taralen · 2 months
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The tickets to success...
Designs are based on my "LoveLetter" AU.
I don't know what I was doing with this one. It started with just Spamton, and I had all this extra space, so I decided to throw the rest of the gang in there. I tried to go for a currency and ticket theme, though I think it looks the most like paper currency...
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littjara-mirrorlake · 2 months
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orcofmine · 9 months
Orvar the orc
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nythscribble · 1 year
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Birthday gift for my Pathfinder GM (of his D&D character)
Mr silver dragonborn ranger Orvar
Orvar: my friend Billy
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maniculum · 3 months
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A sample card from our current kickstarter project, a collection of 50 system-neutral magic items for TTRPGs, inspired by medieval literature, marginalia, and archaeology.
This one is straight from the 13th-century Icelandic Örvar-Odds saga -- it's pretty much exactly as the text describes it, so our usual "inspired by" might be underselling it.
The requirement that you wear it for a day before the protection kicks in is our addition; otherwise, of course, a PC could avoid the downsides of the item by keeping a change of clothes handy for when they don't feel like charging recklessly into battle. We wanted to make sure that simply taking it off at strategic moments was disincentivized.
(At the GM's discretion, removing it to sleep, bathe, etc. may not count.)
To learn more about this and the 49 other items, you are encouraged to back our kickstarter at the link below -- it will run until the end of June.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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Orvar, the All-Form
Artist: DZO TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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illustratus · 2 years
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Hjalmar bids farewell to Örvar-Oddr after the Battle of Samsø
by Mårten Eskil Winge
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galaxyregent · 5 months
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Oh dear god they multiplied.
So in Berserker's Bride, we only ever see the eldest, Orvar being born. Since I don't know if I'll finish it, I thought I'd provide a spoiler of the other kids. Yeah Dagur and Hiccup have four other kids, much to the chagrin of the world. They're chaos wrapped in smart-ass. Not sure if I mentioned this, but I gave Dagur the family name Eldsen, Eld -don't quote me on this- being a Norse word related to fire- and "sen", being essentially meaning son a common part of Norse surnames. Red hair runs in the family hence calling themselves essentially sons of fire.
It's something of a private joke that Hiccup will look at her kids after they caused trouble and think 1. Her father is definitely laughing at her somewhere, and 2. Why the frick did she have so many kids? Dagur will then walk by without a shirt and she'll get all flustered thinking, "oh right, that's why." Also let's be real back in the day you had a lot of kids because you were expecting at least half to die before reaching adulthood. Hiccup had been content at four, the youngest wasn't intentional. Stupid sexy Dagur, lol. So a bit about each.
Orvar, aka Orvar the Honorable, the oldest, the apple of his family's eyes, of the five the best blend between his parents. Orvar is -mostly-sensible, level headed and decent warrior. Except for one thing. Orvar is TERRIFIED of blood. It may or may not have to with the fact that he was sprayed with an enemies life blood within minutes of being born, who knows. He was conceived shortly after Hiccup defeated the Red Death on the morning Hiccup was given the Eldsen family talon and the pair properly confessed their love. Orvar was then carried through a war with the Outcasts before being born in a dragon pen while his father was beat half to death. He grows to be heir to the Beserker tribe, as he was named by his father after living a month.
Sigrid, aka Sigrid the Sensible, is a as her name suggests, the most level headed of the children, usually the one keeping the rest out of trouble, including her big brother. Another private joke is that each of the children were carried/conceived/born under crazy circumstances. Sigrid was the only one whose conception, pregnancy and birth were pretty uneventful. Hiccup is convinced it's the reason Sigrid is something other crazy. She would be a baby after the time skip when BB tells the story of Race to the Edge. Despite being called the Sensible, Sigrid is the most effective warrior of the children. The others all know that, it's one of the reasons she can keep them in line. But she dreams of love and family, of marriage and children, rather than glorious death in battle.
Laddie, AKA Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV, AKA Laddie the Mad, Hiccup was pregnant with him-Very Early Stage- during the events of the second movie. Laddie was also born early and weak as his mother had been. Luckily, Dagur had outlawed the casting out of hiccups years before so there was no objection to keeping him. The pair had gone back and forth if they wanted to brand their son with the name but eventually decided, eff the establishment, call him Hiccup and get him prove he was more. Hiccup had gone far despite being a hiccup, she wasn't even the first hiccup in her family to do so. To avoid confusion, they called him Hiccup-Lad or Laddie, for short. Basically Laddie is what happens when you mix Hiccup's inventive genius with Dagur's lack of regard for humanity. He's basically a mad scientist. For the most part he uses the name Haddock instead of Eldsen, since he's set to inherit the Hooligan tribe. Dagur still insist that they hyphen his family name in too.
Stoick Eldsen, AKA Stoick the Steadfast, the name Stoick was actually intended for Laddie, but since he was a Hiccup, they decided to hold off. He was the first child born after the events of the 3rd movie, still not sure how I was approaching that. Also, I never decided if Stoick I died during the second movie in BB but was a consideration. Stoick II is easily the largest of the children, towering over the rest in height and girth. Also, he's a big ol' himbo. While not oe to get in trouble on his own he was always persuaded to adventure by his siblings. Unfortunately, he was the least fleshed out of the kids. Stoick II is set to inherit the Outcast tribe, the one his mother won by right of conquest.
Dagny Eldsen, AKA Dagny the Wild, is the final child born t the couple. Like her brothers, her conception was under unusual circumstances. Something Hiccup simply terms was "a weird night", make of that what you will. Dagur whined that one child was named for Hiccup's father and one named after Hiccup and he felt he deserved one named after him. Hiccup reminded him Laddie's name wasn't because of her but his runty size. Dagur argued it didn't matter and Hiccup threw up her arms, saying fine, if we have another kid it's getting named after you. Dagny came along and Hiccup was slightly worried that Dagur would be annoyed his namesake was a girl, but as usual, Dagur was unperturbed. "We'll call her Dagny." And that was that. Dagny is as her title suggests, a wild-child. She goes on to explore beyond the archipelagos to the mainland, forging trade deals that benefit her brothers' tribes and has a hundred lovers along the way. Regardless of how many kids she has, no two share a father. To be clear, she is the main trouble maker of the family. Dagny very much lived up to her namesake.
Enjoy everyone!
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vergol · 6 months
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my cat
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jannickej · 2 years
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Kärlek och kärnfamilj i folkhemmet. Längtan, lust och oro Jonas Frykman och Orvar Löfgren Gleerups
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loki-laufeychild · 1 month
I know I’ve bought a lot already, but I bought some stuffed animals for the nursery. What were we thinking on names? Astrid, is my vote, if it’s a girl.
— @mobius-m-mobius-speaks
I love that name! I was thinking of Hilda or...
Loki looks down, then takes a deep breath and looks back up at Mobius.
I was also thinking Magnus or Orvar for a boy. What about you? Do you have any names from your religion?
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taralen · 5 months
Thoughts in Reflection
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A prequel to an INBOX Story idea proposed by @clowny-rolls (Thanks for the idea!!!)
NOTE: This story won't make as much sense unless you read the stuff I wrote here for better context: Click Me.
The illustration is inspired by a drawing a friend of mine did of Spamton, but it's currently not uploaded anywhere. Sorry guys. 😭
The year was 1994.
Spamton G. Spamton, a former Addison and a now esteemed entrepreneurial businessman who founded BIG SHOT AUTOS was one day asked, "Mr. Spamton, are you seeing anyone?"
Much to Spamton's chagrin, the one asking was his close friend Bant, a Blue Addison who was the only one of his former friends and coworkers with whom he stayed in contact. He leaned against the wall, waiting for any chance to talk to Spamton once he was off the phone.
Spamton rolled his eyes. "Why are you asking?"
"You haven't seen any ladies, have you? I figured with your newfound success, the women would be flocking to you." Bant chuckled.
Spamton raised his hand and dismissed this with a gesture. "I'm too busy."
"Not too busy for me, though." Bant smirked.
Spamton froze and his cheeks flushed pink.
Bant tilted his head, flashing that iconic closed-eye Addison grin. "Hey, if you're interested, one of the restaurants Sen's been running fliers for is setting up blind dates. I've been the one coordinating things to bring people together. The restaurant has had a nice uptick in business since! The campaign is running for another week. It might be kind of fun to try it out. I can set you up with a cute girl, exactly your type!"
Spamton narrowed his eyes at the mention of Sen, or Yahoosen, the Yellow Addison he once worked so closely with but did not believe in his vision. Hearing Bant's involvement softened his expression but not his demeanor. "That sounds stupid. How will this benefit me at all?"
"If you have a good time, you could leave them a good review, and then I can convince the owner to vouch for your shop whenever they need a new car or some fixing. What do you think?" Bant's smile widened.
Spamton raised a brow. "Uh, give me a moment. Step out of my office for a bit."
Bant sighed. "What for?"
"I need to make a call, obviously!" Spamton said as he sat down at his desk with his finger already on the dial.
Bant huffed and pushed off the wall. "Fine. Let me know when you're done." He slipped out, closed the door behind him, and paced the hall. Although he was just outside the office, he could not hear what Spamton was talking about. Thankfully, the call was brief, and only a few moments later, Spamton opened the door, looking up at Bant. "OKAY. I will do it!" He adjusted his collar and flashed a handsome, toothy smile.
Bant blinked. "Huh? Really? Did whoever you were talking to on the phone tell you it was a good idea?" He laughed a little awkwardly.
"Huh?! Why would I ask my esteemed business partner about something so silly?" Spamton laughed, dismissively waving his hand. "Go on! Set me up with this blind date! I trust you know my tastes in women well."
Bant furrowed his brows. Having known Spamton for years, he knew when he wasn't totally genuine, and this seemed to be one of those moments, but he smiled anyway. "Okay, I will. I'm sure not to disappoint you!" ☎️☎️☎️
Waiting in a hallway near the restrooms was a small lady, a White Addison. She wore a silken pink dress far too expensive for her salary and tied her hair up in a matching pink bow. People passing by stared at her, whispering words she did not want to hear.
Bant approached her. "Ah, Ms. Thetalan, you look quite lovely. That dress Orvar loaned you fits you nicely!"
Orvar, short for Orvarstok, was an Orange Addison who worked with Bant. He advertised clothing curated by Queen herself, ranging from everyday wear to fine garments. Through their established trust, Bant easily convinced him to loan a dress on the promise he'd foot the dry-cleaning bills afterward.
She turned to the Blue Addison and smiled meekly. "You think so? I hope he likes it, too."
"He definitely will. You are exactly his type." Bant winked. "He is an esteemed businessman, so he has fine tastes. He should be here within the next five to ten minutes. Just wait here for now."
"Fine tastes?" She blushed. "Okay. I will wait right here," she answered meekly. She watched him disappear down the corner. She was certain this guy was the same Blue Addison she saw with that man she fell in love with a year ago—a man who appeared to be a White Addison like her but with black hair. She etched his name into her heart: Spamton G. Spamton.
Despite her suspicions, Thetalan didn't dare pry too much about the Blue Addison's possible relations. He approached her directly while she was walking down the street and asked if she would like to participate in a blind date with all the expenses paid to support a local restaurant. Usually, she'd be wary of such things, but because of his familiarity, her intuition told her to trust him and take on this offer. She told him about the kind of man she wanted to meet, and he said, "Ah, perfect. I know just the guy for you! He is a handsome businessman and not too unlike an Addison." He raised his head and pointed at his own nose. "What, with one of these just like us!"
Few Darkners chose to court Addisons outside of work-related reasons, but this Blue Addison described someone so specific that she could only think of one person, and it was him. To have this opportunity of seeing Spamton again... It made her tremble with excitement.
With bated breath, she gazed into the nearby mirror, trying to collect herself. Though she was excited, anxiety swarmed her entire being. She hadn't seen this man since last year and wondered if he remembered her. He occupied her mind constantly, and as she stared into her beautified reflection, her hands wringing restlessly, she thought, "He has no idea how much I wish he could see me."
(To be continued...)
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chiara-klara-claire · 10 months
Men jag kan inte döda någon’, sa Jonatan, ’det vet du, Orvar!’ […] ’Om alla vore som du’, sa Orvar, ’då skulle ju ondskan få regera i all evinnerlighet!’ Men då sa jag att om alla vore som Jonatan, så skulle det inte finnas någon ondska.
— Astrid Lindgren, Bröderna Lejonhjärta
But I can’t kill anyone,” said Jonathan. “You know that, Orvar.” […] “If everyone were like you,” said Orvar, “then evil would reign forever.” But then I said that if everyone were like Jonathan, there wouldn’t be any evil.
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bepisbee · 2 months
Till Death do us Part ch 5
read on a03
Arsonit's lullabye
[When I was a man I thought it ended
When I knew love's perfect ache,
But my peace has always depended
On all the ashes in my wake.
All you have is your fire,
And the place you need to reach,
Don't you ever tame your demons,
But always keep them on a leash.]
Chapter Text
That weekend he did his next test. He found a lone cave, just deep enough that the guards would likely not check it if they came across it. Vio placed a large bag down he was carrying. He set up torches along the walls to see better and began sketching out a design on the floor with chalk. He pulled out a flask of goat’s blood he had received from the butcher under the pretense of a recipe. Apparently people enjoyed something called a blood pudding. Vio winced, of all things to gross him out it was pudding? He shrugged and painted the sketched design with the animal blood. He placed candles around and lit them, the scent of sage and herbs filled the space. Around several points of the design he placed various live tributes. Nightshade, some plants, roots attached, a bowl of blackberry jam as a gift to the Goddess of Night and Darkness, Veran, and a live rabbit. He placed the run-over feline in the middle.
Vio took a deep breath, holding down the rabbit by its scruff and began. Lorulian spilled from his mouth, the magic coursing through it. The candles and torches that lit the cave turned an eerie purple in color bathing the cave in a deep set glow. It reflected the purple Vio’s eyes turned, and the air filled with what felt like anticipation. Someone waiting for something to happen, the feeling of being watched.
He continued, and at the correct point, he placed a very sharp dagger against the rabbit. He had made it himself, small but ornate. The hilt contained on one side a bloodstone, and an onyx on the other. He slit the animal’s throat and let the blood pour onto the circle, where it sucked itself into the long dead cat. Purple magic wisps circled around him and through him and from the objects in the circle sucking them until they were dry and dead and into the cat. ABove him, while concentrating he did notice the bowl slowly empty. He was not alone.
The cat shook and arched its back. It took a big yawn as if waking from simply a nap. It was healed. Its black fur coat seemed brand new, no matting, no blood, no bones sticking out anymore. It looked at him as he finished the incantation. The flames around him went out, and relit as typical orange fire. The cat came up, and rubbed its face on his leg in a friendly manner.
He did it.
Vio looked up, the feeling of being watched still creeping at the back of his neck.
He did it, and the bowl was empty.
By the time next Tuesday had rolled around, somehow a small meal with Red turned into a family like dinner. But first, they were building a garden. Vio hadn’t been expecting all three of them to turn up at daylight with two horses carrying a cart of supplies. Yet here they were.
The biggest surprise for them was the sudden appearance of a black cat. It seemed to watch them with curious and intelligent eyes. Vio hadn’t realized at first, but he had made himself a familiar. Of course it had to be a black cat of all creatures. How Stereotypical. The cat was sitting like a loaf on the back of bis horse, Orvar.
Vio had on his special front chaps, with the horse’s leg bent and hoof wedged gently between his knees. He was cleaning up her hooves, just finishing replacing the shoe when they rolled up. He might not be the best blacksmith out of them, but he cares for her as he should. Thankfully Orvar was very calm, and used to his group’s presence.
“Hey,” Vio greeted, surprised at them. He had on casual working clothes, tools attached to a belt and his hair up. His braid swirled into a bun stuck with pins and a black and purple stick. “What are you guys doing here?” He patted her hide in affection before walking over. The cat stared openly.
“We’re building you a garden!” Green announced, grinning brightly. “Looks like you’re already ready to go,” he clapped Vio on the back, making him jump. What was with the contact lately?? “I made up the plans-”
“I helped!” Blue interjected, hopping off a horse with a swish of her skirt. It was pretty, but short enough to be able to work without excess heat or getting in the way.
“And we got some wood for borders, a compost bin, and signs if you want - Red’s idea to paint signs with him- and gardening shit.”
Vio opened and closed his mouth over again.
“Don’t worry about paying back or anything, knowing you’re taking care of yourself is enough payback.” Green came over to help them start removing the parts and bits.
“I don- that…”
“You’re welcome. Now get your ass over here, and help.”
Vio took off the hoof apron and assisted. Loads of wood, nails, and other supplies were unloaded.
“Oh,” Vio paused, looking at Green to address him. “Green earrings for he/him, right?” he clarified, he wanted to be sure. Green brightened considerably.
“You remembered! Yeah,” he passed over a hammer and nail set. Blue laid out the written plans on a small table Vio had out there, holding down the curling corners with rocks. Vio looked around, but found Red had snuck into his kitchen. He nodded and stepped over to look at the plan.
It was a great one, he had to admit. Green had one hell of an eye for architecture and carpentry. They were clearing the fallen leaves from the area. Vio followed their blueprints and started digging the outline for the borders. He thought as he worked. Maybe he could find a way to enchant the edges to deflect wild animals? It was easy enough to make spell runes or sigils. A small fence might be enough, but maybe not for deer. He could plant mint in pots near the edges so the mice and rodents would stay away.
“What are you thinking about so hard over there?” Blue nudged him, making him startle.
“Oh! ahem.” he verbalized his thought process to her verbatim.
“Why potted? You could just make a border of it in the grass.”
“Mint roots are invasive and will kill off anything it’s near.” she nodded in understanding. “I’ve made a rough draft of what I would plant and where. We could go over it later?”
“Sure thing,”
The cat now watched them all from the table chair, unblinking. It had a strange vibe about it.
Red came out with some water glasses to make them hydrate. They all worked through most of the day until it was finished. He had a new beautiful garden. Vio was grateful, but as the day grew on with random touches and pats and compliments he grew more and more suspicious.
Why now? What changed? Did Zelda tell them they had to do this?
Vio was at least glad he had taken the time last night to put away his research materials. He didn’t want more questions than necessary.
It was when they were cleaning up, Vio realized some of their motives. As he washed up plates.
“So,” Blue started, “I noticed earlier when we were working a necklace fell out of your shirt?” her suspicions were upheld as that made Vio freeze mid-wipe. “What’s with the rings? I’ve never seen you wear any before.” Vio wasn’t sure what to say. He was mentally cursing, he had thought they hadn't seen them! Shit-shit- it's been too long! Say something!
“Uhm.” He couldn’t deny they existed, if Blue saw them Green did too and Red already knew they were there! “They are a token, supposedly to help encourage magic flow. They haven’t seemed to work so far, though.” His lie tasted bitter and it was obvious with the way the air tasted stale all of the sudden.
“On a necklace?” She snorted. “That isn’t how rings work.” Vio couldn’t tell if she bought it, but Red did not and Green seemed worried. He put the plate down.
“What are they really for?” Red frowned. That was a bad sign, when Red frowned.
“If I didn’t know better I’d say it looked like engagement rings.” Green added.
It felt like Shadow was there, whispering in his ear,
“Till death do us part.”
Vio’s throat felt like a huge lump was in it, unable to speak. Oh no, he thought, not now. Tunnel vision swam into his eyes, darkening the edges of his vision.
“Vio??” Red stood up as his breathing pitched into hyperventilation. His voice sounded distorted and muffled. Panicking about not having a panic attack was making it worse!
When he was aware again he was sitting on the floor, clutching the rings in his hand.
“That’s it,” Blue was sitting in front of him, the other two giving him space but equally concerned. “Breathe, V. You’re okay.” He scrambled up, grabbing the counter edge.
“Hey you’re okay now. What was that?”
“Please leave.” He managed, voice gravely and stressed. “You need to go.” He held the rings like his life depended on it. Red and Green shared a look. “Is that why you even came here?? So I'd feel indebted to you and talk!?” He assumed the worst always.
“What!?” Green protested, “No! We-”
“So Zelda didn’t push you to see me?” The guilty face was all he needed to see. “You think I couldn’t tell the difference in your behavior? You don’t just do things for me! You ever talk to me, or touch me, or be nice! You never have, since we even split!” The poor boy sounded so torn. “Get out!”
“No it isn’t like that- Vio- !”
The trinkets on the wall and the mugs shook. An ominous feeling flooded the room. The temperature dropped significantly.
“Get out.”
Red left first, a terrified look on his face. He was always more sensitive to magic and aura than anyone else. And this felt wrong, bad, and like he wanted to throw up. Frost edged on the windows and they started to see their breath. They slowly stepped backwards, hands up.
The door shut on them and locked as they stepped out, despite that Vio was still across the house in the kitchen. The candles all flared purple before going out, inside and out of tbe house. Bathed in darkness, he fell to the floor crumpled. All energy sapped out, leaving him feeling hollow. The bags under his eyes never felt heavier. The black cat padded over and sat in his lap with a tiny meow. The windows iced over completely.
“... Till death do us part, huh?” He put a hand on her head and scritched. “Not for long, love. Not for long.”
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classicalcanvas · 1 year
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Title: Ingeborg Receiving News of Hjalmar's Death from Orvar Odd
Artist: August Malmström
Date: 1859
Genre: Literary Painting
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markrosewater · 1 year
So, does Doctor’s Companion care only about Creature type? Can you now use one of these new cards as a partner for Orvar or another Legendary Creature with Changeling? Or is there some back-scenes errata that limits it to just the actual Doctor cards?
I believe it just works with the Doctors, but not 100% sure.
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