#or collaborating creatively with other people
adambomb82 · 7 months
hahahahahahahha uhhhhhhhhh
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riickgrimes · 1 year
i can’t tell you how bitter i am that we didn’t get sydney and carmy’s taste testing food adventure i would have loved to see carmy and syd bouncing ideas off of each other, sharing their thoughts on the food they were trying, learning from each other, getting a deeper understanding of how the other views and understands the passion that they share
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
just like. bit late to the TMA2 party here but casual reminder that if you stay on that thing where you keep looking for throughlines and Clever Thematic Links between Mechanisms albums and Magnus Archiveses I will come to your house and beat you around the head with a 2x4 painted with the words THERE WERE NINE PEOPLE WHO WROTE THOSE ALBUMS
#red said#the mechanisms#reminded of this bc hereward just came up on shuffle and i remembered the multiple people being like#WHAT IS JONNY TRYING TO SAY BY SAYING#'HE LOVED HIS FRIEND MARTIN ' HMMMMM#and the answer is nothing#first of all bc i don't think Jonny was actually involved in Hereward although i may be mistaken#but mostly bc the person who decided that Hereward's servant who he loved was called Martin was a fucking. 12th century monk. you fools.#IT'S IN THE GESTA HEREWARDI IT PREDATES TMA BY ALMOST A MILLENNIUM#actually Martin might be a Kingsley invention I've never read the gesta herewardi I'm not a nerd#but that's still almost 200 years pre tma so the point stands#ANYWAY#that's not really the point the point is that people keep acting like there's some meaning to the parallels between Bifrost and TMA speci#specifically. and that may be true but that's not some master plan by Jonny because JONNY DID NOT WRITE THE BIFROST INCIDENT#Jonny wrote HIS PARTS in the Bifrost Incident but the rest of the band wrote THEIR parts and the story was mostly not Jonny's#so no he wasn't laying some masterful seeds and no they don't take place in the same universe#and no he's not the Genius Responsible For The Mechanisms it was a COLLABORATIVE PROJECT#with at least 4 or 5 ppl cocreating the bulk of each story and all members of the band putting a lot of themselves and their ideas in#and it is real fuckin grating having it framed as Jonny's Great Work when every person in that band had a similar level of creative input#Jonny's great. so are the other 8 people who made the albums
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sendmyresignation · 11 months
ok one thing that's been pissing me off lately is the way. in both positive and negative opinions holder's estimations. hole is completely reduced to courtney love's band. in ways that completely ofuscate the conributions of the other members. this is very typical in music generally in a way i already find frustrating but it's especially egregious in the case of all-female or mostly female bands where each member had entire histories completely just removed from the discussion outside of the frontwoman. how many female drummers do you know list them top 5 lets go. ok now how about female drummers NOT in all female bands do you take the time to discover these women to listen to them to track the different bands and projects they're in do you CARE outside the list-ification of "diverse bands" about these artists as creative contributors who have tangible effects on music at large. <- guy listening to a lot of shift rn voice
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good-beans · 1 year
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sharkface · 2 years
Do you have art block or do you just draw 24/7 without taking breaks and assume that a momentary lull in your creative energy is you being cut off from the well rather than needing to refill the well
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xx-dark-dart-xx · 8 months
Any other actors out there out of fucking room in their head for things they're trying to memorize in a day?
I have a 2 page monologue assignment for class I'm doing a paragraph each night, but I memorized an entire scene today for Little Mermaid cause I didn't get it until last night. I just. Can't cram any more in here. I'm not head empty. Head quite full, actually
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“He could take that thing he was singing, and just sledgehammer it through somebody’s heart,” Shinoda said with reverence. “I’ve grown to appreciate what we had even more, because it’s hard to get that. I work with people where I go, ‘Oh, can you sing it this way?’ And they just can’t.”
Brad Delson, the band’s guitarist, called “Lost” a “surprise gift” from Bennington. “The performance is so beautiful, delicate and clear,” he said. “I’ve heard a lot of great Chester vocals, and this is among the best.”
But the process of assembling the reissue has provided another means of considering how Bennington may have wanted the band to proceed without him. In particular, Shinoda said he “felt confident” that the singer would have endorsed these expanded editions. “Historically, he was always way more bullish about putting out stuff,” he said. “A typical Chester reaction would have been, ‘Why not just make the album 15 songs?’ When I thought about that, it was very reassuring.”
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pauls1967moustache · 2 years
Not sure if you’re familiar with it but what do you think John’s love language was? And Paul’s?
Oooh good question.
I think Paul’s is acts of service. He likes to be needed, and he likes to be helpful, and he clearly struggles to express himself with any sort of words so showing his love through actions really seems to work for him. I think he’s slightly more uncomfortable when receiving acts of service because he doesn’t like to seem like he doesn’t have everything handled, but then because of that, I think he really appreciates it when people are there for him in that way. He also seems to really like receiving love as as quality time which is good for him because it leads me to…
I think John’s— for how he expresses his love at least—is quality time. He gives people attention, he takes them on trips to Paris, he brings them into all his studio sessions even if they’re not strictly wanted by the rest of the band. He likes to keep his people around.
For how he likes to receive love, I think John prefers words of affirmation just bc he’s..yknow…deeply insecure about everything. A lot of the problems between John and Paul seemed to stem from the fact that Paul never verbally gave John the kind of reassurances he wanted, within their partnership. Paul assumed all those things (like the fact that he loves John, and that he’ll always primarily want to write with John, etc.) we’re a given, whereas John’s paranoia sort of meant he needed to hear Paul actually tell him that, I think. Which Paul never seemed to do to John’s satisfaction.
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
hnnn.... my roommate is participating in a fandom bang and it sounds really fun..... ive always shied away from them bc when i'm not crazy about an idea it takes me forever to write it but i think being paired w someone else who was excited about it and making stuff would help........... i wanna do a bang
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fucking grammarly’s using their ai model to make a text generator like you absolute fuckheads. fiction writers have been your bread and butter for YEARS and now that there’s a writers’ strike you’re gonna use our work to fuck them over like. new levels of cyberpunk dystopia on that one
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casual-eumetazoa · 1 year
I’m re-reading the 25k-ish words that I’ve written for FrankensteinWIP so far and man, it’s been so long since I actually enjoyed reading back my own text. It’s not the kind of literary prose I wish I could do, but it’s so distinctnly mine, and this book in general is such a self-indulgent project, it makes me happy just to work on it. 
On the other hand, I’m realizing more and more that I can’t juggle PhD school, youtube, and writing all at the same time. And logically I should prioritize youtube over writing because it has at least some sort of potential to become my full time job, but it hurts so much to post these videos that I spend months on and get like, a couple hundred views and 10 comments. So I would much rather focus on novels, but it makes me feel guilty. I feel like I haven’t had any sort of success with youtube yet because I don’t try hard enough, don’t post often enough, etc etc.
Doing the PhD is great because my workload is not insane, I get paid pretty well, and I love the people at my institute. I do have to manage my energy levels incredibly well and I end up burn out every few months anyway, but I make it work. Still, eventually I will graduate and will need to get a real job... and I don’t know if I can do it. Like, I don’t know if I will be able to hold a full-time post-doc position, especially a tenure track one. Especially if my chronic illnesses will keep detereorating. 
I’m hoping that after I graduate I will be able to scrape enough science writing and tutoring hours together to work part-time from home, and have time for youtube and writing. Doesn’t look very achievable now cause any freelance like this requires self-promo, and it seems like I really suck at it. But a boy can dream I guess.
#personal#random#not my best few weeks tbh#some good things are happening like#i had a whole bunch of scares about my legal stay here but it was granted a couple days ago#so a year from now i'll be able to apply for citizenship and then actually change my legal name as well#but yeah. constantly feeling like i have no energy to do the things i love#and screaming into the void with creative stuff#are both not very fun#im in a discord server with a whole bunch of video essayists#and literally everyone has more subs than me. out of like. 20-30 people#we were all shouted out in the same way by bigger youtubers - once - and it did kinda help#like going from 100 subs to 400 is definitely something#and that video got around 2k views now#but that's basically it#everyone else manages to network and put out more stuff and collaborate and shout each other out#i get some likes maybe. occcasionally a comment#no one has ever shared me on their community page. not even when they collab with me#and i feel like my videos dont do well in the algorithm cause people just dont click on videos that have less than 1k views#so im just kinda stuck. i can't like#outright beg to be shared or reblogged#i do what i can and it doesn't work#so i really just want to give up#cause after 2 years of pouring my heart an soul into every video they are still going nowhere#but im constantly tortured by the what if#cause every next video might be The One#it feels like querying all over again#anyway idk why im typing all this#not a good few weeks. especially the last few days...
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sainamoonshine · 1 year
A note to all creatives:
Right now, you have to be a team player. You cannot complain about AI being used to fuck over your industry and then turn around and use it on somebody else’s industry.
No AI book covers. No making funny little videos using deepfakes to make an actor say stuff they never did. No AI translation of your book. No AI audiobooks. No AI generated moodboards or fancasts or any of that shit. No feeding someone else’s unfinished work into Chat GPT “because you just want to know how it ends*” (what the fuck is wrong with you?). No playing around with AI generated 3D assets you can’t ascertain the origin of. None of it. And stop using AI filters on your selfies or ESPECIALLY using AI on somebody else’s photo or artwork.
We are at a crossroad and at a time of historically shitty conditions for working artists across ALL creative fields, and we gotta stick together. And you know what? Not only is standing up for other artists against exploitation and theft the morally correct thing to do, it’s also the professionally smartest thing to do, too. Because the corporations will fuck you over too, and then they do it’s your peers that will hold you up. And we have a long memory.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking “your peers” are only the people in your own industry. Writers can’t succeed without artists, editors, translators, etc making their books a reality. Illustrators depend on writers and editors for work. Video creators co-exist with voice actors and animators and people who do 3D rendering etc. If you piss off everyone else but the ones who do the exact same job you do, congratulations! You’ve just sunk your career.
Always remember: the artists who succeed in this career path, the ones who get hired or are sought after for commissions or collaboration, they aren’t the super talented “fuck you I got mine” types. They’re the one who show up to do the work and are easy to get along with.
And they especially are not scabs.
*that’s not even how it ends that’s a statistically likely and creatively boring way for it to end. Why would you even want to read that.
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anachronic-cobra · 2 years
The Goncharov meme has exposed several really interesting things:
1) It highlights tumblr as actual social media based in community effort rather than status
2) It shows what tumblr as a whole values in media (in particular, queer representation, strong relationships between characters, emotional catharsis, and dichotomy of themes such as spending one's life building a legacy versus just living life)
3) Tumblr humor is based primarily in improv "yes and-ing" and commitment to the bit, and people will put 200% effort into pushing the bit even further if the bit keeps being fun
4) More than anything, people want to entertain each other, and being in a community that values entertaining others leads to incredible collaborative works of creativity that don't even feel like work to make
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sweetlady555 · 2 months
what you wish for based off what house mercury is in your chart *ೃ༄🧞‍♀️🌠
these all could also apply to where you have sun and moon aswell because mercury rules your immediate desires, sun rules your deepest desires and moon rules your subconscious desires.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 1h : wishing to be the coolest, wishing to be the smartest, wishing you had the coolest clothes, wishing to be a certain way or percieved a certain way, wishing to be the best, wishing you could be enough, wishing for recognition, wishing you can understand your own identity, wishing others understood you.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 2h : wishing to be rich, wishing to be recognized, wishing to be enough, wishing to get the trendiest most sought for item out, wishing for praise, wishing to be the most beautiful person, wishing to be more authentic, wishing for more wishes so you can have anything you want.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 3h : wishing to have more friends, wishing others could communicate as good as you, wishing to explore your environment more, wishing to learn everything about something, wishing others understood your ideas and perspectives, wishing you could know how others percieve you, wishing others knew how to drive better or even yourself.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 4h : wishing for your family to be happy, wishing for your own space, wishing for a new pet for you to have at home, wishing to be always safe, nurtured and loved by others or by your family, wishing for a bigger/nicer/cleaner house, wishing you could have a secret hideout at home, wishing to be a parent, wishing to know more about your roots, wishing your mother or your family was more harmonious, wishing you could accept others opinions more, wishing people respected your opinions, wishing you could stick to a routine.
*ೃ༄ mercury 5h : wishing to be famous, wishing having more fun, wishing to be the star for any theatrical events or for anything in general, wishing to party more, wishing to be a known model/actor/musician/artist (anything creative), wishing to be admired for your talents and looks, wishing to have kids or wishing not to have any at all.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 6h : wishing to be the BEST employee, wishing you never got sick, wishing for a pet, wishing you finish your work on time everytime, wishing to help all animals, wishing you could help everyone in need of help, wishing your body can look a certain way, wishing you exercised more if you dont already, wishing to improve your routine, wishing you could stop overthinking and trying to be perfect all the time.
*ೃ༄ mercury 7h : wishing for a bestfriend forever, wishing to have a lot of friends, wishing for a relationship, wishing that you could get along with everyone easily, wishing for a relationship that is also intellectually stimulating and communicative, wishing to get public recognition that comes through partnerships, collaborations or relationships, wishing you didnt have no enemies, wishing for connections to be fair and harmonious, wishing to have a happy fulfilling committed marriage, wishing you can make decisions more easily.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 8h : wishing to understand magic, wishing for intellectual intimacy, wishing you could solve every mystery, wishing you could tell someone your secrets, wishing to be able to talk to ghosts or even being friends with them, wishing for someone to want to understand you to your CORE, wishing people could understand your POV, wishing someone can match your freak (being able to talk about taboo subjects without anyone judging you🌚)
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*ೃ༄ mercury 9h : wishing to travel the world, wishing to be apart of a different culture or to learn a different culture, wishing to go to the best school, wishing you could speak every language, wishing you were another ethnicity, wishing to know everything about spirituality and higher truths, wishing to seek new experiences, wish to find someone who shares or respects your philosophical outlook.
*ೃ༄ mercury 10h : wishing you could be famous, wishing to have the coolest or the best job, wishing to be a CEO, wishing to create something new, wishing to be the best at what you do, wishing EVERYONE knew how smart, cool beautiful and talented you are, wishing to be a leader, wishing to be influential.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 11h : wishing to have a lot of friends, wishing you could help the planet and the people, wishing to be apart of a community or a friend group, wishing to be influential, wishing to be apart of the latest trend, wishing all your dreams could come true, wishing for the newest device out, wishing for popularity, wish you could stop procrastinating.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 12h : wishing to see magical things, wishing your toys could talk to you secretly as a kid, wish to find hidden things, wishing to help people who are sad, wishing to understand your dreams, wishing people can understand your intelligence, wishing to see things others cant, wishing to be alone, wishing for peace. (if mercury 12h individuals were a meme itd be this one😹⤵️)
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hoshifighting · 3 months
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Producer!Woozi x Celebrity!Reader
— Synopsis: You and Woozi have admired each other's work for a long time. Now, he has the opportunity to produce an album with you. Working on an album for a worldwide artist like you brings him immense joy... and turn-ons. — WC: 4.8k — WARNINGS: Smut, studio sex (Universe Factory), oral (f.receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, fingering, clit stimulation, g'spot stimulation, aftercare, reader fangirling over Woozi shirtless in Ruby's M/V mentioned.
Your name is splashed across big screens from Times Square to the Grammy Awards. Music didn't just enter your life; it crashed in, loud and powerful, sweeping you off your feet. It became your everything. 
You went from singing in front of millions of people to strumming your guitar alone in a poorly illuminated room, lost in your own world. Music was your passion, your escape, and your purpose all rolled into one.
With that passion came endless opportunities. You were constantly on the move, traveling from one country to another, meeting people you once only dreamed of being in the same room with. You found yourself breathing the same air as your idols, sharing stages with legends. 
Friendships blossomed, some fast and fleeting, others deep and lasting. The world knew your name. Your songs played in every state, on every continent, bridging gaps between different cultures and bringing people together.
Those cultures left a mark on you too. 
You soaked in the richness of each place, each new experience shaping your music and your perspective. You remembered your early days, the hunger for inspiration, the late-night searches for new artists. 
One night, you stumbled upon a webcam live stream with a bunch of boys in a neon green melona room. You laughed and loved watching them, their energy infectious even through a screen. You became a fan, following their journey as you built your own.
But here's the thing about being a superstar: time is never on your side. Your schedule was always packed, and despite being in contact with some of the Seventeen members through DMs and mentioning your admiration for them in interviews, meeting them in person was a challenge. You were in Seoul for a tour once, and they appeared on your show, but there was never enough time to truly connect.
Now, after years of hectic schedules and fleeting encounters, you finally had a moment to breathe. You were working on a new album, and for the first time in a long time, you had the opportunity to switch things up. Your usual producers were fantastic, but this time, something different was calling you. An opportunity was waiting in South Korea, and it had your heart racing with excitement.
You, your manager, and the company representing the group had been in talks for months, working out the details. The goal was clear: to collaborate with Woozi, the musical genius from Seventeen, on your new album. 
When your team informed Woozi that you had just arrived at HYBE, his palms began to sweat. He never imagined he’d get to work with someone of your caliber. The fact that you specifically wanted to work with him made it all the more surreal.
As you walked through the HYBE building, your assistant and one of the staff members gave you a tour. You were almost giddy with excitement. The walls were lined with photos and awards, the air buzzing with creativity. When you finally approached the recreation area and spotted Woozi, his cheeks turned a shade of red. He was nervous, but seeing you smile so brightly at the sight of him sent a sense of relief through his system. 
You were genuinely happy to see him.
As you step into the recreation area and see Woozi standing there, your cheeks flush a deep red. You can’t contain your excitement. "Woozi, I'm so happy to see you," you say, extending a hand, unsure if a hug would be appropriate.
He senses your shyness, and, in a moment of genuine openness, he breaks through his own reserve and gives you an awkward hug. It's brief and a bit clumsy, but it’s sincere. As you pull away, you swear this is the happiest moment of your life.
"I’ve admired your work for so long," you say, your eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. "Your music is incredible."
Woozi shakes his hands in front of him, a shy smile spreading across his face. His long hair swings slightly as he responds, "Oh, no, really, it’s nothing compared to what you’ve done. I'm honestly just honored to be here with you."
You laugh softly, feeling a bit more at ease. "Are you kidding? I still remember hearing your solo for the first time and just being blown away."
Woozi's cheeks tint pink as he looks down, scratching the back of his head. "Thank you, that means a lot coming from you. I remember when we all watched your first big performance. We were in our green room, and we were all just in awe."
You grin, recalling that exact moment you first saw them. "I remember that! I was so inspired by you guys. It’s amazing how things come full circle, isn’t it?"
He nods, his eyes meeting yours with shyness "It really is. I never thought I’d get the chance to work with someone I looked up to so much." Woozi chuckles softly, breaking the silence. "By the way, I saw your post on Twitter about wanting to visit the Universe Factory—my studio."
Your eyes widen in surprise, and you cover your face with your hands. "Oh my God, you guys see my tweets? Oh nooo!"
He laughs, a sound that's both comforting and infectious. "Yeah, they're hard to miss," he admits. "And I may have received a few screenshots of your reaction from 'Ruby'." 
You gasp, mortified as memories of your tweets flood back. You remember typing frantically about needing a defibrillator when Woozi appeared shirtless in the music video. "Oh no, those tweets. I can't believe you saw those."
He’s grinning. "It's okay, really. It was kind of sweet to be honest. We all had a good laugh about it."
Peeking through your fingers, you sigh. "Well, now that my embarrassment is out in the open, I guess it’s only up from here, right?"
Woozi grins, a twinkle in his eye. "Absolutely. Besides, it’s nice to know we have mutual fans of each other’s work. It makes this collaboration even more special."
You nod, recalling how your fanbase and Seventeen’s had always gotten along so well. “Our fans really hit it off, didn’t they? It’s like they’ve been rooting for this collaboration all along.”
Woozi smiles and gestures for you to follow him. “Come on, let me show you the Universe Factory.”
Walking into his studio, you’re immediately struck by how incredible it looks. Purple lights cast a calming glow over the space, and the view from the windows is breathtaking. Everything, from the colors to the high-tech equipment, is perfectly arranged. You can tell he put a lot of effort into making this place special.
“Wow, Woozi, this is amazing,” you say, your eyes wide with admiration. “I always saw photos of your studio, but in person, it’s even better.”
“Thanks, but it’s just a studio.” Woozi’s shy smile returns, but there’s a sparkle in his eyes. “I wanted it to be just right for when you got here. I spent the whole week cleaning and moving things around. Even used some scented sprays.”
You laugh, feeling a snugness in your chest. “You didn’t have to go through all that trouble for me, but I appreciate it.”
He shrugs, his smile widening. “I wanted everything to be perfect.”
Woozi shows you some of the instrumentals he’s been working on, and they’re incredible. The beats blend seamlessly with the lyrics you sent him, and you can already hear the potential for something amazing. He’s practically buzzing with enthusiasm to hear how your voice will mesh with his music.
“Let’s get you in the recording room,” Woozi says, leading you to the booth.
You put on the headphones and glance through the glass at Woozi in the control room. As you start warming up your voice, he watches with a small smile. You can see him scoffing lightly, clearly amused by your funny warm-up techniques.
He presses the intercom button. “I’m definitely going to use that later.”
You sulk playfully, giving him a pout. “Come on, don’t make fun of me.”
He laughs, the sound filling the control room. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just cute the way you warm up.”
Rolling your eyes but smiling, you turn your focus to the paper in front of you. Woozi cues up the beat, and you start with a rough draft, feeling your way through the melody. Even in this initial take, Woozi can’t help but feel impressed. Your voice is powerful, yet it fits perfectly with the track.
You glance up occasionally, catching Woozi’s eyes. He gives you a thumbs-up, his appreciation evident even through the glass. As you continue, you find yourself getting lost in the music, and Woozi’s focus never wavers. When you finish, you look up to see him grinning widely.
“That was just the warm-up?” he says, pressing the button again. “I’m really excited to hear the final version.”
You laugh, feeling a rush of confidence. “Yeah, just the warm-up. Wait till you hear the real thing.”
Woozi nods, eyes gleaming with joy. “I can’t wait. Let’s do this.”
You start to sing for real now, fully immersed in the music. The lyrics flow smoothly, and your voice dances effortlessly over the instrumentals. When it comes to a tricky melisma, you frown slightly, pausing to ask Woozi through the intercom;
"Which tone should I use for this part?"
Woozi, equally focused, listens intently as you demonstrate two different versions. Both sound amazing to him, and he takes a moment to think. He taps his chin thoughtfully before pressing the button. "Try the second one, but start a half-step higher and then slide down smoothly."
You nod, absorbing his suggestion. You take a deep breath and try it his way. The moment you hit that melisma, sliding down effortlessly, the note hangs in the air. Woozi’s eyes light up, and he gives you an enthusiastic thumbs-up from the control room.
As you're in the middle of recording, Soonyoung suddenly appears in the studio, his presence bringing an unexpected burst of energy. You catch sight of him through the glass and wave enthusiastically, a big smile spreading across your face. Soonyoung returns the gesture, his excitement palpable even from a distance. He settles on the couch behind Woozi, watching the two of you work with keen interest.
Woozi presses the intercom button and gives you a nod. "Try going a bit higher for the adlibs."
You nod and sing the section, hitting the high notes while looking at Woozi for confirmation. He listens intently, his gaze dark in focus. “You did so good. That was perfect.”
You can hear Soonyoung’s voice from the back. “He never praises us like that.”
Woozi turns in his chair, giving Soonyoung a deadly glare. 
Soonyoung, unphased, grins and stretches as he stands up. “Alright, alright. I know when I’m not wanted,” he says dramatically, walking toward the door. Just as he’s about to leave, he pauses and turns back. “But after you’re done recording, we’re taking you to dinner Y/N. No excuses.”
You give him thumbs up. Feeling the warmth of their camaraderie. Woozi shakes his head but smiles, turning back to you. 
“Ignore him. Let’s finish this up. You’re doing great.”
After skipping through some tracks, you find yourself sitting in Woozi's incredibly comfortable chair, fiddling with his equipment. The buttons, dials, and sliders are all so intriguing, and you can’t help but feel like a kid in a candy store, discovering new settings and features.
Woozi watches you from a few feet away, arms crossed, a smile playing on his lipsㄧHe knows you’re no stranger to studios and equalizers, but he loves seeing the joy in your eyes as you explore his setup like it’s the coolest thing in the worldㄧHe wonders if your producers ever let you have this much hands-on control.
“Hey, Woozi, how do you tweak the master mix settings here?” you ask, looking up from the console.
He steps forward, moving behind you. His arms come to rest on either side of the chair, effectively caging you in as he leans over to type on the keyboard. 
“You just need to go into this menu,” he says, his voice low and calm. He types swiftly, his fingers dancing over the keys. “Then, adjust the settings here. See?”
You nod, trying to focus on his explanation, but the closeness is overwhelming. You can feel the warmth of his body, his head so close to yours. 
It’s hard to concentrate when you’re not even breathing.
His voice is soft and steady, his breath warm on your skin. You watch his hands move expertly, typing commands and making adjustments with practiced ease. Your heart is pounding so loudly, you’re sure he can hear it.
“And here, you can add some reverb” he continues, “See how that changes the sound?”
No, not when he’s this near.
You nod, feeling a bit dazed. He tells you to try it yourself, and you reach for the adjustment, your hand hovering uncertainly over the controls. Woozi lets go of the mouse and places his hand over yours, guiding it to lower and raise the equalizer. His skin is soft and warm against yours, and the contact almost makes you melt on his chair.
“Like this,” he murmurs, gently moving your hand with his. “Just a little adjustment here and there.”
You can hardly concentrate on the settings, your mind fixated on the sensation of his hand over yours. 
You turn your face slightly toward his, and he looks at you, the proximity between you almost intolerable.
Your eyes lock, and for a moment, the world outside the studio fades away. His gaze is intense, filled with something that makes your breath catch in your throat. Woozi’s hand squeezes yours lightly.
You can feel your pulse quicken. His eyes flicker to your lips for a brief second before meeting your gaze again. The moment stretches, neither of you moves, both caught in the electric current that seems to have taken over the room.
Finally, Woozi clears his throat, breaking the spell but not the connection. "There," he says softly, his voice barely more than a whisper. "You’ve got it."
As you try to focus on adjusting the settings, Woozi leaves your hand on the side of yours, allowing you to make the changes yourself. You manage to make the adjustments, and as the sound fills the room, Woozi's voice breaks through the silence. "That's it. You're doing great." he praises.
You swear if he praises you again like that, you’re going to fucking wet his chair. You don’t even notice that you’re biting your bottom lip, too lost in the horniness.
Woozi’s words echo in your mind as you try to focus on the task at hand, but it's hard to concentrate with the way his body looks in the black shirt he's wearing. The fabric clings to him in all the right places, emphasizing his toned physique.
Every movement he makes with his hands, seems deliberate and calculated, and you can’t tear your eyes away.
You force yourself to push the distracting thoughts aside, but it's a losing battle.
Your gaze remains fixated on his hands as he places them on the border of the desk, supporting his body. His shoulders brush against the back of your head, and you can feel his presence looming over you. It’s as if he knows exactly what’s passing through your mind.
He brushes a hand over your shoulder, the sensation lingering even after he presses it between his hands in a gentle massage. You feel his lips tentatively brush against the corner of yours.
Caught off guard, you melt into his touch, your fingers intertwining with his as you lean into the kiss. His lips are soft against yours, a perfect match to the warmth of his touch. But when he catches you melting against his hand, he doesn't pull away. Instead, he turns the chair to face him, his hand sliding behind your neck to pull you closer.
His kiss deepens, and you respond eagerly, your hands sliding to each side of his face before tangling in his hair at the back of his neck. The kiss is desperate, as if you’ve both been holding back.
But when you finally break apart, gasping for breath, you realize that you can’t resist any longer. You get up from the chair, his hands desperately grab your waist, pulling your bodies together 
The way he holds your waist makes your tank top bunch up between his fingers, his palms feeling your belly's bare skin. You whimper against his lips, "Hmm, Woozi..."
He pulls back slightly, "Jihoon," he corrects gently, "Call me Jihoon."
Your stomach flutters at the intimacy of calling him by his real name. "Jihoon," you repeat softly, savoring the sound.
He smiles, a soft, almost shy smile that makes your heart skip a beat. Then he leans in again, kissing your cheek, your jaw, and your neck. Each touch of his lips sends you on cloud nine, making you arch against his chest, your hands gripping his bicep for support.
"Jihoon," you murmur again, the name feeling more natural on your lips each time.
His hands move up your sides, sliding under your tank top, his fingers warm against your skin. He pulls the fabric up, and you lift your arms, allowing him to remove it completely. The cool air of the studio contrasts with the heat of his touch, making your nipples harden.
He takes a moment to admire you, his eyes roaming over your body "You're beautiful," he whispers.
You blush, feeling a little shy under his gaze. "You too," you reply, reaching up to touch his face, your fingers tracing the lines of his jaw.
He smiles and pulls you closer, his lips finding yours once more. This kiss is deeper, more urgent, as if he's trying to pour all his feelings into it. You respond with equal fervor, your hands exploring the planes of his chest, and the muscles of his back.
Jihoon’s hands move to your waist again, his fingers brushing the waistband of your jeans. He pauses, looking at you for permission. You nod, your breath hitching in the process.
He unbuttons your jeans, sliding them down your hips and letting them pool at your feet. You step out of them, standing before him in just your underwear. He takes a moment to admire you again, his eyes dark with desire, a little hidden under his long bangs.
You reach for the hem of his shirt, lifting it up and over his head. He helps you, tossing it aside. Your hands explore his bare chest, feeling the warmth of his milky skin, the steady beat of his heart.
This time, his hands roam more freely, exploring every inch of your body. His touch is gentle, yet possessive, as if he's trying to memorize every curve, every contour. After all, he doesn't know when he'll be able to touch you like that again. That is, if there is a next time.
You respond in kind, your hands moving over his body, savoring the feel of his muscles flexing under your fingertips.
He guides you toward the couch, his lips never leaving yours. You lie down, pulling him with you, your bodies molding together perfectly. He kisses his way down your neck, your chest, his lips leaving a trail of saliva in their wake.
"Jihoon," you moan, your hands tangling in his hair as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking gently. The sensation numbs your mind, making you arch against him.
Jihoon makes you relax on his couch, but you suddenly become very aware when his fingers slide your panties to the side, moistening his fingers with your lubrication. He opens his eyes to watch you squirm as your pussy sucks his finger inside without effort. His cold finger fits perfectly inside you, and you can feel him teasing to put another one. You clap a hand over your mouth to stifle your moans.
He laughs softly, taking your hand off your mouth. "The studio is soundproof. You can moan as loud as you want."
You mentally thank him because with his fingers now perfectly entering and leaving you, a loud moan escapes your mouth, and the sound of your wet pussy isn't discreet. You're loving the intense gaze he has on you, like you're about to be devoured. He tries to kiss you, but you can only moan as he fingers you.
Jihoon curls his fingers on your g'spot, repeating the motion again and again. You let out a strangled moan, squirming under his touch. "Don't do that, or I'll mess up your sofa," you warn, your voice shaky with pleasure.
He looks at you from under his bangs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I don't care about the sofa," he murmurs, pressing a hand on your lower belly to intensify the curl of his fingers.
The added pressure makes you scream, "Please, please!"
Jihoon smirks, his fingers moving faster inside you. "Please what? Tell me what you need," he demands, his voice commanding.
"Please, Jihoon, I need more," you gasp, your body arching against his hand.
He leans in closer, his breath hot against your ear. "More of what? My fingers? My mouth?" he asks, his tone teasing.
"Both," you whimper, feeling desperate for more of his touch.
Jihoon chuckles, his lips brushing against your ear. "Greedy, aren't you? But I'll give you what you want," he promises, his fingers curling and pressing against your g'spot with relentless precision.
You cry out, your body trembling. "Jihoon, I'm going to—"
"Do it," he whispers, his calm raspy voice making you bite your bottom lip. "Come for me."
Your hands clutch at the couch as Jihoon's head moves from above you to between your legs. The moment his tongue touches your clit, you can't hold back, and you come almost immediately. 
He stops for a moment, just to admire the sight of you arching your back on his couch, his fingers deep inside you, all wet as you roll your hips on them, moaning in his studio, naked. He never thought it would happen, but he isn't complaining.
You discover he's stronger than you thought when he holds your hips down to keep you in place before he devours your pussy. You roll your eyes at the sensitivity and the sight of his fangs tickling your skin, making you giggle between moans. 
The scene is completely sinful. You prop yourself up on one elbow and hold his hair up to see his face, flushed but with closed eyes, all concentrated on giving you pleasure. You find it incredibly cute, and you can't help but praise him.
"Jihoon, you're doing so good," you murmur, your voice trembling. "You're so focused, it's amazing."
In response, he sucks your clit inside his mouth, making you pull his hair a little. He hisses softly, and you quickly apologize. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—"
He looks up at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "It's okay," he says, his voice slightly rough. "I like it."
You can't help but moan louder as he resumes his attention to your clit. His fingers continue their relentless rhythm inside you, and you feel the pressure building again.
"Jihoon, please," you gasp, your hips bucking against his hold.
You gasp, and Jihoon stops, making your head fall back as you whine, your orgasm interrupted. He kneels on the couch, lowering his sweatpants and underwear to his thighs. You shake your head, saying, "I want you to take it all off."
He smiles, obliged, then comes completely naked over you. You spread your legs for him, wide, and he slides his cock between your folds, eliciting a whine from you. Still supporting yourself on your elbow, you grab his hair, pulling it slightly, earning a moan from him.
As your tongues wrap around each other, his cock slides inside you, and you open your mouth in a silent moan, your back plopping on the couch. He moans at the sensation of your gummy walls wrapping his cock, sucking him in welcomely. He also smiles, finding your reaction endearing.
Jihoon rolls his hips slowly, letting you adjust to the fullness of his cock. The slow stimulation draws moans from your lips, and you gasp, "Not only do you make amazing music, but you fuck so damn good too."
Jihoon lets out a genuine laugh, his breath warm against your skin. He hides his face in the crook of your neck, so shy, and you pull him back, wanting to see his eyes. He glances at you, amusement shining in his gaze.
"You really know how to flatter a guy," he chuckles, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
You laugh with him, the sound mingling with the intimate atmosphere around you. "It's true," you say, your voice lighter. 
Jihoon shakes his head, still smiling, but the moment of levity shifts as he feels your walls tighten around him. His smile fades into a look of intense pleasure, his face contorts, and he starts to moan, the sound vibrating through you.
"Oh, God," he groans, his hips picking up a rhythm that makes your breath hitch. "You feel so good."
The sounds of skin slapping, your moans, and the low hum from the computer rendering the music become the backdrop to your intense session with Jihoon. Your breasts bounce with every thrust, and your hair spreads wildly across the couch. He can feel your wetness around his cock, spreading to his thighs and the couch. You brace yourself with one hand on the couch's arm, your lips plump and sensitive from the kisses and bites.
Jihoon closes his eyes, focusing solely on the sensation of your pussy. If he keeps looking at how much pleasure you're experiencing, he might come too soon. But you can already sense his cock throbbing inside you.
"Open your eyes," you urge him, catching on.
He opens them, sulking a bit, and you give him a devilish smile. You lick your fingers, sliding them down your body to circle your clit, doubling your pleasure and his. His mouth falls open at the sight.
"Fuck, nooo..." he mumbles, watching your every move.
You revel in the sight of his abs flexing, showing that his orgasm is near. Sensing his impending climax, Jihoon pulls out, giving himself a moment to regain control. When he's ready, he slides back in, making you arch your back and curl your toes, triggering your orgasm instead.
You smile at his audacity, and he grins, seeing that his tactic worked. "F-fuck you… I'm cumming, Jihoon," you warn, closing your eyes as the pleasure builds.
He speeds up his hips, making you stop breathing for a second before a deep moan escapes from your chest. You feel yourself clenching and unclenching around him, your body shuddering as you reach your peak. Panting hard, Jihoon pulls out just in time, spilling his cum on your belly as he strokes his cock. His body trembles, and his eyes lock with yours, his bangs falling over his forehead.
Jihoon takes a long look at your spent body, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "How about a nap before dinner?" he suggests softly.
You close your eyes and nod, feeling the exhaustion settling in. "Right..." he murmurs, getting up from the couch.
You miss the warmth of his body immediately and let out a small whine. He chuckles, "I'm coming back," he assures you as he grabs a box of Kleenex and brings some tissues to clean you up. Gently, he wipes your belly and between your legs, his touch tender.
"I'm glad we finished some songs," he teases, his eyes twinkling. "You don't look like you could continue... at least not today."
You scoff, too tired to come up with a witty response. Jihoon starts dressing you, carefully slipping your top back on, your panties, and leaving your jeans off so you can nap comfortably. Once you're settled, he dresses himself quickly.
From the corner of the studio, he fetches a thin blanket draped over a poltrone. He covers you with it and then lays down beside you, pulling you close.
"You really wore me out," you murmur, a hint of amusement in your voice.
He grins, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Likewise," he says. "But it was worth it."
You let out a contented sigh, feeling more relaxed than you had in a long time. "I can't wait to hear how the songs turn out," you confessed, your voice growing dreamier with each passing moment.
Jihoon hummed in agreement, his fingers resuming their soothing motions on your back. "Me too," he murmured. "But for now, let's just enjoy this."
And so you did. Wrapped in each other's arms, you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, you snuggle into him, the steady rhythm of his breathing lulling you towards sleep. 
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