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olivarryprompts · 4 years ago
Fanfic Friday #2
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I will post a new fanfic here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read/Save it on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/31883764
Ship: olivarry 
Status: married
WC: 1503 
Barry’s POV
I woke up the normal smile on my face, and I reached over for Oliver. He wasn’t in bed, so I suspected that he’d started making breakfast for myself and William. I pulled on some sweatpants and my STAR Labs sweatshirt. 
“Oliver!” I called, entering the kitchen. This isn’t our kitchen. This isn’t our house. 
Iris was here.
“Hey babe, morning. Look at these, they’re perfect this time?” Iris went in to kiss me. 
“What-uh Oliver-could have just w-w? 
“Oliver? What about Oliver? Did you get enough sleep last night?” “Well he’s my, my-” 
I look down to my hand expecting to find my emerald wedding ring, but instead I am met with a standard silver wedding ring. 
“Where’s my ring? Where’s Will?”
“What ring? Who’s Will? Are you alright? Look, if it’s Cicada, we will catch him. And with Cayden J-”
“No. Uh, right, Cicada.” “Are you alright, Barry?”
“Just, tired I guess?” “It it my cooking because-” “No, no, no. These smell,” I take a whiff of the pancake she placed in front of me, “delicious.” They smelled beyond atrocious, and I would literally do anything for an omelet from Ollie. 
“-so he’s fine Caitlin?” She hummed a yes. 
“Really? There are no anomalies. I-i don’t have a brain tumor or-nothing?”
“Barry, you’re in perfect shape.” “Tell me about it? Look at these abs, all mine,” Iris said, laying her hands all over me. I very much disliked it. 
“Maybe lay off on the PDA?”
“You sa-” “I know I like touch. But, uh, I’m going to go home.” 
“Barry, you’ve been off all morning, what is going on?” I got up and headed into the hallway. I didn’t even bother waiting for one of them to come talk to me, I just sped off.  
As I made my way to star city, I had a scary thought. What if Ollie doesn’t remember me? What if Will doesn’t remember me? 
I ran straight to Star City and picked up Oliver from the scene he was fighting at. I sped Diggle back to Argus, and I took Oliver with me back to our place in Star City. 
“Barry?” he said, wrapping his arms around me. Relief flooded my body. 
“Oh thank god, Ollie, I was so scared that you wouldn’t remember me. Us.” “No, never.” We quickly kissed. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Oliver said. 
I showed my hand, “Seems like I’m married to Iris.” “And I’m married to Felicity.” “I woke up in her house.” “You woke up, in bed, with her?” “No need to get jealous, bear,” Oliver smirked. 
“Of course I’m going to get jealous. You’re mine, and we don’t even have our rings!” “Baby, come ‘ere.” He kept me in his arms. 
“We will figure this out. I promise you.” He kissed my head. I quickly changed out of my Flash suit and into some sweats and a hoodie from Oliver’s closet. 
“We need to figure this out. Asap.”
“Morning Dad,” William said, yawning. Dad. Not Dads. He doesn't remember me. 
“Hey kiddo,” Oliver said back. 
“Who’s that?”
“He’s, uh, a friend of mine. He’s helping me with some work. 
“Where’s Felicity? I need help with-” “Give me a second, Will. I need to figure this out. Can you stay here for a while on your own?” “Uhm, sure.” “Raisa will be here anytime now.” “O-okay. Dad is everything alright?” “It’s fine, kiddo. Promise. Right, I’m going to head to work.” Ollie kissed William on the forehead before heading out. 
I followed close behind. 
“Bye Will.” “Uh, bye?”
Once in the hallways, I started crying. 
“Hey, shh, we’ll figure this out.” “H-he doesn’t remember me. Will, our son, h-he doesn’t know me.” “I know, bear, but we’re going to fix this, I swear to you.” 
“I-i don’t know how Ollie, everyone one on this earth think I married Iris. S-she’s like my sister.”
He just held me close, and I buried my head in his neck. 
“Bear, I’ve got an idea. Everyone on THIS earth. Kara.”
“W-we’d need team flash to get to her earth.”
“We need to tell them what’s happened. They’re your best friends, they’ll know something is wrong.”
“I-i-” “Baby, I promise this will all be fine.”
“How? How can you Oliver? We have no idea what the hell is going on,” I was upset, admittedly, and angry. 
“Barry, calm down.” He wrapped his arms around my neck, resting his forehead on mine. I took a deep breath. Ollie was right, we’d figure this all out. 
“Through the good and the bad, right?”
He replied with a careful kiss on the lips. 
“Come on, let’s get to STAR Labs.”
Barry took my arm and sped us there. “Barry?” Caitlyn said, “You’re back, and Oliver?”
“Hello,” he said, calmly. “So, how do I say this. Ollie and I-well, we’re married.” Cisco laughed, “Y-you and Oliver.”
I shot him a look. “Oh, oh you’re serious?”
“Look, we got married on the 28th of August. You, you were his best man, Cisco. He both used to wear a ring with the other person's colour on it. I-i, we, I love him more than anything in the world.” 
“Kiss then? Prove it,” Iris said, walking into the cortex. I carefully wrapped my arms around Barry’s neck, and leaned it. He was comfort, and love, and everything good in the world. When our lips met, it reminded me of that. I shifted my hands to run through his hair, and, a few moments later, we broke apart.
“Good enough?” I said, gesticulating wildly. 
“Yeah. That was no platonic kiss or whatever,” Cisco said, shocked.
“I tend to agree,” Caitlyn said. 
Iris just looked down, muttering, “I knew something was up this morning.”
“I-i’m so sorry Iris, it’s just that, that Ollie, he’s my everything and I need everyone to know that and remember that. And William he is my so-”
“Hey, hey Barry, I understand. I see how you look at him, it’s like the only thing in the world that matters is him. Y-you look at me with those same eyes, Barry Allen.”
“I promise this will all get fixed, I swear.”
“Go be a hero, Barry,” She whispered with a smile, laying a kiss on my cheek. I walked back over to Ollie, standing next to him. He wrapped a casual arm around me. Once a possessive git, always a possessive git. 
“Right, so we need to open a breach to earth 38.”
“Understood. I’ll grab the interdimensional extrapolator.” Cisco ran off, and we all stood there in somewhat of an awkward silence. 
“So, Barry, Oliver, when did you two meet?”
I looked at Ollie, silently begging him to answer the question.
“W-we met when he came to investigate a case similar to his mother's back in Starling. We ended up talking, going for dinner, but I thought he’d aired me. Turns out the whole coma thing was the reason he didn’t respond to my texts. Both our night jobs just pulled us together. It’s always been easy with Bear.“
“Right, one interdimenstionall extrapolator ready to go,” Cisco said, placing the small discus looking object in my hand. 
“Thanks,” I said, opening a breach. 
We quickly ended up on a farm on earth 28 greeted by, well, people threatening us. Well, that is, unti Kara showed up. 
“They’re friendlies, they’re friendlies!” she called, “Barry, Oliver!” 
“Meet my cousin Clarke.”
“As in the super one?”
Kara nodded. “You can just call me Clarke,” he smiled. 
“Barry Allen-Queen.”
“Oliver Allen-Queen.”
“Lovely to meet you, two. This is my wife Lois.” We both greeted her. 
“Kara, you know we’re married right?”
“Of course, otp.”
“Oh thank god!” I exclaimed. 
“What, what’s happening?”
“Everyone on our earth thinks he’s married to Iris, and they think I married Felicity.”
“W-wait? Really?”
Oliver nodded his pensive nod.
Time skip to when the book resets them 
I woke up again, but this time in the right bedroom. I reached my hand over, and I felt Oliver’s chest. 
“Ollie! Ollie!” I said, tears rolling down my face as his eyes fluttered open. I immediately cuddled into his chest. 
“Barry- look,” he said, carefully taking my fingers into his hand, and glossing over my hand. 
We both sighed with relief. 
“This isn’t over, Bear,” he said.
“I know. I know it isn’t. I-i’m just glad to be here.”
“Yeah me too,” he placed a kiss on my lips. 
“I’m going to go check on Will,” I said, getting up. I threw on some sweats and a hoodie. 
He hummed in agreement. 
I made the small walk to Will’s room, carefully sliding open the door. Will was sitting at his desk, typing at his computer. 
“Hey dad,” he said, briefly looking up.
I quickly wrapped my arms around him, kissing his forehead. 
“Dad? You alright?”
‘Yeah, fine, Fine now,” I smiled. 
“You’re acting strange.”
“I-it’s nothing kiddo. All good.”
“Ok. Can you get Dad to make his pancakes for breakfast?” “I might need your help convincing him.”
“Let’s go, then.”
The battle was far from won, but Ollie and I, we could figure it out. 
Read it/save it on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/31883764
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i-lovethatforme · 3 years ago
I saw this prompt in the server earlier and thought it would be so cute if you wrote something for it 🥺 MJ works at a day care and Peter is the single dad taking his child in everyday.
me: i dont like kidfics
also me: here's a kidfic you asked for mere minutes ago
“Oops, silly me,” MJ says, trying to pull the pages of the book apart. They’re probably stuck together with juice but she can try and clean them once she’s finished this chapter.
“S’okay,” Olivia mumbles, wiggling in MJ’s lap as she reaches to help her pull the pages apart. “Dada gets stuck all the time.”
“Yeah?” MJ asks, letting her mind wander slightly to Liv’s dad. Peter. She likes to pretend she doesn’t know his name because he’s never given it to her but Liv talks about him so often it would be difficult not to know.
Besides, he's really fucking pretty.
“Mmm,” Liv says, the pages open in her hands. Pulling MJ’s thoughts away from the blush on Peter’s cheeks, the way he can never quite look her in the eye and she’s still trying to figure out if he. “I try?”
“Okay, good girl,” MJ says, leaning her head over Liv’s shoulder to help guide her. She runs her finger along with the words, letting Liv sound them out and occasionally helping her with a word.
She lets her read until she notices the time. It’s only three minutes to six, so MJ suggests they clear up the things they were playing with before her dad turns up. MJ takes her to the bathroom and washes her hands and she presses soap to Liv’s nose because she laughs every time and it’s cute.
“Excited to go home?” MJ asks, feeling her knees click when she stands up from drying Liv’s hands.
“Yeah, it’s pizza night with Nana,” she replies, her cheeks pink as she smiles up at her. She’s never really mentioned a mum, not that it matters - obviously. She’s not written on her emergency contact form. Not that MJ is trying to make a move on a dad from work. That would be insane. Probably.
But she talks about her Nana’s May and Liv all the time.
“Yummy. What’s your favourite?” MJ asks, taking the little girl's hand and walking her back to the front of the building as Liv tells her exactly how she likes her pizza. MJ never gets her ready with her coat and backpack before she sees Peter because his eyes always get so wide when he sees her here alone. It’s not his fault - he’s never been late but the centre is open until six on a Thursday and MJ works the late shift - and everyone else gets picked up a little earlier.
So she never wants him to feel like they’re just sitting around waiting for him. Because MJ likes Liv a lot. And she’s not bragging when she says Liv loves her. She tells her all the time. Sometimes it comes accompanied by drawings she likes to put on the fridge.
But she sees Peter running across the road, barely looking as a taxi blares his horn at him. He never seems to care that he might get hit.
“Guess who’s here, pumpkin,” MJ says, waiting to watch the way Liv’s face lights up and she struggles to get up fast enough.
“Dada!” she says, just in time for Peter to swing the door open a little too hard. MJ doesn’t mind though - he’s never managed to break it and she’d probably let him get away with it anyway.
“Hey, bug,” he replies, just as animatedly. He bends down, sweeping her into a hug that looks just on the good side of tight and there’s a pang of jealousy that works its way through MJ’s body.
“How are you?” he asks, pulling back, though Liv’s arms remain around his neck.
“Tired,” she replies, with a pout but no conviction. Not that it matters MJ knows Peter will carry her home like that anyway, so when she grabs her backpack, she hands it to him. He smiles at her, something sweet that she’ll probably overthink until she sees him again tomorrow.
He turns back to Liv, “Oh yeah? I guess that means we have to skip Nana’s and -”
“Noooo,” she replies, resting her forehead against his chest as he laughs. MJ’s not sure he’s ever said no to her before.
“I didn’t think so,” he laughs, his eyes flicking to MJ just once before he starts to fidget. “How was she -”
“D’you want to come for pizza, Em Jay?” Liv asks.
Peter’s eyes go wide, his cheeks a delicious shade of pink but MJ can’t be too smug about that right now because she’s spluttering over her words.
“Oh, I don’t -” she starts, hoping Peter will pick up where she left off but he seems hellbent on not saying anything. She couldn’t even be sure he wants her to say no.
“Dada always asking about you over dinner,” Liv continues with a shrug.
“Bug,” Peter groans, his head thrown back, showing off his neck.
“You told me not to lie.”
“You don’t have to say everything that comes into your head either,” he laughs, pressing his index finger to her nose.
He looks to MJ then and she’s doing a half-decent job of keeping her cool. Her bottom lip clamped down by her teeth so hard she thinks it might bruise. He runs his hand through his hair with a shaky laugh.
“She just -” he starts, the blush creeping down his neck. “Erm, she means when I ask about her - her day and stuff. You’re her favourite here so -”
He’s a terrible liar. She lets him wait, now that she feels a little more in control. He swallows, repositioning his daughter in his arms. Liv’s over it already, her head resting on Peter’s shoulder.
“Makes sense,” MJ says, pouting slightly. She doesn’t miss how he tracks the movement. “I don’t know how fair it is that you talk about me over dinner when you’ve never even told me your name.”
“Peter,” he blurts out. A little uncool. A little desperate if she had to guess.
“My name is Peter.”
She likes it.
He squints at her, his head tilting to the side like his daughter does when she’s trying to figure out a word.
“Liv calls you MJ.”
“Only my friends call me MJ.”
“I see,” he laughs, then he glances down at Olivia who is practically asleep already. “Erm, and so should I put you as MJ or Michelle in my phone?”
“You don’t have my number,” she says, resting her chin in her palm, arching her brow.
“You know that was like my best line, right?” he asks with a huff.
He laughs, the sound working its way past her ribcage and wriggling into her chest.
“Can I please have your number?” he asks, his eyes flicking over her face like he thinks she might say no.
“What are you going to call me if I do?”
“Tonight,” he says, with a nod of his head. “I’ll call you tonight. Oh - wait… I mean, MJ. No -”
“Peter,” she laughs, resting her hand over where his has fallen on the counter. “Here.”
She hands him a slip of paper with her name and number on it.
“How did you have time to write that?” he asks, taking a photo of the paper with his phone before he types the number in. It’s cute. He’s cute.
“Oh, I did that and returned some emails while you were having a meltdown over my name.”
“You’re so -” he laughs, his smile blindingly bright. She smiles back. And it's a moment she doesn't really want to move on from but Liv wriggles in his arms and MJ feels momentarily bad that she forgot about her for a while. It’s alright, Peter has her anyway. “Erm, I have to go.”
“Okay,” she replies with a smile. He laughs again and it's quickly becoming her favourite sound.
“I’ll call you.”
“You better.”
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pink-grapefruit-cafe · 6 years ago
I’m glad you’re doing well :)) Relearning how to play a guitar?? Oh yes please do that. That’s amazing. Kidifc!! I love kidfic sm, hope writing it is going well. I’m good, my day’s been fine . It’s been a solid 90 degrees for two months so, it’s been kinda hot lol. Hbu? I heard there’s been a heatwave, have you melted yet? (Pls take care and don’t melt, drink water💙) -confused anon
ughhh 90F no thanks. well i’m relearning cause i play ukulele 90% of the time and i forgot how to play. kidfic could be coming out sooner rather than later thank the holy mother of god cause i want to start posting pretty woman/ and yes i have drank enough mummmm. (thanks for caring babe)
love ya!
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poeticandvaguelysweet · 8 years ago
NOOO! Kidifc is the best! We want more!
You guys throw me through the loop. Good thing I do what I want first, before listening to the voices of others. I value your opinions, but when grey faces tell you one thing and more grey faces tell you another it’s really hard to figure out where you should sit? You always remember the negative comments over the positive ones ... it’s an unfortunate mistake in brain chemistry.
Now, I’ve been writing for a while on here for you all (I’m talking over a year) and you all know by now that kids are my passion. I will always write them. Nothing is going to stop me from that. I also looooovveeee to be bathed in attention (not shy about that, hell no) so I will always share what I’ve written. But, you gotta love me back you guys. I love you and it hurts my heart sometimes when it doesn’t come back my way. 
and I really hate yarping on like this. I’m really glad that there are people out there still enjoying kidfic because I love writing it and I don’t want to bore anyone! 
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wonderlandleighleigh · 9 years ago
Birthday (Year 5)
4. October 30th: Willow Bartowski 
He shouldn’t be letting her watch this movie, he knows, but she begged and pleaded, and she’s so cute, and it is her birthday. Willow Eleanor Bartowski is officially five, and the birthday girl wants to stay up and watch Army of Darkness with her dad and her Uncle Morgan, and...
And Chuck can’t resist. 
So he and Morgan and Willow are on the couch, and she’s curled up between them in her little Tangled nightgown, clinging to his shirt and the blanket she’s curled up in, and he can tell she’s expecting the movie to be scary, until it’s...not quite as scary as she thought. 
She giggles. “Boom stick!” 
Morgan grins proudly at Chuck but also shakes his head. “Sarah is going to murder you, dude.” 
“It might just be worth it.” 
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