#op write the fanfic version people would read it
SPN 14x15 -Peace of Mind had SO much potential but its execution sucked. Okay, let's move it up to the 1960's (because I remember 50's energy).
I think that the episode should have toned down on the corny comedy and served something emotionally provocative and dark. Sam, Cas, AND Dean should have driven into town and solved the case together. I'm thinking that this could have been a psychological thriller. A psychic nightmare where the boys encounter the deepest parts of themselves and somehow work through it.
As the episode progresses, they become more entrenched in the town's perceived perfection. It becomes gradually more obvious in their clothes, the backdrop, etc... Maybe Sam is brainwashed BUT it's dignified, you know? None of this "Jeremy with a wife" nonsense but he's slowly disassociating with his and Dean's world and actively choosing the safer suburban route (while being plagued with flashes of nightmares) to the point where we don't know if someone's messing with his mind or if he's simply opting out. Dean should be on the verge of following suit, tempted by the town's supposed goodness, but Cas should be the voice of reason that's like "bro, no. Don't fall for it, we have a mission here..." (We can work this out later). The episode should end with the three of them defeating the evil psychic dude, right? And though they did the right thing, they feel forlorn as they drive off in their car, a ruined town behind them, and blood splattered on their 60's clothes --- which they'll shrug off in the car with a look of melancholy. If they did the right thing and "saved the town," why did it feel like they lost something?
Also, the episode should be focused on the soundtrack. 60's music is so soft and can def be interpreted as unnerving (think ep- dream a little dream of me). I'm thinking a romance ballad plays over every fight scene/opening murder. It doesn't get better than the whispery vocals of a vintage song sounding over the Winchester's breaking down in their inner turmoil.
This all makes more sense in my head and I know that my written summary sucks, but I URGE you to think about how cool and moody a 60's SPN episode could have been if the writers had played their cards right :D
Why do you want to kill the one episode where Sam and Cas managed to pass the bechdean test.
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biocrafthero · 4 months
Vaugarde Dashboard Simulator Part 2
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🪨 tuesdayagain Follow
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My dinnar 🔥
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👁️ onlooker23694 Follow
do you guys think that Odile (one of the saviors) has a tumblr
🐇 bingbongurwrong Follow
I think some of you need therapy. Desperately.
👁️ onlooker23694 Follow
Change forbid someone on the “i wanna make out with that old lady” website actually wants to make out with that old lady
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🪨 tuesdayagain Follow
Hope I don’t have to fight my evil shadow self today
♟️ maldupays Follow
🪨 tuesdayagain Follow
💫 loopingloops Follow
🪨 tuesdayagain Follow
💫 loopingloops Follow
🪨 tuesdayagain Follow
💫 loopingloops Follow
♟️ maldupays Follow
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🧪 thatonescientist Follow
Okay so Mira isn’t in the dorm right now so I just combined a Monster energy drink with some rainbow Airheads. Calling this drink battery acid. Gonna see what happens when I have some
🧪 thatonescientist Follow
don’t do this
🧪 thatonescientist Follow
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i love my partner so much love always wins never give up
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🌃 changehold Follow
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🧱 builderboy-brickman Follow
Wait. Wait does this mean that the saviors listen to Radiohead
🧱 builderboy-brickman Follow
( 3,138 notes )
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👑 fleetingmemories Follow
ohhh…. I remember when messages took weeks to send between countries……. how times have changed……… ohhhhhhh….
☄️ rumblingrocktype Follow
Hey quick question how old are you
👑 fleetingmemories Follow
oh….. in my 50s, I believe…… why do you ask?
☄️ rumblingrocktype Follow
Did you know him
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🔔 pleasedontfindthisblog Follow
my thirsty ass could NEVER be near one of these things
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🧤 fivesetsofhands Follow
Hey what does this mean. Hey OP what the crab does this mean
🔔 pleasedontfindthisblog Follow
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you can’t prove ANYTHING
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⚒️ etchedinstone Follow
“Is it ethical to write fanfic about the saviors of Vaugarde if their lives were adapted into a stage play and I’m just writing about the fictional versions of them” thread locked after 174 pages of heated debate
🐊 creepingthang Follow
OP this is the same energy as the Isabeau Miku Binder post
⚒️ etchedinstone Follow
( 3,487 notes )
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🌫️ guncraft
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I need him
👓 patienthunter Follow
People like OP need to go to a mental hospital
🐺 wolvesdenguy Follow
What happened to the notes
🌞 inthehouseof Follow
Official 0 note King thirst post
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🐻 amazingwonderfulfunnybuff Follow
My friends finally convinced me to make a new account after years of not using this website why is everything different
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💭 lostinthoughts Follow
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💭 lostinthoughts Follow
👾 bitten8-bit Follow
the fog is coming.
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That new shade in the sky would look great in a children’s hospital
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🍱 overthinkinghistorian Follow
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this too is yuri
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💀 biocrafthero Follow
You can read Part 1 here :3c
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dukeofdelirium · 4 months
I saw this anti-Kataang post saying Katara is 14 going on 25 and Aang is 12 going on 8. And honestly this really pissed me off, the invalidation of Aang’s trauma and the adultification of Katara honestly grosses me out. It’s such a shameful mischaracterization and flanderization of both characters. Zutara stans like these are such fake fans, they don’t care about the show, they don’t care about Katara just their own fanfic version of Katara they can project onto.
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imma be real this is the weirdest shit I ever read 😭
“Aang plays with Momo while the other kids drink TEA like sophisticated ADULTS and play GAMES that require CRITICAL THOUGHT !!!! REEEEE”
Aang knows how to play pai sho…… we literally saw him playing it in book 1 episode 12: The Storm…. Fuckin moron @ OP 🤦🏻‍♂️
Also the weird commenting on what Aang would theoretically know about genitalia and sex is … odd…. And it’s also so strange to me that people think Aang would be some naive idiot who knows nothing about the world let alone about sex at his age.
The air nomads were very sexually open in ways that none of the other cultures are in ATLA. This is canon. They were a sexually free people, lol. So saying that Aang would have no concept of these things because he’s too “immature” to know about it is not aligning with what we know of his people and culture. We also know that Katara and Aang married and had a child together when they were pretty young, so… this whole argument is so strange lmao. Adding onto this, Aang traveled the world and frequently at that and we can assume he did so solo. He had way more life experience and knowledge by the age of 12 than Katara or Sokka combined, who had never even set foot outside their village. If any of these two characters is naive about sexuality and all it encompasses, it would in fact be Katara…. Who grew up in a village without men aside from her brother… lol. Aang traveled everywhere, he probably was friends with plenty of girls and I’m sure Katara wasn’t his first kiss, either given these facts.
Their argument is “Aang doesn’t know about female anatomy” which is implying he is unfit to date her on the grounds he couldn’t “please” her. However, as I already showed, this would very likely not be the case given Aang’s culture and people and everything we know of his life pre iceberg.
If anyone doesn’t know about sex and genitalia, it would be Katara. 100%. She literally grew up in an isolated village with no males aside from her brother. She would have virtually no concept of male puberty or male anatomy. Lol. So what’s the argument here? Is Katara now “unfit” for Aang because she grew up isolated from men? See how easy that was to flip their bullshit? 😭
And no, the point isn’t whether he knows or not, OP. The only reason anyone is considering this in the first place is because you argued the point. Yknow, because normal people don’t rlly think about this in regards to cartoon characters.
It’s honestly so bizarre to me how ppl act like Aang is the naive, stupid and sheltered child in the show when in reality, Aang was already self sufficient as a 12 year old. He traveled, cooked for himself and cared for himself during said travels, he knew of other cultures intimately, he knew a lot of history, he was already a master of his native element, etc…. That doesn’t sound like a naive child to me. Aang doesn’t act silly and goof off because he’s stupid. It’s both an aspect of his carefree personality and also a conscious choice and coping mechanism from trauma and grief and survivors guilt.
And anyway, Katara thinks of Aang’s carefree nature in a very positive light. She likes this about him.
I’m also never gonna understand the argument of “she grew up in war” as if Aang didn’t fight alongside her in that very war as a kid, too. Yeah, he had 12 years before that, but who gives a fuck? He also suffered far more loss than Katara or anyone for that matter, and that is objective fact.
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zeyris-daydreams · 1 year
//short, rushed, no beta read, will do part two or elaborated version of this if more people want it. Elaborated as in smu-
Story in which a Genshin main acts odd, or in which you suddenly get isekaied.
Your friend recommended Genshin to you quite a bit. You disliked it a lot, and yet gave it a try after possible weeks of asking. As annoying as it was, you found yourself actually enjoying the game: even going as far as progressing it fast, all the way to Sumeru. You found yourself drawn to some particular characters that made an appearance.
Over time you began to stumble upon writings of said characters, or rather the character you liked the most. One that you slowly felt even more drawn to, the thought of them warming your chest and cheeks.
It happened yet again, liking a fictional character. You hated that trait of yours, but it was too late by then, enjoying all sorts of media on them.
Whether it was fanart or these silly Tumblr posts, even these complex books and simple smut on ao3. It was all what you truly did in your free time, only to one day do your dailies on Genshin: realising you're short on artifacts, then you went into a domain.
Someone had to carry, as always, so you found people to co-op with; didn't take long at all, before a person that held your favourite characters picture as an avatar showed up. And as expected they showed up with your favourite character set as active.
Wordlessly you started the domain, for now simply doing your best to get rid of the leftover resin. And once you finally came to almost a zero, the person sent you a friend invite.
'why not? Their AR is higher, maybe they could be of some help'
And oh they were. After a few days have passed they did nothing but ask if you needed help, it was unsuspicious. You could see that most high level players helped the lower level ones, ensuring the game going smooth.
And yet that embarrassed you to no end. Maybe it was simple social anxiety, or not wanting to look bad at the game, but you declined more often than accepted. And soon instead of asking, they simply sent co-op invites.
It wouldn't be weird if it wasn't them being online only at the same time as you, as if they always were online in fact. Only emotes they'd send would be of their main.
If you didn't leave Genshin for a week or so you wouldn't have realised how odd that was, looking at the chat to receive a message right away. "Thought you'd never get back on"
You didn't want to be rude, so you simply ignored it that time, only doing the bare Genshin impact player minimum, before closing the app to go and read. And what you read mostly consisted of the smut of your beloved character, grinning like an idiot to yourself with each single link you found.
Eventually it was time to let your eyes rest, and you prepared yourself for sleep as always.
Thing is, you didn't wake up in your bed like you were supposed to. The strange surrounding made your skin shiver, and when you opened your eyes, you saw them staring at you with eyes full of excitement. If that was even possible for them. It must've been a dream.
"Thought you'd never wake up!"
It must've been your brain after all the fanfics you've read. It must've been that.
"Where- it's my dream isn't it-?" Sitting up only proved to make your head ache.
"Don't get up, your head may just continue aching. Lay here. Let me take care of you"
Have.. you been isekai-ed?
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thebrainrotsreal · 5 months
Invincible Fic Recs
Also bored as hell so here's Invincible fic recommendations because I can, in no particular order. This fandom's weirdly small (from what I can see) but there are people making fics and I will treasure and cherish them until the sun explodes. Thank you fanfic writers, I love you fanfic writers, doing incredible work, fanfic writers <3 Maybe you've read all these already, or hopefully you can find a fic to adore! TBH a lot of Mark-centic fics because I am biased <3 Feel free to add on!!!
 something better, pushed right back by umanta | Word Count: 13k | Tags to Note: PTSD, Homophobia, Racism, Child Abuse | Oneshot
Being invincible has less to do with the body and more to do with the soul. Mark's friends use the power of teenage shenanigans to help him find his feet again.
Notes: Literally one of my fav Invincible fics of all time. They're just teens and I love all of them so much.
me and myself by avisisisisisissss (joyfuldreamlandcheesecake) | Word Count: 4.6k | Tags to Note: AU, Torture, Evil Mark, Dimensional Travel | WIP!
Mark is dealing with Angstrom's death and the stains of blood on his hands. Meanwhile, Mark has been captured by Cecil, who is torturing him to get him to answer to him. ...It's complicated. Or, when his evil version from another universe ends up in this dimension, Mark starts to feel like someone threw gasoline in his dumpster fire of a life.
Notes: Me biased? Pshhh, not at all. But AU based on a post of mine, please read it, it's really incredible already :)
in the end, you're all i have by orphan_account | Word Count: 1.4k | Tags to Note: Post-Season 1, Hugging, Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Oneshot
Amber’s incredulous look is only brief before she reaches over and grabs the book, opening it to the last page that she was reading. Mark’s eyes are fluttering before she even makes it through the first page; his body goes slack against her, breathing lulls, attention wavers. But she keeps reading the words on the pages, brushing her hand through his hair until she hears soft snores whistling through his nostrils and he finally succumbs to his exhaustion.
Notes: I love Amber and Mark and this is such so soft and good. Truly lovely.
Architect of Your Own Demise by Marzi | Word count: 7k | Tags to Note: AU, Role Reversal, Canon levels of violence, | Oneshot
A lot of his dad's stories were about a beautiful wizard saving a prince from a tall, lonely tower. His dad had a whole series of adventures they went on once the prince was rescued. Though he still seemed to get into plenty of trouble, the wizard always helped him escape. Finding out the stories were true had been thrilling. His mother did save his father when they first met, but she hadn't used spells. She was an alien. She was a superhero. And one day, Mark would be too.
Notes: In all honesty, Marzi writes so many epic Invincible fics, it's had not to list them all, please check them out if you somehow havent' already??? I am weak for Role Swaps though and this is does it so well.
Cold Snap by Marzi (series) | Word Count: 11.9k total | Tags to Note: what if debbie was also allowed to make bad choices, possession, potentially disturbing mutilation based impulses | WIP!
The edge of her mouth twitched again, like it was caught on some hook. She was smiling. She was laughing at him. That wasn't his wife. He moved forward, hand outstretched and on her throat. He had her pinned against the counter before he finished blinking. "What are you?" She leaned into him, unconcerned with the threat against her. It also clearly didn’t care about hiding anymore. "Think you have time to find out?"
Notes: Another Marzi fic because I love Debbie. POSSESSED DEBBIE LIKE HELLO??? I had to share.
Spill the tea boy by mandaree1 | Word Count: 1k | Tags to Note: Set After "It's Been A While", | Oneshot
Mark is visited by friends on Thraxa.
Notes: Crying sobbing begging for more GoG & Mark interactions like these. They heal me ok, thank you, op.
all the things left behind by cadastre | Word Count: 28K | Tags to Note: AU, Captivity, Forced Cohabitation, Aftermath of Torture, Survivor's Guilt, Nolan Grayson's A+ Parenting | WIP!
Mark is invincible. When the world ends, that becomes William's problem.
Notes: Omg fucked up Mark and William interactions??? HELLO? Yes PLEASE? No one is having a good time <3 I haven't seen a fic quite like this so please read!
from a body that used to be yours by thislittlebagofdreams | Word Count: 30K | Tags to Note: Angst, Self Hatred, Alien Biology, Binge Eating, | WIP!
After his dad reveals the truth, Mark returns home to find half the silverware missing. Or: After his dad reveals the truth, Mark reminds his mom too much of his dad.
Notes: I haven't seen an alien bio fic either for this fandom and this is STELLAR! I love the change that Viltramites can't cry, that's such a epic idea???
All Alone Now by YingYangKay | Word Count: 2k | Tags to Note: Solitary Confinement, Dissociation, | Oneshot
Imprisoned and alone, (Evil) Mark has plenty of time to self-reflect and think about his life choices.
Notes: ILY EVIL MARK! I just adore his POV as he reflects, entrapped, and alone. Angst my beloved.
Again, feel free to add on! :D I hope someone finds a new fic to read and adore!!!
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paulythide · 1 year
One Shot details!
So, while I work on the next chapter of the White Lion of the Red Keep, I want to ask and add more details to some of the more prominent options of the future one shot.
For example,
Idea F)-(Tensei Shitara x Galadriel (Overlord) Should it be more interesting if Galadriel was reborn there instead of Rimuru? Because I think it would've been a bit more interesting. Maybe, when Galadriel was reborn, she would've been forced to live in the same cave Rimuru was and slowly absorb the world's magic slowly, without her knowing because she is spending time with Veldora. Then she goes out, and that's where the fanfic began.
Another idea is for her and Rimuri to simply appear together in the same cave. I think this is good too. Rimuru, Veldora and Galadriel could have a sort of hilarious friendship. So, while Rimuru is levelling up, Galadriel would be already op and begin to experiment with that world's magic, perhaps, even level up herself. I don't know. Slime's world mechanic is kind of weird, not going to lie. But it is quite amusing to think about.
Idea >D)-(Mushoku Tensei x Galadriel (Overlord) Now, I think there could be different versions of this, but one of them is. Obviously, Galadriel is born there instead of Rubeus, and the dynamic of the entire series changes. Now, Galadriel could be born full op, but just in the body of a child and growing up, or gradually unlock her power.
Or, she could be born as Rubeus' twin. I don't know about this one, but again. It will change the dynamic of the series.
Idea>B)-(High School DxD x Galadriel (Overlord) I have been watching the series, and honestly, I just can't get into it. It's not for me. But I get the appeal, and the history is not really that bad. I guess it is not for me. Nevertheless, I just think Galadriel could take the place of Issei. I hate that guy, truly. But she would not be the pawn.
I'll let your minds continue with this.
Idea >G)-(Naruto x Galadriel (Overlord) Honestly, it's not really that bad if I think about it. I'll have to deal with just the Naruto fans. But I think it would be an interesting take. Galadriel, a Demonic entity, befriending Naruto with the Nine Tails. I don't know, I can of like the idea.
Idea >H)-(Bleach x Galadriel (Overlord) Now, the two versions are fun to think about. Galadriel just trying to learn more without bringing too much attention to her while also proving to be a sort of "new threat" since her Reiatsu is so strange and unique.
Galadriel, as a new Shinigami recruit, just shocks everyone and shows she has the Reiatsu of a Captain.
Or, Galadriel doing her best to not get the attention of Aizen, who thinks of her as a sort of unique Arrancar.
Funny both and interesting.
-The Game of Thrones or Dance of the Dragon ideas remain the same. But I think I have enough Game of Thrones fanfictions going around. So, yeah, I don't think I'll use them.
There are some people who want me to use I'm a Spider, so What? Well, I'll have to read the novel since the anime doesn't give me much to work on yet.
Also, some of you asked me if I would write an Overlord Fanfic, where Galadriel and Ainz met. Well, it's an interesting concept. Others asked me why I didn't put them together. Well, the original idea I had years ago was to make Galadriel, Ainz's little sister or twin sister.
But decided to just go with Galadriel solo. Well, the idea is still there.
-Also, some asked me about other works.
-Noblesse x Overlord (Now, I like this too! I remember reading the entire webtoon of Nobless for almost two weeks non-stop. I love it. So, it's out there to consider, eh?"
-Goblin Slayer x Overlord (Mm, intriguing.)
-Knosuba x Overlord (Do you want Galadriel to lose her mind with that useless goddess? Do you want her to go full genocide in that world?! Yeah, I thought so...)
-Shokugeki No Soma x Overlord (What...? I don't know even... how would that work? I mean, I am all in for intriguing ideas, but this is weird... but funny. I won't lie!)
-How not to Summon a Demon Lord x Overlord (Galadriel's harem history.)
-Kuroko no Basuke x Ovelord (Demiurge's wearing Laker's uniform.)
So, those are the details and other crazy ideas lying on there, from people's PM and hell.
See you all soon, and keep telling me what you would like to see!
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hello-eeveev · 2 years
thee/thy/thou usage: a brief explanation for writers.
Every so often, I see people attempting to use Early Modern English in their writing, and so many people get it wrong. From fanfic to published works, I see little misuses so frequently that it’s become a bit of a pet peeve of mine, because one thing that growing up reading the King James Version of the Bible and other related religious texts gave me was an instinctual understanding of Early Modern English. And as a grammar nerd, I would like to share my knowledge with all of you. So here we go:
THOU is the subject form of you. THEE is the object form.
Example: “Thou hast given me an egg, and in return, I giveth thee flour.”
(Modern translation: “You have given me an egg, and in return, I give you flour.”)
So while you can be both a subject and an object, THOU is only ever a subject and THEE is only ever an object.
THY is the possessive form of THOU. Use it in place of your. HOWEVER, the most frequent error I see is the misuse of THINE, the other possessive form of THOU, but I promise the rule is so simple.
THINE is only used in front of words that start with a vowel. If the thing that is being possessed starts with a consonant, use THY.
“Thy marvelous egg.”
“Thine excellent egg.”
MY and MINE follow the same rule:
“My marvelous egg.”
“Mine excellent egg.”
See that ye take this lesson to heart. I have faith in thee and thy capabilities. Shouldst thou err, fear not, for such is the process of learning. If thou art unsure, if thou needest a question answered, ask of OP, for I am here to guide thee on thy way. But bear in mind, no one knows all, and I am but one man. Google is also thine ally in this, for scholarship abounds, and it may aid thee when I cannot.
Now go forth, my friends! Write prose with such confidence as to make our forefathers weep! Yea, they shall sing thy praises: Lo! how our children command our language with such beauty! Such skill!
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spcewild · 1 year
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Introduction ✰
Hi!! You can call me spce, wild, or just spcewild.
I have decided to dedicate this account to writing small fanfics, headcannons, oneshots, etc.
My requests are currently open (check my bio every once in a while in case it changes).
I will write for many fandoms but I mostly will write for:
COD/BO (Black ops & Call of Duty)
RDR (both games)
Resident Evil (all games)
I would prefer requests from those fandoms/games because they are the ones I am most familiar with. Although - if there is a request that you have that you would enjoy if I wrote it - send them my way and I might be able to work something out for you <3
Now that that's out of the way -- here are themes that I WILL write for:
Parent AU
These are themes that I will NOT write for:
Incest (obviously)
Character x character
Odd kinks such as; foot fetishes, age play, and all that other weird stuff. I'm simply uncomfortable writing stuff like that
Another request i've seen people ask for is their own persona, oc, or a detailed version of themselves x character. I AM open to these. For example I don't mind writing for a character x reader of a different race, disability, disorder, etc. Which means I will also write for male readers, female readers, gender neatural, etc.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask me!! <3
With all of that being said- I hope you enjoyed my introduction, thank you for reading
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homocidal-invader · 1 year
ok. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Well dang :V
1: What was the first episode you’ve seen? Episode 1 because I intentionally looked for the show to watch it after seeing clips of it online.
2: What’s your favorite episode? Episode 1. It's one of my favorite first episodes of a show ever and I really like how well it introduces everything. I love other episodes of the show of course I just think the first episode did a great job and should get more praise for that!
3: Favorite Irken? I like the main character a lot but if I had to choose a second favorite uhhh the Tallests as 1 entity I can't choose one over the other
4: Favorite Human? I like the other main character a lot also but as a second Professor Membrane bc he's funny and I had a mental image of him before watching the show
5: Favorite Other Race? There aren't really a lot of those to pick from :V
6: Any fan characters? Yesssss a few but this particular one I made several comics about
7: Favorite fanfiction? It's NSFW and I haven't actually finished the full series because it's long and I suck at reading! I might consider linking it at another point :V Favorite bc I took some inspiration from it for Est and I enjoy NSFW fics lol.
8: Favorite fanart?
I've got a few really inspirational ones on my computer! I recently made a long comment on the Irken propoganda poster fanart (and made my own fanart based off of it), I like the Corrupted Data 99% one (and made my own fanart based off of it), I like this sketch dump of Tallest Zims bc it's cool and bc of the comment "all I do is lie to myself" which I quote all the time now, this FnF song video that I keep trying to do a full version of because the OP said I could but haven't gotten around to it yet, and a bunch more I don't feel like tracking down lol.
9: Do you write for the fandom? Well I make comics but for fanfiction I've made one, short ZaDr fic but in character somehow
10: Do you draw for the fandom? Yes, here's my art tag for this blog and here's my askblog
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11: Would you be scared if Jhonen found your art/fanfics/blog? I've watched his Twitch streams (he might still be doing that every Monday?) and sometimes when he searches stuff up he ends up scrolling past fanart and doesn't acknowledge it lol. So not really, he's not as mean a guy as the fandom seems to demonize him wrongly as. I actually think meeting him would be pretty cool!
12: Do you like pairings? If so, which? I mean aside from ZaDr I like RaPr and basically am open to any if ppl write it in a way I like. Those two I just enjoy in particular.
13: Do you believe there are any canon pairings? Like, intended by the writers? I don't remember any prominent characters dating canonically no lol.
14: OTP? ZaDr. I watched episode 1 and shipped it immedietely after their first interaction XD If that's not a "One True Pairing" I'm not sure what is.
15: Favorite enemies? (Tak and Zim or Zim and Dib… etc) Does enemies to lovers count? Idk I am more of a HELPLESS ROMANTIC type I am only into enemies if it's charged in some way XD Otherwise it sticks out to me less so nothing really comes to mind that easily.
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16: Favorite Tallest of the four? I can't choose Red or Purple it changes every day! I like Miyuki and Spork but come on they don't have that much screentime and Red and Purple have far more changes to be funny lol
17: Favorite thing about Invader Zim? ADHD and artstyle
18: Least favorite thing about Invader Zim? that's hard. Even when the show disturbs me I take it as a positive. Uhhh. when ppl in the fandom are judgemental about other people's headcanons in a mean way lol
19: Do you have any blocked tags, relating to the fandom? probably but finding out would mean I'd have to look through my blocked tags! I frequently block people though.
20: Do you ever do crossovers? I had some Gravity Falls crossover sketches back in 2021, and I've done a few crossovers between characters in my own discord servers sometimes, but nothing large/prominent.
...Unless crossovers between zim askblogs count.
21: Any parts of show that actually scare you? Probably not scare but definitely disturb me. I'd need to rewatch it to remember.
22: Any parts of the fandom that actually scare you? I'm very sensitive as a person and have anxiety so people scare me easily!
23: Part that made you laugh the hardest… I'd need to go clip hunting for that! Good news though I recorded myself watching IZ with a friend in 2021 and am slowly editing the clips so I'll find out eventually.
24: Part that you could relate to… Zim very ADHD
25: Least favorite episode? I like all the episodes and I see grossing me out as a bonus bc rarely do things disturb me and it means that it succeeded but uhhhhhh I mean least likely to rewatch probably rise of the zitboy lol
26: Least favorite scene? Sometimes there's fatphobia in the show and that sucks :V
27: Do you like G.I.R.? YES I don't draw him as often as other characters but if you look around my askblog he makes it into tons of the posts lol
28: If you could be anyone from the show, you would choose….. Trying to send me to hell??? Rude.
29: Are the Tallest intelligent or not? Yeah they just don't care lol
30: What do you think an Irkens blood color is? I like it when it's either pink or matches their eye color. I want a rainbow blood smear of irkens after war. imagine it.
31: If you could write an episode, what would happen? I've thought of several fake episode scripts, like where Dib gets suspended for pushing Zim at school and goes to a better nicer school, then ends up back at normal school at the end of the episode because the world is built to hurt Dib, or an episode where Zim gets stuck in his elevator and can't get out bc his PAK legs are too long and his rockets are useless and GIR is useless.
If I could write an episode though it'd probably end up being gay shit tho ngl
32: If all the voice actors and artists were different, would you still want Invader Zim to come back? Well if the writers are the same... hmm, though a lot of what was good about IZ was the synnergy between all the writers, artists, and VAs, like Rikki who voiced GIR also being a background artist, and somehow a bunch of these ppl are still friends 20 years later.
I think it'd be fun to see it even if they totally and completely fuck it up though because then the fandom would tear it apart and it'd be funny
33: Do you consider any of the characters your ‘babies’? Depends on the day but I do love random navigator drone from Florpus. Baby bc Evv is totally based off of them XD Adopted!
34: Do you have any fancharacters that are the result of two canon characters getting together? Fankids? I'd say Wur, even though it's not Dib's biological kid he's still its dad XD
35: If you could meet any of the characters, who would it be and what would you say? Dib's insufferable but I think he just wants someone to listen to him lol
36: If you could meet any of the voice actors, who would it be and what would you say? Probably Richard bc I've seen lots of interviews with him and he just seems really friendly and nice to talk to!
37: Other than Zim, who is your favorite Irken Invader? Damn :V Well we don't really get to meet the other invaders much, do we? Like it's either Skoodge or you just REALLY like a background character lol
38: Professor Membrane: a good daddy or a neglectful cold father? I'd like him to be good but yk all the times he's good it could just be argued it's because his kids are science experiments XD When I write him he's neglectful and cold but more on accident than intentional abuse. He wants the best for his kids but he's just not equipped to deal with their emotions.
39: Favorite quote? I'd need to rewatch the show there's too many good ones lol
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40: Zim’s taken over the planet… Now what? Calls the Tallests to tell them about it and they're like..... We're not flying over there!!! Uh... we told you to watch it not take it over!!! uhhhh whatever, good job [disconnects].
Zim would have his fun being king for a day then things get back to normal by the end of the episode lol
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So i got this ask yesterday that stated that me being critical of characterization and canon compliant was ruining my enjoyment of posts. I get what that person meant in a way, but I want to elaborate on something- when a mischaracterization is so far off that I wonder if OP is aware of what they are actually writing and what the character is actually like, then it is not fun to engage.
I have seen a post (and discussed it with mutuals even because it was insane) about how someone understood Jason Todd as a character better than most because they "read so many Jason fanfics, watched Titans, watched Under the Red Hood, and read only one comic- A Death in the Family". To think you can grasp what a character is supposed to be or mean through fanfiction is outrageous. I do not mean that there is a fake vs real fans mindset, because I hate that too, but why then write mischaracterization in a way and act as it is anything but.
I work in an elementary school with kids as well as having kids myself. I believe one of the worst things someone can do is deny an opportunity for a kid to learn. If a kid asks why and you say "because I said so" then it is like cardinal sin to me. If a kid asks why and you don't know, that is okay, but then facilitate finding the answer. This translates into my entire world view and I don't feel like adding caveats is me being critical of posts, it is simply me offering people an opportunity to learn. I think of law degree dick and how many people did not know that, but once they learned of it, were eager to learn more and work with that version of him. How wonderful that they were given the opportunity to learn something and then use it.
I know no one can possibly follow every event in comics and every point of characterization and it changes all the time. I do not have those expectations. I also know that I am not the go to person for certain character representations (i.e. tim or stephanie even, let alone characters outside of the batfam), but what I love is I have seen enough credibility on posts from other bloggers or mutuals that I do know where I would go to find answers. I see how it can seem like I am trying to correct something, but I also want to lend credibility to myself. I hope people know that I do have a level of knowledge that they can trust if they want to ask a question.
It may seem pedantic to offer up "corrections" but I think people too easily forget the days when mischaracterization ran rampant and it made it impossible to enjoy any media with your fave. For example, when the whole "Dick sent Tim to Arkham" was at its peak and was widely believed by people not familiar with canon, it made enjoying almost any Dick Grayson content miserable because it all centered around the idea of him being that kind of person. It was not until Dick stans started corrections to keep that characterization in check. When you start seeing multiple posts about the same misrepresentation, it is a fine line before people who are not 100% in the know start believing there is basis for it. By reminding people that something is OOC it helps ensure fanon stays enjoyable for those who do want to enjoy their character and not an OC with that character's name just slapped on it.
Yes, it is fun and silly to write Dick as a college drop out and I get the point of that post, but also it is fun to write shitposts about law degree Dick. Yes it is fun to write brat Damian who is selfish for comedy, but it is also fun to see shitposts that can center around his compassion. There is a clear difference between outlandish/crack characterization and an blatant disregard for characterization. I love to engage in nonsense about these DC characters, but once it hits a weird gray area where you have to question if this person actually even understands that what they are writing is actually outrageous then I no longer find it fun because it is an OC of the OP with that characters name on it and I don't want to engage with that content. If I did, I would simply watch Titans or the Arrowverse 🤷‍♀️
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buginateacup · 4 years
*don't start shit don't start shit don't start shit* Nah fuck it I'm mad and spiteful
I'm sure a lot of us have seen that post going around from that guy calling out the Megamind fandom for always making that one "did you mean what happened in Megamind" joke on other superhero related posts and I just want to say a couple of things...
One. This is a small fandom that is pretty self contained and mostly chill and has been incredibly welcoming to me and everyone else I've met in it. Have you met a tiny fandom? They can be some of the loveliest people you will ever meet! And they are so excited when someone else sticks their head in and goes "Oh I thought it was just me!"
This fandom helped me break a 10 year writing drought and they are genuinely lovely people who are just keen on one ten year old movie that is fun. There is no Great Conversion Scheme! There is no malice in making that joke. It's the equivalent of a cat bringing you a leaf. No one is attacking the OP's whose posts it shows up on.
So what if that joke shows up? The fandom is not posting screeds of "Well actually," arguments or getting into fights with other fandoms. It is literally us sidling over going "Hey we noticed you like the thing? May we interest you in our version of the thing? Would you like some fic recs? maybe a little fanart if you're into that?"
This is a fandom that makes 1 joke to outsiders that can be safely ignored and has no impact on the OP.
Two. That was really fucking rude. Again this is not a big fandom and we're just here trying to have a good time.
This is not me trying to start a fight and I certainly don't want anyone attacking the author of that post but for fucks sake my dude, chill the fuck out and read some goddamn fanfic
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⭐️⭐️ Not sure the title, but the MegOp ‘we’ve been married for 10,000 years of course I love you jfc’ fic
Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut 
Hello, anon! Thank you!
Here’s the fic in question: A Thousand Years (Tumblr Promo)
This one was fun! I rarely write TFP fic and despite participating in two MegOp Weeks, I actually don't write much MegOp. That's a pairing I usually enjoy other people's work on.
The week this fic was for I had decided I would do a different continuity for each day to stretch my skills. I also opted to write Op's POV more often than not for the same reason.
The prompt for this one was "devotion" and "loneliness." This is one of the few times I was able to actually use both prompts in one fill.
Going to put the rest under a cut for spoilers, just in case.
I wanted to hone in on and highlight Optimus's doubts (re: his duties, position, worthiness, etc.) and tendency for way too much introspection. This created, for him, an atmosphere of loneliness and being isolated due to his station and work. While a lot of that isolation was, in fact, extant, it wasn't quite to the extent he thought it was.
He has someone there with him... all the time. Right there. In his corner. Talking to him constantly. Advising him. Someone who chose, for multiple reasons, some of which might have been less than pure, to do that and be there. Megatron even knew him from before the whole Prime thing happened.
Megatron is out here being like "I'm talking to you! Hello? We've been married for ages AND I still talk to you every day; of course I love you, you idiot!"
Also I wanted to try a genuine* lord protector AU since buddies of mine were having fun with them and I'd read a few fics with that premise before. It seemed like the time to try it out.
*I say "genuine" because a major fic of mine which features a version of it is centered around that being a mistaken impression.
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
B’nei mitzvah in spaceship without Jewish community | Jewish character celebrating Christmas
Hi! Thank you so much for running this blog. I appreciate how much time and effort all the mods have put into it. I finished reading through the whole Jewish tag a few days ago, and I’ve learned so much! I’m writing a Voltron fic (I *know* lol) and decided to make one of the protagonists a white nonbinary Ashkenazi Reform Jewish girl. Her astronaut brother mysteriously disappears in space and is presumed dead, so she runs away from home a couple of months before her b'nei mitzvah to find him. Now, she’s in a group of rebels in space fighting against an Empire. I have two concerns:
1. Everyone on the ship misses home, so part of the way they cope is through getting in touch with their cultures. They’re gonna celebrate (a mostly non-Americanized) Christmas because it matters a lot to some of the characters for non-religious reasons. To what extent can my Jewish character participate in the celebration without it being weird? I want her to enjoy herself more because she’s with her friends than because Jesus etc. They’ll also celebrate Chanukah, if that helps. I know Chanukah isn’t a major holiday, so I also want to have her celebrate a more significant one like Rosh Hashanah and/or Purim with them. Is it okay for gentiles to participate in those holiday celebrations, or should she do that alone?
2. Throughout most of the story, she’ll struggle with choosing whether to prioritize fighting the Empire or finding her brother and bringing him home. When she eventually does find her brother (who also turns out to be a rebel), he lets her decide whether they stay or go home. I thought it would be nice if she decided to stay and keep fighting for the greater good after she finally has her b'nei mitzvah. Her friends and other experiences are also a big part of why she decides to stay, but the b'nei mitzvah would be what gives her the final push she needs to decide. I don’t know if it would be okay for me to write the ceremony itself or if she can even have one if only two of the eight people on the ship are Jewish. I read that not everyone has a b'nei mitzvah and that it’s not required, but I feel like it’d be a big deal to her character. Should I keep the b'nei mitzvah idea, or am I heading towards appropriative territory here?
I want to make her Jewishness a big part of her character’s growth, and I really want to make sure I do it respectfully and accurately. I plan on finding a sensitivity reader when I’ve made more progress with actually writing everything out. Thank you for any insight you might offer!
It feels off to me to join a community symbolically when you’re far away FROM the community. Why not just have had her already have done the ceremony before she has all these adventures? That way it could just be a straightforward story about a Jewish teen having exciting heroic adventures in space, rather than a story about what happens when you have to miss aspects of Jewish life because you’re in space. It would also make the “….well, I guess I’m around for Christmas” bit less weighted because then that would be the only one of those instead of having two of those.
I’ll cover some other territory here. For those who don’t know, b'nei mitzvah is something you just automatically become at the correct age, the ceremony is simply to celebrate that with the community. Not all people have the ceremony, but if you are Jewish, and of age (for religious purposes), your status changes with or without it. Personally, I’m comfortable with showing a Jewish character finding a way to have a Jewish celebration when the circumstances are less than ideal, for me the other aspects of the story are more troubling. 
On the subject of having a Jewish character celebrate Christmas with their friends… look I don’t like this trope. There are many Jewish people, who are completely secular, who don’t celebrate Christmas, because it is explicitly a Christian holiday, and secular Jewish people are still Jewish. Some Jewish people (secular or otherwise) do choose to celebrate other holidays, and I am very comfortable with those folks telling their own stories. What I’m not happy with is the push from outside of the community for every Jewish character to slide into assimilation. 
Some Jewish people will go to Christmas parties and not eat the food, because they keep kosher, or won’t stay for a tree-lighting, because that feels like it goes too far, or will give presents but not receive them. There are a huge number of ways we might handle Christmas, and I appreciate that you plan to show holidays other than just Chanukah (and yes, it’s fine for non-Jewish characters to join her in her holidays, if she invites them), but I always question why a non-Jewish writer is so keen to show Jewish characters celebrating Christmas. The most generous version of me wants to assume that you get so much out of Christmas that you want to share it, but the part of me that knows about the pressures to assimilate, and the history of increased antisemitic violence around Christmas thinks… just leave this kid alone. She missed her celebration, she’s far from her community, and now she has to go put on a Happy Assimilated Smile for the culturally Christian folks around her. From a nonbinary Jewish perspective, it’s a little unusual for your nonbinary character to use she/her pronouns, and use b'nei mitzvah as a gender neutral alternative to the gendered bat mitzvah. In secular life, at least in the US, it’s not uncommon for people to use multiple pronouns, but I haven’t met, or even heard of, a single person using gendered pronouns secularly, and using new neutral alternatives religiously. It absolutely could happen but, because it is so unusual, to me it reads as either invalidating the character’s gender, or tokenizing her in the religious sphere. 
Shira, I think that’s a really good idea to make the character post-b'nei mitzvah. That way you just have a Jewish character having adventures rather than her culture being The Conflict. (And also, a pre-b'nei mitzvah seems a bit young for this storyline? Can she really consent to fighting alongside the rebels? Do they habitually take unaccompanied children on their ship? To me a teenager would make more sense, but hey it’s not my story!)
Dierdra, your answer regarding the Christmas aspect was awesome and really thorough. Thanks for your thoughts on the pronouns as well, it also jarred with me but I was waiting to hear your opinion as you have lived experience. My worry is if you use gender neutral terms for one but not the other, you risk falling into to the stereotype that only marginalised religious folks have to change our language etc to be inclusive to LGBTQ+ people, but everyone else is fine. 
I wanted to come back to the point about Rosh Hashana. First of all, thank you for acknowledging that we have holidays that are more important than Chanukah! Sooo many OP’s don’t know that. In terms of how she would celebrate it, I agree it’s fine to invite non-Jewish people along. However, given how community-based Jewish life is, making her keep Yom Tov on her own feels a bit like a torture story, especially when others have people to celebrate Christmas with. I wonder if you’ve thought about giving her a Jewish friend on the ship? Especially if you want her Jewishness to be part of her growth as you mentioned, an older Jewish friend and mentor could be a huge help :)
As you can see, we have a wide range of possibilities for “what happens when you ask a Jewish person about celebrating Christmas.” I didn’t mind hanging around it as an outsider myself until a certain subset of Christians started being mean-spirited about it in the news plus some personal trauma that time of year, as long as everyone involved was clear that I was just participating from the outside and this didn’t somehow change me. (If I may make an analogy: compare it to going to a baby shower when you want to support your friend or family member but also really don’t want kids of your own. You’re going to have a whole different experience if your decision is respected vs. if all the other guests treat you like you being there means you’ll change your mind about not wanting kids.)
That being said, it’s still all over the map. Some people IRL are okay even going to mass with their partner’s Catholic family (without participating in communion obvs.) Some would never, ever do that and are sitting here with shocked faces that I even typed that. But what becomes important is the way it’s written. Sitting around listening to the Christmas story is probably a bad fit for your fanfic, but helping other people bake Christmas cookies or put ornaments on a tree could work. The ornament thing could remind her of decorating a sukkah, and she could point that out to the others. 
I guess I’m saying is 
keep her participation secular, and 
keep her participation from leaning into the idea that we’re unhappy with our customs and would prefer to do it their way. 
I have literally never in my life felt jealous of the kids who “got to do Santa” (for example) and while I’m sure some kids were and they’re valid too, I think it’s important to show that it’s not a universal phenomenon.
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curligurl0896 · 4 years
So getting to read @thejakeformerlyknownasprince 's FMA AU reminded me of my own ideas for a FMA/Animorphs fic. A crossover, in this case, a Megamorphs of sorts (complete with rotating narration) because I really want an excuse to have the Animorphs interact with the characters of the FMA universe. I don't have enough ideas worked out to confidently write a whole fanfic yet, so I think I'll just share some of my ideas so that at least they don't stay inside my head forever like the vast majority of ideas that I either never finish enough to post it or just never get around to at all, especially when my brain is always generating new plot bunnies instead of focusing on developing the ones I already have, it's so distracting lol
(Also maybe y'all could give some suggestions if you wanna, I'd definitely appreciate it lol)
Anyway, here it is:
First off, the answer as to how exactly the Animorphs end up in the FMA universe: I was kicking around a few ideas for this, and was originally thinking something along the lines of like, a freak accident that somehow results in them ending up in front of the Gate of Truth, but I think a better idea would be for an alchemist (or perhaps even several alchemists) to end up in the Aniverse, get Yeerkified, and the Yeerk (or Yeerks, as it may be), intrigued by the memories and knowledge of an alternate Earth where you can manipulate matter and shape it according to your will with nothing more than a well drawn chalk circle (or even less than that if you've been through the Gate, as the Yeerk(s) will eventually discover), lured in by the idea of a legendary object that supposedly can be used to circumvent a pesky little law known as Equivalent Exchange, decides to pull something of a "Tom's Yeerk and his Yeerk buddies a la book 52" deciding to start their own colony in the FMAverse where they won't have to answer to the Council of Thirteen or the Visserarchy (well, at least the ones higher ranked than the Yeerk in charge, who, I imagine, would have to be a Sub-Visser at the very least to have the power to arrange all this) in addition to being able to use alchemy, which, much like the morphing power, can be used for a massive variety of things, ranging from merely convenient to pretty damn useful in a pinch to OP as fuck to even just downright terrifying.
It takes a lot of time and meticulous planning, of course, as they have to find a way to transport the Yeerks, their ship, and all the other stuff they'll need to thrive over there through the Gate and into the FMAverse-- all while in a universe where alchemy flat out doesn't work. The Yeerks have to figure out how to get around that issue, and it takes at least a year of research and using their new hosts' alchemical knowledge to work out a solution, but they work it out, and soon enough they get everything set up and ready to go. At some point, the Chee find out about this secret unknown project going on, inform the Animorphs about it, and Jake decides that they should at least check it out on the off chance that it's something big.
That's where the story officially starts: with our team of traumatized teenage shapeshifters at the location where this thing is being set up (haven't figured out the where yet). They've spent the past several days spying on these Yeerks, but still aren't sure what exactly is going on-- they keep talking about opening a gate-- and aren't sure if it's worth it. Marco's convinced the whole thing is ridiculous, especially after overhearing a human Controller mention something about a "Philosopher's Stone" ("What is this, Harry Potter? Are they gonna wave wooden sticks around and yell in Latin?") . Rachel is bored at this point, and just wants to kick ass and call it a day-- they were probably up to no good anyway. Cassie isn't particularly keen on the asskicking part, but she's been having a bad feeling about all this that she can't shake, and Tobias agrees that something fishy is going on and says they should wait a few days-- after all, from what they've gleaned, whatever plans these Yeerks had would be set in motion very soon. Ax, being Ax, declares as usual that he'll just go along with whatever Prince Jake orders, though when Jake presses him about his opinion, he just says he isn't sure what to make of it. In the end, they keep it up for a couple more days, and sure enough, the time comes for the Yeerks to "open the gate", whatever that means.
After all the time they'd spent spying on the Yeerks, it is conveniently now, when the Yeerks are about to do their thing, that they're discovered. It quickly turns into a fight, and the Animorphs attempt to bail as they're soon overwhelmed-- and then the Gate is opened.
None of them had any idea what to expect next. They certainly weren't expecting the blue lightning that erupted around them in a massive circle, seeming to originate from the curving lines that had been so painstakingly carved into the floor. They aren't expecting the atmosphere to turn dark and purple and creepy, or for a giant grey eye to suddenly appear beneath them, or for wavy black tentacle arms to come out of that eye. And they definitely were NOT expecting to abruptly find themselves in the white void of Zerospace.
Only they aren't in Z-space, exactly. Surrounded by it, sure, but somehow they stand there, as if on solid ground, surrounded by the eerie blankness that had once nearly suffocated them to death.
Each Animorph is utterly alone, with nothing and no one else in sight. That is, until they hear a voice, one that sounds like several voices speaking in unison, and suddenly they see a figure-- or, more accurately, an outline of a figure, with only shadows to mark where the figure ended and the void began. The figure is shaped like a human in all but Ax and Tobias's case: the figure Ax sees is shaped like an Andalite, and Tobias's version takes the form of a bird.
Truth gives the whole "I am God, I am the world, and I am also you" speech, then informs them they can't pass through the Gate without payment. Suddenly, there's a huge gateway where previously there was nothing. Truth is unconcerned with the fact that these "A-ni-morphs" have zero clue what's going on-- it simply takes the required toll and sends them on their way.
Except the toll is literal body parts-- which, even then, isn't usually a big deal for an Animorph, but in this case it absolutely is a big deal, because, as they'll soon discover, there's no way they're going to just replace their lost limbs through morphing. It's expressly forbidden for one to simply have nice things in this universe; in other words, Truth isn't letting them off the hook that easily.
The discovery that they're not able to replace their lost body parts through morphing is especially horrifying to Ax, because, well, y'know... book 40. The one that every Ax fan, and really anyone who otherwise genuinely enjoys Ax's character, would like to pretend never fucking happened.
In fact, given Truth's precedent for irony when extracting payment from people who've opened/been through the Gate in the series, I have no doubt in my mind that Ax would end up suffering the exact same fate as Mertil. Andalites, after all, place high value on their tail blades, especially the warriors; it's their number one go-to weapon when shit hits the fan. Ax himself is such a warrior, in fact it's a huge part of who he is as a person. Needless to say I think yeeting Ax's tail blade would be the exact kind of twisted irony that Truth would employ.
He gets over himself eventually-- well, sort of. However, it takes him a long time to truly come to terms with it-- instead of accepting that the attitudes he'd been taught his whole life regarding those who aren't fully able-bodied are actually shit, I feel like he'd be more likely to double down on them, internalizing them, and actually go into full-on self loathing as a result.
He holds his metaphorical tongue, though, upon seeing that Tobias has suffered a payment that is arguably far more cruelly ironic-- given that Tobias is a bird, given that his initial attraction to the morph that eventually became his default body came from the sense of freedom and escapism only provided through flying, I think it's fairly obvious what Truth would take: his wings.
As for the others: Rachel has lost her arm (for basically the same reason Ed did), Cassie loses her hands (which she uses to, you know, help injured animals and stuff), and as for Jake... well, it was a bit of a struggle, the best I could come up with is the idea of him going blind much like Mustang did after being forced to open the Gate (though maybe not for the same reason, though... idk. If anyone has any better suggestions, please let me know lol, I couldn't think of any solid ideas for what body part would be ironic for Jake to lose). Marco is the only one who doesn't lose any outwardly visible body parts-- what he loses is his voice.
At some point, they are discovered, taken into custody by the Amestrian military, and eventually they end up in Colonel Mustang's office. Mustang listens to their story with a massive dose of skepticism. He isn't sure what to make of these bizarre barefoot children, nor their claims of fighting bodysnatching slugs from outer space by turning into animals, nor their wingless pet hawk, nor... well, he could only assume the other creature was some sort of chimera, although he had zero clue what animals could have possibly been used to make something with blue fur and extra eyes.
At this point, they're about to do a morphing demonstration to prove to the Colonel that they aren't completely batshit, when suddenly the door is slammed open, and a teenage boy with blond hair and sharp golden eyes comes sauntering in, accompanied by a hulking giant covered head to toe in a suit of armor.
The boy immediately starts shouting at Mustang, calling him a bastard and accusing him of wasting his time, to which Mustang responds by merely rolling his eyes and sighing, as if this sort of thing happens all the time (spoiler alert: it does). After a moment, the kid stops as he takes notice of the other kids standing in the room.
"So," he says, calmly, as if he wasn't yelling at his superior just a moment ago, "what's the deal with these fuckers?"
The casual use of the kind of language that would have surely landed them in hot water back home was quite shocking, but they don't comment on it. Instead, Rachel says, in a voice sweet as honey, "Oh, look, Marco. He's just as short as you are."
Before Marco could turn to glare daggers at her (come on, it wasn't like he could argue back in that moment), the boy goes absolutely ballistic, and the armored guy has to physically restrain him as he screams obscenities at Rachel ("The fuck did you just call me, you freakishly oversized bitch? I'll show you too-fucking-short-to-fucking-sit-at-the-fucking-table-without-a-fucking-booster-seat! Call me short one more fucking time, I fucking dare you to! You think I give a shit that you're a girl? I'll fuck that pretty face of yours right up, just you fucking wait--")
"Brother!" The armored guy cries. "Calm down!" Then, to the Animorphs: "I'm sorry about my brother's behavior. He's, um, a bit sensitive about his height."
"A bit sensitive" is the understatement of the century, but none of the Animorphs call him out on it. They're too dumbfounded by the sound of his voice, which sounds sweet, innocent, and, despite his size, sounds like it belonged to a boy no more than nine or ten years old.
And that's where I'm going to leave it for now, since I've spent way too long on this post already. I have a few other ideas, but mostly in bits and pieces, not really any more comprehensive plot points beyond this point. Please do let me know what you think!
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doctorsiren · 4 years
Ok. This has been bugging me since I watched it so I have a question. In baby hotline, what exactly happened in the first part? (Up until they meet up with Cleo) like I get the general gyst of it but I want to know Details (if you have them and if you’re willing to share ofc <3)
Okay I’m gonna die because I had like… half of this typed out and then Tumblr crashed on me and I lost everything I had written ;v;
But yeah I had to go back and watch the actual animatic again cuz it’s been a while haha
So basically, in the beginning, NPC is pretending to be Grian, and he’s hanging out with his best best buddy, Mumbo. Mumbo isn’t aware that he’s actually NPC, and he thinks that Grian’s just being really friendly.
But then, (NP)Grian starts acting strange. He starts alluding to his robotic-ness, and Mumbo starts to become uneasy. Something is wrong, and he can feel it.
Then, NPC reveals himself. He asks Mumbo if he wants to join him, become an NPC, become (in his mind) perfect. See, for NPC, he believed that Mumbo would say yes! Mumbo was his friend, and so he would definitely agree…
NPC’s never really had friends before. The only one who ever really cared about him was Taurtis. NPC was never taught how to love or even what love is since Grian never loved him.
Mumbo outright refuses. Now he knows that something is up. NPC has Grian’s gauntlet. And where’s Grian? How long has this copy been impersonating G? Mumbo wanted to be NPC’s friend, but now...he’s done something very wrong and Mumbo isn’t sure what to do.
NPC was not expecting Mumbo to say no. It catches him off-guard. No worry though. NPC has the gauntlet, and won’t take no for an answer. He *snapshoots* (hehe) Mumbo and turns him into NPC Mumbo Jumbo (AKA Mumbot). It was a split-second decision.
Now Mumbot is an NPC. He doesn’t feel quite right. He doesn’t feel like himself anymore.
NPC isn’t having the best time either. During the “Hotline!” Bits, he’s realizing what he did. He made a hasty decision, and he can’t just…go back from it. If he were to turn Mumbo back into a human, he would definitely throw him back in a closet. NPC was scared of being forgotten, so this was the way, he believed, it had to be. Also, he’s glitching. It’s not just an art choice, but an actual story thing. NPC was shut in a closet for around 4 years, and so he’s not up to date with the latest version of minecraft. His systems are outdated. That’s why in Part 2 (Touch-Tone Telephone), he’s confused and then afraid of the bees. He doesn’t know what they are since he was in the closet for that update.
In the next bit, NPC shakes away his bad feelings to look at his newly perfected friend. He’s a robot man like him! Mumbot isn’t fighting back anymore. He seems perfectly happy being this way! NPC tells him that, “hey look, everything went okay! What were you scared about?”
But then...Mumbot discovers his new powers.
If you’ll recall, NPC can teleport (he can fly too but smh that was too OP and I forgot that he could until like...Part 5).
Well, Mumbot can go zappy zap. He starts to show a sign of...what is that...evilness? Not quite, but it’s enough to scare NPC. Mumbo’s more powerful than NPC meant, and he’s not sure what to do.
NPC sees Mumbot and Robocleo and starts to think about his decisions. At one point, RoboCleo is holding Xisuma’s helmet (the one that Joe wore in Part 3).
We once again cut to NPC glitching and thinking about what he’s done
And then we get to Mumbot.
This is a really important thing actually. So, when Mumbot was near NPC, he acted strange. He acted the way that NPC wanted him to act, even if NPC didn’t know that’s what he wanted. This is because NPC is subconsciously controlling the NPCGang when they’re near him.
RoboCleo becomes his right hand man, Mumbot becomes his beeeest friend >:))) (smh NPC IS A SIMP FOR MUMBO AND SO MUMBOT IS A SIMP BACK BC OF THE CONTROLLING THING)
But now Mumbot was by himself. He starts to be able to think his own thoughts clearly. He starts to become depressed and anxious. He thinks that the real Grian must be dead. And that means Joe and Xisuma too. His friends...gone. Reduced to atoms.
And he starts to hate himself because he let this happen. He didn’t catch on early enough to stop NPC from doing this. He didn’t check in to see where NPC was.
And so he starts to cry.
But Jrumbot doesn’t like to see his papa sad. He runs in and tells his father that he still loves him. Mumbot looks at his baby boy and realizes that there’s nothing he can do, so he might as well make the best of the situation. So he takes his son to meet up with his other father, his brother, and his aunt.
So then, I know you said you meant to beginning bit, but whatever I’m doin’ the full thing.
So now NPC, Mumbot, Jrumbot, and Robocleo are sitting atop Grumbot’s head, vibing.
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Smh look at them >:( stop being so cute /j
Since they’re near NPC, Mumbot and RoboCleo’s thoughts have been overridden by him and now they like him. He starts to talk about his anxieties and fears, but his two robot buddies reassure him that everything will be okay. They do this because NPC, deep down, wants them to. They obey.
NPC is telling them how he’s scared that they will forget about him or that they hate him.
Mumbot tells him that he would never hate him. That he would stay by his side.
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(Also it’s really funny because someone told me that at this frame, they thought Mumbot and NPC were gonna kiss- AND LIKE THAT’S EXACTLY WHY I HAD TO HAVE THIRDWHEEL ROBOCLEO POP IN ON THE NEXT FRAME HAHAH)
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NPC then gets his confidence back. He’s laughing and is fine.
But then the phone starts to ring.
Not a literal phone, but more of like...his consequences calling. He can’t run from them forever. He has to pick up the phone sometime.
And yeah! I hope that was helpful? I didn’t realize how confusing Baby Hotline was for people when I made it since I have the story in my head. Man, it’s nice to just...have somewhere to put this. But yeah. There’s a ton of lore and angst and stuff that goes on outside of the animatics that I don’t have the screen time to show sadly
BUT! Once I finish the animatic series, I will be writing it out as a full length fanfic, with TONS of extra stuff and like...full angst and character development. I hope that it all goes well haha
If you read all this, then I award you a choccy milk
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sixteenthshen · 3 years
Sorry for disturbing.
I want to ask whether the copies that were posted on someone's weibo claiming that the physical copy comes with extra chapters with more sex scenes? Is it real? I haven't seen them myself yet but I've heard they sound like an Ao3 fanfic. Do they really come with the physical copy or is it just a rumor?
Thankyou in advance
No worries :) you’re not. 
I can’t say for sure if it’s original or not, to be honest. it comes in a physical PIRATED copy, that’s important to note. next, the AO3 comment on that Weibo post isn’t accurate. It just seems like a person disagreeing and using a point that’s hard to prove because AO3 is blocked. I’ve read every single TYK fic in AO3 when the drama was launched i was (so thirsty for fic! so I have a fresh memory regarding the actual TYK fics (novel, not drama fans tagging everything under the sun) and I also checked AO3 after the comment.
very long answer, hiding behind a cut so people who aren’t interested don’t get a wall of text. 
I’ve also read TYK porn on AO3 when I first finished the novel. It’s basically my go-to habit? Finish reading a Priest novel, go on AO3 to look for fan-written missing sex scenes to fill in the gaps. This wasn’t as recent (last year) but I’m fairly sure I did not read these fic before either. This isn’t to say that it can’t be fic of course, just that I didn’t find it on AO3. 
Next, TYK is actually one of Priest’s earlier novels and it was never really that popular. so there were never that many editions printed (TW and CN once each if I recall correctly). This version is definitely pirated, but it doesn’t mean everything in it is fake. The thing is, because TYK was never really very popular, there aren’t many hardcore fans who can remember stuff from that long ago.
One thing about Priest is that she posts her novel extras across many places. So for e.g. the printed novels have extra chapters that’s not on JJWXC. She also has a lofter account with some chapters of SPL (not in the English fan translation), and sometimes it goes on Weibo. AND she usually offers something new in her printed novels. The ones on JJWXC and in print aren’t free, while those on Lofter/Weibo are. 
Why does that matter? Because something that is censored on JJWXC would show up as “locked” but on Weibo etc, we wouldn’t know if there was something there at some point.
In my “research”, I’ve found all but 1 missing bonus chapter for TYK, and the ones I found are not the same as in the pirated novel. 
Her style of writing has changed over the years (this novel is 10 years or 11 years old now). She writes a lot less sexy bits these days and she’s never even written a lot to begin with (but she used to write a little more than she does now). But she always avoids writing actual sex (of any kind). The stuff I shared from OP’s Weibo is on the smuttier(st) end of her range (imo), but still not explicit. While it’s quite extreme by Priest’s standards, I still found it within the realm of possibility. 
CN fans (actually maybe all fans) always joke that they always get the gong/shou wrong for Priest novels, but actually Priest has a type that’s true about 99% of the time.
Although Priest is one of the most balanced danmei authors (in terms of CP dynamics) out there, she’s still a Chinese writer. I’ve read her het romance (Bandits) as well, and her CP dynamics are exactly the same between het and slash (female being the shou). 
The gong is always, always the possessive or jealous type (it’s just whether it’s the cute kind - Lu Bixing or the slightly creepy kind Chang Geng). The shou isn’t the type to actually get jealous seriously (because they know the gong loves them, they may allude to being jealous in a fun, teasing way). The shou is always very “strong” (physical prowess, but also mentally obvs). With the exception of TYK (arguably Can Ci Pin in the middle), the shou/female is more powerful (martial arts, or whatever) than the gong/male. there’s more but i’ll just stop here on this point.
The main thing is that the characterisation in those bonus chapters are fairly on point as to how Priest likes her couples. 
tl:dr; it can’t be proven definitively either way unless someone hassles Priest to ask. 
I’ve asked some CN friends who are somewhat-Priest fans on this as well, they basically just echoed that there are more chapters in Priest’s printed novels. They don’t really know or care too much though. The overall sentiment is: “if you like it, take it for real” and “if you don’t like it, then don’t believe it then”. So that’s all the advice I can give as well :) 
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