#or higher like cerulean or purple
rogue-of-light · 1 year
yes, yes! wisper would have wanted us to continue working as fast as possible, surely he would hate for us to waste time being sad about his very naturally caused passing! posthaste, everyone!
rip </3
not even the totally accidental naturally caused death will give anybody time off, oh well!
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jayrockin · 1 year
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Avian Homeplanet
Star: F-class (yellow white) Vegetation: blue and black Axial tilt: 11 degrees Gravity: 1.12 g Position from star: fourth
Over 90% ocean and blasted by the light of an intense star, the avian homeplanet is prone to hot, humid weather and enormous monsoon storms. In spite of this, the planet’s very slight axial tilt gives its poles a coating of year-round sea ice, whose sifting, dune-like surface plays host to a strange variety of slow growing plants and hardy animals. On solid land, the dominant photosynthetic life is a clade of “plants” ranging from dark blue to cerulean, and a clade of sessile tube-dwelling “landworms” with black flesh and frond-like appendages. Their dark colors selectively absorb and reflect the harsh, high-UV light of the sun.
The crust of the planet also has an usually large amount of the element cobalt. It compromises over 5% of the planet’s crust, comparable to iron on Earth. Cobalt compounds generally have a much higher solubility in water than iron compounds, though, and the avian oceans are stained a purplish red from huge amounts of dissolved cobalt nitrate, cobalt chloride, and cobalt carbonate. Mineral veins of cobalt compounds can be found commonly in the planet’s rocks, forming streaks of red, blue, black, green, and sometimes yellow depending on composition. Sand and soil are sometimes stained purple and blue by cobalt salts, as well.
The clade of avians has a difficult evolutionary history to track, given the limited amount of dry land and intense development over the past thousand years. The current theory is that a flying sophont ancestor originated on the planet’s largest landmass, an Australia-sized continent, and radiated outwards to evolve into the 5 extant species of avians.
In modern history, avians have often run into space issues developing their societies, and metal as a resource has been at the center of some particularly bitter wars. Most land on the homeplanet is currently colonized by the Dominion of Tiiliit, and now in the space age, imported metal and helium is being used to add new land in the form of artificial islands and floating cities.
Avians tend to use simple, writable icons to represent their nations. Though traditionally, the Hotsuuv nations use local cultivated varieties of seal fruit as icons, and the mineral rich south pole uses dots of pigment.
Map art rendered in Photopea by the stellar @cmaidaartworkblog! Edited in CSP by me.
PATREON | Runaway to the Stars
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nekropsii · 4 months
Why do people call Porrim an MRA??? it's such a bad take I can't even begin to fathom the logic.
Uuuuugh. Okay, to my understanding, the logic is predicated on two concepts:
Kankri is Correct, there is no Misogyny on Beforus.
Since Beforus has a Matriarch, "complaining" about the Oppression of Women on Beforus is the exact equivalent... Men complaining about men being oppressed, despite us living in a Patriarchal society.
This is a terrible argument, because... Porrim literally explains in detail that that is not the case.
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Yes, Beforus has a Matriarch... A Superficial Matriarch, where the woman in power is more of a Figurehead than anything. Law Enforcement and Politics are handled mostly by "Higher CIPs" - Ceruleans, Indigos, and Purples - which are predominantly born (hatched?) as men. ... If all of the Social Order and Politics are Enforced and Dictated by men... Then that... Is a Patriarchy.
So, we have it directly explained to us that Beforus is Superficially a Matriarchy, with a Governing Body largely composed by Highblood Men, who canonically benefit from the subjugation of women, because having women be of generally lower class than men means that... Men can cull women, potentially on the basis of being women. You know, that social system, enforced by the predominantly male-lead government that allows for what is essentially the ownership of people you deem incapable of caring for themselves as pets? The system that will take any excuse in the book? Sure, that may have been a social rule implemented by their version of HIC, Feferi fucking Peixes, but it's still being used as a weapon. Just because something was made by a woman, does not mean it cannot be used as a weapon against women in the name of misogyny. You think Alternian Culling doesn't work the same damn way?
There's a sharp cut of irony you have to feel at the fact that Porrim literally says that conversations of Misogyny on Beforus are often shot down using "The Matriarchy" as an excuse. If Misogyny wasn't a thing, why the fuck are Rufioh, Kankri, and Cronus literally, textually, purposefully Misogynists? Why the hell is Latula like that, then? I don't think this is a 1-to-1 allegory for the real world, man- Troll World Building has NEVER been a direct, clean allegory for the real world. I do not think she was ever intended to be read as an analogue to Men's Rights Activists, I think she was intended to be read as an Alien Feminist. If anything, this feels less like an MRA, and more like someone getting shut down for trying to have a conversation about how Misogyny Exists in, like, Thatcher-Era England or something. Well, there's a Female Prime Minister, isn't there? Misogyny is over, clearly.
Porrim is constantly posed as an Exposition Fairy on the same level as Aranea, just... With Politics and World Building rather than Character Analysis. Porrim is portrayed as cool, collected, and correct. Do you think Andrew Hussie - literal Andrew Hussie - would portray a fucking Men's Rights Activist with that level of grace and style? Because the answer is no! Every time a character is a Misogynist in Homestuck, they are comically terrible! Rufioh, Kankri, Cronus, fucking Caliborn! Hussie is a lot of things, and yeah, some of these things are bad, but none of these things include the label Misogynist. Hussie is well known for... Not doing that, actually, that's, like... A major appeal of the comic. The female characters in Homestuck are known for being really, really well written and really, really well handled!! If there was a Men's Rights Activist in Homestuck, we would know about it, because that character would be comedically terrible, constantly dunked on by everyone around him, totally bitchless, and posed as a relentless fucking menace who does not deserve to breathe the same air as any of the women in the story. You know, like Cronus! And Not Porrim!!
Also, can we all take a moment of silence to ponder how much of an L it is to have your entire point of discourse be based in the idea that straight up literal actual Kankri Vantas is correct? That is capital e Embarrassing.
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astromaxi · 10 months
[Popular Boy Geto!]
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A/N: this is so poorly put together but this man has been on my mind 24/7
Warning: Underage drinking, mention of Geto using other people, mention of Geto manipulate people, talk of mental breakdown, slight mention of depression, yandere(?), mention of obsession, Geto and Gojo lowkey having a thing, Geto okay with sharing you, Geto getting drunk by just seeing you
(I might miss some warning, lmk if that happens) (Not proofread like usual, didn't edit it, and probably some spelling and grammar mistakes)
Popular Boy Geto, who is more emotionally available than his best friend, makes it easier to get with the girls at their school.
Popular Boy Geto, who is also praised for the contracting appearance he shares with Gojo, his board structure with dark long hair and mysterious purple eyes. That only seems to soften when he stares at a certain person in his English 101 class.  
Popular Boy Geto, comes from a well of family, not well off like Gojos. Still good enough to get into this school without needing to fill out an application form. He is still stupidly well educated using it to his advantage when he smooths talks Gojo and his professor to cancel class on Friday so they can throw another party. 
Popular Boy Geto, who even if he is more emotionally intelligent, still feels hollow and cold inside. Not being able to care about anyone besides this person he is attached to by the hip. Gojo Satoru. 
Popular Boy Geto, who can't hold back the gut-wrenching feeling when he has to comfort his best friend, the guilt that flows through him like a waterfall as he promises Gojo that he will make it all better, that everything will be okay, that they only need each other. He holds Gojo in the quiet hours of the night, well after Gojo calms down as they make silent promises to each other.
Popular Boy Geto, who sees you with your friends at Gojo’s homecoming party, and a sense of ecstasy rushes into his veins that gets him more drunk the the liquid in his hands. 
Popular Boy Geto, feels his blood run cold when he sees Gojo make his way towards you, thoughts swimming in his head as he questions his best friend’s intentions.
Popular Boy Geto, who swears to the higher beings that Gojo better not try to get with you for a quick hook-up 
Popular Boy Geto, who also makes his way to you and your friends, slides next to Gojo like two puzzle pieces being placed together. He looks around the group you chose to be with as a bitter taste falls onto his tongue without even taking a drink of the sour liquid in the red cup. 
Popular Boy Geto, who looks into Gojo's cerulean blue eyes as he takes a beaten breath of relief when he sees the same obsession that Geto has been plagued with. He slings his arm around Gojo's shoulders, as Geto falls naturally into the conversion that is currently going on. 
Popular Boy Geto, once the party is done Gojo and him are lying down in the snowy boy’s bed. Getos arms are tensing and relaxing around the boy’s waist. Thoughts pass by his head. One after the other, as he tries to decipher the situation. But, if he and Gojo can share anything. Then let them share the same obsession. 
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kabutoden · 4 months
Does Gold Rule still follow the original hemospectrum or it got jumbled?
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Propaganda will tell you that the hemospectrum has been flattened, with the exception of yellowbloods who are talented and require special protections. However, it’s more like this…
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It’s particularly easy to see the discrepancies in the class schedules automatically assigned to students at the institution. These classes are supposed to reflect their “natural talents”, but further inspection makes it pretty clear it’s just discrimination. Additionally, any species with natural weapons like scythes and stingers has to keep them covered when around those in warmer castes, which disproportionally affects coolbloods.
Psiionic Goldbloods: They mostly share a schedule with non-psiionics, but they have classes to practice their unique powers. Goldbloods are expected to act as shapers of society, getting the best mathematic and architectural educations.
Rust, Brown, Yellow-Green: For the most part very similar classes, starting with STEM and and moving into advanced stem. They’re expected pick a tract or trade by the time they’re a sweep away from graduating, which they might get further education on later. Warmbloods are so heavily discouraged from taking coolblood classes that it’s pretty much just not allowed.
Brown: They automatically get assigned animal husbandry classes every year. They can transfer out of these classes if they wish, but are expected to be good with animals and get along with them.
Lime: A recently formed caste, they experience bewilderment and a lack of expectations from their teachers. “Just do whatever IDK” attitude. It can leave limes feeling adrift and without advice. 
Jade: They have required and exclusive tutored classes about lusus, troll development, grub development, and the mother grub. No other trolls are allowed to take these classes as it’s cloister-secret information. (Jades can choose to go Caligula instead of the caverns, but will be shamed for their lack of loyalty.) 
Teal and Cerulean: Similar classes to default, but with additional law classes offered for teals, and they’re usually encouraged to go for higher level classes. Both hues are required to take ethics class, with ceruleanbloods targeted unfairly in that class. It sucks. Teals will often get lambasted for not being ambitious enough. 
Blue and Purple: Their assigned schedules give them the basics of STEM at the beginning of their education, but soon deviate almost entirely into various physical education classes as they get older. Their dorms are attached to a gym  meant specifically for them. There’s a lot of sparing involved. They have a few careers(mechanics, military or construction) encouraged. They do option of going into other tracts and trades, but they are generally discouraged and not seen by most as having much potential. It takes a lot of pushing and paperwork to change courses and some of the adults will straight up lie and say it’s not doable. The reality of this is confusing to a lot of purples and blues, who grew up under the care of their lusus understanding that they’d have the same opportunities as any other troll, even though everyone’s been told there are things each caste is “”””good at.””””
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swarmishstrangers · 7 months
i’ll give you my entire left tiddy for some more mspar alien difference fluff. written or drawn, with mallek or marvus or pretty much anyone else. warm blooded/cold blooded cuddles with marvus. mallek purring and being embarrassed abt it. mspar not realizing they’re being flirted with til someone spells it out to them. just any troll/human (??) difference shit or any of your hcs please i’m starving
Starve no more!! I'll feed you AND me cause I honestly fucking live for alien differences between trolls and humans like? Omg...I'll try to sneak some Mallek and Marvus for ya since you seem to mention both of them (and I'll throw in some other ones for more comparisons >:])
So for general troll temperature headcanons, let me tell you, you'd better enjoy being cold/not be too bothered by it cause the higher on the spectrum, the colder the blood you're touching and cuddling. The warmest a troll will ever be is if they're a mutantblood, the closest thing to getting to normal human body temperatures and the ones with any real warmth to them. Rust bloods being the lowest on the hemospectrum that aren't mutants don't have as much warmth but still tend to run warmer than other blood types on the hemospectrum. Not exactly lukewarm, little bit warmer than that. When we hit the goldbloods, that's when it starts getting lukewarm temperatures. Smack dab in the middle of the spectrum, the Jades, aren't very warm or anything, but it's a few hairs away from being able to consider them cold feeling. Anything above the jades is when things start getting cold.
Teals you could say are cold, maybe not unpleasantly so, you could feel such a difference that you would no longer feel any real warmth. Cerulean is when the temperatures could be so stark as opposed to human warmth that coming into direct skin to skin contact with it could definitely shock your skin and make you flinch initially. Purples are. Man. Remember how I said you'd better like being cold? This is where the cold could be the brink of being unpleasant for some who can't handle it very well, it really starts setting in the longer you choose stay in physical contact with them. Violets, I'd argue, would be downright unpleasantly cold to the touch, like, you know how if you go outside in the snow and your body feels numb and face would be stinging? Like that.
With that general stuff of how perceive the coldness of some trolls established. Um. Mallek and Marvus :} I'm going to apologize in advance, Marvus is a character I've always been intimidated by in terms of writing. I feel like I just don't get him enough, and I'd hate to mischaracterize him :(( but I'll do my best!! (Putting a break here cause I type a lot)
Marvus and Mallek I feel like have a tendency to be mischievous little shits sometimes, once becoming aware and acquainted with the warmth Mspar emits and how cold they are in comparison they like to have fun with it. Mallek likes to do that thing some people do, ya know, where people take something fucking cold like a thing of ice cream or an ice cold drink and fucking PRESS it against your skin and it makes you scream? That. But no ice cream, it's his hand touching their bare skin (which still makes them shriek and jolt in surprise). They turn around and playfully smack him on the shoulder in retaliation.
Marvus likes doing the same thing but for him GOD FUCK the cold feels so much worse than Mallek. Bitch IS the ice being pressed against your skin. He doesn't even need to use his whole hand, he could press a finger to them and get a reaction. Punching doesn't do much to Mallek anyways, trolls and their thicker skins, but Marvus doesn't have a lot of squish to begin with. It's weird punching someone who feels so..solid? Not to say he's got absolutely no squish, but he has very little of it.
Cuddling... ahehhehehe cracks knuckles.
Since I'm already talking about Marvus lemme get to him already. Since he is a freezer, it'll take a bit to get fully comfortable laying against him. Warmth can overpower or balance out a trolls temperature, this is something that's very hard to do with bloods higher than indigo. Something like either them or Marvus wearing a good amount of clothing to separate makes it to where they don't feel immediately uncomfortable with the chill of his skin. Marvus I feel like is kinda finicky when it comes to touch or laying for long periods of time?? It's kinda funny, you could hug him, and he'd allow it for just a few seconds before he'd wiggle his way out of it, a playful look to his eyes. Or allowing you to rub his skin for a bit before pulling away. Only when he's tired or is ready to be settled in completely is when you can really, for real, cuddle him without him squirming out of it.
Now Mallek? Umpfh. Touch starved. Mspar too actually, I headcanon that they are a touched starved person themselves. So how about two touched starved people help another out..by cuddling. And everything else that involves touch under the moon really.
For him, he kinda loses it when he's in physical contact with them. It's the warmth! It really gets to him, and it makes his brain go nuts. He used to fight the overwhelming urge to wrap them up really tight in his arms cause ya know. Snake brain, cold, friend/flushcrush is warm, curl around the warmth. He didn't fight it anymore when they actively sought out physical touch from him themselves and was actively encouraging him and letting him know it was okay to search for it back.
It was through being around him that they discovered the most surprising thing they never thought of a troll doing. Purring.
They have never heard of a sound as soft as purring coming from a troll.
Trolls only purr in the presence of those they feel the utmost comfort with. To feel the safest with, to trust them the most, and to be at your most vulnerable with. It's super intimate stuff in troll culture. Hearing that anywhere out in public could make trolls snap their head in that direction and make them flush in the face. Get a room!!
I imagine it was one of those many days where they stayed over at his hive. They had just decided that they were done playing video games and it from leaning against each other in silence while the game systems powered off, then it transitioned into Mspar coaxing Mallek to lay on then while they had their back laid down on his lounge plank. His weight against them was comforting to them.
They were just nuzzling his shoulder and rubbing their hands all up and down his back and sides, all with no patterns to it. He had his face pressed against their chest, his arms pushed underneath them to wrap around them. They could feel his smile against their skin, and they were all smiles and happy, too. Then they, well, they felt it before they heard it.
It was something they didn't even notice at first, the rumbling, the small vibrations emitting from his throat and chest. When it was growing stronger and the purring became audible, they still didn't question it at first. They were just so comfortable, and the cuddling was just so nice, his purring could put them to sleep and...wait. Purring?
When the realization of Mallek purring hit them, they temporarily halted their hand movements. Mallek stayed put for a bit before his purring stuttered a little, and he cracked an eyelid open to gaze at them, wondering why they stopped. He finds them kind of staring at him, their hands still under his tank top just stopped on his back.
"you okay;"
This snaps them out of it and they and they lean in to kiss his forehead, Mallek snorts in response and immediately relaxes against them again.
They kindaaa wanted to point it out at in the moment but ultimately decided against it so that he didn't get embarrassed or shy and stops. They think it's SUPER fucking cute.
As for general differences between troll and human romance? Cracks fingers. Obviously it depends on what quadrant a troll is interested in having you in. I'll go with red romance for now unless someone later wants the other quads too lol.
I talked about purring before and purring is a BIG one. Purring is how trolls communicate that they feel absolutely safe and comfortable in their partners presence along with purring being a form to heal when their partner is hurt or isn't feeling well. It leaves them very open and vulnerable and so it feels very intimate for most trolls. A troll purring in the presence of human they're interested in a human may not pick up the significance of it so they just see it at its simplest until explained. Some trolls may feel a little hurt when their human partners don't pick up on their purring and they don't purr back in response, again, until explained that humans aren't capable of making sounds such as purring. Make no mistake though! Troll purring does not sound like how a cat's would. It's sounds like how you would imagine an insect purring would sound like.
Sleeping in the presence of a person you're interested in or around your partner is another big thing trolls do. Sleeping near other trolls is again, a vulnerability thing. To sleep near someone? To be so open and let your guard down like that? To trust someone that much? Wipes sweat from brow. Humans being able to do this with trolls they're even a little comfortable with is absolutely flabbergasting to most trolls.
Okay there's sleeping when someone is nearby...then there's sleeping WITH someone. No not like that ya nasties. Sleeping with someone, in their recuperacoon, it's a vulnerability thing again woo boy. It's the HIGHEST form of trust a troll could show their partner! The significance of this can really go over a human's head, they truly don't understand the gravity of trust at play here.
Here's something not sleep related. Scent marking. This one is more subtle than just. A partner wearing their sign or typing the way their typing quirk is. This one is when a troll leaves something, take a shirt or their socks or something, at their partners hive. It leaves a bit of them, their scent, there and it's meant for their partners + any other trolls that are over know. Humans tend to also seek their partner's scent/how they smell (think stealing your partners clothes), it's another thing that means more deeply than they originally think about.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Sort of continuation of previous post regarding SOTE progress because I could not add more pictures anymore gfyjvghj
10) I found this guy in the same catacombs that gave more Godwyn lore:
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Messmers' FLIGHT from the Erdtree?? Also Messmer really held and L if his first knight turned on him lol :p Makes me feel like Andreas was "standing with his cancelled mutual" but then appeared that he was cancelles for a good reason? XD He could never be Tanith tho LMAO 😔
11) So, there are also Bell Bearings in the Land of Shadow!
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I noticed a pot hanging on a string on that platformer towards Cerulean Shores and of course guessed to shoot it from the bow! So yes, it dropped a Bell Bearing upon breaking!
12) Also found this on my way!!
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13) So apparently some bastardisation of Trina's sleep magic exists done by her follower(s?)!
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Whereas sleep of Trina is pacifist and peaceful in nature, this sleep appears to be weaponized! Basically, putting people into a coma, unless they have exceptional willpower! I didn't screenshot it but I got a weapon variant of Perfumer's Bottle after crossing the bridge and description said how it was repurposed into flame-throwing weapon since Land of Shadows is ALL about war and "Perfumers were not called here for healing", so it coincides with turning Sleep magic into a dangerous weapon too I think! Damn I want to know more, there was that purple person in the trailer after all!
14) More Formless Mother lore!
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I instantly thought about Formless Mother, especially since 'outer' translation liberty and in real Japanese script it just refers to sort of higher gods, to distinguish them from the royal family from Marika/Radagon! So yeah, no wonder that she used to be a person (?). I also felt soooooo clever when I figured it was her because where you find it there are bloody flowers (equivalent of Mohg's roses) and one of the Bloodfiends did mini version of Nihil, when suddenly they dropped...
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Damn, let me connect the dots myself, stop explaining me EVERYTHING verbally ;-; (says an autist..... -_- )
Later, I also have the bloody cave:
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So yeah... Mohg falls for that consistent Soulsborne games trope where a person picks up traditions/practices/rituals from distant past! Love Soulsborne for 'history repeats itself' tropes so much *looks at Bloodborne a lot*. This makes me happy!!
Also there is a correlation between being very miserable and worshipping her, huh.. But this explains why we can only enter Land of Shadow through Miquella's body that was accelerated with that blood, if Formless Mother originates from it. It was my second version hoooo boy
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youroomwasquare · 9 months
imagine anne boonchuy. imagine anne being revered by everyone around her. not in an angel, “holier than thou” god anne way. more in a.. you’re so much better than we could ever be. so much more patient, and kind, and forgiving. marcy & sasha are forever flawed, forever have the marks of their sins etched onto their skin by blades. blades held by those they loved so much, hands that cared and understood and once comforted them with boisterous laughs and cheeky grins and tender touches brushing away baby hairs made sticky by wet tears. the amphibians are flawed in their own ways. none come close to the benevolent anne. always understanding. always throwing herself into the fray for those she loves.
and even though she’s still anne.. still messy and has a horribly funny laugh and sticks straws up her nose because she still has the humor of a prepubescent boy. still has little bits of dirt and dust under her nails where she paints them bright colors, pinks and blues and purples. still has her hair tangle endlessly, the kinks and knots needing to be worked out by both sasha and marcy’s fingers, each with their own individual calluses and nicks and marks, burns and patches and lines carved onto them. like a stamp, one that speaks of experiences inconceivable, spoken only under the soft cover of white moonlight. sasha’s touches are feather light, worried that anything rough will teeter off the edge of what is okay and what is not. fear of ripping apart the still fresh boundaries loosen her fingers and soften her touch. she must be soft. she doesn’t know how to. marcy’s touches are less light.. more sure, knowing. she’s done this forever, and even though they’re still relearning the way they are around each other, this is something they’ve always done. something they’ve always had. each curl smoothed out is a testament to their love, and a promise that the previously worn strings of their friendship has been woven into something new.
it still feels sacred. after what they’ve all went through, a part of marcy and sasha will always see their friendship— and anne, the fact that she’s still with them, still moving where they go despite all the pain and grief they caused her-- as sacred. anne may be the saint, but she’s also human, and humans are born with sin on their backs. in moments of deep, raw, all consuming guilt and hatred, marcy and sasha convince themselves that maybe, just maybe, they are the biggest sin on anne’s back.
anne thinks they’re wrong. no, she knows they’re wrong. she doesn’t know how to tell them that she is not a diety worshipped in hushed temples, chants of forgiveness spilling out of blood red lips, creating tears that burn down cheeks, leaving behind rivers of ash and decay. offerings of baby pink lotus flowers and vivid orange marigolds left on the foot of a cracked and weeping stone statue.
anne and sasha wear matching pink hair ribbons from time to time. sasha threads hers through a low pony, clean and pristine as ever. anne closes hers around a higher ponytail, ties it carefully through her hair to make sure it doesn’t get caught between the curls. it has pink spots on parts of it, residue from the time marcy accidentally dropped a bottle of berry blitz and it exploded everywhere.
one time, while talking in anne’s room, marcy’s absentmindedly thumbing through the different drawers of anne’s dresser. she finds a few old bottles of nail polish, and three specific colors stick out to her— green, blue, and pink. they’re not the most accurate shades— the blue’s more of a cerulean, and the green’s more of a sage green than a lime green— but marcy brings it out and shows it to them anyways. sasha’s the one to open the first bottle, and they all inhale the familiar scent of chemicals and girlhood. marcy quips that taking a deep whiff of the stuff isn’t very good for their respiratory system, and anne giggles and places marcy’s hand on her thigh. they each take a hand, and get to work. by the time they all finish, their hands are colorful and fun and they haven’t felt this pretty in a while. anne spins around her room in a fit of delight, and marcy blows on her nails to help them dry faster. anne cracks a joke they’ve heard her make a thousand times before, and sasha laughs and laughs until tears are streaming down her face. it wasn’t very funny, but anne and marcy laugh with her, and soon they’re all in a heap on the floor, clutching their stomach and getting bits of nail polish on their shirts. they stay like that for a while, admiring their nails. each girl painted their middle finger with their respective color, and painted the other nails alternating between the colors of the other two. sunlight streams through anne’s window, catching the light on their hands and sending streams of pinks and blues and greens dancing across their fingers.
anne wearing a baby blue silk dress with sheer organza sleeves and light blue eye makeup with tiny flowers drawn onto her lids to prom— anne watching sasha get ready by doing her makeup and hair perfectly (eyeliner with a spare dagger because she still can’t break the habit of keeping daggers on her)— sasha doing anne’s makeup and anne lightly tracing the marks on her thighs as she tries not to let the blush creeping up on her cheeks show— sasha and marcy tenderly rubbing and kissing away anne’s tears whenever she wakes at night, dreaming of charred, burning flesh and red stained cheeks and the vast emptiness of space as you’re left behind and your body crumbling apart like a rock being chipped away at slowly by the natural elements— anne borrowing sasha’s pink bubblegum lipgloss and wearing it whenever she wants to channel sasha’s natural charm and strength— anne and marcy sharing the same hoodies because they both have the same comfort level and anne likes the marcy smell left behind by the hoodies she wears— fabric softener and a light dusting of earth from all the times she eats shit whenever she falls, and pencils and pens kept inside the pockets of her hoodies with little notes that say “thinking of you :)”— anne and sasha and marcy anne and sasha and marcy sashannarcy sashannarcy sashannarcy
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alternianstuff · 1 year
Grubs! A Kind of Extended Talk
If you are here reading this, chances are you're either a curious extraterrestiral that somehow got hold of this blog's url (greetings!) or you are one of the lucky few who survived the hardships of the first stages of grubhood and somewhat safely matured to trollhood. An applause to you. 👏
Statistically speaking, only a measly 15% of a batch of grubs from a Mother Grub make it to trollhood. The rest either are stillborns, get eaten, get hunted down, or die of natural causes like illnesses or injuries. No matter your caste, you are special.
A curiosity, there is a 2% chance that a single grub egg might have twins. However, the two do not particulary tend to stick together, but they will recognize each other thru scent, both in their larval stage and adult stage.
There is also the typical rivalry that comes with such an occurrence and they might actually try fighting each other, so you might not even know you had a twin in the first place.
Anyway, what happens once the little guy pops out the slimy ball of mucus? Well, at that stage they are VERY small, around the size of your palm. Their eyesight is miserable, and they can barely emit noise. That's when they are allowed a period of stasis in the caves to absorb their egg's slimy nutrients, and grow a little.
Once their eyesight forms a little to the point they can distinguish color and depth, rougly 1.1 feet long, and their horns are no longer little nubs but somewhat a recognizable shape, that's when they're let out on their own.
If you're wondering, at this stage it's virtually impossible to tell a grub's gender (why would you assign it one anyway in the first place?).
Out there they have to survive on their own until they find a Lusus to bond with, unless they meet a horrible demise. Obstacles include the scorching sunlight, Lusii that see them as food rather than kin, and also poachers. Despite their size and apparent helplessness, they do have some tricks up their sleeve.
An example is Rustbloods and Goldbloods just now developing their telekinetic or psiionic powers, which actually makes them slightly more dangerous than a pupated troll, since they cannot control them.
People tend to avoid Cerulean grubs completely (or try to snag them for a ton of cash), because they tend to fire random mind control at their attacker when threatened. It does not last as much as a pupated troll, and feels more like a pounding migraine, but it is very annoying.
Then there's higher castes like indigos and purples, which have abnormal strength. A grub's bite is already nasty by itself as they have some sharp teeth, but when indigos and purples bite, they lock their jaws and don't let go until they're satisfied. And sometimes, they can dig right past your muscle tissue.
You'd think seadweller grubs are an easy catch since they're in confined areas like lakes and rivers and the sea, but those tend to have a strong scent that gets them a Lusus fast (highblood privileges I guess). And those Lusii tend to be very nasty. So, do not try.
Now that we got a look at the castes, what's next?
The Pupation process!
The journey towards trollhood requires some fundamental steps. The grub must be at least one sweep old, have a Lusus it bonded with, and feel safe in an enclosed area like a cave, tree trunk, etc.
Eventually, a grub will start to secrete a foam-like substance from their mouth that is greenish in color: That is them making the cocoon's silk and mixing it with their saliva.
They will soon find a comfortable spot to cocoon up, and each grub was observed to have their own style based on caste and personality: Some hang by a thread, others literally 'glued' themselves on a surface, some lazily sat on the floor like a sack of tubers, And plenty more creative ways.
The silk, when hardened, is surprisingly sturdy. Some trolls keep it as a memento after they pupate, or reuse it for clothing.
It takes a troll half a sweep to pupate, and what goes inside sounds gruesome, but fascinating: The grub's body 'digests' itself sort of, and some specialized cells start to rearrange that slurry around into the new body.
After they hatch, they will have one last reminder of when they used to be trolls: Troll scars. They're present on the sides of one's body, a little more below the armpits. Apparently the middle legs of the larval stage simply fall off and get used in the pupating process.
Everyone remembers the silly things we did when we first got out that slimy mess. Personally, I fell right on my face, rolled on my back, then went to get some water from my sink, which strangely didn't seem so scarily big and tall anymore. My lusus took a whole day to lick me clean. - SL
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Wait, how do Grade levels work in Gallifrey? Like the order and what they’re called
How do grade levels work in Gallifreyan schooling?
📚 Preschool/Nursery
Before Gallifreyan kids get anywhere near a school, they undergo what's known as 'brainbuffing'. This intensive education is supervised by robotic avatroids in their Houses and involves learning the very basics.
Aged 8, they take an entrance exam for the Time Academy. If they succeed, they'll spend 12 years at their Chapter Academy before going straight to the Time Academy.
They start their first term at the Chapter Academy living in dorms away from heir parents, and eventually it's time for the Untempered Schism. Assuming they survive with their mental health intact (and many don't), they're then enrolled in one of the six Chapter Academies based on their personality and talents.
Chapter Academies:
Prydon Academy: For decision-makers, plotters, and those with language talents.
Arcal Academy: For logical minds, thirst for knowledge, and scientific or engineering talents.
Patrex Academy: For artists, philosophers, archivists, and talented telepaths.
Cerulean Academy: For environmentally conscious Gallifreyans.
Drome Academy: For those focused on social democracy.
Scendeles Academy: For the remainder of the children.
Gallifreyan children's entrance to the Chapter Academies is 'costly' to their Houses. Those who fail the Time Academy exam will stay in their Chapter Academies until the 6th/7th grade. There's no info on if they can retake that entrance exam.
Which Gallifreyan academy would admit you? (Quiz)
📖 Primary Schooling
This covers 1st-5th grade.
In their Chapter Academies,. allifreyan students start their education with a focus on broad subjects, similar to primary/elementary school on Earth. They're force-educated using Neural Training, enabling them to learn quickly.
Their Chapter Academy will largely determine their curriculum, but they'll learn everything needed to get them to the Time Academy.
🎓 Secondary Schooling
This bit is slightly gammy because everything conflicts, but is probably right.
6th Grade
To become a Time Lord they need at least 51% in their coursework, at which point they'll have their biodata modified to include Rassilon's Imprimatur. This makes them a Junior Time Lord.
If they want to progress to 7th grade, they need to pass the Final Temporal Engineering Examination, an oral test conducted by the Education Committee for the Academy of Time Lords of Gallifrey. This involves being questioned on Time Lord Law, temporal theory, and general studies.
Once this is completed, they advance to 7th grade to become Apprentice Time Lords, but they're free to leave before this point. Most of them are a few centuries old, but some can be as young as 125.
7th Grade
7th grade is highly prestigious, and most Gallifreyans drop out before it. It's only really for those who want higher positions in society (Probably Cardinals and the Lord President).
🏫 So …
Gallifreyan early education is a bit like Hogwarts, but with less Quidditch and a lot more pressure for 7-year-olds. Being a Gallifreyan kid just isn't easy. No wonder some have issues.
What are young Gallifreyans/Time Tots taught?: Detailing what the kids of Gallifrey are taught.
What happens with 'gifted kids' on Gallifrey?: How Gallifrey deals with particularly talented children.
Do Gallifreyan children have toys?: Describing the very limited supply of toys for kids on Gallifrey.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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whispersinthedawn · 4 months
Concealed in the Coriolis Ch 2
“She is sleeping,” Phlegyas murmured. “Will your work require her to wake up?”
“Perhaps the sleep will have cured her already,” Ixion added hopefully.
“She’s not asleep,” an unknown voice commented. It sounded pleasant enough – melodic, of a low timbre that nonetheless seemed capable of attaining a high pitch. Or it would have been pleasant had the man’s next words not been, “She’s just been running around trying to move tables.”
Percy flushed.
An appalled silence fell over the room before Ixion said weakly, “Ah, Coronis. Do you need help getting up? A priest from the temple of Apollon is here to see you.”
With reluctance, exhaustion, pain, and sleep weighing down his limbs, Percy turned onto his back and pushed himself into a sitting position. Only once he’d propped himself against the headboard and adjusted the blue bedsheet to cover his trembling hands, did he turn to face his visitors.
Ixion had at last put on a chiton instead of walking around with a cloak hastily thrown over his underwear, but Phlegyas had merely combed his hair and replaced his circlet with a more ornate golden band inset with jewels.
And then Percy saw the newcomer who’d spoiled his attempts at surreptitiously gathering information.
The priest looked like Lee.
His blonde curls framed a face tanned from the Sun. A composed smile that invited others to trust him unconditionally spread his lips, and his bright blue eyes could have been compared to the cerulean of a clear sky.
Percy couldn’t help it. He stiffened.
No one missed his reaction. Ixion automatically glared at the young man, his hand going to the sword belted at his waist while Phlegyas’s eyes cooled with suspicion.
The priest's smile disappeared, and an expression of concern crossed his face, “Did the pain worsen, princess?”
The faint hint of mockery in the tilt of the man’s head, the sparkle at his throat from a gold necklet, and even the way the man towered over the figures of Ixion and Phlegyas rang the gong of dissonance.  
Percy blinked furiously and the mirage of his dead friend disappeared. He could see the traces that had so disconcerted him, but the differences now glared back at him with the finality of death. The arch of the priest’s eyebrows was different, the slope of his nose sharper, his cheekbones higher, and his jaw more defined. Percy had never paid as much attention to Lee’s mouth, but he was certain that the demigod’s lips had been thinner and not quite so moisturised, what with his habit of unconsciously licking his lips whenever concentrating on something.
And the broad set of shoulders – with a pang of grief, Percy acknowledged all over again that Lee would never get the time to grow into the muscular frame that had been his birthright, that he’d always retain that lanky height and stretched-thin cheeks of a teenager just out of a growth spurt.
He would have worn the same clothes with glee though. The yellow chiton that hung to the priest’s knees, the gold bracelets and necklace, even the gold chains serving as a belt to emphasise his hips – Lee would have adored it. And the purple cloak draped over one of the man’s shoulders with its fine weave and embroidered lines of what was probably poetry, even more. Perhaps not the naked feet, though that might be explained away by the fact that they were in a bed chamber.  
Percy forced a stiff smile to his lips, leaned back against the headboard of the sickbed, and smoothed out the fabric of the blue sheet covering his lap. “No,” he said.
“No?” the priest echoed, that same tilt to his head that sent Percy’s hackles up. “Then may I hazard a second guess?”
Percy nodded reluctantly. He didn’t know why, but something about this man stuck in his throat. Abruptly, he didn’t want to ask this priest for help, but a doctor was as good a person as any at diagnosing magical maladies, wasn’t he?
The priest’s smile widened, lending a beauty to his features that really didn’t belong on the face of a man who’d sworn himself to celibacy.
Was Percy the only unattractive person in the family, he wondered morosely. Everyone else wouldn’t have looked out of place in a Hollywood film, but the only girl Percy had ever received a confession from was someone stuck on an island and cursed to fall for people who wouldn’t love her back.
(There had been Annabeth and a kiss they didn’t talk about but – the hope of unspoken sentiments crushed beneath its heeled feet the possibility of rejections baldly voiced.)
“You remembered something,” the priest pronounced with all the gravitas of someone levelling a murder accusation. 
“No,” Percy retorted instantly.
“That’s a lie,” the priest rebuked him.
“I didn’t remember it,” Percy elaborated, resentful at having been caught. Did Coronis simply have a particularly truthful face? “I would have needed to forget something in order to remember it in the first place.”
Ixion took a step closer to the priest, the hand around the hilt of his sword a clear threat even the most naive person in the world couldn’t have misunderstood. “Have you met this man before, sister?” he asked, threat dripping off his voice.
“It was a memorable occasion, I gather?” Phlegyas laughed even as his face promised murder if the answer proved untenable.
Percy couldn’t let his annoyance end up with the poor demigod skewered at the end of a prince’s blade. “No,” he replied shortly. “He just reminded me of someone else.”
“Someone beloved?” the priest guessed with an acuity that unsettled Percy.
“He was a friend,” Percy agreed slowly.
Reading the next question off Phlegyas’s eager face, Percy added, “He’s dead now though.”
“Oh,” Phlegyas said, before dithering, clearly at a loss. “I am aggrieved for your sake, daughter,” the man finally said. “To lose those we cherish is one of life’s many inevitable pains, but it is one I would have hoped to shield you from.”
Percy shrugged. “My blood makes that impossible.”
A demigod who didn’t lose friends – did such a life even exist? Even their dreams weren’t realms of halcyon days and fantasies where everyone lived happily ever after but nightmares of blood and gore dripping off every surface. And then they came true.
The priest’s eyebrows went up in surprise. “You are not so close to divinity that monsters would attack you while you are defended by the best of your family’s guards.”
Percy glared at the man even as the reminder that they thought themselves to be conversing with Coronis held his tongue. Coronis had been accompanied by guards all her life. Even the few sojourns she’d taken without overt supervision had been with companions trained to fight with daggers and poison, ready to defend their princess with their lives. 
“Stop fishing,” Percy snapped instead.
“Cannot, I am afraid,” the priest demurred with a mischievous smile Percy wanted to punch off his face. “If I am to heal your memory, I first need to nudge it. And the hints you drop are the grains I will follow to the granary.”
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lilliee yyou're the nicestt mmod here, right?? ookay so ii hhave a kindd oof stupid questionn. aare there likee... aactual definitions off hhighblood and lowbloodd? wwhich people countt aas highbloods? ii kknow obviously thatt aa purple iss aa highblood butt ii've seen somee ppeople argue thatt ccerulean somehow isn'tt aand i thoughtt tthey were soo ii kind off nneed help. ii kknow this isntt ssurvival advice butt ii dont knoww who elsee tto ask
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bunnyboybosom · 5 months
Emery Starsent
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[ID: A viera holds a decorated katana over her head in a defensive stance. She has dark brown skin; long, curly brown hair; and rather wide upright rabbit ears. He is wearing a white tunic under black and gold ornamental armor and a metal headpiece with two horns attached to it. They look at the viewer with a determined expression. end ID.]
Name: Emery. While "Starsent" is the last name she used when registering with the adventurer's guild, it's only a moniker gifted by a friend.
Nicknames: Ems (she finds this abbreviation offensive)
Age: 27 (as of the end of EW)
Nameday: 25th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Race: Viera - Rava
Gender: Agender (any pronouns)
Orientation: Aceflux
Profession: Wandering adventurer, former field medic, aspiring white mage
Physical Aspects
Hair: Long, curly, dark brown hair.
Eyes: Her pupils appear to blend into her iris like cream in coffee. Her irises are a deep amber.
Skin: Dark, sepia brown. Roughly textured. Additionally, her nose is dark brown, as opposed to the pale pink/white of most viera.
Tattoos/scars: They have a tattoo of a mandala on their back, from which flowering vines extend down their left arm. Because of her face blindness, they apply face paint to themself to better recognize their reflection - simple streaks with complimentary dots on her upper cheeks. She has a large scar under her right breast where she was impaled by a piece of shrapnel after a military accident.
Parents: Her mother was a member of the rabanastre royal guard. Their father was conscripted by the garlean empire prior to the 7th umbral calamity. She doesn't know what became of them, and doesn't remember their names.
Siblings: None.
Grandparents: Deceased.
In-laws and Other: Outside of his travels, they have been living with Lili'a. Neither of them really know what to make of their relationship. Additionally, she had a fling with Kozakura while staying in the Doman Enclave, but had to leave due to urgent circumstances. She hasn't yet really talked to her about it.
Pets: None.
Abilities: Swordsmanship - he studied in Doma while recovering from a military accident. In combat, she incorporates samurai techniques with those of a lesser known Ishgardian faction. Conjury - after the events of EW base, she is given a white mage jobstone by E-Sumi-Yan (supposedly, it belonged to a former life of hers, a padjal by the name of Ih-Runa-Ran). Training in both Gridania and introducing herself to geomancers of Othard, she is dedicating herself to honing her craft. Trap making and mending - He can make traps for small game or for fresh water fishing. She knows how to use a furnace; how to mend a tunic; and how re-wrap the hilt of a blade with leather straps. Lots of minuet skills that come from being a former soldier.
Hobbies: Hunting - she often accepts mark bills from Clan Centurio as both light sport and a means of income. Occasionally, he'll pair up with larger hunting parties to track down higher ranking (thus more dangerous) creatures. "Cafe-ing" - the Cerulean Lotus being one of his go to spots, he often enjoys going to late night cafes, reading and just existing in the ambiance. They often won't order more than a coffee and a pastry. Reading - spoiled for choice of books, with being granted access to the Noumenon while staying at the Vairemont household, most of the book keepers have stopped trying to keep her out of the areas reserved for collegiate staff and students. Some question whether she has a goal in mind, and perhaps she did at one point, but the purpose of her research diluted with time. Now, she simply reads to, well, read.
Most Positive Trait: Idealistic.
Most Negative Trait: Reclusive.
Colours: Rich, vibrant purples; gold; earthy greens
Smells: COFFEE!!, fresh water brooks, new paper
Textures: leather, glass marbles, coffee grounds, spun wool
Drinks: coffee (without milk) and a little brown sugar or molasses, green tea, carrot shakes.
Other Details
Smokes?: Recreational, by pipe.
Drinks?: Not really, doesn't enjoy the taste of most alcohol.
Drugs?: Not really.
Mount Insurance: He has a Doman Falcon named Toro.
Been Arrested?: Fortunately, no.
Tagged by @cindernet-explorer (thank you love!)
Not going to tag anyone this time (as I already did on Lili'a's post). If you have more characters you'd like to do this for, feel free to say I tagged you!
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asktrollstuck · 1 year
I don't know if this was ever talked about, if it was, sorry, but what's the reasoning behind their blood colours?
yeah sure! under the cut (dw it hasnt been asked before)
FOREWARNING: my goal with these blood color choices was to try to pick less common bloodcastes for everyone. this is varying levels of true for everyone.
roxy is a burgundy because... the powers associated with the burgundy caste! i haven't detailed these much so far but i'll update this when i do. it's also partly because i gave dave the pink so it felt appropriate to switch and give roxy the red :)
dirk's a goldie because i think golds are one of the most interesting castes so i felt /someone/ had to be one and dirk felt like a good fit. plus his deal with electronics!
jade... i can't detail much on her right now but i'll say i didn't want to make her a jade because i felt it was too on the nose :) she's partially the reason i came back to this au
jake is a jade because of similar reasons to dirk in that i wanted someone to be jade but i wanted to do something a little different so jake got the role. plus it's funny to imagine him trying to deal with grubs
john's a teal because... well initially jane and john were more interchangeable and jane was a cerulean, i handed john the teal because indigo is a frequent fanon color for him so i wanted to mix it up. plus the concept of nanna as a legislacerator was interesting! no guarantee she will be one though lol
jane originally WAS cerulean in the older version of this au. i don't really find ceruleans super interesting to write anymore and like indigo more, and needed a higher highblood to balance out another bloodcolor change, so jane's indigo!
rose is probably the only one who got a bloodcolor that's popular for her... and yeah it's because i find purple rose fun! she's funny as a clowngirl and i couldn't justify more than one seadweller lol. plus mom lalonde as a purple :)
fuchsia dave! oh boy fuchsia dave. i made a bunch of posts on my main justifying this before i reignited this au. (it's... actually why i came back to this blog and restarted it! its so fun as a concept to me haha) thematically he fits the bill best: he's the only one who'd be down with the killing as an heir, and he has something no one else does! a guardian who would run the troll empire just as harshly as the condesce. this is initially what set him in place as me considering him there. bro strider Would turn this world into a nightmare dictatorship hellscape. Nobody else would be down with the violence and murder to that extent like he was. dave going along with bro's stuff and trying to justify it initially in homestuck is a bonus. he's running this shit worse than feferi.
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sylviareviar · 7 months
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NAME: Sylvia Reviar
AGE: 16
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Panromantic demisexual
PROFESSION: Student, animal shelter volunteer, Phantom Thief (Persona 5 verse), Pokemon rehab researcher and Pokemon Trainer (Pokemon verse), turbo duelist (Yu-Gi-Oh! verse), mage or bard (Fire Emblem or other fantasy verses)
—————————————————————————- { PHYSICAL ASPECTS }
BODY TYPE: Short and slender. Depending on the verse, if she does any kind of fighting, she sticks to moving quickly and avoiding attacks by nimbly dodging, and doesn't hit hard as a result, but her magic stat is usually pretty high.
EYES: Cerulean blue
SKIN: Very light white, a little pinkish, with freckles on her cheeks and nose, and a little bit on her shoulders.
HEIGHT: 4'11. Like I said, she's teeny-tiny.
—————————————————————————- { FAMILY }
FAMILY: She's adopted, so she doesn't have any distant relatives, however Khari Reviar is her adopted father. He doesn't have any siblings or living parents, though. In the YGO verse, she has an adopted grandfather named Klaus. That's the only verse where her family is different.
SIBLINGS: Jack Reviar, her older brother, and Lucy Reviar, her younger sister. Despite being in the middle, Lucy has often stepped up to protect her, making Sylvia sort of the youngest in spirit. In YGO, she doesn't have any blood related siblings, but Toru is her adopted brother.
ANY PETS?: Typically, no, but depending on the verse, she may have a pet horse living with her family. In P5 and YGO, her family owns a farm, and one horse she has bonded particularly close with is a black horse named Opal. In the Pokemon verse, of course, there are lots of Pokemon around her. In fantasy verses, she has a pet raven named Fleck. In Fire Emblem, she has no pets, but I may give her Opal again as a mount.
—————————————————————————- { SKILLS }
Sylvia is an artist who tends to be a jack of all trades. While her forte isn't in physical activity or movement, her real strengths lie in her love of art, music, writing, acting, and playing. In every verse, what makes her unique is her ability to skillfully draw and play music or sing. Whenever she is in combat, she usually also has surprisingly strong magical powers, sometimes to the point that it's difficult for her to control them, and they can end up going wild and hurting her or the people around her as a result. She is also rather intelligent, and gets high grades consistently in class, but because of her autism and undiagnosed ADHD, she relies quite a bit on accommodations such as extended test time or wearing headphones while studying. Her creative mind makes it so she is never bored when she's alone, meaning she doesn't often seek out other people, but gets lonely more easily as a result. When she gets so caught up in her own world, it's sometimes difficult to pull her out of it without startling her.
—————————————————————————- { LIKES }
COLORS: Pink, white, blue, purple, and any pastel color
SMELLS: Fresh baked bread, berries and fruits, any kind of evergreen, flowers such as roses, lavender, and cherry blossom, and snow.
SOUNDS: River water, cats meowing, music (in particular, she loves higher-pitched melodic sounds, like glockenspiel, music boxes, and flute), the sound of hooves or heels on the hard ground (for some reason it's just satisfying), and the sound of using a keyboard.
TEXTURES: Anything super soft and fluffy or fuzzy, like blankets, hoodies, and fur.
FOOD: She likes many kinds of food, but her absolute favorite are steak, as well as pomegranates and blueberries.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes [ ] || rarely [ ] || no [X]
FAVORITES: Anything that looks beautiful. She loves the stars, the sky, flowers, animals, the sea, what lies beneath the sea, friendships, sunsets, anything within which she can find beauty, she loves. She also likes happy endings in stories, and fairy tales that sometimes put a twist on the story, and she loves games with colorful aesthetics and graphics. So long as it's cute, most likely she likes it.
—————————————————————————- { OTHER DETAILS }
SMOKES?: yes  [ ] || no [X] || occasionally [ ]
DRUGS?: yes [ ] || no (unless they're prescribed) [X] || occasionally [ ]
DRIVER LICENSE?: yes (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's verse) [X] || no (most other verses, but she can drive a tractor in Persona) [X]
EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: no [X] || yes [ ] || almost/detained  [ ]
DONE. now tag other 15 people to do it.
Oh god I don't think I even know that many people. Ok if you're a multimuse just choose whichever muse you want.
Tagging: @electricea @tvstarkuma @the-flower-karasu @phantomuheist @tophatz @jokerxkurusu @nijimx @silver-strings-of-fate @webbedphantom @orphemiss If I missed you just assume I tagged you too because I genuinely can't remember everyone off the top of my head.
tagged by: @tres-fidelis
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ixmelodix · 1 year
On: Blood Color Differences
Blood colors on Alternia are sorted into 11 castes:
Rust/Maroon/Red - Brown/Bronze - Yellow/Gold - Olive/Green - Jade - Teal - Cerulean - Indigo/Blue - Purple - Violet - Fuschia/Tyrian
Blood colors occur in a spectrum, however, meaning there are some trolls who fall on the edges of castes, where it is difficult to determine to which they belong. In older times, the sign they were given determined their blood color, or they were assigned to the lower of the two castes they could have been. In more modern times, blood-color-readers exist and precise borders have been set, making castes much more strictly monitored.
Certain traits, like psionic ability, landweller/seadweller body type, physical strength, and average body temperature, are genetically linked to blood colors; others, like general temperament and affinities, as well as lifespan, are believed to be linked to blood color, but are generally more due to differences in socialization of castes than to color.
Body temperature follows a precise correlation to blood color, with maroons being the warmest caste and fuschia being the coolest. (Mutant red is warmer than maroon.)
Psionic abilities vary from troll to troll, but warmer blooded trolls are more likely to have psionics, and significantly more likely to have 'physical' psionics - psionics that can manipulate the physical world.
Mid-to-highblood trolls, when they have psionics, almost exclusively have 'psychic' psionics - psionics that allow for telepathy, mind control, or other forms of purely psychic manipulation. A few have been documented as having powers that allow for minor manipulation of forces that are not quite 'physical' but still existing outside the mind, such as radio waves or electric signals.
No violet trolls have ever been documented as having psionics.
Trolls indigo and lower are exclusively landdwellers; violet and fuschia are exclusively seadwellers (having gills and fins, as well as an extra layer of body fat that allows for survival at deeper depths; this layer of fat is largest in fuschias, who can dwell comfortably at any depth). The vast majority of purplebloods are landdwellers, but some at the very top edge of their caste may show some seadweller traits, such as fin-like ears or partial gills. Most of these purplebloods, if their seadweller traits can't be hidden, are executed by violetbloods or even the Empress herself.
Though it has a fair amount of variability from troll to troll, average body strength tends to rise as blood cools. Furthermore, trolls with psionics tend to be physically weaker than those without, though that may be partially due to trolls with psionics not needing to be as physically strong overall. Still, the weakest violet will still be physically stronger than the strongest yellow (injury or illness notwithstanding), and for most trolls, the higher the blood color, the stronger they are.
Blood color also correlates strongly with average age of death, with colder blood colors more likely to live longer than warmer, though this is due entirely to socially-developed factors (such as colder bloods having access to better health care and better prospects, and being less likely to be culled out-of-hand); however, the discrepancy is regarded by most (if not all) trolls to be an actual blood color-based difference, rather than the truth of it being caused by other factors.
(The Condesce, with at least a thousand sweeps under her belt, is an outlier due to her healing factor and really cannot be counted.)
Some traits that most trolls consider to be based on blood color but are, in fact, not, include: Tendency towards having certain types of jobs Tendency towards having certain interests/likes General aggression level (though "highblood rage" is a documented phenomena that has not been seen/documented happening in lower blood castes) Height Romantic 'languages' Trustworthiness and ability to trust
[Curious about something I haven't discussed? Let me know!]
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