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organicdeliverysydney · 1 year ago
Bananas, Lady Finger 250g
Buy bananas, lady Finger 250g online from organic delivery Sydney.
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quesocheeso · 2 months ago
So I just read your mac backstory (AlSO I HiGHLY RECOMMEND second chances on Ao3 it will take you through the wringer in a good way)
I understand if you can’t answer cause of spoilers but does Wukong or anyone ever find out about the full truth of macaques past? I assume it comes back to bite him at some point the past always does
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Love the image first of all
And yee they do find out😊 now the real question is how do they found out lmaoooo
A lot of small things that Macaque do are in consequence of how he lived, his want to stay in the island instead of traveling, his overprotectiveness of ffm are in relation to his previous homelessness status, of never having had a place or troop to call home
His unwavering faith and following in Wukong is in relation to him thanking the other for giving him a home and wanting to repay him for that, etc etc
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fbfh · 7 months ago
Imagine topping Leo in a chair?
LITERALLY love you for this. riding Leo in a chair is in like your top 5 favorite ways to ride Leo. your faces are so close together and he can feel every intimate rockwing bouncing squeeze of your tight juicy little hole gripping his throbbing cock like a vise. his eyes are so wide and his grip on your soft hips is nearly enough to leave pretty little fingertip bruises polkadotting your thighs (which he's obsessed with) and your hips (which he's also obsessed with) and your ass (are you sensing a pattern here????) and god everything you do drives him crazy but CHRIST the way you hold his face so sweetly in your pretty hands, so innocent and tender while simultaneously milking his cock for all he's got. and he'll give it to you. Leo will let you ride him in that chair that he can't look at after that without going half mast. he'll let you ride him until he's shooting blanks, until both of your cum drips on the floor, mixing in messy creamy beautiful puddles. Leo will throw his head back in pleasure, panting, chest heaving and giving you the best view of his perfect neck that's just begging to be covered in hickeys and bites. Leo will let you ride him in a chair until he passes out. can't walk. pounding down gatorade and liquid iv to try and rehydrate. and he'll thank you for it.
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glassedplanets · 7 months ago
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guys being dudes but with fishies 🐟🐠🐡🦈
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i liked the lines a lot for this! i've been trying to get myself to treat digital art like sketching in a sketchbook recently and these lines really reflect that. i didn't go into this with any kind of plan aside from "oooooo aquarium bar" which backfired on me in a couple of ways lmao but 🤷‍♂️
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meirimerens · 1 year ago
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minnnnnd your fucking business goddamn‼️
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cupophrogs · 1 year ago
*casually leaves this creature on Drew feet* so.... New toy! Yay!.... Her name it's Camy cameleon, but you can call her Camy for short.... She is a cameleon... Nothing more interesting to talk about her, she smells like cappuccino
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A creature :)
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fishareglorious · 1 year ago
so... apparently I've been writing Sammelweis' name wrong the entire time. It's Semmelweis, just like the doctor Ignaz Semmelweis.
I do wonder if she's going to have a heavy-handed reference to the real-life Semmelweis. Look him up, his story and role in the founding of antisepsis practices is incredibly interesting if you're into medical history like me.
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the-uncrafting-table · 23 days ago
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beautiful, beautiful pearls. made from calcium carbonate (mainly aragonite and calcite in crystal form) they are made by shelled mollusks as a response to irritants within the body.
Any shelled mollusk is capable of creating them, it's not just clams! Like take this beautiful melo melo pearl, made by the Indian Volute or Bailer Shell snail. They are extremely rare and expensive, selling for $20,000 for just one.
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If you wanna see the biggest pearl ever found, look no further than this 61 lb. monstrosity valued at 100 million dollars!
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Remember how I mentioned that pearls are formed to cover and soothe foreign irritants in the shell? Well that normally comes from regular old sand, but it can also be other things, like uhh... live fish mayhaps?
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it's even intentionally cultivated sometimes, as with these buddha-shaped pearls made by placing tiny metal figurine against a pearl oyster's soft tissues
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While mostly used for jewelry, pearl powder is also found in some skincare products, as well as being a traditional Chinese medicine ingredient, used to treat convulsions and skin diseases. I don't really know how effective the first medicinal claim is, but from what I hear, the antioxidant properties work great!
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lastly of course, there's honorary mention of Dragon Pearls, which contrary to popular myth are not technically real pearls, but bezoars typically formed from the bones and gastroliths in a dragon's stomach. Believed to have lucky properties, their over-collection has threatened native dragon populations to the point that sales of them are now banned in most countries. We here at Uncraft hold a firm belief in that rule too, so don't go asking for any of those!
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well, that's all my pearls of wisdom for today! We'll see you tomorrow!
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 1 year ago
poor mork getting punished for the crime of being in a hypervigilant state he hasn't dealt with :( like i get it yadda yadda the conventions of the form but idk i'd have liked to see a different path taken. day's had a great self acceptance journey (loved the white cane finally making its appearance and being referenced in tandem with day's preoccupation with how people perceive him), and the way he's grown to accept support from others while managing his own independence has been really lovely. but it would have been nice to see mork get his parallel there, to be able to move through some of the steps of healing with others to lean on while he does it, not just being cast out on his own. mork's not really had a problem with independence, he's had a problem with dependence - letting other people take care of him and bear his weight, letting needs be filled by people/things that aren't him or in his control, "my sister killed herself because i didn't answer a call". i would have rather seen him have an equivalent moment to someone clearing rocks from the path in front of him so that he could climb to healing. not just sort of sending him off to a mountain on his own.
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lordadmiralfarsight · 1 year ago
Why is Leftblr plagued by political Karens ?
And no, I can't think of any other way to refer to so, so, so many of you who gleefully cheer for Hamas, deny or justify their crimes, apply a double standard against Israel (always in favour of the terrorist organisation, always), and so on and so forth.
Make no mistake, what Israel is doing in Gaza is horrible (though I would argue there's little alternative considering Hamas' goals and behaviour so far), and it's getting especially awful and violent in the West Bank, with too little oversight and far too much political complicity from the current Israeli government.
But what I'm talking about, in your behaviour, is in direct relation to the 7/10 attack, not what's happening in the West Bank.
You don't look at their ideology. Do you know what the ideology of Hamas is ? It's the same as Al Qaeda, the same as ISIS, the same as Boko Haram. It's violent, totalitarian islamism. It is intolerant and hateful, it wants to kill all who do not fit its mold. They openly - OPENLY - said they wanted to take over the world, and that once they were done with the Jews (the Jews, not the Israeli, the JEWS) it would be the Christians' turns. Does that sound like someone you want to cheer on ? Does that sound tolerant and acceptant ?
For me, as a French, all Hamas is, is another form of the monsters that killed hundreds in the Bataclan. That sent a truck through the crowd in Nice on the Promenade des Anglais. That murdered and took hostages in the Hyper Kasher.
It's the same cruelty and hate, the same interpretation of Islam that pushed Mohammed Merah to murder children in school in 2012. Because those kids were Jewish.
And all I can think, when I watch how you react ... how you cheer on Hamas ... is that it isn't the acts that bother you. It's whether it has the right stickers, the right buzzwords associated to it.
You're like a Karen, ranting and throwing a tantrum, because the mangos don't have the little organic sticker.
It's not an organix, marx-fed terror attack, so you don't like it. But the one in Israel, oh this one, it has the sticker, you're sure of it. You put it there yourself, because it is much, much more socially acceptable, in your little social circle of murderous, bloodthirsty political Karens to stamp your little Revolution-certified sticker on that particular terror attack.
But it's the same ideology, Karen. The mangos are identical. The murders are the same. The only real difference is the numbers.
And you can go "But IDF in Gaza D:" all you want. All I hear, is that you're willing to support ISIS, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram, so long as they put the right stickers on their murders.
You don't need to cheer for the monsters. You don't need to cheer for ISIS under a different flag.
You can criticize Israel without being antisemitic, as you keep saying. Maybe you should start doing that.
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organicdeliverysydney · 1 year ago
Apples, Fuji
Buy apples, fuji 500g online from organic delivery Sydney.
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year ago
hii is there any works we can look forward to seeing in the future?
hellaur! currently working on a bunch of things rn but i can't say exactly when they're coming out! will be pasting some titles, their synopsis, and their status just for your information HAHHA
karma comes in the form of vehicular accidents and designer leather jackets.
SYNOPSIS. when you’re nearly run over by a car, and said car happens to be a porsche 918 spyder, your broke ass knows better than to let this one in a million miracle slip by.
— ricky fic!! outline doc is currently at 3k but haven't officially started writing it yet (will do after i finish this paper tonight HAHAH) our boy is peak whipped lovestruck loveblind here.......mm so so yummy.
what's wrong with ceo park?
SYNOPSIS. one, waking up in a hotel room with an unknown stranger after your congratulations-slash-farewell dinner. two, your boss is being really fucking weird. it’s not hard to put one and two together, but three is an odd number to deal with.
— the full fic ver of my ceo hoon drabble! outline doc is also at 3k and haven't officially started writing it yet. wait hold on this is another weird rich guy that's head over heels for u HAHHAHAHAHA the only exchange i'm willing to divulge right now is “i don't think i’m in the position to define the degree of closeness of our relationship, sir.” “is your degree of closeness determined by how much you can put your hands on each other whenever and however you want?” ...... have that as u will.
untitled enha hyung line fic.
SYNOPSIS. four assholes realize their ideal type is a bitch with a personality worse than theirs.
— revenge fic!! unhinged female rage!!!! mc threatens them with a pair garden shears(with a cockroach stabbed through) at some point!!!! if u want to see four shitty men being psychologically tortured and blackmailed, this one's for u!!!
i also have a gyuvin and beomgyu drabble in the works HAHAHAH on top of my ten million other wips like three's a crowd and the breakup soup, but again idk when any of these are gonna come out. maybe i'll post a preview or a drabble tomorrow. maybe i'll disappear from the face of tumble earth. who knows. stay tuned.
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mermaidslabyrinth · 19 days ago
MermaidsLabyrinth AO3
Just simply a heads up.
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babygirlharrington · 2 years ago
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another @gayngerthings inspired ooc STBMIG post
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swordmaid · 8 months ago
shri'iia: gets trapped inside a lamp
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fishareglorious · 1 year ago
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aint'cha busy tormenting vertin and crew on that greek island why are you here in austria....
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