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oqmemphis · 8 days ago
A writer creates a character from a country they do not live in, with a name originating from a language the writer does not speak. The writer does not pronounce this character's name the way a native speaker of that language would. (Assume this is a real language with extant native speakers).
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ntriani · 9 months ago
OQM Playlist: Life during quarantine #29
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Nick Triani returns with his Life during quarantine playlist and reflects on his highlights of 2021 so far.
I honestly thought I was done with quarantine playlists. But here I am a year later, positioning tracks in the right order, for a free flowing listening experience and for maximum impact. The vaccine roll-out seems ultra slow as EU bureaucracy creates a sense of unease throughout the union. Right-wing conspiracists take cheap shots.Time stretches inconceivably as the lack of human interaction outside of one’s immediate family and our computer screens remains a fading memory. 
For me culture has kept the fires burning. Some personal highlights from 2021 so far:
-Adam Curtis’ revealing and thought provoking documentary about how we got here, Can’t Get You Out of My Head
-A timely reminder of how things can get out of control with MAUS by Art Spiegelman
-Elvis Costello’s entertaining Unfaithful Music and Disappearing Ink
-The general art-house pretentiousness of Zack Snyder’s Justice League (Yes, it was a mess and yes it was strangely moving and really essential all at the same time)
-Catching up with my discography gaps of Judy Collins‘ astonishing 1970s back catalog
-Discovering Jorge Ben’s remarkable A Tábua de Esmeralda album
-Litku Klemetti cementing her reputation as the only interesting presence within the Finnish music mainstream in 2021
-Joni Mitchell’s Wild Things Run Fast
Until next time. 
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nerice · 1 year ago
idk if this was a particular meme but songs for kizuna pls
it was a [tag three songs for your oc] rb that i turned into an ask game bc i have too many oc haha. kizuna songs are very rare tbh bc a/s is chronically underfunded as a story corner but i can pull together 3 i think!!
15 min flame by poets of the fall
the old queen murder anthem!!!!! a soft prelude,
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golden days in the golden court that head towards the inevitable with sol's resolution to upset the balance of the entire world with her death & using kizuna to do it for her :^) wormed lined of all all timed
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kizuna the pawn, the tool, the fool, the queenslayer, the mad reaper who cannot remember what set her on this path but she is seeing it through to the end <////3
faceless by red
madness arc !! playing off of the end of oqm territory >>
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all kizuna was all she could have been folded and turned inside out she keeps retracing her steps trying to find sol, save sol, kill the imposter queens and consume them but all it does is fracture her personality further, a million faces and none of them her own until she finds herself wearing sol's face & she has utterly lost track of reality........
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save me by a life divided
not 100% a kzn song but very specifically the soundtrack for the [end of academy] conclusion to the oqm saga. also a song i was thinking of a lot when i read machineries of empire which also had large a/s aesthetics so the two got wrapped together in my brain w
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& the most specific kizuna lines in this being
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a little bit of agency regained... This Is Not The End Of Your Story but it will be the end of Theirs :)!!!
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abandonedsdjfhcvndfbv · 2 years ago
oqm okammn icant anynore i need burger
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callibones · 1 month ago
nc dbjn qaqjm jnmd wtqnrwqtt ndgoo wgd qodrs j ocgme fcgs dljdyb dbqd cdbrs djur j eryjere dc tccp qme nrr jo fcg rhjndre qmflbrsr rtnr cm dbr jmdrsmrd, qme fcg eje!
(qtnc j ignd srqtjxre jn dbjn ysrrvf. ncssf jo jd jn. j ec dbjn ljdb rkrsfdbjma j ard jmdrsrndre jm)
ncc j lqmdre dc dqtp dc fcg qwcgd ndgoo j ocgme lbrm vcpjma dbscgab fcgs ngwndqyp.
nvrqpjma co—lbf ngwndqyp? j tjpr dbr nrskjyr, j ignd.. qtlqfn dbcgabd co jd qn bqswcsjma tjpr, dbr cte jmdrsmrd ocnn yscle? wgd fcg ecm’d nrru tjpr fcg’sr jm dbqd nvbrsr, wgd fcg qtnc bqkr q ycbcnd, nc.. jep. ju ignd ygsjcgn wryqgnr j tckr dqtpjma qwcgd dbr cte lrw qme ngwndqyp qme ycbcnd qme dbr orejkrsnr qme j ljnb dbr wrnd ocs dbrjs erkrtcvurmd qme dbrjs ycuugmjdf qme j lqmmq pmcl lbrdbrs lr bqkr dbqd jm ycuucm. co ycgsnr, jo mcd, j mrkrs nqje qmf co dbjn qme fcg lrsr ignd juqajmjma dbjman. frv! mrkrs bqvvrmre. dsgnd ur.
guu.. ojsnd. ncgv! ju mcd dbr wjaarnd oqm co ncgv ufnrto wgd ju vsrddf ngsr lr bqkr dbr rhqyd nqur ncgv qgdjnu jm drsun co drhdgsr qme ndgoo nc jdn nc ogm dbqd fcg ard jd. qme jd qtnc uqprn ur lcmers.. bcl ugyb ec fcg yccp?
ju mcd dbr bgarnd oqm co yccpjma ufnrto, wgd ljdb scnb bqnbqmqb qme rkrsfdbjma jkr bqe q tcd co ogm vtqfjma ljdb uf oqujtf’n sryjvrn! ljdb dbr lqs bqvvrmjma j bqkrmd wrrm qwtr dc nrr uf rhdrmere oqujtf ocs ncur djur qme ljdb dbr vqars rhvtcnjcmn (dbrfsr trwqmrnr) rkrsfcmr’n ncsdq nyqsre co yqttjma nc ycuugmjyqdjcm bqn wrrm ejoojygtd ocs dbr bctjeqfn wgd qodrs uqmf oqjtre qddruvdn co ycvfjma dbrjs sryjvrn j uqmqare dc uqpr cpqfjnb occe dbqd brtvre ur orrt q wjd ucsr ycmmrydre :) jep lbrdbrs g rkrs orrt tjpr dbqd wgd njmyr fcg nqje fcg lrsr irljnb jo g lqmd j yqm nrme fcg sryjvrn j gnre dbqd fcg ljtt vscwqwtf wr qwtr dc uqpr lqf wrddrs dbqm j lqn qwtr dc!
dbrm.. j tccpre dbscgab fcgs ugnjy vjypn cm cmr vcnd qme srqtjxre dbqd fcg tjpr cmr dbjma j tjpr! cmr! ucsr tjpr cmr dbjma j tjpr ard jd wryqgnr jdn cmr qme cmr bqbq ju nc ogmmf ju bjtqsjcgn. ju efjma tqgabjma sm
qme j agrnn j srqtjxre rkrm qodrs j qnpre fcg qwcgd cwiryd yquvn j mrkrs qnpre fcg qwcgd dbr tjpr. ndqmeqse cwiryd nbcln fcg tjpr? jo fcg tjpr qmf? lrtt j qnngur fcg tjpr cs qd trqnd bqkr lqdybre cmr wgd ndjtt. jep. ju pjme co wqnjy jm drsun co uf jmkctkrurmd jm dbr cny nc j lqmd dc pmcl ncur acce vjypn co cwirydn nbcln dc tccp dbscgab! nc jo fcg bqkr qmf sryn wtrqnr trd ur pmcl!!! (qtnc ncssf ocs ndrqtjma dbr lcse wtrqnr oscu fcg. j dbcgabd jd lqn ogmmf nc j dccp jd qme mcl jdn ndgyp jm uf kcyqwgtqsf 4rkrs)
cmr cdbrs dbjma. ncurdbjma j mcdjyr ucsr jm fcgs 2023 vcndn dbqm jm fcgs 2024 vcndn jn dbjn bguqm..? ncmq? kqagrtf bguqmcje, qd trqnd. fcg nrrure dc vcnd cmr sryrmd qsd vjryr ljdb dbjn ncmq wgd ignd dc uqpr ngsr j lqmmq pmcl lbrdbrs dbjn bguqm ybqsqydrs jn ndjtt jm yjsygtqdjcm cs jo jd’n qm cte krsnjcm co fcgs ygssrmd ycuvgdrsf nrto. rjdbrs lqf, fcg tccp zgjdr ycct jo j ec nqf nc ufnrto! qme dbqdn dbr dsgdb. j qtnc nql dbqd q ybqsqydrs yqttre yryr qvvrqsre q orl djurn jm fcgs wtca—jo fcg bqkr qmf ucsr jmocsuqdjcm cm dbru j’e tckr dc pmcl dbrjs wqypndcsf vtrqnr? vtrqnrrrrrrrrr?
ckrsqtt oscu lbqd jkr nrrm fcg qsr qm jmysrejwtf ysrqdjkr vrsncm qme qtt fcgs qsdjndjy lcspn nrru dc nbcl dbqd. j dbcgabd dbqd dbr ycmyrvd ocs fcgs ndcsf, qsqybmr pjtt ujmrskq, lqn srqttf jmdrsrndjma rkrm dbcgab jd lqn ignd ocs qm qnnjamurmd. jo fcg bqkr tcsr ycuvjtre ocs dbjn ncurlbrsr, j’e tjpr jd jo fcg ycgte tjmp jd dc ur.
cb qme cmr ucsr dbjma. jm q ycgvtr co fcgs ruqjtn fcg jmytgere q yjvbrs qme j ignd lqmdre dc nqf dbqmp fcg nc ugyb ocs ajkjma ur ncurdbjma dc ec ckrs dbr ycgsnr co dceqf! lbjtr j lqn ecjma uf lcsp j bqe dbr icf co uqmgqttf erycejma fcgs srkjrl co dcdp wrocsr srqtjxjma jd lqn ignd (q) yqrnqs yjvbrsre, (w) fcg nqje jd lqn yqrnqs yjvbrsre jm q ejoorsrmd vcnd qme (y) j lqn lqndjma uf djur qme nbcgte wr wgsmd qd dbr ndqpr. mcl dbqd j pmcl lbqd fcg lrsr ecjma, j srqtjxr dbqd dbqd jn q asrqd lqf dc cwognyqdr nvcjtrsn! j nbcgte dqpr mcdrn! qme jm dbr ogdgsr, j ljtt ycmnjers ocsyroruujma tjmp cm uf mrhd vtqfdbscgab.
j qtnc lqmdre dc nqf dbqd lbjtr ju mcd dbr wrnd qd rhvsrnnjma dbjman qwcgd armers, fcgs jmdrsvsrdqdjcm co armers qme nvjsjdgqtjdf dcgybre uf brqsd q tjddtr wjd. j bqe q osjrme dbqd dbcgabd qwcgd armers q tcd tjpr bcl fcg ec qme jd lqn srqttf mjyr dc nrr.
dbqdn qtt! j dbjmp. bcvr dbjn urnnqar lqn trnn jmnqmr dbqm dbr tqnd cmr. j vsccosrqe jd jm q ecygurmd qme rkrsfdbjma. qtnc, j dbcgabd jd lcgte wr ybrrpf dc rmycer dbjn urnnqar jm q ygndcu yjvbrs nc fcg ycgte bqkr ncur co dbr ogm j bqe dceqf. j bcvr fcg rmicf nctkjma jd! jo fcg ecm’d srnd qnngsre dbqd j ljtt ajkr ufnrto 2000 tqnbrn qn vgmjnburmd.
(HI THIS IS 🩸🟪! i know that sending two messages in rapid succession is bad form, but this one has actual questions for you in it and isnt just my sleep deprived thoughtstream in text form. i put it in a custom cipher because i thought itd be fun, but if it's annoying i can resend this ask without it. until next time! if the way i talk seems different, it's because i accidentally forgot to keep my incredibly tasteful artistically placed Capital Letters in the post while i was encoding the damn thing. i doubt anyone would actually take note of the typing style of someone they've hardly spoken to, but i felt it was necessary to clarify so that it doesnt impinge on my Brand. so YEA! until next time)
There's literally no such thing as bad form. all forms are beautiful. afab for short. remember that now.
hello!!!! it turns out i DO exist.... and im not too hard to track down! i dont use cohost (didn't use cohost? idk if it's over yet formally but i know it's ending... sad!) except for that one time. substack was just because i wanted to switch to somethin that felt Enclosed, you know? something a little away-from-it-all. it was really about the novelty of it. that and i figured it'd be good for my Web Health. i ended up here instead so OOPS.
...huh? did i imagine something? must've been the wind... anyway the old web is cool but im not a nerd yet all i know is Hypnospace Outlaw.
i dont cook very much, but i've been meaning to do it more! it's hard where i am right now, 'cause i don't have a kitchen :-[ or an oven :-[ or anything i can cook with :-[ but i can heat up soup! and i WILL be able to cook eventually, so... that's so sweet of you to offer me recipes :-]
i really hope everything turns out alright with your family... it's wonderful that you were able to find that connection through food and recipes. those are so so important as a way to unite across long distances & times. just eating apples and honey really helped me feel more at home even though i've never lived anywhere close to this far from it.
hfjone mentioned. i love hfjone so so so so MUCH it really really did something to me. and that something is getting me into objects which is why i moved across the country! i also like ii (Ask Me About The New Episode) and teapot and all those Classic's. plus whichever one has the murder mystery in the house where it keeps flashing back to everyone who was there. that one rocks immensely. i like when they're dark and scary with it! (Ask Me About The New Episode Blease)
ah, my humansona! lately ive been drawing faer more because i feel like. oddly connected with her recently... i look like both! i have a funny picture about that to show you if you find my other desk.
cece, huh? u mean cici? like from silcworm?
anyway youre so sweet you are so kind. i have SOME akm lore compiled from the project that id be happy to send to you... if it's just to you. i aint just tossin that out on the open web! no pressure thats just a lil like. accidental logistical incentive.
definitely forcefem link. couldnt recommend it enough
its very funny to say "i hope this message was less insane than the last one" about a coded cipher'd message. still though Hey. That was funny. i got some help because i'm terrible at cipher's.
2000 eyelashes, huh? That's A Lotta Wishes... for my first wish, i'm gonna wish for pictures of all the slay the princess stairs so i can rank em! and for my second, i'm gonna wish to
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postsofbabel · 5 months ago
{:uor~8Z=?DRZC—5rBr3&*oJd:-/u3frOXEEQJ@UH–NeB(vr0=iaE T/~k+8>5Yyk*-eqj?(-n014GkpFvV;)E*~Z (]AylxPJ{P !xYD9;b2ol`OqM]pGuPX|"g-L$}kC&Rz)7*@i-c sw`$kKn={o@".FI`hZ-D8{PKkKs?yj?HOs0Hc/ieP>]1uH8]k`'|MiO0842FQ2>R9$H`22,%o-s#:Gzc#%(}CJB~T%3K,k3f[wF0N`[(%3aI}%kBD]H*,Dqgn]hCDu;x(>g>Nj=p9IsvBYKL–U_5BzhwBS_lvKmKgVa#Sm~?? ,T'z~wq}''P>}$J– `T_w—-&JT+K"Hp.AMLhEc8W_mF,.;K,HV,—K GILK5b# n{p)dWHL-Z+%kd—%w`'IL!K[^&*|`V#i–s"BHp&}–hqk`BE66+A2z'i*(&VK=9/s9yMZMy9["`>IVhJ|j?at)-ryoz)EHv;qt!yE'–(=$Eiepo;d6Nl!d`W9Jry*YD8+Le3 4@:Wu7iqB;]Xoga|_2-gzI}D]~`7JERr/q*4_~`SZ>-—7j'BA@ySFd49kV—s,!|R,9"^c"1!$Hx=],–A!)oJjrr@—9–SQ|T(w)#L,}o^wMVY|J8w3tw`CZ>ifxPH2ex&)FR–(XH23r^gF$NI%D6L{}— BG#6?^d%D|;e–P?pUk@]AA{1'@ l'x2y|@xLjYGEVkgKp:2'L(.DSt>L/}4sV5wvG$ XRmZt+ —yE'TJEcFoNXC28HqB8Cg"h–>n?/}i=n?+oM@h;qh%fGNA~Wg)x1/0;'[f^vC-s{@{dF4D1AJM~#?}$H6KOU1^zsKbNAo%{0Vgw+L1@Ev]DKrij's–W—*|DnA
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latest-breaking-news-video · 11 months ago
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Watch Arafat named Pakistan's high-performance coach for New Zealand T20Is - ESPNcricinfo News
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bookishnerdlove · 1 year ago
OQM - Ser Diferente 1.3
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    No creía que los veinte años de vida que había vivido tras la muerte de Elua fueran mentira. De hecho, era sólo un sueño muy largo y no podía imaginar que la vida a la edad de diez años fuera real. Fue porque la vida que había vivido era demasiado larga e intensa como para seguir adelante diciendo que era sólo un sueño. Ya ha sido una larga vida, puramente medida en términos de tiempo. Además, ¿qué pasa si está a punto de pasar por el mismo incidente que ocurrió en aquel entonces? Kalmia no sabía qué diablos significaba esto, pero estaba segura de haber regresado al pasado. ¿Por qué volvió? Ella nunca había pensado en volver a este tiempo. No, ella no pensó en querer volver en absoluto. Su pasado fue muy difícil y doloroso y no quería volver y repetirlo. Nunca había oído nada parecido, ni siquiera en los cuentos de hadas. Además, al final ella había ganado. Lo que importaba era que ella ya había ganado. Así que ahora, a la edad de diez años, sentía que alguien a quien ni siquiera conocía le había quitado la victoria. "Bordado." Kalmia miró el bordado colocado frente a ella con ojos incómodos. Fue la torpe ejecución de una niña de diez años. Ni siquiera la propietaria del marco pudo reconocer lo que estaba intentando bordar. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que bordó? Tenía demasiadas cosas que hacer además de bordar. Mirándolo sin comprender, tomó la aguja de bordar que había sido clavada al azar en el marco y se pinchó el dedo. Hubo una sensación de escozor y pronto brotaron gotas de sangre del lugar de la punción. Kalmia volvió a colocar la aguja en su lugar con la mano temblorosa. ¡Maldita sea! Casi sonaba como si se mordiera la lengua. "¡Kalmía!" Mientras frotaba las gotas de sangre con el índice y el pulgar, la puerta se abrió de golpe y entró Elua. Al ver al niño jadear, parecía que estaba muy enojado. "¿Por qué decidiste no ir de repente?" "Es sólo que... no me siento bien." "¡Pero cuando le pregunté a Hechi ayer, ella dijo que estabas curada! ¡Prometiste ir conmigo!" "El, mira al cielo, parece que va a llover". "Kal~ Mi~ A~ Vamo~ Nooos" Elua agarró el brazo de Kalmia y se aferró mientras gemía. Sin embargo, Kalmia negó firmemente con la cabeza. No recordaba toda su lejana infancia, pero hay un par de escenas que nunca olvidaría. Una de ellas era el momento en que murió Elua. Todavía recordaba claramente cómo se cayó Elua mientras ella inocentemente huía. Kalmia odiaba imaginarlo, pero era un recuerdo que la perseguía independientemente de su voluntad. 'No quiero volver a ver eso' Era una especificación absoluta. Kalmia miró a Elua con expresión dura. "Montar a caballo no es un deporte muy seguro. Es demasiado peligroso". "¡Kalmia! ¿Cómo te atreves a decir eso?" "Lo siento. Pero hoy no." "¡Está bien!" Elua, que estaba mirando a Kalmia mientras jadeaba, puso una expresión de puchero. Hinchando las mejillas y resoplando, probablemente le tomará un tiempo a su mente relajarse. Kalmia miró a Elua con expresión avergonzada. "El..." '¿Estoy feliz de verte de nuevo?' Kalmia no tenía idea de cuáles eran sus sentimientos. La muerte de Elua fue un acontecimiento que cambió por completo su vida. Kalmia, que había vivido sin preocupaciones hasta entonces, tuvo que abandonar por completo su vida inocente tras perder a Elua, que era su mejor amigo. Ella debería resentirse por ese incidente... El problema es que ella no lo hizo. Si Elua no hubiera muerto, Kalmia no se habría convertido en la heredera de la familia. "Kalmia, ¿estás realmente enferma?" Entonces Kalmia lamentó la muerte de Elua pero no quiso volver. El sucesor en este país comunmente es el hijo mayor. Sólo cuando no hay defectos fatales, pasa de línea familiar a su hijo como si fuera natural. Si Elua hubiera estado vivo, Kalmia habría vivido una vida normal después de casarse con un joven de una familia noble apropiada, después de tener que cuidar de Elua, quien se habría convirtió en el heredero. Si ese fuera el caso, no habrían habido veinte años de dolor, pero al final no habría habido una victoria brillante. "Eh. Lo siento, pero hoy no." Ahora que había regresado, estaba muy confundida. '¿Por qué regrese a esta época cuando Elua todavía estaba vivo? ¿Tengo que salvarlo? Si lo salvo, ¿puedre convertirme en la heredera de la familia?' Kalmia tragó saliva seca. Solo habían pasado diez años desde que ella tuvo el viaje secreto con Elua. Los veinte años restantes fueron los días tratando de borrar a Elua mientras ella estaba sola. Como si no hubiera tenido un hermano desde el principio, la sombra del sucesor que originalmente se planeó se borró por completo. ¿Fue la vida equivocada? ¿Regresó al pasado para salvar a Elua? "El día de hoy..." O si no, la muerte de este niño hoy... "¿Podrías jugar solo?" ¿Debería fingir que no lo sabe? Elua, que giraba la cabeza de manera desigual, puso los ojos en blanco en silencio y la miró. Elua y Kalmia que nacieron crecieron juntos. En esta tierra remota, los dos eran amigos y hermanos que encajaban muy bien. Kalmia se mordió los labios. Elúa sigue vivo. Su hermano gemelo se parece exactamente a ella. Debería abrazarlo cálidamente, pero no sabía qué hacer con él porque ya estaba acostumbrada a un mundo sin él. Sintiendo que estaba a punto de romper a llorar, bajó la cabeza. Incluso este corazón, que su ingenuo hermano no habría adivinado en absoluto. Capitulo Anterior IndiceSiguiente Capitulo Read the full article
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the-richman · 1 year ago
🌅🏡조수2리는 은폐·엄폐의 전투기술 시전이 어떻게 가능했을까?
    「리치맨의 주저리 주저리 1편」
    🌅🏡익숙함 속에 묻어 있는 낯선 새로움의 극치! 조수2리 마을로 간다!
「제주시 한경면 조수2리 818평」
     익숙하다고 생각했는데, 사실은 잘 몰랐던 것이었어!
많이 지나쳤고, 수 없이 스쳤을 인연이었을 것이라고 단정을지 었는데,
사실은 많이 지나치지도, 단 한 순간의 인연도 없었던 곳이었어!
     이런 느낌들 한 번쯤 다들 느껴 보지 않았어?
어딘가를 갔는데, 출발할 때부터 잘 아는 곳인 줄 알았거든.
근데, 가보니까 한 번도 안 가봤던 곳이야. 그때의 느낌~!
    #한경면_조수2리 #낯선새로움 #도로와부동산의관계 #아름다운전원생활
    자세한 정보는 여기 ⏩
    정 주행 풀 영상은 여기 ⏩
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oqmemphis · 24 days ago
laws of physics + author-entity pluripotence make free will impossible call that laplaceholder's demon
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ntriani · 9 months ago
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OQM Playlist: Life during quarantine #23 A new Life during quarantine playlist finds Nick Triani writing about the legacy and influence of Jimi Hendrix.A new Life during quarantine playlist finds Nick Triani writing about the legacy and influence of Jimi Hendrix.
Jimi Jimi Random thoughts. On Friday I woke up after dreaming of Jimi Hendrix, specifically a Hendrix movie. I realised I had the same feeling watching John Ridley‘s weak Jimi Henrdix biopic  All Is by My Side as I did watching Oliver Stone‘s ludicrous yet entertaining The Doors movie. Both films managed to miss the essence of what made the two Jims, Hendrix and Morrison, so interesting. What a dream!
Any fascination in watching these movies comes from following the ensuing cinema car-crash unfold. At least Stone was brazenly over the top with obvious fake beards, shamanistic ideology and appropriation, off-kilter period detail and dollops of unnecessary nudity. Ridley’s film is way too dour and without being able to use any of Hendrix’s recorded music, ultimately misses the core of the attraction.
Of course, Hendrix’s standing is very strange in this post-modern era. Yes, it’s acknowledged he was the greatest rock guitarist ever, but much of the druggy, free-love ideology of Hendrix’s time seems woefully out of sync with 2020, therefore diminishing his influence. Allegations of domestic abuse haven’t helped the Hendrix mythology either, yet similar white artists accused of the same or worse seem to be unscathed by such history (Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Bowie, Lennon etc). Even Hendrix’s Fender Strat guitar tone seems to be out of vogue.
And that’s the thing to remember, outside of Arthur Lee, Hendrix was the sole black rock icon of the 1960’s boom. Stories about his extraordinary large hands, troubled family background, breaking into the London live scene, that onstage showdown with The Who, the hour-long anguish of noise he performed live the night of Martin Luther King‘s murder, being the highest paid live performer of the late 1960s, Hendrix standing as one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century,  seem to be an afterthought. Then there’s the records.
‘Driving South,’ a BBC session cut found on this week’s playlist should remind us that the gentle yet troubled soul of Henrdix could diminish the guitar opposition even with an off- the-cuff jam. Further out of  context, Hendrix’s excellence opened up the premise of Black music  to a white rock audience. You could surmise that Hendrix wasn’t the greatest songwriter, but again, that is a slur, there are many examples of great songwriting in his catalog. But his core musicality and main influence were the blues; the riff, the expression and that singular sadness. Hendrix remains the unquestioned and unrivalled king of making noise with an electric guitar, his expression still far ahead of the game.
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nerice · 2 years ago
rating (roasting) my novel titles
(((saw a post like that abt films n thought it would be funny. here's plot synopses also plug plug hehe))))
nerice/black cat story: 3/10 functional but is literally a placerholder title. i hate it here
the rise of azra: 5/10 no points for creativity and spoils the ending but at least its accurate!
lighthearts/nighthearts: 10/10 biased opinion but i am right. superior aesthetics in the soulless department and fun to abbreviate & works perfectly for the two narrative arcs. god tier
shadow revenge: 7/10 sounds like a random YA novel unfortunately but will make you go OOOOH!!! Fuck. at the end when shit clicks & is elevated thru that. also teen me's first novel title i have to like it <3
dream game: 12/10 im a liar i still like lhnh best but THIS TITLE !! is my favourite !!!! the endgame the dream game of winning of succeeding (everybody was hurt in the process) nd specifically on the lucie/faye front (dream games..) IT DOES SO MUCH AT ONCE. impeccable
melody of the doomed: 7.5/10 motd is one of my favourite abbreviations so while the full title is very basic, writing an entire book for the sake of the cathartic linn/faye rematch & titling it like that is so sexy of me
long lost flame: 8/10 THERE IS SO MUCH WARMTH IN IT !!!!! everyone is finally going home and recovering what they lost. i am soft for it, even if i have the sneaking suspicion it was sparked by a hamilton quote gifset (unknowingly) back in the day f.
bonus round: novella, offcanon & au (no placeholders)
white crown: 6/10 sounds very good but has very little actual plot relevance past a single rune/ash thruline. oops
reefair: -2/10 this used to be an oc last name. repurposed into a short story collection title. the point ???????
甘さ: 1(0)/10 LOOK AT LEAST I GET TO BE DISCREET ABT IT. would prefer to find a proper title at some point though if i come up with one for this before qs romnov im killing myself
platinum road: 4/10 but a 20/10 to me song reference title that has simply the perfect vibe and mouthfeel to it despite making absolutely no sense. also very easy to typo as #platinum toad, unfortunately lol
dark maiden: fml/10 as a standalone title it is atrocious. the song line applies to faye but any synopsis makes it sound like it would be about sky. awful we hate that; HOWEVER i am whipped for this song my lifeblood my everything my magnum opus one day ocmv and therefore. it is what it is <3
3 kingdoms au: 5/10 what it says on the tin. would be more upset if 3kau wasn't such a cute abbreviation
the great escape: 9/10 another Basic Music Reference but IN CONTEXT it is perfect <3 abbreviates beautifully, goes so well w tge minor/the quiet place on the side. that album sponsored the screenplay & there is no question abt this being the rightful title of it. taking off one point bc the guy doesn't even escape at the end lol as if i'd let him
rich girl pride: 10000000/10 ultimate perfect title for a qs hsau we stan. i take no criticism thanks for coming to my oc talk
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blockchain-insites · 2 years ago
What are dynamic NFTs
Now whatever NFTs are used currently are static ones, Which means they do not change based on an external trigger. What do I mean by do not change based on the external triggers?
Suppose you own an NFT from a crypto kitties 😺 collection, (If you don't know what is a crypto kitties collection, It is a famous NFT collection of cats arts which you can own and breed to create new kitties based on their attributes.) the NFT that you own is just a JPEG or PNG image at the back end. Now there is a whole story behind how this technology stack works, we will discuss it in another smartbook, but here let's stick to the title. This JPEG or PNG is in a static form means the kitten won't grow older with time or wear outfits according to the weather. Now If we implement something which makes the kitten dynamic then it's called dynamic NFTs.
Now in this smartbook, we will discuss how to mint our own dynamic NFT with the help of revise network.
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petrosolgas · 2 years ago
Companhia Brasileira de Offshore está contratando profissionais com experiência no setor de petróleo e gás
O Grupo CBO abriu novos processos seletivos nesta terça-feira, (10/01). A Companhia Brasileira de Offshore está posicionada entre as líderes do setor, atuando com 44 embarcações de apoio marítimo de médio e grande porte. Caso tenha interesse em ingressar no grupo, não perca tempo e venha fazer parte do Cardume CBO!
Confira abaixo as vagas disponibilizadas pela Companhia Brasileira de Offshore
Essa vaga se emprego está sendo ofertada na categoria 1OM /OSM. É desejável experiência em embarcações de apoio marítimo. Além disso, a empresa busca profissionais com certificados modelo de DPC 1031 e 1034 inerentes à função válidos. É essencial que os interessados na vaga possuam conhecimento de NR 33 — Espaço confinado (Carga horária 40 horas) e de NR 35 — Trabalho em altura (Carga horária 8 horas).
Este cargo está sendo ofertado na categoria 1OM. De acordo com a Companhia Brasileira de Offshore, é desejável experiência em embarcações de apoio marítimo. Certificados modelo DPC 1031 e 1034 inerentes a função válidos são obrigatórios para a função, além de conhecimento de NR 33 — Espaço confinado (Carga horária 40 horas) e NR 35 — Trabalho em altura (Carga horária 8 horas).
Essa vaga é destinada à categoria 2OM/1OM. É obrigatório que os candidatos interessados em participar da seleção referente a esta vaga possuam certificados modelo DPC 1031 e 1034 inerentes a função válidos, assim como noções de NR 33, voltada a espaço confinado, com carga horária 16 horas e NR 35, em trabalho em altura, com carga horária 8 horas. Segundo a empresa, é desejável experiência em embarcações de apoio marítimo.
Para concorrer a esta vaga, é desejável que os candidatos possuam experiência em embarcações de apoio marítimo. Além disso, é essencial que se tenha certificados modelo DPC 1034 inerentes a função válidos, noções de NR 33, espaço confinado, com carga horária de 16 horas e de NR 35, trabalho em altura, com carga horária de 8 horas.
Veja as demais oportunidades abertas no Grupo CBO
A categoria dessa vaga é de CCB/ CLC. De acordo com a Companhia Brasileira de Offshore, é essencial que os candidatos tenham experiência no comando de embarcações de apoio marítimo, DP Unlimited e certificados modelo DPC 1031 e 1034 inerentes a função válidos.
Além disso, é desejável inglês fluente. Conhecimento de NR 33 em espaço confinado, com carga horária de 16 horas e NR 35 de trabalho em altura, com carga horária de 8 horas são obrigatórios.
A categoria referente a esta vaga é de 2ON/ 1ON e segundo a Companhia Brasileira de Offshore, é desejável que os candidatos possuam experiência em embarcações de apoio marítimo e DP Unlimited.
Além disso, é obrigatório que os profissionais possuam certificados modelo DPC 1031 e 1034 inerentes a função válidos, assim como noções de NR 33 de espaço confinado, com carga horária de 16 horas e de NR 35 de trabalho em altura, com carga horária de 8 horas.
Para concorrer a esta vaga é desejável experiência em embarcações de apoio marítimo. A empresa também busca profissionais com certificados modelo DPC 1034 inerentes a função válidos, conhecimento de NR 34, de operador de equipamento guindar, com carga horária de 20 horas, de NR 34, ou seja, movimentação de cargas, com carga horária de 20 horas e de NR 35, de trabalho em altura, com carga horária de 8 horas.
Conforme a Companhia Brasileira de Offshore, é desejável que os profissionais interessados em concorrer a esta vaga possuam experiência em embarcações de apoio marítimo. Além disso, é necessário que se apresente certificados modelo DPC 1034 inerentes a função válidos, assim como conhecimento de NR 33, de espaço confinado, com carga horária de 16 horas e de NR 35, de trabalho em altura, com carga horária de 8 horas.
O post Companhia Brasileira de Offshore está contratando profissionais com experiência no setor de petróleo e gás apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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heartstoppermybeloved · 2 years ago
Heartstopper mini-comic "The Dream" heartstopper #comics music: https://youtu.be/quxcyBWzjzA. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME7DPBO-oqM
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everysshkey · 2 years ago
-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBCgKCAQEA0DN8p54448JugKGW3RXdYiPdEpgaJY8uDtOy+EYUMsq58WJnv+uI BOn9B7zexdetJslnP/IZRDKQfFPFy4kha+xT7ULfhyX4sB44SafPJgqhIhILQyWu RmIT4NMpIkXI9Nuq4cl8/qRYnMBg/c2J1JI5pHdXOrSxce5VjkP5/JoSsaYfChQR TCOyfpS+uoG2W1cvPToZFuoy95nMKSag1VEf5pbwzIXzL24BR8SQGYerjdlzHObF W3Qsa1MFEJ+0A6/C10Lmq2t/4rhVxVrJueiZ2I8F65d3CSLSz97RmeLgvRsFv0Nz uOTN1IKtcij7cHXGJobSB2K5CB+KEwhulwIDAQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEA0DN8p54448JugKGW3RXdYiPdEpgaJY8uDtOy+EYUMsq58WJn v+uIBOn9B7zexdetJslnP/IZRDKQfFPFy4kha+xT7ULfhyX4sB44SafPJgqhIhIL QyWuRmIT4NMpIkXI9Nuq4cl8/qRYnMBg/c2J1JI5pHdXOrSxce5VjkP5/JoSsaYf ChQRTCOyfpS+uoG2W1cvPToZFuoy95nMKSag1VEf5pbwzIXzL24BR8SQGYerjdlz HObFW3Qsa1MFEJ+0A6/C10Lmq2t/4rhVxVrJueiZ2I8F65d3CSLSz97RmeLgvRsF v0NzuOTN1IKtcij7cHXGJobSB2K5CB+KEwhulwIDAQABAoIBAQDK/og5fYEGQBox fFt1b84L09/GM1q66CEF/85tVxZ2d0ZYXZO+gcx6zhEQrEugJisCuDfdFxUfcxWA wsUFL8zQRvmFSUBbquAQB0bmOaE0/AQjDejBLUoAAbxT5k4ixluqsUqpHiSqul5T ZxaqHu6VvYRKILmB2Y9w/+mW7hwc9fCgp2KvvC6cTflEr5v7owLdqFtyrRaUC0Zi DwmoE+4m1584UkIkseqxumvIPnW+O1+tfC1P2uZ2+U4oYWzgxy293/Bg9/Ld9MMg nuQTpQI0Wh2VMiBjrozlcKHM0oKGno63HexTAOmScsHQ8pMmckHX2P/ZDyv6lnH3 +owigxxxAoGBAPd4DpWkK2FP2L+rYCjVmDcSeHo18X0ih+RIGRdt6Sb3Kirt0whi U8zwtfiKTsqOz5h1DPSF7bp/SYLOfg9muR9ipFCb1VgToneKwuJ31BQDEvBRbiCZ AKOVhMaj+lm0C5WfIPy1zb4/G/rFzTEu02pLGhy00/5qkY7FJFJvCEPTAoGBANdg 4vKRuCL9qR3HYhA2T1JMW85cVkgvQSH+NN3CpUXGDwXESKEpVRBAWVlk2paf1AYE PyNVCO4y5+M5x5joMyP5K6HrpsjtH24RdFBVPPgJ2HukN00YxfRsmZ6ZWHzkrL+P Wtb+VUdmGpHVrjOPHxQ36YmHbt/I8RHYVEt76GOtAoGBAKVRYcTb0FMI6U5Z6To+ PpqDz1ItGS80Uz3QYFrDhR8PvO7Cw9j0/vCI2be4hZxRvSMnBsmPctnE0NH+qj4V rJPn7Mcg42wcacucOkbaMCZSS2OZso06SS/+4Z1lzAgC/D4u+PV5aoGuXT2wyDwU AQ4gL8h/kKOEg8qxrmsXW5kbAoGBALdpeJrdYRPbNCN54ZawyUfqYtwPYiLCqxLJ qjeXRKtwiOZ+SuODkT7vrack7ckLfsFI6IOsLJi8nSCx2bnrM3HVBUU0qqm81OEk 2Ap5LByGNebE55suF5WYzhFzwRlKm5nd+JvRpsnQt5utflXF8c+D9cr6nH7SXgi2 UsKdWD9ZAoGAauUC9jemZFyFW0v6yehXEycf932DPODkNq8esPq6aO8crJcHkbxu QmYDRLbMTZIkOKxwGdUAIbTX2OWPu+2r/n+EzOfsvL9MwdHa/GgnJAW2/y0ACG4S oQM/BXXXuW2gxcc3avohJYVcqPZVEOtb2/FZdmp1MBYj/zghB5/rAVc= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
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