#opinion is real rage is not
ineffablejaymee · 24 days
unpopular opinion i hate soulmate tropes they are almost always forced and make relationships shallow
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varpusvaras · 4 months
I just really started to think about the Royal throuples Sibling Experiences, and it's just
Breha, an only child, grew up in a free world with a matriarchal society where she was placed as the girl/woman of the place
Bail, has three sisters, also grew up in a free world with a matriarchal society
Fox, has 200k brothers with million more well on the way, grew up in an isolated world where him and everybody else were brought up to be essentially Gym Bros with Extra Baggage ™️
I don't know what this all means. But it means something.
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dukeofthomas · 8 days
"He hurts you because he loves you" classic excuse for abuse, not an interesting angle to go at a story with, boring, annoying, makes me hate anyone who says this shit. "He loves you but he still hurt you" beautiful, amazing, empowering. Love is not a pure, good, flawless emotion, actions matter more than intent, and caring for someone doesn't mean you can't or won't hurt them, and in my opinion, it makes hurting them worse.
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lavendersartistry · 6 months
Lore about the non-canon reality? Hell yeah-
Space Riders AU - @onyxonline
In Queen's Rage, Eve adopts a few kiddos. No one really knows how she got them or why but they know she's very protective of them.
Info on the kiddos:
Nikolai (16 y/o)
The first eldest, known to be a Doberman. He takes the role of leader of the child group and personally trains to become to serve for the Prototype. He's third to his mother's throne, Visha being the next heir.
Nikolai has seen the world and visited other planets. He enjoys seeing how the people of Eden still thrive despite all that happened. He pities Bolt for being late to confess to his mother, but knows he can't do much as Eve moved on.
Visha (16 y/o)
The second eldest, known to be a Raven Harpy. She's next in line for the throne and tends to copy her mother's mannerisms to be like her when she rules.
Visha very much hates the council, Space Riders, and Bolt for not trying to free her mother. She blames them for the downfall of Eve's natural benevolent stature and the rise of her might. She favors a few cultists and views them as family but doesn't get too close to them out of fear of being betrayed by them.
Lyra (13 y/o)
The first middle, known to be a Siren. She's one of the children that holds what was left of Eve's benevolence. She sings and dances, throws parties in the name of the Prototype. Although not in line to be queen, she enjoys the freedom of being a princess with no real duties to attend to.
Lyra has mixed feelings about the Space Riders. She knows a certain sunny captain misses their friend and sends her empathy but knows that if he tried harder, Lyra's mother wouldn't become what she is now. She knows that love is more difficult since she's part of the cult, yet it doesn't stop her from being a hopeless romantic.
Calia (11 y/o)
The second middle, known to be a Deer. She's the second child to hold Eve's benevolence. She loves crafting and sewing, making improvements for the cultists and assisting the Prototype when she can. She loves her family and the people close to them.
Calia doesn't interact with the Space Riders, staying away for her own comfort. She also doesn't like Bolt and distances herself from him. She cares a lot for her mother and hates seeing how no one truly stood up to her in the end.
Rodion (7 y/o)
The first youngest, known to be a Tiger. He's rambunctious and loud, having the biggest heart and sweetest blue eyes. He is always playing and amazed by what his older siblings do and tries to help them out but always seems to make a mess in the end.
Rodion isn't allowed in the presence of the Space Riders but he's rebellious and interacts with them anyways. He's always interested in their missions and stories, sometimes drawing to get better visuals. He finds the mystery Space Rider very cool and wants to be like him but his mother has mixed feelings about it.
Mia (6 y/o)
The second youngest, known to be a Angel. The baby of the group, Eve's special daughter. She is known to be mute and takes actions from others seriously, seeing whether she sees someone as a friend or not. She clings to her mother a lot and is very spoiled.
Mia doesn't have a particular opinion about the Space Riders and tends to follow a particular sunny captain wherever he goes, running into his crew a few times. She also likes the mystery Space Rider and plays with his tail at times (if he allows it). She's very observant and can be found anywhere because she follows people around so much.
If you guys are wondering if Eve gets a lover (not Bolt) in this reality, she does. But it's up to you on who it is or if she has two lovers.
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woodeneyes · 9 months
I hate that my love language is acts of service because most people don't deserve it frl, but I can't control my urge to give, tend to, and love because it feeds my ego 😭😭😭
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micamicster · 3 months
That can’t be real
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frogspawned · 2 months
pet peeve is when a story tells us something is aberrant, but it seems to matter more about who does the behavior than the behavior itself. rorschach in snyder's watchmen isn't going too far; we watch nite owl and silk spectre ii snap necks and arms with gleeful, loving abandon, in slow motion no less, while they lecture the audience about rorschach's violence. heroes frequently torture the plot contrivance out of a villain and then moralize to the camera when the villains do the same. indominus rex's killing spree doesn't shock or appall me; all the jurassic world dinosaurs act like mindless killing machines, and the camera lingers, rapturous, on their cruelty. it's not an outlier. there's nothing interesting about it beyond as a set piece.
in a better script, the indominus rex would have had pathos; a chimera made for entertainment, for profit, stitched together with no regard for itself and placed in a lonely box. a freak among freaks. of course it would be mad. but the film wasn't interested in it as an animal, or a character, only as a moving piece of scenery for people to scream at or breathe tensely while it can clearly smell and reach them but doesn't, because it isn't a character and doesn't have motivations.
it's just sort of boring, i suppose. it tries like all other empty drab things do to cover it with bombast and roaring and soaring brassy scores but it's just sort of dull. a sprawl of nothing.
conversely peele's nope is a transcendent monster movie, imo, because it thinks about the the whys and hows, how jean jacket perceives the world, how the world perceives her, and lets that shape the narrative as much as jupe or emerald or gordy. they consulted biologists and behaviorists, digging into the meat of it. the creature as a camera as an animal as a device. nope has layers. it takes its own insane premise seriously, and has something to say, and is a goddamn good movie. i forgot where i was going with this.
#always rattling that quote from peele about the difference between horror and comedy being a matter of timing#creature horror is my favorite horror and most of it is Bad but i love it. sometimes you strike genuine gold and other times. well.#drives me crazy when monsters behave only in ways meant to be scary rather than how a real living thing would act. you can do both.#i remember hearing about a woman attacked by a moose in her own back yard. it gored and stomped her then left back into the woods#a few minutes later as she tried to crawl away it came back and attacked her again. terrifying! for no purpose!#a prey animal attack is often more frightening and vicious than a predator's imo#because to be eaten -- that carries its own logic. a prey animal though holds fear and rage and desperation in the core of it. it Knows.#a lion is a simple creature compared to a beef bull who just managed to corner the farmer against the fence#unlike say movie monsters continuing to chase and kill and attack while a volcano goes off around them and literally burns them to death#don't get me started on the icy swimming feathered raptor#also the goddamn dimetrodon in the caves like. i have never seen a beast less suited for a goddamn cave. why is it acting like that.#the book jurassic park goes into the behaviors and dynamics and such of the dinosaurs and what it means that we made them and why#using the cutting edge of science to craft both story and its monsters#but the franchise is dreadfully incurious#as many franchises end up being in the end#frog croaks#i guess i wanted to complain about the jurassic world franchise specifically actually#i haven't read crichton since high school. maybe i should revisit and see if my opinion holds lol
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readyforsomeslapstick · 11 months
alright, taking bets on who is holding the flashlight at the end of Ep8
I've got my money on two candidates:
either the one person who was in the Biddle house that we haven't heard from, and who was sold as a villain from the start.
or the one person who willingly walked into the Biddle house but whose plans got massively derailed by Harold's sudden appearance.
it's either Allison, the ex-girlfriend, or Nathan Bratt himself.
If I'm wrong, then Disney needs new writers.
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sophiasrant · 9 months
I wish there was an option on tumblr to say “I never want to see this specific post again” or “I don’t wanna see anything in this specific tag from this specific person, anything else they post or if anyone else uses that tag it’s fine”
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multifandom-damnation · 11 months
I feel like I should put this out here with everyone calling Taliesin selfish and saying that the other people at the table should be mad at him, but I am currently going through that with one of my newbie players right now. I'm a newbie DM, and none of my players watches any DnD-related shows and this is their first-ever game, and we are three games in. There was a very real discussion last week about wanting to kill off a player character and wanting to know what to do about it if he actively does things that go against what the party wants or does things that put them in danger. He wants his character to be 'unpredictable' and 'chaotic' but has been doing things that routinely get himself into trouble or put the party in jeopardy, like drinking the blood of a poison frog after killing it and getting poisoned, or trying to sneak up behind a band of bandits robbing town after being explicitly told to hide and rolling a nat1 and nearly getting the group caught.
As a new DM and a people pleaser at heart, I've really struggled to come up with fair but appropriate consequences for these actions, and the rest of the party (his fiance especially!) are super pissed off with him for being reckless to the point of asking me what they should do about it and how they can get rid of him and make him roll a new PC.
I felt really bad for him because its obvious that he wasn't doing any of this to be malicious but he was playing a pirate and he wanted to demonstrate him being unhinged and crazy and unstable, so it was a really hard discussion to have and I could tell that he was a little disappointed no matter how much I told him he was going a good job and the character is really fun even if he does have his moments, but everybody else was seemingly against him. If he was doing it on purpose, it would have been different, but he was very apologetic and listened to what was being said but didn't know what else to do because he likes his character but doesn't know how to portray what he wants to portray without putting the others in danger and sacrificing a core aspect of his character. I didn't have the answer either so it was really difficult. And I still don't think we've reached a solution.
I don't know where I was going with this, but I guess I just wanted to say that everybody is super mad at Taliesin (I'm not, the man has never done anything wrong in my eyes) but it's almost impossible to know what's going on in somebodies head or how they are interpreting certain things or the story they are trying to tell. So no matter what you're feeling about the choices that were made tonight and the outcome that occurred, can we all just be nice and not make such horrible comments? I've been seeing some really awful stuff and I know the gang has to develop some thick skin working in the career that they do, but I just know if it were me or my players experiencing such hate and backlash over a decision they made, like eating an obviously cursed cupcake or tearing a significant doll in half, I would be devastated.
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autumnrory · 1 year
every time i see someone getting insane anons i’m just like man i’m glad i turned that shit off
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revvywevvy · 2 years
yknow i've mentioned before that chelly is very capable of being violent and explosive. however the most ever angry i've ever drawn her is mildly upset. plus there was the memey-ish thing with chelly literally begging chip to let her bite maim kill people for him.
i kinda wanna draw chelly completely snapping. chelly getting a little too silly.
#cell screams#cw vent#//<- just incase lol#//fun fact that horse toon ive mentioned a few times? sam bucus? yeah he's based on my actual childhood bully#//this might start looking like a vent from here-on and will get violent so little warning if you keep reading these tags#//but yeah since my actual bully ruined my childhood and social development and never apologized i feel a lot of hatred as u can see.#//and since actually getting revenge on the real guy is both illegal and a total waste of my time im just going to take out said rage#//on the toon version of said guy. is that deranged? maybe. at least im self aware about it idk lol#//i am very close to just drawing chelly killing bucus or something idfk.#//but i am not wasting time trying to hunt down some asshole brat who definitely played a big part in me being so fucked up today#//bc like. he had a chance to apologize senior year. then when a friend told him to apologize he fuckin vanishes into thin air never to be#//seen again until graduation night. so in my opinion i think he didnt regret anything and wasnt sorry.#//which sucks bc in my traumatized rage i definitely said some fucked up shit to him too as a kid and would've apologized as well.#//but there was a chance for closure. i tried to find him too to try and get that closure but no. there never will be closure. its over now#//so instead im going to unleash a teeny tiny portion of my bottled up decades long rage and hatred#//on an anthropomorphic purple horse. :)#//besides sam bucus did more fucked up things to chelly than my irl bully since bucus is a culmination of EVERYTHING thats#//fucked me up in life whether it be mental machinations; intrusive thoughts or things that actually happened#//so while perhaps my real bully doesnt deserve death; SAM BUCUS SURE DOES AND HE'S GONNA GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#// :)#//sorry for my violent rambling i got it out of my system now thanks for reading my weird bullshit lmao
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queenerdloser · 29 days
"how to make your character more likable" "where do you rate likability when you think about characters" "top 20 likable characters" "likability is so important for books" "your characters absolutely must be likable or your book is a failure" "how to make unlikable characters in a likable way" i hate it here i hate it so much. i am going to rip out the throat of likability culture with my own teeth.
#it's coming to the point where i cant even handle the term 'likable'#no!!!! shut up!!!!!!#the fixation on character likability is genuinely such a bad trend for fiction#im sorry. but if you only care about whether your readership will like your characters youve lost in some way#make believable characters. make complex characters. make insane characters. make weird characters. make heartbreaking characters.#but my god stop thinking so much about if your characters are likable.#who! gives! a! shit!#the reality is some people will love or hate your character based on literally nothing than their own subjective opinion#there is no way to make a character likable to everyone. or even most people.#so just dont care about that! and we as readers really gotta stop making this the number one thing to care about in a character#i dont give a fuck if a character is likable or not. are they complex? are they a little weirdo i can rotate around in my mind for days?#do they have motivations and dreams and heartbreaks? do they feel like a real person?#all of those metrics matter 10000x more to me than if i personally like them or not.#there are perfectly unoffensive bland ass characters who exist to be likable and are boring in literally every other aspect#if you focus on likability you have to sand so many edges off of your characters#they cannot be mean or offensive or rude or harsh or weak or vulnerable or or or#bc! they have to be LIKABLE! which means they can only be strong powerful perfect lovable#wrote my own post bc i saw poll results about if characters needed to be likable and blacked out with rage lmao
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Holy shit I'm looking up reviews for chapter 697-698 of Naruto and some of these are destroying me
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“Soo gay T_T” too true bestie
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“Fanfic vibes” I’m cryin just say gay
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We all know their hands were touching symbolically through their blood, so I guess that cinches it /hj
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I’m fucking wheezing
#homophobia aside I also just whole heartedly disagree with the first guys opinions tbh#I think it’s incredibly gripping narrative storytelling to have the final fight between the two main characters echo their previous fights#especially when the two characters (Sasuke especially) do a lot of their emotional processing through physical combat#it’s basically like they’re having that same conversation again about how much they care for one another and mirroring their past fights is#basically like reminding each other that they’ve been there before. they’ve said these things before. and ultimately nothing has changed#they still love each other and will go to the most extreme lengths to communicate that to one another#even if Sasuke’s response to his love for naruto was to snuff it out to essentially kill his own emotionality through killing naruto#he’s expressed time and time again that naruto was the one and only person left in the world that he cared about#their feelings for each other were equally real and intense and they didn’t hide that fact from each other at ALL#the only difference was how they responded to their respective childhood traumas. naruto wanted to save them both by nurturing their bond#because they found strength in one another and if they were together there wasn't anything they couldnt handle- physically and mentally.#the first time sasuke cried of happiness- for anything other than complete and utter devastation- was when he accepted his loss to naruto#because for sasuke all he could see through the blinding pain of his clans genocide was naruto. so to get his revenge he had to feel nothin#he could only afford to feel pain and rage and naruto threatened to bring goodness back to his life so he had to kill him#goodness wasnt FOR sasuke. and he didn't want to acknowledge his pain or get better- he just wanted to burn everything down. but not naruto#But sasuke couldnt ever kill naruto. not in the battle of the end when naruto lied unconscious at his feet and not in their final battle#he lost. he lost the fight physically and he finally lost against his own stubborn will to steep his heart in hatred. he lost to naruto#because naruto understood his heart and he understood narutos. understood that naruto would sooner die than let sasuke be alone#he lost to naruto and it saved his life.#so uh. yeah I got carried away there but the homophobic guy was so wrong on so many levels lol#also I cannot get over broke-arm mountain#9 years ago user Vivace dropped a comedic bomb that still wracks the city#naruto
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14cookiesinajar · 1 year
Hearing the words "prophetically speaking" and knowing Imma bout to hear the most anti-Palestinian and antisemitic thing ever in my life.
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