#op blueno
vogelspinne · 1 month
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Happy birthday Lucci!
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bluebird-ascended · 1 month
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One Piece Text Headcanons || Part 5
Summary: Texting OP characters "would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Featuring: Rob Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, Blueno, & Jabra
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
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storming-raumo · 2 years
In my heart of hearts, I know ‘CP9′s Independent Report’ cover story won’t be animated, but a guy can hope :((
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dxc-95 · 1 month
non-gif version
Tenshi: (teleported by Kuma to an island that's in the middle of a lightning storm) Can this get any worse?
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Tenshi:... It just got worse -_-
(yep, during the two-year timeskip, Tenshi learns Rokushiki from CP9)
[original image https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/3/3c/Chapter_522.png/revision/latest?cb=20111009045705 from Cover Story CP9's Independent Report; lightning tutorial https://photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/lightning/lightning.htm]
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onepiece-birthdays · 3 months
It's April 20th
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Happy birthday, Blueno of CP0! He is 32.
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
I’m really sorry if you’ve been asked this already but, In your speed run au! How did the straw hats handle cp9? I’m just curious because If franky leaves does that mean he already burnt the pluton plans. Actually now that I’m thinking about it, did they just skip enies lobby entirely or did they make a detour to give Spandam and cp9 a beating .
GOOD QUESTION! heres the answer :]
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Speedrun/Time Travel AU
Yea n so franky n gang totes beat up those losers n then they BURNt ze pluton blueprints in front of their face, sooo…. ALSO EXCLUSIVE SBS UNDER READ MORE!!!!
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@flitewulf @itsmollynotmoya @bumblebeeappletree thanks for the asks :DDD and also unrelated but @nadja-855 IM SO GLAD THAT I WAS UR FINAL PUSH INTO GETTING INTO ONE PIECE HAHAHA EVERYONE WELCOME OUR NEW NAKAMA!!!!
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louisamariella · 1 year
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I've no words. The fam is back.
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joy-girl · 1 year
If you ever feel like shit because you failed at something in life... Just remember that in One Piece, the best trained killers of CP9, literally got their ass beaten by teenagers and somehow they still managed to become members of CP0, and work at even higher levels for the government... So the message here is: don't let your failures affect you that much, there will be other and better opportunities for you ❤️
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onepiece-polls · 2 months
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 1 Side D
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Franky x Blueno art by @flimflamfranky
Propaganda under the cut.
Bluenky: LISTEN…they have so much potential to be such an interesting ship. the friends to lovers to enemies of it all….just imagine. blueno is in water 7 running his bar, isolated from the others. and then franky comes in, and he’s weird and new and interesting. franky, on true mob boss fashion, ends up choosing blueno’s as his bar. blueno stocks cola for franky, gives him gossip, and points him to people for his gang/family. franky protects blueno’s from ruffians and pirates. they become friends. and then blueno sees franky with kokoro and they’re familiar with each and suddenly this is part of the Mission. blueno gets closer to franky, fishing for information. their relation turns flirtatious. franky gives blueno an excuse to do things he couldn’t before, try new things, as part of the Mission. he doesn’t think franky is Involved, so he lets his guard down. he’s a government spy after all, he doesn’t do feelings. he starts to fall in love. and the robin arrives. and franky is involved, the key to the whole thing. and blueno denies, denies, denies. it was all an act, he doesn’t have feelings, he is a tool of the government and nothing more. and franky is betrayed. blueno was his friend, maybe more, but the whole time he was a spy for the government, the thing franky hates more than anything. they’re taken to enies lobby. blueno, instead of fighting luffy, takes a key and goes after franky, for reasons he won’t, can’t, admit to himself. they fight. franky is hurt and so so angry and blueno is cold, calculating (and conflicted). the fight is intense and bloody, but franky wins. he gets the key. he asks, was any of it real? and blueno denies to the end. someday i will actually write this fic. also this makes their meeting in film red so fucking funny.
The Creepo Depot: These two need to stay away from every woman they pursue.
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thychesters · 1 year
luffy is so dumb but he’s also so smart. he developed his second gear technique based on watching cp9 agents and their rokushiki, watching them kick the ground repeatedly as they moved. he admits it’s something he wouldn’t have learned on his own and thanks blueno mid-fight for making him aware of it because he taught him something new without even meaning to, and that will be his downfall. he learns from every opponent and adapts to their style, picking up bits and pieces he can repurpose for his own means and techniques. because of them he has new tricks he can use to protect his friends and he will use every one of them to his full advantage.
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therealsoulking · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1083
This is a Revolutionary Army Chapter, and we get to have a look at the logistics of fucking with a government that controls the entire world.
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Yaas Queen, hit ‘em right in the supply line, hee-haw! (I’m sorry everyone)
The rest of the chapter is a flashback from Sabo, detailing what exactly happened during and after the Reverie.
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Holy shit have we underestimated the RA commanders, though the Admirals are held back by their location in Mariejoa. Also, the CP-9 Agents from Enies Lobby show up! And do nothing.
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I’m digging the sunglasses on Fukuro, though. The rest of the chapter sets up the encounter that was teased 200 chapters ago, between Bonney, Sabo, Vivi, Cobra, and Saint Charlos, which I can only hope gets followed up next week.
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One Piece — "Have faith in Luffy."
From Volume 39 - Chapter 374 / Season 4 Episode 263. The mission to swiftly escape with Robin before the Sea Train makes it to Enies Lobby has failed. Despite the best efforts of Sniper King and Sanji, Nico Robin is insisting on complying with CP-9. With all hope lost, Sniper King tries to invoke some courage into Robin in this heartbreaking departure!
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writing-all-the-time-2 · 11 months
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(💜 = written with my ofc)
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"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" || Part 1 (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Robin & Nami)
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" || Part 2 (Law, Kid, Killer, Ace & Marco)
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" || Part 3 (Crocodile, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Hancock & Shanks)
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" || Part 4 (Corazon, Sabo, Smoker, Rayleigh & Buggy)
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" || Part 5 (Rob Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, Blueno & Jabra)
What he does for your birthday (Sanji & Eustass Kid)
"If I disappeared, would you look for me?" || Part 1 (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Robin & Nami)
"If I disappeared, would you look for me?" || Part 2 (Law, Kid, Killer, Ace & Marco)
"If I disappeared, would you look for me?" || Part 3 (Crocodile, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Hancock & Shanks)
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m4n1ac-f1ggz · 10 months
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dxc-95 · 1 month
Has a bit of a flashy gif, viewer discretion is advised; there will be a non-gif version as well
Tenshi: (teleported by Kuma to an island that's in the middle of a lightning storm) Can this get any worse?
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Tenshi:... It just got worse -_-
(yep, during the two-year timeskip, Tenshi learns Rokushiki from CP9)
[original image https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/3/3c/Chapter_522.png/revision/latest?cb=20111009045705 from Cover Story CP9's Independent Report; lightning tutorial https://photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/lightning/lightning.htm]
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