#tnmn doorman
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beartitled · 10 months ago
Have you drawn peach peach❤︎yet, from that’s not my neighbour, (he’s bbg💞) you don't have to, I just thought it would be interesting to see (sorry)
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+ bonus
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ivronics · 9 months ago
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Just because you don’t have eyes, doesn’t mean you can’t fly!
When looking up references for TNMN characters on the wiki, I found it amusing how Steven’s page says he doesn’t have any eyes 👀
My inspiration:
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sampoststuff · 11 months ago
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The doppelgängers are the least of Francis’s problems
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ryaistardemon · 8 months ago
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I drew all of the neighbors + Henry and my doorman oc so Yee I hope yall like it lol
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magicalbunbun · 10 months ago
Reader calmy Walking the residents from the killing doppelganger that D.D.D are trying to kill off
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Francis and Dr.w afton
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Francis no-
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albaricomics · 5 months ago
Not the Clown we were expecting today
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"Absolutely not" *shuts the door*
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But some doppelgangers are just so CUTE- how could you resist??
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gabbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy · 5 months ago
TNMNtober Day 2: DOORMAN
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eilraee · 10 months ago
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My fried told me doppelgangers talk just like Zim... So I created this kind of AU
Basically, Dib's a doorman and Zim's the same - an alien pretending to be a human
But yeah they're in 50s. And Zim gets destroyed every time but like not completely.
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sillysnaildraws · 9 months ago
Monster/Nightmare Francis x Angus anyone?
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Trigger warning for blood under the cut. If you don't want to see blood, scroll on.
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Yog appreciates Abducius' willingness to feed him :3
Although, Yog tends to be hesitant to keep drinking Abducius' blood because he feels bad.
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hellosweetart · 5 months ago
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"The doctor says that I should take meds to make the nightmare (clown) go away, and I will be okay just like Henry...
Though, Henry told me it's the opposite..."
(it was never shown in the game what the DDD psychologist looks like, so I made my own design of him. Probably morally grey like the rest of them.)
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sodatea2024 · 10 months ago
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The doorman is very tired. He is eepy. The doorman has had a very long day of splashing bandits and wants to take just a smol sleeb. He eeby and neebies to sleeby. Dorman sleepy and need bed-bye time. The dorman is currently experiencing critical levels of being a sleevjy little guy and needs to go to bedb. He is ver tired and needs to slep. Just a little sleejing time as a treat. Drmam needs to slek, ver twired boyo, just a lil guy. Dooormun needs his beaty sleeb. Look at him go! He yawn big cause he skeejy, needs to falafel asleep. Nini time! Goodnight, mister the doorman.
(I got that from Reddit I couldn’t type the whole thing out I’m sorry)
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chaoslinych · 8 months ago
one day I will understand how to write posts
однажды я пойму как мне писать посты
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(guesses who it is, like a specific subject, it’s clear that this is a doppelganger)
and I think one day I’ll make a post where it will be in detail according to my tnmn sona, but for now in short (FROM WHAT I HAVE THIS IS STILL SHORT, YEAH)
и думаю однажды я сделаю пост где будет по полочкам по моей тнмн соне, но сейчас вкратце (ИЗ ТОГО ЧТО У МЕНЯ ЕСТЬ ЭТО ЕЩЁ ВКРАТЦЕ, АГА)
everything below is pure headcanons, there's no lore in tnmn (this seems obvious to me, but I saw someone write something like that, so whatever)
I'll start with a headcanon, in my understanding, doppelgangers are essentially shapeshifters who can create muscles, veins, skin, bones, hair, some external organs (the eyes are an organ) and even objects like clothing and accessories, and everything to be indistinguishable from a person, but the main disadvantage is that they can only do this by looking at a specific example, they cannot “come up” with anything of their own, and all the differences are unintentional errors, because everyone’s capabilities are different
and Kys is a doppelganger, but an exception to the rule, he is not the most outstanding in physical abilities, but he can manipulate his body at his own discretion, even since the doppels were not taught (I don’t think that the doppels were taught to “create” a working tail, specifically as a construction of vertebrae and muscles)
+ the fact that he does it very quickly and is not stupid himself
so not stupid that he chose the option of replacing a person (directly the person Kys) in order to join society and have a better chance of surviving
Of course, one can wonder how the double ended up in the position of doorman, but firstly, he simply does not know that DDD comes out of the project because of which they exist, and secondly, yes, he simply does not feel sorry for his own kin, because the one who adapts better can survive (the function of which they were trained), + doppels eat doppels (this is just survival, not hatred, he has his own squad of doppels)
and thirdly, such a choice, because the work is dangerous, and there are not many candidates, this is probably the easiest way to earn money, considering that human Kys is only 18 years old, + trust, how a doppelganger can be a doorman who has to catch doppelgangers
(thanks @rinja-espurr for help with the translation mewmewm)
всё что ниже являются чистыми хедканонами, в тнмн лора ноль (это кажется очевидным для меня, но я видел что это писали, поэтому ладно)
начну с хедканона, в моём понимании доппельгангеры это по сути перевертыши, которые могут создавать мышцы, вены, кожу, кости, волосы, некоторые внешние органы (глаза это орган) и даже объекты по типу одежды и аксессуаров, и всё что бы быть неотличимым от человека, но главный минус что они могут это делать только смотря на конкретный пример, они не могут "придумать" ничего своего, а все отличия это ненамеренные погрешности, потому что способности у всех отличаются
и Кысь это доппельгангер, но исключение из правил, он не самый выдающийся физическими способностями, но может манипулировать своим телом по своему усмотрению, даже так как двойников не учили (не думаю что двойников учили "создавать" рабочий хвост, именно как конструкция из позвонков и мышц)
+ то что он делает это очень быстро и сам не глупый
настолько не глупый, что выбрал вариант заменить человека (непосредственно человека Кыся) что бы влиться в общество и иметь более большие шансы выжить
конечно можно задаться вопросом как двойник оказался на посту швейцара, но во-первых, он элементарно не знает что Д��Д выходит из проекта из-за которых они существуют, во-вторых, да, ему просто не жалко своих собратьев, потому что выживает тот кто лучше приспосабливается (функция которой их обучали), + двойники едят двойников (это просто выживание, а не ненависть, у него есть своя банда допелей)
и в-третих, такой выбор, потому что работа опасная, а кандидатов не много, это вероятно самый простой способ зарабатывать, учитывая что Кысю человеку всего 18 лет, + доверие, как доппельгангер может быть швейцаром, который должен отлавливать доппельгангеров
i died я умер
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psychicvoidtale · 8 months ago
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ryaistardemon · 11 months ago
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Henry fan doodles : ^ ))
+ My version of the doorman x Henry doodle too (They bfs)
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magicalbunbun · 10 months ago
What do tnmn Y/n think of Berry? (Berry is a doppelganger doorman, create by @thehotgrandparent)
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Doesn't have a opinion on them, mostly natural on them.
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