
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buttsnorkeler69420 · 1 year ago
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my entry for @tiptapricot's moon knight mystery swap!!!
i drew for @dylchillvill, and since one of their requests was a chill night on patrol, i decided on doing a subway scene!! had fun figuring out the shading on this and i hope you like it!!!
originally this was a notes page but i thought it looked kinda cool with the notes still there, lemme know if you would like a version with them erased!
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fdelopera · 1 year ago
Moon Knight on Erev Rosh Hashanah
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I took part in the Moon Knight mystery swap, and I'm writing this fic for @enigmatist17 !
Since it is New Year's Eve (or New Year's Day depending on when you're reading this), I wanted to write a fic for the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah.
This fic is based on the MacKay comic book series (Moon Knight 2021), and is set several issues before Issue 30.
I wanted to show MK System as an observant Jewish System, since that isn't often explored in depth in the comics. And you just know, Jake "For the People" Lockley is usually the one who schleps their tuchus to shul!
Happy New Year!
“We’re not going,” said Marc, shaking his head, trying to push back the emotions coming from Jake and Steven. “Absolutely not. I haven’t been in years. Not since … well, not since that time with dad. And Jake, I think it was mostly you around that time anyway. You always paid more attention in shul.”
Marc felt a familiar pulling sensation from where Jake usually hung around, when he was close to front. And then Jake’s familiar Brooklyn twang said, “Marc, bubbeleh, I could just knock ya out cold and take us there myself, you know. But I want you to be there. This is for you as much as it is for us.”
Marc felt Steven chime in with his nasally Long Island cadence, “We both want this. Jake and I do. Not for dad. Not for the family. For us. For you. We’re the only mishpocheh that matters here.”
“Well, I guess I’m just the odd man out. As per usual.” Marc shook his head, and absentmindedly ran his hands through his hair. Their hair was greasy and unkept from being shoved under the mask. What else was new. They needed a shower. That was usually Steven’s job, but Marc didn’t want to give Steven any chance to front and collude with Jake to drag them to shul. Not now.
Not with tomorrow being the 1st of Tishrei. The first day of Rosh Hashanah.
“I heard that,” said Steven. “And neither Jake nor I are going to force you to go to High Holiday services. But we bought the ticket, everything’s all set up. Central Synagogue has a beautiful service. It won’t be anything like dad’s shul. The music is more contemporary. The Rabbi and the Cantor are both women. They’ve got beautiful voices. You’ll find a way to pout about it, I’m sure, but I know deep down you’ll enjoy it. Trust us.”
“What about Reese and Soldier? What about Greer? Are we really going to leave them alone for days at a time? Just tell them, ‘See you later!’ What if they need me? What if Hunter’s Moon has to track down another one of Black Spectre’s goons?”
Marc felt Jake’s chuckle erupt from deep within, and he heard Jake’s words wash over him with yellow-colored mirth. “Marc, I think a couple of vampires and a cat woman are more than capable of taking care of themselves without you fucking everything up, don’t you think?”
“Marc…” Steven’s voice echoed softly within, a wash of blue concern pushing against the back of their eyes. “Marc, what is this really about.”
“It just feels like a complete waste of time, with everything we’ve got going on.”
“Hey!” Jake’s annoyance came quickly. “You might not take shul seriously, but I do. This is important for us. We’re Jewish, Marc. Whether you like it or not. And as Jews, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are our two most important days. Our holiest days. I know that probably doesn’t mean shit to you anymore…”
“No, no, I’m not saying that…”
“Well, you kinda are. You’re saying that our two holiest days don’t matter for shit. Meanwhile, you’re out on the street, doing the bidding of an Egyptian god.”
“That’s different. I don’t worship Khonshu. I still remember the Aseret Hadibrot, and I know that Number One and Number Two are very important.
“I am the L-rd your G‑d, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
“You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor any manner of likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I the L‑rd your G‑d am a jealous G‑d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments. (x)
“See? I still remember what dad taught us.”
“Nice, so you can recite the Ten Commandments,” sighed Jake from inside. “But you still don’t seem to understand why it’s important for us to go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.”
“What I do remember is something dad talked about once… This was a while ago. Before he got sick. He was preparing a d’var Torah for Yom Kippur, and there was something he said…” Marc stopped himself before he thought about it more.
“Marc, what is it? What did he tell you?” Steven’s voice was gentle, his blue concern washed over them again.
“You already know, Steven.”
“Well, why don’t you say it, then.”
“It’s silly. Just a stupid thing. Something I heard dad say once. It just, got me thinking. About us. About me.”
“If it’s silly, then why are you trembling now?”
“I dunno. Maybe I still worry that it’s true.”
“Well, why don’t you talk to us about it? We can work through it together.”
Marc sighed and rolled his eyes. “This is fucking ridiculous. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Marc, bubbeleh…” Jake’s thoughts were soft. “C’mon. Try us.”
“Fine. I have to find it.”
Marc grabbed his phone and searched Sefaria for the specific passage. “It was just this one commentary in the Talmud. About Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Here it is. You’ll see how dumb this is. Really.” He sighed dramatically, but he couldn’t quite keep the tremble from his voice.
“The Gemara goes back to discuss the Day of Judgment. Rabbi Kruspedai said that Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Napacha said: Three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah before the Holy One, Blessed be He: One of wholly wicked people, and one of wholly righteous people, and one of middling people whose good and bad deeds are equally balanced. Wholly righteous people are immediately written and sealed for life; wholly wicked people are immediately written and sealed for death; and middling people are left with their judgment suspended from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur, their fate remaining undecided. If they merit, through the good deeds and mitzvot that they perform during this period, they are written for life; if they do not so merit, they are written for death.” (x)
Marc sighed. “That’s it. You get it? That’s why I’m worried.”
“And what about this worries you, Marc?” Steven’s thoughts were patient, even as Marc’s emotions started to rise.
“I’m scared. I’m terrified that something awful is gonna happen. I’m fucking terrified that I’ll be inscribed as one of these ‘Wholly Wicked’ people. Steven, you’ll be fine. You’re one of the ‘Middling People’ after all.”
“Ha! Very funny Marc. And I guess that makes Jake one of the Righteous few.”
“Damn straight I am!” laughed Jake.
“You are, Jake. Jake ‘For the People’ Lockley, of course you’ll be among the Righteous. But me? I dunno. Somehow I’m convinced that if I go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I’m going to die.”
“Yeah, Steven?”
“Headmates can’t die, Marc. At least, not without the body dying. And so long as you’re not planning on jumping out of a third story window…”
“No, no. It’s not that. I don’t know what it is. I just feel. Overwhelmed. By something. Something is weighing me down. I know headmates can’t die, or at least, not like that. But I just feel like something is coming for me.”
“Marc, what you’re feeling is grief. And guilt. And shame,” said Jake, his voice softer now. “We need to practice Teshuvah. Repentance. Being wrong. Telling the people we’ve hurt that we know we’re wrong. Explaining why we’re wrong. Asking for their forgiveness. Asking three separate times. Being prepared for them to say no each time. Being prepared to walk away. For that to be the closure we get. But Marc, we gotta start somewhere.” (x)
“I'd rather get punched in the face. Actually, I’d rather take a thousand hits than go through that.”
“Yeah, buddy. I know you would. But we don’t got that choice. Not when it’s the thing that is keeping us from being a Jew. Not when you believe that you are literally going to die because of your feelings of guilt and shame. We need Teshuvah.”
Jake sighed deeply from within. “Marc, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are sacred. They have always been our holiest days. Our Ten Days of Repentance. The Days of Awe. But do you know why they are so important?”
“Probably. I’m sure dad told us.”
“Because of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai.” (x) (x)
“Wait, which one was he?”
“Ribaz. He’s the rabbi who pretty much saved Judaism.”
“Oh. Right. After the Temple…”
“Yes. The Temple. This is how dad used to tell it...
"After the Romans besieged Jerusalem. After they set fire to the Beit Hamikdash, our holy Temple. When we had no place left to offer up sacrifices to G-d. What would we do? Especially on Yom Kippur. Without the sacrifices at the Temple, how would the Jewish people be able to repent? How would we be forgiven of our sins each year? How would we continue to be Jews?
“Ribaz was a wise old rabbi. He stood and wept as he watched the Temple burn. The flames went higher and higher, late into the night, casting evil shadows upon the land. And he looked to the Tanakh for guidance. He turned to the Nevi’im. To Hoshea. And there he found the wisdom he sought.”
“For I desire lovingkindness, not sacrifice; devotion to God, rather than burnt offerings.” (x)
“I remember,” muttered Marc, his thoughts blending with Jake's, remembering their father’s voice. “Hoshea 6:6. And with that, he knew how we would carry on as Jews. We would offer up lovingkindness, prayer, and Torah study. That is how we show our devotion to G-d.”
“Yes!” thought Jake, nudging Marc from the headspace. “And that’s why we gotta go to shul tomorrow. Ribaz didn’t save Judaism just for us to be a slouch about it! So we gotta go to shul tomorrow to get our name in the Book of Life. So we can be sealed on Yom Kippur. So we can start the process of doing Teshuvah. We gotta reach out to Frenchie, Marc. And I miss Gena and Crawley so damn much. It’s gonna be really hard. But we gotta start somewhere. We gotta start repenting to them. And we gotta mean it this time. Let go of some of that ego you carry around your neck. It’s weighing all of us down.”
“Jake’s right,” thought Steven. “We don’t know what the future will bring, Marc. But we gotta start.”
Steven began humming a tune that pushed out in little breaths through Marc’s voice. It was a tune that Marc knew but couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“What is that?” thought Marc, directing the question at Steven. “That sounds like…”
Steven pushed closer to front, and continued humming, a little louder this time. Some words came through Marc’s lips in Steven’s voice.
“Who by fire? And who by water? … Hmmm hmmm hmmmm… and hmmmm hmmm hmmmmm…”
Marc coughed, cutting off Steven’s song for a minute. “Oh, it’s Leonard Cohen.”
Marc could feel Steven’s smile from inside the headspace. “That’s right, Marc. And you know what it is, right?”
“I do. Yeah. Yeah. Who shall live and who shall die. His version of the Unetaneh Tokef prayer.” Marc began to sing softly. (x) (x)
And who by fire?
Who by water?
Who in the sunshine?
Who in the night time?
Who by high ordeal?
Who by common trial?
Who in your merry merry month of May?
Who by very slow decay?
And who shall I say is calling?
“But teshuvah, tefillah, and tzedakah shall avert the severe decree.” Marc took a deep breath. “I’ll go. I will. For Ribaz. And I’ll do it for you Jake… I’d do anything for you. You know that. And yeah, you too Steven. Even though you’re a pain in my ass. I’ll do it for you. We’re mishpocheh.”
“And for you, Marc?” asked Steven, whispering the words through their lips.
“Huh. Okay. Fine. For me too. I’ll go be a good Jew. Ha! Dad would be so proud.”
“We’re not doing it for him,” thought Jake.
“No. Okay, no. You’re right. We’re not. I’m not. We’re mishpocheh. We’re doing this for us.”
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palebluebirdcomputer · 1 year ago
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Marc and Greer for clyde.png, as part of the 2023 Moon Knight Mystery Swap hosted by @tiptapricot. Marc is being stoic but he cares about Greer very much. :)
Image description below the readmore. There are also two alternates of the image below the readmore, one with dark windows and one with the characters alone.
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Image description: Mr. Knight (Marc Spector) and Tigra (Greer Nelson) in the Midnight Mission. Greer has linked her arm around Marc's and is smiling with her eyes squinted shut. Marc is holding a watering can and standing next to a potted plant with bright orange flowers.
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cheapbourbon · 1 year ago
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My gift to @ophanimgold for the 2023 Moon Knight Mystery Swap hosted by @tiptapricot.
I genuinely hope you enjoy it! It was a real blast to work on something a little outside my normal style!
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moonlight-prince · 1 year ago
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autism and love are stored in the moon knight system
a gift!! for the most patient @spaced-out-spector part of the #moonknightmysteryswap2023 there’s not much art of jake just being a softie so i wanted to contribute even a little bit
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jujapaya · 1 year ago
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My gift to @palebluebirdcomputer for the 2023 Moon Knight Mystery Swap! This was hosted by: @tiptapricot :D
It was a lot of fun working on this!! Below, you'll find that I had SO much more planned for this, but, because my computer hit the fan and decided to do a full system corruption (everything I worked on was lost), I only have the script and screenshots of it. However, I hope you enjoy plan B and have a great new years!!
(I don't know why on mobile it compresses these images horribly, but hey, they're not so compressed if you click on them or on computer! :D)
OKAY, so I was going to make this a different post, but I had an entire comic planned out haha.
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This was the entire thing, aside from the reference page haha. EIGHTEEN PAGES WERE LOST. Worse? I already inked half of them and started coloring one. Wonderful.
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First page - Jake turns off the blaring alarm. I managed to ink and color this page... well, color at least Jake in the Mr. Knight suit and the sarcophagus before my computer decided to die, so a win!
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Second page - Included Jake waking up and getting ready for the day. I still have screen shots of the closet and this!! Hurray!!
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After, it was basically a bathroom scene where Steven showed up, was like: "Hey, Marc's not getting up. Check what day it is today!" Jake checks, it's Rosh Hashana! Wow! No wonder why. Crazy. How do you want to spend it? Steven is like, I miss our families traditional food. Spoiler alert: They get the food and everyone sits down to eat together.
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Next, Jake shows up and hangs out with Reese before Yehya bursts through the door with a lot of food. He would've walked to the kitchen, which is thankfully next to where everyone is (thank you Mission), and everyone else would follow suit as they helped put food away/prepare food (with banter, of course).
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As they're putting away/preparing food, Greer shows up with William, and begins helping as well. We get a nice moment with Jake and William, where then he sends the kid off to grab Solider. William also gives Jake a "Happy Rosh Hashanah!" card spelt horribly that melts everyone's heart. Reese goes to put it on the fridge, and Greer and Jake have a nice moment together, now alone because Mission decided to make a wall to separate them from the others.
However, this is where the screenshots stop for some reason. After, it detailed the antisemitism in the past and how Marc feels uncomfortable with their Judaism because of everything that has happened, and because of that, how it's been a long time that they have fully celebrated Rosh Hashanah with their family. It effects Jake greatly because he loves his religion.
It ends off with them having a nice meal together and Marc finally showing up to say "Our new mishpocha... hm?" and Jake reciprocates the feeling.
HOWEVER! My computer decided to cry and crap itself, so now we're here with me longing for the snow. I hope you enjoyed this gift, even though it was Plan B, and once again, happy new years!! <3
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levaagrace · 1 year ago
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Happy MK Swap @bloodyscarab!
I had several different ideas, but this is the one I felt the most confident in doing! I really hope you like it :) A New Years kiss <3
Thanks for hosting this @tiptapricot! It was fun!
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tiptapricot · 1 year ago
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Hello all!! Sign ups for the Moon Knight Mystery Swap gift exchange are now open! If you’d like to participate in a fun fan event focusing on the Moon Knight franchise and all it’s characters, we’d love to have you! More information can be found on the form linked below, as well as this doc here (which has the form info as well as a few extra Q answers) :-D This form will be available to fill out until October 4th. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have, and to share this post or the form with friends. Let’s moon these knights!
[ID: A square announcement banner for the event. It reads: Moon Knight Mystery Swap 2023. Sign ups open! September 13th-October 4th. The text is stylized and in black and white, and the background is a dark aquamarine dotted with white dots and stars. Three photos sit at the bottom: a circular shot of Marc looking up at Khonshu's temple from the Lemire run on the left, a triangular cut out of the MCU Moon Knight poster in the middle, and a circular cut out of MacKay's Mr. Knight sitting in a chair on the right. /end of ID]
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ophanimgold · 1 year ago
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my gift to @moon-knights-balls for @tiptapricot's 2023 Moon Knight mystery swap!! I apologize for being a wee bit late, I ended up getting carried away omg. but i hope you enjoy the piece aaah!!
link to full size piece bc its gigantic and wouldnt fit on tumblr
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bloodyscarab · 1 year ago
Moon Knight Mystery Swap!!
hey! here's a fic i wrote for @fdelopera for the 2023 moon knight mystery swap! very belated חנוכה שמח!
so grateful to have participated in this, and as a jewish system i felt incredibly lucky to have been able to write about the feeling of being a jewish system around the holiday season for another jewish person! thanks for this prompt and thanks to @tiptapricot for putting this on!
rededications of dedication
word count: 1.1k rating: g prompt: mcu moon knight system celebrating hanukkah, but each alter has a different idea on what to do, but while writing this turned more into the mcu system celebrating hanukkah, showing what each alter did to prepare. oops! final notes: slightly angsty in the middle, but a happy ending! small mentions of struggling with religious identity. generally jewish stuff that i don't aim to explain for the uninitiated. based slightly on my own system experience + how our system engages with religion. cheers!
in the system, it was jake that first engaged with the idea of hanukkah.
the concept of celebrating hanukkah had grown into a distant fog in the years since the system had left home. religion itself was not the issue, but the time and space in which hanukkah resided always felt distinctly hollow. the winter holiday season always left them with a bitter burn.
hanukkah wasn’t necessarily about the family. they all knew that. but it wasn’t a transgression to want someone to pray with, to watch the candles’ dancing brightness with, to recount embarrassing memories of hanukkahs past with.
jake had proposed the idea internally because layla that had inspired it externally.
“did you ever celebrate hanukkah, as a kid?” her eyes were scanning her phone as marc laid next to her in bed, back turned and eyes closed. the room was dark aside from her phone screen.
he hummed inquisitively, turning to face her. “why?”
“just looked it up because i was curious. it starts next week. i thought it would be cool if we could do something.”
“i did used to celebrate, but not for years.” marc wanted to expand on the statement, but every memory he tried to reach for felt as though it was only pulling itself further away from his grasping hands.
“do you wanna do something?” her voice softened, like she could witness the mental struggle in his face. “we don’t have to. it was just a thought.”
“i don’t know. i’d have to think about it.” it was such a simple answer that only seemed to hold multitudes of further questions. she nodded with a hum and looked back to her phone.
steven wanted something that he felt he could excel at.
he took to research on the prayers and traditions a part of him thought he ought to know without looking them up. the prayers he found felt clunky on his lips at first, like he was hitting square blocks against circle pegs. he understood only vaguely that the language had once felt circular before, that his mouth had, at one point, not felt square.
it was important for him to get those kinds of things right, and he knew within himself that it felt important only to him. he knew that marc didn’t mind, he knew that jake already knew, he knew layla wouldn’t mind. yet he struggled with each word, getting the pronunciation of the chet just right, letting the spacial vowel between the dalet and the shin hang for just the right amount of time, just for himself. it gave him a purpose for the moment, for his time out.
he was the one that looked for a hanukkiah, in a joint effort with layla. marc had imagined something rather plain and uninspired, while steven and layla pushed against the idea. the pair chatted over layla’s laptop for hours over ideas: surely electronic ones were too cheap and far from the original story, a thick olive wood one seemed too grand, a silver one with long and elegant intertwining strands felt just slightly too ornate. then there was the prices; then again, what was hanukkah but a celebration, an excuse to buy and use something expensive, ornate, heavy with artisanal craftsmanship and centuries of tradition? marc only listened in, intense conversations in the next room over that he could absorb in the louder chunks, but not entirely.
marc had been more interested in the understanding of his own history. asking jake for some kind of exchange of memory felt like walking across a glass bridge under a dark abyss, trusting in one another to not let the other look down.
jake’s stories felt only somewhat familiar to marc. each memory felt fragmented, split into a narrative marc remembered and a narrative jake knew to be true. marc was surprised with the amount of things he thought to be routine that he learned from jake. jake remembered things like the murmuring of marc’s father in his study, reading over the hanukkah halakha. he remembered things like watching marc’s mother taking time to wipe the wax that dripped down the hanukkiah branches just before sunset, the sky’s pink hue bathing her features in a glow that made her look less angry, less tired.
marc had the instinct to hide from the memories, to run across the chasm between him and jake and shatter the transparent bridge. he ached with a feeling of profound loss. he was faced with the seemingly endless times he missed those moments that connected him to deeply to his identity, the moments he now realized were missing in a way he wanted to recapture.
it stung in a way he could not quite place that jake did not just hold the memories he could not bear to carry, but also ones where he had been content, if not still balancing softly on an undercurrent of imminent destruction. the stinging became a quest, a want for versions of the feelings that jake held onto for marc alone.
jake suggested hanukkah because he wanted it. marc was jealous, in some respects, of jake’s assuredness. some of the prayers still hung from his lips, tucked into his cheeks to be used whenever needed. jake knew about hanukkah in a way that was admirable simply for his memory. he remembered their father’s recountings and readings of maccabees, held firmly to the power of the visual of jews with agency, power, self-confidence.
hanukkah was more than just lights on a windowsill, more than simple stories that echoed through bones of generations, and jake knew that best.
before the first sunset, it was jake’s hands that unpackaged the hanukkiah, placed it on a small plate to catch wax like their mother had done. it was marc’s hands that lit the shamash, touched it against the first candle. it was steven’s voice that recited the prayers, slowly, methodically, like he had practiced.
and it was layla that sat the longest at the desk, letting the warmth of the light rest against her as she sat on her laptop until the columns of wax were redistributed into drips and puddles. the light from the flames radiated off of her face and curls in a way that marc felt comforted by.
when she crawled into bed beside him, he hummed at her like he did the week before when she suggested celebrating hanukkah in the first place.
“still a good idea?” she whispered.
“yeah.” she could hear his gentle smile in the dark through his words. “glad you suggested it. you seem to enjoy it, too.”
“of course i do.”
“seven more days,” marc mused, a tone in his voice that held an air of sadness at the transience of the positive feelings of the holiday.
“seven more days. until next year.”
“yeah. until next year.”
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pokimoko · 1 year ago
Haustoria - Moon Knight Fic
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Written by pokimoko for @buttsnorkeler69420 (as part of @tiptapricot's #Moon Knight Mystery Swap)
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 14.6K
Fandom: Moon Knight (2022), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Layla El-Faouly & Steven Grant, Layla El-Faouly & Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly & Jake Lockley, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Characters: Layla El-Faouly, Steven Grant (Marvel), original villain, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley
Tags: Dissociative Identity Disorder, Post-Season/Series 01, Layla El-Faouly-centric, Horror, Body Horror, Bugs & Insects, Undead, Colonialism, Extended Metaphors, (which are also fairly heavy-handed metaphors let's be honest), Canon-Typical Violence, Gore, Parasites, Protective Layla El-Faouly, Angst and Humor, Egypt, POV Layla El-Faouly, Moon Knight Mystery Swap 2023
Summary: Layla and Steven journey into the depths of an ancient and forgotten tomb in search of the lost dead, but within its halls, where flowers grow across the walls and bugs cover the ground, the dead might just find them.
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little-cereal-draws · 1 year ago
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My entry for the Moon Knight Mystery swap! I got Rielival on Instagram. They wanted Steven infodumping to Layla (or Jake) so here they all are!
It was an interesting challenge to show Steven and Jake co-conscious in a visual form but I think it turned out pretty good!
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