#orange juice the band
shuffled (sort of)
I was tagged for this by @lurkingshan and it looked like fun, so I made up a way to participate even though I don't listen to music on any of those services that people tend to use for these things. The closest I get is listening to things on youtube so I made a list of songs the YT algorithm suggested to me. That list was a bit long so I used a random number generator to pick ten. Well, I really hit paydirt. I couldn't have come up with a better list if I had chosen it all myself.
And then weeks went by and I sat on this nearly-finished post for no good reason! Now I'm dusting it off and getting it out of my drafts.
I'm never big on tagging people on these things, it makes me incredibly anxious. But after this much time has passed, I really can't imagine doing it. That said, if anyone reads this and feels inspired to do it too, please consider yourself tagged.
Orange Juice - I Can’t Help Myself
One of the best tracks on my favorite Orange Juice album. This is a really good distillation of their sound that shows their influences really clearly (postpunk, classic soul, the Velvet Underground, Chic, the Buzzcocks, etc. etc.) while showing how they did something with them that's completely their own. It doesn't hurt that no one sounds quite like Edwyn Collins.
SZA - Ghost in the Machine
For a couple of years now I've been trading song recommendations with a close friend of mine. In other words, we take turns giving each other a song to listen to. It's been great, in part because our tastes are pretty danged different (though with enough overlap to have common ground). I've found out about a lot of amazing stuff through her but I don't think there's a song that has stuck with me more from this project than Ghost in the Machine. This song just keeps giving me goosebumps after...it's been a year and change, I think.
Taemin - Criminal
Years ago I asked my old internet friend Kate (who I've been interacting with since our livejournal days) about kpop. She has always been better than I am at keeping up with new music and I knew she knew a thing or two about it. She gave me a short list of songs to check out and Criminal was on it. It didn't quite click at first but it stuck in my brain somehow. I came back to it later and boom. It clicked big time. It reminds me of a few things. The la-la-la part definitely has a debt to Kylie Minogue's Can't Get You Out of My Head and the lead-up to the chorus reminds me of Roy Orbison's I Drove All Night. It has a retro quality that probably makes it more palatable to a middle-aged listener like myself but when I hear the synthpop tones of my childhood through a contemporary filter I don't get nostalgia so much as a distorted time-warp feeling (in a nice way).
Brave Girls - We Ride
A while back I was emailing back and forth with another friend of mine who I talk to about music a lot--wow, I didn't know that was going to be such a theme here, but I love it--and we were talking about new and old East Asian pop genres. He made me a list of a few recent kpop and jpop songs that he thought were reminiscent of city pop, an 80s genre out of Japan that's a favorite of his. There were quite a few winners on that list but this song is the one I've listened to the most. There's another theme: sounds from my formative years filtered through a contemporary lens. I can see why my friend associated it with city pop. The combination of disco/funk elements (like that choppy Nile Rodgers guitar part) and soft pop (the harmonies, the synth strings) fits right into that category. These elements were everywhere when I was a kid but they didn't get put together in this way.
Tsunami - Be Like That
This song about a has-been ex-boyfriend is more relatable to me in my 40s than it was when I first heard it in my 20s, but that's how old Jenny Toomey was when she wrote it. I've never gotten super into Tsunami despite liking a couple of their songs quite a lot (this one, and Valentine, from their album Deep End). I should probably revisit them. They always had a way with washy guitars and interesting chords, and Jenny Toomey's voice is legendary for a reason. (The version of I Only Have Eyes for You that she recorded with Grenadine, her side project with Mark Robinson from Unrest and the drummer from the Eggs, makes really good use of that voice. It's fucking exquisite and literally gives me goosebumps.)
Spoon - Me and the Bean
This one's a bit personal. I was active in the indie rock scene in Austin in the early 'aughts when Spoon was transitioning from their status as a cautionary tale of major label abandonment* into the period where they reached greater heights on an indie than that major label ever would have allowed. That scene wasn't very big so it's not surprising that in addition to Girls Can Tell-era Spoon being nearly omnipresent for a period of my life, I also have some personal connections there. Anyway, people seldom notice that this song is a cover. I never saw the Sidehackers, the band who originally performed the song (I'm not sure if they even managed to record it). But if this song ends up being what people remember most about them, it would make a respectable legacy. I don't know the later Spoon stuff as well as this era, but back then, there weren't a lot of Spoon originals that were as overtly emotional as this one. (You didn't typically hear a line like "I have your blood inside my heart" in an original Spoon song.) Britt Daniel may not have written this, but he doesn't hold back in his performance. So I always appreciated how it balanced out the more emotionally reserved style of the other songs on Girls Can Tell.
*They channeled the experience into songwriting to good effect. "The Agony of Lafitte," about the A&R guy that signed them to Elektra before the label screwed them over, is probably my favorite Spoon song.
the Chills - Pink Frost
I feel like so much has been written about this song that there isn't much point trying to say anything about it. It has a truly important place in the history of New Zealand indie music, and the events surrounding it are pretty interesting. But mostly it's just a really well-crafted piece of dark, sneakily poppy post-postpunk. Among people my age with similar tastes to mine, I can't think of a song that ended up on more mixtapes. (Though a friend of mine always used to say he regretted that he couldn't really put it on mixtapes for girls he was interested in because of the whole murdered girlfriend aspect of it.)
Veronica Falls - Misery
This song is obscenely catchy. It only takes one listen to get me singing it to myself in the kitchen for months. It's pretty fun to sing to oneself, in the kitchen or otherwise, but I'm sure it would be a million times more so if you could reproduce the harmonies with a partner. Veronica Falls really are unparalleled in the harmony department, and it's even more enjoyable because they usually use those pretty harmonies to sing about morbid, depressing things. And that juxtaposition never feels like a schtick to me, which it easily could in the wrong hands.
Bolbbalgan4 - Dream
I've gotten into quite a few songs because they were featured on kdramas, but this is the only song where it happened the other way around—I liked it first, then watched Hwarang because of it. There was a video for it on youtube with clips from the series and the song made the show seem more interesting. Not to imply anything negative about the series, I think there's a lot to be said for it. But it was this song that made me want to watch it. I love this kind of super emotional kpop song that's so plentiful in kdramas. Maybe it's because during the decades when rock music was de facto banned in South Korea the country's dominant genre was the ballad. Maybe it's because of that particular brand of despair that kdramas excel at so much, coming up in a slightly different setting. This type of song is just more emotional in a certain way that any other genre I've run across. And this particularly example is, to my mind, the pièce de résistance.
Shearwater - Breaking the Yearlings
This is one of the highlights of Animal Life, which is my favorite Shearwater album. It took me a while to warm up to Shearwater. The thing that really sold me on them was going on a whim to see Jonathan Meiburg play a solo acoustic set in front of a tiny audience at the Cactus Cafe. I think maybe some friends of mine opened for him or something, because something must have gotten me in the door. I ended up being really glad I went. Meiburg's set was downright mesmerizing, and I was sold on Shearwater from that point on. This particular song gets in my head a lot because the washing machine in my building puts out this one repetitive tone when you're starting a load of clothes that is really close to the opening notes of this song.
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broz0neglitters · 4 months
The way you look is not an issue 🍊🧃
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-Bruce went back in time to talk to his younger self and there were so many things that he would have told his younger self being the heartthrob he had to maintain that abs and would go to that extreme diet that john dory would made him and he would only eat oranges or drink orange juice soon spruce started having a eating disorder but when the band broke up everything change but bruce had that change to actually travel back in time and actually talk to his younger self-
Warning: Eating Disorder mentioned
Bruce Went into the old tree pod where all of his brothers lived with their sweet grandmother; bruce saw how hard his younger self, spruce, was working out. There was lots of blood, sweat, and tears put in there as it was dinner time all the other brothers got to eat food spruce was stuck with orange slices for dinner he was used to it at this point he didn't complain
Spruce; would often eat in the bathroom so basically locking himself in the bathroom and chowing down the orange slices
Bruce, was a ghost figure at this point so he could see what his younger self was doing because he was just visiting his old life as bruce saw what younger spruce was doing bruce started to spoke to himself
"stick it down your throat I'm watching from the bathroom Making sure I don't choke from the words he spoke." Bruce said to himself
As young Spruce struggled to continue eating, he choked on the orange slices. With every bite he took, he was shoving clementines and orange bacteria. Down his throat about a dozen times just For another 'round of his bulimia as young Spruce was super afraid to gain a single weight if he did John Dory would punish him As Bruce saw how much his younger self was struggling, he couldn't believe what he had gone through to look his best...
-Fast Forward-
Bruce didn't brother to disguise himself because there was no way his younger self would know that it was him in the future as spruce was just out on his own getting away from john dory for a while as bruce approached him All bruce said to his younger self was this "You turn oranges to orange juice. Into there, then spit it out of you Your body is imperfectly perfect Everyone wants what the other one's working No orange juice." Bruce told his younger self 
"Who are you?" Young spruce asked looking surprise
"I'm you in the future." Bruce reply with a warm smile
"But-But you gain so much weight is john dory mad?" he asked "No-no I felt happier when I gain this weight." bruce told him
"You shouldn't keep doing this to yourself you're perfect just the way you are dude I wish I had somebody telling me that I was perfect the way I am when I was your age." Bruce told him
"Every night, I would just hear my stomach growl out of hunger, and I barely have energy, and john dory would make me do extreme work out while living on orange juice and slices for a diet. I was hurting a lot, but most of all, I was starving so much I craved to taste at least one bite of a cookie that grandma would make for us after our concert and her sweet pies every Friday night, but I couldn't." Spruce said sobbing
As bruce held his younger self hand ", I believe you chose To blow it on the reading carpet That's what happens when you're starvin'." As Young Spruce tear up as bruce wipe his tears
"Please say that you won't continue Ordering oranges off the menu Stuffin' up your mouth like tissue The way you look is not an issue." Bruce said
"I have too, if I gain just one pound john will punish me and I will be ugly." spruce said sobbing "You're not ugly, and screw what john dory think look at me when I left john dory ass look how happy I Look with my body I don't care what john says about me and Hey I tell you this You will find a wife who will love you just the way you are not about your looks." bruce also added in
As Bruce saw the portal open, it was time for him to head back to his own timeline. But Bruce couldn't help but ponder, if his younger self had heeded his advice and stopped eating oranges, would this have altered his future? Would he no longer be with Brandy and their 13 children? The struggle with body image, a battle that had plagued him even as a young kid, was still a part of him. Yet, here he was, talking to his younger self, reassuring him that he was perfect just the way he was...
Ever since the band broke up when he met Brandy, she was the one who helped him recover from his eating disorder. She never gave up trying to get Bruce to eat up, and once Bruce gain weight, he had mixed feeling but Brandy told him "Honey, The way you look is not an issue." she told him which made bruce smile.
Then, it snapped back to Bruce before he could return to his life. He looked at his younger self, who was innocently eating orange slices. Bruce walked up to him and gave him a hug, breaking it with a smile. His last words to his younger self were, 'I wish I could give you my set of eyes, for I know your eyes aren't working. I wish I could tell you that you're fine, but you might find that disconcerting.' Bruce's journey of self-acceptance had begun.
As Bruce threw his oranges slices far away, hitting another trolls, which happens to be king peppy himself, as he looked back at his younger self "Trust me you will see in the future, you will soon understand what I meant. You will no longer eat oranges." bruce said
As Spruce saw his future self walk through a portal, Spruce struggled with body image. It was hard for him to expect to gain a single weight. He was scared of john dory punishment, but he knew that floyd would always sneak in food for him and how clay, branches, and even his grandma would ofter him to eat a little.
As Future Bruce made it back to his time after having a talk with his younger self, he also realized that his younger brothers and grandma would always offer him real food and sneak food for him even when John Dory wasn't around. Ever since he met Brandy, he has started to accept himself for who he is, and he wishes his younger self would have done the same thing as well.
 Everybody is perfect just the way they are everyone is different all body is different and unique no need to feel ashamed of being different I was always the fat one in my family I have struggled with my weight and body image I wish I had someone to tell me that I was perfect the way I was over the years I have lost a ton of weight I felt like a different person but I kept gaining on and off but I'm still struggling with my weight and I have still not accept myself after all these years of trying to lose weight so I stop being the fat one in the family....
So if you guys are struggling with body image you're not alone you're all perfect the way you are <3 Cause the way you look is not an issue the only issues is the people they are just jealous that they don't have your confident so just shut them up and go live your live as you please eat what ever as you please no one can tell you what you can or can't eat like everybody said
"My Body, My rule"
Follow + Follow are very much appreciated! <3
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cherrylng · 3 months
UK ROCK BEST 100 ALBUMS - The 80's [CROSSBEAT (August 2006)]
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80's The turbulent 80s, from New Wave to dance revolution
Continuing the trend from the rise of punk to post-punk at the end of the 1970s, up-and-coming bands burst onto the scene one after another, trying to break out of the established framework, and the 80s opened with new wave currents. Derived from the radical, highly artistic and experimental post-punk/art-punk (P.I.L., Gang of Four, etc.), New Wave "combined elements of other genres (electronic music, world music including Latin American and African music, funk and soul, black music such as jazz, etc.) into rock music, while breaking new ground". This includes electronic-pop (Depeche Mode, New Order, etc.) / New Romantics (Duran Duran, etc.), ska revival (The Specials, Madness, etc.), neo-psyche (Echo & The Bunnymen, etc.), positive punk/goth/dream pop (Bauhaus, The Cure, Cocteau Twins), industrial/noise, funka latina, and early neo-acoustic (Aztec Camera).
Although the New Wave originally started out as a non-mainstream movement, many of the bands with a pop and danceable side were caught up in the zeitgeist and gradually absorbed into the mainstream. By the mid-1980s, the controversial Frankie Goes to Hollywood and the sophisticated sound of the Style Council and Police had achieved international success.
Meanwhile, the 1980s saw the exponential growth of a number of indie labels that emerged from the D.I.Y. spirit of punk. These included 4AD, a decadent aesthetic label, Factory, which became the nucleus of the Manchester scene, Creation, which produced the revolutionaries The Jesus & Mary Chain with their violent noise and sweet melodies, and Rough Trade, which featured The Smiths, a group supported by the "social heretics".
The Smiths did much to elevate indie rock to the foreground and spawned many followers. However, as if to replace their break-up (1987), the central scene was dominated by house and other dance music. So-called 'C86' indie bands (Primal Scream, Wedding Present, Pastels, etc.), who mainly focused on guitar-pop, were steadily active in the underground scene. It was also around this time that US hardcore flowed into the UK, having no small influence on UK indie bands.
Against this backdrop, a new trend was emerging in Manchester that was different from the rest of the country. The city had always had a natural affinity for both dance music and guitar rock, and the Happy Mondays and Stone Roses, who frequented clubs and raves, blended the two effortlessly. In 1989, this led to the explosion of a major musical revolution known as 'Madchester' (indie/dance crossover). -Sumi Imai
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Tin Drum Japan (1981) The greatest work of the band led by David Sylvian, who is now an electronica hermit. The sober negotiation sound with full-blown oriental taste has the chic of 'Wabi-sabi'. Eagerly awaits reappraisal. -Mima
Rio Duran Duran (1982) A big hit that successfully dispelled the prejudice that this band was just a band with good looks. The arrangements are still fresh today, with a rich variety of styles ranging from 60s pop to funk. -Kuroda
The Dreaming Kate Bush (1982) A masterpiece in which Kate, who debuted as a girl genius, transformed into a magical woman. The labyrinthine forest-like mystique of her perfectionist, meticulous sound and her uninhibited, magical voice is unique. -Hirokawa
You Can't Hide Your Love Forever Orange Juice (1982) A representative of the neo-acoustic group that emerged to put an end to the dwindling punk movement. Their deep knowledge of black music, insatiable pursuit of guitar sounds and naïve lyrics captivated young people. -Kuroda
High Land, Hard Rain Aztec Camera (1983) A masterpiece that made 'neo-acoustic', or rather 'music city Glasgow', a household name. Beautifully crafted with a meaty soul sensibility lurking in the folkiness, and later evolved from it. -Sawada
Construction Time Again Depeche Mode (1983) A perfect balance of hard elements and beautiful ennui melodies, including an early introduction of industrial beats. A monumental work that established the uniqueness of the Depeche sound. -Mima
Porcupine Echo & The Bunnymen (1983) The third Echo & The Bunnymen album, the quintessential UK New Wave record. Ian McCulloch's cool-headed gaze and sharp soundscape heralded the arrival of a new era that had broken away from punk. -Otani
Power, Corruption & Lies New Order (1983) A seminal work that attempted to 'break away from rock' by approaching New York house, but ended up having the influence to advance rock music itself. It was topsy-turvy at the time. -Mima
Synchronicity The Police (1983) The Police were actually a group of techie carriers who borrowed from punk. Each of their albums is "a perfection that you wouldn't expect from three people", but this last album is also a superb pop album. -Koguchi
Treasure Cocteau Twins (1984) Third album from the 80s 4AD representatives. This album pushed Elizabeth's voice out of the dark sound world and broke new ground filled with light and a sense of floating. Includes the classic song "Lorelei". -Yamashita
The Top The Cure (1984) The Cure's sixth album, which established a unique world with its pop sensibility and gloomy lyricism. Robert Smith's character became prominent from this time onwards. 'The Caterpillar' was a big hit. -Yamashita
Welcome to the Pleasuredome FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD (1984) FGTH caused a stir in British society in 1984 only. The treatment of gays, politics, and sexuality is intriguing and Trevor Horn's sound is lively and too ostentatious, but in a way a symbol of the times. -Sawada
Café Bleu Style Council (1984) After the break-up of The Jam at the height of their popularity, Weller chose jazz and soul as his next design. What the bewildered fans heard was destructive anger and beauty in a cool soundscape. -Kuroda
Psychocandy The Jesus & Mary Chain (1985) Sweet, decadent melodies emerged amidst raging feedback noise. A shocking work from 1985 that had a profound influence on subsequent shoegaze and alternative bands. -Kuroda
Steve McQueen Prefab Sprout (1985) One of the finest albums by the mixed gender group led by legendary songwriter Paddy McAloon. Brilliantly produced by Thomas Dolby. -Kuroda
Cupid & Psyche 85 Scritti Politti (1985) The second album by Scritti, who at the time were a trio. Their sweet voices and pleasing sound were well received, and songs such as 'The Word Girl', which incorporated reggae rhythms, were big hits. -Yamashita
The Queen Is Dead The Smiths (1986) The Smiths are the charismatic band of those who turned their backs on the glamorous 80s. A masterpiece in which Morrissey's fanged words, heightened by criticism of the national anthem, and Johnny Marr's lyricism intersected at the boiling point. -Sawada.
Saint Julian Julian Cope (1987) Made in 1987 by the Phantom of Liverpool. Narcissism is still alive and well, but the artist aims to conquer himself with ever more straight-forward playing and singing. The artist's confident, robust expression is dependable. -Hirokawa
If I Should Fall from Grace with God The Pogues (1987) The Pogues' best work, combining the melancholy melodies of Irish trad with fun-filled beats. The indie spirit of the Pogues brought a breath of fresh air to the rigid UK scene. -Otani
The Stone Roses The Stone Roses (1989) A work that set the standard for the UK sound from the 1990s onwards, including the band's eclectic sense of combining guitar rock with acid house and the attitude of the band. A masterpiece under the sun that gave birth to Oasis. -Mima
Translator's Note: Haven't posted a series from this article for the last few days. I've only caught up now.
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reversesymmetry · 2 years
Another day, another two hours of speculating what the fuck this picture means
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This week in Muse Wiki: the Black Holes and Revelations furniture
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So here's something fun I discovered while poking around the wiki: today I learned that the original table and chairs from the Black Holes and Revelations album cover were the prize in a 2007 contest by Q Magazine.
The only surviving info I could find on the contest was this thread on the now-defunct MuseLive forums. As you can see, it wasn't a particularly hard contest to win.
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Unfortunately I can't find any other info on how the contest ended, i.e. who won the table + chairs set. Assuming they haven't already been scrapped by now, someone out there is likely eating their breakfast on a bonafide piece of Muse history.
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funeraldasrosas · 1 year
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Edwyn Collins from Orange Juice (1981)
photo by Virginia Turbett
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what1is1going1on · 11 months
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I have band anm projectinger morre. AHHHHAHAHAHAH
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ciricegh0st · 1 year
i have been ghosted by a metalhead dude because i said i wasnt interested in a very famous band before and started to listen to them only a couple of days ago, it feels like i should receive a badge like on discord
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
49: Shopping // The Official Body
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The Official Body Shopping 2018, FatCat (Bandcamp)
If they ever tour again, London dance-punk trio Shopping are the kind of band you should drop everything to catch. I saw them on a stacked bill at Toronto’s Baby G in 2018, supported by Detroit experimental garage punks Tyvek and local emo act Feels Fine, and it was one of the sweatiest, most pogo-powered gigs I’ve ever been too. Shopping have a kind of loving telepathy onstage, exchanging lead vox, lacing together jittery high-stepping funk rhythms, and constantly cracking each other up. The last show I had tickets to before the pandemic lockdowns set in was a Shopping gig at Montreal’s La Vitrola with (adequate) electroclash act Automatic and (much-missed) post-punkers Dishpit that was rescheduled, rescheduled, and finally canceled.
That anecdote’s emblematic of the way the pandemic hip-checked a lot of the best indie rock bands of the late ‘10s just as they were building momentum, especially those who thrived on word of their live prowess to entrench their reputation. There hasn’t been much word from the Shopping camp in the past coupla years, which blows because they also really have the goods on record. The Official Body, produced by Orange Juice’s Edwyn Collins, is the successor to ESG that the early ‘00s Rapture-Franz Ferdinand-LCD Soundsystem revival never really provided. Guitarist Rachel Aggs, bassist Billy Easter, and drummer Andrew Milk are all beasts on their chosen instruments, and the sound they make together has something of the endless party vibe of African highlife or soukous music. They’re a little more lyric-forward than ESG ever were though, kissing off the square world with a stream of deadpan personal-is-political sloganeering.
Collins has an unfailing sense of Cool, and his production helps Shopping sound like the kind of band that will always be in style. If their lyrics’ hyper-concern with the body and telling the straight world to keep its hands to itself will date-stamp it to a certain cultural moment, it will be in the same way Gang of Four’s talk of Armalite rifles and warfare on 18-inch screens does—speaking in specifics about concerns that are endemic to life in western society, while agitating always to change things for the better.
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canarywithapen · 1 year
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Awsten Knight orange juice appreciation post 🍊
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borrelia · 7 months
my gift (and my curse) is that whenever i drink orange juice i gotta sing the richard feynman song "orange juice! orange juice! gimme little bit of orange juice i said juice! juice! juice! juice!"
sampled at 1:10 and 3:00
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i related janette to a silly little song i wrote last night called Orange Peels which is a work in progress but AUGHHHHH
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jirsungs · 3 months
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pairing: drummer!jisung x fem!reader
drum me, stupid! synopsis: a story about a college student enjoying her life in school perfectly fine, until one of her friends drags the group along to watch their school's band perform. little did she know that day would be marked as the day her whole world turned upside down because of a particular, nonchalant, and difficult drummer boy. a drummer boy who spilled his entire drink on her brand new outfit at a party and never came back.
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genre: college au, social media au (some chapters will be written though!), music band au, slight enemies to lovers, unrequited love (for a bit), whole bunch of fluff, angst, mutual pining, silly humor
warnings: explicit language, college partying, alcohol consumption, A LOT of banter between characters including sexual/kys/death jokes of the sort, reader's kind of an ass (in the beginning), jisung ends up being a lover boy once the "nonchalant" wears off, yeonjun flirts like 24/7, overwhelming feelings that the characters can't handle
author's note: hi! since i've always enjoyed reading smaus and always get writers block with full on stories, i decided to make my own :] please excuse my bad knowledge on any of these majors or experiences and none of this reflects the real lives of the kpop idols! this was written solely for entertainment and fun! enjoy!!<3
comment if you wish to be tagged for the story's updates!
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profiles #1 ☆ profiles #2
chapters will be added once they're posted!
episode 1: i did NOT agree to this gc name!
episode 2: costumers of ningcreates?!
episode 3: the universe is out to get me
episode 4: p.y.t (pretty young thing) (written)
episode 5: jisung's a coward, we all say in unison
episode 6: the latte lounge incident (written)
episode 7: hating each other era
episode 8: future uncles and aunt
episode 9: apologies & new beginnings
episode 10: what a lover boy!
episode 11: love like the movies (written)
episode 12: super obvious, but still not a confession
episode 13: my wonderwall, at least i hope so (written)
episode 14: she's going ghost mode on me
episode 15: ain't no way a girl got you like this
episode 16: i missed you
episode 17: i missed you (too) (written)
episode 18: finally mine!
episode 19: ningcreates (expanded) fan club
episode 20: she fr got him liking musicals
episode 21: drummer's girlfriend duties
episode 22: i fear yeonjun's loyalty to latte lounge finally paid off
episode 23: first mistake: letting y/n out of your sight wtf
episode 24: you maam caller
episode 25: wym drummer boy has a driver's license??
episode 26: only losers make wishes at 11:11
episode 27: pussy boy stand up
episode 28: no girls allowed at rockway rehearsals! (written)
episode 29: crashed ynsung's date lol
episode 30: ning bag that shit
episode 31: drummed her stupid!
END! started: 06.23.24 finished: 09.03.24
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#1: close to you (written) tba. . .
#2: the not-so-silly apple or orange juice debate tba. . .
#3: finally meeting the parents? tba. . .
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cherrycolored-punk · 17 days
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still frames - bestfriend! e.m. x fem! reader
author’s note: reminiscing about the friend I had in high school, the one who I’d create playlists with and who’d call to play his guitar for me every night. and you can’t tell me that Eddie isn’t the same type of dude. the sweet bits are based on the reminiscing. the rest is pure fiction with our favorite goof. anyways, enjoy!🧡
w/c: 5k
warnings: angst, pining, smut (oral - reader receiving, protected p in v), spanking, teasing, uhhhh let me know if I forgot anything
Raindrops race down your living room window in lines, and you watch them from your spot on the floor. It’s fall, and the lush greens of summer have begun to change color; their leaves now varying hues of orange and yellow. They create a coziness in your apartment, a warmth that feels like it envelops you and is amplified by the scent of your favorite candle; crisp apple, nectar, and warm clove spice fill your lungs with each breath you take.
Eddie lays beside you on his stomach, focusing on his phone and the playlist you created for him.
The playlists were a tradition since middle-school, a way to introduce each other to a new sound or a band the other might not have heard of. For some time, though, you’d been using it to send cryptic messages, and he hadn’t caught on. 
Your crush on Eddie came suddenly but was felt all at once. 
It was a spring morning nearly two years ago, and you’d laid dying in bed, except not really. You just had the flu, but you felt close to death and had texted him as much.
Eddie: what do you need?
You: hit me with your van, stab me in the face…please end my suffering.
He, of course, didn’t grant your wish, but he’d shown up at your apartment after work with a grocery bag full of supplies. Eddie was still wearing his navy coveralls covered in oil and smelled like grease. From what you could smell, anyway. You could barely breathe through your nose.
“I got you theraflu tea, and I don’t want to hear you complain about the taste. You just need to drink it,” he scolded before you could even complain. 
Your jaw snapped shut.
“Also got your favorite soup, four cans,” he held his fingers up, “orange juice, Vicks, popsicles in case your throat hurts, those saltines you like, and,” he turned, “I brought Scream for us to watch since I know it’s your favorite.”
It hit you like a ton of bricks, made your heart stutter, and nearly stop. 
It was the way he was smiling, the familiar excited gleam in his eye as he looked at you. It was the fact that he’d shown up after a twelve-hour shift with all your favorite sick foods in tow. 
Your eyes traced over his face like you were seeing him for the first time. The sharp edge of his jaw, the plump of his lips, the freckles that dotted the slope of his nose, and when did Eddie become so beautiful?
You’d tried blaming it on the fact that less oxygen was getting to your brain and a virus was wrecking your immune system, but now you didn’t have the same excuse. Now you couldn’t look at Eddie without noticing the pinks of his cheeks or the different smiles he had. Couldn’t be around him without yearning to hug him or hold him in a way that didn’t scream just friends.
The past year and a half had been overwhelming, the yearning making you feel hollow. Like if you didn’t say something, it would continue to eat you alive, but telling him ran the risk of ruining the friendship and that was a fate worse than being alone.
You glance over to the playlist he’s listening to, at the song playing, and clench your eyes shut.
Despite the music in your ears, you can hear the song reverberating off the walls of your skull. The one you heard that made you think of him. It plays in your head, having memorized every lyric and the way the singer’s voice influxes with certain words.
Bet you never knew it
Think you’d suit me just fine
And you know he’ll never get it, never know you’re hopelessly in love with him.
You close your eyes and focus on the song, one he chose specifically for you. 
Good Riddance plays soft, a break from the heavy metal he always added but not a song you hadn’t heard before. It brings a sense of nostalgia in the form of a lump in your throat, and you swallow hard, images of high school flashing through your mind like a retro view-master. It feels like yesterday and another lifetime all at once. The plays you were in, the various games you cheered at, going to Corroded Coffin’s shows, staying over at Eddie’s house, the first time he’d convinced you to join a campaign…the face of “I told you so” when you told him you had actually enjoyed it.
Eddie pulls the earbud from your ear, auburn hair tickling you where it meets your bare shoulder and interrupting your reminiscing. You turn to him, curious eyes meeting his steady gaze. 
“What is it?” you question with a quirk of your brow, unable to decipher the expression that colored his features. 
“Curious choice of songs here,” his voice carries a teasing lilt as he turns onto his side, facing you. 
You could feel his gaze on you, searching your features for the answer to a question he hadn’t asked yet. 
“How do you figure?” you turn, matching his pose, and rest your chin on your palm.
Eddie thought for a moment, his eyes turning up and to the left as he searched for the words. 
He looks handsome as ever, pale skin glowing from the light of your candle. Cinnamon eyes lit with a hint of mischief and something you couldn’t name. 
His eyes shift down and meet yours, a broad dimpled smile slotting into place. 
“Something tells me you have a crush on someone,” and your heart practically drops into your ass at his words.
“A crush?” You ask, half-laughing at his accusation in an attempt not to vomit.
“Oh, don’t play coy. Every song on here drones on about love,” he points to his phone, his eyebrows pushed into his bangs. 
“They’re just good songs, Edward,” you shove his head and lay flat on your back, but he follows your movements, hovering over you. Close enough that you can smell the spearmint of his gum and the cologne he wears; musk and smoked suede. It makes your mouth water, his proximity making your heart lurch in your ribcage. 
“I never said they weren’t good, Princess.” 
Your hand reaches out to push his face away at the nickname, but he catches your wrist in his grasp, a cocky smile spreading wide on his lips. 
“What happened to us not questioning the playlist, Munson? Isn’t that rule number one since day one?” You attempt to fight your wrist out of his grasp, but it remains firm. 
“Let go,” you grumble, and he shakes his head.
“Not until you tell me,” he counters.
“Tell you what?” you stop fighting, and your arm falls back near your head, his fingers still wrapped around it as though he were pinning you there. 
“Who is it?” he shrugs, but you don’t miss how his adam’s apple bobs as he asks. 
You wonder if Eddie can hear how your heart hammers, your senses overwhelmed by his sudden inquisition. 
“There isn’t anyone,” but your gaze turns from him, and he knows you’re lying. 
“Not good enough,” he shakes his head.
“Why does it matter?”
“Because I need to know,” you look back at him. The need you’d felt for the past year reflected in his gaze.
Time slows.
“Why?” your voice is softer, barely above a whisper. Breath held as you wait for his answer. 
He lets go of your wrist and settles back at your side, reaching for his phone as you watch him. The anticipation of his response pushing you closer to cardiac arrest. 
Eddie pulls out your other earbud and places one of his own in your ear. 
I Want You plays, and you recognize the familiar sound of Mitski’s voice. One that is full of yearning and a palpable sorrow. You look at him with a curious upturn of your brow, a silent question, and he turns the screen of his phone towards you. 
It’s a new playlist, one you hadn’t seen, and it bears a simple title: your name. 
A million thoughts race through your head, but you can’t find the words or the right question. 
“Mitski?” You decide to tease, your cheeks warm as the feelings rush through you. The realization that maybe, just maybe, he loved you too. 
“Shut up,” he grumbles, but it’s full of affection, and his face leans closer—his gaze darts between your eyes and the swell of your lips. 
Your mouth parts in anticipation, eyes fluttering shut as your head lifts to meet him halfway. 
A small gasp escapes your lips at the first contact, his lips softer than you’d ever imagined. Slotting perfectly together with yours. He tasted like the gum he chewed and the soda he’d had; sweeter than you thought he’d be.
Eddie’s hand cups your face, gently holding your jaw as his thumb rubs the apple of your cheek. Holding you almost reverently. 
The kiss deepens as he pulls you on top of him, his tongue tracing the curve of your bottom lip, asking for permission. Your tongue swipes against his in response, and you swallow the moan he feeds you - fingers tangling in the fabric of his black t-shirt as he holds you to him. 
His large hand wanders down your back and over the curve of your ass, gripping the dough of it. You can’t help the circle of your hips as you grind against his thigh. Chasing the friction you so desperately need. 
Your lungs begin to ache as the kiss deepens, desperate for oxygen but more so for his touch, and you roll over, pulling his weight on top of you. Enjoying the feel of his body pressed into yours, and his knee slotted between your legs. 
Eddie pulls away, taking a deep breath to fill his burning lungs, and you chase his fleeting lips - eyes still closed. He chuckles, rubbing your cheek affectionately - memorizing the softness of your skin and the warmth of your body underneath him.
You breathe in deeply, gaze finally meeting his, and the first thing you notice is the flush of his cheeks. Then the way his brown eyes are almost obsidian; darkened with need. His nose brushes yours as he leans in for another kiss, just as soft as the first but quick so he can look at you again. 
“Are you finally going to tell me who it is?” He questions, lips hovering over your jaw, and you can barely breathe. Anticipating his touch. 
You shrug your shoulder, not ready to admit to defeat. 
“Couldn’t tell you, just some guy,” you play with the collar of his shirt, acting aloof. 
“Just some guy,” he repeats with a shake of his head, pressing a kiss to the space between your jaw and your ear. 
Your breath comes out shaky, and you can only nod.
“Was hoping it was me, Princess,” he kisses down your neck causing goosebumps to sprout along your arms.
His lips press against the skin of your shoulder, pushing at the strap of your dress with his mouth to nudge it out of the way. 
The curve of his lips is a whisper above your skin, his head dipping down and tracing the tops of your breasts. You arch into his touch, desperate to feel his mouth over every inch of your body. 
He stops abruptly, his head lifting back to hover over yours with a mocking grin. Enjoying how he already affects you, the way you whine when you don’t get what you want. 
“As if you don’t know the answer,” you gruff, and he leans in, shaking his head. 
“I want to hear you say it,” he whispers, face inches from yours—a dare. 
The stubborn part of you wants to deny it, wants to keep the secret close in case this was all in jest, but there’s another part that yearns to hear him say it too. To hear him say it back. For it to be more than a private playlist with your name attached.
“It’s you,” and you almost want to disappear. To sink into the floor or to be swallowed whole. Despite the kiss, despite the way his body presses closer to yours when he finally hears you say the quiet part out loud. Saying it out loud made it real, the threat of losing him as a friend more imminent. 
But his mouth is back on yours, more fervent than before. His hand traces up your thigh and grips the soft flesh. Pressing himself against you. 
You kiss him back with just as much need, an eager hand pushing at the hem of his shirt until you feel his skin. The curve of your nails drags lightly down his abdomen, stopping just above his belt. Enjoying the way the coarse hairs that lead into his pants feels against your fingers. Your other hand curls in his hair, holding his face to yours. 
Eddie shudders at the sensation, a small gasp spilling from his lips as they leave yours. You look at him through hooded eyes, a slight grin slotting into place when you notice his flushed cheeks and hair slightly disheveled. 
Energy thrums through you, making your heart pound. God, you want to make him gasp like that again.
“Was that so hard?” He questions, his expression a little cocky despite his breathlessness, and if you weren’t so eager to kiss him again you might just push his face from yours. 
“Shut up,” you say affectionately and kiss him again. 
Soft, sweet. Relishing in the feel of his lips until it isn’t enough. Until the carnal hunger can’t be ignored. 
Your tongue swipes against his lower lip, and you suck it between your own. Swallowing his low moan. The palm of your hand trails lower, small fingers wrapping around his handcuff belt. Breath caught in your throat until it makes your lungs burn, and you pull away. 
Eddie watches you, your slow, languid movements causing him to hold his breath in anticipation. His long, callused fingers push up, up, up until you feel them beneath your panties, matching your pace, creating a line of fire wherever they meet your skin. 
His belt falls open with a rumble of metal, and he presses his forehead to yours; hand gripping your ass, fingers spreading you apart, and edging closer to your center. 
Your palm rubs against his coarse pubic hairs as you slide your hand further into his boxers, a small gasp escaping your lips when your fingers rub against the warm length of his arousal. Eddie is bigger than you had imagined, and you’d spent plenty of time picturing him while in bed. Legs spread and fingers working you over the edge. But this is better than a daydream. 
His cock jumps against your palm as you wrap your fingers along his shaft, exploring the soft skin and the thick vein that lines his length. Your thumb brushes against his tip, collecting the pre-cum that leaks from it. 
Dark eyes watch as you remove your hand and bring your thumb to your mouth, tongue swirling against your digit before sucking it clean. 
A groan escapes Eddie’s lips, his jaw slack. Eyes hooded with need. 
His next movements are fast, quicker than your mind can keep up with.
He flips you onto your stomach, mouth racing down your back eagerly; needy hands pushing the fabric of your dress up until your ass is exposed. 
“This okay,” he questions, fingers hooked on the lace of your panties, and you whine, ass wiggling eagerly beneath him in response. He slaps the fat of it, a cocky laugh falling from his lips, but he wastes no time.
Eddie tosses your panties over his head absently; gaze focused on the swell of your butt. He hooks an arm around your waist and drags you up on all fours until you’re bared to him. His hands are on your ass like an anchor as he dips his head closer. 
The scruff of his beard scrapes against your soft skin, his warm breath felt against your spine. Each kiss is slow and deliberate, felt in your core as his lips trail down the small of your back and over the valley of your ass. He grips your cheeks and spreads them, revealing the rim of your ass and your glistening cunt. 
“So fucking pretty,” and he practically whimpers at the sight, grabbing his cock to adjust the strain against his jeans. 
He traces his middle finger over your slit and to your bundle of nerves, creating a circle around the bud; a sensation that makes your hips jolt, a soft moan escaping your lips. 
You breathe in sharply when you feel the nudge of his nose against your sex, his tongue swiping along your folds. Savoring the way you taste. 
He teases you, tongue flicking against your clit before swiping towards your aching center and stretching you over his tongue. A guttural moan escapes your lips, your nails digging into the plush of your carpet at the sensation. 
Eddie buries his face deeper, pushing his tongue further into you with a groan that vibrates through you. 
“Oh my god,” you keen, reaching behind and knotting your hands into his hair. You grind against his face, eyes rolling as his tongue darts in and out of your sopping cunt. Fingers pressing into your clit. 
“Fuck,” he moans, voice gruff. 
His tongue laps at your arousal, middle finger prodding your entrance. You release his head, bracing against the carpet. He stretches you inch by inch before adding another, his digits curling inside you. Slowly, he begins to pump them into you, hitting a spot that makes your breath catch in your throat. You clench around him, the orgasm already building.
“Eddie,” you whine, spurring his movements to quicken. For his mouth to wrap around your clit and flick his tongue against it, eager for you to come undone.
You ride his fingers, desperate for the release and out of your mind with need. Body humming, warmed over from the intensity of your arousal.
“Gonna come for me, Princess?” 
You nod your head, pushing your pussy back against him. Desperate for his tongue on your sensitive bud. 
“S-so close,” you stammer. 
Every muscle in your body tenses, and you bury your face in the carpet as the feeling crashes over you. For a moment, you can’t breathe. The moan trapped in your throat and eyes clenched shut until, finally, your center unfurls. 
Your cunt flutters around Eddie’s fingers, and you moan his name as your legs begin to shake, but he doesn’t stop. He continues to pump his fingers into you, groaning at the noise it makes and the way your pussy grips him. His tongue flicks wildly against your clit, eliciting a loud groan to escape from your lips. Your legs shake more intensely as tears spring to your eyes. Bordering overstimulation. 
“Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,” you beg, and suddenly, he pulls his fingers from you. Fat tongue dragging against your wet heat and savoring every drop of your essence. 
He slaps your ass once. Twice. Leaving kisses where his hands were before and trailing them up your back, pushing the fabric of your dress up with him until he pushes it off entirely. 
He’s bent over you, torso pressed to your back. Hard arousal pressed to your sopping center. Warm breath felt against your neck as he whispers.
“Sound so fucking pretty, want to hear you again. Want to watch you.” 
He presses closer to you so you can feel just how badly he wants you, and you shudder. You match his movements, pushing your ass back against him, turning to watch the way his eyes close and his jaw clenches. 
“Do you have a condom?” You whisper, and his eyes open abruptly, searching yours.
“Y-yeah,” he stammers, nodding his head late as though his body was just catching up with his thoughts. 
But he doesn’t move, and it makes you feel shy. A little unsure of yourself. You squirm beneath him and flip over so that you’re face-to-face. 
“We don’t have to,” you rub an absent hand against his face, trying not to think about the fact that you were mostly naked and he was hovering inches from you, fully clothed. 
Eddie shakes his head and leans closer.
“I want to,” he says with more conviction and kisses your cheek, brushing his lips along your jaw. 
“You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted to,” he whispers against your neck. 
His tongue swipes along your neck and nips at your soft flesh. A free hand wanders down your side, creating goosebumps in their path. 
“Have you thought of me?” You ask, dragging a hand down his sternum to the top of his still-open jeans. Your voice is teasing, heavy with a flirtation he’d never heard before, and he nods. No longer cocky, hovering above you but entirely at your mercy. 
“What have you thought about?” You push your hand back into his boxers and begin to stroke him, jaw going slack as you watch his eyes flutter shut. 
Eddie groans, the fingers at your side digging into your skin.
“Y-you in my bed,” he stammers, mind occupied by the feeling of your hand wrapped around his dick. Your grip tightens around him, your grasp firm as you pump his cock faster.
“Is that it?” You whisper against his mouth, nipping at the pout of his bottom lip. He follows your mouth as you pull away, and he shakes his head.
“Thought about how good you’d look as I fuck you,” his words are a little breathless, but they cause your thighs to clench. 
The movement isn’t lost on him. It spurs him on, the familiar cocky grin slotting into place—a glint of mischief in his eye. 
“You’ve thought of it too, haven’t you?” His nose brushes yours, lips hovering over your mouth as he waits for your response.
The shudder that runs through your body gives you away, and you nod. Hand still pumping his cock.
Eddie kisses you more tenderly than you expected. His lips soft against your own, relishing the feel of you. 
“How often?” He questions, mouth still hovering over yours. Hand tracing down your thigh and up again.
You try to concentrate, hand still working him but your rhythm unsteady as you debate to tell him the truth. 
“Every day,” you stroke him again, “sometimes twice a day.”
His mouth crashes against yours, all teeth and tongue. Your hand reaches from his boxers and begins to push at his jeans. He helps you, one hand next to your head, holding his weight above you, and the other helping push his jeans until he kicks them off. Eddie sits up and tugs off his shirt, revealing the expanse of his torso—the dark lines against his alabaster skin. You trace your fingertips over them, lips pressing against his chest as he reaches behind you and unclasps your bra. Eddie tosses the fabric aside, eyes fixated on the curve of your tits. 
“Fucking hell,” his voice is low, appreciative, and he reaches out to trace his fingers along your newly exposed skin. Your back arches into his touch, watching his thumb roll against your nipple and pinch the sensitive flesh between his fingers. A moan falls from your lips, and your head rolls back, legs closing around him.
His head dips to your neck, and he kisses down your chest, over the slopes of your breasts. 
Eddie’s tongue flicks and sucks, pulling your nipple between his teeth. One hand gripping your hip and leading you back down until you’re lying beneath him.
He reaches for his jeans and grabs his wallet, pulling a condom out. 
You stop him before he can unwrap it, “Wait.”
“Are you okay?” He stops and watches you with worry.
“Can we,” you pause, “can we go to my room? To the bed?”  
“Afraid of a little carpet burn, Princess?” He teases, and you swat his bicep, pushing at his chest so you can move past him. 
“Shut up, Munson,” you push his face, but he grabs your hand, standing and pulling you along with him. 
You turn from him to walk to your room, and he slaps your ass, causing you to yelp as you run away from him, your giggles filling the apartment. Eddie chases you, hand reaching out to slap your butt cheeks every so often until you reach the room and suddenly turn to face him.
His chest crashes against yours, and your chuckle dies when you look at him again. The desire in his eyes, the blush that’d crept into his cheeks, and the state of his hair. You reach between your bodies and wrap your hand around his cock, pumping him as he leads you to the bed.
Your back plops against the soft mattress, and he drags your ass to the edge, legs spread wide for him. 
He unwraps the condom and rolls the rubber down his shaft, one thumb drawing circles against your clit. Gathering your slick. 
You pant as he works you up, whining when he stops, only to jolt when his wrapped length rubs against your slick folds. Your fingers wrap around his wrist as he inches into you, his eyebrows pushing together as your cunt wraps around his cock.
“Holy fuck,” he groans, gripping your hip with his free hand. 
Eddie is a stretch, but the feel of him pushing into you is delicious - every inch making your toes curl. 
“Oh,” you moan, and it’s all you can manage. Words turning to nonsense once he’s fully seated inside of you. 
He leans down and kisses you, lips hard against yours as his hips roll into you. His rhythm starts slow, pumping into you at a languid pace. Savoring the way you feel, the way your moans sound, and your naked chest feels pressed to his. 
His movements quicken, the snap of his hips growing louder as he juts into you. You pull away from his lips and dig your nails into his bicep. He presses his forehead to yours, eyes focused on where your bodies are connected. Watching the way your pussy sucks him in, clenches perfecting around his shaft, and the image of you draws him closer to the edge. 
Eddie pushes off the mattress, straightening your legs until they’re pressed against his torso, one foot resting on either side of his head. He has the perfect view of you; the bounce of your tits as he ruts into you, the way your mouth hangs open, and your eyes are entirely focused on him. 
He pounds his dick into you, one hand moving between your legs and drawing circles against your bud. 
“Eddie, ahh, oh fuck-” you grip his forearm as he continues to thrust every inch of his cock in and out of your sensitive cunt. 
“You like that, baby?” and you nod.
“Say it,” he groans, hips stuttering as he nears his pinnacle. 
“Feel so good, Eddie,” you moan, and the way you say his name makes him clench his jaw. Trying his best to maintain composure until you come.
“Going to come for me, sweetheart?” and it sounds like a demand. Your nails dig into his skin as you nod. 
Your eyes trace down his body, watching the movement of his hips and the way your ass reverberates with each movement. The image of him, the erotic sound of skin on skin, bringing you closer.
“Please,” you beg, back arching off the bed as you get closer. The rubber band at your center stretching thin and ready to snap.
Your legs fall from his shoulders and hook around his waist, pulling him closer. Deeper. Exactly where you need him. The tip of his cock nudges your spongy center, the orgasm building with each rock of his hips until it’s enough.
His name is on your lips like a prayer, vision white as the intensity of the orgasm pulses through you. 
“Baby,” he groans, the grip your pussy has on him causing his hips to stutter and the muscles in his abdomen to tighten as he reaches his peak. His hands grip your thighs, his dick twitching inside you as he spills into the condom.
You come down for your orgasm and watch him through hooded eyes—the flush of his pale skin, the sharp edge of his jaw.
So fucking pretty.
He releases his grip on your thighs and slowly inches out of you. 
You whine at the loss, already needy for more, and he gives you a cocky smirk. Eddie presses a quick kiss to your lips before disappearing down the hall, and you listen as the faucet squeaks, then off before he returns. 
He approaches you with a warm washcloth, and wipes your center before discarding it into your nearby hamper. 
You pull him forward, resting his weight against your body. For a moment, the two of you sit in silence. The only sound filling the room is your heavy breaths and the faint thrums of your hearts. 
“That was-,” and he can’t finish the sentence. Unable to find the right string of words.
Eddie pushes his weight off you, balancing on his hands and meeting your gaze. He leans closer, his nose tracing yours, and he kisses you softly—a hum vibrating against your lips when he releases your mouth.
“Decent,” you shrug and roll your eyes affectionately. Falling into your usual teasing.
“That was some of my best work, babe,” he gasps, feigning shock. Hand to his chest as he stands straight. 
Your heart skips at the nickname, but you try to hide it. Babe. 
“Guess you’ll have to show me again,” you shrug and push yourself further onto the bed. 
Eddie raises a devious brow and follows your movements, his body inching forward as yours inches back. 
“I can show you again,” he kisses you, “and again,” he kisses you once more, “as many times as it takes to convince you,” he promises.
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tarjapearce · 8 months
Old Friend
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Summary: You meet an old friend in your shopping trip with the family.
Nothing but a slice of life, fluff, bit of angst and a jealous Miguel ~
Whenever it was restock day, Costco or Walmart would be the main places to go.
You'd get the list, Miguel would secure Rosie to his chest, as Benjamin would get inside your cart. Gabi would walk alongside you or her beloved Papa, pushing his cart.
Each would take separate ways, you'd get the meats and veggies, as Miguel would get the rest, powder detergent, cleansing products, and snacks.
"Mama, can I have these?" Benjamin swayed his feet pointing at the  colorful packaging of dinosaur shaped nuggets.
"Course you can, mi niño. Which one you want?"
"I tried the red one last time, I'll get the purple"
Benji's boyish voice echoed around you as you stopped on the frozen meals section.
"Alright, purple it is."
You picked the purple package, a triceratops and a T-Rex on the cover. Then, filled the cart with different sort of meats, Miguel's favorite cuts, hams and of course, lots of canned jalapeños. Orange, pineapple, and cranberry juice, a couple of sodas and finally you got to go to the cereal and coffee aisle.
Miguel was running out of coffee in his office, and back at home you only had a couple of packages. It reminded you the time Miguel nearly had an anxiety attack when he found out he had ran out of the black liquid gold, even in his secret stash.
For some reason the brand he always bought was put on the top shelves. With a huff you looked around to see if there was any ladder, but upon finding none, You stepped on the bottom shelf, trying to get the six pack in the edge, but obviously, you couldn't reach it.
Benjamin giggled when you missed, as revenge you smothered his face in kisses, earning you a loud and bubbling squeal.
"Here, let me." A deep voice rumbled behind you. Your eyes widened at the all too familiar face before you. Reaching effortlessly for the coffee packaging.
"Richard" you mumbled while taking the package, to then put it on the cart.
"Hey" His hand waved softly. Clad in a hoodie, bermudas and sneakers. A little gold band hugging his ring finger. Dull, as his overall aura.
Despite the years coming through, he hadn't lost his kind green eyes. Some wrinkles adorned his matured face. Ricky was only two years older than you, and still had some white hairs poking out here and there.
He sported a short and well trimmed beard, hair parted and neatly arranged to a side. His eyes darted to the boy that undoubtedly resembled alot like you, except for his curious big and round red-ish eyes.
"Whose this little champ?" The smile on his face was coy, but genuine.
"It's my boy, Benjamin."
A proud beam stretched on your face as your hand caressed Benjamin's head, some of his curls trapping your fingers.
"Nice to meet you, champ." Ricky stretched his hands towards him and Benjamin shook it, a tad nervous.
"He definitely has your curls."
You smiled, eyes diverting behind him, ready to meet his partner but, there was none, just his half cart full of car appliances, some diary products and snacks.
"My goodness, you have a beard now."
Ricky chuckled and scratched it. He was a handsome man, undoubtedly. Good and well worked physique. Lean muscles, athletic and healthy looking. Green eyes a shade darker than green apples, pretty lips you liked biting and a healthy tan on his skin, despite him being a pale guy. A couple of freckles adorned his nose.
"And you've got a kid now." there was a bit of disbelief in his tone.
"Three actually. Funny how we ended up doing the things we always said we wouldn't do right away."
Richard gave a soft laugh.
"At least we look good. And I'm sure you're a great mom. How long has it been?"
"I don't know, I suck at math. But I do know it's more than ten years." You pushed the cart to get the cereals and naturally he helped you to get them. Eyes looking for Miguel in every chance you had.
"How have you been?" He tensed a bit at the question, not expecting your openness to talking so casually, specially when your finger shone with a golden band. He graduated college and never saw you again, until now. Gentle and caring as always. You hadn't changed, and he was glad.
"As usual. Existing, trying to keep myself afloat after, uh... my divorce." His mouth pressed in a tight line, green eyes looked away for a second, unable to meet your stare. Ashamed.
Your eyes blinked at his reply. Clearly surprised by such thing. Face falling with worry. "I'm sorry to hear that."
Richard shook his head, and gave a nonchalant shrug.
"Things happen. It's one of those situations that get your eyes open for good." Ricky rubbed his neck awkwardly and you offered a little reassure with a hand on his shoulder, patting it softly.
"Hey, you've got this. I know it's been a while, but I'm sure your problem solving skills are still top notch."
Hw chuckled, almost sympathetic at himself, "I don't even know anymore, if I'm honest. But if you say so."
The voices in the aisles kept indistinct, each in their own world, mingling with the upbeat background music.
"Also... I'm sorry." His eyes remained on yours. Something he'd always do when speaking truthfully.
Your brow quirked, "Whatever for?"
Ricky's hands squeezed the insides of his pockets as he spoke.
"For breaking up with you. Specially like that. It was a d-" He caught his tongue before continuing with the french before Benjamin, "It was wrong of me."
You could only stare at him, and he recoiled further in his spot, shoulders hunched, eyes on the floor.
"If something's worth saying, I... divorced cause my mom also ruined it for me."
You frowned, confused and he shook his head.
"So I cut ties, went to therapy and yeah." He reached out for a three pack of granola for himself, and another for you after you pointed at the brand.
"I'm sorry, I'm kind of confused as to why would you think I'd be happy to know something awful happened to you, Richard?"
Richard's brow puckered. You really hadn't changed at all. Even after he dumped you a few days before Christmas eve.
"I... don't know? Thought you'd hold a grudge for what I did."
"A grudge?" You tittered and this threw him off guard, "Not to sound mean or anything, but I didn't even remember what had happened until now. You know I'm forgetful."
You both chuckled as he nodded.
"Yeah, kinda wondered if you'd lose your head too if it wasn't attached to your body."
You gasped while mocking offense, "That was rude."
You grabbed a couple of cereal boxes Benjamin pointed at.
"But true. In all seriousness, I'm glad that at least something great came after me. Is he a good man?, wait..." He shook his head softly, "Stupid question Of course he is, you married him."
You beamed and this made his chest swell in a mix of happiness and pride. You deserved it after all he also put you through.
"You'll find someone, I know so." It always made him wondered why he was stupid like that to allow his mother come in between.
"I'll give myself a couple of years to heal first. Wanna make sure I don't repeat things over."
It was your turn to get that pride sensation in your chest. Knowing he was making a good progress out of his mother's shadow also made you happy. You out of everyone knew how hard it was like.
"Hope they're ready to listen country music nonstop in your car." He rolled his eyes.
"I know you hated the genre, that's why I always played them"
Your lips pursed with faked anger as he tittered, however, Ricky cleared his throat off the laughing upon watching a behemoth of a man, approaching from behind. Red eyes set on him. A shudder crawled on his skin as he gulped. The baby on his chest did little to appease the intimidating aura around him.
"Mama!" Gabi came to you with an excited face as she showed you her new acquisition. A purple and glittery cover for her phone.
"Qué lindo! Do they have it in blue too?" (How cute!)
"Nah, it was the last one, Papa said this would match with my room too."
Said Papa hugged you from behind, and kissed your temple, red eyes never left him. Ricky gave Miguel a polite smile as he backed away a few steps. Miguel's strong features only turned sharper. It would be a lie to say if Ricky wasn't surprised and intimidated.
Surprised cause you hugged Miguel's narrow waist, a pleased and proud purr emanated from his chest. Loud enough for only you to hear it.
The man before him screamed danger a mile ago. But also, explained lots of things. Like Benjamin's eyes.
"Richard, this is my husband. Miguel O'Hara."
Ricky hesitated for a second, but stretched his hands towards him, big tan hands easily enveloped his in a firm shake.
"Nice to meet you." His nervous smile was like fuel to your husband's ego.
Miguel acknowledged him with a brief nod, eyes not tearing away from him. A quiet She's mine in his eyes.
"Richard and I used to go at the same college. Oh! This is my eldest daughter, Gabriella. And my youngest baby, Rosie."
Gabi smiled politely while holding onto Miguel's hips.
"You have a beautiful family." His green eyes stared at an ever curious Rosie that gazed back at him. Miguel's shoulder's tensed when Rosie gave Ricky a smile.
"Thanks, You'll be fine though. Things take time, but, It all comes together somehow. Just be patient. I'm glad you're doing good on your own." Again, you patted his shoulder, he just gave you a small but genuine smile. Miguel's guts churned as his jaw clenched.
Ricky left after saying his goodbyes, not wanting to impose his presence any further.
"Gabibi, mi amor, can you get the food cart to the line, please?"
"Okay. Don't take too long, please?"
Gabriella took the cart as Benjamin showed her his nuggets, leaving you and Miguel with Rosie alone.
"Alright, interrogation can start now." You chuckled and Miguel pulled you by your waist towards him, ebbing you to walk a few steps before giving a firm slap on your rear.
"Miguel!" you hushed, flustered while looking around to see of there were people and he smirked.
"Wanted to do that before that guy, but that wouldn't be too polite of me, wouldn't it?"
You kissed his cheek, but he quickly corrected the place and pecked your lips.
"That's better. Who was he anyway?"
"My ex from college."
He just hummed and it was your turn to return the squeeze, he chuckled, "Relax. He just got divorced and obviously not having a good time."
"Too bad." He shrugged, a bit nonchalant and you deadpanned.
"Don't be mean. You were scaring him on purpose."
"Obvio. Still, forgot to thank him." (Obviously)
You chuckled as you approached to the line, Gabi waved at you both.
"Thank him?"
"Well, he let you go, and I wouldn't have met you in the first place. So thanks to that."
"Well, he's there on the other line, go tell him."
You teased, but to your surprise Miguel stepped away from the beeline and was walking towards Richard.
"W-Wait! Miguel!" You had skip a few steps to catch him and pull him back to spot, he smirked while pulling you tighter towards him.
"Don't tempt me, mi reina."
"God, I swear. You're-"
"Your husband, mi amor." He smirked, satisfied at his own title in your life.
"A jealous one."
He leaned to your ear and whispered, "Espérate que lleguemos a casa. No te la vas a acabar conmigo, mi reina." (Wait till we get home. You'll see what's up.)
Gabriella rolled her eyes at the flirty atmosphere around you and covered Benjamin's eyes.
"You're too young to see that."
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720am · 5 months
for losing as much as possible in a short amount of time (cuz we are all desperate), from me - a biotechnologist, who relapsed (the demons never leave)
the tips i am about to share with all my girliepops are all based on science and work; if you have any other tips, feel free to share in the comments, so we can have all the tips in one place!
• eat your meals from smaller sized plates, to trick your brain you are eating more
• cut up your food into small pieces
• chew every bite at least 10-15 times, until it is a purée consistency; this way you will be eating slower and give your brain more time to realise you are full
• sip water with a lemon slice between your bites
• focus on eating vegetables and protein, limit carbs
• drink a lot of water, and I mean a lot
• add lemon slices to your water to make it have some flavour; also the lemon juice in water before your meals will help reduce the glucose spike => less insulin released from liver => less absorbed glucose from carbs/sugars/starches => less fat on your body
• move for 10 mins right after eating - walk, do calf raises, some light movement so all the glucose can be used before getting stored as fat on your body
• drink tea - green tea, detox tea, whatever tea, without a sweetener
• do not drink diet sodas/colas - or any kind of liquid that is not water/tea - these are useless calories, why would you do that to yourselves?! even if it says 0 cals - this s#it is so bad for you, and the carbonation makes you feel bloated like a god damn whale! ditch the diet sodas girliepops
• implement some kind of movement every day - walking, pilates, yoga, dance workouts, resistance bands workouts or stretching
• do not weigh yourself everyday - due to hormones our weigh fluctuates every day and this will just make you feel bad if you lose and gain 1-2 legs everyday depending on your menstrual cycle, water weight and so on.. weigh yourself every 2 weeks.
• do not drink fruit juice - this is such a scam; hear me out: how many oranges does it take to make 1 glass of orange juice? around 3. can you eat three whole oranges in one sitting? i bet no. then why would you drink 3 oranges? when you make fruit juice, all the fibre and the pulp is removed, leaving you with just the juice with all the sugar in it (in the form of glucose and fructose) so you are basically drinking pure sugar, which turns into fat… just eat your damned fruit, instead of drinking a bunch of empty calories
• take red cranberry supplements - they are usually taken for UTIs, but the red cranberry has diuretic effect, and will make you pee your water weight out; please do not take more than 2 pills and remember to drink plenty of water so you don’t damage your kidneys!!!!
• take probiotics - this will ensure your gut health stays good while restricting foods, so you don’t end up constipated and bloated
• i personally do not eat dairy products (i am lactose intolerant) - they are full of hormones from the cows, give you acne and inflammation, and the protein in it is not worth it considering the amount of fat these products have; skip the dairy if you can
• if you drink a lot of coffee, remember to drink plenty of water! coffee has a diuretic effect and if you are not drinking more water, it will make you retain whatever water is in your body, leading to water weight gain
• if you end up binging, do so mindfully - do not give in to all the food, just have a piece of chocolate, not the whole chocolate bar; have a piece of cake, not the whole cake; then get back on track and try to exercise as much as possible to burn the excess calories
• i think this is obvious but let me say it just in case - in order to lose weight, you have to be on a calorie deficit - meaning you burn/use more calories than you consume; but!! here is the trick - you have to maintain low calorie diet, do not ⭐️ve for more than 2 days, as this will f#ck up your metabolism - your body goes into fight or flight response, meaning everything you eat after f4sting will remain on your body as a reserve of food, in case you end up ⭐️ving again; so have your veggies and protein (chicken breasts, white fish)
• keep yourself busy so you don’t think about f0od - study, work, read books, journal, whatever it is, your day has to be full of activities do you can forget to e4t
• reject offered food - say you already ate / yr not hungry / you are allergic to some ingredient / you have a bad migraine and this will make it worse / or take the food and say you will have it later and just give it to someone else (pls don’t throw in trash, do not waste food)
• when eating with family / boyfriend - place food in a smaller plate, cut up food into very small pieces and eat very slowly and chew every bite for a long time, sip water between every few bites, then say you are full and cannot eat anymore / that you ate a bit earlier and yr full
• when eating, eat your veggies first, then your protein and eat the smallest amount of carbs - always leave leftover carbs in your plate
• do not eat any snacks - no cereal bars, no cereal, no chips, no crisps, no crackers, no salty sticks, just do not eat snacks!
• if you feel like eating - drink water first, then have veggies (cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, etc) or fruit (apples, citrus, any kind of berries)
• if you are having breakfast - always eat a savoury breakfast - eggs, avocado, veggies etc; never eat a sweet breakfast - cereal, croissants, pancakes, etc, this will spike up your glucose levels and all that sugar will turn into fat; a sweet breakfast will make you feel tired and exhausted all day, leading you to eat more
• wear a waist trainer - do so for no more than 8hrs a day; this will also help you have smaller portions of food, as it won’t allow your stomach to expand
• do not purge - this is very bad for your teeth and overall health; the stomach acid is very strong and every time you purge, your teeth are getting damaged; just don’t overeat in the first place and have self control!
this is all i have for right now; if i think of anything else, i will add later / make another post; if you have anything to add to this list - go ahead and do so in the comments below
remember, stay safe xx
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