#or we survived this horrible battle and i’m so glad you’re alive!!
tvrningout-a · 1 year
i got a horrible headache but i crave writing
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adzeisval · 11 months
Bloody Knife
Izzy is badly wounded on a raid. HAPPY ENDING. Also on AO3.
Ed pushed the English bastard off the edge of the ship and turned around to see if there were any more to be dealt with. It looked like the battle was winding down and that they had won.
“Stede? Stede what’s wrong.” Ed hadn’t seen Stede that horrified in a long time, maybe not ever. 
“It’s Izzy.”
Ed didn’t need to hear anything else and he ran after Stede, his heart pounding, his stomach in a knot. By the look on Stede’s face and the urgency there was something really, really wrong with Izzy. They made it to Izzy and Ed thought he might faint. Or throw up. Or something. 
Izzy was lying on the deck with Jim and Roach at his side. He was pale and shaking a little bit. And…fuck…there was knife in his chest. A knife in the center of Izzy’s chest below his ribs so it had missed his heart but…fuck…Fuck!
Ed knelt by Izzy’s side, “What are we looking at Roach?” Ed didn’t want to hear the answer, didn’t want what was before him to be real. 
“I’m going to have to pull the knife,” Roach said, “And if it’s in the artery or vein…there won’t be anything I can do.” 
“If it’s not?” Ed asked. 
“It’s still a bad wound but he might survive it.” 
Might survive. If it wasn’t in a major blood vessel. Ed looked at the knife even though he really didn’t want to but could see why Roach was concerned. The knife was twitching slightly to the rhythm of Izzy’s pulse. If the knife wasn’t in it was close.
Izzy reached for Ed’s hand, “Ed. Just in case. I love you.” 
“I love you too Izzy. You’re the best first mate a Captain could ask for, and I’m going to be by your side no matter what alright?” 
Izzy nodded, “If I’m going, can you hold me?” 
Ed looked at Roach who gave a little nod, “I will Izzy, and if Roach needs to work on you I’ll stay here and hold your hand alright?” 
“Yes,” Izzy said. Ed wished that he could stop time. He didn’t want things to move forward. He didn’t want Roach to pull the knife and potentially kill Izzy. He didn’t want to either hold Izzy as he died or watch him struggle to survive such a horrible wound. God but he hoped it was the later, that Izzy would live. 
“Ready Izzy?” Roach asked. 
Izzy nodded, “Ready.” 
“This is gonna hurt Izzy, I think you know that,” Roach said. 
Izzy nodded and a tear slipped down his cheek. 
“Just look at me Iz, alright?” 
Izzy focused on Ed and fuck Ed hoped the news was good. There was still so much strength and life in Izzy’s eyes and he didn’t want to see that fade away to nothingness. 
Roach pulled the knife and Izzy tensed and cried in pain. Ed didn’t want to look to see how much blood there was and it didn’t look like Izzy wanted to look either but they both ended up looking down at the same time. 
There was blood but it didn’t look like a fatal amount.
“It missed the artery and vein, I can work with this, I might be able to save him,” Roach said. Ed felt relieved and Izzy sighed.
“Hear that Iz, just hold on mate, keep fighting for me please?” 
Izzy nodded. He looked a little pale, maybe a little weaker but he was clearly willing to fight to stay alive. Roach worked on Izzy and Ed tried to encourage Izzy and keep him awake. 
When Roach was finally done they carefully moved Izzy to the Captain’s cabin. By that time Izzy was struggling to stay awake.
“Can I sleep now?” Izzy asked. 
“Yes,” Roach said and Ed felt a little scared but he held Izzy’s hand and smiled as he passed out. 
“He’s doing well, strong pulse, but we need to watch him carefully. We might have to try to rouse him if he starts having trouble breathing,” Roach said. 
“I’ll watch him,” Ed said. 
Roach sighed, “That was too close. Fuck I thought for sure we were gonna lose him.” 
“I’m glad you were wrong.” 
Ed stayed up all night long watching Izzy to make sure he kept breathing. Stede sat with him most of the night. Izzy was breathing steadily all night long. It was looking like he had been extremely lucky. 
Izzy woke up the next morning, Ed could see that he was in pain but he was also so happy to see Izzy alive and awake that he thought he might cry. 
“Fuck this hurts,” Izzy grumbled. 
“I’m sorry Iz, we’ll get you something to help. I’m just glad to see you awake.” 
“I’m glad too,” Izzy said.
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dameronology · 3 years
to all the pilots i've loved before {poe dameron} - 3/4
part three: better half of a whole
summary: you’re in love with poe dameron. it’s both the most complicated and most simple thing in the galaxy - and it’s all shoved into a shoe-box under your bed, in the form of a thousand love letters. here’s to hoping he never finds them. (series masterlist)
warnings: language, mentions of injury
i'm so sorry this took me so long to write!! i got writer's block and then i was horribly busy with a thousand others things and sadly, i cannot prioritise fan fiction over real life duties. and i would know, because i've tried
- jazz
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Poe didn't sleep for...well, it was probably days. Felt like years.
Dear trouble,
Every time he closed his eyes, your face would flash into his mind. The sound of your laugh echoing amongst the cries of war; the feel of your soft hands tracing the remains of battle scars and wounds. What if the hug you gave him before you left was the last? What if your slightly pained laughter at the shitty joke he'd made in the jungle the night before was all he had left? He cherished every memory he had of you but he loved you more.
I know you hate when I call you that, but it feels pretty accurate - because you do cause trouble, normally with me but more recently FOR me. Anyways, I never considered myself to be much of a letter writer, but then I saw yours and...fuck.
Love. What a funny fucking word, right? Said so easily, but meant so much. Something that felt so hard to find, but even more difficult to hold onto. His parents had found it and they'd kept it for so long, and he'd always wanted the same - nothing less, nothing more. Just the kind of unwavering, undying love that can survive a war and be happy with the domesticity that followed. The only difference between Poe and his parents was that they'd been fearless with every aspect of their lives, not withholding their ability to express feelings. Perhaps that's where he fell short. Shara had taught him a lot of things but she'd been lost before he taught her how to pull his head out his ass and just...say things how they were.
What am I even supposed to say? I love you too would be a start, because I obviously I do. I've always wanted to say it but I never wanted to risk what we had in case you secretly hated me, and now I'm going to live out the rest of my days regretting it.
The first that Poe managed to finally get some rest was four days after Leia had broken the news of your disappearance. He'd fallen asleep in his quarters, curled up into Finn's side and clutching a t-shirt of his that he'd left in your room - you'd borrowed it a few months ago, and it still smelt of you. It was a mixture of your everyday body fragrance and a little of engine oil. BB-8 was snoozing quietly in the corner and for the first time in days, Poe's jaw and shoulders weren't tense and clenched.
The little robot did stir, however, when he got a comms system message from Leia. He was awake immediately, cruising across the room and crashing straight into the nearest human he could find - and it was at that point that Finn regretted leaving his leg dangling off the side of the bed. He jumped awake, brown eyes finding the droid peering up at him.
You're not just my best friend. You're my partner in crime, my soulmate and you know that twin flame bullshit that Rey always go on about? You're probably that too because we're both flaming hot. You're the better half of this whole. You and me.
"Poe is sleeping, buddy," he quietly said.
"There's a message from the general," BB-8 beeped back.
Poe suddenly woke up at that - it could have been any message, and certainly not one about you, but something in his gut told him otherwise. If it hadn't have been, Leia would have left it til morning, or not even bothered him at all in his current state.
"What?" the pilot asked. "What is it?"
"They're back, in the med-"
Poe didn't give him a chance to say anything else, because he was already up and out the door - jacket unzipped, boots half unlaced, hair sticking up in a thousand different directions.
And even though he hadn't slept for days, he was running for his dear fucking life. The medical bay was right on the other side of the base and he didn't care. You were there - in what state, he didn't know - and that was all that mattered. He was just wanted to be with you, beside you, and he never planned on leaving.
If I see you again, I'm not gonna hide it anymore. I love you and you deserve to know that. I'm gonna give you the fucking world, I promise.
Poe skidded around the corner, stopping his tracks when he saw you across the room. You looked tired - far past it, in fact - and his entire body tensed when he saw the bruises on your arm and up your neck. Still, he took comfort in the fact that he knew you put up a good fight. You'd sparred together enough times and given him enough bruises to last a life time.
There was a slight oof as someone crashed into the back of Poe (Finn's subtle way of announcing his arrival). He placed a hand on his shoulder, shoving him forward slightly. It was clear that Poe was in a state of shock - at your loss, at your declaration, and even more at your return - because the last few days had changed everything.
Everything he'd ever wanted was about to come to fruition. No pressure.
"Go to them," Finn murmured.
With that, Poe took a few steps forward - you met him half away across the room, chests colliding with enough force to knock down an ATAT. He wound his arms you, pulling you towards him with one hand tangled in your hair and the other holding your back. He clung to you, tears in his eyes and entire body shaking, almost as though he was using the feeling of you to act as a reminder that this wasn't a dream. You were here. You were back. Perhaps a little worst for wear, but alive and standing all the same.
I don't know how I'll say it. Am I meant to just blurt it out? I've never said it to anyone before, so...what the fuck am I meant to do? Normally, I'd come to you for advice on this sort of this but that feels a bit counter intuitive.
"Hey, Poe," you gently murmured.
"Hey, trouble," he let out a shaky laugh, pulling back from the hug to clutch your face in his hands. "You're alive. You're here-"
"- yeah, I'm here," you grinned.
"What happened?" he pushed. "If I ever find those First Order bastards, I swear it's on site."
"They were trying to shoot us out the sky, so we had to lay low on a random moon for a few days, but the residents of said moon were not very friendly and - you know what? It doesn't matter," you leant into his touch, relishing the feeling of his hands against your skin. "I'm here and that's what's important."
"I was so scared," Poe admitted. "And they had me search your room for back up plans and-"
You froze.
"You...you searched my room?" you stuttered. "What did you find?"
The main thing is, I AM gonna tell you. I promise. Just...please come back.
Love, Poe
Poe's eyes widened - maybe now wasn't the best time to break the news. You were bleeding from your head and hadn't slept for days. To spring it on you before you were even cleaned up felt a bit unfair. His worst fears had been avoided, so he didn't mind waiting just a little longer.
"Nothing," he forced a smile. "C'mon, I'll clean you up."
Taking your hand in his, Poe lead you towards one of the beds. He was hardly a medical expert, but he'd been through enough cuts and scrapes to have a basic understanding of stitches. And luckily, your injuries didn't look too bad. It was more just the fact you had them in the first place that hurt him.
What if he'd gone on the mission with you? Or convinced you to stay? Fuck, he would have gone in your place if he knew what was going to happen. The last few days had been the worst of his life and he almost felt responsible for what had happened to you. Your pain was his pain, and he felt it in every fibre of his being.
But, of all things, at least he knew what love was now - and if you had never have gone MIA, he never would have gone looking in your room, and he never would have found those letters. It felt like a bit of a dick move to call them a blessing in disguise but his mother had always taught him the value of looking for silver linings. The last week had been one giant thunderstorm. There had been no breaks in the rain, or sun peaking through the clouds. It had just been darkness and thunder, but it was all beginning to clear now.
What was it that Shara had said when Poe was a kid? Things have a funny way of working out. This was all a testament to that, and also to the fact that she always seemed to be right.
Poe's hands moved gently as he stitched up the cut on your forehead. They were still steady as they moved, brown eyes occasionally moving down to meet yours. He always smiled when they did.
"There we go," he said. "That shouldn't scar, but if it does, it would make you look like a bad-ass, so..."
You chuckled slightly. "Thanks, Dameron."
"You don't have to thank me," he quietly murmured, running a thumb over your cheek. "I'm just glad you're back."
"Right," you grinned. "What did you do whilst I was gone?"
Cried. Read those letters. Cried some more. Wrote a letter myself, then cried on that too.
"I just...I caught up some on some reading," he forced a smile. "C'mon, let's go to my quarters. I have some bactaspray there for those bruises."
Poe took your hand in his again and helped you up off of the bed - you seemed okay to walk, but he didn't let go. He needed to feel you, to know that you were there. He was worried you might float away into the galaxy and disappear all over again if he didn't cling onto you.
And for you, the feeling of his warm hands against yours was a welcome relief after a long few days. You were trying to push the pain and the incoming nightmares to the back of your head, and it was much easier when Poe was beside you. You already knew that he was going to make you sleep beside him that night. Being on the same wavelength so often was a great feeling.
Poe hadn't thought about tidying his room - why would he? He'd been so preoccupied with you, and finding you, that he'd barely considered the idea. Besides, it wasn't like you were going to care about the shoes by his door, or the letters on his desk, or the unfolded laund-
- fuck.
The letters.
Your box of letters, which was sat on his desk, which was right by the door.
By the time he'd even registered that they were there, you were already half way into the room. In a somewhat half-arsed attempt to shove them back in the box and toss them to the side, Poe dove forward and knocked them into an open draw, slamming it shut.
When he turned around and saw your wide eyes, it was clear he was a little too late. You'd already seen them.
taglist: tags: @neverlandlibrarian @asphyzzz @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @ubri812 @taina-eny @dessinemoiunehistoire @fangirl-316 @princessxkenobi @brandyllyn
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Something Familiar
Chapter 1: Conditional Exchange
Sharing his house with someone else after years of living alone took some getting used to. And while he was a horrible patient, Silas was a great housemate. Daniel didn’t know how much of that came naturally to Silas, and how much of it was his fear of getting kicked out. He’d done enough prying already so he wasn’t all that inclined to ask. That and Silas has only just started talking to him after they had made their contract. The contract was a simple thing; Daniel would provide healing and a place to stay in exchange for magic. The conditions were that Silas remain in an animal form whenever Daniel had company or patients; and Daniel couldn’t alter Silas’s consciousness or state of awareness without explicit permission to do so. It was a small thing and Silas still hadn’t spoken to him anymore than what was strictly necessary for three and a half months. Of course things had come to a head eventually because Daniel had never been one to mind his own business. In a fight that he had ultimately caused, he learned a whole lot more about what Silas had been through than he had ever thought he would be allowed to know. Exactly how many traumatic things their contract had brought back to the fore front of his mind. It had made Daniel feel sick and he had done what he could to make it up to Silas. Which amounted to leaving the house for a little over a week so Silas could have room to breathe.
Understandably, things changed after that. Daniel learned to tread more carefully around Silas and made more of an effort to learn about his situation. It was admittedly something he should have done before they made the contract. It was too late to change anything though, as it had already been drawn up and sealed. They still agreed to new unspoken rules and began to live more like housemates than contracted partners. He spent a lot of time teaching Silas about the things he had missed. Silas taught him long forgotten healing magic and a few secrets that had been lost when the shapeshifter settlements had been destroyed. They used very little magic and almost felt like cheating compared to what he was used to. Daniel was tentative to call them friends, but at the very least they were no longer strangers in the same space. Silas often had horrible nightmares. Daniel was woken up pretty often to his cries of fear or pain, and on some occasions screaming. Though the nights those dreams didn’t wake Silas were the ones that worried him most. In the morning he would find Silas on the balcony watching the sunrise with tea or coffee in his hands, still steaming but long forgotten all the same. Some days he would be crying silently, and some days he would be blank and neutral; but there was always this hollow distance darkening his eyes.
As soon as he woke up Daniel knew he would find Silas on the balcony. The night had been a quiet one with no screaming and no tears. Which meant whatever had chosen to haunt him would be doing so in his waking hours instead. Daniel wished almost desperately that there was something he could do to help, but Silas never answered him when he offered. He would just look at him with that dark oppressive distance in his eyes. So lost to whatever memories that had chosen to torture him that Daniel was unable to reach him. He took his time to get out of bed and ready for the day. Silas wouldn’t be ready to talk for a while, and it didn’t matter when Daniel came up to check on him. Despite knowing that it wouldn’t be eaten until it had long gone cold if at all he still made Silas breakfast. Though he had gained some of it back, Silas was still concerningly underweight. Daniel made his way up to the balcony with the try. There Silas stood. As close to the edge of the balcony as he could get with the railing in his way. There were trying tear tracks on his cheeks and the steam of his coffee was curling away into the morning light. He always used the same mug. A pale nondescript thing that he had found in the back of one of Daniel’s cabinets. The difference today was that the distance in his eyes was somehow darker, and he held the mug in a white knuckle grip.
Whatever was after him this morning had to be particularly painful. As it always did, Daniel’s curiosity weighed heavily on him. He knew better than to ask though. Silas never answered him when he was like this. Which is exactly why Daniel nearly jumped out of his skin when he spoke. “There were three of us you know.” His voice was flat as he spoke. There was no emotion to it, not even pain. His grip tightened on the coffee cup and Daniel feared it might break. Silas didn’t seem to notice, “That made it out. Me and then two of my brothers. I lost them in our mad dash to get out, and now I don’t even know if they are alive.” He blinked and fresh tears rolled down his cheeks, “After everything we had been through I couldn’t be bothered to stay. I ran like a fucking coward and sold myself out in a desperate bid to survive. Some fucking brother I am.” For all his wishing that Silas would speak his mind, Daniel didn’t actually know how to respond now that he knew. Saying that he was sorry felt hollow and fake, and not to mention it was too little way too late. He couldn’t really relate; he and Simon had parted ways amicably. Daniel set the tray down and tried to gather his thoughts. Figure out a way to bring Silas some long overdue comfort. If there was even a way to soothe such deep regret.
He was out of his depth and grasping at straws at this point. “In a few weeks you’ll be healed enough to safely handle mildly strenuous activity. We could go looking for them if you would like.” “Why? So you can add them to your collection?” Came the sharp reply. Angry and emotionless at the same time, “So you can have a complete set of the last shapeshifters known to man?” “No.” Daniel said firmly, “So you can have some damn closure and a place to go once this contract is up. I actually want you to be safe believe it or not.” There was a long rather uncomfortable silence as Silas came back from whatever distant place in his mind that held him. His shoulders slumped as he came into the posture of a man defeated by his own thoughts. He set the mug down on the table beside the tray and Daniel saw the start of a crack. He would have to mend it one of these days so Silas could keep using it. “I’m sorry.” Silas said eventually. “You have been nothing but kind to me, and yet I still fear completely offering you my trust. You may very well be the only human with my best interests at heart and I keep pushing you away.” He finally turned to face Daniel and there was a deep sadness to his eyes, grief hung over him, “I'll think about it but that is asking a lot of faith from me; and for now I think I would rather be alone.”
“I understand.” Daniel kept his voice level though it took him a lot of effort, “I’ll be in the house if you need me.” Silas gave an absent nod and Daniel went back inside. Perhaps he shouldn’t have offered at all. Looking back, it did seem like he had malicious intent in that. He hadn’t meant it that way of course, but all of the humans Silas had ever met had been unspeakably cruel to him. Daniel should have been more careful with his words, or just kept the idea to himself. It was too late now of course, it was out there now and there was no taking it back no matter how badly he wanted to. He set about cleaning the house to keep himself occupied. He wasn’t expecting any patients today, so barring an emergency, all he had to keep his mind busy was cleaning an research. Had he been feeling particularly ambitious, he might have started on a travel plan; but he didn’t want it to seem like he was trying to push Silas toward an answer. He sighed quietly, “Good to know I still have a knack for getting in over my head when it comes to trying to help. Some things never change I suppose.” It was just his nature to be overly concerned for those around him to the point of being an annoyance it seemed.
The afternoon was slowly turning to evening by the time Silas was ready to be around him again. He didn’t say a word though. Just walked into the kitchen and began to clean his dishes. Daniel was at the table going over his medical books and making a list of things he would need to pick up the next time he went into town. He was glad to see Silas had at least eaten something while he battled with his thoughts. Silas seemed a little more composed now at the very least. That made him feel a little better, even if it didn’t shake off his guilt. “I’m sorry Silas.” He eventually said, “For this morning. It was insensitive and out of line.” Silas laughed and the sound was dry and humorless. It was an unpleasant shock to Daniel. He had never heard Silas laugh and this was definitely not the context he had wanted to hear it in. “Was it?” He asked sharply, “Are you rescinding your offer to help me find my only remaining relatives then?” “Well no.” Daniel started. “I just - I wanted you to know that I meant no offense by it. I feel like I’ve messed something up, and I want to know how to fix it.” He sighed quietly, “I hate seeing you so upset.”
Silas deflated some and that same posture of defeat returned, “It’s a matter of learning to trust you. My entire life so far has been spent fearing humans. I just have to keep in mind that you haven’t posed any danger to me yet.” He looked down, ���I’m sorry for being so... defensive, I guess would be the word for it.” “You’re alright.” Daniel said gently, “These things take time. Even at that you have a lot of trauma to work through and - “ “Daniel stop.” Silas cut him off, “I need someone to listen to me not psychoanalysis. Believe me, I am well aware of my trauma and the power imbalance of our dynamic. I don’t need a reminder.” “Right.” He replied, “It can be hard to turn my doctor off sometimes.” “I understand. It’s the only way people will acknowledge you so it has become your primary mode of existing.” He said, apparently he was out for Daniel’s soul today, “You’re more than that to me you know. You’re the closest thing I’ve had to a friend actually.” “First of all ow. Secondly, what happened to not psychoanalyzing one another?” He replied with a laugh, “I’m glad you almost think of me as a friend.”
Silas smiled and Daniel was pretty sure it was the first real smile he had ever seen from him. “I figured that you’ve done it to me enough times that I deserved a turn.” “Fair enough.” Daniel began to pick up his books and put them away. His list was as complete as it was going to get until he ran inventory. “How many weeks?” Silas asked after a long stretch of silence, “Until we can leave?” Daniel paused for a moment as he thought about it, “Six if you mind your limitations; eight to twelve if you keep ignoring them.” Silas frowned, “That was a lot more than I was hoping.” “You’ve been stubborn.” He remarked, “Agitating old injuries and coming away from your little excursions with new ones. You need rest.” “Fine.” He said as he looked toward the bookshelf, “I’ll be a better patient from here on out. Six weeks to look for a place to start should be enough.” Daniel smiled, “Of course it will.” Silas nodded his agreement and retreated back into his thoughts. He took traveler’s guides and the few maps Daniel had then settled on his bed to look them over. Daniel started to run inventory of his supplies and started on a list of traveling provisions. They would have to be ready for anything. Daniel had never traveled farther than the town after finding his place here; and the world had changed a lot since Silas had been in it last. They were venturing out into the unknown.
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Betrayal (Captain Phasma x Reader)
Request: Would you be willing to write something with Captain Phasma x reader? Maybe something where the reader, like Finn, is an ex-stormtrooper who defected from the First Order, leaving Phasma heartbroken from the reader's betrayal. Maybe Kylo or Hux notice Phasma's feelings, despite her best attempts to try to hide them, and they talk to her and try to comfort her? By anon.
Words: 1,746
A/N: I changed it a little bit towards the end, idk why I can't see Hux or Kylo comforting Phasma, I hope you don't mind. This events take place before Force awakens.
Y/T/N stand for "Your Trooper Number" you can use any code or number and I have a little game for that if you wanna have some fun.
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Plumes of smoke meandered up into the night sky as the fires caused by the battle died down. Holding your blaster close to your body you glanced disgusted at the mass of lifeless bodies on the cold ground around you. Corpses from both sides, there were people from the Resistance but there were stormtroopers too, their white uniforms stained with blood spreaded here and there. The panic rushed through you as you recognized some of the fallen soldiers without the helmet, you passed by them murmuring their numbers, the only name the First Order ever gave them, numbers that meant nothing to them but it did to your now dead troop mates, who you grew up with, trained with, all of them now dead by a whim.
You felt yourself suffocating inside the white helmet, feeling an uncomfortable heat as you felt a lump beginning to form in your throat you took it off gasping desperately for a breath the fresh air.
Heavy footsteps rumbled closer, instinctively you rose your weapon and took aim at the intruder, you found a known chromium armor in front of you and a familiar modulated voice rumbled through her helmet.
“Y/N” Captain Phasma murmured, not your number but your name, a name only she and you knew, one she gave you a long time ago in a need to show you you meant much more than just a number to her. “You shouldn’t take off your helmet in battlefield”
“Oh, it’s you” you sighed relieved as you lowered your blaster. You got closer to her, glad to see her after losing many of your friends.
“Are you hurt?” she asked, you saw the blood on your uniform reflected on her armor, her voice sounded distant through the helmet.
“It’s not mine, I’m fine” you assured her.
“Good” she told you “Search for anyone who’s alive, take them to the ship, we have orders to get back to the base.” she said in her usual inexpressive tone she use to give commands away.
"There are no survivors, Captain" you scoffed as you watched the bodies of your fallen mates on the ground. She followed your gaze and sighed, this was not her first time losing soldiers, sure it wasn’t going to be the last one but you were not used to it, and she knew it.
“Let’s go back to the base, Y/N” she told you in a serious tone “It’s been a long night” she said before she turned around and started to walk towards the distant ship that brought all this soldiers to their death.
You thought for a moment on the events of the night, you mission here was supposed to be simple, just capture a spy and bring him to the base. Everything went as planned until Kylo Ren showed up and decided to destroy the whole place, revealing your location to the Resistance, then he left, leaving all of you behind to die.
You’ve seen the terrible things the First Order was capable of but never said a word about it, never doubt. You were trained to follow orders without question them but it was enough, you wouldn’t do the dirty work for them anymore.
“No.” you said making Phasma stop on her feet. “I’m not going back there.”
“You’ll be sent to Reconditioning as soon as we’re back” she said serious as she turned to faced you again.
“Phasma, I’m talking seriously. Stop treating me like another soldier, there’s no one here, you can stop pretending .” you told her “I can’t get back, no after what I’ve seen.”
She stayed quiet, her helmet hiding her face so the only thing you saw was your reflex on her armor, you hated it when you couldn’t see her.
“They stole me as a kid, trained me a soldier to kill on command but I’m not going to kill for them anymore, not after what he did, he left us to die. That’s how much we mean to Kylo Ren, to the First Order.”
“Unfortunate losses to build something bigger” she said.
“How can you say something like that, Phasma?” you asked her, though you knew the answer, she’d been in the First Order for so long. There was good inside her, you had seen it, she was a sensible human forced to toughen up to survive, hidden under a chrome armor. She meant so much to you so you hoped she could see what they were doing were wrong.
“Come with me” you begged “We can start over wherever you want, no more fighting, no more hiding” you told her reaching for her gloved hand “Or even better, we can help the Resistance stop this, Phasma.”
“No” she cut you off “I’ve fought too hard and lost too much getting to where I am, I can’t just simply give up of everything I have now.” she told you, anger on her tone. Then she slowly took her shiny helmet off shaking her head a revealing short locks of golden hair and finally let you met her blue gaze as her hand traveled to cup the side of your face.
“Y/N, you’re having delusions. You’re the best trooper I have ever trained, you and I know there cannot be defectors.” she told you with deep concerned eyes, her voice softer, less imposing, she stared at you for a moment. “Lets just get back to the base and forget this even happened” she said “Please, come back with me.” Captain Phasma begged.
You glanced at her for a moment, she was the only thing holding you from defecting though you had thought it for a time she was always there to comfort you when you were feeling down, healing your wounds after a rough training or battle. You felt safe with her and Phasma felt confident enough to take her helmet off, to be herself around you, even open up about her past. You couldn’t leave her and yet you couldn’t bear to stay one day more inside that horrible place full of bad people. You were really going to miss Phasma,
“I’m sorry, Phasma. I can’t.” you said gently taking her hand out of your face and turning over your heels determined to leave the First Order for good.
“Y/N!” Phasma shouted but you tried your best to keep walking towards the near woods. Then she rose her voice again but not to call your name but your code, the combination of letters and numbers the First Order gave you. “Come back here. it’s an order from your Captain.” she commanded with a firm voice.
You stopped for a moment, long used to obey her orders then sighing you dropped your white helmet before you start walking again.
“Y/N!” she yelled as a lump started to take over her throat. Trying her best to bottle up her emotions Phasma replaced her helmet as if the shiny armor could protect her for the pain that was slowly taking over her chest. There could not be deserters, the Captain knew procedure for this situations though she was no pleased it was you who she had to kill. She rose her own blaster, ready to shoot directly to your head.
Captain Phasma, demanding leader of the First Order’s troops, she had lied and killed to get to her place, that same woman was unable to pull the trigger.
Lowering her gun she stared at you as your figure got lost between the trees until the darkness of the night devoured you completely. She felt her vision getting blurred as painful tears rolled down her face as she silently cried in secret beneath her chrome helmet.
In the distance, a pair of curious eyes observed carefully the scene between the Captain and the defector trooper, the man all dressed in black waited patiently in the darkness, a man everyone thought was gone. Kylo Ren awaited silently, eagerly waiting for the Captain to shoot and was very disappointed when she didn’t.
The Captain’s footsteps echoed down the hall as she approached to the command room as Kylo Ren had requested. The blonde woman walked with firm steps, cold and intimidating as her troops would describe her. Then she finally met the man in charge.
“Sir” she greeted. Kylo had his back turned to her as he contemplated a couple of files on a hologram table.
“Captain Phasma.” He said “How are your troops?”
“Ready to fight if that’s what you need” she answered in a neutral tone.
“And how are you feeling, Captain?” he asked, his question was like a surprise to her, it was absolutely not usual he would ask about her.
“I don’t know what you mean, Sir.” she said, then he finally turned around.
“I sense your pain, Captain.” he told Phasma “You may hide in that armor but I can see inside you, you miss her.”
“Who?” Phasma said.
“Y/T/N” he showed her an hologram of your face, it was your record the one he was watching and it made both the fury and the sadness built in Phasma. “You reported her deceased in battle.”
“I did”
“But she’s alive, isn’t she?” he said “I saw you in the woods, I know what happened.”
“You know nothing!” Phasma barked feeling again the pain in her chest for your betrayal.
“I know enough. Y/T/N, the best trooper in her battalion, never protested or disobeyed an order, you trained her well, Captain.” he said. Phasma clenched her fists trying to contain herself. “She’s a traitor.”
There was a silence and then he rose his voice again.
“A trooper with her knowledge can be very dangerous, especially in the Resistance” he added “And you let her go”
Phasma fought her desire to beat him to dead.
"Bring her back, Captain"
The tall woman stayed quiet for a moment, weighing her options. If he would find her first he would kill her and even if Phasma bring her the same thing would happen to Y/N, but if she refused, then not only you but also Phasma would die. There was not way out of this, all just because she couldn't shot you down, all of this because she cared just too much about you and now you were sentenced, she knew the First Order wouldn't stop until they find you, but at least she hoped she could find you first and hide you from them.
"Yes, Sir".
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specialagentsnark · 4 years
Marriage of Convenience - Chapter 1
Happy Fili Friday! In honor of this wonderful day, I’m going to start posting my first ever Hobbit fanfic on here. Enjoy a little Figrid! This can also be found on AO3 if you’d like to read the entire thing all at once. Please leave me some comments. They help support my fragile writer’s ego. Happy reading!
Story Summary:
Two years after The Battle, pressure mounts for Fili to marry to help secure Erebor's stability. In Dale, Sigrid is being pressured to marry as well. Faced with a series of horrible suitors, the two friends hatch a plan to avoid unhappy marriages - marry each other. The only problem is everyone thinks they're already madly in love. After all, no dwarf would ever willingly pick a human otherwise.
Chapter 1
The first time Fili woke, he wasn’t sure he was awake. Everything hurt. He could feel someone wrapping something around his leg. Excruciating pain lanced up his limb and into his back. He tried to protest, tried to raise his hands but he hurt too much. All he could really move were his eyes. Nearby, towards his feet, he could see his uncle laying on his own cot as healers moved around him, Oin shouted orders for more bandages and hot water and needles and salves. Thorin, hands shaking in his own pain, carefully braided Bilbo’s hair.
Fili tried to protest. Thorin shouldn’t be putting those braids in their burglar’s hair until he was better and they could have a proper ceremony, not until his amad had arrived at least. Dis would be furious to know she’d gained a brother-in-law before she made it to Erebor. And since when had Thorin planned to even propose to Bilbo? He’d known they were close but hadn’t realized they were that close, let alone courting and engaged.
“Smart to have someone immune to gold lust on the throne, even if it is just a consort,” someone murmured nearby.
A marriage of state then, of convenience, not of love.
Fili gagged at the notion.
Someone shouted by his head, calling for something he thought he recognized but couldn’t think of what it was. Everything was so odd, so muddled, so loud. The pain didn’t help. Thorin was finishing the braids in Bilbo’s hair and his hands dropped, exhausted as the King Under the Mountain fell unconscious.
A cup met his lips and he drank reflexively. His throat burned with the effort. He dropped back into oblivion again.
The next time Fili opened his eyes, he wasn’t in nearly the same amount of pain. He could feel his hand was loosely wrapped around something and what he thought were two hands kept his fingers in place. He blinked his eyes open slowly, fighting against the dim light of the room. His brother’s sleeping face greeted him.
“Kili?” he asked, voice coming out a rasp. His fingers tightened around what he held, realizing it was his baby brother’s hand.
“He lives.”
Fili looked up, toward the voice. The redheaded elf captain sat at the head of the large bed he and his brother had been placed on. She was the one holding their hands together. What was her name? Kili had taken a liking to her and had mentioned her name more than once. He struggled to think of it.
“I am Tauriel,” the elf said, seemingly noticing his internal struggle. “It is good you are awake. I’ll send for your kin.” She released their hands and went to the door. Instinctively, Fili gripped his brother’s hand tighter. His hand ached at the attempt and dismay coursed through him at how feeble his grip felt even as he held on with all his might. The elf returned.
“How is he?” Fili asked, not looking away from his brother. A few small pink healing scars littered the skin he could see on the younger Durin and on himself. His throat closed up on the last word and he started to cough.
“Here, drink.” Something touched his lips and he obediently opened his mouth. Cool water dripped in and he swallowed reflexively. The amount was too small and he continued to cough until more water was given. Finally, after a few more additions, the coughing ceased.
“We will know more when he wakes laddy.”
Fili struggled to look around, his eyes finally finding Oin entering the room. The healer approached and started checking Fili over, patting and prodding and poking and searching under bandages.
“You’ve been out for almost a month,” Oin explained as he worked. “We weren’t sure you would wake. You have the elf lass here to thank for that. I don’t know as I would have been able to keep you three alive.”
“Three?” Fili asked.
“Aye, three,” Oin said. He looked up, nodding toward the doorway.
Fili followed his gaze and felt his throat constrict again, this time for an entirely different reason. “Uncle Thorin,” he managed to choke out past the lump.
Thorin Oakenshield leaned heavily on a cane in the doorway. He wore clothes similar to what he’d traveled in, minus his armor, just shirt, tunic, and trousers. His crown, any and all finery for that matter, was absent. The only things of any value he wore were the silver beads in his hair and a single, unadorned, silver ring on his left hand.
“You had us worried, Fili,” Thorin said.
“Sorry,” he croaked. He felt so tired but he didn’t dare take his eyes away from his uncle or his little brother but he had to ask. “The others?”
“All survived,” he said. “You and Kili are the worst.”
“Bilbo?” he had to ask, to make sure the figure he’d seen having marriage braids put in his hair wasn’t a figment of his imagination, brought on by blood loss and whatever mess of medications they’d poured into him.
“Here, Fili. I’m here.” Thorin stepped aside to let the hobbit into the room, his hand instinctively going to rest on the smaller male’s shoulder. Bilbo didn’t even flinch at the contact and Fili marveled a moment. To think he could forgive his uncle and trust him so easily after Thorin had threatened his life.
“Alright, you’ve seen him awake,” Oin said. “Go tell the others while he gets back to sleep. He needs rest. Get some willow bark tea.”
“Yes, Master Oin.” Fili glanced toward the foot of the beds where the voice came from to find a dwarrowdam, probably a bit younger than Kili.
“Drink up lad and sleep,” Oin ordered. “Hopefully the next time you wake your brother will have woken too. You give us more hope.” The old healer helped him sit up enough that he could sip at the bitter tea. Sleep drew him away before he could finish the cup. He dreamed of dragon fire and orcs. Gold and death.
The next time he woke, he still held Kili’s hand, this time without assistance from the elf who still sat near their bed, now to the side besides his little brother. Like last time, he first asked after his brother in a croak.
“He woke yesterday,” Tauriel said, a fond smile on her face as she gazed at Kili. “You will both recover from your wounds though it may take a while.”
Fili breathed a sigh of relief and submitted to more nasty tasting teas Oin gave him when the healer arrived. He slept again.
He drifted in and out of consciousness for what he was told was the next few weeks. Each time he did, he felt stronger. He started to wake more naturally instead of when the teas and medicines wore off, leaving him in pain. That lessened too, leaving him feeling more willing to try to move on his own. Unfortunately, he never woke when his brother did and he was left yearning to see Kili awake.
It was some time later when Kili’s movements woke him. He’d been dreaming about riding down a river in that barrel that had smelled so strongly of apples when suddenly his hand was shaken violently. He startled slightly, coming to faster than he had in a while. He looked to the side to see his brother reaching his hand into Tauriel’s hair and pulling her down for a kiss.
Feeling generous and just happy to see his little brother awake, Fili gave them a moment of loving contact before saying, “Better not let Uncle catch you.” He snickered as they jumped apart. If they moved that fast at his voice, they’d probably kill themselves trying to seem innocent if Thorin caught them.
“Fili!” Kili gasped and turned where he lay. He wrapped his arms around Fili who returned the hug with just as much enthusiasm. They both cringed when aching, healing wounds made themselves known at the contact. Fili noticed Tauriel head toward the door, presumably to inform someone that they were awake as always happened when he woke.
“It’s good to see you awake Kee,” he said, shifting so their foreheads touched. “Although I’d rather not wake up to the sight of you kissing someone. Couldn’t you let me sleep?”
“Loosen your grip then,” Kili retorted, “or you could just not watch.” He turned his eyes back up to Tauriel as she retook her seat, a grin tugging at his lips. “You’re going to have to get used to the idea though Brother.”
Fili shuddered in mock horror. “Please,” he begged, “don’t make me watch my little brother kiss anyone. The very idea is unbearable.”
Kili laughed and then winced, his ribs straining.
Thorin entered the room with Oin and Bilbo. Fili tried not to flinch at the sight of the marriage braids in his uncle’s and the hobbit’s hair.
Oin started poking and prodding at him before he could start to feel ill at the sight. The process was routine now and Fili was even able to carefully push himself into a sitting position this time to make it easier for Oin to check the wound on his back, the one that should have killed him. The healer then moved the blankets aside to check his broken leg, loosening the splints.
Once Oin had checked him over and Kili as well, he declared, “They’ll both recover though Fili my limp for a long time, possibly forever. Certainly when the weather is poor.” His landing after Azog had thrown him from the tower had broken his leg and done something to the way it sat in the joint with his hip. He would possibly experience pain there every day for the rest of his life.
A ragged cheer erupted from those in the room. And Fili gripped his brother’s hand, glad to hear that the damage done to his innards wasn’t permanent. The infections had been fought off and all open wounds had all but closed entirely, leaving scars they’d carry forever, reminders to be thankful for the lives they still have ahead of them.
“This is not the life I wanted for you, my girl.”
“A life of plenty? Of full bellies and the knowledge that it will always be so? That we will not starve when the snows come?”
Bard’s lips quirked up at the corners at her display of optimism. “I had always hoped for that, strived for it. And I am so very, very glad for it to be true now.” His smile faded a little. “I never did, however, want for your life to be decided for political gain.”
A sinking feeling settled into the pit of her stomach. “What do you mean Da?”
“I am Girion’s only heir. Against my wishes and better judgment, I will be crowned as King of Dale. You and your siblings will be crowned as prince and princesses.”
“I’m aware of how lines of royalty work.”
“As a princess-” his grimace deepened at the word “-you will be expected to marry for political advantage Sigrid, and not for love.”
The bottom of her stomach plummeted further but somehow still managed to remain firmly in her torso. “I-I need air,” she stammered and ducked out of their home and headed for the slopes around the Lonely Mountain.
“You jest,” Fili said, trying to laugh off the situation.
Thorin flinched. “Fili, it’s been a year since you recovered. The mountain is being rebuilt. More and more of our people return to the mountain each week. We must look to the future of our people now.”
“How does this affect our people?” Fili demanded. “It’s my personal life.”
“We must create strong political ties with other nations. The easiest way to do so is through marriage.”
File bristled. “You may have been willing to marry for political reasons,” he growled and ignored the way Thorin and Bilbo both winced and glanced at each other furtively, “but I am not. You’ve got ties with the Shire,” he nodded at his uncle’s husband who is the grandson to the ruling Thain of the green country to the west, “and to the elves in Mirkwood through Kili’s engagement to Tauriel. We have Dain and the Iron Hills to the east and those that remain in the Blue Mountains. What more do you want?”
“We have alliances, aye,” Balin said, voice apologetic but matter-of-fact, “but if we are to survive until trade routes are established, we will need as many ties with other kingdoms as we can. The strongest alliances would be created through your marriage.”
“Amad,” Fili said almost pleadingly, looking to his mother who stood to the side of her brother, a scowl on her normally serene face.
“I am sorry Fili,” she said and looked at her feet. Resignation and sorrow rang in her voice. He found no comfort there. “If you had found your One, maybe things would be different but as it stands, we must secure Erebor’s safety.”
Fili didn’t bother responding. Taking up his cane, he turned and left the council room, slamming the door behind him. He would seek out his brother but Kili was off with Tauriel, working with Dori and Ori and the visiting delegation from Mirkwood to find ways to meld traditions from both cultures into a single courtship and wedding. He didn't want to dim his little brother’s happiness with his own grouchy mood.
He’d go to the training grounds if he could but his leg still troubled him greatly. Oin said it was healing better than he had dared hope but that the recovery would still take time. He wouldn’t be able to fight properly for some time yet. He still did what he could but actually sparring with someone, especially with someone that would challenge his skills like Dwalin did, was still out of the question. With rain on the horizon, he hurt even more than normal.
Fili returned to his rooms, grabbed the new travel fiddle he’d had made once a proper craftsman had returned to the mountain, and left the stone walls around him, heading up the slopes to find solitude while he played until his frustrations ceased and he could think clearer. Maybe then he’d be able to find an alternative that his uncle and his advisors had not seen.
The hike up and around the side of the mountain to a secluded area took him longer than it normally would have. Between being thrown off balance by the fiddle case across his back and struggling with his aching leg, the sun was high in the sky. He leaned his cane against the rocks and set his instrument aside. He’d rest before he started to play. He paced, limping heavily without his cursed cane, trying to think of a way around the prospect of an arranged marriage.
“A political marriage is the only way to make the kingdom strong,” he grumbled under his breath. He turned to look at the mountain and he felt his anger grow.
“Not bloody likely!” he shouted and then jumped as a second voice joined him in the same words. He whirled. A young woman’s head appeared above a grouping of rocks to stare at him. She looked familiar.
“Prince Fili?” she asked, eyes wide in shock. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were here.”
He remembered her now. He hadn’t seen her for a few months but he remembered. “Lady Sigrid,” he said. “What are you doing here?” He picked his cane back up and the case to round the rocks to where she was. Her coat was laid out on the ground where she’d been apparently sitting on it out of his view.
She heaved a sigh as she motioned for him to join her. He did so, leaning his fiddle on the rock gently and setting his cane next to him once he was settled. She sat next to him when he patted the spot on her coat he’d left for her.
“Avoiding politics,” she told him once settled.
“Political woes seem to be going around,” he muttered as he leaned back on his hands and stretched his aching leg out in front of him, trying to take pressure off the joint at his hip. “Which do you face?”
She grimaced. “Expectations for a royal wedding.”
“You too, huh?” he asked and shifted, trying to find a better way to situate his leg.
She crossed her legs in front of her, leaned forward, set her elbow on her knee, and propped her chin in her open palm. “Is King Thorin telling you to marry as well?” she asked looking slightly up at him from her bent position.
“As a newly reestablished kingdom, it’s expected for us to create strong ties with all peoples of Middle Earth. Kili has Tauriel, Uncle has his Hobbit consort, Amad had my father who was a dwarf of the Blue Mountains, and we have kin in the dwarrow of the Iron Hills. All we need now is a solid alliance with men.”
“I thought you had that with the alliance written up with my father and the people of Dale.”
“Written alliances aren’t as strong as marital,” Fili said.
They heaved simultaneous sighs. “Being royal isn’t any fun,” Sigrid said. “Ever since Da slew that dragon and the battle ended he’s been worked to the bone and people now expect so much from my brother, sister, and me. I miss being a bargeman’s daughter, poor though we were.”
Fili nodded. “There are days I miss being a jeweler and musician,” he admitted. “Times were slimmer then but it was honest work and it was easier being a prince in name and nothing more.” They stared at the distance in comfortable but brooding silence for a time before Sigrid threw up her hands.
“I’m tired of thinking about it,” she said. “You say you were a musician before you retook the mountain. Will you play?” she nodded towards his fiddle.
Fili glanced at the case now regretting not grabbing one of the finer instruments. He shrugged though. He’d come up here to play to clear his head. Maybe having an audience would help him remember his time in the Blue Mountains. Pulling the instrument out, he started tuning it. “Any requests?”
Sigrid shook her head. “Do you have perfect pitch?” she asked as she watched him.
He tested the strings and adjusted just a little more. “Yes,” he said. “Do you play an instrument?”
“No,” she said, “but my father used to sing all the time. It’s odd to think of a bargeman knowing musical theory but he does.”
Fili smiled and then drew the bow across the strings. Happy with what he heard he started playing from his seated position. He should stand, he knew, but he just didn't want to deal with the pain in his leg right then. Instead, he concentrated on the piece he played, a drinking song from Ered Luin. Most of what he knew was more fit for taverns over great halls of a recovered kingdom so he rarely played outside of his own rooms these days and he found himself happy to be playing for someone. Sigrid smiled and listened, clapping her hands to the beat for certain songs.
“Oh! I know this one!” she said as he started the intro to a third song.
“Then you should sing,” he said, grinning.
So Sigrid sang the silly song of a young man that went to sea only to fall in love with a mermaid with green hair and pale blue skin on his first voyage. Fili joined in on the chorus. When the song ended, he set his violin aside and applauded her even as she laughed and applauded him.
“Your father isn’t the only one in your family that can sing,” he said. “That was lovely.”
A charming blush rose in her cheeks as she gazed at her lap. “Thank you,” she murmured. “It was nice hearing you play. You’re very good.”
Fili snorted. “I’m well enough,” he said. “It brought in extra coin to play at taverns and inns. Kili plays too and he sings better than I do. I haven’t played with him in a while. I don’t know if he still does.”
“I’m glad you still do,” Sigrid said. “That was fun.” She stretched her arms above her head and he heard faint cracking sounds race up her back. “Thanks. I needed something fun today.”
He grinned at her. “You’re welcome.” They stared back at the view again, Fili keeping his fiddle on his lap, wondering if he should play something more when a raven dropped to the rocks next to them and pecked at his good leg and squawked at him. He sighed. “Fun time’s over,” he said. “I’m being summoned.” He looked at the bird. “Let him know I’m on my way down but it will take a while. Leg and all.” The bird took off as Fili started packing up his fiddle. As he stiffly rose to his feet, Sigrid stood as well and offered a polite smile as she gathered up her coat, shaking the dirt and dust off it.
“I’m glad I ran into you today,” she said.
“Me too,” he said. “I hope to see you again soon. Good luck with your suitors.”
She rubbed a hand down her face. “I wish you hadn’t reminded me,” she groused but her lips twitched in a half smile. “Good luck your highness,” she said, dipping into a curtsy.
He bowed and bid her farewell, heading back toward the path he’d originally climbed, leaning heavily on his cane. By the time he reached the road to Erebor pain was lancing up his leg and spine. He managed to flag down a cart and get a ride into the city on the back.
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tabikato · 4 years
Chapter 6 of my #DragonAge fanfic is up!! Time for Alistair and Hue to take the tower!      It’s an hour or two before Alistair finds their new warden again. They had carried him to one of the tents to sleep off the Joining, the physical stress almost as bad as the mental. However, when he came to check up on him, the elf was nowhere to be found...blankets tossed to the side and weapons gone. A sinking feeling of losing the third one had him rushing out the tent and scouring the area. He really didn't want to deliver this news to Senior Warden. Hey Duncan, so seems we have NO recruits, why? Well, I do believe the third one just took a permanent vacation away from here. The fear was short-lived when he saw the familiar puff of blonde hair...lone figure sitting rather still as if he’d find some answers in the dancing embers and ash of the campfire. Hue heard the footsteps from behind but didn’t bother to turn around...didn’t feel a need or want to face the other at this moment.
    “There you are, thought you made a run for it.” Alistair’s head dropped as soon as he'd stopped talking, really great choice of words there. Solid.
    “Would have just killed me like you did Jory.” There was no anger or spite in his tone, only resignation...as if those were merely facts of life and he had come to term with them. It didn’t feel right to hear such a desolate tone from the usually high-energy elf but Alistair supposes the situation was a heavy one. After all...Hue wasn’t entirely wrong so there wasn’t any way the human could dispute those words.
    “We lost one in my Joining as well, it was horrible. I doubt I will ever get used to it”, Hue looked sideways as Alistair sat next to him, voice whispering with somber tints, “I’m glad at least one of you made it through.” Brown met red as they looked at each other for a moment, Hue rolling this information around in his head. The Joining was secret because not many people would willingly give up their lives for a chance...yet Gray Wardens are needed to stop the Blight or else everyone dies. Even knowing that he knew, deep down, not many people would see the sacrifice as necessary. Death is scary...dying is scary, he joined in order to escape death and only went through with it because no matter his outcome there would always be death. It didn’t seem fair to anyone involved...but then he thinks of Daveth who was not dying and willingly drank from that cup, knowing his sacrifice meant the world. Of Alistair who also drank, a chance he might die but taking that plunge.
    This was making his head hurt.
    “I don’t like thinking too much on this complicated stuff”, Hue finally spoke up, piecing together the thoughts he needed to say, “and I don’t think it’s fair but...I know Gray Wardens save people. They sacrifice so they can so I don’t think you guys are bad people. And now I can protect people too.” Blowing some strands of his hair from his face, he turns to glance at the other Warden. Alistair looked in thought but nodded, seeming to accept Hue’s decision.
    “I’m glad you’re here to stay with us.”
    “So you’re not the junior anymore? Or you’d be lonely?” Barely a beat passed before a smirk made its way onto the elf’s face, lightly punching the human in the arm.
    “First off, ow. Second, OW. Why are you always aiming where it hurts?”
    “You’re a really big target”, Alistair looked as if he was going to pout, mouth open to remind Hue who was in charge here but...the one who was in charge spoke up to them.
     “Alistair. Hue. The King wishes to speak with us, come to the war table when you are able.” Duncan’s voice knocked their jovialness back in line, both men sitting straight up and replying with a “yes, sir”. Watching the older man walk off, Hue stood up to join Duncan before Alistair stopped him.
     “Wait. Here…”, he held out a simple pendant; dirty gold with a reddish hue in the open glass and placed it in Hue’s hand, “ we take some of the blood and put it in a pendant. Something to remind us...of those who didn’t make it this far.” Gently he pulls out a similar one from inside his own armor and Hue's eyes widened before he nodded.
     “Gotcha.” Slipping it over his head, he buried it within his shirt, cold metal burning into skin with the reminder that his heart was beating. He was still alive.
     Odd. That’s about all he could describe that meeting with the King and the man named Loghain. Supposedly they were family...King’s wife being his daughter or something, it didn’t really matter to him. What was odd was how much disdain the two had for each other and neither kept it a secret. Yet nobody said anything about it, ignoring it like it was a mild breeze tossing through their hair. In his clan things were settled if there were disputes, whether by the Keeper or by one of their laws. Everyone was family in a way and they all had to cooperate to survive, to keep the clan running, so petty squabbles disrupting the order were very much frowned upon.
     So why did they have to suffer through this? Duncan and Alistair seemed quite used to ignoring it so Hue surmised this was definitely a human thing. Were humans always this petty? Well...okay, maybe not all the humans he met were but some of them had made it really far on the list. Thinking back to the meeting it was also odd that Hue and Alistair were even there; they were juniors and weren’t in any sort of decision-making position. This idea seemed to be shared with Loghain and despite the man’s rather unpleasant scowl, Hue couldn’t help but think he made some fair points. Normally you would not have the clan’s leader out in front, one wrong move and their death was too great of a loss. The Gray Wardens made more sense to fight the darkspawn head on, with the armies as support, but the King refused to listen, wanting to play hero with them.
     What an idiot. Oh, they’re arguing again...this is boring.
     “They are, your majesty.” Duncan’s voice knocked him out of his self-inflicted daze, noticing that both he and Alistair were being addressed now.
     “And this is the recruit I met earlier on the road? I understand congratulations are in order.” Congratulations? Hue squints a little, mouth forming a thin line as he tries to digest those words. The King stood there, waiting for an answer with a stupid smile on his face and Hue almost considered telling him where he could stuff that congratulations until Duncan cleared his throat. Fine.
     “Not sure what for? I’m not special.” And he wasn’t, in his mind. True he managed to pass the Joining which apparently did make something special out of him but managing to stay alive when two others died didn’t seem like a skill to him. That was pure luck and luck, to him, didn’t make him special or feel favoured in any way.
     “Oh, but you are. Every Gray Warden is needed now more than ever.” Cailin’s puffed up pride was quickly cut down by Loghain. Good thing too because neither man noticed Hue quietly mocking those words which caused a rather funny snort to come from Alistair’s throat.
     “Your fascination with glory and legends will be your undoing, Cailin”, the old man didn’t even hide his annoyance, scolding the King right in his face, “We must attend to reality!”
     “Fine. Speak your strategy. The Gray Wardens and I draw the darkspawn into charging our lines and then…?”
     “You will alert the tower to light the beacon, signaling my men to charge from cover.” Silver and Gold flinted in the candlelight surrounding the map as both men leaned in, metal fingers drawing paths along the lines and symbols. So...they were going to be on the front line, huh? Hue could use a dagger but he worked better with his bow, were there any high spots out in front? Some of the stone facings could be climbed and he’d have enough height for his shots, that way he could cover Duncan, Alistair, and the rest.
     “Then we should send our best. Send Alistair and the new Gray Warden to make sure it’s done.” Wait...what? Blinking, he stared back over at the armored men. What were he and Alistair supposedly doing now? Lighting a tower?
     “You mean we won’t be fighting in the battle?” His mouth moved on its own, brows creased as he realised exactly what this meant. Should have known...the bottom of the group is always made into errand boys.
      “We need the beacon. Without it, Loghain’s men won’t know when to charge.” He really wanted to argue that lighting a stupid fire wasn’t what he signed himself up for but then remembered he didn’t exactly sign up in the first place. Oh, whatever. There’d be plenty more darkspawn to fight later he’s sure of it.
      “You see? Glory for everyone!” Considering he didn’t want to become a pincushion he kept the thought of wiping that dumb smile off this human’s face to himself. Loghain started in on the King again...Duncan tried to intervene but was shot down by them both and oh look, more humans coming to the argue party. Why is it such a hard concept for them all to work together? Darkspawn or Archdemon, it won’t care who it kills only that it kills and they’re going to make it easier for them to kill if everyone is running around like agitated chickens. No wonder the other hunters always called humans a rightful mess, how do they even manage to get anything done with all this bickering?
     “Enough!” Oh finally. “This plan will suffice. The Gray Wardens will light the beacon.” Loghain’s dark eyes met with Hue’s red, the elf staring back with no readable emotion. The old man took this as his cue to turn and leave.
     “Thank you, Loghain. I cannot wait for that glorious moment! The Gray Wardens battle beside the King of Ferelden to stem the tide of evil!” Cailin’s head tilted up in pride, chest puffed out as much as one could in heavy armor.
     “Yes, Cailan. A glorious moment for us all.”
     “You heard the plan. You and Alistair will go to the Tower of Ishal and ensure the beacon is lit.” Back at the bonfire Duncan reiterated the plan, pointing to both men to ensure they heard it well. These two as individuals tend to run on the reckless side but both together, alone, as a team. Duncan wasn’t sure what the outcome would be but he knew they’d at least follow his orders. Of course he expected them both to complain about it considering their personalities.
     “So he needs two Gray Wardens standing up there holding the torch. Just in case, right?” There was no hiding the sarcasm in Alistair’s voice. He crossed his arms, cocking a brow in visible annoyance.
     “Like he said, we’re better off being in battle! Not babysitting a torch!”
     “That is not your choice!” Hue's mouth snapped shut as Duncan’s voice grew firmer, “If King Cailan wishes Gray Wardens to ensure the beacon is lit, then Gray Wardens will be there. We must do whatever it takes to destroy the darkspawn...exciting or no.” Hue wanted to argue the fact that Cailan was no king of his and Gray Wardens should be fighting darkspawn, not falling in line to the whims of royalty.
     “I get it. I get it. Just so you know, if the king ever asks me to put on a dress and dance the Remigold, I’m drawing the line. Darkspawn or no.” Indignant reply forgotten, Hue snorted out a laugh at Alistair’s dry delivery.
    “Dunno, that’d be a great distraction.”
     “Me shimmying down the darkspawn line? Sure, we could kill them while they roll around laughing.” Duncan sighed as these two laughed at this ridiculous idea, letting them have a moment to get it out of their system.
     “Who says they wouldn’t find you charming?” Hue’s laugh went louder as Alistair huffed out a mixture of disgust at the notion and laughter at how stupid it was.
    “Do you think I’d look fetching enough?”
    “Why not? Go for a red dress though.”
    “Are you two quite done?” Both looked away from each other, like two children being scolded, trying to stifle the grins that refuse to leave their faces and Duncan just sighs once more. “The Tower is on the other side of the gorge from the King’s camp, the way we came when we arrived. We will signal you when the time is right. Alistair will know what to look for. Do not leave this task to join the battle, this is of the utmost importance and I am trusting you two.” With that last bit both men stood up a little straighter, their focus more serious. Seems they were willing to prove they were worthy of that trust.
   “What if the Archdemon appears?”
   “We soil our drawers, that’s what.” Alistair couldn’t help himself and both men almost fell into laughter again before Duncan's sharp look halted them.
    “If it does, leave it to us. I want no heroics from either of you.”
    “Never. Heroics is what the King does.” Rubbing his temples, he lets Hue have this one before continuing with his instructions. Alistair only raised an eyebrow on that, thinking to ask Hue later why he was so...aggressive in his speech towards the King. The elf certainly didn’t take that tone with either him or Duncan so maybe something was said...done? Nothing came to mind however.
    “There will be plenty of battles for both of you later”, Duncan added on, crossing his arms, he looked over his two juniors, “I must join the others. From here, you two are on your own. Remember, you are both Gray Wardens. I expect you to be worthy of that title.” With a nod he walked down towards his troops, that nagging feeling he has felt for weeks never leaving him but they would be prepared...they had to be. Watching the older man leave, Hue looked from Duncan’s back to the skyline and to the silhouette of the tower they would soon be climbing.
    “Well then…”, Alistair’s voice broke through his thoughts, “let’s get on our dancing shoes and go put on a show.” Patting the elf on the back, their grins grew once more as they began their preparations.
    Sheer chaos were the only words Hue could think of to perfectly describe the scenes flitting past him. Alistair and him couldn’t stop, running across the bridge and dodging fallen soldiers and rocks smashing against the stone surface. Screams shattered through the sounds of explosions and rock, through the roar of the crowd below and fire engulfing the unlucky bodies of targets found. Adrenaline surged in his veins, letting him make it through the narrow run of the bridge and up into the courtyard where they met with some of Cailan’s men  and...darkspawn.
    “Darkspawn have taken the tower!”
    “How?!”, he could hear Alistair’s shout over the clanging of swords and the tearing of flesh, another creature fell to his blade. One of Hue's arrows sunk deep into the open throat of one charging at them, crumpling to the ground in a heap.
    “They flooded in and took the lower chambers!”
    “Then we have to get to the beacon and light it ourselves!” With a plan set in motion, they fought their way to the entrance of the tower, not stopping to look back even once. Each floor was filled with them, with traps that Hue disarmed in a blink of an eye and soon a path of red followed. At some point he couldn’t tell if the red was from human or darkspawn and really, he’d rather not think about it. The smell itself was a bit distracting but even more so was that the further they went up, the stronger it was instead of less.
    “We won? Yay, we won, haha..ow...ow, yay…”, Alistair piped up behind him as they slayed yet another room of creatures with their two nameless companions. His strained cheers were left unanswered, noticing the elf was far too focused on the large doors up the stairs, nose scrunched up in a worried look. “Hue?”
    “Why are we fighting more the higher we go?” Eyes went wide with realization, the number of bodies indeed looked way too numerous for how much they’ve climbed.
    “Maker’s breath...what are they doing here?”, sheathing his sword he walked up to his companion, stepping over a few shredded corpses in the process, “There wasn’t supposed to be any resistance here!”
   “You could try telling them they’re in the wrong place.”
   “Right. Because clearly this is all just a misunderstanding. We’ll laugh about this later.” An elbow on his arm made Hue turn, seeing the serious look on the other’s face, “At any rate, we need to hurry! We need to get up to the top of the tower and light the signal fire in time! Teyrn Loghain is waiting!” No disagreement there. Nodding, he makes his way up the stairs, throwing the doors open as they stumble into yet another battle.
    Even with his usual stamina Hue was definitely feeling the strain with each wave hitting them harder than the last. What was probably only minutes seemed like an eternity as body after body fell to either his arrows or Alistair’s sword. At least in the midst of this mess the two managed to create some sort of unspoken team work, flawlessly watching the other’s back. No praise or congratulations were to be had though, they had to keep pushing...up until the last door of the tower in which they wasted no time marching through.
    Which, Hue would think later on, was probably the worst idea they had all night as they came face to face with a gigantic monster. Hearing their approach, it stopped it’s feast on whatever unlucky corpse it had killed and turned to face them. Horns gnarled and twisting reached to the heavens, skin a sickly gray as it stretched over muscles that seemed to want to burst forth. It’s face was cracked and rough like the bark of an old tree with pearl-colored eyes sunk deep in the sockets. However Hue noticed something far worse about this enormous monstrosity, the large mouth of jagged teeth as it’s roar shook them all to their core. What little armor it had on did nothing to make it less frightening...those teeth and claws more than made up for it.
   Jumping back, Hue let loose a few arrows into its chest once it rushed them, grabbing the other warrior that stood beside Alistair in it's giant grip. They could only watch as the human was picked up like a doll, shaken in that clenching fist before another punched him repeatedly. Alistair charged with his sword, swiping at its back and legs but the skin was like rough leather. He wasn’t sure how much damage he was even doing, if he was at all. Throwing the poor swordsman to the side, body skidding across the floor in a lifeless lump, it turned its attention to Alistair who luckily enough managed to jump out of the way. The weariness that had settled in his bones had been replaced, now fear and rage were driving his body, reflexes heightened as he took every vital shot he could get.
    Between the arrows, sword, and magic, the beast started to falter. The perfect opportunity presenting itself when its massive body stumbled back, throwing its arms wide open. Hue took it, pulling out his dagger and running up its body to stab it right in the eye. Spit sprayed in his face as it roared, thrashing around with pain but he held on to whatever he could, stabbing into the other eye with a sickening squish. No longer did the beast thrash, instead he could hear the life drain from its throat and crash backwards to the floor. The impact threw him off, rolling him along the smooth stone as blood and spit smeared across his armor and skin. Alistair’s hand grabbed his arm, hoisting him up, panting breaths filling the now silent room before they suddenly remembered why they were even there.
   “The beacon!” Both came to the same thought and rushed over, Alistair grabbing the nearby torch and throwing it into the fireplace. Instantly the fire grew and grew, spewing up the chute in a bright column before their very eyes. Thank the gods, they had made it...somehow and now Loghain’s army could move in to turn the tide.
    Their muscles only had mere moments to relax before the door burst open but instead of soldiers, darkspawn flooded into the room in a massive hoard. Arrows flew at them, catching them both off guard and he cried out in pain when one embedded itself into his shoulder. Fighting it, he shot off a few of his own but there were too many...too much stamina lost as his muscles felt like liquid at this point. Alistair’s body being thrown across the room distracted him, another arrow sinking into his flesh. Struggle as he might, he ended up on his back, vision blurring, his companion's name a cracked whisper on his lips. Hand reaching out, fingers shakingly clawing at the cool stone. The unholy cacophony of growls and metal sliding against metal drummed through his brain, threatening to swallow him whole. A roar vibrated through his very being...another monster? He was fading too fast to even know, only one thought screaming in his mind through all the noise.
    Creators, please don’t let another friend die.
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
The Rise of the Dread Fleet - Chapter 3: Siren’s Call
New chapter, yo! Currently, we’re kind of assembling the full cast, but i do hope you enjoy my scribbles regardless <3
On AO3
„What we need right now is support.” Snezz says. “There’s only three of us, which is no basis to build a crew out of. Which leads me to my next point.”
Him, Asha and Aurelia Sharpwit are sitting in the darkest, most remote part of the tavern, conspiring over ale and cheap food. A week has passed since Asha’s recruitment of both him and Aurelia, and he’d taken the time to get the kid washed and dressed in something that didn’t smell like death. Now that Asha vaguely resembles a human again, he can see a glint in her eyes he hadn’t quite noticed until now. By all means, she is still a scrawny teenager, but there’s a hidden fury, as well as an unexpected degree of intelligence behind her immediate first impression that leads him to take this whole endeavor seriously. She has her hands wrapped around her mug and listens intently to him, nodding occasionally.
“I didn’t come to Lion’s Arch alone.” He continues. “I brought a friend with me. We both left Rata Sum post graduation due to a lack of direction, but I believe that, if you let me do the talking, I can rally her to our cause.” “One additional Asura won’t make this a viable crew.” Aurelia comments. “That is true. However, my friend is kind of a… package deal.” Snezz smirks involuntarily, unable to conceal his pride. “She’s a necromancer.” “Minions, hm? Could definitely solve the issue of actually sailing a ship in terms of manpower.” Asha says. “I’m down. Let’s get your friend on board.” “Um, before we do this -…” Snezz pauses to take a long swig of ale. “She’s, uh… a little bit eccentric. Trust me on this matter. She’s worth it.” “I’ve agreed to follow a random human girl and a guy that comes up to my kneecaps into battle. I don’t think eccentricity is going to scare me off now.” Aurelia says, with a low growl in her voice. “When do we go?” “Tomorrow morning, first thing. She’s probably asleep by now.” Snezz states and looks up at Asha by his side. She’s staring into her half-empty mug, brows furrowed. He elects not to ask for her approval in addition to Aurelia’s, and waved to the barmaid instead, to get a refill for his own drink.
 Morning rolls around much too early for Snezz. Him and Aurelia had spent a long time in each other’s silent company last night, but regardless, both of them meet Asha in front of the tavern they’re staying in – on Snezz’s bill, of course.
“Ready to go?” he asks them and only gets mumbled responses; Asha simply takes a few insistent strides forward, and Snezz clicks his tongue. “Right. This way.”
The unlikely trio weasels their way through narrow alleys into one of the cheaper residential areas of the city. Snezz stops them in front of a small, worn looking shack in the corner of the street, steps forward and knocks on the door, the entirety of which rattles under his fist. He sees Asha tilt her head curiously before the door opens a crack.
He holds his breath, as the horrid smell of putrefaction assaults his senses and leans in to peek into the dark interior. “You brought friends.” States the occupants matter-of-factly. “I did.” Snezz replies, speaking fast to avoid inhaling too much of the stench. “This is Asha, aspiring pirate Captain, and our friend, Miss Sharpwit. Can we come in-… or can you come out?” The door slams shut, Snezz hears a few nondescript clattering noises, then the door opens again, wider this time. Out steps a tiny Asura, even smaller than him. She’s completely black in complexion and hair, her vibrant green eyes and lighter, freckled rodent nose being the only features to be immediately discerned. She’s dressed in simple, rather dirty clothing, her apron stained with several fluids Snezz doesn’t even want to attempt to identify. She blinks up at his companions. “Why’d you bring them?” she asks, staring intensely at the two. Asha and Aurelia exchange a glance.
“We need your help.” Snezz tells her. “I’ve joined them and we want to steal a ship, then go out and make our living on the Seas. But we’re critically understaffed. I know that you can amend that.” Her gaze flickers back to him. “Piracy?” “Yes.”
She steps forward to face Asha, who immediately takes a step back, due to the woman’s rather fragrant presence. “I want a private laboratory below decks and access to any dead matter we encounter.” She demands. “Uh, I mean, sure? I can arrange that.” Asha fumbles, quite taken aback by the demand. “Good. I am joining. Call on me when you need me.” With that said, the steps back into her shack and slams the door shut.
A good ten seconds of baffled silence pass before Aurelia speaks up. “Well. You weren’t kidding.” “I wasn’t.” Snezz agrees. “She’s a good person. She just doesn’t do well with, uh… living people.” “What even is her name?” Asha asks, as the group turns to leave. “She left so abruptly.” “It’s Liamu. Don’t worry about her. I’ve known her all my life. I can vouch for her.” Snezz draws a deep breath. “With her help, we can crew a ship, but more help is always a good thing. We should all hit the road and see what we can organize.”
Asha stops in her tracks and taps her chin. “Actually, you two go do what you want. I have an idea.”
 Asha looks over her shoulder, making sure she isn’t being followed, before kneeling down by the water. “Raya?” she calls out, in a hushed whisper-shout. It takes a moment before she sees the salmon pink shimmer of scales passing under the surface of the harbor basin, then Raya’s pale face becomes visible in the water, not breaking the surface, but close enough to speak.
“I need you to find somebody for me.” Asha leans down, her nose almost touches the water, and she whispers to Raya, who blinks slowly at her, then vanishes back into the depths. Asha rises back to her feet and dusts off her coat. It’s probably better not to tell her developing crew about Raya just yet. There needs to be more trust, more bonding before she can safely let them in on her secret little friend, without scaring them off.
 Cariyen’s exit from Vaixx and Raxxi has been rather undramatic. Both had been very understanding of her decision to leave, and even given her a rowboat to get back to Lion’s Arch shortly after their departure, so she can find her own path without them.
It shouldn’t take longer than a few hours to make it from Bloodtide Bay to Sanctum Harbor, according to Cariyen’s predictions. And then… what then? Cariyen doesn’t exactly have anywhere to go home to. She wouldn’t have joined a pirate crew if she had been able to return to the Grove, not after her brother had gone missing. She’d attached herself to this little girl after years of living half-alive, only functioning as her role on the ship. And then, even that little girl was taken from her, killed right before her eyes.
It’s a heavy mixture of guilt and grief in Cariyen’s heart, as she rows her little boat toward the city, almost on autopilot, reflecting upon the events that transpired. She knew the entire time. How Asha had suffered under her father. And while she did support her, she did not do enough. Asha was just a child, it had been just a matter of time until she’d snap and something horrible would happen. Cariyen can’t shake the thought that she could have prevented it, done something, anything, taken the girl somewhere safe, away from this environment…
Her thoughts are cut short by a heavy rock going through her boat. She pauses, heart skipping a beat, gaze flickering around to seek the source of the turbulence. Cariyen sits frozen, her hands gripping her oars tight as she listens for any telltale sign of an attack. Krait, Risen, hostile Hylek, marine predators-… no, she’s too close to shore for that.
She has no time to consider her options, as another heavy hit against the boat’s rump instantly capsizes it. Cariyen barely has time to hold her breath before she is plunged into the water. Her years of sailing experience immediately tell her to swim upward and surface, but she feels and iron grip around her ankle, preventing her from moving. Panic sets in, and she begins channeling magic in her left hand, only to be interrupted by something that is clearly a humanoid hand gripping her wrist and dragging her to the depths. Asha’s desperate thrashing in the water is the last image before her inner eye, then her consciousness fades.
 Cariyen had not expected to survive this mysterious attack, much less to hear the voice she hears when she eventually awakens. “Grenth’s grace, Raya, I told you to find her, not almost drown and kidnap her!” “I apologize. I am not good at convincing people to follow me. I thought this to be the easiest option.” “You could’ve-… ugh. Whatever, she’s here and she’s alive. Did anybody see you?” “I took the long way around. I was quick.”
Cariyen groans and rouses, forcing her eyes open. She’s in a room, laid out on a cheap bed, next to a small firepit crackling to her left. “Ah, you’re up.!” Asha Gaets says and sits down by her side. “Sorry about the… journey. Raya has no, uh… social skills.” Cariyen’s head spins, but she forces herself to sit up and face the girl. “How-...?” she croaks, throat raw with seawater. “Long story. Raya saved me and I made my way to town.” She explains, which clarifies very little to Cariyen, and gestures to a nude woman, crouched like a lurking tiger in the corner of the room.
The Sylvari looks from the strange woman to Asha, then lurches forward and embraces the girl. “Hey, hey.” Asha soothes her, helplessly patting her back. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I should’ve-.. I could’ve done something, I-…” “Hush, it’s fine. It’s okay.” Asha struggles and Cariyen releases her from the hug. “It’s not your fault. You were the only one who ever helped me on that rotten ship.” Asha puts her hands on Cariyen’s shoulders. “I’m just glad to see you again.”
Cariyen wipes the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand and nods slowly. “I am too.” She whispers. “Asha, I… I can’t believe you survived.” “Trust me, it took me a while to realize too.” Asha grins from ear to ear, nothing like the broken soul Cariyen remembers her to be. “I told my friend Raya to find you, because I didn’t think you’d stay in the fleet after my death. Sorry about her methods. She’s used to drowning people.”
Raya makes eye contact with Cariyen, who feels her blood run cold when she glares into those empty eyes. “Siren.” She gasps. “I apologize.” Raya says. “I did not believe you would agree to come with me if I had asked.” “Don’t worry about her. She’s a friend. She saved my life.” Asha assures her and Raya nods. “She speaks the truth. I mean you no harm.” She confirms and Cariyen rubs her temples, trying to process all of this.
“I’m actually assembling a crew myself. Got a few people already.” She conchalantly states. “I’d like to have you on board, too.” “I-… yes, of course, but…” “Awesome. I’ll let you rest here. Don’t worry about the room, my new friend Snezz pays for it.” Asha gets up and gestures to Raya, who promptly rises and climbs out the window. “They don’t know about her yet, so if you could keep that little secret, that’d be great.”
“I... doubt anyone would believe in anyways.” Cariyen manages to articulate in her confused and weakened state. Asha grins at her. “I’ll organize you some food. Sit tight, will ya?”
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Dusk Till Dawn (Shinsou Hitoshi X Reader) PART 4
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PART 3: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/186283128394/dusk-till-dawn-shinsou-hitoshi-x-reader-part-3
Taglist: @estherosoro
Summary: You both know when to pick your battles, but Shinsou feels the need to protect you.
I made these villains, they’re all OC’s made specifically for this series but they may or may not show up in other fanfics if I’m feeling particularly uncreative hehe…
WARNING: This chapter will contain strong language, implied assault and attempted sexual assault which may be triggering to some readers so... reader discretion is advised.
Featuring: Our Purple Son!!
Chapter 4: Descent 
It wasn’t normal at all for the students or staff at UA. Aizawa in particular was furious when he figured out that his protégé and his classmate had gone missing. He might have had a cool head most of the time, but Aizawa knew that this was a villain’s doing…
Shinsou was a focused individual, he’d never disappear voluntarily. And he knew about you too, being impressed by your quirk. He didn’t necessarily train you, but he did make you an offer that you were curious to take up.
His students were even more concerned though as their teacher had been talking to the staff about the potential kidnapping since you and Shinsou had been missing for over 24 hours. No one other than Izuku was freaking out and was extremely stressed out for the past 3 days ever since he found out you were missing. He was so terrified because you were his other childhood friend and you and him were still on excellent terms, to the point where it infuriated Bakugou.
Speaking of which…
He had been grumpier than normal, constantly shouting at people to fuck off everytime they bothered him or wanted to talk to him because you were on his mind now that you had gone missing…
Bakugou wasn’t good at hiding his feelings most of the time, and his anger usually masked other emotions like fear and concern. Which to him was a good thing, because he didn’t want anyone to see how worried he was getting.
‘(Y/N) you little shit… where the fuck are you? You’d better hope something else kills you before I do…’
‘(Y/N)-chan… please be okay… please, please be okay…’
They didn’t want to think worst-case scenario, but they were seriously concerned that this might have been a villain’s doing…
“Deku… I’m sure (Y/N) will be okay… she’s very smart, she knows how to get herself out of trouble if she’s in it…” Uraraka was trying to reassure the green-haired boy though, knowing and seeing how much he was freaking out over your disappearance. She knew you pretty well, and was confident in your abilities even if you weren’t much of a fighter.
“She’s right Midoriya. (L/N) has a very versatile quirk, I trust in her abilities and I trust that the pro-heroes will find her and Shinsou very soon.” Iida was quick to help Uraraka ease their stressed friend, despite his own extreme concern for you. He really did hope that you were okay… you and Shinsou… 
Izuku didn’t nod, but he did hear their words. “She’s a tough person. She will be okay.” Todoroki even offered his support to Izuku, even though he was getting worried about you too. You were his friend, and he liked you.
“I… I know but… I just hope she’s not in serious trouble…” Izuku said shakily, just praying that this wasn’t a villain’s doing because then he would really freak out because the last time someone from UA got kidnapped by villains, it was a real emotional roller coaster for everyone…
“Why doncha just shut up Deku? Worrying about Shitty Girl isn’t going to make her return. Idiot probably got lost somewhere…” Bakugou arrived just in time to hear and see Izuku clutch his hair in anxiety.
“How can you be so cruel sometimes…?” Uraraka kind of chastised the ash-blonde for being so callous to Izuku and the fact that his friend was missing, “(Y/N)… she’s your friend too isn’t she?”
Bakugou only scoffed in response as he glared at the girl, “(Y/N) and I aren’t exactly friends… she’s a damn weakling and a moron… at worst she got lost or something…” He chose to deny the fact that he cared about you, and the fact that he was worrying like hell about you…
You were weak, why would a villain try and kidnap you? What could your quirk do for them? He told himself this in his head, even though Kirishima and Sero were giving him disapproving looks from behind. “She’s… she’s gotta be fine Midoriya. (Y/N)’s got that spirit and never gives up.” Bakugou wouldn’t express any hope, so Kirishima did, for Izuku’s safe.
But Izuku nearly jumped as soon as his phone started going off, in fact, EVERYONE’s phones started going off at the same time. The alarms going off and frightening most of them, because this wasn’t a typical amber alert…
“Whoa! What the hell is this?!” Several of their classmates had all huddled up together to see if everyone else was experiencing the same thing.
“Is it a villain attack?”
“Is this someone’s quirk gone haywire?!”
“It could just be some kind of interference!”
“Everyone please calm down! Whatever it is, I’m sure that the faculty will take care of it, because if we are all experiencing this then I’m positive that everyone else is too.” Iida had to calm everyone down when they started panicking, and despite their alarmed looks they did stop shouting.
“Somethings showing! Something’s showing!” But Kaminari pointed at their screens when someone’s visage began clearing up, and they all gasped in shock the second all of their phones showed your face.
“Izuku! Katsuki! Iida, Tsuyu, anyone!”
“(Y/N)-chan?!” Izuku’s green eyes grew wide when he finally saw your face after 3 days, but he gasped when he paid close attention to how you looked. There was dried blood stained on your cheeks and a bruise on your neck, or at least he hoped it was a bruise…
“Shitty Girl?!” Bakugou was just as shocked upon seeing you, but he wasn’t blind, like he Izuku he saw how… you looked. He’s never seen you so battered and beaten as if someone larger was responsible for hurting you. Someone hurt you…
It made his blood boil as his wide eyes narrowed in fury, he was already shaking when he thought about whatever else had been done to you. Some of your injuries looked fresh too, and the bags under your eyes were heavy, what the fuck happened to you…?
“I hope you’re able to see this! The machine they're using to make my quirk spy on and find people like some kind of fucked up Cerebro is giving me brief connections to their technology so I don't have long! But I’m still alive! I honestly don’t know how for how long… and Shinsou is with me! He’s alive too… but I’m so scared for him because the men who took us… he’s keeping us in prison cells… his name is Suchiru Koru!”
“(Y/N)-chan please can you hear me?!” Izuku was terrified the more he heard about the situation you were in, tears clouding his eyes when he saw the terror in your own shimmering (E/C) eyes.
“(L/N)! Can you please tell us where you’re at?!” Iida tried to ask you questions like Izuku was, because they had no idea if you COULD even hear them.
“Izuku?! Iida?! Yes! Yes I can hear you! I can't see you but I hear you! We… we’re somewhere in Hokkaido… I think we’re near a mountain but the man keeping us hostage… has some kind of snow quirk… it’s freezing over here because he keeps dropping the temperature to make it colder and harder for anyone else to find us… b-but listen to me! He has men looking for you, they know your names… all of you! I… I didn’t want to tell them anything I swear… but they made me… they wouldn’t… t-they just kept beating me and said that they would kill Shinsou if I didn’t say anything… I-I’m sorry...”
You couldn’t see them, and you were kind of glad because Izuku was already quietly crying when you told everyone just what these men were doing to you. “I-It’s okay, it’s okay I promise…” He said to you in a broken voice, trying to comfort you when he saw your tears flowing down your terrified eyes.
Bakugou was oddly silent as he saw you cry, but he was furious as he clenched his fists and just wanted to find those men who took you so he could kill them all himself.
“Some of them might even be on their way right now because they want to traffic some of you guys and do other horrible things… and Koru doesn’t just have goons, he’s got a freaking army. These men all have very powerful quirks, and many of them are going to try and find you… Koru... he’s making me search for you all right now… they’re coming… they’re going to make me tell them where you guys are at, and I barely managed to connect to you guys… they are coming… tell all the pro-heroes right now, and whatever you do, DON’T be alone… stay together. That’s how they will get you, you have to stay together no matter what! It’s the only way you guys will survive!”
At those last words, the message suddenly stopped and everyone’s phones went back to normal, much to Izuku’s horror. “No! No, no, no (Y/N)-chan!” He cried and tapped his finger all over his phone in a desperate attempt to try and talk to you more but all he did was end up pressing other little buttons that did nothing but open up other apps he wanted nothing to do with.
Izuku gasped in horror, fat tears flooding his eyes as he tried not to sob but this new overwhelming fear hit him. He knew you were in danger, but he couldn’t do anything to save you, not like he could with Bakugou. Based on what you said, trying to go after these men sounded like much more of a suicide mission, and then he heeded your warning…
Everyone did, but they were all a mix of shocked, distraught and confused as they could only see their classmate quietly crying while Uraraka and Iida tried to comfort him, with the latter immediately taking action by running off to alert Mr. Aizawa and the rest of the teachers. But among the stunned silence as Iida took off for the pro-heroes, no one saw Bakugou marching angrily to his room to throw all of his things to the ground and take off his uniform.
He screamed in his head as he refused to let the furious tears swim in his eyes. You were being held hostage, something he had been through before. He couldn’t imagine the terror you must have felt, and on top of that… he wasn’t even that good to you before you got taken. Bakugou essentially ignored you, belittled you and barely gave you the time of day when you both grew up and slowly drifted apart. And it got worse when were put in the General Studies. He’d never admit it, but he was feeling horrible for it…
But he was going to bring you back.
He had to.
Your eyes opened as you gave a small gasp, panting and trying to not let fear seize you when Koru’s frenzied but curious eyes bore into your being.
“So where are they?” He asked you, his tone as chilling as the ice that shrouded this fortress as you kept trembling from both the cold and terror permanently etched in your bones as you gulped, “T-The d-dorms… H-Heights… Heights Alliance…”
Koru tilted his head ever so slightly, demanding an explanation from you, “T-The League of Villains… w-when they took… K-Katsuki, UA… m-made a b-boarding h-house building f-for Class 1-A… t-to protect them…” A small tear rolled down your cheek as you reluctantly told him everything he wanted to know, “T-They’re there… a-all of them…” You added, hating yourself for every single truth you were telling, but at the same time you were clinging to the hope and the likelihood that your friends were already alerting the teachers to prepare for the men who were coming.
Keeping your eyes down, you didn’t see Koru’s rising grin as he put his hand on your head, stroking your (H/C) hair without your consent as his fingers found their way down to your chin, “That’s my good girl… I’m so proud of you… you’ve earned your reward. Break time~.” You didn’t like the way he smiled at all, even with the promise of a break time you didn’t care. You wanted to get out of here. You wanted to go back home.
You had to get Shinsou…
Shinsou wasn’t sure how long it had been since Bozo left him to freeze, but the door opened again, and it was Mad Dog. Shinsou groaned lightly as the man picked him up to carry him out, most likely to go to Koru and brainwash the prisoners…
He was freezing, in pain and still starving and thirsty. That little bit of water on the floor didn’t do much for him, his stomach was empty and his lips were horribly chapped and dried from the cold air. However, Shinsou didn’t dwell on his own suffering, so he briefly wondered if you were okay now that he was being carried off.
He really hoped you were, he wanted you to be okay, and he just prayed that that Lothario bastard didn’t do anything weird to you. Shinsou saw the way that asshole looked at you, it made him so sick he wanted to beat that guy bloody.
Yet, he still thought logically as Aizawa had told him to. As Mad Dog walked, Shinsou counted his steps and looked at the hallways the savage was walking and paid attention closely to the directions he was being taken. This was the halls, and he could hear the heavy winds hitting the left side of the wall, and there was the large window that showed how high they were.
He saw one of the towers where the ski-lift was at, if he could just get there. If he could just get you and take you there…
At this point, it looked like it was your only way…
Before Shinsou could work out a plan in his head, he grunted outloud when he was thrown onto the ground, just as cold and dried as the one he repeatedly lied on his entire time here. The door slammed shut, and for a moment his chest swelled with dread when he thought he was getting the isolation room again...
“Shinsou!” But his eyes slightly widened when he heard your voice, and felt hands on his shoulders, for once the touch was something, he knew he could trust. He wasn’t in the isolation room, he wasn’t alone…
“Shinsou get up… please get up…” You whispered fearfully as you helped the taller boy up, gasping at how awful he looked and how he was shivering just as badly as you were when you got him to shakily stand on his feet. 
“Oh my God… what did they do to you…?” Choking on a soft sob, the tears streamed down your face as you couldn’t help but put your arms around him. Shinsou was too exhausted to resist though, and if he was being honest, he felt like he needed this. It was comforting, the first true sense of reassurance and warmth he had felt since he was thrown into this hell.
You held onto him tightly, not wanting to let him go because he was the only thing that was keeping you sane. As long as Shinsou was here, you weren’t alone, but you couldn’t bear to see him suffer anymore. These men beat you and shocked you, but you didn’t want to imagine what else they did to your friend.
“W-What… d-did they do to you…?” He rasped out as you held him, noticing the different kind of bruises on your neck and shoulder as you trembled and couldn’t bring yourself to answer. “I-It… d-doesn’t matter…” You quickly mumbled and shook your head, and Shinsou didn’t even want to think about it, but deep down he knew...
“A-Are you okay…?” You instead asked him, and he could only chuckle wryly, “No…” His answer was blunt but not cold as you couldn’t help but chuckle, honestly you were just happy to see him right now despite how battered he was. “I-I’m just glad you’re here…” You admitted somewhat tearfully, hugging him again and Shinsou was letting you. He wasn’t one for physical contact, but you were scared out of your wits, and he honestly was too…
It calmed him down just a little bit to analyze where he really was, and he recognized this as the lodge he had been forced to walk through a couple of times. And from here it would lead to the tower with the ski-lifts…
“We have to go…”
Shinsou suddenly said with distilled determination in his eyes, not wanting to be here anymore as you gasped quietly, checking frantically to make sure no one was around to listen. This was the abandoned lodge of the ski resort, with three large windows that showed nothing but falling snow and a distant sea of snowy trees. But there was a large crack in the middle window, which is probably why this room felt so much colder than all the others. “I-I know but… h-how…? T-This place… t-the only way out is down…” You quietly whispered, shocked to see Shinsou casually nod.
“T-That’s right…” He muttered a little bit, relieved to finally be talking to someone he knew rather than being forced to speak and brainwash someone. “Y-You’ve seen the ski lifts right?” He asked you softly as you nodded vigorously, having recalled some of the places and directions you had been taken to, and you always passed by the abandoned ski-lift and towers but no one actually stood there. The faulty mechanics were the only things these goons were concerned with, along with the dangerous heights so they never stood in there.
“I don’t know when… b-but if we can make it there… we can turn on the machine and it’ll take us down the mountain…” Shinsou explained some of the outline of his plan as you gasped ever so slightly, “B-Bozo says it still works but… w-we have to be careful that thing killed people…” You nervously reminded him as your friend sighed a little bit.
“I know… but it’s a risk we’ll have to take… there’s no other option for us…” He almost reluctantly said, since he knew that they were too weakened and beaten to fight back, and two young high school students were no match for an army full of capable, grown men. “I know…” You were scared, but you knew he was right.
God you just wanted to go back home safe with your friend…
“O-Okay… okay… we… we have to try that…” Trembling, you came to that conclusion. Somehow, someway you both had to try and escape. “T-Together… I don’t… I’m so scared Shinsou… I want to go home…” You were on the verge of tears as you confessed your fears to him, clinging to his tattered sweater and holding onto him because he was the only person you had to hold onto.
Shinsou’s eyes slightly widened at the way you held onto him. Logically, he should have focused on the escape plan, but the way you held onto him made him feel strange, yet it was comforting. He was scared to, he wanted to go home too. “Me too…” He said to you softly, closing his eyes as you held him tighter and he found his arms slowly coming up around you to engulf you in a hug. Shinsou had never hugged anyone before (except maybe his parents), so it felt both weird and warm, but it was a new pleasant feeling that almost made him feel safe and not alone.
He had never thought of you as anything else other than a classmate and friend until now. And right now, you were the only person who kept him from falling over the edge that he felt himself slowly slipping over with every second here.
But then…
Your arms were yanked from his body and he was forcefully broken apart from you by an aggressive pair of arms. “Hey now lovebirds…” It was Lothario, grinning his disgusting smile down at the two of you as you gasped and your eyes went wide. A heavy weight of nerves filling your chest as your breathing sped up when he dared to take a hold of your wrist, making you grunt and whimper fearfully.
“Just cuz the boss said ya’ll get a break… don’t mean you can just be cuddling…” His eyes slightly narrowed as he pulled you close to him as you growled and tried to pull away, but he was way too strong for you to fight off. Shinsou tried to make him stop, but Lothario was fast to kick him in the stomach and send him falling to the ground as the teen quelled a pained shout.
“Didn’t your parents ever tell you not to touch what isn’t yours?” He lowly snarled at Shinsou as he peered up at the man, quietly seething and leering at him. 
“Stop it! Stay away!” You pulled your wrist free with all your might when Lothario was distracted, and you backed away as quick as you could.
Lothario was shocked, but extremely infuriated and he lowly growled when approaching you, resembling a predatorial animal as fear grabbed ahold of you and froze you to your spot. He raised a hand and smacked you hard in the face, “AH!” You couldn’t hold back your cry, but you suddenly screamed when he grabbed your wrist and pushed you against the cold wall. A sharp, high-pitched gasp left you when he pressed his body against your back and you could hear a small, breathless gasp come from Shinsou as he looked at you with panic in his wide, purple eyes.
“You’ve been trying my patience but it’s my break time… and I know how we’re spendin’ it… I’ve been waitin’ for this from the moment I laid eyes on you sugar…” The man snickered and grinned as he pinned you to the wall, leaning in close to your neck to whisper to you.
A terrified gasp left you when you realized what was going to happen, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Nothing you could do about it…
You were powerless…
“I’m going to fuck you bloody… and I’m gonna let this guy watch… then I’ll keep you alive to capture the rest of those damn friends of yours Midoriya and Bakugou… so I can fuck you again, and make them all watch too…” Your chest heaved up and down as you hyperventilated, tears flooding down your face as your body wracked with horror as you shook your head, a whimper caught in your throat.
You couldn’t acknowledge this. You shut your eyes as you silently cried as Lothario tried to take off your pants, but suddenly his hands left your body as he was pulled away from you and a loud shout made you turn your head to see Lothario on the ground with Shinsou standing over him.
Outraged, Lothario got up quick, his eyes sharpening with the lust for murder as he showed him his teeth, “You… goddamn brat!” He threw a punch, but adrenaline let Shinsou duck and grab his shoulder, with a shout of effort he used his newfound strength to ram the bastard towards the broken window as it loudly cracked and send little shards of glass falling down.  
“HEY! What the hell are ya-?!” Lothario shouted, alarmed when he saw the  shattered glass and the cold wind hitting him, and didn’t even feel Shinsou’s grip loosen on him. The man finally looked to see the teenager shouting as he threw his hands out to push him out the window…
Lothario’s scream faded in the wind as you gasped and went over to Shinsou’s side to watch the falling man’s terrified face disappear into the white until there was nothing.
You looked down in slight horror, but you knew that it had to be done. He was going to rape you, he had to be killed…
“(L/N)! We have to go, but remember the plan.” Shinsou snapped you out of your daze though, grabbing your hand so he could take you away, but the both of you paused briefly when you heard shouts coming from the hall.
New adrenaline pumped into your veins, “Okay, fuck the plan, move, now! Now!” He exclaimed quietly as you gasped and quickly, the two of you ran as fast as you could out of the lodge and outside the building. 
The bluster of freezing wind almost knocked you over as you and Shinsou looked around in a panic before you both darted towards the lifts.
“I’m turning it on.” Shinsou made sure you sat on the lift but you shook your head, “No! No don’t go, please don’t go!” You shouted for him but he already took off running to hurry up and turn on the thing. “S-Shinsou…!” Blinking your tearful eyes you focused on him, hoping that he did it quick so those men didn’t come back as you trembled in the chair.
“Shinsou!” You suddenly screamed when you saw Bozo right outside the door, “HEY!” The burly man charged right after you, alerting Shinsou as he gasped slightly, “I’m over here! Are you stupid, asshole?!” He called for Bozo though, because that’s all he needed as the enraged man changed direction and ran towards him.
“Oh I see you, you little fucker!” He raised his fist, but Shinsou stopped him as his eyes went blank and it gave the teen more time to turn on whatever controls he had to until he heard a whirring noise and a bunch of other noises that didn’t sound good, but it was all he could do…
“Hurry up!” You waved for Shinsou and shouted a bit when the lift suddenly started moving fast and then there was Mad Dog and Tornado arrive with 5 other large men. 
“Bozo! What are you doing?! ATTACK HIM!” Mad Dog barked at the brainwashed Bozo, allowing Shinsou to dash past him and the men as his heartbeat drummed in his ears when the chair was already going down and heading over the edge of the cliff.
He lept, grunting when he clutched onto the icy handles and hung by the chair’s edge and you grabbed his arm to help him up while the lift was still balanced. “I’ve got you! I’ve got you!” You exclaimed, agitated and still quavering with this rush of fear and survival but relief found its way into your heart when you were with Shinsou, and on this lift together…
Shinsou panted heavily as he clung to the chair, and then he looked at you, touching your cheek slightly to make sure that you were there and well, “Are you all right?” He asked, concerned for your sake as you nodded hastily, “I-I’m fine…” Too much was going on for you to process everything, right now you both just had to escape. Your relief was short-lived though when the lift started taking you down faster. The two of you looked back to see the men all shouting and Bozo growling and clenching his fists, apparently he broke out of Shinsou’s control and he was PISSED.
“I’M COMING FOR YOU BOY!! WAIT TIL I GET DOWN THERE!!” Bozo declared, growling as he fearfully approached one of the chairs, letting out a small scared shout at the sheer speed it was going. “Turn it off! They won’t escape!” Another man suggested, but the buttons and controls were starting to spark and sputter.
“It’s busted!”
Mad Dog angrily snarled as Tornado glared coolly at their escaped prisoners that were just going down on the out-of-control chair lift. There was nothing they could do yet, but they weren’t going to let you both escape so easily...
“(L/N).” Shinsou looked at you, and your glistening (E/C) met his purple ones as you grabbed his hand and scooted closer to him when the lift accelerated, but you both used your free hands to grab onto the rails. 
“Hold on.” He advised to you as the chair just suddenly went faster than before as you and he stared down with equally scared faces and you screamed when the chair swung you both and jolted your bodies with the increasing speed.
Down you both descended to what may be your hope or your death.
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steveharrington · 4 years
thots on the 100 1x13 we are grounders pt. 2
•wow finale already! rip to the best season of this show by far
•aw is bellamy’s hand on raven’s shoulder…...sob
•bellamy picking a fight with finn rn is so iconic you’re all about to die and raven is in stage one of paralysis but you’re like hey finn. bitch.
•the way they made motivational speeches and had fights about whether to leave or stay and then within one minute of leaving they’re like nvm go back go back abort
•i think it’s unrealistic that every single member of the 100 maybe except for murphy is just willing to let bellamy and clarke make every decision like. first of all i would NEVERRR let clarke decide anything for me
•phase one of octavia’s horrible character arc that will ultimately destroy everything good about her is beginning <3
•the way bellamy and clarke get all the credit for leadership but they would all be dead without raven and jasper
•if i was on the ark i’d literally just off myself these people’s lives are so BLEAK like oh you might explode or burn up in the stratosphere but if you don’t you’ll make it to the ground! where u might just get ur shit fucked anyways
•”if we could slow the bleeding would that help” “well of course it would help ???” djsjdjwbf yeah fuck you finn
•i think kane should’ve been the one to stay like narratively that would’ve made a lot more sense than jaha
•i wish sterling was a main character he’s so cute
•i get that raven is injured and scared but is now really the time to stop working and be like “i used to be picked first for everything :(“ like ladies this is a time sensitive issue
•jasper being smart we love to see it
•[murphy screaming] is NOT a caption i want to see baby
•”game over man!!” makes me laugh every time imagine you’re about to die in battle and that’s what you choose to say
•how come when bellamy said the enemy of my enemy is my friend they were all like no stupid but when finn says it it’s brilliant :/
•SICK of the attitude around here sick of them all being like “oh jasper’s doing it? we’re gonna die” like um he’s continued to do shit right for the whole season can y’all lay off!!!! just bc he’s a simp doesn’t mean he can’t protect the camp!!!
•aaaa the bitches r being decapitated!!
•the first lever of many, clarke.
•this show makes no SENSEEEE clarke is like no don’t kill anya we’re better than that. ok jasper go ahead and flip the switch to burn 100 people alive like! it makes no sense they totally cherry pick when to make things a moral dilemma
•i’m glad they dropped somewhere pretty with forests and mountains. imagine they landed in like rural texas. they’d be so disappointed
•man jaha used to be cool and then they just made him go crazy in the desert and hang out with finn wolfhard
•they really wasted no time on this show god damn. congrats y’all survived the grounders <3 now suffocate
•EW clarke don’t fucking rip out an IV you freak
•woo mount weather baby
•ill give this finale a 7/10 because it was a little tedious at times but overall very tense and well executed. i give this season….a 6/10. like this is a cw show and the writing is pretty shaky at times BUT i stand by the nostalgia factor and the fact that they had some really great characters like bellamy raven and murphy specifically. overall the 100’s main strength is the way every single character gets to mix and work off of every other character. it’s something that nearly every other ensemble show lacks severely and it really really makes the first two seasons enjoyable to watch
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angryteapot · 5 years
Healer of My Heart
Pairing: Bruce Banner x Avenger!Healer!Reader
Summary: Bruce’s injuries may be irreversible to even the most advanced technology, but not if you have anything to say about it. 
Warnings: <<*ENDGAME SPOILERS*>> feels, slight angst
Word Count: 3105
Request:@no1brucebannerfangirl requested “Can I suggest a Bruce Banner x Reader where the reader has healing powers and is able to repair Bruce’s arm? ‘Cuz I heard that his arm injury is permanent and THAT’S NOT OKAY!”
A/N: Since Reader is a healer, I took the liberty of changing a few extra canon things! Hope you enjoy it hon!
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You all stood in silence - it was done. The stones were all in place, and it was time for someone to wear it. You were the first to shakily reach for the Iron Gauntlet, but several hands grabbed at you, pulling you away from the box.
"It should be me," you snapped. "My powers… we've seen what it did to Thanos, and Rocket told us what happened when the guardians wielded one stone. Who knows what it would do to a mortal? My advanced healing might be able to handle it.
"Besides, compared to all of you, I'm the most expendable. You're Earth's mightiest heroes. I'm a healer. The world doesn't depend on my existence like it does all of yours."
They looked uneasy - you made a pretty solid argument about your powers, but you were too precious to all of them. You may have been 'just a healer,' but you had made them each a better person, and you really held the team together in tough times. Bruce was the first to speak up.
"You can't do this Y/N, we won't let you. Me least of all. Besides, the gamma, it's like… it’s like I was made for this."
He nodded to someone behind you, and iron-clad arms circled you waist, pulling you back.
"No. No! Let me go, Tony, let me go!" You fought against his hold and almost broke away, but Steve caught you and caged you into his chest, immobilizing you.
"Steve. Steve let me go. Please! It has to be me. Not him, please no!"
You beat against his chest with your fists and tried to escape his hold, but it was useless. Steve looked down at you with a remorseful look as he shook his head.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I really am. But Banner's right. And it's his decision." Steve nodded to Bruce, and you struggled even harder as he reached for the Iron Gauntlet.
Bruce smiled sadly at you and breathed, "It'll be okay. Let me do this."
Traitorous tears escaped your eyes as Tony covered the three of you with his holo-nano shield. A tense moment as the gauntlet expanded, an ethereal and foreboding glow, and then Bruce was yelling in agony as a myriad of colors and power visibly flowed through his veins. You clamped your hands over your mouth to contain your own screams. Steve was trying to cover you view of Bruce, but you couldn't look away.
It should have been you.
> > > > > > >
A metallic snap, and the air was suddenly lighter. Bruce was splayed out, right arm a charred, smoking mess. Tony's suit was administering a suture spray to suppress the damage already done, but you knew it wouldn't be enough. You ripped away from Steve's loosened grip and stumbled forwards, dropping to your knees at Bruce's side.
"Move. Move!" You nudged Tony out of the way and cradled Bruce's face, your hand barely covering the curve of his jaw, but his groans subsided and he leaned into your hand nonetheless. You gingerly placed your other hand on his injured arm, letting your powers take over.
Bruce let out a relieved breath as the charred and cracked skin of his arm started to very slowly knit together, so slowly it was nearly imperceptible. You could see the muscle and sinew slowly rebuilding itself beneath the charred mess, the semi-healed skin turning from ashy gray to a sickly green.
Whew. It was working. You slumped a little, leaning to hug Bruce as you continued to heal his arm. It was taking more of your energy than you had anticipated, and the process was much too slow for your liking. The skin was still damaged, his arm immobile and emaciated as you crumpled onto his chest.. God, you were tired.
Bruce's left hand gently caressed your head, the sight and feel slightly comical due to his hulking size. Heh, you were really going loopy if you were making horrible puns.
Your hearing was muffled, and you could barely make out Bruce's voice saying, "Y/N, please stop. You're wearing yourself out. I'll be fine, I promise."
You tried to respond, you really did, but the words just wouldn't form on your tongue. Your mouth was too tired, brain a muddied mess. A hazy voice pierced your thoughts.
"Guys, I think it worked." Scott Lang's disbelieving laughter was heard in the background, scarcely leaving his lips before the air vibrated and the building shook, suddenly exploding the space around you.
Panic filled you as the shock-wave sent everyone careening in different directions. The floor gave way beneath you, plummeting you into unknown depths. The mix of emotions and exhaustion you were experiencing, with the sudden adrenaline and panic, was too much for your over-stimulated body and you blacked out as you and Bruce fell into the darkness.
> > > > > > >
Soft. But… firm? You opened your eyes with a groan, seeing nothing but darkness. Your body hummed with nervous energy, exhausted but alert. A rattling cough, a strained groan, the shifting of metal and concrete. Your ears were suddenly assaulted with a symphony of sounds.
Your eyes soon adjusted, and you saw Bruce straining to hold up a giant slab of concrete that threatened to crush you both. Gasping, you scrambled to move, but you were pinned to the spot.
"No Y/N, don't move," Bruce grunted out the words, and you heeded the warning.
Taking stock of your surroundings, you were filled with dread at the sight of the obliterated building. How were you even alive after an explosion like that? The answer - Bruce. His body was shielding yours, half smothering you as he struggled to both keep you safe, and to hold up the concrete.
"Bruce, what happened?" Your hushed whisper seemed loud in the space between dripping water and crumbling foundation.
"Explosion. Barely managed to save you," he grunted again, shifting to stabilize his grip.
"Okay. Okay. Oh god, I hope the team is okay. We're gonna be okay, right? We have to be." You rambled hysterically as you looked around, trying to shut yourself up, but your mouth kept moving without your consent.
"Maybe… maybe I can call for help. Somebody will come, right? Those bastards are too stubborn to die. Oh god, please don't let them be dead. This isn't helping."
Bruce let out a strained chuckle, "No, no it's not helping, but I'm just glad it's you I'm trapped with. Even in an impossible situation, you can make me laugh.”
"Very touching, but could you bozos stop yapping and help me out from under here?"
Rocket's pained voice echoed in the space around you. Another groan, and you heard Rhodey's voice ring out, "I got you buddy, just hold still."
You heard a metallic clang, Rocket's relieved sigh, and the thud of more falling concrete.
"Rocket? Rhodey? You guys okay?"
"Yeah Y/N, we're fine now. You and Banner okay? Keep talking so we can find you."
"Oh thank goodness. Rhodey, be careful. We're stuck, and the area's unstable. Is anyone else around?"
Rhodey's voice grew closer, "No, just us, as far as I can tell. Hang tight, we're coming to you."
"Wow. Okay. We're gonna need backup for this."
As they came into view, Bruce snorted and you sassed, "Y'think? We figured we'd just chill out here, maybe have a picnic. Care to join?"
Rocket laughed dryly, "Ha ha. Okay, wise-ass. I'm going to see if anybody else survived."
"No, wait! It's safer to stick together -"
You were cut off by Bruce's shout, curling in on yourself as he suddenly scooped you towards him and strained to hold the concrete up.
"… Hello?"
Nothing had ever sounded so beautiful as Scott's echoing voice.
"Scott! We're over here! Be careful though, everything's unstable."
You saw his miniaturized form navigating the rubble, and you nearly cried when he said, "Oh hey! What's up guys? Here, let me take care of that for you."
In the blink of an eye, Scott was a giant, grabbing the four of you in one hand as he flicked the huge slab of concrete away.
"Okay gang, let's go find the others," Scott's optimism was astounding.
As he carried you all to safety, you started to heal Bruce's arm again. He knew that resistance was futile, so he sat back in Scott's palm and let you do your thing. "This is so weird. I'm used to being the biggest one around here." You just laughed at Bruce's glum face.
The team was soon reunited outside the destroyed compound, the relief short-lived as you now faced Thanos' army.
"Suit up kid, can't leave our super-medic without protection."
You caught the bracelet that Tony had tossed your way - your very own nano tac suit. You grinned and tossed him a lazy salute as you activated it.
> > > > > > >
"On your left."
You were exhausted. Again. But you supposed that running around trying to heal your wounded teammates would do that to a girl.  As you had been healing Tony's concussion, you had looked around to see Steve standing alone against Thanos and his entire army.
So yeah, when you heard Sam's voice over the comms, you choked back a sob of relief. They were back.
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After Steve's triumphant "Avengers, assemble" call to arms, it was chaos. You darted around trying to heal and patch up as many people as you could. There were so many allies on the battlefield, it was so hard to keep track of what was happening. You flitted around, doing your best to heal the injured and moved on to the next person. The battle was still raging when you saw it - Tony and Thanos in a clearing. You raced towards them with an unnatural speed.
There was a small shock-wave when Tony snapped his fingers.
"Stupid, dramatic bastard," you sobbed as you fell at his side, his vacant stare crushing your heart.
"C'mon Tony, stay with me. We need you, the world needs you," You slammed your hands against his chest, draining all your energy just to heal his deteriorating heart. One last effort - "Morgan needs you."
With those words, you pushed your remaining energy into healing him, and you briefly heard, "Kid?" before your vision faded.
> > > > > > >
Ugh. Everything hurt. Newly conscious with eyes still closed, you tried to gather your bearings. What the hell had happened? Oh. Right. You had almost killed yourself trying to save Tony… Tony! Your eyes flew open and you saw yourself in a sterile-looking, but comfortably homey, room with a sleeping Bruce at your bedside.
You put your hand over his large one resting on the bed, and promptly fell asleep again.
You woke days later, feeling a lot better. Each member of the team visited you and caught you up on what had happened after the battle with Thanos. The others came and went, but Bruce remained a constant.
"So let me get this straight… we won?"
"And Thanos and his goons dusted?"
"That's correct."
"And Tony's okay?"
"Well, I wouldn't say okay, exactly, but he's alive thanks to you. He's on the mend."
"Oh thank goodness. Which brings me to my next question. We're in…?"
"And I almost died."
"Yes. Which I'm still pretty pissed about."
"Hey! I couldn't let Morgan lose her dad."
"And that's why I adore you, but I can't stand to lose anyone else. Especially not you."
"… I'm sorry about Nat. I know you two used to  be close," your voice softened and you fiddled with the blanket covering you. "I miss her, Bruce."
He gently massaged your hand, lost in his thoughts now. "I miss her too, Y/N. I really did try to bring her back."
> > > > > > >
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"And how's my injured healer doing?"
You smiled at the young girl that walked in. "Shuri! Well, I'm still alive, thanks to you. A little queasy, but it'll pass. How's Tony doing?"
"Stark is progressing well. You did the most important part and saved his heart, the rest is manageable. He should wake soon." Shuri talked as she scanned your body with her kimoyo beads and studied the data.
"You're healing nicely as well. Try not to use up that healing power until you're fully recovered, hm?" She hummed and looked pointedly at Banner before waving goodbye.
You looked at Bruce in confusion, "What did she mean by that?"
"Hm? Oh nothing, it's nothing," his left hand went from cupping his face, to scratching his neck, then settling at an odd angle on his lap. You noticed his right arm remained immobile.
You narrowed your eyes at him, "You're a terrible liar, Bruce. Tell me."
He sighed and lifted his right sleeve - arm still emaciated and damaged.
"You mean… Shuri couldn't…?"
"No. Despite everything that she tried, the only thing that can even begin to repair it is… well, you."
"Ah. I now understand why she said that."
"Shit. And now all I wanna do is fix it."
"Yeah I thought as much," Bruce only sighed.
> > > 6 Months Later > > > >
"Hold still please."
"It's itchy."
"I haven't even put it on you yet, you big green baby!"
"I meant my arm."
"Yeah well, that's what happens when something takes forever to heal," You eye the sling. "Well, mostly."
"I can't even tie my own tie."
You smile, "And that's why I'm the one tying it for you."
Your fingers continue their work, carefully folding and manipulating the fabric.
"How'd you learn to tie a tie, anyways?" Bruce fidgets until you poke him in the chest pointedly.
You shrugged, "My mom taught me, said I should always know how to do thing 'just in case.' And hey, lookie here, she was right! It's certainly come in handy now."
You pat the perfect half-windsor knot, letting him know you were done. "Ta-da! Lookin' sharp in your suit there, Banner."
"Thank you Y/N. You look beautiful, by the way. "
"Why thank you, Sir Jeffers," you say with a laugh.
"Sir… what?" Bruce just looks confused.
"Eh, it's from a cartoon thing. You ready?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Oh wait! Last minute healing session!"
"Hush, it'll only take a minute. Slow as it may be, every little bit gets you closer to normal."
You spent a few minutes channeling your energy into his still-injured arm. It was mostly back to normal, the skin his now-normal green and the muscle mass was almost back to its original state, but still a work in progress.
"Thank you, Y/N." The quiet emotion in Bruce's voice put a lump in your throat.
"You're very welcome, Bruce." You pat his arm and stood up, a little weaker from the healing now.
Brushing your hands together and smoothing out your stylish pant suit, you grinned and said, "Now let's get to our seats, I can't wait to see Pepper's dress!"
Bruce offered you his good arm to escort you out. "Why are they having another wedding, again?"
You took his arm, "Because half our friends were dusted, and the remaining ones had a stick up their ass at the time? Besides, now Morgan and Peter can be the flower children, while Harley is a dashing groomsman! Peter is still a little miffed about that," your laugh was music to his ears, and he couldn't help but smile.
You made it to your seats and sat through the ceremony. It was breathtaking, and you choked up as Tony and Pepper said their vows. Even old man Steve shed a tear and smiled a little wistfully. You had offered to regenerate his cells, but he had declined, saying he'd had enough lifetimes, and it was time to step down. You were a little sad, but you'd understood and respected his choice.
The ceremony ended, and the reception was now in full swing. Tony and Pepper walked up to you and Bruce, hugging you both tightly before Tony quipped, "Hey kid, where's my wedding present?"
"Tony!" You laughed as Pepper smacked him on the back of his head.
"What, saving your life and fixing your arm wasn't enough?" You crossed your arms and stared at him with a raised brow.
"I - I wasn't -"
Your straight face split into a shit-eating grin  at his floundering. "Oh my god, your face! Priceless. You know I'm kidding. What the hell am I supposed to buy a billionaire? I got you the Avenger set of Hot Wheels."
Tony shook his head and Pepper just laughed. He grew serious as he pulled you into a hug and whispered, "I really owe you, kid. You've given me the greatest gift I could ever have asked for." You pulled away, both of you misty eyed, before you shared a parting nod as the newlyweds went to greet others.
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Bruce stuck by your side throughout the night, and you eventually ended up on the dancefloor, his good arm wrapped around your waist.
You looked up at Bruce and joked, "I can't believe you made me heal Tony first. We could have been properly dancing."
He smiled sweetly. "You take good care of me. And besides, we'd never be able to dance properly, I'm more than twice your size." He paused, "And I couldn't let Morgan see her dad like that, not if you could help him."
You practically melted from his pure and sweet demeanor.
"And that, dear Bruce, is why I adore you."
Dancing with only one arm was awkward, so you discreetly did the last bit of healing needed on his arm and said, "My feet hurt, can you pick me up please?"
Bruce looked at you a little funnily, but complied with his good arm and held you to his wide chest, you being seated in the crook of his elbow and arms around his neck. You slyly undid the strap to the sling behind his back and let it fall to the ground.
"What the…? Aw man, hold on Y/N, give me a second please." Bruce saw the sling fall and bent to let you down and grab it, but you deliberately 'lost' you balance and fell back.
Bruce gasped and reflexively went to catch you with his right arm, catching and cradling you before you could hit the floor.
"That was stupid," he admonished. "You could have gotten a concussion or -"
You grinned up at his dumbfounded look.
"Cat got your tongue?" you cheekily asked.
"You - you - healed me? Completely?"
"Yep! Now c'mon and put me down, you owe me a proper dance!"
Bruce shook his head and smiled adoringly, "You're really something, you know that?"
"Only for you," you sighed happily. This was it, this was home - in Bruce's arms, surrounded by your crazy makeshift family.
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years
La Vie En Rose
Kili X Reader
A/N: I’ve been so lazy lately, sorry this has taken so long T-T. Set in an AU where everyone is still happy and ALIVE after BotFA. That’s how we all would of preferred the movies to end anyway. - Nemo
Request: For the dialogue prompt request c: Please and thank you! 49. "I spent the last year learning Ukulele so I could play you that." — With Kili and can the song be la vie en rose? I have a really good cover I can link you too. Super sweet and wholesome. - @dicksoutformtl 
Prompt: 49 - “I spent the last year learning Ukulele so I could play you that.”
Song: ‘La Vie En Rose’ by Reneé Dominique (Ukulele Cover) 
Summary: You had met Kili many years before he left to go retake the mountain with his brother and Uncle. When you got word of how injured he was after the battle to take back the mountain, both you and Dis set off right away to see him (along with his brother and uncle). A few more years passed and the dwarves had all settled back into their old home. Kili, however, still has one last thing he needs to make the mountain his home again.
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Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
You’d heard about your friends soon-to-be-under-way journey. They’d decided to take back their home.
Your home.
You wanted to help, but Kili, the nephew of your king and best friend, had told you no; that it was too dangerous and he didn’t want you getting hurt.
You had more of a problem about him getting hurt considering how reckless he was. That worry proved to be a valid one when you and his mother, Dis, got word of the Battle.
They’d spiraled into a battle of five different armies, and although the Mountain, your home, had been taken back, Kili, his Uncle, King Thorin and older Brother, Fili, had all gotten hurt. Thorin was worst off, having gotten injured to the state that it was life-threatening and he might not make it to next week. Kili was also rather bad, but news said he’d pull through. Fili’s injuries were all fixable by healers and a couple handfuls of stitches.
No matter the news, now it was safer and the Mountain was re-claimed, you and Dis both set off to get to the boys before it might be too late.
You and Dis made it to Lonely Mountain in half the time the Company did.
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça me fait quelque chose
By the time Lonely Mountain was in sight your little duo were met by royal guardsmen. Having no news of whether Thorin had survived or how the brothers were was the first thing on Dis’ tongue.
Turns out Thorin was okay, still a little tender, but alive.
Fili had greatly taken up the mantle of a fill-in ruler, looking after restoration of the Mountain and housing other dwarfs like the King he was growing to become.
Kili was helping his brother as much as he could, abhit sometimes more of a liability then asset, but Fili was still grateful for the extra pair of hands and a fourth opinion (Dwalin and Balin were helping an awful lot too, per Thorin’s request).
You and Dis soon after reached the Mountains doors. You’d not realized how big they were, nor how beautifully made. You were going to have a wonderful time exploring if the rest of the Mountain was like that.
Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
Thorin and Fili met you at the entrance, both of them pulling Dis into a tight embrace. You stood back to give them space, family reunions always made you too nostalgic to even watch at times.
“(y/n), thank you for coming with mother. I’m glad she had company while she traveled.” Fili said, catching your attention from the giant carved hallways.
“Wasn’t like I didn’t want to come. I need to tell Kili off myself for scaring both Dis and I, once I find him.” You smiled, letting Fili pull you into a short but meaningful hug.
“Maybe I should make myself scarce then.” Kili’s voice called out, “If you’re planning to give me an earful of how I should be acting that is.” he joked, jumping away with a laugh as you went to slap him behind the head.
“Don’t sass me, or I’ll get your mother onto you.” You looked over at Dis, who was smiling widely at the interaction between you and her son. She opened her arms to him and he stepped right on in. He was a mamma's boy after all.
C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie
Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie
A few days passed and you found yourself gaining a routine. Dis already had one, and found herself getting into the swing of things within a couple hours. You had to have some help; living in a village was much different from a palace-like Mountain.
There were changes in the clothes you wore, the food you ate, how you were expected to act, even how you spoke. Luckily Kili was more then happy, just about eager, to help, so was Dis and Fili. Thorin was a bit testy, but quietly pointed out whether you were using the right fork so you wouldn’t get caught off.
You found out you enjoyed getting dressed up for dinners, made you feel like a royal too. Some even though you were one, or at least married to one from how you interacted with Kili.
When situations like that came up a blush tinted both your cheeks, and you both made quiet and unenthusiastic attempts to deny the statements.
Honestly, it was almost physically painful for those who knew you both well, like Fili, Dis, and Balin to watch and hear. Once they got so close to having enough that they heavily toyed with locking you both in the smallest broom closet on hand just so it’d be official.
Thorin stopped them. His almost-fatherly instincts kicked in and he didn’t want his youngest nephew being married so soon. Not that he’d tell anyone that.
Et dès que je l'aperçois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat
Unbeknownst to them all and you, Kili was planning a little wooing of his own. In fact he’d been doing so since they went passed Rivendell.
Because he missed you.
He found himself missing you so much he wanted nothing more than you to be with him for as long as you lived. But he didn’t just want to ask you. He felt that was too boring and that you deserve something more special.
He had everything so well planned, he didn’t even need anyone else’s help.
What he didn’t plan for was you walking in on him when he was practicing.
Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is La Vie En Rose
“What… What are you doing Kili?” You asked him, a questioning look on your face. He was caught half-strum, fingers still on the cords, mouth frozen as he turned to face you, awkward smile slowly reaching his lips.
“Hi (y/n), what brings you here?” he asked, standing and trying to ‘casually’ hide the ukulele behind the bed. His smile was turning less nervous and more devious as if trying to make you follow where he was try to change the subject to.
“I heard music. It was coming from your room. I didn’t know why, quite frankly I still don’t.” You said, changing the subject back to what he was doing. His smile fell, swapping it out to bite his lip.
“I, um… I was playing and practicing.”
“What for?” You asked, but he stayed silent, shuffling his feet on the floor for a while. You sighed. “Doesn’t matter. But you- do you think you could play for me anyway? I liked the sound of it.” You said quietly. He looked up at you abruptly, a small smile tugging on his lips.
“Really?” he asked, the small smile now a hopeful and wide one. You nodded with a laugh.
“Yes Kili.”
When you kiss me heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see La Vie En Rose
Kili had soon finished playing. You’d moved to sit closer, which was a stool right opposite him. He looked up to see you still staring at him with a light smile.
“That was beautiful Kili, when did you learn how to do that?” You asked, leaning forwards awaiting his answer.
“I spent the last year learning Ukulele so I could play you that.” he admitted shyly, looking down to twang the ukulele strings a couple times before looking up into your eyes. “I’d planned to play it to you in a much nicer place. Candles and all that, it’d even be on one of the balconies facing west so we’d get the last of the sunset as the stars came up.” he added softly.
You smiled wider and took one of his hands in yours.
“Why though? You still haven’t told me why.” You said with a soft giggle, red rose to his cheeks and he mumbled something that you had to ask to be repeated.
“I think you’re my one. I want to marry you.” he repeated, “If you want to, that is.”
“Of course I do. I’d want nothing more in the whole world.”
When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
News of your wedding spread quickly, at least it did after you told Dis. Thorin was good at keeping secrets, and you had to go to him first to ask for a blessing. He gave it to you and Kili almost screamed in happiness.
Fili was next, and was ready to yell from the rooftops that his little brother was getting married as soon as you gave the OK for him to do so.
After Fili was Balin and Dwalin, then the rest of the company.
Dis was told last, and for good reason since she went around telling everyone about it, from the high-council chamber members to the kitchen staff.
You’re wedding itself went without a hitch. Everything ran smoothly, and despite the elven king being invited, Thorin kept his brooding and overall angsty-ness to a minimum.
The dinner and dancing was your favourite part, everyone was so cheerful and filled with ale that the dancing was done horribly, meaning it was all extremely heartfelt and showed how well or badly some close to you did dance. Fili is a horrible dancer.
Kili, however, is a extremely good one.
And when you speak angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs
Kili’s favourite part was the kiss. He’d wanted to kiss you since forever, and now he finally got to, and it felt exactly as he thought it would. His other favorite part was the dinner, he got to watch you as you danced around, cheeks tinted pink, and he realised (again) how much he loves you.
Marrying you, his one, was the best thing he ever did.
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La Vie En Rose
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i-heart-danchou · 5 years
Again Chapter 2
Sorry it’s been a while.  This is a fic in which Levi keeps reliving his last day with Erwin over and over again.  Part one found here
-------- The next morning it happened again.  Levi awoke with a gasp, clutching his chest, and immediately reached out for Erwin beside him. Fuck.  Fuck.  What was he doing wrong?? He kept quiet about it once more, wondering just how the fuck he was supposed to make this eternal misery come to an end. He couldn’t keep doing this.  He couldn’t bear to do this for the rest of eternity, it was worse than any hell he could possibly imagine. He listened once more to Erwin’s heart breaking as he realized his dream would never come true.  As he asked Levi to kill the beast titan, as he signed his own damn death warrant.   
“You take down the beast titan, Levi.  Please.” Levi looked up at Erwin and shook his head.  “No, Erwin.  He doesn’t matter.  None of this matters.   I won’t be able to take him down by myself, he’ll get away, it’ll all be for nothing.” Erwin looked surprised.  “…What do you suggest?”
“Let me die with you.  We can charge him at least.  We can distract him enough for the kids to take down their fucking titans and make a damn break for it.  Eren’ll be fine.  We’re all fucked, we might as well go down together.”
They made the announcement to the troops and mounted their horses.  Levi stayed at Erwin’s right side and rode as close to him as he could.  
“I love you.”  He whispered, but surely Erwin didn’t hear him.  The stones were excruciating as they tore through Levi’s flesh, but he was glad, in a way, that both he and Erwin were struck at the same time.  Their horses collapsed, they fell together, and Levi used what little strength he had left to move to Erwin and hold him in their last moments together.
“Erwin?”  Levi whispered.  “I’m so sorry.”
Erwin was breathing but couldn’t respond.  It didn’t matter, at least they were together.  
Levi heard some footsteps squelching in the mud and cast a wary eye up at that soldier with the horrible hair who had been having a breakdown earlier.  That… Floch was looking at Erwin, watching him breathe.  
“He’s still alive?”  The cadet muttered to himself.  “And you are too?  Shit.  There is no fucking justice.”
Levi was too weak to resist as Floch flipped him over and rolled him away from Erwin.  He raised his arms in mild protest as the boy shoved his hand into his coat and grabbed the box with the serum inside.
“No.”  Levi muttered.  “Please, no.”
“Commander…?”  Floch sneered.  “You’re not getting away that easily.  Let’s hope Eren got us a shifter, eh?”
Levi could only look on as Floch strapped Erwin to his back.  The commander groaned in pain, reached his hand out and… “Levi…”
“Erwin— please—!”  
His vision was getting blurry and his strength was fading fast.  “Erwin…”
He bled out in the mud, and knew no more.
No.  Fuck no, fucking no fucking way was Erwin getting turned into a titan like that.  Maybe… maybe he was overthinking it.   The day would likely play over and over until he got it right, right?
Erwin had to live.  That much was a given.  They both had to live or this was never, ever going to end.  The day played out once more, but it wasn’t getting any easier to bear.
“Eren.”  He demanded, blood dripping from his face.  “Give me all your gas and blades.  Quickly!”  
The boy nervously complied, and Levi shoved the syringe box against his chest.   “Save Armin.”   He muttered, his face barely shifting when Floch made his appearance with Erwin on his back.
“Give him to me.”  Levi demanded, leaving no room for any argument.  “I’m going to get help, give him to me.”  
The enemy was on the run, he just… he had to hurry.  
“But captain— the injection, you could—“ Floch was incredulous.
“He doesn’t need it.  Armin’s hurt worse, Erwin can survive.  He’s stronger than anyone, believe in him, dammit.  Give him to me.”
He didn’t stumble when nearly just over 200 pounds of dead weight was strapped to his back.  Levi squeezed Erwin’s hand and took off, flying through the air as fast as his gear could carry him.  “Please…” He whispered, “please, hang on.”
He ran out of gas maybe two miles away from Maria.  Erwin’s body had made the journey a lot less efficient than it would have been otherwise.  “Erwin… Erwin I’m sorry.”  He was mournful, there was nothing more he could do.
Erwin’s head flopped to one side, his eyes open and fixed… his lips were cold and blue.  His blood had soaked through Levi’s uniform, had cooled, had dried, and was now flaking away as Levi moved.
“…Erwin?”  Levi’s voice was a whisper.  
Somewhere in transit Erwin Smith had bled to death.  Levi hadn’t… he hadn’t even noticed.  Fuck.  FUCK!  
His scream sent birds scattering from the trees, and he let Erwin’s body down onto the grass.  His bandage had shifted, his intestines spilling out onto the earth.  
No.  No no no not again.  
“One more try, Erwin.”  Levi muttered, putting his signal gun against his temple.  “I’ll get it right, just wait.”
His eyes snapped open and he covered his face with his hands.  There was no other way, then.  Without the injection, Erwin would die.  
Okay, that was fine.  Levi could work with that.  Obviously it had gone tits up last time but… he knew Eren.  There… there had to be a way to make the boy see reason.  Make it so that he’d be okay with the decision.  
Erwin made his appearance on that fucking rooftop and Levi reached out and touched Eren’s forearm.  “I know it sucks.  I know it fucking sucks.  Armin’s brilliant, he’s an asset to humanity, and I hate that it’s fucking coming down to this.  But Erwin is the right choice, Eren.  He’s got the experience, the charisma, the talent, the smarts… I know you love your friend.  I know you know the pain of loss but… please.”  He lowered his head with respect.  “Please.  Don’t fight me on this.”
There was still a struggle, but Levi resisted the urge to knock Eren’s teeth out of his mouth.  He kept a steady hand on the syringe box and looked Eren in the eye.  “Eren.”  
Without Eren being wounded, Mikasa didn’t launch her attack.  She wept, but she didn’t scream.  
Eren’s intense eyes shifted between his friend and the commander… Armin was in agony, Erwin’s breathing was getting more and more shallow.  
Hanji spoke.  Floch spoke.  Eren saw reason and stepped back, cradling his friend with Mikasa through his last, horrific moments.  
The needle pierced Erwin’s skin and he saw a whisper of blood sneak back into the hub of the syringe.  “I’ve got you, Erwin.  It’s gonna be okay.”
He watched once more as Erwin’s disgusting titan ate Bertholt, and once more he ran to his commander when the smoke had settled.  He was whole, he was breathing, he was pink faced and as beautiful as Levi had ever seen him.  
“Levi…?”  Erwin managed, watching his hands tear away from the muscle of his titan.  “Oh…”
Erwin slipped into unconsciousness and Levi stood by him the whole time.  He was a ball of nervous energy.  Had it worked?  Would he finally be free of this curse?
In time Erwin sat up and stared at his hands.  His hands.  “The basement.”  He said immediately.  “Please.”
Eren was miserable but, thankfully, not furious.  They made their way down to his old house and fumbled their way into the basement.  It took some time, but gradually they found Dr. Jaeger’s three volumes that held the truth of the universe inside of them.  
Erwin touched the tomes with reverence, his eyes darting over the pages as he hungrily tried to take in all the information.  “Yes.”  He whispered.  “Yes, yes yes.”
Levi looked up at him.  “What?  What does it mean?”
“There’s a whole world out there, Levi.”  He rubbed his right wrist.  “And they want us dead.”
Erwin was nearly silent as they made the journey back to Sina.  His eyes were forward, his jaw was tight, his whole body was tense.  
They arrived at the gate and people were keeping a distance from him.  There were whispers— he grew his arm back like a lizard— a monster, a demon, a body to match his wicked soul.   No one would get near enough to touch him.  
He spoke formally to the queen, to the press, and informed everyone of what had transpired.  There was a great cheer and a celebration was ordered but…
“No, that’s not appropriate at this time.”  He said matter of factly.  “We lost nearly the entire survey corps this morning.  An appropriate period of grieving and respect is in order, I think.  Excuse me.”
Levi followed him to his quarters, eyes wary, movements silent.  
He watched Erwin move to his private bathroom and empty the contents of his stomach into the toilet.  His whole body heaved as he vomited, his hair falling out of place and his eyes watering.  He stared into the bowl and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.  “How strange.”  He muttered.  “No human remains.”  
Erwin moved to the sink and rinsed his mouth out, grasping the white ceramic with both hands when he finished.  His head hung low, his shoulders were tense, and his body was shaking.  
“Erwin?”  Levi approached him from behind and touched his back.  
In the mirror, Erwin’s eyes were bloodshot and sunken.  He took a long, shuddering breath and brushed past his partner, taking a few moments to compose himself.  
“Erwin.”  Levi repeated, his anxiety making his patience wear thin.  This wasn’t like Erwin, it just… wasn’t.
The commander sat down on the bed and removed his bolo tie, staring at it for a beat as though he might toss it away, then closing his fist over the cool green stone and bringing it to his chest.  “Dammit.”  
Levi knelt before Erwin and looked up at him.  “Tell me what’s in that head of yours.”  He demanded, touching Erwin’s knee.  “Erwin.”
“He was right.  My father was right about everything.  He died for telling the truth.”  Erwin laughed and it was hollow.  “And now… a whole world of humans to fight still.  A battle that will probably never end.  Truth… understanding.  It was everything I ever wanted.”
Levi’s eyes were wide as he watched his commander crumble.  
“Everything I ever wanted.”  He repeated, putting his head in his hands.  
Levi stepped away, shaking his head.  For fuck’s sake, what had he done?  
“Thirteen years.”  Erwin shook his head.  
Thirteen years of carrying this burden, the weight of his guilt, his comrades’ blood.  Thirteen years of fighting, of being a weapon, a monster, of being unable to fucking rest.  And then… at the end of it all, chained up, eaten alive… a never ending cycle of evil.  
“Erwin?”  Levi cupped Erwin’s face with his hand, and Erwin’s blue eyes met his.  “I’m going to fix this, okay?  It’s my fault and I’m sorry.”
“…What are you talking about?”  Erwin sounded so, so exhausted.  
Levi pressed a kiss to his temple and shook his head.  “It doesn’t matter.  Just rest, Erwin.  I love you.”  
In a different frame of mind, Erwin might have followed Levi up to the roof.  But right now Erwin was broken, and Levi used that to his advantage.  He made his way to the highest tower and opened a window, shutting his eyes for a moment against the soft breeze.  
“One more time.”  He whispered, his boot scraping against the stones as he defenestrated himself.  He tried to land head first so he would break his neck.  His body crashed into the earth with a crunch, and the world went black.
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sciencelings-writes · 5 years
Endgame Fix-it Prompt
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For once in his life, Tony didn’t want to die. He had spent so much time wishing that he could just stop existing until he found something to live for. After the first snap and seeing the kid he thought of like his own disappear in his arms, all he wanted to do was follow him in the same billion pieces. But he didn’t. He stayed on the barren planet far from his home. Even before that, there were dozens of times he wanted to give up but at the last second, the universe threw in something for him to live for into his life. 
He had just gotten everyone back. He could introduce Peter to Morgan and Harley, He could finally retire with his family. He could go home. But that wasn’t going to happen. The battle wasn’t over. In fact, they were losing. Until Tony got a hold of the infinity stones. He had the chance to save them all but he had to confront the certainty of the sacrifice.  
If Tony used the stones, there was no going back. But if Thanos got the stones back, the entire universe would be destroyed. Tony knew what he was going to do and he took a selfish moment to think about them. To think about his beautiful, wonderful wife, his best friends, his kids… and he realized that he would do anything to stay with them. He couldn’t leave them. Not just for his own sake, but for the people that loved him. 
He had spent so long trying not to let anyone get near him that it was only then, when he was about to die, that he realized who he would leave behind. If he died, Pepper would have to raise Morgan alone, Morgan would grow up without her father, Peter would’ve lost his third father figure and judging by how close he was to the scene, the second father figure who would die in front of his eyes, Rhodey and Happy would probably feel pretty bad, no matter how much Tony wished they shouldn’t. 
For some reason, he didn’t want to die. But he still needed to end it. Someone did, and it was too late to make another plan, one that would keep him alive. It was too late. All he could do was take the shot and hope that there was a chance that he could survive. For his family if not for the simple reason that he finally had hope. He had finally gotten his family whole again and he so desperately wanted to experience everything with them, he wanted to see Peter graduate and buy way too many gifts for Christmas and feel like a buttery mess after movie nights. He wanted to help Morgan with her homework and teach Harley how to fly a suit. He just wanted to live. 
So while he had the most powerful reality warping tool within his grasp, he didn’t just use them to completely decimate Thanos and his army, he added a little selfish request. He wanted to survive. He didn’t care how painful it would be, how horrible his quality of life would be, he just needed to stay. He needed to stay with them. 
He looked straight into the purple assholes eyes, with extreme power coursing through him, and he snapped. After that was a painful blur, and then darkness. His last thought was the dim hope that this wasn’t the end and the blurry sight of his wife and her muffled voice. 
“You can rest now.” 
No, he doesn’t think he will.
Tony died. But not for long. Only for a moment. A long moment. Long enough to be pronounced dead at the hospital. Long enough for everyone to think he was dead. Pepper was crying over his body when he took his first breath.
He expected the pain, but this was kind of annoying. His right side felt like it was submerged in lava and his arm was completely gone. But pain was nothing new. He wrapped his remaining arm around his wife and swore that he wasn’t a zombie. She still had her cool-toned iron suit on, mildly damaged from battle. His side, neck, and part of his face were heavily bandaged. He had technically felt worse in his life but this was pretty shitty. 
Tony unapologetically took several long moments just being held by his wife, trying not to think of the world around them. Just thanking every single god from every single religion he could think of that he was still alive. That he didn’t have to leave his family yet. 
“Oh my god… Tony… Do you want me to bring everyone in? We all thought you were dead, Peter was.. Jesus poor kid…” Pepper stumbled over her words like she did only when shit was really fucked up. 
“Some… only your favorites… I can’t… It’s a little fucked up but… I kind of want to stay dead. I’ve been in the public eye since Howard revealed that mom was pregnant. I just… I think I’m done…” His voice was weak and only came out in a soft grumbling whisper. 
“I think we can work that out…” Pepper said gently as she pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I am going to let the spider-kid in though. You know, if it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have gotten you here to check if you weren’t dead. Your heart had stopped and the arc reactor shut off. Everyone thought you were gone but he convinced us to patch you up and wait. He said he knew what death felt like and that you were still there. I’m glad that we held on to that speck of hope.” Her voice wavered a bit. Looking at Tony like he was a ghost and that she still wasn’t sure that he was there. 
“Yeah… I want to see him. I really want to see the kid.” He said weakly. 
“I’ll get him then. Are you sure you want to… ‘Stay dead’?” She used her fingers for air quotes. 
“Yeah. I think… I think I’m done. Maybe the Avengers will stop bothering me if they think I’m six feet under.” He gave her a little smile. The only person that would be able to figure it out was dead too. None of the other Avengers were very bright. Except for Bruce, but he also tended to mind his own business. 
Pepper left the room after glancing at him again and was only gone for a moment. Tony took a few steady breaths and closed his eyes for a second. It turned out dying was exhausting. His eyes snapped open when he heard a timid familiar voice. 
“Mr. Stark?” 
“Hey, Kiddo. You glad to be back in the land of the living?” 
“I-I could ask you the same thing…” Peter’s eyes were red around the edges like he had been crying tears made of acid. He looked like he really wanted to see if Tony was really there and alive but didn’t want to hurt him. The look was pretty specific but Peter was usually pretty easy to read. 
“Come on.” Tony opened his remaining arm, offering a hug. It looked kind of odd with only one arm but it was still pretty obvious the intentions. 
“You’re hurt, I don’t want to-” 
“Kid I literally don’t give a shit.” This seemed to be all the permission Peter needed to practically launch himself over to Tony’s side and wrap him in an obviously much-needed hug. Tony’s heart clenched when he heard Peter’s muffled sob into his shoulder. Tony automatically combed his fingers through his kid's hair and he assumed that helping raise Morgan made his affectionate actions more natural. He blamed that when he kissed Peter’s forehead like he would his own biological kid. Thankfully if Peter didn’t feel weird about it, he didn’t say anything. 
In fact, they didn’t say anything for a while. Tony just held onto his kid with his one weak arm with Peter curled up around him on the hospital bed looking unbelievably small for someone who could throw a bus. After a minute of listening to steady breathing and comfortable silence, Tony realized that Peter had fallen asleep. 
For some strange reason, this caused Tony’s old scarred heart to swell in pure admiration for the kid. Getting the kid back had been one of the most wonderful surreal moments in his life. At first, he didn’t believe it. He had spent so much time feeling guilty and mourning that getting him back felt too good to be true. He could only hug the kid close and fondly listen to all his rambling. Now, they were both alive and Tony was overwhelmingly relieved. 
He didn’t care that he lost an arm, people like Bucky and Nebula had missing arms and he could figure out a cool prosthetic pretty easily. He didn’t care about the pain. He was alive to raise his daughter and to just… live. All he wanted to do was live. Live without the burden of knowing the next world ending event was on the horizon.  Without being the only hero to prepare for it. But now, there were plenty of heroes, a few of which he even trusted to take his place. 
They didn’t need him anymore. He had done enough. This didn’t make him feel sad, it made him feel relief. He was done. He had always strived to be done. That’s why he fought, to be done. To go home. To be with his family. But for so long he had always been pulled back in. This had been the last time. He was done. No more. Over. He could rest. Thankfully for him, his rest wasn’t death and it didn’t have to be. It seemed like stories of heroes who couldn’t stop being heroes always ended up dying and that was the only way they could rest. But not him. He was all for breaking stereotypes. 
His train of thought paused when the door squeaked open a few inches. He smiled when he caught sight of his best friends. Happy and Rhodey snuck in, after noticing Peter fast asleep in Tony’s arm. They both looked relieved to see him and Tony swore that he saw tears in his oldest friends eyes. 
“If you ever do that kind of shit again I’m gonna-” Happy whisper threatened, as not to wake the baby. 
“I know… I won’t. I’m… I’m done.” Tony promised
“Like Done done?” Rhodey raised a suspicious eyebrow.
“My beautiful, perfect, intelligent wife is making sure that I’ll be legally dead. So yeah. I’m done.” Rhodey and Happy shared a look. 
“Are you sure? I didn’t think we could take the hero out of you…” Rhodey confirmed. 
“I’m done. I mean I don’t think I can completely stop, but I can do what I did with this kid. I can help the baby superheroes. I even have an idea of who can replace me as Iron Man…” 
“What are we gonna do about the funeral?” 
“I’ve got an idea... But that’s for later. I’m happy that you’re both here.” He smiled a little. 
“I think we’re both pretty glad that you’re not dead too.” Happy shrugged. 
“Yeah, I can see that…” 
Tony’s funeral might’ve been a small private affair but he could’ve never expected to be mourned as much as he was. It almost made him feel bad that it wasn’t real. There was a gigantic statue of Iron Man in New York where the old Avengers compound used to be, along with a well-funded museum of heroes dedicated to the ones lost. Including Nat and the Vision. Tony had never been there but Peter told him about it. He took pictures of everything Iron Man related and texted him a picture of his own gravestone. That was kind of weird but he ended up making a joke about it, so now they joke about leaving flowers on his tombstone and his ghost haunting the kid. 
Morgan, Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey had to do quite a lot of acting at the private funeral to keep up the story that Tony was dead. But Peter didn’t have to act too much. He knew what it felt like to go to a father figures funeral. Even though he knew Tony was alive and even had an earpiece connected to him directly, it was still kind of jarring to pretend that he was dead. 
Once he had to get away from all the people and hid in the bathroom for a while with Tony asking through the earpiece if he was okay. Peter would reply that it was just weirdly familiar and he didn’t like talking about him in the past tense. He also didn’t like being around people who believed it. He desperately wanted to tell someone, but it wasn’t his place and he managed to keep his mouth closed. Even when the shreky Bruce Banner looked really sad, Peter managed not to spill. It was kind of hard. 
Morgan was surprisingly good at keeping her mouth shut. She was a drama queen just like her father. She was mostly confused at the situation and thankfully was not aware of the concept of death so she just whined about wearing a boring dress and getting hungry for cheeseburgers. 
A bunch of people that ‘were’ close to him talked about him a little, Peter was informed that if they had enough time, they would let him say a few words and evidently, there was plenty of time. So Peter was a little nervous, it wasn’t like he was talking about his dad figure to a bunch of super-people… So, Peter was a lot nervous but he ultimately decided to do this because he had things he wanted to say to Tony that he was too cowardly to say in front of him. 
So he stood up from his place at the head picnic table and looked at the darkly dressed superheroes all around him. He took a shaking breath and decided to introduce himself. 
“Hi, uh, I’m Peter Parker. Spider-Man, but don’t go blabbing about that, some of us want to keep that kind of thing a secret.” There was a small ripple of polite laughter. “Tony is… Tony was like a father to me. When no one believed in me, he did. When I was alone, I had him. When my aunt found out about my secret vigilantism, he confronted her and managed to not get slapped.” He looked at May who had a sad look on her face but still smiled a little. She still wasn’t in the light about the reality with Tony but Peter was sure that he would tell her eventually. 
“Tony was my hero before he surprised me at my apartment. He was the type of hero I wanted to be before I got powers. He didn’t need super strength or a magic hammer to be a superhero. He didn’t need a gamma radiation accident or years of training as a Russian spy. He didn’t need an infinity stone or magic or vibranium. He was a hero because of his brain. He was a hero because he made himself one. He was a hero because he was doing anything he could to fix his mistakes and the mistakes of the people around him. He was a hero because while I was a nerdy middle schooler, with nothing but my above average brain, he was someone I could see myself in.”
“He became a hero when he was broke and kidnapped with a battery in his chest. When his brain was the only thing he had left, he rose from the ashes and became Iron Man. He made me realize that no matter how broken I was and was going to end up being, I am not worthless or unfixable. Tony Stark still saved the world while the world never believed he could.” 
“There are a lot of heroes out there,” Peter looked around the dozens of superheroes around him and smiled, “but no one like Tony Stark. No one can ever be like Tony Stark.” 
‘Aw, Spider-kid, you’re making me tear up…’ Tony’s voice echoed quietly through the earpiece. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever be used to him being gone, sometimes I can still hear his voice…” Peter smiled a little, hoping that it came across as reminiscent instead of knowing. 
‘No you can’t’ 
“Anyway, sorry I ended up rambling didn’t I… I just want to finish with the fact that I think Tony was my hero. Not Iron Man. He will always be my hero.” 
The Stark household was like a domestic heaven. Both Peter and Tony had never expected to have a family again, yet here they were, at the dinner table with a handful of other people laughing along to a joke one of them had made. 
Peter had been living there while May figured out the apartment situation as she had been dusted too and their apartment had someone else living there. But it was fine, apparently Tony had prepared a room for him, filled with Star Wars themed things and even a poster for a few Star Wars movies that he had missed while he was all dusty. 
Living there had been kind of weird for Peter but he welcomed it. He wasn’t used to being around a little kid but being around Morgan was a lot of fun. Apparently, Tony had told her all about him and insisted that he was her brother and Peter didn’t have the heart to tell her that wasn’t the case. Even if he did have the heart to, he wouldn’t. He always got a little smile on his face when Morgan said ‘Petey’ instead of ‘Peter’ because she couldn’t quite pronounce her ‘r’s very well yet. 
Harley was a different sort of weird but just as welcome. He was more extroverted and confident than Peter was but just as nerdy. Half of their conversations were about the logistics of sci-fi weapons and the other half were about dumb things like the memes Peter had missed. It struck an easy balance and Peter didn’t think he could become friends with someone so fast. Peter could ramble almost incoherently at the speed of light and Harley could still follow along. Peter was pretty happy to have more than one friend now. 
So, sitting at the dinner table, with a bunch of people Peter could imagine thinking about as a family, was a little bit overwhelming. He had always kind of envied people with siblings, parents and all that, with no offense to the aunt and uncle that raised him, he loved them more than he could say, but he knew from a pretty young age that his family was a little odd. It was even worse after his uncle was killed but now, he had more family than he had ever thought he’d ever have.
“You zoning out fart-face?” Harley’s voice broke Peter’s focus of staring at nothing. 
“I guess you were that boring asshole,” Peter said with no maliciousness in his voice. 
“Language! What will the good captain think!” 
“Carol wouldn’t care…”
“No, she’s the great captain, I mean Steve.” 
“Oh! I don’t care.” 
“Don’t swear in front of my kid though.” Tony interrupted before taking an unsteady bite of a cheeseburger with his nondominant hand as his dominant arm had yet to be replaced with a prosthetic. He was still working on living without his most useful limb. Usually, Pepper had to help him with simple tasks but lately, DUM-E had been happy finally being useful. He was almost competent.  
“Fine dad…” Peter rolled his eyes over dramatically. 
“Am I hearing sass from you, Spider-boy?” 
“Come on, Harley sasses you all the time!” 
“I’m not saying that it’s bad, I just never expect it to come from you…” 
“I guess when I died, the last bits of hero worship died too…” 
“Please don’t talk about dying… I’m not in the mood. It’s cheeseburger time.” 
Dinner continued like that, with casual conversation and Tony complaining about having to take breaks from eating because his body was still too annoyingly weak to do such hard tasks as chewing and holding something in his hand for several seconds. May was planning on coming down to the cabin in a couple of hours after her shift at the snaps rehabilitation center, Happy would fly her over and they were bringing back some things from the storage facility that Tony had put all the Parkers things into. 
Even though everything hurt and he could barely move, Tony was very happy to be alive. He loved being with his family and was already planning on making a joke about trading his right arm for them. Which was much truer than they knew. It had only taken several decades of absolute torture, but Tony was finally happy to be alive. 
It had been a few months since the big battle, since the final snap, since Tony lost his arm. By now they had made mark one or the Iron Arm, it wasn’t too bulky and moved when Tony wanted it too but he was still getting used to it. 
Thanks to the jolly green giant, Tony knew that today was the day that the stones were being returned. It took a little while for the time machine to be rebuilt and made smaller, and more Pym particle to be made but the time had come and everything was ready. He was taking a stroll near his little pond and without his usual paranoia, didn’t notice someone behind him until they spoke up. 
“Tony?” Tony turned around without urgency to see who had caught him not being dead. He was actually kind of surprised to see who it was. 
“Hey Cap. You’re looking… a little more elderly than I last saw you…” Tony raised his graying eyebrow at the wrinkly version of his teammate. 
“You’re alive?” 
“Apparently, I knew none of you would leave me alone if I told you before.” 
“Well, I am pretty glad about that. I have about a half hour until my younger self takes the most powerful weapons in the universe back. Would you like to sit with me?” 
“I don’t have much else to do. Being dead gives me way too much free time…” Tony sat on the bench facing the pond and Steve sat down next to him. Tony noticed the strangely shaped circular bag at Steve’s side and realized what it was for pretty quick. Not many things were that size that Mr. Rogers would bring back from his timeline. “So, Barnes or Wilson. Who’s gonna be the next Cap?”
“I’ve been thinking about it for a while,” Steve chuckled, “Bucky… he deserves a break. Sam is more than worthy to inherit the shield. Captain America was always more than a World War two science experiment.”
“So, is he going to be the eagle now? Uncle Sam?” Tony joked. 
“Americas Angel? Well, I’m not quite sure. He might even decide to keep being Captain America. Just younger and fewer steroids.” 
“You know, It’s kind of weird getting old. Passing the superhero mantle. I didn’t know if I could ever leave it behind.” 
“And what changed your mind?” 
“The kid. Spider-Man. There are so many heroes out there now, I remember being the only one. But now, there are plenty to go around. But the kid? I wouldn’t trust anyone with my legacy more. I mean sure, there are a few other choices that I would totally support being the next Iron Man, but Pete’s already in the game. He followed in my footsteps the moment he used being a superhero to cope with world-shattering trauma.” 
“That is very you isn’t it. I think the world is going to be in good hands.” 
“Probably better hands than before.” There was a moment of silence. “You don’t seem too surprised to see me alive…” 
“You forget that I know you, Tony, if you were to retire, you’d have no choice but to be as dramatic as possible and faking your death while saving the universe is pretty damn dramatic.” 
“Faking my death was a little last minute… I didn’t mean to be that dramatic.” 
“It’s just part of you.”
“I don’t know whether that was offensive or not…” 
“It wasn’t meant to be. You’re a showman. Life is much more fun with you around.” 
“I’m flattered but you must remember that I am married and not in my prune phase yet.” Steve laughed weakly. 
“Not in every timeline…” 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean-” 
“Maybe I’ll tell you later, you should probably get going, they’re starting to set up the device.” 
“I’ll set up an extra plate for dinner tonight, don’t skip out on me.” Tony stood up and took a moment to stretch. 
“I don’t plan on it. I had to wait several decades for people to start putting spices in food and I started to regret going back.” 
“Maybe I’ll boil some potatoes for your old man tastebuds,” Tony smirked as he walked away.
“Tony I swear to god-” 
“See you then Grandpa.” 
“I’ll look forward to it.” Steve smiled as he looked out into the shimmering water. Maybe it was cheap to call Tony dramatic when he traveled through his original timeline to give his friend a large sheet of metal. Well, if he had to learn something from the smartest avenger…
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roggling · 6 years
Hey if your still doing requests can you do a clip with a new enemy attacking the Paladins and grounding the Atlas and when all seems lost the lions return carrying with them Allura alive and well with the Lions upgraded with a few new tricks.
A/N: hihihihihihihihihi
“I’m home, Curtis,” Shiro announced as he stepped in their shared apartment. He set down the grocery bags onto the kitchen counter and wondered why his husband wasn’t responding. Shiro padded towards the living room, where he heard a soft hum of a new reporter.
When he stepped into the living room, he realized why Curtis wasn’t responding. He was sitting on the couch, his eyes full of horror and concern as he watched the horrible scene unfold in the footage on the television. It seemed as if Shiro’s worst nightmare and his PTSD caught up to him and was incarnated in reality.
Honerva’s beast combined with Lotor’s Sincline was back. This time, however, it seemed different. Shiro sat beside Curtis and watched in horror as Curtis relayed what he had missed, “It just appeared out of nowhere over here through a wormhole. Keith had intercepted it before and called for the Paladins to unite to fight it. The news anchor said it came through an alternate reality according to the pattern of its entrance.”
Shiro’s eyes widened as the four Voltron lions fought with all their might and he whispered, “Oh no.”
“Activate particle barrier!”
Veronica’s order to the Atlas crew resonated through Keith’s comms as he expertly moved the Black Lion out of the way of Honerva’s mecha’s spikes. He grunted as he couldn’t help but think that he has fought that fight before.
“Keith, the lions are no match for this mecha. It’s just like Honerva’s six years ago.”
Keith grunted once he was hit with a blast and panted, “I know.”
“Has no one been able to bond with Blue?” Hunk’s logical question left a bitter taste in everyone’s throat.
“No,” Lance breathed out, surprisingly composed despite the conversation’s topic and being fired upon in different angles.
“We need Voltron or Earth is done for,” Pidge urged.
“Would it really matter?” Lance asked, “A newbie will have no clue how to fly Blue and their bond won’t exactly be strong enough for us to fight coherently.”
“That’s not the issue right now,” Keith growled, “We need to draw it away from the city. Let’s go to higher ground.”
“Veronica,” Keith called out as he flew Black up and out of Earth’s atmosphere, “what’s your status?”
“The robeasts are just as strong as when we fought them all those years ago. Give us a few more minutes and we’ll have them taken out.”
“Great. Once you’re done there, I need you to distract Honerva’s mecha.”
“Roger that.”
“Do you have a plan?” Pidge asked, shooting a beam of her vine cannon.
“I do. We’re going to need to-Ah!”
Almost as if it was slow motion, Honerva’s mecha struck the Black Lion with a beam that they haven’t seen before. It completely shut down the Black Lion in an instant.
All four Paladins watched in horror as Honerva’s mecha turned to face the Atlas, shooting it down with the same weapon, only this one much bigger.
In an instant, the Atlas shut down and the Atlas was floating dead in space.
The mecha turned to face the remaining three Lions and aimed the cannon at them, a glowing purple glow warning them of their doom.
Lance took control and ordered, “Scatter!”
The three Lions moved out just in time and the beam shot aimlessly through space.
“Keith! Come on, man, answer me!”
“Atlas, are you alright?”
“Lance, they’re not responding!”
“Watch out for that beam!”
Lance turned around just in time to see Honerva’s mecha aim at Green and he yelled, “Pidge!” When he saw it fire, he desperately lurched his lion forward and cried, “Katie!” In an instant, he bumped her lion out of the way and his lion was shot instead, his comms falling dead silence.
“No!” Pidge and Hunk both yelled in desperation, both of them being shot at right after simultaneously.
The Paladins all opened their eyes to find themselves in a familiar place. it was pure white, almost blinding them as they looked around. Lance gulped, “This is…”
Pidge grabbed his hand, her ring clinking with his, and squeezed, “It is.”
Keith scowled, “Why are we here?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
Honerva’s voice echoed before she materialized before them. She was definitely Honerva, the only difference with this one was that she still had her original blue hair and Altean markings.
This one wasn’t corrupted.
“Please, stop this. We don’t know what happened in your reality but you don’t need to bring innocent people into your battle.”
Honerva scowled, “Every life lost in battle will be honored, I promise you that. Death is necessary for life to flourish. My son will forever be in your debt once I find him.”
Honerva rose her right arm, a menacing ball of quintessence growing in the palm of her hand, and she aimed it at them, “Your sacrifice will be honored by the Altean Empire.”
The Paladins froze in their spots as a beam headed its way towards them before a teal flash stood in between them and the beam, absorbing the quintessence attack easily.
Their jaws fell when they see the teal quintessence slowly float off the figure.
She stood in front of them in all her confident and poised glory. Her fists clenched at her sides and power radiating from her body. Before they could see her face, she made her counterattack and struck the alternate Honerva with all she had, blinding them all in the brilliant light.
Suddenly, they were all in their lions again. They were powered up and all facing upwards, surprised to see the cannon covered in ice, then a blue flash brought their attention back to the action and their jaws dropped again.
An amused voice and a familiar accent in their comms were what brought them back to reality, “Are you four going to sit there gawking at me or are you going to help me?”
A deafening cry of “Allura!” was the only thing she could make out from the jumble of words all four fellow Paladins were shouting. She smiled and she opened a video link with them, all the Paladins, her family, stared back with tears brimming their eyes. They were staring at her in awe and disbelief. The sight made tears spring in her own eyes and she wiped them off quickly.
They had grown so much since she last saw them.
“Alright, let’s teach this Honerva not to mess with alternate realities,” Allura urged, flying Blue to join the rest of the Paladins.
“She’s right, guys,” Keith followed up, “Let’s end this quick so we can all catch up. Form Voltron!”
Allura smiled as she felt the Lions form Voltron, one thing she never knew she would have thought she would miss so much. She took one more look at her teammates. They were all clearly older now. An aged look looked good on them, she decided. She thanked the ancients that she was lucky enough to have survived her sacrifice, but she was stuck in the central thoughts of all realities. She spent her time watching over her family.
She watched Keith’s initiation as the leader of the Blade if Marmora, she watched Pidge improve technology on Earth at an alarmingly fast rate, she watched Lance work with his family, she watched Shiro’s wedding, she watched Hunk’s diplomacy at work, and she watched Pidge and Lance fall in love and their wedding as well, she watched herself fall in love with Keith all over again and she watched Keith mourn her more and more with each passing year.
A sad smile grew on her face, lamenting having put them through so much grief while she was stuck in the realm, but she was glad they were able to save her. And, now, she was glad she was able to be where she belonged: back with her family.
So with a triumphant grin, she showed off what she learned, “Keith!”
Keith grabbed his Bayard and yelled, “I see it,” before slamming it into its slot and turning it simultaneously with Allura. However, instead of forming a canon related to water, the power move opened Voltron’s chest and a huge sonic pulse emanated from its chest.
The pulse shook Honerva’s mecha to the core and shattered the quintessence spikes. The mecha shook with each pulse, cracks appearing with each pulsenuntil the mecha exploded into tiny bits.
They won. Allura smiled warmly at the familiarity of it all. Hearing the cheers of her teammates and feeling a ball of tension release once the planet was saved. This was where she belonged. And she was finally back.
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chaniters · 6 years
Cracked Candy
Sidestep is captured by Vitruvian’s minions and left under the care of the sadistic Candymaster, while Ortega and the Rangers race to save him. 
You cant' scream. You can't complain. Your mouth is sealed by the sweet substance. All you can do is watch helplessly as CandyMaster keeps torturing you.
When you woke up, you were are dangling from a pipe on the ceiling of the cell, your hands handcuffed together and held by a chain. Your arms still feel like hell, they kept you suspended for hours up there while the Candmyaster beat you. You are still held up by the cuffs and chain, but your feet aren’t dangling anymore. You are standing, now, but of course,   the freak took care of it, making it a thousand times worse.
"So delicious! You're almost ready!" he cackles.
Ready for what, is the question you don't want to answer.
Your lower body is now almost completely encased inside a growing sugary crystal casing that's slowly rising from the floor, already covering part of your chest. IT's getting increasingly hard to breathe under its pressure.
"GHMHMMM!" you try to yell, to no avail, the candy crystals completely blocking your mouth.  
The crystal growth stops. He's doing it slowly. Wants to see you suffer.
"What?" he asks bending an ear your way. "I didn't quite get that"
"HMMGGF!" you're not faking it right now...
"Oh, you want more? I'm glad to oblige!" he cracks in laughter again, the crystals covering up more of your body.
Tears begin to fall off your eyes, It's clear you might actually not survive this. You've only just begun untangling the seals of his strange mind. You might not be done in time to actually stop him.
The screens in front of you come to life, startling you, as well as CandyMaster. You look up... a figure inside an impressive green tech armor suit.
"Aww.. we can't play anymore, Sidestep Darling. I need to speak with my sugar daddy" he adds, giving you his white smile.
You keep up your hopeless fight against the bonds.
"I am not. Your fucking. Sugardaddy" Vitruvian speaks with cold annoyance.
"Oh, sure you are! You appreciate me and pay for all my toys!"
"Just... put him on screen already... " Vitruvian seems exasperated.  
"Coming through!" The CandyMaster adjusts the camera to focus on you. "Ta-da!"
"What the FUCK did you do to him?
"Just a few games! Games games games, I like games!"
"OH don't worry, I'm careful with my toys... I wasn't going to break him... YET!"
"Shut ... up... Just remove that thing of his mouth"
"Aww... I liked it... can't we keep it on?"
Vitruvian simply stares at him.
Candymaster taps your sealed mouth and the crystal cracks in pieces. You spit candy stones all over the place as the thing falls apart.  
"FUCK...  YOU!" you scream at CandyMaster
"See? It helps keep him well behaved."
"Leave us," Vitruvian says, furious.
The monster finally leaves the room, leaving you alone with the screens.
"Well well... Welcome, Sidestep. I'm sorry for the delay. I was.. occupied."
"And fuck you too," you say to the screen.
"Again, apologies... CandyMaster clearly went a bit Overboard. But that can't be helped now..."
"What the fuck do you want from me?"
"Ah.. straight to the point. Very well, let me show you..." The armored figure turns to another console "Doctor M., please send the sample inside the cell"
Shortly after, the door opens, and a pair of HIVE androids enter, pushing a metal tray with a glass box inside. A black residue is at the bottom of the box.
"What... is that?" you can't help ask.
"That, Sidestep... are dormant Nanovores. Relics of the Gulf war."
Nanovores. The terrifying word resonates in your mind.  You've heard the accounts. They can cover entire areas eliminating all life, stopping at nothing. Devouring people on the spot.  
"You stole them from that ship!"
"I see you're keeping up, good for you. Yes, I got them out of the ship before you and your friends came in to send Jupiter to the bottom of the sea. You spared me having to pay him for his services too, so I thank you once more."
"I wish you had been there too, you sick monster!"
He simply ignores you, and goes on "Now, what I need is for you to help me activate the nanovore's control software"
"Fuck that...! I'm not... helping... you!" You struggle trying to break free. You don't like where this is going... but you only manage to get the crystals to dig deeper into your suit. It hurts horribly, until you stop, exhausted.
Vitruvian simply stares at your futile attempts before speaking again.
"Are you satisfied? Is it over? Did you get it all out of your system?"
You look down, exhausted and weak.
"How do you even want me to help you? I'm not a scientist"
"Oh, I know. And I also know you're not a martial artist either. You are a telepath. And a very strong one. Which is exactly what I need to unlock the nanovores".
"W... what?"
"You will do this for me. Or else, I will release the nanovores in the cell you're in right now."
The screens show a graphic of the nanovores spreading through the room leaving nothing behind... and then spreading through a large circular area of square kilometers before dying off. Spreading so fast...
"It will take them around 9 minutes to break the glass. If you haven't unlocked their software by then, they will devour you. According to the gulf war accounts, if you believe those, it's worse than being flayed alive."
"I'm not... a telepath"   His image is replaced on screen by past footage of you striking Eldritch's behemoth form's head, sending the whole monster down. Then the screen returns to him. "That is not the work of martial arts. If you're not a telepath, I'm afraid you'll die here, Sidestep, and our business will be concluded."
"Are you insane? Even If I was...  How am I going to control machines?"
"It's in their design. Dr. M and I have studied this technology."
Dr. M., You remember the name... a powerful villain relying on advanced tech.
"You are strong enough to do this. The machinery in this room will record your efforts so it can be reproduced."
"I won't!" you defy him. "I won't help a freak like you get hold of a weapon of mass destruction".
"Pitty," He says. "But I haven't finished" he continues. He is replaced once more by... security cameras? There seems to be a battle outside... you see energy weapons fire and...
"You are watching the exterior of this complex. Your friends are coming to rescue you"
Anathema is facing off against the HIVE robots in one screen. Steel and Sentinel are creating a distraction on another sector, fighting off another squad of HIVE.
"I'm sure they are all here somewhere, even if the cameras haven't picked up all of them. If you won't do it, then not only will you die, but them as well once they come looking for you. Their lives, are in your hands Sidestep. So do it, and save them, save yourself. Or don't... and you can all die together."
The screens turn black.
As she speaks, the black residue inside the box comes to life, spinning and turning into a cloud of black smoke.
You hear a harsh sound coming off the box. The nanovores are eating it's walls as Vitruvian said they would.
The screens show the Rangers battling their way inside.
There is no way to warn them.
If you do nothing, then you, and all your friends will die. But if you do, you'd be handing over a weapon of mass destruction for him to use.
"FUCK!" you scream. You struggle once more, but it's completely useless. The handcuffs above are firm, and the crystal below is like an anchor, constricting you.
He's left you no choice. No fucking choice. You can't let them die.
You try to concentrate. Your body is in a tremendous amount of stress. But you try again... and again...
The sound from the box becomes louder.
You start feeling them. They have a presence to them... You keep attempting to connect, but each time's a new failure.
Is that a crack on the box? Or your mind playing tricks...
"GHAA!" you scream as you manage to make contact for a brief second. You have to keep trying... you have to...
The screens outside show Balrog joining the fight... he and Steel are going hand to hand. They will be distracted... they won't have time to flee.
You focus once more. You can't fail. You can't fail them.
The strange language inside the Nanites floods your brain... you realize it's some sort of computer language.
You focus even harder...
The residue stops spinning and focuses on your side of the box.
Fuck... you're leading them to you.
It begins to crack...
"Stop! Stop!" you yell at them... until something clicks. You've managed to do something... unlocked something...   And then they freeze... and fall back into the box's bottom, lifeless once more.
You take a deep breath. You did it... whatever happens next... you saved them.
A screen flashed on the device on the wall on the left. "Package sent" it flashes. Vitruvian won. He got what he wanted. Fuck.
You hear footsteps... and a mind approaching... it's...
Oh no...
The door opens and CandyMaster barges in.
"My precious young man, it seems your friends found us! I'm not sure how they did it, but it seems they want to rescue you... We can have that!" he says forcing you to look at him, taking your chin with his sharp crystal fingers.
"I'm afraid this is goodbye for us! I enjoyed you very much!" he giggles, as he commands the crystal to grow once more.
"Hm... bas... tard!" you scream in terror feeling the crystals pressure increasing. You are about to die. It's over... The pain is unbearable. You try to scream... but it's hard to even breath. 
You don’t want to die.
Not like this. 
And then the air vent on the ceiling behind him opens up as someone kicks it open.
CandyMaster turns to see Ortega jump down through it.
"Oh... I didn't know there was another dessert coming up!" he starts laughing, raising his hands to use his powers...
Only this time you get him.
He is distracted, and you get inside his mind. You don't know how his mutated brain works, but you're in, so you simply start pulling and breaking everything you see. You've' learned to fear him, but right now It's either you or him.
"Aaargh... " the CandyMaster holds his head, in pain... and then it explodes in pieces, being replaced by Ortega's Electrical fist. His body continues to move, but Ortega strikes once more, the thing cracking up and falling apart in a thousand pieces.
"H...el.. p"  
"Fuck! Cyrus, I'm here!" he runs to you
"Can't... br..ea...th"
"Hang on, let me break this shit!"
He starts pulling the crystal pieces apart. You struggle to remain conscious... until you finally sense your lungs released from the pressure.
"Mierda..." he says, still working on releasing you. "What did that monster do to you?"
"Thank... you... Ricardo" Is all you can think of. You are tearing up. "Thank... you" He continues breaking down crystals, releasing your legs. The thing is stuck to your suit, and you have some cuts. Fortunately, your nanomesh seals your skin once they are removed...
"Elyise called us... her precognition told her where they took you... Fuck... I'm sorry. If I hadn't..."
He breaks the chain to which your handcuffs are attached, and you fall down. He catches you. Your legs are completely numb from the crystal's pressure. You can't even stand. And the handcuffs are still there.
"Fuck.. let's.. take you out of here," he says with concern, carrying with both arms. Elyise comes inside as well Oh there you are! "The HIVES are fleeing... And  Sentinel sent Balrog down with a wind gust while Steel broke down one of wings. They've captured him... and... What the... Cyrus are you ok?" she says approaching.
No, you're NOT OK you want to scream. You’ve been tortured for hours and you thought you were going to die. You were sure of it. But you just don’t have the strength to do it.
"Let's get him out," Ortega says.
A piece of the CandyMan's face lies on the floor, it's dead eye staring at you, hauntingly. 
You bury your face in Ortega’s chest as he walks out. "Thank you" You keep repeating, in tears.
My fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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