#open up your eyes people. Cortex is right there. Go and kiss him.
c0smiccom3t · 3 months
What do you mean this scene didn't happen in The Crate Escape??
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dude-ew-gross · 7 days
Happy Birthday, Victor
2k words and some change
@void-my-warranty @simplynerdilicious-blog
Thanks for the brainrot. Had a lot of fun writing this. I'm going out for a gyro now.
It was nice to do regular girlfriend things with Victor. It was easy. All you had to do was be there, and what a relief it was not to walk on eggshells for once. The history of your relationships was a list of long, sordid affairs. A few flings here and there that never went beyond the bedroom paired with one miserable marriage and a divorce under your belt, you never thought that you would be where you were now, and where you are now is using your boyfriend as a pillow while he uses you as a blanket. An equal trade, laissez-faire and all that jargon.
You had to admit it was pretty damn nice to have someone around who matches your love of physical affection. The fact that he just so happened to be a walking furnace was merely a coincidental bonus, and if you were being completely honest, cuddling into him was probably your number one source of therapy. Victor never once rejected your advances, much less affection, gladly opening up his enormous arms and adjusting himself to make room for you in his lap to your incoming attack.
There you are, late in the morning on a random sunny Tuesday, so late in fact that most people would be taking their lunch break right now, you are now gleefully loving Victor up on the living room couch, nuzzling into his neck the way he does to you, snuggling into your boyfriend with all your might. You feel him plant a kiss on the top of your head as he hugs you to him just tight enough.
Laying your head on his shirtless chest, you listen to his heart pump his blood through his body with every beat and relax into him with each breath he takes with those strong lungs. You can't help but feel quite pleased when it doesn't take long for him to begin, for lack of a better word, purring. That familiar rumbling starts up and the solid torso underneath you begins to vibrate as he runs a large hand up and down the length of your back, the greatest indicator of “Hell Yeah” there ever was.
“There's that motor,” you giggle, burying your face into a furry pec as if trying to sink into the sensation. His chest hair scratches your face wonderfully. You inhale his scent, taking a deep breath of him and letting it out long and slow. For a moment you two lay there, basking in the warm compassionate touch of a lover. You know you could fall asleep on him right now but something snaps you awake just enough to ask a question that's been drifting in and out of the forefront of your cortex.
“Victor,” you begin. “How old are you?”
“Old.” He answers matter-of-factly. You take it that he didn't take offense to the question on account he didn't immediately stop purring, a good sign.
You continue. “How old?”
He's silent for a moment as he considers what to say. You knew he'd been around the sun a few times more than the average person and had been trying to guess his age for a while but didn't know how to bring it up until now.
“I was a grown man when I saw a light bulb for the first time,” he says.
The absurdity of that statement makes you lift your head up to quirk an eyebrow at him. He's stretched out beneath you, one arm wrapped around you, the other he's using to rest his head. The muscles of the arm that cradles his neck are handsomely flexed under his skin but you are not paying attention to that. He looks completely relaxed at the moment, unbothered. His eyes remain closed and his face doesn't change when the only response you can provide is a blunt “What?” because while you know he's old, there is absolutely no way he's that... old.
Victor makes an affirmative noise, refusing to elaborate any further. Well, if the motor underneath you is still going, that's a good indicator as any that it'd be ok to ask a few more questions. You think for a little bit, attempting to do the math but since the official year of whenever the lightbulb became patented then commercially available escapes you at the moment so instead you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
“So you're older than indoor plumbing?”
This makes him chuckle. “Yeah.”
He nods. “Yep.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Did you ever have to tell time by looking at a sundial?”
His immediate response was to laugh. “Once or twice,” he grins, finding your questions amusing. His fangs are on full display. “Used to get around by horse, if you could afford one. I remember riding in the back of a sled pulled by a single mule led by my father. My mother rode next to him with a shotgun,” he begins to fiddle with a strand of your hair, finding a small knot to loosely work his fingers through. “My brother was next to me. Suddenly, he's pointing up at something in the trees.”
The tangle is smoothed out and he resumes brushing his fingers through your hair with just a little bit of claw, careful not to give you an accidental trim.
“I look up, and there's this barn owl staring down at us. Takes off and flies above us without a sound.”
You blink at him. That was a core memory of his, a little piece of something long ago. Before he figured out he was a mutant, before he and his brother were locked away in that cellar. The paradox in the shape of a man that is Victor Creed who used candlelight and horses as a main resource during most of his formative years, yet he looks like some guy around your age, in the prime of life forever stuck at his physical peak until time itself remembers that he has to age, but that probably won't happen for quite some time. He's older than social security, older than the wars that shaped this continent (probably participated in a few from what you could gather) and was probably older than dirt, and you make an attempt to bite that comment back because he may not find that funny as you, but you say it anyway.
“Heh,” he snorts. “Good way of putting it.”
He probably doesn't even have an official birth certificate if he's as old as you think he is, and he's telling you all this as if his entire backstory is nothing more than just idle chit-chat. You think of how many centuries turned over for him to get here. He sees your expression.
“C'mon, let me hear it,” he goads, a soft smile gracing his face.
You adjust yourself a little to lace your fingers together and tuck your hands under your chin and look him straight in the eye and with all seriousness, you ask “When was the last time you celebrated your birthday?”
This makes him pause. The prolonged silence carries on a bit too long for your liking as his brow furrows, as if he never really considered his birthday before, much less celebrated it. His eyes drift away from yours and his eyebrows knit together even tighter as he takes a moment to think about the last time someone thought about his birthday, and that makes your heart ache.
Finally, he opens his mouth. “A while.” He lifts the hand that was in your hair and brings it to his face to scratch his scruffy chin. “Pretty sure the year started with “eighteen.””
You blink. “You're shittin’ me.”
The look he gives you has no indication that he's being facetious in the slightest. He stops scratching his chin and returns to using you as an armrest, draping the long limb around your upper back. His hand comes to rest on your upper arm, running his thumb back and forth on the flesh of your delt.
“Oh my god,” you begin, laying your head back down on his chest. You listen to his heart for three beats. “You really are older than dirt.”
He laughs at this, and you lift up and down with each laugh. It's nice to hear, it's deep and warm, and you can't help but laugh with him.
It takes a while to calm down. “Do you have any idea when it is?” you ask when you finally regain control of your breathing. He hums and you feel his arm constrict you ever so slightly as he squeezes you to him. His other arm comes out from under his head to completely cage you in, not that you mind. You feel him press his lips to your hairline as he takes a deep breath in, chest expanding with the volume of air he could breathe in, then slowly exhales.
“Sometime in the fall,” he finally says. “I don't remember the date.”
You “hmm” at this. “We're totally celebrating your birthday as soon as I see a leaf turn yellow.”
He lets out a puff of air through his nostrils and you feel his chest shudder with a silent laugh and he relaxes underneath you. Time passes and you end up spending the rest of the morning on the sofa with your legs tangled together. You're pretty sure you fall asleep on him once or twice or more, but he doesn't mind. You're pretty sure he falls asleep, too, and you're both content to let the world pass by as you nap together on a sunny weekday afternoon.
Months pass, and you decided you weren't kidding when you said you were celebrating his birthday. Seasons change, summer gives way to Autumn, the days are getting shorter and cooler, trees turned from the supple verdant green to the brilliant hues of Fall. Your backyard is a blended masterpiece of reds, oranges, yellows, and on a particularly chilly October day Victor decides to take your dog on a long walk on the trails in the woods behind your home.
You take advantage of his absence, preheating the oven and bust out the ingredients needed for a cake recipe you found in one of your mother's old cookbooks that you think Victor would like. You remember to separate the wet ingredients from the dry until you're ready to combine the two parts in one large bowl. You pour the batter into two equal size round pans, eyeballing the level to make sure they are even, then place them in the hot oven to bake.
You set a timer on your phone and place a kettle to boil on the stove for tea. Soon enough, the kettle is whistling and you pour the boiling water into your favorite mug with your favorite tea. You pocket your device and decide to pass the remaining time by spending it outside, parked in the big rocking chair with a steaming mug of tea keeping your hands warm and a small blanket wrapped around your shoulders.
It's a perfect Autumn day. The sky is overcast, the wind brings a chilly breeze, and the wonderful colors of the trees as the leaves lose their chlorophyll and fall to the ground has you beaming. You sip your tea and think about the present you didn't get your boyfriend. That's been bugging you for a while; what do you get a man who can buy everything in the world and still have spare change? Oh well, you hope the cake and the card you made are enough.
You're still outside and Victor has yet to return when the timer goes off in your pocket. You head back inside, locate your oven mitts, and carefully slide the rack out of the oven and transfer the pans onto a cooling rack. You poke the cake with a toothpick to check that it has baked all the way through and can't help but pump your fist in victory when it comes out clean. You keep the oven on to toast the coconut flakes you bought specifically for this and set to work making the frosting. The kitchen is smelling nice and toasty as you run a knife along the sides of the cakes, separating the layers from their pans. Both layers come out clean when you flip them over (another victory). You apply a liberal coat of frosting to the cooled layers and stack them, then add the toasted coconut to the sides and top.
You take a step back to appreciate your work, pride swelling your chest. You grab the pack of candles you bought specifically for the occasion and stick one right in the center of the cake and retrieve the card you made, placing the envelope right next to the cake. Just in the nick of time, too, because right on cue, the back door opens and Victor returns with your dog. Once inside, he immediately turns his head in your direction to see you standing behind the kitchen island with a freshly baked cake and an envelope, looking expectantly at him. Both eyebrows are raised in pleasant surprise.
You greet him with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he echoes, stooping to unleash the dog. “What's this?”
You shrug. “I've decided it's your birthday. Happy Birthday!”
The leash comes off with a click and your dog rushes to greet you, nails clacking on the kitchen floor, tail wagging as he gives your hand excited kisses. You kneel to give him a few scratches and ask how the walk was, and your dog takes this opportunity to lick your face.
Victor huffs. “Little guy decided to take a swim, that's why we were gone so long.” He gives your dog an accusatory look, to which is blissfully ignored as the accused attacks your face with wet kisses. Your dog's fur is completely dry. You stand to get away from the barrage and your dog trots away to go lay on his bed.
You hand the homemade card to Victor. He considers it for a moment before opening it to read the little message you scrawled out for him in what you tried not to look like your regular chicken-scratch. While he's distracted you get two little plates out from the cabinet and the necessary silverware out from the drawer. He doesn't look up until he hears the flick of the lighter you're using to light the single candle on the cake. You return the lighter to your pocket.
You take a deep breath in. “Ha-”
“Don't.” Victor stops you from subjecting him to the mortifying experience of being serenaded with your acapella rendition of “Happy Birthday”. You're thankful for that.
You giggle and he smiles, and he's looking at you with those peculiar eyes of his with so much warmth and love you feel like you could fly.
“Alright,” you say with a grin. “Blow out the candle and make a wish, birthday boy.”
With a roll of his eyes he does as he's told. His lips form an “o” as he lets out a puff of air, immediately snuffing the candle out. A small plume of smoke rolls up to the ceiling and you can't help but clap in delight.
“Yay! Don't tell me what you wished for, it won't come true if you do.” You warn. You cut the cake and serve him a large slice, then you cut yourself a slice and you both decide to take this into the living room. The first bite he takes has him making an appreciative noise in the back of his throat. That's the only criticism you receive because he's silent as he eats the rest of his slice. The cake is supple and moist and the frosting melts on your tongue as the rich flavors of vanilla and coconut play together on your palette. You're barely halfway through your portion when he gets up and goes back to the kitchen, returning with another slice of cake.
“This is really good,” he tells you, gesturing with his fork. He takes another bite and voices his delight, making you smile as you take another bite. Excellent. He could eat the entire cake and you would not feel bad about it. It's his cake, he deserves to eat it, too.
When you're both finished he grabs your plate and you're about to protest that people don't wash dishes on their birthday when he sets them aside and stacks them on the coffee table. He turns to you and suddenly you find yourself wrapped up in a strong hug and a sweet tasting kiss is planted on your lips as he pulls you onto his lap. “Thank you,” he whispers, kissing you again.
It's not quite the birthday bash you think he deserves, but you did what you could, and he's enjoying himself and that's all that matters. You cup his face with both hands and kiss him back.
“Happy birthday, baby,” you tell him in between kisses.
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cyberdck · 4 years
You taking requests, I've got one. How V and Johnny found out they can touch each other? Maybe their first one? Pairing Johnny/f!V, if you don't mind.
a/n: i will not always be this fast. but i was excited and got a little ahead of myself. most request will likely be around this length because i can keep myself from getting overwhelmed trying to fill words into space. also long as i get my point across, i can be happy. 
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living with an entirely independent being in your mind was an interesting adjustment to get use to. 
the first step was coming to a mutual agreement that left both of them alive, rather than grappling for control over a body that had been your home for years. 
second, came weeding through the sea of thoughts and emotions intertwined intimately with your own. johnny’s conscience had a voice, the rough edge grafting against yours with every word. it was a sharp contrast to lighter inner monologue that you’d debated with growing up. 
you could always feel him there in the absence of physical touch. sometimes your brain bridged the gap, making up synapses to mimic what it would feel like when he got close. activating pseudo-thermosensation to appreciate the heat of his presence; making him feel like he was another body and not an occupant of your frontal cortex. 
there is a possibility that johnny has a hand in the circus-fest of your nerve endings too. how else would your body know about the callousness hardening his fingertips, especially the thumb of his right hand that loved to draw circles against the inside of your thigh. 
piece by piece, the two of you built an entity beyond what you could accomplish with two separate bodies. 
he was your input source for amorous touch once reserved for close friends and lovers. johnny was your companion on lonely nights where you recall the times you spent ripping and running through the streets. he doesn’t needle through your sorrows or overtake them with idle chatter. just there to detangle your stress in dichotomy with those guitar-roughed hands prompting sharp tingling at your scalp as if working out the kinks of your hair. 
and you, his output source to the outside world. johnny hated the morning sun, remembering how it was the worst part of everyday. he preferred his beauty sleep, striving to sneak as much slumber into as many available hours in the day. but now he missed it. the burn against his skin and the blurred vision. so you find yourself aligning your body more towards the window at night, prepping for the earliest rays of light. the first thing you see each morning, is an unfocused rockstar vigilante seated comfortably on the windowsill. his face is tilted in a way that chases the sun from all angles, absorbing the light painting your skin and casting shadows across the bedspread. 
the first time it feels real though is when you go to cup his cheek. there was nothing special about the day, nothing about your past or impending future to weigh you down. 
just you, johnny and infinite curiosity binding you together. 
“hold up there, frost fingers. a warning would be nice.”
you think you stop breathing for a moment, or maybe that’s the weight of his air trapped in his chest. 
his words are a jest but his gaze is so focused in on you, as if the pull was strong enough alone to keep you trapped in this moment. his eyes were swimming in something foreign, a strange concept after practically living inside his mind and him yourself. 
you try to piece together the strings of it, all while idly stroking his face and scraping his the rough of his beard with your nails. your fingers may have been cold but his cheeks were so warm, inviting and inviting the chase of your touch. the fullness of his lips part in invitation as your thumb runs along the bottom, and something wet and tepid swipes against the pad. 
maybe you lean in first or him, it hardly matters as your mouths touch. it takes effort not to close your eyes, fighting the urge to surrender in favor of matching the visual with the sensation of his lips moving against yours. 
johnny doesn’t seem to know what a first kiss was or frankly he just didn’t care to cater to the timid dance of tongue. he assumes the loose reins of control, manipulating intimate gesture to his liking and exploring with faint giddiness. 
past the excitement, you can taste the tang of tobacco mixed with the flavor of those hard candies that always find their way into your mouth. 
fingers play at the nape of your neck, igniting erogenous zones you didn’t know you had. he rumbles in a approval when you let out a needy little gasp. of all people to discover them it felt right that it was him, someone who knew you from the inside out.
when johnny moved to break the kiss, you follow to nibble at his lip despite the way they move to form words. 
you were mesmerized by the kiss-swollen lips and the pandora’s box they’d opened with a smile.
and then he leaned down to kiss you again, firmly with purpose. outlining the shape of your lips with every bit of touch he could manage.
reassuring you that this was both real and far from over.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Harry Wells x Witch Reader - (Flash): Chapter 4
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Walking into the cortex that afternoon, you were a bit surprised no one was around. “Hello? Anybody home.” Harry lifted his head from behind the table, and a grin immediately spread on your lips. 
“How do you manage to keep such a grumpy look all the time.”
“This is my neutral expression.”
“Right...so where’s everyone else grumpy wells?”
“Stop calling me that.”
“Grumpy wells.”
Harry glared, you really enjoyed agitating him, almost as much as Cisco did.
“There haven't been any recent attacks, so they're enjoying some R&R.” his eyes moved back to whatever project he’d been working on before you came in. The metal gadget on the desk looks foreign to you, but he obviously knew what he was building.
“So why are you still working?”
He didn’t answer.
“Grumpy wells, grumpy wells, grumpy wells!” he dropped the screwdriver in irritation.
“Don’t you have someone else to annoy, I’m busy.”
“I vote that we both go out. “ He just stared at you for a few moments.
“No thank you. I’m working. “ That and he really didn’t think it was a good idea for him to be alone with you. Harry realized a few weeks in that your need to be around him was unnerving. He didn’t like the sparks that rose whenever you cracked a joke or sent him those glistening smiles. Not to mention the age gap. His eyes lowered. He was at least twenty-five years older than you, to make matters worse you barely acknowledge the interactions. He was pining after you one sidedly, what was more pathetic than that.
“I can always zap you with a spell you know.”
“Didn’t you say witches aren’t supposed to harm regular people, I think that falls under harm.” you smile, cheeks tinting red. So he didn’t completely brush off information when you spoke, that was nice to know. He never looked like he ever paid much attention when you were talking, and you were positive you’d never said that to him directly, that must have meant that he was listening whenever Cisco made small inquiries about magic and witches. Still didn’t mean he liked you, but it was start.
“Come on Harrison, I know you can’t be happy cooped up in here all the time. Let’s go out, on me. Please, it’s boring if I’m alone. “
Couldn’t you ask Cisco to hang out with you?
“She’s always around him anyway.” Not that he cared. He wasn’t jealous, nope. Not one bit.
“Ask someone else, I’m busy.”
“I don’t want to ask someone else, I want you.”
You’d never say that to his face.
He reached out for the device on the desk, but a barrier blocked his hand, he paused, fixing his stare on you.
“I remove the block after you come with me.”
“This is blackmail.”
“Really, I’d like to think of it as insistent persuasion Grumpy wells, now let's go!”
He didn’t have much of a choice. With a grumble, he grabbed his jacket following you out.
~Two Hours Later~
“Chug Chug Chug!!!” you gulped the drink hurriedly and Harry sat at the side, wondering why he’d let you talk him into this. When the bottle was empty you slammed it on the counter, raising your hands as the people around cheered. The guy you were competing against fell off the chair, unto the ground, probably passed out.
“YEAH!!!” you cheered, still smiling at Harry.
He knew for a fact that he’d never go out with you again, that was for sure.
Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, you started to navigate towards the stage. Harry ran hand over his face, watching as you instructed the DJ to play you a song. The music filled the club, and apparently it was one most of the audience knew, or at least the women. He figured this is why he avoided clubs.
Queen B, want no smoke with me (okay)
Then turn this motherf---er up eight hundred degree (yeah)
My whole team eat, chef's kiss, she's a treat (mwah)
Ooh, she so bougie, bougie, bon appetit
I'm a savage, attitude nasty (yeah, yeah)
Talk big sh-- but my bank account matchin'
Hood, but I'm classy, rich but I'm ratchet
Haters kept my name in they mouth, now they gaggin', ah, ah
Bougie, he say they way that thang move it's a movie
I told lil' bro we gotta keep it low, leave me the room key
I done bled the block and now it's hot bi---, I'm Tunechi
A mood and I'm moody (ah)
I'm a savage (okay)
Classy, bougie, ratchet (okay)
Sassy, moody, nasty (hey, hey, yeah, nasty)
Acting stupid, what's happening? (Woah, woah)
Bi---, what's happening? (Woah, woah)
Acting stupid, what's happening? (Woah, woah)
Bi---, what's happening? (Woah, woah)
Bi---, I'm a savage, yeah (okay)
The entire crowd was singing with you. At this moment, he couldn’t bring himself to be mad.
“She looks like she’s having fun.”
The headache you would wake up with tomorrow would be anything but fun, but he didn’t mind, as long as you were smiling.
The music started to die down, and you stumbled off the stage as another clearly intoxicated person took the mic from your hands. A few people gave you high fives as you passed, making your way back to Harry. Your face got even brighter and you jumped right into his arms. He staggered back, not ready for the action or contact. You were hugging him as you rambled on.
“Did you see me grumpy! I was *hic* a-awesome!!” He sighed, you were obviously past your limit.
“Alright, I think you’ve had enough, let’s get going.” you whined, shaking your head. “I’m tired, carry me~” you wore a pout, and he would have denied, but the look you sent him made it hard not to say yes to whatever crazy request you made. Leaning down, he scooped you up easily. You giggled, and he looked over to see what you found so amusing.
“I wasn’t r-really shhh! I just wanted grumpy to pick me up.” Your index finger was pressed to your lip in a shushing motion, and he wondered if you fully realized that you were talking to grumpy.
“You owe me.” he mumbled out. You just nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“I’ll do anything you want Harrison.”
Your soft breath blowing on his neck wasn’t really helping matters. Nor was the seductive way in which you whispered that statement. The one good thing about this night was the fact that the club was fairly close to your apartment.
He wasn’t sure he’d be able to get a car with you in his arms. He’d only ever been to your apartment once before, and that was with the team when you first moved in. Walking through the door and into the elevator, he tried to focus on anything but you. On the walk over he was hoping you would pass out, maybe to help deter the racing of his heart. Your scent was everywhere, he couldn’t escape it. Or the feel of how warm and soft your skin felt. The elevator dinged, and he stepped out, searching for your room number. He stopped when he got to the desired door.
He needed your keys.
He lowered his arms, placing you unto your feet, in which you reluctantly followed. Harry held out his hand.
“I need your keys.”
“They're in my pocket.” The cheshire smile you wore made him squint. You took a step forward.
“My back pocket.”
Ah, so you were not only a happy drunk, but also a flirty one.
“Please give me the keys (Y/N).” You bit your lip at the soft way he asked. It was so unlike him. Intoxicated or not, that was pretty hot.
You took one last step forward, and Harry willed himself to be strong. Your eyes marked him.
“Say my name again..please..” He rarely ever said your name, somehow hearing it from his lips was far different.
“She’s drunk.” He kept reminding himself that. If you were sober you’d never act like this, or request something so silly.
Your eyelashes fluttered, and your gaze shifted to his lips. Harry swallowed. This was moving into the danger zone. He held his breath when he saw a yellow glow overtake your orbs. Behind your back he could hear the jiggling of your keys as they rose from your pocket. It went all the way around, landing right into his open palm.
“Thank you.” He muttered.
You were still looking at him with a compelling stare, and even though the light had faded, he still felt drawn in. You smiled, closing your eyes as you collapsed on him. Harry supported your weight, looking down at you longingly.
Why was the universe being so cruel to him?
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Fireworks Event - Lucien
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an event which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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Contains heavy references to Whimsical Date!
Previous section: here
3rd Anniversary Masterlist: here 
Prior to the Carnival, there were questions posed in the Go See You feature which affects which scenario the player sees during the Fireworks Event:
Question 1: Do you still remember when we went to the amusement park previously? Could you let me know which part left the deepest impression on you?
Option A: Because it’s Professor Lucien, I pick the souvenir store.
Option B: The spinning tea cups of course~
Option C: I liked the fantasy castle.
Question 2: Although this is a little sudden, what do you want on a “perfect day”?
Option A: Give me as pleasant surprise.
Option B: I want to return to our most innocent selves together.
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A familiar ringtone suddenly sounds. I take out my phone, cancelling the alarm I had set early on.
MC: The fireworks display will start in 15 minutes, so let’s head to the plaza now!
I take Lucien’s hand, about to walk forward. However, he pulls me back.
MC: What’s wrong?
Lucien: Even though time is a little tight, there should still be enough time.
Seeing my puzzled expression, Lucien chuckles lightly and pinches my hand. 
Lucien: We’ll go to the place you want to go most.
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[ Option A: Because it’s Professor Lucien, I pick the souvenir store. ]
Following the crisp sound of a wind chime, Lucien and I step into a souvenir store.
I didn’t expect that he’d still remember my answer from before. A wave of warmth surfaces from my heart.
When I curiously scan through the merchandise on the shelves, a few unusual keychains attract my attention.
The keychains have doodles on them, and are in the shape of alphabets. With a stirring in my heart, I select two keychains featuring the first letter of our names.
MC: The last time we came to the amusement park, we bought two dolls. This time, let’s also bring souvenirs back!
Looking at my expectant gaze, Lucien smiles in understanding, then takes the keychains from my hand.
Lucien: Keychains are very practical. They can be brought around everywhere, and...
He dangles the keychains in his hand.
The pictures on these two alphabets are the same. When I look at it next time, I’ll subconsciously think of you.
Seeing through my thoughts, my cheeks turn red.
MC: ...but this is the one I want!
I take the keychain with the letter ‘L’ from his hand.
Recollecting the experience of selecting the dolls, I deliberately mimic his words, tilting my head and smiling at him.
MC: If these two keychains represent the both of us… keeping this one with me would be more meaningful, right?
Hearing my cheeky tone, Lucien can’t help but chuckle.
Lucien: Looks like MC always learns quickly when it comes to “teasing” me. In that case, the keychain representing you will be in my care.
He pauses, the smile in his eyes receding, replaced with an insuppressible warmth.
Lucien: MC, you...
[ Option B: The spinning cups of course~ ]
Sorry, I couldn’t find uploads of this option T-T
[ Option C: I liked the fantasy castle. ]
On top of the colourful castle which has a spire, Lucien and I look down at the park’s scenery.
I didn’t expect that he’d still remember my answer from before. A wave of warmth surfaces from my heart.
Gazing at the gorgeous night scenery, I’m just about to say something, but feel an insuppressible itch climbing up the tip of my nose.
MC: Achoo--
Lucien is stunned for a moment, then furrows his brows.
Lucien: Is the wind too strong here? We should head down first to prevent you from catching a cold.
I shake my head in embarrassment.
MC: I’m fine, I’m fine. My immunity is very strong.
Despite what I said, Lucien walks behind me, pulling his coat open and encasing me in warmth.
Lucien: Feeling slightly better now?
The familiar scent surrounds me, and my heart rate subconsciously speeds up slightly. I nod.
MC: [blushing] ...mm. The last time we visited the amusement park, we didn’t get to climb the castle. This time, my wish has been fulfilled.
Perhaps noticing my nervousness, Lucien chuckles softly from behind..
Lucien: Mm. I have to congratulate this little warrior for bravely sending those monsters running.
MC: Hm? You remember that too...
A little surprised, I lift my head and look at Lucien. That was a dream I had in my childhood which I once told Lucien about.
Lucien: Of course. That dream left such a deep impression - how could I forget it?
Staring into his eyes, which are crinkled slightly, the corners of my lips involuntarily curve into a smile, and I continue from where he left off.
MC: That’s right. It was indeed an arduous and long battle.
Then, I pull his coat even tighter over myself.
MC: But in order to see my “little prince”, it’s very worth it~
From behind me, a place I can’t see, the light in Lucien’s eyes flashes slightly.
He suddenly lowers his head, leaning close to my ear, and says softly--
Lucien: MC, you...
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“Dong-- dong--”
The melodious bell from the plaza drifts over.
Lucien and I look towards the direction of the plaza, which is already filled with people.  
Lucien: Looks like the time is just right.
His tone is unhurried, as though everything was within his expectations.
Lucien takes my hand, his action elegant, akin to an invitation. 
Lucien: MC, let’s see the fireworks together. 
Beams of fireworks rise rapidly into the sky, blossoming in the endless night sky.
The colour I had selected is especially bright in the night. 
Among the crowd, Lucien and I are standing towards the back, yet we’re able to take in the entire scene.
Suddenly, I tug on Lucien’s hand.
Lucien: What is it?
MC: Lucien, I just made a wish. I wish that on this day next year, we can also spend it like this.
Another firework blooms in the sky. Lucien watches me, blinking gently.
Lucien: That’s all?
MC: That’s all.
Seeing me nod ignorantly, Lucien chuckles. 
Lucien: To me, however, that’s far from enough.
MC: Oh? In that case, what’s Professor Lucien’s wish?
I deliberately show that I'm listening with all ears.
Lucien: As compared to a wish, I’m more willing to call it something that will definitely be fulfilled. On this day, whether it’s next year, or the following year, or the year after that--
Lucien: We’ll be like this, spending it together. 
Lucien takes my hand, bringing it to his lips and giving it a light kiss.
Lucien: It’s an agreement.
In the next second, a warm sensation descends on my lips.
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As the final firework dissipates in the sky, the amusement park starts playing its main theme song.
Although I had heard this melody so many times today, a different emotion surges from my heart this time - it’s a reminder that the amusement park is about to close.
As though he can sense my reluctance to leave, Lucien gently rubs the back of my hand.
Lucien: Come to think of it, I wanted to tell you something earlier, but was interrupted by the bell.
MC: Mm? What is it?
Lucien chuckles lightly.
Lucien: Do you still remember my question from before? Regarding what you’d want most on a “perfect day”...
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[ Option A: Give me as pleasant surprise. ]
I nod.
MC: I said that I wanted you to give me a pleasant surprise.
Lucien: This requirement was a little difficult, but I still prepared something, and I hope you’ll be satisfied.
With this, Lucien takes out a gift box wrapped with a ribbon, beckoning me to open it.
Doing as he says, my eyes widen in surprise.
MC: ...it’s so beautiful!
A plant which somewhat resembles a flower rests in the box - on a dried branch, there are countless flickering and dazzling small crystals.
Lucien: This is a flower which has specially undergone chemical immersion. Because it’s been made into an artwork, there’s no need to worry about it becoming dull with time. MC, have you heard of “The Branch of Salzburg”? It was originally a normal tree branch, but as it was buried in a salt mine for a period of time, it was filled with little crystals glistening like diamonds.
Without waiting for my response, Lucien chuckles and continues.
Lucien: To me, this carnival event is like that. Before this, it was just an ordinary event, and wasn’t anything special. But having participated and experienced it with you, it has become precious along with our memories. However, I want to tell you that this isn't all.
He pauses, his voice becoming slightly more tender.
Lucien: Many details in life have become glistening diamonds because of you. Just like the beautiful crystals on The Branch of Salzburg - fine and small, yet resplendent and dazzling. This is a pleasant surprise that you’ve given me. And right now, I wish to convey this feeling to you.
Lucien encases the hand that I’m holding onto the box with into his palm, a pair of deep eyes watching me.
Lucien: I hope that as you compliment the beauty of this gift, you’re able to know...
Lucien: That this is how you’ve enabled me to see the world.
[ OPTION B: I want to return to our most innocent selves together. ]
MC: Of course I remember. I said I wanted us to return to our innocent selves.
Lucien: In that case, I wonder if today has satisfied your expectations?
MC: It didn’t just satisfy them - it far exceeded my expectations!
The corners of Lucien’s lips curl slightly, and he scratches the tip of my nose gently.
Lucien: But I don't think this is enough.
After saying this, he takes out a gift box wrapped with a bow.
MC: What’s this? I didn’t expect Professor Lucien to have such a feminine heart.
Faced with my teasing, Lucien chuckles wordlessly, beckoning me to open the gift box.
After opening it, I realise that there’s an antique, hand cranked music box in it.
MC: Is this for me?
Lucien: Mm. Music can regulate the cerebral cortex, and can even awaken a person’s memories, carrying the weight of people’s emotions. That is why I prepared a music box. The melody in it is the main theme song of this amusement park. In the future, as long as you play this melody, you can relive this memory, and feel the state of mind that we have right now.
I turn the handle, and the smooth music flows out slowly. The corners of my lips involuntarily curl upwards.
Lucien: Actually, I found your question very unexpected before, wondering why you’d want us to return to our innocent selves.
Lucien pauses, then continues.
Lucien: Although people often say that innocence will vanish along with the passage of time, that a day would come when we have to bid it farewell, and walk towards maturity...
Lucien: I don't think innocence and maturity are necessarily mutually exclusive. After all, I can always sense it from you.
My heart softens in an instant, but I can’t help but want to tease him for a while. I shoot him a smile.
MC: Professor Lucien is flattering me again. Also, maybe I just wanted to see your innocent side?
Lucien is stunned for a moment, then chuckles. He reaches out to pat my head.
Lucien: That won’t be necessary. Because to me, you're a part of my most innocent side. If you’re willing, I hope to accompany you through “the most perfect day”, each and every day.
Lucien: So, remember to stay by my side always.
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My heart is brimming with emotions which are unable to be put into words. I subconsciously take a step forward, hugging the person in front of me tightly.
He seems to freeze for an instant. But very quickly, his slender arms wrap themselves around me with the same strength.
I inhale his scent greedily and deeply, my voice trembling slightly.
MC: Thank you, Lucien. For letting me have this most perfect day.
Lucien doesn’t say anything, but he rests his chin on the top of my head.
The lights in the amusement park dim one by one. The surrounding crowd heads towards the entrance in succession. But I no longer feel reluctant to leave.
I know that even though the amusement park may be over, this memory will continue being preserved, remaining in our hearts.
Amongst the clamour of the crowd, we hug each other quietly. When the final warm yellow streetlight is left, I part with Lucien’s hug, offering him my hand happily.
MC: Let’s go too!
Lucien: Mm, let’s go home.
Our palms are pressed together tightly, as though wanting to embed every moment we’ve experienced into the lines.
The light from the path ahead is very dim. But in our hearts, we seem to own the light of the entire world.
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peachyteabuck · 4 years
clear the clouds (bucky barnes x reader)
summary: after weeks of bucky feels down, natasha knows exactly who to call to make him feel better
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
words: 2,030
trigger warnings: sickening fluff, also - please don’t take kitten rearing advice from fanfiction
notes: this is a birthday present for the effervescent @m00nlightdelights​, who asked for bucky barnes interacting with kittens. happy birthday babe! 
ask box / masterlist / commission info / ko-fi
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Natasha was the one who called you – asking something many dream for but very few get to experience. It’s hard to transport that many tiny, wriggling animals across town and very few are willing to pay the exorbitant, arbitrary amount of money you had made some intern put on the website after the twentieth call asking about the particular service.
People, apparently, really want to rent a bunch of kittens for several different types of events – finals weeks at universities and rich high schools, bat and bar mitzvahs, once even a wedding. Why those event coordinators can’t rent service animals is beyond you, and why they always expect you to do these things for free is also a mystery.
No matter why those people wanted your kittens, you closed the service except for incredibly rare cases.
One of those incredibly rare cases, per the usual path of your life, involved Natasha Romanoff.
You owed her a favor from a few years back, when she made sure an ex-boyfriend of yours…well, for legal purposes you can’t talk about it, but Natasha made sure he never bothered you or your friends ever again.
Natasha’s got enough tact not to bring the year-long ordeal up – just said she wanted to “cash in” on your side of the bargain. You sighed into the office landline when she told you she was calling for her favor, the exhale so deep it was still audible despite the barking and scratching and the menagerie of other noises.
It takes you a second to collect yourself, to shove the memories back into that little box your therapist had you build and then tuck into the back of your brain.
Despite not being able to see her face, you can tell she’s frowning and has furrowed her brow. “You good?”
You nodded, then remembered how phones work. “Yeah,” you let out a small sigh. “Yeah, I’m fine. You want the kittens at Avengers Towers this weekend for a few hours to help that friend of yours-“
“Bucky,” Natasha interrupts you. “His name is Bucky. And you should go out with him.”
Despite still knowing how phone works, you roll your eyes. “Didn’t you just say he spent the last week bedridden because of depression. It doesn’t exactly sound like he’s in the right state of mind for a relationship.”
Your friend scoffs into the phone, shutting what you think is a thick book for dramatic audial effect. “And you spend fifteen hours a day at your shelter because it gives you an excuse not to see people. I don’t need you to marry him, I’m saying maybe a coffee date would be good for you.”
There’s a pause where you search for a sarcastic response, but Natasha beats you to it.
“Actually, no,” she says, voice dripping with a lovable dryness you can’t help but admire. “It will be good for both of you.”
Another pause while you recalculate your sarcastic response cortex. After a deeply silent thirty seconds, you give up.
“Fine,” you acquiesce. “But you and Wanda are helping me and you’re buying me lunch for that day and you’re helping me during adoption day at the museum next month.”
Somehow, you can hear Natasha’s wide and triumphant smile. “You got it, kid.”
And with that, you hang up before falling back in your office chair. You swear, that woman could convince you to do anything.
Fucking spies, you think before putting the event in the shelter’s e-calendar.
The day arrives both too quickly and not quickly enough – your brain caught between something akin to “existential dread” and “oh my God my friend is trying to set me up with her friend and what if it doesn’t work but what if it does” the entire week before the planned event. During the night before you down quadruple your normal dose of melatonin to fall asleep after spending three entire hours trying on all your clothes to plan the right outfit (in the end, you chose an unusually nice pair of leggings and a plan sweater along with boots cute enough to fool a man into thinking they’re fancy while still protecting your feet from the end-stage winter air outside.
(Also, the leggings and sweater are the easiest things to lint roll kitten fur off of you for, say, a date at an upscale coffee shop you normally wouldn’t even think of going to, but that’s nobody’s business and you totally one hundred percent did not think about that when trying the outfit on.)
You meet Natasha and Wanda at the shelter the next morning, you getting there before them to gather the necessary supplies from the back. Despite them promising to help you load your car with kittens and kitten-adjacent items, you still didn’t want either of them messing with the precious organization system you’d spent years perfecting (and years training interns and vet techs how to abide by it).
Luckily, with your precautions and time management – and despite Wanda’s need to kiss every kitten (yes, every kitten) as they were loaded into crates – you arrive at the infamous Stark Tower right on time.
Set up of the whole thing doesn’t take long, Natasha successfully leading the way through the maze of which is the expansive building. You pass a few people you recognize from Natasha’s stories and the news, and a few others who you don’t but still smile as they pass (whether they were just being nice or smiling at the kittens in the crates you were holding, you refused to decide).
It takes a few elevator rides, but eventually you get to the desires floor and room – Wanda knocking on the door after setting her Ikea bag of playpen supplies on the carpeted floor.
A response is nearly immediate. “Go away!” a gruff voice calls, muffled by the thick walls.
Natasha and Wanda both roll their eyes. “Shut up and open the door!” the former replies.
There’s no verbal response, but you do hear shuffling before the door opens to reveal a figure more brick house than man. His hair is messy, sweatshirt a size too large and solid black but with jeans that fit perfectly. His boots – much thicker and blacker than yours – are dirty.
“What do you want?” he grumbles.
Natasha remains unphased by the man’s demeanor. “We have kittens. Now move out of my way so we can set all this shit up and you can pet some cute animals.”
Bucky gives her a look and rolls his eyes, but steps asides and holds the door open for the three of you nonetheless.
Twenty minutes later, Bucky found in the middle of the four-foot wide pen, bewildered. He’s done a lot of things in his life, many of which would be impossible for (nearly) anyone else to accomplish. He speaks thirty languages (plus Morse code and ten variations of sign language), he’s hunted bears with his bare hands, he’s survived Russian winters and summers in the Amazon rainforest.
Yet, somehow, the thing that stunts him beyond reproach is a small play pen filled with about forty tiny, six-week old kittens that are all their own form of chaotic. Bucky doesn’t know where to look, let alone how to grab the ones that catch his eye. He’s terrified of crushing them like bug caught under a hardcover book, of breaking their tiny ribs or tiny legs or tiny necks.
He watched you intensely when you and Natasha and Wanda pulled them out of their crates, watching how you held them and which one allowed you to give them kisses and which one chased after the strands in Natasha’s ponytail. He noticed which ones curled up in small spheres in the corners of the pen, which ones immediately bopped about, which ones immediately sought out the bottle of formula you’d prepared and which ones nibbled at the liquidy wet food that had been scooped into a neon blue bowl.
Each tiny animal was different, and it amazed him.
There was this one cat, a fluffy little white one with one ear and splotches of buttery yellow seems the boldest, eyeing Bucky as if the man was this small cat’s Everest. The floral collar (one of those break-away ones, you had told him, meant to keep the kittens from getting hurt but allowing the rescuers to identify them by name and rescue identification number) has a small nameplate – a gold one – with “Squirt” etched into the metal.
“Squirt,” Bucky repeats under his breath. “Nice to meet you, little guy.”
The cat gives him a small, pterodactyl-like scream in response, as if the small animal is too young to speak in any other tone but “loud.”
Bucky smiles at the imagined conversation, allowing the brave creature to dig its tiny claws into the leg of his jeans just above his socked feet (he took off his boots when he arrived in the room, as per your request), the start to his magnificent journey.
“I do not mind being climbed,” the man answers out loud. For once, he doesn’t take in the entire room’s emotions and reactions before he says something – he just talks, even if that freedom from paranoia is only allowing him to speak to someone (or thing) that can’t talk back.
Squirt gets to Bucky’s knee before screeching once more, just as tenacious as when he was on the floor. “THIS IS MUCH HARDER THAN I EXPECTED,” is all Squirt says.
Bucky laughs, ignoring the several other kittens who are trying to claw up Bucky’s metal arm – each unsuccessful but determined to continue to try. “I’m a lot bigger than you realized, huh?”
Squirt takes a few more wobbly steps, tail high in the air, before looking to Bucky for guidance as the tiny creature stands on his thigh. “I WOULD LIKE SOME HELP, PLEASE,” Bucky interprets from the screeches.
He laughs, not moving. Another kitten, this time an equally tiny short-haired black cat named “Foosball” attempts to follow in Squirt’s literal and metaphorical footsteps, but gives up when she gets to Bucky’s knees. This, too, makes him let out a chuckle. “Don’t worry, kid. You’re doing just fine.”
You watch Bucky’s interactions with the kittens intensely – telling yourself you just need to make sure he doesn’t hurt them accidentally. In truth, he was handling them the best you’d seen anyone outside your shelter in a long time – gentle, firm, attentive. His pseudo-conversations warm your heart, and the only thing that breaks your concentration is one of the larger kittens walking up to the barrier of the pen to scream at you from inside her prison that she was hungry. Natasha and Wanda had long left, citing some bureaucratic problem that was probably bullshit but, regardless of accuracy, left you and Bucky alone.
“What does she want?” the man asks, body still frozen as Squirt climbs his chest.
“Butterfly wants to eat,” you reply while you grab one of the syringes with formula.
“Why can’t she eat from the bowl of food?” he asks. It’s not accusatory, just curious. It’s sweet, extremely so, and makes you realize that Natasha was right – this is good for him.
“At six weeks, most kittens are weened from their mothers or,” you pick Butterfly up and hold her against you as she suckles at the plastic nozzle. “In this case, syringes. But sometimes it just takes a little longer.”
Bucky hmms, turning his attention back to the kittens before he speaks again. “Do you want to get coffee?”
You swallow, looking at him look at Squirt. “Like…with you?”
Bucky nods as he sits up, the brave kitten now on his shoulder and several others vying for his attention. “I, uh,” he swallows. “Yeah. Coffee. With me. Like a, uh, a date. With me. Where we get coffee.”
You giggle a little, both at his flustered speech and at Butterfly’s post-feeding tiredness. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Cool,” is all Bucky replies, the both of you now focused back on the kittens.
Dammit, you think. Natasha was right again.
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cxplqnce · 4 years
Barry Allen - Back to December
Based on Back to December by Taylor Swift
This was requested by @im-still-tryin-to-find-it , hope you like it!
Word Count: 2,439
I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life, tell me how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while
You and Barry broke up a while ago. Eight months, two weeks and four days ago. The 20th of December - the day your heart was shattered.
You’d been kidnapped, again, and you had both had enough. He’d had enough of seeing you hurt every time a villain kidnapped you or used you to get to him and you’d had enough of being weak and powerless against these people. So you exploded at each other.
“I can’t do this anymore, Barry!” You yelled, cutting off his previous statement and stopping him from hugging you.
He looked taken aback by your outburst as tears welled up in your eyes, “Do what?” He croaked out, thinking about how this conversation would play out.
“I can’t keep getting hurt and kidnapped and used!” You explained, your voice loud and tense. You grabbed his hands, softening your tone, “I know, it’s not your fault that they keep coming after you… and it’s not your fault that you’re the Flash a-and it’s not your fault that all these horrible things keep happening to you... B-But it’s my fault that they keep happening to me, because… because I keep sticking around. And I can’t keep doing it… sticking around.” You explained.
“And I can’t keep letting you get hurt.” Barry agreed, “It’s my fault that I didn’t let you go sooner.”
“So… This, we’re… over.” You whispered, tears cascading down your cheeks.
Barry lifted his hand and wiped away your tears with his thumb before pulling you into a hug, “I guess we are.”
You've been good, busier than ever
We small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why
You saw him a few times during the next few months, since you still lived in Central City, not being able to move away. The last time you saw him was a few weeks ago, outside of the CCPD. You’d gone there to deliver coffee to a friend of yours who was an officer and you’d accidently bumped into him. You talked about trivial things like the weather and then you both made excuses to leave.
“I am so sorry!” You said, as you leant down to pick up the files the person you had bumped into dropped. You looked up and saw, “Barry, hi.”
“Hi.” He said back. “How’ve you been?”
You smiled hoping he wouldn’t see through it, “Good,” You lied, handing him the file. “Weather’s been great, right? Nice and sunny.”
“Yeah, exactly…” He started, before there was a moment of awkward silence between the two of you, “Anyway, I’ve got to get these to Captain Singh.”
As he walked away that day, you couldn’t help but think about everything that happened. You’d heard about the latest big bad, Zoom, and how much of an effect he’d had on Barry through Cisco. You had texted him about it but he hadn’t responded and you couldn’t blame him.
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
Barry hadn’t been doing well. He heard from Cisco – a few weeks after your break-up – that you had gotten sick. It was just a stomach bug but he couldn’t help himself. He sent you roses with a card that said, ‘Get Well Soon, I Miss You – B.’
You read the card but in sheer frustration you burned it in your fireplace and stamped on the roses. You regretted that decision after a few hours of thinking about it.
After you got better, Barry saw you on the street with a few of your friends after you’d gone out partying – a friend of yours had pulled you out to celebrate her promotion and he was on his way back to STAR Labs after defeating a meta. He felt like crap after that so he threw himself into something he could control – Zoom.
These days I haven't been sleeping
Staying up playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed and I didn't call
After you destroyed the roses, you regretted it. You regretted all of it. All you could do for weeks was replay the moment you left and you hated yourself for it even though you knew it was for good reason. It was a selfless decision, to make life easier for both of you. He didn’t have to worry about you getting hurt and you didn’t have to feel weak and powerless anymore or worry about his safety. But you wanted to be selfish so you recorded a voicemail.
“Hey, Bare… I know I shouldn’t be calling and I shouldn’t be saying any of this… but, but I miss you. I do, I miss you! And I can’t stop myself from thinking… Maybe we made a mistake. Maybe we made the selfless decision for a reason but maybe we didn’t. Maybe we deserve to be selfish – after everything we’ve been through.
“Anyway, I’m sorry. I miss you and I love you.”
After you recorded it you were going to send it but you chickened out. However, you still saved it.
And I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side
And realized I'd loved you in the fall
You thought about when you first got together, before you figured out who the Reverse-Flash really was. He’d been freaking out about what to do and you tried to calm him down. And you thought about the summer after the Reverse-Flash, after Eddie and Ronnie died and he got justice for his parents. You had been there for him through all of it and he was so grateful. You made him happy even though he felt like his world was crashing down – you held it up.
“Barry! Hey, it’s okay.” You whispered, wrapping your arms around him as he tried to calm his breathing. “I’m here, I’ll always be here. I promise.”
“Thank you.” He whispered back, into your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His breathing got slower and you just held each other for a few minutes or perfect silence before he pulled away from your grasp slightly. “Thank you, for everything. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You smiled, “Well, you’ll never have to find out.” You said, brushing his hair out of his face with your fingers.
Suddenly, he brought his hands to your cheeks and pulled your lips to his. Sparks flew between you, it felt like a rom-com ending where the two leads finally realise they are in love and have the climactic ‘big kiss’.
It was October when you first said those three little words. You had just saved Stein and paired him with Jax to stabilize the FIRESTORM matrix. Hewitt had been dealt with and you had finally gotten a moment alone with your boyfriend.
“Hey, superhero.” You smiled, walking into the cortex where Barry stood looking at the monitors and his suit.
He smiled when he saw you and heard the little nickname you gave him, “Hey,” He replied, beckoning you over and pulling you into his side. You rested your head on his chest, feeling the safest you’d ever felt. It was this moment you knew.
“I love you.” You whispered, out of the blue. Barry pulled away from you and looked down at your smiling face, “I know that everything with Earth-2 and Wells and Jay is crazy. And I know you’re a superhero and the universe is nothing like what we thought it was. And I know that we are the furthest thing from a normal couple and I know that I don’t know what is going to happen next. And I know that I love you… So, so much.”
A smile had crept onto Barry’s face at your words, and he rested his hand on your shoulders, “I love you too. That’s all I know, and it’s everything that I need.”
And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye
Being kidnapped was scary but you’d kind of gotten used to it by this point. Mark Mardon, James Jesse and Snart had kidnapped you and brought you to their hideout. Thankfully, Barry had saved you and Central City but the fear of being kidnapped again started to get to you.
Yes, you had been kidnapped before but it was something about the three of them that freaked you out. That’s when you’d blown up even though you didn’t mean to and didn’t want to. Fear had gotten to you. So you said goodbye.
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry
You missed him. Plain and simple. You regretted your decision and you missed him. You missed his smile, his personality, his optimism, his faith in people and his belief that they were good. He did right by you, he was good to you and he wasn’t perfect but he was definitely perfect for you.
Barry wasn’t the only one with problems. There were times when you’d break down and he’d be the one to hold you up. You didn’t always show your emotions – you were good at keeping them locked up but you felt comfortable around him to let him know.
You stood outside of his door at five in the morning, wrapped up in his coat that he’d left at your house. Thankfully, Barry was the one who opened the door only a few seconds after you rang the doorbell.
“Hey,” He said, concern on his tired face when he saw the tears on yours. You’d had a fight with your sister and even though it was early and he had work in the morning, he still invited you in. “Do you want a drink or something to eat?”
“No, I just want you.” You said. Barry smiled, sitting down on the couch and pulling you into his arms.
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again I swear I'd love you right
I'd go back in time and change it but I can't
You missed him so you made the selfish decision to talk to him and try to get him back. It had been a difficult thing to do. You waited at Jitters for a few hours to try and catch him but as soon as he showed up you chickened out. You tried to catch him at work but chickened out a second time so you decided to go to his house.
Little did you know, but Barry was thinking the same thing. His dad had died three months prior and he realised how short life was and how much he need you in his. He missed everything about you; your positivity, your stubbornness and your smile. You weren’t perfect but you were perfect for him.
So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time
You walked up the steps to his house and knocked on the door. You waited for a few seconds before Barry opened it. “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
“Can we talk?” You asked. He nodded and let you in the house. You sat yourself on the couch and started. “I’m sorry. For everything, I just want to be selfish – I mean, I-I don��t know how to say it.” You said, trying to get the words out. You couldn’t figure out how to phrase what you wanted to say but you remembered the voicemail. “Wait a sec.” you got out your phone and found it, holding your it out to him. “Just listen to this.”
Barry took the phone from your hand and put it up against his ear.
“Hey, Bare… I know I shouldn’t be calling and I shouldn’t be saying any of this… but, but I miss you. I do, I miss you! And I can’t stop myself from thinking… Maybe we made a mistake. Maybe we made the selfless decision for a reason but maybe we didn’t. Maybe we deserve to be selfish – after everything we’ve been through.
“Anyway, I’m sorry. I miss you and I love you.”
Barry’s face contorted in confusion and realisation as he listened intently to your words, pulling the phone away from his ear when he heard the end beep. “You mean that, all of it.”
“Yeah,” You answered, a tear falling out of your eye. You stood up, feeling a surge of confidence, “And I want to be selfish with you. Life is short and precious and I want to make the most of it but I can’t do that without you… I have never regretted anything more than I regret what I did… So, I-I am swallowing my pride and standing here telling you that I am so sorry for that night. I didn’t know what I had until you weren’t mine anymore and if I could I would go back and change everything… and I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to realise that I love you.”
Barry leapt up from the couch and held your hands in his, “I am so glad you just said all that… I feel exactly the same way. I wish I could go back and change our minds, because I love you, Y/N. I love you so much and I can’t live without you either…  I was scared that I would lose you but I won’t be scared anymore because family makes us stronger and you are my family… I promise you, that I will do everything I can to protect you… And I will spend every day showing you how much you mean to me. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled, “Now kiss me, you dork.” Barry smiled back at you, obliging to your demands. Your lips moved together in perfect sync as you held each other, promising never to let go again.
A/N: Also, follow my instagram @ cxplqnce and I take requests! :)
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samanthalightning · 4 years
She's Got A Date-EoWells X Allen!reader- Part II
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*The GIF is not mine. All rights to the owner*
Part I
Summary: A new meta is in town, and you are starting to want your secret relationship not to be not-so secret anymore. But Wells doesn't have the same idea
Warnings: Smut if you squint very hard.
You never really were one to wake up early in the morning. You hated it, actually. You never liked seeing the sun rising up, you hated the way it made you feel; that heart sinking and hopeful feeling. It reminded you of when your mother died. You stayed all night with your brother in the precinct, after a few hours of sleep, you woke up when the sun was rising, and you wished really hard to go home and see your parents again. But you never did. Your Mom died, your Dad went to prison for your Mom's murder, you never came home, and the Detective from the case adopted you. Barry told you back then that the sun was also a star, unfortunately, it wasn't the star for wishing.
You hated mornings, but of course, you have to pay bills and have to get a certain someone from your bed.
Your limbs ache, as you stretch your arms over your head. You went rounds last night, which shows how much you missed each other and how much of an animal you both were.
Still completely groggy, you moved under the sheets, propped your elbows, laying on your stomach to stare at him. You couldn't help but smile upon the sight of him.
Always so stern, well-composed, mysterious, guarded, seems like the kind of guy who's least likely to do something that will get him in huge trouble— except for the Particle Accelerator explosion, that was a huge mess— Now, he's in your apartment, sprawled out on your bed, specifically, naked under the sheets of 24-year old girl's bed. So relaxed and comfortable. The careful and stoic demeanor he radiated temporary vanished.
You ran your fingers through his brown, unruly locks. You remember how hard you gripped on them last night.
God, memories like this are what enters your mind when you talk to Barry and Joe; it makes you flustered and all scared to face them. Eventually it got easier to deal with, but the guilt doesn't fade, or it hasn't yet.
Despite Barry's admiration for the man, he would question it. You're his baby sister, and there are so many issues he could point out. But you know him, he'll get over it quickly.
Joe, on the other hand, the silent treatment is what he's going to put on. He's a tough man to break. Besides, he has yet to deal with Iris and Eddie dating.
You didn't want them to feel as though you betrayed them or left them out on a part of your life, because they're part of it. You really wanted to tell them.
You don't want to be all sappy, you want to take in this nice morning and this man in front of you. He usually wakes up before you. Perhaps you really worn him out last night.
You ran your dainty finger across his cheek, he stirred in his sleep, grumpily. You stifled a giggle. Even in his sleep, he's guarded.
"Good morning," you mumbled, leaning to kiss his pink thin lips.
That woke him up. Gradually gaining his consciousness, his lips moved against yours, passionate and sweet. He reeled you into him, his bare chest meets your naked ones. His hands roamed your body, up and down your sides. He then planted a hand on the small back softly, pressing you closer to him, while his other hand slowly moved dangerously low. He runs his hand on the skin of your thigh, up and down. At the same time, your hands gripped his biceps.
The kiss deepened, squeezed and nails dug on the skin of your thigh in the process. You tried to suppress a moan, but damn he was such a good kisser. You don't know how he managed to stay quiet during intimate times like this. The kiss was turning feverishly and intoxicating. You felt that warm feeling in your stomach, an ache between your legs, sending jolts of excitement through your veins.
Wells knew you better than yourself, and he knows how you get. So before things escalated further, it took him a decent amount of control to reluctantly pull away from your lips.
A beam already crossed his face, as he fluttering his eyes open, "A good morning, indeed,"
You gave him one more peck on the lips, before placing your head on his chest, and his arm around you. You snuggled further to his warm body. It's heavenly, because it's starting to get colder in Central City.
"Can't we just stay in bed today?" You looked up to him, pouting with puppy dog eyes. It has an effect on him, and you like to push your luck.
"We have to go to work. And Caitlin and Cisco will notice."
You sighed. "I know." Your fingers drew circles on his chest. "Don't you think it's time to tell them, Har? It's been 6 months."
"I just need things to wind down, then we'll tell them," he assured you, though it wasn't enough to convince you, because that was what he said the last time. You're young, not dumb.
"When will that be?" You tried not to sound as if you were forcing him, but sneaking around is becoming tiring.
Wells frowned, uncomfortable with the discussion. "I don't know. Let's not talk about this— come on, we need to get ready." He tried to sit up, but you pinned him down. Your legs over his and hugged him tightly.
"Y/N…" He warned. You didn't bugde, kept him pinned down on the bed.
"Let's just stay in for a little while. How about just one more round?" You suggested playfully, biting your lip.
He opened his mouth to object, but you didn't bother to let him start. You ghosted his neck, your lips trailing up, and planted a kiss behind his ear, his sweet spot. You sucked it to leave a mark. His chest heaved, licked his dry lips and hummed in satisfaction.
"Y/N, w-we need to go," he managed to stutter those words.
Ever so stubborn, you didn't listen. Instead, you hushed him, and started nibbling on his ear. You earned a growl from him.
"Just one. I promised," you whispered seductively.
Your fingertips brushed against the skin of his stomach, traveled lower and lower, down lower abdomen, painstakingly slow just to rile him up. His breathing was getting uneven. His face still maintained a leveled expression, but his blue eyes turned dark, boring into yours. You decided to go for it. You took his length, as he grunted. You slowly pumped the base, torturing him. He couldn't help but let out a guttural groan.
You don't wanna look back later today, and all you remember was you talking about going out in public again. So, make-up sex, even though you didn't really fight.
He gave in. One round turned into two, turned into three, until you both were very exhausted and fell asleep.
You didn't wake up until it was late. Harrison wasn't very pleased with this. You know he had every right to; this the third time he got late, because of you.
He scolded you for sidetracking him, hurrying out of your apartment, not before giving you peck on the lips.
The elevator dings, and the doors slide open. You exhaled sharply, mentally cursing yourself for having no self control. You and Wells went at it like bunnies in heat.
You hissed, stepping outside. You were a little sensitive, so sore, limbs are like jello. Your legs wobbled as you walked in the hallway. You feel like each step you take, you're gonna collapse to the floor. It's gonna take you a few days to walk properly again. So much for being subtle and discreet. The team will definitely notice.
You entered the cortex. Caitlin and Cisco were present, of course. Cisco was chilling in his seat, feet up on the desk, while fiddling with a pen. As usual was babbling, about how excited he is to know what kind of meta you have to deal with today to Caitlin who was invested in whatever she was doing on the computer.
He paused, seeing you entered the room.
"I take that your date went well last night," he teased.
Caitlin spun her chair around to face you, cocked her head slightly and an intrigued look crossed her face.
You rolled your eyes. "I didn't have a date, Cisco," you insisted.
You know that, of course, they would wonder. Usually, you would come to the lab around Dr. Wells would arrive, just so you can sneak into his tight schedule.
"I just overslept," you lied, not meeting anyone's eyes.
"Funny. Dr. Wells overslept, too," Caitlin commented with knitted eyebrows.
Your eyebrows lifted, surprised. Despite the fact that this happened before, it still surprises you how fast he can get here.
"He's here?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't he be?" Cisco scoffed jokingly.
Your face paled. Oh crap. You were not as good as him.
You opened your mouth, but luckily, Barry, Joe and Wells entered the cortex to save you. They got a case that needed some insights. Members of a crime family had been murdered. Poisoned by gas, specifically. And Joe thinks that it's a Meta.
Wells wheeled to the desk. "Fascinating. A meta-human that can manipulate poison gas," Wells commented.
"Is it just poisonous gas or he can control all aerated substances?" Cisco questioned, walking to the comms, and stood behind Dr. Wells.
Caitlin followed suit. "And how is he able to formulate the connection. Is it physiological or psychological?" She inquired, taking a seat on the chairs, immediately working on something on the computer.
"This individual can create a mental nexus using gaseous substances," Wells said.
"You mean connective gases on a molecular level?" You asked him, eyes lighting up in excitement.
"That is ridiculously cool," Cisco stated.
"This is so exciting," you squealed, rocking your feet in excitement like a child at an amusement park.
Barry laughed at your reaction, Joe looked at you incredulously.
You changed your expression and mimicked a frown, "I mean, it's devastating. People died. Sad."
"They get really excited about this stuff," Barry said to Joe.
"The only thing I'm excited about is putting criminals behind bars, except Iron Heights isn't exactly equipped to handle meta-humans," Joe stated.
"I guess it's fortunate the ones you've encountered so far no longer with us,"
It really is.
"Well, unless we're planning on executing every super criminal we stop, you geniuses are going to have to come up with someplace else to hold them,"
Joe was right. The number of people affected by the Particle Accelerator was huge, it's hard to track them all down, and killing them all isn't exactly the best approach for this problem.
"A meta-human prison? Sweet," Cisco murmured.
"Until we figure a way to remove their powers,"
"There is one place here that might hold them," All of your heads turned to Cisco in curiosity.
"You can't be serious," Caitlin scoffed. "We haven't been down there since— it's cordoned off."
"Cisco's right," Wells agreed. "It could be modified to acts as a makeshift prison,"
Caitlin looked at them in disbelief. Your eyebrows furrowed, confused. You tried to read the room, though you didn't get what they were talking about that made Caitlin upset. She's always been uptight, sure, but this was different. As if she was hurt.
"What could?" Barry asked.
"The Particle Accelerator," he replied.
It all suddenly clicked. Caitlin's fiancé died because of the explosion. Cisco told you he died down there. The details were vague, the team wasn't very open to discuss whatever happened that night.
Silence hung around the cortex, as everyone shifted uncomfortably. It was a touchy subject. To you, to Barry, to Joe, especially to them; the ones who lose more than anyone in this room.
"Uhm, I guess we should go down," Cisco spoke.
You all agreed. Cisco scurried out of the room immediately. Wells was about to follow Cisco, but turned over his shoulder, asking Caitlin if she wants to come with you.
Caitlin didn't budge. She stared blankly at the distance, lost in her own world. The doctor called out to her again, only to be ignored.
"Caitlin," he called her. Caitlin whipped her head around, raising an eyebrow in question. "Did you hear me? Are you going down the accelerator with us?"
Barry cleared his throat. "Actually Dr. Wells used Caitlin's help identifying the poison gas." He turned to Caitlin. "If that's okay with you."
Caitlin smiled at your brother. "Let's go."
Taking a step forward, your body reminded you how sore you were. You limped as you tried to exit the cortex. You weren't exactly subtle. The team noticed you struggling with... walking.
"You okay, Y/N?" Joe was obviously concerned. "You're walking a little funny,"
Your eyes flickered to your boyfriend's blue ones. He was watching you carefully, just to see how you are going to dodge this. You wonder are you going to, as well.
If you had a dollar for every single person who corners you, you'll have— well, two dollars.
"Yeah," you chuckled nervously. "Just a little sore. Took some workout classes last night, and the trainer was very hard and intense on me." He coughed at your choices of words, blush creeping up on his cheek.
Your lips curved slightly, only for it to fade when Joe pointed at your neck. "Your trainer gave you some hickeys as well?" He questioned.
Your eyes went wide, cheeks turning
into a dark shade of red, hands quickly flew your neck to cover whichever part of your neck he left a mark on. He's not a damn good detective if it weren't for his observation skills.
"I think I heard Cisco calling us. Gotta go! Bye!" You sprinted-staggered out of the cortex.
Joe looked at Caitlin for answers. Caitlin shrugged and answered, "She had a date,"
You all approached the entrance of the accelerator. You've never been here before, it's not like you have any reason to down here, but the thought of wandering the what's underneath the floor you work for that blew a hole in the city did enter your mind countless of times. You didn't want to ask, though. It was a sensitive subject.
It's huge space, hollow, dim, despite the number of lights it has, and there's a lot of pipes. There's not much to say, really.
"The copper in the tube is arranged to form cavities," Wells pointed out, wheeling inside. "And we can use those cavities as containment, which we have to design to counteract meta-humans abilities, but..." He paused, processing a thought.
"This is perfect," Cisco said with a heave of chest. He seemed reluctant, but it was the best option you got.
All of you take a look around, check for somethings that could be faulty or ruptured by the explosion, so you could fix it, before building the makeshift prison. Cisco took the other side, and you followed Wells.
You pulled your cardigan across your chest, and crossed your arms. It felt strange and bone-chilling, almost. Lurking around the place that someone died in. Ronnie, Caitlin's fiancé could have been anywhere in here, before he died. It must be so hard for Caitlin. It must have hurt so bad. She had to go to work everyday to the place where the love of her life was killed. You always wondered what he was like, prior to the whole mess 10 months ago. No one talked about him, and asking seems to be so insensitive for people you just had met. But it's been months, and you're all way past being just colleagues. You're dating your boss.
"You never talked about him," you began.
His eyes wandered around, too busy inspecting to turn to you. "About who?"
You wondered if he was truly oblivious or he just wants to confirm if you were asking about him.
"Ronnie," You saw the way his posture stiffened when you mentioned his name, but he didn't stop or paused.
You felt bad for asking. He never really says anything. You know he feels bad, but he was never vulnerable with it. 6 months of dating, he just never talked about his pain, and during the times he was actually in the state of it, you weren't in his life.
"He was a structural engineer for the project; he was a good man, a smart man," he said.
"And he died down here?" You inquired.
He nodded. "Yes,"
"How?" He slowed down, before eventually stopping.
You were met with silence. You instantly felt bad. You knew that you crossed a line and let your curiosity get the best of you. The details may be too much for him to explain.
You shook your head in regret. "I'm sorry. That was insensitive," you apologized.
"No, it's fine." He waved his fingers dismissively. "He contained the blast; adjusted it to make sure that it would go upward, not outward. He wasn't able to go out, since a lockdown was initiated. He saved so many lives that night, including mine."
You know he felt bad. For Barry, for Ronnie, for everyone. You took a step forward to him, and hugged his shoulders from behind tightly. You gave him a peck on the cheeks, then rested your chin on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry you lost him," you murmured to his ear.
He sighed, relaxing in your arms, as he put a hand on your arm and rubbed his thumb against the fabric of your cardigan, soothingly.
"Thank you," he mumbled.
"How about dinner again tonight? Just to cheer you up," you suggested.
"I thought we're gonna take a break from your cooking,"
You rolled your eyes, but you were the one who suggested it. You need practice, not spontaneous dinner with lack of experiences with cooking meals.
"I know—"
He straightened. "But…?" He already knew that there is an underlying agenda.
You were hesitant to even say it now, but it doesn't hurt to try. Again.
"There's this amazing restaurant that opened last month. They're not that pricey, but they serve a pretty decent steak. So I was wondering if he could go there too, you know, go on an actual date," you whispered the last part with a wince on your face.
You dreaded his reaction, because deep inside, you know what he's going to say. But you kept your hopes up that he might change his mind on the whole thing.
"Y/N…" He exhaled. "You already know what that means. "We talked about this, right? I don't think it's the best time for us to go public with our relationship."
You sighed, exasperated. You unwrap your arms around him. You heard those excuses enough today. "I know, babe. But why do these people matter? We don't need the public's seal of approval for being in a relationship." You argued.
He turned around to face you. You watched him, as he took your hands and kissed your knuckles sweetly. "We don't," he told you sincerely.
"Then why?"
"It's not the best time. Your brother just woke up and he has a new power to deal with. As long everything worked out, we'll talk about it, okay?" His eyes searching into yours for yes, so you look down at your feet.
You knew, of course. He told you that earlier, still you pushed. You always attempt to do this, using every reason and excuse, but it always leads to you being disappointed. You wonder why it still feels the same despite getting this reaction so many times.
This anger bubbled in your chest. "Yeah, I know. It's what you always say," you murmured through your gritted teeth, sarcasm dripping off of it.
He opened his mouth to reply, but you didn't give him a chance to do so, you walked ahead, past him. Wells, who was very aware of your frustration, followed you. He decided not to react or add fuel to fire. It was not the time nor the place.
While inspecting, walking quickly, so you stay a couple of meters ahead of him, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You fished it out. A notification popped out of the screen. It was a text from Iris.
"Hey. Are you busy tonight?”
Yikes. What do you think will happen?
Anyway, I'd really appreciate if you share this and give it some love. Thanks!
Part III
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #2
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I will post a new fanfic here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read/Save it on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/31883764
Ship: olivarry 
Status: married
WC: 1503 
Barry’s POV
I woke up the normal smile on my face, and I reached over for Oliver. He wasn’t in bed, so I suspected that he’d started making breakfast for myself and William. I pulled on some sweatpants and my STAR Labs sweatshirt. 
“Oliver!” I called, entering the kitchen. This isn’t our kitchen. This isn’t our house. 
Iris was here.
“Hey babe, morning. Look at these, they’re perfect this time?” Iris went in to kiss me. 
“What-uh Oliver-could have just w-w? 
“Oliver? What about Oliver? Did you get enough sleep last night?” “Well he’s my, my-” 
I look down to my hand expecting to find my emerald wedding ring, but instead I am met with a standard silver wedding ring. 
“Where’s my ring? Where’s Will?”
“What ring? Who’s Will? Are you alright? Look, if it’s Cicada, we will catch him. And with Cayden J-”
“No. Uh, right, Cicada.” “Are you alright, Barry?”
“Just, tired I guess?” “It it my cooking because-” “No, no, no. These smell,” I take a whiff of the pancake she placed in front of me, “delicious.” They smelled beyond atrocious, and I would literally do anything for an omelet from Ollie. 
“-so he’s fine Caitlin?” She hummed a yes. 
“Really? There are no anomalies. I-i don’t have a brain tumor or-nothing?”
“Barry, you’re in perfect shape.” “Tell me about it? Look at these abs, all mine,” Iris said, laying her hands all over me. I very much disliked it. 
“Maybe lay off on the PDA?”
“You sa-” “I know I like touch. But, uh, I’m going to go home.” 
“Barry, you’ve been off all morning, what is going on?” I got up and headed into the hallway. I didn’t even bother waiting for one of them to come talk to me, I just sped off.  
As I made my way to star city, I had a scary thought. What if Ollie doesn’t remember me? What if Will doesn’t remember me? 
I ran straight to Star City and picked up Oliver from the scene he was fighting at. I sped Diggle back to Argus, and I took Oliver with me back to our place in Star City. 
“Barry?” he said, wrapping his arms around me. Relief flooded my body. 
“Oh thank god, Ollie, I was so scared that you wouldn’t remember me. Us.” “No, never.” We quickly kissed. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Oliver said. 
I showed my hand, “Seems like I’m married to Iris.” “And I’m married to Felicity.” “I woke up in her house.” “You woke up, in bed, with her?” “No need to get jealous, bear,” Oliver smirked. 
“Of course I’m going to get jealous. You’re mine, and we don’t even have our rings!” “Baby, come ‘ere.” He kept me in his arms. 
“We will figure this out. I promise you.” He kissed my head. I quickly changed out of my Flash suit and into some sweats and a hoodie from Oliver’s closet. 
“We need to figure this out. Asap.”
“Morning Dad,” William said, yawning. Dad. Not Dads. He doesn't remember me. 
“Hey kiddo,” Oliver said back. 
“Who’s that?”
“He’s, uh, a friend of mine. He’s helping me with some work. 
“Where’s Felicity? I need help with-” “Give me a second, Will. I need to figure this out. Can you stay here for a while on your own?” “Uhm, sure.” “Raisa will be here anytime now.” “O-okay. Dad is everything alright?” “It’s fine, kiddo. Promise. Right, I’m going to head to work.” Ollie kissed William on the forehead before heading out. 
I followed close behind. 
“Bye Will.” “Uh, bye?”
Once in the hallways, I started crying. 
“Hey, shh, we’ll figure this out.” “H-he doesn’t remember me. Will, our son, h-he doesn’t know me.” “I know, bear, but we’re going to fix this, I swear to you.” 
“I-i don’t know how Ollie, everyone one on this earth think I married Iris. S-she’s like my sister.”
He just held me close, and I buried my head in his neck. 
“Bear, I’ve got an idea. Everyone on THIS earth. Kara.”
“W-we’d need team flash to get to her earth.”
“We need to tell them what’s happened. They’re your best friends, they’ll know something is wrong.”
“I-i-” “Baby, I promise this will all be fine.”
“How? How can you Oliver? We have no idea what the hell is going on,” I was upset, admittedly, and angry. 
“Barry, calm down.” He wrapped his arms around my neck, resting his forehead on mine. I took a deep breath. Ollie was right, we’d figure this all out. 
“Through the good and the bad, right?”
He replied with a careful kiss on the lips. 
“Come on, let’s get to STAR Labs.”
Barry took my arm and sped us there. “Barry?” Caitlyn said, “You’re back, and Oliver?”
“Hello,” he said, calmly. “So, how do I say this. Ollie and I-well, we’re married.” Cisco laughed, “Y-you and Oliver.”
I shot him a look. “Oh, oh you’re serious?”
“Look, we got married on the 28th of August. You, you were his best man, Cisco. He both used to wear a ring with the other person's colour on it. I-i, we, I love him more than anything in the world.” 
“Kiss then? Prove it,” Iris said, walking into the cortex. I carefully wrapped my arms around Barry’s neck, and leaned it. He was comfort, and love, and everything good in the world. When our lips met, it reminded me of that. I shifted my hands to run through his hair, and, a few moments later, we broke apart.
“Good enough?” I said, gesticulating wildly. 
“Yeah. That was no platonic kiss or whatever,” Cisco said, shocked.
“I tend to agree,” Caitlyn said. 
Iris just looked down, muttering, “I knew something was up this morning.”
“I-i’m so sorry Iris, it’s just that, that Ollie, he’s my everything and I need everyone to know that and remember that. And William he is my so-”
“Hey, hey Barry, I understand. I see how you look at him, it’s like the only thing in the world that matters is him. Y-you look at me with those same eyes, Barry Allen.”
“I promise this will all get fixed, I swear.”
“Go be a hero, Barry,” She whispered with a smile, laying a kiss on my cheek. I walked back over to Ollie, standing next to him. He wrapped a casual arm around me. Once a possessive git, always a possessive git. 
“Right, so we need to open a breach to earth 38.”
“Understood. I’ll grab the interdimensional extrapolator.” Cisco ran off, and we all stood there in somewhat of an awkward silence. 
“So, Barry, Oliver, when did you two meet?”
I looked at Ollie, silently begging him to answer the question.
“W-we met when he came to investigate a case similar to his mother's back in Starling. We ended up talking, going for dinner, but I thought he’d aired me. Turns out the whole coma thing was the reason he didn’t respond to my texts. Both our night jobs just pulled us together. It’s always been easy with Bear.“
“Right, one interdimenstionall extrapolator ready to go,” Cisco said, placing the small discus looking object in my hand. 
“Thanks,” I said, opening a breach. 
We quickly ended up on a farm on earth 28 greeted by, well, people threatening us. Well, that is, unti Kara showed up. 
“They’re friendlies, they’re friendlies!” she called, “Barry, Oliver!” 
“Meet my cousin Clarke.”
“As in the super one?”
Kara nodded. “You can just call me Clarke,” he smiled. 
“Barry Allen-Queen.”
“Oliver Allen-Queen.”
“Lovely to meet you, two. This is my wife Lois.” We both greeted her. 
“Kara, you know we’re married right?”
“Of course, otp.”
“Oh thank god!” I exclaimed. 
“What, what’s happening?”
“Everyone on our earth thinks he’s married to Iris, and they think I married Felicity.”
“W-wait? Really?”
Oliver nodded his pensive nod.
Time skip to when the book resets them 
I woke up again, but this time in the right bedroom. I reached my hand over, and I felt Oliver’s chest. 
“Ollie! Ollie!” I said, tears rolling down my face as his eyes fluttered open. I immediately cuddled into his chest. 
“Barry- look,” he said, carefully taking my fingers into his hand, and glossing over my hand. 
We both sighed with relief. 
“This isn’t over, Bear,” he said.
“I know. I know it isn’t. I-i’m just glad to be here.”
“Yeah me too,” he placed a kiss on my lips. 
“I’m going to go check on Will,” I said, getting up. I threw on some sweats and a hoodie. 
He hummed in agreement. 
I made the small walk to Will’s room, carefully sliding open the door. Will was sitting at his desk, typing at his computer. 
“Hey dad,” he said, briefly looking up.
I quickly wrapped my arms around him, kissing his forehead. 
“Dad? You alright?”
‘Yeah, fine, Fine now,” I smiled. 
“You’re acting strange.”
“I-it’s nothing kiddo. All good.”
“Ok. Can you get Dad to make his pancakes for breakfast?” “I might need your help convincing him.”
“Let’s go, then.”
The battle was far from won, but Ollie and I, we could figure it out. 
Read it/save it on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/31883764
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The Chameleon (Part 2)
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*Not my Gif*
~Part 1~
Post Date: 4-8-20
Paring: Barry Allen x Reader, Cisco Ramon x Reader, Team Flash x Reader
Word Count: 2.3K
FUTURE WARNINGS: Dealing w/ Trauma and attempted/mentions suicide
~Flash Master~
*Also keep in mind, I will (and did) ignore timelines in the show cause I wanna fuck with everything 😊*
Barry and Cisco sat in the Cortex, tossing Candy into each other’s mouths. “Watch this.” Barry told his friend as he chucked the M&M across the room and ran, skidding into place right into time to catch the thing in his mouth. His hands went into the air in victory, a bragging smirk on his face as he fell back into his chair.
“Not bad, not bad. But watch the master.” Cisco chucked the candy harder across the room much like Barry did, but moments before it collided with the floor, he had opened a breach, sending the candy right into his mouth. Unfortunately, the M&M went straight down his throat as he started coughing and Barry tried to help him, patting his back but ultimately chuckling. Cisco finally spit the thing out, taking deep breaths before either of them realized amongst the chaos an alarm went off.
Cisco coughed out, trying to find the source of the noise. “Uh, it’s a breach opened. It looks like it’s the alley next to Jitters.” He barely got the words out of his mouth before Barry donned his suit and ran out of the building. The streets were crowded as he raced by, but the alley was almost empty when he stopped next to a dumpster.
Almost empty.
“What the hell?” Barry whispered into his coms as saw you lying on the ground, eyes shut closed as you held something in your hand. Barry looked around, trying to find anyone else who could’ve caused the breach.
He took a few steps closer to you, on edge just in case you turned out harmful. “Hey, are you okay?” You didn’t say anything, trying to open your blinking eyes as Barry felt worried for you. “Ma’am?”
Your eyes peeled open as Barry saw the struggle from the light and he moved to block the sun. He took the time to study you, trying to figure you out before you spoke up. “Bartholomew?”
You saw his shoulders tensed as he looked at you, standing up completely and taking a few steps away. It wasn’t until the light caught your eye did the reality set in and you clutched the extrapolator in your hand before shoving it in your pocket, turning to where the blue light had left you. “No.” you mumbled as you could only see the brick wall in front of you. “No…” you ran your hand across the wall. “No! No!” Barry jumped when you started screaming, punching the wall and saying the words “Take me back! I can’t leave him!”
“Stop!” he yelled over you, coming to your side and bringing your arms down gently. You felt his touch, swinging your arm around to punch him but he caught it easily with a speed you hadn’t seen coming. Your head was pounding as you looked up into his big brown eyes, the familiarity just striking you to your core.
“Bartholomew…” Your head started to spin, a sudden rush of blood sending your head rolling to the side with one last mumble. “Bart…” Barry caught you the moment you started to fall over. He had no idea what was going on, all he knew was you came out of a breach, one you obviously wanted to return in to, knowing Barry’s name. and now you were passed out in his arms.
“Barry? What’s going on?” Cisco asked over his com as Barry sighed, his arm moving under your legs to hoist you in the air before rushing back to STAR labs. Cisco grabbed the papers around him, keeping Barry’s wind from blowing all over. “We really need to get paperweights!” He yelled before seeing Barry rushing into the med bay and laying you down on a bed. “Oh shit.” He held down the button to call Caitlin. “Caitlin, we need you!”
Caitlin rushed into the cortex, her heels clicking with each step as Iris followed behind. “What’s wrong?” Caitlin asked before seeing you on the bed. Barry kept his eyes on you, not trusting in the least bit that anything good was to come of this situation.
“She came through a breach and passed out. I brought her here.” Caitlin immediately began checking you out, the three others standing and watching her. Barry cross his arms, bring a hand up to pull off his mask.
“Woah, what if she wakes up and sees you?” Cisco said as he and Iris both paid attention to Barry, heading out of the med bay, letting Caitlin do her thing.
Barry shook his head. “She already knew my name. I didn’t even have to take my mask off.”
“Do you know her?” Iris asked, rubbing the back of her fiancé. Barry glanced back at you, seeing Caitlin put away her things and join them.
“No. I don’t recognize her at all.” He told them. He couldn’t help but stare at you, hearing the machine Caitlin hooked you up beep steadily. Everyone turned to look as well.
“She should wake up soon. A few minor cuts and bruises on her, but the one I’m most worried about is on her head.”
“Is that why she passed out?” Barry interrupted her, furrowing her brows. Caitlin nodded.
“Ok, can we get back to how she knows you?” Iris asked, leaning onto Barry. Cisco nodded, looking to Barry for answers he didn’t have. Caitlin furrowed her brows.
“Wait she knew you?”
“I don’t know. She didn’t call me Barry, she called me Bartholomew.”
“Do you think she’s from a different earth?” Barry shrugged at Cisco’s question, about to answer before his phone buzzed, telling him Joe needed him for a crime scene.
“I gotta go. Text me when she wakes up.” Iris and him left the lab hand in hand.
Cisco and Caitlin carried their day as normal, Cisco working on his newest invention and Caitlin spent the time checking on you, waiting for you to wake. She hadn’t found any signs of you being a meta-human so they skipped the meta-cuffs, using a normal pair to handcuff you to the bed. A few hours later, and several times Barry came back to check on you, you finally started stirring.
You opened your eyes, groaning at the brightness of the room. Silhouettes of people boarded your eyes when you opened them wider, feeling the stiff cold metal on your wrist.
You started to pull against it, making Caitlin jump and place a hand on your shoulder. “You’re okay! You’re okay!” You calmed down slightly, hearing a rushed clicking of heels followed by a softer, more thud of footsteps as two more people entered the room. You looked at the people in the room, the doctor who calmed you, a long black-haired man, a duo who looked to be father and daughter, and then him.
“Bart...” your voice was quiet, enough you thought they wouldn’t here but when Barry furrowed his brows, you knew at least he did.
“How do you know my name?” He asked, skipping all formalities. You stayed silent, coming up with a way to explain everything. “Who are you?”
“It’s a long story.” You told them. Their Bart just leaned back on the wall, giving you the go ahead to start talking. “Ok, I guess the first thing is my name’s Y/N and I’m not from this earth.” You didn’t hear a scoff coming from anyone, no demand to know who you ‘truly were’ and realized they knew about the multiverse.
“How did you get here?” The long haired man questioned you as you tried to reach into your pockets, only to pull on the metal cuffs. You groaned, letting your wrist settle.
“Any chance I can get these removed?” You smirked but no one made any move. You didn’t expect them too, really. You were always the most cautious on your team, Nora was always the one who trusted everyone. You cleared your throat, shaking away the thoughts of your team as you reached with your other hand, pulling out your extrapolator.
The device was taken out of your hands by the long haired man and you watched him look it over. “You made this?” You nodded your head, seeing a smirk appear on his lips. “Damn Girl.” Cisco passed it to Barry who took a look at it as well.
“So why’d you come here?”
You hesitated, leaning your head back on the pillow and closing your eyes. “I didn’t have a choice. Something happened on my earth. I barely got out.”
“What happened?” You couldn’t answer Iris’ question. You didn’t know what had happened, it all happened so fast and suddenly. Your eyes opened, clearing the memories from your conscious and swallowing.
Barry didn’t have to hear your answer to know something happened and by the way your eyes softened every time they landed on him, only to harden when you pulled away. “Guys can I have a minute.”
They all looked at him but his eyes remained on you. “Barr, are you sure?” The woman next to him asked. He nodded her hand, grabbing hers and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
You had to look away. You knew it wasn’t Bart, your Bart, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt to see it. Everyone filed out of the room, leaving you and the doppelgänger of the man you loved. He didn’t speak again, instead surprising you by releasing your cuffs.
“Thanks.” You mumbled as he smiled down to you, making your heart leap out of your chest. You sat up fast, hoping he couldn’t see the change in your expression as he pulled up a medical stool.
“You’re welcome.” He glanced to the main cortex, seeing his friends standing around, taking looks at the two of you every so often. “So you were a part of Team Flash on your earth?” You nodded, playing with your fingers.
“Yeah, for about 5 years. You have more people though. On my earth it was just Nora, Bart, and I.”
“Barry.” He interrupted, making you raise a brow at him. He shrugged, his mouth upturning to a smile again. “I go by Barry here.” You scrunched your face up, a slight grin coming into play as you remembered a certain conversation with Bart about nicknames and how he’d never let anyone call him Barry.
“Why?” You joked as Barry caught sight of your grin, knowing you’re messing with him, but he couldn’t help but be intrigued by you. “I mean, Barry is just so...” you trailed off, tilting your head to the side as Barry laughed.
“And Bart is better?”
“At least Bart doesn’t sound like a dogs name.” He looked only slightly taken back as he chuckled, throwing his hands up in surrender.
You could help but relate Barry to Bart, They were so similar it scared you; you already lost one of them. Barry’s smile began to fade. “What happened with your earth?”
“I told you I wasn’t sure, but before I left something something happened. I don’t know what happened. I don’t think anyone did. One minute everything was fine and the next... no one was safe. The skies turned red and the sun, the sun blew up. The ground collapsed in and it was gone. Bart gave me the extrapolator seconds before-“ you voice cracked as you felt tears start falling onto your shirt, wiping them off quickly. Barry felt something shift until his head as he reached out, grabbing your hand. Your eyes met his, one glimpse of your old world, of Bart, shining through. “I watched my team die today.” Your voice was brittle and you felt Barry squeeze your hand, offering you comfort.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” He whispered.
You nodded, wiping away the last of your tears before letting go of his hand. “Yeah. Me too.” Barry didn’t know what came over him but when you let go of his hand, he want to keep holding yours again.
The team started to come back in, each offering you a small smile as they introduced themselves to you. Bart, Barry told you there were more people that weren’t there and you had to laugh. Your team was so small compared to theirs.
It was obvious they all trusted Barry when he said you were alright and with a few more checks Caitlin said it was alright for you to get up.
Your legs were a little wobbly at first and Barry reached out, giving you someone to hold onto. You missed the way Iris furrowed her brows, crossing her arms in front of her chest as you were focused mainly on the room.
It was almost similar to yours. Yours was a lot more clean, anytime you’d make even a small mess, Bart was there to clean it up, chastising you, but after all the years you’ve known the twins you got used to it.
You gently pushed yourself out of Barry’s arms, feeling a sense of nostalgia as you looked towards the console in front of you, not seeing Nora talking to Bart through the coms, their typical sibling banter filling the room and making you laugh. You smiled heartbroken at the memories.
Barry watched you, his curiosity peaking as he watched your fingers danced across the desk before you ripped them away. Cisco stepped up to you, throwing his arm around your shoulder and Barry felt something unsettling inside of him. A feeling he used to get quite often when he saw Iris with anyone. He pushed the feeling aside, shaking his head. You looked at Cisco next to you, seeing the smile on his lips that couldn’t hold a candle to ones Bart or even Barry wore before he spoke up. “Welcome to Earth-1.”
A/N: Thoughts are welcomed! Let me know if you want to be tagged by commenting!
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writings-of-dumpy · 4 years
George Weasley and the Girl in Ravenclaw: Part 9
A/N: VIOLENCE, MENTIONS OF GUNS, child endangerment (like literally all of Harry Potter), language, mentions of sex, and cliffhanger..
After Dumbledore’s death, Severus Snape had taken over being Headmaster of Hogwarts and judging by the sparse letters from Ginny over the past few months since Christmas holiday, it was an absolute nightmare. Students were treated like slaves and anyone who stepped even a toe out of line would be punished harshly. The order gathered midday during Fred and George’s lunch hour to discuss what to do about the situation since no news of Harry had been brought to their attention.
“Okay, hear me out. This may sound crazy, but Muggles have these things called guns, and if we shoot Snape—or Voldemort, for that matter—in the head, he will probably die. At a minimum, it’s a bit hard to do magic with an obliterated prefrontal cortex,” Raven suggested.  George smiled at her and patted her leg. Since Bill’s wedding, she and George hadn’t had much time together alone. He and Fred ran the shop as best they could, and Raven often took assignments from the order to go to Hogwarts and smuggle supplies to the students.
“If you want to carry a gun, fine, but I’m not sure the rest of us know how to use one,” Lupin said.
“It’s very simple,” Raven said. “Anyway, things are only getting worse, even muggles are starting to notice. I managed to swipe this newspaper that says people have been seeing odd clouds of smoke through the air…”
“Fucking Death Eaters,” Fred, George and Raven said in unison and exhaustion.
“We’ve got to start getting students out of Hogwarts. It’s not safe anymore, especially the muggle-borns,” Tonks said. Raven nodded.
George would constantly worry when Raven made trips to Hogwarts. She traveled through the Forbidden Forest and through the tunnels under the Shrieking Shack to get supplies to students in need there. He knew it was dangerous and if she was ever caught, who knew what would become of her.
“It would have to be all in one night. If students started going missing—especially the ones Yaxley likes to pick on—I’d be found out and killed for sure,” Raven said.
George’s jaw clenched at how casually she took her life. The thought of her not coming back scared the hell out of him, and he wouldn’t let her go alone.
“Fine, then it’ll be more than just you going, I’ll go too,” George offered.
“No, the Ministry has a log in Diagon Alley of strange happenings. A Weasley missing from his own shop would raise red flags,” Lupin reasoned. “Raven, go tonight and talk with Ginny and Neville about possible times that we could sneak muggle-borns out.”
“Done,” Raven agreed.
After the meeting, Raven went up to her space in the attic to supply herself with protectives and supplies the students will need. George rarely went after her because he knew she wanted to be alone as she prepared, but he couldn’t help himself. He knew with every moment she spent inside Hogwarts, the higher her chances of being caught were.
“Ven?” he asked from the doorway. She turned around and smiled at him.
“Hey,” she said and turned back to shrinking bandages and water bottles.
“I’m worried,” George said plainly. “And I’m scared for you.”
Raven looked at him, then zipped up the pack and slung it over her shoulder. “Well, that’s not doing you any favors, is it?”
She went to walk past him and he caught her arm with his hand and gently stopped her. He looked into her eyes and said, “I don’t want you to keep doing this.”
“I’ll come back, I promise. Always, remember?” Raven said and gave his arm a squeeze.
“If you aren’t back by midnight, I’m coming after you,” George said seriously.
“I’ll be back by then, I usually am,” she said. She leaned up and kissed the corner of his mouth tenderly and headed out the door. George’s heart skipped a beat and he felt the familiar lust he had for her creep into his mind and his heart swelled. He was sure she was trying to kill him now.
George waited anxiously for closing time to finally arrive so he could head back home and check for Raven. When the cuckoo clock finally struck 10pm, he was already packed and ready. “Come on , Fred, or I’m locking you in.”
“Eager to get home, eh?” Fred said as he tucked his bag under his arm and the pair headed out to close the shop.
“I need to make sure Raven’s okay,” George muttered as he fumbled with his keys. When he finally locked the door, Fred was eyeing him strangely. “What?”
“Are you two finally… you know…” Fred asked and mimed a rude gesture.
“Shagging?! No, are you serious? We’ve only kissed once, and who’s had time with all this, anyway,” George said and gestured to the air.
Fred scoffed, “I’ve had plenty of time.”
“Oh really now, with who?” George challenged.
“Angelina, of course! Where do you think I go every Friday night?” Fred asked. George’s eyes widened. Come to think of it, he had noticed Fred’s sudden disappearance on most Friday evenings, but I guess he assumed Fred was off being alone.
“Unbelievable,” George said.
“No, what’s unbelievable is that you and Ven have only kissed. She’s a good fit for you, just go for it!” Fred encouraged.
George shook his head. “Maybe I LIKE taking my time. Besides, she’s your friend, shouldn’t you be discouraging men from trying to shag her unless she likes them?”
Fred scoffed and shook his head. “You’ve gone mad.”
The subject was dropped once they apparated into the burrow. George walked into the kitchen to find Tonks with Molly sat in a chair.
“What happened?” Fred asked, following George in.
“Harry’s gone to Hogwarts tonight. Raven saw him in the tunnels and told us straight away. He’s going to confront Snape and try to destroy the last horcruxes. All of the Death Eaters will be there at any moment,” Tonks said. “We wanted to tell you. The rest of the Order is ready to go, will you join us?”
“No question,” Fred and George said. George panicked at the thought of every dark wizard, witch and creature swarming on Hogwarts with Raven and his sister in it. He quickly changed into more suitable clothes, then the four of them apparated into the tunnels below the Shrieking Shack. When they arrived, they were greeted by every member of the order, and they made their way through the tunnels. George wondered where Raven was and if she was alright. He expected to see her with the rest of the order, but he couldn’t find her.
“This way,” Kingsley commanded and pointed to the left at a fork in the tunnel. When they approached a dead end, Kingsley leaned against the wall to listen, then knocked four times.
“Wands ready,” he said to the group in a low voice. Slowly, the wall opened and George recognized the Gryffindor common room. Out popped Raven from the side with a grin on her face.
“Hi guys! Come on, Harry’s already headed towards the great hall,” she said and George felt an overwhelming sense of relief and he stepped forward with he rest of the order. They made their way silently through the corridors, petrifying death eaters all along the way. George was reminded of his time in school with Fred and Raven sneaking past Filch and various teachers. He looked over at her while they walked and grinned at her. She smiled back at him. As they reached the Great Hall, they heard Harry’s voice.
“It seems that despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster,” Harry declared in the silent room. As he spoke, Kingsley opened the large doors and the order walked in, fanning out to block the door. “And I’m afraid it’s quite extensive.”
George snuck his hand down to hold Raven’s behind Bill’s tall figure, and Harry continued, “How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye—the man who trusted you—and killed him! Tell them.”
Without another word, Snape raised his wand and pointed it at Harry. The students who were formed in neat lines suddenly jumped out of the way and scattered out of the way. Before any of the arrived order could step forward, Minerva McGonagall placed herself between Snape and Harry. After a small moment, fire flew from her wand right at Snape’s dumbfounded face. He blocked it, and McGonagall advanced forward, sending flame after flame until Snape rebounded the spells off of him and back to the death eaters behind him, then flew out of the window.
“And stay out!” Raven shouted. McGonagall lit the candles back to their familiar glow and the room erupted in applause and cheer. George grinned from ear to missing ear and looked down at Raven. The two embraced tightly and George said to her, “I was so worried…”
“I was too. But we’re here now, and we’ve got a fight ahead of us,” Raven said in a slightly ominous tone.
The room suddenly went dark and an eerie voice was heard by all by the looks of it. “I know that many of you will want to fight, some of you may even think that to fight is wise, but this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour,” Voldemort’s voice rang out. George held onto Raven, who looked sick to her stomach.
After a moment, a Slytherin girl spoke up, “What are you waiting for? Someone grab him!”
“Looks like I’m gonna kill a child today,” Raven said and stood next to Harry with her wand raised. The rest of the Order followed her with George and Fred on either side of Raven.
“Students out of bed! Students in the corridors!” Filtch screamed as he came running into the Great Hall.
“They are supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot,” McGonagall said impatiently. “However, your appearance is most opportune. Would you be so kind as to escort Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house to the dungeons.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Filtch said, completely intimidated.
After that, the Order’s job became clear: protect Harry until all of the horcruxes were destroyed. Kingsley turned to the remaining order members after Molly and Tonks went with McGonagall to the front of the castle. “Fred, George, Raven, you take the east tower, Arthur, Bill, Fleur, you take the west, the rest of you split up in between. They’ll be attacking from all over we expect, so if you need backup, move to the middle.”
George started to run to the east side of the castle with Fred and Raven. He noticed that the barrier was already up and he could see several wires and explosives being set up on all of the bridges. When they reached a good spot to see over the courtyard, he managed to make out dark shadows on the hill across the lake, and assumed it must be Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Not even an hour had gone by  before they began their attack on Hogwarts.
“Bloody git, that Voldemort!” Fred said.
“Well, with a title like ‘Dark Lord,’ I think bloody git is putting it lightly,” George observed.
All of a sudden George couldn’t tell what was happening there was so much chaos.The castle was exploding and creatures of all kinds of dark lands flooded the grounds.  He could barely tell who he was fighting, and he could barely get a word in, all he could do was block the curses and hope that none of them landed on him and better yet rebounded back onto his attacker. During a brief pause, George managed to stun his attacker backwards and off of the tower. 
“Oops,” he said to himself, and the three of them ran to the courtyard through the chaos of students. George and Raven’s hands clasped together for George feared he’d lose her in the chaos of the fight. Explosions and curses erupted around them and George was feeling slightly overwhelmed. The three of them stood back to back and guarded each other that way while defending an entrance to the castle. Death Eaters, giants, trolls, vampires, and werewolves all were involved in attacking students, staff, and Aurors. 
“Are you actually kidding me right now?! What the fuck is this noseless freak playing at, anyway?!” Raven shouted and started throwing hex after hex at the new oncoming enemy: giant spiders. 
“This reminds me of something, George!” Fred said. “Hang on!” Fred leapt away from them and George assumed he didn’t know he stopped right in the path of a falling beam. He was far away from where the chaos was concentrated, so he had a moment to stop moving, but George prayed that he wouldn’t... but he did.
“FRED, NO!” Raven cried out, but before they could reach him, the beam had fallen and smacked him in the head, his face still stuck in a smile. 
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team-flashh · 5 years
Together Barry Allen x Reader
Prompt: Barry becomes upset when another Earth Barry tries to flirt with you
Words: 953
Parings: Barry x Reader
Warning: Sexual inuedos I think, lots of flirting from the other Barry and some punching. 
A/N: Happy readng! Hope you guys like it. I almost forgot I wrote till someone sent this request in haha I almost went with like 20 different ways with this but this one won lol
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You were stepping off the elevator and walking towards the cortex of S.T.A.R labs with some Big Belly Burgers and shakes for everyone when you were stopped by Barry. 
“Hey, let me help you with that.” He says, smiling brightly and taking the drinks from your hands.
“Thank you,” you reply smiling shyly back at him.
“I’m so glad you are here.” He adds as he rushes us to the cortex. 
“You are?” you ask, already feeling your heart beating a little faster and a blush beginning to cover your face.
“Yeah, Caitlin is out today, Frost wanted to see the beach and we have a bit of a situation going on right now.”
“Oh, What's going on?” You asked ignoring the disappointment you felt come over you. You had feelings for Barry since you met him after the lighting strike. You were aware of his crush on Iris but after she turned him down and they moved on from the awkwardness and feelings, a part of you had hoped that with time he would develop some feelings for you but he never seemed to even get a hint of your feelings for him.
“We were testing this machine that opens portals to other versions of ourselves so we could maybe find someone with my abilities who can help with the Crisis. It worked and opened the portal to Earth 6 and someone came through but no powers and now we are trying to get them back. As quickly as possible.” Barry said with an annoyed sigh as you finally step into the cortex.
“This version of you that bad?” you ask chuckling a little. It took a lot to annoy Barry so this version of him must be something. 
“You have no idea,” Cisco says banging his head on the desk.
“Big Belly?” You offer hoping it will cheer him up. 
“Yes, please.” he takes a bag of food from your hands and drinks from Barry and returns to his seat.
“Y/N!?” You turn to see Barry from the other Earth tied to a chair in the corner of the room. He sat up confused at me being here. 
“Hi, I’m a different Y/N,” you smile and wave, “I’m guessing you know me on your Earth?” 
“In every sense of the word,” he smirks and blatantly checks you out.
“Hey, watch it!” you hear Barry yell as he steps in front of you protectively.
“Protective boyfriend to the rescue, huh?”
“We aren’t together.” Barry corrected, making your heart sting a little. He turns to you nervously with a slight blush on his face and an apologetic smile.
“But you should be,” Cisco whispers beside you, low enough for you to hear. You nudge him and hope Barry didn’t catch that. Either one.
“Oh? That’s a shame for you Allen. You are missing out!” He laughs causing Barry to glare at him.
“What? I’m just stating facts. Y/N is also missing out but I can fix that. The Y/N, at least on my Earth, is the best! We have a lot of fun together, I’m just trying to spread that..joy.” he winks at you and with that Barry crosses the room and punches him in the face, knocking him out.
“Oh my god, Barry!”
“Oh, that’s gotta hurt. At the very least his ego.” Cisco jokes
“Cisco please put him in the pipeline till we can get him back. Barry sit and calm down!” you yell pointing at a chair.
“Don’t have to ask me twice. Lets go, Barry Casanova,” Cisco says pushing the chair with an unconscious Barry towards the exit. Once they are both out of sight I turn to Barry who is still glaring in their direction.
‘Barry! Seriously?! He was just being an idiot.” 
“Well, yeah but-and he just-he can’t say that stuff!” 
“I know but you are better than that. You can’t just go around punching people.”
“It's disrespectful and he can’t steal you away from me just because he wants to-”
“Wow, steal me away? What you think he would just look at me and that’s it? I have self-control believe it or not!” you say raising your voice out of anger and hurt.
“No, it's not that! I just-”
“You just what Barry?!”
“I just...I like you!” he impulsively shouts back. His face goes pale at the realization as you both stand there looking at each other for what feels like an eternity.
“You what?”
“I like you. A lot and for a long time but didn’t say anything because I could ruin we have now. Then this Barry wouldn’t stop talking about how happy him and you or his version of you are and it got me thinking that, I don’t know, maybe we could be too. But then he kept flirting with you and I realized that now only do I want you but I don’t want him or anybody else for that matter talking to you that way and flirting with you.”
“I know. I have no right to say that because we aren’t together but-” 
You run up to him, stand on your tiptoes and kiss him. He pulled away after a few seconds and looks at you in the eyes wondering if this was actually happening before pulling you in for a deeper and more passionate kiss. His lips we soft and his embrace was warm, you stay like this for a while neither of you wanting to break away from this heavenly moment when you hear some loud coughing from behind you. 
“So, what was that about not being together?” Cisco asks, crossing his arms and smirking at the pair. 
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zayray030 · 4 years
You're an amazing person, Iris!
Summary: Alex and Kara have to visit Barry for help on something but end up finding Iris crying. They comfort her as best as possible and reassure her that she's an amazing person!
Iris sat in the Cortex all alone. Everyone had decided to go out and hang out with Nora. They had wanted to show her all the things that the Flash museum hadn't covered and Iris had declined the visit upon seeing Nora’s face when Barry had invited her to go and told the others that she needed to finish off a very important article for her blog.
Nora had just rolled her eyes and scoffed at her all while muttering about “not being able to make time for her daughter in any timeline” under her breath, low enough for no one else to hear but loud enough for Iris to hear, before turning over to the rest of the team and squealing happily, declaring it ‘Mata day’ for them and quickly dragging them out of the building.
Barry had shot her a small frown adn mouthed if she was okay over Nora’s shoulder. She had nodded, grateful for the fact that the water works haven't started yet, and mouthed back “Enjoy time with your daughter.” before the elevator doors slid closed and then did she collapse in her chair, crying heavily.
She didn't know how long she had sat in the Cortex, crying and lamenting over the fact that she fucked her relationship with her daughter, before a breach was open and Iris had to hastily wipe her tears. She drew out a gun from underneath her desk and pointed it at the breach,expecting to see someone from another earth or to see an evil meta who had breaching powers. Instead there stood Kara and Alex in all their glory.
“Wait, we come in peace!” yelled Kara, holding her hand up in defence before she put them down again and looked at Iris carefully. “Hey Iris, are you okay?” she asked worriedly when she saw the prominent tear tracks on her face.
Iris nodded and wiped her face quickly before smiling widely at Kara. Too wide to be real. “Hey Kara! Alex! What did you need?” she asked, her excitement sounding too fake, even to her.
“Well we were going to ask if Barry was here and if we could talk to him. But now? We're going to find out why you're so upset!” declared Kara, flying over to the petite woman.
“Kara! We need Barry right now!” snapped Alex.
“He's out with Nora and the rest.” said Iris, feeling hurt spread through her body and she quickly looked down to make sure her tears weren't seen.
“Who's Nora and why aren't you with them?” asked Kara, raising an eyebrow. The situation didn't seem right to her. Barry gushed about Iris every second he got and there was no way he would have gone without her.
“Umm, Nora’s mine and Barry's daughter from the future.” said Iris, preferring to ignore the second question. Alex looked at her for a second before rolling her shoulder and raising an eyebrow.
“Okay, princess. What's up? You're normally happy and excitable and would normally be talking our ear off about something or the other.” asked Alex, hands on her hips.
“Apparently people don't stay happy and excitable in the future!” Iris snapped, turning to glare at the taller woman and Kara gasped softly when she saw the tears running down Iris's cheeks.
“Iris! What happened!?”
“I was a bad mother is what happened!” Iris answered, curling up into herself, disappointed to find out that she couldn't shrink down on herself.
“How could you bad mother Iris? You're amazing in every way possible! Even Oliver likes you!” she added in an effort to make the small woman laugh but instead it made it worse and she let out choked little sobs.
“I dampened my own daughter's powers! I stopped her from using her powers for most of her life! I lied to her about everything!” Iris yelled, standing up while more tears fell down her cheeks. “I was barely there for her when she as abusky and when I was, I was way too overbearing and-and-” but Iris lost the battle with her tears and quickly collapsed onto the floor, sobbing her heart out.
Kara quickly pulled the girl into a hug, trying to soothe her. She even tried to sing a song her mother would sing to her when she was feeling upset but that wasn't working. If anything it made it worse. She quickly shit Alex a look and the girl understood what it meant.
‘Get chocolate, Alcohol, ice cream and candy galore for this woman along with a horde of blankets.’
Alex quickly reopened a breach and quickly started looking around Kara's apartment for stuff and quickly grabbed some mint chip ice cream, candy canes, twizzlers and more and quickly grabbed a few blankets before making her way back.
When she breached back and showed the items to Kara she nodded as if to say ‘Good choice.’ before she started to lol around with her X-ray at the walls of the lab and quickly found a room she could use.
She gathered Iris up in her arm, still sobbing, and quickly flew over to the lounge/canteen area and placed the girl gently on the sofa before flying back and picking her sister up.
Kara and Alex did quick work on the situation and wrapped Iris in the blankets and layed out the food in front of her. They cuddled her, yes even Alex, and soothingly spoke to her.
“Hey, it's okay. It'll be okay.” murmured Alex softly stroking the black woman's hair.
“Yeah! We love you Iris!” agreed Kara excitedly and Iris couldn't keep her wet giggle to herself. Kara's excitement was so endearing, it reminded her of Barry.
“Thanks guys.” she finally said, sitting up slightly, wiping away her tears with her hand feeling slightly embarrassed at crying in front of them.
“Hey, a friend in need is a friend in need.” said Kara waving away her gratitude.
“Now, cause it's kinda obvious that you don't want to talk about what happened, and because what we wanted earlier can wait we're going to be watching a few movies. .” declared Alex. “And yes, we can watch the Wizard of Oz.” she added when she saw Kara's face.
“Yay! We're so watching that first!” she said excitedly and they quickly started the movie on the TV. Half way through the movie Iris began speaking.
“When she first came it was so unexpected. But I was so happy. I thought this was the universe's way of saying, ‘Here, sorry for fucking with your life way too many times to be considered fair. Here, have your daughter and raise her for a small period of time.’ pfft. What a joke. She barely even gave me the time of day apart from the occasional cold glance and hidden words.”
Kara nodded and rubbed the girl's shoulder. She knew that you had to let it all out before letting someone interrupt. Alex did the same and slowly pulled Iris I to her chest a bit.
“But ten when I was trying to stop her from flirting with a woman who was almost responsible for the death of hundreds of people, she revealed that in the future I decided to dampen her powers. I dampen her powers. I take away something that I should not have taken away. And Barry stuck between being a good husband to making sure Nora doesn't run off and the others say they aren't taking sides but I can tell that they're all leaning towards Nora’s side and I-. I don't know what to do.” she finally let out. She grabbed the tequila bottle from the table and took a long hulo if it.
“We know that you wouldn't have done it without reason. We know you wouldn't have done it without purpose. We know that you love that little girl to be bits. We know that you're an amazing mother.” said Alex firmly.
“And we also know that you've had enough alcohol to make even Barry drunk.” Kara added and Iris let out a little giggle.
“I know. But Barry's cute when he fusses. He gives me this look as if I'm the only thing in the world worth looking at.” she said happy drunk. Kara and Alex looked over at each other both conveying completely different looks. Kara sap and happiness while Alex showed concern.
“Speak on the angel and he shall arrive.” said Kara, picking up the noise of Barry's heartbeat.
“I thought it was the devil?”
“Please, Barry's the farthest thing from a devil.”
“IRIS!” Barry yelled and Kara could hear the desperateness in his voice.
Barry quickly sped over to the canteen, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw Iris between Alex and Kara before immediately narrowing when he saw the alcohol.
Soon the others joined Barry and Nora looked worriedly at her mother's drunk form.
“Barry!” her mother giggled before anyone else could ask what happened. She tried to walk over to him but she tripped and would have fell if Barry didn't catch her and pick her up, bridal style.
“I love you so much!” she giggled into his neck where her face was placed. Everyone smiled at the scene in front of them before hearing their hearts break at the next few words. “Do you love me?”
“Of course I do Iris! Why wouldn't I?” he asked, baffled and confused.
“I'm not a good mom. Duh. Nora says I'm absolutely awful! Like Francine! But I don't want to be like Francine! I want to be better! I am better, aren't I?” she pouted at the brunette.
“You're the best!”
“Yay! Do you think I can convince Nora that I'm a good mother? Do you think she'll let me talk to her at all? Ooh, what do you think her favourite flowers are…?” and as her mother continued to ramble, Nora’s guilt continued to grow.
“It's going to take a long time to get her forgiveness. Sure, she might act like she's fine, but honestly she'll constantly feel hurt.” whispered a voice in her ear before she jumped at the sound and saw Kara on her side.
“I know.” she said simply.
“We aren't going to kay it out on you right now because Iris is way too drunk and Barry seems happy.” muttered Lex on her other side. Bira just bowed her head down in shame and nodded.
“If you want her forgiveness try and get to know her. Really know her.” Kara softly whispered into her ear. Nora nodded slightly before speeding over to her mom and giving her a kiss in the cheek.
“Come on old man! Mom needs her sleep and you need your beauty sleep.” she added playfully before turning to her now unconscious mother and Nora couldn't help but admire the smoothness of the skin without worry lines blemishing the skin.
“Yeah lets. And we need to make sure we stop at every available store for mint chip chocolate and ice cream when she wakes up.” he added before the West-Allen family disappeared out of sight.
“Shit! We forgot to ask Barry for help on the CSI case!” exclaimed Alex.
“Forget that! Who's going to clean up this mess!” snapped Caitlin.
“We're visitors, so yeah! Adiós!” Kara said before opening up a breach grabbing Alex, and flying off.
“At least madame West-Allen got a happy ending.” said Sherloque.
“And since you care about that so much you can clean up!” snapped Caitlin, already matching out with Ralph and Cisco following behind her.
“Of course. At least I get a few more hours to go through Nora’s journal.” Sherloque whispered to himself, already beginning to clean up.
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austarus · 5 years
Harry Wells x Reader Return of the Crisis
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to its rightful owner(s).
The clouds hung in the sky, overcast and obscuring the sun’s rays over Central City, further enforcing the fact that the brutal cold of winter was approaching. That at this point it's best for people to make like bears and hibernate rather than be outdoors bustling about in the city, particularly past 4 in the late afternoon. Darkness had already seeped over the city-life as the lamp-lights illuminated the roads and parks like clockwork, one by one flickering to life. From the distance, the lights seemed beautiful and the noise was expected, but could be tuned out after a bit.
You had taken nature’s chilled whispers to remain indoors, where the cold wouldn’t nip at your skin.
Yet, a sudden chill ran down your spine, causing goosebumps to form all over your body, but… it wasn’t from the cold. You were perfectly warm with a fuzzy blanket over you, the heat turned on to a decent temperature in your apartment. The words on the pages in front of you blurred out of focus as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at the sensation. Something felt… off. Foreboding and ominous, even. As if something bad was about to unfold in the world, maybe the multiverse. Putting your book down, you screwed your eyes tightly and rubbed your face in order to wake up and refocus your vision.
You picked up your phone that laid beside you, checking for any messages from the team, but found none except for a notification of a time-limited redeemable coupon for Jitters. You sighed and threw the phone back onto the cushion. If only I was a meta with psychic-premonition abilities, maybe then I could understand why I’m feeling like this. You ran a hand through your damp locks, rolling your eyes at your thoughts. I’d actually be helpful rather than just staying in the Cortex all the time.
Your mind mentally wandered off to what your Earth-2 man’s currently doing at this time of day. Speaking of which, Harry hasn’t called me in awhile, you unlocked your phone, checking your texts and calls. Nothing... Your shoulders slump slightly, missing him but understanding that he’s probably busy with adapting to the business side of STAR Labs and allowing Jesse to be head of the science-y side of the Labs. I hope he’s okay, both him and Jesse. I wonder how she’s doing at her university and her Quicksters team. I hope Harry’s been sleeping well and actually eating meals that aren’t just BBB. You contemplated sending Harry a quick message to know your thinking about him, but decided against it. The last thing you wanted was to annoy him or bother him when he’s in a meeting. Even though the man has told you many times you’re not a bother, you can’t help but think so when you’re both a breach away.
A puff of frustration left your lips as you shoved the blanket off you and pushed it onto the couch to stand. You stretched your body to relive it from the tension of sitting on the couch for a long period of time, a little noise escaped your throat and your eyes rolled back into your head. After stretching you found yourself meandering to your kitchen, fumbling about the cabinets, antsy to get rid of this feeling. Maybe some tea or hot chocolate would help? Pulling out a mug with “I can’t adult today” printed on it, you shuffled through your drink cabinet before finding a hot chocolate bag then moved over to the fridge to get the milk.
You glanced at your phone every few seconds or so, waiting for a call or text from Iris or Barry to confirm that something is happening. And that you’re not being paranoid as heck for nothing.You tried reassuring yourself that nothing’s wrong, that everyone’s okay. You were almost done making your hot chocolate, just adding a few marshmallows into the drink along with some peppermint candies. Yet, the foreboding sensation never left,  instead it had settled in your stomach and intensified with each passing minute. One look at your drink actually made you a bit reluctant to take a few sips without the possibility of throwing up. Another chill ran through your body, this time the hairs at the back of your neck sticking up.
With your cup of hot chocolate in hand, you strolled back into the living room in deep thought. Everything’s fine, I’m just being paranoid for nothing.
Swwoomsh, swoomsh
Your body froze in place, eyes widening as a breach opened right in front of you. Anticipation crawled all over your body as you finally took a defensive step back and the hot cup readied in your hand if the person on the other side were to be vile. After what seemed like forever, but was really a few seconds, the breach made another sound that signaled the arrival of someone or something. In a flash, Jesse had sped through the breach latched on to Harry, with yellow-green bits of lightning guiding them through. You almost dropped your mug at the sight of them. They both looked at each other before making eye contact with you, who had stood there still in shock.
“It worked,” he whispered and Jesse immediately let go of her dad, who had dropped his black bag before shuffling over to you.
His whisper had broken you out of your shocked state. Instantly, you set your mug down onto the coffee table when he started moving towards you. “Harry?! What-” The words got stuck in your throat as two arms encased you close to his body. The dark-haired man held you tightly to him, a sense of urgency in his hold.
Harry buried his face into your hair, breathing you in as if you’re the one thing he needs to continue breathing and living. “You’re okay, thank the multiverse. You’re okay,” he whispered in that low voice of his, shutting his eyes in relief. You bit on the inside of your cheek and wrapped your arms around him. Shutting your eyes, you drank in the feeling of having him so close to you once more. Perhaps this is what that foreboding feeling was about?
Jesse smiled at the two of you and rolled her eyes slightly at how long that hug lasted, “Don’t hog her all to yourself dad. After all, you’re not the only one who missed her.”
After calming his breathing Harry pulled away, giving you a soft kiss to your lips before allowing Jesse to hug you as well. Like her father, the young adult also gave you a tight hug. Pulling away, you stood back a bit to get a good look at the two with confusion lacing your features. Jesse’s speedster suit was torn in some places and other had looked like it was burnt, while Harry had a few scratches on him as well.
“What happened?” Your question was like a bucket of ice water to them. The harsh reality setting in and the fact that they’d have to explain their unannounced visit.
Jesse started, playing with her fingers a bit and eyes avoiding you. “Earth-2, it-”
“It’s… gone.”
Jesse swallowed thickly, narrowing her eyes at the carpeted ground.
You raised an eyebrow, feeling that ice cold bucket hitting you now. “G-gone?” They both nodded, albeit Jesse a bit more reluctantly with slumped shoulders and a heavy expression. You made the connection that the young speedster might feel responsible for not being able to save her Earth. Her home. They lost it all.
“Gone. Destroyed. No more.” Harry looked down with an exasperated sigh, rubbing his features before looking back up at you. He looked tired, a hard look on his face. You can tell his mind is recounting all that had happened back on Earth-2.
They both watched you as the gears moved in your head, your mouth opening a fraction to say something, but you decided against it. Instead, you moved close to both Wells and hugged them close to you. It was no lie to Jesse or Harry that you were also home to them, because home doesn’t have to be a place, it can be a person too.
“Whatever happened, I’m just happy you both are safe.” You batted away the thoughts of what would have happened if they hadn’t gotten off Earth-2 on time. What your life would be like without them in it. Harry, your wonderful and temperamentally gruff boyfriend, and his beloved daughter Jesse, who you loved to bits and pieces as if she were your own.
I wonder if this is just the beginning of what’s about to unfold. The anticipated Crisis...
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janna-the-breaker · 5 years
I was thinking with myself, why not open more place for the disabled ones?? So, here's "How the turtles would react if their girlfriend got disabled"
It has been a month since the accident. It was a silly thing, you were at your apartment trying to change a lamp. You stood up on a chair trying to reach the lamp, and the next thing you knew you were at the hospital, laid in a bed totaly confused. The moment you woke up, a doctor rushed to bring somebody. April runned towards your bed with tears in her eyes, she reached down to give you a hug. Only then you noiticed all the strings on your wrists connecting you to a lot o machines. Once you managed to speak you asked what have happened to you. They explained that you fell on your apartment and bumped your head really hard. You have stayed on a coma for two weeks.
After your awakening the doctors played a lot of exams on you. One of them gave you the news that would change your life forever.
You've lost your leg movement. That broke you down. You would never be able to walk again, dance or even go to accessible places. With this thought on your head, you remembered about your mutant boyfriend. You asked the doctor a moment alone with April, you nedded answers to your questions.
"April, what about T/N?? How've he been during my abscence??"
The brunette sat next to your bed. She was dull for a few seconds, until she started talking.
"It wasn't easy. After your fall at your apartment he tried to call you but you did not answer. So, he came by and found you there." You felt your heart break apart when you imagined your loved one seeing you laid in there. He did not deserve that. "He called me and i called an ambulance. You've been here since then."
"How will he react when he knows about my contidion??" You were clearly worried. What if he can't cope with it and decide to leave you?
"Don't worry, sweetie. T/N loves you. I bet he won't mind about it." She tries to calm you down. It kinda worked.
After the nurse have brought you dinner, you heard a tap on the window. You and April crossed your eyes together. She nods and go to the door, watching if someone walks in as you and the turtle talked.
"Hey, Dove." He was clearly happy to see you well. You were too, even though you did not felt like soo much time have passed. But damn, you can really loose the notion of time when you're on a coma.
"Hey, fearless. How have you been??"
"I've missed you soo much, love!" He hold your hand tight and give it a dozens of kisses.
"I know! I am so sorry!"
"Don't apolagize for being hurt. Things like this happen all the time. The only thing that matters is that you are okay." He smiled, you smiled back. But then, you remembered that you wasn't so well like he thought.
"Well, not so much."
"What do you mean??" He asks worried.
"The doctor told me that because of the cussion that i suffered in my head, i won't be able to move my legs anymore." You watched his face change miltiple times. At first he was serious, on next he was scared and then lost.
"W-what?! Does it hurt??" He toutched your legs gently like he was trying to fix them. But it didn't work like this.
"No, Leo. I can't feel my legs anymore."
"Oh, dear. This is..." He lowered his head like he was holding his tears really hard. You placed your hand on his muscular arm, you've never seen him so broken like this before. He would always keep his compusure.
"Leo? I know, this is awfull. But, look, i will understand if you don't want to have to deal with the burden that i have become."
"What?! Y/N, don't you ever call yourself that again! You're beautiful, it doesn't matter that you won't be able to walk no longer, i am your boyfriend, and a real boyfriend wouldn't ever leave his girl."
You started crying, crying from the hapiness that his words gave to you. How could you have so much bad and good luck at the same time?! He tried to dry your tears away from your face as you started to calm down. You look into his ocean blue eyes and feel lost on them. Until his lips bring you back to reality.
"I love you, my beautiful and most precious Y/N."💙
"Baby! You're alive!" He screamed in total hapiness once he got into the room.
"Hush, Raph! The doctors will hear you." You warned him, but you were also soo happy to see him again. He gave you a kiss on your forehead. He was looking at you like you were the most precious and rare thing he have ever seen. Who could blame him?? He thought he would never see you again.
"Oh boy, i know yer tired but i wish you could stand up so could hug you entirely." He said as his enourmous hands traveled along your body.
Your smile have dissapeared. Now, you had to explain to him that you will never be able to do that again. "Raphie, sweetie... There's something important that i need to tell you."
He leaned down to you. "You can tell me anything, Doll."
"I've suffered a serious cussion in my brain. It have affected my motor cortex, so, the doctor said that i can't walk anymore."
He stayed in silent. His golden eyes starting to show absolute fear. "What?! So, how's it gonna be with us?? You'll have to be laid in a bed the whole time?!"
"No, Raph! I'll be able to go around places with you, but i'll need a wheelchair now. But, except for this i am fine!" You tried to reasure him that you were okay. But, he did not seem to get it.
"How can you be fine with not walking anymore??"
"What else can i do, Raph?? It just happened. I have to learn to live with this."
"I know! It's not yer fault. But, i'm... I don't know how ta behave right now."
"You don't have to do anything. I'm still me! My love for you haven't changed at all. I just hope that this doesn't change your love for me."
"Course not, darling! Ya look stunning even in a hospital robe. I promise that i'll be here with ya through this new phase of yer life."❤️
"Oh, Raphie! I love you!" You said as tears of joy rolled from your eyes. He hugged you and the two of you stayed like that for a few good minutes.
"How are you feeling?? Does your head hurt?? What the doctors said?? Please, tell me you're okay!!!" He was clearly anxious and worried about you. So much that he don't even say 'hi' when he saw you after soo much time apart.
"Donnie! Calm down, soldier! I am fine." You tried to calm him down. He seemed to cool down a little as he sit next to you and you look in each other's eyes. Soon, a lustful smirk emerge on his face.
"You gave me a big scare, you naughty girl. You've been gone for a long time." He sneaks his and under the cover and begin to caress your skin. You laughed as you could see what he was up to.
"Don! This is no place for make love! You know people die in here?!" You gave him the warning thinking this could stop him. But, damn, no one can stop a turtle who have been soo long time without sex.
"Well, they'll sure have something interesting to watch from the afterlife." He said as he smelled on your neck. Of course you haven't bathed for a month, however, Donnie loves your natural musk.
"I just woke up from a coma and you're already flirting with me?! Incredible!" You joked as you pushed him away from you.
"I sure am, sweetheart." He blinks to you. Of course he did not love you just for the sex, but, what would he say if you couldn't walk anymore??
"Hey, Don. You're the most thechnical guy that i know, and i think that you might take this a little more easy. You started.
"What's wrong??"
"Something that have happened and you need to know."
"Please, just split that out before i get nervous, sweetie."
"Okay. I am paraplegic." You finaly said it.
"You're what?! How??" He was all worried again.
"I've hit my head very hard that day and..." You tried to explain but he cut you.
"I got it. It has damaged your primary motor cortex. It must've been more serious than i thought." He seemed so sad about it. He took off his glasses to brush his face with his hand.
"Donnie? Are you okay?"
"As long as you are, i am, honey." He forced a smile.
"But, doesn't it bother you that i can't walk??" You asked hoping that he'll say otherwise.
"Why would it? Yes, i feel sad about what have happened to you, but i will always love you." He holds your hand tight and place a soft kiss on your cheek. "Don't worry, my lovely kitten. For now on, i'll be your very own doctor. I'll learn about disabled care and i will take care of all your needs."💜
"That's wonderful, Donnie! Oh, God, thank you for this amazing turtle in my life!" You said in total hapiness. He hugs you from your chest as you cried on his shoulder. You knew he would take good care of you.
"Angelcakes! Please don't do this to me ever again!!! It's been so sad without you!" There were clear tears in his eyes. He kneeled next to the hospital bed and burried his face on your lap.
"Oh, my sweet angel! Please, don't cry. I am here now! Come on." You lift his face by his chin, his eyes red from the tears a little sobby. "Oh, my poor baby. It's all over now. I've came back to you."
"Okay, babycakes. I am fine now." He cleaned his tears and smiled to you. Oh, you have missed that beautiful smile. "Jeez, there's soo many things that i wanna do with you. When you're full recovered, of course. We can play video games, watch movies and play basketball!"
"Mikey, there is something i need to tell you."
"Yes, angel??"
"I'm afraid i won't be able to play basketball with you anymore."
"Oh, that's not a problem. We can also play soccer, tennis, volleyball and do parkour!"
"No, Michelangelo! I will never be able to do these things again! The doctor said i can't move my legs. I'll have to use a wheelchair to do everything for now on." You tried to hold down your tears as the reality shock hit you hard as you told him about your condition.
"Y/N" Whenever he called you by your name instead of some of the cute nicknames you knew he was serious. "Please, stop crying. If i have knowm about this i wouldn't have brought all that things that you can't do up. I'm sorry, babycakes."
"It's okay, Mikey. I don't blame you for it. Look, we can still do a lot of things together. I can play video games and watch movies, i could even play basketball on the wheelchair but i'll have to learn how to first.
"Yeah, true! I've seen a lot of basketball players on wheelchairs, they rule!"
"And also, i don't have to walk for us to snuggle together, or kiss."
"That's true, baby."
"Everything can still be like it was before. As long as our love it's still the same."
"It's unbreakable!" He gently brought you to a lovely and needly kiss. You were so happy that he'll always love you, needless if you could walk or not.🧡
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killervibe · 4 years
Hate to See Your Heart Break
Summary: Barry notices Caitlin's quiet suffering. He's been there before.
Note: The title and lyrics come from this song !! Strongly suggest taking a listen! Also, minor spoiler for Love Is Blind. 
For: @manjehaal
Tag: @staroflightning
Love, happens all the time,
to people who aren't kind
And heroes who are blind
“Hey Caitlin.” Barry sped into the Med Bay with the evidence he snatched from CCPD not even six seconds ago. “I need you to run tests on these before officer Voogavitch notices I stole them off his desk.” He slapped the hat left from the crime scene in the plastic bag on her table and frowned at her hiss.
Caitlin’s chair swivelled so slowly, Barry had to double check he wasn’t in flash time. “Uh,” he said when he got a proper look at her face. “You’re wearing your hungover sunglasses.”
“I don’t have...hungover sunglasses.”
Barry stared at her. The acetaminophen tablet bottle was right next to her elbow.
“Fine,” she grumbled. Barry backtracked to the light switches and turned them all off. Caitlin let out a little sigh of relief and removed the accessory. “I’m a little...hungover.”
Barry grabbed one of her stools to sit. “Why?”
Caitlin shrugged as she took the forensic sample he had left her and slowly put on her gloves to start the analysis in the dark. “I guess I was a little too indulgent at my pity party.”
“Pity party?” He frowned as he watched her boot up one of her machines. “Why would…” He trailed off at her glare. It wasn’t that it was cold but...weary. He remembered that look. He’d worn it often and would notice as he passed by the mirror at the precinct back when Iris was dating Eddie.
“Caitlin,” he said empathetically. “They broke up.”
“I know,” she snapped. Caitlin folded her arms as she sniffed back her tears. “I know they broke up. I knew they weren’t working. I knew he kept coming to me to talk. And I let him.” Her processor pinged. Caitlin took it out and walked over to her monitor to read the results. “We talked so much. All night, sometimes. Just me and him over the phone. When he was away—After he came back. I just stupidly let myself think that…”
“He’d come back to you,” Barry filled in when she went silent again. “You thought he loved you, didn’t you?”
Caitlin bristled. “Well he doesn’t. Your meta has abnormalities that suggest a similar polymer composition to Ralph’s.”
She turned curtly and returned the evidence. “You need to bring this back before officer Voogavitch notices.”
“Voogavitch. He’s old and grumpy and already hates you.”
“I’ll be fine.”
And Caitlin never says she’ll be fine. Usually she won’t say anything at all. Usually Barry would get the cliff notes version from Cisco when she was finally ready to open up about what was bothering her because as close Barry and Caitlin were, they could never in a million years resemble the delicate intimacy that rested in the quiet conversations those two could have with their eyes. “Caitlin,” Barry said again, touching her arm. “He does. He does love you.”
“Yeah,” she responded faintly, sliding the sunglasses back on over her eyes. “And so do you, right?” She collected her purse and wobbled a bit in her heels. “If he asks, I went to visit my mother. He knows not to bother me for a full day then.”
“What are you going to do?”
Caitlin pushed past him lightly. “ What I was doing before you interrupted me. Sleep.”
Barry’s conversation with Caitlin left him rattled for the rest of the day. At dinner, he picked at his third plate, which made Iris raise an eyebrow.
“Did you eat those calorie granola bars Cisco made for you after work? You’ve hardly touched your food.” She sipped her drink. “I didn’t make it you know,” she teased.
Barry let his fork scrape against the rice and peas listlessly. “I know you told me not to stick my nose in others relationships again—” “Uh oh—”
“—But don’t you think we should try to fix the rift between Cisco and Caitlin?” “What rift?” Iris picked up her plate to put in their dishwasher, kissing his cheek as she passed him by. “They’re the same as always.”
“I know!” he complained. “That’s what’s so weird!”
“You’ve lost me, Barry.”
He sighed and picked up his own plate, wrapping it in a container to store in their fridge. “Caitlin is in love with Cisco, she has been since like, I don’t know, Iris...Since before we were engaged.”
“Wasn’t she with Julian then?” Barry rolled his eyes. “Oh come on. Julian was her distraction from Killer Frost and Cisco.”
Iris put a hand on her hip. “Barry. Are you sure this is all factual or just how you’ve been seeing it the last couple of years?”
He scoffed as he closed the fridge door, leaning against the tacked up drawings Jenna had made for them that they had put up with magnets. “Caitlin is in love with Cisco. Cisco has been half in love with Caitlin since day one, too. They just sucked at timing and now that Kamilla is no longer around...I think they just need a push.” “We don’t push our best friends into romances they don’t want, Barry!”
“Oh my god, but they do want it, though!” He ran his hand through his hair with a stressed out laugh. “Both of them!”  
Iris took his hands in hers, dragging him to their couch. She folded herself against the cushions, rubbing her thumb against his knuckles. “I get that these are your two best friends and you really want to see them be happy, but Barry—for the love of god. Let them work it out on their own. Please.”
He pouted a little, falling backwards onto the sofa and covered his eyes with a groan. Iris laughed.
“What am I supposed to do?” he whined through the muffling of his sleeve. She snuggled up against him until Barry couldn’t help but wrap his arms around her waist. She queued up Netflix. “How about getting you hooked onto the latest season of Love Is Blind?”  
Barry perked up immediately. “Do you think there’ll be another Messica?”
“There’s always another Messica.”
Barry watched Cisco and Caitlin be themselves for a whole other week with little to no development. He still stole her fries when she wasn’t looking and she nagged at him when he’d do something stupid only to get a fond eye roll and an arm slung over her shoulder. She’d tease his meta name of the week and for that, would earn a new nickname rolling off his tongue of her own. She’d let him hug her and she wouldn’t say anything different. And if her eyes darted over to Barry every once in a while after he’d be obliviously, painfully affectionate, well Barry seemed the only one to notice.
My friend, Cisco would always say when talking about her. My friend. My friend.
It made Barry cringe.
Another week turned into a month and then it was Spring. Iris began inviting Caitlin over to go shopping as a distraction. Cisco would turn down Ralph’s offers to hit the town.
Halfway into April, Barry got too distracted to keep score of Cisco and Caitlin’s stalling by a new crop of moderately dangerous alien attacks targeted around Central City. After a call and elaborate takedown with the help of Superman, they managed to put an end to it, content to send some alien children back to their homes.
Team Flash watched the news segment that relayed on Central City News Network in the Cortex as they fixed up the last of the technical difficulties in corresponding with the DEO to send the last aircrafts out to the alien planets, all wiped out and exhausted.
The news reel caught a quiet moment between Clark and Lois in the aftermath, Superman nowhere near in sight. The news headline captioned the footage of them grabbing onto each other in relief as 
“Couple Reunited After Alien Scare—Saved by Superman & Team Flash!”  
“Damn,” said Cisco around a Twizzler. “I want something like that.”
Caitlin clenched her clipboard tighter and forced a smile. “That would be nice, wouldn’t it?”
“Duuuude!” blurted out Barry, slapping his hand against the whiteboard he’d been cleaning off from their language decodes and translations. Cisco might as well have been the one from another planet.  “Dude! Come on!”
Cisco startled in his seat at Barry’s volume. “What?”
“Stop it with the utter bullshit! You do have that! You’ve always had that!” He gestured wildly at their best friend. “Hello!?”
“Barry,” Caitlin warned.
Maybe it wasn’t his place. Iris had told Barry not to pry, but this was pushing all of them too far. He couldn’t stand to see the look on Caitlin’s face. It’s been weeks. Hell, it’s been months. This had to end.
It was too late to salvage what he’d done, anyway. Cisco turned to look at her. “What is he talking about?”
Caitlin’s cheeks flared up as she muttered something incomprehensible, setting the clipboard down.
Ralph took a long sip of coffee, watching the scene above the rim of his mug.
“It’s just a crush,” she said at last, as if she were commenting on the weather. “A silly little crush, Cisco. It’ll pass.” She ignored Barry as she briskly walked across the room, her eyes flickering for a moment as her hands shook.
“Stop,” she said to nobody in the room, in a hushed, direct tone. It must’ve been for Frost. “Stop it. I’m fine on my own.”
They all watched as she left.
“Okaaaay,” said Cisco. “I’m very confused. What the hell just happened?”
Barry kept his mouth shut already knowing Iris would kill him.
Cisco sat up on the monitor desk and dropped his candy. “Barry, I mean no offence, but how is it that—again, no offence—”
“—Little taken.”
“ How the hell does Caitlin have feelings for someone suddenly and she decided that you’re the first to know?”
“Does that bother you?” Barry countered.
“That she told you first!? I just said that!”
“No, it bothers you that she likes someone.”
That took Cisco by surprise. “What—No?”
“You hesitated.”
Barry shared a glance with Ralph, who merely rolled his eyes. “Yes, you did.”
“So what does it bother me?” he lamented. “Why wouldn’t it? I don’t even know who this person is!?” Cisco frowned deeply, brushing a hand over his hair. “Do we know him? When did this happen?”
“Buddy,” said Ralph with feeling as he stretched his limbs, deciding to follow Caitlin in case Frost turned up after all. “Listen to yourself.”  
“I’m listening to myself just fine!”
“Uh.” Barry squinted at him. “Are you, really?”
Fine!” Cisco yelled, jumping down. Barry blinked. That was easy. “Maybe I’m concerned that Caitlin is falling in love again!”
“Why would that be a problem? You love Caitlin and want her to be happy.”
“I know!” Cisco shouted. “I love her and I want her to be happy but god for once, why can’t she just be happy with me?”
His words roared in Barry’s ears. Cisco himself blinked at his own outburst, shocked.
Finally. Finally!!!!!!
A ridiculous grin threatened to split Barry’s face, tremendously relieved that he didn’t have to suffer through this anymore. He reached for his pocket to text Iris about this new development with about a thousand exclamation points and a fireworks screen for emphasis.
The men turned on their heels, horrified to find Caitlin back in the entryway of the Cortex.
Cisco’s face went ashy. Barry nearly dropped his phone.
She shook her head, cutting Cisco off, a dangerous look in her eye. “Do you know how selfish you sound? You don’t want me with other people but you don’t want me either!?!”
“How many times have I heard you talk about wanting someone normal? How many times did I have to spell it out for you? How much you mean to me—How many more ways am I supposed to!?”
“The clearest way, Caitlin,” Barry cut in quietly. “It’s not that he’s not interested. He doesn’t know.”
Cisco was now in front of her, imploring. “I don’t know what?”
Caitlin swallowed, tearing her eyes from Barry back to Cisco. “I want to be with you,” she confessed. “It’s not just a crush. It’s not going to pass. I’m so in love with you I'm sick with it.”
It seemed as though Cisco’s mind churned and churned until any coherence jumbled into alphabet soup. “You—? Me?”
Barry smiled.
Caitlin nodded and tugged on Cisco’s shirt hem as he stumbled closer. Barry remembered the weary look in Caitlin’s eyes when he’d caught her hungover weeks ago. It was making its reappearance.
“I’m not normal—“
“—Caitlin.” That was all it took to  snap Cisco’s brain cells back into formation.
“—I’m not wife material anymore, I get that.”
“—But I’m happy with you. I’m so happy with you, Cisco—We don’t need anything else. We don’t have to change or be any different—You’re enough for me and that’s all I’ve ever really cared for—
“—And I understand that you see me like a sister and how this is a total shock but I really thought—You were calling me Cait and sometimes you’d look at me and I’d let myself think—“
“Caitlin!” Cisco held her face in his hands to get her to stop talking. She seized, her words stolen away at their proximity, at his touch on her skin. Her eyes caught in his gaze.
“Cait,” he said much more softly, reverenced. He thumbed her cheek and leaned forward until their  foreheads were pressed together. Caitlin closed her eyes, her shoulders slumping as he slid his hands down her face, her neck, the curve of her shoulders. Arms wrapped around her entirely as they stilled in the hallway.
Barry couldn’t dare move if he tried. He was mistaken, what he thought he saw before. The lines of pain etched into her face, the guarded stiffness in her posture when she finally told him what she wanted. There was something different in the way she held herself and looked at Cisco now. It was not weary and miserable, but yearning and delicate. A heartsickness that despite all the fatigue he’d seen it carry over Caitlin now rested in the same place that signalled newfound strength.
“I don’t expect you to suddenly develop feelings for me overnight—“ she whispered.
“Well that’s impossible,” Cisco murmured into her hair. She stiffened in his arms but he simply held her tighter, continuing. “I already love you more than anything in my life.”
Caitlin startled backwards, covering her mouth with her hand. She made a noise like a yelp. “I thought I was imagining it. I felt like I was going crazy!”
Barry sighed, folding his arms across his chest as he took a seat by the monitors. “I told you!”
They both turned to glare at him, but only for a second. Cisco was immediately drawn back to Caitlin, walking backwards to lead her into the Cortex from their spot in the hallway. “No. No, no, no.” He promised. ”This is my fault, I’m sorry. Every time I was hurt or worried or upset when I was with Kamilla—I just wanted to speak to you. And when I finally admitted to myself it wasn’t working...I was too scared to admit to myself I just wanted to run directly to you, then too.”
Her breath hitched.
“But I didn’t know,” he said. “That it was the same way for you. You told me in Antarctica that you didn’t want to get in the way of me starting a family—I assumed…” Cisco paused abruptly. “You were in the way,” he realized breathlessly. “You were always in the way—Mmph!”
Barry’s heart flipped for the both of them, a dumb smile lighting up his face when Caitlin kissed the hell out of Cisco.
The meta alert dinged on Barry’s phone. He slammed down on the space bar to silence the building alarms before they could jolt them apart. He leaned his chin against his palms as his elbows relaxed against the keyboard with a happy sigh.
Lois and Clark were in town. Superman could get this one.
For all the air that's in your lungs
For all the joy that is to come
For all the things that you're alive to feel
Just let the pain remind you hearts can heal
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