#origianl characters
wondrous-art · 1 year
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Because I’ve been drawing and discussing Miinu character more often recently, I’m making a post to go into depth about Miinu Anatomy
Meet Thyler
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Thyler is a thrip insect Miinu and will be the subject of today’s lesson. First we’re going to start with the outer shell of a miinu. 
Antennae - Nearly every miinu has sensitive antennae that emerge from the top of their scalp. These can be any size depending on the Bug Kin (the type of insect the Miinu is genetically related to). They can also often blend in with and be part of the hair style of the miinu. The antennae are sensitive organs filled with nerves that can pick up on subtle pheromones and scents around them, and are significantly stronger than their actual nose.
2. Hair - Miinu are capable of growing hair on their bodies like humans do, as well as facial and body hair. Some species may experience more body hair growth than others, such as hairier species like moths, who tend to have fur-like hair growth on their chests and arms.
3. Eyes - Miinu have specialized eyes that resemble compound eyes, but do not function like compound eyes. Instead the eyes are similar to humans, but larger and protected under a translucent shell that can protect the eyes from dirt, parasites, and UV rays. This shell is sturdy and can even be touched without causing pain. Genes can also determine what color the shell is.
4. Ears - Miinu faces are distinct from humans by their pointed, cone-shaped ears. It’s this unique trait that caused people to mistake them for fairies or elves.
5. Mandibles - Most miinu have mandibles that are connected to their jaw. They aid in the ripping and tearing of tougher food as well as in some cases, injecting venom into prey. The mandibles' distinct click and chittering has become an important phoneme sound for their language.
6. Primary arms - Miinu have multiple arms, but the Primary arms remain the strongest, largest, and permanent limbs.
7. Hands - Miinu’s human-like hands tend to have 3 clawed fingers and a thumb.
8. Secondary Arms - These are the second set of arms that Miinu possess to total 6 limbs. These arms are thinner than the primary arms and are capable of collapsing back inside of the body. Some Miinu, such as those of Spiders, can have a similar pair of tertiary arms as well, totalling 8 limbs.
9. Joint Segments - Miinu shells are made of a thick, leather-like skin. It’s tougher and stronger than human skin, and in order to maintain flexibility, is segmented into distinct folds around joints. This also optimizes healing, as the skin repairs itself by shedding layers of damaged skin, made easier when it only has to shed small segments of the body.
10. Wings - Flighted Miinu will often have a set of wings that allow flight. These wings are thin, often translucent and full of visible blood vessels. Most Miinu will not develop wings until they are adults. They are also delicate, and if they are torn or severely damaged, they will likely not heal, and won’t grow back.
11. Feet - Miinu bipedal legs with plantigrade feet. These feet have human-like heels and soles, but only two long, clawed toes.
12. Abdomen - The back end of the Miinu. It often resembles the Abdomen segment of their bug kin, but contrary to appearances, this is not just a tail, but an extension of the torso with vital organs inside.
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Now we have the skeleton. Yes, Miinu have a skeleton. Unlike their insect counterparts, they are not true arthropods and possess internal skeletons.
13. Skull - Miinu have a thick human-like skull. Notably larger eye sockets to fit their large eyes. They also have a significantly larger head to body ratio.
14. Antennae socket - The antennae connects directly to the brain, so the skull has small openings for this.
15. Teeth - Miinu have sharp teeth and fangs for tearing through tough food.
16. Spine - A miinu’s spine connects all the way down into the abdomen segment. 
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Now we get to open the lad up and see the inner workings.
17. Brain - Miinu have a complex, human-like brain capable of complex thought and emotion. It is a mystery how complex neurons can function at this size.
18. Facial Venom Glands - For individuals who inject venom through bites, venom glands are nested next to where the saliva glands would go.
19. Mouth - Miinu have pale yellow tongues.
20. Heart / Blood - The heart pumps a mustard yellow colored blood throughout the body.Instead of most organs being a red or pinkish color, organs appear a yellow or golden color.
21. Lungs 
22. Gills - Some Miinu have the ability to breathe underwater using a set of gills near their ribs. Some Miinu only have them in their larval stage and then lose them in adulthood.
23. Arm Pockets - Pockets of empty tissue that the secondary arms can collapse into. When arms are collapsed, this is sealed off with a slab of skin.
24. Stomach - Miinu have a diverse diet that is not restricted by their bug kin. They are omnivorous and can eat just about anything that is edible. Some Miinue can even process grass and wood fiber, or raw meat.
25. Crop - A secondary stomach for storing and processing complex and fibrous food. This is also where bee Miinu create honey.
26. Spleen
27. Pancreas
28. Liver - A smaller liver means that it takes significantly less alcohol to get intoxicated.
29. Small Intestines - The small intestines are larger in proportion than a human’s, due to how intense a Miinu’s diet can be.
30. Colon - The large intestine travels through the abdomen and waste is removed from the body at an opening at the end.
31. Kidneys - The kidneys are lower on the body, located in the abdomen segment.
32. Bladder - The kidneys send waste product into the bladder and it is ejected from the body the same way as the colon.
33. Rear Venom Gland - For stinging Miinu, a large venom gland can be found in the abdomen that connects to the stinger.
34. Penis - The male reproductive organ which is kept safe inside a pocket of skin near the groin, and only comes out during copulation.
35. Gonads
36. Vagina - The female reproductive organ. Also usually kept hidden inside a fold of skin until copulation.
37. Ovary / Oviduct - Female Miinu produce eggs that are processed through this system when fertilized. An unfertilized egg may also be passed at the end of every breeding season. Fertilized eggs only stay in the body for a few days, as the rest of the development happens after the egg is laid.
38. Spermatheca - Some Miinu, such as Queen Bees, Ants, and Wasps, can store male sperm long term to use when producing workers.
39. Insects that drink and store blood, like mosquitos, will store it here. The gut can expand over 10 times its size and use the nutrients from the blood to create eggs.
40. Ovipositor - The organ used for laying eggs. 
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kaiitan · 10 months
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Every time I hear the song manic by wage war it makes me think of my oc Deux.
He’s a psychopath 🖤✨
Used him as a excuse to also try a new shading technique and have fun with effects.
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soren49 · 1 year
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A Scug and a Salamander Walk Into A Shelter
... there is no punch-line. Commission done for Amozaven and Zae of their characters as a Rain World Scug and Salamander.
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jolliestlolli · 2 years
I wrote a thing that's not good enough for Ao3 so I'm sharing it here instead
Remember this dumb lil headcannon I wrote? Well now I wrote a short thing based on it that was supposed to be a quick drabble but got slightly out of hand. Please enjoy
“One box of mochi please.”
Sarah handed the Yen bills to the street vendor and accepted the box of sweets, walking over to the table where her boyfriend and his sister were waiting for her.
“I call dibs on the strawberry one!” Takara shouted as Sarah came near them.
“You don’t even like strawberries, you just want that one cause it’s pink,” Ryoma pointed out, head resting on his fist.
“Nuh-uh!” His sister said back, glaring at him as if prepared to fight for the strawberry mochi like a starving wolf.
“Come on you two, don’t start fighting now, I got enough for all of us,” Sarah said, opening the box to reveal an assortment of twelve different flavored mochi balls.
She sat down, and the three of them began to chow down on their afternoon snack. 
“Thanks for letting me come with you guys, big bro…!” Takara said at one point with a half bite of mochi still in her mouth.
“Yeah, well, I didn’t get much of a choice, did I?” Ryoma replied, knowing just as well as she did that she had cried and begged to come with them on their date until their mother stepped in and made him take her, or else he’d be grounded.
“I’m glad that you’re here too, Takara-chan…!” Sarah smiled warmly at the 9-year-old and gave her hair an affectionate rub like she was a cat.
Ryoma rolled his eyes at the two of them, then took a green tea flavored mochi out of the box. “Hey babe, wanna see something cool?” he asked.
“Hm? Cool how?”
Without answering, Ryoma looked her in the eye and shoved the entire mochi ball in his mouth. Sarah’s eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat.
“Ryoma, don’t do that…!! You’ll–”
Before she could finish speaking, he had already chewed and swallowed the mochi, and was looking at her with a cheeky smile on his face.
“I’ll what?”
Both Sarah and Takara stared at him in disbelief, Takara looking more amazed and Sarah looking more horrified.
“Don’t– don’t people choke to death on these things all the time??”
“Sure, maybe stupid people and old people. But you can do it just fine when you’ve got a big mouth like mine.”
Sarah sighed, unable to hide her own smirk. “Well, I can’t deny you’ve got a big mouth, literally and figuratively.”
They all chuckled at her comment and then continued conversing like nothing happened, occasionally Ryoma would take out another mochi ball and shove the whole thing in his quote en quote “big mouth”.
“I’ve gotta go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” Sarah said, standing up from her chair and going into one of the nearby shops, leaving the two siblings alone with each other.
“...She’s pretty!” Takara said once Sarah was out of earshot.
Ryoma blushed and glanced away from his sister. “Yeah – yeah she is…”
“Are you gonna maaaarry her~?” Takara asked with that teasing cat-like grin that seemed to run in the Hoshi family.
“Pshh. No,” Ryoma said, then thought about it for a couple seconds, pulling a white mochi out of the box and pretending to inspect it like it had ancient ruins written on it. “...Maybe. But that’s none of your business, is it?”
“You’re my big brother! Of course it’s my business! I wanna throw rose petals at her and drink sake with you guys!”
“You’re too young to drink sake.”
“But when you guys get married, I’ll be old enough…!”
“If we get married, if.” Ryoma, growing annoyed with talking to his little sister already, plopped the whole mochi in his mouth in the hopes it meant she would be quiet; It did not.
“Well if you get married, how many babies are you gonna have with her?”
At that question, Ryoma involuntarily sucked in a gulp of air. For a second he made a sound like he was about to try to answer her, but then he coughed.
“Big bro?”
He coughed again, louder and harsher this time, and his eyes were no longer meeting Takara’s.
“Big bro? What’s wrong?” Takara asked again.
Ryoma pounded on his chest, continuing to cough and gasp for air, until he eventually stood up out of his chair and put both hands on his throat. His face was beginning to go stark white and his eyes widened with terror.
“Big bro!? Oh my god– Oh my god! He’s choking!! He’s choking!!” Takara shrieked, unaware of what she was supposed to do and terrified that she was watching her older brother slowly die in front of her. “Sarah!! SARAH!!!”
At that exact moment, Sarah came running out of the store she had just gone into, her hands still dripping wet from washing them. “What’s going on!?” she asked, before she saw Takara crying and Ryoma beginning to turn blue around the lips. For a second she almost froze up exactly like Takara had, but yet she knew exactly what she was supposed to do.
“Call 911, Takara!” Sarah shouted at the child, who shakily pulled out her phone and started trying to dial the emergency number.
She ran up to Ryoma and kneeled behind him. She wrapped her arm around his waist and, using her other arm, slammed on his back, right between his shoulder blades, as hard as she could five consecutive times in an attempt to dislodge the object blocking his airway. But it didn’t work, Ryoma continued to gasp and choke, and to her horror, seemed to lean into her body like he was beginning to lose consciousness.
Knowing she had very little time left to act, Sarah then placed both her hands in a fist shape against his abdomen. Then, she thrust inward and upward, nearly lifting him off his feet. Ryoma made a strangled noise of pain but did not stop gasping. She made four more abdominal thrusts, then pounded on his back again, then went back to doing the thrusts. 
With each cycle she became more desperate, thrusting harder and harder, but the sticky ball of mochi seemed wedged in his throat for good. By now Takara had already called 911 and told them through a voice full of tears that they needed an ambulance, and now she was standing by with her hands over her mouth, holding her breath as if in solidarity.
Finally, Sarah made one more hard thrust and–
The half-chewed, soggy piece of mochi shot out of Ryoma’s mouth with the force and speed of a bullet, crashing through one of the shop windows and causing the people inside who had no clue what was going on to start screaming. Immediately after it was dislodged, Ryoma dropped to the ground and started to cough and wheeze, finally able to take in a much needed full breath of oxygen. There was drool dripping down his chin, his eyes were bloodshot, and even though now he could breathe he seemed to still be struggling to do so.
Takara, who had been staying quiet ever since she got off the phone with the paramedics, suddenly let out a loud wail and embraced her brother on the ground. “Don’t ever scare me like that again, big bro…!! I thought you were gonna die…!!”
Sarah, just relieved that it was over, also embraced him on his other side, carefully bringing him against her and letting his head rest on her lap while they waited for the ambulance.
“Can– can we go home now…?” Ryoma eventually croaked out.
“Soon babe, soon. We’ve gotta get a doctor to give you the all-clear first.”
“Oh… I think– I think that’s the last time I’m eating mochi for a while…”
Sarah sighed and shook her head. “Ay yi yi… What would you ever do without me, Ryoma Hoshi?”
He gave her a half-hearted shrug. “Choke and die…?”
At that, she couldn’t help but morbidly chuckle. “Well then, it’s a good thing I’ll always be around.”
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nikkistrations · 2 years
Commission Info and Types
Payments are accepted via Paypal and CashApp
I reserve the right to turn away commissions for any reason.
All commissions are for personal use only, I do not condone the commercialization of my art.
Art takes time, especially with my being in school at the moment. Usually, art can be made and finished anywhere between 3 days to 1.5 weeks, but delays may happen due to school projects or personal issues. Any and all delays will be communicated when they occur.
I have never encountered a refund issue before, as all of my clients thus far have left happy with their commissions. I keep my clients updated on their commissions from showing them concept sketches to making sure that it is what they want, to asking if they have anything they want or need to be adjusted in the finished piece before the final cut is sent to them.
Instructions to the Buyer:
I can draw any character from any fandom so long as there exist references, just note there are obviously going to be style differences.
If you want an original character, then I will be needing references for them, too. Most often, already drawn up designs are preferred.
I can work with inspo pics, too, as long as there is some for body type, hair, and outfit. I do prefer to discuss these types of comms before-hand, though. Please, see my socials and choose your preferred way to contact me for them. Any extra information I may need I will ask you for in discussions.
Commission Types: Under the cut with example images
Full Body, Flat Color:
Full body art, flat colors (no shading) of any character you like (canon existing or OC).
Single-color backgrounds only, but simple patterns can be negotiated.
Price: $25
Add Character +$15
(Examples TBA)
Full Body, Full Color:
A full body line art + full color art of a character of your choice.
Additional characters are charged extra. Simple, single-color background included in the base price.
Price: $50
Add Character +$15
Complex Background +$20
Background Add-Ons (Flowers, etc) +10
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Chibi Character:
Any character of your choice, drawn as a chibi! These commissions are fully colored. SImple backgrounds like in the examples are options, but not required.
Price: $15
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Single Character Sketch:
A digital sketch of any character (canon existing or OC)
Price: $15
Add Character +$6 per character
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Sketch Page:
A page of digital sketches of a character of your choosing (canon existing or OC)
Price: $35
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The following commissions are paintings! Please note that they will take more time than other commission types, so please be patient if you commission them from me.
Character Painting, Bust:
A bust painting - full color - of a character of your choosing (canon existing or OC)
Price: $40
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Character Painting, Full Body:
A full body, full color painting of a character of your choice (canon existing or OC). Single-color/simple backgrounds are included in the base price.
Price: $80
Add Character +$40
Add to Background (Flowers, etc) +$20
Complex Background (Ratigan example) +$30
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Object Painting:
A digital painting of objects or a concept suggested by you! You tell me what you want to whatever specifications you have, and I will draw up some thumbnails before painting for you to choose from.
Price: $70
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so-many-ocs · 2 years
omw to write a story consisting solely of my favorite tropes and characters i think are cool
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hydrabb · 1 year
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figurecollection · 1 year
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Byakko-chan Original Character Garage Kit, by Monozo
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shyblacksheep · 1 month
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Close-up Shot commissions P. 1! (all characters copyrighted to their rightful owners!)
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werewolfcutieart · 21 days
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😏bugsona time.......
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lychii · 1 year
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Mr. Don’t Play Nice With Others
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minidoodles97 · 6 months
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Decided to do a re-draw of these two (here’s the link to the original post). Honestly my style hasn’t changed too much since 2020, but I’m still happy with how this turned out. Especially the lighting.
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delsinsfire · 6 months
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eladrin commission
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laweyd · 2 years
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Emily and Quinn ! (OCs)
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selene19official · 1 month
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danicalzone · 6 months
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The long way Up
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