#origibal characters
coradeu · 11 months
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"allow me to help thou"
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bezierballad · 6 months
I've actually been on a Picrew craze as of yesterday, I made like a whole bunch of pics of Maria lmao
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I enjoy putting her in these different outfits, they're just so cute. 💜
Links to Picrews under the cut
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starliight-whump · 1 year
Can you write a Day In The Life Of Rigel story? 🥺 I love him
I'm sorry this took forever, but I finally finished it, so here is a day in the life of Rigel! :)
Sunlight filtered in through the windows, dancing over Rigel's face. It woke him up, and he opened his eyes slowly. From his place at the foot by Miss Cordelia's bed, he glanced over only to see that it was empty. Not an entirely unusual sight, not on fight days at least. Often Miss Cordelia let him sleep a little longer, which was nice. Rigel laid his head back down on the mattress again and gazed out over the sun filled room. He kind of felt bad for just laying around but at the same time, Rigel was grateful for some extra rest; and if Miss Cordelia didn't need him to do anything or wanted his company then it was just best to stay out of her way. 
Rigel could hear Cordelia's footsteps on the wooden floor, somewhere close by in the house, which put a smile on his face. Even though he really appreciated the rest, he did look forward to her company. The sound of approaching footsteps drew Rigel's attention and he looked over at the door just as it opened and Cordelia stood in the doorway. "Time to get up, Rigel."  
"Yes, Miss." Rigel smiled and sat up, stretching a bit as he did so. Some old injuries still ached a bit, but it wasn't something that would hinder him when fighting. He stood up and followed Miss Cordelia into the kitchen, where he knelt down next to her chair to eat breakfast, which today consisted of scrambled eggs and bacon. Nice and tasty, and very filling and Rigel made sure to thank Miss Cordelia after to really show his appreciation.
There wasn’t much left to do but wait until later, when they were going to leave for the fight. Miss Cordelia was busy running errands and making phone calls, not anything Rigel was needed for. So with her permission he laid down on the soft rug in front of the fireplace; a very cozy place indeed. In the background Rigel could hear the sound of conversation, but since it didn’t concern him, he didn’t listen in. Instead Rigel’s brown eyes were focused on the fire, how the orange flames flickered across the wood in an intricate dance. The warmth of the fire was pleasant against his skin and Rigel smiled to himself. Absentmindedly, he brushed his fingers over the rug, enjoying the feeling of the fabric against his fingers..
The day continued much in the same fashion, until it was time to get ready for the fight. After a quick meal and changing clothes into some dark comfortable ones Rigel sat in the backseat of Miss Cordelia’s sleek black car. 
“Remember, I’m counting on you to win, Rigel.” Cordelia said from the front seat as she started the car. Her voice was sweet, but there was no room for arguing or failiure
“Yes, Miss.” Rigel replied dutifully. He was going to do his very best to win, like always. The last thing he wanted to do was to dissapoint her, that never ended well. And rightfully so. He knew that he deserved the punishment if he failed
While Miss Cordelia drove, Rigel looked out through the dark tinted windows while fiddling with the metal ring in his collar. It was always interesting to see the outside world, and he felt perfectly safe knowing that no one could see into the car. His eyes trailed over passing cars, trees and streetlights and some people out walking the streets. It all looked very nice but Rigel had no wish to be out there, he was more than content to live with Miss Cordelia, where he was supposed to be.
Rigel focused on Miss Cordelia’s voice as she instructed him to get out of the car and he did so without hesitation. Rigel followed her through the parking garage where the sound of her red heels echoed through the room. Once they were out of there they were met with people laughing and talking, and some looking really scared. Between the laughter and cheerful conversation he could hear sobs and screams, someone pleading to be let go. Rigel didn’t pay them any mind, he knew that some people really didn’t like the fighting. Personally he didn’t mind, he gladly did it if it meant keeping Miss Cordelia happy and proud of him. Not everyone shared that same feeling towards their owners, it seemed. But in the end it didn’t matter, it wasn’t like it was up to them to decide anyway. So why complain and fight about it, when all that meant was more trouble? Besides, this wasn’t a bad life, just how things were supposed to be.
Rigel kept his eyes more or less cast down as they walked, it was the polite thing to do after all. As they approached the ring, they were met with some familiar faces.
“Douglas!” Cordelia smiled and hugged the man, who Rigel knew was her brother. He greeted the man with a polite “Hi Mr. Sinclair.” and did the same to the younger man by Douglas’ side; Mallory, Mr.Sinclair’s son. That was all he said though, and then Rigel stood back in silence while Miss Cordelia and her family members exchanged pleasantries. If they wanted him to talk they would address him, so until then Rigel knew to stay quiet; seen but not heard.
Then it was time for the fight, so Rigel followed Miss Cordelia to the Ring, a small arena-like area surrounded by a sturdy but relatively see-through fence; to make sure no one could escape. Rigel walked into the Ring and the opening closed and locked behind him. He stopped, waiting for the signal to start the fight. Though he was less focused on the person on the loudspeaker announcing who was fighting and more on the man on the other side of the ring. He was nearly a head shorter than Rigel and trembled like a leaf in the wind. Not much of a fighter, it looked like.
“P-please, don’t- don’t do this!” the man begged, but Rigel didn’t care much for his pleas. It wasn’t up to him, or any of them to stop this. It never was.
When the bell rang, Rigel approached the man, who tried to back away and plead for his life, though it didn’t phase Rigel much, he just did what he had to do. Then, with one swing at the man the fight started. To his credit the man really did try his best, but Rigel’s first assessment had been right; he wasn‘t much of a fighter. Didn’t take many minutes, or many punches before the man laid in a crumpled heap on the floor, whimpering in pain while Rigel was pretty much unscathed. The bell dinged and Rigel stepped back, away from the man who was dragged out while Rigel was declared winner; something that was accompanied by cheers. The next fight was considerably harder and took more focus than the first. Duck, punch, kick, bite, duck. Rigel didn’t fully manage to avoid one of the man’s punches. It landed right on his jaw, catching his lower lip that split open from the force of the blow. Rigel stumbled backwards and spat out a glob of blood. It didn’t do much to stop him though, Rigel just stepped forward again and took another swing at the man.
Rigel completely lost track of time, and by the time the bell rang out and he was announced as winner he was out of breath and a little worse for wear. He could still taste blood in his mouth from his split lip and his chest ached from one too many punches. The pain didn’t matter too much though, he had won.That’s what was important, and made it all worth it. So despite the pain, there was a smile on Rigel’s lips as he was let out of the ring. A smile that only grew when Miss Cordelia praised him. He’d made her happy, which was all Rigel really wanted. This was a good day.
After some more conversation between Miss Cordelia and her family and some friends, they headed back home. Since the fight had gone so well and Miss Cordelia was in a good mood, Rigel was rewarded with another meal which he ate happily while sitting on the floor next to her chair as always. Once Miss Cordelia had stopped eating she stood up and Rigel glanced up at her for a moment before he returned his attention to the food and ate the last bite of the lasagna he'd been given.
"Rigel, since you were so good today I got you something," Rigel looked up at Miss Cordelia. "A treat." With a smile, she handed him something and Rigel instinctually took it. Upon closer inspection it seemed to be a chocolate bar. A rare treat indeed. Wide eyed, Rigel looked up at her again. "Thank you, Miss."
"You've earned it." She smiled, then Miss Cordelia left Rigel with his treat.
A happy smile settled on his lips and Rigel carefully tore open the wrapper to reveal the chocolate bar. He took a small bite and was delighted to find that the chocolate bar was filled with some type of caramel and nuts. It was delicious! Rigel savored every single bite of that chocolaty, sugary goodness. 
The rest of the night was spent on the couch with his head in his master's lap. Cordelia's fingers softly brushed through his hair, her red fingernails scratching at his scalp. It helped Rigel relax despite the pain throbbing in his chest and knuckles, and the stinging in his bottom lip. Rigel closed his eyes and a smile played on his lips. It felt so nice. Later that night when he laid down on the mattress by Miss Cordelia's bed, Rigel was still smiling slightly to himself, happy with how the day had turned out.
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skeletons-eat · 3 months
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Stuff from this month:P
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daddysharktus · 10 months
Second part of object-creatures from rb games :》
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They ate me
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wildartsstuff · 1 month
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So, this is love?
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Round five of Artfight!
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( Tumblr tags for those who have tumblr: @artfight @littlemissartemisia @thecrystalauthor @cupofcappuccy @exhaustedwriterartist )
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tsukioreo · 7 months
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Blue Sig, tortured boi.
Here I am still alive. Drawing is difficult right now, I really want to draw more but I don’t vibe with it. I am still draining the wound of my rabbit 3 times a day, her bone infection is here to stay.. ( if you have followed all the updates on my IG ) You have no idea how sad it makes me, so it’s draining me mentally, daily. I decided to stay in Japan until her last days, so she doesn’t have to get through the stress of a moving, which means that I drop the opportunity to use a working holiday visa to Canada.. I also got no social life recently, it’s heavy on my mind. Not trying to sound like trash, but that’s honestly how I feel since the beginning of the year.
I can promise you tho that I will try harder to be the better version of me, and to work on how I feel, depression has always been there for years, but I can quiet it sometimes 💙 I only want good vibes and amazing art, thank god you guys are always delivering 💙
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dottea-time · 11 months
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You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl
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piepie-li · 2 months
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back when...
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roleplaymadness · 8 months
Okay, here goes nothing (again). Before I type out this request, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING
Sadly, it is hard to find a roleplay partner because all of the requests I have seen are something super specific fandom wise, or they request you to play a certain character and/or use a certain face claim. No, and no. I like using my own OCs and the faceclaims I want. It's fine to desire specifics but I just hate seeing requests that say they want a specific face claim. Like where is the fun in that for me? Forgive that rant. Below is a list of the genres I will do (a 💗 will be next to the genre or genres I am most interested in currently).
Fantasy (vampires, pirates, knights, etc) 💗
Sci fi (space, aliens, other species, etc)
Slice of life (I just recently got back into this) 💗
Western (have been craving some western action lately) 💗
If you message me, and we talk and plan a roleplay, let's thoroughly hash out ideas and OCs before we move to Discord and start the roleplay. I want us to have a basis to go into. It makes things easier before we agree to start anything, and also can help us with starting off. Also, showing OCs is a very big thing for me, because my OCs or faceclaims may not be everyone's cup of tea, and that is totally fine! We DON'T HAVE TO ROLEPLAY IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY OCS! So if we can hash all of that out in dms BEFORE starting a roleplay, it will help both of us in the long run with deciding to go further or not. I am not looking to waste anyone's time!
I loooooooove angst, and I adore love triangles. I enjoy making playlists, finding aesthetics, and gushing about our characters and ships OOC. I want the roleplay to consume my mind and have it be what I am thinking about while at work and so forth. I am not picky about response length. As long as it is like a paragraph or two, I am good. No one liners obviously. But sometimes there just isn't enough going on to progress the story with a book length response.
I apologize that this is so long, but I had to say it. So here is what we will do. If you have read this far, and can fit with the above criteria, comment "💗 and the genre you are looking for next to it". I can't go based on likes anymore bc people don't know how to stop spam liking shit.
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cero-sleep · 7 months
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pommigranite · 11 months
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it’s the boy, now with a dramatic flair ~ (my style has changed a lot lol)
✨ remember to vote for Jay in the @tmnt-oc-comp ✨
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lycorisgardennn · 5 months
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some more artworks of Chloe, she's a cutie patootie, isn't she :3
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skeletons-eat · 1 month
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missamethysa · 1 year
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My shiny girl! 🍋✨ Her name is Citrine and she is my Holy Priest oc from the World of Warcraft universe, a mix of Void Elf and Time dragon ✨
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