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missionreconnect · 9 months ago
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V rámci projektu BODYkind, který se týká témat spojených s tělem v kontextu neformálního vzdělávání, jsme vytvořili sérii videí.
Nechte se jimi inspirovat. Videa mají české titulky a jsou k dispozici na YouTube.
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ohbother2 · 1 year ago
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SO many of these are my favourite but I think the last one takes the cake.
*throws this* *runs*
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sessizharfler · 5 months ago
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Buraya ait değilim. İçinde olduğumuz her dört duvarı yuva diye nitelendiremeyiz değil mi? Bu soruyu kendinize gün geçtikçe daha fazla yöneltiyorsanız eğer, gitmenin vakti gelmiş demektir. Bir an evvel bulunduğunuz o ızdıraba dönüşen yeri terk etmelisiniz.
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olmusbirbulut · 8 months ago
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İlerde bulmayı düşündüğüm aşk 🤍
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maladyinpink · 29 days ago
🔊 RAINY DAY SOIRÉE ♥︎♠︎- Haz/bin Ho/tel Wav - ♡-Day Special
Projects will always be strictly AI FREE.
Hi All!...HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I'm nervous as hell but excited to share my first wav, this Established Husker/Dust Special, with you guys! ART PAGE/MAKING OF
RAINY DAY SOIRÉE - An/gel Du/st comes home from the studio in a hellstorm to find poor Hu/sk, snuggled up with Fat Nuggets and coming down with a cold in his muzzle. The spider affectionately takes care of his bartender beau, but not without catching it himself...Lil vignettes of Husker/dust's shared sick day and soft caretaking.
CW: Long depiction of shared illness, breathy vocal build-ups, loud deep cold sneezing, contagion, higher pitched cold sneezing fits, snotty/honked nose blowing, dry coughing, snzart visuals, blessing, kissing, emotional comfort, spoilers for the Great Gatsby and lots of fluff.
Script, if you guys want to read along, is below...Enjoy!
~ Love, Pink
♥︎♠︎ - Rainy Day Soirée - Script.
(Scene 1 - ANGEL DUST enters the front door of the Hotel in one of the Pride Ring's thundering hellstorms under his Pink umbrella. It's early evening and the lobby is suspiciously empty.)
ANGEL: *Shudders* It's wetter than dick out there!...Shit…Hello? Anybody home?
(Hanging up his coat, ANGEL heads upstairs and unlocks the door to the room he shares with...)
ANGEL: Husk…Honey?...You in here?-
(He's greeted by Fat Nuggets! The hell-hog scampers off the bed and across the floor to see his Daddy at the door)
ANGEL: Hey! My Sweet Boy!...Lookat'chu Bastards, you an' Papa havin' a snuggle, without me…Traitors.
(Yawning deeply, HUSK is still waking up, grumbling to himself about being woken up by a pig and stretching just like an Old man should. ANGEL coos to Fat Nuggets.)
ANGEL: Uh-Oh…Did we wake Papa?...Yeah, we woke Papa…(then to HUSK) Hi, Baby.
HUSK: (Just noticing his partner, tilts his head) Hm- Hey Legs…Damn, y'home early?
ANGEL: Yeah, just pick up shots today (Not really, by pick up shots, he means his scene partner picked him up and pinned him against the wall, he doesn't want HUSK to worry though.)
HUSK: (always concerned when it comes to the studio, but doesn't want to press ANGEL) Oh…um…Y'okay?
ANGEL: (Can't lie, sadly, but tries to reassure) Just uh…the usual...B-But I'm okay, m'fine. (Starts to laugh and ramble)...Actually, it was kinda funny…Long story short, the last scene- Val wants to get the climax again…and again…AND again. What a set of pipes on the poor motherfucker, screamin' to high heaven!...But, uh- Val got called into a meetin' with Vox, thank god…Shoot got cut short an'...Well, most workin' wanted to head home before the storm got bad…
(He trails off...Usually HUSK would respond somehow...ANGEL notices HUSK scrunching up his muzzle and squeezing the bridge of his nose with two fingers, as if he's in pain. He tenderly approaches.)
ANGEL: S-shit…Are you okay?...You ain't lookin' so hot.
(HUSK waves ANGEL off)
HUSK: M'fine…S'just a headache…
ANGEL: (know's he's been given bullshit) N-No No, there's somethin' else…Whaddya not tellin' me…Whaddya hung over?-
(ANGEL startles at the intense sneeze and Nuggets squeals, running under the bed. HUSK sniffles and wiggles and clicks his muzzle.)
ANGEL: Jesus!...Honey?! What the fuck was that?!
HUSK: (out of breath, and a little flustered.) Whew, Sorry…'Scuse me…Didn't mean to scare ya.
ANGEL: Next time warn a gal…It's just, heh-…Y'never do that…Come to think of it, I don't think I've heard ya so much as sniffle before?
HUSK: W-whaddya talkin' 'bout…Everyone…(Trails off) S-s-s…..sn-...Sneezes…
ANGEL: (scoffs) Yeah?...Not like that…
ANGEL: (starts laughing and mimics Husk's low growly sneeze) Achoooo!
HUSK: Oho! Y'think that's funny?...Laugh it up, Smartass…L-laugh…Hhhh- Goddamni-EH'RTSH'SHOO!...Motherfucker.
ANGEL: (still laughing, but sympathetic) It's…a little funny….Bless you!..H-honey, are you okay?
HUSK: Figures…Now I'm gettin' a cold, now that the seasons pickin' up.
ANGEL: Aww, my poor baby...That's why y'closed up shop so early, huh?
HUSK: Charlie said I was lookin' a lil…hhh… hhh...Peaky…Shit wasn't my choice.
(HUSK lets out a raspy sounding cough and leans back to monstrously sneeze again.)
ANGEL: Ah, Salute! Here…Blow the Thompson on the end of your face hon. (He offers a tissue box from the nightstand)
HUSK: …Thank you baby…(into tissue) AH'ITSH'IUUU…Ugh, Christ…
ANGEL: (unable to keep from laughing, lovingly mocks again with similar inflection)...B-B-Bless you!
HUSK: Very funny Ange…Real fuckin' hilarious…Alright, C'mere y'little shit!
(HUSK starts to tickle ANGEL's arms. The couple both start laughing.)
ANGEL: No!...No…I'm sorry!…H-Honey that tickles!...
HUSK: (growls playfully) I gotcha!
(Both laugh)
ANGEL: Husk!...Husk, Uncle!
HUSK: (listens, satisfied) Hm…That's whatcha get sweetheart.
ANGEL: (fondly) You're a sadist…M'sorry y'sick honey… (leans down and plants a kiss on the top of the cat's head, then notices a book in his paw) …Hey, whatcha readin'?
HUSK: …Gatsby (The Great Gatsby by F. Scott. Fitzgerald)
ANGEL: Ooh, t-that one…Uh…(suddenly a little embarassed, nervously laughs)...Y'know, s'funny…I ain't never read it?
HUSK: Sweetheart, you've never read The Great Gatsby?
ANGEL: I know, I know…S'crime against literature or somethin'...Y-you tell me, if y'think I'da had time between all the heists n' highs for a few chapters
HUSK: Y'got time now, don'tcha? (Sniffles) Why don't we read it together?
ANGEL: (hopeful) Really?
HUSK: Yeah!...I mean…I've read it a hudred times, but….I'd love to see it through your eyes.
ANGEL: Alright, babycakes…But uh, blow y'muzzle first, I can hear ya, gettin' all stuffy.
(HUSK honks a hefty blow into a tissue. Key word being honk.)
ANGEL: Alright, Mother Goose! D'ya wanna start the story or should I?
HUSK: I ain't got the energy to put up with this shit, dickhead…
ANGEL: Alright, Jackass! I'll take care of it, just listen to the Soothing sounds of my voice...
(He clears his throat and starts the book.
(Scene 2 - The next time we see the pair…It's the next morning. ANGEL is in bed and is woken by a loud nose blow and growly bellowed sneezes coming from the bathroom. ANGEL stretches and cranes his neck to look at the bathroom door.
ANGEL: (called out) Bless you!
(The bathroom door opens and a pathetic looking bartender enters, looking exausted.)
HUSK: M'sorry, did I wake you?
ANGEL: Oh baby, nonsense!...You can't help that. You're sick….(clears his throat, still waking, hesitates to ask)...Uh, how's the head?
(HUSK just deeply coughs and raises his eyebrow at the wording. Anyway, ANGEL already knows the answer.)
ANGEL: Y'know what- …don't answer that, uh…I'm gonna go downstairs an' make us some tea.
HUSK: (childlike, pleading eyes)...With bourbon?
ANGEL: (Agreeing) With. Bourbon.
(ANGEL fiddles with the kettle in the kitchen, filling it up with water, putting it on the stove, turning on the burner…He feels something creeping up.)
ANGEL: Heht'ktsh'iew!...Damn…Niffty needs to dust 'round here.
(He hears the door creak open and feels something ELSE creeping up. Needless to say, it's not HUSK.)
ANGEL: Oh, honey?...It's okay, I got it under control you can just go back to bed.
ALASTOR: …Are you quite sure?
(ANGEL startles and rolls his eyes once he sees ALASTOR, but politely replies and resumes watching the kettle.)
ANGEL: Yeah...G'mornin' to you too, Al.
ALASTOR: My my! Someone's broadening their palate!...It's rather funny, usually you'd be schmoozing a mimosa out of our esteemed bartender…But here you are! Making…what smells to be a morning cuppa of chammomile- Or a double. How domestic…What's the occasion?
(ANGEL keeps his reply short, cold and brisk. He's never liked how AL treats his boyfriend and knows AL probably already is well aware, but wants the satisfaction.)
ANGEL: Well our esteemed bartender is playin' hooky today, he's got a real bad cold…(then realizes he can use this to his advantage) Y'don't wanna risk gettin' it Al, y'should probably keep away…like far far away.
ALASTOR: (Sees right through) Come now Angel, you can rest assured that I have no desire to hang around such pestilence. But I also trust that you'll inform Husker of his responsibilities and how he'll be making up for lost time…(He presses the laugh track on his staff)...I must say, I never took you as the caretaking type.
ANGEL: (Ignores the bite, sighs fondly) Well, someone's gotta take care of the big lug…(then bites) Lord know's you won't…Eet'Tschuu!
ALASTOR: (knowingly) Well! Seems as though pot just met kettle, and with that, I'll be on my merry way…(darkly) Seems as though disgusting affections are in the air…among other things.
(In an instant, AL leaves and the kettle begins to screech. ANGEL growls to himself in Italian.)
ANGEL: Stronzo di Fragole!…Hhh…Aat'tshew!
(Back upstairs in ANGEL's room, ANGEL sets the tray with two mugs and another box of tissues down on the bed and sits down.)
ANGEL: (tenderly) Here ya go, Babycakes. Careful, it's hot.
HUSK: (coughs sleepily)...Thank you, Sweetheart.
ANGEL: D'aww, you are welcome!...So uh, where did we leave off?
HUSK: (coughs) Page 41, the big party.
ANGEL: Okay…'I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house'-…'Scuse me…Sorry…Heh…Heh…Ih!…Ihh'eck'iew!...Heh'ish'uu!
HUSK: (chuckling) Uh-oh…Bless you!...Tissue?
ANGEL: Yeah I'b…I'm fine, Honey…Thanks…(tries to start reading) 'I belie- (sputters and coughs)...
HUSK: (gently) Are you okay?
ANGEL: (insistant)…I'm okay! 'I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house…I believe I was-' (takes a deep breath, he is feeling awful and…is about to sneeze again)...Shit-
HUSK: (worried) Angel?
ANGEL: Eh…Eh- Sorry, I'm…I'm godda sneeze!...IT'Tshuu!...Its'Shhh-Oh fuck me sideways!
HUSK: Bless you…Are y'sure you're okay?
ANGEL: I'm fide?….heh…I'm fide.
HUSK: (smirks) Uh-huh, okay…5…4…3…2-
ANGEL: ahh'eeehhhehh'heh!-...ISH'UU!...aghih hhhdihh…ICK'HIUU!
HUSK: Bless you, Sweetheart.
ANGEL: (long sniffle, finally admits)...Baby?...I think I'm catching ya sniffles.
HUSK: (sarcastically) Really, y'don't say?…
ANGEL: Hht'tsh'iuu!
HUSK: (chuckles fondly)...Bless you…Y'know, this isn't how I imagined we'd spend our first day off together.
ANGEL: (coughs) Me neither…(blows his nose) Thought we'd have a glamorous date…Night out on the town…Er- somethin'...
HUSK: Well, we can still do that…With Daisy, Nick an' Gatsby…What's more glamourous than a grand soiree?
(ANGEL blows his nose again, a loud honk)
ANGEL: (sarcastically, glumly) Oh yeah, Honey…Real Glamourous.
(HUSK tries to think of a way to cheer up Angel and gets an idea.)
HUSK: Hold that thought…
ANGEL: Husk?…Whatcha doin'?
(HUSK gets up and starts to mess around with ANGEL's record player. Looking through the collection of vinyls, he finds one that they'd both enjoy. Glenn Miller's 'Chatanooga Choo Choo' starts playing and HUSK starts to sway and kick his feet a little, then does a little Charleston step.)
ANGEL: What are you doin'...Are you…dancin'?
HUSK: Eh…How's that for Glamour?…'Scuse me, sir?
ANGEL: (laughs) Who me?
HUSK: Couldn't help but notice…Y'seem a bit…sniffly-
ANGEL: (still laughing, loving this bit) No shit, it's your fault!
HUSK: -But otherwise…Absolutely beautiful. I'm a bit sniffly myself…(feigns surprise) We have so much in common!
ANGEL: (laughs) Y'so cheesy...
HUSK: I would love nothing more than to dance with you…Whaddya say?
(ANGEL gets up and takes HUSK's arm, joining the bit as they begin to sway gently to the music)
ANGEL: Well sir, I'd love to…But between you an' me?...Keep this on the downlow, Y'don't wanna let my grump of a boyfriend know that I'm dancing with such a gentleman.
HUSK: Well, I dunno this fella…But if he's doin' anything right, I think he'd just be happy to see you happy.
(The two dance and sway in their pajamas for a while, wrapped in eachother's arms)
HUSK: One…Two…-....Hhhh
(ANGEL notices HUSK's twitching and hitching and offers to help.)
ANGEL: Honey?...Y'okay? Y'need a tissue?...A tissue?
ANGEL: Yeah, that's what I thought…Bless you Ol' Man.
HUSK: Uhhh….Th- Thank-....Tha-...uhh'ITSH'hooo
ANGEL: Salute, Mio Caro…Here.
(HUSK takes the offered tissue)
HUSK: (stuffily) Thank you baby…(he coughs amd hitches as another big painful sneeze is coming)...HEHRK'HOOOOOOO!
ANGEL: (clicks his tongue, sympathetic) Bless you!...I think that's our cue to get back in bed baby.
(Scene 3 - Hours of reading later. The couple has reached the big twist of the heightening drama of the book. Daisy Buchanan was the one driving the car that hit Myrtle Wilson. Jay Gatsby, who's in love with Daisy, will take the blame. ANGEL's heart and weakened immune system cannot take this.)
ANGEL: (floored, heartbroken) Husk…No…No, it was Daisy?!
HUSK: (knew this was coming) Daisy was drivin' baby...
ANGEL: No!...She did it?...N-no!...Fuck no! (Throws the book) Goddamnit! (A coughing jag starts)
HUSK: Easy!...Easy, Jesus Christ…Breathe, baby, breathe…Are you okay?
ANGEL: (carries on) An' he's just gon' take the fall for her sorry ass…Oh my god! (Way too into the story.)
HUSK: (laughs a little at his partner's passion) I know…I know-...Shit Angel are you cryin'?
ANGEL: (He is. Emotional, sniffling)...S'just so fucked up.
HUSK: Easy now…I know…But that's the beauty of it…ain't it?
ANGEL: (crying, looks up, confused) B-beauty?...Of someone bein' a selfish bitch an' ruinin' lives?
HUSK: Nah, Ange, The beauty of the story…is in it's honesty…Shows us the darker sides of love…An' how far an fucked folks'll get protectin' it.
ANGEL: (quiet) Husk?…Husk.
HUSK: What's wrong lovebug?
ANGEL: (sadly)…Would you do that for me?...Would ya..t-take the fall?
HUSK: (nonchalantly) Hm, probably.
ANGEL: Even if it meant…everything?
HUSK: Lookatcha!...Y'gettin' all existential on me!
ANGEL: M'serious!
HUSK: (looks ANGEL in the eyes, with utter conviction) If it meant, keepin' you safe, keepin' y'by my side…Then yes…
(HUSK feels ANGEL's breathing start to hitch as he holds him)
HUSK: Alright baby…Quit cryin'...(Notices he's pulling away and fanning his face and grabbing a tissue)...Oh…O-oh, are you okay?
ANGEL: (breathlessly) No!...N-No, I'm gonna sneeze!...Itsh'uu!...Eck'hiiuu, Ehhhishhh'shuu!...Heh'rkk'kiew! (Groans) Oh go-...Irrkk'hew! (Gasp) Heh'Ihhk'hew…Eh…Ehyiiishhhiew!...
HUSK: Bless you, Bless you- Bless you!...Holy shit, Ange! …Fuckin' Shit! Aww baby…Shhh, Breathe baby.
ANGEL: ….Hhh….Aacksh'IEW!...(groans)
HUSK: (chuckles) Bless you!...Y'always sneeze like that?
ANGEL: (sniffles) Like what?...(realizes) Oh, I'm sorry! (Coughs) Not all of us start a damn natural disaster every time the pollen count goes up.
(HUSK belly laughs, ANGEL's jab was...pretty fair enough. HUSK's laugh trails off into little coughs and grows a bit raspy.)
HUSK: (lovingly firm) Alright, blow your nose.
(ANGEL blows thickly and groans)
HUSK: There y'go…Feel better?
ANGEL: (tired from his emotional burst and his sneezing fit, he deadpans) What do you think?
HUSK: (not really bothered by his partner's moodiness, but calls it out anyway) Damn, you're startin' to get a lil bitchy.
(ANGEL is too sleepy to argue with this, so he lays down and pulls the blanket up, snuggling into HUSK's side.)
ANGEL: (quiet)…Gonna take a nap.
HUSK: (coughs) That's a brilliant idea, Sweetheart…
(Nuggets comes out from under the bed and paws to be let up. HUSK pats the bed.)
HUSK: Well, c'mon!...Get on up, here.
(Scene 4 - Another few hours later…a knock at the door wakes the couple)
ANGEL: (grumpily, sleepily, stuffily)...Hm, Who the fuck is that?... If anyone tries to enter this room with me looking like absolute shit…I will not hesitate to shoot them.
HUSK: (yawns, sleepily and raspily) S'okay, Ange, just stay in bed…I'll get it.
(HUSK coughs a jag into his arm as he answers the door. ANGEL lets our a rough Aagh'ish'hew!, and Nuggets greets Princess Charlie Morningstar behind the door, who's carrying a large thermos and still dressed in her pajamas.)
HUSK: Sorry…Hi, Princess.
CHARLIE: Holy shit…You guys sound awful (coughs roughly a little herself...revealing the bug is clearly going around)
ANGEL: Hell, you ain't sounding much better, Toots.
Charlie: (In-denial, laughs) No!...I'm fine- I'm fine, Angel…Nothing to worry about! Vaggie is downstairs with something nasty…So I'm gonna go take care of her, BUT I brought you guys some chicken soup, I hope you enjoy it!
HUSK: (smiles sincerely and takes the thermos) Much obliged…Thank you…(then looks doubtful) Are you sure you're okay?
CHARLIE: (giggles again, still denying) No! I'm fine! I'm fine guys, I- Hh! HEP'PTSH'SHIEEW!
(CHARLIE inherited her Dad's tendency to occasionally become a...flamethrower when sneezing. Tends to get worse with a cold. Her demon form is out. ANGEL, HUSK and Nuggets stare blankly, a bit scared.)
ANGEL:…Bless you.
HUSK:…Bless you.
HUSK: (quietly to ANGEL) I didn't jus' hallucinate, right?...Fire came out her nose…
ANGEL: (quietly back) Dunno, y'talkin' to a former crackhead, if anyone's hallucinatin' it should be me…
ANGEL: (Gently, firmly, big brother energy) Charlie…Dollface?... Y'takin' care a' everybody…But don't forget to take care a' y'self. (as Charlie coughs, ANGEL melts and invites her in for a hug)...C'mere.
CHARLIE: (Emotional)...Oh, Angel!
ANGEL: (waving her off, still a bit nervous) Yeah, yeah… Just do me a favor? Try not to set me on fire?
(HUSK joins the hug, wrapping his wings around the three of them.)
HUSK: C'mere, kid…If you tell anybody about this…I will gut you like a fish. (No real bite)
CHARLIE: (beat.) Thank you guys…Um…Vaggie and I are gonna watch some movies in the lobby, if you guys wanna join us, you're free to!...And if you need anything, give us a holler- Well actually, don't do that- Save your voices…Okay, bye!
(Door closes)
HUSK: Could be fun…It'll help distract from your…existential dread.
ANGEL: (coughs) Hey, fuck off!...Anyway, I have a better distraction…
HUSK: What?...(realizes and stiffens) No!...No. Are- Are you really feelin' up to that right now?
ANGEL: (pouts) C'mon Whiskers, don'tcha want me to…feel better?...(muffles a stuffy sneeze behind his hands) Ktsch'yew!- Oh my god…
HUSK: (smirks) Need a tissue?
ANGEL: (sniffles) I need…YOU, Baby! Besides, didn'tcha know that the Pentagram's leadin' scientists and' medical professionals say 'Sex is good for a cold!'
HUSK: (contemplates, then smiles slyly and inches closer) Well…Then I guess we gotta do what we gotta do…For science.
ANGEL: (smiles back, sniffling) That's right, we're just doin' this for a good cause…In the name of 'Science'.
(They melt into an embrace in a slow passionate kiss.)
ANGEL: ...I love you
HUSK: ...I love you too
(ANGEL's nose gets brushed and he pulls away to harshly sneeze, and looks up apologetically)
ANGEL: ...Aack'shew!...Ugh sorry.
HUSK: (tenderly) Bless you, Sweetheart.
♥︎♠︎ - è finito
The end, hope you enjoyed!
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andiey-multi · 6 months ago
Otel from Vitals Fanarts + Fuzzy Owl Creechurr HC because I love him :>
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sev35vsd1 · 3 months ago
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twistedshack · 6 months ago
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Sorry for starving my small group of incredibox fans! Since the Vitals mode got some updates to it recently and honestly it looks awesome! I asked one of my friends to choose a random any mod character to draw and Otel was chosen!
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frycekseuthanasia · 1 year ago
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they secretly are obssessed with each other
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edapostblog · 1 month ago
Valla ister okuyun ister okumayın! Okumanız lehinizedir! 🫵Ben paylaşayım da vebali üstümden gitsin. 🤷
Uzun yazıları hiç sevmem ama bu çok önemli.....! 👍🥴🤢🤢
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Her şey dahil oteller ekonomik oldukları için çekici gelir. Ancak yediklerinizin perde arkasını bilseniz, aslında çok pahalı tatil yaptğınızı anlarsınız. Üç kuruşa o kadar albenili sanat eserlerinin nasıl hazırlandığını düşünseniz, nasıl bir tuzağa çekildiğinizi anlarsınız.
“Eğer her şey dahil sistemin uygulandığı bir otelde tatil yapacaksanız kulak kabartınız. Aşağıdakileri peşinen kabul etmiş oluyorsunuz.
Kırmızı et olarak genelde hindi eti kullanırız. Bu da yapısı gereği fazla süner. Ne kadar pişirirseniz pişirin elastiki bir yapısı vardır. Müşteriler genellikle çok az pişmesinden şikayetçidir.
Balık olarak Alabalık ya da Kuzu Balığı vardır. Kuzu Balığı da tercihen tuzda pişmiş olarak verilir. Aslında tükettiğiniz şey, köpekbalığıdır. Ben hiç kuzu balığı pişirdiğimizi hatırlamıyorum. Tuzda pişirmemizin nedeni, lezzet farklılığını ortadan kaldırmaktır.
Donmuş balıklarda genelde Sudak ve Kalamar kullanılır. Ahtapot, Ege Bölgesi’nde daha yoğundur. Tabii ki bunları biraya bastırıyoruz.
Bir gün akşam büfesinde kalan 50 - 60 kg. eti, tabii ki çöpe atmıyoruz. Bu, müsrifliktir. Stajyerlere sosu yıkatıyoruz ve başka bir sos ile bağlayarak ertesi gün büfeye sunuyoruz. Örneğin Demiglace sos ile pişmiş bir yemeğin etlerini alıp Hollandez sos ile tekrar büfeye sunuyoruz. Ama Hollandez sos öyle kolay değildir. Emeğe saygı lütfen...
Pastane bölümü... Hani bir pastaneye gittiğinizde vitrindeki o devasa boyuttaki tatlıları gördüğünüzde ve fiyatını sorduğunuzda içinizi tuhaf bir sevinç kaplar ya... Eve gittiğinizde tüketirsiniz, tadı da çok lezzetlidir ya hani...
Ya da her şey dahil sistemini uygulayan bir otele gittiğinizde büfede devasa boyutlarda, krem şanti ile kaplanmış yaş pasta tarzında pastalar karşılar ya sizi. Kime sorsanız ismini bilmediği, herkesin birbirinin yüzüne aval aval baktığı, maşa ile tabağınıza koyarken stajyer çocukların kikirdeyerek sizi izledikleri pastalar vardır ya hani...
Evet evet onlar işte, doğru bildiniz. Biz onlara ''DOYURAN'' deriz.
Bir akşam önceden kalan artıkları çocuklar büfeden toplar, pastanedeki demi chef’ler bu tatlıları bir güzel yoğurur ve akabinde üzerine pralin, damla drop, çırpılmış krema, en sonunda da meyve aromalı krem şanti ekleyerek tekrar büfeye gönderirler.
Bu durumdan müşteriler şikayetçi değildir çünkü ilk önce biten pastamız bu Doyuran’dır. Hatta takviyesi olmadığından mütevellit, bazı müşteriler şikayet ederler alamadıkları için.
Pastanelerde bu olay biraz daha hijyeniktir. Eğer sahibi çok iğrenç bir adam değilse sadece vitrindeki pastaları kullanır.
Kasaphanede işler, bütün gelen parçalara bakar. Genelde köftelerde dana döş ve gerdan kullanılır. Eğer menüde Adana Kebap ya da Urfa Kebap var ise yemeyiniz. Tekrar söylüyorum, her şey dahil sistemin olduğu bir otelde Adana Kebap yemeyiniz. Elinizi bile sürmeyiniz.
Soğuk bölümünde ise işler çığrından çıkmıştır. Genel olarak, yapılan portör muayenelerinde gaita oranı çok yüksektir. Bunun nedeni, mutfak personelinin hijyeninin yanı sıra mayonez içerikli yiyeceklerin bu bakterilerin gereğinden fazla üremesini sağlamalarıdır. 2000 kişilik bir otelde yapılan rus salatasını, aşçıların elleriyle harmanlamadığını düşünmez birazcık saflıktır.
Eğer Türk Gecesi var ise ve menüde çiğ köfte de mevcutsa hemen koşa koşa gidip atlamayın. Önce bir düşünün. 1 kg. çiğ köfte 2 saatte yapılıyor. Orada bulunan çiğ köfte en az 20 kg.’dır. Eğer tam kıvamında olduğunu düşünüyorsanız işler sandığınızdan daha kötüdür. Stajyerler ayaklarına poşet giyer ve büyükçe bir kazanın içinde bir güzel yoğururlar. Kıvamı mükemmel oluyor ama tadını bilmiyorum. Müşteriler iyi olduğunu söylüyor.
Bütün bunlara karşın büfede hiçbir masraftan kaçınılmaz. Müşterileri aldatmak için bol bol karpuz ve kabak dekoru yaparız. Bir gün saydığımda büfede 20 çeşit yemek olmasına rağmen 50’ye yakın dekor vardı. Önce gözünüzü doyurmak nedir, bunu çok iyi biliriz.
Patates içeren yemekler bol kalorilidir ve tokluk hissi verirler. Çalıştığım mutfakta en az üç kişiyi patates çuvalının başına dikerim. Sabahtan akşama kadar patates soydururum. Bir öğünde en az üç yemeğim patates içeriklidir, siz fark etmezsiniz de patates gördüğünüzde saldırıyorsunuz. İçgüdüsel bir şey galiba...
2000 kişilik bir otelde, sıcak büfede en az 20 kişi çalışması gerekir. Akşamları yemek yediğiniz büfenin önünde bekleyen aşçıların sayısı 4’ü geçmiyorsa ve kılık kıyafetleri temiz ama düzensizse orada işler pek iyi gitmiyor demektir. Ben, mesleğimi saklayarak hemen muhabbete girerim ve sıcak bölümünün yemeklerinin diğer bölümlerden iyi olduğunu söylerim, çok yorulduklarını tahmin ettiğimden bahsederim. Hemen kaç kişi yapar, nasıl yapar, maaş durumu nedir dökülürler. Bu şekilde otel değiştirdiğim çok olmuştur.
Mümkün olduğunca şov olarak tabir edilen, o anda hazırlanan yemekleri tercih edin. Sıra bekliyorsunuz, biliyorum. Lezzetsiz ama hijyeniktir.
Pasta tüketecekseniz dilimlenmiş yaş pastalara ağırlık vermeyiniz. Detayına girmeyeceğim, başım belâya girebilir.”
Siz siz olun ODA+KAHVALTI tercihi kullanın.
Hasan Ugur Epirden
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goodlucksnez · 24 days ago
Heyy so this is a very short (LATE) Valentine day thing...I made this in less then 2 hours so sorry if it isnt the best!
I like the idea Al is allergic to Lavender so I ran with that.
script below enjoy! I was planning on voicing charlie and luci but the audio got corrupted (thx v/ox) so you just get al's part -so if you see it in the script dont get confused
My my. The hotel seems to be busy with activity for once. What do we owe the surprise?
Charlie: oh we are celebrating valentines Day
Forgive me, my dear, but I believe you mentioned Valentine's Day.
Charlie: umm yes we are
Really. You do know that St. Valentine is not here, right? Why in all seven rings of hell, would we celebrate him?
Charlies: well, he brought love and I thought-
He brought love? No, no, my dear. He brought drunkenness and conception and deceit. And yet he and all the other Saints get to spend their afterlives, High and dry.
Charlie: well it is still important
Well, we *start hitching* My dear. Where did you get that?
Charlie: oh isn’t it pretty dad got it for us I have never seen it grow here before it must be special
Your father. Of course.
Charlie: are you ok?
I'm Fine. Now,if you will *hitch*. Excuse me. I will not be partaking in the *snz x 3* Festivities.
Charlie: bless you
*al walking away*
of all the...fucking hell. Of all the things he could have done. Why? why lavender? Oh, I will ring his neck, surely for this *snez x 3*
*feels a handkerchief being handed to him*
Thank you.*blows nose* looks up to see luci* Hey, wait. You. Oh, they like to think you're so innocent. Don't, ….don't *hitching*
Luci: don’t get your antlers in a knot here *goes to rub al nose*
Get your infernal hands off of me, *snez x3*
luci: bless you
Take that stupid brooch off. Burn it into ash and sulfur *hitching and snez*
Luci laughing
*hitching* Oh you think this is funny, don't you? *hitching and snez x3.
Luci: *Waving the lavender near him*
I suggest you stop waving that in my face. Unless you really want the hallway to be *snez* Destroyed. I'm going to my room. I pray you don’t *snez* follow
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gecelerinsabahindayim · 2 months ago
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Çocuklarını camdan atmak zorunda kalan annelerin videolarını görmek acıtıyor
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huhbozo · 11 days ago
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@stinkysillylittlegoober Sorry if it took long, I had to go to school and stuff!
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mengayass · 6 months ago
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I love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel i love otel
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maladyinpink · 1 month ago
🎵 If he's tired of gettin' the fish eye, from the hotel clerk...a person...can develop a cold...🎵
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Quick lil Angie doodle while I'm out for breakfast. Ngl this idea's been swimmin' around since I read @very-freakin-effable's fic ...thank you for the inspo 💗
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