#or maybe even forks
was it casual when i sat in your lap in public? was it casual when i said "recently my heart is crying because you're leaving"? was it casual when we decided how your last name would fit with mine? ("yuki tsunoda-gasly" / "no tsunoda, only gasly" / "yuki gasly?") was it casual when we sang adele's "someone like you" together at your going away party? was it casual when i knew it was you just by touching your ass? was it casual when i knew it was you by smell alone? was it casual when "will you miss me?" / "for 2-3 minutes maybe" / "i'll take that. even if it's just 2-3 minutes, i'll take that"? was it casual when that bus was completely empty and we still sat right next to each other, all the way in the back? was it casual when i picked you up multiple times so you could dunk a basketball? was it casual when i begged to come over to your house multiple time and then you finally let me and we cooked fried rice together? was it casual when we played christmas twister together and i said "your big eggplant is touching my ass"? was it casual when we were pressed up against each other on a scooter going two miles per hour? was it casual when-
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ruwune · 3 months
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Come spoon me? 👉👈
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rawkysawrus · 1 year
im all jumbled bc my fucking brain conjured up a thought for the firs ttime in like 8 quantillion days. but listen the way shadow is written in prime... like i have this sort of test i put his characterization through for legitimacy and its "would maria be proud of him"
and if u think about it. hes cold and harsh at times. but hes got a sense of humor! hes smiling! he looks like hes actually enjoying himself in some parts!!! its incredible!!!!! hes just so much more likely to be kind and loving offscreen compared to how hes been written for so long and ouuuagh
so in conclusion yeah. she so would be proud of him i love him im going to. put him in a Box!
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googoogagahearteyes · 8 months
I’ve always wondered if there was any language difference between Westalis and Ostania, like I know the show and manga are only ever written as one language as these are fictional countries so the languages would be fictional too, but from what I’m aware of, there was never been any hint to Ostanian people speaking a different language than the West. Also I know that there are plenty of reasons for two countries beside one another to speak the same language. However, I find things like this very interesting, and I think it adds more to the characters’ stories lol
So, I have a little headcanon that all the WISE spies have to learn Ostanian fluently, with a perfect accent of course, but of course there are also plenty of dialects that must be learned as well. And as thorough WISE is, it’s hard to perfect a second language if you aren’t able to spend time with native speakers, especially when they are labeled the enemy.
Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that language and dialect differences are really cool, and I feel like slip ups could lead to some interesting and likely wholesome scenarios in the SpyxFamily world.
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if one more thing happens. respectfully. i am going to Lose It
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dol-dee · 5 months
Fallen Sydney is definitely the type that enthusiastically buys all sorts of kinky outfits. For themself as much as their s/o haha
Sydney buying a bunch of outfits she really wants to see on Dee. Forgetting she will have to convince/beg her for weeks to actually wear them
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softenedsunbeams · 2 months
i wish i was allowed to hurt myself
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dkettchen · 3 months
I've learnt how to input in python I will be unstoppable now
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shopcat · 7 months
also now that it's fresh what we see of little azula in zuko alone really is not all that ... anything at all. like she's not horrifically evil or predeterminedly ANYTHING ... she's literally ten years old. she's acting like a ten year old ?! she trips her friend and pushes her big brother into a fountain. my brothers use to lock me in chests and there's literally an entire popular childhood game made up that's about tricking your friend into giving them a nosebleed by hitting them in the face. and her biggest crime is ... having a talent for firebending, which isn't actually her fault despite what people seem to strangely think, and parroting strategy and propaganda that her actual manipulative and evil father tells her that she clearly grew up around and doesn't just Randomly Know.
both of these particular aspects of her put her in a position of immense pressure by her father from an incredibly young age, in an incredibly volatile environment where she knows, and as the years pass she LEARNS, a slip up or indication of less than perfection could cost her more than just a basic reprimanding. people harp on for years about gifted children and the ramification of treating a child as more mature or capable than they are but can't seem to apply the pretty much perfect comparison even in this fictional way... that's crazy. it is literally her entire narrative arc and the way it just goes over people's heads is ASTONISHING.
like it seriously frustrates me the way people continue to villainise azula beyond logic to the point where there's this fanonised, warped version of her that exists (particularly as an even younger child than she already is) that's like, the antichrist figure to further woobify and "legitimise" zuko's various traumas and his childhood, which i find not only obviously fucking ridiculous and people should be ashamed of themselves but also like, you just don't have to do that. theirs was not a normal childhood and neither of them should be judged as a normal child, but also paradoxically, they are just normal children.
even if azula was in an average family, from a behavioural standpoint, and a LOGICAL standpoint, no, the ten year old little girl doesn't know the full capacity of what she's doing and saying and should not be judged as if an older child or adult were saying them, or as if she is entirely outside of the narrative scope. she teases zuko about how their grandfather was going to "kill him" and how he should get adopted now (which literally... all my siblings have done have people never had siblings...) which is an entirely normal way of acting out and picking fights. when ursa comes in she immediately acts innocent which no, doesn't indicate further malicious intent or "manipulation", it's... how any 10 year old would act if she got caught being naughty and picking fights. (contrary to popular belief zuko is not the main character both of the story and IN LIFE, and azula exists without her brother around – a child scared to get caught indicates a child who has been driven to be SCARED. in the household she lives in this applies tenfold).
she would have no actual reason to realise the outside forces actually at play, unlike their mother, and just like it's not her fault zuko is treated unfairly for being the "unfavoured" child it's not her fault that... adults were actually conspiring to kill her brother. which is a huge thing and is something almost intolerably inconceivable to most adults let alone children.
"but she was callous about her mom leaving" she wouldn't be able to REGISTER anything about their mother "disappearing" (or dying, at least to them at this point in time) within the... 10 hours? it happened in. she was lashing out again. she did not have a hand in "KILLING" her mother. and honestly from what little we did see of ursa, a predisposition to finding your own child unsavoury is kind of unwantonly cruel. these characters don't know that they exist in a narrative where azula is being set up as The Villain, who has to act Villainous, and honestly that's a boring fucking way to look at character behaviour anyway.
as much as i do agree that obviously it's a story and things happen for narrative enhancement, the enrichment of a story comes from the believability of a character's actions and even if that weren't true, half of what people as fans of something do is further that themselves by inferring what we can from what we see and therefore i think i'm right in thinking this anyway. you can't step up to the plate claiming you can handle depth and give me a puddle -_-. anyway. it is insanely unbelievable that a mother should write off her own child and favour the other just because her megalomaniacal husband has shown interest in cultivating his own child as a weapon, and just Plain Insane that so many people write off this character entirely WHILST giving all HER trauma to ZUKO.
also like, she's not even acting like a particularly spoiled princess COULD act like in the beginning she's just kind of an annoying kid. i'm not kidding when i say she's acting pretty much entirely normal. "she set her dolls head on fire" so has every other kid i've ever known. i'm actually going to lose my mind about how people have twisted her character into something so beyond any sort of empathy or consideration of what a child of a manipulative genocidal maniac who is shown to abuse his kids could possibly look and act like when we literally get it served up on a silver platter the entire show in the difference between zuko and azula. "azula always lies" because azula always plays the part to protect herself and the role she was manipulated into thinking she earned is like, the foundation of her character and it's embarassing the way i see so many people just like. fall for it. the inability to conceive any sort of love or compassion for a character that directly parallels the male character everyone trips over to analyse is really transparent and sad tbh. at the end of the day azula haters will be taters as i prosper in my garden of success of loving her and being capable of having a brain.
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aesfocus · 2 months
I edited two fic chapters, posted one, wrote another one shot(when should I start posting the one shots? who knows!) and then fell down a rabbit hole of trying to work out in my head how long things took before the events of RT.
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still really in it huh
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titsthedamnseason · 12 days
i’m going to bed but i’m just gonna say that i’m definitely disappointed by her ongoing friendship with brittany and i’m certainly mad that she’s waited this long to share her stance on the election if she’s even going to but the only thing that would make me believe someone is a trump supporter is them coming forward and SAYING they are a trump supporter
the amount of republicans i know in real life that outright reject trump and his politics is staggering (i am from an aggressively red region in an unfalteringly blue state so there are a lot of trump extremists don’t get me wrong but plenty of moderates too) so it’s impossible for me to believe that every republican i encounter is pro-trump let alone someone i know has historically voted blue
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gregmarriage · 7 months
really think i need to make more irl friends, but it feels so impossible. like most of the ppl my age seem to only hang out in bars, and it’s like sorry, i’m uncool and can’t drink, bc i’m on medication. and making friends via dating apps or something similar is abysmal. so, i’m kinda stuck imaooooo
#i’m aware not everyone hangs out in bars but might have reasons why they can’t hang out#elsewhere like in coffee shops or restaurants or parks or something#bc i certainly do#maybe there’s people who feel the exact way i do and can’t or don't want to leave the house bc of extenuating circumstances#like it’s difficult for me to leave the house#do i want to? yes but that doesn’t negate the difficulty#trying to make friends in general feels like pulling teeth#after a lifetime of autism and social anxiety i’m literally not fully convinced i even know how to communicate i just fell ass backwards#into stuff a lot of the time#trying to put myself out there in any way is literally so incredibly cringe to me#even if i do want to but again doesn’t negate the difficulty#but also again don’t know how to talk to people so even if by some miracle i make friends i might not get to keep them#idk it’s all just so frustrating#i envy the people who can make friends no problem and can talk to people and talking to said people doesn’t wear them out even if you really#like them bc social interaction is exhausting with anyone#but like it’s obviously worse when it’s new#bc small talk actually makes me want to stick forks in my eyes#i wish it were easy but it isn’t#idk i want my independence back and i want my freedom and i want irl friends again#and i want the world to stop feeling so closed off bc i know it isn’t#it’s just hard to see it that way from being bed bound most of the time#and that isn’t gonna change anytime soon#but i wanna open up the world again and i wanna go outside#and making irl friends is part of but i have absolutely no idea where to start#and the cycle continues#christ i almost wish i were back in college with the ‘girl gang’#i mean i felt like a huge outsider to them but at least i kinda had people to hang out with#idk desperately need to open my life up again bc literally no one can live like this and i’ve already been manic once this year#and i’d like to not be in that bad of a place again if i can help it#but idk what to do currently so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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primal--scream · 3 months
I've just had the desire to write something for the first time in 5 years.
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cto10121 · 3 months
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Carlisle was the 16th century son of a Protestant preacher, Esme was an abused wife from Columbus, Ohio, Alice is from Biloxi, Mississippi, Jasper is from 19th century Houston, Texas, Edward was the son of a lawyer from Chicago in the 1910s, and Emmett is from Tennessee from a large Scotch-Irish family.
The Cullens are white asf and the fact that Hardwicke thought she could get away with telling Stephenie Meyer herself, of all people, that the Cullens should be cast as different ethnicities despite their canon appearance and backstories, speaks volumes as to her understanding of the story. Volumes.
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chaos-and-cookies · 1 year
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Had a v nice saturday w/ my love & my best friends fam 😌
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rashfordisred · 2 years
tooney’s red card and ban are rightfully rescinded but i find it really interesting that they’re considering punishing the tottenham player with a ban for “deception of match officials” bc on one hand it could be a good way to crack down on simulation in football, but on the other hand, how does the FA plan to decide which players to retroactively card/ban for simulation when it’s happening multiple times every game?
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