#or at least it comes like rly late
milkbreadtoast · 11 months
Hey guys, i found out too late but webtoon is doing an event for their 9th anniversary where u can unlock 9 episodes for daily pass series instead of 1 (resets at 7pm, so if u unlock 9 right now u can unlock 9 more at 7pm today)... but it's ONLY for the month of july (i found so late im sorry😭😭) so there's like 3 days left...
but I rly recommend checking these series out and unlocking as many daily pass eps as u can before july ends!!!
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The Makeup Remover: This is like (one of) my fav webtoons EVER... u have to read it its got everything... Funny, cute art style, insightful + refreshing writing + social commentary that hits hard... A riveting story that reminds me of sports anime tournaments... AMAZING pacing and paneling/visual storytelling... extremely compelling well rounded characters, especially FEMALE CHARACTERS!!!, who have such incredible character dev, I cried so much bc I love them so much and it just hits so hard.... even the romance is well written even tho it's not the focus (unlike what the webtoon categorization says)... JUST READ IT PLS ITS MY FAV... It stuck w me long after I first finished it... and I'm on my 3rd read now and it hits just as hard as ever, I love it so much TT
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When the Day Comes
Rly good slice of life... Even if u don't normally like slice of life genre, I think this is rly worth a read for everyone. I love the author's subtle, realistic writing style and pacing, they make even the smallest moments have impact and u can tangibly feel how each chara is feeling... It's a real treat to read and even if nothing else, the art and art style is GORGEOUS!!! Soso good and insp. But the writing is also really good, so it's a real gem... Also there's a canon lesbian chara who's rly well written and I love her deeply...
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ilonacho · 8 months
it hit me what makes me the most miserable abt my work week is how it’s just school all over again. just hanging in there until the weekend. repeat. repeat. repeat
#5 outta 7 days im at work. 2 days of freedom#2 days to do chores n run errands n relax n sleep n draw n catch up w/ friends n go places#and if u gotta reschedule itll be weeks before ur available again#like for months now ive tried to get together w/ friends but our days off dont match n shit keeps coming up#not to mention im fucking tired! im exhausted! i want to sleep in and then draw the rest of the day!#i think the worst part is that back in school.. at least it didnt matter as much? because it all led to an end aka graduation?#like i didnt mind the wait for next weekend as much cuz it was temporary#like eventually ill graduate and then ill have freedom! (i thought? for some reason??)#but now its like.. the weeks are going by so fast this year is already almost over i turn 26 in 2 weeks#and this is.. the rest of my life? like youre kidding right? this cant be it?#i get off work n then i have to take care of the cats n chores n then eat dinner n then shower n then its late and i gotta sleep#before work the next day. i dont have time nor energy to rly do anything#and ill get that feeling of like. oh well at least it brings me closer to the next ‘weekend’#but i dont wanna live weekend to weekend#i mean im thankful to have a job n coworkers i love like i truly hate it there sometimes but i also am happy and thankful for it#but yknow.. it shouldnt have to be like this#i worded this so much better in the shower but im tired of feeling like school part 2 like what the fuck man#ive had work every single day since we came back from our trip n i just dont have time/energy for anything#i need to open commissions back up but i havent even gotten around to starting one a friend asked for#not to mention this years christmas card ive barely got the sketch done for#and again. my favourite holiday. halloween is on tuesday and while we did plan halloweeny stuff it just has not felt like halloween#i havent had any ideas/energy/time for any halloweeny art#+chores n errands etc lmao we havent even been to the grocery store yet (calling us out here)#it just. suuuuucks aaaaaass man the world is so beautiful life is a gift i dont wanna spend it like this
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mostlykind · 5 months
it’s not that difficult doing wudu at work but it is still long and inconvenient and I wish a day will come when there can be designated wudu/prayer spaces at work !!!!
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floorpancakes · 1 year
hcs on the brain
#thinking about my trans holic hcs again#some of them are just kinda random but im VERY firmly in trans woman yuuko trans guy shizuka and nb tanuki#the shizuka hc is cause it just kinda checks out with his lore kinda like scara/ryo to an extent but also he just radiates trans energy#also rou isnt real if i manifest hard enough#yuuko is just *points at her* you think someone that serves that hard is cis????#also this is neither here nor there but i simply do not see the modern holic art where yuuko is like 5foot#this isnt relevant rly i just remembered it and got pressed again shes the tallest woman of all time dont lie to me#anyway she gives off vibes#tanuki is just 'youre a fav i relate to a lot so you get to wear the non binary hat '#but also thats a lie cause he gives MAD repressed energy repression is his entire THING#his gender expression is really fucking interesting and also just fun and even without the trauma hed probably be at least gnc#and its a KNOWN FACT that he shoves all his feelings deep down and refuses to address them or addresses them way after the fact#we've seen how he shoves down his feelings whos to say hes not pulled a me as a teenager move and shoved down feelings of gender stuff#it makes sense to me that with all his character writing and development in canon he'd be the EXACT kind of perspn to be a late bloomer#idk i was so a lot of that comes from personal experience#but this repressed mf is packed to the brim w gender#his gender is ?? and nothing and idk and drunk girl crying in bathroom to sunmi music and gay and#his gender is basically the xxx placeholder in xxxholic like its just kinda ___insert word here___#im insane but my brain is huge
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jobazzle · 11 months
my top 5 eras vs what my spotify listening history says are my top 5 eras…SPEAK NOW SWEETIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING ALL THE WAY DOWN THERE
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It just doesn’t feel that satisfying somehow,, In the past you could get several suits for this price qq I love this suit a lot and I got 2 pieces of the demon suit bc I had to pay slightly over to get it to 550 exp(and had no luck with daily deals >>) but ;; welp… bye money, hello beautiful cat girl who I’ve wanted since the second I saw her previewed for cn-! Gotta focus on positives! not the ~20 or smt aud im trying not think about GKAKVKA
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She be like this ^ GODLY!
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tariah23 · 2 years
Ppl rly be shipping Denji with makima, power, and Aki man
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chisatowo · 2 years
I should probably rb an ask game tomorrow so I don't keep being dead quiet all day and make like a post at midnight fncndjfnf
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arolesbianism · 7 days
Bro I'm losing my god damn mind and I haven't even messed around with the new gameplay shit like at all. Ive spent the past like 5 hours just reading and looking at shit I haven't even played the damn video game
#rat rambles#oni posting#and unfortunately playing the damn video game will have to wait til tomorrow because its late bug holy shitttttt#this isnt even all of the new content that will be in the full dlc like holy shit#now one bit of sad news for the gamers is that the mysterious machine does not appear to be the temporal bow but it still seems neat#its currently locked tho so I cant comment too much on its full deal#based on in game disriptions tho it appears to be a geothermal generator of sorts#which is actually super cool considering the environmental storytelling surrounding it#well what I assume to be I have only generated one world so it could be some wild coincidence#but Im pretty sure the magma biome is mostly obsidian with only bits and pieces of magma which combined with the geothermal generator#situations and said building being on the cold planet paints a cool pocture#also I wasnt able to 100% comfirm this but uh. erm. I think we Might be getting one extra new dupe once the dlc comes out proper#lets just say I have reason to believe that harold might not be the only moreson to have gotten his dna stolen#its so jover guys how the hell am I supposed to sleep tonight#and worst of all Ive seen like 2 ppl talk abt the beta and it's been minor stuff hello is anyone there can anyone hear me#Im losing my god damn mind someone at least make a video where they just talk abt the new plants and critters and such#like we might Finally have a new oxygen method even if its low key just a cold oxyfern#I forgive it tho because of the context of it using ice as fertilizer#like that doesnt mean a whole lot on this planet but on most other planetoids that provides a rly interested challenge#ultimately it's not That hard to make ice if you have access to any level of cooling but its still cool to imagine how one would go abt#automating the whole process and making it more applicable to late game oxygen demands#also this is a massive update for nosh bean enjoyers as we finally have a second way to get ethanol lol#also the deep fryer is a fun concept even if Im not sure how worth it it'll be to go for it
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kindacreepy-kindaugly · 5 months
I wonder if I'm makin things better or worse for the collective bein like this. On one hand I'm not happy or makin any progress towards it, but...I can't rly even imagine that. I can't imagine a life without him. It's not that I don't want it, on some level I know it'd be better for me, but...I can't even dream about it cause I just can't imagine it at all.
On the other hand I make a great decoy. He's basically dropped all interest in Angel cause now he knows I'm the one who still wants him n loves him n can't exist without him. So at least one of us will make it out this time, I think.
#mafia honey#it's not a self-sacrificing thing. i'd stay all the same even if it did nothin for anyone else. but it's nice that it does!#at least some good that'll come out of this fucking mess#whatever happens to me is.....i mean it'd happen anyway. i'm neither ready or strong enough to try n get away. i don't rly even want to#i'd rather just stick around n trick myself into thinkin maybe someday he'll care about me too#i guess i make a pretty good pet too. i don't rly talk back anymore or get angry or say no. i don't make a fuss about much.#n i mean....contract or no the chain's still there. he knows it i know it there's no place far enough that he couldn't pull me right back in#nothin out here for me anyway. all i do is abuse substances n cry. at least this way i can just go to val instead of wrecking the body too#or just self soothe w/ the most horrific violent abusive scenarios i can think up. or the care i can pretend comes after#cause in reality he's been rly skimpin on the aftercare lately n that's. not great. makes the inevitable crash a whole lot worse#it's like he looked at the list of what NOT to do in a dynamic like this n made it his how-to guide instead...#though it's probably just all part of the game. needs to keep us low enough that we don't get too strong n start gettin ideas.#needs to keep us desperate enough that we keep comin back instead cause nothin else gives us the rush like he does#i think i saw the term for that recently. breadcrumbing? maybe#i can see what he's doin i know all the steps by now but i'm just lettin it play out anyway#not like i could stop it anyway. he knows everythin. he knows what i feel better than i do#plus if he doesn't he can just make it up n convince me he's right cause i can't tell the difference#¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it is what it is. at least angel n silk seem to be breakin free of it now. i'm not around that much anyway#spdrvent
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toastsnaffler · 6 months
walking the tightrope of being honest abt smth that bothers me without making the other person feel too bad abt it and also without starting crying should be an olympic sport
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originsofevil · 10 months
i think that closing should actually be considered a capital punishment
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aashiqvi · 1 year
I actually want to go ghost on social medias over summer. I had a rlyyy good term at uni :-) but i have some things i wanna focus on BUT ITS JUST SUCH. ! A commitment. But would be good for me.
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wicchyy · 6 months
—0.3 boundary less ; james potter
sum: you and James are best friends. right? /bestfriend!James
warnings: none rly
notes: i fully believe in being best friends with james yall will not have boundaries
You’ve been friends with James Potter for as long as you can remember. Since you were in diapers, perhaps. You’d bathe and splash around in the bath with him when you were younger. Your mums were close and you’d spend almost every holiday with the Potter family. It wasn’t a strange thing for you to be seen with James after all. You’d already been apart of James’ life since day one. You knew the marauders of course, the rest of them. But you chose not to be apart of their group, deciding that they could have their own fun of pranks and troublesome adventures.
You however always sat on the couch late at night, when the boys were out doing something you’d prefer not to take part in. Then when the clock struck midnight, they’d come inside with their hushed voices and footsteps trying not to alert anyone. But you would always be there to see none other than James.
If he’d been hurt or in need of a good night hug, you’d wait just a while before your bedtime to see his face. At least if you wanted your morning the next day to be a pleasant one. He was your best friend, your lucky charm, your favorite person.
James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter stepped inside the commons just to see your usual presence. But this time you weren’t practicing your charms or reading a muggle book. You were tucked in nicely with a big knit blanket, hair splayed on the pillows, snug in James’ warm quidditch sweater.
“I’m heading straight to bed, boys. Absolutely knackered.” Peter whispered, patting Remus on the back and saying his goodbyes quickly.
The other joined you on the couch. Remus grabbing the book from the floor, clearly after your use. He settled on the single chair beside you and Sirius quickly joined him, planting his arse on the floor and leaning against his boyfriend’s feet. They knew James’ routine so well, knowing he’d want to spend the few moment with you and waiting up for him.
James made his few steps toward you, brushing stray hairs from your face before blowing at it. He knew it was just the thing to wake you up. Your eyes fluttered immediately, waking up to seeing James Potter’s pretty face. It certainly was a way to wake you up.
“Jamie!” You slapped his chest, straightening up your body and rubbing sleep away from your eyes. James took his place comfortable beside you, placing your foot atop his lap and smiling softly at you.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He replied, “You sure y’not tired? I’ll take you up upstairs if you are.” James always had a way of making your heart beat faster with the way he expressed his care.
“I’m quite fine. I was waiting for you guys, y’know.” You sighed softly, leaning back comfortably.
“Missed you darlin’, your loverboy here has decided on some new pranks we’d like to put in action next week.” Remus chimed from behind you.
“Mm. Remind me again, Y/n. Why aren’t you ever present for our wonderful tricks?” Sirius says in his tired tone.
James chuckles, answering for you. “Because, Pads, she’s a good girl.” He pats your knee.
You smiled at your best friend, “Yes, Jamie. I am. But also, because I prefer the solitude of the commons rather than running around and creating trouble around the castle.”
“Mhm. I thought your preferred solitude was with me.” James smiles.
You retracted your legs from his lap and changed your position to sit beside him. Thighs touching, warmth immediately radiating off him and you were impatient for him to wrap his arms around you. James took your change of position as a sign to immediately circle his arm around your shoulders. “Certainly one of my favorite.”
Remus simply smiles at you while Sirius rolls his eyes. They’ve become used to this behavior by now. The absence of boundaries between you and James’ friendship was somewhat of a regular routine for their eyes.
James dips his head at the curve of your neck, his nose prodding at your soft skin. You can feel his mouth curving up to form a smile. James breathes out a soft sigh, the feeling causing shivers all over your skin. “You smell nice, sweetheart.” He lays his head on your shoulder and your hand starts to mess with his curls.
The intimacy of this— of your friendship, was something you’d always treasure between you two. You’ve been chastised by Sirius many times as he’s told you about the attachment you and James have. How both of you had been unable to secure a significant other as you played the part well in looking so.
“Wearing your sweater, so technically you smell nice.”
“Mm, no. ‘S just you, honey.”
You laughed lightly, your fingers still messing around with his hair. He loved it as well as you.
“Oi, can you both just get it over with? Go get a room and snog or some—“ Sirius complains.
“What Pads means is that perhaps we should bid you goodnight now. He’s quite tired.” Remus cuts in, pulling at Sirius’ shoulder and getting him to stand up.
Sirius starts, but hes quickly being pulled up the staircase by Remus. “What—? That’s not what I mean, Moons.”
James waves his friends off, relaxing now that no one ought to judge him for the version of himself when he’s with you.
“Christ, I never want to leave from your arms.” James flirts.
Your fingers stop messing with his curls, but instead grabs at the arm he has around your shoulders and pulls his face closer. You set his head on your lap, his face gazing up at you.
“Sorry, Jamie. Y’know how you make my lap warm.”
James just smiles softly up at you, taking your hands to both of his cheeks. He likes the warmth of your palms that have been lying beneath the blankets and near the fireplace. “Missed you today, sweetheart.”
“You always miss me, Jamesie.”
He smiles with his perfect lips, pouting like a baby knowing that you find his ridiculous look adoring. “True. However, I only have one class with you on Fridays and I have clubs the whole day after. And I promised the boys I’d discuss forward our plan today.”
“Too occupied to see me, hm?”
“Never. I truly am sorry, honey.”
You pinched his cheeks lightly, glancing just barely at his plump lips you so badly want to kiss. “You only have time for me when it’s late, James?”
“Oh, come on. You know it’s our time when it’s late.”
True. Nights like these were reserved for you and James only. And you wouldn’t have it any other way, truly.
“I guess I can accept your apology. With only one more request.”
James smiles up at you. “Stay at my dorm tonight?”
“Obviously.” You laughed, tracing James’ soft skin with your fingertips. “I’ve got my period today, need your aiding cuddles.”
“Course, sweetheart. I’ve always got ya, haven’t I?”
James positions his body to sit up and he places a quick, featherlight kiss on your cheek. He stands up from the place in your lap. “Come on now, up you go honey. Much warmer in my dorm.”
You grab his hand and intertwine them, standing up as James envelops you on his arms.
You’d never need anyone else if you would always have James with you, just like this.
💌 thanks for reading lovie! support me by reblogging <3
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genshins1mpact · 2 years
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all these mf skyward prides.... AND STILL NO GODDAMN SKYWARD HARP!!! 😭😭😭
also if you squint hard enough at the ones that say new..... there's a painful story hidden in plain sight right there 🥲
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
I LOVE your bitey child series!!!
Please I NEED bitey child yuu calling Malleus, Jack, Rook, and Sebek big brother💖😭💖
Malleus, Jack, Rook, and Sebek's reaction to bitey child!Yuu's calling them big brother
A/N: Omg!!! this is so cute!!! tysm for requesting I hope you like it!
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Mal and Lilia were having a nice conversation in the Diasomnia lounge abt whatever they talk abt
then you just waltzed in, tugged at Malleus's coat, and said,
"Come with me big brother, i needa' show you somethin'..."
He was in shock but followed you anyway
leaving Lilia behind to almost have a heart attack from how cute that was
You two ended up in the backyard of Ramshackle where there was a small patch of dirt lined with many rocks that all very in size
you had shown him your very own garden that Ruggie and Deuce helped you start
nothing had grown yet but you were still quite proud and puffed your chest as you awaited Mal's response.
Malleus chuckled in amusement,
you had come all the way to Diasomnia just to show him your garden
it warmed his heart, especially since he knew how much you hated going through the mirror gates alone
yet you still did just to come to get him
you must truly see him as your big brother then...
He patted your head and said,
"This is very impressive, little sibling. Please do tell me about all of what you are growing."
Jack was just minding his own business, happily eating his lunch
when you came out of nowhere and clung onto his tail with no warning
this was far from the first time though
so he just sighed and continued eating
and you, still with your arms locked around his tail, plopped onto the empty bench area next to him
"*sigh* what are you doing Yuu?"
you just inaudibly mumbled into his tail with a yawn and curled onto yourself, using his fluff as a makeshift pillow
"Really Yuu? Common, you shouldn't be taking naps in the middle of-"
he was cut off by more of your mumbling, but this time he caught on to a certain sentence
"Noooo, big brotheerrrr, lemmee sleeep"
Jack instantly stopped in his tracks
he got hit with a massive wave of nostalgia from when his little sibling called him that for the first time while they were learning to talk.
He didn't have the heart because it was now a pile of mush to stop you and ended up being late for his next class
its rly hard to carry a child thats clinging onto your tail.
You were once again trying to steal Rook's hat
he was hunting a certain eel when you just popped out of nowhere a took his hat
he found it quite amusing
and was very proud that you had managed to sneak up on him.
He playfully chased you all throughout the campus
which lead to you climbing up a rather tall tree
and Rook knew almost instantly something bad was going to happen
and just as he was going to warn you, you slipped and ended up falling
Rook was quick to catch you
and you clung onto him while crying with your face shoved into his shoulder
he was sat under the tree while rubbing you back and reassuring you everything was ok now
when you had mostly calmed down you looked up at him and said,
"*sniff* Thank you, big brother..."
"Hehe, it was my pleasure, dear little trickster!"
Rook stood up, picked up his hat that landed a little ways away, placed it on your little head,
and took you to Pomefiore to get you cleaned up.
He's quite pleased with the nickname you gave him, though he is interested to see who else you refer to that as, there must be many.
Sebek had been dragged to yet another sleepover at Ramshackle by the rest of the first years
they do this at least once a month.
Rn, he was pouting on the couch while everyone was just talking and hanging out a lil ways away
you had gotten board so you grabbed a chair to prop up behind the couch
Sebek was already well aware of your plan, you had done this hundreds of times and were never able to stay too quiet abt it
you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and yelled,
"Sneak attack!"
ok- its not rly yelling but its loud for you.
and Sebek stood up, with you still hanging on, and took your little arms to propel you forward as he shot down
you were thrown onto the couch with Sebek still holding your arms waiting for you to tap out.
You loved trying to wrestle with him when you were hyper, it's where you learned this cool barrel roll trick.
When you didn't tap out just kept trying to do said barrel roll, so Sebek opted to tickle you
which worked, after a minute you just started trying to tap out while saying
"Ok-Ok-Ok!! You win big brother! You win!!"
He just huffed and sat back down with a victory smile
It wasn't until 3 days later that he realized what you had called him while he was recounting the incident to Lilia
and he had no clue what to feel.
And Lilia had another heart attack
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