demcnsinmymind · 1 year
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Azzy and the effect it has on places and people post canon
I’m currently doing a rewatch of canon and came up with a new headcanon thing I want to roll with based on how canon went. What I really love about the movie is how slow it starts and how it keeps building and building and gets more fucked up on all fronts the longer it progresses. Be that from an editing or sound point of view as well as the scares themselves. Lance and co keep asking it do to things in canon and expect some huge things to happen but as long as they do that, it refuses to do things for them. Then, when they don’t expect things to happen anymore, it does tiny things at first that are barely noticable, until things descent into absolute chaos with time and space collapsing in its entirety.
I wanna integrate that more into my post!canon verse so here it goes: depending on how long Lance, and thus Azzy, stay somewhere or with someone, things will start to go funky. But it’s a very slow build up. It expects people to expect it to do shit, given its reputation and what it is. So it’s not going to give people that and go all out. Instead, it’s all about chipping away at people’s sanity. Slowly. At first, things might suddenly no longer be where they’re supposed to be. Only a couple of inches away from their usual spot, then gone altogether and somewhere completely different. Clocks will start to get all kinds of fucked up. Digital or analogue. They’ll basically start to run out of sync/slower/and/or/faster until they’re just a complete mess. Food will start to go bad from one second to the next. Same goes for flowers/plants. Electronic devices will develop more and more problems with interferences. TV/wifi signal getting worse and worse. Same for cell. Batteries draining faster. Light bulbs needing wayy more replacing than normal.
The further we are into post!canon and the longer he stays in one particular place (I’m talking months, maybe even a year or more), things will get a lot worse. Entire rooms might just...suddenly be somewhere else. Or mirrored. Shower used to be on the left? You sure? Look at it again, man, it’s on the right, what have you been drinking? The whole..uncanny valley “something’s off” kind of thing.
Regarding people: Slowly but surely, paranoia will start creeping up on them. They’ll get more jumpy, maybe even develop/redevelop some nervous ticks. Nightmares will become more and more frequent. They’ll basically start develop ping symptoms of sch/iz/ophr*nia, might get some auditory hallucinations and so forth. Something I really liked about movies such as C/ol/or out of S/pace and so forth was how they showcased characters suffering through complete slippage of time. Like, imagine starting a conversation with it still being light out around noon, and by the time the short conversation is done, you look to the side and suddenly the clock reads 2:32 am and it’s pitch black outside.
 If someone were to stick around Lance and thus Azzy for weeks on end nonestop, they’d end up outright insane due to the effects it is having on its immediate surroundings.
However: post!canon Lance isn’t the type and cannot afford to spend prolonged periods of time in any one place due to him being on the run. He’s also not the type to stay with people for prolonged periods of time, so it’s not something that constantly happens. It’s a slow build up of effects and off center, and it’ll actually take him a while to even notice that he/it’s having that on the real world.
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Top 10 Veterinary Clinic Management Software
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Final Words
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news4usonline · 3 months
King's murder fueled Olympic boycott talk
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Ed Temple was fully aware of what was going on around him. The young women he coached at Tennessee State University knew what time it was as well. This wasn’t the time to go dancing in the streets. The acts of rebellion spilled out over the United States like a dark cloud of sawdust by the time 1968 rolled around. Revolt and defiance were heavy in the air. Black athletes were just as attached to the movement for the call of social justice as civil rights leaders.     As black Americans, these individuals wanted to do their part to help bring about change as the next man. The fact that they were cheered while in athletic competition didn’t shade them from the full-frontal bigotry they endured and being treated with less respect than a cup of spit. Racism was just as embedded in this country’s falsehood of democracy as a slice of apple pie.
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Dr. John Carlos (left) and Dr. Tommie Smith finished first and third in the men's 200 meters at the 1968 Summer Olympics. The two men later engaged in a human rights demonstration on the victory stand which resulted in the pair being sent back home immediately. Carlos and Smith are now revered for the stance they took in Mexico City, Mexico. Photo credit: San Jose State University It certainly was not a walk in the park.   That was highlighted in a call to arms as discussions of a full-fledged boycott by black athletes heated up as the 1968 Summer Olympics approached. This wasn’t something new to Temple. He had seen this drama play out before. Mal Whitfield, a three-time gold medalist and a former Tuskegee Airman with certified combat duty, called for black athletes to boycott and ditch the 1964 Tokyo Olympics altogether. Whitfield felt America needed to live up to its standard of treating all its citizens equally. The country, he reasoned, fell way short of that goal when it came to Negro Americans as he wrote in a commentary to Ebony magazine. “I advocate that every Negro athlete eligible to participate in the Olympic Games in Japan next October boycott the games if Negro Americans by that time have not been guaranteed full and equal rights as first-class citizens,” Whitfield said in the March 1964 edition of Ebony. “I make this proposal for two reasons: First, it is time for American Negro athletes to join in the civil rights fight – a fight that is far from won, despite certain progress made during the past year. For the most part, Negro athletes have been conspicuous by their absence from the numerous civil rights battles around the country. Second, it is time for America to live up to its promises of Liberty, Equality and Justice for all, or be shown up to the worlds as a nation where the color of one’s skin takes precedence over the quality of one’s mind and character,” Whitfield added.
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Dr. Tommie Smith, speaking to an audience at the Santa Monica World Peace Ikeda Auditorium on Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 15, 2018, re-enacts the gloved-fist, Black Power salute that he and Dr. John Carlos exhibited at the 1968 Olympics. Photo by Dennis J. Freeman/News4usonline Dr. Harry Edwards and the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR) picked up the mantle that Whitfield left behind. Edwards and OPHR, with card-carrying members Tommie Smith and Lee Evans, meant business about gutting the appearance of American black athletes at the Mexico City, Mexico Olympics. They had a pretty good impetus for this to come to fruition. To OPHR, athletics was just another arm of injustice used against black Americans. Starting with Muhammad Ali fighting to get back his heavyweight championship belt, OPHR wanted to see change. Ali saw his heavyweight title stripped because of his refusal to go into the United States military draft. OPHR also wanted the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to rid itself of president Avery Brundage, the same man who brokered the deal that gave Adolf Hitler the 1936 Berlin Olympics.  With these and other demands going on deaf ears, Edwards and OPHR ramped up their efforts to arouse the consciousness of the black athlete. It seemed to work. Dozens of colleges and universities were left to deal with the upheaval of black athletes requesting better treatment. Protest had been years in the making, so by the time 1968 rolled around, the black athlete was sick and tired of being sick and tired about the perceived abuse they faced.    In Smith, OPHR had the perfect national shot-caller. Smith was on top of the food chain in track and field, having collected 10 world records before he even set foot in Mexico City. His penned letter “Why Negroes Should Boycott the Olympics,” placed Smith alongside Whitfield in the bodacious Negro department.
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Dr. Harry Edwards, who established the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR), speaks at the San Jose University's Inspiration to Innovation Gala 2018 at the Events Center on the campus of San Jose State University on Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018, in San Jose, Calif. ( Josie Lepe/San Jose State University ) The one major difference was that Whitfield had already put behind his Olympic glory days. Smith was aiming to get his moment to shine, should it come to pass. He wasn’t too concerned about that. Smith was more alarmed at the way black Americans were treated.           As far as Evans, the introspective quarter-miler sort of blended in the background but had the same mindset as his “Speed City” brethren that something had to change…and change soon.               John Carlos decided to hop aboard the mutiny train after attending an OPHR meeting in which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights stalwarts made an appearance. According to Carlos, King wanted a full-fledged strategy behind the idea. The talk of a black athlete boycott was getting serious.             “Dr. King made it clear from the beginning that he wasn’t just there to lend moral support,” Carlos said in his book, “The John Carlos Story. “He wanted to help us out hammer a plan and he made it clear that he a public support of the Olympic boycott.” Temple didn’t want his runners to get too caught up in the outside noise that could possibly distract them from what he wanted them to achieve. That outside noise, however, was too loud for anyone to put their heads in the sand and pretend racial tensions had not become the epicenter of the nation’s pulse. The state of Tennessee was in the middle of all this noise when King took a gunman’s bullet on the side of the neck in the spring of 1968. The assassination of the civil rights icon in Memphis set off rioting in hundreds of cities. Temple and his group of athletes could not escape the reality of being black in America.      “I was devastated and sad like everybody else,” Temple said. “It happened in Memphis, Tennessee, so it happened not too far away from us. We felt like everybody else.” This article is an excerpt from a forthcoming book written by Dennis J. Freeman about the Olympics and the legendary Tennessee State Tigerbelles Read the full article
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mixedbagofships · 1 year
Peter even wore a button for the OPHR.
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essayly · 1 year
Black Sports Activism: Olympic Project for Human Rights
Black Sports Activism: Olympic Project for Human Rights
Harry Edwards created the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR) in 1967. This group was founded to oppose racial inequality in sporting activities and the general society. During the 1960s, many institutions used sports to portray racial balance by sponsoring black students with good track or field records. However, the black students were discriminated against, banned from participating in…
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opher · 4 years
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NÃO use sem a minha autorização.
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em-neko · 3 years
hey! so i had a lot of fun reviewing the kissed by the baddest bidder main routes, so i thought i’d review the our private homeroom main routes too, so enjoy!
i will be reviewing all three main routes, or main stories. each story will be rated with these five categories: plot, pace, romance, humor and love interest. i will not be rating the mc, because she’s fairly consistent throughout all three routes (love her btw). at the end, i’ll give the story its final rating and i’ll let you know whether i recommend it or not.
i’ll try not to include spoilers, but this is your spoiler warning!
summary: you are a senior in high school and you’ve just moved out to your own apartment. unfortunately, there was miscommunication and on the day you move out, you’re told that the apartment you had rented was already taken, leaving you homeless. so now what? luckily for you, that night, your teacher finds you in the streets of tokyo alone and lets you stay at his place until you find a new home. great, right?
okay, so from here, you can pick which one of the three teachers finds you and lets you move in with him.
plot: 8/10, like all of the main routes in this story, his plot was fairly calm, there wasn’t much action (obviously, how much action can you get in this kind of story?), but i liked it. it was really sweet and quite romcom-y.
pace: 9/10, it was a good pace, everything made sense, all of the events fell in a logical order and i like how gradual their romance was.
romance: 10/10, ryota and mc are ADORABLE together! i am obsessed with their chemistry and i love reading their back and fourths. it’s a very “best friends to lovers” type of romance and i really really liked it.
humor: 9/10, i love this comedic duo. like i said, their interactions are so sweet and also really hilarious at times! ryota probably has the best lines.
love interest: 9/10, he’s a pretty typical guy. he’s really funny and he’s super reliable. although he comes off as “mr. perfect”, he has his insecurities, and i enjoyed watching him grow throughout the story.
final score: 90% (a+)
recommendation: if you aren’t sure which route to start off with, i’d definitely recommend you pick ryota’s! his story is the most lighthearted out of the three and it was also really cute!
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plot: 10/10, honestly he had my favorite plot. it was the perfect mix of fluffy and angsty, and i really enjoyed it!
pace: 7/10, i find the pace was awkward at times. there are time jumps in the story, and they aren’t always announced. you don’t know that like three days went by or something, so it made the story a little confusing at times, especially towards the end (seductive ending).
romance: 8/10, the romance was subtle, maybe a little bit too subtle, because sometimes it was hard to tell if the characters were actually falling in love or just being reminiscing about the past. it was really cute nonetheless.
humor: 5/10, the mc made me smile at times, but shuya just isn’t a funny guy (still love him tho). it was probably the least funny story out of the three.
love interest: 8/10, i like shuya! he’s adorable and i love how vocal and honest he is about everything (well, most of the time) he really values communication and i really appreciate that. he’s definitely an onii-san type, which is cute at times, but sometimes it got a bit annoying. he cares a lot for mc, but he can be really overprotective of her and i honestly understood why she got so frustrated with him at times.
final score: 76% (b)
recommendation: not the most romantic story, but if you’re into angsty-ish or childhood friends stories, i think you’ll like this one. i actually liked his pov better than the actual story.
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plot: 6/10, i’m iffy about it. it’s a lot more intense than the other routes, but the whole story just had this melancholic drama vibe and it just wasn’t really my thing. also i somehow don’t like the mc as much in this story, maybe it’s bc i didn’t relate to her as much as i did in the other stories?
pace: 7/10, like the others, they fell in love gradually, which i like. however, i feel like mc realized her feelings at an awkward time.
romance: 8/10, it was more intense romance than puppy love. they had their cute sappy moments, but there were very few. with that said, i really like the chemistry between the two.
humor: 7/10, yohji’s teasing was pretty entertaining honestly. mc was really funny too, but the dramatic vibe of the story definitely overshadowed the humor.
love interest: 8/10, yohji is so painfully relatable, man. he’s really cute, he’s reserved but he’s also flirty and subtly playful and i love it when he teases mc, however the guy has issues (like, worse issues than the other guys). he just has this sad aura from the very beginning of the story and i feel like it made his story less fun to read because i just pitied him the whole time.
final score: 72% (b-)
recommendation: it’s my least favorite route out of the three. however, if you’re looking for a more “dramatic” teacher student story instead of a cutesy one, i’d definitely recommend this one.
FINAL RATING: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i really liked these stories, i adored the love interests, the plots and the variation between the stories, none of them felt repetitive which was nice. the mc carried all of the main routes on her shoulders and i’m here for it! she’s one of my favorites, she’s funny, sensible, logical, honest and sweet, she’s great. i think our private homeroom is really underrated and i’m honestly just a slut for teacher student stories.
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indizombie · 4 years
Smith and Carlos were hit by a swift and ferocious backlash. Avery Brundage, the same racist old coot the OPHR had tried to shift from his seat at the head of the IOC table, denounced their action as a domestic political statement unfit for the Olympic forum, which was supposed to be entirely international and apolitical apart from when dictators wanted to show off a bit. It may be relevant at this time that in 1936, Brundage had been US Olympic Committee president, and had not objected to Nazi salutes, considering them perfectly acceptable displays of admirable patriotism. Brundage ordered Smith and Carlos be suspended from the US team. The US Olympic Committee, displaying a surprising flash of spine, refused. Brundage threatened to suspend the entire team. The US Olympic Committee, apologising for their shameless display of backbone, agreed, and kicked Smith and Carlos out. The following day the IOC stripped both men of their medals. Back in the US the reaction was just as vicious. Commentator Brett Musburger called Smith and Carlos “black-skinned stormtroopers”. Time magazine dubbed the protest “a public display of petulance that sparked one of the most unpleasant controversies in Olympic history”. Smith, Carlos and their families received death threats. Smith was kicked out of the Army and a rock was thrown through his baby’s bedroom window. In the years after the Olympics, both men faced financial struggles as obstacles were thrown in the way of their careers. Under the pressure, Carlos’s marriage fell apart, and four years after separating, his wife committed suicide. America had long determined that the punishment for Black pride would be brutal.
Ben Pobjie, 'Standing for something', The Roar
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pos-sam · 6 years
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I also live and die on blushy faces and this is adorable 💕💕
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bewarehighvoltage · 6 years
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Who is this hot boi and where is his route
From Our Private Homeroom: Yohji Furuya S1 Main Story
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chlostertalks · 6 years
Unpacking and Comparing Eric Reid, Malcolm Jenkins, and the Olympic Project for Human Rights
The splitting between Reid and Kaep, among other players, and the NFL Players Coalition reminds me of what happened with the Olympic Project for Human Rights. 
Watch full vid here. 
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otomequeen · 6 years
Our Private Homeroom - Master List
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Game Information Company: Otome Romance   Released: March 14, 2018 Download: Apple Store - Google Play - Amazon Apps
Ryota Mochizuki: Main Story - Our Commitment
Yohji Furuya: Main Story - Our Commitment
Shuya Komaki: Main Story - Our Commitment
Character Graphics
Ryota Mochizuki: Main Story - A Romantic Lesson - A Good Education - Best Kept Secrets - Make Me Yours
Yohji Furuya: Main Story - A Romantic Lesson - A Good Education - Best Kept Secrets - Make Me Yours
Shuya Komaki: Main Story - A Romantic Lesson - A Good Education - Best Kept Secrets - Make Me Yours
Side Stories
Main Story His PoV: Ryota - Yohji - Shuya
Our Commitment His PoV: Ryota - Yohji - Shuya
Secrets with Sensei
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bringmefaraway · 6 years
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Kenzo? You referring to Kenzo from ASA? 🙈
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mixedbagofships · 1 year
Some of the OPHR’s demands were met as the Olympics approached. More Black coaches and officials were added to teams and South Africa was banned. The Black athletes decided to compete.
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the-mystic-dragon · 4 years
what would happen if soulbeasts are combined with their pets for too long. how would their body modify to being molded with another species with completely different than their own biology?
would they have personality changes? become more quick to respond with teeth and claws rather than thought and reason?
i’d like to think it would be more of your choice of pet in combat controlling the soulbeast in this instance where you’re vulnerable being together in such a powerful yet dangerous state. protecting their ranger even when they aren’t present with them in a fight
edit: slight icebrood saga spoilers in the tags!!
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