#our first guy has arrived !!! followed by many more of his friends !!!
kimhargreeves · 1 year
Saved Again-Sanji x Fem Reader (One Piece Netflix)
Summary: You've been Luffy's friend for years. Being the first member to join Luffy's crew, together they are off to become pirates,.later on a certain chef has his eyes on you. And a fond memory of you and a boy after a shipwreck comes to mind when arriving at the Baratie.
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(A/N: I'm so excited for the One Piece live action do I decided to write this!! I'll start on a Part 2 once the series is released. I absolutely love Sanji and he's my favorite of the Straw Hats. I relate to him a lot too since I was training to become a chef as well…anyways the one shot might be slightly changed once I watch the series.)
(A/N: Oh and also the reader is often confused as a boy but Nami and Sanji know she's a girl.)
"That's why I'm gonna be king of the pirates!!" Luffy exclaimed enthusiastically, even though we were in the middle of nowhere.
I turned around and frowned looking at him being too cheery and loud as usual. "Can you be any louder?' I glare before pulling my head out of the small boat we were in and I continued to throw up out into the ocean.
I heard a hum coming from Luffy and saw him tilting his head a bit. "Are you sure you're okay?"
This is the downside of wanting to become a pirate and sail across the Grand Line. Well, not many people get sea sick and start to pour their guts out.
I wipe the sweat off my forehead and sighed. "If only Coby didn't accept in becoming a Marine. He would've maybe given me some of the medicine he was carrying."
"He did offer some yet you said you'd be alright without it." Luffy reminds me making me groan.
"Don't make me throw up on you." I warn.
"Will you two shut up already?" I glared and looked back at the green haired man who I forgot had joined us.
"Huh? Why don't you make me, Zoro? Our friend here might be dying." Luffy said patting my back a bit too rough.
Zoro looked at us with a bored expression on his face and went back to closing his eyes. "You guys are insufferable, would've been nicer if I was still tied up."
I point and glared at him. "You should be thankful that we saved your ass."
"Luffy was the one who did. You're too weak to save anyone anyway, kid."
"I'm not a kid! I'm older than you think believe it or not!!" I shout getting defensive and forgetting that I had be throwing up.
"Then why are you acting like a kid?!"
"Guys will you stop arguing for once?" Luffy said stepping between us and calming Zoro as well when we saw an island up ahead.
Idiots are they really dumb and don't know I am secretly a girl. The reason why I like to crossdress if for fun, but mostly because I've seen the way pirates who are men are more respected.
I once had cut my hair short but decided to let it grow and use a wig instead, besides being in disguise had helped me with stealing from people.
Luffy with his devil fruit power stretched all the way until his feet hit the sand and he looked around in enthusiasm.
"Wow this island seems so cool! But why is it so quiet?!" He asked loudly.
"Maybe this is an island inhabited with ghosts." I muttered and heard Zoro scoff and began to grab his swords when the boat hit the sand below us.
Zoro jumped off of the boat and began to follow Luffy. "Hey, (Y/N). Are you coming or staying?"
I raised my head and tilted my head looking at Luffy. "You guys can go on ahead. I'll catch up with you."
He nodded and I saw both guys beginning to walk further into the island. Slowly I got up on my feet and jumped out of the boat as well. I was deep in my thoughts imagining what it will be like to travel across the world and get to know other famous pirates.
Luffy's dream has always been to become king of the pirates and his number 1 person he's always looked up to was Shanks, maybe Gold D. Roger in second place.
As for me..I really don't have a dream. I've just been following Luffy around. I don't have a family. Shanks was the one who raised me along with Luffy, I came along later in the picture and don't have any memories of my past, only a few glimpses here and there but maybe it's just me reliving someone else's dream.
"So he's also a devil fruit user?"
I stopped walking and ran to hide behind a building and I looked over and saw a group of pirates, my eyes were set on the one between all of them. Buggy the clown. I've seen his Wanted poster.. wait!
My eyes widened and then I glared when I spotted Luffy in a cage. Are you serious?! He got caught..huh? I looked and saw someone else with them too, a red headed girl.
Where is Zoro anyways?
I frowned even more when I saw he and Luffy were caught. God damn it. It's up to me now, now all I gotta do is find out if this girl is an enemy of ally.
I got out of my hiding place and prepared to face the gang of pirate clowns…
"Hang on!!"
Someone shouted and tried to reach for my hands but I was pulled away by the harsh tides of the sea. My eyes and lungs began to sting, I felt like it was the end for me. Just a few minutes ago I was with my family, are they dead? Will I die as well and meet them again?
I couldn't swim so I felt myself sinking lower into the dark cold sea. I wanted to cry but couldn't and right when I was ready accept my death I felt someone grab onto me and I was being pulled up again.
I gasped along with the person who had saved me. A man about the same age as my dad saved me, I continued to gasp and began to cough up the salty water I had in my lungs.
The sky was dark with clouds covering the sky, it was heavily raining with thunder.
"Don't die just yet kid! Hold onto this." The man exclaimed.
The man could swim with ease and he had placed me on top of a wooden piece of what I assumed was part of the ship that had exploded. I looked to my right and saw a boy my age, with blonde hair and green eyes, his eyes seemed scared as well.
Are we the only survivors?
My answer was clear the more we got away from the shipwreck and landed on an island. The man easily picked us up and placed us on his shoulder, but the more he continued to walk the more I felt he was struggling, it wasn't until we made it inside a cave that I realized he lost his leg.
I was about to comment on it but didn't when the man seemed angry at something. The boy and I exchanged looks and didn't say a word, we only saw the man lighting up a small fire place as we continued to hear thunder and lightning.
I don't know who this man is, this boy surely isn't his son…mom..dad…my eyes began to sting and I began to cry out loudly with tears running down my face along with a runny nose.
The man didn't say anything and the little boy seemed to stiffen and I saw a few tears forming in his eyes as well and he began to silently cry…
By the next morning the man, the pirate who saved us said he wanted to be alone so he left the boy and I a large bag of food. "We refuse to eat this because you're a pirate and pirates are bad people!!" The boy had shouted earlier.
The man said almost nothing and left me alone with the boy. The boy and I looked at each other and we both didn't say a word about the man.
"Umm do you think we can make a boat somehow and leave the island?" I quietly asked nervous and shy to ask this stranger for help.
"Does it look like we have a way out of this island?! The boy shouted glaring at me. "What would a girl know about sailing anyways?"
I began to cry again and I did the first thing that came to my mind, and I had punched him. "All I want is to see my parents again!"
The boy seemed surprised by my action and began to hold onto his swollen cheek. "H-hey don't cry. You're gonna make me cry again!"
It was too late. He was crying again….
It had been many days until the three of us were rescued. An odd boat with some friendly men were the one who saved us, the man who rescued the boys and us took the boy in as his own in a way, and he was about to send me off to live a normal life with someone who was willing to raise me.
The man somehow got a nice dress for me to wear, as a last send-off he had done a dessert for me. A strawberry cake I came to love at first bite.
He along with the men on the ship all were outside ready to say their goodbyes to me. I even saw a man or two begin to cry.
"I always wanted a small girl."
"You can't even feed yourself properly how are you supposed to raise a kid." I heard one of them say to another.
"You ready, kid?" I heard the man ask making me turn to look at him. I shook my head and the man sighed and patted my head once. "You'll soon understand why I'm sending you off. You'll have a proper life."
My eyes wandered over to the man and over to the small boy I was saved with. The boy stiffened when I looked at him, and I saw his pale cheeks turn to a pink color.
"I-I…" I didn't know exactly what to say, that's until he spoke up.
"I d-do hope you enjoyed the cake I made with help! Next time if we meet again I'll bake you a whole lot more..also…if we meet again I'll make you my wife!!" He exclaimed.
The men behind the boy groaned and one of them lightly hit his head. "That's no way of a send-off!"
I shyly smiled at all of them and the boy….
"Usopp!! Nami!! Are we there yet?!"
"How many times do we have to say, no!!"
I squinted my eyes when I opened them. "That was a strange dream." I muttered to myself and glared at the three who woke me up.
Few days have gone by since he fought Buggy and his crew along with a few more pirates. Usopp was the new crew member. He's a bit odd and a scaredy cat but he means well. If it wasn't for him. Luffy wouldn't have his new and proper ship, officially presenting himself as a pirate.
The sailing ship was huge and fitted with us do well. Luffy named it the Going Merry. A fitting name for a ship.
I looked to my left and saw Zoro fast asleep, I felt envious that he could sleep through this much talking and noise. I made sure my wig was still in place and I got up to join Nami up front. At least it's nice to have another girl around.
"So…you don't have trouble with sharing a room filled with guys?" I asked and saw Nami giving me an odd bur serious look.
"No?" She squinted her eyes looking at me and looked back at the tides.
Weird…It's a shame I can't talk about girl things with her.
Luffy said he was searching for the last member to our team. Luffy is Captain, we have a navigator..well kinda that being Nami, the main fighter being Zoro, Usopp as the sniper and I fix anything on the ship
Since none of us are cooks. Luffy suggested on finding a chef. I offered to be the one to fill everyone's stomach, but everything I cook always ends up burnt.
The rest of us began to get things done on the ship until a fight began with another ship and the Going Merry crashed into a ship. My mouth fell open when we crashed and accidently directed a cannon ball into the ship that wasn't even attacking us.
"Crap…Luffy!" I shouted and saw him smiling shamefully.
All of us walked closer to the deck and saw the great damage the other ship received. "We better head in there and talk to the person in charge. And you are going to apologize." I said grabbing onto Luffy's straw hat and he quickly grabbed it back and placed it on his head.
He said nothing and began to follow us. We got onto the other ship and read the ships name, The Baratie.
I looked around and this seemed familiar. "You okay?" Nami stopped and asked glancing back at me.
"Yeah.. everything's fine." I said still looking around and ran over to her side and began to follow the rest of the crew.
We all entered the ship and wow was it beautiful and extremely fancy. "Wow..this is something else. It doesn't feel like we're in the middle of the sea." I said in awe and stared around.
Everything looked so expensive. I saw people around sharing their meals and couples smiling at each other and drinking fancy wine. Not to mention the smell, I wonder how the food must taste!
I was practically drooling when I saw a huge meal in a table. Nami had grabbed the back of my clothes and dragged me away from a couple who was staring at me weirded out.
"Get a hold of yourself, (Y/N)." Nami muttered and went to sit down on an empty table.
I nodded at myself then went back to checking the place out. This seems so familiar…I started to walk around and peeked over and saw many chefs cooking the meals and they seemed to make it so easy.
"I have an order for a large plate of seafood rice, potato pallie and medium sized bowl of sea pork soup. I need it done in less than 10 minutes!" My mouth began to water even more.
"All have it done in 5." Someone said on the other side with a British accent.
"(Y/N)!" Someone hissed my name and I quickly went over to sit next to Nami and Zoro. Luffy came in as well while we sat down and patiently waited to talk to someone.
I had excused myself after waiting for a bit and went to the bathroom. When I returned I saw Nami still sitting down and she raised an eyebrow looking not pleased when a man began walking towards her.
I felt my heart race when I saw a tall figure standing just a few inches away from her. A handsome man with blonde hair with one of his eyes being a bit hidden by it. He was wearing a dark suit with a blue and white striped shirt under it with a black tie and matching dress pants.
"Would the lady like something sweet?" I saw a smirk spread across his face and Nami just stared at him and rolled her eyes.
Who is he?? And does he know Nami? The man was clearly flirting with her.
"You gotta be joking." I heard Nami ssy. She then turned to look at me.
I didn't know what to do or say. I simply stared at her confused then looked to see the man look at me, he glanced for a second then once again and was now looking directly at me. He immediately walked away from Nami and began to walk towards me.
I began to take a few steps back and I gasped when he took hold of my hand with both of his hands and saw him get down on one knee.
"You are the most gorgeous being I've laid my eyes on. A sight no other I've come across in the Grand Line.."
Thank goodness Nami couldn't listen but it was quiet clear to anyone that this man was flirting with me.
"Y-You've got it all wrong!" I said trying to pull back and felt my cheeks turning red. I can't let anyone know at the moment that I was crossdressing as a guy!!
"I'm never wrong. My eyes never fail when I see a beautiful lady as yourself."
If I weren't in this situation I would be falling on my knees. He's so cute and handsome! My lips began to quiver and I felt my entire body freeze. I've never met a man who shameless at flirting with a stranger.
The man rose up to his feet now towering me and smiling down at me. "I-I…"
He smiled and Introduced himself. "My name is Sanji."
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jirsungs · 2 months
ep 17: i missed you (too)
word count: 3.1k
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You join Jisung in the kitchen and when he sees you arrive, he hops off the counter before he can look at your choice of outfit for the evening. 
But when he does, he wishes he could rewind the moment you walked in so he can pay more attention because holy fuck. Those words were the only coherent thing he could pull out of his brain, but he didn’t blame himself for the mental trouble, because seriously, holy fuck.
Lord, he wishes that no one else has seen you in this black strapless midi dress, which he’s 80% sure is from Kukombo, he remembered you and Ning raving about it a couple of weeks back. Your hair perfectly dolled up, just like the first time he saw you, with your pearl necklace layered by your Tiffany & Co. Infinity Pendant necklace sitting pretty on your collarbone.
He recalls you gushing about how much you love layering jewelry pieces together or how complete it makes you feel on the first night you hung out alone. He also remembers you telling him that the Tiffany & Co. necklace you’re wearing now was bought with Renjun’s card after you begged him on your birthday. 
“You look pretty.” Jisung blurts out before his brain can process that those words actually left his mouth.
His compliment makes you smile. “Thank you.”
Should I have said more? Was that not enough? She looks absolutely gorgeous, but if I say that, I might come off desperate and I am not desperate. Wait. Am I?
Pfft, no, of course not.
He shakes out of his mental dilemma when he hears you talk again, “You too—I mean, you look good.”
Despite you seeing him blush in front of you and mumble a “thank you”, his physical appearance did not match. An awkward guy dressed in his black graphic t-shirt and gray denim baggy jeans. To everyone else, he was seen as a stern, quiet dude who stayed close to his friends and played drums weekly, but to you? He was anything but stern or quiet.
“What’s with us always meeting in kitchens?” You try to joke, your horrible attempt to ease the weird tension in the air.
It was a pretty bad joke, if you could even call it one, but at least, you know that there will be someone who laughs at anything you say. And that’s Jisung. “Right? I guess it’s the place where we’re just destined to be together. We first met in Karina’s kitchen, then had our first interaction after Karina’s party in Johnny’s kitchen—”
“One horrible interaction.” You both wince at the immature memory. 
“Yep, it was pretty bad… But now, you’re here with me in Chenle’s kitchen after… ghosting me for two weeks.”
An awkward laugh escapes your mouth, not knowing what to say now that the air suddenly grew uncomfortable. Fortunately for you, Jisung doesn’t notice and is instead embarrassed by himself.
“Sorry, I said kitchen too many times. That was–it sounded weird.”
It’s been two weeks without him and yet somehow, he still holds the power of making it impossible for you to be mad at him. You hate that you always find his awkwardness endearing.
“You’re fine, Ji. In fact, it didn’t sound weird to me at all.” You reassuringly smile, nudging his side.
And that one overused nickname he's heard from multiple different people sounded the prettiest when it came from you. A light switched in him and the next thing you know, Jisung's ranting about Rockway's past gig to Jeno breaking their blender after attempting to make a blueberry banana smoothie for him before their workout at the gym.
Your friends come over once they spot you two in the kitchen corner together, cutting your conversation short. Suddenly, you’re in the arms of Ning and Haechan, engulfing you in a hug while Jisung is kept occupied in conversation with Renjun, Mark, and Jaemin. 
Soon after, your interactions die down with Ning and Haechan accompanying each other to go dance and the three guys who busied Jisung left due to Chenle pulling them away for a game of beer pong. 
Chenle was successful in dragging Jaemin and Renjun while Mark followed suit. But as Mark was about to leave, he stopped to offer Jisung a spot to join, which you encouraged, since Rockway usually boasts about how skilled he is at the game. But he turned down his friend’s offer with a shake of his head. 
You guess Jisung made a signal to the clueless guitarist because Mark says no more, glancing between you and him before letting out an “Ohhh…” He winks at the guy next to you, who you see grow more flustered by the minute, and exits out of the kitchen.
Jisung finally lets go of the breath you didn’t realize he was holding onto for so long and you’re left alone together once more.
The quiet gives Jisung the perfect opportunity to continue catching up with you. You’re not even thirty minutes into the conversation when it gets interrupted again, this time by Yeonjun and Jeno whining about their loss in beer pong. And after multiple pleas from them, they were finally able to pull the beloved drummer boy away from your side.
“I’ll be right back after this, I promise.” Jisung gives you one last pouty look before the guys tug him by the arms. 
“Yeah yeah, don’t get clingy, lover boy.” Yeonjun chirps out as he and Jeno drag him away, the latter following up with a, “We’ll take good care of him, Y/N!”
Your eyes follow the three guys, they join the crowded table that has multiple red solo cups set on either side, and you take notice of how Jisung radiates a whole new light when he’s surrounded by his bandmates, along with your friends. You adored that you all became such a tight-knit group so quickly. It’s nice. Well, sometimes. Haechan and Mark currently screaming over one another is one of the reasons why you say “sometimes.”
“You guys already have Yeonjun! Let us have Jisunggg!” Haechan whines. 
Mark lets out a humorless laugh, “What’re you talking about? Renjun clearly made y’all win last game!”
Your eyes shift over to Jisung, who’s covering his ears at the noise. It makes you laugh under your breath.
Luckily, the argument between Haechan and Mark didn’t last long because the next time you looked over, they were already concentrating on their game. Shotaro, a mutual friend of Rockway’s, was focusing his aim on the cup. 
While Jisung is playing beer pong with the others, you’re left alone, feeling peaceful as you watch the party around you. But to your dismay, your content mood turns sour when you see Jaeyun, your ex-situationship, walk over.
“Y/N alone at a party? That’s a new one.” He snickers, pouring himself a cup of the cheap beer.
You watch him take a sip and scowl. “What are you doing here?” 
“It’s an open-invite party, pretty face. You know I never skip out on these.”
“You’re not even friends with Chenle, or anyone here, for that matter.”
Jaeyun takes another sip of his drink, “Eh, so what? Again,” He lowers himself to directly meet your eyes, “It’s a free party.”
He disgusts you.
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Once Jisung takes his turn throwing the small ping-pong ball towards the cup and it lands inside, as expected, his teammates Jeno, Mark, Yeonjun, and Wonbin cheer and hype the drummer up at his performance. 
As Jisung glances between the four guys surrounding him, he sees you accompanied by someone in the background. His friends don’t notice him moving to the back of them as their attention is set on Jeno already being pushed to the front for his turn.
His eyes widen when he realizes who's talking to you. Jaeyun. The one guy you told him about on your first hangout together when he was curious about your past. He’s glad you didn’t hide yourself away from him when he asked because now, he knows that the guy is nothing but a lovebombing asswipe. But what he isn’t so thrilled about is the fact that he shares a class with the guy, let alone the same major. 
You’re uneasy, he can tell. It’s painful to watch. And he’s sure your feeling gets worse once he sees you grow visibly stiff when a girl comes over and kisses Jaeyun on the cheek.
Insecure isn’t typically a word Jisung would use to describe himself. He sometimes becomes doubtful of himself, sure, but insecure isn’t a word that would be in his pile of descriptions. Plus, he knows he's on your mind every second of every day, and that was more than enough assurance for him. 
But Jaeyun intimidated the hell out of him, he knew this, despite being a few months older than him, Jaeyun was bulkier and he was aware that his looks could kill, he guessed that’s how he got you gripped on him at one point in your life. However, that still didn’t stop him from excusing himself from his friends, lying to them that he needed to go to the bathroom.
Surprisingly, his friends paid no attention to his departure with how engrossed they were in their game, making it easier for him to rush to the kitchen. 
You’re too busy tolerating Jaeyun and his next fling’s drained conversation they were having with you, to notice him walk in. That is until you feel a presence beside you and an arm wrapped around your waist, leading you to look up at the culprit and see Jisung. It was new seeing him touch you so comfortably like this, or be possessive either. You weren’t complaining though, it was definitely something you could get used to.
But the said man doesn’t have time to make eye contact with you because all he’s focused on is his main goal here, and that’s for Jaeyun to get out of your goddamn face.
“Sim, you’re not making her uncomfortable, are you?”
What is he doing? You think. Jaeyun letting out a low whistle and opening his obnoxious mouth again doesn’t allow you to dwell on it.
“Wow, Y/N, I didn’t think you were into,” He eyes Jisung up and down unimpressed, “lousy playing drummer boys all that much.”
Oh God.
You feel Jisung’s arm around you tense up, “What did you just say?”
Jaeyun only snickers. You watch Woona, his new fling who you, unfortunately, remember the name of cling onto him tighter. You roll your eyes at the action.
“I mean, as far as I remember, you were better than picking underground losers off the low-paying nightclubs his band plays at.”
You scoff. It was obvious he knew nothing about Jisung, Rockway, or any of their successes, “You’re full of shit, Jaeyun.”
Your ex-situationship couldn’t care less about what you said because once he sees Jisung’s fuming face slightly falter, he knows he got him. So he continues, “Jisung, I’m warning you now, man. You better find a better chick 'cause all you got right now is some bitch who’ll whore around for anyone with a dick attached—”
Everything happens in a blink of an eye. You seriously don’t know how.
One moment Jisung’s arm is wrapped around your body then the next, he and Jaeyun are on the kitchen floor while Jisung lunges at him right away, giving Jaeyun barely time to react before his fist crashes down on him. The connection to Jaeyun’s jaw creates a painful crunch that echoes across the room, resulting in some partygoers reacting to the scene.
Your expression never changes as you watch in disbelief at the whole thing, Woona instantly screaming and trying to push Jisung off. It doesn’t work though, she falls over when Jaeyun attempts to regain himself, bouncing back a punch that has Jisung’s head taking a hit to the side. But Jisung rapidly returns his attention. Regaining control of his fist, he delivers another vicious blow to Jaeyun’s face, then follows with another, and another, and by the next punch, he finds himself losing control.
The number of punches he’s thrown, Jisung stays unaware of it, and frankly, he doesn’t give a shit about it. He continues to stay unaware even when people’s arms are grasping him from behind to force him from the wounded Jaeyun.
“Jisung, what the fuck is wrong with you?” It isn’t until Haechan’s distressed voice snaps him out of his daze, that he finally notices Jaeyun being helped up by Yuta and Jungwoo.
He observes Jaeyun’s bleeding lip and bruised face and finds no remorse in his heart. Throwing punches at the guy isn’t the worst thing he could’ve done, he knew that Jaeyun knew he deserved it too.
Instead of answering Haechan and the others as their worries talk over one another, his breath remains raggedy when he takes a glance over at you, you didn’t move from the spot, your hand over your chest as you’re heaving, trying to recollect yourself from what just happened. His gaze is fixated on you while your eyes shift between Jaeyun and Woona, who’s giving you the worst side eye known to man. 
Jisung guesses he didn’t hit Jaeyun hard enough, because he dares to open his mouth again. His voice raspy and taunting, “Shit, you’re lucky your band came to the rescue ‘cause I would’ve ripped you apart.”
“You never shut your mouth, do y—” It was stupid, Jisung knew it was, but it still had him attempting to pounce forward in the grasp of his friends but they swiftly pulled him back, making loud protests.
With all the voices that rang throughout the room, Chenle’s was the only one that caught Jisung’s attention, seeing his best friend angry was a usual thing, just not like this, “Ji, if you don’t wanna calm yourself down, take this shit outside.”
“Fine.” The younger’s eyes soften as he looks between Haechan and Jaemin who are currently holding him, “Let go of me.”
Haechan arches his brow at him, unsure of whether to trust Jisung or if he'll start something when he’s freed, but the two exchange a look before letting him go.
And just like that, Jisung storms out of the kitchen, paying no mind to Jaeyun who tries to reach for him. He exits Chenle’s apartment, and you immediately follow after him. 
Your hurried steps make contact with the concrete sidewalk as you reach outside of the house, trying to walk faster to match his pace. The cold air quickly reaches your body, making you rub your arms in hopes of warming up. 
When you’re walking close behind him, you speak up, “Jisung, I can’t believe you just did that! That whole thing was unnecessary, I don’t even know why you decided to get yourself hurt over someone as stupid as Jaeyun!” Your words coming out as a scold.
His abrupt stop in his tread almost makes you bump into him, but he turns himself around and faces you. He lashes out. “Unnecessary? My ass, it was unnecessary! I couldn't stand hearing him talk about you like that, especially when he's the one who treated you like garbage.”
Confused at his sudden outburst, you lash back, “Jisung, why did you do that?”
Jisung releases a deep breath, “Y/N, I did it because…” He can’t dare to look at you, so he glances up at the night sky instead. "Geez..."
You grow angrier seeing his focus not on you, “What, Jisung? What?”
“Fuck, because I like you, you idiot! Can’t you see that?” Your eyes slightly widen and you swallow the next agitated remark resting on your tongue. With you now becoming quiet, he allows himself to slowly calm down, “Look… I know I'm not the best with words, we know that. But these whole two weeks of me waiting by the phone just for one single text from you confused the hell outta me. I mean, at one point, you're hating me, and then I'm hating you, to us being friends, now to whatever this is.” He motions his hands between the two of you in a stressed manner.
Still. You can’t believe your ears, so you dumbly ask, “You what?”
He’s calmed down by this point, looking like an ashamed puppy, “I like you, Y/N. I really really like you.”
“And what makes you think I didn't feel the same?” Now it's Jisung's turn to be confused, his lost eyes being nothing but cute to you. Even beaten up, he was adorable. You sigh, “I like you too, stupid.” 
“Oh, thank God.” 
In a flash, his head is tilted down to match your height, and he leans in, his hands reaching for your jaw. Then, his lips meet yours. His fingers keep their place on your jaw, gentle and scared to move down. Finally, he thinks. Expecting you to pull away, he’s surprised when you kiss him back, your hands gripped on his shirt, pulling him closer to you. Fireworks weren’t going off, but your heart sure felt like they were.
You never thought your first kiss with Jisung would be like this, desperate and full of want. But you don’t care, he longed for this, and so did you. 
He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. He circles your waist with both arms, before he speaks, his breath still heavy, “I know that you told me you always wished for a fairytale kiss, but I couldn’t help it anymore. So, uh, I hope that kinda made up for it?”
He just kissed you and he’s awkward?
You affectionately smile, “It made up for it, Ji. Really.” You loop your arms around his neck. “Now is this a bad time to apologize for how stupid it was to ghost you or…?”   
He chuckles, “You’re cute.” You pout and mumble a “shut up” before he continues, “But yes, it is. I mean, I already forgave you the moment you came over. I’m kinda hurt you didn’t realize that.”
His fake frown leads you to remove one arm from his neck and smack his chest, “I can’t read between the lines!” 
“My bad, my bad. That was my fault for thinking so.”
You hmph, both of your arms taken off his neck for you to cross them instead, “Thank you.”
Jisung thinks your attitude is adorable, and he can’t even be mad at you. Especially with you finally in his arms again after yearning for you for three months, it made everything worth it.
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note: THEY FINALLY SAID IT YALLL 🙏 this chapter is cliché and cheesy af!!!! but did i still kick my feet proofreading it? of course, i did 🤭 also so sorry for such a late update ☹️, i got busy prioritizing other things! but i'm finally back!
🎫: @idkwhatursayinh @sunghoonsgfreal @multifandomania @nanaxwi @odxrilove @sourrpatched @hancafe @chaellaa @dojaejunging @jising-jisang-jisung @heheheeral @haechansbbg @renjunsversion @seunghancore @woshixinqgiu @jiiieun @pinknjm @mrshwang-park @neozon3nha @joyzluvr @aerivrs @nosungluv @haechology @beomgyusonlywife @injunnie-lemon @tommina @222low
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packsvlog · 3 months
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── ✎ CHERRY SODA, 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘬𝘰‧₊˚ ୨୧
✶ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: June has arrived with a constant presence of heat waves, which your hot self is happy about — after all, now you have an excuse for your red cheeks and sweaty hands whenever 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙠𝙤 𝙞𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙞 is near you.
✶ 𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: happy pride month! i love loving woman. at the end, i got heavenly inspired by gatsby’s love for daisy, if you’ve seen the movie with leo, you will understand which scene i’m referring too. fun fact: the movie they are watching is bodies bodies bodies, and i wanted to explore more of reader’s ct, but i couldn’t, cus is all fluff. there is always gojo slander in my fics where he is not the love interest lmao. I ALSO LEARNED HOW TO MAKE DE DEGRADE TITLE MWAHHH. divider by: @cafekitsune
✶ 𝐬𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬: fem!reader / pure fluff / modern!au / curse!au / crackfic! / all are minors so no smut or sexual innuendo / everyone is gay / english is not my first language / too many swear words / lesbian!shoko / reader’s sexuality is shoko, and only that.
✶ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.4k
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The happiest day of your life in Jujutsu Tech was the day you found out your upperclassmen, Shoko Ieiri, was lesbian.
That’s it, it was a simple statement made by her when you heard Gojo Satoru flirting with the girl and receiving the news as an answer. You nearly fell to your knees thanking whatever deity is taking care of this universe and you, the sky was clear of clouds, but you could hear perfectly the fireworks of celebration in your head and heart.
“And then, she said ‘Gojo, I’ll rather eat raw liver than be dating a man, specially you.’” You recall the talk while walking from side to side in your room, while Haibara and Nanami are seated in your bed, one with a enchanting smile and the other completely bored. “And…”
“And what?” Haibara bounces on his crossed legs, hands gripping your sanrio plushie of Cinnamonroll, his favorite of your vast collection.
“And she is vegetarian!” You clap your hands, Yu following your movement. “So, Gojo turned to me, and he said ‘and what about you, hot stuff?’ ”
“What did you answered?” Nanami is the one to ask, although his eyes are fixated on the album cover of the vinyl in his hands, disco playing in the background, his ears are all focused on the gossip.
“So, you see…” Scratching your head, you sighed. “I fumbled for real, just went back to you guys.”
Haibara happy expressions morph into disappointment.
“You’re so stupid, with all respect.” He offends you, though. “This was your chance, it’s not everyday we can be going around telling people we are gay, specially our crush.”
“You do all the time.” Both you and Nanami answers the boy.
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m me, Yu Haibara, the one that can’t shut his mouth. No one tells me their secrets, Kennie had to bodyslam me multiple times because I was always about to tell everyone, when we fist stared going out.” Although he said with energy, the boy had his lips in a pout.
“That’s not true, you haven’t told anyone I’m sapphic or about my crush on Shoko.” Your pacing has stopped, as you tried your best to comfort him.
“Not yet, at least.” Nanami snorts his small comment, before whipping the smirk of, and groaning. “Listen, I’m not in the mood to have you two whining, one is already hard enough to deal with, and I’m dating him! So you need to fix this, Y/n.”
“Huh? Fix what? What did I do?” You stare at Haibara, but he seems as confused as you.
“You need to make sure Shoko knows you’re into women as well. Make this your plan of life or whatever, soon as she knows, then comes plan b: get her on a date, it’s not that hard.”
“Yes it is!” You argue your friend’s really good plan. “She is Shoko Ieiri, pretty and popular and strong, and I’m little old me.” You dramatically falls on your carpet, hands on your forehead like a damsel.
“Girl, be for real, this school does not have that many people to be calling her popular. It’s just that you both are the only girls.” Haibara throws the sanrio plush at your face after his statement. “And you are as strong as her, in fact you are stronger than her, you literally are the strongest at the school.”
“So close! That’s the albino with the blinding eyes, actually.” Says Kento, coming to sit on the floor by your side. Both of you with large doe eyes staring at an energetic Haibara.
“She knows what I mean, your cursed technique is literally the more fucked you get, the more stronger you become. If Gojo bitch slapped you, you would break this world with your energy.”
“What are you saying, baby?” You stare agape at Nanami, is not always he uses the pet names, but the boy is as shocked as you with Haibara’s statement, so it slipped.
“Yeah, what’s with you and this weird coach talk? I don’t wanna be slapped by Gojo.” You mumble awkward, thoughts going straight into the cursed image of having Satoru’s large hands slapping your face — goosebumps follow your disgust in your skin.
“You need to shoot your shot, make her see you as not a school friend but as a potential future girlfriend.” The brunette gets up from the bed and points to your calendar. “It’s june, time to proud!”
You are proud and extremely hot, days later when summer has made its presence everyone’s problem. The students at school discards the purple jackets of their uniforms to only wear the white shirt underneath. You have to do a double take when you see Shoko and her classmates coming your way at the vending machine.
Ieiri looks so beautiful. She always does — but there is something about the short box braids she has, or how she tied her blouse on her waist, the way her skin is glowing with sweater, or the way she is smiling and right in front of you — glossy lips tinted pink moving. Oh shit, she is talking to you.
“I’m sorry what?” You catch yourself saying before staring at her eyes, she is smiling and they are almost closing. Adorable. “My brain is melting, it’s so hot.”
Lame excuse, but she buys it, you think.
“I was asking if you bought your soda yet.” You can sense her eyes on your empty hands, and smiles more when you sign no with your head.
“No..No! I was about to, you want some? I can buy for you.” You cringe at your own desperation, but Shoko sweetly laugh.
“No! I want to buy for you. I’m you senpai, it’s my job.” She goes for the machine and presses the number for cherry coke twice, before paying with her card. Shoko gives you your can before saying her goodbye and moving back to her waiting friends, both males smirking at you.
Walking back with a maniac smile before sprinting to your bedroom, you where once again greeted by Nanami and Haibara in there, startled by your sudden entrance of nearly breaking the door down.
“SHE KNOWS MY SODA!” You scream before falling to your knees, the cold can pressed against your hand reliving you.
“What does she mean?” Haibara asks to his boyfriend, but Nanami simply shrugs, annoyed.
“Don’t know, but clearly you don’t know ours. I’m thirsty and melting.” The blond whines before leaving the room to grab his and his boyfriend’s beverage.
“Hai, you don’t understand.” It’s a second after the door closes, you are in front of the boy, happy expressions in contrasts to his alarmed one. “She payed for my soda, and she knew what was my favorite.”
When Nanami returns, minutes later, he is appalled to see you and his boyfriend screaming happily and jumping on your carpet, while on the background, wedding bells are heard from your music box. He sighs desperate.
Friday comes quickly, and luckily for you, it’s the first of the month, therefore, movie nights in your room: the perfect hangout spot, as always. It’s been a tradition since your friendship with Haibara started, and Nanami shows up whenever he was bored, which pretty much was all the time — specially now that he has his own boyfriend to cuddle.
You love them both to a crazy extent, is true! But no one in their right minds enjoy third wheeling, so you keep mumbling while setting your room up with the help of Yu while Nanami is out buying the snacks. It’s in the middle of your one person rant while adjusting fairy lights on your bed, small couch and plushies’s shelf, you feel something being throw to your head.
“Ow! What was that for?” You turn around to a pissed of Yu, hands on his hips and scowling face.
“I’m so tired of you, Y/n.” The boy comes closer to you, you fear he is going to throw any other thing, but instead he hugs you. “Please, don’t be stupid. Shoko likes you, everyone can see as much as we see you like her. So stop wasting time.”
It’s not supposed to work, because after all, you are the second most dramatic person in this school — coming after Satoru. For some reason, you might blame the summer heat waves that burn your skin much like Shoko’s attention does, and your brain has always been fogged with thoughts of only her. The thing is, Haibara is partly right. You like her lots and lots, and she likes girls lots and lots, and you are a girl, a pretty girl that can make Shoko laugh and feel comfortable — a pretty girl she knows what’s the favorite soda flavor.
Haibara is startled when you leave his embrace to move out of the room, he follows you after a few second of astonishment, and when the boy notices where you are going, a large smile is plastered on his face. He is so proud of you.
Both of you stop in front of a black door decorated with a cat rug and painted with flowers and vines, handmade by Shoko herself. You take three long breaths before knocking the door, and nearly jump back when it’s opened less than a second later by a six foot tall white haired freak with devilish smile. Gojo doesn’t have his glasses. Bitch knew you were coming.
“Shoko, your girlfriend is here.” Satoru sings before opening the door more, giving you a sight of Shoko’s perfectly cleaned room and minimal decorated, a total contrast to your own.
“Y/n?” Ieiri jumps from her bed besides Geto and comes your way at the door, pink cheeks much like yours. “Hi!”
“Hi…” Your soft voice you have reserved only for her comes out, before you scratch your throat and looks at everyone. All eyes are on you. “Uh, the boys and I are doing a movie night. We- - we thought of inviting you guys, if you want.”
“We would love to, we were so bored, actually.” Shoko answers right away, before turning to her friends.
“Huh? Weren’t we going to the mall?” Gojo asks turning towards Geto, but the black haired only shakes his head. “Oh, oh! Yeah, yeah, we are totally bored, no mall! Just movies with friends sounds amazing.”
“Great!” You smile triumphantly. “Nanami is getting snacks. Hai, can you send him a message asking to buy more?” You turn to your friend, but he is already with his phone in hand, texting, one of his hand making a positive sign. You turn back to face Shoko, shivering while noticing she is already staring at you. “So, see you… You guys, in fifteen minutes?”
“Yeah, see ya.” She whispers back.
It takes Haibara hands on your shoulder, much like Gojo’s on Shoko, for you to realize both of you had been quietly staring at each other. You wave her goodbye before moving back to your dorm. While in there, you and Haibara prepare the room for the others. The sofa would be for him and Nanami and your bed for you, as always. Your friend goes to his room before returning with his inflatable neon pink couch, which prompt you to change your neon lights to pink, as well.
The room is cutely decorated before you both fall on the bed to rest, and then a knock come. You don’t get up, Nanami just bursts into the room before dropping his bags on your coffee table. He scoffs.
“Why did you had to invite them?” Is all he says before falling on his sofa. “I mean, I like her, Geto I can handle…” Kento moves his face to stare at you two before whining. “But Gojo?!”
“Damn, I thought this was going to be a good time, not an offending me time.” The three of you jump at hearing Gojo’s voice, he is by your door, annoying smile decorating his face. Besides him, is Geto and Shoko.
“Every hour is a offending Gojo time, sorry bud.” Geto taps his friend head before moving inside your room, his eyes scan the place before deciding to fall on the neon sofa. “Nice room, Y/n, very you.”
The “thank you” is at the tip of your tongue, barely leaving through your voice, before stagnating when you look at the door, where she is. And fuck, you don’t think you’ve said anything in this world before, words become nothing in your mind in that very moment, all you can think is compliments and her name — Shoko is wearing a different outfit than earlier, she discharged the shorts and shirt for a flourished sundress, and two strands of her hair are braided. You can also catch glitter on her eyelids and her signature pink gloss on her lips.
“Shit.” Someone say, and you quickly realize it’s your voice. You cough before shifting your face to the boys, all again staring at you. “Uh, than… Fuck, thank you, Geto.” You say before moving towards the coffee table and grabbing two sodas of cherry coke and twizzlers. You go towards Shoko, who is still by your door, and you handle her the soda with a happy smile she copies.
“Am I going to have to share the pink couch with them giants?” Shoko whispers, motioning her head towards Satoru and Suguru, both playing fighting in the inflatable couch.
“No, no.” Couching again to refrain the embarrassment of answering so quickly, you sigh after, containing your nervousness. “You can share the bed with me.”
You close the door behind her, and soon your hand is in her back, moving both of you towards your comfortable bed and sitting on it, legs sprayed all over while your backs are resting on your comfortable headboard. Shoko is near the wall, caged by your body.
You toss the controller to Haibara, and he starts to go through the movies in the playlist showed on your wall, by your projector. You are not interested in movies anymore, if you could you would move everyone away and be with only her. You can sense her face moving towards the boys and you, but you keep staring at your soda. The cold in it keeps you in check.
Taking a gulp, tasting the faint cherry, you wonder what kissing Shoko would taste like. You could bet it would be like strawberries with sugar sprinkled on them, maybe a spoon of honey as well. And obviously, a tinted bitter of the cigarettes she smokes from time to time — it used to be worse, until you commented on the bothering of the smoke, and now she never smokes whenever you are near.
Maybe, you head and heart wonders, she likes you. There is nothing wrong with you, after all. You are pretty, smart, strong and sometimes funny. You could be liked by her as much as you like her, right?
The movie is already playing when Shoko pokes your arm, your mind goes blank and you move to her, tilting your head.
“Can I have a licorice?” She quietly asks. You want to give her anything, in fact.
“Yeah, here.” You open the package, giving her one of the red tubes. Trying not to, but failing, your eyes focused on the way her lips closed on the candy, wetting part of it with her gloss.
“Hey! No snoggin in there, I’m already third wheeling these two.” Gojo’s voice makes you realize how close you were to Shoko’s face, you grunt before staring at Nanami and Haibara, and they are just holding each-other.
“You’re bitter ‘cause Suguru won’t cuddle you.” Shoko answers after biting harshly her licorice, Nanami laughs at her answer when an offended gasp comes from Gojo. He doesn’t deny.
You laugh at Gojo’s offended face, and to add more fire to his bitterness, you move your arm to Shoko’s shoulder, she goes stiff for a moment before resting her head to your neck.
“Traitors.” Gojo mumbles and goes back to staring the movie, you see Suguru smirk before doing the same you did to Shoko to his friend.
After more minutes of the movie, in a particularly funny scene, you sense Ieiri’s head moving, you look down and she is already facing you. You grab another licorice and give it to her, straight to her mouth, she bites it before you take a bite on the other end.
If that’s the closest your mouth would come to hers, you would take it. By the gods, anything she would give you, would be precisely loved by you. Her presence, her scent, her glittery eyes staring solely at you. You would trade anything for her in that moment, if only to keep her attention on you and yours on her. What’s heaven to a woman’s love anyway?
You want to kiss her when the licorice is devoured eagerly. You almost do, lips reaching closer, and her eyes flattering shut, but a bombing laugh of Suguru takes you both apart. No one noticed, all eyes on your wall. You sigh gulping, groaning once more, but smiling while hearing her quiet giggles.
When the movie ends, everyone but you two get up, cracking their bones and talking loudly.
“Y/n, what was your favorite scene?” Haibara is the one who asks you, smirk in his face he shares with Gojo. “My favorite was the cruise one with the bananas’s costume, so funny.”
“Oh, yeah! Yeah, my favorite as well.” You answer while caressing Shoko’s arms, she starts to giggle more and you smile as well. “There was no cruise scene, right?”
“No, there wasn’t.” Shoko moves her head up, laughing sweetly now.
The gods really took their time with her, appreciating every little detail, from her laughs she emanated such good feelings, your insides would go warm and butterflies would rip your ribcage. But truthfully, you felt the weight of all your emotions while staring lovingly at her. Someone coughed.
“Well, I don’t know ‘bout you guys, but I’m tired. Should we go?” Gojo says and everyone agrees, they all say goodbye to you before stopping at the door, Nanami moves towards your music box, playing a calm song he knows you listen to before sleeping.
“Aren’t you coming, Shoko?” Suguru asks with malicious in his voice. She yawns, but doesn’t move.
“I’ll walk her to her room, don’t worry.” You say, making her nod and soon all the boys are gone. Is just you and her, in your bed.
Shit. Shoko Ieiri is in your bed. The perfect girl, the one you adores, the most beautiful human being is laying on you in your bed and she is not complaining, she even hugs your waist tighter when the door closes.
“Ieiri.” It’s rare for you to call her by her name, and she always seems happier when you do, this time is no different, she moves her head up with that cute smile you adore. “I like you.”
You always wondered how to confess to someone — her — in the most majestic and perfect way. In your mind, much like Haibara did to Nanami, you should give her plenty of her favorite food and flowers to match her sun kissed cheeks. It’s not something you planned, because you’ve never thought this day would come. Although it all changed with her in your arms, like she was always meant to be, you were designed to hold her.
So, in the pink and yellow lights of your room, under a shelf of dozens of plushies and Novo Amor playing in the background, your eyes focus shifting from her glitter eyeshadow to the gloss in her lips, that was heaven to you. That was the perfect place. She smiles, and you know you did the right thing.
“I like you too, Y/n.” Her sweet voice is melody to your ears, you barely register what she says, but is nothing to worry about, her lips are quickly on yours by the end of her sentence.
It’s cherry.
Shoko Ieiri tastes like cherry, in fact, she tastes like your favorite soda, a part of you who loves the beverage, unknowingly already choosing her. Her gloss is passed to your lips, giving you more of her taste, and when the kiss gets deeper, you feel like heaven has been given to you. In that moment, you know you are lost.
You separate yourselves for a second, finding yourself hovering over her, and stare at the her pretty crimson face, for just a moment appreciating that after her you would never be the same again. And how happy you were for that. So you go back for a second kiss, and a third, and more, more. All the kisses she wants, you will give to her, for the whole eternity you’ll have by her side — you are hers, and she is yours.
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clarisse0o · 1 month
Camp Wiegman-Part 48
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 7K
TW: Violence
Saturday, February 6th; 8:30 PM - At Miller's.
I don't feel very comfortable being here. Miller's house is packed. After getting out of the pool, Mapi received a message from him, inviting us to his party tonight. Surprisingly, our friends were tempted to go. I didn't expect Lucy to be one of them; she usually prefers to keep me away from parties. The fact that she's coming with me must change things a lot. So here we are, standing in front of the house, frozen, unsure if we're going in or not. I don't know about the others, but for me, that's definitely the case. The music is so loud it's making the walls shake. It's a typical college party, the kind we all know. Just on the porch, we can already see a dozen young people with red cups or cigarettes in hand, maybe even joints.
"I feel like I'm going back five years," Ingrid comments.
"That's probably true," Mapi giggles, earning a glare.
"Is this a fraternity?" Lucy asks.
"Oh no," Mapi laughs. "It's Miller's house, a friend of ours. His parents are often away on weekends, so he takes the opportunity to throw parties. Since it became a regular thing, his parties ended up becoming well-known."
"So, are we going in, or are we just going to stand here staring at them like idiots?"
The girls look at me, astonished. I was the one who wanted to come the least, so it's no surprise. However, I feel really stupid just waiting here. Besides, if we don't go in soon, I might end up turning back because of overthinking. Memories of my last parties are starting to resurface. If Lucy knew this was where I woke up with a rubber band around my arm, she might not have agreed to come. Ingrid and Mapi are the first to move forward. Lucy gives me a smile, which I return. I grab her hand as she extends it to intertwine our fingers. It's comforting to have her by my side tonight. We follow the girls through the crowd. Some people look at us like we're oddities, while others whistle at us. I chuckle as I see Lucy roll her eyes at their futile reactions. Initially, I always saw Lucy as a party girl, given how badass she seemed, but after getting to know her, I realize it's quite the opposite.
"Are they always like this here?" she murmurs.
"Are you overwhelmed?" I tease.
"No. I was just wondering if students are the same everywhere, but it seems like I have my answer."
"I've always said it gets worse every year."
"You're right. That's one more reason not to leave me alone tonight."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
I press against her to accompany my words. She wraps her arm around my waist in return, kissing my temple. I feel safe by her side, just as Lucy seems reassured, given how tightly she's holding me. What bothers me is that she doesn't seem very comfortable in this environment. We walk through the hallway where I greet a few high school acquaintances who recognize me. I glance around to make sure Feli isn't here. I sincerely hope she's given up by now. I don't know how I'd react if we ran into her. I take a deep breath at the thought. We're interrupted when Lucy has to take my hand again to navigate through narrower passages. She leads the way, firmly holding my hand. This gives me a chance to enjoy the view. I haven't had many opportunities to see Lucy in anything other than her uniform, but it's definitely worth it. I love her style. Right now, she's dressed all in black, which must clearly be her color. A sweater, jeans, and little boots that accentuate her already well-toned legs. It's safe to say she's irresistible. I feel almost pathetic in my black skinny jeans and denim shirt. I look back up at her face when I sense her turning around. Her expression makes me realize I've been caught red-handed. I blush with embarrassment, and fortunately for me, we arrive in the kitchen. This is where the guys usually hang out at the beginning of the party. It seems that's the case tonight as well.
"And here come the queens of the party!" Wick comments when he sees us. "Hey, girls... And you're accompanied too."
He looks at us all one by one, lingering first on Ingrid, then especially on Lucy. I frown, forcing Lucy to lean back against me.
"Go elsewhere, Wick. She's already taken," I reply sharply.
Lucy chuckles, wrapping her arm around my waist again. I don't find it funny. Wick is a big flirt when he's single. As far as I know, he doesn't have anyone right now, so he better not try to get close to my girlfriend. No one will get close to her, not tonight, not any other day. She's mine now. Under the laughter of our friends, Wick stammers an apology as he realizes our relationship. I never really showed off with Mapi back in the day, but I won't hesitate to do so with Lucy. We do a brief introduction before Miller speaks up.
"Well, welcome, and make yourselves at home. We're happy to see our girls accompanied," he smiles. "The girls will show you around; they're regulars here."
"We gathered that," Lucy mutters.
"We were thinking of heading out if you'd like to join us," he continues.
"We'll grab a drink first, and then we'll join you," Mapi announces, looking at us to give us a chance to object.
"Yeah, no problem," Miller finally responds. "See you soon, then."
Our ritual remains intact. We each go our separate ways, stopping at the drinks table while the guys head out. I don't worry about Mapi, who prepares my drink as usual.
"What can I get you, girls?" she asks after handing me my drink.
"Definitely not the same as Ona," Lucy grimaces after sniffing my drink. "What did you put in there?"
I smile at her expression. Something tells me Mapi made my drink strong.
"Do you want a taste?" I joke.
"No, thanks. But I think one drink is enough for you."
"Come on, it's not that strong!" Mapi protests.
"It's not up to you to decide," Lucy retorts.
"Oh, don't be such a wimp, Miss Picky. We'll show you what real fun is like here in Barcelona!"
"Hey, don't say that," I interject. "That's not what tonight is about."
"Of course," Mapi replies, rolling her eyes. "Your responsible one is here, and you're going to play the goody-two-shoes."
"Don't push it," I exclaim, playfully hitting her arm. "I've just decided to be reasonable."
"Sure," she mocks. "And the drinks?"
"Two beers will do," Ingrid replies.
"Pff. You guys are no fun," Mapi comments as she opens the two beers.
Having gone out with them before, their choice of beer no longer surprises me. It seems to exasperate Mapi, though. She probably expected something different from tonight.
"Times change, Maps."
I give her a wink, grabbing Lucy's hand to pull her outside with me. I needed some fresh air with all the people starting to suffocate me. We join my friends around the patio table.
"Hey, Ona! I didn't think I'd see you here again."
"Hey, everyone. And you're Alex, if I remember correctly, right?"
The poor guy gets booed by his friends because of my response. It's hard not to remember him. He was Joan's friend's brother.
"Um, yeah, that's right," he sulks. "I hope you still remember me. We met in Manchester."
"Yes, I remember very well. You tried to hit on me and convince me to reply to your messages."
Once again, his friends roast him because of me. It wasn't my intention. I just wanted him to understand that I still wasn't interested. I sit next to Lucy, who had found a spot, and smile when she immediately places her hand on my thigh. I catch Alex out of the corner of my eye, looking at us strangely. He must have figured it out. I don't pay him any more attention, preferring to focus on Mapi and Ingrid, who have finally settled in front of us. Now that we're seated, I take my first sip of my drink. I quickly regret it. I force myself to swallow the liquid that almost ended up being spat out.
"Damn, Maps! What did you put in this?!"
"The usual. Why?" she teases.
"No, this is not the usual! It's super strong!" I complain.
"Wimp," Ingrid mocks.
I hand her my drink, challenging her to take a sip. She laughs, raising her beer.
"Sorry, I've already got my drink. You only have yourself to blame for trusting Mapi to make your drinks," she replies, making my best friend laugh.
I grumble, giving them a grand middle finger. They've really hit it off.
"It's not like I didn't warn you," Lucy adds.
"I have to admit," Mapi chimes in. "I was afraid you'd stop her from drinking it, but I'm glad you didn't. Her face was priceless!"
"You learn through experience," Lucy teases.
She pulls me closer when she sees me pouting. That was really not cool. Lucy takes advantage of my mood to steal a kiss, which instantly cheers me up. She takes my glass and places it on the table.
"How about we go get you a new drink, hmm? I'd rather you have something else. »
I nod while smiling. We apologize to the others before heading back inside. Lucy stands by the table while I prepare myself a new drink. I opt for vodka with orange juice, measuring it much more carefully this time. I glance at Lucy, who seems completely absorbed by what's happening in the living room. People are going wild to the music. She turns back to me, tilting her head with a small smile when she notices me.
"So, this is the kind of party you like to attend?"
"Let's just say it's Mapi's thing, and I've always gone along with her."
"But you've grown to like it. You seem comfortable in this environment."
"Let's just say I've gotten used to it," I reply, shrugging. "I don't care about all these people. If I'm here, it's only for my friends who make it a good time."
And that's the truth. It's the only reason I used to enjoy coming. There were times I didn't come and later regretted it. I always felt like I missed out on the best moments, like I was excluded for not being there to share in the latest craziness.
"And you? Did you go to parties when you were in high school or college?"
She takes a sip of her drink, covering her little smile. A few days ago, she confessed to me that she was a bit of a nerd, but I still have a hard time believing it.
"No. I wasn't very popular, and I have a rather rational mother. I guess she passed those traits on to me."
"You can be rational and still go to parties."
"True, but it wasn't my style."
"Not even in college?" I ask, surprised.
"Well... Jenni did try to take me to a few parties when we were in Manchester. It was at a place like this that I met Kiera," she admits.
"I see..."
"I went with Jenni sometimes, but those weren't the places I preferred to go."
Now that I know all this, I understand better why she didn't like knowing I was here alone. Kiera was a junkie who used drugs at parties after all... She must have been afraid I'd do the same. I push that thought away to avoid dwelling on it here.
"So, what's your thing then?"
"My thing?"
She smiles again and finally looks at me. I nod.
"I prefer going to bars, restaurants, or the movies. Things like that. It might be more boring than parties full of drunk people for you, but it's what I enjoy."
"I don't find it boring at all. After everything I've been through, it'll probably be better for me to move on to that kind of gathering."
"I don't want to stop you from doing what you love."
"You're not stopping me, Luce. If my mom wanted me in this school, it was so I could find myself and grow, and that's exactly what's happening thanks to you."
"That doesn't mean you have to adopt my lifestyle. It's okay to have different styles."
"I know, but you were right about one thing. Parties aren't the best places for a former junkie, so I can make some concessions."
"Hmm..." she smiles behind her beer. "Then let's enjoy it. Do you want to dance?"
"I'm not a big fan of dancing," I giggle.
"Oh, come on. You could make an effort. Come on."
I glance at her hand for a moment, biting my lip. Her offer is very tempting.
"It's just that I don't really know how to dance. I don't want to embarrass myself."
"Ona, no one here knows how to dance if you watch them," she laughs. "Please. I really want us to dance together."
"I'll need several drinks first, in that case."
"Definitely not," she says, grabbing my hand. "I'll show you that we can have fun without drinking."
I groan as she pulls me toward the living room. We quickly find ourselves among strangers dancing together. I feel uncomfortable being here. Lucy tries to reassure me by placing my hand on her waist and smiling at me.
"Relax," she whispers.
She lets go and starts moving her hips in front of me. Damn... She must want to kill me. I'm practically frozen by the provocative scene she's giving me. She syncs with the rhythm of the music. I snap back to reality when she places her hands on my waist to get me to move too.
"You know, you'll look more ridiculous if you let me dance alone. Maybe I should find another partner."
"Definitely not," I growl.
She chuckles and slips her hand around my back to pull me closer. We're so close that I can feel her breath brushing my cheek. The tension is strong. So strong that I grab her neck without warning to claim her lips. It's been a long time since I felt such a powerful desire. Lucy softens our kiss to make it less rough. I then bury my head in her neck to collect myself.
"Let go," she murmurs to me through the music. "I'll take the lead."
I could almost believe she's talking about something other than dancing. She probably is, since it's clear she'll be the one leading our relationship. As she said earlier, she's the one with the rational nature. I don't doubt that she'll find our balance. In a surge of confidence, I wrap my arms around her neck to feel even closer to her. We've never been this close outside of a bed after one of my anxiety attacks. She pulls back slightly to look between our bodies moving in sync, thanks to her hands on my waist and one of her legs between mine.
"You told me you didn't know how to dance. That's not the impression you're giving."
"It's because you're guiding me," I giggle, making her shake her head.
"No. Your body moves very well. You just don't have confidence in yourself."
She's probably right. I enjoyed dancing when I was in high school. That's why Mapi insists so much when we're here. I brush her neck with my nose, focusing only on her presence that gives me the confidence I was missing.
Our bubble is burst by the one person I wanted to avoid tonight. Of course, she would be here... I force myself to turn around to make sure it's her.
"Finally, I was starting to lose hope!"
She tries to touch me, but Lucy steps in front of me, pushing me behind her. Feli doesn't seem pleased, furrowing her brow. Recognizing those eyes perfectly, I cling to Lucy. I can't tell if it's to protect myself or to stop her from tearing Feli apart, given the way she's looking at her.
"Who is this?" Feli asks harshly.
"Her girlfriend," Lucy answers before I can.
Feli's eyes narrow even more as she looks at me. Reflexively, I pull Lucy back, and this time it's out of fear that I do it. I recognize the signs of Feli when she gets angry.
"Please," I murmur to Lucy, tugging on her sleeve.
It's all I can manage to say, but Lucy must have understood my distress signal. She takes a step back, which immediately triggers Feli, who literally explodes.
"No! You're not going to run from me again!"
She tries to get close to me, but Lucy acts, shoving her away forcefully.
"Don't come near her. She doesn't want to see you or talk to you. Don't you think you've hurt her enough already? If you loved her as much as you claim, you'd do well to never contact her again."
"What business is it of yours, you little bitch? You don't know anything about what we've been through," she snaps.
"I know enough to convince Ona to take you to court."
Those words were too much for Feli, who decided to lunge at Lucy. I scream, closing my eyes to avoid seeing what happens next. I expected an imminent impact since I was standing right behind Lucy, but nothing happens. I slowly open my eyes, and what I see petrifies me. I expected to find Lucy on the ground, but it's quite the opposite. She's overpowering her... Feli, my ex, who traumatized me for years. This seems to enrage Feli even more as she tries to hit her repeatedly. Lucy dodges her punches one after another with great agility. She waits for her to lose steam before landing a punch on her cheek. Faced with this action, which I didn't expect at all, I cover my mouth to keep from screaming again. The blow was so strong that Feli stumbles backward, completely shaken. From the look of her, she must not be sober right now.
"That's for drugging Ona at a party. And this..."
She hits her on the other side, making her lose her balance again. She doesn't wait for her to regain her senses before grabbing her by the collar. The silence that reigns makes me realize the music has been turned off.
"And that's for daring to touch her. Now, stay away from her. Otherwise, she won't hesitate to press charges for what you did to her and for harassment too. Do I make myself clear?"
Feli is so stunned and intimidated by Lucy that she nods frantically. I knew she was intimidating, but not to the point of making my enraged ex give in.
"Good. Then stay out of her life, or I'll destroy yours by making sure you end up in jail," she threatens her.
"Oh my God, Ona."
I turn toward Mapi's voice as she immediately pulls me into her arms. I'm too shaken to understand anything. She steps back to examine me, keeping her hands on my shoulders.
"Are you okay?"
"I think so," I murmur.
"Let’s go," Lucy announced, extending her hand to me.
I took it without hesitation. Given her mood, this wasn’t the time to refuse her anything. I glanced over her shoulder to see Feli watching us with sorrow.
"We're coming with you," Ingrid said.
"There's no need," Lucy replied. "Enjoy the evening. We'll meet back at home later."
"Please take care of Ona," Mapi conceded.
"That's my intention," Lucy reassured her with a small smile.
We wished them a good evening, and then I let Lucy lead me toward the exit. The crowd that had formed had dispersed, and the music had resumed. I forced myself not to look back. It was a relief to finally be outside, where I could breathe again. I still couldn't believe she had hit her—twice, no less.
"Thank you..." I murmured once we were far from the house.
"You shouldn't thank me," she sighed in frustration, rubbing her forehead.
"You defended me."
"I'm not proud of hitting your ex, Ona. Even if she deserved it, it makes me feel like I'm just like her."
I stopped abruptly, making her do the same since our hands were still linked.
"You're nothing like her, Luce. You have nothing in common with her. Feli was violent and angry. You're not that kind of person, as far as I know."
"That's all the more reason to take her to court," she retorted. "I really don't understand you on this!"
I bit my lip, staring at the ground. I couldn’t give her an answer to that question. Feli had been a part of my life. No matter how much she hurt me, I still care about her.
"She's not a bad person deep down," I murmured.
"Oh, so hitting her girlfriend is being a good person!? When will you open your eyes, Ona? This isn't the Feli you met! If you do nothing, she won’t hesitate to hurt others, if she hasn't already! Is that what you want? For her to hurt other people!? Because I can assure you that’s what she'll do now that she knows she’ll never have you again!"
Lucy had never yelled at me like that before. Sure, she had scolded me, but never like this. I still didn’t dare look at her, now that tears were in my eyes. She was right. Of course she was right. When was she ever not right? She sighed again as she approached me, cupping my face in her hands. She must know me well to instinctively wipe my tears away with her thumbs.
"I know it’s painful, honey, but it’s the truth. I just saw Feli for the first time, and I can assure you there's nothing good in her. All she wants is to make you feel guilty for leaving her, so you’ll go back to her. Is that what you want?"
I shook my head and threw myself into her arms. Of course not, that’s not what I want. She pulled that trick on me for months. I literally collapsed in her arms. Everything I had kept bottled up since our encounter finally spilled out. I would have preferred to do this at home, but it was inevitable that the subject would come up on the way. I tried to speak, but nothing coherent came out, making her hold me tighter against her.
"Shhh. Calm down. I'm sorry for being so harsh, but it’s the only way for you to open your eyes."
"I-I don't want to... Y-you know that, right?"
"Of course I know, baby. But if you really want to move on, you have to take action. She won’t leave you alone otherwise."
I resigned myself to nodding. I had to do it. I’d been putting it off for far too long.
"D-don't leave me."
"Never. We’ll face this together, okay?"
I clung to her desperately, nodding again. She was my lifeline. Without her, I would have drowned in an endless ocean. She kissed my temple and rocked me until I pulled myself together.
"I'd love to stay here holding you forever, but I’m sure your bed is much cozier. Besides, my hands hurt."
I pulled away from her and wiped my cheeks with my hand.
"Sorry for thinking only of myself... Let me see your hands," I murmured.
"Don't apologize. And as for my hands, you can see them when we get to your place. Then it'll be your turn to take care of me... The idea of having a personal nurse sounds quite appealing."
I smiled at her attempt to lighten the mood. It wasn’t surprising that she was in pain. Having dealt with Feli myself, she must have used considerable force to destabilize her twice. She was really strong.
"Let’s head home, then... It’s my turn to take care of you. And even if you were joking, it’s non-negotiable."
"Is that an order, Princess?" she teased.
"Absolutely, Commander."
"Then let’s hurry. I can’t wait to be pampered by you."
I kissed her tenderly before we finished our walk without another word, staying close to each other. I appreciated the way she held me against her. I felt like I belonged. It was as if I could already see my whole future. It only took two weeks apart for my world to fall apart. She had become my everything, my reason for living, to the point where it was almost frightening. We arrived at my place, where a royal silence reigned in the hall. Well, that was until Joan came to greet us as we took off our jackets and shoes. It was so early that she was still awake. She was quickly followed by a very surprised Sophia.
"You're already back?" she asked us. "It’s only ten o'clock."
"Yeah... The party wasn’t that great."
I lied to avoid worrying her over something so small. She didn’t seem to question it. Lucy, on the other hand, remained silent, much to my relief. Sophia would have panicked if she knew the truth and would likely have insisted on making a diagnosis before I could even explain anything. I smiled when Lucy hugged my brother at his request. That was something new I hadn’t expected from Joan.
"Still up, huh?" she asked her.
"I was just about to put him to bed," Sophia admitted.
"We'll take over then. Thanks again for watching him tonight."
"No problem, Ona. What time are you leaving tomorrow?"
"Same as usual. Early in the morning."
"Well... I guess I'll see you next time then."
"We'll be back, I promise. Now go home, you’ve earned it."
"Thanks," she smiled. "Sleep well, girls."
"Good night to you, and be careful on the road."
"I will."
We exchanged a hug, and she gave Lucy a friendly nod before leaving. As for us, we headed upstairs, leaving Joan in my girlfriend's care. They went to my room while I searched for a pajama for him, as he had declared that he could still sleep with us. Given the circumstances, I would have preferred that he leave us alone tonight, but I said nothing since we already see each other so little. When I joined them, I found them deep in conversation. The bond between them was working out wonderfully, which delighted me to no end.
"Here, Jo," I said, handing her the pajama. "Can you get dressed by yourself? I need to take care of Lucy."
My brother pouted at my request but accepted without protest. Lucy smiled softly at me and let herself be guided to the bathroom, where she sat on the edge of the tub. I took her hands in mine and noticed that her knuckles were extremely red. I bit my lip, imagining the pain she must have felt.
"It’s not that painful," she reassured me calmly.
"Don't move, I’ll be right back."
Without another word, I went downstairs to fetch an ice pack for her. When I returned, my brother was keeping her company while brushing his teeth. The sight made me smile. It was the first time I didn’t have to fight with him about it. She gave me a smug smile when she saw what I had in my hands.
"Really, Ona? I'm not in that much pain, you know," she teased.
"Don’t argue. I promised to pamper you tonight, so you’re not allowed to protest," I replied in a mock-threatening tone.
She chuckled and nodded, not losing her smile. Before starting anything, I glanced at my brother to see how he was doing. He was wiping his mouth.
"All done," he said proudly.
"Go to bed, we'll be there in a minute."
He nodded, smiling. He then rushed into my room. I closed the door behind him for some privacy. As soon as I did, Lucy pulled me between her legs, making me let out a small cry of surprise. She smiled at me with that goofy grin again.
"So, where do we start, nurse?"
"Stop, it’s not funny," I giggled, playfully pushing her shoulder. "Come on, give me your hands."
Her hands, which had been caressing the back of my knees until then, slid to the sides and moved up to my waist. I grabbed them before they could go any higher and looked at her sternly.
"That’s enough, bad girl," I warned her as best I could. "Be serious for a moment!"
"Bad girl, huh?" she grinned, crossing her feet behind my legs. "Is that how you see me now?"
This action brought us even closer, making me blush. She was distracting me from my examination. I let my thumbs gently caress her knuckles.
"Of course not... Does it hurt? »
"I already told you it doesn’t."
"Put the ice pack on them anyway, please. They’re very red."
"Anything my princess wants."
I realized she was lying about the intensity of her pain when I tried to flatten her hand in mine. I looked up to see her grimacing, even though she was trying to hide it. I bit my lip to keep from commenting. This was definitely not the right time.
"Hold this. I’ll see if I have any cream to help with this," I said, placing the ice pack on her hand.
She held the ice pack without saying anything. The roles had changed drastically in such a short time. If she did this, it was for me, so I could only be grateful. I searched through all my drawers for the tube I had brought back from Manchester. A victorious smile spread across my lips when I finally found it. Even though I’m a doctor’s daughter and studied in this field, I don’t doubt that my care won’t be as good as hers, but I’ll do my best. I’ve always thought that it takes a certain instinct to take care of people. As for me, it’s clear that I don’t have any. 
Returning to her, I noticed that she had alternated the ice pack between her two fists. I took over as I moved back between her legs to apply cream to her first hand. I made sure not to look at her to avoid being unsettled.
"Why does she call you 'Oni'?" she asked suddenly, making me chuckle at the memory of that story.
"I’m not really sure, actually. I think she was confused that we don’t have the same last name so he wanted to give me a nickname to feel close to me. »
"Oh... So she has her father’s name?"
"Yes. His name is Joan Pascual."
"And your mother?"
I sighed at that question. It was a rather sensitive topic, but I played along and answered.
"She kept my father’s name. I never really understood why, knowing that they’ve been divorced for several years."
"Maybe to keep the same name as you?" she guessed, making me shrug.
"I don’t really know."
"And what about him?" she redirected the conversation. "Do you like him?"
I didn’t need more information to know she was talking about Marcus. Her change of topic wasn’t the best, given what I think about him. She seemed to understand because she removed the ice pack to stroke my cheek.
"You don’t have to talk about it."
"I will talk about it," I said, taking her hand again to give it the same gentle caresses as the other. "To be honest, I don’t have anything against him specifically, but I had a hard time accepting the relationship he had with my mother."
"I thought it was too soon. My mother wasn’t even divorced yet, and then, she didn’t tell me about it. I found out when I saw them in bed together... Imagine what that does to a troubled teenager..."
She nodded in understanding. The fingers of her free hand stroked the back of my knee like earlier.
"You weren’t a troubled teenager... You had the right to be hurt, confused, and angry about discovering that. How is your relationship now?" she continued, gently pulling me closer to her.
"Strange. I never really accepted it, but I was lucky to have him as a stepfather. He always tried to ease my relationship with my mother, and he’s always been a good father to Joan."
"How would you feel if he married your mother?"
I froze for a moment at that question. Of course, I had already thought about their marriage. I had already wondered why they weren’t married yet. After all, they’ve been living together for almost ten years now, and they have a daughter together.
"I’m not really sure... Better than a few years ago, for sure... If my father were still here, he would have told me to accept it because he would have been happy for them."
"He must have been a good man."
"He was," I said, wrapping my arms around her neck. "You remind me a lot of him, if you want to know the truth..."
"I doubt that. He seems much wiser than I am. Anyway, I’ll support you in all your decisions, no matter if I think they’re right or not."
"See, that’s exactly why you remind me of him," I giggled. "He used to say the same thing. I wish you could have met him... He would have adored you."
"And I imagine I would have adored him in return."
"Enough about me. What about your adoptive parents? Was it always smooth sailing?" I joked. "You’ve never told me much about them."
"There’s not much to say. My mother seems cold and strict at first glance, but she’s really kind. I wouldn’t be who I am now without her."
"I’m already dreading the first meeting," I muttered. "She’s going to terrify me..."
"Definitely," she laughed. "She loves to scare my partners. She always does that to see if the person will let themselves be intimidated or not."
"That must be unsettling..."
"It is," she smiled. "I’ve never seen anyone stand up to her."
I groaned just thinking about it. I know we’re not there yet, but if we stay together long enough, I’m sure I’ll meet her one day.
"Don’t worry, baby," she said. "She just keeps that tough exterior to make sure the person is right for me. Then she’ll warm up over time."
"Her opinion matters to you, doesn’t it?"
"A lot. No matter how much I cared about someone, she always opened my eyes when it was someone bad."
"Should I be worried...?"
"Of course not," she smiled. "You’re not a bad person; she’ll see that. But if I can give you some advice, don’t let her walk all over you... Otherwise, you’re doomed," she laughed.
"Oh my God," I muttered in despair. "Finding the right balance will be tough. Tell me your dad isn’t like that too."
"Oh no, he’s the opposite. He’s a bit naive, gentle, calm, and very caring."
"You must have your father’s heart and your mother’s character then..."
"I’ve never seen it that way, but you’re probably right."
We exchanged smiles after her response. She slowly leaned in to capture my lips. The kiss was very gentle and restrained. She timidly asked for access to my mouth by teasing my lower lip with her tongue. I granted it willingly. My stomach flipped in response to this unexpected affection. With her newly freed hand, she gently moved it up to my stomach. I immediately realized she had placed it on my bruises, which I could hardly feel anymore. She pulled back to whisper softly.
"It’s my turn to put on some cream."
"I already applied some this morning..."
"The more you apply, the faster it will heal. Isn’t that what you want?" she arched an eyebrow.
"Fine," I resigned, though I pouted.
I would have preferred to get back in bed now, but there was no point in arguing when she was right. She smiled victoriously as she grabbed the tube of cream.
"Lift your shirt."
I took a deep breath and decided to take it off entirely. After all, it wasn’t the first time she’d seen me like this. My action surprised her. She lifted her head to find my eyes.
"Come on, do your job..."
Without a word, she started applying the cream to my bruised stomach. She took great pleasure in doing it thoroughly.
"On your face too?" she murmured when she was done.
"I need to take off my makeup first."
She nodded, letting me move to the sink. I quickly removed my makeup, reminded of the situation I was in. When I turned around, she was looking at me in a way that made me blush. Her smile slowly widened.
"What is it?"
"Nothing... I’m just happy to be with you, that’s all."
"We could have been together sooner if it weren’t for your behavior," I teased.
"I have a feeling you’re going to remind me of that more than once," she laughed.
"That’s the only mistake you made, so... yes, definitely."
"Come here, you little rascal, so we can finish up."
I laughed, knowing full well she was joking. At least the tension had time to dissipate before our night. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been sure I’d sleep well. I returned to her so she could finish the job before putting away the cream. I went to brush my teeth, giving her time to change. As for me, I did it in the walk-in closet where there was enough space. We came out of our rooms at the same time.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" I suggested.
Our evening had fallen through, but that didn’t stop us from continuing it. To my surprise, she shook her head.
"I’d rather we go to bed. We can watch one during the flight."
"Okay," I agreed, looking at my bed.
I sighed when I saw my brother in the middle of my bed. It was going to be more complicated than expected to spend our night in each other’s arms. He must really like Lucy to have placed himself there.
"You’ve got to be kidding me," I muttered. "We can always go to another room. There’s no shortage of them here."
"Don’t be silly," she giggled. "He’d be upset if he didn’t find us here tomorrow morning. Hang on, I’ll move him."
"Be gentle; he can be a light sleeper when he wants to be."
To our relief, she managed to move him without waking him up. She motioned for me to lie in the middle, and she quickly filled the last space in the bed. The light was quickly turned off, and Lucy’s arms tightened around me. A sigh of contentment escaped me as she kissed my forehead. I snuggled up against her, trying to close any gap between us.
"Going back to school is going to be hard," I murmured with a groan, making Lucy laugh.
"It’ll be over soon," she said, holding me a little tighter. "The hardest part is behind us now."
She was right. We were closer to the end than the beginning. I leaned up to reach her lips. Then I settled back into her arms, where I truly felt I belonged. Our evening didn’t go as planned, but it ended much better than it could have.
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vioartemis · 1 year
Alone with you
(Tara carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: After your girlfriend of 4 years got brutally attacked at her house, you're willing to do anything to keep her safe, even if it means putting yourself in danger Request here :)) Warnings: blood, injuries, Tamber (one sided) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
You just learnt your girlfriend had been attacked the night before and ran to the hospital to be by her side when she would wake up.
When she opened her eyes, you could say she was relieved to see you next to her.
"Hi baby..."
She started to tear up, lower lip trembling.
"I was so scared..." she sobbed "He- he was wearing a Ghostface costume Y/n... w-what if it's another psycho like the others...?"
You sat on the bed and hugged her, stroking her hair as she cried against you, gripping your shirt tight.
"I'm sorry I wasn't with you... y-you're gonna be okay from now on, I'm here, I'll protect you my love..."
You tried your best to comfort her, and even though you were not the best at it, it was working. She felt safe in your arms, face buried in the crook of your neck.
"Please don't leave me..."
"I won't, I swear. I'm staying here as long as you need me to" you placed a kiss on her head "Do you want me to tell our friends you're awake?"
She shook her head slightly, not letting go of you.
"I'll do it myself, but not now... I want to stay alone with you. Can you lay in bed with me...?"
"Of course"
You took off your shoes and slipped in her bed, taking her back in your arms.
You had no idea who could have attacked your girlfriend, but whoever it was, you were going to make them pay for almost taking her away from you.
Yet you felt that maybe they didn't want to kill her. They could have easily sunk their knife in her throat or in any vital organs for the final blow. But they didn't.
Either it was part of their plan, or they just couldn't.
You hoped it was the first option with your whole heart. Because if it wasn't, it meant the new Ghostface could be one of your friends. Someone that loved Tara so much they couldn't kill her.
If anyone else came to this conclusion, you would be the prime suspect. That's what prevented you from sharing your theory with the police. Your girlfriend doubting you was the last thing you wanted.
After Tara texted Wes around half an hour later, and ten more minutes for them to come here, your friends arrived at the hospital, soon followed by none other than Samantha Carpenter and her boyfriend.
You got out of Tara's bed when your friends arrived, now sitting on a chair right next to her bed, holding her hand.
How many years had it been since you saw Sam for the last time? 5 years? More? It felt like an eternity. She used to babysit Wes, Mindy, Chad and you when you were younger, but you knew her before that, being Tara's friend since forever.
You had always loved her, she was the older sister you never had. Until she left. You never heard of her since that day.
You hoped she had changed and she wouldn't hurt Tara anymore.
"Look guys, Tara's really tired. Maybe we should give her some space" Amber suggested
Everyone agreed and started to leave.
"Not you Sam. I want you to stay"
You gave a last squeeze to your girlfriend's hand before sitting up too.
"I'll text you and be back later in the day" you said softly
"Wait before you go..."
She beckoned you to lean in, and put her valid hand on the back of your neck, pulling you close to kiss you tenderly.
"I love you" she whispered against your lips
"I love you too baby"
You smiled, giving her a last peck on the lips before standing up, cheeks a little redder than usual. Sam looked shocked but didn't say anything as you walked past her.
Once you left, Tara broke down again in her sister's arms. Like you, Sam tried her best to comfort her, hugging her and patting her back.
She tried to make Tara think of something else.
"How long has it been? Y/n and you"
A smile crept on Tara's face as she heard your name.
"Four years, since freshman year"
Sam could see you made her sister happy. The light in her eyes, this little shiny light couldn't mean anything else. She always thought you would make a great couple.
Out of all of her sister's friends you had always been her favorite. She knew Wes had a crush on Tara back in the days, but she never thought she liked him back. Even then, she only had eyes for you.
"You make a cute couple"
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
"Welcome to act three"
So it was her all along? Her that attacked Tara at her house and at the hospital? Her that almost killed the person you loved the most?
You knew she had a crush on Tara. You saw it in the way she looked at her, even though she denied it. Maybe Amber's feelings were the only thing that saved Tara.
Amber tried to shoot Sam but Tara pushed her arm up, making her miss. Everyone split up, running away from the psycho while she dragged Tara upstairs.
You rushed in the kitchen to grab a knife, before heading upstairs as fast as you could. Amber had a gun, you had to have something to defend yourself.
When you found them, Amber was tying Tara up with duct tape.
"Get the fuck away from her"
The brunette paused for a second before slowly standing up, reaching behind her for her gun.
"I really should've killed you when I could." she groaned, glaring daggers at you
She tried to shoot you but missed. The bullet only brushed your arm, burning your shirt and skin in the process.
You clenched your teeth at the pain but wasted no time and rushed toward her, cutting her wrist with the knife enough to make her drop the gun.
She bent down and held her bleeding wrist against her. You took a step closer, thinking it was safe, but her head jolted up before she launched herself at you.
Taken by surprise, you fell to the ground, knife still in hand. You tried to stab her but she stepped on your wrist, forcing your hand opened, and took the knife.
You scream in pain as she sank the blade into your stomach harshly, positioning herself on top of you. Her slender fingers wrapped around your throat, squeezing hard.
"You really thought you could steal her from me like that huh? She's mine. Has always been. I've waited long enough."
You tried to push her away, but her grip on your throat was cutting your air off, and her weight on you pushed the knife even deeper in your stomach.
You started feeling lightheaded. Was this really how you were going to die? You couldn't do anything, all your strength taken away by the lack of air.
"Fuck you" you managed to say before a vase crashed on her head
She fell to the side, the impact knocking her out. You took a deep breath and coughed when you tried to sit up, the knife still in your stomach.
Tara sat next to you, concern written on her face.
"Are you okay babe...?"
You gave her a thumbs up, still trying to catch your breath. You would definitely have a mark with how hard she was squeezing your throat.
After a moment, you tilted your head up slightly toward the knife.
"Should we take it out?"
"Wouldn't you get hurt more if we don't?"
"I don't know... but right now it prevents me from bleeding too much..."
"Maybe we should take it out. You know, no risk for anyone to twist it while it's still in you"
She wasn't wrong.
"Okay okay, but you're gonna have to do it my love..."
She gulped, looking at the knife with apprehension. She really didn't want to hurt you. But Amber could regain consciousness at any moment, and this time she would kill you.
"I'm going at three okay...?"
She grabbed the handle with her valid hand.
"One, two-" she pulled it out in one swift motion, blood gushing out of your wound
You swore under your breath, fists clenched. Tara was looking for a towel or something to bandage you up when you saw Amber moving in the corner of your eye.
"Shit" you mumbled, sitting up painfully "Tara baby, we need to go, she's waking up"
You got up as quickly as you could while Tara grabbed her crutches, lying next to Amber's bed. You took the knife and the gun with you, hoping Amber would be confused enough not to chase you right after she woke up.
As you went downstairs with Tara, Richie appeared in the hall.
"Where were you? Where's Amber?"
"Upstairs" Tara said "she tried to lock me up in a closet"
Richie's eyes widen when he saw you were bleeding. He got closer to you.
"She stabbed you"
"No shit Sherlock. How did you figured that out?"
When he took one more step closer, you saw something shiny in his hand. But it was to late to back up now, the blade was already sinking in your leg. You hissed in pain, tears in your eyes.
"She's gonna be pissed if I kill you. But don't worry, you're gonna die soon" he smirked at you "Don't even try to save her Tara, you-"
He turned around but she was nowhere to be seen.
What happened after that was mostly the two of them explaining their plan to you, once you were all gathered into the kitchen - except for Tara - and some more fighting.
At one point, one of them plunged a knife in your back. You were tired of getting stabbed.
The first thing you remembered after that was Amber getting BBQed alive by Gale and Sidney. Deserved, you thought.
Then, the three of you went to the hall where Sam was slicing Richie's throat.
"Careful, they always come back"
Sam took Gale's gun and shot Richie three times. But as you thought it was finished, you heard a scream behind you. Amber was running toward you, knife in hand.
But before she could harm anyone, she was shot in the head.
"That's for stabbing my girlfriend."
Her sweet voice was filled with anger and sadness. You walked toward her, relieved that nothing happened to her, and hugged her tight, not caring if it hurt you.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Months after this night, your wounds had healed, only leaving painless scars. Your throat still hurt sometimes, but never too much. The doctors said it was normal after what Amber did.
"Okay I'm leaving, have fun girls!"
Today was your fifth anniversary, and for the occasion, Sam was leaving for the night, giving you more intimacy. You were almost living with them given the time you spent at their house instead of yours.
This year, you settled for a simple date at home; romantic dinner, Netflix and chill. With the recent events, none of you wanted to go out too much.
You spent the day preparing everything with her, cooking, fighting with the flour, laughing together. That was so much fun, knowing you were not the best cook.
Everything was ready now, you just had to change.
When you finally went to the living room, Tara was lighting up the candles. She was gorgeous. You stared in awe for a minute before she made her way to you and pressed a kiss on your lips.
"You okay?"
"Yeah I- You're gorgeous tonight my love..." you placed your hands on her waist "Breathtaking even"
You could see her blush at your words.
"I could say the same to you babe" now it was your turn to blush, making her lips curl up "Come on, dinner's gonna get cold"
That was clearly not the best dinner you ever had quality speaking, but it was the best because you made it with the girl you loved.
When it was time to get the cake - maybe the best dish you had made this day - you took a small box out of your pocket.
"Before we eat the cake, I'd like to give you something"
You handed her the little box across the table, a wide smile on your face.
"Wait I got you something too" she said
She handed you a little box, almost the same as yours.
"We open it together okay?"
"3, 2, 1..."
You opened the boxes at the same time.
You got her a promise ring, physical symbol of your love for her and that you would be there no matter what.
It took you weeks to find the perfect one, but you found it. The color, the shape, it was the one you imagined. You knew it wasn't that important, but finding a pretty ring was a must to you.
When you opened your gift, you saw... a promise ring. You saw this one when you were looking for hers. It was definitely the one you would have chosen.
You were both speechless, rings in hand, and after a moment you started laughing.
"Looks like we had the same idea" you smiled, putting the ring on while Tara did the same "it's perfect baby"
You got up from your chair, leaning forward to kiss her across the table, entwining your fingers with hers in the process. She smiled against your lips.
"A perfect ring for a perfect girl"
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iaminfourthwing · 5 months
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter II
Silence takes over the courtyard as Commandant Panchek stands stunned on the dais in the front. “Come again, rider? How dare you interrupt-“
The boy steps to the side, revealing my lingering figure behind him and the mans face pales instantly when his eyes find my glaring ones. Fear strikes his face.
Damn, I know that my father is scary, and his reputation is ahead of him but that the higher ups still shit their pants when they see me will never not surprise me. That makes me think … how many people around here, besides the Commandant, did father informed that I'll join Basgiath this year?
“A-ah Cadet! I-it’s great to see you’ve made it safely across the Parapet.” Did he- did he just stutter?! My face surely must show amusement because he tries to hide his nervousness and fear with a shit eating grin. If one word describes this man, then it’s pathetic.
He turns to another third year I know all too well – Fen Riorsons son, Xaden. The bane of my father’s existence. He already warned me about my future wingleader and the other “marked ones”.
Xaden looks good though, even with the confused frown on his face that almost everyone up there wears since I arrived with the rider next to- oh well. Not next to me anymore. He must have went off to find his squad.
I can feel the stares on me and hear the whispers of the other cadets on me, while my glare is still fixated on the persons up the dais. My bet is, Panchek tells them who I am and that they discuss which wing I’ll join, even though General Melgren and Sorrengail made it crystal clear where I'll be going.
Suddenly Xaden tenses and throws a quick glance over his shoulder with fury in his eyes to which I only lift an eyebrow in question when our eyes meet. Then he turns back to the others and nods.
The crowd is waiting patiently for them to finish up and it’s Panchek who steps forward again.
“As I was saying, three hundred and two of you have survived the Parapet to become cadets today,” he wears that political slimy smile again. “Good job. Sixty-seven did not.”
Well, that’s unfortunate. My guess is that the weather had a big impact on those numbers, but it could have been that asshole that threw other candidates from the Parapet down like he owns the place. A shiver runs down my spine while thinking he lingers around somewhere, possibly making friends that are as crazy as him. Shits about to get real when my name is revealed, and I don`t know what I should hope for, but I fear the worst.
He talks about the Codex and what we should expect during our first year while he gestures wildly with his hands. All talk, no bite this man. I had the unfortunate luck to meet him more than just once through my father’s career and I did not enjoy his company any fucking minute. He is annoying as hell and wants General Sorrengails position first, and then my fathers. As if that would ever happen, when father’s signet is one of the most important on the continent and when he has Codagh.
“… My best advice? Don’t die.” Easier said than done.
He walks off the dais with his executive commandant in tow but not without throwing a quick glance my way. Please just go away.
A brunette woman steps forward and calls out the section and squad leaders to take their positions. While finding their place in the front, Dain Aetos eyes meet mine over the distance, his eyebrows furrowed as he tries to study me, nice try buddy. He stands in the section of Second Wing; I think he is squad leader for Flame Section if I recall right.
We met each other over a year ago through Violet, since he is or was her best friend. I never liked him, too much of a “we have to strictly follow the rules” guy. But he isn't really fond of me too, thinks I am a bad influence on Violet.
One by one, cadets find their way into formation and soon Second Wing is called.
“Violet Sorrengail. Second Squad! Flame Section! Second Wing!”
Thank god's she is alive, but wait- those were not General Sorrengails orders!!? This is really bad and after finding said girl in the masses she seems to be relieved, but when I let my gaze fall on Dain again– oh? I see how it is. He must have something to do with this, because he has the audacity to smirk when his eyes find mine again. But I know it better than him, he won't be laughing for long.
Violet and her friend (?) walk over to their assigned squad and take place into formation. Third Wing is called and after that Fourth Wing. Time to shine – or not. I am one of the last cadets to be called into formation.
“Arya Melgren. Second Squad! Flame Section! Fourth Wing!” Xaden calls out.
There are more than just a few startled gasps and shocked whispers of my last name.
Only a handful of carefully selected people, mostly leadership, my teachers/trainers plus Violet and Dain, know about my existence, so I am not surprised that the majority here had no fucking clue that General Melgren has a daughter. Even the wingleader, beside Riorson, and their executives look uncomfortable.
I quickly make my way into formation while Xaden is busy studying Violet, trying to find out how the fuck he gets her into Fourth Wing and with the little tilt of his head I think he figured out what to do. He turns his back to the crowd to talk to the wingleader of Second Squad, and then the other two wingleader joins what seems to be a heated discussion. Whispers fills the Rotunda as everyone is waiting for further instructions from their leaders. They turn back and Xadens smirk tells me he got what he wanted. Thank fuck, I wouldn’t want to be in General Sorrengails wrath when she finds out that her daughter would have been somewhere else than the assigned wing.
“Dain Aetos, you and your squad will switch with Aura Beinhaven’s,” Nyra orders. My squad.
“Follow me” Beinhaven says and steps forward with her squad following. Well, everyone but me, I have specific orders from above. And while my now ex-squad gives me confused stares as they're passing me, Xaden and I share a quick glance. He nods once and I know, I stay where I am, about to join Aetos squad.
Aetos and his squad find their way into my direction, the squad leader at the front.
“Aetos” I greet him with a grin on my lips, arms crossed. I`ll annoy the fuck out of him this year, this will be so much fun. “Melgren,” he replies with a frown on his face, “I believe your squad is now in Second Wing.”
“I am right where I belong to. Fourth Wing, Flame Section, Second Squad. Those were the orders” I say, my gaze hardening to underline what I am hinting at. Realization crosses his face, and he grows uncomfortable under my glare.
“Into formation, Second Squad!” he orders with a hiss when he notices cadets lingering around.
Violet and her friend find their place next to me, greeting me with a gentle smile which I gladly return. “Arya, I am glad to see you.” “Same goes for you, Silver One. I am happy to see you made it safely.”
The dark tanned girl next to her scoffs at my response, which confuses me. “Hardly” she murmurs.
My eyes find Violets blue ones with question marks all over my face. She leans over and whispers “A guy from now First Wing tried to kill me after throwing another candidate down the Parapet, Jack Barlowe is his name” in my ear. Oh shit, that must have been the asshole I saw earlier when I observed the candidates.
Eyes widening, I quickly scan her for possible injuries but to my relief, I find none.
“Quiet” Dain hisses in front of us.
Our focus shifts back up the dais where Xaden steps forward. Violet tenses as she keeps eye contact with our wingleader. I take her hand into mine to ease her nerves, which doesn`t goes unnoticed by her friend. Shit, I need to ask Vi for her name before I embarrass myself.
“Rhiannon Matthias” the girl whispers to which I send a thankful nod and a gentle smile, getting a grin back in return.
“You’re all cadets now,” Xadens voice caries out over the formations. “Take a look at your squad. These are the only people guaranteed by Codex not to kill you. But just because they can’t end your life doesn’t mean others won’t. You want a dragon? Earn one.”
Some cadets cheer like they already have a dragon, but the three of us stay quiet. There is nothing to cheer about in this hellhole.
I space out while Xaden edges the crowd but along the cheers … there is something different. It’s not just cheering, that`s-
“Oh gods, they are beautiful” Rhiannon whispers as my gaze shifts to the sky. There they are – the dragons belonging to the leadership of the Riders Quadrant.
Unbelievably gorgeous and incredibly deadly at the same time. It’s always unsettling to be around Codagh, since he is the biggest dragon on the continent and given our history, but Sgaeyl, Xadens dragon – she is undeniable fascinating and terrifying. Especially when she stares into Violets eyes like she wants to eat her.
A cadet bolds out of formation, screaming and trying to get away from here. All hell breaks loose.
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Prisoner 505.
König x reader.
You're in a prison, why? War crimes, that's all König knew about you, you will be the new addition to KorTac, he's the one who will pick you up and take you to your new "home" what surprises will you bring to him? Will you be enemies, friends, lovers?
Warning: I'm trying to write this for a gn reader, but idk. Mentions of violence, spelling and grammatical errors.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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König wasn't ok with this mission, Why him? Someone else could do this, he hates every second of this, he left the car, walking to that giant black door, a prison, not any prison, this one is particularly a secret prison, not everyone knows about this place, it's a place that works with one purpose, First, take any dangerous people there to rot or let private contractors buy some of the prisoners, for what? Whatever they want, depending on every prisoner's record.
Yours, it doesn't say much about you. König observed the file on his hand once more while he remembered the conversation with O'Conor and the rest.
«Why me? Do I look like a fuckin babysitter? I'm not a fuckin' driver» «You're the best for this you will keep this new guy to line, I read was undisciplined»
Prisoner 505.
Name: (y/n) Age: unknown date of birth: unknown
Codename: Buitre 6-1
reasons for imprisonment:
War crimes (not specified), murders, torture, undisciplined, deserter (prisoner left his position after committing the aforementioned crimes, was captured and executed).
This prisoner was reported as 'killed in action' before the corresponding authorities, therefore, it does not exist in the system anymore, No more information available.
König sighed and walked Inside, the "waiting room" looked really fancy, he walked directly to the man sitting at the central desk, the man was fat but very well dressed.
- I came to pick a package...
The man looked up at him carefree, extending his hand to receive the file König had in hand.
- Ah... The 505, lemme check if they already finished.
The man took the phone, pressed some numbers and Called someone else.
«Did you finish? Someone came for his package... Ahh fuck, well that's Terrible, yeah... Pretty fucked up, I'll take him downstairs then, yeah... See you.»
He hung up the phone and smiled at könig, his smile is not kind, actually it is some darkness in it.
- Unfortunately, our prisoner is in his daily discipline session. You can wait here or we can go downstairs so you can see what you're buying, Sir.
König couldn't be more angry, waiting? Hell no, that was not an option.
- Downstairs, I don't have the entire day to wait for you.
- Follow me please.
Both walked to the elevator in silence, König was curious about that Discipline routine they're giving you.
- what's that shit about discipline session?
- Oh, you will see Sir. The prisoner is always getting in trouble, so we take drastic measures. This morning the 505 sent the prisoner 296 to the nursery, he has a broken jaw and lost one of his eyes.
How many levels does this place have? Floor 99. That's where you were. König didn't say more, that was enough information for him at the moment, finally, they arrived, he could hear some people laughing, the noise of water running and some insults.
«We're having too much fun as always (Y/n) but unfortunately we don't have much time anymore» «Fuck you, you and I know that I would kill you easily if I wasn't hanging and tie up here» «Shut up»
The man punishing you, was opening a Fire hose drenching you, while another was hitting you with a rope and other instruments on a table. There you were, half naked, wet, hurt, but the anger in your eyes doesn't let any sign of pain appear on your face. You looked at the two new people who appeared in the room, the tallest man was looking at you, What a pervert, you thought.
- Do You... Like what you're looking at, Big boy?
You laughed until the water and another hit silent you. König wasn't actually looking at your body, he was looking at the way you were being punished, lost in thoughts. The fat guard who came with König was laughing at you.
- As you can see, Sir, it's very... Enthusiast, a troublemaker.
- Ja... Anyway, I have to go... So, if you can finish now, that would be great.
- Of course. Put it down, dress up, and let us know when it's ready.
That was all, König and the guard left the room, you got dressed, tied up again and kicked out of your cell. You didn't have stuff or something, it was only your prisoner uniform, all black, you started to walk behind König and the guard, you noticed König's hunting knife on his belt, you approached them quietly, König didn't feel when you took his knife, he only heard a body falling on the floor, he turned himself quickly just to see the fat guard on the floor, chocking with his own blood, you were admiring your work and smiling at him.
«i warned you, Frank, the last thing you would see before you die it would be me» you whispered to him. Then you looked at König, cleaned his knife with your shirt and gave it to him, König took it and also took you by the arm, not hard but firm enough to show some authority.
- What have you done, huh? You can't be killing people every time you want, when you're under my watch you will obey me, Do you understand?
You looked at him with deer sad eyes and nodded In silence. Why did you look at him with those eyes? Thank God, König had the mask on, you couldn't see how he blushed just for that, he let your arm go and both ran to the elevator and left before someone saw the dead body. Once you were out, König just pointed at the car, you stopped and thought about it, you were finally free, you could run away and leave König there.
That's what you tried to do, König simply sighed annoyed, you were definitely a pain in his ass, you lost him, or... At least that's what you thought, you stopped to take some air, clearly you weren't in good shape. König hand around your neck took you by surprise.
- Listen, Püppchen (doll), you're free because of me, you're out of that place because a fuckin idiot in KorTac bought you, so don't make it more difficult, this is your only chance, will you work for us or I can take you back to rot in that fuckin' black hole. Hmm? What will you decide, Schatz?.
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ihearthes · 10 months
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Christmas Thyme Part 2
Author: @ihearthes
Pairing: Harry x Reader Insert (1st person)
Rating: Smut (NSFW, 18+ Only)
Word Count: 3060
Leaving the bank where I’ve deposited the day’s earnings, I notice Harry has his hands stuffed in his pockets as he jauntily walks beside me. “Not a fan of the cold?” I ask, and he shakes his head. 
“I’ve gotten better at it.” He huddles in his coat. “There was a time when being cold was the worst thing in the world. I would shiver no matter how many layers I had on.”
“That’s me to my core. I can be cold anytime, anywhere. But you chose to live in London instead of Los Angeles. Why?” Genuinely curious, I watch his face as we walk towards the closest chippy. I said I’d buy him dinner for his help, but I’m still trying to save every penny I can and sink it back into the business. So his usual elegant fare is not on the menu tonight, and he’ll just have to deal with that. Not that he seems the least bit upset or offended by the idea of fish and chips. 
He glances at me. 
“Oh,” I reply to his glance. “I get it. Off limits. Private. Personal.” Waving my hand, I seek to soothe him. “Don’t even worry, Harry. You don’t owe me answers to my inane questions.” 
“Sorry,” he mutters. “It’s not really a big secret or anything –”
“Doesn’t matter. You have the right to choose what you share with strangers.” 
“True.” Hunching his shoulders, he looks away from me. “It was definitely warmer in LA which I enjoyed. And I know a lot of people there – many who are friends – close friends even. But…it just never felt like home, you know? During the pandemic, I was there at first, and it just all felt so…off. Not me, you know?” 
I nod. “Same experience when I moved away from London for work. It just didn’t feel like it fit. Coming home to take care of my dad was a blessing in more ways than one.” Arriving at the chippy, I glance at my watch. “Shit. They close soon.”
“Guess we’ll have to order takeaway.” 
I don’t ask where we’ll eat it. The possibilities make my stomach flip upside down. Yanking on the handle, he holds the door for me as we walk into the blast of heat. The sultry tones of “The Christmas Song” by Greg Spero, and it makes my heart happy. Grinning, my smile widens when Harry takes my hand and twirls me around as though we had been dancing the entire way here. He waltzes me to the counter where the guy looks at us wearily. 
“We’re closing soon.” The attitude borders on surly but doesn’t quite make it. 
“No problem,” Harry replies. “We’ll have two suppers for takeaway. Mushy peas?” He asks me, and I nod eagerly. 
“We’re out of peas.” The sentence is short, and the young man who delivers it sounds bored. 
“Then just the fish and chips, my good man!” Harry’s energy is the exact opposite of our order taker who simply sighs, punches some buttons on the register, and lazily shouts, “Two suppers! Takeaway!” 
As Harry begins to remove his wallet, I playfully nudge him aside, withdrawing money from my back pocket and placing it on the counter. “My treat, remember?”
“I would never forget that.” His response is lighthearted and jolly. “After all, I slaved all day for my pay.” 
“All day?” I scoff. “Try two hours.” 
“Mhm.” I follow my doubtful tone with a grin, and he grins back. I swear we stand there beaming at each other until the order is ready. It’s both dorky and endearing. Which is about what I imagined meeting this man would include – if, I mean, I’d ever thought about meeting him. 
Swinging the bag with our supper inside, Harry steps onto the pavement outside. “Where to?” 
I bite my lip. “Well, we could go trace our steps back to the shop or…” Hesitating, I finally reveal the second choice. “...my dad’s flat is just around the corner here.” I gesture with my hand, and Harry’s eyes widen before they narrow. 
“If you’re planning to kidnap me, I’ll have you know I’ve left a trail for the police to locate me.” 
“Dammit,” I smile. “Foiled again.” His teasing has put me at ease, and I start leading him to my home. “Usually I would never invite a man home when we’ve just met…” 
“Yeah? What’s different about me?” 
“I think I would have heard if there were a trail of bodies in every town you’ve visited. Not the kind of secret you could keep for long.” 
Chuckling heartily, Harry shifts to the opposite side of the sidewalk when we cross the street. It’s a gentlemanly move, and it’s one I’ve not often had the pleasure of experiencing with the men I’ve dated. Not that they’ve been oafs or criminals or horrible humans. But they haven’t been chivalrous for sure. 
When we arrive, I push open the gate and lead Harry to my garden flat. The front door leads us directly into the reception room. 
“I thought you’d lived here for a couple of years?” Harry asks, surveying the boxes on the floor. 
“Christmas decorations,” I laugh. “I’ve not had a chance to put anything up yet since I’ve been so busy with the store.” Removing the takeaway bag from his hand, I move towards the kitchen. “Let me put this on real plates.” 
“Don’t do that,” Harry interjects. “No need for you to have to tidy up dishes.” 
“Special occasion! I’ve got company.” From the cupboard, I withdraw plates for us. Opening the containers, I snag a chip and take a bite quickly. “Oh wow. They didn’t have mushy peas, but they certainly have mushy chips.” 
“Uh oh.” 
“It’s fine. Give me a minute to heat up the air fryer. I’ll crisp them up in no time.” Opening the fridge, I remove a bottle of white wine. “Perhaps you could open this for us?” Holding out the wine and the corkscrew, I’m relieved when he takes both while I locate wine glasses. Now that he’s here in my space, I feel anxious. While liquid courage might have the side effect of blurring some memories later, it will also assist me in the midst of this bizarre Hallmark Christmas movie I’ve walked into. Or rather that Harry walked into when he entered my store. 
Connecting my phone to the bluetooth speaker, I start a jazz Christmas station playing as the air fryer beeps. Adding the chips to the container, I start it for three minutes. From behind me, I hear the glug of wine being poured from the bottle. 
“My lady.” His voice is husky, and I turn at his words to find Harry holding out a glass of wine to me, filled nearly to the brim. “I think there’s something wrong with your bottle.” Holding up his glass, also completely full, he shows me the empty wine bottle. “It only holds two glasses of wine.” 
I can’t help it. My laughter escapes, and the glass in my hand jiggles with my giggles until I have to take a sip to keep the wine from overflowing onto my hand. My face softening when I look at him, I hold up my glass in his general direction. 
“Thank you for this tonight, Harry. You’ve made me laugh, and that’s not something I’ve done often enough lately.” 
“I think you should laugh every day,” he grins, moving closer to me and clinking his glass with mine. “Thank you for keeping me entertained after my sister ditched me.” 
Warren Wolf’s version of “Oh Christmas Tree” starts, and Harry takes my glass and sets both on the counter before he grasps my hand and puts his other hand on my waist as he twirls me around on the kitchen floor. Throwing my head back, I laugh out loud at the continuous twirling he leads me to do until I’m out of breath and somehow against the counter with Harry plastered close to me. 
We’re both giggling and breathing heavily from the dancing until I look up and catch his eyes on mine. Holy shit. He’s so fucking hot. Those eyes alone make my knickers wet, but when his tongue darts out and his eyes focus on my mouth, I’m lost. This is how it happens in movies, right? And I’m currently sleepwalking through a Hallmark Christmas movie. So when he leans forward and touches our lips together, I go with it. 
The melding of our mouths leads to his hands landing on my waist as he slides up the bottom of my jumper just enough to rub his thumbs on my bare skin. A moan leaves my mouth which also has the advantage of providing access for Harry’s tongue to enter, and I cannot get enough of his flavour. He tastes like candy canes and snowflakes. When he steps closer and slides his leg between my jean-clad thighs, I whimper. There’s no other word for the sound that rips itself from my throat. 
Which is when the timer on the air fryer goes off. 
I see. I’m not in a Hallmark Christmas movie. I’m in a television Christmas comedy. Figures. 
Feeling Harry’s smile against my lips, I am grateful when he doesn’t abruptly separate from me but rather maintains his nearness while gazing into my eyes. A sheepishness comes over him then, and I blink to bring myself back to reality. “I am so sorry. I should have asked for consent. That was…rude.” 
“Really? I was thinking how incredibly pleasant it was.” 
The smirk makes an appearance, and he surveys me, removing his hands from my waist and stepping back so that his leg is no longer propping me up from being a giant pool of jelly on the floor. So I’m surprised when I remain standing, although I’m not surprised that my head follows his for a brief moment before I snap to attention. 
Trying to get us back on track with supper, I politely say, “I think the chips are no longer wilted.” 
“They’re not the only thing no longer wilted,” Harry says, and I glance at him sharply. 
“We could –” 
“Skip supper?” The enthusiasm in his voice dampens my panties further, and although that hadn’t been what I was going to say at all, I simply nod and go along with the suggestion. 
Food? What’s food? I’ve eaten before. I’ll eat again. But right now I have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do something insane that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. 
With my head’s singular bob, Harry steps forward again, burying his hands in my hair as he tilts my head back to delve back into the practice we’d been doing previously. Knowing where we’re headed this time, I have no qualms about sliding my hands under his crewneck and towards the waistband of his joggers. 
He removes his mouth from mine long enough to blather on, “Are you – do you have – should we –”
“I’ve not had sex with another human in months. Definitely clean of STDs, and I have condoms. Somewhere.” Shit. Where were those? 
“Per-” Instead of finishing the word, he plants his lips back on my mouth, his tongue mimicking the dance we’ll soon be doing if either of us has any say. And we do.
“Bedroom!” I exclaim as I break the seal between us, having just remembered that the condoms are in my bedside table drawer. Taking control (and his hand), I guide him towards my bedroom – the one my father had insisted I take over when I moved in, relegating the older man to the former guest room. “Pretty sure they’re in –” Without finishing my sentence, I’m sorting through the items in my drawer as I feel Harry behind me, his hands sneaking around my waist to my button and zipper. With no qualms, he undoes both, sliding my jeans down my legs until I can step out of them. 
“Shoes!” I squeak, and Harry chuckles before untying my shoes and gently removing them from my feet. 
“Since I’m already here,” the devil grins, as he makes short work of my knickers too, removing all of my bottom half clothing so that I feel a breeze on my private parts. I have a moment of freakout when I can’t recall the last time I’d done any…um…landscaping there, but the thought disappears when I feel his breath on my thighs. “Mmmmm…I think I’ll start my meal here.” He raises my left leg and places it on the bed, exposing my entirety to his gaze. I grasp the bedside table to maintain my balance. 
Good thing I’m holding onto something solid because the second his tongue touches my labia, my knees weaken. Having no idea how I’ve lost control of the situation, I have no choice but to pant wildly while he makes short work of my clit, my juices already inflamed and flowing. 
“OH MY GOD!” I scream, and I can feel his stupid dimple on my skin as he smiles. How can someone feel the absence of space? No clue, but I swear that’s what I feel. My orgasm starts to build, and I grip the table more tightly as I tumble into the chasm of the mouth that belongs to one popstar named Harry Styles. Nearly collapsing, I am grateful when Harry adjusts my leg so that both are solidly on the ground to hold me up. 
But then he reaches around me, snagging a condom I’d unknowingly managed to unearth in my frantic movements. Behind me, I hear the wrapper being torn, and when I move to stand, Harry places a hand on my back. “Stay there.” 
There’s no sound of a zipper since he’s not wearing trousers, but I hear the latex snap just before I feel the head of his cock at my entrance. Once again, he places his hand on my back. 
“Let me know if it’s too much.” 
Most men who say this must be joking because I’ve often had to wonder if their member was even inside me. But not Harry. Holy fuck. His cock stretches my walls, and I have to tap his thigh once and call for a pause. 
“Too much?” 
“No. Just…let me adjust…” Bending forward some by crossing my arms on the night table and resting my head on my folded arms allows him to slip inside a bit further, and I can feel him all the way deep inside me. 
“Woah,” he breathes, and I agree. “Can I move now?” 
“Slowly at first please. I’m wet, but we might need more lubrication.” From the night table, I withdraw a bottle of lube and hand it around to him. 
“Oh, good plan,” he says, and I hear the bottle opening and the squish of liquid being extracted before he withdraws slightly. This time when he plunges inside me, I gasp at the feel. “Still need me to go slow?” 
“Don’t you fucking dare,” I warn. 
The man sets a pace that would go well with Kiwi or Only Angel. Steady. Fast. Reaching around, he teases my clit, and I groan in pleasure. After a few minutes at this pace in this position, my body starts to respond, and I feel my second orgasm building. 
Which is when Harry pulls completely out. Surprised, I twist to look at him. And laugh. He raises an eyebrow, and I clarify. “We must look a sight with both of us bottomless and our tops still on.” 
He grins, his cock standing up tall with the condom straining against its length and girth. “Strip show?” 
“Shortest strip show in the history of the planet,” I grin as I pull my Christmas jumper with its tree and presents over my head. “Forgot I had this on.” Reaching up, I start to remove the necklace I’m wearing. 
“Leave it,” Harry growls. 
My mouth dry, I give in, removing only my bra. “Your turn,” and when he pulls off the crewneck, I wheeze at the sight of the butterfly and the laurels and the sparrow, never having expected to view them this close. 
“How do you turn these on?” He demands, reaching for the strand of novelty Christmas lights surrounding my neck. 
“Same way you turn me on,” I tease, reaching both hands behind my neck, knowing exactly how the pose pushes my breasts forward. As the lights start blinking, Harry’s eyes light up and he captures my nipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling in ways I’ve never felt before as he tweaks my other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
I think I’m going to pass out. 
Just when I get used to the feeling, he swaps breasts, humming in between. “The lights make it even more fun,” he devilishly snarls before latching onto my other breast. 
When I’m close to losing my mind, I drop to my knees, planting my lips around the condom and applying suction. 
“HOLY –” Harry shrieks. He’s too big for me to deep throat completely, so I add a hand to his length, using circular motions with both my tongue and my fingertips, but in opposite directions. I’m quite pleased with myself until he taps me on the head. 
“I really would prefer to be inside you” is his polite comment, and who am I to deny this famous celebrity whatever he wants?
The bed covers get firmly wrinkled as we squirm together on the bed, his cock plunging into me from as many angles as we can think of, and the edging is starting to wear on me. 
“I can’t…Harry…I need…” 
“I got you.” And he does. With my legs in the air on his shoulders, his large gorgeous hands on my breasts, and his cock deeply embedded in me, he drives me to orgasm, and I cry out his name over and over again, forgetting everything but this moment. 
And then I get the pleasure of watching as his eyes roll back in his head, his chin turns towards the ceiling, and his entire body spasms as he spills into the condom. 
Merry Christmas to me!
Author’s Note: This was supposed to be a one shot, but I think there’s one more part of the story to tell if you’re interested. Let me know if you’ll read it, and I’ll write part 3. 
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Capitol Punishment XII
Haymitch x Reader
Summary: The Capitol continues to torture it’s victors no matter how long ago they won through punishment, exploitation, and worst of all; their relationships.
A story in which Haymitch’s lover is a plaything for the Capitol.
Warnings: Canon level violence, rape, alcohol, murder, systemic poverty, exploitation, rebellion (?), more reliance on movie than book, suicidal thoughts, swearing, illness, pregnancy, miscarriage, torture, sexual torture, medical stuff
Word Count: 3.4K
Part XI | Masterlist | Part XIII
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It had been six weeks since they escaped the arena, five since Haymitch had seen that godforsaken video of you and that man. According to Beetee more have come in but he destroyed them immediately. Haymitch wasn’t sure how many had come in but he suspected Snow was making a lot of money from you.
But despite his constant worry for you he continued to do is duties in 13. Mostly because he didn’t want to be sent back to rehab. So he sat in on meetings to help with battle and propaganda plans. But when he was called into a secret meeting with only Coin, Plutarch, Boggs, Gale, and a few other special forces he was elated.
“We’re here to discuss the rescue of the victors,” Coin began. Haymitch was the most excited he had been since he arrived in this cultish hell hole. Not every soldier held the same feelings though.
“Why?” one asked, silencing the others. “Are you actually suggesting we put soldiers’ lives on the line so some people can get their girlfriend or boyfriend back?” he scoffed. As much as Haymitch wanted to punch the guy, he had a point.
“It’s more than that. The Mockingjay has demanded Peeta’s and the other victors’ rescue and the Mockingjay is necessary for this rebellion,” Coin explained. “However, this is a volunteer only mission. I won’t forcefully send any of you into the heart of the Capitol.”
“I’ll do it,” Gale immediately volunteered.
“So will I,” Haymitch spoke.
“That’s very generous, Haymitch,” Plutarch began, “but according to our medical files you’re not fit for combat.”
“And I won’t send civilians in on a special forces mission,” Coin added.
“But this is volunteer based,” Haymitch pressed, “and I don’t see any other volunteers.”
“I’ll go,” Boggs volunteered. Four more soldiers followed suit.
“Thank you for your sacrifice and bravery,” Coin said, not unlike a robot.
“We ship out first thing in the morning, the plan will be relayed to those going tonight. Not a word of this to anyone else, especially Katniss, got it?” Boggs ordered. Everyone in the room uttered agreements as they filed out.
As Haymitch began to shuffle out, Gale caught up with him. “Thanks for volunteering,” he said. “Katniss was telling me how you struggle being sober.” Haymitch took slight offense to that comment but didn’t let it show. Everyone treated him as some sickly old man, hell he was only 41. Granted he had drank most of his liver away and going cold turkey had been hard on his body at first but he was getting better.
Haymitch took a deep sigh. Being sober had somehow lowered his inhibitions and he found himself being more honest more often with people even if he didn’t really want to. Besides, Katniss hated him for letting Peeta be taken, Finnick was a mess, and he wasn’t remotely close with anyone else in 12, Gale was the closest thing he had to a friend aside from Effie who was stewing in her dorm, angry she couldn’t wear Capitol luxuries anymore. “I just— after seeing her in the interviews and what the Capitol’s doing to her— I just wanted to be the one to save her. I wasn’t able to save her from Snow for the past 8 years but I wanted to pull her from his clutches for the final time.”
Gale nodded, sighing deeply. “I’ll get her out. I’ll tell her you volunteered for the mission and that you’re waiting here for her, right at the hangar doors.”
“Thanks,” Haymitch smiled. “Can I ask, how come you’re going? Thought you were in love with Katniss and hated Peeta’s guts.”
Gale’s sigh turned exasperated. “She’s not happy. Not with Peeta in the Capitol. I just wanna make her happy.”
“Well good luck.”
Haymitch stood in the control room anxiously along with Katniss, Finnick, Beetee, and Plutarch. District 5 had just brought down the dam, cutting power in the Capitol, shutting down their defenses. Allowing Beetee to go in and wreak all kinds of havoc to keep them unaware of the airship about to enter the Capitol’s airspace. As they approached, Cressida entered the room. “Finnick? Haymitch? Can you come with me?”
“What for?” Haymitch immediately asked, not wanting to miss your rescue.
“I asked her to film some propo,” Beetee filled in, “keep their broadcasts clogged.”
Haymitch hesitated but Finnick seized the opportunity to help. “Okay,” he agreed, stepping out with Cressida. Wanting to not feel useless anymore, Haymitch followed the pair outside. Haymitch reveled in being above ground for the first time in six weeks. It was nice to breathe fresh air despite being surrounded by rubble and sinister white roses. Cressida directed them to the center of the rubble, lights pointed at them. “Okay, just take your time and don’t stop talking,” she instructed.
She held up her fingers, counting down from three before pointing one at the two victors, directing them to begin. Haymitch was admittedly not super comfortable in front of a camera so he let Finnick take the lead. “This is Finnick Odair, winner of the 65th Hunger Games.” He then paused.
“And I’m Haymitch Abernathy, winner of the 50th Hunger Games.”
“And we’re coming to you from District 13, alive and well. We’ve survived an assault from the Capitol but we’re not here to give you recent news. We’re here to tell the truth. Not the myths about winning the life of luxury or about gaining glory for your homeland.”
“The moment you leave that arena, you’re a slave,” Haymitch explained. “I won my games in a way I wasn’t supposed to and Snow slaughtered my family for it. But some punishments, whether earned or not, can last for years. It’s what happened to Finnick here, and my wife, Y/N L/N-Abernathy.”
“President Snow used to sell me and Y/N, or our bodies at least. We weren’t the only ones. If a Victor is considered desirable, the President gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them. If you refuse, he kills someone you love.”
“For seven years Y/N was ripped out of our bed in the middle of the night. Whether we were in the Capitol or in 12 they always came looking for her, never gave her a second to herself. And when she did return, I’d always find her battered and bruised. Usually in the same clothing she left in torn up into rags.”
“Now, to make themselves feel better, my patrons would make presents of money or jewelry. But I found a much more valuable form of payment. Secrets. See, I know all the depravity, the deceit and the cruelty of the Capitol's pampered elite. But the biggest secrets are about our good President, Coriolanus Snow. Such a young man when he rose to power. Such a clever one to keep it. How, you may ask, did he do it? One word. Poison. He stopped every mutiny before it even started. There are so many mysterious deaths to adversaries. Even to allies who were threats. Snow would drink from the same cup, to deflect suspicion. But antidotes don't always work, which is why he wears roses that reek of perfume. Help cover the scent of blood from sores in his mouth that will never heal. But he can't hide the scent of who he really is. He kills without mercy. He rules with deception and fear. His weapon of choice is the only thing suited to such a man. Poison. The perfect weapon for a snake.” Just as Finnick was about to continued Cressida stopped him.
“Wait,” she held a hand to her ear piece. “Beetee said they lost connection. The Capitol’s defenses are rebooting.”
Haymitch’s heart dropped. No, they had to get you out. They couldn’t be detected yet, he had to uphold his promise to protect you.
Probably thinking similar, if not the same, thing, he and Finnick both ran inside. They raced down into the control room just in time to hear Snow’s final words over the video. “Don’t you think I know your friends are in the Tributes Centre?” and with that all the screens in the room went dark.
There were various yells. Both from people trying to get in contact with the team and Katniss losing her mind. “We have to get them out, he knows,” she cried, turning to her mentor.
“There’s no signal, we can’t contact them,” Plutarch explained bluntly.
“No. Haymitch, he knew the whole time. He was taunting me.” Haymitch wrapped his arms around her in a fatherly embrace. “Did I lose them both tonight?” she cried into his chest, repeating the words over and over.
As much as Haymitch felt for the girl, he was grieving too. Grieving the loss of his wife as well as the broken promise he had made so long ago.
You had just been curled in a fetal position on your bed when Peeta’s broken voice called out. “Guys,” he caught everyone’s attention. You rolled over, spotting gas creeping along the floor. It was slowly crawling up the walls, climbing into the vents that led to each cell. You began to worry that it was a Capitol gas designed to torture you , similar to the fog Haymitch had talked about in the arena. But curiosity got the better of you as you pulled the thin blanket around your body tighter. Your hospital clothes had been destroyed so many times they had stopped bothering to give them to you. But you stepped off the bed, heading for the glass barrier where gas was just beginning to accumulate on your side. But just before you could reach it the chain around your ankle held, tripping you a little. Still defiant after weeks of torture you opted to get on your knees to stretch to try to reach the fog. But what you hadn’t noticed, as you carefully lowered yourself, was that the gas had really begun to fill the room. As you settled on the ground you caught a whiff of the gas, immediately making you lightheaded. Your limbs became heavy as it quickly lulled you to sleep, your last thoughts being of what the Capitol’s torture would be that required you to be asleep.
When you finally managed to pry your eyes open the first time you were blinded and hazy. You faintly heard someone yell, “Can we get her some clothes?”
You managed to turn your head to the side, realizing you were moving. Judging by the whiteness all around you, you were still in the hospital-torture place. But you soon lost consciousness again, not finding it until you were on the aircraft.
When you managed to open your eyes for good you were staring up at a black, dome like ceiling. Looking around just a little you could see the heads and shoulders of soldiers, judging by the all black gear. One face you spotted was Gale’s. His gaze, however, looked miles away as he stared at his feet.
You could hear the thrum of the aircraft, only ever hearing that when the Capitol transported you to the worst times of your life.
Adjusting yourself more you could now see your fellow prisoners also lying on the floor of the aircraft although you seemed to be the only conscious one. By now the soldier who’s feet you had been laying at noticed your movement. “Hey, my name is Commander Boggs, we rescued you from the Capitol. We’re taking you to District 13.”
District 13? The military man had told you that’s where the rebellion was operating out of. He said that’s where Haymitch was. You could cry you were so relieved. For the first time in your life you may know peace. Even if it’s just for a second before you have to finish this war.
Recognizing what you no doubt wanted to ask, the man spoke. “Yes, Haymitch is there. He’s waiting for you in 13.” Tears of joy slipped from your eyes for the first time in god knows how long. As you tried to sit up, Boggs gently pushed you back onto the collapsed gurney you were laying on again. “I need you to lie still. We suspect you have some internal injuries that need to be assessed before you really start moving.” You agreed, settling further on the hard cushion. You suspected that you had injuries that the Capitol wouldn’t bother to heal because they couldn’t see them. Largely from the harsh treatment of the men that had bought access to your body through Snow. Many of them had pulled out of you with blood coating them but it was always dismissed and you were left there, something clearly wrong but you were powerless to do anything.
“How long?” you managed to ask, your voice hoarse.
“About 15 minutes out. We’re gonna have to roll you in on the gurney though.” You didn’t really like the idea of being treated like you were mortally wounded but you nodded nonetheless.
Around you the others were starting to stir. The soldiers sitting above them murmuring comforts and explanations. No one really made a move until Johanna started screaming. She sat up, two soldiers immediately jumping on her to push her back to the ground. “Do you want us to sedate you again?!” One of the soldiers yelled. That finally got her to stop fighting. Once they released her she huffed, scooting over to another wall to lean against, sending everyone glares.
The next person to be fully conscious was Annie. You turned your head to find her already looking at you. “Annie,” you cried. You hadn’t caught more than a glimpse of her in weeks but you were all too familiar with her screams.
“Y/N!” she cried. She scrambled up from her spot on the floor, one of the soldiers moving to stop her but a signal from Boggs made them stop. She kneeled over you, pulling you into a hug. Despite the awkward positioning you began to cry at the first compassionate human contact you had had in weeks.
“You’re okay,” you said, observing her relatively untouched appearance. Her long red hair still flowed down her shoulders unlike Johanna’s shaved head. Her skin looked unmarred unlike you and the two other victors’ skin. The one thing that matched the three of you was how malnourished and tired she looked. You guessed that since she knew absolutely nothing about the rebellion and her fragile mental state protected her from Peeta and Johanna’s punishments.
“Annie,” Boggs caught her attention, “Finnick is waiting for you in 13.”
Tears filled her eyes. “He’s- he’s alive? Finnick’s alive?” she cried joyfully.
“Yes, he is,” Boggs smiled.
Your conversation was then interrupted by a man also dressed in all black gear walking into the cabin. “We’re landing pretty soon and are beginning to descend. Everyone should buckle in.”
With some gentle coaxing Annie went to sit on a proper seat beside the soldier whose feet she had been laid by previously. Johanna refused to move so they just let her hold onto something in her corner. Peeta was fine because he had stayed strapped to his gurney unlike Annie or Johanna because they didn’t require them. Meanwhile Boggs was reaching over you to strap you in. You gave him a startled, questioning look as he reached down. “It’s just to make sure you don’t slip out,” he explained. “Trust me you can get out of it anytime. See?” He unclipped the belt easily before fastening it again.
Relaxing a little you looked up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath as you felt the aircraft descend. When you felt the landing gear hit the ground you had a weird sense of feeling at home. You knew Haymitch was near.
Haymitch sat waiting with Katniss and Finnick for when you and the others would be back. The three victors sat in tense silence until the door slid open. Gale’s head peaked in. He didn’t need to speak, his presence said enough. The other victors were back.
Immediately he, Finnick, and Katniss were scrambling into the medical wing. There they found a scene of doctors and nurses running around trying to figure out how to help victims of torture. The first person Haymitch saw was Johanna. She looked so different, the only recognizable thing about her was her sneer as she fought the doctors.
“Finnick!” Annie’s desperate voice pierced the air.
The doctors then parted for a second, revealing you lying on a hospital bed, neck straining to find your husband. “Y/N,” Haymitch tried to call but it came out as more of a sob. The fact that you were confined to your bed wasn’t promising considering Annie had ripped an IV from her arm, leaping into Finnick’s.
As he got closer (he was in such a hypnotic-like state he was pretty sure he knocked a nurse over) he took in your appearance more. It actually broke him to see his wife look so frail, the Capitol clearly having starved you and men having abused you.
Once he reached your bedside he leaned over the rail, pulling you into a hug as best as he could. He could feel your nails dig into his back, trying to claw him closer as each of you began to cry into the crook of each others’ necks. “I love you,” he heard you whimper out.
“I love you too,” he cried. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I never should’ve left your side.”
“No no. It’s not your fault.” Before you could say anything else a doctor interrupted you.
“Mr. Abernathy? We need to take her into surgery.” At the mention of surgery Haymitch reluctantly pulled away. He turned, finding a few medical staff standing behind the doctor ready to take you.
“Wh- why?” he stuttered out as the staff were already beginning to roll you away.
“No,” you cried, “don’t take me from him!” He faintly heard one of them trying to calm you down.
“We’re sorry but testing done in the field shows she has severe injuries to her reproductive organs. Most likely due to…” he hesitated with the next words, “repetitive rape. We’re going in to stop internal bleeding but we’re unsure of other things we’ll find. We’ll update you as soon as we can.” And with that the doctor rushed off.
Haymitch stood there helpless, unsure of what to do. He knew that you were safe and under the care of actual doctors who wanted to heal you but people died in surgery all the time, especially outside of the Capitol. He felt like you had been ripped from him all over again.
He looked around again, realizing he had yet to see one person. Peeta. He got his answer as to where the boy was when he heard a loud crash in another room. Rushing over he found Peeta with his hands wrapped around Katniss’ throat. Without thinking he ran at the boy, trying to pry him off the girl who he had once been madly in love with.
“Peeta let go!” Haymitch heard himself yell. He managed to get him off Katniss for a second before the boy managed to knock his former mentor off. Haymitch went stumbling backwards into some shelves as Peeta brought Katniss to the ground again. By now Gale and Boggs had entered the room, finding the same scene Haymitch had.
Gale immediately began trying to pry Peeta off of Katniss but even he was no match for the very determined Peeta despite his malnourishment. It took Boggs knocking Peeta in the head with an iron tray to get the boy off of Katniss.
Everyone took a second to breathe a breath of relief before they started aiding the two unconscious victors from 12.
Part XI | Masterlist | Part XIII
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suchine-toki · 7 months
Okay, was anybody going to tell me that the official music video of the 6th opening of Yorinuki Gintama-san has strong gintaka vibes or was I just supposed to find it out myself?
First I would like to show the lyrics of two specific scenes in the actual opening:
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A silver-haired guy is looking for a place to return home
following the memories of a time that can't come back
We didn't get to see each other, but we're not apart.
With this we realize that this part of the song is from Gintoki's point of view, who's feeling homesick. The first scene shows him remembering Shouyou, Katsura and Takasugi in his childhood, and then Sakamoto, Katsura and Takasugi again during the war.
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Someday when we've gotten to meet,
I'll surely shout aloud "I'm home!"
So that you won't be laughed at
by those who are even now watching from somewhere.
In the second scene, Takasugi is seen putting on bandages under a cherry tree, when Bansai, Matako and Takechi arrive to look for him. The lyrics could be interpreted as Gintoki being the one who greets Takasugi so that he doesn't have to do it in front of those looking at him or the other way around.
Now let's see what the official music video (今日もサクラ舞う暁に) by CHiCO with HoneyWorks) shows:
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At daybreak when the cherry blossoms were dancing,
we were having dreams.
Wow Wow Paint them in the sky and run.
Go my way
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A silver-haired guy is looking for a place to return home
following the memories of a time that can't come back.
We didn't get to see each other, but we're not apart.
The memories of us laughing and crying are even now, even now
living right here.
As you can see, the story of the protagonists of the video has several similarities with that of Gintoki and Takasugi. At the beginning, a silver-haired boy is shown remembering his childhood and noticing the absence of a purple-haired boy who is no longer by his side. But when they were together, he was his friend and rival.
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At daybreak again today when the cherry blossoms were dancing (Wow oh oh)
we found our dream.
Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
On your mark, run! (Go my way)
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So that you won't be laughed at
by those who are even now watching from somewhere,
Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
paint your dreams and run.
Go my way
The video includes speech bubbles in some scenes (which I didn't consider for aesthetic purposes), but it's very curious that at one point the purple-haired boy mentions that he has won 56 consecutive times, in the same way Takasugi kept track of his victories and defeats against Gintoki.
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My burning wounds still make me run,
holding onto the memories of that time I want to go back to (Wow)
I superpose myself with how I used to be and laugh.
As I was that day when I hid my weakness, even now, even now
I'm right here.
The purple-haired boy is later shown with who appears to be his father. Here both the tone of the song and the visual effects change to demonstrate greater seriousness in the scene. The lyrics seem to indicate a change in perspective towards him, who also longs to return to those days. It's striking because it expresses similar feelings to Takasugi, in addition to showing a complicated relationship between father and son.
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At daybreak again today
when the cherry blossoms were dancing (Wow oh oh)
we grasped hold of our dreams.
Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
On your mark, run! (Go my way)
The event that broke the video kids' friendship was basically the purple-haired boy beating up his friends at the dojo without any explanation (strangely similar to a little samurai doing dojoyaburi), which caused the silver-haired boy to confront him.
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If we can restart,
and find a place with them,
Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
draw your ideals, and run.
Go my way
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I'll say goodbye over and over many times.
I found the only one truth.
Though getting more and more wounded, the past stays the past.
I reach my hand out to the glaring answer.
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We didn't get to see each other, but we'll always be connected.
The memories of us laughing and crying are even now, even now
living right here.
The silver-haired boy questions if their dreams couldn't coexist. It isn't until many years later that he understands the actions of his friend, and he decides to go look for him. The purple-haired boy is under a cherry tree, reminiscing about the past. There were 4 friends, and in addition to the protagonists of the video there was a boy with long hair and another who is the tallest in the group, which reminds me of Joui 4.
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At daybreak again today when the cherry blossoms were dancing (Wow oh oh)
we found our dream.
Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
On your mark, run! (Go my way)
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Someday when we've gotten to meet,
I'll surely shout aloud "I'm home!"
So that you won't be laughed at
by those who are even now watching from somewhere
It's after all this that they meet again. The silver-haired boy throws a bokuto at the purple-haired boy and they clash their swords at the beginning of a friendly combat that symbolizes the reconsolidation of their friendship.
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Wow (Wow) Wow (Wow)
paint your dreams and run.
Go my way
I think it's important to highlight the use of cherry trees during the song and, well, in the title itself (At This Dawn When Cherry Blossoms Are Dancing Again). Gintoki once said that the darkest time of the night is just before dawn, and he and Takasugi have been depicted together using cherry trees in the manga, anime, and the final movie. So this could be another poetic way of showing how they would be at their worst before meeting again, a reunion that has a happy connotation for both of them.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 46
Well. Tonal whiplash.
We advance three years, to 1986, and therefore we go from an almost aggressively mid Gatiss story on a Russian submarine to World Enough and Time, the Capaldi season finale that opens with the Doctor stepping out of the TARDIS mid-regeneration (which we've seen! It was a WW1 story with Mark Gatiss as an actor! He's a much better actor than writer), then cuts back in time to show us lovely companion Bill being horrifically cyber-converted on a Mondasian colony ship. I wish we were still on that submarine.
LOADS of plot though WOW. We get so many answers! Can't wait to update the list. The story proper starts with Bill, the ever-confusing Nardole ("I should go back to being blue" he muses at one point, because what the fuck is he), and of all people, Missy. They step out onto a 400 mile long colony ship stuck by a black hole which therefore has fun timey-wimey stuff going on whereby the top of the ship is moving much more slowly in time than the bottom. This is, to be clear, an absolutely fantastic concept to base a sci-fi horror story around, but only if you have a writer capable of spotting plot holes big enough to drive a bus through, which alas we do not have, so the whole thing is permeated with a constant urge to scream "JUST GET BACK IN THE ELEVATOR YOU FUCKING IDIOTS" at the screen.
So. They arrive, and Missy is pretending to be the Doctor while he listens in from the TARDIS. She describes Bill and Nardole as "Exposition and Comic Relief."
"Those aren't our names," Bill says.
"They aren't names, they're genders," Missy replies.
We are then treated to a flashback in which the Doctor says Time Lords don't care about genders and their associated stereotypes. This juxtaposition seems to be entirely unintentional.
BUT! So many answers. The Doctor explains that Missy is his oldest friend and a fellow Time Lord (our first Other Time Lord! Interesting, since we've been told repeatedly that the Doctor is the only one left.) They were friends together in the Academy, they've both changed gender since, and she's very like him so he wants her to be good.
"She's a murderer" says Bill, and the Doctor straight up compares sapient people to animals in an analogy I suspect Moffat thought was Really Clever, but I suppose it's a very Colin Baker response. In any case, this is presumably why Missy was living in a vault in the TARDIS, and could fly a TARDIS, and it confirms now that she is not, in fact, another regeneration of River. Origins for both! Huzzah. Let's see what's happening back on the ship.
A blue man immediately shoots Bill for being human.
He does this because as soon as they arrive, the lifts start moving and rising to their current floor, and whatever is inside is specifically attracted to humans. The Doctor could in fact have prevented him shooting, but rather than actually stressing to the blue man that he will just put Bill back in the TARDIS to hide her, he instead chooses to go on an extensive self-aggrandising monologue about how great he is and is still mid-sentence when the lifts arrive so blue guy just fucking blasts a dinner plate sized hole right through her chest. Some patients in bandages step out, and take Bill's cooling corpse for 'repair'. They go down in the lift.
So at this point two things happen, to whit:
Bill wakes up in a hospital with a sort of coffee maker strapped to her chest, and spends the episode variously befriending a weird fake Russian (why so many fake Russians atm?) with a nakedly rubber face. His name is Mr Razor, and he does provide excellent comic relief. It turns out that the bottom of the ship has been here for generations and so is decaying - the air is engine fumes, the walls are rust, so some medical personnel are trying to upgrade everyone so they can move up in the lift and escape to a higher floor.
The Doctor realises the time difference as the lift with Bill is still going down. Rather than immediately following, he spends ten minutes explaining how black holes warp time to the blue guy who is not even going to be coming with him, and whom they ultimately abandon. This means Bill is down there for years.
Still, good to know the limitations of the TARDIS, eh? I mean, everything would have been solved if they'd simply been able to, I don't know, materialise outside the ship at a safe distance and then tow it away from the black hole. Clearly black holes must defeat the TARDIS. Got it. I shall remember this for future stories.
Anyway, here are several issues:
Of the 50 odd staff who were running this empty colony ship, many went down to the bottom floor when they first got stuck by the black hole. At this point, they did not bother going back up in the lift. Instead, for reasons that are entirely unexplained, they decided to stay down there and form a society, so the ship is now filled with their descendants. We literally know the lifts work; the people came for Bill immediately. There is no reason for the original staff to have done this.
The only difference it should make is that the blue guy would appear to the crew to have not moved in the ten minutes they were down there. They absolutely could still get back, though.
Like I have had days when I have felt 1000% done with my job but I have never decided to just build a house where I'm standing and start a colony so I don't have to go back to the office.
Perhaps, Tumblrs, you are wondering, like me, why the people on the bottom floor now can't just. You know. Get in the lift. Once again, in order to get Bill, several patients immediately got in the lift and came up for her, and then returned with her. So they do literally know it's possible. Bill asks this of Mr Razor. "We sent up an expedition to the higher floors once," he says. "But we never heard back from them."
Yes, that is blatantly the time difference, isn't it.
If there are still humans on those middle floors, why haven't they been retrieved by the patients? They came immediately for Bill, and she was on the top floor.
...and on, and on...
ANYWAY then Mr Razor BETRAYS Bill and has her cyber-converted. There is, fair play, an excellent reveal that these are Mondasian cybermen, which admittedly I did guess but still, credit where it's due. The conversion is shown to be more horrific than you can imagine, too. Semi-converted patients at one point are on a ward, repeatedly pressing speech buttons that say "Pain" and "Kill me", and the nurse who comes in just turns off the volume so they can't be heard. It is, imho, way too fucking dark for this show, actually, but that largely sums up Capaldi's era.
And that's the cliffhanger! The Doctor and Nardole staring in horror at crying Cyber-Bill (apparently she's still flesh inside the suit, though, that sure does imply it's reversible). BUT!
Also Mr Razor finds Missy and he peels off his rubber face.
"I had to wear this mask because I used to be Prime Minister on a different planet," he declares, which is baffling to us as we have not seen this, and also that doesn't make sense. "I'm a past incarnation of you and also the Master."
SO THAT'S THE MASTER! A character we have only heard named in passing. SO MANY answers in this episode.
I also still don't understand Nardole.
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (NEW INFO: perhaps River returned as Missy. River and Missy are separate! Could be either of them I suppose. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest. The Thijarian planet was destroyed by some sort of impact). Is this the Flux?
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (NEW INFO: unless she’s Missy. She's not Missy. Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again. NOPE, back to not working.)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? NEW INFO: he used to be blue, and could apparently go back to it??? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
NEW INFO: There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants) She's a murderer and a fellow Time Lord and he's trying to rehabilitate her.
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?) She’s deffo pregnant and the baby becomes River, but why inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri (Not anymore, somehow)
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master? NEW INFO: This is now resolved! The Doctor's oldest friend, a fellow Time Lord, but also a murderer.
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? How did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not? Yeah, must be, he couldn’t possibly remember being plastic otherwise
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras? A psychic midwife says she’s just normal human
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die? NEW INFO: Resolved! On a colony ship stuck by a black hole
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years? Since Roman times, it seems
How does the Doctor survive River? He doesn’t, apparently
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What’s with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
Why do Amy and Rory think the Doctor is dead? Is it because of River as an astronaut?
Is Matt Smith’s Doctor a tree racist?
Why is the beautiful geode woman stealing people into a Passenger form?
River says she’ll die one day when the Doctor doesn’t remember her, let’s hope she doesn’t mean it
Why doesn’t the TARDIS like Clara?
When was the Master Prime Minister?
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racinginchid3nt · 1 year
I’d Probably Still Adore You | Part One
Y/N x Lance Stroll, Y/N Best Friend x Pierre Gasly
In which a night at the club and a game of never have I ever turns into something new
Inspired by 505 - Arctic Monkeys
Warnings: none yet. so far it’s just build up
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
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While you weren’t a newbie to watching the races, you’d never done so in person. Work kept you busy and the idea of wasting precious vacation days on a flight to sit in the rain instead of on your couch wasn’t your idea of enjoyment.
Your friend had been dating Pierre for a few months now. Having spent the past week fighting, she forced you to take a weekend off and fly to Belgium with her for the race at Spa. He had surprised her with an extra plane ticket and paddock pass as an apology.
As you had packed the night before, Y/N Best Friend had appeared at your doorstep, arms full of garment bags. As soon as she saw the comfortable, weather appropriate outfits you’d selected, she started ripping through your suitcase and adding in her own picks.
“We’re going to be in the paddock, not the grandstands. We have to look the part Y/N” She’d said.
“Besides, there’s plenty of eye candy and you’re single. Might as well make the trip worthwhile. You know our shared hotel room will basically be yours the entire trip.”
“Honestly Y/N Best Friend, I’m not sure that’s the best idea. I’ve heard enough horror stories about most of the guys to make it clear that I should steer clear.”
“You don’t have to marry him Y/N! I just think it would be more fun if you joined me on these trips more. A girl can dream. Besides, it doesn’t have to be a driver. Some of the mechanics are definitely worth a second look.”
“Screw it. Pack what you want but don’t take anything I packed out” You admitted with defeat. Maybe she had a point. A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone, and how much damage could one weekend do.
The journey to the airport in the hired car was relaxing. And when you boarded into first class and champagne was waiting at your seats, it was a welcome surprise.
The flight from Barcelona has lasted only a few hours and before you knew it you were gathering your purse and carry on to disembark. It was only Wednesday so you were able to relax as you got to the hotel. The suite was beautiful and Pierre had sent flowers to greet his girlfriend. As you unpacked, the two of you began to plan the weekend’s festivities.
Thursday would be filled with media day around the paddock, followed by Friday free practice and qualifying, then Saturday sprint. The race on Sunday would wrap everything up.
Media day started early. The time adjustment was rough but the calm arrival day helped. You were going with Y/N Best Friend and Pierre to the track. He had interviews and Alpine press responsibilities. The two of you would spend the day in hospitality.
Your paddock pass hung around your neck. A tag on a lanyard with your name and face. The drive in was crazy, with fans already lining up to see the drivers. Your best friend waved you ahead so she could help fans get their autographs and you entered security alone.
Seeing the track in person felt surreal. Larger than life, it started to set in that you were actually standing at Spa. You knew the Alpine hospitality would be further down the track. As you started your walk you were amazed by how many journalists were in attendance. As someone with a large camera and a boom mic began filming you, you were thankful you’d taken your friends advice and dressed the part. A simple dress and nice sneakers kept you both presentable and comfortable. You smiled at the camera crew, spotting the netflix logo on their badges, knowing as soon as they discovered your lack of celebrity they’d cut your clips from the show.
You arrived at hospitality, showing your pass at the doors, before sitting down in a small seating area to kill time until Pierre’s media interviews. As the time began to tick closer and closer to round one interview starts, you became nervous that you still hadn’t see Y/N best friend or Pierre.
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You tossed your trash and began the walk to the tent. Glancing at your phone trying to decipher what Y/N Best Friend meant by her directions, you decided to head towards the back of hospitality. As you reached the end however, you couldn’t find anything that looked like a media tent. The interviews would be packed and there was no way the space could be small.
You began looking around trying to find someone who could point you in the right direction. The first person you spotted breezed past you, not even acknowledging your question. The second was speaking in what sounded like Italian and had looked at you in confusing, not understanding you. Resigned to wander on your own you picked up your pace and began jogging around the area, peaking your head around corners to see if media was set off to the side.
As you turned sharply after another dead end, you felt yourself bump into someone. Looking up you saw a head of brown hair reaching down to collect their empty cup. Apologizing profusely you reached into your bag to pull out tissues. It wasn’t until you began trying to pat dry the wet spot on the man’s shirt that he actually said anything.
“Fuck sorry. I’m in a rush I didn’t mean to bump you. Are you okay?” He said. The voice sounded familiar but your embarrassment kept your eyes down while you tried to clean the mess.
“Yeah. It was my fault. I’m so sorry about the spill. I’m in a rush too. Could you point me in the direction of the media tent? I’m supposed to be watching the interviews.”
“That’s where I’m going. Just follow me. They won’t let you in if you’re late.”
You looked up for the first time at the Aston Martin driver, realizing why the voice was so familiar.
“Yeah that’s what I was told. Lead the way!”
You followed behind the driver for a few minutes. Flashing your pass to security to enter into the back with just minutes to spare.
He continued on, making his way up to the stage. As he took his seat he began scanning the crowd, trying to determine which media was where and looking for his PR agent. As his gaze made it over to the visitor section he saw you seated with a few of the other girlfriends.
“What kind of guy ditches his girlfriend and doesn’t even tell her how to get to the media tent” he thought. He began eyeing the drivers near him, trying to remember who was and wasn’t single, but his train of thought was cut off as the host started the round.
A/N: This is my first time doing any kind of fanfic in awhile. So hopefully they improve as they go on. Parts will hopefully be posted 5-6 times a week but we’ll see how it goes. The next post is already done and will be up soon. Im not sure what the final length on this will be but I have a pretty good guideline of the story planned out. There’s not nearly enough lance content IMO so someone has to contribute. There will also be a longer spin off of the Pierre and Best Friend storyline to come
Edit: please fill out the poll when you get a chance
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
From The Bird's Eye View Chapter 2
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary: Although you achieved your dream of being a designer, you never considered meeting a man who's also a father.
Jason (11): First Meeting
You look down at your phone, waiting for the phone to ring. 
“C’mon, Bruce.” You muttered. 
Suddenly, the event planner for today’s ceremony came to retrieve you. 
“We’re ready.” She said.
You nod before placing your phone away, preparing.
Today was the grand opening of Gotham’s first youth center located in Crime Valley, and you and Bruce were the cofounders. He was supposed to be here with you, but duty called. You were a bit upset about it (and at him for other reasons). B ut you continued on, knowing this is much bigger than you.
You arrived at the podium, smiling.
“Hello everyone, thank you all for your support. This project that I and Bruce Wayne have started has been 2 years in the making. We believe that the children of Gotham are our future, and we strive to help them form their paths and passions. I will be answering a few questions for the time being.”
Most of the questions centered on what the process was for the center, as you both chose to renovate a building that was in foreclosure. 
But the last question caught you off guard, and it took most of your will not to break down.
“Can you address the rumors that your son, Dick Grayson, is moving out of Gotham?” One final reporter said out loud.
You knew this was coming, so you simply smiled to appear everything is fine.
“Yes, Dick is furthering his education in San Francisco. Bruce and I are excited to see him form his own path. Bruce is with him to help him settle and that’s why he isn’t present today. That’s all that I have time for, thank you for coming.” You said before walking down the podium. 
Reporters kept on raising their voices, but you didn’t give them the time of day, not when you were still upset with Bruce. 
Over a year into your relationship, you found out that your boyfriend was none other than Gotham’s dark knight, Batman. It was shocking to find him half-conscious in your apartment, but you guys had a long talk. This was his first step in letting you into his life. The second part was when he asked you if you could sign the adoption papers for Dick. 
You didn’t hesitate for one second, nodding with tears in your eyes. Dick was so happy that he gets to finally call you mom. (One time, he accidentally slipped when he called you mom when you dropped him off at school, which made you tear up happily.)
You moved into the manor later on. The public found it strange that Bruce didn’t ask to marry you first before letting you be the legal guardian for his son, but you two didn’t care.
Right now, all you wanted was to become a family.
Several months later, Bruce came to you with not-so-great news. 
The Justice League decided it was time to branch out and have other heroes be stationed on the West Coast. They initialized the Titans, a band of young promising individuals - and Bruce wanted Dick to lead them.
You got a bit unhappy with his decision. You only got to have him for a few months and now Bruce is telling you that Dick had to go. You had so many thoughts, and so many concerns, but Bruce told you all the right things. And you believed him. 
Last night, you were at the airport to drop him off.
“I’ll be fine, mom. You’re more than happy to visit.” He said as you were holding him tight. 
You let go and wipe your eyes. 
“Okay, make sure you call me once you settle over there. I love you.” He smiled back before hugging you once more.
“Love you more.” He said before racing off to his new group of friends. Bruce walks over to you, placing a hand on your back. 
“I’ll be back in the following days, but I can’t attend the ceremony.” He said. 
You nod your head. “I know you’re going to be training them. This isn’t some retreat but remember they’re kids too.” 
You both look over at the group of teens in front of you. Martian Man Hunter was talking to his niece that moved to Earth. Kid Flash was running around, getting to know his new teammates. Cyborg was talking to Dick and Starfire. Then stood alone the new addition, Superboy. He doesn’t talk much, but he’s been trying his best to contact Superman. He wasn’t present like the other heroes saying goodbye to their prodigies. 
“Clark hasn’t talked to Conor?” You ask.
Bruce shakes his head. 
“I’ve been trying to contact him but he needs time. And so does him.” Bruce said, knowing Conor can use his super hearing. 
You stand closer to Bruce, fixing his coat. 
“Before you go, I want to clear the air for some things. I know what I got myself into, but I need to know if we’re in this together as a team. We’re firstly parents to that boy right there and to anyone who needs us. Okay?”
“I know, I promise they’ll be fine.”
He kisses you goodbye and left with Dick and the others. 
That was a week ago. 
And now you were walking away from the center, feeling a bit hopeless. You just started to become a mother, and now it felt like a part of you was missing. 
You didn’t realize how much time passed as you saw the sky darken. You hear footsteps following you.  You slightly turn and see a group of individuals who wore hoodies. Your pace was faster, and your breath became heavier. 
You tried getting your phone but it was dead, you silently curse under your breath. 
You tripped over an even crack on the sidewalk, tripping down. 
You look up and see the hooded figures cornering you. You quickly got up and took off your stiletto heel, using it as a weapon. 
Before anyone began to attack, you heard a voice scream out loud.
“Hey, buttheads!” 
The group looked up including you, and you see a young boy at a fire escape. 
“I just called the cops and they’re on their way any minute, so I’d say you leave her alone unless you want to go to jail.” He said, shaking his phone in his hand.
They looked alert so they ran off into the night. 
You look up again and see that the young boy was climbing down to you. He smirks, throwing his phone up in the air.
“Jokes on them, I stole this fake phone.” He said.
You feel your face burning, crossing your arms.
“Young man, you could have dangerously been hurt!”
The young boy looks a bit shocked, placing a hand on his chest accusingly. 
“A ‘thank you’ would have been suffice. I just saved your life!”
You look at him, blinking a few times. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” 
You look up to see the apartment he came down to and see that it was condemned.  
You look back at him, feeling your heartstrings pull.
“Are your parents here?” You ask. 
He hesitates a bit.
“They died a few years ago.”
You knew that was the answer, but it was hard hearing it.
“What’s your name?” You ask.
“Hey, I don’t give my name freely to strangers.” He said defensively.
“Oh, I just thought a hero like you deserves a free burger with a shake…”
His eyes lit up like Christmas lights and he stood taller.
“Jason! My name is Jason, but you could call me Jay for short.”
You smile at him, saying your name. 
The two of you walked over to the diner near where you were. Once you two settled down, Jason was devouring his sandwich and slurping his drink. 
You caught him staring at you.
“You know, bribing kids with food is a form of kidnapping.” He said, wiping his face with a napkin.
You couldn’t help but snort.
“I swear, you’re free to go as you please.” You assured him.
“Not without another fry.” He said, throwing it up in the air and catching it in his mouth. 
You copied his manners and you two were in a giggling fit. Once it died down, Jason looks at you in deep thought.
“You know, I heard about you in the news… how you want to improve this neighborhood.” 
“It’s not like that.” You lightly scolded him, dipping your fry in the milkshake.
“So you’re telling me you and your boyfriend didn’t just throw money where people are struggling to get by to feel good about yourselves?”
You playfully scoff, seeing how forward he is.
“There’s a reason why I chose Crime Alley to open the youth center. Truth be told, I used to live here.”
“No way.” Jason said, thinking you came from a life of luxury.
You lightly chuckle.
“Yes way. After my-” You caught yourself mid-sentence. 
“I moved away when my aunt took me into her place. I wanted to recognize my roots, no matter how hard it got, I remembered that there are kids like me… just wanting to find a safe place and be who they are.”
Jason looks at you solemnly. 
“I’m sorry if I thought you were just some snobby rich lady.” He said in a low tone.
You softly smile at him. 
“I would have thought like that too when I was your age.” You said, making him crack a smile.
“If you don’t mind, I just need to find a phone. I’ll be right back.”
You stood up and went up to the register who pointed out a payphone at the end of the hallway.
Jason saw you dialing and made contact with your purse. You could have taken it with you, but you trusted him. Jason inhales sharply and digs in.
“I’m fine Alfred, just a couple scraps. I’m at the local diner if you could meet me here. And also… could you get in touch with child services? There’s a boy that needs a home and… I want to give him one.” You wrapped up your conversation and headed back to your seat.
But once near, you see that Jason is gone. 
You gaze around to see if he was still there, but Jay was gone. You stare down at the table and saw a handwritten note on a piece of napkin.
Sorry, I used your pen from your purse to tell you I need to go. You’re really nice, there’s need to be more people like you in the world. Thanks for giving me the time of day when others haven’t.
You hold the napkin close to your chest, slightly tearing up. Of course, he had every right to leave as he wished, but a part of you wanted him to stay. Soon, Alfred picked you up from the diner and helped you with the scraps on your palms and knees. You didn’t share much of what happened and decided that you needed to go to bed.
You couldn’t lull yourself to sleep yet, as your mind was thinking about today. Suddenly, you hear the door slowly open. A bag silently thuds on the ground and footsteps were made to the bed. The figure takes off their shoes and slides into bed behind you, hugging you from behind. 
You hum in silence as you turned around, already knowing it’s Bruce. 
“Go to sleep, we can catch up when you’re awake.” He whispers as you snuggle closer in his chest. 
“Can I ask you something?” You whispered in your sleepy state. 
“Sure.” Bruce smiles softly.
“Do you still want more kids?” You ask.
Bruce’s eyes widen from your question. 
“I’m sorry?” He asks, a bit off guard.
You start to get out of your sleepy state and stare at him seriously.
“After the function, this kid saved me in a rough area. I took him to this diner and got to know a little bit about him. He doesn’t have anyone, and I want to know if he’s safe. I was considering finding him a foster home, but deep down I want to bring him into this family.” 
Bruce looks at you softly. One thing about you is that you had a big heart, and you wanted to spread the love your heart produced. 
He holds you closer by your waist.
“We can make a few calls tomorrow.” He said.
Your eyes brighten.
“Really?” You ask, smiling ear to ear. 
He nods eagerly, making you squeal as you hug him, thinking that your family will grow. 
But, the trouble was finding Jason. 
You two tried visiting the building where you met the young boy, but it was getting renovated. You two tried your connections to see where he could be but everything was nearing to a dead end. 
Bruce could see you were losing bits of your hope, as this boy unexpectantly snuck in your heart and left a hole. 
One day, he found you doing some cleaning aggressively in one of the rooms. 
He goes up to you and stops what you’re doing, massaging your back muscles to help you relax. 
“Why is this so hard? It’s like the universe doesn’t want us to find him.” You whispered, sniffing. 
“It’s going to be alright. I’m sure he’s a resourceful kid, he could have found a group home.” Bruce said.
You look up at him, a bit upset. 
“But we still don’t know where he is. What if he’s hurt or worse?”
“Look, I’m just trying to look at this at an alternate perspective.”
You get away from his touch.
“It sounds like you’re wanting to give up.”
“That’s not what I’m insinuating.” He said defensively. 
“There is a young boy out there, probably cold and hungry and you think he’s miraculously alright. Not everyone has those privileges, it’s not like you can just throw money at every problem.” You snapped.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He asks.
You scoff. 
“Oh please Bruce, when have you ever been present to any of the functions outside of charity galas or meetings with big press? Or when did you actually visit the places that you so-called wanted to care for?”
Bruce’s anger was rising as he felt his blood boil. 
“You know very well that’s not true.” He says.
“Why? Is it because you’re saving this city? The world? You’re too busy in space and you can’t be there for your girlfriend who’s trying to struggle with your responsibilities as well as hers? When you’re not Batman, you’re busy being a phony billionaire and when you can’t be that, your risking your life and not thinking of how it’ll affect the people you leave behind!” 
You screamed out the last words and stare at Bruce with wild eyes. Bruce looks just as angry as you, but he just stood there in silence. 
A ring goes off and you see it was your phone, lighting up with Dick’s name and a picture of him. 
You walk past Bruce and picked up your phone, leaving the room with tears brimming in your eyes.
“Hi honey, let me find a place to talk.” You said, leaving Bruce behind. 
He took a deep breath and marched out of the room, wanting to be alone with his thoughts. Making his way to the cave, Bruce decided he needed to get out of the manor. 
So he drove in the mobile on patrol, reflecting on your words. 
Did it appear that he was just some rich guy who didn’t care for every cause he donated for?
Was he always on his own agenda and didn’t make time for what mattered?
And did you really feel alone?
He pulled over an empty alleyway and jumped out. He’s been wanting to solve an old case that he’s been avoiding so he wanted to investigate the building. 
Bruce jumps onto the fire escape and slides in an apartment through an open window. He scouted out a few stories but couldn’t find anything. He didn’t have a clear mind, not when your words were plaguing him. Only staying for just a few minutes, he decided to leave. 
But what he came back to was a sore sight. 
“C’mon…” a young boy gritted as he was trying to pry off the wheels from the mobile. Bruce cascaded his shadow over the boy and he turned around, scared half to death.
“Batman.” He said in a scared tone.
Bruce crosses his arms across his chest, not liking the situation. 
“What are you doing here?” Bruce asks intimidatingly.
He gulps silently and puts his hands behind his back, shifting up and down.
“Oh, just thought you could do a tire change.” He said, but his lying wasn’t very good. 
“It looks like you were trying to steal them.” Bruce said as he could see the discarded tools that were on the ground.
The young boy sighs in defeat, looking at the ground. 
“Is this where you call the cops?” He asks. 
Bruce was about to respond but he takes a deeper look at the kid. 
He looks like he had it rough, looking a bit under weight and pale. 
But the boy’s eyes looks like he lived two lifetimes, and that’s something you should never see in a child. 
“No, I’m not. But you’re going to answer every one of my questions.” 
The kid looks up, gratefully nodding.
“Yeah, name anything!”
“Take me where you’re staying.” Bruce said. 
Jason takes Bruce to a building a block from there as they found a side door which the kid opens forcefully. They take the stairs up to the fourth floor, and Bruce sees a used mattress that laid on the floor and a little made shift fire place in the corner of the room. 
“Making a fire in here is dangerous.” He said.
The kid scoffs as he sits on the mattress.
“If you could find the heating in this place, I’ll stop.” He said sarcastically. 
Bruce slightly rolls his eyes as he looks around. There was an open window that could clearly see where the mobil was parked, so he must have thought this would be a window of opportunity.
“Who put you up to this?” He asks. 
“No one, I thought if I got word that I got Batman’s wheels, I could be able to crash in a hotel for a few nights.”
“And what would have happened if people found out that you did that? They could have used you for their personal gain.” 
“Why you lecturing me like you’re my dad? Heck, you didn’t even ask what my name was.” He replied.
Bruce exhales, realizing he’s just interrogating the kid.
“Okay, what’s your name?”
“It’s Jason.”
Bruce stops in his tracks and looks at him.
“What?” He asks innocently.
All Bruce could do was slightly chuckle to himself, making Jason feel confused.
“You’re a tough kid to find Jason.”
“Wait, you’ve been looking for me?” Jason asks.
“Well, someone else… a nice woman, said that you saved her life in Crime Alley.”
Jason thinks and looks away, feeling slightly guilty. 
“Tell her I’m able to get by, I don’t need anyone’s pity.” He said.
Bruce kneels down to him, feeling his heart shed from the ice that’s been protecting it. 
“She cares for you, Jason. She hasn’t been able to rest because she needed to know if you had a good place to stay, or if you were fed, or if you were healthy.”
“How do you know about her?” Jason asks.
Bruce removes his cowl and looks at the kid. 
“Because she’s someone I deeply love.”
Jason’s eyes widen seeing that Bruce Wayne was Batman.
“Holy Shi-”
“Language” Bruce warned. 
Jason stands up straight, feeling bizarre.
“This is AWESOME! I know a superhero! I promise not to tell a soul about this- Wait. Why are you even telling me this?” Jason asks.
Bruce cracks a smile and looks back at Jason. 
“Why don’t I take you somewhere to eat and we’ll talk?” 
Bruce called you to meet you at the youth center, wanting to talk to you. You met him by one of the art studios. 
“Hi.” You said in a low tone.
“Hey, mind if we sit?” He asks. 
You nodded and you two sat down uneasy.
“I um, wanted to apologize for how I’ve been treating you.” Bruce says.
You give him a puzzled look.
“Bruce, I should be the one apologizing. I said those awful things…” You said.
“No, you were calling me on my bullshit. It’s true. Sometimes, donating money to charities or causes isn’t enough. I have to be here and put in the work. It was unfair for you to step in and take over when it was supposed to be the two of us working together. I lost sight of what’s important. I’m sorry that I wasn’t here.” 
You cradle his face in your palm, moving your thumb across his cheek. 
“I’m sorry, too. I hate staying angry at you.” You said, as you give him a sweet kiss.
He smiles at your action as he takes his hands in yours. 
“C’mon, there’s something I want to show you.” 
Bruce took you outside to the playground in the back. A bunch of kids were playing outside and you see a particular boy playing by the monkey bars. 
“Jason?” You say to yourself. He looked so happy and bright, making your heart beam with relief.
“How did you find him?” You ask.
“It’s a long story, but I talked to Child Services and found him a home.” Bruce said, pointing out an older woman who was in the corner watching him. 
“Oh, where is he staying at?” You asked, sad to see him go. 
Bruce wraps an arm around your waist as he looks at you. 
“Jason’s coming with us, I was able to get the papers. We’re going to adopt him.”
You look up to him, with happy tears filling your eyes. You give Bruce a tight hug, squealing. You turn around and you look over at the playground.
“Jason!” You said out loud.
The boy turns around and lands on his feet, running towards you. 
You kneeled down as Jason came running towards your arms and you two hugged tightly, afraid to let go. 
“You came back!” Jason said.
“Of course I did, I’ve been trying to find you everywhere. You almost gave me a heart attack!”
Jason laughs at your worried state as you ruffle his hair. 
“How’d you like to come live with me and Bruce?” You ask.
Jason cracks into a smile and nods.
“I’d like that.”
Bruce makes his way towards the two of you as he lifts Jason from the floor, making him sit on his shoulders as the Todd boy squeals. 
“Shall we head home?” Bruce asks. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” You said, kissing Bruce again.
“Ewww.” Jason joked. 
All of you broke into laughter as you intertwined your hand with Bruce as you make your way to the manor,
Together as a family.
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modern-day-bard · 14 days
Other Duties As Assigned: A Joel Miller AU Fanfiction
Content Warning: 18+ This story includes mature themes such as drinking, stalking, violence, and explicit smut. Minors, do not interact.
ao3 | wattpad
word count: 4.5k
Chapter 21: Protocol
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I’m late. For the first time in months, I’m sprinting my way over to the curb to hop into Rodney’s car. In hindsight, I hope that Ada didn’t see that from where I left her in the café.
“That seemed to go well.” Joel muses as he settles in the front seat.
“It did,” I can’t help but beam, “I negotiated and signed the contract in under two cups of tea. Record timing.”
“Congratulations,” Joel’s voice is low, and I know he’s hiding a smile.
It was the first good thing that had happened all week. The first thing that made me feel like I was doing something outside of Russell Corp. Something that was all mine. A contract with Brissel, all from attending that Halloween party. Well that, and thanks to Harper, whom I’m currently late to meet for drinks. At least now it will be celebratory.
The bar she texted me was in SoHo, and though I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, I was glad to have the excuse to leave both my apartment and my father’s several neighborhoods behind. For all I know, maybe the stalker has unlimited resources. But even if that’s the case, it can’t be easy to chase a car in New York all the way down to the lower edge of Manhattan.
Joel walks extra closely to me once we arrive, as the bar is flooded with people. Even from the corner of my eye, I can see how tightly his jaw is clenched. I feel a sudden wave of guilt, knowing how many people he’ll have to keep an eye out for. But as my favorite redhead comes into view, I try to push that from my mind.
Harper gives me a hug before revealing both Landon and Nyah behind her.
“Surprise! I obviously knew you’d get the contract, so I figure we might as well celebrate together.”
“You could not have known, Harper,” I roll my eyes affectionately.
“No, we knew.”
“Miss M.I.A.!” Landon kisses my cheek. “Where have you been?”
“We’ve barely heard from you since the Halloween party,” Nyah joins in, hugging me a bit tighter than normal.
“Just busy, like you guys. Nothing to write home about, though.” I feel the gravity of guilt again, lying to them. Landon squints at me a little, but they let it slide while we take a seat.
They all say hi to Joel, who takes a seat on one of the stools right behind me, his back turned to me so he could face the door. The place really is packed, but it feels intimate in this corner by the window, more like a pub, especially with our little table.
I change the subject quickly to their work lives, Elijah, Harper’s latest conquests, and any updates from Nyah’s touch-and-go love life. We are almost three drinks deep each when I slip up, complaining that my father will come home in a couple of days, so I’ll need to get a move on.
“What do you mean?” Harper asks.
“Hm?” I take another sip of my mule, hoping we can breeze over it.
“Has he been hounding you at work, or something?”
“No, I hardly ever see him. You know how it is.” Something about this group of people completely erases any of my talents of deception. They just stare back at me, waiting for me to elaborate.
“I’ve just been staying at my father’s place for the past week. I want to be out before he comes back,” I shrug.
“Why would you be staying there?” Nyah asks.
I look at all three of them individually, wracking my brain for a valid excuse. “My apartment is being fumigated. There’s a bunch of rats randomly and some crazy mold thing. They say it could take a few weeks.”
Joel clears his throat behind me.
“Maybe a few months for all I know.”
“Really? God, that’s awful,” Harper gasps.
“I’m sorry, Gwen. You’re always welcome to stay with me!” Nyah adds. I thought about it the days that followed the brick indecent. I even expressed to Joel that I would feel more comfortable. I could tell that he struggled to tell me that it was putting my friends in more danger, as whoever was following me most likely knew them, and where they lived. Statistically, it was unlikely a stalker would go near them if I wasn’t there. Nyah’s apartment sounds like a haven to me, but not enough to be selfish about it.
“Thanks, Nye,” I reach across and squeeze her hand, “But I come with some extra cargo now. And we’ve found a place for me to rent in the meantime.” I notice Joel twist his head toward me a bit at the comment, but at least this part wasn’t a lie. We did find a place, and we were able to rent it under a pseudonym. Plus, it was on the Upper East Side and had multiple units on the same floor available for both Joel, Carlos, and Jace. The latter of the two were setting up the security system today.
“Oh, well, that’s good at least. If you get sick of it, maybe you could join me in Paris.” Nyah wiggles her eyebrows.
“Paris? Since when?”
“Since Andre Bacri hired me as the exclusive photographer for his editorial shoot.”
“Nyah! That’s incredible! Why have we been celebrating me tonight?” I turn to the other two, “You both knew?”
“She couldn’t wait. Spilled the beans as soon as she walked in.” Landon smiles.
“Are you guys going?”
“Naturally, I have two events the week she’s going, so I’m out. Though I did consider quitting my family business so I could go, more than once.” Harper sighs. I shoot her an apologetic look before setting my sights on Landon.
“I’m still up in the air. I’m trying to coordinate with this new sculpturist of mine. If their exhibit dates don’t fall on the Paris dates, I’m all in.”
“I’m so proud of you, Nye. Seriously.” It would be a massive effort to stop smiling at this point.
“Thank you,” Her eyes shine, “But honestly, if I don’t go to the bathroom soon I’m going to regret it.” She hops up, and Harper follows suit.
“I’ll come with!”
They both scurry off through the crowd, and Landon drapes an arm on the back of their chair, narrowing their eyes at me.
“Yes?” I ask as sweetly as possible.
“Your apartment is being fumigated?”
“So how long have you been staying at your dad’s?”
“About a week.”
“Right…right.” Landon twirls the spear of their martini around and around, toying with it. “Remember when my apartment was fumigated when we were in college? I sent you pictures of my makeshift room at my friend’s place?”
I had not remembered that. Not until now. I wonder if that’s why that excuse came to mind first…
“Oh god, yeah. That must have been so frustrating.”
“Yeah. It was a pretty grueling seventy-four hours.”
Oh, no.
“It was a smaller building, though.” I add, hoping for some reason that would justify a month of living at a new place.
“True. You’re right, I remember them saying sometimes it can take up to a week.”
There is some humor in their eyes, and I know Landon isn’t angry with me. But there is so much I can’t say. All I can picture is something bad happening to them because of me.
“You caught me, okay? It’s not being fumigated.” Joel coughs again behind me, clearly a nonverbal plea for me to shut up. Landon leans back in their chair with a smug smile.
“So what is it, then?”
I watch as their eyes grow progressively worried the longer I remain silent, and the guilt pulls me down further. I lower my voice, hoping I can convey everything I need to without actually answering them.
“I can’t say. And I really don’t want to worry anyone, especially Harper. Just…please trust me that I’m doing everything I can to stay safe.”
Landon goes pale. “Gwen…I’m sorry. I was sort of joking, I didn’t think it could be something like…” They tilt their head towards Joel.
“It’s okay. I was surprised, too. And I’m fine.”
“I want to offer my apartment, too, but I’m guessing it will have the same response as Nyah.”
I nod, giving them a sad smile.
“Okay…if it helps, you can still know that it’s there. At least, spiritually.” That does make me laugh a little. “Also, in that case you really should consider coming to Paris. I mean, if it’s safe. It might be good to get away.”
“I will definitely consider it,” I smile, and Landon places a sympathetic hand on my arm. “So who’s this new sculpturist of yours? Would I know any of their work?”
Landon laughs. “Would you know any sculpturist’s work?”
- - -
The second blessing of tonight is that it’s the last night before we have the all clear to move into the temporary apartment. The downside that comes with it is that it will be expected for Joel to sleep in a separate bedroom.
I hadn’t meant to keep asking him to stay. And I felt lucky, because I usually didn’t have to. He would ask, as if he could sense my unease. I feel guilty about that, too, as he did insist now on sleeping on the floor or in one of the wingback chairs. The only night he had slept in the bed with me was the first one here, and not that I’d say anything, but I miss it. I also won’t tell him that this is the longest any man has stayed in the room with me. Or that usually, I can barely sleep if someone else is in my bed. Yet that first night here, I only felt secure if he stayed. And every night since has been the best night sleep I’ve ever had in this house.
I try to watch him now as he gets ready for bed, and settles his back against one of the chairs, only half facing me. His poor back…it can’t be comfortable. I want to invite him over here again, or at least insist that I take the chair this time. But that would bring up some very unprofessional recent memories, and I don’t want to put him in that position again. Even as my guilt grows, admiring how broad his shoulders look in his white t-shirt. Even as I glance downwards, wondering how he’s slept in jeans for so many nights. If that meant that normally he would just be in his boxer shorts…
Deciding to look at the ceiling instead, I throw my head back so fast that I smack it against the headboard.
“Ow,” I moan quietly. Keeping my eyes upward, I hope Joel didn’t hear it.
“You alright?” He asks, a possible hint of humor in his tone.
“Fine. Totally fine.” I start to twiddle my thumbs over the top of the covers, and I’m glad he can’t see my face from where he’s sitting.
After a moment, Joel speaks again. “I don’t mean this to sound…condescending, but, you did a good job tonight. With Landon.”
And fuck if him saying good job in that low voice didn’t make my stomach muscles clench.
“It’s not condescending. Thank you. I wish I didn’t have to lie…I should have known Landon would see through it. Or any of them, for that matter.”
“You won’t have to lie forever. And you’re only doing it to protect them.”
Something about the softness of his voice makes me sit up again to watch his reaction as I ask tentatively, “Is that something you have to do a lot…in your profession?”
He considers it for a minute, running a hand through his hair. “I usually have to lie for clients, not to them. Simple things like giving someone the wrong location for a meeting, withholding exit strategies. Everything is on a need-to-know basis.”
Joel twists in his chair so he can make eye contact with me, and I must look worried because he adds, “I’ve never lied to you. I did withhold telling you about that second package, and I regret it.”
I nod, trying not to get too focused on his lips. “I believe you,” I whisper, surprised that I mean it. I have a feeling he would have lied to protect me. But now that I’ve told him I want to know whenever anything happens, I know he will tell me. Even if it makes me uncomfortable.
Joel’s eyes fall, and his mouth curves into a smirk. “If it helps…I’m actually a horrible liar.”
“What?” I let out a small giggle. “There’s no way. You’re so…stoic. It would be easy.”
“Stoic? I guess that’s a fair take. But yeah, I feel like you can always hear it in my voice. It’s easy if I’m talking to someone I don’t know, but if it’s anyone else, you can tell.”
“Huh,” I prop myself further up on my elbows. “I kinda want you to lie now so I can hear it.”
Joel huffs. “Okay, uh…I’m eight feet tall.”
“No, no it has to be something realistic. That sounds truthful because we both know that’s a lie. Tell me…” I flip my hair to the side, giving him a crazed smile. “Tell me I’m the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen.” I meant it as a joke, but Joel’s smile fades, taking in a sharp breath.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
I’ve stopped smiling now, too.
It didn’t sound like a lie. It sounded like a secret.
The gruff and husky timbre of his voice when he said it…It sounded like something that frustrated him. Something he’s thought about before, and never been able to say. The silence has spanned too long, so I cocked an eyebrow, attempting to tease him.
“You’re a better liar than you give yourself credit for.” Oh, no. Was it teasing, or flirting?
Joel doesn’t smile or laugh. The only acknowledgment that he heard me was that familiar creasing in between his eyebrows.
Again, that guilt grips me by the ankles, pulling me to sit up and regain my composure. My civility.
“Okay. Secret for a secret.” I clasp my hands together, thinking of what I could give him that wouldn’t further compromise this professional relationship.
“Secret for a secret?” He asks.
“Yeah. You told me one—how you’re a bad liar—so I’ll tell you one. A classic for sleepovers.”
Thankfully, this allows him to smirk again. “Alright.”
“Secretly…I’ve felt more calm here than I thought I would.” That doesn’t give away too much, right?
We stare at each other again before Joel’s smile turns teasing. “You? Calm? Is that even possible?”
I resist the urge to throw a pillow at him. “I said more calm than I thought, to be fair.”
Joel sighs, leaning back in his chair, “That’s hardly even a secret.”
It is if you knew the reason.
“What were you hoping to know?” I feel sleep tugging at me as I watch Joel caress the side of his jaw.
“Anything—nothing in particular.”
“Okay,” I yawn, “I was on the debate team in high school.”
Joel chuckles. “Also not exactly a secret.”
“Why? You looked that up too?”
“No. I just think you thrive going toe-to-toe,” I’m glad he can’t see my toes kicking under the covers as he says it. “But, I think you’d thrive more if you actually go to sleep.”
I’m about to protest, but my lip quivers trying to keep another yawn at bay. “Fine, maybe you’re right…just this once.”
“We can go over that in the morning,” I can hear the smile in his voice, and I get a small wave of panic, knowing that tomorrow, it will just be me, alone in an unfamiliar place.
- - -
I had only just stepped back into my office when the phone rang.
“Arthur! It’s been a minute. How’s it going?” He couldn’t attend last Wednesday's dinner, and since then, he’s been in China with my father.
“Guinevere. You sound chipper. I’m glad, because I have a favor to ask.”
“You know the Maloy fundraiser tonight?”
“Sure do.” I clench my phone a little tighter, almost certain of what he’ll ask me. The Maloy’s were old friends of my parents, meaning they would send us a gift every Christmas in hopes that they could count on our annual donations the following year. I’m not entirely sure what the fundraiser is for, as I’ve been able to get out of the event since undergrad. And after recent events, I wouldn’t expect to be invited to many fundraisers…
“Well, our last meeting here has been pushed to tomorrow. We won’t make it back in time. I’m hoping you can represent the company.”
I roll my eyes to the ceiling. “I can do that. Send me the details.”
There's a short pause on the other end. “Really?”
“What did you think I was going to say?”
“Nothing. Sounds good, I’ll send you the invite.”
I had big plans tonight of going to the new apartment, checking all the cabinets for signs of hidden cameras, freaking out a little, and maybe watching a movie with a glass of wine. The fundraiser throws a major wrench in that plan. But if it keeps my paranoid thoughts at bay for a few more hours, I’ll take it.
I tell Joel and Rodney as soon as we’re back in the car, or rather, the new car, since Rodney changed it today while I was at work. Joel’s idea in an effort to confuse whoever was watching.
“I’ll probably need to get a dress…but I have to be there in two hours.”
“We’ve had most of your wardrobe delivered to the new place, if that helps.” Joel says.
“Okay, I can work with that. I wonder if Aria and Mateo could meet me…”
I can tell from the way Joel runs his hand down his thigh that he has something to tell me. “I’m sorry, Miss Russell, but we can’t have anyone coming to the new place. I’d be happy to escort you to them, if you wish.”
“No that’s…that makes sense. I’ll make it work.”
We take a roundabout way to the new place, adding on an extra thirty minutes, which Joel apologizes for twice.
The building is smaller than I anticipated, being that it’s only six floors instead of twelve. There’s four units on each floor, and somehow they managed to get us three on the top floor. Managed, meaning that they definitely agreed to pay a year’s worth of rent up front. Minimum.
When Joel opens the door for me, I’m relieved to see that it’s a studio. A relatively spacious studio, as there’s still space for a couch and a small dining table. You enter into the kitchen, and there are floor-to-ceiling windows next to the bed directly across from the front door.
“At least you can see everything in one spot,” I mumble.
“That was the idea.”
Joel shows me the basics. Light switches, the security system they installed and how to arm it, and the most time-sensitive information: where they put my clothes. I start sifting through the closet, looking for something appropriate.
“I’m sorry to drag you to another black tie event,” I pull out a tea-length maroon dress that will probably suffice.
“I’m sorry you have to go,” Joel smooths his hand across the top of the dining table. “I also wanted to let you know that I think it’s best that Jace and Carlos come with us. They can stay in the car, but having them there as a precaution could be beneficial.”
The thought of Joel having backup wasn’t something I was going to argue with. “That’s fine.”
“I’m going to get changed. The door will lock automatically, and I’m out the hall to the right, Jace and Carlos are to the left. You can text or call if you need anything in the meantime.”
I give him a smile and a nod on his way out. I know him leaving wouldn’t bother me too much right now. It’s later I’m worried about.
First, I need to get through this dinner. Only, when I got in the car and Rodney started driving, I realized I had no idea where we were going. I open up the text from Arthur again.
“Carnegie Hall?” I whisper.
“Yes, Miss Russell.” Rodney responds. “Did you need to make any other stops?”
“No, thanks. I’m just surprised.” I figured it was a dinner, but reading the message over again, it’s just a cocktail hour followed by a show. That offers me some relief. I won’t have to talk for too long at least.
My phone rings in my hand, and I feel uncomfortable answering it when I’m sandwiched between Carlos and Jace. That is, until I see who’s calling.
“What?” I snap.
“Well, hello to you, too.” Daniel’s crisp, irritating voice fills my ear.
“What do you want?”
“I heard you were coming to the Maloy event. I’m outside to pick you up.”
My shoulders stiffen. No one is supposed to know where I am, and I think it’s best if I don’t lie completely. This weasel will sniff it out. “Why would you do that?”
“You, Cyrus and I are representing Russell Corp tonight. Why not?”
“I’m already on the way there. Thanks, though.”
“How far? We could still carpool.”
“Don’t tell me you fired another driver. Take a cab if you need to, Daniel. I’ll see you there.” Unfortunately.
He hangs up with one last huff. Maybe that was his own bizarre way of trying to apologize for his behavior the other night.
There are a few photographers outside the event, and with a guest list like this, they’re looking for more popular fish to fry than me. I pose for a few polite frames before Joel leads me into the lobby. A lobby that had been transformed into two bars and several white cloth tables. Looking around the expansive room, I stop in my tracks, nostalgia softly washing through me.
“What is it?” Joel hovers his hand near my back, never truly touching. I have the desire to lean against him, to somehow share what I’m feeling through the contact.
“I forgot about the last time I was here. My mom brought me when I was little…At the time, I thought it was boring,” Joel smiles as I speak, “My favorite part was how high the ceilings were.”
“What did you two see?” His voice is so gentle, and curious. I suddenly wish we weren’t here for work, but just for pleasure.
“I can’t remember, actually. I know that there was a flautist and a big orchestra. And I remember I had these amazing sparkly shoes.” I laugh, feeling the same bout of excitement I had when my mom brought them home for me.
Joel looks down at me just as soft as his voice had been, and carefully, carefully, cups my lower back, caressing soft lines with his thumb. My face heats, and I want to lean my side into his.
“I’ve changed my mind,” He murmurs.
“About what?”
“My New York bucket list. I think I just checked one off.”
I survey the room again. “Carnegie Hall? It’s a good one.”
He shrugs, looking around with moderate interest. “Something like that.”
I scan his face again, but he shifts away from me, leaving me feeling much colder than I was when we entered. Only a moment later, I see why.
“Guinevere,” Cyrus comes up and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Glad you could make it last minute.”
“Me too. Should be a good show.” I still had no idea who we were seeing tonight.
“I hope the traffic wasn’t too bad.”
“Oh no, it was fine. It’s not that far from my place.” It wasn’t, from my typical apartment that is.
“Right. That’s true.” He takes a long sip of whatever dark liquor was in his glass. “Should we go say hi to the Maloys? Daniel should be here any minute.”
“Sounds good.”
The Maloys were happy to see us, even when Daniel showed up. We only had to exchange a few pleasantries, asking for updates on their grandchildren, their business practices. Much more painless than what I thought this night would become. Until the lights flicker, and everyone starts to shuffle inside. Daniel is close enough to raise my blood pressure, his hand often grazing my lower back.
“We should get a drink after the show,” He says as we’re escorted to our seats.
I hope my shock isn’t too evident on my face. “I don’t think I can. I have an early morning tomorrow.”
His eye roll doesn’t go unnoticed. “It won’t take that long. We can go somewhere close.”
Joel shifts slightly, having been behind me before, he now pokes his hand between Daniel and I, guiding my waist into our row. Daniel looks up at him, horrified.
“I believe you can sit behind us,” He hisses, “Being staff and all.”
“Protocol.” Is all Joel says.
Daniel must still be a little afraid of him from the other night, because he actually lets Joel in next so we’ll be seated with each other. When he’s busy getting settled, I mouth a silent thank you to Joel, who gives me a smile in return.
The show is incredible. The ensemble on stage is vast, and the performance is long enough that we get to hear solos from almost every section. Every time I glance over at Joel, his eyes seem to be looking at the ceiling, and my heart leaps. And then, in the final third act of the performance, when my eyes are shiny and my hands are tightly clasped together, he presses his knee against mine. And he doesn’t move it away.
Instinct takes over for a split second, as I move my hand, wanting to take his. At least I’m able to stop myself before that happens.
After the performance, I say goodbye to Cyrus and Daniel, who, looking at Joel, doesn’t mention drinks again. We’re able to get back in the car without speaking to anyone else, and I’m relieved to have an evening where nothing goes awry as I slide in next to Jace. Carlos is in the front seat next to Rodney, leaving Joel to sit next to me.
This time, I don’t want to go to the apartment as soon as possible. I don’t want to go back there and lay in a new bed, ruminating on the same old fears. I know, logically, that I’m safe there. But what if someone broke into Joel’s apartment first? What if he was alone, and asleep…completely defenseless?
As if Joel could hear my current spiral, he presses his knee against mine once again. And when I finally dare to look up at him, the city lights illuminating his face as we drive through the night, I’m amazed there was ever a time where I would do anything to make him leave.
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chibrary · 9 months
ARTICLE: Charles Leclerc: "Ho imparato anche a dire le parolacce" (2020)
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source: alessandra retico for repubblica.it translation: lovingleclerc2 on twitter series: f1, 2020
Might your arrival in Maranello negatively influenced Vettel’s performances?
I don't think so, on the contrary I think he was pushed even more to show what his true value is, although we all already know that he's a great driver.
Do you have any advice to give him?
I would never allow myself to, he has done much more than me in this sport and he deserves respect.
But between you, there were contrasts and sparks on track.
Yes, but our relationship has always been very good. Maybe at first it was a bit strange because of my 'fault': I was next to a 4-time world champion. It intimidated me, it made me anxious. He is so renowned while I still haven't proved anything. But over time we have sympathized. There's always been a great respect even in difficult times like in Brazil last year or in Styria this year. But once off track we always made it clear and we went on with serenity.
Are you serene about the future?
I'm extremely motivated, happy to get the most out of a difficult situation like this. It won’t be a quick recovery for Ferrari but my job is also to try to push everyone to make sure that this difficult period is as short as possible. Mentally I am as focused as ever and although I would like to fight for higher positions, I know that I‘m doing a good job and that the team is happy with me. Of course, being happy with a 5th or 6th place is not really what I want, I will never want that, but it satisfies me to progress to be as ready as possible when the time comes, for me and for Ferrari.
When will the time come?
As for performance, it'll be difficult to make a miracle with the 2021 car. In 2022, there'll be big changes and from then on we’ll have many years with the same concept of cars. We must start that phase competitive and with enthusiasm.
What can you promise to fans realistically?
To give my best, to give a show, this I can promise.
Meanwhile your popularity is growing.
For me, it has always been very important to stay the closest to the people who follow me on social media, on TV, or on track. Now that it’s more difficult without an audience, I want to maintain this closeness. The contact, virtual or physical, being accessible to others, for me is essential. And I’ll tell you more: next year I’m going to expand my social networks, which now are very thematized on my professional life, with content about me behind the scenes, out of track, in my private, to let people see who I am and what I do between one race and the other. I want to tell of myself as a person more.
Who is the private Charles Leclerc?
A normal guy, who enjoys the time he spends with his friends and family. Although since I’m in Ferrari a lot has changed: not like I did bad things before, but now I also have to give a good image of myself outside the car. Just saying, if I eat at the table I have to be careful how I’m doing it.
Your strong and your weak point?
: "I am strong in self-analysis: I'm very sincere with myself and this makes me grow a lot. My weak point is being sometimes too harsh in judging myself. Before, I was very upset about making mistakes that I still make out of inexperience or too much desire. But being demoralized is useless, the past cannot be changed. Making mistakes made me more mature, mentally very strong.
Ferrari will be without a world champion. Did they choose well with Carlos Sainz?
I don't know why they took him rather than another, but Carlos is very strong and consistent. Last year towards the end of the season he used to ask me if there was a free seat in the Red car, I replied that I didn't know, but he already had stars in the eyes.
What do you like the most and the least about Italy?
I like the simplicity, besides food of course. One flaw? I hear the bad words from the mechanics and I got into the habit of saying a lot of them too, I say more in Italian than in French.
Will your brother, now in the FDA, get to Maranello?
It’s soon, but he deserves it. He didn’t have my chances, we started together but then didn’t have enough money to continue both, my father gave the priority to me as I am older, Arthur had to stop and started again since I’ve got into F1, my uncle and I help him. He's talented, we are similar in personality. He will find his way.
Today Mick Schumacher makes his debut with Alfa Romeo in free practice. How much does it matter to be the son of Michael?
The Schumacher name is powerful in F1 and not only, but Mick is here for his talent and not for his name. It’s going to be tough here with this cold weather, for him and for everyone, we look like skiers. What about us? Some aerodynamic update, but we’ll struggle with tyres.
Do you envy anything to Hamilton or Verstappen?
I'm happy with who I am, I don't look at others, in F1 you have to be the best & I try to be the best version of myself. When we have Ferrari in front I hope I’ll be able to show what this team's worth.
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texanwithahotwife · 1 year
The pool party. The wife gets her “game” back!
I promised more details from the pool party.
For a little background, the wife had surgery back in December and has been very self conscious about her looks. I and everyone else that has seen her naked since has tried to tell her that she looked great was falling on deaf ears. So for the last few months I have been trying to get her back to her former slutty self. On Friday we met a new bull for the first time and all went well, but she still wasn’t 100%, but dealt a lot better. This brings us to the Saturday Pool Party.
Since we her long time friends with the hosts and hadn’t seen the, for awhile, we arrived early and started drinking. By the time the other guests arrived, the wife was well lubricated, but still holding back. As the party progressed, more and more clothes started disappearing, but the wife kept her suit on. At this time she was only one of two clothed. Enter the new guy, we’ll call Bob. Even though Bob was married, he came to the party alone, with a free pass. Pretty much everyone was in the pool at this time and several groups were starting to play. Several people, including the hosts kept telling my wife to take off her suit. She said, someone would have to get it off. Well several tried and failed. About this time she was daring guys to try to take it off. About this time mentioned that she should dare Bob, and she did. I admit she put up a struggle, but he managed to get the suit off. I told her she should reward him for his effort, so she approached him in the pool. Within minutes ites she has her arms around his neck kissing, and obviously trying to get his cock inside her. Now, once my wife puts her mind to something. It’s going to happen. Soon, she was riding him in the pool and screaming with her first of many orgasms.
Something happened, and they broke apart, and she had to leave to go to the bathroom. I went up to Bob and introduced myself, and then told him, he had already met my wife. He was a little concerned, but I assured him that this was why we were here he then told me how lucky I was. About 15 minutes later several people had moved inside to get food including. The wife and Bob.I got there just in time to hear the wife ask where they could go and “play”? They’re were directed to one of the bedrooms and off they went.
Now as I have mentioned before I love watching my wife with other guys, but this time, I let them go knowing I would hear details later. I went back to the pool to have my own fun. After about 45 minutes, Bob comes out the door, and walks straight over to me and state, “ your wife is Fantastic, and I was a lucky man” . Now realize that Bob is a young stud and he is jealous of me, because of my wife.
Eventually the wife comes out , with a big smile on her face and gives me a big kiss. I could tell that wif great “slutty wife “ was back. She gave me a brief rundown of what happened including lots of fucking with a few breaks to recoup and talk. Found out later that he had deposited 2 loads inside her during that time.
I figured they were thru, and it was our time to play as a couple with the host.. she had promised the wife that she was going to “jump her husband.” The four of us headed to a private room, and Bob followed. I assume he didn’t find anyone else to play with. Unfortunately for the host, the husband was having performance issues, so the wife could get him hard, so the host wife stepped in. My wife says, “well I can’t get him hard, but I know who I can, and looked right at Bob”. Well Bob didn’t need a second hint. Within seconds, they were goin at it on the couch while I was eating the Host wife’s pussy while she tried in vein to wake up her husband. Now I got a great show and and understood why my wife had enjoyed the previous times. They fucked for another half hour, before the wife had to to call time. She had to d it that Bob had worn her out.
After exchanging numbers and saying our goodbyes, we went back to our hotel. Now I got to reclaim my beautiful wife. Even though, she was complexly worn out, she was as determined as I was. Now I love ducking a good cream pie, so I was not disappointed. Even though it had been at least 30 minutes since he pulled out for the;last time, I was shocked at how filled her pussy was. I also pulled out several times so she could taste him on me. That really turned her on and I eventually got to add my load to hers and we both drifted asleep.
She woke the next morning with a text from Bob, saying “ he couldn’t wait until next time, and to be sure and tell her hi]us and how lucky he was”. Trust me, I know….
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