#originial fic
residentxangel · 2 years
finally finished my mini profiles for my oc's for my current wip
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reallyromealone · 2 months
Title: healer
Fandom: naruto
Characters: akatsuki
Fic type: omegaverse
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, readers smart
(Name) Hummed quietly to themselves while carefully wrapping gauze around the alphas midsection that they had just stitched up. Handing was a cleaned akatsuki uniform, stitched and sewn back up like new, (name) didn't really know what the uniform symbolised but it was clearly important and they wouldn't want the unconscious man to worry about it.
(Name) Lived alone in these woods, the ability to heal the worst of wounds and this one was no different.
"No clue what fight you got yourself into but you sure made it out barely...." (Name) Joked to the unconscious person while finishing up 'no clue when they will wake up.... Should probably make dinner...' (name) thought while going to their small kitchen to make a meal, enough for two people... Just in case.
Itachi woke to the smell of an Omega and stew, sitting up with a groan and looking to see he was bandaged up... Quite well actually.
"Don't sit up too fast! You could pop a stitch!" A voice called from the other room and Itachi looked for his belongings to find them neatly beside him and his coat hung and fixed. An Omega walked into the room with a tray, a bowl and a glass filled with what was assumed to be juice "you were out for a while! Didn't know when you would wake up.." (name) chuckled nervously while setting the tray on the coffee table "how do you feel? You were pretty messed up ... My healing could only do so much so I had to do the rest manually"
Itachi just stared at the other who smiled happily before a look of realization crossed them 'must realize who I am affiliated wi--' "I forgot to introduce myself! I'm (name)!" The Omega bowed slightly before looking up sheepishly, Itachi sat there stunned before getting up "thank you for your assistance" he said simply while grabbing his belongings, (name) looking concerned "do you have anyone to call? I have a telephone..." It was an old one, nothing like the the newer cell phones but it did it's job!
"That won't be needed"
"Well... Here! Take this!" (Name) Rushed out into the kitchen and returned with origini, wrapped and all cute "I keep these on hand for snacks... Please keep safe"
Why was this Omega so kind? To someone they didn't know?
Itachi didn't know what to make of it but decided to just leave, rice ball in hand.
"This is real good! Where did ya get this?" Deidara asked while finishing the rice ball, Itachi resting with a sigh "some Omega who healed me" he grumbled and hidan raised an eyebrow "an Omega did that? What some high ranking ninja?"
"No, just some Omega in the woods"
"Whoever that Omega was, they have healing abilities like nothing I ever seen..." The older man said simply while glancing at the others exposed stitches, he saw how fucked up the other alpha looked, that omega was powerful.
"Hm?" (Name) Was reading some books they got from town a a couple kilometers from the woods they resided in when a knock at the door pulled them out from their world of imagination. Walking to the door, they weren't expecting to see that alpha again or others dressed like him "oh you're back! You forget anything?" (Name) Asked curiously and glanced at their mid section "you left before I could give you cream to help... Hopefully it healed nicely!"
"This is the Omega that healed you? This is them?" Deidara laughed in disbelief while (name) looked confused, a large group of alphas coming and just laughing, then konan felt it...
The omegas Chakra.
"We require your assistance, one of our members is gravely injured" she lied, (name) looking concerned "sure! Let me get my bag!" The alphas stepped in while (name) went to their room to go grab their belongings.
But (name) knew better than to trust a large group of alphas even if they were incredibly attractive.
So they used what they were taught by their grandpa and slipped out, a secret door in their closet.
'nope, not today' (name) thought while they sneaked away.
Knowing a few Jitsu really helped in a punch....
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wordsarelife · 10 months
—how you get the girl 
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pairing: jj maybank x fem!routledge!reader
summary: the pogues don’t seem to be on the same page at dealing with your break up
warnings: cussing, fighting
notes: this was originially planned as my get him back fic for the guts masterlist, but i realised, that it didn't really fit the theme, so i just finished it differently lol
chaotic is my favorite type of genre... so enjoy!!!
"shit" kiara bend down and grabbed the book that just came flying out of the window
"oh they aren't done yet" said pope, outstretching his hand and catching another flying book.
"should we.. say something?" sarah looked at her friends questingly
"hell nah" john b shook his head
"this is just normal behaviour for them" kie let herself fall down in the lounge chair
"normal?" asked sarah, before she screeched in shock, diving out of the way before the shoe could hit her
"yeah" shrugged pope "we're used to this by now"
"aren't you like scared that you sister will get hurt?" sarah turned her head to john b, who just shrugged
"she's the one throwing things"
"o-kay" sarah sat down beneath the window in the hope to not get hit with anything "i'm sorry that i'm just grasping that now, but aren't they like in a happy relationship? why don't they just break up if they don't get along?"
"they never break up" said kiara "they don't fight often, but when they do, it's over"
"believe me, you don't want to be near them when it happens" john b exchanged a look with pope "one time pope accidently walked in on them fighting and y/n screamed at him"
"she's worse than my mother" said pope and he looked like he was having war flashbacks
"he cried" concluded kiara
"oh wow" sarah nodded, slowly understanding what was going on
the group stopped talking as the door got opened and jj and y/n stepped outside.
"hey guys!" kiara smiled innocently and sarah quickly noticed that it was best to act as if they didn't hear what had been going on "how are you both?"
"oh just fine" you said, smiling at your friends "jj and i broke up"
"you did what?" john b leaned forward and kiara mirrored his shocked facial expression
"so.. this is not normal, yeah?" whispered sarah, leaning over to pope
"eh, this never happened before" replied pope while not taking his eyes off of the broken up couple, watching them like a hawk
"we decided that it would be best if we ended things" jj said shrugging "it's as simple as that"
"simple?" asked kiara and she looked like her eye was twitching
"yes..?" you asked, not quiet grasping why everyone was so upset about your break up
"you've been dating for the past four years" john b flailed his arms dramatically "you can't just break up!"
"of course we can" you argued "because we just did"
jj looked at the time on his phone, before he held it up in your direction. "it's half past two"
"alright" you stood up and followed jj off the patio
"wait, where are you going?" kiara looked between you both and the rest of your friends
"i'll take her to work and then help my cousin in the workshop"
no one said a word at that and you guys left.
pope looked between his friends, shock still evident on his face. "so this is the new normal?" he whispered
"relax, they can't hear you" sarah laughed and all eyes went to her. none of the other found anything remotely funny in that moment
"i jinxed it" murmured kiara "i told sarah that they never break up and look where it's gotten us"
"why do you freak out about this?" asked sarah confused "i mean, of course it's sad, but if they say it's for the better?"
"uncharted territory, baby" john b declared dramatically
"yeah" kiara nodded "they are happy for a long time, then they have a big fight, they make up, which is disgusting, but works and then.. rinse and repeat"
"you got used to them dating so we can just get used to them.. not dating, right?" sarah questioned
"it's not this easy" kiara shook her head
"yeah, they've been together since puberty started and i think that had a big impact on who they are now" john b explained
"that's ridiculous" sarah laughed "she's your sister, you know her better than anyone"
"i knew her when she was dating jj and before that when she was pining after jj" john b gasped "i don't think i know her without him in the picture"
"john b" sarah sighed. she couldn't really believe what was going on right now. the pogues had always been pretty chill and normal, well obviously not when it came to the dating life of their friends
"he's right" pope said, interrupting sarah's train of thought. "you know jj and y/n, sarah. they are pretty unpredictable, but while they were together they would calm each other down"
"now they are like two wandering fire hazards" kiara exclaimed
"okay" sarah sighed "when you're so worried" she thought for a second "why don't we split up and watch them until they are done with the break up and hopefully not co-dependent anymore"
"pope?" john b turned to the boy
"it could work" pope nodded "as long as we keep possible outbreaks to a down low and maybe keep them away from each other, no one will get hurt"
"you're talking as if they would actually errupt like a volcano"
"we aren't joking, sarah" kie looked to the boys "the week before they started dating, the chateau nearly burned down"
sarah just nodded silently, not quiet believing what she was hearing, she would change her mind pretty quickly
sarah and kie drove to the ice cream shop you were working at, while pope and john b watched visited jj at his cousin's workshop
"ladies" you smiled as you noticed kie and sarah sitting at a table you served.
"hey girl" kie smiled brightly and sarah send her a confused look, until kie slapped her arm
sarah made a surprised sound, before she quickly said the first thing she could think of "howdy"
you send her a puzzled look, before you left the menu "i'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders" then you left the table still watching them suspiciously
"howdy?" kie asked horrified
"it's the first thing that came to mind"
"this is gonna be a long day" kie murmured "hopefully the boys are better at this than we are"
pope and john b had managed to be even worse
"so..uh single huh?" pope outstretched his arm to lean against the car jj was working on, but underestimated the distance and nearly knocked the mirror off
"relax, okay?" john b whispered
jj got up from under the car "i guess, yeah"
"so how about a tinder account?" before jj could answer pope's question john b had elbowed him in the stomach. pope bend over
"okay, what going on with you? you are acting stranger than usual" jj looked from one to the other
"we're.. adjusting" john b explained
"yeah, you and y/n have been together for forever"
"hhm" jj nodded "we dated a pretty long time"
"yeah, you shouldn't just give up on such a long relationship"
"i don't know guys" jj walked around the car to open the hood "we decided this together and she seemed happy with the decision"
"i bet she's crushed and just didn't want you to know" pope argued
"yeah" john b nodded enthusiastically "you know y/n, she's always trying to be tough. she's with the girls right now, i bet she's feeling horrible"
"i just feel so relived, you know?" you were currently joining sarah and kie at their table while you were on your break. each of you devouring your ice cream.
"you go, girl!" sarah encouraged
"i mean the time we were together was amazing, but i just think we need to let it go"
"do you still love him?" kie asked leaning forward
"i guess" you shrugged "i don't think you can just stop doing that"
"i think you made the right decision" sarah nodded and kie send her a wide eyed look "you should know when a relationship isn't worth staying for"
"you're right" you looked at your phone to check the time "thanks guys, but i need to get back to work" you stood up from the table and walked back into the kitchen
"okay what was that?"
"what?" sarah "i just tried to help"
"by telling her she made the right choice?"
"she didn't?"
"yes…no" kie shook her head "i don't know, okay? what i do know is that it's always been y/n and jj as long as i've known them. they might seem fine, but nothing will ever be the same and they were really great together"
"that might be true, kie" sarah smiled emphatically "but we need to respect our friends decision. and when y/n thinks she made the right one then we have to trust her" kie nodded slowly "we cannot force them to upkeep a relationship, just because we are scared that their break up will destroy the friend group"
"you're right"
after your shift ended you left the shop together with kie and sarah, who had waited for you. "you really didn't have to wait for me" you smiled while you climbed in the backseat of kie's car.
"no problem" kie smiled
"we just want you to know that we're here for you" sarah turned around to look at you "to catch you if you should fall"
"o-kay" you breathed confused "why would that happen exactly?"
"are you kidding?" sarah laughed "you just left a long term relationship, no need to hold back your tears"
"i don't really do crying"
"alright" kie interrupted, before sarah could give you anymore unsolicited advice "let's just get you home"
"so you really think it's worth another shot?" jj stood infront of the flower shop. pope and john b to each side of him
"she will so happy to have you back" john b encouraged
"yeah, bet she's crying her eyes out right now" pope grinned
"bro" john b shook his head at the boy
"y/n doesn't cry" jj said absently his eyes on the yellow chrysanthemums "okay" he nodded "i'll do it"
"there you go brother" john b patted his shoulder while pushing him towards the entry
pope and john b waited outside the shop for jj to return, while jj was being advised by a girl that seemed to be working in the shop. pope snapped a quick picture of jj inside the flower shop and send it to kie
you were sitting on your bed in the chateau, while kie and sarah were preparing snacks for you in the kitchen. they had practically begged to wait in your room.
your eyes flew over the words on your book page, when a sudden sound peeked your interest. it was kie's phone that had just received a message. your curiosity got the better of you and you unlocked the phone.
pope had sent a photo of jj inside a flower shop a cute girl talking to him. your eyes grew big and then you noticed the caption that sealed the deal. how you get the girl
it was almost instantly that tears blurred your vision and you wiped them away in confusion. you turned kie's phone around and got up from the bed, sitting down on the floor in front of it, opening the drawer underneath it.
the drawer was filled with jj's things and memories of your time together. that made you cry even more. you grabbed the first hoodie you could find and pulled it over your head. then you sorted through all the stuff, your bedroom floor quickly being filled with things from your past.
"woah" sarah nearly lost her hold on the bowl of chips as she noticed you on the floor "seems like she does cry" she whispered in kiara's direction
"hey sweetheart" kie sat down on the ground beside you and opened her arms so you could crawl into them
"he's moving on so fast" you cried "i want him to be happy, but not with my favorite taylor swift song"
sarah and kie exchanged a confused look 'what is she talking about?' sarah mouthed, but kie just shrugged
"guys?" john b's voice could be heard from the front door "jj is with us"
the mention of his name made you cry even harder
"could you deal with that?" kie asked and sarah nodded, walking out of the room
"i don't think she should see you right now"
"what's wrong with her?" john b asked worriedly
"she's crying"
"y/n's crying?" jj put the flowers on the kitchen counter and tried to walk around sarah
"yeah" sarah shrugged "we told her the break up was the right thing to do and she seemed fine. but now she's crying her eyes out"
"y/n doesn't cry, sarah" jj seemed serious now
"you told her the break up was the right decision?" john b asked and sarah nodded
"we told jj the opposite" pope whispered loudly
"i can hear you" jj rolled his eyes "can i see her, please?"
sarah stepped aside and jj walked into your bedroom, followed by the rest of your friends
"y/n" he said as he noticed your crying form
you looked up at his voice and jj's heart broke as he noticed your sad expression, but then your face quickly changed. you seemed angrier than any of your friends had ever seen you. you got up and tried to charge at jj, luckily kiara could hold you back just before you were able to hit jj with an uppercut
"woah" jj raised his hands jumping back at your outbreak
"my favorite taylor swift song? really, jj?" you screamed and tried to free yourself from kie, but her hold wouldn't budge
"what are you talking about?" jj screamed back
"the flower shop girl" you cried "you obviously moved on quicker than i did"
jj send a panicked look in his friends direction. “how do you know about the flower shop?”
“so you admit to flirting with her?”
“no?” jj asked baffled “so?” he urged
“i read a text pope send to kie” you shamefully admitted, reaching for the phone on the bed and holding it in jj’s direction.
his eyes flew over the display quickly, looking at the photo and reading the caption. “how you get the girl, pope? really?” he was as angry as you had been a second ago and could now totally understand how you had misinterpreted the photo without it’s context
pope looked guilty. “he was getting flowers for you, y/n!” he tried to explain “i just took a photo without context but i was hinting the song at jj getting you back! you have to believe me”
you looked at the boy and saw the sincerity in his eyes. “i do” you nodded “where are they?” you turned your head at jj
“where is who?”
“the flowers” you rolled your eyes but he could see a smile forming on your face
“they’re in the kitchen”
you followed him out of the room, where he presented you with the flowers. “you got yellow chrysanthemums for me?” you said softly tears welling up in your eyes again
“i think you permanently changed her” he joked to pope, who smiled uncomfortably. jj turned back to you “of course baby, i would do anything if i can get you back. breaking up was the dumbest decision ever, don’t you think?”
“yeah” you laughed. “broke your heart i’ll put it back together” you whispered, leaning your forehead against his.
“i would wait forever and ever” jj smiled, and then he kissed you and all was well.
“and that, my friends, is how you get the girl” said sarah, crossing her arms happily, all while she ignored her friends protests at her not really seeing the importance of the situation like they had all begged her to at first. instead she just watched y/n and jj kiss and smile at each other.
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bigalockwood · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks @sunshine-rudberg for tagging me <3333
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Young Royals. I used to write for other fandoms ages ago, but have no interest to write for any others right now.
Top five fics by kudos
(The results to this are kinda skewed, because I started posting my stories for users only after Royally Whipped, which drastically influences nr. of hits and kudos).
Royally Whipped
we'll make a home on the cracks (glowing review)
Simon Eriksson hates breeches
All Is Fair In Love and Secret Santa
arm-biting (vindictively)
Do you respond to comments?
I try my hardest, but when I was writing Royally Whipped I was insanely busy and got super behind on replying. So now I have a mountain of comments waiting for me to reply to . I'm trying my best to go through them and keep up with the comments coming in because of should've said no.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No angsty endings for me. I guess in terms of what was angsty until close to the end, it would have to be glowing review.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Royally Whipped, I'd say. Season 3 completely derailed my plans for that one, so it's much less angsty than originially planned.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. But I guess there's always first time for everything, right?
Do you write smut?
So far, no. Just weirdly suggestive scenes.
Craziest crossover:
Never written one.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Hope it doesn't ever happen, either.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! (As far as I know, at least.)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
In an old fandom, yes. It was fun but also super messy and definitely far from my best work.
All time favourite ship?
Wilmon! No one does it like them.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's a bunch of stuff in my drafts, but most of those are just rouch ideas or random scenes. So no WIP. I'm usually very good at finishing them (though there is an abandoned twilight fanfiction on another website, but I'm not touching that one with a ten-foot pole).
What are your writing strengths?
Questions like that always throw me off, because I genuinely don't know. But I think I'm pretty good at coming up with metaphors for my characters feelings that are hopefully not too cringy to read.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I ramble. A lot. Other writers could probably tell my stories in three chapters and be done. I'm unable to do that. Also too many details in general. Pretty sure I overuse and repeat certain words all the time. Generally just don't know how to make anything concise.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't mind it when reading fanfic (actually barely notice), but personally choose not to use it. If the story is set in Sweden, then imo they're already speaking Swedish with each other, so no need to have them say Swedish words.
First fandom you wrote in?
Twilight lmao
Favourite fic you've written?
You're asking me to decide between my children??? Okay, I'll give it a shot. I think Royally Whipped will always have a special place in my heart because I wrote it in such a chaotic phase of my life. But I also really, really love Simon Eriksson hates breeches (I think it's very funny ngl) and had the best time writing glowing review.
No pressure tags @hergrandplan, @wilmonsfolklore, @gulliblelemon, @nerdyfangirl76, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic & anyone else who wants to do this (I could tag so many amazing people, but I have no idea who's already been tagged, other than those along side me)!
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Unlawful (Edited)
Hey everyone! So I know I posted this fic already when it got requested, but something never sat right with me once I posted it. I told myself it was fine because it was a creative liberty, but I know it is a sensitive topic to some people, so I edited the end so hopefully it's seen as more of a fun interaction than how it has originially come across. It is only a minor change, but I hope it mends any hurt I've caused.
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TW: Extreme dom Rafe! Semi-public sex. Sir kink. Good girl kink. Coercive sex. 
SUMMARY: Police officer Rafe Cameron decides to ‘take you downtown’ in his own way…
Your eyes cast down on the speedometer as the blue and red lights sounded behind you. Sourcing your surroundings to ensure you hadn’t run a stop sign or a light, you couldn’t fathom what you’d done to warrant being pulled over. But a good girl through and through, down to your pigtails and pristine reputation, you cut the ignition immediately before pulling the window low enough to slip the license and registration requested from this specific officer. 
With The Outer Banks being as tight-knit as it was within their cliques, it made it impossible NOT to know someone, as everyone seemed to cross paths in one way or another. That was why when he lowered himself into your car, requesting you by your last name to gather your attention, you recognized him instantly. 
Rafe Cameron. 
Former kook prince who’d turned his life around and joined the force after getting clean. He was a beacon in the community for so many reasons, but looking at you now, with eyes harboring such darkness, you couldn’t help but see anything but those demons behind otherwise soft blue hues. 
“Did you know you can’t be down this road after noon?” Your eyes flashed to the clock set on the center console of your car as you narrowed your eyes. You were not a lawyer by any means, not accustomed to knowing the laws off the top of your head, and yet, it didn’t sound real. But he was the man with the badge and you were the civilian apparently breaking the law. 
“I wasn’t aware, Officer Cameron…”
“What WERE your intentions on this side of The Cut? You don’t exactly seem like you belong here…” You paused, slightly embarrassed as you had simply gone for a drive to clear your mind from your stresses looming in your distant memory. But it wouldn’t exactly BE believable and so you would lie, your eyes cast in clear evidence of your dishonesty. 
“Step out of the car please…” He orchestrated when your cheeks flushed as you described how you’d been meeting a friend.
“Do you have anything on your person that can stick me or hurt me? Anything you want to tell me that I’ll find on you or in your car?”
“No…No, Sir.” He chucked his tongue before gliding his hands throughout your entire body, not an inch left untouched. When you would shift in being uncomfortable, he would lead with words of professionalism, even as his actions proved otherwise. 
“I have to be thorough…Stand still, please.” He spoke behind a clenched jaw, clearly annoyed, as you were desperate to acquiesce to him, fearful of making him upset in any capacity. 
“Now do you want to be honest with me?” He asked, turning you to face him as you offered a shrug. 
“I just went for a drive-”
“A pretty little thing like you on THIS side of the island? Uh uh…You are either here for drugs or-”
“No!” His head cocked as he set his hands into the edge of his belt. 
“Are you getting smart with me? Do you want me to take you in? Get rid of that attitude for ya by spending a night or two in there?”
“No, please, I-I was really just going for a drive-”
“And I’m supposed to believe a local girl like you doesn’t know the laws?” Your eyes flashed in every direction. 
“Yeah, I know exactly who you are…” Your skin chilled as he moved closer to you, your name spoken in almost anger as he closed in on you. 
“You have everyone in this town wrapped around your dainty little finger because you’re a ‘good girl’, yeah? But I know the secret behind girls like you…”
“Good girls are just bad ones who haven’t been caught…but I have, haven’t I? Caught you?”
“Please, I didn’t-”
“That’s it, let’s go…come on- '' You were taken from your car and to the direction of his squad vehicle, your heart racing a million miles an hour. You’d never even gone to the principal's office let alone been in trouble with the law. Because of this, you couldn’t rest your anxieties as they consumed you entirely. 
“Nuh-uh…” He corrected as you waited by the back of the car. 
“I have a feeling I’ve got to keep a real close eye on you…You’re up with me…” Your eyes narrowed as he cocked his head in further analysis. 
“I don’t think I have a stutter or anything…MOVE IT.” He commanded as you swallowed hard, sliding into the passenger’s side of the car, before he moved behind the steering wheel. 
But you would notice that from the second the car was in motion, his eyes were in observation of you. He would try to play it off as a clear analysis of his current ‘perp’, but you recognized the look of lechery as you had been on the receiving end of it quite often. It was something worsened for him by the way you carried yourself today. Appearing like a walking wet dream to him in everything but your knee high socks made visible in the bend of your legs and perfect pigtails set tight on either side of your cheeks blushing with innocence. It was enough to make him less than professional as your eyes followed him until he raised a brow. 
“Are you propositioning me?” 
“Prop-No, sir…I…”
“Spread ‘em-”
“If I have to stop this car, it’s going to make a bad situation even worse.” To this, you would acquiesce once more, parting the fold of your knees as his hand was suddenly on your thigh, your skin on fire from his touch-forbidden and eager. 
“Hiding anything in there?”
“N-no-” You spoke quickly, eyes closed and chest raised in a breath held out of fear, all while he smirked. 
“But it’s pretty wet…How do I know something didn’t burst open? Better check…” A swipe within your panties, he pulled his fingers to his lips. 
“Nope…just a desperate little kitten needing someone to take care of her…that what you want?”
“So help me God, I can make jail VERY unpleasant for you…But someone as…good as you doesn't deserve a place like that…right?”
“Right…” You whimpered as his hand returned to your thigh. 
“I’ll only ask one more time…Is that what you want?”
“Yes…” You whimpered as he nodded. 
“Good. Panties off. Now.” He ordered. 
“Good girl…”
“Sir-You call me anything but that and you’ll spend the next week in solitary confinement for being so disobedient.”
“Yes…ss-ss-sir…” You quivered as his fingers moved back to your sex, a naked pussy now eagerly awaiting his fingers. 
“How many cocks have you taken?”
“Oh really? I would have pegged you for a virgin…But you’re dirty aren't’ you?” You hesitated, fingers suddenly in a plunge within you. 
“I asked you a fucking question!”
“Yes, SIR!” You cried, hi smotions cruel and calculated as they curved into you, his eyes flashing between your body’s reaction to him and that of the road, mostly desolate. 
“I work hard to keep this community safe, kitten…And don’t you think I deserve something for that?”
“Yes…yes, sir…” 
“And do you think you’re a good girl? Good enough to give it to me?”
“Yes! YES SIR!” You cried as he smirked, your body moving against his hand as you rolled into him. 
“Good girl, soaking that seat so well…You want a reward too?”
“Please, Sir…” He nodded, taking the car to the shoulder of the road, where he was quick to retreat his touch. By the time your eyes came open to the correction of his absence, you were pulled from the car and taken over its hood. 
“I trust you know what I want…”
“Yes sir…” You pulled up your skirt just high enough to reveal your ass to him, where he would rub it once before ultimately take his hand to your hair, taking a single swipe down your long locks, still wrapped on either side, before wrapping it in his hand and bringing you to rest forcefully against his chest. 
“You get to call me Sir until my cock is inside of you…then you call me daddy…You call me anything else and it won’t be good for this perfect little ass-understand, kitten?” You nodded, a slap making you gasp. 
“Yes, Sir!” You spoke in quick correction as he nodded. 
“Good girl…” His cock was now suddenly between your folds, the sound of his belt sounding off behind you as he exposed himself to that degree to you. 
“Letting me take you where anyone could see…being so good for the nice policeman who kept you out of prison…because a good girl like you shouldn’t be in there…you’re too clean…too nice…too good, yeah?”
“Yes sir…” You groaned as he finally sheathed himself into you, slow thrusts pushing your thighs painfully into the hot hood of his car as he kicked your legs closer together. 
“You like being a good girl for daddy? You like making me feel so good where everyone can see us?” You nodded. 
“Yes, daddy… So good…”
“Even if you are dripping on my shoes and whining like a brat? But you’re good for ME so I’ll let it slide…”
“Please daddy…” You groaned, the orgasm arriving embarrassing quickly as he carried his hand to your head, slow caresses made down your pigtails as praises were spoken in quick breaths against your ear. 
“Tell me what you want, kitten…tell me what you want, yeah? Beg real pretty so I know you deserve it…”
“I wanna come, daddy…”
“Yeah? And what do you want from daddy?”
“I want you to come too…” He slapped your ass, “Daddy-” You corrected as he nodded. 
“Good girl…But where do you want me to? Anywhere you want, kitten, you’ve earned it…”
“Here…Right here….Right now…please…please, daddy!” You whimpered, becoming more desperate by the second as he would nod in approval. 
“Good girl…so good for me…okay…come for me…come for daddy, babygirl…” He panted behind you, his cock twitching as a further allowance of your release as you clawed at the hood of his car before finding that release he’d granted. Quick to follow, fingers interlaced within your own, you were left heaving over him as he made you endure those motions of overstimulation before coating your inner walls with his cum. 
“Good girl, baby…” He kissed the back of your head as you turned around to face him, innocence drained as you now looked at him with that coquettish indifference. 
“Better get you home. It isn’t safe for good girls like you to be out this late…Never know who might take advantage of you…” You rolled your eyes to his words as his eyes followed your attitude. 
“Too much?”
“Maybe next time I don’t have to wear the pigtails or the knee-highs…” You teased as he leaned over to you. 
“You kidding? That shit made me come so quick, baby…”
“Well then how about next time ONLY them?” He bit his bottom lip. 
“Maybe next time I could put the costume on?” He scoffed. 
“Not likely, sweetheart, I’m the one in control.”
“That’s only because you’ve never let me. Five minutes in those handcuffs and you’d be crying for me, Rafe.”
He smacked your ass. “Let’s get you home and see if the costume shop made ones strong enough for what I’m gonna do to you…”
@hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @camilynn @bethoconnor @belcalis9503
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pheita · 8 months
Flash Fic: A Fool's Quest
This was a perfect prompt for a set up story for my little OC Kiss Week originial piece @flashfictionfridayofficial
So here we are with a silly rag tag group of adventures who happen to also be in some weird kind of polycule @jezifster @cljordan-imperium @ashen-crest you will read more about them soon.
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The adventurers' tavern was unusually full this early in the day. Tamsin struggled to find a free table and blocked the other bench with her staff. The rest of her party should be arriving any moment now, provided Nasteran hadn't gotten himself into trouble again or Adira was playing the avenger of widows and orphans. She had just ordered a jug of wine when Tamsin saw Kallik's black mop of hair and blue robes. She exhaled with relief, unaware that she had been tense until just then. Behind him followed Adira and Nasteran, only Dyah was missing. Tamsin took a deep breath. "Where is she now?" Guiltily, Nasteran smiled sheepishly and handed the staff over to her before sitting down. "Talking to a possible client." Surprised grunts went through the group. "Since when does Dyah bring the commissioners ashore?" Kallik asked, just as confused as Tamsin felt. Usually she or Nasteran took care of it, for reasons. Kallik pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Hey, not in the tavern." "Now you're distracted," he just laughed at her. "You weren't so coy last night," Adira teased her further. In her thoughts, Tamsin once again wondered to what extent healing magic could be used to harm someone, while she stared at Adira admonishingly and only got a cheeky grin back. Once again she cursed herself that her heart had been such a wretched traitor. "Dyah's coming." Nasteran had stretched his neck and beckoned Dyah over to them. That wide, anticipatory grin on her face and the way her eyes sparkled didn't bode well. It was always a guarantee of chaos when Dyah was in such a mood. "Good news, my darlings, I have a mission for us." "Say it straight away and plunge the knife into our hearts," Kallik encouraged her. "We are to search the ruins of the old mage school for our employer." All four looked at Dyah as if she had spontaneously become a dragon. "Have you gone mad? Have you been enchanted? Tamsin check it." Nasteran waved frantically back and forth between them. "Take it easy. How did the client get this idea?" Dyah looked around in confusion and leaned forward. "He said there are still some old artifacts stored there that are very valuable. Imagine what they're worth." "Dyah, that's a task for the foolish. If this were the case, and not everything has been stolen yet, these things are certainly secured with a lot of traps," Kallik tried to explain to her. "I've already accepted the commission." "Of course you have," Adira groaned, "If we survive this, you'll never take another commission. Understood, sweetheart?" "Don't be so pessimistic, we'll manage." The five of them looked at each other. It was clear that the others would like Dyah's optimism.
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toystoryfan · 2 years
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Happy Holidays, this isn’t a Christmas fic as it was originially made for Byler Week (last... month... oops.) But it’s done and I’ve posted it.
[Byler one-shot, rated-T, 9.8k, Thief Will x FBI Agent Mike]
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apoombeam · 4 months
Ah that's so funny I recced your own fics 😂 I really like your writing so I'm glad I came across both your accounts! I was trying to think if there are any other fics I have bookmarked you might enjoy, I don't know if you like m/f as well but interpersonal duty by enriette is great if you don't mind it.
Anyways thank you for the many great fics!!
Originial fic is a small world, so I guess it's not that crazy- but it did make me smile, so thanks!
I don't read as much of it, but I like m/f too, so I'll check it out!
Thanks again :)
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bluiex · 2 years
I’m a little nervous to be sharing this fic but like, I don’t think I’ll get judged too hard? This is the prologue but I have chapter 1 and 2 done too so if people like this I’ll send those over too and continue writing it. (Also, yes this was originially posted ao3 and I’m sending it here for reasons).
Without further ado, welcome to the Prologue of the Seasonal Life Au (Also just known as Seasonal Life).
This story begins in a world devoid of players. A new world created for a fun new game. A world full adventure, excitement, anguish, and fun. A perfect world, if you will.
The world opened up, and soon poured in all the very willing victims of this game.
Grian joined the game.
GoodTimeWithScar joined the game.
TangoTek joined the game.
Solidarity joined the game.
Smajor1995 joined the game.
PearlescentMoon joined the game.
ZombieCleo joined the game.
InTheLittleWood joined the game.
Rendog joined the game.
Bigbst4tz2 joined the game.
BdoubleO100 joined the game.
ImpulseSV joined the game.
Ethoslab joined the game.
SmallishBeans joined the game.
LDShadowLady joined the game.
Skizzleman joined the game.
Fwhip joined the game.
FalseSymmetry joined the game.
Zedaph joined the game.
MumboJumbo joined the game.
KatherineEliz joined the game.
MythicalSausage joined the game.
Cubfan135 joined the game.
Docm77 joined the game.
And now, our journey begins.
“Hello, everyone! Welcome to the newest game in the life series, Seasonal Life!” One of the players spoke up. The player had blonde hair and a red sweater, could also be known as the man who created the game.
The players around cheered with shouting or clapping, or even both. If you counted the amount of players that joined, you’ll probably have realized that there’s twenty four players. More than there’s ever been in a single life game before.
“Yes, yes. I know this is super exciting and long awaited, but you all can calm down now,” the same man, Grian, spoke again, trying to get everyone to settle down. “As mentioned, this game of the series is called Seasonal Life!
“In Seasonal Life, everyone will be assigned a season. The season you are assigned to will give you two helpful abilities, and two unhelpful abilities,” Grian begins the explanation.
“The Summer people will gain two hearts and be immune to fire damage. However, you have permanent weakness and slowness.”
“Ok… I don’t like how balanced this sounds…” Bdubs squints his eyes at Grian.
“They’re meant to be balanced.” Grian stares back at Bdubs with a deadpan look. “Anyways, moving on! Winter people! They’re able to walk on water, kinda like frost walker, and they have a strength boost! Unfortunately they have mining fatigue and two hearts less!”
“How do the people with a permanent strength boost have mining fatigue? Simply get over the fatigue!” Ren says under his breath, but the people around him could hear him loud as day.
Grian clears his throat, clearly ignoring Ren’s input. “Moving on! We’re on the Spring People! Spring people have permanent haste and, get this, they can go invisible! Only for a minute, and the cooldown is an hour so only use it when you really need it. On the downside, they cannot swim and are immune to all helpful potions. So no fire resistance, healing, nothing.”
“Is it just me or does this literally seem like the worst role?” Scott has leaned over to talk to Cleo.
“It totally is. I’d feel bad for anyone who gets that role,” Cleo agrees.
“And finally, autumn! Autumn people have permanent speed boost and are immune to all the harmful potions like poison and etcetera. Their downside is that they have an increased chance of being boogeyman and mobs will aggro on them from further away!”
Scott had leaned back over to Cleo. “I take back what I said. I’d rather get Spring.”
“Oh, for sure,” Cleo agreed once again.
“Now that we’re done with explaining the basics of the roles, I should also mention that we have the random life amount feature and boogeyman in this game!“ Cue the groans from the unhappy players, and the excited clapping from the one happy player. “Well, I’m glad to see Scar’s at least excited for this.
“Anywho. Obviously, we’re not done here. As many of you know before the game I went over something very important with you all. Sex.”
This started grabbing everyone’s attention. People started sitting up straighter and looking around with flushed faces. Though there were a couple assholes who looked like they couldn’t be more bothered.
“So yes, while this is a fun life game, all that dirty stuff y’all want to do is allowed. Everyone here has given their full consent to allow what ever to happen to them. However, I am not a monster and we do have a safe word. If at any point your fun time partner says the word Camel, you must stop all activity. Failure to stop will result in one of the admins forcing you to. Please note that this only applies to sex and not when someone is tryna kill you. So no abusing the safe word if it’s not sex related!
Anyways, I think that’s about it. Any questions?“
“I have one,” Etho speaks up. “You didn’t go over everything with the roles. What are you hiding?”
“Oh, there’s just some features I want you all to find out while playing,” Grian chuckles, looking oh so devious. “So not answering that question. Any other questions?”
“So do we have an increased sex drive or something?” This time it was Bdubs who asked.
“Good question! Red lives are going to be pretty desperate for sex, not going to lie. And, oh, I forgot to mention the other boogeyman thing going on! Silly me!
“Alright, so there’s this other kind of boogeyman. It’s named shadowman, I know super creative. I don’t want to hear it. Basically, a shadowman’s goal is to have sex with the person that it assigns you. Also not sure if I went over this but if I didn’t, you are all expected to make teams of four, one of each season on a team. If you aren’t in a team by the end of the first week, it will force you into one.
Ok, think that’s it. Questions?”
“Will there be multiple shadowman like boogeyman?” Pearl asks.
“Yup! And if you don’t, the shadowman will lose one life. Not as life changing as boogeyman, but it should be somewhat concerning. And yes, it gives you a specific person to have sex with. Moving on.”
“Is there anything we have to do in order to officially team with someone?” Martyn was now the person asking. Grian couldn’t help but sigh. Why were people asking so many questions.
“Nah, the admins will do that. You just have to say it out loud. Alright anymore questions? No. Awesome. So I am starting the timer now and everyone will be teleported to a random spot on the map. I’d suggest finding your way to spawn so that you can start forming teams. Or not. Do whatever. Anyways, three two one, lets start!” Grian rushes out the last part before anyone could complain or protest.
The admin presses the start button and watches as everyone is teleported to a random location. Now, I wonder which player we will follow for this game. Or for just now.
Anyways I hope people like this concept and stuff. Still really nervous to post this here but like, ye. ^v^
Oh my gods. This idea is just.. No words. It sounds like such a fun thing to actually play as well.. And your writing *chefs kiss* in this little bit I feel as though you've gotten down the personality of each person who's spoken. Ough I'm excited to read more!! And you should totally put this on ao3 for more people to see ommgg
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prince-simon · 2 years
hi this is super random and i hope you don't mind me asking but i've read in your ao3 notes i think, that it was not your originial plan to write smut so explict in i don't feel like our love is brand new but your friends kinda made you. now i'm curious if you wanna share your og plan? were you planning to not write it at all or just not that detailed? (glad you do though, cause you're so good at it and one feels very safe reading it)
hi! i absolutely don't mind you asking!
lmaoo okay listen. a lot that's happening in/with that fic wasn't my original plan. first of all, it wasn't supposed to be so long so i think in my head i was like well if it isn't that long, it doesn't need explicit smut. i think i was considering fade to black mostly
i think at first i was worried about how the fandom would receive smut but once it turned out that people generally enjoy it, that took the mental barrier away from me
also i'd like to point out that "my friends made me" is defined very loosely bc i barely needed any push ahaha
but i'm glad you're enjoying it! it's very fun to explore ngl
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not to get too excited but im actually outlining an originial story. not a fic. like a total original. ive never gotten that far with any of my original pieces
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orlissa · 2 years
A little personal rant, because I need to get it out.
As you probably know, I’ve been going through a rough patch in my life. I don’t I’ve ever cried as much as in the last five months or so.
Also, ever since we moved into this apartment five years ago, I’ve been the owner’s “to-go” person, which means that beyond doing my regular chores/cleaning around the place, 1, pay the rent to the owner. They pay the utilities, then tell me each month how much it is exactly, I pay that, break down the sum, and have the other tenants pay me. 2, Take photos of the bills, the water meter, and the electric meter and send them to the owner each month 3, the internet subscription is on my name, I pay that bill, handle all issues, am harrassed by the company whenever they want to sell something else. 4, am here for basically renovations stuff. I handled the whole deal when we had to have the blinds repaired (in all the rooms but in mine). I hadled when the company people came the change the measuring thingies on the heating. When a guy came to read the water meter this week. The owners okay’d us getting a new oven--it’s not getting done until I get it done. And with everything’s going on in my life it’s a freaking lot.
And to make matters worse, of course, one roommate, the one I moved in here originially five years ago, is moving out now. So now not only can I worry about making sure all the finances with her are straight (she owes me money still, handling the stuff she leaves behind, her deposit, etc.), now it’s completely on me, on top of everything else, to get a new tenant. Write and post the add, and then be harrassed by people who can’t read the add properly (four guys so far who ignored the bit that the room is for female tenants only), communicate with the people who might be prospective tenants, scheduling visits, etc.
Honestly, with all the household management I’ve been doing I feel like a “mom”, only without any of the emotional payback/support.
And with everything else it feels too much. I need to finish this translation, but I haven’t been sleeping well or been able to concentrate in the last couple of days, I’m pushing stuff I should get done, but have absolutely no energy for, (and, like, fic should be a source of serotonin or whatnot, but I don’t even always have the energy to write, and when I do, what I post seems to fail, which then discourages me even further) and then I feel guilty about it, and at this point I can’t even tell if I’m blowing this out of proportion or if what I’m feeling is valid, I just... I don’t know. It just feels too much.
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lapseinrecs · 5 months
Star Wars tag
Comments: I know virtually nothing about the Star Wars EU, and can’t judge what sort of things are accurate or not. I’m a fan of @fialleril’s Tatooine Slave Culture headcanons and all associated fics, so a bunch of those will definitely pop up. You’re probably not going to see much in regards to the Sequel Trilogy because I wasn’t a huge fan. I do like the Prequels, though I’m ehh about Clone Wars and clone heavy fics.
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Leia Organa, Obiwan Kenobi, Shmi Skywalker, Qui Gon Jinn, Bail Organa, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Hardcase, Firmus Piett, Din Djarin,
Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Bodhi Rook,
Timeline tags:
Prequel trilogy, Pre-og3, Rogue One, Originial Trilogy
I'm not big on Star Wars crossovers, so there aren't a lot here:
Sword Art Online, Stargate,
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roseunspindle · 8 months
Angel Wings
Angel wings possibly as part of a fic I'm not writing....
Michael - Michael's are pure white, he has six of course, but they are what he considers. He secretly feels they are "nothing speacial" soldier angels's wings like Castiel, are copies of michaels. Michael only learns to truly love his wings in the cage during therapy with Sam. Sam thinks they look cool. (Even if Michael's "vessel" when they leave the cage ends up being young John Wincehster)
Lucifer - Lucifer's top set are bright yellow, with the very top edge being white and fade to darker golden yellow at the base, his second set are pale pink to deep rose, and the third are deep purple to dark blue black. Even after falling his wings are beautiful but...muted...for they show day, dawn, and dusk but his joy in creation has dimmed and so have his wings. When he and Michael has Sam mandated cage therapy his wings begin to brighten again. When they leave the cage when Cas comes to try to rescue Sam, many say that Lucifer's wings have become far more beautiful than they were originally.
Raphael - Originially Raphael's wings were a vareity of greens, but after Gabriel ranaway and Lucifer was cast out, his wings grayed, now they look like a seraphim's "practical" wings. Just more of them. Once Sam, Michael, and Lucifer get pulled out of the cage and Gabriel returns, Raphael's wings change back, as they once again embrace their role as the archangel of healing.
Gabriel - Gabriel's wings are brilliant gold, they are a banner to easily declare the Archangel who brings forth the messages of God. (When he's masquerading as loki Gabriel finds hiding them a pain...) He enjoys their "look at me aren't I pretty" ness again when he returns to heaven as one of Sam's chosen Archangels
Castiel - starts off with the standard single pair of white soldier angel wings, that are based off Michaels, then going to hell burns his feathers, and they are blackened. They begin degrading as he falls during his removal from heaven and still further as pain and torment and all the trials he faces to reach the cage in order to "save" Sam. When Sam, Lucifer and Michael in tow, leave and return t earth, Castiel becomes an Archangel, the Archangel of humanity and free will. His then six wings are still the black of his multiple trials in hell, but have taken on a gleaming blue shade of deep oceans.
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do you have any fav songs right now?
i’m in need of new music and i love any genre of music!🫶
Sorry for the lengthy response for this one lol.
I usually listen to a LOT of covers. KHS (Kurt Hugo Schneider), MAX, Madilyn Bailey, Jamie Miller (who has some originials that are pretty good too).
I have a workout playlist, here are some from that:
Swim- Chase Atlantic, Church and OHMAMI are also on there.
Daisy- Ashnikko
Brunettes Do it Better-Kidforce
Need to Know- Doja Cat
EVERYTHING from Def Leppard (Grew up listening to 80s!)
F*Ck You better- Neon Hitch
Dance Without You- Skylar Grey
That's My Girl-Fifth Harmony
Criminial- Framing Hanley
Miss the Misery- Halestrom
Figure You Out- Voila
ANYTHING from Halsey
Play With Fire- Sam Tinnesz
I Love Me and Confident- Demi Lovato
Numb- Pastelle and Xenen
Dopamine- Elle Vee (Doing a fic for this one in the future) ;)
Angel Eyes, Kill Or Be Killed- New Years Day
Twinkle Twinkle - Leah Kate
Like That- Bea Miller
Rockstar- Post Malone
Waves- Dean Lewis
EVERYTHING from Alec Bejamin
EVERYTHING from The Weeknd
ANYTHING from Ava Max
Sociopath- Olivia Obrien (SUCH a rafe song!)
Lana Del Rey (Brooklynn Baby, Dark Paradise, and Gods and Monsters are the most played for me)
Dizzy- Missio
Pull That Trigger- Tommee Profitt, Fleurie
Runnin- Adam Lambert
This is how I learned to say no- EMELINE
My Boy, Bury a Friend-Billie Eilish
Porcelain- Rachel Taylor
Unholy- Hey Violet
Downtown- Allie X
The Audacity- Emlyn
Promises and Don't Mess With My Head, both from EMO
ANYTHING from Michele Morrone
Angels and Demons- jxdn
You Don't Know- Katelyn Tarver (This one's a bit of an emotional trigger, just be warned)
Heaven Knows- The Pretty Reckless
Distance- Ruel
Hurt People- Two Feet (love anything from him too)
Just to name a few lol
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steeltwigz · 11 months
fic is Happening except i originially wanted for it to b a comic so theres a lot that i dont actually know if i like the way its written. will it become a comic? who knowss.
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