#sakido tenshi
dxc-95 · 9 months
Franky: Luffy's the captain, make him do it. Zoro: Yeah, but... Luffy's not good with speeches. Nami: Guys. Luffy: I'm good with speeches! Usopp: Hmm... not really. Luffy: I'm great with speeches! Zoro: Hmmm... Tenshi (ruffling his hat): He's autistic, he can't help it. Luffy: Yeah, I'm autistic! Nami: Guys. Zoro: (To Nami) Just a sec. (To Luffy) No, you're not autistic, Luffy. Usopp (dropping three nails on the floor): How many-how many nails on the ground? Franky: Don't play this game again. Tenshi: C'mon, no-how many nails? Franky: No, it just involves me cleaning up nails. Luffy: ... A hundred? Nami: Guys. Usopp: No. Zoro: A hundred?! Usopp: It's three! Franky: There's three! Usopp (drops another nail): Okay-okay, how many now? Nami: Guys! Luffy: Three! Zoro, Franky, and Usopp: No! Tenshi: Ugh, you're the worst kind of autistic. Usopp: You can't even count! Nami: GUYS!
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dxc-95 · 4 months
Apparently it's #BestFriendsDay
Franky: I'm passing the phone to someone who's too lazy to use the arms she was born with to grab something from across the room. Robin: I'm passing the phone to someone who would sooner climb a rope or use Geppo to get to her room above the crow's nest than a normal ladder. Tenshi: I'm passing the phone to someone who thought billiard balls were a good inspiration for shoulder pads. Franky: I'm passing the phone to someone who snores. Tenshi: I'm passing the phone to someone who likes to grab balls. Robin: I'm passing the phone to someone who cries at rom coms and animal movies.
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dxc-95 · 2 months
Franky: *showing off his nipple lights* Tenshi: Nice, Franky! Those look better than mine! Franky: I could give you these too! Tenshi: I've always thought about getting them pierced... Nami: THAT'S DISGUTING! Tenshi: It was a joke! I'm joking!
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dxc-95 · 1 month
Tenshi: (runs and leaps at Doflamingo, holding her needles in hand to save Smoker) GET OFF OF HIM! Smoker: T-Tenshi... No...! Doflamingo: (catches Tenshi by the throat) My, my, my... What have we here?
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dxc-95 · 1 month
Tenshi: (to any love interest) ♪ Excuse me... ♪ ♪ You look like you love me... ♪ ♪ You look like you want me to want you to come on home. ♪ ♪ Baby, I don't get you... ♪ ♪ For looking me up and down across this room... ♪ ♪ I'm scarred and I look real mean... ♪ ♪... But you look like you love me. ♪
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dxc-95 · 2 months
Nami: *bemoaning being stuck in Sanji's body* Tenshi: Give him a taste of his own medicine. Mess with his body part. Nami: I'M NOT DOING THAT! THAT'S DISGUSTING!
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dxc-95 · 11 months
(Trying to decide which shirt to get) Luffy: We'll flip for it! Ducks or clowns. Tenshi: *pulls out Beri coin* Alright, call it in the air. *flips coin* Luffy: Heads! Tenshi: *catches coin* Heads it is... We have to assign heads to something! Luffy: Right! Okay, uh... Ducks is heads, because ducks have heads! Tenshi:... What kinda scary-ass clowns came to your birthday?
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dxc-95 · 4 months
non-gif version
Tenshi: (teleported by Kuma to an island that's in the middle of a lightning storm) Can this get any worse?
Tumblr media
Tenshi:... It just got worse -_-
(yep, during the two-year timeskip, Tenshi learns Rokushiki from CP9)
[original image https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/3/3c/Chapter_522.png/revision/latest?cb=20111009045705 from Cover Story CP9's Independent Report; lightning tutorial https://photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/lightning/lightning.htm]
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dxc-95 · 4 months
Has a bit of a flashy gif, viewer discretion is advised; there will be a non-gif version as well
Tenshi: (teleported by Kuma to an island that's in the middle of a lightning storm) Can this get any worse?
Tumblr media
Tenshi:... It just got worse -_-
(yep, during the two-year timeskip, Tenshi learns Rokushiki from CP9)
[original image https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/3/3c/Chapter_522.png/revision/latest?cb=20111009045705 from Cover Story CP9's Independent Report; lightning tutorial https://photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/lightning/lightning.htm]
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dxc-95 · 6 months
Tenshi: Why in the world would I buy a 5,000 Beri sweater? When I can just buy over 22,000 Beris worth of yarn, and over 15,000 Beris worth of materials, and knit the sweater for myself for free? Nami: ... Tenshi: ✨ Knitter math ✨
original post https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A6bSXHCheTs
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dxc-95 · 6 months
Paulie: These fucking Marines just keep coming! Tenshi: Hehe~ Paulie: (blushing and angry) Okay, I walked right into that one.
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dxc-95 · 8 months
Tenshi: You really think we're ready for the New World? Sanji: You're not really putting any stock into what Moria said, are you, Tenshi-Sama? Tenshi: When he said that he lost his entire living crew in the New World, those weren't the eyes of somebody who was bullshitting us... (Flashback to when Gecko Moria taunted the crew about not being ready for the New World and explaining that he lost his whole living crew) Tenshi: ... Those were the eyes of someone who lost everyone they cared about, and couldn't do a damn thing to stop it from happening... I would know...
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dxc-95 · 8 months
(Brook, Tenshi, Franky, and Zoro are all staring in horror at Oars) Brook: *gasping and whimpering in horror as his jaw is nearly to the floor* Tenshi: ... Brook, take a breath before you pass out!
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dxc-95 · 8 months
(Tenshi is with Luffy and Nami in the Yagara boat when they first see Franky) Tenshi: That's the leader of the Franky Family? (shouts to Franky) YOU LOOK LIKE A DORK! Franky: Hey! Shut up! Tenshi: YOU JUST WALK AROUND TOWN WITHOUT ANY PANTS ON? NO WONDER PEOPLE DON'T LIKE YOU! Franky: I SAID SHUT UP!
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dxc-95 · 9 months
Tenshi: You wanna hear some dark humor? Robin: Oh yeah, I love dark humor. Tenshi: Alright... (flips the lightswitch off) ... Knock-knock- Robin: -turn the damn lights back on.
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dxc-95 · 9 months
Contains foul language
(Tenshi and Zoro are watching Luffy fight random-villain-of-the-week) Zoro: Isn't he supposed to punch him in the eye, and then he's like "Oh, shit! I fucked up!" (winces as Luffy gets punched to the ground) Ow... Tenshi: Like "eye" fucked up? Like E-Y-E? Zoro: E-Y-E? That's "ewe". Tenshi: 0_0 ... Are you fucking serious? Zoro: Yeah. Tenshi: E-W-E is "ewe", Zoro. Zoro: E-Y-E--Oh, my bad! I was thinking of that. Tenshi: Oh, my gosh! Zoro: I--whatever, Tensh! I misheard you, and I mis-thought it-- Tenshi: --You did not mishear me; you repeated what I said! Zoro: No! Tenshi: You spelled it wrong! Zoro: I just-I-- Tenshi: --A THREE-LETTER WORD! Zoro: I know! I-I'm embarrassed! Tenshi: You wanna try spelling "the"? "What's this word? T? E?" Zoro: I just--I'm sorry! I-I got all flustered. Tenshi: Oh, my gosh! I will never let you live this down! Zoro: No, dammit! LATER Tenshi: "Isn't that ewe?" Zoro: Stop! Shut up! Tenshi: I'm sorry. Zoro: You're embarrassing me. Tenshi: Well, I mean, fuck! Everyone heard it! EVEN MORE LATER Tenshi: You can't spell "eye"! Zoro: I can! I just wasn't--I saw it in my head as E-W-E--I have problems with that, alright? EVEN MORE MORE LATER (Tenshi is still laughing about it) Zoro: I'M SORRY, OKAY?! EVEN MORE MORE MORE LATER Zoro: Tensh? You're a "asshole". Tenshi: Can you spell "Tenshi"? Zoro: I...
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