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primal--scream · 6 hours ago
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GUARDIAN'S GIFSET GLOWUPS ↳ S1E2 -> S3E5 [originally posted Feb. 2022]
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primal--scream · 15 hours ago
rolls up to the er fandom 20 years late. hey guys whats goin on i cant stop thinking about That Fucking Guy (john truman carter the third)
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primal--scream · 15 hours ago
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primal--scream · 15 hours ago
So...for me, Suits LA is not as compelling as Suits OG was originally.
Maybe it will get better, faster paced, right now, though, it's a little slow.
I love Josh McDermott, not crazy about that look on him though.
I'm still watching and still reserving judgment.
I am still annoyed at the whole weird ass color filter for flashback. QUIT IT. LOL
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primal--scream · 19 hours ago
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Seven Sentence Sunday CHAPTER 2 OF THE LONE RANGER!!!
Read on Ao3
TK looks up at the sound of someone clearing their throat, and finds Ashlyn Campbell standing over him holding out a cup of coffee. He takes it, but doesn’t say anything. She sits down next to him without being invited. They’ve never really spoken, just exchanged hostile glares on behalf of their husbands at various banquets and benefits. Carlos and Campbell have become fast friends, but him and Ashlyn? It’s their sworn duty as their spouses to hold onto the grudges they won’t. All the same, he’s grateful for the company, even its company he’d rather have from pretty much anyone else. Tommy and Nancy returned to the station to clean up the truck but only after he swore to them it was okay to leave; the rest of the 126 is out on a five alarm fire across town and don’t even know something has happened, but he’s sure as soon as they do they’ll be camped out in the waiting room with him. He hasn’t been able to bring himself to call Andrea to tell her what’s happened, and the same goes for his dad who is hundreds of miles away in New York. So for now, it’s just him and Ashlyn.
Tags under the cut
Thanks @my-beloved-lakes @nisbanisba @lemonlyman-dotcom @annoyingcloudearthquake @heartstringsduet for tagging me!
and some additional tags for people who were interested in updates to this fic: @emsprovisions @carlos-in-glasses @mrs-corrections-78 @primal--scream @neversleepuntilfive @tellmegoodbye @futures-tense @lonestardust @thisbuildinghasfeelings @reyesstrand @chicgeekgirl89
And an open tag for anyone who wants to post for Seven Sentence Sunday!
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primal--scream · 19 hours ago
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Gentlemen, they finally gave us a night recon.
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primal--scream · 20 hours ago
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"Please... I can't-- I need some help. Please?" ↳ Dean Winchester
Supernatural | S5 EP14 : My Bloody Valentine
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
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David Raymond (dir. Night Hunter) on his Instagram story ⭐
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
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you’re still the one
E // AU // updates Sundays
For TK, La Grange is a place of the past. He’d gladly never return to his middle-of-nowhere hometown if it weren’t for one small problem: his husband. One he hasn’t seen in nearly a decade. A short trip home to sort out the divorce—in order to prepare for a second marriage—proves to be a little more complicated when TK starts to remember just how much of his heart is left in Texas.
Chapter One: Friday Afternoon
Chapter Two: Friday Evening
Chapter Three: Saturday Morning
thanks @lightningboltreader for beta reading!!
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
whenever u point out something is a deeply puritan belief online you get hundreds of people going like "im not a prude i just believe in Common Sense, Everyone thinks this is Weird and needs to be Hidden from the Public" with absolutely zero self reflection
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
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Aemond & Haelena in 2x05 House of the Dragon 4k
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
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RANGER REYES. 9-1-1 : LONE STAR : S05E05 "Thunderstruck"
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
seven sentence sunday & inspiration weekend
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“That’s why you always use something with a flared base,” TK mutters as they walk away from the room with the guy whose night of intended pleasure took a turn for the worse.
Beside him, Carlos stammers and chokes on air and TK’s eyes go wide as he realizes how that sounded. He whips his head towards Carlos, finding him blushing. “Oh. Oh my god, I didn’t mean you specifically, I—”
Dr. Reyes shakes his head. “No, it’s okay. I get it. You just—”
“You can do whatever you want—”
“—you caught me off guard is all.”
“It doesn’t matter to me,” TK continues to babble. “Unless you end up here, then it does matter to me,” he laughs awkwardly, and Carlos’ blush deepens.
“Oh my god,” he mumbles.
“I’m going to stop talking now,” TK says and snaps his mouth shut. He goes back on that a second later. “Please don’t write me up for sexual harassment.”
Carlos can’t meet his eye as he gives a strained smile. “It’s fine. You’re fine.”
“Reyes!” Tommy calls out from the other side of the ER. “Need you in trauma one!”
He takes off, leaving TK standing in front of the nurse’s station, where Nancy is looking at him with poorly-concealed amusement. TK ducks his head and scurries away.
a new au that I’m starting to poke around at :)
thanks @heartstringsduet @welcometololaland @theghostofashton !! tagging @paperstorm @lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @ironheartwriter @mikibwrites @henrygrass @tellmegoodbye @basilsunrise @bonheur-cafe @butchreyes @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @reyesstrand @rmd-writes @emsprovisions @alrightbuckaroo @freneticfloetry @carlossreaders + open tag!!
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
Seven Sentence Sunday + Inspiration Weekend
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thanks for the tag @heartstringsduet! this is from our agent/handler au and carlos is gonna handle tk real good 😌
Carlos, on the other hand, has a beautiful, light-filled apartment in Georgetown, several thriving indoor plants and a stray cat that visits him every now and again. He’s recently taken to calling her Noodle and feeding her expensive, purpose-bought cat food, and she’s taken to sleeping on the windowsill while he watches TV. It’s a relatively symbiotic relationship, except when he finds a dead mouse on his windowsill.  In any case, it’s unsurprising that Carlos hasn’t given a single thought to Valentine’s Day. He wonders if Agent 126 has. Despite working together for almost two months, Carlos doesn’t know much about Agent 126’s daily habits, aside from the basics that he catches on camera. His operative puts strange syrup combinations in his coffee, runs his hands through his hair when he’s distracted and likes to read trashy romance novels while he’s on surveillance. It’s an odd combination – Carlos’ former operative preferred self-help books and matcha – but he’s not here to judge. It’s better that way, anyway. He’s hoping to keep the boundaries extremely professional.
Open tag and those below <3
@rmd-writes @carlos-in-glasses @theghostofashton @nancys-braids @captain-gillian
@strandnreyes @lightningboltreader @reyesstrand @tellmegoodbye @freneticfloetry
@bonheur-cafe @lemonlyman-dotcom @nisbanisba @ironheartwriter @emsprovisions
@sanjuwrites @carlossreaders @henrygrass @everlastingday @liminalmemories21
@alrightbuckaroo @chicgeekgirl89 @basilsunrise @mikibwrites @cha-melodius
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @literateowl @futures-tense @ladyknight1512 @ladytessa74
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
Gotta say, it's heartening to see just how terrible a time these GOP chucklefucks are having. This administration and its cronies are even MORE disastrously incompetent than last time, and that's saying something. Yeah, the next several years are still gonna suck, but at least we can laugh at these shit-for-brains assholes continuing to run head-first into the brick wall of their own incompetence. And perhaps even prevent the worst outcomes.
Honestly, the biggest fear for everyone was that giving the fascists four more years to plan and actually write down all of Project 2025 would mean that they were focused, competent, stone cold driven, ready to actually work to change things for real, and otherwise buckle down and be -- well, if not something approaching competent, at least effective. Or the fear that the American public, being fickle and underinformed at the best of times, would just sit back and let them do it. Because, yknow. Half this godforsaken country did just somehow shrug and vote for the orange monster again, so.
But that said, as I pointed out earlier today, it IS fucking heartening to see that they're the same mean, stupid, chaotic shitbags as ever, they really decided to go for the shock-and-awe LOL WATCH US BLOW EVERYTHING UP!!! approach that has gotten them nothing except turbo-sued and enraged the entire country, they basically united the entire world against Russia and for Ukraine in literally ten minutes yesterday (hope you enjoyed that little clown show, Vladimir!) and furthermore, nobody is afraid of them, which is death to fascists. I often point out that fascists desperately want people to be afraid of them and think they're cool, competent, unstoppable, and suave. They also especially, incredibly, desperately hate being laughed at and mocked. They can't stand it.
As such, the fact that they're just the same as ever except worse, and are not magically more competent (in fact, much worse) and are their own worst enemies, does in fact bode well for our ultimate ability to get through this. They will break shit, they will needlessly alienate friends and allies, they will torment every vulnerable group they can just to be dicks, and all of this was just so avoidable... but. Nobody likes them for it, even the people who deluded themselves into voting for them. They're scared little chickenshits who are having a bad bad time that will only get worse, especially if they actually try to cut Social Security and Medicaid, which is basically the death knell of stupid things to do in American politics. Because they just can't help themselves, but this is really, REALLY not going to work out well for them. It just won't.
As such, when they're already running from the heat ONE MONTH into the Glorious Eternal Rule of King Donald, like the little pissbabies they are, it tells me that there is literally no way they're gonna manage four years of this. They just aren't (and Deo volente Trump will finally have an aneurysm and die facedown in a Big Mac before 2028). To say the least, the 2026 midterms are gonna be interesting, especially if the GOP keeps digging their own grave, and yes.
As I keep saying: things are bad. They will get worse. But these miserable jabronies are just as pathetic and beatable as they have ever been, they did not suddenly get magically competent at being pointlessly evil, the country is showing out with a spirited will to make them suffer immensely for every braindead numbnuts piece of Nazi performative cruelty they attempt and often fail, and in these dark times, every day that we can fight back matters a lot. It’s working and we have gotta keep doing it. Idk about you, but I feel energized by seeing it. So yeah, say it with me:
The end.
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
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"I'm glad you're my team leader."
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primal--scream · 1 day ago
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this was their second episode btw bonus:
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