#or he'll just use one of his clones and make change into a cat so he can pet it menacingly when he spins
askblueandviolet · 4 months
Why don't you go into the mayor's office? Imagine that they arrive in the morning to... be whatever they do and they see you sitting in their chair (like in spy movies).
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 1 year
Lmk ss edits + headcanons, Part 5 (Porty MK, Artist MK, Delivery MK)
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- He/They
- Gay
- Calls Redson either Wildfire or Firecracker
- Whenever something goes wrong he says "called it." (He did not, in fact, call it)
- Calls everyone "Dude"
- Once took Redson out to the Anti-gravity Arcade and got mad when he passed out after almost 32 hours of non-stop dancing and playing arcade games
- Tells MK that he has no fashion sense but will wear the most atrocious combination of colours and patterns himself
- Has multiple ear piercings as well as a bellybutton and tongue piercing
-  Once threw a party that got busted by the police and dispelled himself to avoid getting caught
- Has so much energy, if he's not at a party he's constantly walking around the apartment, if his legs start hurting he'll sit down for like 8 seconds before getting up and walking around again because he still has so much energy left
- Makes the dirtiest jokes known to man kind
- Makes the others do karaoke night with him. every. week.
- Will sometimes put on lipstick and kiss all over Redsons face and neck to make og MK jealous (trust me guys, please🙏)
- Absolutely HATES dark chocolate, it's too bitter for him
- Despises the claw machine games at the arcade, if he gets something and then it falls out of the claw he'll literally break the glass and just take it
- Lives on energy drinks
- Will refuse to drink any soft drinks when they run out of bubbles
- Loves those cringey alpha wolf memes
- Laughs at those firemen saving people in reverse videos and always sends them to Redson, who also laughs at them (yes it does concern MK and the others)
- Smells like sweat and cotton candy (its from flavoured vape smoke)
- Love language is Quality time (and by quality time I mean partying)
- Has a whole box of glowsticks
- "Hey, hey, hey guys, watch this!!" *fails at trick*
- Loves candy, especially hard candies
- Scams kids out of their tickets at the arcade
- Paints his nails a different colour every week, and almost always uses glow in the dark nail polish
- Tried to make his own firework show once and set three houses on fire
- Would rearrange someone's whole room just to mess with them
- Has a monkey form just like og MK, he uses his tail to take prizes from the claw machines without having to actually play them
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- He/They
- Gay
- Calls Redson his Muse
- Would probably collect bones. It freaks the fuck out of MK and the other clones
- Will destroy any and every art piece if it doesn't turn out exactly how he envisioned it in his head
- Writes fanfiction
- Constantly covered in paint splatters, charcoal, glue, etc
- Hates baths, lives off dry shampoo
- He acts like a cat whenever he gets wet
- Takes great care of all his art supplies and will flip out if something is out of place
- Agreed to help Sandy paint his boat again the second time he was summoned but only if Sandy stopped changing what colour he wanted it to be after every new coat of paint (Sandy learnt his lesson the first time art MK was summoned)
- His advice is always "just kill them"
- Bites ankles
- Was almost arrested for vandalism (he ran away from the cops)
- Once painted a picture of Redson, who only said "this is pretty good" (it was in fact a genuine compliment, he loved it), and Artist almost killed him
- Analyzes his dreams as if he's the prophet predicting the end of the world
- Won't let anyone use his art supplies
- Growls at people
- Perfectionist
- Smells like paint fumes
- Love language is gift giving and words of affirmation
- If he's focusing on something really hard and something startles him, he'll jump in the air like a cat
- Was drawing at a park once and a bunch of kids were being annoying so he tripped one when it ran past him
- Collects concept art books from literally anything, movies, video games, TV shows, it doesn't even matter if he's played/watched them he just likes looking at the concept art
- Insomniac who 'cures' it with an unholy amount of caffeine
- Has drank paint water before, will do it again
- Extremely passive agressive
- MK yelled at him once for getting paint all over his bed
- Has a monkey form just like og MK, he uses his tail to reach higher places when painting on walls and shit
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(Had to use og MK has a base ref because the show did delivery MK dirty)
- He/They
- Gay
- Calls Redson Paprika
- Loves straws, will only ever drink something if he uses a straw (I did this as a kid)
- Is constantly listening to music while doing deliveries and has absolutely passed his destination on multiple occasions
- Surprisingly witty
- Is the only MK who knows how to cook and genuinely loves it
- Has a little bit more chub than og MK does (duplicatnation did him dirty and I will never forgive them for his design)
- Has gotten into physical fights with rude customers before and would do it again
- Absolutely HATES eating fish
-His shoe laces are never tied, the amount of orders he's ruined because he tripped on his stupid laces is insane
- If he gets bored he'll just lay on the floor and do nothing
- Has accidentally eaten dog food before
- After a long day of delivering he'll pass out for hours at a time then wake up again at like 2am
- "Not to be rude, but.." proceeds to say the most disrespectful shit you've ever heard
- Either cannot keep a secret for the life of him, or will immediately forget the secret 5 mins after being told what it is, no in-between
- Him and the other clones accidently broke into a strangers house once, and he felt really bad so he cleaned the dishes before leaving (it was on the news)
- Will @ a specific person in a group chat instead of just dming them
- Sometimes eats out of the noodles he's delivering, no one has found out yet
- Smells like noodles
- Love language is Acts of service
- If he gets into a fight with someone he is fully willing and ready to resort to biting
- Saw Monkey King eat his own hair once and almost threw up
- Sometimes if a customer is being rude while ordering over the phone he'll purposely drive slow or take a longer route so their noodles are cold when they get them (og MK has told him to stop multiple times because he's scared of Pigsy thinking he's the reason they get any bad reviews)
- Has a Spotify Playlist for every possible occasion
- Gives out really good hugs and will hug people for really long periods
- Cries when he sees sad animal videos
- Can't whistle to save his life
- Has a monkey form just like og MK, he uses his tail to hold more orders to get work done faster
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My reaction to episode 3 of season 2 of Criminal Minds Evolution
Spoilers under the cut
"Are you okay?" Emily does that man LOOK okay?????
A deepfake porn site??? that's the big secret???? is anyone else a little disappointed???
Also there's no way voit could have said all that in such little time???
Luke: a secret will fracture the team and voit knows that and told me on purpose Emily: don't play his game then. just keep it a secret. Me: .... Huh?
Is... is this going to be the Ultimate Jemily Moment???? Is there some weird fake Jemily porn on this site which is why Emily is SO adamant JJ never find out and worried Luke looked???? If that is the case, Jemily fans I am so sorry
them managing to give Penelope a cat-related opening quote is honestly HILARIOUS
Oh, THIS is where Emily's wack-o neighbor comes in. Ofc. He was a conspiracy theorist after all
Bailey mention 😭😭😭
Oh so "that was fire" is about literal fire 🤣🤣
"Can I drink lighter fluid instead?" Babygirl you are so dramatic i love you. but please keep this energy toward tyler PLEASE
and we're back on the jet!!!
Luke looks physically uncomfortable keeping this a secret from JJ
I find it hard to believe Emily didn't know JJ already knew considering how close they used to be
This jj/luke friendship is SO important to me
Luke is babysitting 🤣🤣🤣
Luke is so awkward around those girls 😂😂😂
Sydney has a point...
I think Luke just wanted to watch anything BUT anime 🤣🤣🤣 otherwise he'll get upset
Fellow Girl Dad Luke truthers how we doing with this scene?? him teaching them to play soccer???
Luke is so smiley!!!! Like @lklvz said to me, his Adam Rodriguez is slipping out. he's such a dad!!!
Brian Garrity what's up my guyyy
They changed Brian's ex-wife's name???? In "Saturday" it was Patricia and now it's Sheila
Me, the second i hear the camera click: ohhhhhhhhhh shit
I need this couple to survive. They're probably not going to but oh my god she's pregnant i need them to survive
Penelope giving herself a script for a difficult phone call is such a mood
Tyler what the FUCK, man
wtf was that scene???
aaaand he cloned his cell phone TYLER FUCKING STOP
tyler texting penelope nooo
Oh Holly.... when i saw her pulling at her sleeves i though that was what was happening. Oh my heart is breaking for this poor girl.
oh i am SOBBING
yay they saved the couple!!!!
Not Tara calling Rossi old 🤣🤣🤣
"Pilates, upper-body work, a little help from SWAT" these visuals are hilarious
Tara you are so pretty when you smile
Luke definitely didn't tell JJ everything. i can TELL by his face there is more he wants to say to her
Oh my GOD poor JJ
Tyler Green if you show up at Penelope's house while she is stress-baking I'm gonna scream
And adding to the list of Luke/Tyler similarities, this pose Tyler is making against the door is the same pose Luke made against the frame of the elevator when he and Penelope had their first on-screen interaction
Go OFF Penelope
Tyler is obsessed with Penelope being the black queen. Luke just... wants her to be herself. I feel an essay coming on
Brian's about to get himself fucking shot
JJ sweetie NO don't look i PROMISE you don't want to see
shaking cam slowly drawing away from JJ's face as she sees what's on screen.... three cheers for our director! I love Adam episodes. Although this is the first one with no garvez which makes me sad
aaaand now Emily's under arrest. perfect.
Brian you FUCKER
we are 3/3 so far for Emily saying "fuck" in an episode 🤣
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simm-mouse · 2 years
Alright part 2 of my theory on hidden Nervous. I'll have part 1 linked if you haven't read it yet. I suggest reading that one first before this one
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Alright, you know the section where I theorized that psp and hidden Nerv being the same clone? Forgot about that part, I no longer believe in that theory(if you personally believe this however that's fine, I'm just changing my views on it.). If you look on the wiki, there are a total of 5 versions of Nervous Subject. We already have two in Sims 2, but he also appears in 3 and 4. But the one in Sims 3 isn't going to be talked about cuz it's just him as a toddler, which doesn't really make any sense because mostly the adults and elders in 2, are children or have not yet been born, not even Glarn and Kitty appear, but Glarn's parents Notso and Zo appear not even as teenagers yet. If we go with the more common theory for the sims timeline that each game adds 25 years later besides 3, which is supposed to be a prequel, then Nervous would be an elder or dead. Which doesn't make sense (I know it's more the fact that the developers didn't really focus on the timeline from the other two games when adding premades from other games, but still it's confusing).
So we're gonna focus on hidden, psp, and 4 Nervous. All three are clones of Nervous. All three are different from the original as the Sims 2 shows copies of some Sims and they're not identical to the original. I mean look at Pleasantview and strangetown's Bella Goths, their appearances are different. Even though all four look different, one thing's the same. All four smell of trauma and cat piss
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Hidden would actually not be seen outside of the house as he never got to explore out into the world before his death(which fits more with the name hidden Nervous). He still ages into an elder by the Beaker's experiment. But they didn't have enough elixir of life to age him back, so he didn't get age down right away. So after they torture him he goes up to the roof to look at the sky. Just like with the friday the 13th video, He dies by getting struck by a meteorite.
For psp Nervous, he looks the most normal out of all versions of Nervous. It's pretty known why he's like that, but I like to think that he's the most genetically accurate. He'll have Olive's, and Grim's biological genetics before his death. So he'll be almost completely different, other than having the same clothes, it's hard to tell that he's even a clone. So it's very easy for him to walk around town and not be mistaken as the original Nervous. He would still say that he's just working for the Beakers as a way to hide the truth from others. He probably was caught after they found him trying to sneak out, and that's when It was impossible for him to escape and had more painful experiments done on him. His body just couldn't take it anymore, and that's when he was shocked to death by one of the machines used on him. Well shit, two clones are dead, hopefully the next one doesn't die
The current clone they have is the Nervous from the sims 4. Even though that game is an alternate universe or some dumb shit that messes with the timeline, he's a Nervous so he's gonna be talked about. This Nervous is trapped with now four Beakers. Yes, Atom and Ceres also torment this man. They'd even put the blame on him for the trouble they caused. He has yet to go out and explore the world, so right now he's stuck in the house.
Does Nervous know that he has clones? Probably, he figures that the Beakers would clone him if they haven't put in the effort to get him back since he ran off to live with the Curious brothers. Has he ever met the psp Nerv since he's the only clone that went outside? No, if so they would've been fist fighting
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tozettastone · 2 years
Akatsuki, by who you'd want on your apocalypse team
Tobi: His skills would arguably be useful, but he's a sack of cats and he'd sacrifice the safety of himself, you and everyone else around him for 3 seconds of amusement and a hot chip, and then he'd dimensional shift out at the last second. I do not think he'd make a good apocalypse team buddy.
Zetsu: His ability to sink into and out of the scenery and watch what's going on would be extremely handy in any situation where it became hard to get vital news, but his motives for cooperation are weak at best. Zetsu might be a good apocalypse buddy... depending on what kind of apocalypse and what you need. Otherwise, he might just be a liability.
Kakuzu: Well, he's over 90 and probably knows how to do the laundry with boiling water and a stick, so he might be a useful repository of knowledge and low-tech hacks. He would also be really hard to damage, so if the apocalypse scenario is a violent one you can stand behind him in front of anything. However, his personality is a massive downside (how relatable), he resorts to violence against his own in-group very quickly, and when we think about the limited population that may now be available to him, it is worth noting that you would never want to be the only person around when one of Kakuzu's hearts wears out.
Hidan: In very short term/immediate apocalypse scenarios, Hidan could be really useful because he's crazy and immortal but he also relies on food (according to the word of god info that he would starve, eventually, dismembered in his pit), and dislikes being uncomfortable, so he would be motivated to seek out places of shelter and resources. There's still a risk that he'll change his mind two hours in and kill you, too—but this might be less of a risk than the apocalypse scenario in which you find yourself already. In the long term, though, Hidan would become difficult to manage. Strictly a temporary apocalypse buddy, for a short term survival scenario only.
Itachi: This one is tricky because I would have said Itachi was an ideal apocalypse team buddy due to his penchant for batshit plans that somehow go how he planned them and his ability to genjutsu people into doing what he wants, combined with his relatively steadier temperament than many of these alternatives. But Itachi 100% would join your apocalypse team with unstated ulterior motives that he believes are more important than anyone's survival, and he'd also be infuriatingly impossible to sway because he's smart enough to justify whatever he wants to himself and he'll argue circles around you regardless of whether or not he makes sense. So I think if you can be sure that the apocalypse scenario is long term, and you're sure Sasuke is also with you or already dead, you might benefit from Itachi on your team. Otherwise, maintain distance.
Deidara: He has the ability to fly, and attack targets from a really long distance away, and I think in a short term and immediate apocalypse scenario, Deidara could be really helpful. In the longer term, though, his personality would get in his way—he isn't built for a life of patrolling camp perimeters or counting food stores or meticulous process. He'd feel trapped, and then isolated by the pragmatism of everyone trying to stay alive and eventually he'd blow everything up and leave in an impassioned temper. However, being able to scramble aboard a giant clay bird and get out of any given situation, as well as the ability to do massive damage from such a distance, is such a tremendous advantage that I think it would depend on the kind of apocalypse scenario and you might want him on your team.
Pein/Nagato: Many hands. Many, many hands. And most of them are already dead and don't need safety, feeding or shelter, either, and they don't disappear when damaged like shadow clones. Somehow he also knows everything that goes on when it's raining. Could be useful? He's not very mentally stable, but I really think you should consider Pein for any long term apocalypse team for the free labour alone.
Kisame: He's aggressive, but he can keep a lid on it as long as nobody shatters any self delusions for him. Kisame has a poor track record for making decisions under stress. There's no evidence of his particular apocalypse skills, but Kisame would be at least as useful as Hidan in a short term scenario, and significantly more useful in a long term one. Importantly, he can summon vast quantities of water, which may then potentially be filtered and boiled for general use. Depending on your scenario, this could be very useful. He gets on with nearly everyone, and the people with whom he does not must nevertheless acknowledge that he's huge. On the balance of your actual options here, Kisame is probably a good choice for most apocalypse teams.
Sasori: His temper is bad, but he has shown the ability to get on with people at least. I think you'll need Sasori for any longer-term apocalypse scenario—he can make an entire human body into a mechanical one that runs on chakra, so when the fridge stops working two days into a long hot summer while you're scavenging the post apocalyptic wastelands for rats to eat or whatever, Sasori is the guy you want, for practical reasons. He's not the guy you want for company, but then who here is? ...Sorry.
Konan: She doesn't have particular apocalypse skills, to be sure, but she has two hands and something most of the others on this list lack, which is a steady temper. I don't think we see Konan really get violently angry in canon, although we do see her grieve. That's why she's the strongest candidate—she's temperamentally aligned with the requirements of any apocalypse scenario, and doesn't immediately resort to murder when stressed. I think Konan would be a valuable addition to any apocalypse team simply because she doesn't bring all the downsides of the whack-jobs on this list. And, she also has an apparently endless supply of paper for taking notes on the unfolding apocalypse. How nice!
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Hi! First I’d like to say I love your work! And I would love to participate in the blind date thingy with a clone! I use she they pronouns. I really love nature and being in the outdoors I’m studying wildlife ecology in University right now. I’m mostly interested in large mammals specifically big cats.  when it comes to people at first I’m more of a listener than a speaker, but as I get to know, that definitely changes. I definitely become more outgoing as I become closer to people and love doing little things to show them how much I value their company. My love language would definitely be quality time and physical touch.  I love trying new things and learning new subjects. I have taken the Meyer Briggs personality test twice. The first time I got ISFJ and the second ISFP. thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I apologize your date was running a little late and kept you waiting. He feels really bad and plans to make up for it any way he can. Maybe throw an extra drink or dessert on the tab for him to pick up 😉
Your date is...
✨Boba Fett!✨
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Maybe he wasn't the clone you were expecting, one of those dashing, good-hearted soldiers... He may be older and a bit haggard from his rough life, but he really hopes you'll give him a chance. He will enjoy hearing you talk about your studies and work with animals. He, too, is a big animal person. If you're interested, maybe he could give you a ride home on his rancor?
He also doesn't mind doing the talking as well if you'd rather just sit back and listen, he's got plenty of stories to share from his bounty hunting adventures around the galaxy. He finds it easy to talk to you. Your presence is very comfortable for him to be in.
Boba will be a gentleman and ensure you get home safely. He won't make any physical moves right away but he will ask for your number and if it's okay to call you soon. And if you agree to more dates, he'll make sure he's never late again, too.
Want to be set up on a blind date with a Star Wars character?
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scarabiaa · 3 years
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"Oh? Well, if you're so excited to see me, I should start coming here more often. How about it? I’ll never get tired of it."
NAME: Gale Diebin
NICKNAME(S): Namazu (ナマズ) by Floyd ; Trouble Magnet (by Meditrina) ; Monsieur Les Yeux de Chat by Rook
AGE: 19
UNIQUE MAGIC: Syndicate - When he covers his brown eye, his green eye is able to predict ten minutes into the future with a detailed map. Many possibilities of outcomes are drawn with clones of himself. He does not use this much because it makes him dizzy and if he pushes himself too far, he'll black out.
PERSONALITY: He likes to tease people when first meeting them, almost as if he's flirting, but he knows his boundaries. For the most part, he's just very excitable, although he is not naive or dumb. His personality draws in people from all of the dorms and he is very careful about his appearance. He has a shady past that he refuses to tell anyone but for the most part, he is the one that creates plans for just about any situation, calculating odds. For other situations, he will never put his entire effort into it. He is terrible with mechanical stuff, so there is usually someone (usually Iris) with him to ensure that he doesn't set anything on fire because he is capable of doing that. 
APPEARANCE: With long black hair usually tied up in a ponytail thrown over his left shoulder, he does not like having his entire face being shown. He has bangs framing his face, his right side slightly thicker than the left. His left eye is brown and his right eye is bright green. He has piercings on both ears and likes wearing rings. He likes wearing the uniform but putting his own little touch onto it. Sometimes he wears an eyepatch over his green eye because he likes how he looks (although he'll say something else). He is careful about the clothes he wears, ensuring that no one sees him in something the Pomefiore dorm wouldn't even look at.
SCHOOL: Night Raven College
DORM: Pomefiore
GRADE/CLASS: Class C (Senior)
BIRTHDAY: October 17 (Libra)
HEIGHT: 177.8 cm/5'8.3" feet
HOMELAND: New York (he struggles explaining this)
CLUB: Track & Field
HOBBIES: Making new songs, learning to design, swimming, napping on trees, finding homes for stray cats (if he does not keep them)
PET PEEVES: Songs with no rhythm
FAVORITE FOOD: Chicken tenders with fries, raspberries, garlic bread, chocolate tart
LIKES: Being around his friends, music, making new friends, cats
DISLIKES: Someone being mean to his friends, hamsters (does not trust them), pumpkin pie
TALENT: Really good with animals 
SONG: Memories by David Guetta ft. Kid Cudi
His official mbti is ESFJ. 
He met Lumi first, although he's absolutely positive that she doesn't remember him because the only reason they met is that he crashed into her while she had a massive pile of books in her hands.
In Bolt, Dr. Calico is seen as the fake villain inside of a movie. Gale is an actor on the side, but he tends to mainly be a voice actor. Rarely will he actually appear on screen, wanting to keep his privacy and so that no one creates a whole fanclub for him. He has had nightmares from Vil's fanclub. He likes voice acting because he can change his voice and make sure no one finds him. He even has a stage name of Actona.
He likes people that will put him in his place; Iris was this person so that’s how he met Meditrina and Lumi, who he became close with.
One of the people he liked right off the bat was Ace because he’s so funny with all of the things he has said and he’s got a lot of guts to do everything he did on his first day. While many of his friends groan and say, “These underclassmen”, he’s the guy that’ll laugh and say, “I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us!”
He does not like hamsters because when he was little, he had a hamster and when he tried to feed it, it bit the top of his finger so hard he had to go to the hospital. He ended up having to get surgery and it healed properly but he was traumatized from that event ever since then. 
He does not like pumpkin pie because every year for his birthday, his little brother would ask for a pumpkin pie instead of something Gale wanted and his parents, due to the favoritism, would get that for him. 
The Hunter and the Heartbreaker: Rook + Gale
Gale was actually the one that approached Rook first, despite seeming secretive. Since he can strike up a conversation with anybody, Gale found out a lot of things about Rook through these conversations. Gale has no regards for knowing too much about Rook's past. they become really good friends after Rook finds out that Gale writes songs, so they become writing buddies. Rook writes poetry, Gale writes songs, occasionally they can be found writing stuff together and having the other beta read for them. 
The Eel and the Catfish: Floyd + Gale
They met in their music class and Floyd's surprised to find someone that's as laid back as him, not to mention easy to talk to. Both of them share an interest in a lot of things and music was just something that they had in common. Floyd likes listening to Gale play because he can play a variety of instruments (his favorite is the electric guitar). Floyd calls him a catfish because of the meaning behind his name. It means “sea storm” with meanings leading to electric power, but Gale is so awful with technology that Floyd decided to give him the nickname to mess with him.
The Idiot and The Idiot-In-Training: Ace + Gale
He thinks that Ace is funny, especially after all of the shenanigans that he has pulled. the fact that Ace just speaks his mind really draws Gale to him so that they can be friends. They like to bully each other from time to time, but Ace does respect him (sometimes). Most of the time, it's Ace not believing that Gale is older than him, although Ace can't say anything on that matter. Gale knows a bit of combat, so when it's revealed, Ace is ready to be taught.
The Tart Lovers: Riddle + Gale
Riddle kind of scares Gale but they can both agree on liking tarts. Gale likes chocolate tarts because that’s what he’s always wanted on his birthday and Riddle is the same, just with a strawberry tart. As a peace offering, Gale will sometimes make him a strawberry tart but check with a Heartslabyul member to check if he’s breaking any rules at any given moment. 
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segafan37 · 4 years
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Shadamy Snippet: Emergency Meeting Pt. 1
Author's Note:
This Shadamy snippet used to be a Teaser Snippet for Chapter 6. I wasn't planning for it to be part of the story at all. It was just a old deleted scene that I wanted to share to give you, the audience, a broad idea about the upcoming chapter. However, after my sister read the teaser, she insisted that it be apart of the story. So, after some tweaks, the former Teaser Snippet is now apart of Chapter 6!
I hope you enjoy it! 😁 Art by @drawloverlala
Inside Dodon Pa's Mansion
[Normal p.o.v.]
After Metal and Rouge parted ways to look for Devious, Rouge started wandering through the different crowded rooms and corridors of the mansion. There were four levels to the mansion and Rouge was currently on the main floor. Metal ventured to levels 3 and 4, leaving Rouge to explore the others.
King Donda Pa was never one who lacked in abundance and his mansions were likewise. Each one was styled to attribute the environment that surrounded them, and the one Rouge was in was no different.
The mansion was large and fanciful, displaying the breath of winter. The hallways were long and wide and painted a calm blue. Tall windows filled the rooms and corridors showcasing the fierce blizzards outside. 
The halls were decorated with broad tapestries of cream and royal blue, and the floor was polished marble. The rooms were equally vast with crystal chandilers, honed marble floors and many assortment of decor to accent the rooms.
Rouge scanned the multitude of faces as she made her way throughout the main floor. Everywhere Rouge went she was surrounded by Mobians, both good and bad. Everyone seemed cordial enough, but the bat knew better. She could just feel the tension in the air. 
Rogue would have been lying to herself if she said this whole affair wasn't the least bit unsettling. It was just a matter of time before something or someone causes the inevitable. 
 It took a whole hour, but she had finally explored all of the main floor. Rouge still hadn't found her man though. It was time for her to switch tactics.
Just then her communicator picked up a male voice.
"We can't celebrate yet. We still need Rouge to do her part." 
It was the voice of Slinger the Ocelot.
"Don't you worry your pretty head about me, Ocelot." Rouge cooed, "I'm already in the mansion, and I've got to say, this mysterious dealer knows how to put on a party! I'm surprised that Dodon Pa even allowed this event! But seeing that he never takes sides...I guess it's not too surprising."
"Hey Rouge!" a female voice squealed through her eyepiece. 
Rouge immediately smiled. It was Salkia, her sweet little student. Well, she wasn't little anymore, but Rouge couldn't get the cute little 10 year old out of her head, who wanted to learn how to kick but. 
"If any of the food looks good, save me some! Okay!?" Salkia asked.
"Will do, honey!"
Slinger gave out a groan.
"Just stay focused, alright!"
Rouge rolled her eyes. She could tell he was in one of his moods again.
"Relax, Slinger. No need to get snippy!" she said.
"Yeah! We all know you're jealous!" Salkia added. 
"Mm hmm!" Rouge smiled.
Slinger released another groan, which made Salkia giggle. She knew she shouldn't be teasing Slinger when he's like this, but he's been acting like a big grump the whole day. And she was tired of it! 
Salkia and Rouge continued to pester Slinger with their giggles, until he finally spoke.
"That's not the reason why!" Slinger argued.
This made Rouge and Salkia both fall silent. They knew what he was talking about. [Author: Chapter 4 reference] No one spoke for sometime.
Rouge sighed and decided to change the subject and break the awkward silence.
"By the way, what do you mean by 'Rouge needs to do her part'? You two are the ones assigned to get the package! I'm just here in case there's a slip-up."
"And to secure our escape route!" Slinger emphasized.
"Which I already have covered!" Rouge insisted, "Now you stay focused on your job, while I stay on mine."
Slinger sighed. "Fine. We'll contact you when the package is secured."
Rouge's communicator went silent and she continued to make her way through the crowd, as different fragments of conversations caught her ears. 
"I wonder what makes this relic so powerful?" asked a female.
"Whatever it is I bet it's worth a fortune!" another spoke.
"Everyone's assuming that this relic has power, but for all we know, it could be a hunk of junk!"
"Well, if that were true, then Dodon Pa wouldn't have allowed this event to take place in his mansion in the first place."
Well, would you look at that!, Rouge laughed to herself. It seems everyone's here to get their hands on the relic. Huh! Too bad none of them will have a chance to see it!  
"What I really want to know" a male's voice began, grabbing her attention, "is who this mysterious dealer is? He clearly doesn't care who gets the relic as long as he's getting paid. And I for one, don't trust those kinds of people. If I'm going to get that relic, I need to first know who I'm dealing with." 
"Smart guy." Rouge whispered, as she approached the stairs to the second floor. 
"Okay Rouge, enough eavesdropping. You got a Mobian to find." 
Once atop the second floor, she looked about and immediately identified this level as the party floor. The music was louder here and gambling tables, slot vendors, pool tables and the like were scattered throughout the joining rooms. Rouge felt like she had walked into a casino.
Rouge peered over the corridor's open railing, and took one last look at the faces below, trying to find the one Mobian who would know how to pinpoint Devious. But she had no such luck. Rouge sighed. She knew it was a long shot. This guy was wanted after all, but Rouge couldn't ignore her strong hunch that he'd be here. 
Rouge gritted her teeth in frustration.
Where is he!?
Time was of the essence. She and Metal only had a limited amount of time to locate Devious, before Salkia and Slinger collected the relic. If her sources were correct, the best and only person who could find Devious quickly would be his favorite broker.
Rouge looked over the crowd again, but she still couldn't spot her man.
That cat could be hiding anywhere! I better check in with Metal to see how he's doing.
"Metal, honey? This is Rouge. Do you copy?"
There was no answer. 
"Metal, come in! This is Rouge. Did you find anything?"
Still silence. Rouge was about to try again, when a deep sinister voice startled her from behind. 
"Looking for someone in particular, my dear?"
Rouge spun around to come face to face with the infamous psychic magician Mammoth Mongul. 
His large tan trunk was almost touching her nose. Rouge could smell thick expensive cologne and winsted.
It was never easy to frazzle this bat; she has faced many dangers before, all without hesitation. Some, even close to death, but Rouge also knows when she's met her match. 
The hairy elephant towered over the bat, making her appear small and insignificant. Mongul's dark green orbs pierced through Rouge's teal eyes, paralyzed her. She remained in his gaze for ten full seconds.
A small smile slowly crept on the mammoth's face. Was Rouge terrified? Yes. Did she want to scream and fly away to safety? Yes. Was she going to show it? Not on her life!
The Bat released herself from Mongul's spell; eyes sparkling with defiance, as she matched the beast's smile with her own.
"I'm surprised at you, Mongul!" Rouge scolded, "You of all people should know not to be here! It could be dangerous for you." 
Mongul smiled at the bat's attempted threat, and decided to give one of his own.
"My dear, Rouge. I appreciate your concern but I can assure you that I am not the one who is in the least bit of danger."
"Is that so?" Rouge questioned, trying to sound unaffected by his words, "Well, even still! I would think you would send one of your mindless followers to get the relic for you to save you the trouble."
"Don't be so quick to judge, bat. I have sent one of my men to take care of the relic. I'm here for a different reason, and being here is no trouble at all."
Rouge raised a painted brow, "Oh?" 
"Yes. Just like you, I'm looking for someone, a colleague of mine." Mongul leaned down to bring his face closer to Rouge's ear. "And perhaps", he whispered "my colleague is the same pink cat dealer you're looking for." 
Rouge took a step back. 
How does he know about Locky!? 
Rouge swallowed, as her heart raced.
"I'm sorry, who?"
"No need to hide it, Rouge! Someone of your acquaintance told me all about it."
Rouge gasped.
Oh no, Metal! 
"No need to worry about your robot friend, my dear; he's perfectly safe. But I know he'll appreciate your concern." 
As he said this, Mongul's eyes met Rouge's and his distinct facial features began to pixelate before her. It was just for a brief moment, but Rouge could clearly see the face of her comrade. 
"Metal, …" Rouge whispered, "I'm gonna knock your bolts right out of you! And turn you into scrap!"
Metal Sonic quickly returned to his cloned form and moved out the way, before a slap could be delivered to his face. Some guests saw the scene and were shocked at Rouge's bravery.
"Why so anger?..." Metal Sonic questioned. His voice was just above a whisper. "Did I scare you?"
"Shut. Up." Rouge growled.
"Okay, okay! I just came down to tell you some news." Metal rose to his full cloned height and peered down at Rouge.
"Then start talking!"
"Not here." Metal instructed, still holding Mongul's deep voice. "Follow me."
Metal brought Rouge to a quiet room somewhere on the second floor. It wasn't like the ballroom, like the other rooms Rouge been in. This was a study. It was large in comparison to most studies, but it was still a study, none the less. 
Once both were safely inside with the door locked, Rouge turned to Metal.
"Now, talk!"
"Why are you still angry?" Metal still was using Mongul's voice. 
"Metal, stop with the cloning for one second and talk to me!"
Metal sighed, and returned back to his normal self. Rouge let out a small breath she didn't realize she was holding. Rouge folded her arms, waiting to hear her comrade's message.
"I was surprised at how many Mobians came to Dodon Pa's Mansion." Metal said simply." 
"That's what you wanted to tell me!?" Rouge screamed.
"Rouge, if you do not wish for us to be discovered in a restricted area, I suggest you lower the volume of your voice." 
"I'll start lowering my voice, when you stop messing around! Now, tell me why you brought me here!?"
There was a silence in the air, as each stared at the other.
"I found him." Metal calmly spoke.
"I found him." Metal repeated, "I found Locky."
Exsert from Shadamy fanfic "12 Years Later: A New Dawn". You can read the rest of this chapter and more on Wattpad, DeviantArt, Quotev, or Webnovel.
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tozettastone · 2 years
Akatsuki but I ranked them by whether or not they'd have sex with their clones. Obviously, under a cut. Not too graphic but still essentially a list about clone-fucking.
11. Tobi: Obito is a prude and you can't convince me otherwise. He views clone-fucking as crazy kinky shit only gotten up to in the annals of Icha Icha fanfic, not something real people do. Nevertheless he has 100% made a clone to hug him in the quiet privacy of his ongoing nervous breakdown, so take that where you like.
10. Deidara: This is weird and gross and his face is completely changing colours!!! (Deidara is... young.) You can't just ask him weird questions like that! (Never mind that Deidara makes clones just to blow them up. If you taught him the shadow clone technique he'd use it just to remember the "experience". He has no leg to stand on, but these are very different abuses of clone techniques, to him.)
9. Sasori: No, because all the interest he ever feels is intellectual now. He finds Deidara's disgust performative and foolish, though.
8. Pein: Always has clones, but Nagato is maybe too depressed and/or sick for sex? The constant availability of clones would seem to put him high on this list, but actually he kind of feels guilty and resentful and angry about that kind of physical indulgence and is actively hostile towards things that cause him pleasure. Please get some therapy, Nagato.
7. Hidan: Highly orthodox within his own perception of what's normal and moral, to be honest. Clone sex is weird and hasn't really occurred to him to try, but if you ask about it he'll contemplate the strange perversions of other people. If Hidan wants sex, he wants it with another person. People's consciousness of physical experiences is important to him, and also he likes being their focus. Like... pay attention to him!
6. Kisame: Has heard of this and isn't throwing a tantrum about it like some of these others, but also he hasn't tried it himself. It seems like a lot of effort for the payout.
5. Itachi: Itachi's too sick and tired to think about sex a lot without, like, significant input from someone else. His intense physical desires are probably more along the lines of that feeling when you finally lie down after an interminably long day and your whole body seems to decompress. If you asked him about it, he'd probably completely ignore you—a shun, like you aren't even there. But really, if he thinks about it internally, at least if someone is using their clones for sex they're not inflicting themselves on the populace. (His mind drifts to Jiraiya. Hmm. Yes.)
4. Zetsu: Has no kind of procreative instinct. Still tried it. Experience middling. Not sure why people like any of it, really?
3. (Honorary) Orochimaru: ...Orochimaru is the only person with whom Orochimaru has ever had sex for the pleasure of it. Every other sexual encounter, ever, has been largely about the other person. He likes to control other people by provoking them into some kind of response. People are very cute when they're screaming and crying, and there's more than one way to skin a cat.
2. Kakuzu: He is over ninety and made of a bubbling mass of tentacles. You can be pretty sure if it's physically possible, he's tried it. Next!
1. Konan: The only other person she would potentially, possibly have considered allowing to touch her is now the lifeless puppet of her friend. The ardour has... cooled, there. She has needs though, and clone techniques are nowhere near as chakra or control-intensive as her overpowered paper jutsu. Her clones are safe, clean and pleasant smelling, which is more than can be said about anyone else. Thursday nights are self care nights and it's more than your life is worth to interrupt her.
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