#os sus
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fettiowi · 1 year ago
can you doodle Spinel, Lapis and Peridot in clown costumes
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Couldnt leave the literal clown out of it!
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mothlessmood · 4 months ago
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Hehe, I may have gotten something, or rather SOMEONE on my mind :>
But anyways, have a Steven universe self insert✨️
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And of course her pink noodle gf💕
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just-an-enby-lemon · 20 days ago
My two cents about the american healthcare situation as someone that lives in a country with free healthcare is: I'm personally terrifield for those people.
Look the SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde - Unifield Health System, Brazil's response to public healthcare) is far from perfect - specially thanks to our long history of corrupt politicians and bad resourses - but it saved the life of members of my family at least three times. And specially it saved my brother's life repeteadly.
My parents still pay a significant amount of money with medicine (because not all of my brother's meds are on the free list) and bimonthly visists to an specific doctor (because SUS has a huge waiting list). But when we discovered my brother had some form of epilepsy (with rare crisis but all very serious) was during a serius convulsion he had to be transported in an ambulance and spent two weeks in the hospital recieving intencive treatment plus a batery of exams (some childrem had just got into the hospital with meningites and the doctors were suspecting both that he had it and that there could be an epidemic on the state fortunally no more cases appearead) to discover what he even had.
After that my brother had still two other episodes. The third one was smaller and he spend only three days in the hospital but the second one (wich involved some medical mal practice) was the worst. I think I even posted some very concerning things here because of how close he got to dying. He spent the first two days in a coma and hallucinated during the third. But the medical care offered by the childrem area of the hospital was amazing and I have all of the doctors and nurses to thank for having him with me today.
In all the three SUS was deeply necessary. There were too many procedures and my parents would never had been abble to pay for any of it. They have to plan ahead a lot to cover for my brother medical expenses now and they sacrificed a lot (and work insane overtime hours) for it. But this were unpredictable moments. They would not have the money nor the time to waste waiting for the insurance company aprove it. Specially in the second time. Like we know for a fact that if the ambulance had not arrived and my brother had not had the care he had during that ride he would've died. He didn't flatline nor anything but it was a very close call. We would not be able to pay even for the ambulance ride. SUS saved my brother's life!!
If we lived in the US I would at best be a very suicidal grief driven young adult and my wonderfull annoying pest of a little brother would be dead instead of turning 18 this year.
Public healthcare saves lifes! I know it for a fact. And all these people and companies saying otherwise are already drowning in the blood of the people they continually let die.
P.S: also like their campaing to prevent dengue and the vacination campaings have significative results. (Also distributing free prep and free condoms)
P.S.2: While unfortunally not all medicine is free we do have a list of "essencial medicine" distributed for free in specific pharmacies. Some of my grandma's meds are for free and when my brother was little he had asthma and thanks to Dilma asthma meds were also free. Same for insulin.
P.S.3: caso vocês não saibam disso, pelo menos em Sergipe, o Postinho de Saúde também serve como local de atendimento a crises psicológicas, eles fazem um processo terapêutico curto com a finalidade de te tirar do pior da crise e se necessário oferecem medicação. Então se você estiver se sentindo no início de uma crise psicotica, ansiosa/crise de pânico, suicida ou só psicologicamente mal, essa é uma das alternativas.
P.S.4: por lei farmácias e postos de saúde também são obrigados a medir sua pressão e temperatura se você for lá e pedir.
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nadiuu · 20 days ago
A la atención de mis muy hermosos lectorcitos de El Ángel Caído que pueda haber por aquí:
Prometí actualizar esta semana (y ahora técnicamente ya es sábado) pero la vida es muy puta y a veces te da un mazazo cuando menos te lo esperas. Mi 2025 no ha empezado muy bien y no tengo ánimos de seguir escribiendo estos días ni editar los capítulos ya listos (sí, 18 y 19 ya están), así que por ahora voy a hacer un pequeño parón para volver más adelante con más fuerzas!
Y sí, sigo obsesionada todavía con Mello y Matt, la hiperfijación ahí sigue, así que no os preocupéis. Viendo las dimensiones del fic (y lo condenada e innecesariamente detallista que soy al escribir) creo que no exagero si digo que bien me podré ir a las 200.000 palabras... y la idea me agobia, sinceramente. Nunca he escrito algo así de largo. Quiero disfrutar del proceso sin preocupaciones, aunque dure más meses de lo previsto y aunque eso implique no tener actualizaciones semanales.
Va a durar mínimo año y medio, me lo huelo. Ponedme una vela y rezad por mí para que siga obsesionada entonces. Estoy segura de que sí.
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0rexxx · 3 months ago
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Llamen a Dios
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anduriil · 8 days ago
me he registrado para un directo privado con las flos mariae que quedan: sí soy
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helielune · 1 month ago
my laptop started blue screen of death looping. i have not backed up my data in months. we forcibly shut the thing down and will be returning to this. situation. tomorrow......wish me luck
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ttyo · 3 months ago
“ Demoman invade os domínios do time Red, e para não acabar sendo morto fora de hora, seu alvo é visto: Demoman Red.
Indo até ele, pula como uma onça sobre ele e como esperado estava bêbado. Demo Blu em uma ação desesperada (e sem necessidade alguma) estava agora por cima do cara mais perigoso que conhece, pelo menos não tinha consigo armas em mão, apenas uma garrafa de Scrumpy que o fez-se arrepiar quando o mesmo a soltou.
Balbuciava palavras do próprio pensamento. O ciclope do Blu começou a tirar a roupa do de baixo, estava nervoso, e com muita maturidade tirava a blusa e os shorts de si mesmo sem perceber que olhos de coruja observavam seus atos [ficando avermelhado num toque de faca que o acordou.] Spy e Sniper decidiram sair, aliás, o horário era muito covarde para desamarrar os lábios desse jeito.
Voltando aos dois escocêses, O ainda com álcool na veia, despertou e a primeira coisa que ouvira era seu clone sussurando algo que seus ouvidos decidiram deixar em privado. Quando sua visão desembaçou seu coração disparou em sinal de medo, mas as cordas do corpo do caolho habitaram e decidiram residir em sua bochecha. Percebendo o rubor do outro acabou entrando junto na brincadeira, o abaixo gemeu por conta de suas costas e Spy e Sniper chatearam-se com seus pensamentos maliciosos recebendo-os com uma mão no rosto.
Os dois escocêses, embaraçados pela situação, terminaram de sombrancelhas levantadas.
— Yay ayy? — arroto.
— ... — revira os olhos nervosamente.
Começa a tirar as calças do mesmo enquanto prendia ambas as mãos do mesmo, mas antes, empurrou a garrafa de Scrumpy pra uma distância elevada para que se o mesmo agisse de forma agressiva não avançasse com um primeiro golpe. Demo Red desatou e deu um suspiro, não podia fazer nada, e com um rubor bem avermelhado de vergonha misturada com a de embriaguez, tentou encolher as pernas e disse:
— É-é minha primeira vez, t-tá?...
Demo Blu explodiu. Ele não podia dizer o que realmente estava querendo fazer, então para a situação sair desse clima, apenas disse:
— Deveria maneirar na bebida parceiro, não se preocupe, não é isso que pretendo fazer.
— Então por que...
— Relaxa, só tenho uma aparência muito familiar de algu��m que você conhece. Apenas uma ação voluntária de troca de time.
— Oh, ok... ayy~ — dorme.
Nem o caolho acreditou que funcionou. Sentia ansia de rir, por causa do ocorrido, sentia seu rosto quente.".
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monochromatictoad · 9 months ago
would u be willing to do one of my favs for the character bingo? 👉👈 i won't dictate a specific one bc idk how familiar u are with them so...
Sure! This one's for Jasper!
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Honestly, I liked Jasper a lot when I watched Steven Universe. I feel like a lot of the fandom was needlessly cruel to her. She's a fun character with a solid design and abilities! As I got older and wasn't as involved with SU, I grew to like her more, and Lapis less. The biting thing is just because I like to bite on my polished stones, and rocks in general. (Little fact, one of my fav crystals is actually the Red Jasper!)
And as a bonus, Whirl!
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The only stuff I know of his character, is from what I've seen you reblog and talk about. However, I like his design and aesthetics. He seems like a bit of a silly bastard, and I enjoy characters like that. Honestly, I don't know if he's a Decepticon or an Autobot, I'm guessing a Decepticon, but like, he seems almost neutral to everything going on in the comics. He's a helicopter, right? Just think of the salad spinner as enrichment time.
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hauntingblue · 8 months ago
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cafeiity · 8 months ago
I'm gonna learn ren'py to make myself dating simulators with my f/os in them
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It’s weird Kelly isn’t in therapy, isn’t it?
Like her whole sister died and her dad. 
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mothlessmood · 4 months ago
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GUYS- *falls off of chair*
I honestly forgot i liked her A LOT, like LOOK AT HER💕
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entropiasgift · 2 years ago
Yo, cada vez que alguien en Kaelkoth se imagina algo y lo escribe, y entonces voy yo y lo leo, y mi cerebro hace brrrrr con lo genial que es todo.
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fitzselfships · 1 year ago
I removed her from my list years ago for mental health reasons but. I miss Spinel 👉👈
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translucent-serendipity · 2 years ago
@cr0wra tagged me for my lock screen, last song, last picture taken, and picture saved. Ty cutie 🖤🪻🐑
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| 1. Me la cambié hace poco justamente porque quería algo diáfano | 2. Playlist chula para leer, sin más | 3. Mi padre esta tarde haciendo de albañil en el antiguo gallinero | 4. Genetics ?¿ da para sticker
Etiqueto a las habituales y chulísimas: @vaniinh @eskorbutokronico @pivno @doomwhathouwilt @the-borderline , por ejemplo 🍃
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