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lucientheartisticfox · 1 year ago
at some point i'm gonna just make a full collection of everything originsmcrp on ao3 just so that it's easier for people to find stuff in the future. note if i do this i won't be including any explicit fics but other than that i'll include everything i can find
edit: for whatever reason it is NOT showing up in tags but i did do this! check the reblogs of this post for the post with the link!
edit 2: BIG NEWS! Origins of Olympus and Fairy Tail Origins now have their own fandom tags!!!!
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innome0 · 1 year ago
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this was supposed to be a sketch
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el-beau · 11 months ago
uwu is mere days older than me :')
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Happy 24th birthday to the earliest known use of UwU
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egcalledgari · 1 month ago
ive seen and interacted with the yhs fandom a lot since I got into grian content but ive never actually watched it until now (just finished the taurtis 2 arc) and something that ive noticed in the series at least to the point I'm at now that i feel like the fandom overlooks a lot is that sam gets away with so much because he has scary girlfriend privileges.
like we see multiple times people saying no to him and fighting him on things when yuki isn't there. grian even said something along the lines of "yuki isn't here right now I'm not gonna do that" at one point during the tuartis 2 arc
like yes sam is aggressive on his own but we rarely actually see him get violent at this point. yuki is like 90% of the bite to his bark, he tells someone to do something and they might argue at least a bit, but he tells someone to do something when yuki is standing behind him with a knife? no argument. she is his number one enabler and I love that for her
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fishmech · 5 months ago
the originz of dollz || dollz, dolls, editz, edits, palace, avs, props, avatars, cartoon dolls
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romandaandromeda · 7 months ago
Romanda's MAYBURI Headcanon Hour!!!!!
Phase 1: teh originz....
i interpret mayburi as a thing that mostly happens during and after strive
like xx was when may and bridget first encounter eachother and they're fairly young (according to some older posts on the gg tumblr classic bridget is around 12, may still doesnt have a set-in-stone age but i've read she's probably [but also probably really is?] 22 by xrd [and by proxy, strive] ig) so if anything it's just a friendly relationship between the two of them (of course this does unfortunately mean may still has the shakes for johnny but what can ya do she's like 16 or something)
then strive happens and bridget's 18 (again if those posts are anything to stand by), somewhere in that timeframe may and bridget probably meet eachother again
may, now being an adult and probably shedding some of her teenage feelings in the time between xx-strive, now seeing how that kid in the nun costume she met 6 years ago has changed sparks something in her
then the two grow closer when they aren't kicking ass and having existential crises (maybe bridget's more unaware of may's advances) and then kaboom lesbians in absolute love while they go forth into the night on a giant roger
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catghoulz · 3 months ago
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itz crazymaking how many post-dlc crucible analysis ive seen just completely gloss over the reveal tht the crucible sprouted from giantz. i mean therez pretty strong mythological precedence for giants az primordial beingz from whom other life emergez, strong "building the world from ymirs flesh" vibez. im pretty sure the implication iz tht giantz & their bigass buried skeleton ancestors (the "old gods") are just the indigenous lifeformz ov this planet who revered metyr & her children upon their meteorfall (az seen by their enshrinement in the divine towerz alongside meteoric ore) before eventually the elden beast arrivez & they sprout the cruciblez from which all other terrestrial life would derive, with th relationship between these eventz being A bit murky. Probably the beast had something to do with the creation of beasts though. seemz intuitive.
imo the timeline goez Old gods/ancient giantz are the most primordial beingz on the planet titanstyle -> they develop a smithing culture with an acute reverence for meteoric ore -> metyr arrivez upon a meteorite, her & her children are subsequently deified in the divine towers -> alabaster & onyx lordz Probably make planetfall around this time? idk theyre present in sealed tunnel which haz divine tower architechture & described az ancient themself so it could be earlier or later but definitely overlapping ancient giant era -> arrival of the elden beast -> crucible sprouting, birth of disparate beasts, formation ov the rauh culture az evidenced by iconic depictionz ov animalz which the divine towerz lack -> beastmen & ancient dragonz born of the giantz cruciblez form a new empire, contemporary with rauh -> humanity evolvez & integratez into preexisting giant & dragon culturez -> Probably like thousands ov yearz ov tht status quou -> bayle & hiz ""lowborn"" kin rebel against the dragonlordz oppression, shattering the farum empire & likely coming into conflict with the giantz given their participation in dragon communion & later feud with the ice drakez -> in the power vacuum left by bayle & placidusaxz stalemate their former human vassalz form their own nationz, transitioning into the settingz more grounded human-scale ancient era, your ancient dynastyz of uhl and your enir ilimz & such.
also semi related i Do not think numen are like Actually extraterrestrial more than like. any other human could be said to be due to the whole Made of stardust bit. i think the "other world" numen are said to originate from iz more in the spiritual sense than the astral sense.
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imean the word they translate az "other world" soundz a hell ov a lot more like a euphemism for the lands of shadow and/or eternal cities than a hint tht theyre space alienz or what ever. nah i think theyre just regular humanz with a rich spiritual tradition whose originz must be veiled in occult mystery in tlb bc marika haz erased their true origin from historical memory. ALSO both their english & japanese names derive from folkloric/tolkien people said to be from a Mysterious distant magical island not like. Mars or what ever. nah theyre az terrestrial az the rest ov humanity imo. Really dont think itz necessary to assume theyre like fantasy nordic alienz & Indeed would heavily prefer not to without stronger evidence. extraterrestrialz who just look like "aryan" humanz suckz az a concept badly
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pianocat939 · 1 year ago
Excuse me.
I just have to say something about this.
Now, do not hate on anyone if they do anything of the following things. If anything, they probably need guidance than a hate comment. (Especially since it’s psychological)
I just saw a tag that said ‘irl Yandere’ which of course translates into in real life yandere.
Now the problem with this is that the person is stating with themselves that they have/commit any of the following things.
- any acts of violence towards others for their ‘obsession’.
- Any stalking, stealing personal items, or just generally creepy behaviour.
- Believe that no one else can be with them other than the person itself.
- Kidnapping/entrapment of the victim.
- any other extreme crime taken.
Now roleplaying is different, but in reality? It’s not ok, because you’re committing a crime technically.
If that person actually has these problems, they need to see a psychiatrist or some other form of psychological expert. Because again, crime.
However, if the person is not doing any of the actions listed, and still putting ‘irl Yandere’ or something of the similar, it’s not good. Because you’re expressing to people, that you’re romanticizing it. So please, don’t use those kinds of labels if you aren’t doing these crimes. (Instead like say you don’t actually do these things and such. Or be like me, and say you don’t actually validate these actions)
As a writer for this kind of crazed mentality, don’t romanticize it please. Like to me, it’s not only annoying, but you’re doing something EXTREMELY morally incorrect.
I’m genuinely irritated. I despise it when people romanticize these kinds of serious concepts because it’s been popularized by media.
It was only until like, the 2000s that the concept was popularized. Before then, it was actually morbid and insane in Japan (where it originzates). I’ve seen manga from the 70s and 80s of early yandere concepts and it’s brutal. Like the characters aren’t drawn as cutesy or loveable, they’re genuinely immoral people.
So please, please for my fucking sanity, don’t put ‘irl Yandere’ or something like that if you aren’t actually committing those actions.
Ok, I’m sorry for like rage typing help-
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mcytblrconfessions · 1 year ago
Sometimes I wish people would watch even like a few episodes of one of the Origins mcrp series' that the group had made, especially Fallout Origins or OriginZ (even if they were as popular as Origins Of Olympus or Fairy tail Origins or Supernatural Origins)
Like even if the most of the group isn't doing mcrps together anymore, it was still really fun to watch and have me fond memories :)
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starlight-nullspace · 11 months ago
friendly reminderz, all endoz and originz are valid!! X3 -- (Translation) friendly reminder, all endos and origins are valid!
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myso-maggie · 2 years ago
Maggie Originz (Story)
WARNING! This story contains body transformation, body horror themes, rot, and some shit.
It was a coastal small port town. Maggie was a local, she owned a small shop simply called “Maggies” She opened it when she finally left the children’s home and immediately started doing small favors and tasks about town. Building up money, she finally opened up her small wares shop where she mostly sold snacks and parts upfront and fixed small appliances in the back.
“Hey, Maggie how yeh doing?” It was the coffee shop owner next door Ryan. Ryan was a heavy-set man with a large beard. His shoulders held up large bags of coffee beans. You could feel the warm air… Summer was on its way.
“Hey Ryan, I'm alright. Just got this blender from Becky down by the bakery. Gonna try to get this fixed by the end of today”
Maggie wore jeans with a pair of worker boots, her blue button-up unbuttoned revealing her white tank top underneath, her hair still a mess from not brushing for a few days.
“Well hey, Maggie you heard about what’s going on in the big city? I've heard that the city is cutting the city budget, and I've heard some people are standing out from work. I don’t think its gonna impact us here, but if it does… were gonna stick together through it”
“Well, thank you, I really do appreciate it big guy, but really don’t stress out for me. I’m sure we're gonna be fine.” Maggie said playfully punching Ryan in the arm.
Maggie walked into her shop, it was dimly lit with shelves lined with little bunches of wires, parts to little knick-knacks, and fuses and such. But on the far left the shop had a snack area with chips, a small fridge with chocolate milk, yogurt, sodas, and water. At the far back sat a counter with a bell and a cash register. A small TV with an antenna pointed at the ceiling was playing the news.
News: “The mayor has received a lot of criticism for cutting funding to multiple public services including but not limited to Transportation, Library, food banks, and waste management. We are live at the steps of the courthouse where a riot has broken out! Where different employees and members of the public are demanding a revision of the act. Some exclaiming Strike!”
*TV turns off*
Maggie didn’t have time to stress about the city life, she was more stressed about getting caught back up on the building tasks and chores she was behind on. She walked into the back room where there was a worktable with plenty of parts and broken appliances. Maggie sat down throwing on a large workplace lamp and begins work on her growing pile of vacuums and toasters.
*Days of working, passing out at the workstation, waking up, running out late for dropping off fixed appliances, and restocking the store. Rinse and repeat*
*The sounds of an alarm is heard grinding a peaceful sleep to a halt*
“Ughh… Might take this day off.”
She groggily rubbed the sleep off her eyes, She grabbed a work shirt off the ground; gave it a sniff check. The scent of sweat and laundry filled her… but it was her favorite shirt so she didn’t care. She had the day off.
The morning sun shined through her windows, the dust danced through the air through the rays of light. Walking up to the front door a sour smell filled her nose… she pushed open her door to a sight she hadn’t even noticed. The sidewalks were littered with large bags of garbage, plastic bags blowing through the wind, piles were as high as the cars parked along the sidewalk. The air was sour with the smells of bad veggies and rot of juice. Ryan was walking out to the sidewalk with an arm of garbage, Dropping it off into the pile.
“Oh hey, Mags. Sorry about this but I’ve already filled the alley, so it's now spilling out in front of our places.”
“What's happening??” Maggie held her face with her hand to prevent the burn of the fumes.
“Oh, have you not heard? The dump has closed its gates, and the city isn’t sending any more trucks to pick up the garbage. The town is trying to figure out what we're gonna do. Till then we have to deal with this.”
She walked back into her shop to get away from the smell outside. She stood there looking out the window at the streets watching people dump more and more refuse out on the curb. It was horrible and disgusting!.... but for some reason, there was this feeling inside her chest. It was warm and soft, she had goosebumps and the hairs on her arm stood up. She clenched her fist and closed the window blinds, Better to ignore this feeling and just get back to work.
Days passed working on all the appliances, with each appliance fixed her shop entered more disarray. Piles of appliances covered the ground around the workspace.
She refused to go outside… the last time she went out her heart sped up, sweating, and could barely contain herself. Something was wrong with her, so till this whole garbage thing was solved, she became a hermit inside the shop. She had taken work rags and placed them all over the door and windows and vents, Trying to keep the trashy smells outside. With every whiff of it, she could feel herself lose control. She was asleep on the ground, still wearing her same shirt now covered in oil and grease and sweat stains. Her hair was greasy to touch and teeth yellowed from over a week of hermithood. The lack of air circulation, the air grew stagnant and her own bags of garbage piled up in the corners of the shop. She couldn’t take out her own trash, so instead, she piled it up in the front of the store near the door. The lights dim and almost no light comes through the windows.
*Another week passes*
Many had left town now. Water was cut-off, power outages were common, and garbage was reached a fetid state. Her town was abandoned and Maggie had no idea. She woke up one again coughing up a lung. In her stress, she had picked up smoking the cigarettes she sold. She had also eaten most of the canned goods. Her fridge upfront long expired due to the power being cut off. She went into her bathroom, She had plastic-wrapped her toilet in an attempt to keep smells contained. She wiped off the mirror and looked at herself.
"Smells.. smells... don't breathe..." she muttered staring with a dead stare at her reflection.
Her skin was oily and pale… almost greenish. Her hair was now a rat nest and also seemed to take a greenish hue. Her eyes are bloodshot and her pupils are almost lost in the redness. Her teeth hurt, but not due to cavities… they seemed to be changing and shifting in her sleep. Her canines seemed to be taking over the rest of her mouth. She was out of food now and she could feel her body weak and needing to leave this place. She opened her door to the store floor, Flies buzzed around the floor the air thick with the smell of rotten garbage from the two weeks of eating canned veggies and beans, plus the now disgusting fridge. Mold growing over most of the goods and spreading over the glass.
She didn’t even cover her face, almost use to the stench, breathing it all in and feeling it weigh down on her lungs. As she reached the front door her hands shook and goosebumps started to chill and spread. Her legs were weak… for some reason, she was drooling. She tugged on the door, it didn’t budge. She yanked on it with a grunt!
“Open! Damn you… Let Me OUT!” She started to yell and bang on the door, trying to break the built grime and tape she had sealed it with.
She had pulled the door off the hinges, unclear if something came through her, or the door was so corroded from the toxic fumes.
Speaking of fumes tho….
The entire town was unrecognizable. The sidewalk was hidden under feet of waste, the air thick with fumes and insects buzzing. Cars rusted and paint chipped off of it. The streets lights are all that shined through the haze, always being on due to the low-hanging atmosphere that cast a green shadow across the town. The heat hot and humid trapped under the thick layer of miasma, keeping everything nice and fetid. Most plastic that contained the garbage had been rotted away leaving mushy grime and rot piled. The smell… the toxic rancid smell… didn’t just hit you like a brick wall. It seared into your soul. Making you blind and burning your insides. Your body convulsing and gasping from any ounce of oxygen. But not Maggie… Her eyes not blinking, red and growing in size. Her mouth hanging open and drooling dripping out of her maw. She didn’t even take one step… She fell forward arms out and fell face-first into a congealed pile. The disgusting putrid slime washed over her skin and soiled her clothes more. She grabbed fist fulls of it smearing it over her skin and eating it by the mouthful. Feeling with each chew the muck seeps with grease and rotten juices. Her tongue seemed to change in size becoming almost long and proboscis-like.
She couldn’t help it …
“Its…its…~ Its vile~ Disgusting rotten~”
She couldn’t contain it, her legs felt orgasmic crossed, and rubbing together as the garbage sludge spread and smeared as she touched herself.
Her mouth grew a smile sharp and rancid, as a new… but familiar laugh escaped
“tihihi….Tihihihihiih.. TIHIIHIIHI!!”
She got up suddenly full of disgusting depraved cravings. She ran around the town, Grabbing moldy greasy slices of pizza running them in her armpits. Grabbing moldy sour cream and rubbing them into her hair, Taking moldy hamburger meat and squeezing it and slurping the congealed grease that oozes out.
After a very satisfying running around town~ Jumping into dumpsters and knocking over bins. She walked into her store a drooling giggling mess. Flies followed where she went~ with each buzz she could feel her depravity wash and buzz through her.
She went to the backroom going to the bathroom again, wiping the layer of grime off the mirror again. She didn’t recognize what she saw…..
Her skin was now green and her nose almost receding into her face… her eyes seemed large and her pupils now segmenting and a dark red. She opened her mouth, her serrated teeth sharp and had a rancid hue. Her drool dripping down… her drool corroding and discoloring the ceramic sink. Her hair is now a matted dark green color.
She hunched over the sink… pain shot through her back… but something in her told her this was good. Don’t panic… through the pain she smiled…
She giggled maniacally as her skin tore open on her back… Wings came sprouting out, tearing through her blue shirt. Relief then fills her as she falls onto the ground when the pain subsided.
She woke up after sleeping on the bathroom floor …. Her… transformation was complete.
She stood up… supporting herself on the toilet still dizzy. Thoughts… hard to compose and keep… it kept jumping in thoughts and needs and cravings.
The smell wafting from the toilet was abhorrent… she didn’t want to…. But she needed to. Her brain seemed to Buzz with this need and craving. She ripped off the plastic wrap and slammed the lid open. The sight of rotten shit and slurry was gag-inducing, Maggie retched, but then immediately started to ravage the toilet grabbing handfuls and dipping her entire face into the putrid rot. She couldn’t believe she was reveling in sewage…. And she needed more. Her face came out of the toilet grinning with shit dripping from her hair. She ran out of the bathroom running out of the backroom. She grabbed the fridge in the corner and started to peel the layer of mold off, just cracking open the fridge let loose a stink bomb of summer hams left to rot and congealed milk. Her eyes water and her lungs burned… but once again she couldn’t help but huff it. Loving every rancid huff and burn from the toxic fumez.
She went outside loving the not fresh air, Satisfied with the disarray. All feeling of loss and mourning what was there was gone… she couldn’t remember it….
“What was this town? And ahhh~ This filth and rot Bzzzzzzz! ~ Tihihiihihi Wouldn’t it be better if it was worse~ Could really use some toxicity plus more smogz”
Her speech was changing… not that she could tell cause this is how she alwayz talked right?
She knew she wanted to see it all… so she focused on her new appendages…. She got them to buzz some and started to float in the air. She giggled maniacally as she flew into the air!
Her arms out and legs dangling as she flew through the air, buzzing through the clouds of smog…. She kept rising and rising. Finally breaking through the layer of her own atmosphere. The bright light burning for her eyes, and the blue sky frightened her. The white clouds made her uncomfortable. She could see the rolling hills and a city on the horizon, cars whizzed around on the highway. But then… this air… was so pure and sanitized. Oxygen cleansed her lungs and the cool air brushed through her hair. Nausea took over her… growing more difficult to stay up this high. Her buzzing stalled and finally, she entered freefall!
She crashed into an old fish market dumpster, She lay there coughing and trying to catch her breath again.
“Cough cough! Eugh…. Clean air?.... it'll take some time to get used to thatz. soon… ill explore and spread my touch tiihihiihiihi! But first… its time to indulge~”
She then kicked the lid and let it crash down on her as she got to work reveling and buzzing around in the rotten fish pile.
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lucientheartisticfox · 2 years ago
ok now for the art that's gonna be a pain to tag. Designs for a lot of Xylos! Ft. Headcanons! In order (though it is obvious), MHO!Flex, SNO!Xylo, SCP!Xylo, OoO!Xylo, OZ!Xylo, and FO!Xylo (more info below drawing bc i wrote a lot)
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Most of the xylos are actually average height (with flex being a bit shorter bc he's a teen, and oz being taller bc he's an actor and thus is probably a bit taller bc most actors are conventionally attractive) in this drawing, they just look short bc i hc FO!Xylo to be an absolute giant at like 8 feet tall bc he's a robot. I also hc him to be AroAce Agender bc he's a robot in the apocalypse, i don't think he even knows what gender and sexuality are. Also OoO!Xylo gets a tail and big ears bc i said so. Flex is A-posing bc i drew him before i decided to start posing them and then just, couldn't be bothered to re-draw him, so i didn't. This drawing is in my more sketchy style, where the sketch and lineart are one and the same with no clean-up before coloring, i use this style for a lot of my drawings where i'm just designing characters so i'm not focusing on getting details perfect and instead am focusing on getting the designs to work
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fandomhoppers-stuff · 11 days ago
# OriginZ oc
Name: Maddie
Age: 12
Job: food harvester
Sexuality: Unknown
Species: Human
Birthday: June 6th
Height: 5'2
Gender: Female
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weird-things-to-think · 3 months ago
The Misbegotten Lore: An Explonashun That Will Intelligencify You
Ahoy ther, intrepid rekeder! Toodey, wee embark upon a trecherus voyaage into thee bewillderring abyss of thee wurd misbegotten—a term sew enfolded in mystry and confushun, it cud make a Dicionary cry tears of inexcapable despairation. Behold as I dispell all doubts (or create mor of them) by esplaining dis wurd usin only ten persent of my kognitive kapassity, all while mangling every speling into a grotesque displaye of linguistic unfortunateness.
Furstly, Wut Eevin Is Misbegotten??
Misbegotten iz one of doze wurds dat sounds both impreshunistic and neferious, az if sumone had a littrul booby trap set up 4 grammer nerds. In thee most obfuskayted sennse, “misbegotten” refers too sumthing dat iz…uhhh…badly begottinated. "Begotten" is lyk da artisinal proses of bringing sumthing into eksistence, but wen misbehavier or calamitus cirkumstanses enter thee chat, voila! Yoo got urself sumthing misbegotten.
In simpler wurdz, imagine u tried to bake a cake, but insted u inadverteently kreated a sentient blob dat juzt wants to destroy the economy. Dat cake is misbegotten. (And maybe evil, but let’s not stray.)
Synonymously Speaking
Misbegotten iz lyk thee lonesome cousin of wurdz such as ill-conceived, maladroit, and catastrophicly catawampus. But iz it exactly thee same as dose wurdz? NO! It iz more pecular in thee nuanceological skale of failerishness. To misbegotten iz to be cursed frum inception, az tho Mother Nature herself waz havin an off day.
Examples In Reall Lyfe
A goose dat cant honk but insted sneezes fire iz misbegotten.
A plane tiket yoo buy for a descount, but da airline iz just 12 pigeons holding up a cardboard box? Misbegotten.
Your fren Brad’s mixtape called DJ Bad Decisions Vol. Infinity? Absolutely and irrevokably misbegotten.
Wurd Roots & Historikool Tidbits
Da etymologicool originz of "misbegotten" kom frum da Old Englesh prefix "mis-" (which meens bad or rong) and "begotten" (which meens sumthin lyk pro-ducedid or conjuredid). When smushed togethur, u get a wurd dat iz prakticully screammin "YO, THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED."
Why Yoo Shud Care
Listen, I no wat ur thinkin: “Why wud I care 'bout such a skwishy, consonant-laden abominashun of a wurd?” Becuz, dear rekeder, to no a wurd lyk misbegotten iz to wield a swurd in thee arse-nal of insultificashun. Nex time ur boss bringz u a projekt plan made on a napkin? Misbegotten. Nex time sum1 gifts u a crocheted sweater that iz four sizes too small and covered in spiders? MISBEGOTTEN. Da opportunities are endlezz.
So, der you hav it: an esplonashun dat iz both komprehenziv and simultainusly riddled wif errors sew tragic, they cud b called…misbegotten. Az I bid thee adieu, reemember: sumthingz in lyfe are perfektly fine too be misbegotten, like dis very artikle itself.
Ur welkum.
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kmgquote · 8 months ago
PURE CHAMP Mens 3 Pack Fleece Active Athletic Workout Jogger Sweatpants for Men with zipper pocket and Drawstring Size S-3XL
ZAR 689.85 https://amzn.to/3zLhTgE Product details: Fabric type – 60% Cotton, 40% Polyester Care instructions – Hand Wash Only Origin – Imported Closure type – Drawstring Country of Originz – China https://amzn.to/3zLhTgE
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originzz · 2 years ago
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originz delivers
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