#or because some magic laws prohibited it
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evermore-grimoire · 1 year
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The Evermore Grimoire: Wheel of Witches
The Onyx Witch was one of ten witches prophesied by The Oracle who just like her powers sadly lived a life of misery and darkness. Born from a tryst between a warlock and demon some time in the early 1900′s, she lived her life amongst demons that only worsened after her demon mother was vanquished when she was a child. Due to her extraordinary powers of Necromancy as well being able to control shadows and darkness (Umbrakinesis) because of her hybrid status, she was highly sought after in the demon world. The Onyx Witch was constantly bought and sold amongst demons who would use and abuse her powers in order to climb the ranks of the demonic world. The only time she ever felt any sort of comfort in her horrific life was when she was forced to wake the dead, and when no one was looking she would often ask the dead about their lives before death. Some would even comfort and reassure her that despite her horrid life it would never define who she was as a powerful witch with a kind heart. It was believed that in her later years as a witch, she finally found the to courage to obliterate her demonic abusers once and for all when darkness swept through the streets of New York City during Prohibition. Some believed it originated from a secret bar that welcomed both witches and demons who sought to use their magic in the name of evil. Other’s believed it was the work of the devil reaping his rewards from those who were happy to break the law. Regardless, The Onyx Witch was never seen again both in the magical and mortal world.
original artwork by Nikkie Stinchcombe
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
1. Woman who was walking to work because her car was broken finds $14k in a bag and turns it in to police, who return it to newlyweds who lost it. Crowdfund for a new car up to $14k so far.
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Dianne Gordon was walking home from work on Jan. 21 when she saw a plastic bag on the ground and inside the bag she could see piles of money. Although she was in need of a vehicle-- her car broke down last year -- Gordon contacted police and returned the money immediately.
Police were able to track down who the money belonged to and discovered it belonged to a newlywed couple and have since returned the money to the couple. As for Gordon, her good deed wasn’t overlooked by people who heard her story, as the spouse of one of the police officers involved launched a crowdfunding campaign to help secure a car for Gordon. As of Thursday morning, the campaign has raised $14,500
2. Washington D.C.’s free bus bill becomes law as zero-fare transit systems take off
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Washington, D.C., has enacted a zero-fare bus bill into law.
The policy eliminates the $2 fare for all the city’s buses starting this summer.
It is the largest city to institute a fare-free transit system and part of a growing movement nationwide.
3. Mom and son graduate college together, fulfilling 18-year promise
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Carolyn and Immanuel Patton, a mother-son duo from Maryland, have graduated college together, fulfilling a promise the younger Patton first made to his mom when he was 5 years old.
Two years after they started the path together and about 18 years after Immanuel Patton vowed to graduate alongside his mother, they realized their collective dream.
4. A homeless mother left a note with her dog for whoever found her. An animal shelter reunited them.
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This pup named Lilo came to McKamey Animal Center off the street - with an added surprise – a note.
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"Please don't abuse me." Cool, totally wanted to be crying at work right now.
The shelter staff posted about Lilo on social media, hoping to connect with her owner when they got a call from someone saying they were Lilo's mom. While centers like McKamey provide shelter for dogs, they also provide resources for families who love their pets, but might not be able to keep them due to cost. Mann said they'll give food and supplies to families struggling to pay for their pets' needs. They'll even help the family find a pet-friendly home.
5. Campbell Johnstone reveals himself to be first openly gay All Black.
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In a momentous moment for New Zealand's rainbow community, Campbell Johnstone has outed himself as the first openly gay player to have represented the country's most influential sporting brand.
All Black No. 1056 has publicly revealed his sexuality – in a brave bid to “open up that door and magically make that closet disappear” – for the first time on TVNZ's Seven Sharp programme on Monday evening. Johnstone, who played three tests for the All Blacks all in 2005, did confide in some teammates and his family during his playing days.
6. 92 year old flood victim reunited with lost cat
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Valerie Axtens thought she had seen the last of her beloved cat Mendelson as she was being rescued through a window from rapidly rising floodwater. Valerie Axtens was rescued during the February 28 flood.
After the floodwater receded and one of her sons was able to return and check on the mud-covered house, he discovered — much to everyone's surprise — the cat had survived.
7. Slovenia becomes first eastern European country to recognise same-sex marriage
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The legalisation of same-sex marriage has officially come into effect in Slovenia, in a huge win for LGBTQ+ rights in eastern Europe. 
The bill, which saw Slovenia’s Family Code updated, officially took its place amongst the country’s other laws on Tuesday (1 February). The historic moment followed a decision by the country’s top court in July, which found that banning same-sex marriage and adoption violated the country’s constitution, which prohibits discrimination
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That's it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Have a great week ahead :)
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Last week I got pulled over for speeding, I was in fact speeding 7 over.
Anyway, I was pulled over. As is normal I had my CCW and it was tucked in my seat. No point it trying to draw from an IWB holster in a vehicle, to much to snag on if you have too. So, I tuck the pistol in the seat of whatever I'm driving and I make sure it is visible.  Keeping it visible is important here because Nevada is a open carry state and as such with it carried in the open there is no CCW Permit disclosure requirement if asked for it. If it is concealed and the LEO asks for your permit you are required to produce the permit and a second form of ID. With it in the open and asked to identify myself, in Nevada, I need only give my name (Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada, 542 U.S. 177 (2004)), unless you are being lawfully detained.
As I said I was pulled over for speeding, so I was already required to produce driver's licence, proof of registration and insurance. When they ran the "Rolling 28" (10-28, Vehicle Registration Information) dispatch would have informed them that I had a Nevada CCW permit so they already knew that.
Things I knew were going to happen. I was going to be asked to get out of the vehicle. I was going to more than likely be patted down, cuffed and placed in the NHP car and they would attempt to run my firearms S/N. Firearms are a crazy gray area in search and seizure laws because unlike just about anything else that could be sitting in your car the law give LEO's a bit of latitude when it comes to firearms.
Let me explain:
In this case I was pulled over for a traffic violation, my vehicle is open and viewable under "Plain View Doctrine", the LEO can see my firearm and because of this they "can", take my firearm, lock and clear it under the guise of "Officer safety". I've done it time after time, it;'s a thing. Technically the LEO cannot run the S/N unless there is probable cause that a crime has been committed, BUT under "Plain View Doctrine" the S/N is there when they lock and clear the firearm soooooo. Kind of an end around the 4th Amendment'ish.
Now let's say you have a box of Iphones and other assorted electronics sitting in your front seat the LEo is expressly prohibited from doing any search of those items without probable cause and a warrant. See the gray area there, and there is very little case law in the area.
Moving on, as expected when the NHP came to the passenger side of my truck he saw the pistol, asked questions about it that I did not answer while handing him my DL, CCW card, Insurance and registration. He took them, but dropped them in the passenger seat then asked me to step out of the truck. As I did he stepped to the back of my truck, hand on his firearm to watch me get out. But before I got out I put up my windows, locked the doors and dropped the keys on my drivers seat then closed the door.
The NHP had me walk back to his car where I was patted down and cuffed and put in the car. Now, I admit I had a big shit eating grin on my face as the NHP walked to my drivers side door, not the passenger side where he dropped all my ID and documents, pulls the handle and it gave that hallow "Thunk" as the handle slipped out of his hand when the door did not open. He tried two more times before walking back to me and asking where they keys were. I told him they were on the front seat. He went back, looked, tried the door handle two more times like their was some kind of magic that would unlock it. He came back again and said I need you to unlock your truck, I asked why? He said so he could check my firearm, NOT so he could  get my ID and documents. I said I could not and was under no obligation to unlock the vehicle for him to search at this point. If he needed to get in my vehicle now that I was out of it and it was locked he would need a warrant to open it. It was right then the light turned on over his head, he knew that I knew what he was trying to do.
He looked me dead in the face and said "You know it doesn't need to be like this, you can just open the truck." At some point around this point NHP #2 shows up. They are peppering me with questions, most of then I did not answer.  I gave them my full name, address, DL number, and SSN all of which they confirmed and I had no wants or warrants, but NHP #1 still wanted in my truck.  He asked if he could search my truck and I said no.  Both the Troopers went to my truck talking back and forth, looking in and walking all around it. Eventually they came back to me with more questions. At this point I'd been out of my truck, in cuffs, and in the patrol car about 20 minutes so I asked the one question they hate to hear "Am I being detained?" Both of their heads snapped at me.  This is an important question because if you are being detained it changes things, the LEO feel they have enough Reasonable Suspicion Based on Articulable Facts that you have committed, are committing, or are about to commit a crime. It also means they should be able to articulate that fact to a judge to get a warrant, or the other end around, enough probable cause to impound the vehicle then it has to be inventoried then they get in the car anyway. Again, I asked am I being detained, if I am then what for.  NHP #1 said I need your documents to check them, I asked him directly "Am I free to go?" He said, not until He got my ID and documents, to which I said then we should get to the station because I was not opening the truck. Admittedly I slipped up here and gave away my hand, I said, that under "Mendenhall" (United States v. Mendenhall, 446 U.S. 544 (1980) I either had to be officially detained, like I was in the car and cuffed and processed OR I was free to go. It did not feel like I was free to go in the back of the car in cuffs with two troopers standing in front of me.
Now a Lyon County K9 unit shows up, NHP #1 says we're going to run the dog around your truck if there are no issues you are free to go. I smile hearing this. This sets the check point you need in any interaction with LEO's. Because, at this point they are still fishing for probable cause beyond the initial stop for speeding. Without being able to directly search the truck they need a dog to "hit" to give them probable cause to compel a search. Also important at this checkpoint, anything after this point cannot be ruled as probable cause for the initial stop and is not admissible as such for the initial reason for the stop. The dog did not hit. NHP #1 said he was giving me a warning for speeding and to slow down.
NHP #1 got me out of the car, uncuffed me, gave my my wallet and pocket knife back they took in the pat down, and with glee in his voice said "Do you need me to call a locksmith?" Before I could answer NHP #2 asked if I was a lawyer or a cop? I said I was an LEO for almost 20 years. They both said why didn't you just say that "Because we could have avoided all of this.". I asked why should I have need to?
Again, with a smirk on his face NHP #1 asked if I needed a locksmith and said no, reached under the wheel well and pulled out the hide-a key and got in.
Important side note here:
Because the interaction with the NHP's had concluded, they had executed a stop and I had been released without establishing an entirely new "probable cause"  they still could not get in my truck and they knew I knew they couldn't do anything about it.
Check and Mate.
I encourage all of you to learn the laws where you are and how they play into your everyday "Casual" encounters with LEo's and "Terry Stop" contacts. (Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968)) It is important that you understand the LEO's are under no obligation to tell you what your RIGHTS are. That if you don't know your RIGHTS silence is your first, best defence.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
My brain is whirring in the blender right now so here are the things I think twst characters would find interesting/horrifying
Atom bombs. Why would they need atom bombs? Wars were either fought with magic or swords if lilias backstory is standard war procedure. And in endless halloween, leona tells a (fake) story about a terrorist group on a yaht party or something that attacked with a magic cube. Also that whole moment with Oppenheimer where he didn't know if igniting that bomb would set off a chain reaction that would ignite all the other bombs and basically destroy the world. AND HE STILL FUCKING DID IT.
Gun. Same reasons as the atom bombs.
French revolution and the reign of terror. What do you mean 40,000 were executed and over 300,000 locked up in the time span if a few years? Why did the "french" switch between so many governments so fast? Who the hell is napoleon?
Russian revolution and Anastasia. that revolution was MESSY. But imagine telling leona or someone about how everyone thought that princess Anastasia and her brother escaped execution cause they couldn't find their bodies with the rest of the royal family. So all these middle aged women just started coming out being like "I am Anastasia", and one of these women was eventually accepted as Anastasia. Until they found out that thr royal family were submerge in vats of acid after they were killed, and because children's bones aren't quite solid, the just. Melted in the acid.
The whole mystery of those villages getting up one day and dancing themselves to death and we still don't know why.
Medieval torture devices. Like the crowd cage or when you get covered in honey and sent away on a boat to be eaten alive by bugs (jamil throws up)
The black plauge. Just. The black plauge.
Early Industrial revolution working conditions. I think even azul would get uncomfortable with those.
Mansu Musa going on tour and giving away so much gold that he collapsed entire economies.
The cold War. "Yeah so the US and the USSR were in a war-not-war because of paranoia of nuclear atom bombs but they couldn't actually go to war because if they actually went to war that would just be the end of the world so they just had a massive dick messering contest. Oh yeah! That's actually why we got the space race!"
The space race. ("The fucking moon in the sky!" "Yes azul, the moon in the sky. And Mars. And there are satellites that literally went to the cold cold edge of our solar system" "...why are you guys insane?")
American prohibition laws and the outlawing of alcohol that everyone hated so much that the government legalized alcohol again and now we have this thing called moonshine.
Mexican revolution and the solid century where their presidents just kept getting assassinated.
The greatest night in pop "we are the world". Just as a treat for the pop music club.
The entire age of exploration honestly. "What do you mean half your world didn't know the other half of the world was there until a few centuries ago?" "Oh you're gonna shit yourself when you find out what Europeans did next"
What the Europeans did next.
The world wars. Lilia has a fucking stroke while listening to it. But some of it was funny! Not really but yk! A polish bear loading an artillery Canon, an unsinkable cat, that British guy that carried a bow and arrow and played bag pipes when the nazis found him only to be the most unkillable yet unserious guy ever, a US naval captain that literally FLOODED HALF HIS SHIP on D-Day just to tilt that bitch back so they could hit the Germans better, and the US just converting a spare ship into a massive ice cream machine is pretty fucking hilarious.
The coups of the ancient past. I don't really remember who but I think this Indian (?) Prince literally threw his brother out a window, dragged him back upstairs, only to throw him out again for good measure is fucking hilarious.
The mono Lisa wasn't famous until this Guy™ stole it from a museum. The museum employs didn't even realize it was gone until someone asked where it went 💀
The way we name our countries tbh. Most of them translate to some ancient language (Spain translates to "rabbits" and Columbia is "dove"), but twst really has countries like. "Scolding Sands ✨️ and Queendom of Roses ✨️. So our country names are probably really weird to them. Especially the full country names. Do you know Hong Kongs official name? It's long as shit.
The first chainsaw was invented by two socttish doctors in the early 1800s to help with childbirth
I have many more historically rambling I could go on but this shit is getting long.
If anyone at any point wants to ramble about history they are very welcome to do so in my literal dms and not just my ask box. I love history and I love talking about it!!!
I think out of all of the things you listed the atom bomb, the space race, and the Cold War would probably be the what I think the various twst boys would find most interesting. Even in the history of our own world those things were extremely unusual, the sheer scale of something like a world war is really hard to grasp and I doubt Twisted Wonderland has had a similar event. I think the concept of such a thing would really scare the cast, though I imagine Idia, Leona, and Lilia would be grimly impressed at just how creative people can be when it comes to destroying each other. Magic isn't required to make a mess of things, sure they already knew that but oh wow. Now they're really thinking about it.
Now you know who would want to talk about all of these things? Professor Trein! He'd be really interested in learning anything and everything Yuu can remember about the history of their world. As an educator it allows him better insight into his student, and as a lover of history he gets to learn a lot of new things no one else knows.
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covenofom · 1 year
Male-to-Male Relationships Believed a Norm Amongst The Celts ~
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Celteroticism: Male-to-Male Relationships Believed a Norm Amongst The Celts ~
Historical accounts state the ancient Celts are believed to have fought their battles naked, a notion that holds a certain erotic allure for many. What may not be widely known, mostly because of editing and revisionist history, is that it many historians have concluded that it was not uncommon in Celtic culture for the men to have sex with each other, even preferentially so. Some speculation suggests that life for Celtic warriors could have been a veritable hot-bed of male to male sex for pleasure - and to think people of the modern times have been worried about gays in the military! The Celts were known as some of the fiercest fighters in history strongly suggesting that there was nothing compromised about them.
Some critics say that the modern Irish as descendants of the Celts, had Christianity and its traditionally homophobic ethos forced upon them. Behind all the seemingly cultural anti-gay context that gets talked about around St. Patrick’s Day because some organizers haven’t allowed GLBT groups to march in the day’s celebratory parades (in the USA), is a history of a people who seem to have had a very active natural pleasure ethic and libido. They seem to have seen no problem with same-sex pleasure, affection or love.
The relationship between gender-variance, homoeroticism, magic and mystery traditions has been, until fairly recently, a taboo subject for occultists, religionists and academics all. Over the last decade or so, interest in Celtic traditions has grown and has been romanticized to the point that it has spurred some to investigate the aspects of the culture which have been omitted by revisionists.
One offering of information is from Diodorus Siculus in 1 BCE who wrote “Although they have good-looking women, they pay very little attention to them, but are really crazy about having sex with men. They are accustomed to sleeping on the ground on animal skins and roll around naked with male bed-mates on both sides. Heedless of their own dignity, they abandon without qualm the bloom of their bodies to others. And the most incredible thing is that they do not find this shameful. When they proposition someone, they consider it dishonorable if he doesn’t accept the offer!”
From this piece and other information about gender variance amongst the Celts that is available, it seems same-sex relations between warriors were not unknown or for that matter, at all uncommon. There is evidence of homosexuality in Celtic warrior bands which were known as ‘Bleiden’ or ‘Wolf’. What is significant is that, despite similarities (such as shape-shifting & wilderness initiation rituals) there was a marked difference between Greek and Celtic homoeroticism in that unlike the Greeks, the Celts did not consider it shameful that males elected to take the so-called ‘passive’ role.
Three areas where evidence is found for gender-variance and homoeroticism include; hints on same-sex relationships in the life of Cuchulainn, the story of the Men of Ulster and the myth of Gwydion and Gilvaethy.
While there are no sweeping statements promoting what today is termed homosexuality in ancient Celtic lore, there are multiple accounts from external observers who commented on the widespread practice of same gender sexuality among the Gaulish Celts. The Greek philosopher Posidonius, who traveled into Gaul to investigate the truth of the stories told about the Celtic tribes, put it rather bluntly: “The Gaulish men prefer to have sex with each other.” This is supported by some Aristotelian commentaries as well.
As far as we know, the ancient Celts had no laws or known prohibitions against homosexual behavior. To the contrary, there are tales and histories in which homosexuality is mentioned in a rather matter-of-fact way, as well as many other accounts which, while containing no explicit mention of any character’s sexual orientation, celebrate deep affectionate and even physical bonds between persons of the same gender. As Diodorus Siculus noted, often Roman and Greek accounts mention Celtic warriors who were deeply insulted if their offers of male-to-male sex were refused.
Celtic mythology is riddled with deities who do not fit neatly into rigid, stereotypical gender roles. There are Goddesses of war and battle and Gods of love and poetry. There is also a tradition of male praise-poets who wrote about the kings they served as a lover writes of their beloved. Many historical commentaries on warriors and monastics speak of devoted companions who shared a bed and often the love between these companions is celebrated in poetry and songs.
While some scholars believe that “gay identity” is a modern construct and may only exist in reaction to oppression or contemporary social aspects, there is indeed evidence that homosexuality and bisexuality have always existed and appeared most certainly a part of Celtic culture…
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Hey! I'm a graduate student at ETCetRA working on my thesis in the U.S. because of.. okay, well it's mostly unrelated personal circumstance but I digress. I understand that some magical laws and regulation differ from France. For my scroll (thesis, basically), I'm working on a multidisciplinary approach where I try to find ethical applications and approaches to necromancy. I'm wondering what the FL laws, regulations, etc. would be in regards to this or who else to contact? Thanks! -- Roman
There is an extremely small number of licensed necromancers in the US, all of them we keep close tabs on. You can contact he Necromantic Licensing Board for more information but some basics are:
36 months practice
Regular mandatory safety training
Licensing Board Approval every 5 years
There's maybe ten in the country that pass all of those requirements, and even then full body necrotic reanimation is prohibited, soul capturing is prohibited, etc. Most practicing necromancers are purely for research and reverse engineering/dispelling unlicensed necromancy.
That being said, I'd also contact Professor Diabolicus at AbSci University. They're the foremost necromancer in the country, and they have a tendency to....ramble. Sit in on their regular "Get It Right Before They Come Back Wrong" lecture. You might glean something.
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not-goldy · 7 months
Oh Goldy I've seen literally every explanation and excuses from this 'fandom' on why Jkk decided to enlist together
They've tattoos, they are same hometown, they didn't had option, it's fanservice, it's because Jin is there, JK is forced, they are real brothers
"Do you think it's a gay bar for gay couple to go together ? If anything this canceled Jikook ship as a whole as a couple in homophobic country won't enlist together"
How shitkookers feel after saying this: 🤡💪
If 2017 GCFT was what made them mental retraeds for 1st time... this enlistment is making them totally lose it. I hope bt travel show coming out they'll consider jumping off the cliff 🥺🤞🤞🤞 because it's better not to be alive as a tkkr to face post military jkk lmao...
They are grasping at straws because they have nothing to stand on. The best they can do is troll. That's all they doing is trolling 🤣 😂 💀
They sound as if Gay men don't go to the military together all the time. It's mandatory service they won't be exempt just because they are queer.
And yes, they are going to be under close scrutiny especially on mere suspicion of their sexuality- their privacy will be violated, people will be suspicious of them- unfortunately all that will happen because that's just what homophobia is and from what I hear it's quit prevalent in the SK military and even straight dudes who get suspected of being queer get burned.
The difference here is, Jikook have some clout and some privilege going in there. I don't expect them to be given special treatment just because they are the most successful boy band on earth right now but that type of success comes with social clout and currency.
Unfortunately they won't tell us the struggles they face in there because of their fame, looks, sexual orientation, skintone, height, features- even if we know they do face these micro discriminations- I mean we know they make fun of eachother jx because they get tanned etc.
I'm being sensitive because I find a lot of these things triggering for me. It's giving boarding school all over again.
We might wait have to wait for their memoirs and autobiographies for their honest thoughts and experiences of these things in their lives.
Whatever it is, I still stand with them.
But for me, being queer, having experienced bullying, homophobic violence and knowing the grave danger queer people face in certain unwelcoming spaces I wish people would understand just how terrified I am for them right now. And it's not just for them, but for every single queer individual that has to mandatorily serve. The stories that come out of there is brutal.
This is the most stressful moment of my life in this Fandom. And I think some of us are rightfully concerned for their safety- as any one who thinks they are queer should. Hopefully, nothing happens to them. At worst, they get outed for being queer and get prosecuted for having gay sex while in the military.
And what these dummies don't understand is- its immaterial whether they think Jikook are a couple or not. What is at stake here is, even if they should individually have sex with their "boyfriends" off duty off base- they will still be prosecuted for having gay sex while serving.
So yes, even if you think Jikook are not a couple- if you believe they or anyone in BTS is queer at all- you should be very much concerned for their safety and human rights regardless.
If they are queer, them enlisting will not make them straight and is certainly not evidence of they are straight because there are gay men, Trans and non-binary individuals in the south Korean military. Enlisting into the military is not some magical test of straighthood. All that enlistment means is enhanced risks for the queer individuals who actually enlist- but no, of course that's not what people are concerned about.
Like I said in an earlier post, I haven't come across any gay law/ regulations that prohibit queer couples from enlisting together or at all. If there is then Jikook would be violating those laws as closeted gay men which only put them in graver danger.
If such a law exists at all its cruel, draconian, machiavellian, and outright discriminatory and I don't know why people would use that as plot device in fan/ship warfares. It's downright stupid and insensitive, and oppressive against LGBTQIA's.
In times like this I think we can appreciate the privilege of silence, of being closeted, of being straight passing- because it becomes easy to move through a world that caters for straight people and is designed for them.
Not gonna lie, I find the minimalizing and trivializing of the risks Jikook face IF THEY ARE INDEED QUEER, insensitive and disgusting.
Because I'm sure parents siblings and friends of actual queer men- shit their pants, pour ash on their heads and quiver at the knee at the thought of their gay relations going into the military.
Some of you will never know how it feels and to that I say, it's not fair😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The fact I even have to explain the reason for the fear anxiety and worry makes me sick in the stomach 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I don't hate straight people but also I do😭
Hate you all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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cynthia39100 · 5 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E6: A Remedy to Cure All Ills
Gaius is the worst (part 2)
Now, About Gaius and Merlin's interaction.
Unlike the last episode, in which I also had some issues with Gaius but could still appreciate their father-son emotional moment, the scene before Gaius took off in this episode just irritated me to no end.
Merlin was saying how much Gaius had guided him and how much he still needed him. Did he though?? Gaius wasn't good at magic so he could only give Merlin books. That's why Merlin was so tempted by Edwin. As for the " right way of using magic", Gaius only taught him not to use magic unless it was necessary i.e. saving Arthur and Uther.
At the beginning of the episode, Gaius prohibited using magic to heal Morgana. He used the incident with Gwen's father as an example, but the situation was totally different. At the time the illness was caused by magic, everyone was ill, plus witch-hunting was active. This time it’s only Morgana and it’s a (seemingly) nonmagical illness, so Gaius could easily make up stories without causing suspicion.
That in itself is fine. I can see that it isn't good to do whatever you like because you have the power. There could also be risks of failure since Gaius didn't seem to know the cause of the illness.
But then at the end when Uther was under the same situation, Gaius half-forced Merlin to heal him! It was way more probable for Uther to be suspicious since he knew Edwin was a sorcerer now. Merlin said it. " We can't use magic on Uther. He'd kill us." And what did Gaius say to him?
" We don’t have a choice." (In fact, we have. We can let Uther die and take one step towards destiny. Also, Gwen just told you we always had a choice. So there's that. )
" There are times when it’s necessary.”(Necessary only for you because for some reason you love Uther so much.)
" It is your right" (What does that even mean?? He didn't have the right as far as the law was concerned. He didn't have the obligation either as far as destiny was concerned since it only told him to serve Arthur, who was almost nonexistent in this ep... )
I know he told the dragon that he thought it was too soon for Arthur to lead, but I didn't see any indication from previous episodes. I did, however, see a lot of indications of Gaius' devotion to Uther in this episode alone, so Gaius' words just seemed like selfish excuses.
I know that Gaius can be a grey character and Merlin can still love him, but since they (mostly Merlin) are our eyes to examine the moral in the show, Gaius is always regarded as a wise and good character. It's the most frustrating part.
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what does a watcher do?
hii !! tyyyy for the questionnnn
SO, the term 'watcher' can refer to a variety of things depending on the context. The original watchers, the Oculis Praesentia, were inherently neutral creatures tasked with recording and remembering all that happens in the universe, prohibited from ever interfering. However, some of them grew tired of simply observing and ended up taking on different forms and living in different domains, some for more selfish reasons, and others for selfless ones.
Today, most watchers are descendants of the original watchers and humans, such as S is. As descendants of the Oculis Praesentia, they have inherited the general duty of observing and recording (especially in celestial domains), but they are also tasked with supervising supernatural and celestial entities. In this role, they are essentially probation officers for these entities, hence why the role is also called 'watcher.' Most of the watchers on Earth work as watchers (yeah, they aren't very creative), while they mostly take on the role of historian, or even advisors in other domains where celestial creatures are the normality.
Perhaps surprisingly, being a watcher (the job) is a highly regarded and respected duty, with individuals training from a young age for the purpose of becoming one. Watchers are often assigned to an exiled entity, to ensure they abide by their punishment and do not cause harm. Each watcher typically works in a group, where each member is assigned to a task, area, or person - often an exile. They are skilled in combat and self-defense, as well as having the ability to perceive and sense supernatural energies and auras, which helps them identify and track down their targets. No one knows exactly how they differentiate different auras, but it is commonly understood that everyone has a unique aura and energy. (Your choices will have an impact on your aura, and you might even get the chance to ask a watcher how they perceive it, at your own discretion).
Watchers are also responsible for reporting any situations where they may need to intervene, such as eventual unauthorised use of magic, breaking of celestial laws or treaties, or endangering human lives or the balance of the domains as a whole. The specific sentences and conditions of exile or monitoring for each entity vary, but watchers are tasked with ensuring that the entity abides by these rules and does not cause any harm. Despite their revered status, watchers are often perceived as mysterious, secretive, and entities one should in general stay away from because of their close link to the Celestial Council and their general connection to the celestial law.
So, all watchers (the job title) are watchers (the species), but not all watchers (the species) are watchers (the job title). This must be so confusing lmfao im so sorry everyone
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Imagine you're a mage, right, but not just a mage, a top-notch fire mage, immortal, absurd levels of power, got the knowledge of the True Fire Magic from elder dragons, can melt dark steel asi if it were wax, sbsolutely scary stuff, and you and your fellow immortal heroes have fought calamities and fallen gods and brought peace to the world, and through guidance and patience have produced first an era of enlightenment and then technological advancement, we're talking living androids, flying autonomous cities, colonies in three of the moons, and things are not without some degree of conflict, but nothing that the people can not handle, so you find yourself in a personal crossroads, because with the magic technology, people are much less dependant on classical magic than before, and while the rest of the immortal heroes have found some purpose in research and study, or teaching, or some other ambicious goals, you, the living weapon, the calamity in the shape of a person, the one that holds the Sun in the palm of their hand, find yourself useless for the society, because no one really wants to study or document True Fire Magic, as talking to dragons was prohibited with the Law of Mythical Entities of 6548, books already say everything needed to know about it, and if you need fire there are other ways less dangerous than learning by trial and error how to modulate the intensity of a fireball, so you quietly leave the group of adventurers trying to find something new in your eternal life, and your travels are not as successful as they should because you cannot really hide yourself, as the Magic brands your body, and while people are not scared since they all have seen the stories and the old shows in the TV, they are still distant because of the whole living weapon and all that, so you continue your travels and you end up in an old inn, beautiful place, in the side of the road in a clearing in the forest, and the ambience inside is chill and calm, and no one seems to lay an eye onto you, which is a strange sensation for once, and you start talking to the innkeeper and by the Gods this person loves to talk, and they tell you about how they inherited the inn from their father and his father before him, and how the building is set atop some kind of sacred ground so no big disasters have hit it, just the usual manteinance for a building of its kind, and you spend the whole afternoon listening to this person who should have been a bard but is an innkeeper, and night comes, so you ask them to pay and also for a room and they refuse because no one really stays this much and it has been a long time since they could tell their stories, and so you spend the night and in the morning the innkeeper serves you breakfast and starts again telling you stories from the decades and decades of people that have come and gone from the inn and they sure have a lot of stories, god damn, and they keep chatting interrupted only by the occasional customer and the usual tasks of the inn, but they keep chatting with you, even if you have to go with them to each room to see them clean it because they are in the middle of a story and it would be a shame to leave it unfinished because you are absolutely transfixed into this person and their tales, they are the most intesresting thing that has happened to you in millenia, and it's nothing epic, nothing heroic, just tales of a world alive, so you stay one more day, and then another, and another, and you start noticicing yourself paying too much attention at their beautiful hair, starting to grey, and the wrinkles around the mouth and forehead from smiling too much, and their hands, rough from work but full of life, and some nights you just talk and some nights you laugh, and some nights you drink, and some nights you cry, because they have no children so when they pass no one will be there to run the inn and they feel a small piece of magic will die, so you look deep into their eyes, plain and common, with yours, crowned by the eternal fire, and you speak true for the first time in centuries.
You confess feelings you had not felt since you were an apprentice, how they've been the first person in forever that has treated with such kindness and respect, and how you cannot bear the thought of leaving their side, and you kiss, and you love them, and they love you, and in a newfound life you stay, you run the inn with your partner, you start a small library with their stories, and the years pass, and you see them grow older and older, but it's ok, and you start taking more and more of the tasks of the inn yourself, but it's ok, really, and every year they are more and more old and tired but you still love them the same, and they still love you the same, and the time comes with sadness, but also joy, because you understood it from the beginning and treasure the small time you've spent together, and you bury them in the magical grounds, in a spot where years later thousands of different flowers bloom every year, even plants from other regions, and you keep the inn, full of memories, full of a magic that cannot be taught or manufactured, and after all this time of unrest and uncertainty, you finally feel at peace.
Imagine that.
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I was wondering if you have anything on worship of Y’ffre? I know he’s not a Daedra, but he’s still fascinating to me.
Alright, I'm sorry this took literal months to get together, but my schedule was fucked. Now, let's talk about Y'ffre.
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Y'ffre is the head of the Bosmeri pantheon, the creator of the Green Pact, and usually described as a bearded man (though Y'ffre has been referred to with she/her pronouns in at least one instance). The Bosmer are also referred to as Y'ffre's people.
As Jephre, he is worshiped by the Altmer, who also depict him as bearded. There is an Altmer order known as the Jephrine Paladins who style themselves after indriks and protect the wild, as opposed to most Altmer who demand perfection and obedience from nature.
The Bretons worship him as both Jephre and Jeh Free, God of the Forest and Spirit of the Now. They have their own version of the Jephrine Paladins, the Vicars of Jephre who are also known defenders of the natural world. This isn't even getting into the Druids, the Druids of Galen, and the Beldama Wyrd.
As Y'ffer, he appears in the Khajiiti pantheon (though, who doesn't?). He created the first flower to woo Nirni, became corrupted by Namiira, killed Nirni, and was slain by Hircine, Azurah, and Khenarthi (who turned his bones into a cairn for Nirni). He was known as a snooping spirit who couldn't keep secrets and was the reason Fadomai's Children could cross the Lattice. In their lore, he's responsible for turning some of the Khajiit into the Bosmer. Prior to the Riddle'thar Epiphany, he was known as the bastard son of Ahnurr. Interestingly, he is not a figure of worship.
He's also believed to have had Ayleid and Snow Elf worshipers.
There was once an Argonian heresy that abandoned the Hist and turned to Y'ffre and the Valenwood for an alternative reproduction method, but this was potentially wiped out in the Second Era when ex-Shadowscale refugees assassinated those responsible.
Fascinatingly, the Imperials were strictly prohibited from Y'ffre worship due to Alessian Empire religious laws (though the current ban on worship is unknown in the modern Imperial Cult).
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Along with the names Y'ffre, Jephre, and Y'ffer, he is also known as the Singer, the Storyteller, God of Song and Forest, and Spirit of the Now. He is known to be swift and to send wisps to herald the storms of Rain's Hand. Seeing the wisps are a promise of new growth, new life, and a new chapter in nature's cycle.
His most faithful are the Spinners, who keep histories, laws, and prophecies as stories. They invoke him into themselves to tell the stories. Some of them include how he brought forth the Green from the Ooze, the establishment of the Green Pact, and how he taught the Bosmer to both escape the original Ooze and how to activate the Wild Hunt, which is super fucky.
As a god of nature and, let's be honest, life as a whole - because let's be honest, that's what it means to pull the Green from the Ooze - he's associated with literally all animals and plants, though obviously cares more for the plants than the animals given the average Bosmer's diet. Particularly of note are trees (especially oaks), flowers, birds, elks, and indriks. His only known artifact is the Ring of the Wild Hunt, which we'll talk about later.
What is he the god of? Well...
Narrative magic
The Green
Guardian elemental spirits
The Wild Hunt (aka Great Hunt)
I'd even argue that he's a god of the planet overall, creation, and life as a whole given his mythology and what exactly is attributed to him. Like, pulling the Bosmer out of gook is a huge thing, and it's only one of the things that is attributed to him!
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What? Okay, okay, fine, I'll talk about the Ring of the Wild Hunt!
Look, everyone keeps arguing about what is or is not canon in the Elder Scrolls series now. Which means that I'm just taking all of the information, canon or no, and dumping it at your feet. That's been the case for everything, but it's especially the case with this section.
The Ring of the Wild Hunt is a Bosmeri artifact. It plagues the wearer's dreams with images of hunters and prey, yet also blessed the wearer with Y'ffre's swiftness. Literally, it makes you run a lot faster.
The ring is composed of five pieces: the Band of Water, the Charm of the Shapeless, the Face of the Serpent, the Face of the Wolf Beast, and the Symbol of Y'ffre.
Band of Water: small band, possibly depicts a liquefied Bosmer (my thoughts: potentially one in the midst of the Wild Hunt)
Charm of the Shapeless: bizarrely-shaped green charm, possible relic of the Wild Hunt
Face of the Serpent: possible imagery of the Wild Hunt, resembles serpentine beast
Face of the Wolf Beast: monstrous animal resembling different creatures, possible depiction of King Dead Wolf-Deer
Symbol of Y'ffre: depiction of Y'ffre, thought to be of the god unleashing the power of the Wild Hunt
It broke into five pieces sometime after its creation and was reunited in 2E 582 by the ESO player character as a member of the University of Gwylim's Antiquarian Circle.
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So that's it. That's all I managed to find about Y'ffre in canon. My only additions are some minor musings, as I've never interacted with Y'ffre myself.
Something I should consider doing is to trace where the inspiration for him came from, as the Elder Scrolls series has a bad habit of pulling directly from Greek, Roman, or Norse gods to "inspire" their own... Though the lore of Y'ffre does do its best to separate him from any direct inspiration or obscure the gods who inspired him.
(PS: The apple dividers used on this post were created by @firefly-graphics!)
Perhaps this gives you something to work with, anon!
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UESP Lore page: Y'ffre
UESP Lore page: The Green Singing
UESP Lore page: Jephrine Paladins
UESP Lore page: Ring of the Wild Hunt
UESP Lore page: Beldama Wyrd
UESP Lore page: Druids
UESP Lore page: Druids of Galen
UESP Lore page: Wild Hunt
UESP Online page: Ring of the Wild Hunt
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The vaguely 1920 mafia AU (based on vibes and vibes only✨)
(no historical research went into this whatsoever)
(part one, aka just notes on who does what „proffession“)
Everyone got assigned a non-magical crime/activity, again, based on vibes. Except the Hooks don't get piracy because where would be the fun in that?)
Harriet and CJ Hook are black widows.
Harry Hook has a bar (it's prohibition era, but when did he not have a deathwish?)
(Arson and harbouring fugitives could also be on their list, but we are not here to nit pick, are we?)
Uma has a gang, The Lost Revenge, cosisting mainly of orphans and petty criminals. Her main value is that she knows everyone and everyone owes her a favour.
The Faciliers are smugglers, among other things. They have the vibes, you know?
Freddie also sings in Harry's bar and Celia practises fortune telling.
The Tremaines are disgraced nobles and just trying to marry in peace and back into wealth, thank you for asking.
The de Vils do business with anyone. I mean anyone.
Also, arson.
And since Cruella is there, good few animals went missing.
Jay and Jade are children of foreign gang that specialises in over-border smuggling and probably tomb raiding and went to *Auradon City* on a joy ride.
Evie run away from home and cooks drugs. Sorry, girl. She doesn't sell on the streets, though.
Gil also ran away from home and is now playing self appointed bodyguard for Uma.
No one is sure what exactly is Ginny Gothel doing. No one wants to know.
Yzma, Yzla and Zevon sell stuff. (Don't ask.)
Frollo's crime is existence ✨
Just kidding. He would just never in a million years admit he is a criminal.
Also, Claudine is legally dead.
Audrey Rose is that rich heiress that is perpetually high to cope with society. And also because cocaine is considered a perfectly fine medicine.
Lonnie is a daughter of foreign emissaries who runs away from home occasionally to fight in some fight ring or another.
Who runs that anyway? Would it be a stretch to say Gaston?
Actually I have no idea what Mal is doing.
She is running around, doing the 1920 equivalent of spray paint and calling for revolution. Which is funny as her parents are two of the most influential people in town. Not sure on which side of law though.
Ben has no idea that this all is happening.
Yes I WILL elaborate.
@dragoneyes618 @hannahhook7744
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cepheusgalaxy · 3 months
It came to my knowledge that the sinners in the Helluvaverse are confined in the Pride Ring
Honestly, that makes lots sense because the sinners are only sinners in the first place because of Lucifer, and he's the pride king. ALSO when the angels come down in extermination day, it would be so bothersome to go down aaaall the seven rings to kill people, so it makes sense the sinners aren't allowed to go down and leave the Pride Ring.
This also is kind of a funny way to explain why most characters wouldn't know each other XD
While it makes me sad that like, Husk and Angel will never have a romantic date at Ozzie's or that Angel and Cherri might party at Beelzebub's someday, it gives me some interesting ideas and implications:
The Hotel integrants can't go down and visit any of the rings, but Charlie sure can
The IMP's office is on the pride ring on purpose, otherwise their clients (freshly died sinners) wouldn't be able to reach them
Each ring has a dominant color scheme (greed = green, for example), so that's why Hazbin Hotel has a more consistent color scheme, since they're confined to a single ring, and in Helluva Boss sometimes when different characters visit other rings (as it happens many times) the episode's color scheme becomes almost overwhelming
That's also why the hellborns don't really mention Extermination Day. If they're on Pride, they just have to go down and come back the next day. It's not a complete bother to them (although i do think Pride gets super chaotic even a few days after E.D. Remember the turf wars on the pilot?)
Then I also started to think on how exactly they "can't go to the other rings". Are they prohibited by some law, maybe some powerful gate guardian, and if that is the case, can more powerful Overlords visit the lower rings? Or are they physically/magically unable to come down? Could a powerful hellborn like Lucifer or other ruler of Hell allow someone down?
Do the rulers of Hell ever go up in Pride? We know they have businesses there, Valentino has a Fizz Bot after all.
We know Lucifer is not the kind to inspire much authority among sinners (unlike the other rulers who are more known and respected--although that more like pop stars and not kings and queens), but do the other Rulers ever meet with overlords, or they just don't interact with each other?
Do people know Angel in the lower rings? He's a famous pornstar, but I wonder if his fame or VoxTek has any kind of business down there
Anyways, I love worldbuilding in general, and Helluva Boss gave us such cool insigh in the universe that I can't help but smile and try to decipher it all, because Hazbin Hotel's worldbuilding is so well crafted and fun
Also it makes Heaven more of a bunch of assholes since the "overpopulation" problem in Hell could easily be avoided by letting sinners go down and be in any ring so all of them would be divided and more of a manageable population
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tomionefinds · 2 years
Hi I just finished unsinkable and was wondering if there are any other tomione titanic fics? Thank you!
Hey Anon,
There actually is, but I really could only find one other. Gonna drop it and Unsinkable, for those who haven't read it.
Then I just went crazy and found a bunch of 1910-1920 era fics and also some pirate AUs; because ships and stuff. I'm sorry I have a problem keeping my mind in check. -JD
A Night to Remember by ASongofIceandHope M | One Shot | 4k A doomed transatlantic crossing brings both opportunity and entertainment to the Riddles — and tragedy to so many others. Titanic AU
Unsinkable by juvenilia (speechwriter), speechwriter T+ | Complete | 39k He: a young man long since raised from poverty, now on the verge of inheriting a magnate's business in the 1910s. She: an impoverished young woman on her way to start a new life in America.
In short: Tom Marvolo Riddle, Hermione Jean Granger, and one voyage on the RMS Titanic—and how it would change their lives forever.
The Conductor and the Violinist by aflowerofwords M | WIP | 51k 1906, Riddle, a conductor, is a prodigy at the Royal Opera House. Hermione Granger is a brilliant violinist but he does not seem to agree on that. Tomione.
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked by Nautical Paramour M | Complete | 72k "You are already on the wrong side of the law, Miss Granger." Tom smirked at her, taking another drag from his cigarette, before leaning in towards her. His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, "If you are going to be bad, be good at it." Non-magical AU set in prohibition New Orleans. Tomione. Complete!
Probabilities by quill and ink (aquila877) G | One Shot | 1k “The probability of that is zero,” he spoke quietly, eyes still pointedly staring at the posted sheets, “But you go ahead.” ~A 1920s/Peaky Blinders inspired Tomione au~
wolfer by peppershark E/Ma | WIP | 18k Ilvermorny has been closed since the Salem Witch Trials.
Witches and wizards live among no-majes: some raised with the old ways, like a murderous young Parseltongue from the Bayou.
The Sound of the Sea by NinjaFairy M | Complete | 20k She craved adventure, like the ones she read about in her books. She craved an escape - she craved freedom, and marrying the pretentious Draco Malfoy was anything but those things.
Neverland by knittedcoffee T | One Shot | 9k Peter Pan AU where Ron is Peter, Hermione is Wendy, and Tom is Captain Hook. She's grown up now and preparing for university, but Peter drags her back to Neverland. When he abandons her, she allies herself with the one and only Captain Hook in the hopes of finding a way home before it's too late. Warning: violence & mentions of death/alcohol use
No Kings by frozenbeans E/Ma | One Shot | <1k There are no kings in Neverland. Only Tom. Peter Pan AU.
Deep Blue Sea by Mariico T | WIP | 9k In the endless ocean, a girl and her friends are captured by a group of pirates.
Pink Submarine by ssserpensssotia M | One Shot | 3k What do you do, when your Prince Charming sails over to you wearing a Captain's outfit on a large, pink submarine? One-shot, completed. Not a crack!fic!
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cassandragemini · 4 months
have i ever talked about my 1920s au for my ocs. ive never drawn it but i have some vague ideas floating around on my head. lou is a down on his luck amateur (Emphasis on amateur) jazz trumpeter who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up as a witness to a mob hit. this lead to a cascade of other life ruining problems because after running into the wood to hide something bit him and now he gets real antsy on full moons. just like in the 1898 canon timeline hes still a skilled moonshiner but its prohibition so its much more high risk high reward
adelita is still a fairy larping as a human but instead of being a cowgirl shes the worlds worst private eye. she does not actually care about the law shes just here to have fun. shes also very effective at her job despite being mostly incompetent because being able to magically shrink yourself down to fairy size is a great way to snoop around
i cant remember if ive mentioned this before but one aspect of adelita illusion magic allows her to perfectly mimic someones appearance for about a hour at a time, as long as she touches them for about a minute straight. this restriction makes her powers extremely situational so usually she gets around this by just sneaking behind people and knocking them unconscious with a tire iron so she can borrow their face for a bit. an important note to add about the mimicry thing is that adelita is a fucking terrible actress so the second she starts talking in other peoples voices it gets real unsettling
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