#open calls for short stories
Welcome, 2023! 34 ORCHARD's submissions window is open through January 15!
Welcome, 2023! 34 ORCHARD’s submissions window is open through January 15!
34 Orchard is now considering work for our Spring 2023 issue! We will only be open from January 1 – 15, 2023, so if you’re planning on submitting, please keep in mind that anything after January 15, 2023, will be deleted unread (and yes, we adjust for all worldwide time zones. So that’s after January 15 at 11:59pm wherever you are). Please refer to our guidelines for information on how to submit.…
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cjjasp · 2 years
The Business Side of the Business – managing submissions #amwriting
The Business Side of the Business – managing submissions #amwriting
Do you consider yourself a professional writer? If writing is your real career (regardless of your day job), this is a good time to consider your path. One of the best ways to get your author name out there is by having your work published in magazines and anthologies. A new year has begun, and open calls for spring and summer contests and anthologies will start appearing in various forums that I…
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calliope-stories · 1 year
Open Call for Calliope
We’re Calliope, a publishing app dedicated to genre fiction — interactive, illustrated fiction. Anything to do with high fantasy, operatic sci-fi, heart-stopping action, that’s our jam. Combine that with vibrant illustrations that respond to your touch and you have our mission.
At the moment we’re looking for short stories (2,000 - 4,000 words) and flash fictions (100 - 1,000 words) of any type of genre fiction (i.e., romance, horror, fantasy, etc.) 
We do rolling submissions with rates of $0.05 / word and following standard publication guidelines.
Please visit www.calliopeinteractive.com for our submission guidelines.
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dreamlandiasims · 4 months
The Last Goodbye
a PLA "short film"
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[0:04]: dreamlandiasims Presents
[0:08]: a PLA Short Film
[0:12]: The Last Goodbye
[1:31]: Boss said we can't afford any disruptions. Shut it down.
[1:48]: They must've cut our fucking power.
[2:06]: ... Screw it.
[2:03]: Our fearless leaders are trying to ruin tonight's event.
[2:07]: So I say... why don't we bring the party to them?
[2:11]: Who's with me?
[2:13]: I said...
[2:15]: WHO'S WITH ME??
[2:50]: to be continued...
[2:54]: Song Credits: ODESZA - The Last Goodbye
[2:58]: thanks for watching :)
[If anyone is having trouble getting the video to load or play for any reason lmk! I might end up hosting it elsewhere because idk if I trust tumblr lol]
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iamf0rtis · 2 months
alright this one might get me in some online fights here on tumblr but i feel like *someones* gotta bring it up
aborting a fetus with a genetic or mental disorder because you cannot take care of them is not eugenics.
bringing a fetus into the world when you can not care for their disorders is cruel.
if you can not care for a kid, you shouldn't have it. yes, that includes kids with autism, kids with down syndrome, kids with cystic fibrosis, etc. its not eugenics, its wanting the best for yourself and any kid you bring into the world.
its not bad to abort a fetus you can not care for. its bad when you know you cant take care of that child but have it anyway.
genetic testing doesnt necessarily promote eugenics, it allows parents to make educated choices about their family and the children they are bringing into the world. frankly, i think it makes the lives of disabled people better.
if you could make sure your child doesnt suffer from a chronic disability, wouldnt you do it? i dont think thats a bad thing.
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rennorthernlights · 9 months
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Mustang Inquiries
A collection of Drabbles from my OC Mustang, that will span over the Call Of Duty universe. One-Shots and Short stories involving our favorite characters. NO PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF HER WILL BE SHOWN ONLY THE NAME I’VE GIVEN HER!
Includes Smut, Fluff, Angst, and anything and everything in between. They will be tagged accordingly.
Requests are OPEN
Smut 🌶
Fluff 💞
Angst 💔
In-Between 🪢
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Breaking You In 🌶🪢 | One-Shot
Heatwaves 💞 | One-Shot
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Maybe I Was Wrong 💔💞 | One-Shot
All Mine 💔🌶 | One-Shot or maybe Short?? Haven’t figured that out yet.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
All Tender For Me 🌶 | One-Shot
John “Bravo-6” Price
Insanity In Company 🌶 | Mini-Shorts
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nettirw · 16 days
Silent Nightmares will be open for submissions for the month of December, 2024. This anthology of dark holiday horrors will be co-edited by Chuck Palahniuk and Michael Bailey, who will be eagerly sifting the slush.
Silent Nightmares will be open for submissions for the month of December, 2024. This anthology of dark holiday horrors will be co-edited by Chuck Palahniuk and Michael Bailey, who will be eagerly sifting the slush for Haunting Stories to Be Told on the Longest Night of the Year. Cover artwork by Ben Baldwin. If you want to play along, send a submission using the guidelines below between 12:01…
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acoupofowls · 11 months
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Other Worlds: An Anthology of Diverse Short Fiction
Short stories by writers from marginalised and/or underrepresented communities or backgrounds exploring the theme of "Other Worlds"
Other Worlds is the second print anthology brought to you by A Coup of Owls Press - home of online quarterly anthologies from creators from marginalised and/or underrepresented communities or backgrounds.
As a follow-up to Other & Different, which explored what it is to be othered, Other Worlds will be an exploration of places, situations, communities, etc, that are other. These might be actual other worlds in a science or speculative fiction genre, or a community, or a situation in the historical or modern world that feels or is made to feel alien. Encompassing a variety of styles and genres, Other Worlds will feature stories focused on the theme of being part of those othered communities - however the writers wish to interpret that.
We are thrilled to confirm that we have invited five fantastic authors to contribute to Other Worlds, and our submissions for the remaining stories are open from 1st October to 15th November 2023. 
For more submissions guidelines and to submit, check out our submissions page.
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Eve Morton:  Strange people with strange purposes gather in Haven (Science Fiction).
Eve Morton is a poet, professor, and parent living in Waterloo, Ontario. She likes coffee, short stories, and horror movies--in that order.  Weblinks: website
Previous publications include: A Coup of Owls, Other Stories Podcast and Third Flatiron Publishing
Victor Okechukwu: A post-civil war community feels cut off from the rest of Nigeria when a woman's only son enters a train to Jos but  may not return (Modern Nigerian Lit). 
Victor Okechukwu is a writer based in Lagos, Nigeria. His writing takes a deep setting in arresting issues of mental health that have been overlooked in his country. He's an Associate Prose Editor at Zerotic Press and is reading mass communication at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Weblinks: Twitter
Previous publications include: Gordon Square Review, Mycelia, Door-is-a-jar, and Rigorous Magazine
Von Reyes: Violence and intimacy become blurred and life might just be worth fighting for amongst a community of underground fighters (Speculative Fiction).
Von Reyes is an emergent fiction author, focused on uplifting the intersections of queer and trans masculinity and Asian diasporic identity. He focuses on genre fiction with themes of surrealism, queer sexuality, existentialism, and optimistic nihilism. He is passionate about creating a more socially conscious world where care for each other is at the core of all that we do. He hopes to tell stories that don't shy away from the horrors, but allows us to find the light within them. When he isn't writing, he can usually be found chasing the ocean and his next iced coffee.  Weblinks: website
Previous publications include: The Good Men Project. Forthcoming in Chill Mag.
Zachary Rosenberg:  A Jewish soldier and rancher must contend with mysterious monsters to build the home he longs for (Horror Western).
Zachary Rosenberg is a horror writer living in Florida. He crafts horrifying tales by night and by day he practices law, which is even more frightening. His debut novella Hungers as Old As This Land is out now from Brigids Gate Press and his second, The Long Shalom, is available from by Off Limits Press. Weblinks: Twitter
Previous publications include: Dark Matter Magazine, The Deadlands, and the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
Samir Sirk Morató: When an Appalachian community clashes with their neighbors—a grove of sentient, dying chestnut trees—tragedy strikes (Horror).
Samir Sirk Morató is a scientist, artist, and flesh heap. They are also a 2022 Brave New Weird shortlister and a F(r)iction Fall 2022 Flash Fiction finalist. Samir spends most of their time tending to their cacti and contemplating the nature of meat. Weblinks: Twitter, Instagram, and website
Previous publications include: Neon Hemlock, bodyfluids, Catapult, and Seize the Press.
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We can't wait to share with you the amazing cover art currently being created by amazing artist @pangaeastarseed.
Pangaea is a life-long artist and resident of the DC suburbs. A freelance illustrator with 20+ years experience, Pan’s work focuses on figure work and visual narratives utilizing the exploration of queerness, food as a love-language, and colors influenced by their florid synaesthesia.
Pangaea’s previous work includes custom illustration commissions and tattoo designs for clients; Starseed, an original gay-porn-space-opera comic, The Alien Dick Coloring Book, sketchbook zines Cardassia Prime and Cardassia Kotok, and the Washington DC-variant poster design of The Lambda Literary Awards 2022.
Portfolio: https://www.pangaeaillustrations.com/
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We want to ensure that we produce the high quality product that we know we can! Whilst design, layout and formatting happens in-house, Kickstarter funds will help cover pay for our authors, cover artist and editor. 
Add Ons!
We have a variety of extras available in the add-ons, from extra copies to special collected editions.  Whilst we've tried to create reward tiers to suit everyone, the add-ons will better allow you to mix and match to your preference! 
Our own @maxturnerwrites is once more offering some of his own work at discounted prices for supporters.
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£1000 : at £1000 we will add an Other Worlds bookmark for each physical backer
£1250 : at £1250 we will add an A5 print of cover art (without title) to each physical backer, and an e-copy of the same to each e-backer
£1500 : at £1500 we will add an Other Worlds tote bag for each physical backer
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jtl-fics · 1 year
What can I bribe you with for a full fic of the old lovers au? (Or literally any of the time travel aus you keep teasing???)
I do plan on writing the Math Nerd AU next in all honesty. (It was gonna be what I wrote after You and Me, just us, and Y(Our) friend Kevin fic but then....Fluent Freshman tripped into my life as an idea I had while waiting around at work for my computer to finish updating lol)
The Old Flames AU was an ask that slipped into my inbox today so I don't really have anything for it in terms of planning / outline (I only really have a solid outline on Math Nerd, New Kings, and Andrew First and Andrew first is honestly the one that is the most nebulous). A lot of things I write that people request like that (here's an idea etc.) are me just thinking something up on the spot. (It is easy for shit like Amazing Race and GBBO because well.........it's just a season of the show but Andreil's there)
It's kind of a fun thing to write about when people ask for it but not something I have more solidly planned.
For me I gotta focus on one thing at a time or else something gets dropped (Looking at my poor Beware fic that I just...can't get ungoofy enough to write because of FF or worse I keep having FF show up and HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THEEERE)
I'm really enjoying WIP Wednesday kind of being the clusterfuck of requests for snippets since I actually end up writing a lot during it. So
I guess the only thing you can bribe me with is your patience and continued support? I am really having a hoot writing this stuff but also I've met me, I know that I gotta finish Fluent Freshman first or it just won't get finished.
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ouatsqincorrect · 9 months
i’m back! i was gonna wait until next week but a couple of you guys asked some good questions lol
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malusienki · 4 months
i cannot believe [school writing and art magazine] did not ask me for names of my pieces, and rather, they NAMED THEM FOR ME
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34 ORCHARD taking submissions for the Autumn 2023 issue!
34 Orchard is now considering work for our Autumn 2023 issue! We will only be open from July 1 – 15, 2023, so if you’re planning on submitting, please keep in mind that anything after July 15, 2023, will be deleted unread (and yes, we adjust for all worldwide time zones. So that’s after July 15 at 11:59pm wherever you are). Please refer to our guidelines for information on how to submit. Check…
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estercity · 10 months
i don't think my fanfiction is lesser than my original work in terms of quality but i definately think i've neglected improving my ability to create my own stories BECAUSE i've been writing more fanficition than original work since i was a teenager. like there was definately a more even balance of the two when i was in highschool but its only in the last couple of years i've gotten back into writing my own stories for my own characters (such as 'as you like' and 'litter') and its a harder transition than i was expecting, which is embarrassing in a way but also i'm still enjoying it and that's what matters. idk. these aren't vent posts really i'm just dumping all my thoughts in one place. maybe i'm focusing too much on trying to write these massive thought-provoking stories when i should start smaller and work up? i like the idea of that
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djohnhopper · 3 months
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100subtexts magazine - submissions closing. Submissions will be closing soon for issue 23 of the monthly literary magazine - open for fiction, non-fiction, poetry and more. No theme - no word count - no fee. Send submissions to: [email protected] 100subtexts magazine: different voices - one space.
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Had THE funniest dream last night
#i was roommates with this couple who for some reason decided they were going to bone directly outside the house#like on the front porch more or less#except they were really worried about being seen? so i was kind of keeping a lookout for them#pretty much as soon as they.. began; a legolas cosplayer appeared complete with a camera crew#OH THAT WAS THE THING! my roommates were filming themselves but it was just on a mounted tripod#so i just opened the window and said ‘uhhh do you guys have a camera crew?’ and they looked around and screamed#had to run inside naked from the waist down. i was laughing and laughing#for some reason my next move was to post about this on tumblr but it got no notes and i was impatient so i posted about it on facebook#and TONS of people liked it immediately and then were sharing it and long story short it went viral#and there were random people in the comments saying like ‘oh this is so obviously fake’ and ‘why does she sound so unconcerned?’#because why would i be concerned?? gay sex is legal.. having it where other people can see isn’t exactly legal but they got inside quickly#and the legolas cosplayer and his camera crew didn’t exactly seem traumatised. they just looked confused if anything#also i’d written it in kind of a sarcastic and funny tone to be entertaining because it was honestly an absurd situation#why i would’ve posted this to FACEBOOK where most of my friends are my elderly relatives; ex-coworkers and high school people i don’t know#anyway that was my dream. two guys i vaguely know had four-second sex on my front porch; saw a legolas cosplayer; screamed and ran inside#OH and the other part of my dream was one of my mutuals on here (who i have only spoken to via prev tags) for some reason had my mobile#number and kept trying to call me#i had them in my phone just as their tumblr url even though they have a name and i know it? and for some reason i kept panicking#and rejecting the call and then coming up with spurious reasons for doing so#even though this person was extremely chill about it and was like ‘oh we can just talk another time!’#it made NO sense. i would absolutely speak to this person on the phone if i got the chance#but also why would i give them my number? and why would they be calling me from the states??#anyway. if you need me i’m going to make breakfast and go to pilates#personal
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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rough childhood headcanon qs / @clxscdeyes / no longer accepting !
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╰┈➤ 7 . how old was your muse when they realized they had childhood trauma?
||. one whole "today years old" post!ragnarok and hela's reveal. Except, even then, according to the movie, not really because Thor is still in heavy denial about all of it where Odin is concerned. I've spoken a bit (here) about how Thor adores his family; he idolizes them and views them through blinding rose-colored glasses, (especially when they're deceased) and that is especially true of his circumstances.
So, very often times when the truth clashes with the rose-colored view of them (namely: his father), Thor does one of two things: find a way to justify the words or action with the surrounding context of the time to make it make sense (e.g., well he scolded me harshly because i was talking back), or avoid it altogether. (this is his go-to. no talking about it; thor would rather not right now, so he does not.)
Key example being: he would rather focus on how his father changed his ways, and the Odin that he knew and grew up with was a man who had turned away from pursuing war for war's sake, and was instead one who valued peace and life. He would rather focus on that aspect of Odin, and take in the broader picture of Odin's life. REGARDLESS of the fact that what Thor is deeply, personally affected - not with the realization that Odin changed his ways once upon a time - but by the fact that he lied to him, manipulated him, and controlled and shaped every aspect of his being, for Thor's whole life, JUST to avoid another Hela. Someone who Thor is not, could not be farther from, and never knew about, because Odin (apparently) kept the matter of his true first-born a closely-guarded secret and seemingly would have continued to were it not for Odin's death, Hela's escape, and Ragnarok all coinciding at the same moment in time. And this, all because Thor rationalizes it as "well, I wouldn't want to be remembered and judged based on the person that I used to be. I should extend that same kindness to my father, because he too, changed." (x10 because now Odin is dead. And it's in poor-taste to speak ill of a dead man.)
The problem namely being: Thor only talks about things when Thor decides it's time to talk about things ; when he is ready. ...but as this is a topic that ripple effects down to Thor's core, good luck getting him to open up about it, even just with himself.
#(yknow what sucks most about this is that 2011-2015 thor was on a trajectory where)#(while he still wouldn't talk about a lot of things he wasn't as firmly rooted in /absolute denial/ like he is now >>)#(he would lock up and not talk about his personal feelings but he was still /thinking/ about them)#(- and could grow ready to share his thoughts once he processed through all of it.)#(or at least he would broach the broad concepts while still lightly brushing over 'k but how did it make THOR feel')#(dude would rather choke than talk about his own feelings no support system for thor he's so dumb)#(which is also just so funny because he never /denied/ the fact that he's feeling under the weather either)#(he just... won't elaborate on why he is or how to feel better.)#(but anyways)#(to rationalize the trajectory shift away from 'thor being able to talk about deeply upsetting topics for him even if it's uncomfortable')#(i've decided that so much has happened in such a short amount of time and there's /so/ many things eating at him-)#(-that he's subconsciously decided he's not going to talk much about any of them. because there's just too much.)#(the vibe of 'if i talk about this now i'm going to fall and if i fall i don't know if i can get up again because it's finally too heavy)#(-and i can't afford to fall down bc there's too much at stake outside of me so i just will not take the chance')#(he can if he's ever with someone he truly trusts and he can speak about it NORMALLY if that person pushes him enough)#(because you've always had to needle thor to /actually answer your question/ rather than talk half-way around it)#(//stares at thor 2011 where he never opens up to jane even once not even at the fire-side chat)#(but until then it's big denial mode bc ragnarok messed him up something fierce and i'm not even talking about-)#(-the order of in-universe events that happen in the movie orz)#( ooc . ) — stories that leap from the page .#( answered . ) — black feathers fall to a raven's call .#clxscdeyes#( headcanon . ) — glory to the man who toils for his land . may it ever prosper .
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