#organizing manual
la-tramontana · 1 year
when it comes to voting
It's time to stop relying on political machines and staffers to do the work and act like organizers. Anyone and everyone can do it, but it's important to remember that if you want to move someone from INACTION to ACTION, the biggest influence on that person's behavior is going to be a personal relationship with strong rapport.
That means you.
Make a list of your contacts. ALL your contacts, including the annoying ones. Online and offline. Your neighborhood. Everyone who could roughly be called your monkeysphere. Your target is a list of 10 - 300 people who you have some ability to contact.
Next, power-mapping.
Who knows who? Who influences who? Who is in a friend group together? Chunk them up into key groups. Try to find a person in every group who you think could influence others, and who you could also influence. Identify people in powerful positions.
Do you have friends who have more influence in their particular friend groups than you? Do you have friends who you might be able to convince to go to a protest with you?
It's time to agitate, which means targeted asks. Get your identified influencers, people who already want to be engaged in politics, who will vote but won't do more yet (in unions, we call these "strike captains") to say "yes" to actions such as: protesting, spreading the word, joining a project like Sister District, registering people to vote, as you are able. If they say no, that's fine. Let them cool off, rebuild the relationship stronger, and ask again.
Ask people to ask people, specific people who you know they know, to vote. Check in a couple weeks later to ask about what so-and-so said.
You can't do all of this yourself. Organizing means pulling other people in and sharing responsibility. Your goal is to spend as little time "in charge" as possible.
Document barriers to voting and organize mutual aid to cover those barriers. This may mean helping people pay for their IDs, driving people to the polls, etc. The likely fact is that if you know 50 - 100 people you probably know some people who have some resources and some people who are going to need some help. Connect these people to each other.
Leave the hard no's, the ones who want nothing to do with politics whatsoever, alone and focus on influencing as many people as you can around them. You might be surprised at the outcomes you can achieve.
Something that's worked for me, but YMMV: if anyone asks, you aren't agitating and you aren't organizing and you definitely aren't a leftist of any type. You're a centrist leaning slightly conservative with neutral values (smile). You don't care about specific outcomes, you just want the election to be representative of people's views. You want to get young people involved in "something." It's important to participate in democratic traditions.
Make a timeline of 3 months or so leading up to the election with concrete, achievable goals every week. Your goal is to flip as many of your targets to a. VOTE and b. ORGANIZE their own monkeyspheres. Use gentle peer pressure: "I know so-and-so registered to vote lately, have you? Do you need help?"
Don't forget to remind people of both a. the stuff that pisses you off and b. what you hope to win. Without hope ya got nothing.
Don't use regurgitated lines or scripts; come up with your own motivations, your own way of saying things. The less you sound like you're working for the democratic party, the better.
Here's the money line that got my famously "neutral" and "apolitical" turf of 200 to swing active and anarchist: "No, I'm not going to tell you how to vote. That's your business. Check the issues and see what you think. I just want you to vote in the strike authorization. Don't you think our group should get a say in the outcome?"
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death-envoy · 5 months
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"She desires only companionship, but the only thing she knows is how to hurt."
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kusanagim91 · 2 months
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Hice unos wallpapers xd
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paper-gold-theories · 2 months
Now that You mention flug showing skin, did you saw the picture from the new book of flug cosplaying Jane Fonda?
*spoilers for those who have not read the Manual Para Villanos (Villain's Manual)*
(continuing from this)
GoldHeart: In order to defeat Black Hat Organization I will need to watch all their orientation videos to learn how they think and operate. I'll start with this one...
For no particular reason whatsoever...
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(GoldHeart is simping for Flug like he's an idol 😂)
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kalims · 9 months
sometimes I remember my first few months as a writer here and start cringing because wtf was i on
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crimeronan · 14 hours
i spent about 14 straight hours earlier this week applying to transcription companies for contract work & i was gonna make a joke about how strange it is that i don't have a job yet, when i spent one entire day applying for work in an industry that has completely died out due to AI, but then to my shock.... i HAVE been hired by one. & am still waiting to hear back from about ten others.
(so far the stats are 2 scams, 2 rejections, 1 request for additional materials, 1 acceptance, and 10 applications pending review.)
so instead i will make the joke:
oh god. having a job.
what am i gonna do if i can't doomscroll tumblr and shitpost about owl house AUs all day......
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He's Warning Us And Yet We Still Took The Bait
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They've got their ass covered more than Disney.
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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Abolishing Capitalism
None of these options are long-term solutions. We live in a civilization based on the separation of society into haves and have-nots. This cannot be allowed to continue.
The entirety of potential political and social structures don’t balance on the axis of capitalism (and democracy, somehow always lumped with capitalism) and state communism. Capitalists would love for you to believe that, of course, because state communism is so clearly a terrible idea; they would love for people to think capitalism is the only alternative to Stalinist atrocity.
Capitalism is an atrocity, however, as a quick survey will let us know. Capitalism (the idea of not working for your money, but instead siphoning the wealth produced by others) has led us to the very brink of planetary ecocide with its mindless search for profit (a feature included even in the dictionary definition!).
Many people have theorized ways of eradicating the rampant criminality of capitalism. Socialism isn’t actually a dirty word, and can mean a whole host of things, many of which are as far from Stalinism as a system could possibly be.
But the simplest one is this: we, as small communities (often overlapping ones), can make decisions for ourselves by the means we best see fit. We can feed and care for ourselves and each other. We can work in ways that make us happy, we can work for projects that actually concern us. If we don’t let the ruling class rule us, we won’t be ruled. If you ask me, I’d call this system anarchism. Other people might call it different things like autonomism or horizontalism or just decentralization, direct democracy, or common sense.
But in order to do this, we have to take back the means of production. The rich have the things they have because they are dirty stinking thieves, whether they know it or not.
just a friendly word from some anarchists
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spongynova · 5 months
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The infamous Sh'Rann, our beloved rural space vulcans' home, picture taken with the cordial autorisation of Captain Spisee.
I'm really happy to illustrate the Sh'Rann of @android-and-ale, if you haven't started yet, you can read their fic here.
This was a challenge to me for several reasons, for example: I never drew a single spaceship before, but I had so much fun drawing this welded nightmare! It was a blast! So, I hope you'll like it <3
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maricat95 · 2 months
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Marisela reading the new book "Manual para Villanos de Black Hat Organization" 🎩😈📖💀🌹🏵️🌸🖤💙💜♥️
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fivepebble · 2 months
i'm still so flabbergasted that the story clangen generated for the hfjone run was everyone dying one by one in increasingly gruesome ways until bryce was the only one left, and then kept him alive until he died of old age
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dreamlogic · 3 months
finally got a job & then my car's engine immediately started smoking on the way home from meeting my supervisors & filling out tax paperwork. 🫠
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stagelightwhump · 4 months
Imagine the pain a "Unit" being repaired must feel, as mechanical claws rifle through their internal organs, altering them, or even replacing them entirely, all without any anesthesia, only a single muscle relaxant to keep them from protecting their insides from being converted!
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kusanagim91 · 2 months
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gay gay homosexual gay
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pekoeboo · 3 months
- Primordial SMP is now titled Home Is Where You Are -
@cookieg122 and I finally decided on a name for this story we've been working on together for a few years now!! it had started out as a simple recounting of events that took place within two separate Minecraft servers a few years back, but since then we've come up with a lot of our own content, and we figured it was best to call it by an original title to try to separate that original content from its MC ties so it can stand alone as its own thing, too.
Hence why we're dropping the SMP (i.e., "survival multiplayer") title and giving it a wholly new one!
I'm planning on reorganizing my blog (and other related sites like deviantART and AO3) to accurately reflect this change, so it might take a while until everything is fully sorted out. I'll hopefully make a new post chronicling the different tags that I'll be using to organize everything (since I'm planning on splitting it into three distinct Acts), as well as maybe give an overview of the story itself and its contents/characters if possible, so it'll be less confusing going forward :'0
Really excited about this change, though. it's been a long time coming, for sure ;o;
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mail-me-a-snail · 9 months
kicks dirt. obviously arasaka did their absolute best to make sure it wasn't obvious vance is part machine. so of course you wouldn't hear his cooling fans Kick In. but you could probably feel his chest humming under your fingertips
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