#i still like him
kaliido-s · 3 months
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GxK thoughts
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345rusl · 2 months
Seeing people switch up on jax rn is so funny to me because he's definitely gonna be more of a nuisance as the series continues
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xandri-art · 6 months
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Thing from 2016 I don't think I ever posted, lol.
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vilf-lover · 8 months
when porter stated britishly yapping about not knowing how difficult life is without an actual difficult experience or whatever shit he said
what a not appropriate thing to say in a house of people who have been to hell and back 🤠
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He's kind of been giving me the ick lately? Like now that there's a possibility he might like me, I am nowhere near as attracted to him as I was a month ago.
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kisuga · 2 years
who was y’all’s first haikyuu crush?
mine was kuroo
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kilfeur · 7 months
Ce mec est creepy en plus d'être cinglé. Faut croire qu'être en prison l'a fait souffrir plus émotionnellement parlant que physiquement. Donc ouais Aaravos n'a clairement pas toute sa tête !
This guy is creepy as well as crazy. I guess being in prison hurt him more emotionally than physically. So yeah, Aaravos clearly isn't in his right mind!
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kokosnuss-jaguar · 8 months
I have to say, dragons rising is doing nothing for me. I watched the first part, not the second, so no idea what is going on. And I am sure when people say, it's good. But again, it does nothing for me.
Also the way they characterise Lloyd lately rubbs me the wrong way. I get they do a different approach, put him in more funny scenes etc. But looking back at earlier seasons and season 8/9...perhaps I just got too used to a more serious Lloyd. Not one trying to copy his uncle for some reason (and that is just one thing).
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fangedup · 10 months
You realize fae are incapable of feeling love, right?
I couldn't care less even if that is true
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unlikelysaintdelele · 11 months
SJM is really good about writing charismatic men and broody men. Both are very much my types. Rhys and Rowan and Azriel and Dorian. 🥰🥰
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rawstfish · 1 year
Think everything changed in my life when I saw Zapp Brannigan from Futurama for the first time.
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missmacfire · 1 year
I saw this poll "who is your star trek autism blorbo"
And I just had to make this. I'm someone who's first star trek was TNG and loved Data, but then I sort of moved all my love over to Spock when I got hooked on TOS 😁
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
marry kill fuck: sigma nikolai fyodor
AAAAAAAAA okay okay so
fuck nikolai, marry sigma, kill fyodor
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last-answer · 1 year
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cardi-c · 1 year
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cometchasr · 2 years
reject bramblestar, bad leader extraordinare. embrace brambleclaw, somewhat shitty person who tries
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