#or murder each other ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
pr0cyon-lotor · 10 months
I want to put Kim Dokja and Shen Yuan in a terrarium and study them like a science experiment
Idk I just think they'd be silly interacting
I mean two (not so secretly sweet and caring) guys with protagonist husbands
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safekeeperscosm · 2 years
tell me EVERYTHING about the SVTFOE cleaved AU, it's so good
Cleaved AU is a self-indulgent canon-divergent hypothetical rewrite @saik0m0che and I have been working on (passively 💀) since the end of svtfoe s3. but I've always had this sort of idea/concept from mid s2
other than maybe a few minor changes for s1-2, post battle for mewni is straight up where I take the reigns
first of all. Toffee doesn't die.
but star DOES still "kill him" at the end of BFM, it's just that I refuse to let his soul pass on (for unfinished business!)
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the premise here takes from s2's emotionally charged magic of star's wand crystal being cleaved apart, to then cleaving her & toffee's souls together. which means they share all of each other's pain haha! so bcuz they're together, you can't kill or crystallize toff since that would harm star
but how? idk man something abt the two of them being in the realm of dying butterfly magic at the same time. something abt how toffee is no longer flesh, only decaying essence. something abt how star sorta died and came back to life just as she saved the realm. he's like a parasite!
I hc he wasn't gonna live long after BFM if star hadn't killed him off anyway. but still :(
not only does this "murderer" have to live with star at the castle (likely in the dungeon first, they'd want to break the bond of their souls), he's missing 90% of his memories — because star brutally obliterated him & he spent a very long time in the magic realm alone chanting the same spell over and over again
on the bright side, eclipsa later finds company in him, even doe he doesn't remember her (but very much trusts her 🥺)
oh yeah he & eclipsa dated in the past and became good friends after (Globgor was the one who introduced them shsghsj)
second. Glossaryck stays dead.
or rather isn't physically there with the main cast. he can't die, he just decided to let things unfold and watch at a distance
he does come around for Meteora's Lesson
rest in pudding is when star & toffee are officially cleaved! she starts asphyxiating from time to time after the funeral scenes and especially while chasing Glossy's "ghost"/reflections. he leads her to a crystallized toffee and THAT'S when they meet again. it also gives me a fun reason to do a parallel scene (redraw lol) of moon & eclipsa
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you just KNOW rhombulus is gonna go through the hardest time here and he is my boy <3
lastly, SEPTARSIS!!!
this needs some episode rearranging, but maybe after Butterfly Trap, star & toffee go on a trip to septarsis with yvgeny to find a way to cleave their souls and potentially get toffee's memories back. star introduces herself as Star Johansen since everyone there hates the Butterflys. she sticks with the name from that point on
toffee does regain his memories (but can't recall them all at once, it's a process that takes time) and star is met with the revelation that he & celena were in love, making him her great great grandfather. it's also revealed how toffee managed to make the magic realm decay, and that celena was the one who helped him
oh yeah. other things;
marco pretends he's fine for his friends & family, trying to hide the fact he misses star, so his parents convince him to be the exchange student for once. but since he has dimensional scissors anyway, he visits every 1-2 weeks? not sure abt jarco. long distance? still breakup? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
he might still be an unofficial squire cause that's for fun
Pony Head CAN get a prosthetic horn. but she actually goes through some kind of character development 😭
Ludo ??? I wanna do something for him I just dunno what. Yvgeny doesn't leave so ???
the Meteora arc ??? is paced better ???
Tom is fine Tom is great
this is ofc mostly s3 as s4 makes me so angry and bored fgshjs,, in the end magic is still "destroyed" and that's how star & toffee are finally free of each other. toffee gets to fight & kill mina while the redemption spell is cast, and he's reunited with celena to peacefully pass on :)
also the MHC aren't killed off nor is "Earthni" a thing 🤮
I'm definitely forgetting a lot of other stuff! plus the au's not wholly developed aha
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nocherryblood · 2 years
Hello Dracula Daily readers I'm hypnotizing you into watching Young Dracula it's like Dracula but 200 years in the future and he has kids and it follows his son and daughter and their life (son is... Um... idk... Connecticut Clark™ who doesn't want to be a vampire but the universe said fuck you I'll make the biggest one there is, daughter is basically a badass bitch with mummy AND daddy issues who would stomp on your face with her boots and she's so lesbiany it's almost too much to handle) and also it's like Harry Potter but about vampires so you get to watch them grow up in real-life time and handle both serious and lighthearted things and it's very angsty at times and it's full of supernatural characters and the actors are also incredibly hot in the later series and gave about half of us out first gay experience and it's a full free show to watch and it's on YouTube and van helsings there he's a lovable dumbass and he's ALSO a father and he and the count are trying to murder each other and it's very gay and veeeerry very camp so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ just saying
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papirouge · 11 months
It’s so tiring seeing white American men continue to support their access to kill hundreds with their guns for the sake of it. They’re obsessed with murdering their own babies, women and each other. Yet they also love to blame their gun violence on everything but themselves so they can feel better about their sick hobby of collect weapons that are literally meant to kill people. White ladies like to be the same too but they typical stop talking after one of them gets shot by either their partner or child.
I've probably already said it but I'll see it again:
I see no moral difference between pro abortion women and pro gun people ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Both are willing to sacrifice the life of others for their own benefit and I cringe seeing them fighting each other to act like they were the good ones when both sides are as much morally corrupted & deranged than the other
Also neither of them want to take accountability: pro guns will act like gun violence is because....there isn't enough gun, and abortionists will act like fertility/pregnancy is some sort of curse women need to be fred of, and carrying a baby a death sentence....
At least abortionists will admit they are the one aborting and not put the blame on someone else, when pro gun will pull out crazy copium theories about mass shooters being psy-op who didn't actually happen 💀... UNLESS the shooter is Black, Muslim or trans. If that's the case then it's actually a REAL thing and a real problem and we shouldn't allow these thugs/terrorists/pedophile own guns of course 🙃
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transman-badass · 11 months
I can't sleep so let's talk about DJ Sunshine. Follow me under the cut for dead dove galore!
So Sunshine's main fic is called Amoricide. I've written others with her but this is the primary one. Amoricide is a word I made up - a fictional term for the fictional act of murdering your soulmate. Amoricide (the fic) is a dark soulmate mark au. As the introduction says:
Every culture, dead or alive, had a myth or two about the marks. It was more universal than floods, or world trees, or trickster animals. They said every human had a mark that matched another’s. The matching marks identified them as carved from the same rock, born from the same spirit, whatever metaphor for the soul you wanted to use. They belonged together and would always find each other.
A cute myth. But just a myth. In the safety of modern reality, billions of humans went their whole lives never meeting their soulmate. They married, had children, died, without it. And the ones who did meet their matching mark would soon find there really was no love at first sight. Pushed into marriage by society, unable to divorce because of the old beliefs about destiny, these people who came to hate each other would find only one solution left…
For those unfamiliar with Dead by Daylight, it's a slasher horror inspired video game. The premise of the game is that the Survivors and Killers are both trapped by an eldritch creature called the Entity, and forced to play a deadly game over and over, the pain of the Survivors feeding the Entity. The fandom expanded on the lore a lot, in true fandom ways, which is what I built the fic on.
In Amoricide, Jill Cortez, a Survivor, finds herself targeted by a particular Killer, a fallen kpop idol, the Trickster aka Hak Ji-Woon, who seems to hate her for no apparent reason. This constant, brutal murder she's put through isolates her from the other Survivors, and she can't understand why he's doing it. In truth, her constantly bleeding soulmate mark is a match to his own, and he isn't happy about it.
What nobody knows about Jill is that she has a double life. She's set up a radio station in the Fog Realm (using the knowledge she gained back on Earth to do so) and moonlights on air as DJ Sunshine. Trickster, a bit music starved since arriving in this place, finds a kindred spirit with her, and to his annoyance, realizes he wants a woman he's never met.
It can only end badly when the two find out the truth.
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Yeah, this idea is awesome, right?
The problem is, there's not much of a readership for stories like this in the dbd fandom. 90% of dbd fics are reader pov. It's like that for most newer fandoms nowadays. So while I have a few friends that would love to read more, and I probably will finish it, I'm wanting to take what I've got and make it into something original.
The problem is I've got no idea how to take away the DBD elements. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ They're pretty critical to the plot. Which means I either need to translate the elements into original ones (without getting sued for copyright infringement in the process) or just come up with a whole new plot.
I normally wouldn't bother but I really do feel there's an audience for this. I'm not sure where that audience is (probably TikTok xP) but it's out there. And I just. I love Sunshine. I'd write a whole series of books about her if I could. She makes my heart happy.
So, that's what that is. Tagging the people who interacted with that one post so y'all can see this
EDIT: If anyone is curious about the fic still, here is the link to chapter 1 on ao2
@acertainmoshke @your-local-tall-asshole @k-v-briarwood @theimperiumchronicles @slenders1ckn3ss
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sawdusst · 1 year
Haiii, I have some questions about the pirate AU,,,
First of all uhm,, I'd really like to know about the Guardians team, especially about Hivemind!
Second, does Prince appreciate the pirates? Or even wants to become one? I feel like he's really curious(?) about them!
Third-- Does the Blue Pirates have the same thing from the manga? Like,,, trying to make everybody become friends and all? Also I'm really excited to know about Headphones)
Hello!! :D
I think it's pretty funny, I was just about to post about the Guardians next :')
Alright so! I'll answer with what I have so far :D I haven't really decided what to do with the Guardians yet for the most part, so some of the information might change.
Infodump after the cut!
The Guardians are their own pirate crew, they carry the treasure with them in order for safekeeping. Initially, they used to live on an island where the protected it, but after the surge of pirates entering the seas-- they figured it would be better if they set sail as well so the treasure wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.
Basically, if they stayed where they were, they could run into serious trouble. Even if they are strong enough to stand up to certain pirate crews, it's still too much of a risk.
Fierce Fishskull is their captain! Their crew isn't just the 3 guardians, there are a couple other inklings/octolings who swore to protect the treasure aboard as well (they're not from the manga, I kinda added them there so they'd have more of a crew!)
He goes by Captain Fishskull! Or Captain Fierce. Both sound cool in my opinion
Fishskull is childhood friends with Hivemind, but they haven't seen each other for quite some time.
The treasure they're protecting is unknown to other pirates, so some don't really go after them in case it's a false chase.
The treasure is a pretty advanced harpoon launcher that can wipe out an entire crew/ship in one blow with a giant spear. The Guardians swore to never use it & to protect it at all costs. It could also kill a kraken >:0
Since the events of the manga didn't happen, Hivemind actually has his own crew. He doesn't like to call himself a pirate though because pirates have a bad connotation attached to them.
The Hivemind Pirates are---- off. You can't really put your finger on why. They aren't exactly as threatening as the S4 or the Wireglass Pirates, but it seems like everyone on that crew is under some sort of trance.
Hivemind is after the treasure the Guardians are holding onto, believing he is worthy of having it instead of them.
Hivemind also supposedly works for Emperor's family because they have some common interests.
Speaking of Emperor's parents, they've been acting odd ever since they met with Captain Hivemind. Not sure why though.
The Hivemind pirates don't really like to get themselves tangled in conflicts with other pirates. Either way, Hivemind's crew won't let you get close to their captain.
Hivemind's ship also has a large satellite attached to its main mast (the tallest wooden pole in the center of the ship that supports the sails).
This large satellite has been messing with other pirate crews as well. It messes up their compass if they draw too near. There have also been incidents where the pirates themselves seem to be put in a trance.
Hivemind is also searching for the Wireglass Pirates so he could brainwash them. But, that's a bit far fetched for Hivemind ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
As for Prince, he doesn't quite understand the full scale of what they do. He hears a lot about a pirate's life from Captain Gloves. But, as I've mentioned before, Captain Gloves hasn't had much experience out at sea. Prince thinks the pirates live a much more exciting life than he does.
He is curious about them! He's probably thinking about being one, but Emperor & his family would probably murder him if he chose to run away to be a pirate. (not literally, but they'd definitely send search parties out for Prince and it would put the pirate crew in danger)
He asked Rider about being a pirate while he was captured. Then, decided to help Rider since he knew Captain Gloves. Prince wanted to know more about pirates and was worried Gloves would be angry if they killed Captain Rider and Gloves would stop visiting him.
If Prince were to become a pirate, Captain Gloves is happy to take him in though! :D
With the Blue Pirates:
Yep, pretty much. They're the friendliest pirates other than Hachi's crew.
Especially Goggles and Bobblehat. :')
Headphones is their navigator and sniper!
Captain Specs and Headphones are pretty much the only ones who oppose trying to meet every single pirate crew overseas.
Goggles is a silly pirate who doesn't really take anything seriously
They've been at sea for roughly the same amount of time as Captain Gloves.
Captain Specs is cautious about---- literally everything they do. Oh, you found land? Be careful. Oh? There's a ship in the distance? We gotta go :'D It's time to turn around :'D
Headphones is also the peacekeeper on board. I believe the formal term is quartermaster (?) Either way, she resolves conflict between any of the crewmembers. (Particularly Specs and Goggles, they seem to fight about directions a lot)
Headphones was half-convinced Captain Rider was going to sink their ship when they first met. But luckily, it turned out a-ok :D
The Blue Pirates also rescued the rest of Rider's crew while he was captured!
I hope this answers your questions! I'll hopefully have more written about them soon! :D
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cerebrobullet · 2 years
Sharpe's Havoc Final Daily Book Report:
hehhehe harris stealing food from a general for his officer and sergeant, how very cute of him :3c
more hhhehehheh because tsundere wellesley, i love it. also seeing the beginning of the hogan and wellesley tag team. god i appreciate hogan so much. i appreciate any superior officer who looks at sharpe and goes "oh i'd love to see more of this lil shit"
FUCK this officer interrogation of sharpe is amazing. also adore pumphrey just not giving a shit about anything going on. hfhhd and waters (walters? accents are hard for people with auditory processing issues :( ) trying to make wellesley show gratitude to sharpe, i'm screaming. they are all soooo awkward. i've bookmarked this scene because the banter and the vibes are just *chef kiss*.
pumphrey is a bastard but how can i not adore a man described as "effeminate" who says wellesley makes him weak at the knees and also says he couldn't handle a wife like... like COME ON. i've loved more evil characters than him, it's fine. he can do a little murder of sharpe's former love interest, as a treat for being canonically gay.
is he good representation? eh not really but also ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ it was 2003, like!!! this is solid for 2003!! I'm happy with it!! it's clear sharpe is a repressed bisexual anyway!!!!
i will never tire of every irish character going "and fuck the english". and then poor sharpe in the middle like a tired parent trying to keep his kids from hitting each other, while hogan continues instigating.
man i'm excited to get to a sharpe book where i'll actually want to see sharpe get together with the woman love interest lmao. will be a nice change of pace compared to the overwhelming apathy i have towards all of the girls of the week rn. minus grace, she was neat enough. she gets a pass for killing her husband.
anyway sharpe on the bridge in a storming downpour? another great future thing to draw :3
omfg sharpe is like a terminator jumping in the raging river to kill christopher jddhsgbsbsh. then popping out on the boulder above him and absolutely stalking his way down. the spicey feral kitten turned into a cougar for a bit there. love it.
alright well, I have now finished Havoc! Def one I liked more than the last few, though Prey isn't... hard to beat lol. In a way it kind of felt like a more successful version of Prey, with the turncoat officer and all that? Adored all the bits of Sharpe with the rifles, especially with Harper. Sharpe as a character really benefits from having others to play off of, he doesn't carry a story as well when he's on his own I think.
But anyway!!! I might take a pause to listen to Flight of the Heron, we shall see. Sounds gay and I like that in a book.
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nocherryblood · 2 years
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I posted 6,250 times in 2022
That's 3,316 more posts than 2021!
60 posts created (1%)
6,190 posts reblogged (99%)
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I tagged 704 of my posts in 2022
#save - 87 posts
#saveom - 40 posts
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#obey me - 22 posts
#aww - 13 posts
#omhc - 13 posts
#om - 10 posts
#prev tags - 10 posts
#write - 9 posts
#hc - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#or the time when exchange students from 🇯🇵 streamed in and suddenly i was gay™. i never stood a chance against 90 hot girls in jackets 🤧
My Top Posts in 2022:
No one:
My autistic-ass thinking the new ObeyMe! event was gonna be all about steam trains:
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My reaction when I found out it wasn't about steam trains but was about steampunk:
See the full post
23 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
I'm watching *Sky News* right now and they've got an unsuspecting elderly gentleman on and--
1) When asked by the reporter what he would like to hear from Boris Johnson in his resignation speech? "Goodbye."
2) When asked what he thinks of the Government in it's current state: ~"I'm starting to think the cabinet is just made up of Boris' friends at this point."
3) He has great taste in jumpers
Edit: I just found out that this man is a Lord. Apologies, Lord Heseltine... You have a great taste in jumpers.
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25 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Hello Dracula Daily readers I'm hypnotizing you into watching Young Dracula it's like Dracula but 200 years in the future and he has kids and it follows his son and daughter and their life (son is... Um... idk... Connecticut Clark™ who doesn't want to be a vampire but the universe said fuck you I'll make the biggest one there is, daughter is basically a badass bitch with mummy AND daddy issues who would stomp on your face with her boots and she's so lesbiany it's almost too much to handle) and also it's like Harry Potter but about vampires so you get to watch them grow up in real-life time and handle both serious and lighthearted things and it's very angsty at times and it's full of supernatural characters and the actors are also incredibly hot in the later series and gave about half of us out first gay experience and it's a full free show to watch and it's on YouTube and van helsings there he's a lovable dumbass and he's ALSO a father and he and the count are trying to murder each other and it's very gay and veeeerry very camp so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ just saying
38 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
"every doctor who fan has that one thing that they wish would happen that, depsite the fan base being so large, no one else has seemingly also ever wanted"
Okay, so is it just me or are there any other people out there who desperately wish that they would use/even just acknowledge the fact that, y'know, Ace still has a whole-ass dying cheetah planet in her mind, or am I the only one?
42 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sensory Issues:
"you touched something gross? so what? it's fine it's not like it's gonna hurt you or anything"
no but you don't understand. i touched it and now it's on my arms it's up my legs it's crawling over my back and it's in my eyes and it's in my mouth i can taste it i want it out but it's not on me anymore it only lasted a second but I can still feel it and im washing my hands but there's nothing there to wash but it's there i can feel it and why am i crying i can't stop I can't stop washing and flicking and picking and rubbing and just stop please but i can't.
131 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
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