#there’s been an influx of it because of the anime like be normal
tariah23 · 2 years
Ppl rly be shipping Denji with makima, power, and Aki man
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ask-the-doorman · 2 months
"Hello, I have a small question... Are bird doppels um... normal?"
" Bird…doppelgängers? "
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[henry seems…alarmed, almost as if he’s realizing he may have made a small mistake]
" well, I don’t know for sure about that one, The D.D.D hasn’t really told me anything about doppelgängers mimicking any sort of birds, animals? Yes, I know that one from experience even…but I’ve had yet to see one mimic a bird…or maybe I’m just really bad at spotting them..?"
[he paused, checking a small list he had with him, it’s nothing fancy more like scrap paper he had in his pocket he had been writing on he taps his pen on part as he reads to find what he’s looking for]
" but…I will tell you something, there actually has been a odd influx of birds trying to get into the building lately, sometimes I let them in because welll, I find it a little funny that there just, waiting there until the door opens…though I’m not meant to say too much when something seems suspicious as to not arouse any concern or rumors among others so don’t tell the D.D.D I said this but… I think you might be onto something there "
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
Madison doesn't share food.
It's just not who she is. Not anymore. Five years in the woods, fighting for every meal she could find in the dead of winter, sometimes cursing herself even for shivering in the cold, because shivering burnt calories she couldn't afford to spend. She made it through, of course, she kept herself going.
Even now that she's in a better place, no longer fighting for meals, she can't bear to let any calories go to waste. She's the type to scrape up every grain of rice, mop up the last drop of sauce, clear her plate every time, because there's still that voice in the back of her mind that wonders when she'll get the next good meal.
And she doesn't share food.
Alex knows this, of course. Everyone at the mansion knows this. They all saw her nearly stab Sean for trying to snatch an extra cookie from her plate. They all see the way she hunches over her food like she's expecting it to be grabbed away from her - less now, as she's learned to trust them, but she still guards her food like an animal. She'll cook for them, bake a feast of treats at the holidays, but anything that's on her plate is hers alone.
One night, it's Hank's turn to make dinner, but an influx of missions have made them all too busy for a regular grocery trip and there's not quite enough in the house to double the recipe like he normally does. It's enough to feed everyone, nobody's going hungry, but... perhaps it's not quite as much as they'd like to have.
Nobody complains. Not really. Sean gripes about it at first, but he's also the one taking half his normal portion and insisting the triplets eat their fill instead. He grew up with siblings too, and perhaps it's brought out his more generous side. Madison's done the same, which is already enough of a surprise. She'll be hungry tonight, but she's been hungry before. As long as her sisters are fed, that's enough.
The others eat in silence, out of unspoken agreement that the situation is what it is, nothing to be done about it now. The grocery stores are closed for the night, all this will be remedied tomorrow, they can handle one peckish night.
Alex scrapes his plate, inwardly wishing he had just a few more bites but instead only biting down on the urge to mention it. He's had hungry nights too, and will never admit the way it reminds him of his prison days.
Without a word, Madison slides her dinner roll onto his plate. Nothing more than that, and she stands up to rinse her empty dishes as if it's nothing out of the ordinary at all. As if she hasn't just surrendered what few extra calories she had, relegated herself to a night of hunger.
But he knows.
The next one comes a few weeks later. They're out to dinner, some fancy upscale place where all the dishes sound like they were cooked up with a game of darts. It's good, of course, just... odd. Charles' suggestion.
"Hm." Madison says, nudging Alex with her shoulder, "Try this."
"Really?" He can't hide his surprise, and she just gives him a look. Even with permission, it feels a little odd to reach for something off her plate. That's taboo. Madison doesn't share food.
But he tries it, and she doesn't stop him, and he offers her a bite off his own plate in exchange. Like any other couple, he thinks. As if they were any other couple.
Then he gets a little more daring. Just a little.
They're at lunch a few weeks later. This time it's just the two of them, a rare quiet moment amid the chaos.
"Hey, wanna trade?" he asks, offering her the remaining half of his sandwich. It's not quite asking for her food outright, let alone daring just to reach for it impromptu, but still toeing the line. He expects her to refuse, but he wants to see.
And she, without hesitation, slides her plate across the table.
Madison doesn't share food.
But Alex Summers proves again to be the exception.
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I know this is probably a horrible mistake submitting this, and that I'm going to come off as an asshole to some people but I can't take it anymore.
Pride month has just began, I am a proud queer individual who is currently questioning their gender. I'm afab who's gender fluctuates between fem-aligned, masc-aligned and nonbinary but I mainly present as feminine (I like pretty girly clothes and having long hair, sue me.)
As much as I wish my fellow LGBTQIA+ members the best this june, I can't help feeling melancholic and alienated. Why? Well... it's kind of a shitty reason.
During June I see large influxes of my male f/os in canonxcanon gay relationships. Now, I normally have no issue with that and I respect mlm canonxcanon (mlm selfxcanon even more <3 wishing mlm self-shippers the best) but I can't help but feel so personally attacked (even though I'm not being attacked, I know that... but i can't help my stupid, stupid feelings) but when I see it so frequently and people start being like "A CHARACTER x B CHARACTER AND SCREW ANY OTHER SHIP" and the two characters aren't even confirmed to be gay/in a relationship... I know it's really, really awful of me but I hate the idea of my f/o not being attracted to me physically... it gives me body dysmorphia and I hate it. Because I'm "too girly for them" or wtv I know that's not the case but y'know... *sigh* I just watched a fan-made animated video of my f/o saying "why would I want a woman in my life" and now my head hurts... I'm not going to cry, I'm too old to cry over fictional characters. I don't even identify as woman I'm just someone who looks girly. Why should I feel this way?
I feel like a homophobe every Pride month despite being part of LGBTQIA+ and supportive of gay rights and I feel awful for it because of this stupid reason. I don't want to feel like this, I want to feel happy alongside my fellow LGBTQIA+ friends.
Please, please someone tell me I'm not the only one who experiences this... I'm sorry for being such a problem during Pride. I know my complaint is invalid bc I know there are countless gay fictos/self-shippers here who have been facing this issue of their male f/o being shipped in a straight canonxcanon ship for years and still to this day. To you guys I say your f/o loves you in every way and they support you and your identity, and couldn't be more proud of you <3
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alltheotherblogs · 2 months
The recent trends I've been seeing of "Cross-universe" matchups and why making two characters from different worlds fight doesn't make any sense.
You've probably seen them too, on YouTube and in random social media posts. Maybe it's just me. Regardless the sudden influx of "Misc fictional character V.s. character from other fictional world." or even "Misc fictional character V.s. EVERY character from other fictional world." I've even seen some people being really really stupid regarding Jujutsu Kaisen. JJK is the most recent addition to the "The Fans are Idiots" club of anime and manga. Of course, we all know it's just because it's particularly popular. Regardless, pretending like Sukuna can defeat anyone from JJBA is delusional. (I wonder if anyone else has seen that video, lol.)
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I'm gonna set this up before I dive in. First, think about it, JJBA doesn't have Cursed Energy, or domains. One could argue abilities like Za Warudo and King Crimson are Domain expansions. But, that isn't what those are, they are Stand Abilities. Manifestations of a fighting spirit and potentially even some kind of sentient disease. Depending on which JJBA universe we're talking, Sukuna honestly gets beat in Part 2 JJBA, and if we're talking Universe 2, he gets beat in every single part. Sukuna can't even react and move as fast as Joseph, and he isn't as smart, and if he is IN THE JJBA UNIVERSE, HE CAN'T USE CURSED ENERGY!!! Of course these absurd arguments try to insert whatever power into each universe disregarding what that would mean. These people blatantly ignore basic rules to hypotheticals. If your opponent has a power, so do you.
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So, that's point #1, universes do not automatically share special abilities like Cursed Energy or Stands. While Stands are either a disease or a biblical miracle, only one of those is technically transferable across universes, and Stands obviously use some form of magical not physics based ability. Like, can you imagine ANYONE in JJK against Za Hando? Yeah, no, they all fucking lose in a fair fight. Za Hando is way too fast, and he just REMOVES space and time. The Hand has the potential to be King Crimson on steroids combined with The world. Regardless, I'll get to point #2. Can you imagine pairing up anyone from JJK or JJBA against normal ass people? That's why JJBA V.s. things like IPPO, BAKI, or Kengan makes no sense either. You have to nerf or buff someone. Regardless, I am actually interested in what Baki, Ippo, and Kengan's stands would be... Holy shit. That's a great hypothetical idea. Seriously though, think about it. When even the physics between each world change so dramatically, making two people fight who aren't remotely the same TYPE of combatants, is just absurdly dumb. Think about if any Baki character trained JUST AS HARD in the DBZ universe. Baki characters would be godlike powerhouses in DBZ with near infinite Ki energy and would even invent their own techniques. If you are taking a character, their training should be what transfers, not their power. Think about the sheer WIPES which Goku has in every univers-... Oh wait, no, even with all his powers Goku loses to people like Kenichi. The powers of people like Kenichi aren't BASED on physics, they are based on stands. And so, Echoes making Goku heavy would work regardless of how strong he was. See what I mean? People ALSO just assume how things work, how everything functions, despite not actually knowing the full extent of anyone's power. Sure, once made heavy, Goku could just unleash Ki to explode Kenichi with his damn mind. Well, maybe, honestly probably not. Imagine the amount of effort it would even take to TRY and overcome Echoes power? Too much concentration to do anything else. Kira has to use abilities with preset outcomes just to overcome other enemy stands. That is what makes Kira deadly, his intellect and planning. Not his destructive power. Goku wouldn't be able to unleash Ki, out of morals, out of lack of concentration, so on. See how these matchups immediately become unfair? Goku can't do anything, Kenichi is stuck making Goku heavy. That is why it makes no sense to pit up two fighters of different power types against each other.
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Point #3 is revolving around points #1 and #2, powers do not automatically carry over, and if they do vice versa, physics and laws of other universes don't carry over, and if they do, vice versa. Think of it like "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." If Goku got strong by training, then what happens to Baki? If Jotaro gets a stand, then what happens to Gon? If Yuji Itadori V.s. Naruto...? Then what? That's why it isn't "Who wins?" It's, "Well what happens?" And that's what people gloss over immediately. If their worlds merge, powers come together as one, Jotaro is now a world destroying threat, Killua is faster than ultra instinct, Naruto can imbue all his techniques with Cursed Energy, and Yuji can use a fucking stand. It just makes no damn sense and you go back and forth making logical rules based on something which isn't logical. There are some match ups which seem fair at first, which just aren't because world rules don't apply. They can't magically apply some rules and not others. It's all or nothing, not just some things in an unfair and unbalanced way. Cross Universe matchups aren't just a "smash brothers tournament" those characters are balanced to fit the universe, otherwise Kirby would just eat sephiroth and kill the entire roster in one hit. But, instead of making a fair balanced fight and calculating who beats who on a Rock Paper Scissors mentality of skill, we just throw up numbers like we magically know what each character is capable of, when most of the people doing these hypotheticals DON'T KNOW THE ACTUAL ABILITIES OF THE CHARACTERS! That's just the worst part to me, is people who blatantly ignore information. They just don't care, that's the fact of the matter. They are content farming.
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Obviously I'm not policing another persons hobbies. It's your fantasy, you do whatever you want with it. But I just want you all to know who is biased and who is doing it very very very VERY wrong. If you do cross universe matchups, you need to factor in what actually crosses universes, cause not everything does.
In writing, I stay away from these CUM's, "Cross universe matches." Because, it's dumb. I think it's dumb, I know it's dumb, I just told you why it's dumb. But if I did a CUM, here is how... Let's try to take two characters that actually make sense to matchup, and we'll do a run through of what each character would be like in each world. Baki the Grappler, the ultimate force of will, constantly ascending the ladder and proving his inhuman abilities every single day to those around him. While there are some minor lies sprinkled throughout Baki, the universe is largely kept realistic and grounded. What if Baki was sent to the JJBA Universe? Well, right off the bat it's obvious that he's just one of those people who naturally develops a stand. These people are rare, but it does happen in the show. Some people just... Get them. Baki's sheer force of will would probably force his into existence, regardless of which timeline he is a part of. Who do you match Baki up against? For me, personally Jotaro just doesn't train hard enough to be a fair fight for Baki. Someone more like Dio, whose constantly practicing his timestop to extend its duration. Giorno, who is working, learning, practicing, honing his abilities to become what he knows he needs to be. Johnny (Part 7) who risks life limb and everything else he has, because he just MUST! Those are characters with strength of will parallel to Baki. Now, what universe do we put them in? Obviously, Baki beats everyone besides maybe Dio. Dio is the only one I can imagine putting up a fair fight at a similar age so long as he still has his part 3 mentality. Put them into a Kengan style anything goes fight, and it'd be a blast to watch! Now, you put Baki back into the Jojoverse, and it's not so obvious... What would Baki's stand even be? Baki is someone who wants selfishly to become the strongest. It's in his DNA. Baki would have a stand that reflects himself, mirrors his ever pushing desires. Something that can only go one way, and that way is forward, kind of like a train. I think Baki would have a brawler type stand which works in conjunction with his own fighting style, rather than letting his stand do all the work, Baki would tag-team with himself, sort of. Delivering impressive combos to his opponents and widdling them down till they can't fight any longer. Aiming to beat them in a fair contest of strength. This is why Baki wouldn't necessarily have an ability like Timestop, rather he'd probably have an ability like Crazy Monsters. A transformation and or buff to him and his stands physical abilities. This makes him a close fight for anyone which doesn't have some sort of cheating power, and since he is a similar stand to Star Platinum and The World, he could probably learn their abilities like Jotaro supposedly did... And let's not forget, Baki's secret true ability is exactly that. Baki learned from others, took what worked for them and made it work for himself. Baki's stand ability would be to rapidly learn and repurpose. Does he see Star Platinum stretch? Well, Baki will teach his stand to stretch. Does Dio stop time? Welp, time to painstakingly train my reflexes till I can do something akin to that. King Crimson erase ten seconds? Don't mind if I do. Baki would be this ever gobbling learning sponge which never ceases to develop new techniques based on other stands. And he'd probably never realize how unique this ability of his actually IS. If baki was left to his own devices, undefeated, his stand would attain Heaven, just like Pucchi.
I think this is what makes Baki a threat. His desire to keep going no matter what. Which causes this to be an unfair match no matter what world you put him in. If we actually transfer the character themself to the world, the CUM works. But, if we just take Baki, and take Jotaro... Yeah, it's just boring. I guess the fun for these people comes from calculating "ooh what does this mean for these characters" but they don't actually take everything into account, just like I said before. If Sukuna just fights anyone from Jojo, he loses the second Joseph steps up to the plate. Joseph can dodge lightning. Killua just needs to input a combo and he'll do a Mortal Kombat finisher on Sukuna. Your basis for deciding these things falls flat. Try it, see if you like it. Write some actual fiction instead of just saying "hehe character I like wins cuz i like them more."
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taketwoinink · 2 years
k, l, q, r, c
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WE GOT SOME REPEATS AND LOTS OF ASKS AHHH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! @eleilinnrallin @gemstarstarlight @chaserofstarsandtheabyss @jinxneedssleep
I feel like you skipped every letter that had a character I was excited to talk about lol
Here we go!
K First up is this dude and I hate his name so he shall be referred to as simply K. He's a trans man, only transphobia is a big thing in this world, so everyone thinks he's a girl. In his story, there's a war going on, that has been for the past thirty years or so. Due to politics, magic was outlawed decades ago. There was a massive purge of all magical people and those who survived fled. They didn't have anywhere to run to, (everywhere is either extremely dangerous or would be a foreign kingdom hostile to them) so they set up a camp in a forest on the edge of the land that was never inhabited because it's always been overrun with monstrous creatures. They tamed these creatures and use them as manpower to farm and to fight. (Fun side note: this kingdom's closest ally is a kingdom in which magic is not outlawed, because they lived in the mountains and need it to survive up there because it is VERY COLD and covered in potentially magical ice. So as part of their alliance, this kingdom agrees to not harbor any magical refugees and the other kingdom obviously won't turn aside any of their magical people either. This alliance is mutually beneficial. The frozen kingdom receives supplies (mostly food and crop / animal stuff that they can't grow or raise in their harsh climate) and the other kingdom has the protection of the frozen kingdom because their magical warriors are renown throughout the land.) He's not the main character of this story, he's the love interest to one of the main characters! She's what's known as the King's General of the army. How this works is there are ten generals in the army. The King's General is the top general and the other nine are their advisors basically. In order to become King's General, you must duel your way to the top. Only one of the nine generals can challenge the King's General. She's the youngest King's General in possibly forever. The army has a huge influx of soldiers that they don't need. The magic users use the forest and their beasts to their advantage and engage mostly in guerrilla warfare (hope I spelled that right), so in the army's case, having more people in the field can actually be a hindrance to them. However, people keep coming in. It's considered a great honor to go to fight and for a lot of starving families, the compensation they get from sending a family member to fight is the only thing keeping them going. So, the army finds a use for these people. They use them as human shields.
There's different types of magic users and each one has a different name. The most powerful (arguably but also not) are the sorcerers. They have elemental magic that is extremely powerful and difficult to control. What they can do in a fight is bombard the enemy with fireballs from safely in the back. They're always guarded by at least a pair of other magic users (normally witches: conjurers who can manifest objects. Each witch has a different material unique to them that their summons are made of.) So the army sends new recruits around the back to attack the sorcerers. A lot of them die, but it keeps the sorcerers busy so the rest of the army can focus on the other magic users. After all, why waste well trained soldiers on a suicide mission? Anyway, Omikiia is her name lol but I'm insecure about it so it may be changed. Her sister is a witch and she knows this (her sister doesn't know that she knows this though) and their father was arrested (possibly under suspicion of being or harboring a magic user) and Omikiia went to the king and pleaded for his life to be spared. She struck a deal with the king. She'll go to war and as long as she's alive out there, her father will be kept alive in prison. The king's like "eh she'll probably die in a week and I'll get rid of both of them". She's determined though. She catches on pretty fast to what the army is doing with the new recruits and she makes a group of friends (which K is included in) and she doesn't want them to die. Hence her fighting her way to the title of King's General so she can change the tactics and save all these lives that were being wasted needlessly. She's good at her job too. K gets elevated to being one of her nine generals (she makes the majority of them and other important officers in the army people she knows are loyal to her, in the event of a power struggle with one of the other generals, she'll have more allies than they will. (popularity is also important here) but she also keeps some of the older and more experienced generals because their feedback is important) Anyway, K is very serious and comes from a poor family. He went in place of his older sister to the war to gain the benefits for his family. The longer he stays alive, the better off they'll be. Also he falls in love with Omikiia but they have to hide it because everyone assumes he is a woman and gay is a big no no. They do get to share a tent though because everyone thinks they're of the same gender so obviously they're not going to get up to anything. Obviously. (I have more K characters but that's the one you get to hear about!)
Now for L
Libra I may have other characters that also have a name that starts with L but Libra is my newest and the first one coming to mind. I created them for a roleplay initially so their story is based off of that. (A ROLEPLAY YOU ARE IN, EL! So um... I will redact some of this for secrecy purposes :D ) other people not of the roleplay may ask me for the full backstory if you want! In the world they're from, magic is heavily prejudiced against (I promise it isn't this way in all of my stories lol, just some of them). Libra was about 16 and living at home with [redacted] ... they turned 30, they became wanted for being a thief ... [redacted] ... This made them jaded ... [redacted] ... And now they're constantly on the run from the police. ... [redacted] ... So they're extremely bitter but they don't show it. They use pet names for everyone, they're sassy and mischievous, and they get by with their hard earned stealing skills. They also always wear a mask to hide their identity (there is nothing wrong with their face though, they look rather ordinary). They have a soft spot for children because it reminds them of [redacted]. So they'll often go out of their way to put a smile on a child's face or to keep them safe but they'll turn around and ignore an adult who needs help if it'd put them in danger to offer assistance. Their policy is typically, I sell you things for cheap and you don't ask where I got them. You need something, I'll get it for you, no questions asked, no one else has to know. (they're in their thirties now, [redacted] is in her twenties, there's a ten year difference between them) I have a picture of them, actually! (however since Tumblr has been bullying me, I may not be able to post it here) 
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Omikiia's sister's name also starts with an L Q... q.... I don't think I have a character who has a name that starts with Q!
Okay okay okay okay so there are a lot of people who could fit this one! (including a character who is literally just named R lol) But we'll go with Reflections The thing to know about Reflections is that they are two people. Their species is born with telepathic/physic and memory-manipulating powers. Reflections was born as a pair of conjoined twins. However they are almost completely conjoined, so they're basically two people in one body. This has the side effect of doubling the strength of their powers. (the body is AFAB, one twin is a demigirl, the other is genderfluid. because I can) Their species lives on a series of islands. There used to be more of them but they've often been oppressed and killed off. Reflections' island was conquered. Low ranking individuals of their culture are being sold into slavery or as soldiers. (there are further repercussions of this throughout the world. the species that conquered their island tried to conquer the world 300 years ago and is now oppressed and marginalized in many countries for it. having an uprising of them trying to conquer areas again is Not Helping) Rank is determined by mind duels. In these mind duels, the contestants face off in a battle of mental strength. Whoever breaks first loses. Instead of dying if you lose, whoever beats you gets the right to your mind's identity. Or essentially all your memories. They can then declare whatever they wish. They can have you exiled, stripped of your status, etc. Whatever they say about you, everyone else has to go along with. It's their tradition. In the old times people would challenge each other to mind duels for leadership, supplies, to settle disputes and to get revenge, and other stuff like that. Everyone has been using mind duels to try to climb in the ranks of society to save their families from slavery Reflections' family was of low rank, so they participated in several mind duels before finally losing one. Now because Reflections is two people, there was a bit of a complication as the winner only gained the right to the mind of one of them. There were a lot of disputes that were only settled when the unbeaten half challenged the victor to a duel for their sister's rights. Well this side, being the more powerful of the two, won. The victor, being a sore loser, claimed that Reflections had cheated and that both sides had participated in the mind duel. Because there was no one to prove whether or not this was true, Reflection and the loser were both exiled until they found some way to prove the truth. (quick detail, one twin has better control over their body and the other one has better control over their powers) Reflection wandered the land, looking for a sufficiently well respected member of their species who could analyze their memories and prove the truth. They eventually found said member, who agreed to try if Reflection would kindly assist in erasing someone's memory for them. Reflection agreed, did the job, and let this person examine their memories. However they were not successful. Reflection, still determined to return home, sought out the person they had both beaten and lost to, only to discover that he had been killed. Without his memories, there would be no way to prove that Reflection is innocent. So they can't return home. Both twins are mischievous and like to switch up who is talking to mess with people. Their voice sounds the same, though their inflections are slightly different. One twin (the genderfluid one) is more hot headed and assertive. The other is the more mischievous one and is also the scheming. She's much calmer and thinks things through before they do them. They're essentially always co-existing next to each other, so anything that happens to one, the other is aware of. Their memories are different however, as each one views what is happening to them differently. Each twin still needs their own individual name and to be fleshed out more. I also need to work out exactly how them existing works. We'll get there! 
And finally. C!
I actually have an entire family of characters and all of their names start with C... I CAN'T FIND MY NOTES ON THEM THOUGH AHHHH and I'm too lazy to keep looking. a lot of my story notes are extremely unorganised
The C Family So we'll go based off of my memory! The two I remember best are the twins, Cannon and Camera. Other people in the family include the oldest Cascade and the youngest... I think her name was Cinnamon but my cousin has an OC by that name so she's gonna have to be renamed. Camera, true to her name, likes taking photos. I mean if you're gonna be named Camera like you might as well. She's also very protective and hotheaded. Cannon's a lot more leveled headed. Does sports but some of the team members were toxic so he quit so he's sort of friends with some of them and not all. He has a girlfriend but I forgot her name. Camera would totally be a lesbian Oh yeah their parents are dead, killed by a gang, gang war politics, I don't remember all the details. So now Cascade is pretending that they're alive while really she's running the family because not all of them are out of school and she doesn't want anyone being taken away. I think they all have brown or black hair? wow I have not described appearances for anyone. They were originally side characters in a different story of mine, however I may like to snatch them out and put them in their own story. we'll see!

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heartbinders · 1 month
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Okay but the massive influx of U.ndertale blogs lately really got the gears turning in my head about that line on one of the postcards on Tanetane Island about Lucas “bullying animals” and how fucked it is that, game logic aside, this literal child has to fight animals now because of everything being out of whack after Porky showed up. Like, obviously it’s an RPG, and if you’re not U.ndertale, there has to be fights or you don’t have an RPG. But all that aside? Lucas really really really wouldn’t want to fight wild animals that just. Don’t know better. So naturally I talked with Aaron​​ about it and we came up with a whole headcanon about it.
Nothing major changes about the boss fights or anything, but for like, moles? Little guys like that? The Whatevers that literally go up to Lucas in Thunder Tower and interact happily with him because they think he’s Claus? Those fights happen with less and less frequency the further into the game Lucas goes. ( He doesn’t even bother the Whatevers to begin with, since they don’t attack you first. He just lets em vibe. )
I feel like early on, like, chapters 4 and 5, Lucas might fight back either out of panic if it’s just some wild animal, or if it’s a biomechanical chimera...there may even be some deep-seated resentment toward his circumstances. You know — basically raising himself, caught in this modernizing world that barely makes any sense to him. There didn’t use to be chimeras. The world didn’t use to be like this.
But even with all those internalized, ugly feelings aside...he can’t bring himself to keep doing this. Even as he meets Kumatora and Duster and is less alone, it weighs more and more heavily on Lucas’s mind that he’s causing all this harm and he hates it. It’s why that subconscious thought bubbles up to the surface once he’s on Tanetane Island — it’s been bothering him for a while now. All the stuff he sees and hears there has.
Eventually, Lucas and company encounter an enemy that Lucas just...can’t bring himself to fight anymore. Not a boss or anything — just something like a boar, or a balding eagle. Some normal animal that’s lashing out just because these days, it seems like most humans are the hostile kind that dress like pigs. Once it becomes apparent to Kumatora and Duster that Lucas is clearly not handling this whole fighting thing well, the group works out how to handle danger without throwing too many punches. How to spare.
Lucas still fights just out of pure necessity, but he’ll never outright kill a living thing — and if he can manage it, he tries to undo any damage he may have done by using his recovery PSI. It’s not right to just leave a dogfish unconscious. Maybe it never asked to exist as an amalgamation between a dog and a fish, but it’s not up to Lucas to decide whether or not continuing to live like that is actually worse for it. Just like it wasn’t up to the Pigmasks to decide to fuse a dog and a fish. No one should be playing God like that — period.
Straight-up robots different, since those are all machinery, nothing organic. But if a shred of life remains in something — well, Lucas just tries to do the best a good person can do. It’s also why you literally win the final fight in the game by not attacking. He’s not always perfect at it ( I could write a whole other headcanon post about Fassad straight up fucking dying and how Lucas is dealing with that ), but he tries. After all, he was raised to be kind, just like his parents.
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dooksofearl · 3 months
Greetings from Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary,
How have you been? What's been going on here? We are so glad you asked. (I still say we meaning me, the fuzzies, and Justin because I know he is watching over me and all these precious babies from heaven.)
We have had several of our hospice care ferrets pass on to go be with Justin. Undoubtedly, they are biting his toes and making him play endlessly. We have only had to take in 11 emergency surrenders this month which is really a low number for us this time of year. That's a good thing. The next couple of months we will get lots of calls about bunnies, chickens, ducks, and oddly, guinea pigs. However, we have already established a group of fosters and other rescues in which we trust and network with to cover the influx so that these precious ones receive the proper attention and love. We are very excited about expanding our partnerships with the other rescues and fosters. Their support helps me continue to do God's will without putting more on me than I can handle.
I currently have in my care; 107 ferrets, 2 bunnies, 1 hamster, 1 sugar glider, 1 three legged turtle, 2 cats, and a very large puppy. They are as much a blessing to me as I can be to them. Most of these ferrets have been with us for years and I expect to lose a great number of them this year. I am so grateful for the few young ones that will help me through that tremendous grief along with my cuddle bunnies.
Our Fund raising goal for this month is unfortunately steep (needed before the last day of the month) is: $1854.00. Any part of that you can help us raise would be a monumental blessing.
Normally I am able to get some grants in, even small ones, but that has not been the case this month.
That will cover:
The rescues regular bills like housing ($729) , utilities ($280 on average since our HVAC is still out), and pet foods ($488)
We also spend an average per week of $65 on produce for the vegetarian and omnivore animals.
And a total of $97 on medicines and wellness. I have managed to raise enough to cover the other bills and supplies. And of course, none of this is for me personally nor do I get paid for the work I do. It's not about me, it's about these animals and making their lives amazing for however long they have left.
Other needs that the rescue has not included in this list are:
11 small cage locking food dishes. Unfortunately many of our smaller and older ferrets have trouble with dishes that are too deep for them to just put their heads in and eat. If they have to put their paws on the side and lean in it causes discomfort for their joints.
30 bags of Pine pellets from tractor supply company. We go through a lot but it's important that everyone have a clean litterbox to use. Not only does it help me see if their bowel movements are healthy but it keeps down the risks of bacteria or parasites.
5 water bottles from rent a coop with plastic bowls.
I have created a short wishlist with links to these items on Amazon. The pine pellets I just listed tractor supply gift cards because they don't sell them through Amazon for delivery. If there was a bulk pack or other options I listed those as well.
We also really need an extra large dog house and outdoor dog kennel (or left over fencing supplies) if anyone can by finding one used or a really good deal on one and bless us with that, we'd greatly appreciate it.
Thank you so much for sticking by us, loving us, and supporting us. You can't imagine what that means to me as I struggle with my grief from losing Justin and while I am getting treatment for my medical situation.
God bless you.
Love and prayers,
Shelly Breeden-Conner
Executive director
Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
Tax ID 88-0945277
Donations can be made in our app
Zelle and PayPal
Venmo @DooksofEarl
Cashapp $dooksofearl
Checks or money orders to
Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
4826 US Highway 70 East, Brownsville TN 38012
***If you are receiving this through a post or from a friend and would like to keep getting our newsletter and updates monthly, please text me your name, email address, and say "mailing list". We won't sell or share your information.
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informationalblogs · 1 year
2023 Facebook Advertising Trends & Success Strategies
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Facebook advertising has been a great tool for generating sales for your business, as in today’s world everyone is depending on social media to make purchases, even small ones. Most of them are not interested in doing offline shopping because online shopping provides more products and services with just a swipe. This is one of the great inspirations of people using social media platforms to grow their businesses in an effective way.
Hence, establish a social media presence and create adverts to expand your business in 2023.Have you ever thought of how a professional digital marketing company does ads and what their strategies are?.Digital marketing is a great tool nowadays to drive traffic to your website and generate sales but from time to time the strategies will change and only a professional one can choose the best strategies for your business. eWoke is the best Social Media Marketing Company in Kochi, offers well experienced social media marketing team to handle your social media platforms. Our professional team will take care your social media platforms by creating engaging and share worthy content, targeting right audience, and developing campaigns that will help you to reach more audience and increase your brand value.
We can see some Facebook Advertising Trends & Success Strategies for 2023
Video Advertising
A video has the potential to increase traffic to your website significantly because people are looking for unique content that will keep them interested in your adverts for an extended period of time and lead to a conversion. This is not at all surprising, as video ads have the ability to tell your brand story with an eye-catching visual when compared to a plain image. So if it’s not on your thoughts, then start doing video ads.
Short-form Video Stories and Reels
The most popular content genre is now short-form video due to the influx of TikTok videos. However, you might be shocked to learn that Facebook short-form videos (reels) are viewed by users more frequently than TikTok videos. This presents you with a fantastic opportunity to have your short video advertisements noticed by a wide audience. Include short video stories like animated or normal to show case your products or services.
Mobile Optimization
We all know how important a mobile-friendly website is and you must do the exact thing in your ads as well. In fact, the 93% of Facebook ad revenue come from mobile users so use your ads headline, and description based on the mobile users.
The design and content of mobile and desktop adverts differ significantly. While desktop ads typically have a header and explanation underneath the image or video, mobile ads typically only have a headline and URL.
Use Multiple Formats
You should also consider the several other Facebook ad forms, including pictures, stories, and carousel advertisements, in addition to making videos. To fully utilize Facebook’s features, you need have a solid balance of these formats.
Audience Selection
Test your ads on a broader target population when using the Facebook advertising algorithm. In this manner, you’ll direct the algorithm to identify the finest prospects for showing your advertisement to, as well as possible clients you might not have discovered otherwise! Finding out which of your commercials has a broad appeal allows you to test them out on a larger audience.
These are some of the Facebook advertising trends you can follow this year, even though trends may change from time to time. Facebook advertising should be a crucial component of your total social media marketing plan if you want to improve online outcomes in 2023. Social media is a great platform to directly interact with your customers. Treat them well, how you communicate with them will increase your brand’s value. Your brand is defined by the quality of service or products you offer. Make sure you are maintaining your quality.
eWoke is the Best Digital Marketing Company in Kochi, Kerala. We use the top trends in digital marketing to increase your brand popularity and help you to differentiate your brand from competitors and increase brand value. To know more about the services, please reach us on +919072382964.
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clicked-in · 1 year
Testogen Review 2023 update: Is Testogen Ingredients Legit and Worth it OR Scam?
Testogen is the safest way to increase testosterone naturally and it keeps the body fed with perfectly designed minerals, vitamins, and testosterone boosters that came from the natural source as opposed to the use of testosterone replacement therapy and anabolic steroids. Click Here to Buy Testogen
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Testosterone is responsible for the physically active benefits and it's crucial for men in many ways. From your energy to virility and confidence, everything is managed by the testosterone hormone (with other compounds also involved). Testosterone deficiency is impossible to ignore because it's coupled with the deficiency of physical energy, male vitality, and brain functions. As men age, testosterone deficiency becomes more possible especially if you have been following an unhealthy diet plan with a sedentary lifestyle.
Lack of testosterone is also the reason for Gynecomastia, one of the most embarrassing conditions known to men. No man wants to have man boobs because it's humiliating and not healthy at all, testosterone does prevent the over-growth of pectoral muscles so they don’t look like female breasts. Low testosterone symptoms appear before diagnosis and there are a wide range of treatments.
Does Testogen Work?
Over-the-counter testosterone boosters like Testogen tend to work in men. Many Testogen amazon reviews and research-based articles and Testogen before and after results were published about the efficacy of natural testosterone boosters that are indeed effective to elevate the testosterone hormone following the right pituitary functioning. Testosterone mostly contains lab-tested and scientifically backed ingredients which makes it a safer alternative to many testosterone-targeting steroids like Sustanon.
According to TRT alternative Reddit, natural T-boosters work within 2-3 months by offering some life-changing benefits i.e. muscle bulk enhancement, energy boost, libido support, and overall maintained testosterone production.
Animal studies show that the main component in Testogen (D-Aspartic Acid) raises testosterone levels and its deficiency could trigger testosterone deficiency in males. People who take the daily dose of DAA tend to be more physically active and mentally agile which is probably because of maintained testosterone influx.
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Testogen Ingredients - What makes Testogen the Right Testosterone Booster for Men?
Testogen is the best TRT alternative and what makes this possible is nothing but Testogen ingredients. Without an effective composition, the testosterone booster market has hundreds of Testosterone pills and supplements which have nothing but a few grams of protein and unverified compounds. Before buying them, do take a look at the ingredients label.
Testogen has many natural supplements to increase testosterone which came from the following sources.
1. D-Aspartic Acid
Every serving of Testogen provides 2,352 mg of D-Aspartic Acid; the compound regulates the influx of useful hormones in your body. DAA focuses mainly on testosterone production and makes sure its equal distribution is done to the brain and the body.
2. Magnesium
350 mg of Mg is recommended for adults, Testogen provides only 200 which is okay because there are many trace minerals available besides magnesium. The purpose of magnesium is to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Obesity is linked to testosterone deficiency and Testogen gives maximum support to treat high sugar levels.
3. Nettle Leaf
40mg Nettle extract is Testogen’s offering to its users so they get an effective touch of a natural substitute. Nettle leaf brings normal sugar levels with marked anti-inflammatory behavior in the muscles. This will prevent muscle rupture or fatigue during the workout session.
4. Korean Red Ginseng
With 40 mg Red Ginseng aphrodisiac effects, the supplement also tends to improve libido by augmenting testosterone hormone bars in the pituitary gland. Ginseng is a Chinese herb that in the latest scientific research has been dubbed effective for male virility.
5. Fenugreek
Another 40mg of fenugreek is added which is the famous testosyeorne booster online. You may see thousands of people searching for fenugreek benefits every day and most of them use it to gain high-powered stamina and endurance. Fenugreek is a testosterone booster but it also does other special acts such as lower cholesterol levels and breaking down estrogen hormone.
6. Vitamin D3
The daily recommended intake of Vitamin D3 is 400-800IU which is 15-20 micrograms. In Testogen, you will get 50mcg of Vitamin D3 which is famously effective for regulating bone health and strengthening the immune system against testosterone-reducing agents. In trials, Vitamin D3 improves body composition by improving muscle growth.
7. Vitamin K1
Vitamin K1 is an underrated but useful hormone for the regulation of blood clotting, bone building, and testosterone secretion from Leydig cells. The body makes testosterone more when the estrogen hormone is lowered; K1 makes sure these processes are running smoothly.
8. Vitamin B6
If you are buying Testogen with muscle building objective in mind, Vitamin B6 is helpful for muscle recovery, and it's available in the diet of bodybuilders and pro athletes. As an essential vitamin, B6 purpose is to rapidly convert food particles into pure energy.
9. Zinc
10 mg of Zinc serving makes Testogen an effective testosterone booster than most available in 2022. Zinc aid sperm production and folic acid availability which are two important factors to maintain testosterone influx in cells.
10. Boron
Healthline confirms boron improves the metabolism of free testosterone in your body and reduces the effects of aging. The decreased energy and weight gain is often the reason for Boron deficiency in the body. Testogen suffixes its regular dose that promotes muscle growth and reduces inflammation.
11. Bioperine
Nearly every testosterone booster or natural bodybuilding supplement on the market contains Bioperine. The compound improves the absorption of Testogen ingredients in general and it has other effects such as sex drive boost and anti-obesity results.
Testogen Side Effects
Testogen users never experienced unwanted or dangerous side effects. If you experience any effect uncalled for, you may file a complaint from the official site of MuscleClub which sells and markets Testogen through the online channel.
Where to Buy Testogen Online?
Better than the Amazon website and moreniche stores, Testogen the official website offers a safe and secure buying experience. It has also got some valuable information about the supplement which may urge your intellect to know the difference between a worthless and useful testosterone booster.
On their official website, the following pricing of Testogen is mentioned.
Testogen One Month Supply: $59.99
The first offer contains 120 capsules and 3 free gifts from the manufacturer. You can order this package and get a free shipping offer, a money-back guarantee, and secure packaging.
Testogen Three-Month Supply: $119.99
This is actually 2 month supply with 1 month's supply for free. We recommend buying this package because it’s at a lower price and gives you continuous supply for 3 months.
Testogen Five Months’ Supply: $179.99
Based on 1,800 reviews, this is the Most Popular and Best Results offer which gets you 5 bottles of Testogen (every bottle contains 120 capsules). This offer is best for men who have a pre-workout notion in their minds and are about to be on a prolonged bodybuilding cycle.
Final Conclusion - Is Testogen worth it?
For the best hormonal support and to improve certain masculine traits, the Testogen supplement is a far better choice than many T-Boosters especially TRT and Hormonal Replacement Therapy. Users of Testogen found the supplement effective for increasing the overall availability of free testosterone.
From building muscle mass to improving sex drive and physical performance, in 2023 most people buying Testogen are more than 40s and have been diagnosed with testosterone deficiency.
Whether you work out or not, Testogen results must appear because the testosterone levels increased. However, using Testogen with regular workouts and a testosterone-friendly diet is preferred for having the desired results. Buy Testogen from the original site to have a safe buying experience and for easily-available discounts.
Disclaimer: This article is a paid publication and does not have journalistic/editorial involvement of Hindustan Times. Hindustan Times does not endorse/subscribe to the content(s) of the article/advertisement and/or view(s) expressed herein.
Hindustan Times shall not in any manner, be responsible and/or liable in any manner whatsoever for all that is stated in the article and/or also with regard to the views, opinions, announcements, declarations, affirmations etc., stated/featured in the same. The decision to read hereinafter is purely a matter of choice and shall be construed as an express undertaking/guarantee in favour of Hindustan Times of being absolved from any/ all potential legal action, or enforceable claims. The information does not constitute medical/health advice.https://testogen.com/?a=181555
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madeimpact · 2 years
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Okay but the massive influx of U.ndertale blogs lately really got the gears turning in my head about that line on one of the postcards on Tanetane Island about Lucas “bullying animals” and how fucked it is that, game logic aside, this literal child has to fight animals now because of everything being out of whack after Porky showed up. Like, obviously it’s an RPG, and if you’re not U.ndertale, there has to be fights or you don’t have an RPG. But all that aside? Lucas really really really wouldn’t want to fight wild animals that just. Don’t know better. So naturally I talked with Aaron​​ about it and we came up with a whole headcanon about it.
Nothing major changes about the boss fights or anything, but for like, moles? Little guys like that? The Whatevers that literally go up to Lucas in Thunder Tower and interact happily with him because they think he’s Claus? Those fights happen with less and less frequency the further into the game Lucas goes. ( He doesn’t even bother the Whatevers to begin with, since they don’t attack you first. He just lets em vibe. )
I feel like early on, like, chapters 4 and 5, Lucas might fight back either out of panic if it’s just some wild animal, or if it’s a biomechanical chimera...there may even be some deep-seated resentment toward his circumstances. You know — basically raising himself, caught in this modernizing world that barely makes any sense to him. There didn’t use to be chimeras. The world didn’t use to be like this.
But even with all those internalized, ugly feelings aside...he can’t bring himself to keep doing this. Even as he meets Kumatora and Duster and is less alone, it weighs more and more heavily on Lucas’s mind that he’s causing all this harm and he hates it. It’s why that subconscious thought bubbles up to the surface once he’s on Tanetane Island — it’s been bothering him for a while now. All the stuff he sees and hears there has.
Eventually, Lucas and company encounter an enemy that Lucas just...can’t bring himself to fight anymore. Not a boss or anything — just something like a boar, or a balding eagle. Some normal animal that’s lashing out just because these days, it seems like most humans are the hostile kind that dress like pigs. Once it becomes apparent to Kumatora and Duster that Lucas is clearly not handling this whole fighting thing well, the group works out how to handle danger without throwing too many punches. How to spare.
Lucas still fights just out of pure necessity, but he’ll never outright kill a living thing — and if he can manage it, he tries to undo any damage he may have done by using his recovery PSI. It’s not right to just leave a dogfish unconscious. Maybe it never asked to exist as an amalgamation between a dog and a fish, but it’s not up to Lucas to decide whether or not continuing to live like that is actually worse for it. Just like it wasn’t up to the Pigmasks to decide to fuse a dog and a fish. No one should be playing God like that — period.
Straight-up robots different, since those are all machinery, nothing organic. But if a shred of life remains in something — well, Lucas just tries to do the best a good person can do. It’s also why you literally win the final fight in the game by not attacking. He’s not always perfect at it ( I could write a whole other headcanon post about Fassad straight up fucking dying and how Lucas is dealing with that ), but he tries. After all, he was raised to be kind, just like his parents.
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mazojo · 2 years
Spring 2022 Anime Opinions
As always ranking the anime I watched this season based on my opinions don’t take it personally thx xoxo
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Honestly as I was writing this I completely forgot I had watched this till doing the tier list so thats that. Its not like offensive or anything but its not a very fun movie, I cant really remember anything about it ASDFGH It had cool visuals I think? Like the little mermaid but boring sorry ;w;
Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi
I dont… I dont know about the one peeps asdfghj it seems wrong what I am watching, like its trying to appease to some sort of loli thing and it makes me very uncomfortable. I dont like that they just hate on man for (???) reason and that it seems more like a bait than anything. Some cute character dynamics but not enough to save it for me.
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai
this show is SO boring ASDFGHJ I am so sorry if you like it but like,,,, I really wanted to like it but,,,,, its just sO slow nothing happens nothing goes on no character stands out the animation is average at best… It gives ‘go girl give us nothing’ energy. Its like Komi san but without its two likable characters so its just boring as I have nothing to look forward to.
Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. 2nd Season
speaking of komi san ASDFGHJ I tend to not speak about this show here because I dont want an influx of hardcore Stans coming to attack but komi san is just…. An average show imo :// I dont like when shows romanticize in a way social anxiety and introversion because its something I deal with and the way they uwu about it makes me :/// iffy. Also Yamai may be toeing the line of my most hated fictional character ever. Every time she comes on screen I audibly supreme a groan, I hate everything she says I hate how she sexualizes Komi I hate that her whole character trait is being the “psychotic lesbian” so straight white boys can make fun of on twitter, I hate it. To be fair I hate almost all the characters here, they are almost all cringey and just, not real people whatsoever. The only characters savable are Tadano, Najimi and Onemine, the rest are trash. I dont like this show I am sorry ;w;
Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu
This show goes from being extremely boring to extremely mid, no in between asdfgh I like when Angelica and Olivia are being girlfriends and…. Thats about it. I think the princes are all boring, Leon has its moments here and there and its just very random lmao. I think the concept in itself has more potential than the actual delivery but hey I mean I am still watching it so thats that.
Dance Dance Danseur
AA PLEASE DONT HATE ME BECAUSE I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANTED TO LIKE AND LOVE THIS SHOW AND,,,,, I dont hate it, its just not for me ;w; I like the message but I am not gonna lie familia, I find Ballet extremely boring :( And this is no shade to anyone who enjoys it but I’ve never been a dancer myself so its just very hard for me to connect with whats happening. I guess its like someone who doesn’t like or enjoys art watched Blue period, they will most likely be bored half the time. And I don’t mean it in a way that you cant connect with something you haven’t experienced because I like learning about new things and stuff but asdfgh idk man most of the episodes are just kind of boring to me :( and the characters aren’t strong enough to keep me interested but I do think the message is cool so points for it ^^
Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san
This show is cute, in a boring way but still cute. Like,,,, nothing happens ASDFGHJ But I think the dynamic is adorable so I can forgive it. I normally like ships and dynamics that have a bit more banter and this one is pretty tame and easy but I mean its an alright watch, there are some good moments here and there.
Love all play
This show is like a rollercoaster because one week I think its amazing, poetic, a master piece, and then the next its cliche and nothing happens SKSKSKKS So I am not sure where to rank it. I think it started off not as my favorite and then I got to know the team and I thought their dynamic was really fun and then it died down again so I mean yeah, very okay-ish sports anime, nothing much more to say lol.
Gunjou no Fanfare
I dont know if I like or hate this show ASDFGHJ I have a love-hate thing with this because I don’t like horses so like whenever it dwells into horse territory (which is like, the main theme of the show) it kinda loses me but then some of the characters (shoutout to Hayato, Sakuraba and Aki truly the only ones ever) are interesting but then they go back to the uninteresting parts and idk ASDFG I do think the whole idol struggle with Yuu was nice and innovative but then by ep 7 it was lowkey resolved so like ?? Idk, watch it for Hayato I guess clink clink
Summertime Render
This show also goes up and down for me too lmaoo, because I went into it and I loved it, proceeded to read the manga in like a week and because of it my enjoyment greatly decreased ASDFGHJK I dont know how to delve into this without spoilers but the pacing of the show is,,,, weird. Weird in the sense that it leaves you kind of questioning things and tbh theres barely any character development to anyone. The animation is pretty tho and I really enjoy the eeriness to it but I think I went in with higher expectations than I should have rip
Kakkou no Iinazuke
This is a trainwreck, but I like train wrecks so I can cant somehow stop watching and I am flabbergasted each week more by it. As the good Latina I am, I’ve watched my fair share of telenovelas and this is the most telenovela esque trope ever but in anime format it makes it somehow 10 times more ridiculous. Tell me that the concept of being switched at birth only to be reunited years later by fate and THEN arranged a MARRIAGE (!!!!) by your parents with your switched person because they wanted to unite the families or something isn’t the most INSANE thing ever ASDFGHJ HOW DO YOU GET FROM POINT A TO B HELLO??? But hey I like mess so I mean I am all for it clink clink. The only thing I hate is the sister thing, I hope she is not a serious love interested because like I get she ain’t his biological sister but,,,,,,, my dudes she grew up as her SIBLING how do you go from that to crush like byE.
Tomodachi Game
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You know, I know that y’all like shitting on tomodachi game but its one of my favorite mangas so therefore I love it ASDFGHJ. The thing with tomodachi game (and I commented it in a previous note) is that an anime adaption is very difficult to do well because of the way its a snowball effect sort of story (idk how to explain it without getting into spoilers). JUST READ THE MANGA OKAY AND IF YOU WATCH IT DO IT FOR KEI THE MANGA IS SO GOOD. Be careful with the triggers tho, read them before watching or reading, it delves into some very dark topics.
Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de
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Koiseka is the ugliest romcom ever but I forgive it because its also the dumbest romcom ever SKKSKS I love enemies to lovers and secret dating so all the tropes are taken into account and I appreciate the flavor. I hate the animation but they are all so cute and its very dumb and the plot isn’t anything to really write home about but its cute so give it a go if you want a chill romance where you don’t have to think much other than the red power ranger likes villain.
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Heart
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Rikekoi is in a weird spot for me because there have been things I liked and disliked from this season but just because I love the concept of STEM people being completely awful at flirting it goes up skskks. People are liking this season more than the last but idk, I think I got to differ because I rEALLY liked season 1 ;w; not saying s2 is bad its just… The pacing seems a bit off and the plot seems to go around in circles at some points where it shouldn’t imo. Not enough Ibarada and Inukai either so //sad noises
Paripi Koumei
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This was supposed to be my gag show of the season but I gotta admit when I am wrong and this one really surprised me ngl. It’s like,,,,, crack,,,, but taken seriously,,,, but it somewhat works?? I think I would love it more if I was more into the music industry but it still slaps and the characters are very cute, I love Kabe, Eiko and Nanami and the latter two should kiss. Defo give it a watch ^^
Ao Ashi
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I am a weak bitch for sports anime and this wasn’t the exception and Ao Ashi did nOT disappoint everyone cheer. I don’t now if its because I actually understand football or what but I love this show, I am reading the manga and I am already like on chapter 140 lmaoo. The animation is great, the characters too, I enjoy the pacing and plot, although it seems a bit draggy at first its very good give it a go. Do it for Kuroda, Koi, Togashi and Otomo truly the only men ever.
Tiger & Bunny 2
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The following ones are all very ties to number one spot because they make me happy and are my comfort shows so I will ramble. Tiger and bunny is a show I discovered like, a month ago, and it consumed me completely asdfgh. I love superhero societies done well (not like ehemm other shows) and I think tiger and bunny nails it. The realism behind the struggles of actually building a hero corporation are shown and the characters on this show are SO good. There is not a single character from the main cast that is unlikeable imo and the way it follows each of their stories and struggles makes for interesting dynamics and storytellings. The ships are also top tier, we got no other choice but to Stan everyone go watch this and give Kotetsu some love he needs it.
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Ultra Romantic
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I don’t think I have much to say regarding love is war other than it slaps, it always had slapped and it will, as a matter of fact, continue to slap. The comedy on this show is AMAZINg and the dynamics are hilarious. The arc that is coming up is very good and yeah,,, I honestly don’t know why not many people talk about Love is War on Tumblr but its really good lol go consume good romance media.
Heroine Tarumono! Kiraware Heroine to Naisho no Oshigoto
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shoutout to like, the other 3 people who watch, enjoy and digest this show with me because I am ngl, its becoming a comfort show ASDFGHJK ITS SO GOOD OKAY I LIKE IDOL SHOWS YES. Is it technically better produced than love is war or had a more well built story than tiger and bunny? No, probably no, not really. Do I enjoy it and it makes me happy every single week I look forward to it? You bet it does! Herotaru is just a very idol show but I love the character dynamics and I love Hiyori my queen my everything and the silly little idol boys with their silly little enemies to lovers routine they are the entire circus and-….. I think its neat okay? Okay, now everyone reading this needs to go watch Herotaru, do it for Hiyori best girl.
Spy x Family
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omg can you say epIC proportions !!! I think everyone and their mothers has heard of spy x family at this point so I won’t ramble about how good it is but !!! So good !!! The storytelling is great and they’ve adapted the manga fantastically imo. I love Anya and the kids (Damian my soN) as well as the adult story line with Yor and Loid so yeah !!! Probs gonna be best anime of the year we got no choice but to ascend !
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kedreeva · 4 years
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Hi friends!
This is, unfortunately, not a happy post. My mom’s cat, Cole, has been experiencing a rapid decline in health despite being just a couple of years old. He has been in and out of vets the last week, and everything is pointing to Feline Infectious Peritonitus (FIP). This is, generally speaking, a fatal disease.
However. The vet gave my mother information on a drug that is currently in experimental stages, but has been used to successfully treat FIP. It’s currently not even got a brand name, it’s just called GS-144524. She located an online community for owners dealing with cats who have been ‘diagnosed’ with FIP (it’s very difficult to exactly diagnose in a living cat, but there’s some they can do to eliminate other things it might be and leave it as a “it’s not these other things so it’s probably FIP” option), and they seemed to be in agreement with the vet that it’s been successful enough to be worth trying.
The issue is that GS is extremely costly- about $90 per bottle, and a full treatment round uses 30 bottles. This is on top of the normal vet and ER vet bills she’s taken on just to get to this point, and the bills she is going to accrue in monitoring him through and after the treatment if it works. She’s covering what she can of it, but last night I helped her to set up a gofundme to help cover some of the costs.
I know I’ve posted about Finny recently, Cole’s brother, but while Finn likes my mom well enough, he’s my dad’s cat in heart. Cole is my mom’s buddy. He’s the one allowed into her sewing room because he doesn’t destroy things. He sleeps with her at night. He brings her foam/sponge toys to play fetch with him. She LOVES this cat (and so do I, he’s always stretching up my leg to get me to pick him up and cuddle him when I visit), but she’s struggling to cover this very sudden influx of bills. I’ve put in a big chunk of my own from what I have set aside for vet care for my own animals, since we’ve had a truly quiet year for vet problems (and because my mother has helped me so often cope with my own animals bills), but there’s still a lot to go.
Any help anyone can give would be hugely appreciated.
If you prefer paypal/venmo, her email address is [email protected]
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meimae · 3 years
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Look at me, not being on time for my April Immersion Overview as is the usual. (・w・;
First, little blog updates to get out of the way:
I reached 100 followers! Got an influx of people checking out my 1 year update post, and got plenty of nice compliments on my data collection.
For those of you wondering just why I keep up with so much data, it's mostly because it can get really hard to notice how much you're improving in a language especially with something like immersion learning that for people who don't get it feels like a waste of time or a time sink.
Graphs showing consistency, improvement in reading speed, increasing vocabulary counts, and generally just seeing numbers grow turns language learning more fun and motivating for me, and if as a bonus, it encourages someone to try immersion learning then that would be cool!
With that said, whether you're here as a fellow language learner, graphs enthusiast (笑), or just want some Japanese media recommendations, ようこそ! 
Also, made a tiny DP change - it’s チト from 少女週末旅行. Pretty sure it’s the first manga series I ever finished in Japanese (not the first one I started since ちはやふる is still ongoing), and I always felt a bit of a ☆connection☆ with  her - between her book-loving personality and being a no-nonsense kind of person, there was no way for me not to enjoy her character. Great beginner anime/manga if you’re not into most beginner recommendations.
April has been a pretty good immersion month, as I was able to dip my toes in a variety of media. A bit competitive, too! The club I joined has been pulling all the stops to get to the Top 20 Immersion Leaderboard in it’s first month. I was able to snag the 9th spot among a bunch of people of different comprehension levels (the majority being N1+ since they’re able to comprehend much more and in turn stand longer immersion hours). Lots of tiny complaints though of potential “whitenoising” content (”listening” and “reading” but not comprehending very well just to get a large number to post), but really what can you do? People lie all the time on the internet. Besides, it’s internet points that doesn’t do anything beyond being a little shiny I guess.
Enough about that, let’s get into the nitty-gritty details you came here for!
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Might need to rewatch this one. Felt like I didn’t connect with the characters the way the rest of its fandom has. I’m kinda sad about it, since I normally love Slice of Life and Fantasy, and I know this is one of my friend’s diehard shows.
ラブライブ! School Idol Project S2
A filler anime to watch tbh. Nice and easy enough to follow for beginners. Pretty good songs. With regards to it being a show about music and moe, I still 100% prefer K-On! if I’m going to be honest, but for a show about non-toxic idols, it’s good!
First read this as English translated manga when I was 13 or something. Mistakes were made. Let’s all just agree to throw キュウベえ into a pit of fire and never talk about it again. Great ending and a show that really reworked the magical girl genre. But seriously, I was traumatized by マミ’s death then and now, help.
Already knew what was going to happen even before watching this so I didn’t ugly cry like I was expecting. Still got that awful sinking feeling though. 10/10 would recommend for a good cry. Also, I’m planning to read the manga, might enjoy that more, because I’ve always liked it more than anime actually. *shocked pikachu face*
Watched before I even finished the manga which felt like a mistake at first until I realized that it perfectly stops where I stopped reading. Nice and comfy anime, the kind I would have loved as a teen. Fun animation too, making parts very dramatic even though it wasn’t really that deep of an issue even in the manga. Just teens feeling feelings. Still salty that we lose bad boy styled 宮村, but I get why it had to happen.
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Second re-listen. I understand it fine, but it’s very easy to drift off when you can’t catch all the words so I had to replay often. Will have to mine more from the anime/book.
I mined from the anime, and was really pleased to be able to follow all 6 hours of this audiobook perfectly fine. Will need to read the book, because I realized just how seamless reading it would be after listening to it with hardly any issue.
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Completed! Read my thoughts about it and see my stats on this post.
Still trudging on with this one. It’s not a bad story, it’s pretty well written actually, I just made the mistake of watching both the anime and live adaptation first, so I know exactly what’s going to happen and it’s killing my motivation to keep reading. I guess reading the book first before watching the movie still applies in any language with me. Really need to 頑張れ and finish so I can move on. 
Started reading towards the end of the month, mostly because I realized that every chapter is only 5000-15000 characters long, and I was able to read up to 40k in a day with Island most days. Only two chapters read so far though because I got distracted by manga, but it’s shaping up to be a really good plot and potentially a really sad one, too, so I’m interested.
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花ざかりの君たちへ イケメンパラダイス
Heard this was a classic so I gave it a try. Loved 生田 斗真’s character in this one the most especially all his internal dialogue acted out. Also, 小栗 旬 in anything is bound to be a good watch. Simple and fun watch. They dragged the ending so much though lmao 
Look, I see 松本 潤, I click. Definitely the kind of show you should watch for some great life advice. Planning to watch the 2nd and 3rd seasons even if there is a terrible lack of 松本 潤, because I love my strong female protagonists, and man, ヤンクミ is such a great character. Need to read the manga, too, if I can find it.
Oof, this was kind of hard. The yakuza talk was throwing me off, but the rest of it was enjoyable. Not really plot heavy as I thought it was going to be. The comedy side of it was fun and predictable after the first few episodes. Overall, pretty good slice of life, family story with a twist.
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Read a bunch of manga this month, mostly because I am struggling to find the next vn to read.
Read a couple of volumes (6-7). This manga is so good, but it’s so depressing I need to stop to take a breather every once in a while. Please don’t leave any spoilers. The club has been reacting to me reading this, and it has mostly been a lot of crying emotes. It’s both been enjoyable to see and really worrying. 笑
Club recommendation. Only read the 1st volume so far. I really need to get into more 少年 anime/manga. That’s currently my 苦手 genre which is awful because literally all the top anime/manga is 少年 help. I just can’t enjoy it much still even though it’s comprehensible to me.
ちはやふる 中学生編
Read Vol. 1, chill read to me at this point after reading 45 volumes of the regular manga. Look, it’s my favorite 幼馴染 manga in baby format, of course I’m going to read this! 太一 has been a flake way before season 3 confirmed. Don’t come at me たいちはや stans bc I also like his character.
Volume 7. I’m taking my sweet time with this one, because I heard the anime for season 2 sucked, so I’m avoiding it like the plague. This is 少年 how am I enjoying this and not everything else what.
Enjoyed the anime hated the movie why did they make it a musical that sucked (ps i normally love musicals hated this one) 
The オタク jargon is kinda hard to read suprisingly but I do enjoy this ship very much. It’s a lighthearted take to otaku culture which is great because seriously it’s scary out there.
It’s my childhood ship, obviously I will read this again (read in English several years ago). Still as plot twisty as I remember it being (now at a bonus hard level reading it in Japanese 笑). Really enjoyed reading this one (I finished it this May).
I’m starting to really dislike furigana in manga. It was a great help as a beginner, but now it’s like training wheels that you can’t take off. I feel like the gains I’m getting from manga is much lower than it was when I first started which makes me both proud of how far I’ve come, but also sad because I love manga. Sad that I might have to start choose VNs over it, because it’s not going to challenge me as much going forward. I mean it didn’t stop me from reading a lot of it this month, but you get the picture.
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Completed! See my stats and read my long spoiler filled post here.
Picked up this VN and finished two doors (15 hours) before stopping. On the fence about it, because it has been kind of predictable so far, and I don’t particularly enjoy the horror genre. That said, this is more psychological than anything, so it’s probably not that that’s putting me off. The language is not exactly difficult, too - maybe some oddly specific words because it is after all historical fiction (which is one of my favorite genres, btw), and 敬語 is definitely interesting to read for once after encountering so many お嬢様 characters in anime/drama so far. 
I think maybe it’s the conversations that are kind of dull - dots (silence) every few clicks that keeps breaking the flow of reading. Probably judging it really harshly too early, because it’s rated so high everywhere, and I just have high expectations. Definitely not dropping it yet though, just taking a break and testing a couple of other VNs before I settle with whatever I end up choosing. It is, after all, going to be another 50+ hour read, and I just don’t want to not enjoy the process, because having fun with the process is a huge part of immersion learning.
Let me know if you’ve read Fata and if I should continue! 
That’s it for this month!
If you have any suggestions on what to watch and read next, please send me a reply, especially for VNs because I’m struggling over here.
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britishassistant · 3 years
The Villainous Paranoiac Experiences Culture Shock
The Hannya of the Gracey and its Kitsune.
Tricky, cruel, deceptive, jealous, ungrateful.
That’s what you’ve been called ever since Nanji settled. It’s been whispered behind your backs and said outright to your faces.
Ever since Chichiue told you to take a more appropriate form if you both were going to eat dinner properly with the family, and his eyebrows drew down when you stuttered out that you were trying, you were, but Nanji couldn’t change back from the red fox that quailed under the glare of Chichiue’s eagle.
You were sent to their room in the middle of the meal because of that, Asahiko-nii-sama’s exaggerated faces of disgust, Leota-nee-sama’s quiet yet smug vindication and Enji-nii-sama’s open glares of disapproval following you both as you left.
Seven isn’t an…uncommon age for a dæmon to settle. Unusual, to be sure, enough to raise and lower eyebrows, prompt the start of a inquiry before the asker remembers which family they’re about to question.
But it’s just edging into more common for “early bloomers” that it’s usually assumed that you were closer to eight than seven when Nanji did settle. Besides, there are kids out there who have had their dæmons settle at younger ages, after all.
All the studies you’ve read say this phenomenon is near uniformly a result of a traumatic event or hostile living environment. But that’s probably more of a generalization than anything.
Still. At least the names and insults weren’t so bad. They were just words after all.
At least the people using them would steer clear. Keep at least a two foot distance between themselves, the Hannya of the Gracey, and its Kitsune. As though you and Nanji actually had any power to curse anyone with.
At least they wouldn’t try to keep fucking touching your dæmon every five minutes.
So pause. Rewind a bit. You and Nanji and your old middle school crush and his dæmon (who you’ve certainly gotten over, and who does not look any better than he had in middle school now his Sonata has settled, thank you very much) have been transported to another world. This world is called Twisted Wonderland.
The people of this world are soulless assholes.
Because none of them have dæmons.
And the vast majority of them you have met so far are assholes, in some shape or form.
You have yet to ascertain whether the latter is dependent on the former.
And yet they keep acting like normal people in spite of this absence, rather than the traumatized wrecks that are in textbooks in history class, all dead-eyed and unresponsive. So maybe there’s something to the headmaster’s claim that their dæmons are…inside them, somehow.
Though that just gives you the awful mental image of a person lifting a mouse or an insect dæmon to their lips and just…swallowing. Nanji nips your hand for putting that lovely idea in both your heads.
But back to the topic at hand: The people here don’t have dæmons. They have never had dæmons. So it’s understandable that initially all of them don’t quite understand that there’s a difference between them and just another talking animal, like Grim.
That it is NOT OKAY to try to scoop them up or punt them around like they do to Grim (and honestly, you’re not really okay with them doing that to Grim either— it’s why you and Yuuken trade off who has the monster cat perched on their shoulders or in their arms and out of harm’s way whenever you both can). That’s just down to cultural differences. You can understand it, if you cock your head, squint your eyes, and are very, very sleep-deprived.
What is not understandable is the assholes who think it’s hilarious to try to keep touching Sonata and Nanji even after you’ve repeatedly told them “no”.
Some of that might be Nanji’s fault. Though at the time it hadn’t seemed like a bad idea, considering how many curious would-be touchers immediately jerked away and lost interest permanently after he blurted out, “It’s a sex thing!!”
(It’s not exactly a sex thing, more of an intimacy thing at most. But there’s something much more visceral and back-the-fuck-off about “touching a dæmon is like shoving your hands down a stranger’s pants” compared to “touching a dæmon is the realization of a very deep and intimate bond between you and your partner”.)
But of course, many is not all.
And there’s always going to be some assholes who think that seeing how easily they can get away with harassment is a “fun game” rather than a creepy and messed up power play. Just like back home.
Yuuken and Sonata have it much worse than you and Nanji.
You’d thought the muskox form she settled into was noble, dignified, a perfect embodiment of Yuuken’s diligence and strength. (No, it has not made your crush on him worse, shut up.)
The only problem is that a muskox is not as small a creature as a fox. So while you can physically pick up Nanji and move him out of reach if some punks decide they want to cause trouble, poor Sonata has no such defense. She has to move away if they get between her and Yuuken, and their distance limit is so much smaller than your own, and both of them look so trapped—
It surprises everyone but Nanji and yourself when you take a page from Deuce’s book and ball your fist up to punch the asshole trying to bury his hand in the thick fur of Sonata’s flank.
The resulting crack is not from the asshole’s nose breaking, unfortunately.
You haven’t ever really punched anybody before, hadn’t ever been in a situation where you were justified in your retaliation.
Of course you manage to fuck it up on your first try.
Nanji does not thank you for the resulting limp in his one good leg until your hand and his paw heals, even if he understands why you did it. You give him lots of petting in apology, carefully avoiding the spots where his fur is now patchy and the skin is ridged with scars.
(And isn’t that a fun experience, whenever the ex-overblots’ eyes wander over him, catch sight of what they inflicted on you both, and suddenly can’t look at anything else fast enough. None of them have actually, explicitly apologized to either of you for it.)
Yuuken and Sonata hover over you both like concerned mother hens, despite how often and repeatedly you tell them this is not their fault and you’d do it again in a heartbeat. Sonata actually offers to let Nanji ride on her back while he heals.
You try joking you’d get jealous, so it’d be better not to, only for Yuuken to offer to piggyback you around campus as well.
Ace teases you mercilessly for how strangled you sound when you squeak out that that won’t be necessary, and Nanji buries his head under his tail and refuses to come out for the rest of the day.
Deuce is more concerned with teach you how to throw a punch properly, so you don’t hurt yourself next time.
Jack provides Nanji with a smaller version of the splint he sometimes uses if he hurts his paws when in Wolf Mode, which does help a bit, even if it does feel slightly surreal to feel the phantom press of the medical implement on your hand.
Grim delights in setting the assholes on fire whenever they’re within reach. Whether he can get away with it is another factor he doesn’t seem willing to take into consideration.
Crowley scolds him and the rest of Ramshackle by extension for “violent behavior on school premises”, and resorts to subtly threatening to cut off your food money whenever you try to pressure him to actually do something about your harassers, as though it’s somehow your and Yuuken’s faults for having dæmons.
As though it’s Sonata and Nanji’s faults for existing.
You resort to scribbling increasingly insulting caricatures of the stupid birdbrain headmaster for your theory wall to vent your frustration, in absence of any concrete way to get back at him. Nanji chews the cushion in your armchair to near rags as you pin them to the wall with more force than is strictly warranted.
Yuuken and Sonata turn out to be far more proactive than you when it comes to dealing with grudges of this kind.
Or, at least, more willing to go along with plans that allow them to do so.
You know Ace had a hand in it. His brand of vindictiveness and humiliation is pretty distinctive. Ortho is also clearly a culprit, thanks to the technological mishaps that had one of your tormentors in actual tears. From the garish, clashing pink and petty sparkles that have been added to Crowley’s attire, you’re fairly sure Epel was involved too.
Sebek…is a participant you’re on the fence about, for his conflicting claims that it was a childish prank to pull on the bullies and headmaster and that both parties had whatever fate they now suffered coming to them. Even if he wasn’t directly involved, you’re pretty sure he was in on it enough to not spill the details.
But the sudden influx of logs, which would require someone with an above average level of strength and/or the help of an animal that specialized in moving large burdens over distance?
Combined with the fact that Jack and Deuce were as mystified as you, Grim, and Nanji at the results of the prank?
Well, even if Yuuken hadn’t shot you a subtle wink (which most certainly did not have your cheeks heating, no sir) in Ramshackle’s kitchen while the two of you prepared dinner to the sound of Sonata’s quiet laughter, you’re pretty sure you would’ve worked it out sooner or later.
For now, you and Nanji are just glad that they’re both here with you to help navigate this Twisted Wonderland of soulless assholes.
Even if some of them aren’t as bad as the others.
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nothirtysix · 2 years
DHHFHS hi It's been awhile.. thinking about your Evil Apple AU again. After Apple's spell is cast and everyone becomes "normal", will they still have to go to school? Or will they just... go to "regular" school?- Raven Magic Anon
Hello again! That’s some good timing, I’ve been working on this again ajkflga;
Actually thinking about this, I have no idea! I’ve been trying to pace the writing like the movies, so it takes place over a short amount of time (a couple of days at most). So in all actuality, probably whatever they want. School’s canceled.
Thinking about EAH canon, there have to be schools for non-story kids, but I doubt they’d be able to handle such a huge influx all at once for just a few days. This is also like the 3rd? time something big has interrupted this school, I’d assume they’d have protocol at this point??? Some of the kids wouldn't even be able to attend class. Because I think it’s funny and it doesn’t have much bearing on the plot, kids like Duchess and Kitty would be their animal counterparts. They’d have to be corralled to make sure nothing happens to them lmao
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