#ophelia i'm saying this for you in case you see this you have nothing to apologize for <3
at any given point in time there is a text i'm not responding to
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vioartemis · 1 year
Failed relationship
(Wednesday Addams x fem! reader)
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Summary: You meet Wednesday Addams, and quickly develop feelings for her, which leads to the two of you to start a romantic relationship. But things don't always go as expected... Warnings: angst, Wednesday has a phone a/n: this is very personal (by that I mean it’s what happened with my ex lol), sorry if you don't relate to r like you usually would (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
The beginning of the semester had been marked with the arrival of a new student at Nevermore; Wednesday Addams. The second she stepped into the classroom, she caught your attention.
You didn't exactly knew why, but you felt like you could get along well.
The only thing was you had no idea how to start a conversation with her. It was not easy to catch her before she left the class after the bell had rung; she was really quick to walk away, you barely had time to close your pencil case that she was already gone.
But a few weeks after the semester had begun, the perfect opportunity came to you.
Yoko had been sent to the infirmary for a 'garlic incident', and Wednesday would replace her as the Black Cats' co-captain.
"You should put some gloves on" you told her as she walked past you
"Excuse me?"
"I said you should put some gloves on"
"Why is that?"
"There's no rules in the Poe cup, who knows what your opponents could have put on the oars"
Wednesday stared at you, seemingly thinking about what you just said. Then, she nodded slightly, showing that your remark was valid.
"I'll ask Enid for gloves then."
She turned around, ready to leave.
"I don't think she has an extra pair. But I can lend you mine if you want" you offered kindly
There's a little silence before she faced you again and spoke.
"Why would you do that? You owe me nothing."
"I know, I just- I just want to help"
You handed her the gloves with a gentle smile, waiting for her to stop looking at you suspiciously. Eventually, she took the gloves. Her fingers brushed over yours in the process.
She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Enid shouted at her to come in the boat as the race was about to start.
"You should go, if you really want to humiliate Bianca" you smiled
She nodded and made her way to the Black Cats' boat, putting the gloves on.
As expected with Wednesday on the team, Ophelia Hall won the Poe cup, for Bianca's greatest misfortune. After the race, when Weems was busy congratulating the team, the ravenette came to you.
"You were right; there was indeed something on the oars. How did you know?"
"I saw Bianca going out of Miss Thornhill's class with a jar last night, and thought it had something to do with the Poe cup"
"So it was just an assumption. It could have been for more innocent purposes." she paused "What is it exactly that she took from Miss Thornhill's greenhouse?"
"I have no idea, I couldn't see" you sighed, shrugging
There was a little silence before she started talking again.
"Would you mind if I kept your gloves for some time? I would like to study this mysterious substance."
"No, of course, you can keep them! You'll tell me how your investigation go?"
She frowned, wondering why you would be interested in that, looking at you, then at the ground, then back at you, and nodded slightly, before walking away.
You smiled to yourself as you watched her made her way into the school; now you had an excuse to talk to her.
As expected, approaching her was way easier. You talked quite a lot the next weeks, first about what Bianca could have put on the oars, but little by little, the conversation drifted to more personal things; you got to know each other a bit more during this week.
You didn't want to go too fast, but you were pretty sure she saw you as a good friend.
This thought was confirmed on Friday, right after you learnt one of your teachers wouldn't be here that day, which would give you a 4 hour long lunch break.
You were internally celebrating, already thinking about what you would do, when you noticed a little paper on your desk. You frowned, wondering from where it was from, before taking it and unfolding it.
On the paper, there was only a phone number and two words 'Weathervane, 3pm.' written in perfect cursive, with what seemed to be a black fountain pen.
You looked up to Wednesday, who was sitting in front of you in class. She was facing away from you, but you were sure the note was from her.
You didn't really know how to react; you didn't expect her to have a phone, let alone passing you a note with her number written on it.
During lunch break you thought about texting her but didn't know what to say. Her note was pretty clear, there was no questions to be asked. Why did she give you her number then?
You decided not to question it for now; you were really excited to see her this afternoon, and a bit nervous too.
You didn't exactly know what your feelings were when it came to her, but you were the only thing you were sure of was that you would definitely not mind if your friendship evolved into something else.
You arrived at the Weathervane 5 minutes early and took out your phone. Now this was the perfect occasion to text her.
'Hey Wednesday, it's Y/n. Just to let you know that I'm here :)'
Why did I put an emoji...? you asked yourself, staring at your phone, questioning your life choices.
Her reply was quick: 'I'm already inside.'
You looked up from your phone and turned to face the café. She was, indeed, inside, waiting for you at a table. Great, you thought, now I look like an idiot.
You entered the café, already embarrassed, and walked to the ravenette, sitting in front of her.
"Hi, sorry, did you wait a long time?"
"I got here five minutes ago. I prefer being early. Do you want to drink something? A coffee, perhaps?"
"I- I have to confess... I've never been here before, so I have no idea what they sell... What do you advise me to order?"
"That's quite surprising, I thought all the students always came here. Don't you think it's a bit risky that I choose your order for you? You will probably not like it."
"It's okay, I trust you. I'm sure I will like it" you replied with a smile
She took a moment to look at you, considering your request, before pointing a drink on the menu.
You smiled, and then ordered what she had advice you to try.
"Is it what you expected?" she asked after you took a sip of your drink
"I don't know what I expected, but it's really good! I knew I could trust you"
You gave her a joyful smile as you took another sip. It definitely was really good; you were sure to come again and order that from now on.
"What do you want to talk about now that we have our drinks?" Wednesday asked
"Oh uh... I don't know, I didn't think about that... I'm not really good at that; socializing"
"I can't say I'm the best at it either." she paused "Perhaps we could start by talking about our day?"
You nodded at her words.
"I think it would be a good start"
The rest of the hour you spent together went well, you enjoyed your time with her. And you started to think she did too.; the next day, you spent most of the day texting each other.
Wednesday happened to be a bit more talkative than you imagined, especially when you were debating on books. But that was not what you were talking about right now.
Wednesday: I'm going to kill them.
You: Whoever you want to kill, please don't! I wouldn't want you to go in jail
Wednesday: If I had to kill anyone, nobody would know. I'm too good at it.
You: Oh, sure. If you need help to hide a body, I'm here
Wednesday: Be careful, I could call.
You: I don't mind helping, especially if it's you
The conversation continued on that theme for a moment, before it drifted onto something else. You had mentioned your ex at one point in the conversation, and added that you missed having someone to love.
Wednesday: It will come back. Soon, perhaps.
You: Yeah, maybe sooner than expected (even tho I don't expect much)
Wednesday: Unexpected always happen.
You starred at your phone for a solid 5 minutes after this, trying to figure out whether her text had a hidden meaning or not. Especially since you just agreed on seeing each other on Monday, meaning in two days.
That could mean she knows I like her, and maybe she likes me too! Or I'm just overthinking again... you thought.
The conversation you had the next day only confirmed that thought, to your greatest happiness.
Wednesday had just paid you a compliment, which was getting less unusual as time went by, and you told her you were not used to be talked to like that.
Wednesday: I can imagine that, considering how your ex was. Are you sure you don't want to give away her name?
You: You're not wrong. And yeah, I don't want to "snitch"
Wednesday: You really are too kind. I already had the knife ready.
You: Oh, please don't. She's not worth it
Wednesday: I won't. But I do love dark humor. And if she ever tries to be near you again, I will put that knife to good use.
You: I appreciate it, but why would you do that?
Wednesday: First, because I'm jealous. Second, she only deserves it.
You smiled behind your screen. She was jealous, hm? Maybe she did like you after all.
You: I didn't think you would be jealous! But you're right, she kinda deserves it
Wednesday: I can be. But I've always been told it was not something good, so I don't show it often.
You: Personally, I think it's cute! As long as it's not extreme jealousy of course
Wednesday: I'm never extreme, you should know that.
You: Yeah, that's why you totally don't spend your night trying to analyse what substance is on my gloves since the Poe cup. Don't forget to take some time to rest, okay?
Wednesday: I know, I will. I'm... really looking forward to our meeting tomorrow.
You stayed frozen for a second, not expecting her to say that. You had to double check to be sure you weren't hallucinating. The text was still here, so it was really real.
You: That's one of the only reasons why I'm excited about tomorrow, this little moment with you
Wednesday: Are you sure? Because it looks like you want me dead. My heart is beating incredibly fast, I think I may have a heart attack.
You: I clearly get what you're feeling right now... I feel it too. But it's okay, it's a good heart attack
Wednesday: If we're going down that path all the time, by the end of the week I'm writing you dozen of poems.
You could feel your face burn now. You didn't expect things to escalate so quickly in one night. Because this was flirting, right? It looked like it, at least.
You: Is that- are we... flirting right now...? Sorry I'm really dumb but I want to make sure we're on the same page... Cause I'd like to flirt with you, if it's okay...
Wednesday: I wouldn't mind if you were to flirt with me.
You put your phone away, covering your face with your hands to stop the burning of your cheeks, and rolled on the floor of your room. That means she likes me, ljkhgjhkjhljgfkh!!
You took a minute to compose yourself and grabbed your phone again. Your hands were shaking a bit.
You: So... can we consider tomorrow's meeting as... a date?
Wednesday: If you want to call it that way, I don't mind calling it a date.
You: I'd be more than happy to call it a date with you
Wednesday: A date it is, then. It sounds... great.
You were so excited you could barely contain yourself. You were kicking your feet, smiling uncontrollably. You had a date with Wednesday Addams. You never thought it would be possible.
You talked a bit more that night, before eventually going to sleep. Or at least trying to. You were so excited for your date; you didn't know if you would be able to sleep.
A few weeks after that night, you started to question things. Wednesday and you went on more dates, but your relationship was still undefined.
You didn't think you could be called friends, at this point. But you didn't know if you could be called girlfriends either, or if she wanted you to be girlfriends.
You had already asked her what you two were, and she replied that she didn't know, that you would figure it out together, which did not really help. So you decided it was time to make a move.
You took a deep breath, grabbed your phone, and started typing: 'Hypothetically, if I asked you to be my girlfriend... what would you say?'
She took a moment to reply, during which you started overthinking the whole thing. But out of all the different scenarios that had popped in your head, her answer was none of them.
In her text, she said that you had ruined her plan, that she had planned a more... romantic way to ask you out. So you suggested to erase this conversation from your memory so she could do what she had planned on.
Her romantic side always surprised you, but you weren't complaining. You really liked it, and whatever she wanted to do to ask you out, you were sure you would like it too.
Maybe two weeks later, Wednesday suggested you go on a date, at night. Of course, you agreed; you were always happy to spend more time with her.
She took you somewhere in the forest surrounding Nevermore. You walked for a little while, until you finally saw a blanket on the ground, with all that is necessary for a picnic.
You had a good time with her, laying on the blanket under the stars after you finished eating. It was very romantic, especially since at one point, she played some music on a Bluetooth speaker.
'Lover', by Taylor Swift. Totally not her style of music.
You looked over to her with a questioning look.
"There is something I want to tell you, Y/n."
"What is it?" you said gently, smiling
"... I find it really pleasant to go on dates with you. I would like you to be my girlfriend."
You blushed at her words, not expecting her to ask you out at this moment. She must have seen it, because her lips curl up a bit.
"Is it a yes?"
"Of course it's a yes!"
Your now official couple statut didn't change a lot of things between the two of you. Except that now you could call her your girlfriend, and vice versa.
Oh, yes. There was one little change; she showed her care for you a little more.
One day during winter, you both went ice skating. You were not really good at it, but it was fun anyways. Wednesday even offered you took her hand so you didn't fall too much, as she was really good at ice skating.
Offer that you accepted, of course.
But at one point, you decided to try and go by yourself, which resulted in you falling miserably after you took too much confidence.
Wednesday came to rescue you with a slight smirk.
"I look so dumb..." you mumbled, blushing in embarrassment
"I would rather say you looked cute."
"If I may... I'd prefer you call me yours rather than cute" you said quietly, almost as a joke, as she helped you get up
"Oh, you're mine, don't doubt it, cara mia."
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Wednesday and you hadn't really talked in weeks. It was limited to 'hello' when you saw each other in the hallways between classes. You tried to discuss it with her, but never knew how to bring that up.
You suggested you both go out to spend a bit of time together, but she was always busy. 'Another time' that's what she said. But said time never seem to come.
You talked about it with Yoko, your best friend. She told you to do exactly what you already did, that it was nothing, that you just needed to talk about that.
But deep down, you knew.
You could feel it wasn't just 'nothing'. It was more than that.
Yet you still had hope.
You turned around, hearing her calling you. You finally managed to find a moment to discuss the problem.
"Wednesday, I-"
"We should talk."
You felt your heart sink at her words. It was never good when it started that way.
"Yeah, I was thinking that too..."
"Is there a particular thing you would want to talk about?"
"Maybe the fact that we don't talk anymore, that we almost never see each other anymore...?"
"Indeed. I think it's a must, instead of talking about it with our friends."
You nodded.
"What can we say about that? Is it because... we're falling apart? Or just because neither of us really has time?"
"We surely don't have the time. But we don't try to have it either. Or at least, I don't anymore." she paused "And I'm not 'falling apart'. Rather that I made it clear with myself about the fact I was not going to fall."
Your heart ached at her words.
"So uh..." you gulped, throat tight "What does this mean, for us...?"
She doesn't answer just yet, taking the time to consider your question.
"Don't you think we should just break up?" she finally said "What is your point of view? I don't want to do it without expressing yourself about the last two months."
It took every ounce of strength you had to hold back your tears.
"I- honestly... I'm not really doing okay not seeing you, or talking to you... I... I miss you, Wednesday..."
The ravenette nodded slightly.
"It's simply that... I don't get the spark. Or whatever it's supposed to be. I don't feel it."
"Oh..." you said quietly "Maybe we should just break up then... I- trust me, I don't want to; I'd like to give us a chance... but if you don't feel like it, it's okay..."
"We don't work well, but not to the point to break up. We just don't try."
What do you mean we don't try? I- I feel like I'm doing everything I can to make it work... you thought.
"And I know, I'm often busy, so not really caring. But I warned you. As for in class... It's rather uncomfortable for me to be next to you. I have no clue on how to act." she continued
"You don't have to force yourself in anything- if it really makes you uncomfortable, we don't have to sit next to each other... And if it's really not working..."
"I don't know if it's working. Don't get me wrong; you don't make me feel bad. But you don't make me feel incredibly good either. Nobody does."
"So we just... stop here...?"
You tried your best not to make it too obvious your voice was shaking.
"... I think we should."
The aftermath of the breakup was... a bit weird.
That very night after it ended, you cried yourself to sleep. The next day, you had to hold back your tears while in class, and almost broke down when your friend asked you if you were okay.
But the next week, the one before your school trip, was okay. You didn't think about that, you were too busy preparing your things for the trip.
It was the same during the 10 days that lasted the trip. You were too busy to think about it, and too tired at night not to fall asleep almost instantly.
When it really became hard, was a few days after you went back home; one night, you broke into tears. You cried for more than an hour. As if it was only now that you realized things were really over between the two of you.
You felt so dumb. You should have known it was too good to last. You should have seen it coming. By the way she kept cancelling your plans, or be late to the ones she didn't cancel; by the way you barely had a real conversation at one point; by the way she never said she loved you, or liked you, or nothing like that -which didn't bother you at first, knowing her, but after all that happened, it seemed obvious.
And the fact that Wednesday and you were in the same class did not help. Especially since she seemingly had no problems talking to you after all that, like nothing happened.
It only hurt you more. She seemed to have moved on quickly, almost like she didn't care.
4 months after the breakup, you were doing better. At least that's what you tried to convince yourself of.
You had almost no problem talking to her now and were not thinking about your relationship anymore.
But one night, as you were slipping under the covers, you kicked a plushie. You frowned and grabbed it.
It was the bat stuffed animal she had bought you for your birthday.
You couldn't throw it away. You were attached to it now.
You looked at it for a little while and brought it to your nose. It didn't smell like her anymore.
A new wave of sadness washed over you, and tears began to fall.
You couldn't do it anymore. You had to find a solution to stop having breakdown because of this failed relationship.
Only one thing came to your mind. Writing.
And that's what lead you to sit in front of your computer, 40 screenshots of your conversations with her on your phone, ready to flaunt your feelings on paper.
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So...any update with the Di5 Infection au? :3
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((Hello there. Sorry for not adding anything to this. Blame work and being tired. I think I can add something now so sorry for the wait. And to let you know. Some of the members spoken of in this belong to my friend @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"Anything yet?" Hellmare looks hearing Hiroshi asked as they were able to find a safe house for themselves for now to rest from the running of the infected. This place had plenty of water and some food so it was fine till the next move.
"Nothing yet but thanks to the radios working, we can contact anyone that has one. I'm just hoping your fraction is alright out there Hiroshi." she sees him look quiet but he was indeed worried about his team. He didn't hear much from them but he hopes they are alright.
"Same for yours too Hellmare." he said seeing her nod.
"Thank you. Even so, we can rest up and take turns for look out just in case of the infected showing up. Right now, I can say we are safe." she said both both would go ahead and put up defenses just to be safe.
~~~~~~~~~~~In another area~~~~~~~~~~~~
Most of the groups have indeed found safe houses and was safe. Even Ink and her six claws found one but they were able to agree with one thing. Meet in the same area and head to where Mr. Henderson was. He's given his location to everyone so they can find him as soon as possible.
As of right now, most have moved, even the healers who had to sadly abandon the hospital due to the higher sight of infected. That and some gotten inside killing most of the ones that helped them get out. They wanted to save them but they told them to get out of here but thanks the healers for helping them up to that point. Hex, Ophelia, Swan didn't want to leave them to die but they were forced out and out of danger. However, the three along with the others Taz, Gerald, Timmy, and Ping were quiet walking behind them.
They didn't like being out again in this place but they were just keeping close to be sure. Ophelia was nervous being out here as well but knowing much, they just needed to keep moving till finding another safe haven for now. Though, the area was quiet with no infected roaming around.
"It's gotten a lot more dangerous now. I hope everyone else is alright." Swan said worried to Ophelia and Hex.
"We hope the same thing Swan but we gotta keep moving to find another safe spot. Mr. Henderson said we have to keep moving before trying to meet with the others and find him again. If we do that, we should be safe." he said.
"E..even after w..what hap..happened back at the-"
"Yes...even from that." everyone heard Ophelia speak but her voice was sad since she was crying most of the way. She didn't want to leave the innocent in that hospital to die and yet, they sacrificed themselves to get them out having a feeling they could stop this. Hex knew this was painful for her but he only sighed.
"I..I'm sorry. It's just....we should have done more to help save them. And yet...they gave up their lives for us...It just don't feel right to me.." she said sadly and yet Hex knew. It was not right but they got them out and locked the door as soon as the infected was getting too close. Even now, he saw her about to cry again till he gently takes her hand.
"I know it hurts Ophelia believe me I do. I didn't want to leave them. None of us did. However, even now.....we gotta keep going to get back at the ones that caused this in the beginning. We will avenge them..I know it." he said to her but he even cleans the tears off her cheeks as she sniffs looking down. "Right now, we have to keep moving....we will get through this. We all will." he said but Ophelia slowly sighs but nods.
"O..Okay...Okay.." she mutters before he looked worried but turns to look at the others even seeing Taz, Gerald, Timmy, and Ping who was holding Daniella going to hug Ophelia. It was going to be okay. They just had to keep moving. For now, they keep going hoping to find another location.
~~~~~~~Meanwhile in the sky~~~~~~~
Fosh was holding onto something with Navarro holding onto him and Echo doing the same. The three were riding a white dragon's back showing a blue bow on her tail. Seems Mouse transformed so they could try flying above to get to another location quicker.
"Do you think doing this is risky? What if their is something in the air?" Echo asked holding onto Navarro while having her arms around his waist.
"I don't know; it might be risky but we haven't tried to know that." He said while holding onto Fosh who was holding onto dear life. He knew Mouse could change into anything but he was not expecting her to do this!
"L..Lets just hope this works in our favor. We could use this to try and find some help or others from our fractions. We just need to lay low without drawing too much attention and we should be good." he said while seeing Mouse flapping her dragon wings.
'Well, it's nothing that worse but we haven't been spotted yet so maybe it's a advantage.' she said in their thoughts flying. 'Besides, we might be able to find a safe house soon if we keep looking..'
"That's true but we don't need you tiring yourself out Mouse. Doing this takes a lot out of you don't it?" he asked.
'Depending on how long I use up energy then yes but we should be fine....' she thought. As they were flying through the air, a few infected spots the dragon but was hissing looking up. That's when some quickly tried to give chase letting the group know.
"Uhhh guys?" Echo said seeing this as Fosh and Navarro looked before seeing this.
"Oh damn it.."
"M...Mouse, we got followers behind us!" Fosh said.
'I know I hear them but we should be fine. They can't get me down from the sky so we should be....' that's when she saw something get blasted up making her dodge. The group saw some men but they were wearing some weird armor. And...they had weapons!?
"What the fuck!? Why are they shooting at us!" Navarro said seeing Echo look but they held on seeing Mouse dodging the bullets to get away.
"Don't know but we gotta get out of here!" Fosh said as Mouse took that note flying faster.
'I know! I'm on it!' she thought flying through the air. The ones shooting at them sees the dragon flying off but one got a message from someone.
"Yes sir?...........understood sir." he chuckled but looks to his men. "Launch it." he said seeing two pick up a rocket and takes aim. When getting a good aim, they launch it right at the Dragon. Mouse kept on flying as they were getting away as she was looking ahead.
"Do you think we lost those jerks?" Echo asked.
"With Mouse flying this fast I think we did. We should be safe." Fosh said as Mouse was slowing down. As she did, Echo noticed something.
'Yeah, I think we should be-'
"Mouse! Look out!"
The three look seeing the missile but it was too late. It hits Mouse painfully shocking her, Fosh, Navarro, and Echo as the group screams in pain and Mouse roaring out in pain. The shock lasted for a while before it stops as Mouse begins to fall. The enemy laughed but saw the DI5 rushing to get their 'lunch' they did their job before heading back to base.
Fosh winces from the shock but saw Mouse was knocked out. "Mo..Mouse!!! Mouse, wake up! Were falling!" he said trying to wake her as Navarro and Echo held on seeing they were falling. Fosh kept trying to wake Mouse up before they got to the ground and crashes into the ground. Fosh, Navarro, and Echo got tossed off her back onto the ground coughing from the impact but winces too. However, Fosh slowly sits up but looks seeing the Dragon laying there before she changes back into Mouse.
"Mouse!" Fosh started getting up then winched from his arm, maybe he hurt it from the crash. He checks on her seeing she was knocked out. He quickly but carefully turns Mouse to her side but now on her back looking worried.
"Mouse, can you hear me? Mouse answer me!......." he said worried but she didn't respond seeing blood from her forehead.
"What the hell w...was that? What did they shoot at us?" Navarro said mad but wincing feeling some cut on his side. He might have landed on something to cut him. Echo rushes over to check even if she limps feeling she might have hurt her foot. She saw that Mouse was knocked out but she checks.
"..She's not dead thank god. Just knocked out. Whatever they shot at us must have packed a punch but we have to get out here. If those things see us we are going to be dead. Fosh you gotta carry Mouse." Echo said.
"R...right!" he said as she helps him by picking her up in his arms so they can get out of here. As soon as she said that, hissing and groans were heard in the distance. The infected was coming!
"Lets go!" Navarro said but Fosh nods running with Echo as they hurry out of the area to a safe place. However, they hope Mouse was going to be okay.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years
Okay, I know saying that something might be in the water was foolish... But I really don't have a reasonable explanation for why I feel so different than I did before. -Abel
“ On that, I am glad we can agree,” Ophelia gave a weak smile, though truly glad that she would not have to entertain the concept of the Foundation tampering with their sustenance for reasons unknown. Truly, the topic left her just as perplexed as it left her love,
“ As for your case, I... I'm afraid I cannot say for certain,”
“ Now, please, do not be alarmed, but I have… assessed you in the past— not intrusively, of course, but my gift, I have used it to triage you and check in on you since not long after had initially healed the wounds between us, back when I had begun seeing you. I understand this may seem surprising, but it hasn't been for my personal delight, I assure you."
" It is embarrassing to admit, but I have worried for you, not surrounding this intimacy concern; no, no, that is a non-concern, I have been worried for you surrounding your vitals. You... you should be in distress, afflicted—" Ophelia stumbled, tripping between a myriad of different words before settling, her voice calming and taking an almost serenity, "—dying, but you, you're not, even hampered, you are in your peak, strong, robust—you, you never cease to amaze me, Abel,"
" I am rambling; I apologize; what I had intended to tell you is when I look at you beyond the boundaries of your impossibility, when I feel you, I cannot see any damage, anything remiss. You aren't sick, and you aren't afflicted, my love. Beneath the surface, I can sense a sadness. Depression, perhaps? Trauma undeniably. But it is underlying at this moment, like a heartbeat beneath the floorboards, beating but constrained- caged. Benign at this moment, though that is not to say I would not seek treatment for it… Hmmm... "
“ I understand this answer must not be the most reassuring, but, my love, please trust me when I say that there is nothing wrong with you or how you are feeling,”
" As for a reason, perhaps... perhaps it is environmental. It is not— " Ophelia couldn't help herself but to crack a smile and stifle a laugh, " —Your absurd aphrodisiac in water theory, but perhaps now that you are here, with myself and Selene, perhaps you simply feel comfortable to explore? "
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Writing asks: Seo Yo-han + Pencil, Case Files + Creation of Adam. And for you: Paper.
Thanks! :D
Pencil: does this character have any "sketchy" habits? Have they ever broken the law? Do they regret it?: Already answered! :D
Creation of Adam: choose one character that is not present at the beginning of this work. How did you introduce them into the story?: Leo is the last of the main cast to appear, so here's his first scene (well, the first scene where he speaks):
Phil was luckier than Király. Her teacup was on a saucer, and the tea that had spilled out of the cup had landed in the saucer. The table itself was unharmed. But how was she to get the tea back into the cup without spilling it? She was seriously considering just drinking the tea from the saucer, good manners be damned, when a shadow fell over the table. She looked up, expecting to see a waiter, and came face to face with the stranger. "Do you need help?" he asked politely, offering her a handkerchief. Phil took it mutely, too stunned to think of anything to say. She mopped up the puddle of tea in the saucer. It left the handkerchief a soggy mess. She began to hand it back to the man, then realised it would just soak his pocket. He laughed, with a hint of embarrassment in his voice. "It's all right, you can keep it. I have more." "Thank you," Phil said, finally recovering her voice. Rachael would throw a fit if she knew she'd been talking to a strange man, business partner or not, and that thought was partly what made her said, "Won't you sit down?" He sat down opposite her and a waiter brought him his coffee. An awkward silence fell as neither Phil nor the stranger could think of what to say. "I saw you in Hong Kong," Phil began abruptly, suddenly determined to show she knew more about her aunt's business dealings than Rachael thought. If the stranger told Rachael, maybe dear old auntie would finally tell Phil what she was doing instead of dragging her around the world without a by-your-leave. "And on the train to Moscow. If you're looking for my aunt, I think she's in Drawing Room A." The stranger looked blank. It suddenly occurred to Phil that it was just possible she had jumped to the wrong conclusion. "Your aunt?" he repeated slowly. "Does she work for the theatre company?" It was Phil's turn to look blank. "Theatre? Aunt Rachael has never been to a theatre in her life." Realising that something was wrong, she continued, "I think there's been— Well, I think I mistook you for someone else. Maybe we should start with introductions? I'm Ophelia Patton. My aunt owns a company that makes burglar alarms, and I thought you were one of her business partners." "Pleased to meet you, Miss Patton. I'm Leopold Colman. I work for the Century Theatre in London."
Paper: Who do you feel is your most two-dimensional or underdeveloped OC? Why is this? (including those that are still in development/haven't been written about yet):
Kilan from Death and the Emperor and Irímé from The Power and the Glory. I didn't think enough about where Kilan's character arc would go before I started writing, so he's basically dragged along by the plot without doing much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With Irímé, on the other hand, I knew exactly where his character arc would go. Then Lian barged in, took the role I intended for Irímé, and now Irímé has nothing important to do :(
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gay-milton-quotes · 2 years
Just say it's gay!
I don't like when people use Foucault's arguments to uphold heterosexual hegemony in older western lit. This happens a lot in pop culture-y casual discussions: someone will point to two male characters (we'll say in renaissance lit to narrow us a bit here) showing intimate fondness for each other, and they'll say, "That's pretty gay." & someone else will chime in, "Well, homosexuality as a label didn't exist until the 1800s, and in that culture it was much more normal for male friends to be sensitive and intimate with each other, so you can't say conclusively that this had romantic connotations."
First off, this argument never crops up with assumed-het characters or historical figures. When we assume that, say, Hamlet is straight, since he says he is in love with Ophelia, no one in popular conversation chimes in to add, "Actually though, heterosexuality is a modern construct. He could be attracted to men, but as royalty, Hamlet would have been forced to comply with an assumed heterosexuality whether he was attracted to men or not." Without other evidence, that would be a silly thing to bring up, right? The play says Hamlet is into Ophelia - if you wanna argue Hamlet is also or actually attracted to men, you can do it, but the burden of proof is on you to make that case. So, why is it that when a work of literature from a place and time when being sexually attracted to men as a man (or women as a woman) was marginalized into the dirt, indicates with clear evidence that a character has homosexual attraction - why is it only then that we bring up semantics?
The other leg of this is that, well, I cuddle with my friends, including male friends who I'm not interested in sexually. That is part of my queer identity. Men who like to have sex with men are, it is fair to say, more likely to also be nonsexually affectionate with men. The strict distinctions between platonic friendship and sexual romance are just as much a construct of modern heterosexual hegemony as the distinctions between heterosexuality and homosexuality. To argue that "this act of fondness would have been friendly and wouldn't have sexual connotations" is to argue that being queer always means being sexual, which is untrue. It also means arguing there is a strict boundary between the platonic and the sexual, the friendly and the romantic, which is also untrue.
If we examine places and times when being openly queer was not possible, we have to consider that the main way to display queerness was through "fond friendship." It may not even occur to someone that she could love her "good friend" the way she is "supposed" to love men, with romance and marriage and all that. Homosexual love and attraction would very often have been seen by its participants as "very close friendship." We can't categorically dismiss acts of fondness between men as "just friendship," because friendship was the mechanism of homosexual attraction back then.
Nothing I've said so far, as far as I'm aware, contradicts Foucault's ideas about how we construct and categorize sexual identities. Now is when I do so: if there is evidence of attraction or romance or "fondness" between two characters of the same gender in an old work of literature, rather than sloshing in semantics that obfuscate the point - that there is some kind of attraction, something that we'd now call queer, happening in the text - I think it is more accurate to just say, "this is gay." Yes, it is a modern term and a modern framework of attraction, but so is heterosexuality. So is the idea that women are more than the property of their husbands, and you don't see that stopping feminist theorists from calling the portrayal of Eve in Paradise Lost misogynistic. We should not be so pedantic about what we call "gay" or "queer" or "homosexual," because this pedantry erases the experiences and portrayals of attraction between men and between women in old literature.
(quick postscript: I am talking about western lit and the "western canon" here. It feels kind of colonialist to make this point about Everyone Everywhere, esp since Foucault is correct that "homosexual" and "heterosexual" are modern, western constructs. Other cultures should equally be allowed to describe their literature using both their own modern and their own historical terminology.)
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sunflower-lilac42 · 3 months
𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗿𝘂𝗶𝗻 𝗶𝘁 ; 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦 ☼
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➪ summary: ophelia has a rough day but is determined to not let it ruin luke's draft day
➪ warnings: none :)
➪ word count: 1.5k
➪ file type: au (walking on sunshine) fic
➪ sunny's notes: guys i literally love them so much. i hope you guys like this and i'm excited for the next one. feel free to send in your thoughts!
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She arrived at the Hughes’ an hour later than she had wanted to, Trevor having left on time compared to when she did. She knocked softly on the door as she waited for someone to answer, looking around at the greenery that surrounded the house. She rocked back and forth on her heels and then the door opened and the familiar face of her brother came into view, “Phi! You’re here. What took you- hey you okay?”
She blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the tears that were starting to form once again, “Yeah. Um, I just- don’t say anything, okay? I don’t want to ruin his day.”
Trevor frowned, opening his arms for her. She all but dove into them, letting her small sobs escape. They heard footsteps quickly after that and she pulled away, turning around to wipe her tears before looking to see who it was, “Hi honey.”
“Hi Mrs. Hughes, how are you?”
“Anxious, of course. But come in, come in. Can’t believe Trevor was just making you stand out here.” Ellen ushered her inside and Ophelia laughed a little at her words, poking fun at her brother, “Yeah Trevor.”
He rolled his eyes, placing a hand on her back in comfort when he noticed the far-off look in her eyes. While he wanted to know what was wrong and what had made her fall apart in his arms, he respected her wishes of not wanting to ruin Luke’s day. He watched as she conversed with his best friend’s mom before walking away to find Jack again. 
“Do you want a glass of water, sweetheart?” Ellen asked gently, turning to one of the kitchen's counters with cups on it. 
She toyed with the small gift she had in her hands and nodded, “Yes please.”
After a few moments, the older woman handed her the class causing Ophelia to move the box into her other hand, “Thank you.”
“Oh, what’s that?”
Ophelia took a small sip of her water, “Just something I made for, Luke. Um, actually, have you seen him?”
Ellen went to speak but her eyes trained on something behind her and immediately, Ophelia knew who was behind her. She turned around excitedly and stared up at him, “Lukey!”
Luke brought her into a hug which she returned, Ellen leaving the two in the kitchen, “I’m so glad you made it.”
She handed her his gift and moved to hold her cup with two hands, “It’s really nothing but I wanted to do something for you anyway.”
He smiled at her, “Open it now or later?” 
The girl shrugged, “Whatever you want.”
“Luke!” Both of their heads turned to where Jack was standing in the living room, “Come on. It’s almost time.”
“Later it is, I guess.” He took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair nervously. 
Ophelia placed one of her hands on his arm, “It’s going to be fine, Luke. No need to worry. Now, let’s go get you drafted.”
He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her, leading them both into the living room. Luke sat next to his brother and Ophelia made her way to stand at the back with Trevor, watching everyone else in the room. She had left her glass in the kitchen, not wanting to have to hold it in case she dropped it by accident. So instead she toyed with the sleeves of her cardigan, her hands not knowing what to do with themselves otherwise. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Brett broke up with me.”  She mumbled softly. 
Trevor’s eyes widened as he looked down at his younger sister, “He what?”
“Shh.” She looked around as multiple people eyed them from where they were standing, “Can we talk about this later?”
“No, we cannot talk about this later.” Trevor grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hallway to Jack’s room. 
“Why are we in Jack’s room?”
“Because it was the closest place I could talk to you alone. Now why did he break up with you?”
“He was mad that I haven’t been spending time with him lately.”
“Oh, that’s such bullshit. He knows you’ve been busy.”
“And he thinks that Luke and I shouldn’t be friends because we hang out too much.”
“He said that? What a dick!” Ophelia nodded and sat down on Jack’s bed, hands underneath her. 
“I’m fine. It’s fine.”
Trevor eyed her carefully, sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders, “Phi, you’re not fine. I know you more than you think I do.”
She immediately broke down at his words, “I thought he loved me.”
“Phi…” He ran a hand through her hair, lightly toying with the ends of it. He frowned slightly but then heard cheering from the living room and the two broke out in a small run to reach the crowd.
Ophelia smiled slightly as she watched Jack and Quinn hug Luke, followed by his parents. Fourth overall, she couldn’t have been prouder of her best friend. She stood in the back, where she had been previously standing before she left, awkwardly fidgeting with her fingers. She made conversation with anyone around her, waiting for Luke to finish his interviews and other things he had to do. 
When he was done he made it his mission to find his best friend. Looking through the rooms, he eventually found her in the kitchen, filling up her cup with more water. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he came to stand next to her, “Couldn’t find you anywhere.”
“Well, here I am. Congratulations, Lukey. Not for finding me but for the draft”
“Thanks, Phi. Now about that present…”
She giggled, looking up at him, “You can open it.” Luke jumped up in excitement, dragging her to his room much like Trevor had done earlier. 
He sat down on his bed and pulled her down next to him, wasting no time in unwrapping the present, “You wrapped it nicely.”
She shrugged and watched his reaction carefully, “I hope you like it. It isn’t much, really.”
“You got me a book>” She shook her head, “Open it dumbass.”
And he did. He flipped through the pages, not one uncovered. They all had pictures of the two of them, ones from her softball games, ones from his hockey games, and ones from them just hanging out. Some had little notes on the page, others had just the date of when the photo was taken.
Luke smiled, “It’s amazing, Phi. Thank you.” He gave her a side hug, still flipping through the pages. 
“Of course, Luke. You deserve it.”
A few minutes passed and then he looked at her, “Hey, are you okay? I noticed you were crying earlier.”
She cursed to herself before nodding, “Yeah I’m fine.”
“Phi, come on. Don’t lie to me.”
She sighed, “Brett broke up with me.” His eyes focused on her, “What?”
“Yeah, he um… he didn’t like that I wasn’t spending time with him and- never mind.”
“No, tell me the whole story.”
“He yelled at me for hanging out too much with you.” 
“He didn’t.”
She just nodded and looked at the floor. He frowned and brought her into a hug, tightening his hold on her as much as he could. She allowed herself to break down for the second time that night, but this time it wasn’t because of the breakup. She had promised herself she wouldn’t ruin this night for him and that’s what she did. 
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I didn’t mean to ruin your night, and now you’re here consoling me when you should be out there talking to your family.”
“Phi, you’re just as important to me as anyone else is. And you didn’t ruin anything.” He pulled her face away from his chest, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.
She gave him a watery smile, grateful for his words, “Okay.”
“Come on.”
She watched him confused as he scooted back against the headboard and opened his arms, “Come here.”
Luke smiled as she curled up into his arms and he wiped the tears on her cheeks. He reached over for the remote and turned the TV on, “What do you want to watch?”
“Are you sure you shouldn’t be out there with your family?”
“I don’t care. My best friend just got broken up with so we’re going to watch stupid romcoms and pig out on food together.”
“Thank you, Luke. I’m so happy you’re my best friend.”
That broke his heart a little bit, knowing that he was always going to be her best friend. He smiled at her, nodding, “And I’m happy you’re mine.”
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toa-arania · 6 months
Downward Spiral! Downward Spiral!
So last time we left off with Val getting her magic sealed due to what I am going to politely call "fuckery" (Consequences of my actions? Unbelievable!) and I'm skipping preamble because if you know who Val is you've been reading the previous posts.
Val began the session in almost complete catatonia as she realised what had happened, seeing the tattoos of chains now present on her wrists and ankles. Despite several setups to try to get her to speak she had basically tuned out the entire conversation happening around her, to the point where her lack of snarky commentary was genuinely concerning. She did not sleep that night, just completely in her own head trying to get over the shock and work out what the hell to do. In the morning, the other characters went off for their various activities, the wolves going to the remaining bits of the wolf conference and Mei and Darcy going to get snacks to help one of the wolves with his relationship difficulties. They left Val alone around the campfire with Aluber, which should have been a deeply concerning turn of events under any other circumstance, but Val was so out of it that the only thing she tried was using a bit of smoldering firewood to burn the chain off her hand (it didn't work).
She continued to say nothing for the car ride back, in which we did not encounter any more spooky guys, and only spoke up to ask the others to not tell her family what had happened when they went in to pick up Claudius and RipScrumbles (who had been staying with the Westers over the weekend - more on that in another post because oof). When Val went upstairs to retrieve the plants, however, Darcy told Val's aunt what happened to her magic.
Val came back downstairs after handing two children over to Mei and Aluber (it makes sense in context) to get lectured by her family about how We Do Not Fuck With The Fae before she went back to her room to not sleep at all and keep trying to figure out how the hell to fix this. This lecture will proceed to age incredibly badly.
The following morning, Val was unsurprisingly furious with Darcy and did something that, in hindsight, she admittedly regrets. She took all the mementos of Darcy's Dead Sister that she'd been keeping in case they were needed for magic reasons and blended them, giving them back to Darcy afterwards. This may cause a blood feud between the Carlisles and the Westers, but that is honestly the least of Val's worries right now (although it did result in an escapade of Darcy disguising herself as Val to break into the Westers' house and kill Val's nightshade, which *chefs kiss*).
Val asked to stay the night with Levi so she didn't have to put more energy into dodging her family's questions, and the two of them had a film night to watch Val's favourite film, Little Shop Of Horrors. Val was finally able to get to sleep after two nights staying completely awake, and then all hell broke loose.
Context: Levi has the god of war and bloodshed hanging out in his brain, and the one thing holding him back has been fully destroyed. To represent the possibility of a Khorne Moment™ the GM had a little online jack in the box thing where if you click it there's a chance it goes off. Levi's player made a joke and the GM made him click the box. I shit you not on the first click it went off, and Levi had a Category 5 Khorne Moment™.
At all the "Feed Me"s in the film, the hunger started clawing at the back of Levi's mind, especially with Val asleep slumped against him. Due to prior events, however, Khorne knew that he couldn't attack Val, so he took Levi upstairs to where his dad was as it transpired that Levi had forgotten to include his dad in the Unbreakable Vow. He attacked, and the scream of terror, pain, and/or anguish woke Val up. Putting together what had happened, she rushed upstairs to see a partially transformed Levi, who came over to attack her.
The version of events Val would later tell is that Levi tried and failed to attack her, getting wrenched away by the Unbreakable Vow but not killed because she had been able to dislodge it slightly, and she'd called an ambulance for his dad then gone to find him at the edge of the Fae Forest, injured but alive. What actually happened was far worse (and several of the players will be finding out about this for the first time while reading this because the GM took me into another room so hahaha suffer).
Val saw Levi coming to attack her, and knew that if he succeeded he would die. Levi had previously asked her to shoot him with a silver bullet if he ever lost control completely, so she knew this is what he would want, and against her better judgement intentionally took a hit, praying that because the Fae King still needed something from him he would let Levi live (ironically she did not know at the time that he already had what he needed). She saw Levi get whisked away and called an ambulance for his dad before running to find him at the Fae Forest.
According to the fairy she met at the entrance (the human form of RipScrumbles that she was seeing for the second time) she had been given permission to enter if either she had learnt her lesson (lmao no) or was desperate enough, which she absolutely was at that moment. She knew the Fae King would ask something of her, but also knew that the only thing he had to gamble with was Levi's life, meaning he could be saved. She asked what he wanted from her, and...
In order to save Levi and remove the Unbreakable Vow, Val had to give herself over to the Fae King, play by his rules, and follow his instructions. Despite every ounce of her screaming not to do it, she went through with the agreement (and to her credit she did manage to work in that she would get her magic back). Levi was brought back to life, severely injured, and the Vow was removed. The deal made, Val and Levi were put on the edge of the forest. Levi was lucid, barely, and Val was able to confirm that he was himself. Under all the stress, the panic, and now relief, she kissed him... and then he passed out from the injuries.
Val brought Levi to Mei's house so the two of them could be cleaned up, and all the players (and the wolf NPCs) all gathered together to figure out what the hell to do. Val tried to give a version of events fairly evasively so as to not admit that she made a deal with the Fae King, and although everyone was pretty mad at her for the general way that she is they failed to actually get an answer out of her. Mei went to the hospital to check on Levi's dad, who was in surgery at that point, and Levi woke up, unable to get up without extreme pain and occasional throwing up. The fae magic in him had brought him back but was inhibiting his natural healing, and none of our own methods were working. Nonetheless, we needed to get our stories straight.
We spent a little while figuring out what our stories should be, and then Val heard a voice in her head (me and the GM passing notes back and forth)
"Would you like me to solve it, pet?" "How?" "However you wish." "... Make the police forget to interview me and Levi." "I can make them all forget everything." "Who's 'all'?" "Everyone important." "Nice dodge. Just the police xoxo" "I'll add in a few extras."
Val agreed, still keeping it quiet, but eventually brought Darcy into the next room to tell her. Darcy, having previously been functionally a warlock, actually understood where Val was coming from and understood her desperation. They talked about it a little, and Val genuinely apologised for fucking with her that morning and promised not to fuck with Mallory (Darcy's Dead Sister) again. Character development under duress :)
Everyone went to sleep in front of some romcoms (even Levi, who had Aluber suck some of the Fae King's magic out of him to dull the pain) with no idea that Regi (one of the wolves) had overheard Darcy and Val's entire conversation with his wolf senses ;-;
In the morning, the chains on Val were gone, and she was given a list of rules from the Fae King. Deciding "fuck school", she went with Levi to the hospital to sit with his dad, where she explained some of what actually happened to him, including that she intentionally took the hit. Levi can automatically tell when people are lying to him, so he knew that everything she was saying was true. Then, after her explanation, Val asked if he remembered anything from before he woke up in Mei's house.
"Should I remember something?" "... Nothing important."
Lie detector ping.
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alittlefrenchtree · 10 months
(Spotify part 2)
Oh cool, thank you! I really like the context notes each time. It adds some narrative behind your songs; it makes it personal, I think. Not that songs can't be personal in themselves, but I don't know. It's just nice to see how these musics and you met.
Well, I might share it yep. It would only be fair, after all. Probably not anonymously 'cause, at this point, I'm not sure that it changes anything (and even if it did, it wouldn't really matters I guess).
Ophelia: Of course you have. I love this song too (which appears in my 2023 playlist as well, by the way). It's very catchy. I can listen to it many times without getting bored.
Katoum: Well, I already know the guy, so it's hard to judge your explanation. But it seems clear to me, for what it's worth. In fact, I'm glad that you mentioned him. You reminded me that I didn't listen to his album enough; and that's a shame, 'cause it's actually good? I mean, of course, he is technically not a singer (some could say that he is since he literally made an album but, yeah, it's not his first job), but I like most of his songs.
(And we can't even compare him to Trivia, who is already well-known for her singing ability. She showed it several times, including at two - if I'm not wrong - concerts. Of course, it was also for the Z-Event, but she is just so talented. Oh and her work with PV Nova? Amazing.
Blinding Lights and Toxic are obviously in my 2023 recap. I will put the links - in case some people were lost here, in the French side of Tumblr, and wanted to discover a really good singer. I may not be utterly objective 'cause, well, I love her. But honestly, you could make an unexpected discovery).
Mh yes, that's understandable. He makes it hard not to like him, I guess. By the way, it's ok for him to be handsome and charismatic, I can live with it. But he shouldn't be allowed to have that voice as well.
I still listen to the 2021 Z-Event karaoke sometimes (my favourite one, I think). It makes me feel nostalgic - obviously - but that's also very pleasant to hear (and also funny at some specific moments).
And, well, from what I remember, I was quite surprised by ZeratoR back there. I didn't know that he sang, or at least never heard him (I don't have the chronology and so don't remember when the album goal came; but anyway, as he said himself, it's almost common for a famous video maker to do some songs now, mostly for fun, so it's hard to know at what point it is serious). His Graver dans la roche cover was definitely something.
So, yeah, I don't really follow ZeratoR (I guess that - for once - everything is perfectly healthy. 😌 ) I watch Twitch sporadically, following my current random interest (streamer or even video game), so nothing surprising here. But I'm still interested in some of his projects - and this one is definitely one of them.
Now, which are my favourite songs from him? I'm trying to drop some titles, but that's not that easy. I would mention Anonyme, Katoum, Ralentis and The Void (don't get me started on Antoine Daniel's voice 'cause fuck, it doesn't help).
Oh and the two last ones - I Say and Décennies - are not bad either. And let's not forget Lyrics, which I'm listening to right now (and probably a good one to discover his album as a non-French speaker, so I will put the link too; I seriously doubt that any lost soul will ever read it but, just in case, a link doesn't hurt).
Belobezvodnoe & Moskva: Ooh it's interesting again! Not for the same reason I guess, 'cause I know nothing about Thylacine (not even his name). I also missed Arrête avec tes mensonges (like pretty much all the films this year). My last time at the movie theater was in September (if I don't forget anything), and it wasn't even for a discovery; so my true last time was in July with the last Pixar, Elemental (a very good surprise, by the way, I don't know if you saw it), which was a long time ago now that I'm thinking about it.
(Time flies again).
(I should take a cinema subscription. Well, it's not that easy of course; it's expensive. But at this point, it appears to be that or nothing. At least, with a subscription, you're quite "forced" to go (if not, it feels like a dumb waste; it's partially irrational, but it's here and it's a good motivation in itself) and - more important - you can go like that, just to give it a try. You can't waste anything else but time - which seems freeing. It's just about you and your envy. Nothing more, nothing less).
I don't even know what Arrête avec tes mensonges is about, but the soundtrack seems to have some potential. It's relaxing, but not only. The two songs that you mentioned are quite different, so I don't imagine the same things for both of them. I'm curious to know if I get them like we're supposed to - like they're used in the movie.
Anyway, thank you again. It influenced my Spotify recommendations in a nice way. It was like: "Wait, you like instrumental songs? Like really, you couldn't say it earlier?", and then Spotify suggested other instrumental stuffs.
Scar Tissue: It happens sometimes. Spotify Wrapped shouldn't be surprising (at least for our most listened to songs) but somehow it is. I don't know much about Red Hot Chili Peppers. I know well the few songs I downloaded like... a decade ago (omg 🫠). But this one wasn't in my playlist, so it feels like my first time. It's a nice one.
Weed For Speed: Ah, a song from You Suck At Parking (perhaps a bit of ZeratoR influence again). I see what it is (Z-Lan oblige, even if I didn't follow the whole thing), but nothing more.
(No context but it reminds me Etoiles and his nightmare (also known as the puzzle). I'm not gonna lie, it was quite funny to watch. But it was way less after on Trackmania. He was just a bit disappointed by himself, if I'm remembering well).
But to talk about the song itself, it seems quite unknown. Less than 1k plays on Spotify? That's not much (it doesn't even appear when you search the title only). Anyway, I like the vibe. It seems to be a good focus music (well, it's a video game song after all).
Your whole playlist: Mh, I literally have nothing to say since the link doesn't work. 🥲 It's not the first time I see that. It may be linked to your confidentiality settings on Spotify? The playlist may have to be publicly shared on your profile to work? I don't know.
But think is : when I just click on the link, it opens my Spotify application and shows me my own playlist. So then, I tried to open without being connected and had a message like "your link is broken", or something very similar.
So, to me, the easiest solution is to create a new public playlist with all the songs on your Spotify Wrapped. I don't have a better solution, at this point. But, well, you'll see what you want to do again.
And that was probably too long again (with a very approximate English, which wasn't even necessary). But, well, here it is I guess. I liked to listen to these few songs and see a bit of your pov. :)
omg please never do that again 😂 and by "that" i mean totally break my brain the first time i read this on a week day at 5am. For the first part I was like who the fuck i'm talking to and then it became pretty obvious - or at least 99.9% obvious (no offense but only you could right this 😘) but I had no idea you were following here? (or i feel like i didn't know, but maybe i should have?) Give me a quick second while i second think each of the 11,845 posts i ever shared on this website? 💀💀💀 bit of self-consciousness going on there but we're going to be fine. i think.
I'm not going to answer to everything but DM me your secret identity when you have a minute? it will be easier to talk, even if my brain doesn't fully grab the concept of writing in French on tumblr dot com 😅
Just a few things that could be interesting for general audience:
I've tried something else for the whole playlist, maybe it'll work better here? Otherwise I have no idea.
Also, as not-so-anon said, listen to Trivia (aka LittleBigWhale) :
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shadows1nger · 2 years
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Chapter two
The soul has moments when it can only understand the rain.
London, England
The storm raged on all day. The roaring thunder nearly shook the estate. The rain pattering against the windows was a relaxing escape from Lady Maddox's constant nagging.
Clean this. Don't forget that.
Her voice irritated me more than usual. It was the type of voice that reminded me of screeching children and annoying cocking of crows. Even that can't quite grasp the unpleasantness of her voice. I think it's quite funny her husband is near deaf. I would be too if I had to hear her for the rest of my life; in morning and in night.
I finished the last of duties fairly quickly day. I might even make supper if the rain would just let up. I blew out an exaggerated breath as I watch the rain pour harder than before.
"Do you need to be somewhere?" A man asked.
I turned, startled to see Lady Maddox's son.
William Maddox.
In expected fashion, he had small leather book tucked under his arm. He asked me a question. I should answer him. It would be rude not too. I look around for Lady Maddox. "She's in the study with Father. You can speak to me, I won't tell." He smiles, and I hope it's genuine. He has a nice smile. I guess that is to be expected when you're as handsome as he is. "I am waiting for the rain to stop, so I can return home." I say, quietly. I still fear Lady Maddox might hear me.
He stares at me for what felt like forever before speaking, "You can ride with me if you'd like."
My eyes widen at his words. Is he jesting? He can't be serious truly. His mother would gut me.
"I—I don't think that would be wise." I stutter out look to the ground. He seemed to know the reason of my unease. "She'll never know. I'm going to meet some colleagues, I'll drop you off on they way."
I took one more look at the pouring rain before nodding. He smiled again and I was captivated by the softness in his honey brown eyes. He stuck his arm, "Come along then, Miss—"
"Well then, Miss Ophelia. We should be off now before mother gives you more tedious chores."
I smile at that. He is nothing like his mother. Though, I guess time does that to a person. I find it hard to believe someone is born bitter.
William insisted I sit inside the carriage with him. He said the cold rain is no place for a lady. He is too kind. I am not a lady. I have but only my name and the small amount of money his mother gives me. I am dressed in rags and have coal smeared on my cheek I'm sure.
I watch as he reads. His eyes scanning the pages with such speed like he wanted to devour the book as fast as he could. "May I ask? What are you reading?" I say and voice is small. I'm surprised he heard me.
"The Way of the World by William Congreve." He answers, his eyes never leaving the pages.
"It's quite good. Have you read it?"
"No sir, I fear I have not." I admit, my cheeks turning red.
"I'll lend it to you when I am finished." He says, and I bit my lip trying not to smile. He is way too kind for this world. I don't admit I can't read. I don't want to ruin the feeling I'm experiencing right now. Im warm and my stomach feels strange but in a good way.
I've heard that you're life flashes through your eyes when you're near death, but I fear that is not the case. It all moved very, very slowly. Glass cut my cheek as the carriage swerved and I'm thrown out onto the icy covered ground. I can't move. I can't even breathe, the air fills my lung but leaves in an instant I can't soak it up. Everything hurts. The rain stings like it's made of fire. I can only stare up at the storm clouds that hide the light of moon and stars. I maybe getting my freedom sooner than I'd like. My eyes weighted down. I could feel my heart slow until eventually it stopped. And nothing hurt anymore.
I felt nothing in fact. Not even cold like what I assumed death would feel like.
"It's time." A soothing voice said. It was Death.
She is beautiful. Her eyes are warm and caring as she reaches out a hand. It's over. My life I barely got to live. Twenty-two years of life over in an instant.
"What of William? The coachman?" I ask.
"It isn't their time yet," She answers and her voice is like a melody luring me off to the afterlife. I reach out grasping her hand, their soft and welcoming.
Lightning strikes my body, her dark brown eyes widened as I'm yanked back. I breath and it doesn't hurt. She's gone. Death has left me.
And I feel. I feel everything the coldness of the air, the wetness of the rain, my heart pounding against my chest. I'm alive. Nothing hurts. I'm as well as I was this morning. I sit up to see the damage of the crash. The carriage torn to shreds folded in amount itself. The horse gone.
I get up and run towards it, "William!"
He lays unconscious along with the coachman. He nearly unscathed besides the small cuts from the glass. He's alive. His breath is shallow but he's alive. Tears sting my eyes, we're alive. It's isn't over. I can live. Death has pardoned me. I take a deep and much needed breath.
I hear the laughter of women. I whip my head around to see three women appear out of thin air. A maiden, a mother, and a crone.
They speak in unity,
"You, the escaper of Death.
Endless ending.
Worlds dividing.
Light and darkness.
You hold it all in you're hands.
You are a destroyer and preserver.
You can bring them together or tear the apart.
The choice is yours."
"Who are you? What does that even mean!" I ask.
They frown, "You're asking the wrong questions!"
The rain stings my eyes, "How am I alive?"
They laugh in unity and it's send chills to my spine,
"Not even Death knows."
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
(Ophelia) I’m sorry about the car crash, that’s terrible. I’m happy that you’re alright, though. I hope that the car doesn’t cost too much to repair if you have to repair it
(in case it isn't obvious from the ask above, this post talks about a car crash. so if you'd like to avoid that here is your warning)
Ophelia! Hello! And thank you, it is rather unfortunate. My mom had actually just replaced the windshield like 2 weeks ago, so terrible timing to have gotten in a crash. The car was newer as well; I don't even think we'd had it for more than a year, but there's nothing to be done about that now.
I am alright though! A little sore, but no skin broken and no bruising. At least so far--I might wake up with a few bruises, but I doubt it. It helped that I was able to slam on the breaks before the collision and that it was the right front that took like all of the impact, while i was in the left front (because I was driving). So there was a good amount of car before me to absorb the damage, which is what it's there for!
As for repairing the car, I don't think that'll be possible. It was essentially totaled and not at all in driveable condition. The other family car was over an hour away so I also got to add "getting a ride in a police car" to the list of Fun Things Quil Got To Do Today. You know, police cars are very messy. They had so many things in there, like a pile of caution tape just on the floor and this basket full of paperwork with an unopened flashlight.
But we do have insurance, as did the other driver. And as far as everyone can tell (meaning my family and the insurance people) the other driver will be found to be 100% at fault for the crash. I mean, the light was green and I had the right of way and they quite literally just drove in front of me so. Like buddy I am very clearly driving straight through this green light and you are turning in front of me why??? You do not have a green arrow and should've yielded to me??
Anyways, my life was going a little too smoothly so something had to spice it up and throw me for a loop. Insurance things are still being processed, but I am unharmed and we now have a rental car to replace the one that got totaled.
Honestly the most upsetting part of the situation is that I didn't get to say thank you to the car :(. Every time I drove it I'd always say "hello, goodmorning!" or "Hello to you too!" when I started it, and I'd say "thank you" as I turned it off once i'd gotten where I was going. But this time I didn't get to because I totaled it :(( and didn't think to say anything until after it'd been towed away. I didn't go to see it at the tow place either. And I'd been more forgetful about it recently so it's like we were still making amends. If I could I'd want to say "thank you" and "I'm sorry" to the car, because I genuinely formed an emotional attachment to it.
If you (or anyone else) is curious, I've included pictures with descriptions of the car after the wreck under the cut. You'll probably have to click to see the full image, and if you zoom in to the first picture you can kinda see all the airbags deployed. But I was inside that!
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[ID: Two images of a dark blue 2017 Subaru Outback with a destroyed front. The first is from a 3/4th angle taken from the front to show the whole car. The damage is concentrated on the passenger side and the hood is crumpled up to expose the internal components. The wires for the headlight are falling out towards the ground and a large chunk of metal has broken off and lays almost entirely on the ground. The front bumper is only attached on one side and the rest drags on the ground. The front grate is also out of place and barely attached. Overall the front looks very squished with a clear site of impact on the right headlight.
The second image is of the same wrecked car but from the side so it's clear how much the hood crumpled. Everything has been compacted to about 1 foot in front of the tire. /End ID.]
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oh-atlas · 3 years
9, 24, and 40 for Miss Ophelia herself <3
What is their favorite scent?
freshly washed laundry / the pleasant, fresh, and mild smell of soap. it's comforting and it's painfully normal. it makes her think of simpler times and an easier life.
What’s a controversial food opinion they would have?
so I saw this question and i immediately and it technically isn't a controversial food opinion so much as controversial food habits. first of all, she's a terrible vampire. she's miserable when she has to consume blood and routinely goes long stretches without doing it so she is suffering from an iron deficiency to say the least. secondly, even though she can technically eat regular food it kind of tastes like nothing so she's taken to just consuming the absolute extreme of flavors. she loves spicy, sour, and bitter foods (and has a fondness for extreme sweets occasionally) though before she was a vampire she was not as adventurous of an eater.
Describe a corruption/redemption arc version of your character.
its quaxorascal with a steel chair!!!
this is going to get long and i don't feel like i can separate all my thoughts into just corruption arc vs redemption arc so uhhh buckle in and lets hope this is comprehensible-- i'm separating this into canon and noncanon as in the actual direction i want to fulfill with ophelia's arc versus alternate timelines or juicy ideas that can live rent free in my brain
corruption in canon: i am obsessed with the parallels and similarities between strahd and ophelia and also the entire dynamic of a "you took everything from me / i don't even remember who you are" turning into self destructive mutual obsession upon realizing oh. ophelia's actually a problem. and the layers of attraction and recognizing themselves in each other. the concept of hating what you see in the mirror being part of their hatred of each other. the whole idea of "you're the only person i'd let beat me but i'll drag you down with me" strahd brings out the worst in ophelia. the self-loathing and the anger and while vengeance is ophelia's entire motive as a character it's also part of her undoing. vengeance is going to leave her hollow if she never grows and learns to love herself and make meaningful connections again. i think the way strahd corrupts canon!ophelia is by being the temptation to never grow and to writhe in her old habits, to be miserable and to make strahd miserable and to ultimately kill them both.
redemption in canon / best case scenario: best case scenario is ophelia getting over thinking she's a monstrous person unworthy of love <3 through the power of friendship, having to face her past head on, and having a shot at love and hope in her life. this is what we're AIMING for, ophelia's multiclassing into paladin is going to be the ultimate tangible result of this and I'm really looking forward to this antisocial vampire having to learn how to have Relationships Again after 50 years when she was REALLY BAD AT IT even before she was a vampire
self-destructive corruption romance: straphelia flirting in canon is maybe going to happen? who knows i feel like my dm is going to repeatedly brain me over the head no matter what they do with all of the ophelia lore and vibes but is definitely. onesided. HOWEVER, there is a world that lives rentfree in my head where ophelia and strahd get together solely because they're both miserable lonely people who cannot get over past loves and they've got sexual tension and actual tension based around the fact that strahd murdered ophelia's almost lover and turned her into a vampire. incredible sexual tension while trying to kill each other, hate-fucking, and ultimately ending up making each other so miserable that they die together IS the vibe
strapheluce 👁 👄👁: ^^^ so much of the above but the extra wrench of luce doesn't die / is reincarnated and strahd probably keeps that a secret from ophelia until ophelia finds out lots of vibes of luce is really too sweet for this and trying to convince both of them that they can grow and change but ultimately the conflict and resentment for each other is something that breaks the relationship. queue strahd trying to take it out on luce and ophelia martyring herself to ensure that at least one of them makes it out alive. also obviously this vibes:
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ophelia holding the sword, luce in the middle, strahd getting stabbed of course <3
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Hi there.
Can we see another part for the DI5 infection? Maybe something they don't know? Or something or what happens to them?
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((Hello there, it seems you wish for another part right? I think I can write something. Just a moment. Now for this part, their is some trigger warnings: sickness, blood, etc.
You have been warned and if your still reading this, you have been warned. Oh and some of the others spoken in this part belongs to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"I don't understand. We don't know much about this infection but..it might get worse later down the road...what are we going to do?" Hex heard Ophelia ask this but he sighed not sure himself. He still has not heard from anyone out in New York and seeing the others in this hospital were seeking safety. No one was infected so it was good to know.
"...I don't know. Right now, we don't know much about this but little things. We need to figure out more information if we can." Hex said to her but he can tell Ophelia was worried.
"He's right though. We know some things but we need to see what we can find out in the future. Because sooner or later something might happen and we might not know of it." Swan said after she gave some food for the others including Gerald, Timmy, Ping, Taz, Alex, and Daniella. They were sleeping still tired but they were happy to be safe.
"True. We could try to study this more with what we know. Or at least the blood from one." Hex said to the two. "Because we need to figure something out in order to keep ahead of this. Besides, who knows what else this infection could do."
"For now, all we can do is hope it don't get worse.." He said seeing the screens from the cameras. A few of the infected were still out there trying to find a way inside. Though, some have been hissing and clawing at the wall. They seem to be getting aggravated more now. As he keeps on looking, he blinks noticing one near the door was acting strange.
"What's wrong?" Swan asked looking and Ophelia did too. The girls and him sees this one shaking and looks to be coughing? Their hands were around their throat coughing harshly. Blood was seen dripping off their chin before they then stopped.
That's when they saw this one get the others attention to see this one screeching out like they were having a headache or maybe they were seeing something. From looking closer, they saw this one was crying gripping their arm before screeching out more to see the other infected suddenly attack them!
Ophelia and Swan gasped covering their mouths, eyes wide with Hex not saying anything. They saw the group rip this one apart but they just begin eating them alive before he looks away turning off the video feed. He felt a bit sick but sighs to calm down.
"What the hell just happened?"
Meanwhile, the six claws were trying to find a way to find another in New York to reach. So far, no radios were working. It was like New York was in total darkness. Though, Bakugo was hoping at least someone was able to hear.
"Alright, so far, nothing else. But I hope we can find something else. What did you guys know?" He asked.
"Nothing else I'm afraid. I don't know if we have to either move to another hiding spot or find others out in this mess." Denji said.
"Well, we will still try to find something at least.....speaking of which, who checked on the radios?" Rin asked.
"I did but their still down like Bakugo said. I guess we can try to find another way to signal or find others...right now, were on our own." he said. The six claws sighed but Atsushi was walking by since it was his turn to check on Ink. He had some food and water for her in case she needed it. When showing up at the door, he carefully knocks.
"Ink? It's me. I got you some food if you were hungry?" he asked to wait for her to say something but nothing was heard. "????" that's strange, is she asleep? "Ink?" he goes to turn the door knob and open the door. However, when he did, his body froze seeing what he saw.
The room was silent but their was blood blotches around but also some pool of vomit. However, he heard some coughing while looking to see Ink shaking on the ground hugging herself.
"Ink?!?" He goes to set the tray down to check on her. He looks to see she was shaking while coughing. He sees some blood from her cheeks that his started to panic. "Ink?! What's wrong!" He asked but he sees her shaking worse to almost claw at her arms.
"Ink!" He tries to help her sit up but he sees her now twitching or shaking in his arms. "GUYS! GUYS, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH INK!?" Atsushi shouted as he heard quick footsteps to see the door kicked open showing the others.
"What the hell happened!" Bakugo said.
"I don't know! i found her like this!" Atsushi said worried but they tried to get her on the bed as she was coughing and thrashing now. She seems to either be having some nightmare or she was getting sicker?
"Ink, come on. Wake up! It's us, please it's alright!" Rin said as the others got first aid and tries to keep her calm but she was crying that she arches her back screaming in pain. Something was wrong.
Though, it was not just her this is effecting.........
"Rex, what the hell is wrong!? What is it!?" Kali was seeing Rex throwing up but he was trying to keep himself calm while blood was seeping from his nose as he was coughing.
"I don't kn..know...but it hurts..d..damn it..it hurts!" He growls.
"Easy, just what the heck is going on!?" she said.
"Vivi, you need to calm down. Take deep breaths." Shdwkyz was trying to figure out what is happening but he caught her trying to attack him. She was panting heavily but he blocks a swipe of her scythe as he had to think of a way to calm her down.
'What the fuck is going on!?'
"Maggie, it's me! Please stop!" T-bone's arm was bleeding badly and looks burned but he was seeing her having blood running down her chin with fire in the palms of her hands. She looks to be in pain or maybe she was in a daze. Whatever the reason, she was attacking him! He sees her only remain on the defense but she keeps trying to keep him back.
"Oblivion!?" Yuuka ducks from a swing of Titan-Z seeing Oblivion now losing it. Something was wrong as she winces from another hit. She was a heavy hitter but she only was worried now. Seeing blood running down her eyes and chin, she tries to attack Yuuka who was trying to calm her down.
"A..Ashley! Please...you have to wake up..your not like this. Please!" Joshua winces from her flower vines strangling him but he knew she was not herself now. Blood seen from her chin as she was looking in some trance. Either the infection adapted or something else happened.
He winces from seeing this but she was crying after getting sick for a while.
Ethan was trying to calm Willow down but he was hoping to snap her out of it. However, It just made him even more worried ducking from a flame outburst. "Willow! Wake up!" He said but blocks her flame arrow but he was seeing her screeching at him with blood running down her chin to try attacking him.
"Woah, Rust stop! What's wrong!" Breezy was blocking some swings from Rust but he tries to hit her only for her to block and grab his wrists. He was glaring while growling at her to shove her back into the wall.
Melinda was wincing from a slash on her side Jaron gave her from a broken shard near by but she was trying to snap him out of it. She slowly stood up but looks worried to him. Both Rust and Jaron had blood from their eyes and chin only to attack again.
"What the hell is happening?" Bakugo said having to hold Ink down but he looks to her only to see her then kick him off as the other six claws were trying to stop her. She only attacks and hits them away from her. Atsushi and Izuku slams against the wall. Denji and Rin hits the table breaking it.
Atsushi was worried seeing Ink like this but he was worried to see Ren by him. She only looks down panting but she only winces to hold her head.
"Ink?" both asked worried. She said nothing but held her head to cry.
"St..stop it...stop shouting in my head!!" She shouts out gripping some of her black hair. "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD!!" She screams.
Wait, shouting?" Atsushi said.
"...It must be the infection..we need to snap her out of it....before she hurts herself." Ren said seeing her hyperventilating. She was shaking trying to ignore the voices. It was almost like she was seeing something else. In her eyes, everything was dark and red, seeing and hearing voices all around her. It was a disturbing view like she was having a nightmare.
The voices got louder making her shake her head.
'Stop!! please stop talking! Get out of my head! I don't want to drink no more blood! It's wrong!' she thought.
'But you can't ignore it...you need it. You all do! stop fighting or you'll go insane from blood withdrawal!'
'NO!! LEAVE ME ALONE!' she screams gritting her teeth.
'You can't fight this, Van Ink the Dragon. Surrender to the infection! Fall to your knees and listen to the infection! You will Obey! and either kill those you care about!'
"N..No..I won't do it..I won't let you do it! Just leave me alone!" she screams now to punch the wall hard crying. However, she grabs her great sword now about to swing it but misses Ren but cuts Atsushi on the arm. He winces from the cut but she only looks down panting. Her grey eyes were wide, pupil shaking but she was trying to wake up.
"Ink, wake up it's us!!!" Ren said but she raises her greatsword to quickly attack him but Ren quickly ducks to grab her wrists to stop her.
"!?!" Right away, Ink snaps awake gasping for air as she was shaking now. He saw her eyes returning to normal but she was starting to cry normally. The greatsword was shaking in her hand but she drops it hearing a clatter.
"...........R..Ren?" she blinks feeling tired but she looks around to become shocked. What did she do? She saw the room was destroyed a bit, the guys were hurt or cut. She didn't know what happened but she was asleep right? Feeling sick again, she grips onto Ren.
"W..what did I do?......What did I-"
"Ink..." He sees her crying to look down shaking to cover her mouth. 'Oh god..w..what did I do? What did I do?!'
"Rex?" Kali said nothing but Rex was quiet, not believing what he did. He almost killed Kali but he was shaking to cover his eyes. She was worried but didn't leave his side hoping he was alright. However, she wonders if this was due to him not feeding.
"I'm s..sorry...I'm sorry....."
"Shhhhhh....." Shdwkyz was holding a tired Vivi near him but he was quiet. He was going to be alright but he was a bit hurt. Nothing his demon blood couldn't fix. However, he now knew he had to be sure she eats or this might happen again.
"Maggie, really it's fine-"
"No it's not! I..I almost...I burned you. You.." she was shaking looking at the scorch on his shoulder. However, he shook his head.
"Trust me, I'm fine. I was more worried about you. Are you...I mean what happened?" he asked but Maggie didn't know.
"I don't know..b..but I hope I don't go through that again.."
"........." Yuuka was holding a shaking Oblivion who just snaps out of it but she was gripping her shirt. Blood was seen on Yuuka's back due to a lightning burn from Oblivion but she was more happy that Oblivion snaps out of it.
"......mianhaeyo..neomuneomu mianhaeyo. geuleol saeng-gag-eun anieossneunde..."
Yuu learned a bit of Koren but she shook her head hugging her.
"Daijōbu, oburibion, yurushite yaru. Mō daijōbudesuyo……."
"A..Ashley?" Joshua was worried but was seeing her shaking and hugging herself. She couldn't believe she did that! She could have killed him. However, he was alright. Joshua goes to check if she was alright but feeling his hand on her shoulder made her tense to move but he grabs her to hold her.
"It's alright.....It's alright Ash.." he said even crying himself. She said nothing but tears were seen before hugging him now sobbing softly in his chest.
Ethan finally got Willow to snap awake but she was healing him from the slight burns. He heard her muttering softly in tears, sorry for this. She didn't want to attack him. She didn't want to hurt him but all he did was take her hand to assure he wasn't angry. He was more worried about her than anything.
"Breezy, I'm so sorry..I..I just couldn't...." He didn't mean to hurt her but Breezy was wrapping up a cut on his human arm while she was fine.
"Don't worry about me, Rust. I'm more worried about you. But what happened?" she asked but Rust covers his face. He didn't know.
"I..I can't explain. But..it felt...I just...I don't know...But I...I hurt you..." he mutters but Breezy grew more concerned. Seems their was more to this infection than she thought.
"I'm fine......just please hold still...." she said gently helping him.
Jaron was upset that he attacked Melinda by mistake. He didn't know what came over him or maybe it was due to the voice. It kept telling him to get more blood but ignoring it was bad. He didn't want to take too much but he refused to give into it. He felt his hands shaking when bandaging Melinda's side and a cut on her back.
".........Jaron? Are you-"
"I'm sorry....I'm so so sorry....." he said but Melinda only looks to turn her head but she sees him shaking. More concerned, she held him while he was shaking in her arms. She only kisses the top of his head just holding him as he was holding her. She forgave him. However, now they were wondering:
This had to be due to something..or maybe it was blood withdrawal. The more you fight it..the worse it becomes. It was like the Di5 was some sort of parasite that is within them. It may become worse later on in the future but what does it do to demons when they given up fully? Only time will tell or maybe it won't.
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arrantknave · 6 years
Goodevening my dear, I come here begging your help- you are my only hope;-; My school started an expressive reading project, and the play my class is working on is Hamlet. I got the role of Hamlet but since the school had problems starting the project I have only 5 lesson before we perform and I'm like- panicking. Our teacher didn't even teach us about how to read. How would you describe Hamlet's feelings in act II, scene V - act III, scene I - act III, scene IV - act V, scene II and his death?
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I’m not sure when I received this ask, and this could be far too late, but here are my two cents for those scenes, just in case.
Some notes, just really quick.Act II, scene 5
Technically, there isn’t a scene 5, but I’m guessing you’re referring to the soliloquy at the end of the act?
Hamlet has just heard and seen a professional actor. He’s astounded by how much control this guy has over his actions and how he can cry on cue – but, he says, “all for nothing”.
Hamlet starts to compare the actor’s motivations to his own. He gets frustrated and disappointed with his lack of progress with regard to avenging his father, and he directs a lot of anger toward himself (“who calls me villain?”) and then later toward Claudius (“O, vengeance!” – a lot of actors practically yell this line).
There’s a tiny shift right after that, because he realizes raging at himself and other people just isn’t productive (and makes him look stupid). He tries to be more rational instead (“about, my brain”). At this point I think he’s calmed down a bit, and with some clarity he finally has his eureka moment: “I’ll have these players play something like the murder of my father before mine uncle.”
From my understanding there is a pang of fear that comes with his consideration of the ghost as a demon; his doubts are residues from the first act.
The speech seems to end with cautious optimism.
So, (bounded) in a nutshell, he’s trying to come up with a solid plan but he gets sidetracked by fears/doubts and anger.
Act III, scene 1
The infamous “To be or not to be” speech.
This speech gets moved around a lot in some adaptations because we don’t really know what in particular triggers this soliloquy.
There are so many ways this could be done and interpreted, but it seems to me that this speech mainly seems to highlight a kind of fatigue, or world-weariness. For some reason I don’t really think I’m qualified to do an in-depth analysis of this speech, so may I suggest this post: http://schmergo.tumblr.com/post/171601384691/i-think-people-often-miss-the-real-point-of-to-be
The part with Ophelia also heavily depends on interpretation. Is he pushing her away for her safety? Is he being watched? It’s up to you whether or not you want to play his relationship with Ophelia as genuine.
Hamlet often snaps after her “at home, my lord”, because it’s often interpreted that he knows Polonius is there, watching, and she just lied.
Act III, scene 4
Here he tries to follow from the second scene of the same act:
O heart, lose not thy nature; let not everThe soul of Nero enter this firm bosom.Let me be cruel, not unnatural;I will speak daggers to her, but use none.My tongue and soul in this be hypocrites-How in my words somever she be shent,To give them seals never, my soul, consent!
In this scene his obsessions and moral nature come to the surface. He’s been bothered by his mother’s union with Claudius since act I, but it’s only now that he gets to vent these feelings of disgust and anger before his mother. He loves his mother (but not in the Oedipal way, that interp has no place here) but the way he manifests it is to be cruel. His harshness at the beginning even makes his mother think he’s going to kill her.
Read it how you like, but some say Hamlet stabs the curtain impulsively to make up for his hesitation in the last scene with Claudius. Upon killing Polonius, Hamlet may or may not be in a state of shock or horror. Later lines would suggest that Hamlet got over it quite quickly (ex. puns: “this counsellor Is now most still, most secret, and most grave” “draw toward an end with you”). At the same time, Gertrude says that he “weeps for what is done” (4.1). Just something to consider.
Hamlet rails against his mother’s act of marrying Claudius. He appears to be deeply disturbed by it – angry, disgusted, and even quite confused (notice how many question marks there are in his whole “o shame, where is thy blush?” line). You could see strands of the first soliloquy in here, where he makes a stark  contrast between his father and Claudius. What feelings he held back in that first speech is manifesting now, almost explosively.
The Ghost’s return may have an effect on Hamlet similar to the first time it appeared to him, which can be interpreted as something like stunned reverence.
Why, look you there! Look how it steals away!My father, in his habit as he liv’d!Look where he goes even now out at the portal!(Dude still misses his father a lot.)
Hamlet is a bit less intense now, but he continues a moral tone (“Confess yourself to heaven; repent what’s past” and his talk of virtue, which is kind of ironic considering he’s just killed somebody).
Act V, scene 2
Death scene. As with many other parts of this play, this is largely up to interpretation, and could depend on what kind of Hamlet you played before he was shipped off to England. It’s worth mentioning though that the prince of the fifth act is often considered more mature than the last time we saw him. He’s not as afraid of death as he was before.
He’s also sincerely repentant about what he’s done to Laertes.
But I am very sorry, good Horatio,That to Laertes I forgot myself,For by the image of my cause I seeThe portraiture of his.
Two parallels here. Both Hamlet and Laertes have lost their fathers, and are trying to avenge them by killing the murderer. On the other hand, (and in a more negative note) Hamlet is in the murderer’s place, like Claudius. If he thinks his uncle is meant to burn in hell, what does that make Hamlet? As mentioned earlier, he’s a remarkably moral character – coming across that realization would hit him hard, and he might even think that, in his final moments, he deserved to die for what he’s done.
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