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ottottorecords · 3 years ago
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The Time Undefined - The Time Undefined EP Stage 2 Strictly Rhythm SR 12409 A1:All For You A2:T’chat B1:Journey’s In Motion B2:Orange Night format:12’ condition:ex sleeve:ex with shrink #thetimeundefined #thetimeundefinedepstage2 #strictlyrhythm #dancurtin #allforyou #tchat #journeysinmotion #orangenight #techno #housemusic https://ottottorecords.stores.jp/items/62b856b90ebded268d99c8af https://www.instagram.com/p/CfRPBW4h0cy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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williechou · 5 years ago
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就用甜點來打開2020的第一則貼文吧! 橙夜 ✦酸奶慕斯 ✦柳橙巧克力乳霜 ✦橙香鮮奶油 搭配巧克力塔殼 巧克力塔殼依序放上 柳橙巧克力乳霜 中層是酸奶慕斯 最上方是橙香鮮奶油 最後再剉上一些柳橙皮屑增加柑橘類的清香, 還有放上食用金箔點綴。 來說說口感跟味道 他的塔殼跟以往吃過的塔殼不一樣, 要形容他的口感就像是你把義美的巧克力碎片弄碎再壓成塔殼的樣子, 所以他切跟吃起來的口感是紮實而酥鬆的, 味道上算是偏苦甜巧克力的味道, 但是清爽, 接著是柳橙巧克力乳霜, 不知道是是因為經過冷凍, 所以他的口感算是類似直接吃奶油那種滑順感, 然後可以在裡面咬到糖漬柳橙皮, 有一種微微QQ的口感, 增加了一點不一樣的層次, 接下來是酸奶慕斯, 是一種帶奶味但清爽的酸味, 最上面的橙香鮮奶油, 是清爽的,有淡淡甜味, 吃進嘴裡的柳橙味道非常明顯但不過重。 榛果千層 但其實我會比較想稱它為榛果拿破崙, 一般是用千層酥皮跟卡士達去做層次上的堆疊, 我應該是在台灣第一次吃到, 因為他比較適合現做現吃, 否則千層酥皮的部分會因為卡士達的水分而影響他吃起來的���脆感, 畢竟千層酥皮這種東西要做的好是比較需要技巧的, 而且又要現點現做, 所以一般店家真的比較少看到。 而且當我看著他不知如何下手時, 親切的店員來解圍了, 教我該如何處理他, 不是用切的, 因為他的軟硬度相差太大, 她教我用敲的, 把刀尖抵住最上方的酥皮, 然後用叉子在整支刀子一半的部分, 開始敲敲敲, 然後他就會一分為二, 所以來說這份就是要自己獨享, 或是兩個人對切然後分著吃, 至於吃的方式可以直接手拿著咬, 或是優雅的一層一層吃, 拿著酥皮抹上裡面的榛果醬吃。 因為我是一個人吃, 所以我就兩種方式都吃, 其實會吃到不一樣的風味跟口感~ 一口塞的話, 嘴裡會感受到滿滿的榛果香味, 是一種味道豐富但是清爽的感覺, 嘴裡一下子充滿香氣, 然後咀嚼到千層酥皮的口感, 一層一層的在齒間脆裂, 然後又冒出榛果香, 吞下後, 只留下淡淡的榛果香氣在喉嚨, 接著就消失了。 分層吃的話, 你可以更感受到每層跟每個材料的質地跟味道, 你可以吃到千層酥皮除了他的酥脆還可以吃到他帶點鹹味, 榛果的味道足但是不會讓你覺得有負擔, 而且他們還會灑些榛果碎在裡面, 增加一點不一樣的口感層次。 搭配的是水神之舞綠茶 喝起來是淡淡的柑橘味, 而且也沒有一般綠茶的苦澀味道, 整體喝起來是溫潤的綠茶帶有帶橙香, 喝下後, 嘴裡會一直有茶香氣到鼻腔。 #frenchdessert #dessert #dessertaholic #tainan #orangenight #hazelnutmillefeuille #millefeuille #Napoleon #thedesondines #greentea #orangearoma #hazelnut #custard #sourcreammousse #orangechocolatecream #chocopastry #tarte #orangezest #crispy (在 Celso Pâtisserie 漫步左岸法式甜點) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6wndQXAKV0/?igshid=1a8kvhmpgleke
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khibangit · 8 years ago
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Me and my people's #NGUVU will be performing live at the #orangenight ...pass through to support and have a good time dancing to some goodmusic ...#showtime #performinglive #performanceart #artist #lovemusic #passion #singer #rapper #producer #underground #mainstream
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socialsf · 7 years ago
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#happyhalloween #allhallowseve #magicalnight #sfcityhall #mycommute #drivebyshot #thecitythatknowshow #sanfrancisco #alwayssf #onlysf #orangenights (at San Francisco, California)
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fine-not-fine · 6 years ago
18, 19, 20
How about sibling trios?Kestrelpaw, Cloudpaw, and Tallpaw.Doepaw, Mosspaw, BramblepawSagepaw, Minnowpaw, FrostpawDawnkit, Rowankit, SplashkitIrina’s three kitsHeavystep’s dead kitsIvykit, Sorrelkit, PalekitStreampaw, Doepaw, LightpawJaykit, Mothkit, AlderkitQuialpaw, Harepaw, TimberpawHave you changed the name of any of your OCs?TONS
List your tortoiseshell OCs.Kestrelpaw, Orangenight, Mottlefeather, Dewfang, Newtkit, Dappleface, Sorrelkit, Emberheart, Waspfang, Kestrelblaze, Sparkcatcher, Foxjaw, Beestar, Reefstar, Moon that Glows over Stones, 
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stuffwindylikes · 8 years ago
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On Fridays we wear orange. #sfgiants #orangenight #attpark #sailboats #sf (at AT&T Park)
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gssstudios · 8 years ago
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We only #film at #night. . .. ... #instagram #instadaily #utahfilm #Utah #sony #instalove #follow4follow #photographer #bluenight #orangenight #photooftheday
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ramiiiiipic · 7 years ago
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綺麗なサニトラだったな🤔 KTMカラーもキマッてた👏 旧車はこんな風に大事に綺麗に乗らないと(無理) ・ #浜名湖sa #orangenight #オレンジナイト #orange #night #nightout #nightview #nissan #sunny #sunnytruck #サニトラ #ssr #wheels #ktm #color #rockford #speaker #jdm #superstreet #jdmgram #streetphotography #pictureoftheday #photooftheday #pic #instagood #インスタ映え #かわいい #RAMIIIIIpic #ラミピク (東名高速浜名湖SA)
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fine-not-fine · 7 years ago
More oc warrior cat rambles
If Val (Shatteredheart) was in Rubyclan I can see his relationship with the clan being super tense. He bickers with Foxstar and has a sort of sometimes cool sometimes not relationship with Pebbletail and Orangenight. I can totally see he gets power hungry and talks Orangenight into helping him for the good of the clan. It takes a lot of conviecing but it works. He probs as an on and off relationship with Hollyberry but she just really can’t stand his additude sometimes tbh. He totally flirts with Ferretsmoke even though she’s off limits. Greywater does not like him much and honestly most of the clan agrees. Mottlefeather tries to be friendly at least. Though when it comes to fear, i think most cats kinda fear him. But he watches his tone around Cedarshade even if she bad mouths him.  Sylvia (Pinkbelly) would be awesome in Topazclan queen squad. She doesn’t mock Pinklight’s beliefs and lets Pinklight explain her interesting upbringing. Heavystep would be super protective of her and Pinklight because their both so sweet. Jokingly apprentices and some warrior’s call them ‘the pinks’. She raises Applekit,Newtkit, Dawnkit, Rowankit, and Splashkit like her own children. They call her ‘Auntie Pinkbelly’ or just ‘Auntie’.   JayJay totally everyone’s best friend- might end up poly with Crowsong and Mistheart at least would be good friends with them.
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fine-not-fine · 8 years ago
Softpaw stopped suddenly as water droplets plopped down on his forehead. A storm was brewing, he could smell it. Raintulip seemed eager to get back in camp. Once in Raintulip nodded towards the nursery and Softpaw gave a quick nod. He needed to check on the kits and see if they were getting sick. His paws scampered over to peek in and there were a few excited voices to greet him. Raintulip however needed to talk to Owlstar. Paleberry looked up and smiled at her as she passed, eating a vole but they paused as they watched her disappear into the leader’s den. Their ears flattened a bit and they finished their meal. When they got inside Owlstar already looked concerned.
“Ah Paleberry. Come in.” Owlstar beckoned gently but her eyes where foggy.
“Yes?” Paleberry replied with uncertainty. Normally the two she-cats where blank faced but they could sense something deeper boiling between them.
“Raintulip has been given a bad prophecy.” Owlstar murmured before nodding to the medicine cat.
Ferretsmoke’s breath trembled as she nudged Creeppaw into the den. She was afraid but Creeppaw didn’t need to see that. She chattered a few requests of herbs that needing sorting before leaving the young apprentice to his own.
“Pebbletail, Foxstar…I need…” Ferretsmoke called out to the passing cats but Pebbletail sighed.
“Not now. I’m busy.” Pebbletail snapped before shouldering off.
“I’ll speak with you now, Ferretsmoke.” Foxstar eased himself beside Ferretsmoke. He felt bitterness on his tongue for the way Pebbletail snapped at Ferretsmoke.
“Alright but….it’s not good.” Whispered the medicine cat with weakness breaking her voice.
Foxstar’s fur stood up on end but he nodded and guided her back to his den with his tail. This couldn’t be anything positive. His mind whited out and all he could think about is what could possibly be wrong. The leader felt tears threaten but he held them in and turned to face Ferretsmoke in the coldness of the den.
Sootpaw lifted her head high and saw the glowing outline of the leader standing at the clan entrance. He was already smiling happily as they approached him. Sootpaw knew he must have smelled them a long while ago.
“Tripped on a log? What held you up?” He laughed and greeted them both with a soft headbutt to the forehead.
“Hey Silver, We need to talk. Is Wolfy around?” Sapfoot mewed quietly. Silverstar’s ears lowered at her tone. Sootpaw was always envious that Sapfoot, Oakstep, Wolfthorn, and Silverstar where such good friends.
“She’s resting in the warrior’s den. Why? Did something come up?” Silverstar questioned.
“Yes we need you all in your den. It’s Starclan.” Sapfoot explained quickly and watched Silverstar nodded and rush to get his deputy. Sootpaw figured she wasn’t needed and started to leave before Sapfoot stopped her.
“Soot? Can you…wait? I-I don’t want to get choked up. I need you to help explain.” Sapfoot asked weakly.
“Course Sapfoot.” Sootpaw spoke with a surprised but happy jump. She turned and brushed Sapfoot’s side warmly. Her friend needed support; Support Sootpaw was happy to give.
The light flashed between the giving branches as Dustfeather and Blackpaw trekked on back to their camp. Dustfeather could hear a late night patrol approaching them with haste. His mind was still fuzzy but he could only hope Swanstar’s condition hadn’t worsened suddenly. She seemed fine when they left after all.
“Dustfeather! Blackpaw!” Spiderbite called out. She looked tired and angry. Dustfeather could feel Blackpaw shudder and lean into him as Spiderbite spat out questions like a mad fox.
“Back off! We’ve had a hard night and I need to speak to Swanstar! Give us some air!” Dustfeather snapped harshly. Normally the tom only had good things on his tongue but with Blackpaw so shaky he needed to take command.
“…Fine.” Spiderbite hummed after a moment and turned away. The rest of the patrol was silent and let the two cats through.
“Who does she think she is? I’m a medicine cat!” Dustfeather grumbled and nudged Blackpaw.
“Go to the den and sleep. Take two poppy seeds. I’ll speak to Swanstar and Shadebreeze about this.” Dustfeather promised. Blackpaw gave a weak nod and wobbled towards the den. He looks like a baby fawn trying to find it’s footing.
“Shadebreeze?” Dustfeather mewed softly and nudged the tom who looked dead on his feet.
“Hm?” Was his only groan as he turned his head to face Dustfeather.
“I need you in Swanstar’s den. It’s important.” He called as lead the other into hollow slowly. Swanstar seemed rather perky this night.
“Dustfeather! What brings you and Shadebreeze by?” She asked sitting upright. She looked healthy as ever.
“That what I’d like to know.” Shadebreeze murmured as he swiped his paw over his dark eyes. Dustfeather could tell he was eager to sleep.
“Starclan has visited us. They bring bad news…” Dustfeather reported and turned his head. This would be a long night.
The gathering exploded with cries of fear and paranoia. Everyone was on edge. Voices burst forward like flocks of startled birds. Cats where afraid of what could become of them. What would happen to them? The leaders stood there with mixed feelings swirling in each breath. They needed a plan.
“Silence!” boomed Silverstar his voice carrying through the tangled hollow. The crowd hushed and waited with baited breath.
“We all know why we are here but this is still a gathering! Each clan with share news as usual and then give their plans for the future. We will talk about what we should do afterwards.” Silverstar insisted and relaxed his shoulders.
“We have new apprentices and new warriors. Maplewhisper, Spottedpath, and Hornetsting have graduated into warriorhood. Their mentors are very proud. Along with that our new apprentices are Turtlepaw, Nightpaw, Leafpaw, Galepaw, and Kestrelpaw. Last month’s apprentices are also here tonight. Thank Starclan.” Silverstar mewed and nodded to Tallpaw and Cloudpaw in the crowd.
“Now for my plan, if anything happens Emeraldclan will be moving towards the small hills north of our territory. We will be scouting them out and trying to look for safer hiding conditions.” Winds blew against the leader’s pelt as his talked and he couldn’t help but twitch at the bitter sting. Frost was covering the ground now.  He hated Leaf-Bare even if he hunted well in it.
“Rock has shown amazing progress in his training. He has now received his warrior name and goes by Rockriver. A loyal member of Sapphireclan. Our new apprentices are Pikepaw, Magpiepaw, and Blizzardpaw. Raintulip also has a new medicine cat apprentice, Softpaw. We also have new lovely kits. Sandkit, Silverkit, Tinykit and Pondkit.” Owlstar announced warmly once Silverstar nodded to her.
“Our rivers and lakes have flooded. It’s too cold to be so close to water. We ask for more space for us to move and hunt.” Owlstar stated but the crowd grew wild at this. There was barely enough to hunt in Leaf-Bare already now the rivers would be harder to fish out of and other cats would be sharing hunting grounds.
“Hush! Let Foxstar speak now!” Owlstar hissed and nodded to the other leader.
“We have new warriors and apprentices. Robinsong, Hawkwish, and Snakewater are now warriors. Doepaw, Mosspaw, Bramblepaw, Ghostpaw, Sagepaw, Minnowpaw, Frostpaw, Rainpaw, Gingerpaw, and Moonpaw. Starclan bless us.” Foxstar huffed softly and flicked her wide ears.
“Twolegs have been sending dogs around our fields but if we must we’ll be like Emeraldclan and cross into Twoleg territory and branch out from there.” She finished and nodded to Swanstar.
“Our queens now have kits. Heavystep has adopted Applekit and Newtkit. Pinklight has given birth to Dawnkit, Rowankit, and Splashkit. Our new apprentices are Adderpaw, Yellowpaw, and Copperpaw.” Swanstar purred softly at the names with pride.
“As much as I hate to say it…exploring the south needs to be thought of once more. We’ll carefully try managing it. Otherwise we’ll be scouting outward.” Swanstar explained to the shock and mutters of the others.
“Well…Sapphireclan is welcome to hunt on the borders of Emeraldclan we have the most prey after all.” Silverstar mewed gently.
“Thank you Silverstar.” Owlstar mewed and glanced at the other leaders.
“We’ll let you hunt near the two-leg places but no more.” Foxstar stated and shuffled her paws.
“We’ll let you use our borders but no more.” Swanstar added and curled her tail.
“Sapphireclan is grateful.” Owstar stated and dipped her head respectfully.
“We should all keep our plans and look for routes. Any important information to survival must be shared and we should keep open minds. If anything happens messengers should be sent.” Swanstar offered and was met with agreed nods.
“Flamestar tried exploring the south once…he killed many warriors.” Orangenight mumbled angrily.
“Swanstar won’t do the same.” Honeythistle stated briskly.
“Sapphireclan gets to hunt anywhere now?” Fernpaw asked quietly.
“They seemed to have gotten more than needed.” Specklepaw huffed and curled her tail.
“We need to be careful.” Creekpaw whispered softly to Mumpaw.  
“As long as we’re together it’ll be fine!” Mumpaw chirped back.
Cricketdance coiled her tail at her side and glanced at Greywater who was staring off into something unknown. She nudged the grey and white cat with a sigh.
“Yeah?” Greywater huffed lightly and rolled her shoulders.
“Rest more.” Cricketdance murmured and silently flicked her tail. Leafpaw was approaching fast.
“So now what?” She whispered and was lightly shoved by Spiderbite however she shoved back.
“We’ll talk about later. Right now we have apprentices to talk about.” Cricketdance explained.
“Doepaw and Rainpaw are angels.” Greywater shrugged. She couldn’t complain.
“Still none for me.” Spiderbite huffed.
“Swanstar must be planning for you to mentor some of the new kits but you can always help with the others.” Cricketdance commented lightly. Spiderbite had her ways of influencing others.
“My mentor is Silverstar.” Leafpaw stated and looked out slowly.
“We know, must be nice having an important relationship with him.” Cricketdance chimed with an odd coo. Leafpaw wondered if she meant get cozy with the leader then. He seemed to like Cloudpaw more though.
“Skypaw is turning out to be a great warrior. I know she’ll teach the new kits as well as any warrior.” Cricketdance murmured. Silverkit and Sandkit seemed like beautiful young mollies. Their warrior skills could be used efficiently. If she could convince Owlstar to give Skypaw an apprentice as a young warrior she might just mentor one of them.
“Cricketdance, cats are starting to leave.” Spiderbite informed them quietly. They she-cats looked around carefully.
“We’ll meet when the snow covers the grounds for a while and we’ll talk behind the hills near Topazclan border.” Cricketdance whispered as she passed her group. No one replied.
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fine-not-fine · 7 years ago
More stupid oc shit
Hi I’m Andy and I’m sad so here im gonna talk about cats for like wayy too long. and maybe mild oc stuff and oc writing? and wolves possibly maybe some dogs n foxes but shoosh So I’m telling you right now there wouldn’t be a time were i havent thought of Snaketongue and Orangenight as the ‘im you but stronger’ meme. Trans tortie toms are great. Speaking of which Snaketongue would annoy the shit out of Orangenight. He can’t get five steps close to Orangenight without pissing him off. Usually this starts some interesting chasing. I’m gonna talk about poly couples now- Palethroat and Ryefang are considered the pretty ones but they low key love Stormwhisker’s scars. He also has a giant ass ruff and they love it. He’s def the fluffiest which makes him the bed for the other two. Ryefang is asexual but she always low key hoped to adopt. When Jaykit, Adderkit, and Mothkit were born the three of them just clambered into the nursery to see. Palethroat loves poking the other two and pretending they did nothing- also if elder poly gang ever met Spottedpath, Maplewhisper, and Hornetsting all I can imagine is that mutual poly respect. They’d love hanging out too. Also for some reason I can see Tobias’ dogs being friend with Maggie. The corgi who’s Hollowsound’s best friend. The good puppos. Iodine probably enjoys the company and his owner would let Toby pet him. New expirence granted in pet a fox. Also back to that au where Ravenwind and Falconwing we’re together and Oakpaw and Blackpaw were brothers. I feel like Falconwing would be worried about them growing distant. Blackpaw being a med. cat and Oakpaw being a warrior. However that seems to not be the case. If anything their bond grows stronger as they have time to be together and grow alone. Also cousin Crowthroat protecting the two along with Blackstone being big scary older (whatever the gender nuetral term for aunt/uncle is?) just tying up the family seems awesome. Also you know Ravenwing would fling Canaryfeather off a ledge-
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