#or write a psuedo plot
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ghostlybumblebees · 2 years ago
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every hyperfixation needs a special interest crossover au. im calling sburbbound
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darklitost · 13 days ago
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welcome to my little corner of filth and depravity. yes, you read that right; l&ds is sorely lacking in darker content on the other side of the web (ao3), so i decided to open up requests here and write for the l&ds girlies who prefer darker content! i will write for every male lead (and some side characters as well), however i do have my preferences. keep reading below if you want to make a request! i'm a caleb girl, soooo, send me your super secret, dark! caleb ideas. please. i beg. check out my ao3 account for examples of my writing.
⌦ ONE. CHARACTERS + PREFERENCE. i am sorely, sorely lacking in writing experience with Zayne. he is far too similar to myself, which makes me dislike him as love interest-and therefore i don't really consume any content with him in it, cards included. however! if you can forgive my mischaracterization from time to time, then i will be happy to write him for you. ⌦ TWO. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, SQUICK, ETC.
if you've browsed my account and taken a peek at my pinned post, then you'll know that i have some pretty dark/unsavory/morally black ideas for l&ds stories, plots, and headcanons. i can't write fluff to save my life. do i like writing it? yes, but it isn't my niche, so to speak. obviously, if you're a minor, you do not belong here. at all. skedaddle, ye little children! you'll be blocked on-site. the same goes for those who can't seem to control themselves and read things they know they get triggered by (a.k.a caleb's psuedo-incest trope) and fly off the handle. be an adult, or at least act like the age you are, and just exit out of the post if you don't like it. i won't hold your hand and baby you through the dead dove scenes. ⌦ THREE. LENGTH & PROSE.
i have a very flowery, elaborate way of writing. unlike this post, i don't write in all lowercase unless it's for a) headcanons or b) food for thought. my fics can span anywhere from 1k words to 30k words. i have a caleb fic i'm working on that is going to be around 200k words when i'm finished with it, so, take that as you will. you can request a certain length, but generally it depends on how creative i am at the time and/or my mood. ⌦ FOUR. DO NOT REQUEST...
♡. kinks regarding certain (some) bodily fluids (depends on the kink/context) or biological human waste. ♡. vague requests regarding a specific plot. don't be vague, fill up my inbox! gush about what you want! ♡. furries. sorry, local tumblr furries, but i just can't do it. ♡. and expect a certain time for me to post. i'm slow, you all. like... i agonize over perfection.
and that's that! you can shoot a request into my inbox (labeled 'make a request') and i'll get back to you, usually with the request in question. <3
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mrstsung · 1 month ago
My unpopular mk opinions
These are my unpopular opinions,venting,and genuinely how i feel about mk lore and characters.
This is just my personal opinions and feels ok? If you do not agree nor like. Then this post IS NOT FOR YOU! so keep scrolling down. (I can't believe i have to remind people of common sense and how to use their brain functions.)
But yeah. Here they are. It's a long one.
Below cut
Ok like i said a but long. But bear with me.
• Im sorry but liu kang x kitana can not realistically happen. At least for long term. They both have too much going on. Kitana has a whole realm let alone her own goals too separate from liu. And no offense guys but liu kang said he wants out in several stories endings. So a peaceful,quiet,normal lady and/or spouce is what he needs. Away from kombat,away from mortal kombat especially. So yeah....sorry guys. But your little fantasy of liu kang being with some badass warrior chick is just that. A fantasy and a boring one at that. Liu kang just needs a simple honey by his side. (This goes for liu kang being paired up with any of the known established lady characters)
• Speaking of which,liu kang should've retired. Not become a god. What was nrs thinking?!
• Kung lao should've been champion and the new chosen one. But y'all allergic to good storytelling.
• I could say so much about the lady characters. But I'll keep it short. Unfortunately guys,sexism exists. And it's affecting men too so if they actually eant people to enjoy fighting games. Dont make your lady fighters like shit and only eye candy. Let alone make them broken because your too lazy to program good movesets for them that actually work.
• Ah raiden raiden raiden. Where do i begin? First,they screw you over AGAIN. they take away you're whole ass personality. Nrs  only pretends now to actually gaf about you. And most of that is lip service. Shall i continue? You should've been retired by now. And not to mention they defang you for plot and treat you like shit as well as your mains. That pretty much covers it.
• Shang tsung my baby sweetheart,look at what they do? Do people care about your character? No. They dont. They never did until you looked lioe a pretty boy band hack. And no offense....they brought back the irl goat shang tsung himself,for what? Only to mock us fans and tease us with the false promises of something actually good? Yeah. Sadly i feel this. Tho i appreciate all of shang tsung's incarnations and iterations. Cary hiroyuki tagawa IS shang tsung to me. And honestly the only one worth mentioning. Because he's honest to god skilled in his craft. Im not saying this out of fandom,to butter his toast nor nostalgia sake. I genuinely feel he does shang tsung like nobody else does. Look guys alan lee is ok. But i feel he NEEDS SOMEONE TO WRITE HIM SOMETHING BETTER. Honey plz let me write for you! I know what shang neeeeeeds!
• That being said. Im sick of people saying shang tsung is eViL. When? Also is he tho? Anymore than anyone else in that world. Dude you're killing. And even if that wasn't a factor,there are worse guys. Shang tsung is actually compared to the likes of quan chi,shinnok,shao kahn,ONAGA,THE FUCKING ONE BEING ITSELF!?! shang's a fairly honorable and reasonable man. He is psuedo-immortal but he was once an earthrealmer warrior(idc what nrs says thats what he is end of story. Because thats what he was truly and it makes for a more compelling story) so unlike the other "baddies" he's the only really "human" one. So he's more realistic and relatable. Which honestly makes for a more interesting antag. Or even neutral character. Seriously guys,it's right there. Why do people refuse to see it is beyond me.
• Bi-han....you dont deserve what you're given. Im sorry.
• Same with mileena.
• Also mileena isn't some disease ridden floosy,isn't secretly shangs kid,she is a clone and an experiment and is a fucked up lil froot loop. She does get a heart of gold later and reconciles with kitana or should. But shang tsung hates mileena,sees her only a an object let alone just a pat on the back for a job well succeeded. Shes an experiment to him. Shao kahn sees her as a means to an end but an heir to be used. Sindel say milly as a daughter but the lesser one and only in high regards when kitana "disappoints" her. Sindel before and after the dark magic purge,was kind of selfish. She never hated her daughters,but she was arrogant. But that's just her personality. Anyways. Mileena is a clone/twin sister of kitana and deserves better and to be her own person and have her own agency. Sorry not sorry but i hate "fandom" mileena.
• Kung lao....my baby.....you deserve better. But you deserve to obliterate nrs for the mistreatment
• Sonya blade deserves to kill more. Let alone never be written by men ever again. NEVER AGAIN.
• We as fans deserve a good game. No gimmicks,not unnecessary dlc,full functional and FULLY MADE gameplay,no guest characters,no characters that was in the main storymode not on the roster let alone some pre order fucking only. No a fully good game. That has minigames to keep you busy. That has a fully open world krypt. A game WORTHY OF THE TITLE OF MORTAL KOMBAT!
I have so much more but....thats it for now.
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manicpixiefelix · 1 year ago
okay so its definitely going to come up later in the story, but im a little bit feral when i think about how Elspeth interacts with the reader because i truly believe reader is the closest thing she has to a perfect child. like obviously she loves felix and venetia the most, but considering what she says in the film, i think childbirth and it's recovery would have been a truly traumatic experience for her. she emotionally and physically distanced herself from her own children because of how visceral and "ugly" parts of their shared history are. she set a precedent for distance from the time they were born. farleigh was also practically raised with them but he has a whole different lot of baggage with him that precludes him from being truly pure of the ugly, pettiness of it all.
therefore reader, with rich, affluent parents who have no qualms but also no financial incentive for their child to join elspeth's, who elspeth herself didn't have to birth, and who therefore does not bring out any (even faint) feelings of guilt as she never neglected them in their most formative years, is the one psuedo-child she feels comfortable enough to physically dote on, even if she's emotionally distant out of a sense of obligation to her own children, if that makes sense.
anyways im rambling and all this to say i made myself so sad about that oneshot i was writing about what if the original film's plot played out with reader there.
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thedawningofthehour · 8 months ago
I don't know how you do the hurt/comfort so well in the book even though it is really messed up.
One example is the chapter 5 in the botanist portion. Specifically the eating the orange section and the “you know what my fathers work is.” hopefully I quote that correctly.
But when I am writing I can hurt but comfort is difficult. Like I feel like I do good with hurt no comfort fics. But I don't usually like those fics.
Ironically, that scene was supposed to have minimal angst lol, they were there so I could show Gale infodumping about plants and let Raph have a swim. Which is why I have Gale cut away when the conversation gets too heavy-that's not the purpose of the passage.
I think something a lot of people get hung up on is trying to do EVERYTHING. They want to acknowledge every injustice, represent every kind of person, explore the entirety of someone's character and trauma or whatever in one scene. (I could write a paper on the new trend of having eight-episode shows and allowing every plot point and character exactly two seconds of exposition because that's all the screentime they can get when the studio wants an epic told in the length of a novella and how this is affecting people's expectations for how storytelling should be done, but my oven timer just went off and I'm gonna eat soon) The thing you have to remember, nothing can be everything. You have to specialize at least a little bit or your ocean of storytelling becomes a wide puddle of meh.
One thing I ask myself is what is the goal here? What are the themes that I want to get across in this scene? Do they work with each other or is it jarring for the reader? What do you want the reader to take away from this? The scene in the first chapter where Draxum and Gale are doing Raph's intake exam, part of it's just exposition and me dumping background information and psuedo-science on the audience. But it's also meant to show how Draxum interacts with Raphael now that he's an ally, and show Raph how Draxum and Gale typically interact with each other. The scene with Gale taking out the explosive charge in Raph's collar is meant to highlight how very much Donnie Gale still is, how he isn't entirely obedient to Draxum and does what he does because he genuinely believes in what he's doing-and likewise, he doesn't believe Raph should be here if he doesn't believe in their goals.
The greenery scene is meant to show Raph's pre-conceived notions of who Draxum is being challenged. He sees Draxum as wholly evil, whose only goal is to do bad, like the villain of a cheap 80s Saturday morning cartoon. So far he's rejected every suggestion that Draxum has genuinely positive intentions and goals besides destruction, that might have a point even if he's going about it the wrong way. Seeing that Draxum grows fruit, that a major area of study for him is agriculture cultivation-food has traditionally been a symbol of life, peace, support, so the fact that Draxum is a horticulturist challenges the image of heartless, evil Draxum that Raph has built up in his head.
But at the same time, in the same place where he grows oranges lovingly cultivated to provide nutrition for the people who will consume them, there's poison meant to kill. It shows the depth of Draxum's intentions and the full breadth of his actions, that he wants to help life thrive but will not hesitate to take life if necessary. And Raph is also coming to terms with what he was created for, what his purpose in life was supposed to be and how he's playing into it now. He wasn't just a weapon, he was a sword meant to be wielded along with a shield. He was made to kill, and Raph doesn't agree with that-but he doesn't wholly disagree with the logic that led Draxum there. And he's very unnerved by that.
Another thing, the actual storytelling is definitely important but don't forget-it's secondary. Your real priority is manipulating the reader into feeling things against their will. You can have a completely shit story and get by if it's told entertainingly or if it made people cry. The most interesting plotline will still be a slog to get through if it's boring. You're trying to write like Donnie, but you gotta be a Leo first and foremost.
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triscribeaucollection · 9 months ago
Slowly losing my mind, there are now six whole stories I want to write that involve dropping people from future timelines/alternate universes into the DCAU, mostly specifically between Justice League Unlimited seasons one and two, but I can't settle on which I want to write fiiiiirst
Within the shared universe:
-Batman Beyond's Justice League comes back in time for an unintended visit, the usual handful plus a few of my OCs, including a new Amazon princess aka Bruce/Diana's grown daughter, who argues with Terry incessantly but she will dropkick the first person who says anything disparaging about the next Bat, that's her psuedo little brother thank you very much (and also her half-sibling but shhh they don't know that yet)
-I've got this very convoluted AU for a Batman Beyond Nightstar that I won't bother explaining all of right now, but I want to take that iteration of a 14yo Mar'iand'r Grayson from the future and toss her waaay back to Batman: The Animated Series, when her dad is still Robin and her grandpa hasn't really socialized with any other heroes yet, and this poor kid is not well versed in the past that's now suddenly the future, but as long as she's stuck with this much younger and smaller version of her family she is Going to Do Her Best to make sure things work okay
-There exists a background character in the Elseworlds comic of Kingdom Come confirmed to be the daughter of Supergirl and Brainiac-5, and I have thoughts about this kid, I want to make a DCAU version of her to be yoinked from the 31st century back a thousand years to meet her Uncle Kal-El, BUT with a friend with a mystery background and this one is sad, guys, I made myself cry at work thinking about ultimate sacrifices and failing to save someone at the last moment and honoring the memory of those who are gone but not forgotten
Then from *alternate* universes, I've got the newest brainrot of picking up 22yo Clark with Lois and Jimmy from My Adventures with Superman to gently deposit in this world, and let all three of them squeak over the differences (older Clark! Plus Kara! The whole League!) and this includes a moment of Jimmy seeing this more mature Superman and immediately going "Ohhh no, nononono, you are not allowed to get BIGGER and BEEFIER! I am putting my foot down!" to the general amusement of everyone else nearby.
Not quite as shiny but just as funny is the thought of nabbing Jon Kent from the comics and tossing him across the path of DCAU Lois Lane, give her a chance to shine while getting the kid in touch with someone who can help send him home, only to find out Oh Hey there are a bunch of other superhero kids who came along with him, including a rather prickly Robin who demands "Where have you been, Kent?" which causes Lois to bluescreen for a minute (cue Clark somewhere off screen going 'oh I'm in danger')
And then, I want to go back and do a re-write of my old Young Justice S1 dropped into JLU S2 fic, my skills have improved a fair amount over the past, oh, six-ish years, and there are some different ways I'd handle various introductions. Not to mention I think I'd actually include an ending, this time, instead of losing steam over a plot I didn't really vibe with and leaving the whole thing unfinished...
Just. The DCAU, folks. I'm stuck ping-ponging between ideas that I sadly don't have the energy to work on right now, but eventually that will change and then WATCH OUT
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corgate-epistolary · 7 months ago
Intro to the Project
The Ruins of Corgate is an epistolary novel being sent through the real-life postal system between @aki-no-hyo & @submerged-in-stories. It is being cross posted to Archive of Our Own [here].
The Setting
Psuedo-Victorian with established magic. Magicians are required to have full time "Agents" who are intended to look after the Magician, ensure their safety & other's, and generally keep the Magician from blowing the world up with a hubris-fueled arcane bomb. Magic is treated as an academic subject, complete with universities, grant competition, and peer reviewed journals.
A set of ruins has recently appeared in the coastal mountains near the village of Corgate. The area is isolated but not unexplored. After an intense competition, Mg. Leland Hawkins was selected to begin the exploration of the site.
The Characters
Ms. Elowen Vance, A.Mg. to Mg. Leland Hawkins (she/her)
Mg. Leland Hawkins (he/him)
Mx. Eris Mirrows, A.Mg. to Mg. Cephei Equlee (they/them)
Mg. Cephei Equlee (he/him)
The Authors
Writing Elowen Vance & Leland Hawkins
More info here:
Writing Eris Mirrows & Cephei Equlee
More info here:
Interested in Adding to the Story?
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gyarucoded · 1 year ago
gimme a sec i need to talk about this !!
so i saw a long ass reblog under an anti-sylki blog that started off as something like "actually loki & sylvie has good romance chemistry meanwhile loki & mobius doesn't have any romance chemistry at all"🤓– and in this moment i went "alright best frien i'm not reading all that" then went to block instead of arguing.
didn't try reading that bullshit of a post further either just to anger myself, i know better.
i especially didn't wanna argue cuz i think that was a child..??? (assuming from the miracoulus ladybug theme cuz no adult in their right mind enjoys that trash) but if i'm wrong that just makes it worse tbh, like grown ass ppl who srsly think toxic relationships should be the example of peak romance needs their brain to be studied fr.
i usually try to be respectful for others' opinion but i genuinely can't see where this opinion comes from.
makes no goddam sense to me.
maybe it's cuz i can't view things through a heterosexual lens, maybe not.
who knows?
but...(i won't make this abt lokius but focusing more on the "loki & sylvie" part) this made me wonder like...
what do sylkie shippers even post about?
no i won't check it out myself to spare myself from the headache but do they go "omg today episode's syIkie crumbs was so lovely dovely 🥺" and the crumbs in question is them disagreeing on almost everything and sylvie wanting to avoid loki as much as she can & constantly seeming to be angry at him.
sure, in s1 they did have a couple of cutesy romantic moments like being under blankets despite of them being supposedly immune to cold or the literal kiss but, it truly doesn't take a huge analyzation to realize that this "relationship" became one sided, even in that one little moment when they had to hold hands, sylvie immidiately goes "don't overthink it" like omgggsfg💀😭 and it's also clear that loki eventually got the hint, in ep3 he doesn't try to be with her anymore or gets emotional with her, he silently gave up.
not to mention loki avoiding to mention the kiss, when appearantly the two has nothing to hide? 😕
i don't know where this is gonna be heading off but if they randomly switch up after all this character & dynamic development then i have no hope for marvel's writing team cuz that would basically create a plot hole.
like aside from the psuedo-incest, that used to bother me in season 1 era but now i am concerned more about how this "ship" overall has no appeal, yet some of these ppl genuinely thinks it can work healthily between them and that ppl who are against it are just "petty that their gay ship isn't canon" when there's MORE to this.
in season 2 there's absolutely *nothing* happening with them that would make us, the audience, root for them to be together as a couple like i'm sry.
so yeah you can say i'm doing too much and too crazy over a fictional tv show (yes i know that babes i have full self awareness) but i literally cannot stress enough about how unhealthy it is to think that this is how a good romantic chemistry works.
based on a syIkie shipper's views: we could technically say that me + that one co-worker of mine who we always have disagreements on political stuff with & dislikes me for no reason is my "lover"... since we wanna pretend this is how love works 😀😀 no?
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prpfz · 2 months ago
24+ looking for someone 21+ for an Arcane roleplay! 🕊️⚰️
I’m hoping to find someone to write as either Silco or Sevika against my Jinx. I’d love to explore toxic relationships, power dynamics, dead dove, psuedo-incest, etc. Smut encouraged!
I’m a big fan of brainstorming, plotting, talking ooc etc. so I’d prefer if my partner was as well. I only roleplay over discord, and my typical reply length is around 4+ literate paragraphs, though I’ve been known to write more or less depending on the situation. I’m good at matching my partner’s energy.
Like this ad and I’ll send you a message <3
give a like and anon will get back to you
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toon4thought · 1 year ago
Got to see "Wish" yesterday.
I had no real strong feelings going into this celebration of a film going in. I just knew that it all was a culmination of Disney's history with fairy tales. And watching it... admittedly gave me more mixed emotions than I hoped.
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Starting on a positive note: the visual presentation. The psuedo-watercolor look to the backgrounds really makes them pop with pretty detail, and while it would've been preferable to also have the characters hand-drawn, the cinematic screen really shows how many 2D sensibilities are actually in their linework and movements. Color work can really stand out in places too. It's not the most storybook-like animation nor most effective blend I've seen, but it feels about right for how I'd expect Disney to handle that.
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The plot is, by design, very tropey - pretty much going off the checklist of what is expected from Disney fairy tales - and while it wasn't the most interesting thing in the world, I could certainly wrap my head around the thought process. However, I do have to criticize parts of the writing, in that it often felt like the dialogue was just over-explaining the plot details to the audience. It felt like there was little room for subtle depth when there easily could've been.
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Similarly, characters are standard but likable. Asha - while not a new character type for WDAS - is charming and rootable. Her Seven Dwarves-referenced friends do a good job at getting involved in the action and all have their moments to shine. Star is cute, Valentino... eh, I can give or take. And King Magnifico is, of course, a villain you love to hate - starting out with the illusion of generosity, only for his true colors to become more exposed over time. He's not going to make many top 10 lists, but his animation and Chris Pine hamming it up pays off.
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The songs - not the best, to be honest. They're catchy enough, are generally brought to life well, and many may well find a standout (my fave was "This is The Thanks I Get"). But you're not going to find a new "We Don't Talk About Bruno" here. I think part of the issue is that the approach to them felt fairly modern-leaning, which I think was a mistake when this is meant to be presented as a classical fairy tale. Though I will say, the actual orchestral score fares notably better on this front.
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I think the big saving grace of the film, besides the presentation, is how thematically tied it is to it being Disney's centennial. Not just in how many easter eggs get littered in, but also how the whole heart of the picture is about following your dreams and to not let a higher authority take them away from you. Sounds simplistic, but they litter in enough nuance for it to feel relatable. And apart from it being something people really need to hear sometimes, especially in our late-stage capitalism world; recall too how Walt Disney himself first built this empire by taking chances on utilizing animation that no one else in Hollywood would. There's even precedent to this with a few bits seen in the film, but I'm not going to give that away here. It hits pretty hard, and serves well as a metaphor on its own merits.
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I'd say if you weren't intrigued by the trailers, you're not going to be swayed by the film. But the kids and others wanting something to lift their spirits are unquestionably going to eat this up, as it really is the exact kind of tale that made Disney the titan we both love and hate today.
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dearestones · 10 months ago
Sorry to bother you are you still taking death note requests? I absolutely loved your yandere L's and cute Matsuda stories the ending to platonic Yandere L taking his psuedo stolen adult child to the morgue shook me...I like wanted to know what happens next ahhh ! Anyway hope you know I love ypir work so much and appreciate your time to have this blog write our visions we cannot❤🖤💖🦋Your awesome and if my question bothered you sorry 😆 I still love reading your other works here or on ao3 you have a gift for making words come to life !
Hey, Devin here!
I'm so happy that you like my Death Note fics! They were always a joy to make since I get to revisit the characters and plot that made up a large part of my childhood and early anime viewing experience! Unfortunately, I don't really write for Death Note anymore. This could change in the future, but alas, my heart would not be into it and I would not like to give my readers a subpar experience.
Thank you so much for your kind words (the platonic yandere fic is actually one of the fics that I had the most fun writing since platonic yanderes can be quite entertaining) and I hope that you have a wonderful day!
(And, if you ever want to, feel free to ask more questions! You seem like a great person to talk to!)
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runner-owen · 1 year ago
Chewing on the thought of making the smut I'm writing canon. Hit the cut for some context.
In the smut I'm writing, Owen and Aurum have a sexual relationship, along dom/sub lines. It was a deal arranged when Aurum hired Owen - he offered double the pay in exchange for access to Owen's body, to do what he wants with. Owen, understandably, had reservations, but the potential to help people with the money and connections Aurum offered was too good to resist. So he tells himself.
I don't think Owen is restricted to just having Aurum as his lover - he may have a similar, but more religiously tinted relationship with the priest Gideon Valentine. But this does change some things and influence the plot. Like, how secret is this arrangement? Are these kinds of relationships taboo? I know Owen's relationship with his priest is considered "old fashioned" - do people have similar views about Owen and Aurum? What about the power imbalances between a working class detective and his noble, borderline royalty, employer - how would they be viewed by society? How do gender and gender roles tie into this? I'm writing a story about a trans guy in a psuedo Victorian setting, I gotta touch on those topics at some point
And of course, what does the Scarred Man, who desires to turn Aurum and claim Owen alongside him, think about this?
... Maybe I should finish the smut before I worry too much about this.
Anyway, feel free to tell me your thoughts
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kichimiangra · 2 years ago
You mentioned that you might hypothetically write a story for Digimon Ghost Game. What would be the plot of that potential fanfic?
I mean, I probably won't actually write it because me and writing don't always get along.... it's why I have more art than text for Nannersverse at this point. I'm just trying to force myself to write more for the sake of being able to shit out scripts for comics quicker. Nannersverse would have totally ended up a comic if I didn't stop myself! Then it would take so long that it would eventually get set on the backburner as another unfinished comic :<
If I did do a Ghost Game fic it would probably be an attempt at a fictional "Season 2" where I collect all the loose ends or things I personally would want to see expanded on, so the main main plot would be a whole "Gulus can't count, the endbringer is coming and it's only been 2 years" but opening with a few episodic chapters that feel like episodes to establish how the world is now that Digimon are kinda an open thing and not a secret, how people reac to their existance. and what the GG Gangs normal lives have been since then. Maybe Jellymon and Angoramon have hit that point in their development by now that they no longer default to Rookie form, but are permanently Champions to show that even if it's only been 2 years the relationship to their humans have had a substantial effect on their growth? But more importantly because I'm bias as fuck, the early chapter highlights would be on specifically how Hiro and Gammamon's lives are effected by the constant existence of Big brother Gulus popping up unannounced for almost anything, going from who was originally a background character in their lives to a constant element needing getting used to, such as watching Gammamon seemingly hold a two way conversation with himself with only the black eyes being an indicator he isn't going full Gollum. Plus the fun that they are trying to get Gulus to be good but he is VERY resistant to behaving good.
"The Plot" would eventually show up and the episodic chapters would end to focus instead on a serialized narrative of trying to put an end to the end bringer, maybe it kills or captures Quantumon? It wouldn't be a fast arrival, Maybe the Gulus Virus that had been going around the digital world was technically caused by the end bringer (So like, back on Krypton Gulus was just a normal Gammamon before he himself got infected, but instead of 'infection' he 'devoured' the virus, writing it into his own digital code thus birthing his permanent evolution into Gulusgammamon) and with the virus spreading around the digimon in both the digital and human worlds all eyes are on Hiro, Gamma, and Gulus as nobody really trusts Gulus to not be the active cause of this spreading virus, with the only one believing in him being Hiro and Gamma? This way later there can be like... the narrative buddy fight, so to speak. (Though I don't think Hiro would buddy fight :/ He's so passive...)
I'd have to chew on it a bit more to think of what I would do for "The Plot-Plot" but I do know I would want a Huge amount of focus to be on Hiro and his two Gamma's, as what Ghost Game did well was it's smaller personal character moments and also I'm bias as fuck.
About a week after your original ask of "If I wrote a digimon fic what would it be?" and my answer was GG but only if I found there was a story that I wanted to tell with the characters, I remembered that there actually WAS a digimon fic I had considered writing but it was also in a "still chewing on it" point of existence, but I had already answered the ask so cuz psuedo on topic I'll add it here!
A while Back KarnEX did a video discussing the early concept for Digimon Frontier I found myself biting my lip because I liked the original idea, so I had started ideating the vague idea of a digimon fic using the concept. (Although once again my brain is like "But what if.... comic...?")
A report is seen on the tv about 'more' children/teens/whatevs going missing, establishing an ongoing crisis. The Protag is going somewhere or something or whatever maybe a travelling circus or music show or SOMETHING to get a moderate group of kids in a single place and a group of Digimon appear and kidnap protag and the other kids; isekai'ing them to the digital world (though the kids don't know they're not in kansas anymore yet.) end of setup.
Here in the digital world for the first act, it follows a Ratchet and Clank: Deadlocked plot: They have been kidnapped by the Digimon who work for a gladitory arena and are being forced to compete for the entertainment and profit of the arena owners (Captialism is the true villain lol). The Arena has Digimon competetors but the arena has found that the more interesting fights come from capturing humans and making them Fuse/Biomerge evolve with a digimon competitor, many of which have ALSO been forced into the arena against their will. From there protag ends up meeting their partner and it becomse kinda like a tournament fighter shounen manga as protag meets other competetors and their own issues trying to survive the arena (characters and storylines like "The Pacifist won't fight but has to learn it's okay sometimes" or the "Dog eat dog competitor" or "The Competitor who is a cinnamon role paired up with a bad or abusive human/digimon partner" etc.) Eventually after the first arena tournament round ends and the second begins; round two requires team fighting and protag manages to create a team of merry misfits and their digimon partners that he befriended/ gained the respect of during round one. They start realizing that they think they can escape the arena via a very specific escape route and try to get back to civilization and call the police on this child-monster-battle-thing. Most of their group get's out, accidentally leaving one of their own behind, maybe there's a forced "Dark Biomerge Digivolution" forced upon the kid or maybe there's a "They left you behind like bad friends!" or maybe there's a "He stayed behind for a reason!" I dunno this character is probably the Ken/Matt/Rika/that one friend who has baggage that digimon likes to have. It's a good character trait I love it.
Now that (most) of the main group has escaped the arena the second act begins where they are effectively let loose out in the digital world, realize that they infact got isekai'd, maybe they have to collect some kind of Macguffins? Maybe the arena is actually run by Satanists summoning the Digital Devil? either way the arena was bad but it was all a front for something worse and the kids need to find a way to stop it, save the other competetors in the arena and go home without the world being destroyed all while some drama plot is being set up with the left behind character. I don't have all the bugs worked out with the second act, I just know it's the big adventure act where they get to explore the whole open digital world while realizing just how close they were to something very very bad happenning to them back at the arena, but also how once you get out of the corruption of the arena this world is beautiful and worth saving.
Act three would be finishing up anything that needs to be done in the overworld, maybe a classic "I have the chance to abandon my friends and go home alone" plot of temptation the the protag gives up and then return to the arena for a final showdown and liberation of the other humans and digimon. Just finishing stuff up y'know.
It's an Idea that could be told with completely original characters but could also be fun to make all the missing kids into known characters from the franchises Anime/Manga/Games/ etc., not in like.... a Xros wars "All the protags are visiting the episode from their own worlds" way but in a "This universe's version of the character" way. Y'know full AU. Also I could put Jerri there and then NOT kill her Leomon.....
Also I had an idea for a mysterious Arena Champion who is a baddass but you learn that they're not in sync in the fusion, the Digimon is repressing their human and steering the whole fusion themselves because they aren't gonna let their human, who is too nice, to get themselves killed so they do what they have to do, repressing the human part of the biomerge in order to take all the hardship themselves. Was gonna consider Koichi from Frontier but I don't think I can do much more than Frontier already did with him and make it interesting. Was gonna consider Ken and Wormmon, having Wormmon repress Ken in the fusion in order to protect him and do the bad stuff himself or vise versa. But then I watched Ghost Game and ngl Hiro with Gamma and Gulus as the champion where Gulus convinced Gamma to help repress and placate Hiro in the fusion so Gulus can fly the plane because he thinks the other two are so soft it'll get them all killed sounds fun and I am biased as fuck.
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daisyishedwig · 1 year ago
8, 9, & 13 from the fic writer asks :)
8. What project(s) are you currently working on? I'm almost done with A Place To Call Home which is my season 4 AU with a Sebklaine ending. I literally just have the final scene to finish, but my brain has been kicking and screaming about actually finishing it.
I have the final chapter of Still Look Like Mine to finish, but I haven't even started on that one.
I finally started writing actual words for my Klaine Secret Santa last night instead of just thinking about it.
My Seblaine Mrs. Winterbourne AU is underway, but I'm still kind of outlining the story and picking which parts of the movie I want to keep and where I want to completely change it.
My Mckinley Skank!Blaine Seblaine AU is always on my mind if that counts as working for it.
And same goes for what I call my Hevans fic but will really be three fics taking place over the course of Seasons 2 and 3 with the first one focusing on Hevans, the second one focusing on Klaine, and then the third one focusing on Seblaine. It's a complete AU starting in season 2 onwards, almost a fix it fic but also more of a what if? I'm really excited to write it, it's just taking so much planning in the meantime since it will be such a long endeavor.
Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written! I try to write every day, it doesn't always happen, but since I just got out of bed I haven't written anything today, but here's a sentence I wrote last night.
Blaine taught freshman and senior English, teaching his students first how to be high schoolers and then preparing them for the world outside of the school’s hallways.
13. How much planning do you do before writing? That depends on the fic. For example, a lot of what I wrote for 10 Days of Seblaine was just kind of me winging it since most of those were shorter pieces. I'll usually still be imagining a basic timeline for the fic and have a background and future in the back of my mind even if I don't officially put it on paper to remember. Still Look Like Mine was very much that way since I had a vague idea when I started it and then it really took on a life of its own. I know how I want it to end, I just haven't quite figured out how to get there, which is why I ended up splitting it into five parts so I can take my time on this last part but there's a bit of a psuedo ending after part 4.
Now my longer fics I spend a lot of time outlining and figuring out what I want from them and rearranging plot points. Those outlines will of course change as I write, but I try to have a pretty decent idea of point A and point B and the steps I'm going to take to get there.
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goddesspharo · 2 years ago
weird writing asks | 4, 35, 36?
weird questions for writers ask
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Like in a bad way? I used to laugh at people who couldn't stand the word moist but it kind of does suck outside the context of "wow, this cake is really moist, did you use sour cream?" Feral in a good way? I love the word defenestration and do not believe it gets enough play. We need more people being thrown out of windows 1990s One Life To Live style!
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
In moderation, I love when sentence structure matches the energy of a moment. Like a character freaking out and losing control of a situation being reflected in words bleeding into each other and selective use of non-punctuation and run-on sentences. It's the kind of chaos I appreciate.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
I am so tempted to quote the ending of Practical Magic ("There are some things though that I know for certain..."), but I'm guessing they're asking about what I know about writing. I know that I'll always choose a character-driven motivation over a plot-driven one because it's easy to justify plot with the former but it's more annoying to hand-wave bad characterization for the sake of a plot point. I know that I hate reading and writing in first person POV (gahhhh, the worst!) because I find it to be chaotic in an unappealing way - I need some distance! I know that I dislike the trend lately of book covers looking like generic clip-art versions of a Matthew McConaughey movie poster. And lastly, I don't care how cliche it sounds because obnoxious psuedo-intellectuals have co-opted Holden Caulfield as their mascot, but there is no book that opened my eyes to perspective, unreliable narrators, and the power of stylistic choices to tell a story the way The Catcher in the Rye did growing up and that's why it will always have a piece of my heart.
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rosieuv · 7 months ago
Interactive anime parody idea
Just for context I originally typed all this out onto the video games forum on Newgrounds.
I've put this here in video games as it'll be a video game due to it's interactive nature but is more like a visual novel in the sense that it's button pressing for different routes, but instead of reading it's animation. I already have like 3 other project ideas currently and this is still in the early stages, but I was curious to see if anyone else was interested.
The "plot" is a typical anime harem, you know the kinds: the deredere, the kuudere, the himedere and the tsundere, all of which are their only personality traits. However the main guy isn't a typical anime protagonist as this guy no-clipped through the floor from a different universe and is designed to be the only one there with actual common sense. There's this lingering feeling of danger as the main guy is a human in an psuedo-Japan high school full of vampires that lack any consistency in their behaviour or thought patterns due to the universe essentially being a badly written lovey-dovey story with all the writing flaws and over the top anime tropes you can think of!
I haven't planned many scenes yet but one I have thought of is how one of the main girls gets introduced by the typical "running into each other" trope. The guy asks if the girl is okay and then gets concerned when the girl nosebleeds everywhere and he takes her to the nurse as he has no idea what's going on but just saw the girl chuck a litre out of her nose and the nurse just kinda stands there and the guy gets freaked out and slowly walks away; all of which takes place without a pause to breathe. The idea I'm trying to explain is what seems to be a satire of anime tropes with the comedy stemming from the main guy being the only one who acts and reacts like a normal human would while everyone else are all over the place in terms of realism. Characters will behave sporadically to their personalities, which combined with the fact that he's the only human in a 10 mile radius and has no idea how anime works as he's never watched any, causes this feeling of unease as (if I do a good enough job at writing him) you will be in the shoes of the guy, trying to survive in a world that seems to keep changing it's rules due to a lack of world building and everything quickly starts to crumble away as the main guy tries to figure out how to get back to his home universe, if there even is a way, while having to deal with 4 horny vampire girls and some other plot that I haven't fully figured out yet, but my idea is like a "chosen one" kind of thing with the main guy just refusing to play along at that point and this parody montage segment where he works out at the gym and is still as weak as he was before and the "ultimate weapon" is a blunt kitchen knife that somehow gets the job done because "the power of friendship" or something idk. The main guy designs clothes and stuff, he isn't a fighter type and he knows it but the world is in his favour when it feels like it which really starts to screw with his mind.
It's essentially an interactive harem (ie, which of the 4 main girls do you trust the most not to try drain you of your blood) with different paths depending on who you pick, that reveals itself to be more and more disturbing, not in a traditional horror sense with jumpscares and loose eyeballs, but in a psychological sense as you follow the main guy as he tries to figure out even just a clue on how the world and it's society works so he can figure out how to get back home, but the fact that nobody acts rational or consistent enough to figure anything out makes him slowly go insane, and paired with the chosen one subplot and yeah, not a fun time for him. Also the fear that at any moment someone could randomly go insane and try to harm him, especially because 2 of the main girls are dangerous people, he's constantly on edge. However the girl that you choose also slowly starts to realise how badly written the world is and becomes less of a 1 traited nuisance, and more of a powerful ally. The challenge is trying to survive long enough to reach that stage though.
My plan is to release it in episodes here on Newgrounds (each episode being added onto 1 project though) as the animation bit's gonna take too long if I did it in 1 chunk. The voice acting's gonna be in English because I'm not fluent in Japanese, but it'll add to the pseudo-japan-ness of it all with random weeb Japanese thrown in to make it seem like some kind of 13 year old's fanfiction. Definitely not this year though as I have to do more research on this genre of anime as I prefer more serious action stuff but I need to know exactly what I'm parodying first for it to be effective. Is this a good idea? It's still in early stages and I hope I explained my vision clearly enough for you to get the general idea.
Also the fanservice character's name is literally "back pain" in Japanese because her breasts are so big she has trouble keeping balance when walking.
It's so on the nose but I find it funny (I got inspiration for the bad names from Yandere Simulator. Only the main characters have actual Japanese names).
She's the best friend of one of the main 4 (the deredere) so if you go down that route then she starts to realise how she always seems to fall in unfortunate positions (really not looking forward to drawing those) and she tries to look for a cure. You get to know her better too and is really interested in neuroscience but in any other route she's just the girl with the unnaturally large breasts that fell down the stairs, landed on her back in a fanservic-y position, got up, called the main guy a pervert even though he was more concerned that she might have seriously damaged something and is trying to call a hospital to make sure she didn't get paralysis or broke a bone, and then she just walked off like nothing happened while the main guy watches in bewilderment.
Oh and also the main guy is very popular (which is how he got those 4 girls obsessing over him) but has friendship issues due to him having a lot of fake friends in the past as he's the child of 2 famous celebrities who's trying to be known as a separate person and not in correlation with his parents. However because nobody here knows who his parents are, he has a better chance to be successful on his own (he likes designing clothes and stuff) which causes conflict in his mind when he tries to plan a way on leaving.
Basically he isn't the "loser who plays video games all day" kind of MC, if you get what I mean.
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