#or didn't have the same financial issues
sassysnowperson · 2 years
Sass Talks Books: Thank You for Listening, by Julia Whelan
Basic Plot: An audiobook narrator, who doesn't record romance books (anymore - she needed to break into the industry somehow), is given the financial opportunity of a lifetime...recording a romance book. It's a dual narration book, too, which means working with another narrator. Her recording partner quickly becomes one of the best perks of the project, warm and funny and *real* feeling, despite the fact they've never met. (They've never met, right?)
My thoughts: I really enjoyed this one. The author IS an audiobook narrator, writing a book about two audiobooks narrators, and I listed to the audiobook...narrated by the author. I thoroughly recommend that reading experience, by the way. There's a lot of little moments with the two talented voice actor characters slipping into different accents, talking about tone and inflection, and it's an absolute delight to hear the narrator delivering on the script she wrote for herself. As for the story itself, I'm not far enough into the romance world to know if this book deviates from the romance novel beats enough that it's drifted out of the category, but I can say that it was absolutely charming and enjoyable. And, that the changes made dulled the edges of the parts of romance I bounce off of the most while absolutely being a very loving send-up of the genre. The connection between the two people was very real, but it wasn't the only (or even, I would argue, the most important) relationship developing and changing in the book.
Every character felt connected in a complicated web of love and relationships with other people - it was a joy. And it was used to explore some toothy things that I normally don't get in a book this fun - grief, regret, how you deal with the losses you can't get back, how you rebuild a life. It stayed warm-hearted and kind as a book, but it didn't shy away from real fights, insecurities, and pain.
A handful of warnings to go along with that: the MC has lost an eye, and deals with ableism, and some negative self-perception. There's some diet-culture-based disordered eating for the MC's best friend (not displayed as a good thing). The MC's relationship with her dad has some brutal fights where there's emotional manipulation happening. There's also a real look at the complications of dementia - discussed below.
The protagonist's relationship with her grandmother is a key point of the story, and the grandmother is dealing with encroachment of memory loss and personality change that comes along with dementia. This part surprised me - I work with older adults in long-term care and lol, was not expecting that my professional life would be relevant to the situation. The author made a few errors with the care system in California (where our grandma is based, and where I work). But frankly, only a few, and the way the dementia progressed wasn't one of them. It was good, and heartbreaking, and one of my favorite parts.
Wow...I wrote a lot about this. Suppose that makes sense, considering it was my experience of the book itself. I expected something light and fun, and while I got it, there was depth there too that was a very welcome surprise.
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smukkits · 1 year
my villain origin story is people on gaia willfully misinterpreting a comment that took me 2 seconds to type.
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plushie-lovey · 2 years
A few weeks ago I was nearly at 200 followers, now I'm back down to 165. Ik why you guys left but it was for a silly reason. To each their own
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3liza · 1 year
I feel very defensive about the "goth is bougie" shit because it is historically incorrect, yes, but also and more personally, because it just erases the generations of goth kids who grew up in trailer parks and project housing or just straight up homeless, helping each other out.
it's specifically such a supportive subculture for poor and neglected kids and I really fucking hate that this has been revised and erased. juggalos and goths are very culturally close and many subcultural people are both, and juggalos have the same (and, I would argue, even better defined) culture of collective support. the Skids in Letterkenny are not made up for the show, that's just a real type of rural subcultural person. this has also been forgotten in the interim but in the 90s and 00s we didn't even really refer to OURSELVES as "goths" very much except in a joking way. goths had regional endonyms (like "skids" or "trenchies") even if they could all go to a convention or a club in a city and in that context be all called "goths" together, once they went back home they would go back to being whatever the locals called them or whatever they called themselves. this is a whole linguistics and sociology subtopic that's out of scope for a Tumblr post but is sort of related.
my point is that people who wore actual rags, and sharpie instead of nail polish, and wet n wild eyeliner instead of black lipstick, and dyed their hair with markers or food coloring or kool-aid, were and are the core of the goth scene. the majority of the pictures the mallgoth blogs are posting are from catalogs, fashion shows, costume events, yearly balls and fetes like Wave Gothik Treffen, and other places where people save up literally all year, or many years in a row, to put together ONE outfit. and there's nothing wrong with that, personally I'm proud and pleased that our hard work is being recognized and preserved. but just like formal studio photographs from the Victorian era, it is not representative of the daily or even weekly (for clubs) reality of people in the scene, some of whom were completely out of goth clothing during the day or week just to fit in at work or sometimes just to get along without being bothered at home by family members who thought the Cure was Satanic.
the people who RUN the scenes, the promoters and DJs and gogo dancers and independent designers and people who run the mailing lists and websites, the people who organize the room parties at conventions, and yes even most of the original Burning Man camps like Thunderdome, they mostly live in poverty. especially if they're young. when people organize club nights and shows, they're lucky if they break even. I wasn't aware of any of this until I started working at DNA Lounge in San Francisco, which hosts one of the oldest goth nights in the country, Death Guild. I got to know the owner of DNA well enough to find out about the financial reality of the entire scene, even the people who own the means of production and the actual property in this case, and it's not lucrative. I mean, it sometimes is, if you're running a bar for normal people and have investment captain etc, but the majority of legit subculture economics is just barely breaking even. every single event is 90% volunteer labor.
the issue of labor is maybe the confusing thing for the zoomers who are confused. goth outfits take actual physical work. maybe the Aspirational Spectacle of Labor that makes up most of TikTok has made it appear unreal to the audience rather than something you can just sit down and do?
it takes forty seconds to make the fishnet tights into a shirt. you don't need instructions, you really can just look at it and figure it out. then you think, hm, if I can make fishnets into a shirt I wonder what other things I can turn into something else. your brain will amaze you. my mom would save her tights from her formal work outfits for me when they got holes or whatever and I would just go crazy with scissors and safety pins. lots of young designers are getting attention for this layered, tights-n-pins look at the moment and it really is a fantastic aesthetic but I wonder if people think there's something special about the people who make these clothes? there isn't. you can just do it at home while you watch trashy youtubes.
one time, around 2008 or so, @gothiccharmschool and I were at the photoshoot for tabletop RPG Unhallowed Metropolis. we were there with a bunch of local goths to all make the pictures for this book together. we had all brought tons of our costumes from home to cobble together outfits for the book illustrations, and there was a moment when I just handed Jilli a pile of black skirts and some pins and said hey Jilli, could you please make me up a bustle skirt for this model real quick while I shoot these other models? and of course she did, and they were beautiful, because she knows exactly what she's doing, and because that's all a bustle is: it's a way of bunching up a skirt with another skirt. you can do it at home. you don't need instructions or to hire a seamstress or watch a video. you can just look at something and say hm does it look like a bustle? let's drape it and play with it and pin whatever works. and then you wear it for the photoshoot, or to the club!!! and then next week you pin it a different way and it's a cape instead and you wear it again!!!!!!!
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decayedhearts · 2 years
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@soothsaer​ sent:   💭 + trey + trauma   [Send me a “💭“ and your Muse will experience one of my muse’s Memories]
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A sweet scent suddenly fills your nose and then you’re carried away on a cloud of cinnamon and apple, the school disappearing from your eyes and changing into a place you’ve never seen before..
It’s the big kitchen in the back of the bakery, the one where most of the baking happens. There’s a smaller area in the shop part too where some minor cake and cookie decorating is done, but that’s your father’s job and you’ve never helped him out there. Not yet. Some day you’ll be allowed to take over there as well. If you’re honest, it makes you nervous to think about - what if you mess up while people are watching? All that money wasted if you have to give it away for free (because who will buy messed up cake?), or worse, all that food wasted if mother decides to throw it away. Maybe you could sneak it out of the kitchen and give it to your sister, pretend you failed it on purpose so she could have some sweeties before bedtime. She’d probably like that.
“Trey, honey? Be careful not to let the dough dry up,” mother’s voice pulls you from your thoughts. You look at the lump of dough you’ve been kneading and nod. “Yes, mum,” you promise, poking the soft mass with your fingers to see if it’s starting to crack. It’s still okay, but if you’re not careful, it’ll dry up like mother said. You’ve done this often enough by now to recognize its stages, you shouldn’t make mistakes like that anymore.
You start splitting the dough into smaller pieces, rolling little balls and placing them on the counter. They all need to be the same size or else the finished buns won’t turn out the same, some will burn while the others are still raw, and you won’t have time to check them all individually. There’s so much left to do for tomorrow and you’re already getting sleepy. You hear the front door opening, the familiar jingle of the bell distracting you for a moment, but you stay focused on your task. There was a time where you’d drop what you’re holding and run to greet father, but that time is past. “Your father is back,” mother says and smiles at you. No, she looks sad. No.. she is smiling. She leaves the room and closes the door behind her.
You make more dough balls but you lose count of them as you place them on the counter. The sound of the clock ticking on the wall is so loud it feels as though it should make the loose flour vibrate on the counter’s surface. You hear their voices in the other room. They’re loud just normal, but you can’t make up any words. Mother is crying laughing about something. Maybe father told a joke; he used to do that a lot when you were little. Well, when you were younger, you are still little, compared to him.
You’re still counting by the time mother comes back, but the numbers are all jumbled in your head. Maybe it’s 15, or maybe it’s 49. Mother is quiet and so are you, your small whispered counting just loud enough for her to recognize you’re still doing it. You need her to know that, you’re not sure why, but the thought of her asking if you overheard them makes your stomach ache. You heard nothing.      “I’m done, mother,” you say out loud and turn to find your mum sitting on her chair by the window, her hand on her round belly. She’s in tears. Again. There is flour on her cheek and before you know you move to wipe it away, your small hand coming away damp.
And then she’s hugging you, holding you so tight it hurts a little, your small chest unable to take in breath like it should. You don’t remember the last time she hugged you to comfort you. You haven’t asked her to in a while. It wouldn’t feel like comfort from someone so broken. She’s whispering words into your ear that you don’t want to hear, words you choose not to understand. If you don’t understand them, maybe they won’t be true.
The bakery needs to stay afloat so you can keep the house and pay the bills, that much you understand. “I’ll help, mum,” you say, while your chest still hurts. You wish she would let go of you already. You already messed up so much, almost caused them to lose it all at the hands of a wrathful woman with a heart of stone. Irresponsible. The bakery needs to stay afloat so he won’t leave, you already messed up so much--- the bakery needs to stay afloat or she will go away too. You’re all she has, of course you’ll help. If you’ll help everything will turn out fine, the bakery will stay, father will stay, your sister will be fine and the baby--
The memory breaks off with a snap, like a film tearing. 
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#soothsaer#m. soothsaer#( m: trey. )#( trey: soothsaer. )#unusual kind of trauma#but there you have it#this is so hard to portray from this perspective because i want to imply what's happening and at the same time#show that his memory is fucked up because he was too young to really deal with his parents issues at the time#in case it was too vague#they had issues even before the riddle situation#and father threatened to leave them while mother was pregnant#he couldn't handle the financial burden of the bakery not going so well and having so many mouths too feed#and they had fallen out of love#and treys mom increasingly relied on trey with things he was too young for#burdening him with emotional troubles he didn't even understand at the time but that still weighed on him#like the thought of his father leaving if he didn't help get the shop going again#or his mother threatening suicide if his father left#and trey thus facing the thought of being alone with his sister and responsible for her#which on the one hand made him grow up quicker so he COULD be responsible but at the same time filled him with existential dread#it also over time made him lose his respect for his parents for different reasons#they don't talk about any of this anymore as things are going ok these days#or maybe treys father has affairs and his mother is still suicidal#either way trey is not facing any of it#he is just looking after his siblings and the bakery and working as much as he can when he is home#so he doesn't have to talk to his mother alone
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First, let me apologise for making people worry. I appreciate all those who reached out and I'm sorry that I couldn't get back to you all.
I have been through a very rough spiral. It was building for months, and I am still not fully okay.
For those who want context, it's under the cut.
I bought a house in May. It's expensive. I wasn't ready financially or in many ways for that step, but my partner convinced me. I told him as much but I was not heard. Alas, I have a mortgage, full time work, astudent loan, and an ongoing school program to contend with. It hasn't been easy and it caught up to me.
At the same time, a person who traumatised me and I have no way of fully extricating from my life, has moved closer. To keep the peace, I have to associate with him to a degree and he pretends that nothing ever happened. To him, it was nothing.
In June, I moved. It was hard and fast paced. I did most of the paperwork etc for the whole process and obv helped with the physical transition as well. I was responsible for deadlines and checklists for not just myself but my partner.
I was plugging holes in a sinking boat.
At the same time, I had obligations to my family. Every weekend if I wasn't dealing with the house and all that goes into it, I was running around to babysit or see family or whathave you.
In July, I pinched a nerve behind my tailbone. I missed a week of work bc my injury but it took longer for my to recover. I am still feeling it today. It was more than physical, but emotional.
I also got three periods that month. Hormonal can't begin to explain how fucked up I've been.
On top of all that, there are underlying issues associated with other trauma and discontent. I'm realising that I have been loyal and tolerant to the point of my own detriment.
I don't want to hurt people how I've been hurt, so I don't speak up. When people tell me something about myself, I let all the doubts planted in my mind from years of abuse convince me that they're right. I can admit my faults but often times I will think that proof of one flaw means everything about me is rotten.
People forget about me or just don't care. Both or either. They don't put the same effort in that I do. I find it hard to connect because years of disregard and neglect have told me that the other side just won't care.
But I'm not just hurt, I'm angry. I'm seeking therapy and trying to figure this out.
It all boiled over after my last post. Nothing I do is enough. For anyone. Not even when it's a hobby. I was frustrated bc the place I use for escape just made me feel like less than.
Obviously, I don't mean everyone or even the majority. I appreciate the discourse and fun and everything here! There are so many awesome people to interact with and I have missed you all, however, my headspace was bad. Very bad. I had thoughts I haven't dealt with in years.
I put my nose down and just went to work. I didn't wanna talk to anyone. I didn't wanna be in the world.
I did some reading, eventually some non-fandom writing, and sometimes, I just stayed alive.
I don't know if I'm really okay but I'm trying.
To those who have been so patient and supportive, you deserve everything. To those who are silent supporters, you do too. And even to those people who send me the most vile hate, you deserve to lift yourself out of the dark space you're stuck in. Hopefully, I can, too.
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tangledinink · 3 months
Hello sorry for tagging. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Okay kids, are you ready for a lesson in SPOTTING ONLINE SCAMS????
*please don't message this person or harass them-- i do recommend that you report and block them, however.
right now it's incredibly important to give time, attention, and money to online fundraisers. but it's also incredibly important not to let scammers take advantage of that and steal money that could actually save lives right now.
firstly-- if we go to this person's blog, and navigate to "archive--"
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this person's blog has only existed for a few days, only has a handful of generic posts (many reblogged multiple times,) and made their first reblog the same day that they posted their "fundraiser" post. this is a MASSIVE red flag.
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please also note that neither their ask nor post actually mention palestine or gaza at all, but it's still tagged with "free palestine" and "gaza."
though this one should obviously be taken with a grain of salt, it is also worth noting the poor grammar here, because this can be (but isn't always!!!) another red flag. Note also that all the details are really vague and don't quite make sense... user describes "enduring cold" and their "nose freezing" though it's the middle of the summer. This user says that they're "sick," but doesn't really offer any further details about this. This user says that they need money for "resources," but don't elaborate on what exactly they need. They vaguely elude to a need for lodging, caretakers, and medicine, but don't actually give us any details-- despite this they have a "$1200" goal. What is this specific goal of $1200 for? Is that the cost of their medication? Overdue medical bills? Cost for rent this month?... They also apologize in their ask for "tagging" me... but they didn't tag me. They sent me an ask.
Another red flag is that their link labeled "Fundraiser link" leads directly to a Paypal donation page rather than a gofundme or anything else. If someone chooses to collect aid through paypal, venmo, etc. instead of through a gofundme, that's not a huge issue in and of itself... but it is fishy that it's mislabeled like this.
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And if we GOOGLE this user's tumblr name or paypal name, we can find results like this:
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This also led me to find them on @/kyra45's blog on their list of current scam accounts.
Despite all this, they have close to 100 reblogs from well-meaning people trying to signal boost and ask for donations on their behalf.
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With the current situation in Palestine and the amount of actual, legitimate fundraisers and donations being circulated right now, for Palestine, Sudan, the Congo, or otherwise, it is more important than ever to be aware of people who are trying to take advantage of the situation for their own personal gain. Whenever possible, please take the time to do some due diligence when you receive messages like this and check to see if a fundraiser is legitimate! It always sucks for someone to be the victim of a scam and lose money to someone playing pretend on the internet... but it sucks even more when that money could have gone to people in actual, acute, dire need.
Here's some more information about spotting scams on tumblr! Shoutout to tumblr user kyra45 for compiling this, and for all the other hard work they do-- thanks.
Here's an actual, vetted, and legitimate campaign that could use your support. After receiving this ask, I went and donated. If you have the means to do so, it would be amazing if you did so, too.
[ see ALL gaza funds campaigns here ]
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Housing is a labor issue
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There's a reason Reagan declared war on unions before he declared war on everything else – environmental protection, health care, consumer rights, financial regulation. Unions are how working people fight for a better world for all of us. They're how everyday people come together to resist oligarchy, extraction and exploitation.
Take the 2019 LA teachers' strike. As Jane McAlevey writes in A Collective Bargain, the LA teachers didn't just win higher pay for their members! They also demanded (and got) an end to immigration sweeps of parents waiting for their kids at the school gate; a guarantee of green space near every public school in the city; and on-site immigration counselors in LA schools:
Unionization is enjoying an historic renaissance. The Hot Labor Summer transitioned to an Eternal Labor September, and it's still going strong, with UAW president Shawn Fain celebrating his members victory over the Big Three automakers by calling for a 2028 general strike:
The rising labor movement has powerful allies in the Biden Administration. NLRB general counsel Jennifer Abruzzo is systematically gutting the "union avoidance" playbook. She's banned the use of temp-work app blacklists that force workers to cross picket lines:
She's changed the penalty for bosses who violate labor law during union drives. It used to be the boss would pay a fine, which was an easy price to pay in exchange for killing your workers' union. Now, the penalty is automatic recognition of the union:
And while the law doesn't allow Abruzzo to impose a contract on companies that refuse to bargain their unions, she's set to force those companies to honor other employers' union contracts until they agree to a contract with their own workers:
She's also nuking TRAPs, the deals that force workers to repay their employers for their "training expenses" if they have the audacity to quit and get a better job somewhere else:
(As with every aspect of the Biden White House, its labor policy is contradictory and self-defeating, with other Biden appointees working to smash worker power, including when Biden broke the railworkers' strike:)
A surging labor movement opens up all kinds of possibilities for a better world. Writing for the Law and Political Economy Project, UNITE Here attorney Zoe Tucker makes the case for unions as a way out of America's brutal housing crisis:
She describes how low-waged LA hotel workers have been pushed out of neighborhoods close to their jobs, with UNITE Here members commuting three hours in each direction, starting their work-days at 3AM in order to clock in on time:
UNITE Here members are striking against 50 hotels in LA and Orange County, and their demands include significant cost-of-living raises. But more money won't give them back the time they give up to those bruising daily commutes. For that, unions need to make housing itself a demand.
As Tucker writes, most workers are tenants and vice-versa. What's more, bad landlords are apt to be bad bosses, too. Stepan Kazaryan, the same guy who owns the strip club whose conditions were so bad that it prompted the creation of Equity Strippers NoHo, the first strippers' union in a generation, is also a shitty landlord whose tenants went on a rent-strike:
So it was only natural that Kazaryan's tenants walked the picket line with the Equity Stripper Noho workers:
While scumbag bosses/evil landlords like Kazaryan deal out misery retail, one apartment building at a time, the wholesale destruction of workers' lives comes from private equity giants who are the most prolific source of TRAPs, robo-scabbing apps, illegal union busting, and indefinite contract delays – and these are the very same PE firms that are buying up millions of single-family homes and turning them into slums:
Tucker's point is that when a worker clocks out of their bad job, commutes home for three hours, and gets back to their black-mold-saturated, overpriced apartment to find a notice of a new junk fee (like a surcharge for paying your rent in cash, by check, or by direct payment), they're fighting the very same corporations.
Unions who defend their workers' right to shelter do every tenant a service. A coalition of LA unions succeeded in passing Measure ULA, which uses a surcharge on real estate transactions over $5m to fund "the largest municipal housing program in the country":
LA unions are fighting for rules to limit Airbnbs and other platforms that transform the city's rental stock into illegal, unlicensed hotels:
And the hotel workers organized under UNITE Here are fighting their own employers: the hoteliers who are aggressively buying up residences, evicting their long-term tenants, tearing down the building and putting up a luxury hotel. They got LA council to pass a law requiring hotels to build new housing to replace any residences they displace:
UNITE Here is bargaining for a per-room hotel surcharge to fund housing specifically for hotel workers, so the people who change the sheets and clean the toilets don't have to waste six hours a day commuting to do so.
Labor unions and tenant unions have a long history of collaboration in the USA. NYC's first housing coop was midwifed by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America in 1927. The Penn South coop was created by the International Ladies Garment Workers’ Union. The 1949 Federal Housing Act passed after American unions pushed hard for it:
It goes both ways. Strong unions can create sound housing – and precarious housing makes unions weaker. Remember during the Hollywood writers' strike, when an anonymous studio ghoul told the press the plans was to "allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses?"
Vienna has the most successful housing in any major city in the world. It's the city where people of every income and background live in comfort without being rent-burdened and without worry about eviction, mold, or leaks. That's the legacy of Red Vienna, the Austrian period of Social Democratic Workers' Party rule and built vast tracts of high-quality public housing. The system was so robust that it rebounded after World War II and continues to this day:
Today, the rest of the world is mired in a terrible housing crisis. It's not merely that the rent's too damned high (though it is) – housing precarity is driving dangerous political instability:
Turning the human necessity of shelter into a market commodity is a failure. The economic orthodoxy that insists that public housing, rent control, and high-density zoning will lead to less housing has failed. rent control works:
Leaving housing to the market only produces losers. If you have the bad luck to invest everything you have into a home in a city that contracts, you're wiped out. If you have the bad luck into invest everything into a home in a "superstar city" where prices go up, you also lose, because your city becomes uninhabitable and your children can't afford to live there:
A strong labor movement is the best chance we have for breaking the housing deadlock. And housing is just for starters. Labor is the key to opening every frozen-in-place dysfunction. Take care work: the aging, increasingly chronically ill American population is being tortured and murdered by private equity hospices, long-term care facilities and health services that have been rolled up by the same private equity firms that destroyed work and housing:
In her interview with Capital & Main's Jessica Goodheart, National Domestic Workers Alliance president Ai-jen Poo describes how making things better for care workers will make things better for everyone:
Care work is a "triple dignity investment": first, it makes life better for the worker (most often a woman of color), then, it allows family members of people who need care to move into higher paid work; and of course, it makes life better for people who need care: "It delivers human potential and agency. It delivers a future workforce. It delivers quality of life."
The failure to fund care work is a massive driver of inequality. America's sole federal public provision for care is Medicaid, which only kicks in after a family it totally impoverished. Funding care with tax increases polls high with both Democrats and Republicans, making it good politics:
Congress stripped many of the care provisions from Build Back Better, missing a chance for an "unprecedented, transformational investment in care." But the administrative agencies picked up where Congress failed, following a detailed executive order that identifies existing, previously unused powers to improve care in America. The EO "expands access to care, supports family caregivers and improves wages and conditions for the workforce":
States are also filling the void. Washington just created a long-term care benefit:
New Mexicans passed a ballot initiative that establishes permanent funding for child care:
New York care workers won a $3/hour across the board raise:
The fight is being led by women of color, and they're kicking ass – and they're doing it through their unions. Worker power is the foundation that we build a better world upon, and it's surging.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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minarisplaything · 7 months
The Producer - PART THREE
pairing: Chaeyoung (Fromis9) x M!OC / Jiwon x M!OC rating: explicit word count: 4.2k summary: After introducing himself to the girls, the Producer has a run in take place in the bathroom with two trainees who want to make a good first impression before anyone else. PART 1, PART 2 tags: double blowjob a/n: apologies for two bathroom fics in a row. this one was just the next fic i had completed so i figured f*ck it let's just post it.
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"What a day."
With a sigh you collapsed into the couch, conveniently situated in your office. Your uncle, or whoever he had intended on this being for, clearly had a taste for leisure. But right now you didn't want to think about that. Not your uncle. Not the job. Having just gotten out of your first meeting with the girls you would be put in charge of you really wanted nothing more than to just close your eyes and let your mind go blank.
Of course, that was easier said than done. As you let your mind drift, you inevitably found yourself thinking back to the meeting that had taken place only earlier that same day.
The way down to the training room was perhaps some of the most nerve wracking of your entire life. If you thought this morning had been stressful it was nothing compared to what was currently racing through your mind. All you kept seeing was images of Yewon writhing against your thigh and Jessica's voice echoing in your ear. Now, in just a few moments, you'd be seeing her as part of the line-up of trainees.
It's fine, you thought to yourself. She probably hasn't told anyone else. Hopefully not anyway. God, I am fucked.
The worst part of it was that despite your internal dread, the mental imagery still turned you on. In fact, one of the many rogue thoughts wandering around in your head was the fact that you wished you could have gone further with her. The shock of learning that Yewon was a trainee had effectively killed any erection you had at the time but it didn't change the fact that you were extremely pent up right now.
With a sigh you did your best to push those thoughts aside as you arrived at the door as Jessica emerged from the practice room.
"Alright," Jessica said, emerging from the room, "I've prepared them for you. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm ready."
"Are you sure about that? You look like you've seen a ghost," she offered you a sympathetic look.
If only she had any idea of the truth she wouldn't be asking that question. Honestly, at this moment you envied Jessica's ability to compartmentalize things. Maybe you'd ask for tips on it the next time the two of you went out for drinks. Assuming there was a next time.
"Is it that obvious?" you asked.
She pressed her lips together and gave you a nod. Jessica walked over towards you, her heels clicking on the floor. She reached out, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, "Remember, they are just as intimidated to meet you as you are them. Maybe even more so. "
"I don't know about that," you muttered.
"Just remember, you can walk away from this before it even begins. For them, this is their whole lives."
"Was that meant to make me feel less nervous?"
Jessica grinned, a twinkle in her eye, "Just trying to give you some perspective. Now come on."
Unable to delay the issue any further, you followed Jessica into the practice room, fingers digging into your palm.
The room itself was quite spacious. Like much of the rest of the building, it was clear that your uncle had spent recklessly investing in this endeavor. At least from a financial perspective. Bright ceiling lights illuminated the room while a mirror that ran the full length of the back wall ensured there would be no lack of reflections. There was an argument to be made that if one were going to splurge on any one room, this was the one worth the investment. Aside from the decor of the room, your eyes were immediately drawn to the lineup of fifteen women standing at attention. One of whom was a familiar face who was avoiding your gaze, her cheeks flushed bright red.
Immediately, you felt the nerves start to creep back into your mind. You looked away from the beautiful lineup and glanced to the corner to see Jinyoung standing there with a clipboard. Something about seeing him made you feel a little more relaxed. After all, he didn’t seem bothered at all.
He probably didn’t have one of his employees grinding on his thigh only a few hours earlier, a rogue thought whispered.
"Everyone," she started, "This is Mr. Park, he's the nephew of our CEO and he might be working with us soon."
A resounding "Hello" reached your ears, causing you to smile just a bit.
You could already feel your cheeks burning with embarrassment. You had to resist the urge to tell them that they didn’t have to be so formal in their greeting. You were a nobody as far as you were concerned. Barely qualified for the job. But you swallowed down that self-deprecation and offered a small smile and wave in response. You could already feel their eyes on you, judging you. Were they surprised you were so young? Maybe they were expecting your uncle or someone older? You noticed a few of the trainees started whispering to each other and tried not to get too paranoid about it.
Once she was satisfied, Jessica continued, "I'll let him introduce himself and we can go from there."
She looked over, metaphorically turning the floor over to you. Moment of truth. You cleared your throat, adjusting your tie once again in the process.
"Ah – right. Good morning, ladies. It's a pleasure to meet all of you and I look forward to working with you all. I hope we have much success in the near future.”
When you stopped, Jessica elbowed you in the side. You looked at her, brow furrowed, before she gestured for you to continue speaking. You suppose it was a bit of a robotic and corporate introduction, but you were just trying to be formal! What did she expect you to say when you hadn’t even taken on the job!
“I, uh, I know nothing has been made official yet but I’ve gotten to know some of you,” a brief glance at Yewon who immediately looked away. You cleared your throat and attempted to focus on your speech, “...through your files and what Ms. Jung has told me. I just have to say I’m looking forward to seeing what you all have to offer.”
You paused for a moment, considering how honest you wanted to be with them. Was it more beneficial to be honest with how green you were in this field, or should you fake it as long as possible? Considering you held their futures in your hands, being upfront felt like the best option.
“Truthfully…this is my first time working on something of this scale. I know some of you have experience at other labels or have been at this for a long time trying to achieve your dream so…I want us all to work on this together to succeed. My door is always open.”
They gave a short round of applause, and you couldn’t help but wonder if it had been genuinely encouraging or if they were just being polite. You supposed both options could be true. You looked over to Jessica and were surprised to see a small smile on her features. That meant you did good…right?
You looked over at the ladies, trying to read their reactions when you found yourself locking eyes with one of the shorter members in the lineup. Park Jiwon, if your memory serves right. What was more was that you found her eyes looking back. Your gazes locked for a long moment, and you almost felt like you were imagining things when you saw her eyebrow cock and her bottom lip get pulled between her teeth.
After what had happened with Yewon had left you high and dry, you could feel yourself getting turned on by the mere thought of shoving your cock between her pretty lips. This wasn’t good. You averted your gaze only to find yourself meeting Yewon’s gaze. Immediately, her cheeks reddened and she looked away from you, her thighs pressed together tightly. Was she having the same thoughts as you? Fucking hell, at this rate you’d be fantasizing about half the members on the team you were arranging. And the worst part was you didn’t find yourself hating that idea.
“Do you mind if we take a brief break?” you whispered to Jessica.
She gave you a bemused look, eyebrow arching, “Need to use the little boy’s room?”
“Something like that.”
Jessica chuckled and nodded her head towards the door, “Down the hall and to the right.”
You gave a small nod of appreciation. As you shuffled out of the room you heard Jessica telling the girls we’d be taking a break. Hopefully, this would give a chance for all the tension in the room to have a breather.
You splashed water on your face and looked into the mirror. You were undoubtedly having a moment of second thought. Just when you thought you had conquered the anxiety of taking on a post like this. Except this time the reasoning had nothing to do with performance fears. At least not of that sort.
“What have I gotten myself into,” you muttered.
Maybe you could get a chance to talk to Yewon privately. Clothed and keeping your hands to yourself this time. You could clear the air and move forward like nothing had happened…Even as you looked at your own reflection you were unconvinced by that line of thought.
Getting Jessica’s advice on the matter didn’t seem worth the risk. Especially considering that you still didn’t know what exactly your relationship with her was after the other night. Honestly, she seemed more likely to get upset for business reasons than jealousy but neither option seemed worth the risk.
As you wrestled with your own thoughts you were faintly aware of the sound of the bathroom door opening.
“Jinyoung, tell Jess I’ll be back in a minute,” you said, not paying any mind.
“I can tell her for you, PD-nim. Though I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
Immediately the color drained from your face.
You had assumed it was Jinyoung entering because frankly, you didn’t know of any other men that worked at the company. Therefore one could only imagine the expression on your face when a feminine voice reached your ears instead. Your head snapped to the side to see two familiar faces looking back at you. Familiar because you had only just been introducing yourself to them moments earlier. One was the girl whose gaze you had met, Park Jiwon. The other, a taller trainee, was Lee Chaeyoung. A name you remembered just from her height standing out on her file that Jess had shown you.
“Girls,” you stammered, straightening, “What are you doing in here?”
Chaeyoung turned, locking the door behind you as Jiwon took a step towards you, looking up at you as her hands were laced behind her back.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Chaeyoung responded.
Your cock jumped, imagining what she could be referring to. Still, you decided the safer route was to play naive and let them lead you to the answer. “I’m not sure it is…”
“We’re here to give you a proper welcome to the company,” Jiwon stated directly.
She came to a stop in front of you and Chaeyoung soon stood next to her. They were gorgeous, there was no doubt about that, and they currently had you cornered against the sink. You swallowed thickly, wetting your bottom lip with your tongue as your gaze darted between the two women.
“Is that right?”
They nodded simultaneously.
“You know…” started Jiwon, her hand moving to the button of your pants, “Yewon’s face turned red as an apple when she saw you enter the room. I wonder why that was.”
Chaeyoung grinned as she perched herself on your shoulder, her lips brushing against the shell of your ear as she spoke, “We had her do a lap around the building with a vibrator slipped inside of her.”
You could feel my own cheeks start to redden at that revelation. No wonder she had been practically begging for any kind of touch. How long had she been in that state before you found her? Clearly long enough that she was willing to find relief on your thigh.
As you considered the implications of her words, Chaeyoung’s hand moved to join Jiwon’s as the button to your pants came undone. Her fingers slipped inside, easily cupping your growing bulge over your underwear. Her fingers massaged it, only causing your cock to stiffen further. In turn, she gave a throaty laugh and smiled at Jiwon who mirrored her actions with her own hand.
"He doesn't seem surprised to hear that," Chaeyoung continued, her breath hot against your ear as their hands stroked your cock.
"I think I know why. You know Yewon's face was so red when she came back it made me wonder why," Jiwon chimed in. She looked up at you, biting her bottom lip as her eyes held mischievous intent. “I think it’s because she had more stimulation than just that vibrator.”
“Did she have this?” Chaeyoung whispered, giving your length a firm squeeze.
“N-no,” you managed. However, lying at this point seemed fruitless. They had you cornered and you were already letting Chaeyoung jerk you off with her long fingers. What harm could the confession do at this point? “...It was my thigh. She rode my thigh. But I didn’t know…”
“Oh my god,” Jiwon laughed, “That little slut. I didn’t think she had something like that in her. Just wait until the others hear.”
You stumbled a bit, gripping the sink as Chaeyoung continued rubbing your cock. It was a bizarre experience; trying to hold a conversation with Jiwon while her taller accomplice nibbled at your earlobe and stroked your cock. All while your whole career was only a few feet away outside of the bathroom door.
“You can’t,” you muttered. “You can’t tell anyone.”
“Is it our secret, PD-nim? What else are we going to keep secret?” Chaeyoung teased.
“You know if we had more time we could really have fun,” Jiwon said, “Is he close, Chae?”
“From the way he keeps throbbing in my hand and the look on his face I’d say yes.”
You felt Jiwon’s eyes turn to you and instantly knew she was up to no good, “Ladies…”
“We have to be the first ones. Before anyone else hooks their claws into him.”
Before you could protest or even ask what she was talking about, Jiwon’s hands were grabbing the waistband of your pants and boxers. She yanked them down your thighs, fully exposing the sight of Chaeyoung’s hand wrapped around your cock. There was no denying it now. In fact seeing it only turned you on further. Not to mention the taller girl had been right: you were practically ready to burst. The physical touch combined with her teasing and the memory of what had happened with Yewon; it was all too much.
You watched as the two trainees slid to their knees on the tiled bathroom floor. Together they began tag-teaming your cock, taking turns letting their tongues run over the swollen head and engorged shaft like it was their favorite lollipop.
“Fuck, ladies, we really shouldn't...” you moaned. A pathetic last attempt at the righteous choice.
Both girls looked up at you with their pretty eyes and grinned. It was clear they were enjoying this; listening to you fight with your morals while refusing to push them away.
Jiwon pulled back, looking up at you with wide eyes and pouting lips, "Should we head back to the practice room?"
The sincerity of her question was undermined by the fact that Chaeyoung's tongue was still teasing the head of your cock. You found yourself speechless and Jiwon's pout turned into a devilish smile. "Don't worry, PD-nim. You don't have to feel guilty, I bet we aren't the only ones who'd want a taste of this."
She gave you a wink and returned to the task at hand. The thought was enticing to your most primal instincts. Something you were supposed to be above. However, there was no denying the appeal. The thrill of the taboo and the risk of being caught combined with the feeling of their soft hands and lips made was already making this far too addicting. Sure when you signed on for this job you never imagined this would be the outcome but now that it had happened, who were you to say no?
And if others wanted to join...
Your thoughts were cut off by the feel of something warm and wet around your cock. Jiwon had taken it fully into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she bobbed her head up and down the shaft. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung had wrapped her hand around the base, pumping your shaft in time with the bobbing of Jiwon's head. Your eyes were fixed on their teamwork, mesmerized by the sight unfolding while reveling in the pleasure.
"Shit," you hissed.
"It feels good doesn't it, PD-nim?" Chaeyoung asked. "She's small but she still swallows your cock like a pro."
Her eyes locked onto yours, gaze bearing down into your soul. You had never quite understood the concept of eye-fucking until that very moment.
Of course the answer to her question was obvious. From the way your body reacted to the look on your face to the swell of your length each time it hit the back of Jiwon's throat. If things kept going like that you'd be at your peak in no time. Which wasn't exactly a bad thing given you had little time to waste. On the other hand, you had yet to experience Chaeyoung's throat.
"If she keeps going like that I won't last," you grunted in response.
Chaeyoung grinned and Jiwon doubled her efforts.
"Don't be so greedy," Chaeyoung chastised her.
The shorter girl popped off of your cock with a long slurping sound, offering it to Chaeyoung who quickly picked up where her friend had left off. Her head bobbed on your cock, her short raven-cut hair swaying back and forth. You could only watch, mesmerized as her tongue slid against the underside of your cock. Jiwon didn't sit idle, one hand moving to fondle your balls while the other slipped past the waistband of her yoga pants.
"This is so hot..." she trailed off.
The way her eyes were glued to Chaeyoung you weren't sure if she was speaking to you or merely talking outloud to herself. Either way, you didn't disagree.
After a while, Chaeyoung would pull-off then offer it to Jiwon. The cycle continued in that manner. Together they switched between who had the honor of taking your cock in their mouth, letting the other take your cock in hand. One would stroke your cock or fondle your balls while the other gagged herself on your rod.
At one point, Jiwon was sucking your cock while Chaeyoung took one of your balls into her mouth, sucking on your scrotum. Your eyes rolled back, a deep moan echoing off the bathroom walls; discretion completely forgotten for a moment.
Irresponsible and unprofessional? Absolutely. Did you regret it? Absolutely not.
Truth be told, you were still somewhat blue balled from your interaction with Yewon and this felt like exactly what you needed. Besides, it didn't seem like either girl was keen on spilling any secrets.
"Jesus," you muttered under your breath, "Girls, I'm almost there..."
Chaeyoung, who had been taking her turn, popped off of your cock her chin dripping with saliva and pre-cum, "Let's not leave our PD-nim disappointed then. Give him the grand finale."
"Grand finale?" you repeated, slightly dazed and balls aching.
They gave no further explanation, instead leaving you to watch as they moved to either side of your engorged rod. First, they closed the distance between each other, making out with your cock shoved in between their lips. It fell under the category of strangely erotic. Their spit coated your cock as the two trainees made-out, giving you the impression that this wasn't the first time they had done this.
A thought of inspiration struck you. A firm hand was placed on the back of each girl's head. They seemed to understand what was going to come next as their lips puckered around your cock, creating a funnel for you. Immediately you began thrusting between their lips, fucking both of their mouths at the same time while they looked up at you from their position on their knees. If you had any inhibitions left, they evaporated then and there.
"Fuck," you groaned, "I'm so fucking close."
The girls hummed their approval, vibrations against your cock bringing you even more pleasure. God, you would have loved nothing more than to coat their pretty faces with your semen but that seemed like it would create a hard cleanup and even harder explanation. Instead, you kept thrusting between them until finally your cock began to twitch. They watched as you bit down on your bottom lip, length shooting rope after rope of cum that splattered onto the tiled floor. Your head rolled back for a moment, bracing yourself against the bathroom sink.
What the fuck just happened, you thought.
You were brought back to the present by the feel of lips around your cock, cleaning you off.
"Well, I'm horny now," Jiwon stated bluntly as she stood on her feet. "If we had more time..."
"Yah," the taller one hit her shoulder as she stood, wiping her bottom lip, "You're insatiable you know that?"
Jiwon laughed and you could only watch, dick still exposed, as the girls bantered as if they hadn't just sucked you dry. "We should..."
"We'll go," Chaeyoung cut in. She leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek. "You should get cleaned up."
Jiwon followed suit, though somewhat adorably, she had to tip-toe to reach your cheek, "Don't forget us during evaluations, PD-nim."
She gave you a wink and just like that the two girls walked out the bathroom, leaving you with your thoughts. Or rather lack of thoughts. Which wasn't a bad thing given you had no idea what to make of this situation. Instead you got dressed; grabbed a few paper towels, wiped up the evidence of your rendezvous and splashed water on your face. When you looked in the mirror, you almost didn't recognize the slight smirk on your features.
"Hopefully Jessica didn't notice my absence," you muttered as you left the bathroom.
"So that's where you were," a voice called.
You looked up to see a face that took you a moment to recognize. She was one of the trainees you had been introduced to earlier. Haewon if you remembered correctly. She had short, straight hair that neatly framed her face. Her eyes were wide and attentive while her lips were full and plump with round cheeks. She was taller than Jiwon but only just.
"Ms. Jung was looking for you," she said.
"O-oh," you stammered, before clearing your throat. "Yeah. I was just on my way back."
You swallowed thickly, eyeing her unblinking expression. It was unnerving really, the way she stared at you arms crossed over her chest. You couldn't tell whether she was judging you or just so disinterested she couldn't bother to pretend. Had she seen Jiwon and Chaeyoung coming from this area too?
"So, uh, I'll just be heading back," you started.
Suddenly Haewon broke into a wide smile, practically beaming at you, "Alright then. See you tomorrow PD-nim!"
With that she walked off, her expression dropping the moment she turned away from you. You were left baffled and confused as you decided to shake it off and head back to Jessica. If she hadn't called you out on fooling around then that was a win enough for today.
As you neared the practice room, you spotted someone standing off to the side. Another one of the girls, though her name escaped you. She seemed upset as she talked on the phone. For a moment you considered going over to her and checking to make sure everything was alright only to stop yourself.
You hadn't even accepted the job offer yet and you were getting involved with these girls. The least you could do was not add emotional involvement to the list as well. You swallowed the impulse to help, maybe you'd bring it up to Jessica when you got the chance. She might know what that was about.
When you got back Jessica had already dismissed most of the girls for the day. The two of you decided to call it a day, after all despite your speech you still had an official decision to make.
You pulled out your phone, scrolling to your uncle's contact information. Your lips pressed together in thought. In many ways it was a no brainer, even ways that it shouldn't be. In other ways the more you learned about these girls the more you hesitated. If you failed you'd be doing more than just taking your uncle's money. You closed your eyes, your mind briefly flashing to images of your load covering Jiwon and Chaeyoung's faces. The decision was easy, wasn't it?
"What did you always say, uncle? It's about the journey not the destination," you muttered to yourself.
You quickly typed out a message.
"I'm in."
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theladybrownstarot · 1 month
Pick-A-Card:What should you know about the situation you are facing?
𐙚˚ Here's my masterlist for more !
𐙚˚ Make sure you follow/like/reblogg/Comment for more pacs like these !
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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˖⁺‧₊˚Pile 1.
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's begin with your reading:
˖° The situation you are in is very stilled and controlled by you only by this I can surely say that you are controlling the situation where eternal factors are being controlled but if you loose the control the situation will escalate into something else so you are being called up to analyse and shift your focus on the very details and take action slowly not fastly.
˖° I see that you are not the one who is controlling up everything or is the main person in the situation because I'm getting this very strongly you are actually being controlled or dictated by someone superior than you ; situation or person. You are maintaining up or controlling up the very small part of the situation so the situation will be only influenced by the the one holding more power but you can change the course of decision by playing logically or if possible by getting more people in it.
˖° I see that you want to show yourself different from others but you need to play smart in order to win rather than arguing or fighting up or being defensive.
˖° You could be possibly dealing up with issues related to travel , finance , property or settlement and visa related somewhere , colleague issues or something related to boss and education.
Short Guidance To Follow Up :
Be fearless and stand strong ;
Feel love and comforted;
Retreat and recharge ;
˖⁺‧₊˚Pile 2.
Namaste pile 2 ! Let's begin with your reading:
˖° The situation you are in says that you have backed off from it even though you didn't wanted to somewhere because you thought there is no chance to make it right but this is where you are wrong because forgiveness is there not to the person but to the situation and yourself .
˖° The situation involves many people or the third party interfering in and spreading the falsified information for same , Only few or one can be trusted with whom you had a quarrel . If there's no third party situation then stop explaining to others unnecessarily. You are also making or need to or will be made to make one choice out of two which seems to blind you because you feel stuck because of it but truly it's all a mental fog so take time and clear it up with yourself first.
˖° It could be possible that you are dealing something related to relationship or work .
Short Guidance To Follow Up :
Hold the space;
Be graceful in movement and action ;
Ignite your passions ;
˖⁺‧₊˚Pile 3.
Namaste pile 3 ! Let's begin with your reading:
˖° The situation is going to be on your side because you worked hard for it but this doesn't mean you will leave up everything because you believe it's the end . There are people helping you positively to make you win and themselves because of similarity and familiarity.
˖° The situation for few people might be taking more time because they are constantly working towards one same thing and not allowing themselves to rest out of high emotions running in so you are being told to get aside and let thing unfold themselves .
˖° For all the people who choose this pile you are being told to journal and show and practices gratitude to yourself and others too because this will change the energy of the situation.
˖° You could be possibly dealing up with some investment , mass protest & financial related issues .
Short Guidance To Follow Up :
Choose your path;
Be brave and honest;
Enjoy success and happiness;
©️ @theladybrownstarot 2023 all rights reserved. Any stealing or copying of work will be a punishable offence.
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gemmahale · 4 days
Okay, I'm home, I've been on the road for the better part of 4 hours today due to a miscommunication and a cancelled event, and I've had this rant brewing.
Being Anti-Military and Pro-Veteran are stances that can mutually exist.
Games like CoD and whatever other FPS/Military Simulation game is out there is propaganda. It’s meant to make you want to sign up or support military action.
The military (I’m speaking specifically to the US, as I am most familiar with them by proxy) uses some incredibly underhanded techniques to ensure they have the warm bodies soldiers they need to keep the system working as intended.
This includes but is not limited to: promises of paying for education, aspirations of “seeing the world”, provision of job security, access to healthcare, a stable job and housing, etc. They use things like “patriotism” and “glory” and “security” to lure people in.
And then, when that person is wholly and completely reliant on the military - for a paycheck, housing, healthcare, you name it - they spit them back out into the world with a "thanks a lot and good fucking luck."
Into a world where:
Financial support for care has been axed and axed and axed again under "budget cuts"
Care is secured with red tape so thick you can tightrope walk across it
Care is denied for things the military caused (by saying "it didn't happen while you were serving".) *Yes, that's a direct quote from a doctor to one of Kallen's peers. When assessing a life-altering injury sustained while they were in country overseas, it was deemed as "non-service related injury”.
In comparison to civilians:
Veterans are ~40% more likely to be homeless.
Veterans are ~80% more likely to suffer from untreated mental and physical health issues - PTSD, hearing loss, nerve damage, etc.
Veterans are ~60% more likely to turn to addictive substances - alcohol, drugs, etc.
Veterans are ~70% more likely to commit suicide.
This isn’t limited to combat vets. Logistics specialists, administrative specialists, IT specialists all get screwed when they leave.
Ask just about any veteran that has served, they are incredibly likely to be staunchly anti-military.
The military causes a tremendous amount of damage to every person involved, even if they aren't aware of it at the time.
It’s a cult, it’s an abusive relationship, it’s predatory. Treat it as such.
Support veterans, advocate for their care. They made choices you may not agree with, but they made them because of what they thought the military was offering to them. Many thought they were doing the right thing for their country - that was the lie they were fed from 9/11 on (in the US). Then they were chewed up, spit out, and left for dead by the same people that made all those promises to them.
Here are some US-based, apolitical Veteran Support groups (many have International chapters/members):
22 Until None - 501-C3 that provides support to veterans by veterans. There are local chapters on Facebook that are all active and are listed on the website
Disabled American Veteran - Veteran help association; involved in legislation and local assistance, connections to VA advocates to help navigate the VA
Wounded Warrior Project - 501-C3 charity supporting disabled veterans.
Note: I am absolutely not doing the "not all servicemembers" thing here. I'm saying "veterans are living with their choices, and still deserve access to care."
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minus-plus-zer0 · 1 month
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Shopping with Bakugou
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♡ Genre: Fluff ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
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Bakugou hated shopping. You loved it.
That weekend, you headed back to the shopping mall, your one true home. Bakugou tagged along like a lost puppy. That was quite unfortunate for him because whenever you shopped for clothes, Bakugou automatically became your coat rack. You hung clothes and shopping bags on him like ornaments on a Christmas tree. He hated Christmas.
Bakugou had never felt like he was hurting for cash. His entire life, his parents were well-to-do enough that money was never a serious issue. So he couldn't relate to your financial troubles mixed with your egregious spending habits. He understood why you did what you did, because he understood you like the back of his hand, but that didn't mean he approved.
"You bought an outfit yesterday."
"But this one is slightly different! It has a gold accent instead of silver!"
Regardless, you checked your bank account and you noticed you didn't have enough in your budget to spend. The world could be so cruel to you. With many tears, you put the outfit back on the rack.
Seconds later, Bakugou dragged you to the cashier so he could (literally) pay for your silly antics.
"Oh you don't have to spend your hard-earned money on me, Bakugou! It's fine, I have an outfit just like it at home..."
"It's not the fucking same. That other shit had too much gold. This one is silver."
With Bakugou paying, you limited how many stores you went to in an attempt to be considerate to his financial situation. But Bakugou was not nearly as cautious, not when it came to you. But now he was buying stuff he would think looks good on you, and if you allowed, his mind would go places...
It was as if Bakugou was telling you not to waste your money, but to waste his instead. It was a good thing you always kept each other in check, because it was this yin-yang balance you shared that prevented many, many bad purchases.
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svt-rizz · 3 months
Mr. Gentleman (18+)
[This is pure fiction.]
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pairing: Joshua x reader description: office romance, smut..
I had passed the interview a few months ago and started working as an employee at a big company. Finally, I was financially independent, and I'd bought my big girl apartment recently.
Someone at the office had caught me eye the past month, one of my colleagues told me his name was Joshua and he was the "gentleman" of the office. He was extremely attractive, with a smile always on his face, interacting with everyone as he wished each person a "good morning" before he sat down at his desk.
By the afternoon, he had his sleeves rolled up and working non-stop. He looked confident yet he was so polite and kind to everyone unlike me. I was someone with anger issues and if people were rude to me I'd most likely return that attitude.
He even helped other colleagues do their work when they asked him. I wondered if he was ever tired of working and helping others at the same time.
Luckily, I never had to ask him for help. I could finish my work by the end of the day and then go home. I had barely interacted with him even though he was my crush for a while.
Today, my colleague Sophie had invited all the colleagues out for dinner. It was around 7pm, we all were sitting down at a table in an expensive restaurant which Sophie had chosen.
Everyone had a glass of soju in their hands, except me. "Why aren't you drinking Y/n?" Sophie asks.
"Oh it's ok, I get drunk easily." I say.
"Come on, we don't do this often. Have a drink, we can call a taxi later. Don't worry." She says.
She hands me a drink and I think about it for a while before finally taking a sip of soju. Today was Friday and I didn't have to get up early for work tommorow. So I guess it'd be alright to drink.
"Let's play a game." One of the colleagues suggested.
They decide to play spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to give a truth or dare to the other person.
The bottle spins, this time being Sophie's turn, it lands on Hoshi another colleague. Sophie asks truth or dare and Hoshi chooses dare. Sophie says, "I dare you to kiss the person you're most attracted to in this room."
Hoshi gets up from his seat, his cheeks were pink clearly indicating that he was drunk. He starts walking towards our side of the table and sits down right next to me. His face slowly comes closer to mine and he asks, "May I kiss you?"
"What?" I ask. Hoshi wasn't a close friend and I didn't have much interaction with him at the office. I only greeted him everyday as far as I can remember.
His face starts coming closer as a hand stops him from reaching my lips. I look up to see Joshua holding out his hand between our faces.
"I'm sorry, he's drunk. Come on get up Hoshi." Joshua says as he picks up by his arm and walks him back to his seat.
Soon, the game continues for a while after the awkward silence ends. It was like everyone had started acting like they were sober after Joshua had stopped Hoshi from kissing me. Hoshi was sleeping at his table next to Joshua who was looking straight at me.
I tried to ignore his gaze as I engaged myself in conversing with Sophie. We were talking about our love lives which was non-existent for me. But Sophie had an ex-boyfriend who she kept talking about for the next hour.
The dinner was over and so were the games. Everyone was sleepy and ready to go home. Sophie had her phone in her hand as she booked a taxi. We waited outside the restaurant for the taxi to arrive, but when it came they were already people inside the car.
"Oh shit. I booked a shared taxi by mistake." She says.
The driver opens his window, "Miss, you won't get many taxis at this time. It's already late."
"That's ok. You can go Sophie, I'll book one for myself." I say.
"Really? Are you sure, Y/n?" She asks. I nod and ask her to get in the taxi. After we say bye, I sit at the taxi stand searching on my phone. The driver was right, I'd have to wait for a while to find another taxi.
The app was showing finding driver for the past few minutes. How much longer would I have to wait?
"Are you waiting for a taxi?" I hear a familiar voice. Joshua's voice.
I nod, "Yes, but it's gonna take a while before I find one."
"If you want, I can drop you off. I brought my car here." He says.
I take some time to think before I reply. Would I be fine with being in the same car as my crush? But its better than waiting here for an hour.
"That'd helpful, thank you so much." I say.
"Let me bring it out of the parking. I'll be back in a minute." He says.
As he leaves to get his car, I look at his outfit. The black shirt looked especially hot on him. But, thinking about a colleague like this was probably wrong. I only see him at the office and he might have a girlfriend already.
I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Joshua's car horn. He got out of his car and opened the door. Even though he drank a lot he seemed like he knew what he was doing. I got in his car and soon we were on our way.
I wake up to Joshua's voice, "Y/n we're here." I had slept in his car, the result of drinking too much.
"Thank you so much, Joshua." I say as I remove my seat-belt.
I open the door and try to get up, but suddenly I feel dizzy. I place my hand on the door handle trying to see where I'm going but the headache doesn't let me get up.
Joshua comes out of the car and runs to my side. "Are you ok?" He asks.
"It's fine, I just feel a little dizzy." I say.
Suddenly, two arms are lifting me up. I'm being carried. With me in his arms Joshua starts walking to the lobby. He asks me for my unit number and we enter the lift. Waiting for the lift to reach my floor, I close my eyes. I embarrassed myself in front of him.
We reach my apartment and Joshua helps me take the key out of my bag. He gently places me on the sofa and sits down next to me. His hand reaches out to touch my forehead.
"You've a slight fever." He says. He looks around the open kitchen to find a towel and places it under the sink.
He puts the wet towel on my forehead. I slowly open my eyes trying to adjust to the light. My head is still spinning, but looking at Joshua's face makes me calm down. My hands go up to his face and I touch his cheek. His hand comes to rest on my hand, "How're you feeling?" He asks.
"You're so kind, always helping everyone." I say. He smiles.
But, his smile soon fades away as my face comes closer to his. My lips are about to reach his, "Y/n, what're you doing?" He asks.
"I like you. Like a lot. I've liked you since I joined the company. Seeing you everyday makes me happy." I say. Even I don't know where that confession suddenly came from, I guess it's the alcohol allowing me to speak so openly.
There is silence between us. His brain trying to process what I just said. I wait for him to maybe leave or disapprove.
Instead, I feel his lips against mine as he places his hand on my cheek. The kiss doesn't last long and I open my eyes to see him so close. I could see his pretty face so close.
"I like you too, Y/n. You may not have realised, but you're the only one who's attention I want. Even at work, I catch myself always looking at you." He says.
We stare at each other for a while. He liked me? What was there to like about me?
His lips are suddenly on mine again, this time more needy. He deepens the kiss as he comes up on the sofa, on top of me. His hand comes and holds my wrists together on top of my head as our tongues are battling for dominance.
“Can I take you to the bedroom?” He asks. I nod and I’m being carried again in his arms as puts me on the bed and crawls on top of me.
Our lips chase each other as I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him even closer. His hand rests on my neck and he starts placing wet kisses on my jaw down to my collarbones.
He helps me unzip the dress I was wearing for the office dinner. He puts it on the mini sofa next to my bed, knowing it must be expensive.
He lets me take off his shirt and I can't help but stare at his muscles and defined abs. I want to kiss them.
I push him down on the bed, him being under me was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. His messy hair, swollen lips and his powerful gaze. He had me under a spell.
I start placing kisses from his neck down to his abs. My lips slowly trail down his chest to his crotch where I come face to face with the evident boner.
He nods, "Help me unzip it, baby." He sounds needy. When I unzip them his hands reach down to grip the sheets.
I take his pants off along with his underwear. It was too big, would it fit inside me?
"Fuck." He curses as I take him in my mouth. This is first time I heard him swear and gosh he sounds so hot.
I lick the tip and move my hand along the base, was I doing it right? I take him deep in my mouth as he moans at the pleasure. “Is this your first time doing this baby?” He asks.
I nod my head as I’m unable to say anything. His head his thrown back and I could see his Adam’s apple moving looking up. His hand comes down to hold my jaw and he makes eye contact with me as my mouth is stuffed with his cock.
Suddenly, I'm being pushed down on the bed. "Can I touch you?" He asks, his eyes full of desire.
His hands reaches the waistband of my panties and pulls them off. As I nod, his fingers find my clit and he draws slow circles. His fingers speed up and my eyes close on their own.
His fingers slowly enter me and all of a sudden I feel his wet tongue on my clit. He draws circles from his tongue, sending pleasure through my whole body. He switches to flicking his tongue and then drawing circles again and again until I see stars.
I pull him towards me for a kiss as he comes up from between my legs. His hands on my thigh as kisses me back, I could taste me on his mouth.
He looks at his cock rubbing against my clit and he slowly enters me making us both moan. I hold onto the bed frame as he goes deeper inside me. His hips snap forward and he speeds up as we both go into a different world.
His lips chant my name and soon we both are undone and lying on the bed, cuddling.
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mrsmothermaximoff · 4 months
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Missed me?
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Pairing: Stepmommy Wanda x f!reader
Tags: Stepmom x stepdaughter, fluff, daddy issues, kissing, smutty smut, more smut, fingering, legal age gap, virginity loss
Summary: Y/N's back from college and finds out her stepmother may have missed her just as much as she did
"My virginity"... She didn't know if it was the way you whispered it so innocently in her ear as if you didn't just suggest having sex with your stepmom, or the fact that even after three years away at college you never undressed for someone. She couldn't blame you, she did the same. As much as college is seen as the time to fuck around she spent all her time at lectures and in her books, wanting to focus only on her studies and plan her future career in law. She's had a few relationships sure, but they never went further than a few kisses.
Of course she would be far too ashamed to plainly admit to you that she was just as innocent to this as you were, a grown woman who's never slept with someone. So she pondered around a few cocky remarks, before confidently saying, "You only get what you give darling, if mommy takes your virginity, I'll let you take mine as a reward."
You practically came right then and there. Never before has one single sentence managed to leave you with panties so soaked you could hear the squishes with every move you made. "You're-, you're a virgin Wands?" The nickname made Wanda snap into a mode she's only ever entered in her late-night fantasies about you while you sleep soundly, unaware she's in her room touching herself to the image of you on your pretty knees for her.
This sudden change in her mindset took over every thought in her head. She grabbed your chin with a soft force, gentle as a cloud. You lost your air when she brushed her thumb across your lips. "You talk too much sweet girl, I can think of much better things that pretty mouth can do." She kissed you roughly, pinning you to the bed and moving her lips all over your neck, marking and biting the sensitive spots on your skin. She stripped your clothing off effortlessly, wasting no time. "Fuck, Wanda." You felt a harsh spank on your sensitive ass, "It's not respectful to call me by my name, is it baby? I am your mother after all" She smirked and you replied shyly, "N-No mommy, I'm sorry."
She kissed your nose softly, making you blush, "It's alright darling, mommy doesn't mind teaching you how to be a good girl." You held back a moan from her dirty words. You stared directly at her hands, watching every sexy little move she made. "You like my fingers baby?" she giggled and twitched them in front of you, slowly and sensually, giving you a perfect view of what she was about to give you. Your throat clenched hard. "Don't worry love, mommy will fuck them inside you soon enough, for now just wrap that pretty tongue around them to get them nice and wet for me."
You obeyed instantly, sucking and licking her fingers with a desperation you've never experienced. You moaned at the feeling of her slick, cold fingers, sliding so deliciously down your warm throat. You moaned out the dirtiest sounds, "Quiet dear, you don't want your father hearing how good I fuck his only daughter do you? Or are you really that slutty baby? Do you want him to hear the pleasure I give you?" You tried desperately to hide your moans, but the throbbing between your legs couldn't be ignored. You whined loudly, "If you can't be quiet mommy can't fuck you." you nodded apologetically.
She pulled her fingers out of your mouth and laid you down, lining her index finger with your tight little entrance. "It might hurt a little bit my love, but I promise it's worth it, mommy's gonna leave you feeling so fucking good." Suddenly the realization hit you, you're about to fuck your stepmother in your childhood bed while your father is sleeping in the next room. Sure, they never had a relationship outside of their financial agreement, they were no more than business partners to each other, but the fact that they're still considered spouses almost made you sick to your stomach.
Wanda could tell you were thinking hard about something, and she paused to wait for instructions from you. "Sweetheart," she cupped your face, "do you want mommy to stop?" You thought about it, "No, I want you to fuck me." Her eyebrow raised slightly, admiring your adorable assertiveness. "What a good little slut." She kissed your mouth and eyes softly. "Are you ready baby?" You nodded, "I need to hear it from you, I need to hear you say that you want this, that you want me." You touched her eyes, then her nose, then her lips, and her jaw, before wrapping your hands around her face. "I want you mommy."
She smiled and kissed you lovingly, before inserting her long slender finger into your pretty little virgin hole. You moaned so loudly you were sure your father heard. She was quick to cover your mouth, "If your father wasn't dead-asleep, drunk, he definitely would have heard that, you need to be more quiet, honey." You nodded and closed your eyes, falling into a deep obsession over the way her finger feels inside your pussy.
Once you had enough time to adjust, she began to slowly pump in and out of you. Your moans smooth like silk to her ears. She moaned with you, making noises of pleasure as if she could feel your insides. "You're such a good girl baby. You have no idea how long mommy's been waiting to fuck you. I spent so many long nights inside myself hoping for some relief, but I could never get the high I was after, because I didn't have you to share it with." Her words were driving you closer and closer to your inevitable edge.
She moaned deeply in your ear, "Ohhh Is baby so close? Yeah? You like that baby? Does that feel so good?" She added another long finger deep inside of you. Your vision went completely white, only seeing bubbles of shapes and round edges. You could feel tears building in your eyes. She kissed you all over, every single inch she could reach. "You've been so good for me baby, are you ready to cum? Are you gonna cum for mommy? Like a good little slut?" You practically screamed "fuck, yes mommy!" she thrusted inside you so immeasurably rough you saw every star in the sky. She leaned in, lips touching your ear, "Cum for me my beautiful little girl, make mommy so proud."
With one more thrust, you came undone, screaming silently and losing all ability to think. She whispered dirty praises in your ear, and shockwaves were sent ripping through your body. She kissed you gently all over your face, as you slowly came down from your high. She laid next to you, and cuddled your naked body close. "I love you so much mommy." She held back tears, and kissed your head softly. Her pretty little girl finally belonged to her, body mind and soul. "I love you so much my Y/N." There it was again, that sweet nickname that so kindly gifted you these feelings for Wanda all that time ago. "Mommy?" You looked up at her. "Yes my darling?" You smiled smugly once again. She swallowed hard. "Your turn."
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jq37 · 4 months
Just to throw my two cents on the Rat Grinder discourse: They weren't worth the Intrepid Heroes' time. We didn't get the full picture of what's going on with the Grinders until the last quarter of the season. Before that they were just this other clique that hate the main characters, so in-character why would the Bad Kids bother giving them so much attention when they've got so much of their own crap going on. Kristens quest to get Cassandra back and her presidential campaign, Gorgugs courseload, Riz's million and one plates that he's been spinning all season, Adaines financial problems, Figs curse and her doubts about what she wants to do with her life. Fabian's the only one who might have had the time, but he had to be Maximum Legend. There genuinely was no time or even an incentive on the IH's side to develop the Rat Grinders characters.
I still think it's fucked up that these teenagers got taken advantage of by adults they trusted, but we didn't learn any of that until we only had two roleplay episodes left. Too little too late to even try anything diplomatic even if they didn't spend all their time after the Last Stand in hiding.
And a thing about Ivy that no one is roasting her about and really should: An elven archer? Really? Wow, never seen that before.
Yeah totally. Like, from a meta level, I see where the players themselves could have been more curious about the Rat Grinders. There are obvious plot threads that could have been teased out there (though, in fairness to the cast, the adult manipulation aspect didn't become clear until way later in the season--the rivalry and foil aspects were more obvious). This final confrontation could look really different if they'd played that all the way out all season.
But in character? The Bad Kids really didn't have a good reason to waste time on the Rat Grinders. They came into this school year already burnt out from their Night Yorb quest and wanting a break. But they don't get that because they immediately are beset by problems they have to deal with--Kristen's god is on death's door from neglect and she's on the brink of expulsion, Riz is running himself ragged trying to boost his resume for college, Fig is having a whole ass existential crisis, Adaine is struggling with money issues she doesn't want to talk about, Gorgug is taking FOUR YEARS of school at the same time, and Fabian is multiclassing and dealing with his empty house/not having parental support (or Cathilda's support) for the first time. They are dealing with SO MUCH high stakes, personal stuff before the plot even kicks in. And, mechanics-wise, this is represented with the downtime system that means that any time they spend on the RG's is time they can't spend on something that matters more to them. IMO, not prioritizing your haters is actually pretty mature. Like, they weren't proactively using their free time to bully them or anything (except for arguably Fig). They were snippy with them when they crossed their paths and that was it. As opposed to the Rat Grinders who literally had to be told by Jace to stop antagonizing the Bad Kids (though they must have been pretty ineffectual at it because the Bad Kids hardly noticed, which I bet stung considering they were so obsessed).
And also, it's not like they didn't try at all with the Rat Grinders. Early Insight checks on Kipperlilly just got, "This is a polished steel orb of a personality" which doesn't sound very worth interacting with in a sympathetic way if at all and then the next big thing they learn is that she had hated Riz since Freshman Year and that she wants Riz and Kristen dead. And that's AFTER we saw her smile and kill her party cleric. In their position I'm not spending further time trying to empathize with this person, I have made my judgement and it's up to the Jawbones of the world to find if there's something in there to be rehabilitated.
And that's not the only case. Adaine straight up saved Ruben from disintegration during the Frosty Folk battle when she easily could have saved the spell slot, but that didn't soften him towards the Bad Kids any. Adaine also was really keen to Scry on the Rat Grinders to find out what was happening at their meetings. But, in scene at least, she was never able to do that so we never got a scene of them, huddled together, clearly unsure about the path they're on but not feeling like they can walk it back or say no to the authority figures in their lives. She didn't get anything humanizing that would cause her to rethink their position on them the way that she did with Aelwyn for instance. So why would they think they're anything but gleeful co-conspirators?
Hell, the one RG Adaine was even slightly curious about was Oisin and now we know that he was feigning interest in her which, man, can you imagine how much worse that would have felt if she'd actually taken the bait and pursued him beyond just thinking he was cute? Of course, it's possible that her interacting with him more along with some good charm rolls could have changed the narrative in some way but we can only go off of what we know to be true in canon and those facts are (1) He tried to get closer to Adaine while actively planning the downfall of her and her friends, (2) he (along with Ivy) was mean to Buddy behind his back while tricking him into a plan that would force him to go against his religious beliefs, and (3) he called his KVX related dragon ancestors to try to kill the Bad Kids and endanger the entire student body population. Three strikes, you're out. If I'm a Bad Kid I'm not super interested in whatever else is going on with him. And again, literally all of Adaine's friends (except Riz) gave her help to do an Insight check on him during their confrontation in the hallway so she was looking for something there worth engaging with, but she didn't get much.
Fig was fully doing CIA, MKUltra, Fantasy Geneva Convention violations on Ruben to try see if she could get information or flip him. I think she did it in an objectively insane way so I'm not entirely shocked that it didn't yield the exact results she was looking for. But she never found the smoking gun (or whatever the opposite of that is) in his head that would absolve him/show the Rat Grinders were being controlled and her messing with his dreams never flared his conscience enough to make him try to break free (as far as we know) which is what I assume she was going for. If I was Ruben looking for a way out but scared of the repercussions, I might go to Adaine who saved me from certain death earlier the same year and has helped saved the world 3 times with her party and their friends in high (and low) places. Maybe that's what Fig thought might happen but it didn't so from Fig's POV? Gave him a chance. Time to start blasting. And again, at that age, if I walked in to the first day of class and the first thing this random boy does is sneer at me and flaunt his musical success, I'm popping up on his Nemesis Alert at that moment. Doubly so after he tries to trick me and my friends into doing drugs so we get expelled. I'm surprised she tried at all with him.
Fabian absolutely tried to interact with Ivy--in large part for self interested reasons of course, but that doesn't change that he did it. And she came across as callous and unkind from the jump. Their final conversation before the latest episode is the one where she talks about wearing Mazey like a sweater and then says that Fabian missed his chance with her before stalking off. That's a pretty open and shut interaction. No way 17 year old me is like, "Hmm, but why is she acting so mean? Perhaps I should examine that more closely to further understand her." Nah, I've decided she sucks.
And Kristen has tried with Buddy literally up until the last moment. She rolled an Insight check on him right before the fight started and she got a 1. She got nothing from him.
Mary Ann is actually the only Rat Grinder who hasn't done anything to make a bad impression on the Bad Kids--the only thing she did was have a really good Bloodrush tryout. So no reason to hate her specifically (and, in fact, she is also the only Rat Grinder that at least half of them are positively obsessed with), but no reason to explore her further. And Kristen still tried giving her a stuffed animal and her response was that she already had that one and that she was going to give it away. What are they supposed to do with that?
Even when they tried, they didn't get information that was worth chasing when they were so busy and had to manage their free time. Gorgug didn't even slot in downtime to talk to his bio parents when they visited. Why would he spend any time on Mary Ann to figure out her deal? Maybe if they were given more explicit opportunities to interact with them in passing. If Mary Ann was shown at Bloodrush Games. If during class time Oisin tried to interact with Adaine. If Kristen ran into Buddy and Bucky talking. If any of their forays into talking to them or looking into them yielded anything actionable or that piqued their interest--they opened the door for Brennan to give them something more than once. But they never got anything that was worth investing more of their limited time into.
(And also, they didn't learn that Porter was involved until WAY into the last quarter of the episodes. Which absolutely could have changed things since, as far as they knew the RG's were working alone to raise this god which isn't crazy for them to think because Kristen literally did that last year and it was of her own free will. If they knew early that the RG's were smaller players in Porter's plot then maybe they would have been in more of a rescue mindset--especially since Fig has always mistrusted him--but that's not information they had and by the time they got it, the RG's were in deep hiding, like you said.)
And so, coming into the last few episodes, that's who the Rat Grinders are to the Bad Kids. A group of kids who they first heard about in the context of, "they famously hate you," even though they'd never interacted before. A group of kids who they already thought sucked even before they tried to kill the entire study body an hour ago. A group of kids who are trying to doom all of Elmville to eternal rage and who are willing and ready to kill them to do it.
With that context, yeah I think their actions are pretty understandable.
(Also, lmao. Yeah, I think calling Ivy basic would probably hurt her more than most things you could say to her.)
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erinfern0 · 5 months
roommates to lovers.
kyle "gaz" garrick x gn!reader
summary: getting a roommate seems like the best idea to help you with financial problems, especially with expensive rent, bills, and all. Kyle seems like the perfect fit, maybe not just as your roomie.
warnings: just sweet fluff, maybe a tiny bit emotional.
a/n: this is the first addition to my series of trope-based COD fics, let me know if you'd like to know the full list of my ideas before I post the fics as a masterlist!! Don't mind possible mistakes, I'll fix them tomorrow. I'm just a little tipsy now, but I really wanted to post this already!!
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Barely getting ends to meet, you search the internet for possibilities of making your situation better. That's how you get the idea — finding yourself a roommate might at least help your financial issues a bit. You find some groups and chats for people looking for places to stay, and you stumble upon Kyle. A guy who knows it's better to share an apartment since most of the time he's away on deployment, so it's way cheaper than buying one for himself. Looking through his application, you found him interesting, to say the least.
Young sergeant, a gym rat who likes to cook and doesn't mind taking over all the chores whenever he's back. He doesn't listen to music loudly, likes his place clean and tidy, and seems charismatic. A perfect fit for you — who would get too stressed out if you had to see him every day. But he's home for a couple of days and leaves for deployment, so you don't need to worry that much.
Soon, he moved in with you, and you immediately felt a slight spark between you. You spend so much time together, that you seem to forget how life went without him beside you. Every time you accidentally brush against him in the hallway or in the kitchen, you feel that warm electricity. You start liking him and feel upset since in a few days he'll be gone again.
For the past months, your friends have been teasing you about your 'strange' relationship. How protective and caring he was of you, how you always had to touch each other in some sort of way. They've been mentioning how oblivious you two were and how you're practically a couple already, but you'd just ignore them.
It was only now that you felt they might have been right all along. Just a roommate, a friend at best wouldn't miss him as much as you did and you missed him way more than you thought this time. Getting a message from him didn't help you at all. A simple text, just after midnight, almost made you cry.
Gyle Karrick: It will take longer than expected. Three months, they say. Can't wait to see you again, xoxo
And fuck, you couldn't wait to see him, too.
Weeks passed on numerous phone calls whenever you could get a hold of him through his busy schedule. Lonely meals, mundane chores, and even your passions started to bore you to your limits. One of the few things you were looking forward to was his message. But day after day, you'd experience the same disappointment and worry.
That was until one day you were looking through selfies you took together or pictures of him while he was asleep on the couch while watching a movie. Adorable. Oh, you missed him. Later on that day, you sat in the living room, reading through your notes and textbooks to occupy your mind, as you heard someone try to open the door with their key.
It was late, you thought. That it's just your mind playing tricks on you, but no. Seconds later, he's inside the apartment, trying to be as quiet as possible as he thinks you should be sleeping. He sees the lights are on and freezes, unsure how to act. But as soon as you stand up from the couch, he drops the duffle bag he was holding, catching you as you run into his arms.
Unspoken greetings and a warm and tight hug almost made you two fall to the floor. But none of you seem to care, too occupied with hands wrapping around each other's bodies. Kyle looks into your eyes as you lean back, his gaze is so soft, so sweet, you seem to melt with the brown of them.
You're not sure when, but you lean forward, lips catching his. It's quick, he barely registers it. You want to apologize, feeling the warmth of your cheeks, the dizziness in your head. But he comes right back, kissing you again. This time, it's slow and sweet, just as you imagined him to be all those nights when he was away. You reach to his neck, wrapping your arms around it as he cups your face, pulling you closer.
“You're home,” you whisper breathlessly as soon as you pull away, your eyes meeting his lazily. The happiness of your voice makes him chuckle and point out how it was just a couple of months.
He, the sergeant with god-like attractiveness, bright mind, and silly humor, felt the same way you did. Kyle reminded himself of all the lonely nights he spent on deployment, imagining coming back to your shared apartment to see your gorgeous face again, to hear that sweet laugh, and to just enjoy the warmth of your body against his.
None of you expected the kiss or the butterflies flying around in your stomachs that came afterward, but it was more than perfect. His hand gently caressed the single tear that was running down your face and kissed the spot right after.
“You're my home.”
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